Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 02, 1861, Image 2

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M P"p3Lgrf1Jfyi
- - ' "
ft A tit it n "vMTiirit a mm
- -
Domestic Matters.
Under tho caption Hints ond Suggis-
,1.. ( - !.... ..I !.. .!.! ....!.... I.. . .
nun., 19V gnu iiiitu III llll. iniiiiuvr IU II
communication edit til from I'licenlx, which
we commend to the nttctuion of tho residents
Of this Valley
We have not sufficient space
to comment upon tho viovs nirkred by our
correspondent nt this time, as fully as we opprobrium upon Ids head, that ho was ''the
desire, but we (hall at nn rnrly day nddrits bret abused man ntlvc." With equal pin
oursclf to the task of n review 111 f.rfno. ! priety can Senator f.nne say the same of him
Kvcry render will be convinced from 1boKir, In these days nkn " Ilia little dogs nnd
general tenor of the writer, that his prime
object Is, the greatest good to this whole com-r f dofumers nrc fiiund on the Pacific cint, I ,iUe. That was not the sort of homo for
munlty 1 but tho larger proportion of nailers, nn,i especially In Oregon j some ol wliuiii.( oraw, 0) n, the junior number, did nil
will, doubtless, think ns we do, tint he fro- strange to say, were In former years, tho most (,c inr, x,ot,- nnd received fewest coppers,
quently comes sllogcther short of his nltnr.iwiiing and slikinaij of his Ihtlinrs. Then,1,,,,, .)rcty ncary nil the klik. Horace had
nnd again, in other reipccts, entirely over-
hoots It. Thus, ho ultns nt 1111 impossibllliy.
when he would have nn Important reduction
in the prices of produce and go01'' ""1 '"
nngnrotcd. Such 11 change cannot be cffcilcd
by the resolves or combinations of any classes
of men, but must await tho gradual mutations
through which oil communities pais, Irom the
primary days of approximately equal condl-
tlon, when nil arc quite cvcniy pnsscscu 01
this world's wealth, when labor ranks capital,
and when ull are equally di pendent upon and
liidcpcndeut of cnih other, until distinctions
arise ami grow ami augment to that condition
sa-hcii wtsltli liccotncsi mw tiially tliari-U, wilt 11 1
the lew arc rich and the innl-itllv twvir. nliil
when capital has become the muitir nnd nrbl-
tcrollabor. AV c think, hsppily for our fillow
otxens, that tlic day or coiiccntrnleu wenltn upon him. The truth l, however, that while ( h'n new colors was at Chicago. In May Inst, J bill, Itcpiesi illative tVnrny took his seat In cry "haul times' nml 1111 money" forevir. ir
and wide-spread deendcney Is nnny yeais these mmdaelous nssnllants enpy every ridlci:- on the ccca!nn of ll.e reassembling of tin- llm llime,ndillng viitei.nli,- Itipiiblienns., wodi not change our co.use. J.i werecol.ul
rcmovcdfromthlssictlon. The prlof Jbor ,us par pll c rKcpubllcan Couvcn.lon .0 nominate .'reside, NM-
In a community liKcoari must inevitably huvn they per.eclly well know from Icllirs In their1 tiul cnmlidatc. Horace wnntiil New nrk ,nr, iv th.' Houi.iemls'f..r I'. S. .Seimtor. , dollar shawl, that sW dullui hat and thu ten
great tfTect upou the prices of every Ililn.'uV. nwn pussston received from him In fore tiny to sunl him ihero ns dilegntc. "New York The i'lt-slikut bus ngiiliiciuiihiinamK.il the dollar boot, the a e we 1 lion with, ilu nluw
So long ns men can make from four lo ten dol- pluycil the lud.is tonsnli him. Ihnt Ids letters was ungratelul, nnd woulibrt do nm thing ol onlu of (lurial Seott Tor uddillonal troop,, wo hold, the pin we write with, and the liook
lsrsperdaylnlhemlnis,wilhchai,ccsor.luilc1nrenotd.llelinlli. cither of Hit two iiatmd tlC kind. Hut fortune son.eli.nes favors (he l:irf- ,,, f ,, u ?. TFM, 'f m !? "." ,-,-""'lJ,1i,,1
soiulring a derate compcteney, character,!:,. rJU Is'thelave. ... c..l .lftiaKin'Ui
and working entirely at their own disposition, 1 proxy from Orig-.n. To be sure, Oregon In- mo: Mae. fa-tuns, or lu bank', or worse still, ncm the
too, uncontrollwl by nnd lndeicudcnt off struc'tul for Siwntd. What of that T .Shnu'd it Is slnleil that flflv memlKT of the House Atlantic, further innchlng ll.e Iiimhnul
-bcf, they will not accept imploymcnl nt Instruction, cramp the inMgies of one that ''V'!r"''',.,,,!'!:U,!,",V,n:r?;;' 'TW , .,. .,. ,
tradesorother occupation, at much less than
the minimum we uamo above. Conicqucntly,
those who must engage hands nre in turn
obliged to charge apparently exorbitant rates
for whatever they raise, manufacture, or hold
for sale. Tho farmer cannot pay high wages
to Ids hired men nnd sell hi produce nl low
rates t the merchant cannot give his assistants
large salaries, pay high nuts, hmvy Iriight
charge, and other rAcosiive currinl c.icue'
aside from giving extended credits without in
tersst, nnd then dixu of Ids goods nl moiUr
ate per ccntuges upon his Invested capital ;
the matter imilmnlc cannot uiaK-rluke con
tracts or perform join for ord'n iry conippum I
tlon, whin be Is obliged In give his implnyuJ
rxlraordiuary nngi. And mi on. ml ;i'iiij
lum, Thirefore, iiuill nil iho rar'ous railing. '
and Interests nro suhj'-clcd In the same leve'iug
process, vvhtib niu.l IUiw Irom u rulucllon In
Ihc average wage if m.ners him tint pnpon-,
drranee of capital our labor, combined, the'
siauila.it thai our correspoiauni vvou.it nave
cannot lie rcnbAil.
Uur geographleul pos.lion lars nn import-
nut rdatloii in this .iuk state or lliings, nn.l 1
..Ill r 1. ,.... . ........... .I.....I.
win 01 iisui iimipoMi n im .inu iiiisiiicH-
tnaiciluitlon In the prlci of pnsbiiv, labor
or comnioilHIif, ui.lll nnmte years, vvhes" nrll-1
H-T..1 ...i (... li..ii i..r.. .. .... ii .
iivmi iniii'iv "! n "' -. I
nearer in u.c gnui ingi.nnyt in inue
. i a. 1 (.1
ainwaur. .vi itimiii, wc are iiuiihu ai.iiuii .
any other couiuiui.Ily iiii'ii the racinccoail, 1
nnd the rulis whlrli apply to tin m, In the guv-
rrnmint or iraile, uml In llieir Inleremirsc
with ths gnat maiktt. me totally Inappliea-
ble to us. What noud lie nu illiberal utid ,
even nliTLMtd'y .oiey with othir communities,
t.. .1...T. 1... .......... 1.1. ... 1..1.1..... 1- .. 1.1. .. . T
uivir 111.u1.mrvj nn.. iiwiiiwi., .inn .i.ji.iiiu ..... iniiin.iii imiii; 1.1 iMmTr u.i-
mil uiiiy nri-Bvi-Mii.r, imi 11 n.iiqiu.iBirj- "i.ic,v.
sons loconiHlo with producers or inanulae-
tunrscbcwhirc. Wc nrc, Ihirefore, obllgull
lo live comparatively within oureles,whithir .
we would or no. ,Tl.c only rcour.i wo havej
against tho heavy drainage of our gold In c.
chungo for goods, Is, in. our correspondent sug
gests, the Institution of manufactories whiih
bull make up Iho raw material our county
can so abundantly furnish Into tho stylis ol
goods we use, nnd also the production of such
articles as our neivslllisdiiuan.,or our upw
tltes Invite. WlthprnKriuterprUcand rem..
