Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 23, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. VI. NO. 6
Office over Clnggago & Drum'i Stablci.
On Copy, Ono Year J." 00
One Copy, Six Month a 00
One Copy, Three Months '1 00
On Square, of Twelve Unci or less, Klrt In
tcrllon,$.l 00 ; nnd for each subsequent luser
.Ion, $1 00.
Prnrnulnnnl nr Itntnrit Cir1. Hath Pnnnrp.
per nnnnm. $30 00 ; tor .Six .Month, $13 0U j
for Thrra Month, ill) 00.
A llhcrnl tllcniint will lie made to persons who
advertise to the extent or Tour squares.
The number of Insertions should k' marked on
the margin or advertisement.
Attorney and Oounaelor
arolK.OM.T7-lllo, Oroona
HAS for the present established shop nl
the public house of Mr. Michael lln-mimi.
an California street, Jacksonville, wheru Iw Is
prepared to execute every description of work
In bis line. Haiti, warranted tn III. made tit
hurt notice, In any style Itio cnrtuiirr liny
choose. I If lvi on luvtnl the latent l.vlthm p it
Irrn. Hi-pairing iloue neatly, with 'lisp itch.
Charge low.
Jacksonville. Doc. P, I M0. 4Ttr
Dr. X. Caldwell Dnntmau
HAS perrainrntly located In Jacksonville,
and iiRi-r bis provisional irnlcvi In the
practice of
MeiUe-lnr, Nitrgrrr Ob.tclrlra.
Offlce at lila residence, on California ilrcrl,
la the houMi fonmrW occupied by A. M. Ilvrry.
ntxt ilour to Judge Prim'.
Chari: very rciuouabK Calls attended to
t all hour, or the day or night.
Dec. 2lt. I8GU. i1cc2l.t9.eiii
L. H. DEWEY """
Tl AS nnsne.l n hoi) oiniollt Anderson A
.11. Glenn's, on C-ellrnrula slicct, In Pr. I..
Januiu'a drug ilitrc. Tor repairing
All woik warrnnbd to five satliliictliiu.
Jacksonville. Ore. 2.,d, IPCD. tH;ly
okpu'ic, JAiicHovvn.i.t: iiitui hrom:
"Tnolxaoiivlllo, Oi'onon
All my work will In? vtrciitul
at greatly reiluceil rw: mitfun Ay"
only; iiioi. xuiii, iuj
Attorney itittl Counselor at Ltnv,
WILL (inictlco In Ml the Court hrM In Jack.
mii nml JiiK-pliIni eouutlm, uml In the
fiupmiic Court of theKlate. 2 tlf.
.""'" REED &. BERGEN,
A 1 1 o r 11 e v h it t I. ti w ,
JAlKNtlXVII.I.i:, xiv.,
Will atlrml lomiy liulni'tconll.Uil In them In
the aevrrnl CourU of the l'lrt Jinl'cUl UMrlct
ofOrc;on, ami In the Kiipreine Court. AO.
'AunnNhv and Counhi-i iiii at Imw,
ki'.iiiivvii.i.i:, kjv.
"l7ILIi pnictlco 'ii tho wieral CourU of the
I T Mot Juilicinl nikirivi 01 urei'on, mm ni
Uml promitly to bulncu rntru'loil In lit. c.ire,
Colli'cllnnt ntleiitlcil to ulth ilUpatcli. '.'7
T chas. b". brooks, Mrb" "
olli'm hi. ororrMlounl tu-rilce. In till eom
niuully In the ructtco of .Uclidne, Stirgtty uml
(inieo on California Mrccl. next tloor to Not.
bfr' Jewelry lore.
Cull attended In nt all hour of day or night.
March :il, 18i;u...tf
f ark.oiit lllr. Clrc-Roii,
I. prepared lo taku 1'Icturea In every ttyle of
the Art, with nil Ihu luteht Imiirowinviilii. l
II- "tJ CJU3 JbJ
ftonot kIvo aallfactlon, no chargea will hoirradc.
Call at I'uukV Cigar Store, or nt Ihu Gallery on
the Hill, mid wo hU l'icture.. lllf
ON HAND and mado to order. Houso Lin
ing nnd paper Hanging, by
i Gtlifomlii Ulrttt, oliox t h tgon.
Law and Collection Office.
(lato Ciller Justice.)
Portlnud, Oregon.
'Will practico in the Courts of Oregon and
Washingtou 'JVrrlto'ica.
' ' B. F. DOWELL,
JaclMuiitlllr, Ortijoii.
Will uracllco In all tho Courts of tho 3d Judi
cial District, the Supremo Court of Oregon, and
in Vif-kn, Cttl,
1 ' 1'iirilculnr n
nr attention paid lo procuring Land
Wa'rruu'iilVnd (Electing claims ugalust thofiov
irnincnl. ' 20ly
I am now prepared lo rec'elvo patients In the,
llorpltnl, on tho corner ofThlid Street, back
Ihu Uajan lintel.".' '
1 Tkbms
J.ackKuriac,Jijly?8, isco..l6ir.
Cnllhmla Slrttl, Jathsoinlllf, Crfjon.
Titi, Brass nnd Copper Mure,
Slovci, Iron nail Steel, Hard
ware, Cattery,, niiu'kssilth'r.
Tools; Ponder, Shot & Lend,
TTAVIIJii'l received from the Atlnnlle side
JL J. nuil San I'mtu-bcn, n complete stuck nf
ercrylhlnit In Itivlr line, uii'l will keep constant,
ly on hand mi nvortinenl of the best
Tin, Sheet Iron A. Copper Wnrr,
llr.es l'lie, Htilntiillo Nittlr. Force
Pump, Chains, Lead Pipe, llo'e,
And Wails, all Sizes ;
Ilir, I'lale nnd asorlul Iron;
P11I11K OIK flsc niul (llavs:
All qualities or Powder ;
.l.'jt of nil uimhIh r ;
III u-V of cv iry uricly, etc., cte.
All mi!,-!. told bv them or manufactured.
H'AIMIANTIM). Their work U nia.Ii.- or Hie
best mad r rtl nml nl .'''" rest inttrrii.
