Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 16, 1861, Image 4

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Trenly of Fence, Atnlly nml Cnnimrrec between
llio tTnlttil bin to ur America nml C'lilin.
Concluded nl Tientsin. June. If. I Mm mil-
,. , . .at .. i. ,., . ' ,. ... . -.- mi ik-inLii.i; Ku II iiivii ! . imp run,, i
lMbythelnl.tfcinlc Ihcciiikrai, IN.M, full Imulry niuf strict JiLt'ce shall be
nml 'locliiltmil liy llio IWdcnt or the L lilt- ,. pre ,nlse. Ami llic iM uiiimiI nm!
wl Slntc, Jnnniiry JO, IfcfiO. sliiill circrully nttul all nets of olicnci
miy require, on terms of cepmllly nml reciprocal nttllon commit net of violence or disorder, use
lespiet. Ami llieeotiMiliiiidlocnloniccrhn1l arm to the Injury of oilier, or crcnle illslurlr
cinplny llic tj Ic or iniitiint comtnunlcalloii. If nnccs enditngt rltiti llfo, llic nniccr of the two
i iiiu oniucrit m ciitipr nntitiri nro tllrcspccirully government, ttlll exert thctmelvc to enforce
'tented or nirgrlcitd In nny ttnybylbo other order nml to maintain the public hence, by do
tiulheulllc, they hnto tin- light to make rcpre- Ing Impartial lustlec In the premise,
sciilitlinn of the fume to the superior nlHccr of Art'clo Xl'X. Whenever n merchant vcfel
Hip rcpeclltc government, ttlio shnll fee thit t,eotiglng to the United Slntcsshnll cant nnchor
e nail In In cither of the snld pmt. the supcrenrgn, mas
id ngent ' ler. or reintliriicc. 1.1ml I within fnrtr-rluht hour'.
ill V nttul all net of olfi'licc In the ilmin.11 il.n l.lt, nmum In Hie lutnils nf Ihn
lhj the Piaittcnl nf Mr Viillcd States r nnicets nml people of China. On the arrival nf convil or person charged ttllli hli functions
Amntun nceiiiui miiy nct'iciiiiiu tie nny pore in minn. .who shall cnuso to lie comrminicaitii lo uie
Kiiiwi ini'i'tnv ' "mil "e weiiuiyiii iiicinloisiirtir liieunlleel
A 1 IIULI.A.MAIIU.V I .Stnl.-t In notify llie sntnnti.lt,.' not irn.ir errm.
Wicrcn,n trenly between the I'nllnl Slntcs'ritl nf llie proilnco where such port I, who
ncrlntcndent of ciistnm n true report of the
name and tonnage of puch vcnel, the numlier nf
linf. rtAU n.l llm tinl.trit fir hrr rnrrtn. til. el.
nf America and the Tii-Tslng Kinplrnun. con- ishnll forlhttilh recognise the tnlel consul ami , he ng done, ho shall give n permit for her ill-
. ........ .....I -I....... ... 1-1 .t.. I... II. ..1 I ........I ...... -...I...... -.I I I " .' . .. ".. .' -
eluded and ulstrd nt Tientsin hv their rcicliiraiil him authority to act
live idenlpolcnllnrics on Hid right' rnlli day of I Article XI. All citizens of the United Slntc
tune, 18."8, which trenly Is wold for ttoid, ns of Amcrlci In China, peneealily nttcndlng In
follows : ' their nll'.tlr. tiling plnctel mi a cnmnion footing
The Unltol Slntc of America nnd the T-! n.r n'nily nml poenl will t Itti Miljcln of China.
Tslng Ktnp'rr. deslilng to innlntnlii linn, lusting ", cclve nnd enjoy for thcnitcltc nnd etc
nnd sincere rrlcnil-blp, hnvc rcoltc.l lo renew, rytl.liig nppirlnliilng lo them the protection of
In n manner clrnr nnd polllve, by means nf n ' ' ' nullmrltles ir got crnini'iit, who shall
treaty nr Renernl conentlon or pence, nmlty "lefend tin in rrmn nil luvilt or Injury or nny
nmi couiimrce. iiieruic" which mihii in iiiiiiip "' "'.".".. .'" . iM"i?'y ""'
be ttiliiatly nlivned In the liitrrcmirsc or their
rcfpecllvccnmilrlf'i Tor wli'rli mnl ili-slrnld'1
nlijicl the I'rrsldriit of the I'niteil Slate nml
the an jttit mt i reign of the Tn Tslng I'mplre
have named fr their rienlmilciillar'c". t wit t
the I'rwldnit nf the I'lilted Stales nr America.
Wllllnm II. Ilecd, l'.noy llMraonllunry nml
Minister l'k'iilpolnillnry tn China niid his
Slnji-sly the l.'nieror of China. Kwellliing, n
inendxrof the l'rly Council nnd Superlnlen.
ntni ol Die llrnnl nl ruiiMiimlil" t in! IIHiv
nml or nllnckid liy tnoli, Incendiaries. or olhrr
lolenl or lawless ktoii, llio local nmctis, on
rcriilltlnn oDhe cniiMil. shall Immediately ills
pitch n mllllary Torcc In dlpere tin- rioters,
nopnlicml Ilia fdillly liidlthliinls, nnd jmnlsli
them with the ntmut rlunr or the law. Pule
Jects of China iinttly of any criminal net toward
ciii.ciis oi me unileil Males Hull lie puin-iicil
by the Chinese ntilhurltles ncconllng tn thclnws
chnrire. And llio mater. snnercariro, or con
slpuee, If lio proceed lo discharge the cargo
without such iiermlt, shall Incur n linn of live
hundred dollars and the goods so discharged
without permit shall bo subject In forfeiture to
the Chinese go eminent. Hut If n maler of any
tcscl In port desire to discharge n pirt only of
the cargo, It shall be lawful for him to do
so, paying duly on such part only, nnd lo
proceed will, the remainder to nny oilier
port. or. irthcmaster sniiesire.iiemnywiiiiin
iorly-elghl hours nfler llio nrrli nl of the tcjel,
but not Intrr.dectde lo ilepartnllhotit breaking
bulk In which cae be shill not be subject lo
pay tonnage nr oilier unties or charges until, mi
his nrrlvnl nt nnnlher port, he shall proceed to
dlschnrgo cargo, when he shall pay the duties
on vessel nml cargo, according id law. Aim
lie online ilnt cMIinll ie Held ilue nner me
of China; nnd cllleiu ol the United Slnte, I expiration of 'lie said forly-clrh' hours. In
, who'eaicnf the nb'cnec r the consul or person
either on shore or In any inercliinl essel
li.ltin. l'i..:,1,.nl nf 11. n ll,..i,l .,f f-t. II I llltn I III1V llKtllli trouble, or WOUIIll the mrsilll". (If rlmr.r,..! 1. III. Iila rnnrllnna. llm Pfllilnlll nr Sll
nnd Major Oncrnl of Hie llnnlernl llliie II inner '"lirc ""' ri"nPMl.v,l'r J-liliiiw. or conimll nny p.;rcnrgo or the vessel may hntc recourse lo the
IHMiiinr the Chlne-e ll.uiner-lu"ii. IkiIIi nr 'other Improper net In China, shall be piinbhed coniul of n friendly peiwer, or ir he ploae, ell
the in bcltu Iiuperhil Ciiinniblniirr and I'leiil- . ,,!'l)' '')' th-cou-iil or ullicr piiM'c filiiclliitiaiy rrclly In Hi" supcrlntendLMit or cuslom, who
tiolenllnrlesi nml the said inlnlsler. In lrlue i theietn niilhoilxid, necnidlng In Hie lawsor the shall do nil that Is required to conduct the
nr the rrsiKCllte full Miners the lmi recelieel I UnlUd Stale Arre-ls In order to trial may Iri I shin's hiilnc.
from their gene rumetils, hnv ngrcul upon the 'undo by cither the Chinese or the L lilted .Stale. Article XX. The superintendent or ciilnm,
lunoning nnicies:
Article I. There shall tie. ns II rrxtmvc al
ways. Iiern. peaeo and Irle'inMilp lf Inccri 1'ic
U lilted Slates nf AmrricA nnd the Ta-Tslng Um
pire, nnd Istween llnlr penple, leprrllely.
Ihe-y shnll tint lii'iilt nor nppre-s ench nllur for
nny trilling cause, sn as In prmliicennrstratige
Miy trilling cause, sn as to prneluce an rstratige.pl""'. cimreiies nmi ccm. ii
ment Utween them t nnd ir nuvnlher imliVm Inlirtsli-d can fit llic rent by
JimiM act iiiijiillv nr iippnUelv. llm Culled " nKreemeiit l the prnprli
Stales will evert their gnnd ulllci-. on l-diig In- '"''' 'i eorbilanl pnee. n
Article XII. Clllcns nr Hie United Slates,
residing or injourntiig nt nny or Hie purls upon
In rnri'lgn commerci', shall l- peimltiid to rent
heniM s niid places nl biMiiers.nr bite sites nn
wli'eli lliey can lhrinehi's biillil limii-s or ho
pllnl, churehes nml cettnterles. The patties
mutual tnl limit-
tors sti.il! nut ile-
nor tli.ill llm local
rmmriliifllier.lv. in brlnn nlmtit mi niiileiible'nillhnritleH Interfere, unless Hitre Is some nls-
nrraiiitrtiieiil nl llienticfllun. Iliiioliuuliis their 'Jcllon nllirnl on the pirl of Hie Inhabitant
frlrmlly feellnc.