omy, wu i.cul not rind ubnuJ Ur our woulens,
nor for several other leudlig unities ol vnar
aud coiuuinptlon. And the writer is again
correct iu saying thil, until we poxes our
1. 1
selves of Huso udunitngis. ll.e complaints
lar ..land, with bold mountain ridges conyx fnru, I.y the I Il.s.,,r. TI... might be urg.sl lmw k. ,, ,, , , ,,,,.,,,,,,- Blll, ,,,,,.,, I ur;cna;.: 7m sweVdng ,,i; win, .brbe,om of.he Culm iv. C,M. ' Jaihiiiuvllle.
plilcly hemming us In, over which It Is d filcutl with some plau.tblllty if Iho nmendiunil of- .tmi ilio il.ouN. I'lrst, Kevvard was Invited "V.- ,'.,. .V ., . , I .V. ,,. I il,P oull. destriicllon, the vut herds or catlU whieh Had Ihel'iithvisoflhe ltevolulloiincqulitc.1 'I hose d-slrou of sending from nillslanee can
ut Ihc most favorab'e season, to ennvey large' fired I.y Smatur Line were the only one cm- ', ,,,-,, tW il.UT .lmc lu Lincoln's Cabinet. wlftouU rnanunl unusid imd une...mt.. over the l.lal.is In tha. Stamp Ail mil other opprcxdo.n.Ci.m. I 'rILo!'ra uu 'Vswiriri l"
freight, undwhlihure quite lmpali.'ed iring. bodied in the Hill by the Scute. Hut nu ulll ll0, nr, fi, l It In Horace. Tuxus has passed her ici-s!ou ordinance by' a, 1J1,-r?,., ' .c,.',l '" ""'it I'n- '"l"'1 1' ekd ob.xliuice to Kiu0' (Jcurgc 1111.I I'arlln- JaVk..nvlll.-. Kill 2H. ' ' inliSiirtw
.he Win., r- month we n miihir proiluix-1 amendment was nl.o . in ml by Senator I'olk, j Kvin Mi oM mrlmr ,, iriw ,,,, WltlIi a Uge m d..,..y- , J J j. jjj f 'Xi J, the m" 'ent, (hero wo ,M it ihc. have Kvn nny WlasoloHoil otiCO."
nor manufni lure any thing for di.taut markeH nnd ndnplcd, vvlilcli. wu Miev,., Is quite ob ,V11, 1...1...1 , SMln-flrM bv llw I'rwtdiiilS. .V..V "'?... must avnlullonary CM-ileni.-nt in tlw country. All -JB01UWOn -OXiCO.
hard llnus" nnd momy slringiney " illJr,.ii.lN.iUFrt.i.i.r lo hcl at theprmnl
be chronic In this community. Hut no dU
tlncllve cIumu, In Ihim'elvi-s cnuIderid, ure
respoiiidj'e for tl c disudvantnges inickr whlili
we labor, or fur Ihc hanbhlp we sufll-r. The
onus rrsls upon nil ul.ke farmer, merchant,
miner and mechanic.
Il would be fully mid improvidence fni- out
furincrstogo to He i.vpu.ns suggutcd by tlon, nnd three left. Tho remainder look n
our correspondent, lu seme particular, unlos ballot, uud Hen. Ju. A. MeUougull got four
rcasouublo hoi 0 win held out to lUm that teen votes. Ho was then di dared the nominee
thqlr lubor und outlay would meet with nconi-i of that caucus. Hut that same evening tho
pense. In the Willamette, or In California, ill Nugent nnd Denver Democrat united with
a great surplus of biiii.btulf. is produced in ' ,u Ilrciklntldgc men, and they held a caucus
any glvm year, ll.e fucililles tluro udoyid ol
comjielltlun ill Ihc world's market give fair ,
ojicjilng to Iho produccis for disposition of balance of power game, lisnlved, It is thought,
that surplusul living remuneration. Jlut what I to prevent nn election, n Ihey hope to In- able
can our farmer do with a gnat surplus?' t0 iltct one of their own nun at the next ses
There is only so inmy mouths to ked nt home. kMU ''Mi ,e matter Hands nt lust advices.
and we have posllivo limits to our neighboring Randolph appears to have little hope orsucccss.
markets, beyond which no cannot go, c.xcept -
at ruinous sacriflcei, and eaib sucietding year Ocn ITi:iirsrs. An iillempt was made
restricts our sale at ll.uc markits, beuuse ol early in I'ebruiry, In tho llou&c, to get tic
Hie increased homo harvest with whlih ours Oregon War Debt Hill reported, without sue
vre.brought Into companion. What soimsj tv,,,, 'j'hc i-hanees fur its pas'ago arc very
At first icw, therefore, as link of Industry un.l iluulitfiil. Mr. Stout Im some hopes, but ibe
IW erroneous system of cionomy with our ruil iris's rcndci ull ligislalion uncertain.
iVgirrt', Is really their only true policy. They (,'ni. iM, .a intioducid bills to fortify l'ugit
sIo,tWcvcr,shul their lyis to their best inter- Sound und tho month olllc Columbia, nnd
tits, and lo their own future prosperity whin.1
fiv Hint. .1j..h.in In nlil 1 1 in ...itn-rd 11. 1 1 in Till I
cstcut of Ik-ir abilities in nny undertaking (
which will furnish a pknllful supply of natcri
to the mines during the whole year round,
I Wo do nol say that, ns n class, onr farmers
Ante declined (jiving nssistancoln this respect j
Indeed, we know ninny of llicm who have con
(r)tcj (o WorKs or llilj diameter in the county,
.aml tt,lt) B,uni1 mVanA ,0 0,,!at 'l,r,,lirt
Icrly directed energy tovnrds so vltnl nn into.'-
Lrj,,C) nj 0 i,i, MU50 Mc Cnn trace n goodly
. ,, , ,,. .,.... 1,1vMi,), .,,.1 distresses.
Bonator Lane.
It Was n happy runnrk of Daniel O'CVn-
mil, the great Irish Agitator, during the time
Hut Ids enemies were heniiing nil mniiiur of
n" do bark nt him. The tnostnjlignaut of
whiliver he did was itaclly right, and none
could do right so well. He was their beau
Ideal of a statesman, n representative man,
ami a soluiir. IT one woulil lelicc tlicto
same individuals now, he Is the greatest pre
tender that ever sat in a deliberative body,
nnd Is. moreover, desirvliiir of no praise for
an f ,g rnUttitrv esnloll'. Ills Ignorance
f t,c rtcs f (.rnmmar and of orthography
inr0 particular objects or their ridicule nnd
ntlnr1-c. In this last count, were their charge
true, It would but proe themselves the most
Incorrigible nmong falsifying llalterrr nnd
fftirrvrt rr surily. nn man loe these ne-
nulremnitsi In the nrlme of Hfi. nml If Clcnrml
r !.. !,.n. ,.,., 1 . il,r. ... r..,r...i.ni
,l!m , llC lfy Vwn l In former jeats
,l0n ,1(,j, cro laMdi rxcesshe probes
The lust grave charged urged ngnlint . iw-
tor lame l, tlint be Ins struggled In d.V.ii
tho pa.igu of the Pacific Itallrmil It-H.
Ihu Is n very serious nil. gal Ion. mid If true. ,
nlu.uM earn for our .'mater, the iinrcervnl
ecn.ure nn.l reprivacli Mrwy resilient rr
O.cgon. Il.it Ik fore we cu-d. inn him, M us
examine the onieMI pronsiluo." of IheSuia'e
nn.l n'rtrla'n what gn.uii.l Ih.ri- ir f.ir Ihc
.- .. .
arciisniiiiu. ny n ri-ii-niux! in me 11 r ne ,
Hud ll.nl t.'eu. Ijit.edid IiisM, b f.iro lie vvcuM j
give Id vote for the mM.urc, tint the llmno
1 it wcie.il.lll.l.ou'111,,1,. nm-ud.l a. In provide r.,rlflir limir,for who list culd s.nud again.!
