Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 09, 1861, Image 1

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"TFMJ'.'".M ' "l"" "fc'
iMiuiri.r.i iUi.if'jvJ(in(n.ir s, J s ..itLt.,!
UfutiwyWiviA. gty; r..frijiufc.ijyA--LJtx-u.iAtftJ-A-uAa a. -5 ifnirn'iitfilri irTt-mr.iirj.Lj. ii 4(
fc . -(
VOL. VI NO. 4.
pi in. Willi. I JMIQlnrMMI '" '" 1 1 M illlilli1 H Jl MWlliiii IP iiLlniJiili!UI Hi I F I1 ill I1 iilll ' i' 'I'll1"'.
. ?
Offico over Clnggago & Drum's Stables.
One Copy, Ona Year $3 00
One Copy, Six Month. :i on
One Copy, Tlirca Months 2 00
One Square, of Tiulvo Lines or lcr, Tirsl In
sertion, 9'i 00 1 nml fur each subcpicnl Insm
'.Ion. SI 00.
1'rolt'ttloiml or tltirlncrt CanK Kncli Square,
per nnnnm. tftl Oil i Tor Six Month', $13 00 1
for Three Month, 10 00.
A liberal iltKonnt will Im made lo perrons tthn
tlvrrltc In the cutout of Tour square.
T ic numlicr or lnerllon should be marked on
Hip margin or nilterllreminlr.
Attorney and Councillor
7noUonvlllo, OroRou,
orm :h:m.i:.wcj s
AS for the tirrcnt lalillrtitil n fhnn nl
lhi iintillc iniiHi of Mr. Michael lln-unnu.
on California street, Jnck-nni'ilh'. win re he l
prcptml to execute it try ilcerlpllon or work
In till lines Suit', warranto! In lit. made nt
short notice, In nny rttt Ihu cu'tmner liny
cluuc. . He hv mi ham! the latest la.lilnu p.it
t.-rn. U-itlrtn ilumt ni-ntly, with dhp itch.
Choree Ion'.
Jneknont Ilk lire. 8, IBflO. -tttf
Dr. X. Caldwell lioaliiian
HAS .prrmincntly Incatttl In Jackioniillc.
ami nfli-r hi profi-fslonal tcrtlccs In the
practice of
MrilMiir, Nnrij.fr- n.t.l Otnl.trl.s.
Oftlcf t hl residence, on Cnllfnnnt tlrccl.
1 1 lite lionc formerly ncruphil by A. Jl. Ibtrj.
ii'.Tt ilimr to Jtulge Prim's.
Chuigc. tt-ry rcannuhle. Cutis attended to
nt nil luuirr of the il.iy or night.
lire. 2lt. isr.n. lrc3lill:Cni
nAS nptuil n shop nppofllo Aii.toroii A
(Sli'iiii'n. on California flint. In Hr. I.
Ciaiiung ilrii.i Hon-, for r. p tiring
watciiks, clocks, Ji:vi:i.itv.i:ri.
All work uiwrniitiil Inglte ftitlrlucl'tiii.
Jscktont lllc. lire. VIA, iM.tl. t"l'.ly
LPKK'Kt jukwonvu.m: iiiivci htoui:.
JJ US TsK -..- IB'JQ.'9
TnolLouvillo, Ovonou.
All my work will ! i-xrcnlnl CyvtH
Rt urrntly niliKl prlciH. iniirun At7mA
only. iici.:tnii.iii ixrxiJ
Attorney and CoiiiihoIoi at Law,
Viril.f. pmrttcp In nil HioOmrMiiMlii Jork
Hin nu.l Jn'plitiii t'oiinllc', nml In lli
Knpreine Court of thiSt.ite. '.'tlf.
A 1 1 o r it .y h at l n w ,
Will Mlni'l tn any Ii!iipm rotit11 .1 In tlii-m In
tin wmt.iI i;onrin or urn i ir-i Jiiiiiciai innrici
of Orrjion, nml In the Snpn me Court. M.
Attohnkv and Coimumjiu at Law,
"17lfcL pmctlcn 'n Ilia DPernl Conrln of tin-
V Klrl Jmllelnl llUtrlct of On-.-mi, nml ut.
tiinl promptly to luilni cntrntil to hU cure.
Coitstlnn nttrmlnl to with ilNpxtvli, 'J7
J.1 oIT.t. IiN oriifi mIoiihI Krttcc. In IhU com-
tniinlly In Ihu practice of .VnUmr, Snrfry anil
Oilier on California lreit, ncM iloor to Neu
lirr'n Jnvilry .tori1,
Cill.tittrmliil to nt nil hour of iliy ornli;lil.