Article II. In order tn prrpeliinlc friemMiip.
nu the rvehange nf rnllllcnllenn by th? I'resl
dcnl, Willi Hie mil lee niid cnii'ent nr the Senate
nrihe Unllid Slhle. and by bl Mijesly Hie
UintHrnmr China, Ihlslrrnly shall !' kept and
mere illy guaielcd In thlswny, vl.i Thenrlgluti
trenly, n inlllled ly the I'rrsldent or Hie Unllid
rintis. sunn iniiiniiiiii ni irKing, iiierapuai
resp'cllng Hie pl.iee
nl.lv InIt nil tiirltriilnr kiuilc.l.nl ifirli ihiIl
shall riimliiclwlllijiitlccnml mo-li-rntiixi. Anv
U'serrilloiieil Hie cenielerh's by nilhes of Chi-
llieleanl fti-sln Ihunlll-
s fur npplylug lln Ir seal sh ill !. paid. 1 he
oii nt the I'nlliil hlale-s shall mil unreason
tn order In the collection or the proper elitllc,
shall on npplicntlon mnde In hlni Ihiougli the
coiimii, nppoint siiiiaiuc oncers, who snan pro
re I'd, In the pretence ol the captain, supercargo
or conigtii'c, to make n Ju-1 nml fair -.ntnlnn
lion ol mi goeHM in uie net m nriug eii'riiargni
(or Importation or laden Tor rvpotlallnn nu
hoard nny merchant vessel eir the United Slntcs.
And ir disputes occur In rognrd to the tnlucof
Ihosc who quietly profess nnd Icncli thcsi doc
trines shall not lie linraiil or persecuted on ne
count or their rnlth. Any pertnn, whetlier citi
zen of llio United Slates or Chinese cnuwrt,
who, nccnrdlug In these tenets, penoeably teach
and practice the prlnc'lilcsnr Christianity, shall
In no case be Interfeieii with nr molested.
Article XXX. The contracting parties hereby
ngrco Hint should nt nny time the Tn-Tring Um
pire grant tn nny nation, or Hie merchants nr
citizens nr nny tuition, nny right, prltllegc, or
fuvnr, connected cither nttlinntlgnllnn.com
inert", poll t'cil or other Intercetlue, which Is
noi tonierreei nj mis irrnty, sticn rigni, priti
lege, and Tator shall nl once freely enure to the
bcuellt nf llic Unlteel Stales, Its pticlic ullioerr,
merchants, nml cltlzeife.
The present treaty or pence, nmlty. nnd com
merce shall lie rntllu.il by the l'ri'sfdent or the
United States by nml with the ndvlco nml con
sent nr the Senate, within one year, or sooner If
polble, nnd by the nugut Sovereign of the
Tn-Tslng Umpire forlhnltli ; nnd the million
linns shnll be exchanged wllhln one jenr fiom
the elate or Hie signature thereof.
In fallli wherrof, we. the ri-rin cltro plcnlpo-
lenllaiies or the United States er America nml
nf the Tn-Tslng I'mplre, ns nforcsnld, hate sign
ed nml sealed these presents.
Dement Tientsin (lit eighteenth day of .time,
In the vear of our t.oret one thoii'nnd elchl hun
dred and Itrty-ilght, nml the ludeM'iideiica nr
the United Slates nr America llie clglilysrcor.il.
nnd In the eighth year or lllenrung, llllli month
mid eighth day.
Wll.Mttlll. Hkep, !
KWKItltMl, J.I.M
Article IX. The preceding nrllclc Is. Iioiv.
ever, lint In apply to tlm ltiipnrtiitliit or mil,
mid nf llic prneliice or llie tiatlonal fljlicriM
cncli of the) two pnrtics rcscrvlnif lo Itself the
faculty of granting special privileges for llie
Importation of those articles under its own
Article X. The litgli cnnlrnctinjr parlies
ngrcc lei ronsietcr nnel In Ircnl ns llelginll vc
scls, nml m vessels or Iho Unltrel Stairs, nil
llinse which being nrovldeet bv the comiictent
nutliority with n pasporl. se-u-lcllcr, or nny
oilier sufficient document, shall be rcconijieel.
conformalily with existing Intts. ns national
vtcls In llie country to which they respec
tively belong.
Article' Al. Ilclalan vessels niul liine of
Iho until il hlnles may, conrormuhly ttllli llic
laws of the Inn countries, relnln on board, In
the ports of both, such parts nf their cargoes
ns may be ilesllueil for it lorcign country j nml
stirli pnrt tlmll not bo subjected, cillicr while
they rrinnln on board nr upon reexportation,
In nny charges whatsoever, nlhcr than tho.c
for the pretention of smuggling.
Article XII. Purimr the ncrtoil nllnweel
rV.i'CJ.?,V.nI.,'t',"?C0,,V,riM,rTrC,l.V,' - ""'"t "I"' Accoiints Collccte
for the warehousing of inoel. no dutle-s, nlhcr '
than those of wnlcli nnd sloraire. thill be lev
led upon nrliclrs brought from cither country
Into llie other white nwultin trnult, rcl'x
portation, nr entry Tor comumptlon. .Such
pooels shall In no case be stibj-ct to higher
warehouse charge, nr In other formalities,
limn If they hail been Imported under the IHg
.01 me rntiniry.
Ariic;cAiu. in nil unit rcintrs toeiuties
Alulwherta, llie mid Irrnty lio been duly
rntlltut no IhiIIi tiarl. nu.i llic Usmclltc tnllll-
:. - -....-,..-,.. ... .
cn inns or me snme nvc i)tii c:.ciiange ,: . r P1inmt n,t ,.-iniInn. il,n itm 1.11. .
UV'S rllc promise, rcciprocnlnn, to
America, hate cnu-eil the said treaty to lie nude l-'f.nl nny favor, privilege, ir 'mmunilt lo nny
public, to the einl Unit the same, nnd etery i other h late which diall nol Instantly become
clauennil nrtlcle Ihriteif, tuny bonli-ertrdnnd Iceinmon to the rltlwns mnl subject of bllli
liilnileil with goml Inlili liy 'the United Stales pirllcs rrfprclively i grntullniislv, IT the con
nml llie? cltlens there e.f. I ns'Iein or fntor In surli oilier Klute I ifrnln
Treasure, l'arccls nnd I'ncliages forwarded In
charge of Mecngers.
Goods t'eirchascd nnd Commissions filled with
Wells, Unrgo A Co's check on San Francisco,
ami their Draft on London, l'arls,
Dublin cr Ihn principal cities
In the Atlantic
Can be obtained nt nny of our Ofllccr.
Offices and Agonts.
Portland Well. 1'nrio ev CV,
At J. V . Tucker's
San 3Txvaa.oioo
lie cr illpln ed In nny country. Such as
In ltlngs, l'lns, litr lllng, Ilrncetels, etc.
w jm. rur mes 3k-jk ses '
100 Fine fiotd Watclic. rrom nil the cele
brated maker, Including the cedebrn
tetl l'latlnn .Movement, nt prices
rnngVg rrom 8U lo $ lOO.
MJ.1. -m'- .. m-- -Mf o '
Such n Ten Scl. Dinner Set, l'ltchers,
Uohlcts, Napkin Itlng, Cup. Kith
Kutti', l'ie Knlti's, l.iulles. Salt
Cellar, Cnki'ltnhel, Castor.
Salvers. Camllesllek, Sugar llakcts, ColTct'
nml Te.il'rns, lliilltr Knit cs.Sugar Spoon,
Ice Spoeui. (Iravy Spoon, l.hpior
Slnnil, 7(10 ilnx Spoon nnel 1'eirks.
good subject to nd tnloretu duty, or In regmd
to the niniiunt or tare, nnd the same cannot lie
.tllsractorily nrrangcel by the inrlies, theipie
lion may, wllhln twenty-four hours, nml lint
nfti rwanl. be refern d In Hie said coutil to ml-
Just with the superluteude-iit iifcu-loini.
Arucie a.m. iviii.cn oi uie uniicii einies
who may li.itelmiMirtid mcrchandl-eliitn nny
nfllinriin imrl nf f?lilnn. niul li.l!il tin ibilv
tin shall be set i r( ly puiiMinlnre ling In law. Hirrron, IT lliev desire In rc-cwirl the same In
At the places where the h!in nr llie Unilnl I n.irl nr In wlnile In nnv nlher nr tin1 said port.
Males anchor, nr their cltlrii res.de, Ihv nu r- rlinll ti eiilllled In make npplle nllon, Ihroiial
nf Ids .Majesty the Umprteir of China. Ill charge ! clMiils. siineil. eir nlhe r. r.t-i fnrly pa-s nml Hielr emi.til. tn the silperinlemleiit nf riclimi,
nl Ihn I'rltr council t md nsmlllliil bvhi.M.i- ni'.i'slii the Immeillale inlglilairliiHHl ; but, In who. In nrdrr In ireteiit fraud nu llm revenue.
