Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 16, 1861, Image 2

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SATlIUDAYri'ctirtinry 10, 1801.
. . ,
Josophino Postal Affairs.
Tlic people coastwlso from this place, nil (lie
way to Crescent City, lire most shabbily
(rented In respect to mnll communication. In
every portion of Josephine connty tlic evil ex
tends, ntitt It Is lilgli time tlmt mcnsiircs lie
tuloptcd to nbntc llio grievance. For lliu past
few moiillis very much liiu been nceoniplisltctl
in nlmosl tury other ncctlon of Oregon to
wards assuring regular ninl adequate postal
facilities, ycl in tlic tpinrler especially rcfcrrctl
to nothing lins been done In this rcfiicct. If
Josephine wire nn Inconsiderable, sparsely
populated, wild, barren county, there would
Ire nunc excuse Tor this Indiflcrciice nnd In.tt.
tcntlon to tlic prayers or tlic people, tint tlic
county If second If not equal to the richest
In lie .Stale in inlticrnl productiveness, mid
bean fair rauli wllh otlirrs lit variotiM ml vnnln
gcoui characteristics. Wc lime frciptmtly
poken of llio Injustice done our sister county
In regard to postal accommodations, and urged
upon those In authority tho right and duly of
extending the necessary reform. At times we
have specified sonic of the wants of that com
munity. We shall now rejieat Ihcm : Dally,
or at least trl-weikly, mall communication be
tween Jacksonville nnd Waldo, by way of Wil
liamsburg, Slate Creek and Kcrbyvlllcj tri
weekly, or nt least rcnil-weckly. mail commu
nication between Altbouic and other consider
able mining settlements, nnd Kcrhyviltc. IT
there is still a Union, nnd If this Union Is to
endure, wc enrmslly press upon our Senators
aul Representative In Congress tho urgent
necessity of having these reforms effected. The
people of Josephine, more than nny other In
Oregon, arc virtually held under ban by failure
of just and proper National legislation or dis
pensation In her behalf, nnd the earliest possi
ble opportunity should bo seized to remove
the disabilities nnd oppression under which
her citizens labor.
Tnr. Maoamxks. Tho llttpcrian for Fib
ruary Is received, and n very riitrttalulng
number It l. With It camo a full sized pat
tern, which although not Intended for ludies'
wear, Is none tho less valuablo to tl.c fair or
tlon of "all tho rest of mankind." Ijnly
patrons to Magazines should give preference
to this periodical uvir others, ns It is pub
lished upon this coast, nnd contains matter
especially suited to tho country. latch mini
bcr cotilutns a full-slzcd pattern. Address'
Mrs. L II. Day, Kan Francisco. I
Jliiltfuiig't, anil I lie Cifliforniii Mountiiinrtr,
nre also rcrvlvnl, both wry rend.ible nnd
rnterlaliilng magazines.
Cwky for February Is r splendid number,
both in Illustrations and reading matter. It
Is a very superior magazine.
From the Jacksonville! Variety Store we
received iii'tr for February, eniiiaii.lng
amutig u mnis of oilier ntlr.ictivo mid
Instructive rinding, llo.-s llmwiio's second
nn-r of it "Trip to Wnshee," il!utratc bv
Sijl'Armt Sii:iii:iu.tv. One of Col.
Furrar's A- cnnslltncnti In Portland, l.i't
week tried the "npiattcr toveiclgnly" dodge
on that genlh man's ht plug npartment. lie
nns snugly in beil whin discovered by the
imlhiiit but irate Colonel, who In the 1.11
rnmpatgu so iirduitly cskjiiciI the Mm Doug
las doctrine. This sort of " o(d)gieal cun
rlusluu" upon his premises wns ileeuieil Ir
regular nnd impertinent by Col. l'urrar, nnd
arrcrilingly ho gne the npi.it It r sovereign
It'uHtr't message, accompanied with some
very pointed and forcible argument by way
of Int. Is that your stjle of ''unfriendly
'rgirialion," Colonel?
' N:w Dwiiu. The W'ttUy Uirgoiiittn tf
Feb. I'd comes out In full new dress, with u
tasteful hcud, mid Improved lueihnuleal np
pearance throughout. A few copies of tl.c
Jfoihj edition have been rccehid. They con
tain n larger amount of reading nutter than
corresponding numbers of the other Portland
dallies. Wc hepo the editor "III hate the
good sense ns will ns manners to refrain from
re Ike I lug upon his opposition coteinornrles
In the unjust, slurring style ho has hitherto
occasionally Indulged In, now that ho lias
charge of so decent a looking paper.
"Orimox FiM'n Wo sec from tho San
Francisco Market Hearts, tlmt Oregon Hour
is prclerred over tho California Hour lor ship
ment. It is not a favorite with soft bread
bakers, but Is uiisurpussed for ship biscuit nnd j
other hard bread. Oregon " Kxtrn SiiKrliiiu''
commands ubout the same price ns " Califor
nia Superfine," aiul i HO cents jicr l'Jfi lbs less
than California " Homektic IMra." It has
less gluten than Southern Hour, uud the wheat
it Idler and softer.
Senior ArciiiKNT. Mr. Slone, u enrpen
ter of this place, accidentally lulllctcd n, very
severe cut upon hlmsrlfn few days ago. lie
was sitting at a work bench, dressing down u
piece of board with a drawing knife, when by
a slip he brought the liistruiiKul haid ngalnst
one of his knees, cutting tho line pan half
off. Dr. Ilrooks was ipilckly called todrcss llio
painful wound, nnd Mr. Slone Is In fairway
of recovery, though it is eloubti'ul if ha ever
regains full use of tho joint,
Uachjo. 'i here is to be some rurc sporting
t Canyonvillo on the .'lOtli of .March nnd on
tbo 23d of April eiuulng, of short dislnnees
for large purses. On tho first named day two
watches forS-'iOO nnd 51,000, respectively;
on the sccoud day named, a uiatcli for 81000.
Tlve illataticrb arc two raves of three hun
dred yard, one of four hundred yards. .Voted
horses nre entered.
'- -
tat" In uext week's paper will bo conclud
ed tho publication of tlic Treaties of the
United States, which, with the lotus, lave
occupied so much space In our columns for :
sonic time. Tho spaco widely has thin; liccu
taken will bo Iherculter devoted to miscellane
out nnd news matter, of importance and in
terest lo our renders.
.- . .. .
Gukat KiitK. A destructive firo occurred
iu llalifav, Nova Scotia, on the night of tho
l'itlt of January, l'ifty-rduo buildings were
burned down among them four newspaper
rtlur.s ami n half dozen public buildings. Ono
mail nail kilKduud u Lumber scvcicly wouuded.