V4.0nKr nllciiilotl . Willi quicken tin
ntch, niul mini ticcuntlng tJ Jlrvclloni.
l.o. Jii'l rreelriit. n lareo lot of tituTCP, of
uuotlnl mea, unit (iri'iniuni p.iiiiru.
lliuK's rafpiil Cookliiji; Stoves,
The Xiiv World Stove.
The tun very berl, inotl npprovid ptttcrnilu
the oriel.
Parlor, OHicc and Cnliln Stoves,
1'ivncy and I'l.i'ti, constructed on laid fuel
filliiK plane.
Keller-, Killlr, rc!, Tun,
and rterjlh'ns eoiinectid trill. Unto Ptovra,
durable nml inifivl.
In I'tYryiMnc. Ilielr nlock l the l.reet and
eo!nii li-'i I'vir binuhl In Jiu'kiotivllle, uml
they ore .l.-ti rmtiit-d In ell
C.ill and I'Viiuliic lhe!r Mock l fore piireha.
Inu 1 ImivIit... June T., I'lV.-V.'l.
.Itlll.V AM)t::il., - . .IAMV.HT.it.K..
AXDKKSO?,' Hi Glenx,
oAtzrcf-friA Bt.,
i'Uom:s.m: and
m hi'.taii. dkalkus in:
Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Prosorvod Fruita, Tio Fruit,
Prosorvod Moats, Oystors,
Frosh Dpico3, Saucos,
Jellies and ficliles,
Mtclinnle' Iniiilenienta, I "ai
ming liiiiiU'inciits; I'aluta,
Ollrt, Iron mill Steel,
w.vm:, iiitooMS. tails,
to which we ropcctfully Iii1Ip persona wbhlni
puichae na wo nro deteimlniil ! SICIjIj
Jackonllle, October 1.1, 1S.1!,-39.
i:xiii:ss SAiiOoiv.
At the U1U E.t.lilLliei Hiprt.. Corner.
TITE BAB ' '"Ppi'n' !' ,,(
chiikei.t Liquors, Wines nnd Cordials, ob
tained liom tho iHt 1111 Krancbeo luiux'S.
Tho bekt npprovid Oualitlea or KuglUh,
Feiitcii nml Auieiicaii Malt Bevcragesi 011
draught or In bottle.
CCrAItS 'r prime Havana brands,
pmeli.Heil dneut fiom llut-elai'S Importing
iioiiH'H, will bu kept convlaiitly on hand.
In every deparlnieut tho KprcM Saloon will
bo kept In tlrM-ratu style, nml no opportunity
will bu uegleclid lo cuter for Ihu comfort ami
refreshment of guctts.
c, r. m'iuui'k, n. iuviikx,
Attorneys fc Couiiftclori at Law.
Olooltai t
AOOOD asiortiAcnt ot Clocks at tho Jack,
sonvlllo Book mid Vnrlcly ilore, cornel
Cul f jraia and Oregon it." Jj.. 1
bvansvillb hotel.
,, ., . ..
TIM: nnilrrflsncd hai purctined this Ions
erlabll'hul, ipiilar public Iloure, mid m III
hrrcnflir conduet It under I1I1 own ruperflslon.
iiuiiiuauu iDiioiinnt iMpriKcnteutu In the
tiutul, rn m Id uouru tu 1 fir mir.t the tcry
bet of Mlciidniite and comfort In every manner.
The Houtc li rltuatul lieur the oulli bank nl
Itoitue Itltcr, eleu'ii mltia from Jackioullle,
and nboiit one mllu from Cold Hill, upon the
main Oregon load.
A line, .ptclmia Ilatllikept In rcmllneM for
Parties I'alli and other fvllvltteii, eviry nr
rmiseiiicut for whlih emi bu made In thurl
Attiched In the premlva li n fine, luxuriant
(Stiideii nod fruit Oichaid, with nmple Kupe o(
ptenuiro crnnmi'.
The Larder nnd Ihr N supplied with nil the
cho!cerl vnrk'llii nl Viands Vliiea,LIiiioraniiil
lleM'raj?e, which foreign or iIoiiksIIo tii.irkiti
can fut nNtt.
A good stable l nllnclted to the Hotel, and
ntlcullU' hollcrn will keipcaru or hornet cu
tripled In their clinru'e.
In linrl, ever Ihlnjr calculaUd In ennduee to
liieeomiori nl nwnn mm ttuir mumnls will Of
ubiiiidanlly furuliheil.
iii:n'. iiaymonih:.
DntiMllli-JMi. Ill, 'ill. fl:tf
Tols.nioxvxrlllof Oromou.
'pill!liet iteenmtiiniatln:i rci lo guctt.,
1 Ir.iti"'" lit niul K'nnaiii'iit.
The Hold lm len relitruMieil nnfl rcfltlf il
In eviry imrliii'tit, Minnow utiiiti.illul b;
u;iv Until III Hitilhiru llti'itoii.
.laekKuiUlli', lee. I, ICi'.u. If.lf
i!j ti'eorgc T. Viniii.
'.''Hi; iirnprlelor wMie In Inform lil frlrniN
1 nnd the lnilliiit public p lu'rnlly that he
lm pu"Xii.cii uie aixiie noiei, lornnriy Kepi
by t. J. ;iiii. nnd li.n newly furubhrd nml
thorniulily nlUlril Ihe rmiio In the tHie.t nle,
Tenni'lirH nii.i ir.iveiern iiMiiui: Kirnytiue
ami Credent Cti.V will llml excillelit nccummo.
dalluii.nt lliNHuM.
Tin' Hoii'uli liH-iiltd nbniit mMnay lietaein
Jnekiiuvllh' nml Ki tl.M III".
IVrMiiikiletlrnii of en'olnir n few wecka rf
rrcpnllmi will llml nl till" plaee nn exei-IU'iit
oppiiriiiniiy or iniojin ii.iiiih'Hip.
.-'P'. 1 ei n .1111.
SIC Cfr fl Q5 'J. 9
Orcc soxit Clfy.
rpilHneenminoihlliini. Ih.iIi In Die KATIXG
i. nnd .S7..7.7V.W ;,7'.l7,.i.,.Vr.V.nr.'iui.
eniinlhil bv lhnof nuv
hull 11 III Ihl ptrl of
IlieMu'e. 1 no i,ini.unrt paeiiiinnininwiy
furuMnd. nml iiy ntl'titloii paid to Ihu con
furl nl" bUi t.