Jcslvllm l.miiernr nr China shall lc dip-idled ni'brtnlhe prrsi nation nf the public p-nee. I ,'ia cuuo examination In l ni.ul-. !' milatile
nl Washington, the capital ni the Unllid Stales, ' I'"' '' l"it go Inln llmeinitilry In the t Ilia-InnWrs. tn see that the diilie pn'd mf such
In elmrge nf the Se-ctrftrv f Slnle. nnd mart In sell their guenl unlaw Tolly, In ! gniKl in are cntcrtil nil Hiertl-loni liiMielmnki
Article III. In older 'Hint lhiienpe nr llm! Iiundnrihi-retinue. cirii'ioml with llm n prvsenlnlliili nimle. ami
two rniinlrirs nny knnw nml eiW llm ,nnl-1 Artlile Mil. IT nny ves-e l eir llm United Hi.it the girnd r.mibi ttllli Hialrnrlglnal marks
loin or lid Irinlv, the Unileil Stale' ol AtiurVn 'Stale- Is wrickiil or slrtmlnl nu tlmcoa't nr, iiuebangul, nml shnll then make a iiiemnrniiihiiii
ngrre, Iminilinte:lv nu llm exchange nf ntllVii-.I'll''"'. 1,llfl l" nilj'eleil In plunder crnlher ell- In llmpitrl rli-nrai.rn i.f Ihn kimhIi nml the
lion. Iiiprncurellminnie. nml In publish It bv tins'', the proper nlllcrseil giiviriiimiil.ini re-niiiiiiint nribilles pt'd nu the same, nnd ilditrr
nroclnmnllnii In lliei:nzille-tthrri llm laws n'f celling Inlnriuitloii nf tin- I let. tli.ill immiii;-. .. same In Hie iii'rchiilil.niid shall iil-iirrrliry
the Unite el Stale nr America me HiLIM.i d M nil I.V nll mi n-ures fur lis Mii-fuml i-ecurlly : I tin- Tacts In Hie ntllee'i of i il.lniil nf the nlher
milliorilyt nnd hi Mnji-lv tlm i:iirii-or Hi" p-rsnn n Imaid sl.all ncelte liliinlit 1 1
riilim. im il.n fvi-lininri. nf riilil.inlnii.. -,.,. In atiut'lil. nt.d I I'll ibtnl In r intr nt nure In ' i
Immrillntilt liiilrerlltiiMiiibllcntloniirili miiii- . Hie nearest put I, nnd tli.ill enj.iy ill fic'tith and I'terylblna Iflng liiiiiid. em exnminallnii
nt Ihecnpllal mid It ll.e i;oi erne's of I t ,e for eililalnlug xiipplie" nr pmtjMiu nml wnlcr iIm re. In rnrri-poml. she shall l iviiinltiil In
protlnces. ' If the nu reliant tisn I nr the Unileil Slates, , iirrnk built nml I iml the said gimds wlllniul ln-
Arilrle IV. In mdir fuillur Ini'irp-liinle "Inle In Hie wntnsniir which tli( hliu-se gnv-j lug siil.Jirl In lh pat meiit nr nny ihMIiIiiiiiiI
frleiiil.hlp. Hieiiiiiil-brnrciiuiiii'mluniT. or the e'rutiiciit fxrii'lsisjiirlHlklliiii, In-pbuiibriil by duly limn-on. Ilul ll nu stub exuuilnallon. Hie
Mghcstillpliiiinllen'prisi'iiiatlveo'lhe Culled i mMier nr plrnle, then llie Clitm-e local an-1 superintendent of i'u-lonirhall dele I'lnnyrrniid
Slate or America In Chilis, snill nt nil limes I lhrllUs. rltll nnd mllllarj.im ni-eltliig lurur- Inn llm rctemm 1 1 theca-e. Hn'ii tlm gil-shall
Imtp the right tr. row Mcminn t mir it rf"i rl inillmi the nnf. shall nrrest llie said roblrs or lln- subject in lnrfelture nml ronll-e-altiin in the
iiiunlllv nml cotir..b' w Hi tL n liens of the. pirate s.nud I iiih-Ii llitm ucciirillng Hi law, nml Chlm-n gnternimnl. Innlgn gniln ir rc
I'rltv council Ht lie rait In . 1 1 n 1 1 I be env- slnll riiil'e ni
trnnr gene ml eir the Two Kwaug. Ihe pint luces
oi i iiiikteiimiiii iiiiiii.istigii 31 UieiwiiMiiug
!nwilni'whirenr, I hate hereunto el my im,t, nn, on ullowlng Iho same cninpeiintlou. ' CnM-aelcs Ilradfnril A- Cn.
hand nm caused the seal or the I lilted Slate le. I nr ,,,! !lK f l0 conctwloii Is condl- Wk;: v. .V , Vil,"c.M,n.?. Co'
bennixi.l. i (ieifiil lUulh Walla ll.il.htln.V Uhllnnn.
Dimenl Ihe city nr Wiuhiiiglnn, till twenty-1 -,t,., nr ,- (,11i...i ,,nM .i..ii t... ' Ore-gem City N. II. Ingall.
slxlhiliyiif January. In Ihe j.nr i-r nur ' 'V"Iltr,.r. t,rnclinjr parties shall lay Cl,1flip,M.gff. . p Crawr.ird.
1 1 en.;- llinmaml -fght humln.l ami slxly. . 'I'i (.ooel Procml n;f frnn. the soil or Imlui- n t toTllIo . . . . . . ............. !'. X. .Malhcwi,
ijejitliil nf the Imtepeml ncu nf the United ' rv 'i",e " ''cr party, whleli maybe liiipnrleil ),y.,ri Williams A Mpiienrntt.
Males Ihe ilchly-louilh. , hid ns pons, nny iiinir or nigiier eniilcsni s-.f,,,,, J.llinbil.
J.tMI'S ItfllltNtN.
Ily the I'resi.leiit :
l.ktris Cas. Secretary eif Fiale.
I imn-iriati.iu or re e'.xnorlat Inn I niuarc a d nivm c.r.niii.
the Importation nn.l rce'.Nporlatlnn ol sluiilar Albany,
i gooil c iinln? rmm nny other f.ueign country. I.'iigrim City
' ArllrleXIV. In civs nfstilnvirc!,il.iiii- Oakland
ngesnt sen. or birail iiulttn- In.c.ieli patty ' llo'eburjr..
Slock .V Knulmnii.
Shelbv A C.i.
W. A. Atlee.
t.ord. I'eters A Co.
II. A. Ilarlnn.
ferry, Wade A Cn.
f'.mv. Ill Inn IihIuiiii llm I'l.tlial Sil.ilix f.l ulllll lllT.iril In llm Vixo.ll nf ll.i. iill,r tilinlliir I'llllttlltll llie
Amcrlr.intid Mis .M.ij.sly Ihe Klnjj m the Ulonging tn Ihe Slntc or tn Individuals, the lucUionvlllr llrttinIMlM.p H.
Ilelglnn. Ci'iieluihil nt 'Wiishinglon. .Inly 'same nslslnnee nnd prnleettoit, nml Iho siinu K. V. TIIACV .V CO.
1", IMS. Itilllkxl, April lit. IkVI. Ilatf. ' luinmiilticy.wlileli wnii'd lave! bevn (;riiiiteil In OclnWr!" -II
firallniMcxi'hnngnl. April III. IH.'iU. Urn- Its own v.-si'l In similar rne,s. ' -
rJiiimcei iiv the Cnslilnil of the I illicit . Article A. it isiiinrenvrrnerecellictwein I RRSIR VU3MQI nilf
the two r.ii'.lnicl!iif n.irll.-s. Ih.it Ihe ennsul i w v- v
f nml tlccrnwiiN nf the ITitIlt.nl Slnlcs In the A X i".M'rlrncrl Xnrso itml Fc
' pnrl of lt.-lglniii,nn. ivcliimrallf, the c.hkii! , V mull- Cliynlclitti, prvsent to Hie nt.
nml tlevcmni's ed" llelgliint In I lie kiiIs f i innimi tu I'lmntrs.mr
the I'lilletl Sillies', shall rnntltute in iijny all ,S C) O 'I.' T I T N O
.Stiito. Apr I in, Iri.'y.
lhj l',t I'mittnit ry tht 1'iiiltJ
Whereas n t'niirriitliiii In-ltiit-n the I'tiitcel
Am.rlmr.rMl Id .MnJ.s.y ll.e Klnsiift'ffi'lK8.
rilulis ol
nr ihe lb
Ihelr ri-sMrlive iiitiiliinlentlnilin nt Wtuhl'iir-
Inn, on the I7lh ilny ( .litlv lnl. "In. h Con.
I Inn.
ci -' if r r
ll.' prltilegcs. prolcello-i. on.) iuUimice ti'U I T.:. r,,,Mr. ..,,,,
bent, nml wlilcii miy be nercs- " w.... .vU...ub,
iroler elischare nl I heir fiine- V deli crrntlv far. 1 tales the process or lirllilne
Tliemkl ceniMiis nnd t ttv e miii's miy by sufli-nlng the t'iini. rwluclng nil liill.ini.illon
l... ., it.:, Vt.- 1.. ....'.I... r:.t... I. i. ....: ."..... . " I" I.Jiincl.sli.li.wiil luck. .Illt.r In -tUll nliay ..." '" spi.m..c neunu, nmi
",.,. I" , "" ' "....t ....... ......r.i , vinii mii- i ie r lesse nr lii IM r enunlrt- rii-Vi wniiii'ii "'" ' mw ". we vim iipnn 11,
The U.iil.! Sliitts nf Amrrim n the one .utim, '' this cn.l lliry shall npp'y In will. 'J'rSl ibis nrlicln rr n,-.r
i..ii fin.l i.Ij tl.it.hii.- ii... I. t.... ,.r ii... it..i..tn. . ...... . . r .'.' ... . ti n ite tiitl un nut siiei tuts nrucm ror over
i ; -..- ..v'-,... ... i. ..njii.iin lng , mo ti i in en cm nui inr i-s, ii ii ,.,,,..:,,. n,',,! ,.,.,.,,,,,, ,,j .-,,i ,.r
ni lin i.ll.r iiiiir.wb.il' In insniniK n ii ii.- .I...H 'i ...ii.i. t r .i ....... ten years, mnl em.i.y. in ri!nitni uni inM, nr
(iirin.il iii.iiin.r llnlr rce-jprentil reliilmii of ,-rcw.lst ir nllie'r tin
cnnnni cu nti i.ivig.uinii, nmi lurlbir ( in i ilicni.lliiil llic Mnuiv
rMrn'Mvn. iiim'huii iiii nt-f l'himia-.ii di inrir i ti irt iT n.t t. i.i mmu ri
' . . .t '..:.'i, ' it- rtti'i tiini i i "'ii ritt.ii t iv in nr it riif
imrri-sis. r. -ri.-iv. me rmiMUuf rrleniMilii ,m, .upperltsl. the eUlltrry ... Ilieil'iwtcrs tirdldtre kit "i nl"'"'"'" ,m nu Ins
nuigmiiiti.i..r,iiitii.iiniiiipjiiyrsliili.slnil ,ll t l,. rer.ne.1. Th.v shill. innrmter. I.inee nl ill-mt I
inu cienr.iry nu nre
ntnl sfx-nk In It-rrn
Such n t.ava Sets. Cameo Sets, .fel Scls
Coral Set. Ilinci'lct. llucklc.of every
Icrcrlptliin. Crocs, Jet mid (Inld,
Watch 0 It n I n s i In vnrlnut
style", Thimble, gold and
silver, Sleeto Hut
ton ami .Stud,
i very vnile
ly, ICO Nick C'hnlnf.-
Quftrtc eToxvolryl
Such n liir King, I!rent I'ln, Cane llrttds,
Sbx'tc liultou nml Stud, Itracclcts.