Tho Btorm.
Our people have long prayed for rain, nnd
nl last ll rninc to ns In teirrcnls. Until Satur
day, the weather of last week hud been unusu
ally clear nnd mild. Thai day dawned with
a chilling " Oregon mist," which ripened Into
a rain onco or twice btforo nightfall, but
ccnsetl soon nflcr. The wenther was tlintigc
fill until Sunday afternoon, when it commenced
raining In pood earnest. H rnlneel without
cessation nil night, nil the next day, and rained
ns It can rain only In Oregon. About suucl
tr Monday, high winds came with the rain,
nnd both Increased in vigor until past mid.
night. It was n true wintry storm. The
semes about town next morning gave nmple
evidence of lis fury. Tho little streams had
swelled Into torrents mid roared and tumbled
on, sweeping every obstruction before them.
Foot-bridges, sidewalks, .Ve. were torn nwny
nnd Honied e'lT ns If they had bei'ii straws.
Throughout tho country wo hear ol dama
ges done by the storm. In Jo'cphliio county,
the bridge ol Deer creek wns parlhlly carrlul
nwny, nnd several smaller bridges cnlliely
broken up. Illinois river rou to n hlghl
not known tliiei! 'ft". The Crescent City
rond wns blocked for eight miles d.'staticc over
the mountain with from three to seven feet of
snow, nnd barely pnsnblc Along down the
Oregon road wc hear of similar damages mid
of greatly swollen streams. The bridge nt
Willow Springs diggings was swept away,
some claims were more or less Injured, and the
road rendered !mpaab!c. ltogue river was
within four luehes of the high water mark ol
'ft", nnd within n very few feet of tho great
bridge ul itock IVnt.
Southward, wc believe, sllll grcaler damage
wns fullered. Set end of the bridges between
this nnd the Mountain House were torn nwny,
and the rond badly washed In runwnvs. The
d nn nt Kiglc Mills wns torn away, nnd other
Injuries sustained. The rond over the moun
tain was covered with snow to the elopth nf
from five lo eight fevl, nnd trees blown donn
by the w Iiuls had fallen ncross nnd nlong the
road In many places. The stages which left
Yrek.i on Monday morning, due here nt mid
night, could get no farther than lliu foot of
tho mountain on the other side, by nightfall,
ninl next morning rnrly revernl ynkcnf sliong
woiklug (ixcti had lo bv hitched !o th) wugon
loelrnw It over lliu summit. The paingcrs
wcro lurublied tvllli nxes ntnl rpike-s, nnd
obliged In lay lo In wood chopping ami clear
ing the road from trees and stump. Winking
In this manlier for several weary hours, nt
last the Journey over the mountain wus no
compllidied, nnd by lard driving, the stage of
Monday reached hereon Wednesday morning
nt n lllllo before .'I ii'ilock, with mails nil
right, but with n iuo.it wilfully iceil up, fa
tigued, travcIsMit load of ussengers. The
stage hence for Vrtkn fared about the same'.
It wns the only trip mWil ihriug the Winter,
ninl ll was not In the power of moitals to
prevent Ihls failure.
We liinmf dam ige-t sutnlneil by farmers!
nud others from Ihls storm i of some slight !
injuries done miiicin' ditches, rivervoirs nnd I
e!.iim. IVibnps llio rtalemetils or reports'
nre true In every eii'i'. Notwithstanding nil,
Uiuslnrm wns of vast goinl In Ihls people
to Ihls whole count r v. It has fiitulihcil in
tl.c mimr what wns oseiitlully uetdcil water ;
In ubundanec, nnd without which all clave s
would have Iwn brought to worse sulKrlngj
than nuy yet rudured fain monetary striugcu-
ey nnd ikt-line in trml.'. The prn-pi els fori
the ensii'ng yeiir nre now us bright nnd cheer-'
ing ns lht late storm las lift the face- f
Nature. Siiuriilnu nud clear skies have
suceevtleil the rnlns nud winds tvhleh niciilol
us on Sunday nnd Monday Inrt.
gym- . ' - ijj 'V.Jj'iri
From tho North.
A bcrnelhy, Clark .V Co., of Oregon City
nnd alii of San Frutickrn, have f.tlVd. I.l.i
bilille, ei'JO.OUH. 'the I 'or I land Dim ays
.ilny have urranjjed vviih creditors tu ns to
i-outliiip Ini tines i.
' It Is said that stock has fared Well ill the
Umatill t Valley during this M-.iwu. Il.it little
nov hnd fallen. I
The Albany Ihmntint rajs that S'.'l.finO Is
suloerilH-el towards bnildiiig a W'oolui l'iictii-j
ry in I iron u villi'. In I inn county.
Tho lloscbiin; y.'riiifissavs Hut the tn'onle-l
In that section bate In view the ii-ti nctl'ti '
of n good ro.nl In ScotUlmrg. It U much!
neeileil, mm wouiil lie nl ni'ieli mlvautago lo
tho whole I'mptiM.! county.
I 'at rid; Uiviloek cut one ICelly dangerou.
It wllh n l.nlfe, on the ftlh, in I'ortlnud.
r.nlily's Iwtlixk is n very ugly sort ol em
briiev. Itleher gold dlseovcrirs nre' rrporle'd in
llritlsli Coliiiubia. uboto Fort Oevrge. It is
s,i!d one party took out three lliouiuml dollars
In n few dtvs.
'Ihe wialher Ins been Inlen'ely cold In the
mining regions fur north, uud t'hc rivers nic
covered with drill ice.
Seven vessels were lost on tho coast of
Vancouver Island during tho lecent gales.
California News.
Another Indlun diluVully oceurreil In iluni-,
boldt county on the 'Jlh 'January. A baud I
of Indian cattle thieves with stolenstoek were
overtaken by n party of whites, nud thiilccn
of llio ra;calt killed.
('apt. It. I.. Whiting, of the Menm-liln
r,'t,,ni (!itt, dicil very suddenly at -his rest
de'nee In San I'r.ineiseo, Jiiiinary .'list.
Meilornu Ciawfoid, n incuilur of I ho Ore
gon lgilat!vu Assembly, nnd K. I). Ilil.er,
jr., son of Senator ItaUer, lift for tho I.'.isl byj
Otirhud sliiL-oof Feb. 1st.
Win. Cliurehill, n miner, wns killed In his
i l.iliu on MeAdaiiis Ciexk, SitMu county,
last week.
A nunilier of workmen h.tte bee n discharged
from llio (Internment scrvico nt Mam hland,
them being no money provided lo pay for
further operations.