- Pi necoiiiiiiml Ulnn e 111 ! extendi d tu
'.I.1.X ami at niiit imidinile rtm.
M .1. MiVAMAHA, I'lviintlur.
Air:iil.l-ro, ll.tf.
... ... . b t 1 ..
Charles Barrett, of Fortlnnd,
WILL lend by iherlaml Mall.ivery day, II
ile-lreil.nnv Newip.iiM r.l'i i!i.lienl..oiI
or Novel', iiiiblbhid In the I'ultid Slate'. 1 .11
tits In eah in
ly cent, u ol
einse inr imii .ew paper nn mii
liiinn-: lor .MiH'i ci erai v. 1 v
time, iiniiniiml, .siiii'erlptlon rieelteu ny tne
Ix iiioiilh. or by the yi ur ror nuy Pup' r pule
ll.li.il In A tut r leu or nl. to nl, lleabr.ln .Mude,
Mu!eal Iti.liumiiiti' ul nil kind', itrlugs fur
Vlulliia, (iilllar. lie., ele. Ibhlug Tno b
Hod', Lines, llool;.ite.-Stiillomry, llookmil
nil conn. Cutlery, 1'rult, Caud!e, ele I'bu-i.
send In jiiiironfir. (Htpt.'.'V -Si-Cm
"piSKS taken upon Mil's. Hotels, Stores,
i Dwellings, de.. on favorable terms, in
tho (ollnwiiig well liiiuwn ami reipou.ible
Hertford lusiirnncc Company, llarlfonl.
I'IkciiIx liisuruneo Cniuiiany, I larlfnnl.
Merehiiutii' liiuruuea Cuuipuiiy, ll.irlfonl.
CliartirO.il; luiiriineuCiinpiiny, lliirtfonl.
City I'lri" liKiiraui'ii Company. Ilartl'onl.
Melnipolitiiii Fire In-uranee Co., N. Ymk.
(ioixlliiu' Fire In.-iiiaiHM Co., New York.
(ilranl I'iro nnd Mailuo Itiiiirauiu Com
pany, I'hiludelphla.
Quaker City InstiraneQ Company, I'lilln.
All losses paid linuicd'ulely upon adjust.
nu lit. l'iirtlei loaning money upon bulldmgi.
khouhl sec that they me Injured.
IldKSOiWILLElllUli store.
Ti keep constantly 011 hand tho lies t nsforb
v v men 1 01
Wo have now In ttoro the
stock or j) hugs
V.vct offered In llilx maikct. nnd wo mean to
ninliilalii, by tepibir Importations, and by wil
ing tho be.t nrtlclea at llio ,0 IIV.'.V' t'.I.S
VillOHS, thai leading poslllon which tho Jncli
euiivIIIu Drug Storii has hcietoforo held.
THOMPSON &uiu:i;n.
Jacksonville. Okii.. Sipt. 2:'. !!.
OH fidft 's ,,r AsMirted Iron
CyjfUVjyj anil Steel, specially K'leel
edl'or for this maikct. lor hiIu by
Jacksonville, Juno ':t 1KI.0.-II-2U.
XMCi.auiovl Xxa.aatr-u.sxxoxa.tsB i
ITM.UTl-S, l'lfefjlarmuiileaus, Jews Harps uml
. utliei Mualcal Inslriiments, can bo found at
tlio JackMinvlllu llook and variety store. II
17MNN CIGAHS A few thousands just re-
4, cclvedt
M a
t'oiii,iiif(rom fourth past.
The prcfcnt trenly ttmll Iw rnllilnl by Ms
Kxwlleiiry the IVcslilenl or llio Unllcil Hlntcs
nl Atncrlm within tlio tetm of flflrcn mnntliS.
or earlier If poulblc, ami by lilj Ktcellcncy
tne I'rciioetil or the KepuliIIc or rnrtutmy
within twelve days fiom IliU dale, wul the
rnllllcatloMsliislllioesclmnReil In Wntlitngtoii.
Ill wllncjj whereof, the tpanertlri nleiilno-
trnllurkshjTeelgr.cd It mid nftlxii llicieta
Ilielr ra!.
Dona nt A?nnipllon. tli! fonrtli day of
rciiruary, in tne veiir 01 our lird one tuou-
sand eight hundred nnd fifty nine.
Tame II. Ilowi.t.v. ri:ai..1
XicnLM VAgt'K. MKAI..1
And whereas Ihc mill Ireaty hai tjcin iluly
rntllleil on both part, nnd the. rcectlve rnlb
lleutloiu ol llioe.itno were e.xclian.'iil nl Wli-
Ington, on tho "ih Inslmil, liv ltli Cum.
Hccrelnry of Hints ol the United Stute, nnd
.Si'fmr I (on .! litis Ileri:e. Kmeliil Coimntnloncr
of thu ltepublic of riirniiiiay, 011 the part of
ineir rei-Hciiic );ovrriinii'llla :
Now, lherelote.be II known Hint I. Jamm
IIitimnan. IVilikitt of the Culled .Slnlw of
Americ.i, li.nc riitmil the iu!il Irmly to be
tnnu'e public, In llie-iml tint the tame, nnd
cicry clnne uml article thireof, nnv be oli.
Fervid nnd fulrllliil with "ond fnllli by the
United .Statu nml the rillzeiM thereof.
In wllnen wlietrnf, I Inivu hereunto pet my
hand nml cniuul the cnl of the UniUil rftakii
lo Ik1 iiIHuiI.
Dune nt the eily of Wit'litngton, Ihln
twelfth day of .Marrli, In the year of our
lird one lliou.mid rlglil liumliiil mid ilxly.
nnd nf Ihe Indepnideiice of the Unltcil Htutia
of Amcrlc.1 the eighty fourth.
lly Ike l're.lilent t
l.uv. Caps Secretary of Stale.
Convention Ik'Iwciii the l.'nlleil State of
Annrle.t mid the llrpubllciifC'lillr. Arid.