I-, by laud , the build ng nf u llrancli I! n-l from where the . ,m ? i ww ,ni.rf Mnih- I'liltcil Slult
iko almotl . mvln road is In Inter. rl the California line, rflluter from New Votk In Siward" place,
iiu .1 vi 1... 1 1 ....!. e ...
m i 11111 mi u n in -nmnu ' -
( A a. . . .
iiriiu 1n.n1 in in iiiicrmei inu i iiiiioruin inn,
nn.l to extend throiiL'h the v.ilievs of ll.uue
Itiver, uuipqu 1 nnd W ill imrtle, to rnrtlainl,
urcgon. He presscil Ih's nineuilmeul
such goodilfecl that il pn.1, nn.l brennic
incorporated with the 11.11. We nro uw
thai h'scuemhs will nsvrl lhat the nine
....... ..... 1 1. .1 1.. ... 1 .,...'
iiinis.irr, nn i in iro.ini n pis..r,-i ill mull II
Jm - oiuIiIo lo nnny IrlciMi i.r the measure,
If the llousowlll njeii, nr iicrhap, we shoiild '
say, bus rejected, the Hill Im-ame of the pro
vision for n llrniuh lload through Oregon, the
people of our Stale will not feel greatly Hatter-,
nl by the consideration that body felmll ami went liliiisi-If to the (.'upllul to work for
have displayed in aid of their Interest an.ljti,.,t tirrlblo man's defeat. The Assiinbly
Hdumcomcnt. 'Ihc chance uro that the It'll Vcteil I.lttlejohii their Spiakcr. Horace, i.oth-
will piss, and if It due, Ori-gmi mmt thank ng daunleil, though greatly Inciiisid, hung hl
lim. Une that she Is inrludixl in the dlricl name upon the .Seiiatnrhd hook Tor ready ion-
bentfit lo accrue from the construction of the fnlcnco of the la-gWalurc whin the lime for
road. If lids Is disregard id Iho intercut nl .i.Mlr.i ihi.iil.l arrive. W'oful lo rilale. lie
us constituent, uml opiItIniio their wishe. j
.Inn lias lieu, l.-ine griivnu.ly irn.l.
1- . mujj u 1.. .1.1 . ... .t..... t.. i:.v.r... 1
-. , ,.-. . ...,.-.-.,..- - ..,.
ol.nla ure very uiiocitaln unit. 'I here Is one
session. Nilther of the three partlrs in tliut
uwiy nave lorco siuiieiiin 11. mci wiiuuui in
sum wiiii (lie 01 ine "liar iwn, r-o i.ir 11 ua
btx-n u game of lioerso nnd th-ilges, and II l
likely lhat nnihith'ii will be had. Twenty,
u'neof Iho liuuglas Hemocrats held n ca.iee
hit! witk. In whlili time was some disahVc-
s0. without coming to any direct conclu.lon. .
iuttmr. tiw Jlepubliiar nre playing the
other cxponit points on tht const ; to Improve,
.1... i....l..allAii .f ,1..Mn.. .. ..!.... . n.i.l bki...
private reliif bills. Nolhlng has bmi donu
in resect to our mall matters, so far as wo
cau learn.
Tho Flnt Victim.
llryond nil iiesllon, the fanatlco-polltlco-
philosopher ofllio New York 2'nfcunc, tlio
-11. .1 1 11 r 1 1. 1 1 t 1 ..
whitccontcd, whlte-fucid, white-haired wc
Imd almost said wliltc-ticnrtcd) Horace Urcclcy,
will be remembered for years to como as the
tint victim that had Tallin under the elevation
I to power of Abraham Lincoln. It Is prover
bial that " Ite publics are ungratcrui Horace
no doubt feels that the more correct, at least
In his own case, tho moro pc.tlncnt reading
would be, " Utpubluani arc ungrateful." It
us hastily pu upon events which have oc
curred within the past year, to show how ruth
lessly Itoraco has been victimized: Horace
had hmg ago withdrawn from tho firm of Sew
ard, Weed & Co. lVrlmpi his prophetic nose
jmellid out tliut It was n declining house,
width, sooner or t.ilir, bankruptcy must over
a Mul otinvc such drudgery. He was nmbi-
m,, jc tt0ij rstablish n new house, nnd
the firm should bo (Ircoley, Somebody Klie A-
Co. Tl.e new home should sap the chief
trade from tho old firm, nnd leave the old
partners n sort of fossil warnings to all who
might In future dare to vuiturc in the deep
waters whlili only the new house could sue
crssfully navigate.
Man proposes, Ood dis-
'Jl,e first great venture of the new hoiic
wasuccis.rul. The great West has long ltn
noleil ns the field or huge operation. Horace
J dned tho Wist whin he should Iwvc served
lit former chief narlner In the Knst. The.
.,i.;'.l.. 1.......1 ...... .1.1,.- it. . .,l.. .1.
Seward buckram nnd look lo hlmseir suit or!
I, fcoln-ffrrrn. ? 'I he first parade he made If.
hadsnloiigbeinun lu.liuelor? Not at nll.llltM0 ,1L. ,w11l m0 m tm ,,vr
i-l r 1, .. .....I .1... .....-- .....1 I.. I . .- 'it . 1... .1......1 t. A. r.
,,,,,,.,,,,,; !t).,uor T Not at nil..
niieioir, iiuiniv niiriiiiu inu imi...), uuo, in
ibilnl say so "il 11 iiislruciioiis, nml nciist I will sulh r 1K11II1 lierore I will conent, or
neenrdinglv. He laborml first Tor llatcsnf Mo,' will udvbe my rriui.ls to cnn-int, to nnv con-
., ..." ' ,., ,1.,,,, ,1.1 , 1 .,,,1 .,,. ixsslon or ciiinptombo which Iim.U like buying
but llaiM was 1 1. ongh ins. iitssl. nnd vo c ,k, M -u w,rtlwi r ,,U J11V. ,
would.i t como In him. Ihu Wist ilemaiidnli,,rmml,( , ,!,!, mu. n i-nn-itlltitlt.ti.il
New Yotk nnd nil the Hist wantal
rievrurd. Horace wnntul nuybudy but the ills
tlnguMiisI louti.Ur of the uM hr.u? nnd of the
liipulillcnn party, lie worl.ol.he lubond.he
I liHSiiil. lie nl cini.l. i.e iiegp-ii, ne inreuieneii,
' nnd i-vrnlnallv he niconiplishril ll.e ilikf nil
ijeil of hi iii'is!iui ihedcfiut uf Sewmd.
Thin Mine n savage ianr war lutnreii Iho
St wunlilr un.l lloraiv. who now ranked hind
lllM ,,,M,!,jirii (,rr 6 ,)t,rr ib, voted friend,
inf l.'ncolu. To ave the parly from ilifml.
tiV 1kih1 id Seward ihiimplons wercobllgitl to
miss., rindr ''rfn nllaiks upon lluruce, nnd
jjn n, ,tm M 10 crusade ngalist nil oppo-
., t n., miothir swut victory fur!
(;MJrv. Siwnnl laid, lu the Hill incminl of 1
..rlif nfbr il.f.nt. tntlmalid tlial. ut ll.cc.M.I
" ' .. ' ... "
.... ,,r . , ji,iMir ; iirm.l.c vtnuM forcvir
lTIiIiilr.iv fii.m political life, from r.i live public
KrlP, Still a grmlrr prosiieclivo Irlumph
. . . ' '. . . .'nr n in'itv.ih tit. mi ti.tiin.uiliii. II I its Ii tiul
fn- MomcO, fiT Wl.il UlUI CMlM f lailil IlL'lUllM
:,., ,,.. rrltll v... VniLIii Si waril S Ii
,,.,,.. .1... !.. r I b, ,.,.!,,. c.l.lnri.
y0 ( MI
.. . . ....