Tain.', McCnhill & Co., heavy dry goods
merchants of Sail Fraueir'eo, failed on the ftlh
instant for a very l.irao nmouiit Attael.menls
amniintlug to over 31100,000 had ulready been
lteoliilioii3 enihtrslng the recent position of
Senator Douglas, nud also complimentary nl
Senator I hiker, for his late speech in the U.
S. Senate, were tabled by tho California i"g
Mature last week,
Tl.u discovery ef a coal oil spring, yielding
thirty gallon. per day, Is reported iu Sonoma
Diu)tv.i:ii. A bright litllo lad of four
years, tho sou of (Sen. Cosby, of Vreka, was
drowned in (hat city on Sunday last, while
crossing a small stream spanned by u log lor
foot passage.
-- mow- - -
A Hlockaiik. Tho Jlln sajg (ho French
i-hlp-or-vvur Heritmc has blockaded the port of
Maiatlan, to compel (he payment of u claim
of ten tin. u.au J dollarj agaluji the uulhoritlcs.
33y Ioaa.y ESacix'oras.is!
lly singe of Thursday midnight we received
tho Iteil llluiriii('fiirrt(i Kxlrn of the even
lug of Feb, 8th, containing L-lcgrtipMc ndvlecs
from Iho l.'usl, brought that day by l'oiiy,nnd
dispalehed exclusively In that paper from Sao
rnmento.. The news is In January 22d, from
which wc coihIciisq ns follows :
Sr. hons, Jnn'y 10th.
Tho I'licific ltnllroad bill had been made
the special order for the 'J'.'d In tho Senate.
A motion (o postpone Indelinllely Its consider
ation eras lost.
The stoop of wnr JliocUiii had returned.
She did not nltctnpt to cross Charleston bar.
C.'aik's amendment to Crittenden's compro
mise', declaring tho Constitution nmply suffi
clenl for the preservation of the Union, was
adopted In tho Senate by u small majority
the Sunlors fiom seceding Stales not voting.
The vote was nlierwnrds reconsidered, nnd
the consideration of Crittenden's pint) post
poned to the 'J 1st.
Doth branches of the Missouri legislature
have pascd CouvcDlion Hills by large majori
ties ; dilTcrliit; in details ; both provide for
submitting to (he action of a Convention.
New Jirse-y is taking measures lo place her
brigade on n war fooling.
The New veuk Congresdonal delegation
Intend entiling upon the President, in n body,
to urge n strict enforcement.
Senator Davis has forwarded n letter lo (Jov.
l'icken, of South Carolina, urging the nlnn-
donment of nny pulley which Involves
Thetlovernor of Virginia has commuulca
letl the New York ltcsolution In his I'glsla
turo In his Message, expressing the utmost
The Virginia House have adopted resolu
lloi.t for n Nntlonal Convention nt Washing
Ion, I'eb. -I. Also npprovlng Crittenden's
The Convention Hill Is being debated In the
North Carolina, legislature.
North Alabama Is said In hnvo telegr.tpheil
In her lit preventatives in Congress not to
wllhdmw, us delegates from Northern All
bama refused In sign lhcs(ceslon ordinaim'.
'IheSoiilh Carolina legislature, now In ses
sion, is trying to put the Stale on n war
Itcsolutlout pa.il declaring that Ihc at
tempt In reinforce Anderson be icgardcd us
nu net nf war.
Major Anderson Is not in nccdnf re-luforix1-ments,
nnd no further attempts at present will
bs made to re Infnre-e him.
Sr. Ixins. Jan'y "2d.
The California live hundred tlioiivmd dollar
Wnr Debt p.vsed the llnuso on Saturday.
The (icorgl.i Kcssoion ordinance paseil on
Saturday uyes, "JOS ; noes, M.
Two Ihnii'atid State lnxi nru In piwses
sion of the Navy Vnrd nt I'eiiMen'n.
Thegiiubo.it Wy.tiiilotle nns not erm!lHil
to inter tho livrbur, Ihoiigh out of cord.
('). Ilayuedoes not Insist on the mirmidcr
of Furl Sumpler.
The Alabaun llnu'c passed n bill lo pro
villa ni'alnst luvariou by sen. It niilhorlzM
Ihc ile-striicllon of buotii ni.d laud marks.
Tho Tennessee lloii'e eoururred hi resolu
I Ion" to elect delegates to n Convuitiun IMi
ruary tub, to nn.iiib!c February 'Jftth.
Tlic regular minority rert of tin! Com
mlltec of Tlilrly-tlirco lakes (VilteuileuV les.i
luliem ni n bnnis, nnd recommends, in the
even', of their failure, it Coiivrution of Slate's
for it poacvuhlo separalluu, nisi epiitabk par
tition of tho United Slates preip-riy. Slgt.cl
by 'I'a v lor, I'helps, ltuk, Whlthy mid
A. II. Stephens nnd II. V. Johnson voted
ngnluit the (Scorgin sceesiioii nrdinantv.
I.kut. I'rlcu is the elalViiger of Jeu.
When Hull's confirmation wns under ecvii
side ration In llucutltc m-ss'oii, Crlllriiihu Is
Kiiil to liavc Ik ii very severe on Kittling
Stales, uud to have avowed the opinion, that
force moil ngalnst lawles citizens of any
.State, is not coercion.
One limidreii kegs of powder, with shot and
shell, I.Tt Uiehmoud, on Saturday, fur Charles
ton, by erder of (Sovcruor I'ivkcus.
Another wlilto Hag was cent from Fort
Sumter, on Saturday object not known.
The Alabama Congressional delegation
withdrew, jetcrdy.
Tho (Scorgla legislature endorses ll.c seizure
of the U. S. Forts and ammuiillluiK.
Major Anderson declines to receive pro
visions from tioternor Pickens.
l S. Senators from Alabama took leave of
the Senate, on the 'J 1st.
The lCuiras Hill has passed Ihc Senate, by
n voteofllG to 10.
There was nn interesting debate on Criltcn-1
den's Compromise, without action.
A Mlllldgevillo dispatch, of tho IMth.snys
the secession Ordinance will bo signed nbout,
If not quite, unanimously.
I.ola .Monies died nt New York, Jan. 1 Till .
eayjiueMnun.'m'fii"i ' -
Scvatoii Il.vKr.n'u Smcii. Tho Wushing.
Ion Cmiititulicu, of Junuary 3d, has the fol
lowing brief comment on Senator I laker's
speech in reply to Senator Benjamin :
The libel; Republicans havo for somo dajs
sought to invest with Importance a speech
with which Mr. lt.il.cr, ouu of Iho Senator
from Oregon, has been charged. Ills elo.
ipicnce, bis acquirements, his skill havo nil
been dilated ubon, ns of the marvellous order ;
uud, to make Ihc wonder complete, he has been
rihte'sciitcd ns a returned pilirrim fiom the
He publican Mecca, loaded with proofs of tlic
prophet's favor. " (ireat Is Ilakcr, and Soulh
irn Senators will quail before his thunder."