I ml Ion of .Miiivihiitiin CI.1I1111. ( 'oiiflii.lt il
nt .Sunt In en, .VovimUr. Kb I8A8. Hull,
fint. Au.'iml I, 18.'.:. Uxeliiiiifiil. OcloWr
l.'i, IH.'.!!. l'riK;liiliii".l liv Ihe 1'iml.leiil or
the Unite.) .Slntif, I leiTiiilnr '.".', 1 (.!).
Hi llit I'miiUiit rf l!,t L'mtfil !Ma cj
Whcrciip n cnini'iiilnii, initlil!us for the
re fen nru In tin nrbller of Ihe iMeillniii rclntUe
In n nun of money, the proeuiN nf the ruri;i
of the InU Mneidoulan, lielwevn Ihu CulHd
hlntmor AitierKn nml Ihe Kepubllenr I hlle,
wm eniielmleil nnd fiTitiitil by liter reppeillve
i!riiIHiteiitlur!ei ul Haullau'". 011 Ihe tinth
day ol N'oviinlH'r, one lliou'.iinl eiht liuu.
ilrnl nnd lifly i-'xlil i whleh riii(iitIon, U'ln?
In Ilia l.olIi nml ftp.iulrli luiiii.ige', Wword
lor word. n. follimn :
Cnnwntloii betwttii lha I'lMtnl Hlalei of
iiii rle.i iifd the Ibpnli L-of Chile.
'Ike gin (1111111111 nl ihe I'niinl SlntM nr
A10e1iiMi11.il IhegiiviruiiHiit or Ihe Itepublle
nr Chili', 1I1 firing In x'ttV itmV.ib'y the claim
mute ny ine ii'iiuiriiioii n.c Ulterior tvrtniii
c'.t. u i( 1 1. 11 I'liitnl Htatm nl Ameriea.
who ehiini In b.' lie il-lilful nwmrs id the
ntl(r In cnai and In bar. rmeibv lakrn from
tl.r mms.Iiiii nl ('iiiilalu Il'ipluiel Sniilli,
eitt'ii nl the Uullni St.ili-s nl Ameriea,
the valliv of .iimia, in lie- territory nl tin
lorimr ne i(ouity nf I'irii, in thu uir
lf.2l,bv nrdiT of Lnil Cieliratic nt tin) lime
Viee AiIiu'iiiI of Ihe Chilian Siiuadriui,
have ngrixit, the forimr lo name ln!iii l!gli.r. '
lluvny llMraordiiiury utul Mini.ter I'Kiuim
linliary or the L'iiIUiI .-'inlia or Am'iiea,!
and the I it It r Don lieruiiluio I rmi'iiita.
Mlnitir of State In Ike Deparlineiit or the
Interior nml nl Foreign Delations, in Ihe
name nud in b.ha'f or their reductive gov
rrnments, to rxamine raid claim mid to 11; ra
ni .on tirtsu of nrrnn,,-. m:;'.' juit ami honor
a till' to both govt ruin 'ills.
The nfoiisaiil p'ciiipoteiitlaties, alter hiving
e.eliaitiil their lull iinners. mid found tin 111
I i" 'l'te nml giNl I'.uui, slneinly desiring In
I priserte lutiiel nnd hlirnulhcn tho Irleudly re-
utlons which litipplly exist Ik'tweeii their re-
tHCtlie gowriuuiiils, nml tn remove nit
e-.iiife of dilKriuev, whlili might weul.in or
change them, have ugree'd, in thu name ir the-
uovuninenl which i-.ieli reprercnts, to nilililll
tu the niuiiraiinu 01 ins .iujiy llw King 01
lU'luiiim, Iho H'luiiii' Muestioii iK-twe-eii them
reHCllug Ike legality or illegality t't the
ubovu relVriid to capture of silver In coin nnd
hi bars, mole 011 the ninth day or May, IH'Jl'
by rr.hrnf Unl Coehrmn', Vice Admiral of
Ihe Chilean sipiadron, in the valley nf Sltana.
in tho territory of the runner Vice Ibiyivlly or
lru, the pioeeeiN of s.iln of imrchandise
Importid lutu (hat country in lha brig Mace
donian, belonging In Ihu merchant marine or
ll e United Stales or Anieilea.
Tin re fore Ihe nboee named ministers agree
to name Ids Majesty Ihu King of llclgium ns
mbller, lo elicldu wllli full powers nnd pro
ceilings tx atipio it Lono, em the following
points :
First, Is, nr Is not, Ihe eiaini which tl e
government or Ihu United States or Amciica
makes 111 ion lh.it ol Chile, on ni-couut of the
capture of silver mentioned hi thu preamble or
nils eouveiilton, jnsi in whole nr in part ;
Hccoi.il. H il Ik) just ir. whole or In part,
what amount is iho government of Chile tn
allow utul pay to the govi'imnent of the
Unltcil Stales of America, us Indemnity fur
the capture?
Think Is tho gnvirimcnt nf Chile, in
ndditioii tn ihe capital, tu id'nw intcrcht there
mil mill, If 1.0, ut what rato ami fiom what
ilatols lutertit lo be paid?
The (oulrnctliiir parties furtlicr nerco that
its Majesty the King of Delirium shall decide
ily II
the fmtvnfng niiirilniis upon the correrpond.
eneo which lias pusscd Let wren the representa
tives or thu two eovernmenth nt Wu.lilnirlnn
und at Santiago, und the documents mid other
proofa produced during the controversy em
the subject of this capture, mid upon n memo
rial or argument thereon to be presented by
F.ach party lo furnish the arbiter vvilh u
copy or the e-orrispondcuco nnd documents
nbove referred to, or so much thereof us it
desires tn present, m well as with lis tnld me
morial, within one year nt furllici-t from the
11.110 ni vviiicti nicy niuy respectively 00 noil
fied of Iho ueveptanco nf Ihe ui biter,
Iv.cli parly to futnUli the oilier with n list
or Ihu papers lo bu piescntnl by It to tho
nrbller, three mouths in advance of such
And ir either parly Tail fo nacsent a copy
or such pspeis, or ilsmcmoriul, lo tho arbiter,
within the yinr aforesaid, tho urhitcr may
make liis decision npnn what shall have been
submitted tu him within that lime.