,c,re,ii,, i;vir since, the li.le ol roriuii,-
., ,w. ,,,!.. and ibblliff with 111 III. until
ilut, to have n ' big la'k,"ni.d 110 such cnur.
ir,.. t.,1 KHiirtciidid to litin-clf. ThelI
nmrc tT New Vnrk Miurul live coal upon
,, burning head, to odd to his ml.eiK.
Horace didn't want LlllhloliiiihosiuSniaker.
ipui.Hcn,, CUi,Cu let it hang, nnd refirwl
. , sehvtn.r their unanimous support.
Ii..... Ira Ilarrl. 11 irciitliiiinnnut forwaidnnd
..." .. '
. . . 1. .1 I ) IT. nu lauini; 11.1: ll.u.r n- 111-.111111 i.uii.i: ...- ,. . , . ., , ,, 1 1 ccvwmul
at Irreveiutcc, wc must ultir the .,.... , ?..,!,, .o.i.-i.i.i. ...... Br..Bi ' W c, ought soon to wcive. to.), lhat the "Sartor ltcsartui." v..r
ttll nailing of Ihc niilmrlsm: (.'riihy .roii.il, ..il.rm'ilo.. 1.1 il,.. !!ii.iiIi1Ii-.iii.uihI irc,).M..1craoMiighiirn-ls il. unil tnalio lip ourl ,,,, 11.-,....,1. .....oiIl-m.! In Hm .l.i-il.vi "'
.but the la-aWntiirc of hi Slate, and I.luc.ln ' iwd the I-hihs of tho I'libm mm. Scural, '" ";1'! 'I11'1' v",,,,'!1,Hl,,,,' l";l"0f ,,,l'u" '"I couiim.U.1 iiIkiIicucv m ihu Coa.litutlnu nmlilie.
rc i!ifi.i..,,r.. iMIi !lSii !'. H'i "jlvs to Ihc "- -'.- ' "";,"-'; " i-. "rJ"VV'!""-
n.b ii.... i... v.i. i,..t ,.,,A.t.i..i ,, i r. i i.r..,, "Imi"ni "lm" " ,mni"'n i"'!""-" ,i. ui,..., v. v..,t. .....i ,.,.,,i,. i,,,,,,.,t,. i i . i ..... r :.
T . - - -, . I 1 . ........ !.... ..I.Iil. Iu I.1..B.U. -1..B ii.ll.lll ! '! IIV1.I IUBV I. I -' V't t fc I 'I.Ik 1'ALIIL IllL-llS III SUIT ITULllll IW. .Ill 1 I II I 1 1 1 1 1 II V .. I
,p,,orle.l by that samenlil partmr.li.ur.ow j q-. ,Mm,,.0nierv f Alabama) Convcntl.m I1 "u "lu " 'l'w- -everiiicns, 11
w , , , ,orully certain that Ilarrl hash,, .,',. u has 'nude little nrrwrcs. Ju.'hnmu that the i'V.f lid Vull.-y mint
,!1CU ")re e,cli. si0 Horace I finished lu
.iin, ..... n,,i wh!, ..wnr.l ns Lincoln'
ri mlrr. lie- cannot hope for nny position under
the nivv Administration
Horace mil the new
firm have fallul, it seems, and must go Into
Hut the phllosophir is not thud outright,
notwithstanding ull thuu grievous, ruthless
ungrateful nssaull, and sad, overwhelming de
feats, Ho llns to bito hi thumbs nt hi per
secutors, nnd show the cold shoulder In the
man or nil others who has disregarded nnd Ig
nored Ihc gnat services done him by the
Ttikunt father. Ho hns cither grown reckles
. , ,. . ' ,. 111rn.ii11J .i,I,,Uir.t
, ,. ,,,, llflrlv. or ,lM Kllkl, .,0Wl.
with a calm nnd holy illsgust or politic nml
politician', nnd really believes that "nil Is
vanity." Ills last recorded net glus us ground
for either of Iheso belief. Head nnd be con
vlnccil. Hero is a dispatch, dated HprlnglcM,
Illlnol, l'eb. lib, which wo clip fiom the Alia
California of Iho 'JOth ult :
Hornco fireeby arrlvnl to ilnv. llu received
Iho new of hi defeat for tho Senatnisblp vvilli
hi usual iiunuluilly. Ho lift lor JacUunvllle
at noon, wllliout sivlug Mr. Lincoln.
Only think of Horace, until recently Ihc
most faithful of devoleis, making the pilgrim
age to Iho Hi publican Mecca without paying
histcspects toils Mohamet. Allah taprulstdl
Lincoln Is bicomc greivt, und Seward (wl
'rcch' "."" pro1 "J
tfg- March opened yesterday a Utile on the
ILuubordcr. ltvvillpro6ibls,J-v ' Uonucxt.
General Intollkence.
'I'lie Washington correspondent of tlic Huston
,'?' rl,.w'i u,,!kr utt,c uf11'Vlru"1ry 3,,1,,w
follows! ''Hinntor bumncr had nn Intervliw
wj,j, t,o I'rcuJiKnt to.luv, in Klallon In tin
0ircr of nillllnrv 11 Id tv the Lnrlshiliirc of
Massachusetts! for the defense of federal
property nnd enforcement of the laws. Mr.
aumncr nsticuvvv inn more can Massachusetts.
lo for the Union?' Tho I'rrsldtnt rrplleil,
' Adopt the resolution nlfrrtd by Mr. Critten
den.' Mr. Sumner rejoined that Mho public
Miitlmcnt of Mnuihusilts makes that impos
sible nnd I agree with that rentlment.' "
Kx-Uovcruor Hurris of Ithodc Island is
WAHitNiiTO!, February -I. The Conven
tion room bus been closed to members of the
priss nnd they nrc not In be admitted until u
vole of tho Convention liusbien tnken on the
question ofndmlfsloiinriirlheorpanlz.Ul(.n.
The Viiginln ileUgatcs nro desirous Hint tho
whole nroccidhiL'S Khali bo cimdueted with
closed doors to the prcs nnd public.
A cnnimlltiu of Secessionists Is here from
Mankind to prolist against the udmlssion of
llm .li.l. .nlo Tpntu llixl Sjl.tl.1
A dlpalcli from It. II. Itlutt stale that
the Montgomery Congress will meet to morrow
and ndjuiiiunvir till the Hnrder Slates Con-
Icrciiee lins niljuiiruul. Mils is conaiUcrctl ns n
hopeful sign.
l'liANMiiiiT, Ky., 1'cbrinry 2. 'Hie Senile
ImspiisAil, by u vote nf'-'.Mi) I'-M'lsk's reso-
hillon appealing to Southerners to slop in
their nvolullon, prnlc.lliig ngalnt Fiskrnl can ili'cirn somoi.r the caii'es which aio ncl-'tlnn. thai im-ysiiuii neir lie tiimgisi io worn """V, "'" ' i' '""i, ' ,
coercion, nnd roll lint tlial ln the lgls'n- lug srrionsly upon Hie M.p!o i.r Oregon, and f.-r twenty live rails per day. And whin cap- " l. Illjj 1;,j",',,1l.;il;'j' r""J ' . te'ci.'r.T
lure ndjourneil on the .!. Ins,.. It be .0 ,lK.,c.,nrl.,lljr of Itogu, Itlver Valhy, t .he M beg n, to ,,,,, l,;j,v bynpon . he hnbsnn, J $ " nj ,r 5
JIlholApill. to hear the i-isponae of our prisent lime. " Jllll ' '' '' !' , ',?. 1. 1 .i I L.flfVr ' lir.-. I taftn pl.s...ire In ren.intnendlng them
sister Slates lo our nppllcalion to Congress 1 Weans n!mot c.vcluslvily nil ngrlcullural I llui lliniur.es ol the earth nml tin I rclitT. tl;u tth,i are similarly ani'elHl.
to call n National Convviillon. ' and n mining people, mid of courso'diiKinVnl 1 IVop.o forget, ton. Unit we have the liticst ill-, jAM1.4 t.ii'ininK.