With Cold. Quart, niul I lory Ilen.l.
10(1 tlill.l.TiiO Mrl renin', Kork nml NHMna
IVSrtaxtlo Oloolcett
Two dozen Him gilt nml broiitu sUtucll
.Mmitln Clocks.
A largf n-Mirlmi-ut nf Superior Tablt and
Ueickit Oiilbry.
,r-AII or llm nlsne Oood will lie sold at
tin-lowest pit.'ibie rntes, n the linilerslgunl I
desirous nr riming out hi linmeusu stock bsfort
the llrrl or.Mun.li. 43-ly
Crtwrnl til)-.
rVsa-BQ nrti,xa'iiac?Gnii
r3s vc asf&m
f e.xlnblli'iil or llm tvels I(i -nt ,, h ,V(, ,,,:, r K-rn nble tn my nr nut
.ientu.nls,ilu!ye.rllllil by IIM .4Vlnr. .Vt- i'-C,': rr h, lf,lnt
iriwlinmil.iri.ilinriirinil ,, ., tii!i inAt vi..ii.i. ,,ef '"?
iw. In such ilennnd. rrt.nh-n Hit Vl ? u,))l .1 vlynl. .N.-
;h,,yl,V;.nl..h.;pr,.p..ywhie.,v:in.,;re,.,v:i I g nnVnany
iMInlsTslnreel t.i tlm nwmr e.r ibic.il In the , Un led Slnles.nm m.t Utiilid.niny ln!i.xpurted I ,.,, ...imilr:..7. ml ilnliln wlili il.i. vim.- i..i nrniruuiiiiKniHiuc in snirrmn. inr. , .i. .,.,, ... .,
hand nr llm r.i.l. II. by re....... ...f HmeMen. j ; t hln.lniuce. I i ,.,"'. ,".,,, .!':.,. , " ll ! J ' " ?. ?! "'"j "TC l"ri,.'I r!,r'' wh" '.h ' ffir r iin', 1Z 5
- VJl,"isWjV.''2fW
""" " "" V '"" ': ''-i I tu.iiiii.i iiiiiiiniiici'. . . . nmi' bi, e. bv miiii.mi.ii nr.i.im!il. .. iiiVM. ".:.'.. "'.".... "' i ...... ' '... .V.V. nf liluln-t pnnnn-iu itlnn .if It.tnuea rlleet.
mid wb. tieter he ib sires tn inieniibr.iri.-.n. nri.-rrllnry n,..i limn, nm ppuiiilnit ..rLinnn Arfele XMI. Thelnnnnfc tlniy tm ""-Il i-i.i-"i.i,.:, ....liii.rt, .J.r.Vr ...lr-V.... V "I"1" " rr-i1n.i.ni.si. no.t at n.c t-iisc-n-w- hh: , - ' .. , , ' w , .,. ,.,,, mal.r
.Wee ttllli Iho I'rlty e'.iuiell nt llm cap'lnl b" It shall In nny cf. Ii., n Unit Ihe roblHrscan-1 f llm United Slates shall ! iniiiillliil nn I ..-Ir i r'1'' '" ro'""" "" "I"" '' "'l' "'.. . l"",", "" ' ""' '"""" ,,' f0"l',"1 ""l 1;,l' . v J w ?A lnJ " iirt. r t.-it ti-tr ixi.-rV. e.
shnll bate Ihe right s.,.1 I Ih.i.u.Ji.'llh.r nl not l..uppr.m.'.I..I,ui,.l Ihe pr-p r'y .nly It. uns admltlid In ...try. lti.lt.-. nf Im-mrl) '" I"" I ir " ""k" '"1' "M"'"' "?"' '" ,,K I"1""" "f "M '"",,,r.v ,,ll,i, U ',",ll .ml ' tZZ,f7,:,iU "a Vrtl KhlllmnTJXl
lliesnI.lRntirii.ir grmnil nr by llmuin-ml Pt n.-.t.-..!. I he Chin.;.. g..tiii...m.it sin i -hall iHtpnM on llm di.. barge .,r the g.,,,.. nml vsl lli.il. If. I n i; .ii. ixl n ihe.r i!eiib.n. ,llV. fiml!lj pppmiiiMiy lur rrmlliu lliim .'rs.Xr Tn m
s..t : nnd all -nt I. . ..iMiiiiiili-nliciiV ibnll ! ..-nl I ni.l make Iiahinnll f l.ir llm i ...hN I..M ; but ll ' (t(M r ,x..t I nn the bidi.u nr lit- same. I rut tirics, imne ly : I lie 'n s.i out nf ll... I .nl. I,.,,.,,., (r, ,..t, v, r.(..,-, nu n portimlly slmu'.l 7L j.invul I Tuir, Ini rrel.i iVtlii tilt I exl.ni.tl..n
under seal, wide Ii -l.-.ll b.- no .1 i.ir. tulle res ' .1 s'l.tll Iwi-lntMl lint Ihel-'i'iilmfhorlllo hue whi-n nil surli dutie hat- Ih.ii p.iM.i.n. tint I Itil Mn'. lw.s t ti.'.Xi-ielnry n( Mule or Lot occur tvllhin Ihr.r nuui'ls nflir the arrets Cli.'r wilt Is. r.m-.l l.i Ihliri nr tttei.lf mlutite-s
rrnl. ns the cn-e innv bo, shall In nil eaes, run
t'dir end nckuiiithilgc such eeii,iiai;i!c.ilioi,s
prnmptly nn.l rep cttully,
Arllefe V. Tit. mlul-brnf tlm Uo'ld "int..
nt .timtien in ( i.it.ii. wtienet.r in-i.it- to
enwnt urn iinii.l M.ilis. aii'l li.s .MnjiMy the kin;; i,(. ,l,strlrr
ship's i of life lli-'gluu. -Mr. Henri II.i.'iiIi Smvr. Lot .r,,n i.
' slii..:rii-r..riiinl w ih Ihe (Vos nf Iron, Clmtnllir nf , however,
shill li C'lt.iiii'. lienleel In llmn-ii rior n'tllmrl '.-b ai.ti.ee. nml lliecoii'iil 'hall relurii t tj
ties for in. MO'liul .ng the Tlirniie. mid Hies. ntlH-r. Tlm .bill's shall ls p lid I., the
nnicer- Until I"' set. rely ii.nil.linl. nn.l llie-li ml hnr.rnl lit' llm t IiIih-ns ci.ti'iini"ut Ik re
ti-P'rtv IpcoiiIIhuiiiI In npay Ih.'ln-se. I .vlve tlies.ime. Iliitl.n str.ll Im piidnulru
.rllole.Mt. iii.'eiii.-iiniiimi inii.iMia'rsirt-itiii.i.itiur Insteeslltirnr iiilnivig.imin-y, u...,' ,.i, n. i,,,i ..,' ..,'..., i ... ....'' "'"""", j-i". ...-. ......-- .uV
sli ill l.nte II... 'i.l,l In t .t .....I M.jM.r.i nt Ih" nr.' p ll.till'dl.. Impii lit llm port iimI .IIIiT nt j .1 Ih- rale nf lln- .liy. ir He' citiiI mill n .' "i ', . , .' .', ". ,. .""" n..Vi I. ., l. K, I t ' "'1",r,lr0, U!' nl "r U"J "cu '" "''
ftiplini nr In Jlij'tiy III l.nilKl.r nt Ul.liui. ll union nim i,ii..iiiii...i nr i-n.nn.1. iii nu- prn-. u n in ie.it e urn pnri i n.r.' i;i.-n.iiu"i nun mi- .., i : ' 1 , , : "' ' -"n.n'.
the Otiler i.r l-op..!. Cl.t tnller i.r tin- l'..!.ir ,,. tt,,-, ,1(, ,, fIlll, ,.;j m.,.r
Star, Ms I barge il Allalrs In llm I n.te.1 ,.pi rrmn ll.e i.mvis.i.n. i:iili-s t
iitviii fnniMiiiii'ttii ii tt i .ii i.. ......iu i . t.'.