Tho contracting parlies further nercc that
tho cierlloii of prescription, raised in thu
courso 01 111c coniroveri-y, ami which lias oven
n subieet of discussion between their resnect-
he governments, shall not bu considered by
the arbiter In his decision, sinca they agree to
withdraw It and exclude it from tno present
Kacb of the forcrnmcnti represented by
the cnnlrnctliur parties Is nutlinrlmt to nh
nnd obtain th( atcepliincc of the arbiter ; and
t..i. ......Hi. ...1 1.. 1 .1 . 1..-. ,.. ., . . .
iiiiiii .iuiin-t uiiu iiiiiu iiieiuieires in 111c moi
foleinn manner lo nupiicjco in nnd comply
nun iim decision, nor 111 nuy time llierenller
to ralc ntiy iicstloii directly or Indirectly
conneclcd wllli the subjcct-nuitlir of thlinrbl.
This contention to bo ratlficil by the pov
ernmenls or the respective eontrnctlnir parties,
nnd the rntlficiillons to tc excliancdl ifltliln
twelve months from this date, or sooner, If
possible, In tho city nf Snntlajjo.
In testimony whereof, the contracting
parties Lira fljjncd nnd ruled this nc,rccmenl
in duplicate, In the KtiL'lhh nr.d .Snulili Ian-
Riiii'e. In .Santiago, Ihu tenth duy of the
month of .Vnenilnr, In the vcur nf our Lord
one thouinnd eight liuiidreil mid filly tight.
Jon Hlllt.KII. II. s.
Knvny Mxtrnnrdinnry uml Mlnlilcr I'letnpo
tcnllnry of Ihe Uiiltml States of Aniulia.
ricnlpoteitciario ad line. ft., t )
And whereus Ihesiild convention 1ms liccii
ilulv rntllleil on both parls, nnd the repcctle
rntific.ilion of Ihe wme were exchanged nt
Sanlhigo, 011 the lfiili of October last, by
John Hialer, Kuvoy Mxlninnlimrv nuil
Minister Plenipotentiary of Ihe Unltvd'.SlAles,
nnd (irronluiii Urmciictu, Minister of I'lirclgn
Hclntlons or Chile, oil the part or their re
fpcetic pnvcrnnicnls :
Now, therefore, I, .f amki Hitiianax, Presi
dent nf the t'nlltil Slntes of Ameriea, have
c.iueil the said cnnventlou lo be tunilu public.
In the end that the same nnd even chiue nnd
urtlete Ihereol tiny bo i.bsrrvul nnd fullllleil
with gnod r.iitti by the Uliltid Slulvs and the
cillr.cns llicnof.
In wllness whereof, I lmc hcrntiitn set my
hniid mid emi(d the leal or the United States
to Ik' nflheil.
Done In Ihe elly of 'Wnslitnglnn, this twen-ly-Hcomldiy
of Deci'iiibrr. In the mil
ol our lird one ilinu.nml elj'bl Imn.
sitAt.. ilnil und lllty-nlne, nml nf the hid-1 rn
ih incur the United Stutc thcilghty
fourth. JAM KM IllTIIANAN.
lly the I'rcMi'iit !
Lmt. Cans, Seeri'lnrv ir Slnte.
tin: 1 M'.f
Extracts From Messages.
As In the present erlil, It il Interesting tn
learn the views ur the lixcculhis or the
various States In regard to existing difficul
ties their eaiixs, nml the means stiggcilul
for the ristorntioii or harmony and fraternal
fii'llngs we clip the nccoinpaniing extracts
lain 11 fruiii Ihe Vu!( dietory, liiaugiiriil, nnd
A11111111I Messages or Stntrs' Oiivtrunrs. whiih
h.ne rcncl.nl u. It will be hvii fiom the
Itmpcr mid lone of some of limn, North mid
Smith, Imw Trail ore tho i-liuucci Torn n-ritu-
jiilli. Imw rrn
Aiioti or the ('
111011 :
nnv. wis.rn nr mii'iihian VAtrnieror.v.
lie Inkes strong grmiud nu'ali.M Ihe relit or
Ncu-lnri, tli.ir -i-A Hie. J'resiik-nt or the Lnlli-il
States with iiittripuxiitiug Ihe piiucip'ti nf
ii.q uipuiiiie.iii pariy, mm niiriimiis tne
pieseiit meliniial I'veitenieiit In ll.c in'srepre-
iMiitatloiM nl the Northiin iKiuoernlle pro
nx to 1 lie inieiiiions aim tiisigus nl mat pirty,
in relation in
hi In thu limuial l.ibtrly laws or
. lius.iVHirthivnreiii.ciui,tlliilInual
thU Slutf
mid in eonlliet with the Fugitive Slave law,
ll.cy sliouM be reHii'iil ; but f.yi these laws
are rllil. niul sH'al the silitlinviits or the
people, mid nrc in strict necordaip.-e with the
I'oiiitlliitloii.nud ought not to be rrpcn'cd.
U't them stand this is no time for timid mid
1 militating coumcls, while the cry of treason
l rli fing in our car.
r.or. ii:,.ir, or iifiim.N inaviu'ru..
In d!i iisslng national ufTairs ho ileiilu Ihe
rlglit of M-coilon, nml in nlludiug to the pres
ent condition oT South Carolina, mis, If it
fuuld proK'rly be donu I pnsnine the'eouiilry
gem rally would bu willing to let that restless
little nation ritiru fiom llm confederacy lor
ever, but that rnnuot In) without admitting
the liglit of cccIoii In exist In all the .State,
uml 1111 goveriimeiit thru r.-m.iiiis In us bin
only u vnluntaryiissnclatlousor Statcilisnlv.
nine nl the ptemuiu nl nnv of tlie-in. It .-?on
Curolina may, nf rigid, then limy nlsn Niw
York nnd buils'nua, linn I'ulling'nlf the fnv
rlahl of way nf llio entire. Northwil tn the
eievau in both ellri'Cllnni. 'I he ductrtne canuut
bo iiilmllti-ik Self pn'scrvatloii, If m oilier
reiKoii. would coinpel us to resist. He claim',
that the cniiitiliitlon or the Unltcil Stiles, is
not a compact or league between Independent
sovereign Slates ; nn the contrary, that it is a
foundation of n government established by the
people of the United Slates a a whole, wr
peliial hi its character, und pooslng nil the
elements of n sovereign power und nationality.
lie denies Unit the person il Hhcrly laws have
had Ihe effect to prevent the execution of the
fugitive ilavo law- In a single instance, but
whenever nn appeal has been made tn the
courts to enforce that law, It has been done In
good fallh. lie Invites judicial scrutiny Into
thu legislation of tlm State, nnd is willing In
nbide by Ihe result, but Is not willing that Ihu
State should be liiiitiilatnl by compliance with
the demand in reiieal these laws, accompanied
by threats of violence nnd war.
nor. iik.s'mson' or onto.