JUrchai. lM:n...ir
, J.rkiuut lllr, lrTK.
In prrp-xri1! In lul." 1'tctnicn In rwry t-ll- of
tae AXl, Willi nil Mivt iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiis ii
lo not fi' MllfuclIon.nocharKi-n will Ih in.ule.
'all nt KunkV Climr Store, or at Hie (ialli ry inj
The Hill, nml t hl 1'lctiir.x. Illf
N HANI) ami iiuulo to onler. Hoiiho Lln
lug ami paper HaiiKlnv. Iy
A. u. Ai.nr.iuo,
J , Oiliurnii S-'rtil, 'ir Ongon,
Xmw and Collection Office.
(lute Cliltf Justice.) a
I'ortlaud, OrcguH.
Will nroctleo In the Courts of Oregon and
Wuiiliingtou 'IVrrltO'Iw.
.. B. F. DOWELL,
Juktoni III., Oregon,
Will practice In nil the Court, of the 3-1 Jii.lt
chil lilitrlct, lite Supreme Court of Oregon, unit
In Yiekn, Cul.
1'urlli'lilar nltenllon pulj to procuring Laml
Wm rim t nml collecting claims ngaliml the (iov
ernimnt. 'My
T aninoW prepared to reecho patlentu In tho
X mopiwi, ou iuu cornvr ui .uiru oiruv, iiavn
of the 'Union Hon I."
JackwiiTlllc, July '.'8, ISi.O.-'.'S II,
Ciillfornlii Strtct, Jiiflisomlllr, Crrsoii.
Tin, Brass and Copper Ware,
Stoves, Iron and Steel, Hard
ware, Cutlery, IMacksmltir.s
Tools; Powder, Shot & Lead,
Faints, Oils. Glass. &e.,&e.
LOVE & ISIfliftlUl
HAVi:jutneelul from (lie Atlnnllc lile
nml Smi I'Mtirtatt, n cointijelc flock of
rcrj lliliiir In llietr llni', nml will Kivproutnnt.
ly ou hmiil nu noortmeut of the lict
Till, Shcrt Irnn U t'otiprr Witrr,
Uric I'lpei". HjiImiiIIc No.h,i'. Torce
I'uiiip., Chilli", Lfiul I'lpe, ll'iv,
And Iffaila, nil Sizes ;
I tit r. I'liilo nml nnrlril Iron ;
I'iiIiiI". (UN. tr? nml IiIum:
Alliiiilllt ri'nuilvr;
Shot of nil iiiimNr. :
llii.ie.or'i ry tnrli'ljr.plc, rtr.
All nrlleti" "!! ov them or lii.iiiuliicliiriil.
V.lllt.NTi:il. Tlolr work l imule i.r the
IhM mitir'.il nml ofrlioVi-rt intliri.-.
'S.U.Ol'li r lltlrinl.il In with ipihkift ill.
patch, nml lllhil necorilln In iliriillnii'.
Al.n. Jul receUnl. n l.ircn lot of Slow, or
ni'ortul rl.ei', nml pr in inn pultun'.
UiicK's Patent Cooking Stoves,
The Xew World Stove.
The Inn uiy l-l, niu-l ii'prni(il p.iltcrniln
the hoi hi.
i'aiior, Olliee and Caliin Stoves,
I'nvy iinl I'liln, coii'liucliil on I.1I01 fuel
mi hi): plans
I'ollrrr. Krlllrf. I'tit, Pm:,
iml piirjlVii; ronni-cli ! with llntu Stoiec,
Inril'liMiinl in tfi-ei.
In rierj ihiiitf, their ftoek I the l.irre.t ami
ninpli li'l evir liiniiiiht In JackMiuvllh1, nml
ihey iireilliriiilniil IomII
Cull nml I'vimlnc their l''k Im fnr pun lin
.!! i Ih'uIiti'. (June '.'.'I. omi..'J:i.
.11)11 AMIIIIl-IIV, - . .lA.MT.H r.JI,i:.