' ...... .",M,v.i rv I. i'iii.ii..ii u.
iwiwriri. ra,r!..Iiu,I to hi? I .hI...k ...nr.t.-(.
nnd there criiftr Willi a mimUrnr llm I'rltv ! time nl Kw.iug-tuuir. Ainoy. I'nli tli.ni. snxl nnsf ln. wrt t-i:il, lie fli-ill Im Iil!I n.viHUi;iilt . ,M l-'; l1"1! isrm. l.atc n;rrrl lo nml Artlelo -W'l. AilieJrs of nil l;!mk the
council, rr nny nlln r hledi tile. ruriil ntiik iTit'.-wan, In l'nriii.iu. In Hie pmtliie.) i.r I uh tl.irer..r.
el'pulHl Tor that puri.'0,oi mittir-i.le.Mnnii.il klin. Nlngpn, In the pt.ivine.. i.r Chili l.jing , Article XXIII. W
lute rot nnd silt milage. Ill t bit. -bull not i-v-' in d Sli.timnae m Hie prot in." or l'.tiig-ni. ni.d inrirlmut t i-sm 1 ..r ll
c-v.1 i.ue In rath vmr. nt.d he shnll li:pb t" li's nny "tie r p"lt nr idaci; In i.nfli t by Irinty w lib
liiislnrmtilllioul mime.! nry d.lsj'. I. tl.ntl . 'It r -ntr or !ili llm I n'l.i t'.it.npintil
t tt . . . .. ... mnl In II -.l it Till ITi.tTf Nm' 'ii
iniinwni ingn hv i.ii.irr .'.'t.i" l. ll.e inniilii i.eoiniT.'. ."'." ..-.--' -.. im.ii.r
nr Hie IVIIm. Iiitn ttl.ii Ii Im sh ill nut bring slilp ' .ii-l triub' ll.'re. ii.ul l picceiel nl 1 1. n ur; ttilh
T war. mid be .hall Inbuilt the nulh-irilli" nl , llnlr tes I ni..l mvich.ii.d. e rrom etiv of lln si
Ibtt pb.ee In or.hr Hut Uuls inav Ik prntiibd 'Tl In any nllur of lln in. Hi' f.t'd U'S'cb
for hi in to gn nn Id Journey. II." Isn.il to til." J slull no! fairy i cl tiidc.tinc nr.d fra-ilub nl
ndtmitngenf this llpul.itloii tn rieput i-ll I trade nl nllir mii Is nfClil.lt lint .I'vhircd In Ik'
tn the capital nu liitlal isrn-toii. UVuitir legal, nrnb.u? the cnal Iherenrt nnd nny te
he menu In ptocetd tn Ihecnpllal lie .hall com- hI under the Am rliM.t ll.ig tlol.illng ittln put
nuiiilcnte III writing. Ills lnl.litl.ili tn llm Hoard tMo.l rh'tll, wilh her cargo Is' subject In cniilN
oritlli-snt llm enpltal. nnd lln-rti on ih said e.itlini tei the Clilnrsc g.itirnmii.1 1 nml nny ell
Inatd slitll u-itelhu iiieisniiy iliuclloii" In l.i-' l.en of Hie Unllid .Stales win. shall Irnde In nny
rllllale Id Journey and gite him iiene..ry pro- ei.iitrnlaml nrllele nf nu rcli i.nl'si', shall l sub
trclloii and te-i-ilon hlsttav. On hUutritiil I J. el In ! dealt with l.y lln-fbiii' s- gen i ritiiK'tit
nt the rsnltal he .ball bo fnri'il-li.d with u sull-. wllhnut U'lng cnllll.il In nny omil.-uauco nt
nble rol.ie lice piinn.l for him. and he shall ' prnliellnn ftulii Ihat nf the I'titti.t Slates; nn.l
ile fray Ids own etpetix's; nnd Id e '.lire miIIim llm Unttid States will Inl.o iin'.i-ur In prevenl
mail not rtceeii utility peisiiii, -v. l.i'iif nl Ills llnur ins innn i'ing iimiiu y nn- niojecn. ni
t.'hlnrsenttiiid.tulii nn:r whom ilnll he cu- nllur loitleti n n rnttr Tor the tlulitlou uf Ihe
LMi-.il In trade'. laws i.r Hi.' U.u.i're.
Arltclo VI. Ifrtt any limn hi Majesty the. ArllclcXV. At inch nr llm ports oiien In
IviiiiH ror ol China rnll.liy trenly tnliiutnrily 'commert'e, clll"itrilie I nihil M.il.Kh.ill l
iiu.ii. or lor nut inner re-wiit. peiuui um up-, Kriniu.n in ini.i.ti irmu iminan, nunsii.piir.
hen emsl nn liorrd any
I nil.. 1 Stall.. In portr."
mire tn U iraiisiilim..) I
e.ili.ui shill Ih' innde t.i It..' rniit.il, w tin shill
rllrv what I th" tcraTn lln-r.T..r l l su
ontri'Stiil for tin' Kinii! eauii'. It 1M v.t'.uaMi- pnpirilin'i it tlm pn'scriptlon
iiikI. r-'n l that MXiinen or llm '.rineiiriimiun-l ttitrmyiliHlMiuluHrnim
nre New I. Ul.niil, nn.l l.a u.i'ii .! il with Murmb
lli.'V ii'Vi'irs''. lu
'J I(t!tiU(Is or Cases.
It nol only nliete til" child Innn ptln. Isi'
Invlvor.vle- ll.u stiiiuaeh mil bi.w.'l. rnrr.Tt-
.ii'I.lity, nnd gives lime itml eue.',v In the whole
ro.icluiliil llie.' Inllnwlli'' nrtlCies : IimiiitI nf iv'.iil. U nil i-.v.il In IW..t.i..i.P.....li a
ArlicVI. TIhtc rlitill bo fnil mil entire I fte'in or cnii.' In the Knlleel Smtif. ! nil In-1 -y.in. ll ttlll r Iivven1m.s Instantly
I'. '.I.M.'i'r w-'', r'nmdi ' flt'".'" ."'r. '""'""''T ".'', ,ux'e "l."" IkI . '"i " ' & ,,,,n,,,!, ,r;'"'il ,U! !", ,!l Wll,!, wl"'." ' Orlp'-ng in tlio Dowtlj nnd 7indcoUe,
n mllii r ti . i.n pll iho Inhnbilanls of the tw.i rnu.itr.'s. mnl I he llnri.ll llinugli lln- II luluit Ii rrilorr l I ,l " .. .... . ..,
ami .iiTli'.ue. i u.!ii.p."i.-, it .in... ii ni.l re-i,i.ij
remr.ii.-ii, einl u.M.Mwm, hi il.-ain. tt
miiio Htnriiy mil prteci,ii tvhieli is nj..yiil
un- cn u n nr rui.j.vis III men
IU"ltxl nn Ike rnilriml nl Ihe Suite.
p r'nleiideitlnrrii.toiiu. whn may nppnliil ..til ", ." ."",.. '. ". v. i i , -ii " t V 1 V ' .-.. ..r. ... '" i (,. PT.. It llm ( t'or l-t nml mtt
c-rs l.i examine Int.. llm rncl nii.lii-rn.il lh";?l,;l"1 "jr'V"11"1 "", '":." j'Kl'; "wwj'l ! f'-rcc .l.ir.i. ten y.nrs Imm He .late, e.r lie l;,,lv , lh Xni,,,.r!,S world. In nil
tmn tVpin-nt. And If nny geul-U- ir.in.slilp- Inhnbilnnlr. tt l..tl.crcstiib.i,lu or Icinporarily . ..U-linnp' . f ll.eralitii'.itiniis, nnd until theix- Mfsurilvwii (Tci-liiltiKt) tery nml Uiar-
......'.,... ... ... ..!.-.... .. .I..II i... ...I. 1 res.il.ll Wilhlll mil ttlirfii. rllU! .ir l.i ipim I lilnilliill j.r . Ui.lt. Itiimllia rii. l.t.i.v ..C It... I . . . . Z-- ...,.... 1.
' ixtl turnout "fill, ll riiiiiiiiuej rmiii w imr -- -0 ....... .... .................. ,.,.,,,....,.. - rmrt in iiinu --'- rvn, nni-iiii r 11
ll,,-l I., r,,rf, ll,.,l In llm Cldim e nt- n.tiienl. ItlinlfVCf df HiO IWO COIIIitrKf. shall l.ol. on lllgll cnulmcllll P.UtleisLi have miti'iIM'il nrtuw rrom 1 1'. Ililm- nr from nthiT r.tne. Wr
ri'K'iilallie of nny furelgn n.illoii In re-ldo nl
hi raplul for n long nr short time, then, with
out uiiv furlliT eon-uliatliiu or ixpr. terml
sinn, llm represeiilallte nf the Uiilltd State lu
China .ball b.it.- Hie smn.'pritlh-gc.
Article VII. 'Ihe sui-nlnr nullinrlllesor Ihe
Unlliil Slal.s niul ( hlii.i In rrri !iillng In
ge Ihtr shall do so on (emu nreipubly uml In
form or mutual clitninirileal nn, (ehiuh'tiil )
The con. ill. and III" tnejl nDl.'.'i's. cit il mid lull
iUry, In eorioMioii.lIng togi Hi. r shall Ik-uix-emiilov
llie sttfo mitt lorm e.r inulii.tl eiiiiiintiii'-
cation, ((h.iiiliwiil.) Win n Inf. nor ollli'irs nl Irt.ry un reliant u-xl U'longing tu the I'nliul
Iho nne gnviriimeiit niMr !ssuu il.ir nllieir of Stales eulrrlng either of Ihe hk.-ii pils nt Ih.'