Well Mr. Ilakcr had the lloor yisteiday,
and is to have tho lloor ajraln to-day. Hut
the Senato nnd Iho galleries are F.ttldlcd.
Mr. Ilakcr has shown ol what stuff his oratory
is composed, nnd theio will bo no further cu
riosity concerning him. His matter and man
ner nre alike inferior. Not only does he
neither instruct nor convince, but he falls even
to Interest his hearers. And when In nn un
fortunate moment ho undertook to enter into
nn nrgument wltii Mr. lleiijamin on the ab
stract constitutional question of secession, Ids
weakne'ss became nppareut to every observer.
Without effort, but with admirable dexterity.
Mr, ilcnjimlu tempted Iho umbltious gentle
man into deep water, tlieio to demonstrate, his
lielplessness, mid Ids Ignorance of tho element
ary principles of Iho Federal compact. Ho tho
liulili'creputallnii of the i,cvv Oregou Senator
cauic to a u untimely end.
?!J?"??' ' ?" " " .'e'.it.'m.s im - sji
Ucnural Intelliccnco.
St. 1.01'K, Jiiminry lTlh.
The report of nn nllerciillmi between (Jen.
Seolt nnd Senator Toombs Is wholly nnlrus.
The facts nro ns follows ! (Jtnernl Scott, Sen
ators Toombs, llenjainln nnd others, dined nt
Iho House of Mr. Cotcuran, c Wednesday,
nnd the Soiilheru Senators denounced the
Union wllh Insane pastiou. Toombs wWieil
that tho Stnr of Ihc Wet could be sunk, but
no discourtesy was offered lo Oeiicml Scoll,
and no difficulty rnsunt. (leneral Scott has
nuthorized a denial of Ihc report which has
been circulated.
(ieiiernl Scott, knowing that the Depart
ments arc full of traitors, who Inform the
scccelers of every movement of the (lot em
nienl, has made such nrrnngemeiils that Hie
military measures ngalnst. South Cuioliim
will remain n pci feet secret.
The Chicago Democrat says the F. salens
States, especially New York, nre furnMiIng n
vnsl amount nfnrins fur Southern traitors.
Arehblshoii I'urccll. Cincinnati. nublMies
n circular, urging on the clergv nud faithful
of that diocese prayers Tor tho Union,
The Provide nee Jouninl says that It Is n
Ions limo since our city has been Iu such a
slate of excitement ns wus produced by Ihc
news which rcachcti us yestcret.iy morning.
Military ardor aroe nt nn unprccetlciilcd rale.
The men who have been advocating the most
peaceful nnd conciliatory plans, declare Hint
the time for uu nmicable settlement with
South Carolina has now passcel.
i lie tvuMiiiiginn corrcqiotiiicn oi me cw
York .VoiiniriVf writes: Comiirombcs con
tinues lo be heiiK'le'ss. Tlic proposition of the
Homo Coinmittee', lue'iid'n Mr. Adaim'
plan for the admission or New Mexico us n
Stale, nnd his cniMittillona! tiiueinlinciit
ngalusl congressional interfere nee with slavery
in llio Mates, mm tv inter luvi.i nmemieil
1'iigllitc Slate Hill, nnd etrliilu general I eo
lations, not propolng legidatlon by Congres",
but expressive! of Congrisduiinl opinion, dis
npprntlng nf uneointilul!oiial I', ii-on.il Liber
ty llilN. etc., will Ito olhreil by the eii.ilrman,
Mr. Cor win, next week, nud at llicsam; time
a mliioiily diiwntlng report, by MiHsrs.
Wnshbaru, ef Wiso iviu ; T.ipp.iu, of New
llniiipslilrp, nnd jicrhapi Iwn or three others.
Hut the South l not inclined to take so mild
n do.-c ns lh.it ol lh committee. They will
necepl nothing short of Iho Crltlciid u nnrnd
incut. Tlieio would piob.ibly hold hick Vir
ginia nnd nil llio titnler Staid, hut the He
publienus seem hiellnetl to ilik ilininiou ul.d
cltll wnr before they will neeept ihein.
Doubtless, If the q'leslloii ihH'lidcil on them
selves nloiie, n eoinpriiini'C might be niaile'i
but their i'0ii.tltinnc!crfnii!i'Mi' lliu great cities
blow but one strain, nnd this is no com
promise." Tho Aiknnn Igldaliire li.is tinanhnomly
passed n bill tubiiiilllug tho Convention qiku
tlon In thu ie,tiple on the Ittili or February.
Ifn mnjiirily favor the hoMIng of a Coin en
lion, thudovcrnni- will uppeiint Ihc day of its
Tho Chariislon Mmuiyttt January 10th
eoiitaliK the feilluwiu; :
J. N. Merrlmaii, Collef lor of the port of
(Icorgclow u. South Carolina, was on .Monday
hist nrieletl by tin' vop!i.of ( Sitir.'ctotvii on
is ehargc of tnasim n.'alu-t tho State. A
teller trim round wrlthu by him nnd uddit'sscil
to Mr. Iliieliiiiir.n, slating that ho (Mcrrlmau)
hnd just i-letintl vcwls in the name of the
I'nlteil . Slalis. nnd would continue Iu do so.
The letter ealN upon the President In send n
boat mid nun In e-ollcct the Fe1hr.1l revenues,
nnd Informs him of the progress nolo In
the e-onnlnu'tlon of iho works near O nrge
town, nnd proml-is lo l.irp him po lei
fiom lime In 1 1 mo iu nliition of Iho s-ntiv.
TI lifer Isstamd by his lidilals-J. N. M.
When iilieleil he iiekiinwiidiriil hiitiner writ
tell It. Ills Deputy win id o nrie-'id. lie
said he bad been in the habit nf trriliug Mer
rim.in's leltcis. but had not done nt In this
i-.ik', ns lie considered It tie-.noii. Ilolli hate
been eommltlid Tor irlal.
irKSssirtit'ie"! 'f.ie'.-'i
His ItK'.i'.tiiii. TliMilinr of the San Fran
else'o lliillttni, writing frrm Washington, nays :
W. II. I'nrtrrll (tvbu Iih ben upreseiitiM
lieiv during tho Jn-t no'iilli n itbtur of the
.Ilia), Is n cniidi'uiii' for o'Venil (Hevs. rpe
chilly for iho Miiicl.nildp. His prlneiKil
iilablle ulliins s-ttn In In- that hn is ni-tlng
ck'rk here (or Co'. Daki r. nnd lliut he mnd.' n
JouriH'.v lo Oh-:." ii !hi I'ull l- biruain lor Ids
brollur-hi law's lute in Iho ltri:alitri ol that
Stale, iu favor of III.- furiuti that elected Ilakcr
nnd Nemlth.