Aiii:rson tS: Gli-:x,
GSlLIiyOTlA at.,
iioi.i:sam: axd
ui:taii. DIULIIIIS IN:
mU & i. l:TV Dill IMK
Clothing, Booto, Shooo,
Hate and Capo,
Prosorvod Fruits, Tio Truit,
Frosorvod Moats, Oystors,
Frosh Spicos, aucos,
Jollios andFicklos,
' JUrcliuiiIrk' liniiliiiiciitH, I'ur-
iiiliii; IiiiiiIciiii'iiIh; I'ainl.,
OIIk, I i (in ami Ktt't'l,
srT.vr jo aks 6:a,
tn whlrli wo respectfully luilte h-imih nlh1ue
puichnMi im we um ilt'tumlmil ( Sliljlw
UHliiAl' 1'UiC (JASI1.
J.iekM)nllle, October 13, IMS.-tCW.
eii:s?s 8ALOOIV.
At the fllil !'..lub!llioil I'.rrt Corner.
THE BAB l mpl'lli'l wllh the
choicem Liquori, Winos ami Cordials. oi
lalueil Irom tliu bent him Fr.inct'co lioioei.
Tho Im( nppiou-il QiiiilllirK of Kmk'IWi,
.Scotch and American Malt BoVCrOKCI. on
ilrauuht or In Imtlli',
CIGAIIS "I1 prima llaramt hrnm.,
iiuichal timet iioiii llr.t-cluM Inipurting
liuiiWH, will Ik., kept conrtaully on hniiil.
In eery ilepnrlment the KpreM Saloon will
bo kept in 111 t-r.,tehlle, ami nn oppnrluulty
will Imi negliclei to cater for the comturt mill
rcfrcHlimi'iit of gueftif.
c. r. kriikini:, it. iuvm..v,
Altoi-iieyx fc Coimselois at Lair.
27 Kkiiiiviii.i.k, Onroox.
OlooUa t
A GOOD nffortmeut ot Clocks at tho Jack
nonUllo Unnk nml Vniletv More, corner
Culllornla and Orezon liul. 17
R1HKS Inkcn upon Mill. lfole!i, Slnrcn,
llHellliy, etc., mi finornlilo term. In
tho follmvliu; will known ami rc.oiislb!c
Compntile. t
I lurt fonl tn.timncc Company, llnrtfonl.
I'IiumiIt In.itrnncc ComtMiiy, llnrtfonl.
Merclmnln' lii.urnnctt Company, llnrtfonl.
Charier Oik Iii'iinincc Company, llnrtfonl.
City Fire Inoirniicr Company, 'llartfonl.
Mctrnpolltnn I'lrc liioiruuec Co., Js". York.
Ilnoillmc Kiro In.iirnnci! Co., New York.
(Ilranl l'lru nml Marine Insurance Coin
pnny, Plillmlelplila.
(junker City Itwirnnco Company, Vlilta.
All lnei patil linnicil'iitcly lipnti niljit.
inent. I'nrlles loaning money upon biilldlngii
fhoiilil cc that thev urn innnnl.
K. C. SKS.SIONS, Acctil.
.Sept. Ti- :i(ilf
SrVioltooiltrillo, Ol'OROU,
'pill!l'l neeomtiioilillon. plien In kucMi,
J Ir.ni'Iriil nml rinniiriil.
The Until ln Iktii nliirnMi'il nml reltltnl
Inrnry ih'p.iMim-ut, It N lime tiiiiiiunlhil b;
ii'iv lint"! In M.iMlirrn llri'UMii.
J.iikiiiitllle, I lie. I, lfi.ll. mtr
f PHI! limb rtcii(il Im nuiiln lak'n "irfInii
1 of thl nl. I iplabll'li-il. Iniorite Until.
pnrcYi'iil It rioiii.il.iin.V I'ii.. nml In piep.iml
In r e.'lie nml ImiirommiHl.ite Iriiielliii uirtr
nml H'iniiiiiriil liiinlir In the uy lft lle.
Hie IIiiii-c U lliiitlcil mar thvMulh Imiif, nt
llniiie '! ir. tli'ti'ii mtlex frmu .f.n Uxnn lll-.
nml nHiut one mllu fnnn Culil llllt, upnii tin
main (Iit'H to;il.
A Hue. p.ictou llnlll ki'pt In renillnrr fur
I'atlli'n, lull nml ntlier li-thltli'.. Miry nr
rauziment for which can ! mmle In fhort
not lee.
Allachiil In lliepremtxn I n fim-. Iuurl.ini
tiiirili'ii nml I'rult (lichanl, wllh iiiiipleKn'iil
plni'iiro cronml.
The l.nuhr uii'l liar I. .itplillnl wllh nil the
eholret vnrli Hi" nl Vlaml. U'luef. Llipmrnnml
lleuriK''". wliUli Inrelgu or il. miotic inutkit
cm furiiMi.