Hie nlhcr Ihey shall do r.i In llm title ut'd Innn . rato of f.iur mad' r ton of Inrly entile fe.t. II
iritulo limn. .111 u tin-lie our one uuu.in.i nun 111v1.nn1.11111.il.
ilni.e, nml i.xpott nil ini'icli.mill) nr width the
luinrlaltnn nr xpnrlalion I nut prohibited by
Ihe Itwse.rilm Uuiplu'. The larlll nf duties In
Iw n1. liy eill.eiH nf Ihn Unllid Slates, nu the
exp trl uml Impm I nf gno.l Imm uml Into China
shill l-v tlm .'.nun u wit ngtinl iimiii nt H.e
trenly or Wiiiililii.e.xetpt in r.inu it miy In
moililled bv In-alti ttllli olli r ii.itlinis.il Icing
..pey ll. 1 11 il i;...l elll.i'l.s nr llm I I1II11I
Star. sli.ill iiet.rp.y lilgli.-r.luti.s t'liu 1U1
ptl I by Ihe iii.ul r.unrid i.ali.iu.
ill I . te At 1. ...iiiHi.-iiiiiiivMiaii nc putt 1111
nt mi-.iinrliil l.lili. M-I.l t, t
III nil.lrrsliig siiirriirMtlrris, tlmll un.;i.y Un- ai.. nm' luace pr ton nl loriy tu'.:e i.t'i, ll tin
title of icllll.iu, ipliu lilng.) lu iiui'ini' tlmll li.'i.f the I unl.'ii of one hiimlrul n..d tllly lon
nnyliniHor sit to In' u-d nr su.r. t.. tthieh nr titub r, nrmulliw In the buiiiag.' tv ll .1 In
shull U'nir. u-iti'iird -. 'ii'iluli.uilorurl. ihe re-gbter. Ii i'li wllli In r nllmr pilars, shall
Audit Is ngreid tint mi pi. -I'liU. under nut nu lur nir.tul. In I ;..l will, th. cnn-iil, who
jnili'tt nr Innn wlmliur b.ill i ttrliod inai.il Uhtll reirt lln' s..i.h l the riiniiilr!iim r nt
ed of iliu I'liilnl Slales It I lilna, or of China i euloin. Audit any tin I, hating pt'd Ion
by the Unllid Slates. tiage duty ut nil) put, shall gn t.i liny nllu I
Article VIII. In all future p r.onul Int. r liuit In cninpte llm ilip.il nr Inr ctrg... nr,l".
course Utweut Ihei.priHiitattti' ol llio Unit, d I lug lu b.tll.i.1. In puiiiuoe nn i-iitire. or till up
States of Amu lea in d the gowuior. getiirtilni an Ineoniiilclo ejign. llmrnu-ul tlmll repintth.
gotcrunrs, the Inltitiews tlmll lie bad ul lio iMiim In llmeiiininiIiitnrnrculiim, ttln. liall
tiDlclal resilience nl llio tnld oiIIkij nr nt tlieli nolo on Iho putt tbarauee. Ilul Ihe tonnage iln
tempornry ri'tldenre. nr nt th.' ic-iilrneo of Hi., lie hate lvu paid, m .1 leport Hi.' elivni itau
repieKiilallvo ol'ilio Uiilli.Mat.' nt Aim liea. ec In Ihe colli i Ion at theiilhircutiiinhoiii';
tthlchcttr miy ln'iigiee.1 upon lulumi lln ni ; , In which case llmnt'd vt nil shall wily pry ilul
nor thull they niaku ni.d putixt Tor ehrl iiing un lur cargo, nnd not lie charged ttllli t.mu.ige
tlicte int. rviews, Ciiiruit inalbr 'bull ldik- duly a secoml Hum- Ihe cnlliclnr nfciulunit
riitsid by corritpniidriiee, so i. nm to glte the I at the open porl shall ron-ult with the eouu.
traubl.) nl n inr on.il inulliiir. lalmul ihouiLlioti nf lneoin oi It jlit limise.
Arllele l. Win nitir iMllimul trsstlof tlielnml wiiero bunys nt.d lit;ht-hlpi iliould be cll..en of the United Slat, mind Ihe uilJecUof
United Slnles of Am. rim, lu nuMiignlung the placed. ' any other got rinmi lit, shall l-eiegultted by the
coast mid nuioiig the polls npiiiul tor iutK for Ail elo XVII. Cill.ni.. or tlio I'nllnl Slatrsl nnile. eillng In'tweeu the United Slalen mid
tlieptoltctlon of Ihetoiiuiiii'e.'of thelrroiiuli' ulndl b- allowed to engage pilot-lo bike Hell .such gotiriiliieuts, respectltely, wllliout Inlir
or tor the oduiiietiiieul nl iciiiiiv. tlniil arrive' veeln tutu poll, nml when tlm lawlul .liilie file nee on llm part nf China,
nt or iienrnuy of llio oris ol China, roiniiuii- hate ull b..cu paid, t-il.u Ihimiuit nr poll. It AitlcloXVIII. irclll.i'nsnriheUnlli'.IStales
d'l'. orn!d Ii psntid Hie tiipeiler 1mc.i1 author irlull lu Inwlitl Inr Hiun to hlie nt plt'aut' sir- hatnspu'lal nreatjnu l nd.lietsnny enmmuui
itlemirgiitiriiiuiiil.lMll.ll illn'inei-ttdiyliolel' tatit, coinpi.ubili's, IliigubU, wrlleis, laUirtrs, cation le. Ihn Chinese local ofllcers ofgiiurn
lull rcouse on leiuueil uiualilt mil couuot.lii I tcami'ii, nml petroiii lor whatever iiecitAiry ser- ni-'iil. they shall submit tlietanieitn llnlr consul
token or Iho Irienilly ref tiloin- nf their repec-1 tle-e-, with passage or cargo bonis, for a un-nii- or other ofllcur, to ililirinlno II iho language In1
tlvoiialteiiis; ttntl the tald uclih:ill enjoy nil nblo eoin)n u-.itlou, tu Isj ngieed upon by the pioper nml topictful, mid Iho luillrr Just nnd
Millalilvlni'illlitseni the puilof the Chine ' got- nirtlis ur elite iii.lut.l by llio con. nl, right, in which event he shall trniiMiilt Ihusniro
iliiniintln iiiiicuiIiiK juot tloio. eir nllur sup- Art'cle XVIII. Wheiicur luciiliatit tcsul to the nppinprlnlu itulliorllK-M frr III -Ir coiiiltl-
:ilek umi muiviug necesriiry lep.ius. .tin tin- or Ihe I itllul hlalei snail eniir n port, uie cm- irallou uiul ncimn lu uie pinuttes, it ruojei'in
Arltclo XXIV. Wliei.i llierii nre.l.btselueby
tiibj. els nfCiilu.lt.)cllV.i'llirihv Unite d Stales,
llm latter may trek tt.lre-stln law t niidniisu't-
utile r-preeiilnlhiti lielng nude tn the local
authorities, llmnrji Iherniisul, they will cnue
due examliialluii lu Hie pri'iuise, nmi iai,e prn
H'rsliji In rninH'l satil.trliin. And If elll
zi'iu of llie Ulilt'd Statesbeln.b bled l.isiibjix'ls
nfC'hliin, Ihe bitter may seik reilrvf by ripn1-
cnlallon iiirnugii inc eon-til, or ny sun tu nm
e'o'i'ubir court; but it.ltbir gi.teriuiuiit will
hold lselfrei.p.iullile for such debt.
Arllele XXV. It shall l' Ian fill frr llm nfll
crmnrcllli'eiuoriln Unllid Stale Iniinpbiy
se'lnilurs and pcoplj of any i.irt nl Cldiia, wllli
out dbtlncllou nl H'rsnu't In le.nh any ur the
lan.'iiage ofthu Umpire, nml t nlt in liter
nry lalH.rs ; and Hie inn-mi... unpin) id shall
not for that caue Is.' tohjiclln tiny Injury on
Ihe ptrt of llie gut eminent or or iii.lltidu.il-;
ami il shall In like in inner liluvfnl Inri'Il'tent
of the Uiiltid Slutes to puiibaeiill iiiiuutr nl
honk In Chin...
Aitlele XXVI. Urlntlniit of ncrc nml nmlty
ii iMi-eti the United States mid Chiii.t Mug e
talillrbul by till lli'.tly. nml Ihe ti'ds nr Hie
I'lilli it Slates iK'Ingii.Iinllled In trale livily In
nny lint" lien-nfl. r China should lie nt war will,
uiiv foreign nulloil whatetennml shuuld for
Unit enure exclude iiteh nallnn liotii i-nli ilug
her I orl. still Hie tesnd of the I'nllnl Slnc
th.itl nut the less colitlutie In puisuu their cm
m iee lu freedom nn.l sn-iirlly.uml tn trantporl
gniHl. to nml from Hie rl i.r the b lllge rent
powers, full rcvt Is'lngpa'd luthviKiiinilily
nr the lllgnf Iho Ulilteil Males; protldi.l, Hull
h . ltd llag shill not pi.it.ct tcsM'ls ctgugtd
In tlm Iraii'piirlnllnu nl nlKeors nr ullt. riln
the (iiimt'ii Hrtlre, nor shall said lla It'll and
iilrnllr iik.I In tnable Ihe iiiemt's rlihs, ttllli
llnlr cargm's. to uli r the purls of China ; but
all tilth U't-iel snutr. mling t-linll l. iilj.cl In
ruifellure uml ennll-e.Ulou lu llm Chluoc i;ov
iriiumiit. Allieh XXVII. All qtettlo'U III regard to
rUl.l, tvl.ilheri.r piop rly r piis.jti.nrlslug
li'lui'iii ell!.ins of the Culled Slntes lu China,
:!itll lie ntbji'ct In the Jiirbd'ctlou uml I egulati d
bv llmniilhorlllis of their own g.ivirument ;
nnd ull control crles rerm I lug lu 'litmi bet wi cn
IVB-'wriCt WMUK-r-
c. c. v,ki:k:tax
nccoiiiit of tlu-tr enmnurce or lu lintry, pay lo the other Its Intention tn tiriutnite the up
nny other or higher duties, In.xcs, or iinpewisj ('onlnii tJ on the I'm! irge.
iiiau uiose) which snan im lev in i on ciiucin or
stildiets of the country In whiili ll.ey may bo ;
ttiidlhe privileges. Iiiimiinllles nnd nlher fav
ors, with regit n I t.i column if or liulin.trv.ru
Jnycii by the illlju'iii or stili'ielsof one i. ihe'
iweininics, siiiiii bccoiiiiuuii 10 liiose or the
Article II. IMglr.n vetvls, whell.rr coming
frnn n llelglan orn lorelgit poll, shall not pay.
either ntii nt. ring or Imving n sirt of tl'e
United .11111111, whatever inav Iw their ibsllia
lion, nny nlher eir lilghir .lulim of lotm.ifc.
lillntage, nniliiirage. buovs. Iiglit-hnuics. rle-jr.
mice, bi ol.i rage, or ci-nrrillv other elmre-s
ttliatsMur, ihun nre riijtiirul from trn-!s of
ll.o I'nllnl Sbttes In rliniiar rs.es. 'I'l.U pro.
vision i-xli'inN nut miiy in duliis levied fur the
iKliilltnf Ihe Sin le, but ii's.i In tlu- levied
for Ile Ik in 111 n( luovii us. clilis. (i.uutrles.
dilrlcts, luivii.!ilj., eorporiilii.ni, nr nny oilier
iivisioii or jtitinieiii.il, ttiiiiii'tir may uo its
Arlirie III. llreiiiini-allt-. tvifili nf llm
fiom Iho ort of China ..ii'ii l rorelgu i Unln il Siulis, wlielher ni..:in lioui a port of
iimlce. Ill lurllur ngnid lint, in eae ul ,M, Slltl, r , ,., ,; . r, t'ai i.ol
pay, cither on rnlir'n.' or lulling llie ports nl
ii. r..- ... i., ...., .i.. , ...
ofj, ...ii. tt ii.'t-it-r ni.y tiv uiiir imslir.iiiou,
c. :n-: ;rtJ
ix :mi2 sac .a-
at Ids old stand. In Jacksonville, continued dur
ing bl ubi'iiei' ut IheUist, by Wvi, Iloituvs',
l.. will cnnditel Hie butltiess it ln'fore.