It would scei.i from this tlmt i:n only nil
tho (ffleii hi Oregon wcro bargalmil nwny to
wenre llic rleellmi of the Iwn I!epub1liiiu Sen
nlorj from tlds State, but tl.il Cnliforni.t wus
placed under contribution U.
A S.toiiis-irK. Tl.c Slnlciuau s.tys that
81200 worth of Wnr scrip nM In Cortiillis
nt thirteen cents on the ilull.ir. It items in-
ryajra?rrf-jf -s-i urn" j.mjji szmaem
At Iho riM'isffl of lh bride's f'llhir, ul
WcIImIIIi'.oii A p;i"cit(Vi'k, Jackson i-iiiiiily,
Huiul.iy. IVI-rmry lii'li. hy Win. i'tnrkiy. -I. I'
Jamks MsKii:iirn mii l.vniv Aoi.i.im: V.'i:i.i.s,
ullol" WelNvllle.
At the same' tlnio mu plan- ni tin- aliore, hy
thu r.u.K', Kim. ni Hoajw and I, tun Jim:
Wi.i i.s.
s'a'jsiisiivji vn
1I KI").
In Jnekiiiuvllli'. Wubutday mornlns. IVI-ris-ary
I Itli.of imninioiil.i.nl Jr. llroiikH'lio'iiltal,
lli.ueil l'i:m.v. imirliaiit of Jael.--ouvi;ie, Iu thv
III lis jiisr ol liln nve.
Mlclili; in hip w deae' copy.
'1 hu frleinln ami nrqunlnlnneis of Iho ileceo-n)
are ropeiifidly nollilnl ll.at llio funeral will
lake place from iho sloro ol' W.ul-', Morgan A
Co., on California i tre I, tlilMimiulii;', at eleven
o'clock, mat iliey nro luvltul to nllcnd.
PHOENIX LODGE Mo. 3, A. F. f, A. H.
Hold their regular eniiimunleutioii the A
.Saniuiiv livi;iiu mi or pie ceiling tho)? vr
l v
S. M. WAIT. W. M.
S. Hrni.irn, See'y. J.in2li;'-'
ouiuio.N oiiADT::n rvo.-i,
liOSTAIs iLSl022 K2.J302JS,
J.XOUSQS vn.i.i:, OUKtlOX,
Will hold Its regular communications im the
I'll.! Untnii'iiy i:inlni5i.l I'.mi)' Iiiulli,
All sojoarulng Couijiauloun Iu good (Iniiillug
nre cordl illy luv lied lo nllouil.
W. W. FOWI.Kll.ll. I'.
J.vs.T. (im:nx, See'y. i!ccH;-
WARRr.N LODGE JIo. 10, A. F. & A. H.
A 1IOM) llii'lr regular eoniinuulcatlons
-U Vftho We iliie-cl ly llveulugn oil or pieceillug
VAlho I'ull moon, In
j.ee'KMitiii.i:, ouv.
ts. w. inn:i:n, w. m.
II. Hloom. Sic'.
i. o. o. r.
Jacksow ii.i.i: LnnisK No. 10, hohl'llmegii
lar meetings every .S'.U'iVAVMl A'I'A'.W.ViV,
excepting lis Iho lint wiek of each s.soiitli,
when It Is held uu FIIWA Y VVILXIXH.
HiothcK lis good stamllng nio cordially In
vited to attend.
Hkxi'.v Dknlimii.i;, It. Sev'y. :)'-';Ciu
- j i ijjjjyi.-'j"iy L!.5ti.'?jj!i mamtaii -
Jlns. Wixsmiw', an experienced nurse nnd fe
male physician, has n 8oothlng Syrup for child
ren tectlilug, which greatly facilitates Iho pro
ecus of leclhlng, by so rtcnlng the gums, reducing
alt liilhvminatlon will allay all pain, ami Is
Hire lo le'illalu tho bowel. Depend upon ll.
motlicrii, It will glvo rest In jouriclvc ninl
hcallli lo your Infant.i. lVrfeclly saru In nil
cnc. Hco nilvertl.'cmcnt Iu another column.
The recuperative qualitlei r Sand's Sar-
sanarllla never falls to lrlvo cntlro satbraeltoa.
when fairly under Us lutliieiicc the purtlted
blood courses through the nrlcrles, veins nnd
IImiics of the body Incrcnscd In volume, Impart
ing healthy limit Mitiient to tho vllal orgnnn,
wllh llio pulse strong nnd regular nud the di
gcrtloii improved Ihc pallid cheek soon re
gains the lino of health the feeble becuma
strong. Sufferers from scrofula, ulcerous nnd
eruptive dlroiders, try It nnd be convinced.
Dyspcpsire, Fovcr and Ainio,
Indigestion, sour stomach, water hradi, beast
luirii, bllllotMiicM, liter complaint, acidity, llatu
leiicy,jauiiillce, change nf climate, tick head
ache', los of nppcllle, female coinplalnts, oppres
sion after cat lug, mid general ilcbllily uru rapid
ly, cuVclutdly and surely cured by the Oxv
ns:xATi:n IIitikiis.
I'U.iroiixii ctiiu'.M's:.
MMmnt lill, Oil., June ll'.lli, I808. Hav
ing suffered lor lilleun jears wllh Dyrpcpdn, la
Hit worst form, nml having con-ullnl tvllli Iho
liesl iilitplchins, ninl Irlnl etcry thing itcotn
luciiifeif, without relief, I wa humccd Iu try the
OinuA'iTMi llirri:u, nud licfora I had taken
ouu liollle I fun ml mynir much In Her. nud con
tinued taking them until I wui entirely cured,
nml now enjoy n good health u I etir did Iu
my life. I lake plcti-ini! Inn commending Ihem
In all who are tiuiil.uly iilllielul.
tVMM litMMIIlllls:.
for sale In California hv itcilliiiilnu A Co.,
Henry .IoIiumiii A (,'o (Jiarles Morrill, Kan
I'l.inel-eo j It. II..McllmaMA Co.,Sacruniciilii J
Itlce. Conli.VCo., .Miiryatlllet Hnillh ,V D.ttln,
I'orll.ind, Oregon. .Maieh IJ.-lyu-.