The Virginia Commlssloiiers Imvc nsolvcd upon Importations fir ulinost every article ol , miiiu in ihu viii... i-ri-tti n long laniiiiariiy 1 'r Mto In Caliriirnta bv. Ilnllnglon A Co.,
toiKclarutlieiUrlaiiillnii of the South to ne- nppnrcl, for inntiy uf Iho necessaries or life, fori with NutiiroU,aullc,lliiynsiii tiilielii'insi- ,.,iry J,ii.on .V Co., Clmrles .Morrill, San
ccpl no si till mi nl nrthcTirritorlul question our agricultural, mining, and iivchunlcnl im- b'e In the iiiir.vnl!idch.irmiir this pieliin-sque fnuiebeii ; It. II .MclNiildit Cn..r1acniuieiiti, J
whlili Is not uplilicible lo nil futute nrqul- pleiuent, for our ho'iho'd furidlurc for iln.-iblthi Willi y, set In lis r mountain frutii . Hlce. Conin .V Co., .Muryavlllet Smith A livl,
.lit,,,,. few luxuries wo iw, nnd Irdcid, for linirlv Wills inlhs of country will llmb-rcd and will l'.irlliuil.rei(oii. March 17.-lyc-.
.linbn M.C.iMi.of the L'nltid Slnles IHv.cvcrvihlng evictit cimral faun
irlet I'niirl.li.is iisIl-iiuI Iiiconieuueiicvnr the
"""!' I . ,,,.,,,,l!S.1,.,,,,,i,
1 'c Wii.il ,n1n sleiiril the Knn-as'cau have nn II ink tunic, but we nro likilvtn
"' ' TS . ""' I Mr
t seals, 11 liiw 1 lou.e in iiu tin ini, ini-o iri'io .
rleht : Ikcuii'i-. whatevir I mieht think of tho .
mirllsof Ike vnr.ous proposlti.UM beforu Cou-
gris', I should regard nuv i-oticvudou In Iheiiuuuliig wild um.mg Ihu bills, uud yet wo
mec HI IIU l.lllV II.C liesill.eil.'ll .1. inu KOlir
stem shall lit-broiuhl down In n levil with
Mi-xb-o. Ilui il.U ihtiiL' will hcmifur bo ns
C (.ItltlllLf li"iiunil'rATJ niV l'l lliil III
Il Ii now, in thu hands of tint Kvp'u i mid If
Il.t v dirlie In 1 all 11 iimvinllnii In iimovunny ,
grii'vauixs iiiuiti'iilniil uf, or In give new ttility-llirc: 1.11U r puunl when wewecu'd
guaranteis for tl.eKrnmntiia'i.r vmtedilghl, ml'i'imr own supplii at 11 trill 11 cost. Wi
lt il not mb.u to oppiLC, iy I. j-'h prlivs lor fninltiire of every deseri
--- ton. tint mound the I loin, with gtuiml nuv
J t V'l'J'IST ! ,nj.c for briukage, e-jl if liau.iiortatiun. Ac..
T I. it IMirllarv Olll
Nnth'ic liminrtnnl has nceurnd s'net the
lUputiii i.y the tuti runy
'.. '?,"'" "...,.."; -i.. ... '.V"' :
v i nion men tnvc carrieit u.e v irginui
..... ... . .
I MIIVI-UIIUII in. 111. 01 llllllV. IIIU Mir..ol,l.l1
!....ir.l .,!,' ..I.,..n il.Iiu-r f.iriv
..... ,,., .,,1.., w' ti
.rivl.ii !.(
l iindirsliMi.1 that 11 giiiit 111 ij..
's - lsclnl sin1.1l .m thu ("ill linden
nl'rltv of those
niil IlillliTtlU '
Zm,Y ih.v will Z U
,,,,,,11,!,, 0 the mui'i '11.0
still in sc.h 11 with r.imd iIiku
.. . . .
, . ,....' . mi .... - Llnn.ii!.,. il.n
I Ulllllltlll III. 1 .((r-'lll.l.'akl)ISa
Coiivcntioii Is
m ...V
striu have jit Ikvh tnki-11.
The orga
rganlratlon nt the N-ulh. against nny '
hi. UlHimlii2iiioH.sciis'.bfr. and the
i.moludcd nnd ll.e Stale Hoops withdraw... .
ciM.ri,.,, u ,.t,.i t,n' i.'..n s,i.,ii,.r'
i.w .., 1...., .. t..r.....i I n
I.M. .I-'. '.... . ...--. . ...
Col. Ilayiic uml Mint. Hull have left W'uvh-
The ullln.aluin ol South Carolina has bcmt
..'.' r. I. ...!.:. I 1...... .. .1 ,...,. ,,...1.1. I'ltliiu l.,r llu. ..r.i.iil MVlrti.i.ll.i ..v . ... .Ull.... ........ k-.l I ....... .1 .t..M 11-j .... .r
1 1. IIIIUL 111 1 I ll-.ll lll.l. Illllll-ll iiuii- HUT mill .... . .. ... . -
pri-Miit.il.unil ii-simiMlul l. J'reg.Mi, 1.11111, 1.1 mi- r.i.ien. 1 ........ ,i-
The I'ruldmt say. tl.ut he has no power lo ba" "I'H.. ',J ,Imj (mw' ?r, ("1' f,;r,,''a
n-gotlate f..r the Vuirual.r or lioverumcut have ki-ome n turn exporters or bicadituir..
prn.cily.whWlhellK.u..dbylawlnproteel.,m"1.l,1rc brisU P'U 'n l' ""f"1'
'I he public nro willing to see whal (Jovcrnur 'h""'
1'iel en. will do I "'P-TJleil from the Ocean by moro than one
Congress bas'doi.e nothing towards a s.tlk- 'l"Jjdil miles or roiky, mountainous road,
1cllt " " j whlili luys uu ifleetuul embargo upon the
rfi'veral crisis specehes per day nrc read oir,,","' l'P farm nroiluco of this Willey.
1.. i.. u.u.ii.
tl.e M.uin. -
I, l;WllM Jnlmson. ol Tw,
'"' " '5M" " "" "re B"" l0 ""1 u'
Iilil.'l. .
ell C11I1I1U I'lisldi-nl
M010 reunite ruttirs Inve Ikiii seized nt
Nov Orltaus, uud some lort in Arkansas ure
renoilitl uk having been taken bv the State
.Ma'sut'liuMtt semis commissioners 10 the
IV.ui. Congress ut Washington.
Tho 1'rwi.kiit .led will have Sprlufield, for
Wa'lilngl.Mi. on Monday next.
I I'.u k' name h 1 Ihu ii si nt to the Sinale,
for Daniel' placo on the C. H, Supreme
Court Hi uih.
The hlil.su.iicndlug Mull servtco In tho se
ceding Slates, lias passed the House by a large
Kuriqican .lal( are tn the li'll. of .Tanun
ry. the new is unimportant
TlIK Hssi'LllllN.
The Manh number of,i,.. Winter, but found ihuio.t of inh.btcnco
this admirable California magazine was re
ceived during the wetk, Il contains u full
sized paper p.ittirn for nn nrtlelo of ludiis'
near. In addition lu the fashion and pitlern
Illustrations prlntid In the wtrk. Versing
wishing to siiWci Ibu should udilres Mrs. V.
11. Day, San l'ranclsco. Tha inagaz'no Is
furnlrbid nt S4 per year f..r single copy j
three cojdis for Sill ; live copies for 815.
I.vnv Fuaxm.is. This illstlngultlici and
cstlinublo lady visited I'orlluuil on Iho 'JOIh,
where the w.u thu honored gue.t of that excel
lent gi nth man nnd public spirited citizen,
Mayor Itol.blus. Idy franklin I nccompa
nitd by her neiee, and proposes to sojourn
some tlmo at Victoria, where n number of the
former compan'ous nml friinds of her eminent
husband, Sir John rruukllu, uic located.