He il!sen.cs Ihn secession question, denyins
the rli'ht or any Slate to secede nt pleasure.
and allirmliig Hut Ohm minim Inval to the
Union and the Constitution. Ilu suggests
the repeal nr (he obnoxious features of the
Fugitives Slavo Law, by which the repeal ir
nuy riTfomu i.uicriy urns siinversive in the
Fugitive. Slave Law would bo secure-el. It
seems tn me, Southern States should also re
peal their laws in contravention or the Con
Kllt11tlon.il rights of the fitir.citt nf tho free
Stales, who cannot bo sntltlUd with less, mid
who will insist up'.u the Constitutional rights
01 every mate mm Territory In Hits uonlnler.
acy. These lliey cheerfully nccord to citi
zens of .Southern Slates. Determined to tin
no wrong themselves, they will not contentedly
submit tu any wrong, nnd, una wed by threats,
win eieniami the employment or nil the con
stitiitinual powers of the Fe-eleral Oovrrr.mcnl
to maintain uml preserve, the Union, lliflcct
lug upon tho wholo theory of Stnto secession
ns a palpablo violation of tho Constitution,
wu cannot consent to the exercise of nnv
powrr under its sanction. The integrity of
tno union in its oneness and inilivisiutiity
must be preserved.
aov. nvNKR or mass, YAi.KntrTonv.
A considerable) space Is devoted to the
Personal Liberty Iavw, nnd Its removal from
the statute hooks, uov. Hanks concludes as
follows j There can be no peaceable Secession
01 mates, vv iie-tner tho Uovcrnmcnt Is a
compact between States or n; union or the
people, it is nevertheless a Onvcrnmciit, and
cannot he dissolved at tho blddini? of any ilis.
satisfied State. It has pledged its faith to llio
people 01 cveiy lanu. uml that pledge or laltti
cannot bo broken, ft lini been ssuctifled by
the bist blood or the peonfo, nnd that sncrl-
(ice ha made It Indissoluble nnd eternal.
Neither can that tmrllon or the continent now-
occupied by (he American Hlulca bo portion
ed out to hostile nations by war or by
oov. ANDnctvg or iiabs. ttUtutnAf'..
Ills certain that the legislation of Mit'S.v
chtiielts Is Intended to bu cousllttillonal and
I mil bound to declare my belief llml It has
proceeded upon principle or the strictest con
stitutionality. If, however, any party to ntiy
lctal proceedings shall deem liimclf n?grictil
by nny thin found written In our statutes, wc
arc cuuuSeled by the knowledge that he has
cans to judicial tribunals which will bestow
most inti'Htgint find conscientious attention to
hi complaint. Whatever lernl troth the
judicial mind may perceive In this or In any
oilier resaru, win va neeiareii, dccuh'O tnei
judiciary exists .(otto make the law but to
CMi'iUlid it.
I'hcru can be no doubt that tho first and
most sacred duly of the government is lo pro.
teit tho lives mid lilicrlles nf subjects. 1 In.1
Ilee that cwty pcrton who is piinm fitcie
free, being In pinscssloti or his liberty nnd
claiming title therein ; thr.t every p.imil being
In pusfesslnti or his child : or guardian having
custody o( Ids minor wank has a rtaht In n
judicial vindication of his rights In that regard,
wlicnevcr onil wherever they are prnclleally
irawn up in iiuesimti.
I l,c proeeti linRi miner l,c nig.tlvc net o
850 nre not Judicial, nnd they me not od.i.X; ,1 ;
.... . .. ... .
arbewhenevrr n tire man or the wrong man
It Innocently fe'reil, or n course Is had to the
arbitrary provisions or the act Itself by mere
kidnappers, Tor nefarious purpose. On the
propriety of exerting nil the fomlltiillonal
poiicr which wc possess, (but none other than
that, for the protection or the liberties of the
Hsp!c nf the ciinimnuwi-nllh against kidnap
pers, tin re can be no debate.
nnv'. w.viniirnv or mvink is.vrarnvt..
'I he hNlory or Ihe past shows that no eon.
eisteiis will Ik? neeipti-il ns satisfuclnry which
do not secure to the Slave States thu right id
cxpatwou mill protection to their iKculiiir
pnivrly, uiuler thu letlernl Cou.tltiitloii. This
Is what they believe thev nivkmid th's nlmie
will satisfy ihem. I bi'llcvc that I speiik tin
voice of every true, hnivc nnd eoii-ervative
linn In the North, when I lay inch couce-wloas
cannot be made.
Hut, If not, wc nrc tnld that the Slaves
Slates, nr 11 portion of Ihem, will withdraw
from Ihe Union. No, thet will nut. Tiny
ciinuot go, und In the end they will not want
tn go.
. .
The concessions, for tho inot pari, nliicli
are alt irnndeil from Ihe fnt? Stairs, ns tl.c terms
upon which thu ihopIc ol this iiuiiiirv nre In
Uk oltuweil In govern tlitm-ilvi und. r the
Constitution, mo wholly iunilmlsiible, not
ineiely Ihut they arc (ibj'ietlonable In ll.t ni
sei vis, but nlm Ikc.iu'i they have Imn inadf
such IrriiK. Tn grant them would bu tu
establish 11 precedent of inraleulable mlschlel
mid daiigir, through which wnuM bewroughi,
ut r.n ilistmit period, n practical siibv-irsioii nl"
(lie Cointltiitlnii. nml n trumfer of theguvirn
incut frfin ilu liatidi ur the nuny to the
porr 01 me lew.