.ft Why Is dulncy Hnll t 'ais I'ruu.
cii-eo, so popular t
l!cenu-e Iho pnees thsre nic Irrci-lstlblenrgu-ments
Iu Its I'avor.
Wilt' arc so mtny culomers comlaiitly mak
ing purchuics at Qi'lM'V lltl.i.!
lleraiiM) n lllieral mlverlldug policy ha mnile
known In lliu million thu fiicln line the i-slnli-liihmeut
Is the laruert ono In the city, ninl the
goods offited, the liest uud lliu clieaerl.
Wilt nre lliree salerooms needed nl Ocimt
They are the ed'ect of n legtllmale elenlon
of Ii.imik'k', loinnlut iivin the energy uud nUlli
rubiest of )eiirK, nml ivqulrctt hy llio growing
trade of Iho I louse.
Wnv do Ihc irers say ro mniy graceful
Ihlugiof yiiMiv lltl.i.!
They know It In Iw a piriimiienl msrl for hi
pel lor clolhliig, eoiiiliictitl on Iho slrtelc-t lii-l-mi's
principles, inariniit 1 lliroiigliout ll' opera
lions wllh the piitietuallly ol eloekwoik. mid
particularly deserting of llie coulld 'lice of Ihc
Wiii.n ynu go lo San I'raiiebco, Imy your
clothing nt (jsiNcr llviuiiml save )oiir mo
ney ly mi lining. IMiieinticr, nt 117, I m ami
I'll Wnshliitilon slrtel, IHISm
Vistar's ilalsarj of Vild Clscrry.
The only pure mid genuine ll.ibam Is, nud
for Iho l.i-l Iwi-nly srs, Ii ts Ik-iii inpircd by
Si.tii W. I'owi.i: ,V Co., of lliisluii nml their
prlutitl name', its vvillns the wrllli'ii signature of
I. IIiits, npju-ar o'i tho outer wrappers. A
o:i would m old Iho spurlout nud bate lln-gen.
ulii", Idt ii nt lUirt This bitnlualda rtmnly
Wuriu's lAistti oi' Wii.ii Cos m;v Is ilw Ik-'I
ouu extant for Ihoitifi-, suly mid immanent
curu ofcouli', colli', sore llim.il, lionehltln,
a-lliini, I'Kurisy. paiiiinimla, I'liiup, whuuplng
roiiuli, Mitillng at Ike lung', piln Iu lliu l.rva.l
or ld ', ni.d In I set every form of tlimit, rtu-st
uutl lung loiiipliiluts, as willtu ini.ltil-iux li
re If.
Tlil liiui'i-lsnlil Kiiinly rimiiM ! In the hands
nfeti'iy family nml lud tlihial. mii tlm !y up
pllcutliin nf It'lu n slight cold will imuphi Ilium
ili.iturillef: whI.'eii'orii'iiglaiidiii.. oll!
mill-, ni.d of npre-ntly liictirnMic!i.irucltr,wlll
sur-ly yhM In It wnMlerful cur.tlltu hiwers
iiullu vrtat lulajilallun In llio wants of man
when ullllitdl.
rursal'ilti Caltfornli ly liiilillii'.-lo'i A Co.,
Henry Jolui-on A' Co., (.'Iinili-s Moirlll, !-.iu
I'ranelico; II, 11. McllniiaMA Ci..Sncratiiinlii !
Itlco. I.'i.dl'i A l'ii...Mii.vsvllli: mill l.y J-'mllh A
Hatl'.l'oril l.eiri'uon. .Miirehsi.liMy.
siTi.TisismmggrAiuctt-.m'.i vrsu usi'iimi..!-)
we2x.sUi? OQ'aS'E3.
cost, coiisUlIug of n well Heeled ttoik of
. II ATS nnd CAPS.
citoci:itn:s nnd
CKOCKllHY nnd (SI.ASSWAItlli ulso, a
Hue nsrorinse'ist of
l.'uglish nud French Merinos,
Scotch Plaids, Alpacas,
H.ire-ges, Pomlns,
SwIstMui'liii, Linus,
(Singbnms, llonuels. Ilmnct Hlbbon,
liinbioideieil Shvtesnud Cullati,
liuglish, American and 1'ieneli
nnd n large stock of
lnllc.' ninl Children's (Sailers nud Shoes ;
nil or tvhleh will 'iui'iui h AM nl Cos, ns
1 Intend to clear out my whole stock by Ihc
lirst of April.
Jr"All those Indebted to mo will pleaso
call nud pay up Immediately, In save exiieuses.
II. HI.O0.M.
Jacksonville, Feb. 2,1 Sfi I. Uif
wish Iu gain tlsenglli, we rteuinineuil tu
tio to (lie) Kiltie Hiovvery,
formerly owneil hy J. J. Ilobinu, which lins
liecli imicliio-eil liy llioussili-islgiieil, who will
carry on lliu liiislncs', nml keep constantly on
h.iiul n largo slock of llio
which Ihe-y oil' r for salo nt wholesale. In their
li.ir loons on tlm prcsulses Iliey will not HI in
lest quuiillly than one holtlo or quail, which It
Iho smallest iluo they can osi-hiIIhi lor Iho nf
lllcleil. Tl.o li.iti'onno of nil lovers of Iho buv
esage, Is kiiiilly tollelleil.
josiii'ii WK'iTi:in:n.
Jacksonville, Sept, II, InVJ, :i.I
T11I1 coparlne'rslil)lierclofiiie exbtbig iimler
llio name, Ihm and sljlu of IIohmvn A
IJlNTIMIPOV. iu llio lilltlllC'il of coiuliiclliig lliu
III Duraelu Saloon," In tho (own of Jackson
ville, has ihld il ty Ktii illssolvul hy iniilual
consenl. W. P. Hoffman will avuiao Iho pay
ment of nil dilitt ninl llalilllllet nnnli) o:s con
tract by Iho late Hi in, nml will make i.ll colkc
lluiis ilnu Iho fame.
Jaii'iary Utli, lsi.1. jjnJC;;':lw
tfJ'elHt.. i.JA".u .ei.UJ.LCglWflwe'--1 .- '.l
now AiivKiiTisiaicKTs.
Ill Commemoration nl tho
AT thi:
LOUIS llOIlNK, proprietor, of the ntmvc
iiamiit Hotel, wilt give n splendid 5,
Hall on the ii'v,
S,ft-.,..S..w r f..tttt.... t-ft ??il. j:
lo which hun iiHcllullylntlles the piilillo VJ
generally. Tho nll'ulr will It) gotten up Iu llio
scry Ik t sttle, wllh ctcellciit miiric, and ap
propriate order of dancing.