Hints and Suggestions.
I'motx, b'eb'y 2Glli, 18(51.
Kmron SKtmrt, : From tho promptness
with which you notice gold discoveries nnd the
careful ntlcntlon 3-011 bestow upon known
'mitring localities, keeping the people posted in
i relation to oil tho Ihictunllons nllendlng tlint
most uncertain nnd capricious of nil human
occupations, viz : gold mining, it Is reasonable
to Infer that you hnva n lively interest In nny
prijcct, enterprise or change, which promises
to ndvnnco the Industrial Interest of this com -
muful trades or pursuits are mutually d pen.! -
cut upon cnih olhir, nnd In the long inn, if
ono sullcr.s all will uttimatily rrixlie injurv-.
1 That some nrc more Important In lank Ih.in
oilier, is niimuteii. j-arming or iVgrieuunrc
stnnds nl the head of nil pursuit', for we could
mi it rsninniiisiriul peope w noui ,0
Ml. 1. a 1. 1. 1 tin. .ir.rii nil irnnt inn riiiiivni.nl. rii inn
flit. It It nn Mituilillitt ririMilmlliiii. unit
maile nimimratiw ny fostering nllur pur-
; - ; .1 :
suits inniiufiiitiirrs, mining, coniiniree mid
ineiiunic, that are moro or liss tlepemU'Ul
upon It. Audit is nn Important patron of
Wliativer link you strike In the grand chain
of enlightened employment, wlnthir the
"linlhor ten llioiianilth, breaks tho chain
alike.'' In the light of thij principle we
proin cis
. wondeiiil
. .
'iirciitsntid vr.nt.iliV. N it to lu
",l,i . '.t L"0r,r!!.'.l""Ti W !!"- .Tf.
Ui,d wl
-..I il.
J l VCuV 'hem " T Tr v " ."
nerd then, nml will I, tvo them. cnJoura.-e 'the
sturit nml Miivwitiuiirpri.e to put 111 opera- u
lion n carding machine In work up ll.e wool
(worth now only b.n cent per poind) so that ,
i.ur slockli..s ui.d mitt. 11. m .y be (Mnllisl. nu I
nur othir nrticles of vvwir, and blank.!, may
lie wnvin nl home.
Wu havo c-.illlo far otitiiumlierlng our wants
1n.-u.00 in uur imiu nun jnuvr. iiuvv
fourths nf our candli . sent finm Ki.leiiiniar.!
l;cls. v ul.uvesi.il i,I im-iirii.is-.nl lerlllily,,
Him u Miviium vmiiihv ti mi iii",uii'ii i
b.rrie. cut rani. .Ve.. but we buy of tin-,
iniiihanl Jims nod Jellies which shnu'd be
undent home, mil i.iy for l.iulisli currants
lUiiuon. quuc every unic.e in nincii cnuiii un.l
slio'i:. in-iii.iiio lute, nml iurniii.nl nt lower
rates. Wo buy maibto for our house', for
iiifiniiiuciitH nnd IoiiiIh, froi.i distant iii.rkcts.
i... .. , ... .....
ivni:i iiu-rii 1 mi i-MPiitii'.-11 i.irrv 111 in.-iijr
,,",..., ....... ; .'. . ... . . T 1
" union 11 11.11 liu.ri. 01 Kin iruiioi. biiii. nun
I.V within n lew mile of our count v smt. nnd
othir iiuarrlis nre know 11 In cx.tl in other
porih.ns of ll.e lomily. This IU i.rght Ik-
lAU,1,11 iv" 1 tin in ri u in iiiviii iu inu'i
til 11 in it !! ii riiti if iiihi lyi.iiifW inn 1 if in
": ". " V 't -r...v- ...... v ...
HC lUVtUJC WC p'imi.H', Ull Hi Ullllll ,C
, ir.ll.
,M ? I'"'"'"-" ''' ' " "n") " ,r
g"'d in c.xelmiige for lliein, thus draining the
(Wiiiry 01 me viry nu uiunj 01 our comiuir-
mK" "' ""jJ. covering the
"'' ' c ''' ijlMtwitW
C liil., ami ,
thu then
""'"" "'": ' mM!'r ,lK' vmau "!n V.'
Iho bowels of the lurth. or in iMractlng It
om the llinly iiuartz roeks. Tho people ol
C'ulifnrnl.i ure uu looser ull miner, urlisaus
and ineirliunU. Airii-ullurn I recKini? Il
T , , . ' " ..I. , ,
"" "arc..1",lnlu",uT- .!"? ,"','"K'! f"m
wiiereaiiu to vsiiom no wc imiii tor n u.ari,ei
""? -". ."" .' ;; , , , ; --
" ;. . J--'
it . ."iZ... t.. . 1 . 11V...,..,.. 1 7.... ai ..!
...... "Pr-. ...... . . v. ... .
lor the sale ol their uirrtculluml product.
And tu this end. uud for this renson, the
fanner inu.t enenurage ll.u mining IntcrscM.
Hut thil cannot be limited by ul.lng forty
dollars Kr ton for bay ; one dollar per bu.t.el
for out ; one dollar ht bushel for potatoes
cluht dollar a b.n ul Tur Hour ; tho sama Tor
cor" n,Jal !, fr.T fll1.v '"fnly-llvo cents wr
I"""'1' r"r ',u,K;r ' n" "'-, r,r ic fm'
wl" I,cr ,,ow". for (-"- " c; N n."ul
producu moio iloc.u, more bushel, more bar
rel. more poind nnd moro Ions, uud be con
tented with a hs per cent, profit. Tho mines
do not p iy well enough, nnd nro not certain
(iinugli to'wairint high prices now, n when
lim iii'm'i ooiiM lnl.o nut bin niinon hit il.iv
'vvilli his pan nnd rocker, indeed, many
person cuine hero last lull with tho intention
i of nrmnicthi'' the ni'iimlatii irulclies durliiL'
for man and horse ;oo gnat to be given for
in-re chance.
What is iho ren.nn, that proibico cannot
be afforded as low here ns ibewheio mi Iho
Pneillc coast. The soil is rich, tlo climate
favorable, and wo boast of produc'ng larger
crop ut nu ill.T c-i-l Ih in I ..one iu the Willis
luetic, where Iho prieis ol farm pioduets range
about llfty per lent. Ies, and where money
in ill. rn aru nol so stringent. Hut, says one,
lliu law or iiemau.i urit suiquy icguiaics mo
sunniy iw
price or cury urllcle, so tlial 11 Hues ti'Jl im
pend on Ihc caprice oltho I11divid11.il to say
what a thing Is ninth, and if high prices pre
vail it is JnH uud is 11 natural coiueipience.
Yes. but if ull Ih.iju who supply, uguc or
cimbii.e In ask high prices, Iho law o( iliiuaud
and supply is suspiudi.il us iu tl.e case of uny
The cost nf traniport.itlon from tho iVIIIa-
.. . . r. - ..
nutto nnd Ump.pm lo this Valley is so great,
tliut tho farmeii here arc not subj. ct lo much
coinpctillon in supplying 'he inin'u0' popula-
...V......H....H... ...... Vl.riH'n . ...-r,.n.... 1-VVV. ..'.. ...V..J .. .-. l. . . .. 1 . . J . ....... ...IV
ItgPIWII JWaillllll IWMJ !! II1MJ.-1' .JI'J
' .(.. . ............... .... I. mi ...?.. I. ....!. In .1..
clluo, they tuin the inlvcs out with the enws,
I in l luil-cmil'l i. ih-ii I'lturi 1.4 ti. iu U17
put the plow nsldu for a time, ' lay down the . "tllPniiiir run
it 1 ..'..i .i i... 1 ...1.. .1...... 11... 11.111.. m" meetings cury
the bow," snjin,' lli.it "It will not pay,"1. 77 ,'"""' "',,,, ,m
resolve lo raise the prlic by les.i-ning hen It Is held on HUD.W J. A.U.V..
ami resolve lo raise the prlic uj ici'ming
production. If the mlncr were really riih
this cnure might d t for uwliilc. hueli is not
the case, hnwevcr, nnd most icrsiiin not pos
se?ed of excellent mining clulmi have left.