A u.hhI t.ilii' I ntlai'hiil In the Until, nml
nlli ntlc lin-tler- will kiip cine of hum in
trii'liil Inilielrelnrp.
In .hmt Mirylliliir.ili'iililnl In roiiiluex in
thecnmtiirl of cue! niul tin lr uuIiuiN. will In
iibuuil.intlv fiiMMipl. TtiiM" Mniiitiri:.
Crnil'illtr. N'm. 31. Icrtn. 43lf
By (ieorge T. Vliilnpr.
rPlll. iroirttlnr uWtr hi tnlnrm IiN fiii'inlf
I .....I ll... !... . I" ...I I ...II.. It... I...
m ii n i i tic ii ii itMii y i t m mi i i iitii ii-
lit iuirt'triii tin iiIhiu Ut'ltl. IitihtU K hi
1..11 i i. ... ....i i. .....i.. i..-..t.i ' ...Vi
) r liiiilst IliMI inl" II' i I MM IIIPI1 ilMM
tliormiiflitt llillul lln mtu'ln lliolliiol rttc.
Initii'lu- ud trw.i- Mtnu Kirl.willi
it II. I I !. II ttll II 111 111 111 4Vll lllMlt 111 illt II lik.
ilallnu. Ill I III- Until.
The llnue I' Incnliil abmil tiuhwiv lietivicu
Jiieknui ami Keibyillle.
Ivr.iHi" ii'.ir.iii or i-oji'.Mii n lew- week, oi
reer-alloii will llu.l nl thU place nu excelbnl
opHirtuulty of i-njojlni; llicumluN,
Sipi. . Im:h.:iiii.
ti t i - i i i i , T '""
MMI IS new rnlablMiment I mmpleliil nml nnu
I rtmly lor the ri'ciptlou of iMlniii. It
li'llphlfii'lly fltuatnl. ni'.ir Ihe Knil; nt Itn.-nc
Hier.llHiU the until rn.nl tn Ori'Kiill, within
tun intuute' walk nf the .Sliam QiLirlx Mill,
nml rliwi In the Ail nn' lb'11"'. I'loiu lieni tn
llarilinellm U uiie of the llm.t ilrhi In the
country, nml the proprietor will i.vrl hlin-ilf
li r.'ii.l. ra Mt ul hU place not the lia.t nt nt
Vic ir.v.w. i. iq units, cm:,
dui.si'ihI m.ii.t iu:n:i:.i(;t:s, ,, n,t
('tni(ai cia.tns me !.
The llmiN) will bo fiiriil.hcil In n few wcik.
with A No I
for Ihe recnallnii ami uiuue! cut nl uucM'.
Iueiry way. the prnpilitor I lirohul tn
mako hU " llxeh.iiiue'' an ullractlto Hihim'.
where nil cm Ik' aicnmmnlaliil In Milt Hull' lie.
cull II l.lll".
Ht.iK' inn In ami Imm .I.irknniillle ilally,
The rhle U liorl nmlilellKhtlul.
July 7, ISi.u..'.1ll.
Ore a sout Cify.
rpilI!accommoilillnn. both In Iho .M77.Y
1 ami .S7.A7.VV.Vrt MV'.l.7'.V:.7W,nreun.
ipialhil by iIkih-nrnnv Iioiimi In IliN lurt of
the M.i'e. The JtOOMS at e p.iclou nml new ly
furuMuil. nml cny utteultnu pahl tu Ihu com.
lort of loiliii'm.
ia lli'l acconimoil illon cm Im ctimlul lo
FAMILIES, nml at mot moilualo r.itii'.
M. .1. Mi'NA.MAItA, I'lonnttor.
AprllSI, I8i:u.l If.
Oharlos Barrott, of Fortland,
WILL i-eiul by Oicrl mil .Mail. eery ilay, If
Ueliiil, any Newspaper. I'i rloilleal,Noel
or .Ninil', publMitil In the rnllul ntaten, l.n
cloe for e.oh Neufpaper leu ccult In ca.li or
ftnnips i for Novels ceueuilly, lllly cent, n tol
nine, mil nuinl, Sulwcilpllomi leceiiul by the
l iikiiiiIih or by theyiur fur any i'aper puli-
HMH'U in America or aiunut. iii'nier. in .iiiie,
lulcnl IutiuuHiitnl all Mini, string lor
Violin, (iilltarii, etc., lie. l-'MiIiii; Tho le
KoiK Linen, Hnok. ite, Stationery. Hook o
allfnit. Cutleiv. I'rult. C'auillc. etc. I'Ii-.t-j
fccml In jonr oiilei. Sept. 2U J7'(im
AN cmllcfi, vnrltty of m Hi ! too numorou" to
mention, can bu Iminil nt tho Jnckonilk.