A sumptuous nipper will lie served nt it suit
able hour.
I'oimnlllrc nf Iiiillnliaii.
W'm, P. lloi'isitv, Jons' llil.iis.n,
J.S. Dl.lM, C.C. IlKI.KUtV,
Jull Nl.lllKIt, II. lll.l.l.MS.
lloor .1!,ni;igrti.
Wst. A. Owr.v, M. D.vti.
jZfr Tii'KKTi $71" bi hid of the Commit
tee, or nl Iho desk of the Hotel.
5rO.MIs8 1.oii'A IIoiim: will pntent a licnu-
III. . I kill. nl.. I ....1.1 ..l.ll.t.ll.l..,. .1 lll(llt..H lit llin
in,, rim tin., ,4i. i ..- ... ........v. ... ...b
Jnckontllle Houk nnd Ladder Company pre-
.rtVlh? Ilaimer Presentation will lieiiiiile
at Iho I tote I, Ju-t Klore llie opening or the
Hall, at i Ight o'clock. .lau'Jlii-.'ilw'
fPlin undiriilgniil hat purrliaed this lontt
.1. eslalilhliid, toiuhir puldic llou-e, ami will
lurrarter cnmliicl It uinler liNown nupervlslnn.
lie1 hut iisnibi liii'rt.H.t lniiroteuiciils hi the
Hotel. m nt in msiins in (tirr gursi ihc viry
la si tf nltcudiinei' nml ciiinl'orl iu cveiy manlier.
Tho llou-e It slliuiteil near llic muiiIi lunik of
llugili' lllur, eleven miles fiom Jack'imv llie.
atnl atiMit one mile flout (Sold Hllliiitui the
main Oregon ro id.
A Hue. sptclout Italllt k"pt In readtnest for
Punic, II slit nml oilier lei-lltllti", cttry nr
rangviueiil fur which can Im made In rhurl
Atlnclnd In Iho prrmbet I n due. Iiiuil.ini
(Saiilcti ami I'mll Orchard, with ninplcrcupcej
piiium gtoiiud'.
The Lird r uii'l Harts suppllid wllh nil the
choicest tnrh'llin of Vlainls, Wllie', Mmior'tnid
lle'Trnsgi'S, which forelgii or dometllu m.irkils
can furiibh.
A goml stahlo Is nllnclud In Iho Hotel, nml
nllenllvc ho.-lleis will heepenru of hunes eu-Iru-leil
Iu shntl, everything enlcul.sti-il In ciindiirn In
Iho comfort iifgui-sln nml their iiulmitR will k
aliuiiil.iutly liirnl-luil.
lltnnstllh'. Fib. in. T.l. .Vtf
tiii: nm:tr .tui::iiL'iN i.i.mi.hv
For (lit Cure sil'ttll Dlsctmi'H
Arising from
'PUIS Is IhnorlKlnali
1 unit t; msliu' in llelt-.
which, liy It-woinli'ifiil!
cures. Ins -rurnl Ihe CURES
first nud fnnmo'l pl.iei-
Iu piiMic isllm.itluii. ll sii.oni.v,
lint now Income built-!
Ininlib' Iu famlllet for iktiu muii,
tin' imi't ibllnito fi--j
lll-lli. ninl tll'M'.UUjlsl H.ll.T uiiu-u,
ehlld iiiieynt nil tliii'-s
lake ll wllh p.'rficl sar.-- isuti.s ami riMii.i:,
ly. It not only cur-,
Seriiful.i ni.d nil illtni Mini on n iii-mis,
nrblng Irnm is tltlutnl
isuil lull inn d comlilluu irrv,i:eis i.ii:iions,
iT tho liluitl. I. it. ir
llmily ii-id. will carry I'.ti.vmiri' tiu.ie',
nir In n rfii'ily iisiu-
nl m n n ii or nil iiu-j iiuiauiTiiu,
hi-.illliy Hcrelloii", ninlj
irrieiit Iho hi(iil.In;- uivsiri Ms,
ml of those uiils;htlt
Motehe-s, ton mid p'm Mi:un mti, ii.'skit.i,
pies, lo which pirsiuo
nf irrofiiloiit li'hih'iicy iii:.M'itti. m.mi.nv.
nio nil more or le.s sills i
jit.1. '
Price, One Ilull.tr ir Lclllo, or six bottles fur
I'liu Hollars.
jCL.tu1r. XTox
SAND'S S A It S A 1 A U I I. F. A ,
Prrmred by A. It. .t II. St.Mis' DrugcM
inn Fnllon strict, I'omer ol William, N. Y.
For sale by HKDINtSTON .t CO.,
San I'raiiebco.
It. A- II.MiDONAI.D - CO.,
Thompson .t (siti:i:u,
fi Ins Jacksonville.
New Btate Saloon.
liy .foliu .lIcLuugliliii,
MIIIS established ami jinpulnr House has
X lueii repillchail hy John' Mi l,el iiiii.ix,
and will ho eoiiiiuctetl hy him Iu Iho sama mil
foi m ami excellent manner lh.it distinguished
tho llou-u Iu palmiest il its.
Ilowlll Keep on hand none but lint clan,
brands of
Liquors and
which nro remilarlr forward! d Irom noteil Im
porting houses Iu San l'lanclico. His stuck of
will llkcwlso Lo of tho best uuallttcs. The
nro of l'he tail's latest Iniprotiil pit tern, wllh
.Mnihlo Huts nml c.niil.limlloii cushions,
111 niMllloii to tho letall hueluess, the unprl
cliii' lufoims his litcnils ami Iho public that he
In priiaieil to furnish customers with Wines
ami I.Iipiui s of Ik'sI ipialily Iu bulk or p ickngea,
nt such prices us will in.sko It nn Inducement
for pmchasers tu receive HHr supplies Hum
lie iiiemlier tho old stand, corner of California
nnd 1 lilid streets, contiguous lo thu I'o-t Ollico
uud Ileckmau's I.'vprcM. l'vli. 2 a
JKJUOUS. Whisky, Hrumly, Jamalcinnd
J SI. CroW Itmn, Old Tom nud Swan (Sin,
Port Wine, Case Liquors. C.ilawba and Hos
tetters Hitlers, etc. tho largest uud best stock
iu this part of the Slate, for sale by thu gallon,
neg or cast;, lllttUSI !; .