U-t us s.iy njraln tli.il the time ol high Prices
is past. And though we in ty not speedily bu
cuniD rich, let us build nn our irmn.irics higher,
plow nnd sow more land, make inure butter
InHi cheese, produce moie 'of cur) thing good
or tho susli nance of nun nnd be.ul, ititlee n
intitllludo ol miners lo our digging, inuniifnc-
, lure all that we can, sel ..e mid buy less,
ui.i me sun 0. pro.periiv 11 ( "". ',
miing our pockets unit glaihUning our hearts.
I have heard sevend wusiblo and well-In-1
formed pcrsims e.vpnsi the opinion th.itnsl
"ii ns the richer inuios wire cvluuitc , this
1 ; ; ' im K '"'W"V ' -
11 iivin.r .iiiiv 11 it'll v i.iiiiiixi'. .... I v in ii -
nlir.ew of traile betwien Hie .North nml uall-
1 .. . ;. . . . .it. .
mrnn. r or my mm j'ari 1 c.i mm nouinig
I to warrant ruch
say tint llii.ru Is siillleient gn'd In the number.
Iks gulches, hills nnd mountains, suirouiidiiig
this Volley to pievtnt n ilcelinc of wages to
the l.iiroiK-an standaid for limidrnls or jeuw.
I believe that heio the day-laborer can look
upon the ir.ountalm ns nnifketlvcguaraiity to
I'll a I'mir.iiMmi. nu niij b.iii;i
imsplr, tils eliiliireu, uiiil Ills viiitiiriiis cliii-
........! ..1.1 ..-..-, -.r t fcI. 1. ..I
W.111TV11, wiui 11 iiiiuut irii"'iin riinui -
In Ml dl I hail l go. rally nihil led to a mining
region, niiii uiiiipyiiiifii mn.i niiporiani gco-
gr.iphiiiil uml Mila.f.il pimltion, why slum "d
ai.y vrMt wMi In Inive It. or pnvutstlc.ile
so nioiirnrii ly nl its lutuieili.tiiiy:
I uui tuht by thus., who Inii-iviKriiiientinl.
produced In lgm U.vcr alley, pioiioiuiee
Jhu.i m-.irly, If not ijuitensg I in nny giown
' in l.' AiiJiVs. I leloubudlc lie hardy v.i -
T'-"" J" l',S. '",.?:, S-HLm,, 'Jill.
become Iho graie producing region or the
wlm.e counlry North?
' v tt!K,.,.?V":.e. te ?i?lS!J!iif.?rtm
, . , . , i ,1 u,.l.,j"'' '":'. ' U'! . . .
...vtlons. , t ma nssmv ... -Mr. Kditur, tl.M
ill 11 iliiiespiel, iir in 1 11, n4 pritirtpli-, mungiil tliMuahoiil ll.oi-r-mip!i-
of uny portion ! 1 i,u svllli lliu puuetiiallty ol ilnrhwiiik. ami
II.I'lIlU' ll.iv will
', i 1 1 .1 .t.t.
Iw ruvlvul In the spirit
hlcli Moiiimiil Ihrm, I rema 11. e
i ii- 1 1...... .......
. I, '.., I .. , u...
Tin: Cmii.n Cosv i:tkin. The Convention
culkd nl the Miggetioii of Virginia, which
nnl m V.YUtIIIIIJI.111, 1 ill.
.(it. mid In n.tli'..
( . , , ,,',,.,. ,,, .. ..,, ,..,,,
" ' ,
- -- - --1 -
naili 111 Ihrmuh Ihu uml iiaiiiie. Ills
Kivjitly hoped thai in-aiiriM nny Iw kv
fictiil to n-aloru die full Colon, un I lu pro
vide cvirmoie ugalinil iv rieurrriicu of uiiulli..
nnd huitlle nets belweiu tlie North nnd ijoiilh.
Wu iiyrvl to see thiil Michigan refuse to send
Cuiiiinlssluuers to the Couv'iutlin, imd that
Ci'ov. Wmliliiiriij of .Maine violently ipihoh-
the 111 ncmwit, 1111 1 cj4'.oIi his p.i.j.lj iwt to
favor II. .MiMMiirl, IdiiuM, Wiiiviislu, Iowa,
Virmiml, Nuv I lat.ipihlic, Indiana, livntueky
nml .New tori, have suit Ciiiiiiiikuloii.'r, mat
sn we b.llvve li.u TeuiiesJi.v, North Carolina,
I'uiusylvunla, Maryland, De.anuic, Ci.nmeti
cut, New diraiy, Ithule Island mil Oni.i
None had yet Uvu uppniulctl from Mas.aehu
ji.iiiin.il nu. u .uaa..ieiiii-
ii. Kx-Pnsak nl Tyler
., r ,, ,
an of the Coiivetiliun.
setts, i far us vve k-nrn.
of Virginia Is Chairm.
cwl or lliu In. on lu Uwollur, TIivmxmK'Iii
hue. therefore, uipomlblu lo Ihu in note of llu-
would have been Wavlshl iKMCe. (ublci-t) l,.it
iiiouy, and (.iibildizcd) prosperity, ft nm one
. i ... A, , , .. ., ., ,. .,
end of the Colonle In Hie other. I he 1 alhers
of the Involution were, thirefore, responsible
In I ... m-.it. .. nr I ,n I !.. ..n ... r... , ... ll..,. ...
.- .... , ...-,. V. ...v ..."... .V. ..... ,..M V'
truordiuary condition of the Colonies.
On Iliittu Cieik, KiiuJay, iVbruury '.Mth, the
wile of 1 1 i:uv Iliiw.v, ut a itaughtir.
tmmmnnut w f iw
Near Jiak.oinllle, 1'i-b. IC1I1, J vvihs II., In
fnut son uf Jajiks IUmi.is, agul one year ami
uuu Jay.
PHOENIX LODGE No. 23, A. F. & A. M.
Hold llieir regular communication the A
.Svvimur Kvi.xi.xii on or piecetling thixT
lull moon, lu I'liieuix, On-gon.
S. M. WAIT, W. M.
S. ItKiuiiii, Sec'y. jau'JCs'J
oiu:uo. ciiaiti:iTnoTj7
H Q p II
Will hold It regular communications 0:1 the
Kll.l Sulnrilny l'.iiiiliii; irKi Munlli,
All sojourning C'ouq.xulons lu good stauding
lire coulliilly luvltci In utten.l.
w. w. rowi.int. 11. i'.
.l.vs. T. (Ji.I'.nk, Sec'y. dccb':17
WARREN LODGE No. 10, A. F.& A. M. Vhoans' Stltuulttv, Mulch, 10.
A HOLD their regular communications r,,Tx,111;,1l,. )
.ifllw Wednesday Kveubigonorplecidllig .Ut IJJlllltl 8, AloiltlaV. M'll 18
SAlhe full moon, iu Ht(o Clfok, iUomuV in u xo'
JIIKMIXVIII.K. OIIX-. i'P.il.l.i lf.M.I- I
!. W. (UtKKlt, Y. M. i""10 1ot I Titi.wiliiv M'h 10
II. H..oom. Sn ISuttei-llolilH, f lHtfeU,lJ win J.
The recuperative qualities of Sand' Sar-1 J?111)."1101!?' WedncBdiiy, M'h 20.
sapai Ilia never falls lo give oallro satisfaction,! .Sterling, llllll'Mllty, Mlll'Cll 21,
when fairly under Its Influence the purlflul Wt'llrt' Mills, FrilltlY, Mlll'clt 22,
moon course, inrousii ... ...vi c, sii...n.m
tissue of tho body Increased lu volume, Impait-
lug healthy nouiblimeut to the vital organs,
with tho pulso sliong nnd legular and tho ill.
gcsliou Improved ; thu pallid ihcck soon re
cuius Iho hue of health tho feeble becomo
roig. Sufferer from scrofula, nlccrouajml
ciupllvcdUoi-d:r', try it and beio vliced.