Th litpp'leatcs Jaekxiiivlllo by Iho Call
Iforttl.t Stage Cn.'s enaehis fur
tiin.4 lir All iumi
I 'I I ... 'It I I ...... I ...
I'lrrv MirH'i.y, iwuMtuu nmi fni(tinnnjt i "
It t If I... II I... I .!-.. Ii rcemiiiitiiiiJ.
utiitinii'un ('(('nmii', n rmiruKiffium rntwij, h a eiir4 tlviir
nml coiiiU'clIiiK wtlli
Uldteil Stales ol Amirlct ngrev that in (ii-e nt ' bctiruf curln.n shnll, if ha K'e lit. appoint nfC'li'na have occasion tu luldieis thocoiiutl o
i guaiii taal vii., win)
thlti ur their own IkkiIs,
any e.ll.cr or lilfh. rdutu s of I .image, p I .laje, ' i:,,rt.t lo nil parts i.r California, the Atlantic
hunts, light bii'iis. c'.ui.iii.vs, bie'i.iMge', or ! Stales nnd limnpe.
or ginr.illy nllur iliaig s v.l.nlevir. Ih.in nre -.. , . . e ,
n.u!niirinin ll.-lgiau usuls in simil.r cites. Sight BlliB 01 EjZCUangO
'l'lns piiiviunii i.x'i'iul not nnly liuliities Kv.
lul for tlu) bein 111 i.r llm Slate, but nVn to prncuuel, p.ivnblo lu nny or the Atlantic cities,
llitiso letieel for the lieiii-lil or pri.vlnix-. cillis J Canada, or l.urnpo.
caiintrl.-s, diitlrtcts, tiivviiliip.i'iiiporntioiis,or f50l I") nilT nOIIRWTM
nny other ellvi.!.... or Jiirf.d.ctlou. vvhatiuri ta " ' , "-T-T, "J
may be its .i, tvintinn. -B- as.rar-Mfjo.z: avow
Article IV. Slenm tessils of the I'niled nrocuriil froni nny Uxpti or 1'u-t Office in
mutes nmi in g inn. rngngui in reguuir iiavi-1 calllnrula.
gallon lit wivn the Ciiitnl Slaia uml ll.-l-Iflinn.
slull becMinpl lu Imth counerii's fioiu
Ihe pauueut of duties ol lutiiiage, mieluiaye,
litmi s, nml light liGurs.
Article V. As p-gards the roat'ng trade
between the port ort-illii'r c.tiiutry. the vism Is '...,...
of the Ivvn nation shnll bo treated on bolhl j(, n'k0,nit
sides nu Hies line f.H.iiu' with the us.-cU o '
llie most f.ivorul iiitioiu.
Arllclu VI. ObJ. cis of nny M id soe'ver In
trodeceil Iiitn Hie ports of nth r of llie two
.Slates under the ll.ig of the oilier, whatever
may bo their origin uml limn what eouulrt
soever Hie importation I lien of may bate been
maile', tli.ill not p ty other nr higher ei'lr.inei
ilttllis, nor ih.ill be subjei't.'il lo other e!iarg.
nr rrslrlctioiij than they vvoti'd p.iy.nr li tub
jicti.l lo, wciu liny Impurtul under the n.v
iioiiui in;
would sny In i tery mollitr whn It t n child suf
fering from tiny ol the foregoing e.iiiii.l.iliils, do
not let your prejudice, nor Ihn pri-Jitd'ci's e.f
nlhers. stand liwevn your sutTcrlug child nml
Ihe r.lli filial will lie mrryes, nijnlili mtt
tn follniv llioiitiiiif Hit int'illclue, irtlnii'ly ii'id
i'nli ilirtellous will nccoiupany oiu'li ImiiiIo..
Niino genuluo unlet Hie luc-s'iiillo i.r Ct'ltVU--V
ITMIxISS, New Votk, I. on the outside
J'ft'S.iM by druggM Hirniigheut the world,
Principal IIKcc, l:i C'ulur strei t, X. V.
I'llrr Unl)- Sit C.nU il r llulllr,
Vole Agents for Ihe I'.icltic Const,
Vte Wa-lilngl n st
July II, 'M.-Sfi-ly. Sail I'ranclscn.
vnvi:u Dr.iuMrsTnH.
T1 rmiiitniniilril riillrrM frnm CJiiinitrt
tiasttH! tsii riit'sniirt l-"i 'it-ii I stats mv, ktiutsi U
ll . tit! P IWJ II, kl 14 UM l.
S ,,i-,fl 14 i' a )
ti m ,h i run. ) iu? itiuucrwui
vU k. I cttvu nn tl bitti
1 tm !) pill I Mvt44Mj
Q4hMiUl I4il.l 11, ftlt. U
AC! KtliltV Ul llji l.ttMtflA.
Ji U. tin uie i of jour
i.i)ontii,ivi:it i
mLtcuro I.Urr dim
lorkn. J)rirln,
H ll in mi r HoiU"!
ry, Dropij', Horn
ullvrNfi( Cliol
liiirr, tJniiiitllcr,
. n.l m.v I.A ,...1 ..,.
.., --. ,-, .-. - . wv -
ry Family ?lr.ir-l Q
Itvcnly mliiulrl, IT ?
rptlK UmlirsUmil Int." now on biuJ full
J. iiii.I unuiplf le i.orlineni i
All lst I'ntl Mint Tt K.UlM,
Tin, Shost Iron, Copper fc
Woodoa Ware.
Wems now Importing our g..! .tired fsttw
Ki'iL'tvu- "TKreiwU:
ami will
Sell for Cr.nh co Low
t any him- lu Sxu I'r.viin cn. Those wishing
In puii'ha' In iir Hue,
Stoves in Particular,
'ire riquifliil In call nml examine our stock mf
prlci-s. AllniiKr will ntvhu our prompt !
.'Tim; iiHN.r. k. iiomus into.
No. Ul), IlnUrr' Hl.ctl, Nan Ftai.rltc, Cl.
QOl.K AfJCNT f..rT.I.TO. & MiTAU
O I.ANIf.Sivliliiiilid
Z3 uvelnr Qrtf oai
This S.ifj Is well litionn in
llic lu.trltcl for lis uiuurpasMil
llre-prouf ipialily, liavlng witlittcxvl In Call
fornia, as well u In the Cast, ihe hottest firN
'iii.mil. Wo can refer t o endinu ct rlifieatet
from parlies In our mining towns, where iIich
s.ife-s Imivu been subject lei Iho most sever
lesls or its fire-pro'if ipialitles. Tlio Safes art
nmii t.y oar t u.xiui.N Aiiu.x lAJtiK.
O wiwirr. it. inimri.ut . 'i ly.ck Is in every reus-ct the) most recur
W ,loiui"i "tiVrTiMB. fih ..ne in use it mpiliM the Ley and conililnt-
,a u twu hw.uu. tt u il,,,, k, i.K-ii Hie Safe. If iho key sbim'il t.
UnkrnmltiilUM In iht ' ibttruetetl from the ovviur, It ttoilhl Iw per-.
viiitiii.viuii.sMii -w.,. t,.M in ,u pose,sor ivllliout liin
nlnlnl. I'llloeitAl- ....: i,. ,i. ,,,i i .,.! .. i.t..i. n, ..,...,. ...
(l.ruiilvDUriliora. "." ",,,"-l ," "."";" "V" " ,' Jin
ilaliil, lljicnlr- no. oi oi oi-.i.i. . u iii.i-e.-in waul ni it rviia--
Kiuniacii.lliii.liiiat "tu n.iie. wu ou.r me uiiotc clicupcr limn any'
li r, i.alo ' other iii lie in irl.ct.
A large iiv-orlnn'iit on hand and lo arrive..
l TI I.I.MAN, 00 Ilatteryst.
Nov. 1.1 Sen. -t.V.lm
Cnllei'llons made, nnd cveryllilng nppi'rlnln-
lllg tn Hie i;xpn,sl.eiliies. iriiiiiillyiilli-iidiil to.
I'arHciilarulleiillon jtald to lilting Outers ol
ciery decrlptloii,ut ieh.i, and nny point below.
'I Im patronage of tlio public. Is respectfully so
le, t iml
lurunliu... I'lolu
I'rii.nle Wraknrt1
iruaitlf st tn Urillna
(III. IIKUIturtHiriC
IhmUloJt CQ Irtlllr.) Ill
lit u or I litre Tra
in l ctnumcuccutct er
Bit Inn i'-t'r ttttttuviii,
, Di-crnilHTRI, IRin.-.'.n.