V Medical purposes, for s slo nt
OUUHAN T W1NM-A pmo urliele. made
In Oicgnn, for whilst HIHDSKYK'S. I
U f(( MIS.' HA CON SIDKS nud'
VJJVJ HAMS for sale nt
ti - - hj" . - i--- , , - .. r. --;--
.i ii.ilii. l.Mi irgrr'wpB
-ashiHgtoii Ball !
ox thi:
rpilKsiiVcrllierwIII give n (SltAND IIAUs
X nt llllll.M.lTft nui I.I., ivaiuo. oil
the livening of tho Tweiily-Seconil Fc'ijij
riuirv ill Honor oi inu itiiiutvrsiir ui
Walilngloiis Ilirtli-Dny. 'l
luiiimillrc or iitilnlinii.
VVai.imi Painucl Nlchobon nnd Tlmt. Todd.
Il.t.lMiH Y.tu.i:v J. While nud J. II.
Ai.tiioihk A. T. Mitchell.
Knuivt ii.t.K ItcnJ. Nnrli.n.
CtMtv Cm.i.K A. P. Turner.
Di.s.ii Cns.s.i; Vai.i kv Jus. A. Abbotts.
W.tl.mi-J. C. Chllils nnd James llcndcrshll.
Im.iow VAM.I.V Mr. Steel nml 0. II.
Ai.Titoii! Clint. II, Illicrls.
Ki.iinvtii.t.K-J, II.. Short and Jn1in8lMr.
Camix Ciikkk W. V. May nml II. Hock.
Flour .ilnmigrr.
W. V. Wiiiliml, John lllder and W. IJntL
Y.. Ilutchlnson. William Tcnchncr ami Mr.
W. I.IND, I'roprlrtnr,
Waldo, Jan. 2fi.
mm, www & Co.,
Moltnl ( Slir U'niilt nr llie Irfscnlllr
to Tin: puiimo
vi: orrr.n i.nmuckmkntm
'.. I'KRitr, 1. U. Waih',. ..I!. H. Mouu.y.
Jack'ontlll?, January I'.', 'til. ri2:3m
Lint of Lottors
I) IIMAININO in Tin: post officij
It nt Jacksonville Fihruury Ifith, lHfit :
A Jackson Moses Is
Abbot lllrnm Johnson Win S
Arnsitrong S W Jurmy S M
Ashby Jirs'ph II Jones Mrs Surah
Austin Juntos A Jiiikson James M
A ink I son Thumal Johnson Philip
15 K.
Hanks David '.' King Jnuies A
lll.seklidga John Kleler A
IhiKiliel Mnrg J Knowlton (I cor go
llonliisin J N Knit J l
Hiin-kt Curtis Kendrlrks D 11
Ihue-dicl It nl I.
ItirnnCt) l.liivlllo Allen T 'J
llargol' Asii'iii I;in.d'y 1'. I ward 'J
llaylor P.T hn.icr.ck .1 Kit
llri'giis It S l.'imb John
llright John W I wis Mrs Until
Ititmiiighiim A J laissoii lilishn
llmily-1 A L'Viiii Fruiikliit
lluwe'r Peter II ligsdon D N
l..seoni liiliui Isittll Charier
jliitivn Pirry Liner 'IlKupnlil
Ikniii Wm Lib.uker John
Huthr (Sen I! l.linlley Newton
llrudburv Hii-c D L'w.s.lohn
It.iMir (il'vuril l.ivli,jton L:l
Itnnielniuiii Charles M
ll.ithy A .M Morehe'ad John
llriiii A Montgomery Thomas
Heuls James Met leu Chirk
U Mlre-sSaml
Charlton C A 11 Miller Wm
Crnlv .Mis .Innj . Mace S.sml
llatle'r Alfml Mellonald John W
Cutler John I. Marks J P
Comet t Jiiiiii s Moore 1 Ircvn S
Cornier Mrs I'IIIim A Morton Martin
Cletideiilu James II McDowell Saml
Caldwell Klhcrl Myers Jacob
Caldwell (KM Mailer John
Crocker Alftwl Mmler D M
I) Moore JS
Doildi- W 1 1 '.' Mcllanlel J or larkcr
Damon Itobeit'J MikucOS
Huiic.iii S U Miller Jackson
DilrJonpli McDauiel A J
Diiuluim John Merrell John I)
DaiiklsSclh Miller Jacob
Dokint IIP N
Dewey Jnuies II NclUon MIcIimI
Dunn (Si-o W Ncwcomb W
Dallon I limy N l
I'. PiijiicJT3
Mitlle Freds rick -I Pease Jesse 'I'
Ivlgar Joins D Polndextcr L
V Patrick J W
I'ergiuois Chas I, Pool 'I'homas
l'luiumerfelt Chas Piarce Miss .urilha
Freeman louls Parrish Mr
Frit ml Miss Cutis Powirs Henry
1 'on Is Wm It
liiiiiiiiii Frank Itcvtl Isiwsnn 2
Psirtman (ieo It.imey D 0
1'o.tcr U W Jtitchiy (Scorgo
Fox (.'lots K Holnrt John F
(i HijI John 0
(Srccn Aaron .'I Hlilneliart Jacob
(inljilii John itublmon Win
liiseldy Win Heed (Seo Is
(Jucss Mis Mary Heed N
Craves L-ouard K
(irill'ni J ll Saudford Henry W et
Ornubcs S Slncum Johu II
Crow John Suiter F
(Surney Oilman Simpson U V
(,'eartnian IavI Strliklin Win
(Srillith 11 U Shookmau John
(icmielts John Slone Hco W
Ceo Joicph 11 Scnniton Ilomco Ir)
11 Smith John X
Harrington J II 3 Shcrcr (Seo
llenrnto I'M 'J T
lllukle Mary Ami '2 Thompson John U 3
Huniinond R W 'J Tweed Henry 3
Ham Henry Turner David U
Hurrcu W M Turner Thomas
Humphries I. M Tulbot (ices M
Hull Franklin V
llunilltnn John Yanwlnklo Juten T 3
lliikcy Juiiicb Yiiudenburg Joseph
Hinkla Miss Carolina Yeruon James
I liury Alexander W
Harris Wm Worvvlck Isaao
llnupt Niched ss Williams U W
llognu Dennis AVulker James II
Helper John M Wnkcllold Henry S
I lusklns Win K Wriglitinton (J F
Hogan Win Wilson Allies
Hanncy Chrlsllan Warner John If
llcliar F War.-hani Sampson
lluughtO W Welch Jerry,
Helms UHils
Heron John Forfiom Lctteksi
1 llaur Jnipics
Ingram Peter Fiedrleh Seherb
liigrani Kbon M 0 A ScIiodI:
Ives Peter N Lsugcrr
,1 Jucdi lloaaaw
Jackson D 11 -1 Cluus StiMP
Persons calling for llieso leltcis will plcasq
say they ure udverlbcd,
J. W. McCUMsY, I. M,