If ihe tirnnl.i nl nm nf the S'nlf. -vt iln.
t,..t.itn..l ll.n l. t..,..l.. n I... I... I..w...
rWi,.,rv ,, ,.gv ! ctrsl Pnsi.lent nf the, und old In nny moilu whatever, in organinil
Uliltid Slules, Is not tn enter upon the duties tennipantis. with n view to msall the slave-
of tkiit c nice, null s hit utul ll,oc who hive
supported I1I111, will pun-hare his Inauguration
ns Pi 1 1. de lit or nil 1111bml.n1 Union by cm
ce'ss'rni ami cninproiii'scs Involving mi uline"
gallon mid denial of tlm vital principles of
ti.c government, mm 01 the cherished doc
trines niul purpo.es of the great men who
I'tt.iblMicd it, mid shall ntlempt by force to
ixreutu such iiiirnoji-. ibee will bo i-uilli- nr
.i .:.-.... ".-... 1
government, under iho Constiliiiinn, must not
Ik surrendered, and will nut be-, whatcur may
nov. Mor.nAN or Nr.vv iork.
Secession is disunion, nnd diunion, so soon as
It shall lake form nnd roporllon. is trea'on,
which It will bo the duly of the ticurrul (!ur
eminent to nrrest and punish. Tn permit or
nrrpile'Sce In tri'.iion.ililo conspiracy nv'aliit
the national niilhurllles. il to confess Hint our
govcriimi nt Is nn iiImhIuIo fjllure. The pe-n-pie
of New York nru not prepared for such
nn admission, nod in the enforcement nr the
laws will glee their earnest, faithful and con
stunt support. New York does not ii'k, nor
doc she desire, the restoration or the Ml-snurl
eompromlso line. After full nml free discus
sion, her people hnvu decided iiL-.iiiit the ex
tension ol slavery Into any of the Territories,
treason against the uiutiii Mali's, mm win; mini no repciieii. 11c is nm nnnou. 11
fiirnbh orrnsinn for testing thu stre-nglli ol lme lh.it Ihe present ilifllciillk- will find ft
this government. The rlglit nl thn majority .siiisfaetory soluiliui. Let Ncvv l'.nszland an.l
to clioeic their officers nnd to aduiinlslir the Western New Ymk bo sloughed j off, and let
nnd this thev regard ns n illspusltlon or that iravenenny fciteral law. or oiistruci us cxe
nucstlnii. till revised by Ihe s.ituo nullmrlty. cation. jIk-j- ought to be repealed.
' - .. -.. ltiitllltif.ii.,1iit(,tr.iiii!t. ultlitliA nsAnl
liov. Jtorgnn recommends the rcpeivi 01 tne
.r..,u...i i... ..,,! 1 ,1,...,.. i... iii,ki, t, 1.
entirely inoperative, nm) without iiiwdisposl-
iinn 1.. t,,t..rr. . i.n r,...,,.i in,- ti.itinj nil
Sinirs tl.ni lmvo Li-, nf ihi. eli..raetrr. eon.
dieting wllli ihe Fiilcml Cinistitullou, tn re.
peal nil of them. He thinks it would bu well
for tho l-gihiturc of New York Slate tn
give solium assurances to Ihe Southern States
that nil of their rights under Ihu Constitution
und la'vs nrc recognized, mid will, on Ihe pait
or the people of this Slate, be rcHctcd utul
maiiilaluiii Inviolate.
ArTINO oov. vvoon or iir.t, VAi.i.nirTORr.
If grievances In nny pnitlon of our Con
federation liavu nrien, within the Union, let
them be redressed, if 11neons1ltntlon.il laws,
trenching upon the guaranteed rights of any
of our sister .Slates, have found n place upon
our stutilto books, let them ho removed, If
piejiidicc and alienation towards any of our
iollow countrymen lias fuleniil upon our
minds. Id It be dismissed and forgot ten, It
us bo Just to ourselves and each other nllnw
neither threnU tn drive us from what week cm
to be our duly, nor pride of opinion prevent
us correcting wherein wo may have been
wrong. Demands nru being 1114111. from rpiur
terse iilllhil lo respect, that laws tending to
obstruct tho operation of federal nullmrlty.
eoiilllctlug with thu constitutional rights und
Jirrlng upon tho feelings nf other States,
should be repealed. If Illinois, either by in
advertence or ele sign, has passed any sucli act,
justice, requires that it should be at oncu
The St. Lou! correspondent of the S, I
Hulltlm says :
Tho message of our rclifing Oovernorf
Stewart, to the Missouri LejjMalure, had. o,
course, a lew pokes at Northern fanaticism,
fur form sake but i Just as severe upon the
extremist of tho South. His message was
sensible and conservative thrortghonl n
model in nil res'H cl for the Governor of n
Harder State Its e fleet would have been
wholcDOmo bribe highest degree in calming
and suppressing alaun and axil at ion in Iho
Slate and throughout the Northwest, had it
not been follnwcif anil overshadowed by the
Inaugural ol our new (Juvcrnnr, Clalb Jack-
rnn, our uiil original liilliiuer, wnum mo
Douglas men wire silly euougu 10 suppose
as n (Vincrvatiio.
riov. Acksoi or Mt6unr tSAfntnAt
Oovcrnor JncksonV Inaugural address i
nlmust e.clnlvcly devoted to the discussion of
our fcilcfitl relations. Ho says that the deall
nv or Ihe plavo holding Slates Is Identical,
niid thai Missouri will best consult her own
Interests and the Interests ol the whole country,
by n timely declaration or her determination
to stand by bcr sister slavchotding Slates, In
tthnw wrnng3 she participates, nnd wills
wjioe Institutions and pcopluslic sympathises.
Allssoirrl will remain In the Union so loog m
there Is d hope of nialntiilnlng the guarantee
nr tho Cotistltiitlon. but if the Ncrthren
Stales arc determined to put tho slavcholdlng
,;.,.:.... ..., , i-..ii, 1.- ,...i
?' 7 " " , V a es n tf tile TcVrl
lories admitting no more sluve Slates inltf
the Cnlon-anil iiersl-ting In nttiiiiying ami
pcrvirllng the Consllliitlnn in reference t
slave properly, then lliey, Ihemsclves, practl
c.illv iib.uidnn the Cnmtltutlnn, nnd ennnnt
exrect the South to submit to such a gov
ernment. oov. r.Mcrtr.n or tA.