Arllele VII. Arlleles of evert- deser'nt'i n '
npiiniiu nre li'n.i li.tve otc.i! on iiinililiessiiieicoiiMii in '.. ,,..,:, ------ , -.,---,-!-
llio ililptt uck ol nny AiiierKJii ustel.uiid It cu-ton.l.otite i-aiecr In rimiiI sold umI, whn the I'lillnl Slates. Ihey in ty iieWrcsslilin directly 7 ' it.,i, re;. V - I e ,. r- '"w ,1
may live on IkmiiI lliesinn or un-ir own iHinia, m tlio sa.no iiiiiu lliey inioiin uieir own ouieers, -;- - i -
at their com enleiice. The local authorities ul nptejenllng Iho case for Ids consldiulluu nnel ,r c lur country to nny coiinliy whatsneier.
i'i.i ciilii.cn imi 1 1 inni'iit fchall caiiiio Iii liouiinre- i. hi Iii tlm nriMiiUm nml If rnnlrniTrVm shall lio subii ell. I to lionlber ilullesor ftirmali.
Iieiidnliill iiuilliieernreienrtirs lioinoii Ito.ud nibe lietwecn citizen of the United S:ntts n... lies than siuli ns are rcepiiriel lor eorlallon rcceltidoit storage
ll.o testels or the L'liltul Stales In China, oiiln- mljicts of China, which cannot Iw nmtcibly under the Hag of the louiiliy illicit' the thin- -
..... ...I- ... , .....i ..in .i.n... .. ..... ...n ........ i... . i ., ,w l
liuotllll.f vy HI" t-uii.llli iiiiii i.n, ..mi. . tuilltil emiflttl-f, liiw ri.iu-i ruau .ru t-.tiiiniii.. HieilV I UMlll'.
Ihe iii up to the consul or oilier onicer ror pun- Iniiddechhd conformably to jti-llec nnd tnulty ArlUle VIII. All p-cmlunu. ilrawbaclt.
itliinviil, And 11' criinlnaK uibjecU nr China, ,y llio publlo ollieiisor the two nation, ncliug or other faiors of bho intiin nli'i-li in it- lie
tike refuge. In Ihe houses or on board the tcj- l,( conjunction. The txln.tlo.i of Illegal fees Is ,, ;j " " ,r '. "l.n'V, l.
.mi ou iiiiriHireei ur euiiceaiiu, nut fii.tn ft' .'- niu niioweit in i'iiut iiiviuuii in innn- iu in.ii- , , , . i.' , , ,, , , , , ,'. .,
. Ml up Iii jutticu on duo iveiiibitlon by the Chi- met, lest lnu.lco l-o done. I '" '"'"onal tcse s.siin'1 be IiKcvvIm', nml in the
mm local olilciis, nddicKHel to lhou of Iho Ailic'o XXIX. Tlio pilnclplcs of llio Clulstl- rnino iiwiincr, nllntiul upon goods In.nmleel
L'nltul ."laiis, The uiirtliauls, K'ntneu, nnd nn rillglni , ns nrorosnl liy the I'rotrst.ut mid el rectly liom one o the Ivvn eoiiuliles by ll
olhei'clll.eusortliuL'iilte.l&tat"Stliallliciimltr Itonin ( ntlndio cliuiches, uiu ncogi.l.ei us vessels Into llio other, or e.xpoi led from one ol
Xli'iols. XSullclixts,
Ining ndlagid by p'liile, or iu cae any Amir-
can te'il shall Im pillaged nr caplurul by pit
ftlisou lliese,niiiljiieint lo the e.oa-1, without
being tlilptvieched, t'.o natitiii.it xisk'U or Hie
Unllid tjuilis thall puituu Ihe said pli.eles, nml
ircnpluud eliliur Hit i:i ourlurtriul nnd pun-
Article X. The United Slate or Americt
shall luiic the right to iii'oliitcuutul' and ollur
COtuinirplul agents tor 'lie pmtecllun of ttailu,
In ntltlo ut such phies Iu Ilia iloiiiliilous ol
China uh thiill bu iigited lo bo oik'IiuI ; whu
tint 11 hold oiliclal lutermuito nml torre'puu
lleiico Willi Hie local nitidis ot the Chinese e,uv
eriiunnt, (a lo.itulnr ilcecoiutil lueli.uge; l.d.
lug iiink Willi an Intei.iliviit ol clicuit or ii pre.
feci illhct pericutellt C'rlnwrlllii' ui-crinlou
TTlMi nltend to the IIIX'KIVING and FOR.
WAIIDl.Nd of ull
UoihU I'.nl.iialt.l to ll.ilr I'nrr, Xlllll
I'tniuiilu.' nn.l llltiinlrli.
cCoiiilguinenls kollcltcd .Merchandle
net. i.v3utr
poai.ruls nre lak
Ail wl.outti llnrr
I'rlcu tins Dollar prr Dotllft
Pure VrRftnltlv Kitrnrta, nml I'ut up In
JIsASH CANKS. Mr 'light, mid Mill fcp
In nnr cllmnli'.
a- innriir I'li.i. iafn.
Mltku Irt-n ri'l'nttof bM
iltan iHvuijr r4rtw
dfiuiiitl Ihun ihiaM who
M itutl lL Mlibrkfllen hkb
K IU,t.lUtlUI'jtl'Ul(il4C
lUt (UlTcrral CtUuirilt. Ml
IIUH U11 iMl.llkli.' furl
Ivarlety vt Ibt purot Vtjc
i in
Ths lMiitllv C
Ut tut cu 1'athatik
util to bit pr-vtliu wort
Tb ronrsMlillir luriwmliitf
l ciprrM In rriitrtl U their
WrB w uuui inu reartim !
1 km PrufrMlon vtfll kuo
Cn lidfriii ix.nlMiof ttiv
1b VAMII.V ,
hi, with dui rririiro u
It?n compounaoi uuiu n
Ubl KlirttcU, MluCb ACl
kluDtnUry caml. nl r
t) wbra A I'alhirUQ U
raiiXfinrittt vt tlw
Jut. lutn In IHr
'atllvriicf. Ml ii
Jlie whole boily,
rvqu-rniljr, if ti4lctl.
. .ituii ai ,
OH fififi l,,s' of Assorted Iron
sJ,JJKJ nn.lftl'l'l,i'''te.itllyriKcl
ed lur lor Ihiii in irket. lor tulu ln-
JacltKt:iillIe,Jiiuiv:t Iki.ii...'.',1,
ll III Hammslury
Ktloit nf C'nl.l
tt, tll'ai.ut Itr. or
Heat. It tirlr,
or A.l.llli,
I. noil
. La. llilinHr.iu.
UlAMtl. 1 .1.1
t-tll.-fj -I'lIltKtD
k'lk nn vrr ukrt ttl
MO.Hl SUil lift, lu ll IM
IvrdM. surlt St lie
Mo in arlt . Klcriil
Mark aiuf Lolln,
ami Morrnt-iti uvrr
nora luiljea culj, htct
rn.l la 1'iuii coiirM U t
.I.r, a fit t till. k urn
ll.rbn.lr. lr.lrti
t WrlKhllitthrltsatl,
H llltrun.alin..l,tfn.al
lti.1 HiftnyfllM-ftieiloMhlrtl
ut tuvntluu la iblt itilvctelM
ar rvUlM by UmeiiUu ccicrllj. tod
K W IftM.
r.W.HANi-unn, ni.
the tuiKl'liiteiiileitce of the niimonri.tte o.lleiis tenchltiL' mci lo do eo.nl. nml to dn lo nllu runs, llie two counliies Iiv the tide's of tin- nlher
of Ihcir t'oter.iment. If Intlithuil of cither Ihey would hsvc others do to tlicm. llcicafler to nny ilestlnatlou ttli..t,K.ur,
IVCxiaiorvl Irxsati-i.iiaaoi3.tw I
ITtl.UTIiS. l''ilV.,l I.n iimiik..iii,.K.u llm ji niul
. otlii'i' .Miiileui Inliniiieuts, cm lie leuiml ut
Ihe J icl.'onvllle He.oH nm Variety Move. II
'III l.lvrr li.vluornlur n.i.l Kni.tllv Cat
.. ' ra rr.iini
u. M.tfy
kuuforl irrr an.l rrnnrlelor,
toll Klwlewlt li Itu 1 rtiiu lu all Ilia lro wwui.
335 Ilroadvray, New V
8ol by Iho PntffirlaWever''Ahrrs, nml by
Sir th raciflo Coatl, 132 Tfubtntjton Street, ftt
Fli'hl Hi,, Snn Frnnclaco,
rn cnnllntio tn mnniifactiiro at the abort,
M Itl'll-kllllMII lialulilitllllll-llt,
Quartz, riour, Saw Mill al
ofhor JMachinory,
of every dctcrlj.tluii. Al-o, Imm- and Ilnni
From Ihe long cxivrlciice wo Imvo had, and,
the sniif!or tool nml m.iehlncry, nnd the very.
I.irge collection of p.illerui nt our command, Wet
feel conlldeiit th it our f.iellllles for liunlug ou!
the best stjlo of Mini;, uiti dlspntch, nnel aV
tlio lou est rate, nre not turna'scil on tho 1'aclllo.
lliissin linn Scw8 for Quart
Dllll, ui.iduut slinit uollee.
UrdcM lor nil kind of itork will recti r
piumiit iilli'iitluii.
July 7, IBMI.-ril I,nlei Gotldnrd A C.
LKTotloo- '
I IIAVI! appointed JjiksT, Ui.kxx, my At-.
loruey, tn net for me iu ull business mattcr-v
during my tiUcuco from IliU.SInle.
.Titeksonrllle, 8 'pi. 1.1, 1850-37 A
Qruabos 1
jnOOTII. Nan, nli.it ing. fumr, Shoe, Sahia
I nnd olhi.'lliities,nl tho Jucksoniilltllftnk
..I...I Vnileiy time, rorue r fnl, an.) uirnr.' ,x,