I. 0. 0. F.
.TackkosviM.k I.nnui: N'u. 10, linldsllsregii-
,. ., .t r m-i,
of each month,
Itrolheis In good standing are cordially In
vited to attend.
W. C. HANSOM. . a.
Hwxnv Dfvi.iNnrn. It. Sec'y. n2:fim
Miisj. WinsMiw, nn evperlcnciil nurse nnd fc
male physician, has n Soothing .Syrup for child
ren tvelhlnir. which unnllv facilitates the tiro-
ccw or teething, by soflenlnu the iruins.rciluelng
H Inllminul nii-vslll allay ill pain, nml Is
"'y "?"''."":' "'" 1.."'" ' I" "i
"',;, - ,S,: iV.f.x-tiy Vafe bi ill
, Sro mherllsuiunt In nnollier column.
Dyspepsia, Fovor and AgtlO,
imii.rctlun. sour tluniach. w nit rbrndi. hrnrl
y , ,t,ntinc, llvercoinplntut.ncldlty, (tnlu-
'',ency. Jaundice, ihange of climate, sick Lead-
i - . .
ache. Id's of nppcllle, female complaints, oppress
iln.i nflcr eating, unit general dtbllily arc rapid-
I p. trfectuidlvniiil surily cured by the Oxr
m..ATui llirrnis.
1 runniiMA rviin-M-K.
xMimnr 11,1!, Oil., Ji( lillh'.'lMS. Har-
ng mlli nil Tor lllteni years with Dysprpdn, lu
Itn wmst form, nnd li.tvlng conullnl with th
liosl ii'ivn'clnii", nml triul eiery thing ricotu-
rnemi 11. without reiier, 1 wn inuiiriii 10 iry m
, ,,.. n..t.. irn ..1 4..V,.
Why QallUtf Hall at ri.uKr.sv
vm.., ... if
' l.'iviiusi'llniprlics there aiu Irreslsllldeargif
111e.1l. I11 It r.ivr.
' Wuv nreso miiiv ciilnmrrcn:islanlly lunk-
tiU pureli.isesni q'iimt Ihu.J
M,in,u.t I. the biririst mm In tin-city, mid the
gno.. uiUrul. Uisj Ut uml iho cheapost.
1 Viiv nrc tlir lalerooms nculid nt (Jilicr
1 1,M '
,iu,,,lru-nr.nit uiiulnd bv the gruwIiiK
trade of the Iluuse.
' .'V do ll.e ,nvs, say . nnny graceful
! ,J. Z "Z. " !'. 7. ".G"?ff,..,5?.I .HZ'
ly ilesei lug or IheeoulliK-uceof Ihu
Hiu.Ajiri un 111 'nu r niiii'iPi.'. tmj Twur
ctot!itn ut (Jt icr llvi.uaud save your mo-
ineyi'V sn lining. l.-'iiKin'i.-r, ill 1 li, 113 au-l
1..1 Mii'iiin (im. fincl. -iss :mi
ViJtar'e Balnm of Wild Chorry.
The only p in) nnd genuine llnl-.ini Is, unit
for 1I1.1 lait twenty year, has hot 11 pn-parul by
-Si:tm V. I'nw'ii: A (V, of llo.t.ni j nml their
printed u.itiu-,r.s mcIIih llxiwrllti-nslgnnturcor
I. I'm., iiiiir-ar 011 Iho outer wnibiKT. As
, ., , . . ., . .11 . . .1 .
J " -. iiioF'.irHiisniiii iiiiciiiPKr.
nine, (its iijiii itl.tr! Tlil Im ulu ilde reiniily--
I Wisrau' IIvlsiM ii U'iiji C'ltriillV 1 the Inrsl
n in extant for Iiu' sufi', sjKuty and pnuaninl
cuteofenugbi, ihl, son' Ihrovt, linmchllU,
, J'IIiiim, pleurl.y. p-ieumnula, rronp. whooping
omii-Ii, lib-ti'.lng at the litu;:', Ho lu Ih" bn-at
nr il-. ami lu tact every form of tlirn.il, chi-t
ind lung eniiipl iluls, u willns ixixsiurmis It
si'T. 'lid' hiiu-ilu.lil reiinly slniul.l be lu lliohamls
nfi-niv fjuillv nml linfivlil.ul. iv-u tluu-ly sn
I p'teuthm of II In u slight cold will iwim! Iiiimr-
Hale rtllifi while cu-vs of bmj st.unllus.oh.lt-
uate. n id nl'iiuroutly li.curableeli irueli r, will
ut-i-ly yiibl lulls wnudirrul inn.lhe mir
and lis'iin-at mlqitatlou lo the wauls if man
wh.Ni nr.lletid.
I'or de lu Cnllfnriitn by lteiMlui:tiin A Co.,
t nrv Jnhu.i.ii v in., unsriis
Km iclju. t It. II..Mei.miit.lACo..
It'iv. CiiRlii A Co.. MarysV llh-! nm
. l)M,,t .,tiimj.nregou. Man
I nrv Jiihu.i.ii A t.n., uhsrlis Mnrrill, rau
.icrain.'iilii t
ml by HiiiHIi Ac
A lVi:ilTl.SKMK.TS.
A T the sid'c'itatlnii nf some of my fnriwr
XV kind tulrni.. I i.riitMe In rt-oin-n school
on lh tllh
or .March iie.xl. lit Die vniniorn
I'llll! coinilair.libi lien-tufnro exMlns lie
I.' - ixc'n Wixiil.in, Holviiu A Hiviunxs, li
.Iho 'tabling und llv cry busbies, In Jaekso-ivllli.,
i, ,i.M.ua I.y mutual corneal, Mr. Sivunv
wltlalrawlug rimu Hie llrm.
I (I.. ...... I. II... .... . .. Ill An..ltiA ll.A l.at.
' lllIM.Ii . lini.MM nil i iinitiuuv .i "...-
ne. nt Iho nhl stand. In whom alt ib-bts duo Iho
lata llrm urist bo 1..1I1I. nml ull ludubtcdutu of
the II. in will bo II.iuMvled by Ihem.
Jacksonville. March 'J, lful.
A I.I. H10.0 knowing IheiiKiliea Indebted to
uu bv uutu or ImhiIc nreoiint nro rrnii.-.n
tueall Ulnro the 'llt.VI' DAY O- Al'ltll.
next mul iay up, nr elm llieir accounts will lit
given to my ulloruey fur collection, us 1 am
going lu liuvu fur Ihu Atlantic State.
'pilK under.'gned re,H-clfully nollH, tho
I pul.lu lhat ho wl.lus to nil ill bl prop
el ly, i(iiiItingol
under ciillluvtlun, kiiuwn as the Uccvc' farm.
Abu hi Stable, together with Horse ami
Abu hU Storihou'e. Ihulllug, etc.
for particular, call at llu premlsi of the
Kirbyvllle, IMi. 2ll, lhiiO. inlr.'!i:liw
To Doliaquout Tax-rayon.
I WILL ulttill nt thu follow big named Ituvs
nml places, lur Iho purpose of ric -lv lug ami
nviltlug for taxuiduufor the year ISiiO, tuwll ;
sliliuii1, rritluy, Mtirch 15th.
O lirlCIl'W, StltUUltiy. iMtUVll 2S.
' "
All persons interested nrc hereby uotlll il that
taxes not Kittled 011 or Ixloro Ihu j;ii lu , vu
U-u.lleclid lliv'iiaflir by dlstialut uml sale,
without lav or.
I.. J. 0. HUXOAX,
Shei III" Jackson icuuly, Oteiron,
Mar.di M Ifclil, wh2:7:Jw