(Jov. Ulclier, nlluding t lha condition of
the country, s.ijs : All see. know am) reel that
danger Is Immlmnt, and all true patriot! are'
e.xcrllng thun'clves to save tn irom impcnu-
ivxrriinT 11
, Ju Je renews bis protvoslllon, in bis
,,h ' Vsmee. fur n convention nf all tins
Stales, niul inys il is monstrom 10 se-o n gov
eminent llku onrs destrnycil liremise inert
cannot nifrif about n domestic Institution. It
becomes our Slate tu bu mindful or her orl
Interests. Disruption Is Inevitable, nnd If
two cntifcili rations nrc tn bo formed, we must
have the best guarantees lielorc wc can attach
In either. Ho condemned the hasty action of
South Carolina, whle-h hai tnken her Southern
sisters by surprise, lie would make noipcclal
reference to her course, hud lie not been in
vited In do hi by tier late Fxccutlvc, iu iiu
ealleilforrefiriinvliv Virginia.
'I ho free Stntis were responsible for thu
prcrnt condition of uil'ilrs. and ir the Union
is disrupted, upon them resls the solemn re
sMinlbilliy. He iilludt-3 nt lenjjtli to their
nggnssioiH. nnd snys they luvtc tire powrr t
i-nil llw sirifc nml rotore confidence. Will
they do It? He iiwaita their response, not
without apptihemiui.
Ilu savs, overt action should lie based upon
w rung" iluno our own jitopie. lie proposes b
Stnto Convention, nml suggesls that 11 com
minion of two nf the most discreet statesman
visit lha Iirlsliitiiri'S or the Stales which
have iwwl IVrsoiml Liberty bills, and Insist
on their unconditional repeal, except the
New Fngland Stales. Also, we mail lmvo
iv pronTiitideiTi.ctlveguariiiiti-o rr the pro
le'cthui or slavery In Ihe District or Colum
bia i nur riiuiilily in the Slates nnd Territo
ries limit lie fully recoguiwdi and the right
nl u n uis aid property ni!c'tiatcly protcetc I
mill scrnrctl ; that wu muit Iw ,n'rnitttrl to
go Ihiough Ihu free Stales nnd Territories un
molested, nnd il n shivc lo nlMuctcil. the Slate
where il Is Inst must pay its vulnc : like guar
iinlirs llint the transmission of slave through
llm unn.il.ivi hol.lln- Slntes. liv land or water.
sli.ill not he liilcrfe'riil with j the passage ami
riifoiciinent or right laws for the punlshme-nt
r ..ml. l,r.iAl. tn ll.n IrfA e!lnU( hi firPlltllZO
Mule, ami invite the siarr.x m iwrirreriiuii ,
iheOcmral Oovrrnraent to Lcilcprlrcd of tlm
power i'f appointing to local offices In flan
Stale. n-roni lioilllo to their Inlcrciti ur
their Institutions.
The (ioveinor further soys ha will regam
Iho atlinipt ot the Fesleral troops to pais
across Yiiclnki for the purpose of coercing a
Southern Slate as an net of Invasion, anil
.. ... ..... ,. 1 . .1..
.Ihem form nn alliance with Canada.!
OOV. ITRTIN or rKN.". IN'Al'Ol'RAI..
He pledges himself to stand by tho Crmstl--lotion
against ciiernaehment insllgateil by
hatrid or ambiiloii, by fanaticism or folly. Ho
snjs the ileclion of a lie-publican President
has been Hindu a pretext ror disturbing tho
peace or the country, by wresting Irom thu
Federal (lovcrnnieiil the power Iho people
confirm! on It when thu Conititiitlon was
ndopiid. Thcro was nothlog in the life of
Mr. Lincoln to warrant that his Administra
tion would lie unfriendly fo Slate or local in
stitution. Nothing Inn occurred Justifying
thu excitement which has blinded tho judg
ment of n part of the people, and which is
now precipitating them into revolution. Hit
says If Pennsylvania has nny laws Infringing
the right of nny of tho Stales, or which con-
- ' " rr
nf tho local States on just and honorable
mejiurca or conciliation. If they nrc Juit
nnd iiiiMcrntc tho ikinseT may In nvertdl.
1 Dur is ik National Rovcruu.cn, having all
the nttrlbutes or sovcreieuly, mid ninnnzthcm
is thu right or feir preservation. No State or
combination or Slates ran secrete or nlxnlvo
themselves from the obligations or tho Union.
To permit this without the consent or the
rest I' to confess the Rnveriinicut n failure.
Pcutisvlvnnla will never acquiesce, in such
eoii'iiiracy, nor assent to n doctrine involving
lie ehstriiclion or the Government. If It is
tn c:eist. It rntist have tho power adequate to
tlw enforcement of supreme laws In every
State. It is tho first duly of (lie Federal
Government to stny the progress of nnarchy
mid enforce the laws. Finnsvlvanla will give)
it 11 united heart nml faithful support. Tho
people ine-uii to preserve the integrity of tho
United State at every hazard. Amendment
to the CWtitulinn, made In a constitutional
m inner, the people will cons'elcr and act Mr
deliberately upon ns their importance demands.
Si!.vsiTivi. IVor-tr.. There is no help for
being sensitive, but it ought to iclcIi a person1
tenderne'ss towurel others. It does not, hower-'
cr. A great inaViy peoplo who pride them1-'
fcIvcs upon their "Jfrnnkness," and aliVsrysf
'speaking their nilnil," nre the Tery hit 6hca
who vflll hear the 6ame things from ivftyboely
else. They never nro unlruo to' thylr convic
tions not th y ! They mcap' to bo faithful
nnd do their eliity. und so', they are nlwaya
llarlng your faults irr the most offensive.
manner. Hut go to' otic of these people and
say tor him, "Mr. Hetchel, I reel it my duty to
tell you that ypuV temper is not the swe-etrst.
that your children bcluvo bad at school, that
they lie, pinch, play truant, nml arc dirty lutes
Iho bivrgaln ;" und lo I you have disturbed s
whole wasp's nest or evil passion, and pro ttv
bly your family nnd tho Hetchels will be put
in non-lnlcrcourso nil the rest nf your lifer.
Speaking onu's mind with these people, meana
their priviledge of sticking needles into rvciy
one's feeling they choose, whereas all thet
neighborhood matt be svvCct us, summer to
w.ud thcin,