Uuok ami Variety store, cor. Cul. ami Ogn. tit.
1?INJ! CIOAHS A few thousands utt rc
1 icivcilnt .SISjIO.V.S'NKWSTOni:,
Conclinliil from fourth page
tiered by Conpico, nr by cither hoii'O of Con.
Brc, clinll, on nrj nlur the fonrlli day of
March, oiglitccn liumlrnl nml sl.tly-onc, be
done ami i xcculeil under raid Hupci full mlcnt,
In nccnnlance with the provisions nf th! net t
Provided, That all the printing nntercd, nnd
to be ordered, by the Thlrly-.Shlli ConcrcM,
rtmll be e.cculnl by the primus of ihe fc'mntc
nml lloti'cof t(prrrchtatl(.., ns now nntlior
Iwd by law ) but nn printing or binding other
limn that ordered by Cnngrm nr the hendt of
ili'inrlincntf, as aforesaid, tlmll bo executed In
fo'il ofliee.
Hee. C. And be It further enacted, That It
flmll be Ihe duly or fald Supirlulnnlcnt Id ro
vlve from the Secretary of Ihe Senate and the
Clerk of Ihu House of lb preventative, nml
from the bends (it departments mid chliN or
liureu.. nil mnltirs (.tdetnl tn be printed nml
bound, or either printed or bound, ut the nub
ile e.vtcriip, nml lo keep n hilthful necouul of
me fame, in ttio onur in wiiteii the rntnc may
be rrcilrnl : nml wlnn the fame fhall lintc
been printed nml bound, If (he rnmc l unit ml
In be bnnml.lro that tl c volumes nr fliects nrr
promptly iWlierrd to the i lllvvr of the Scnnle
ir iinuw nr Kcproenliitlvt, or ilepnrtiixul
nitllinrlxiil In rm'itc the .ime, wlin-o rccrtpl
, by tin
liinfur fl.nll be n Miflieiint oi
u(r!ntrmlent, of their dellury.
Sec.". And boll lurllicr niacin. That tie
Jn'iil Commltlec on I'rlulliu; for the Iwu
lioti'M of Ciinpitt fhall nfnv nnd llv upon n
flnndard or pnnr for ll.e printing of cnnprr.
fliunl doeiimeiit, to welnh not Iit limn lifly
pnumli In the ream of lle Imndnil rliivli, i'i
tniiilj.fuiir by lliiily-dirlil ltuluij nml It tlmll
be tho duty of the mid Suicriiitiiniuit of the
I'ubllc Criming Id furiiMi Miiiplrri of tnM
tninlinl piHT to nppltiiitiK then for, nml tn
nilurtuc r.i tiually, In one or more mwip.ip(ri
lulling the larget rlrcu'ntlon In tl.e eilha of
llnMon, .Viw Yoil;, riillailelphhi, llaltlmore.
C'liclmmtl, Ch'e.ign, 'nlilii'jtiili. Itiiliiuniiil,
Iti'tl-ii, Clmrlili ii. New Orhiin. mil St,
lmlf, fnr the tpnee ll tlxty dnjit prior tu the
llrrt of .Inly, for fi uli d I ri-iiii'ii'. tn fninifli the
goKrnmiiit nf Iho I'lnliil Slatm nil puii
itlilih may be mi'iMaiy for Iho lAutitinn ol
the publio iirlnllug.of iiialllynnd In ipiintity
ln Ik' k fitiitl in the raid iidtirtlMUH'iit' fri.lh
ii or tniuir. lie flmll i.mii Mirli propii.-iilsn
may be inadi' In I la1 pnnnri' or the Sirrelnty
nl 'tin' Sdiati nnd Cli rli of the llnisi' nr lb p.
rifiiitatliu. nml tdnll nuaiil ll.e i out met lor
liinilrlilng nil or Mid l im r. if null iIiim
tllllHif UK limy be bid for, In Iht'lniitrl biil.li r,
Inr the i'inlily of papir mliiitisid Tor by lie
aid Siiik riiiti-lnlrtit. mil id termini d by the
liiint ('nliiniltliu or Ihe tun duu ol'Ciii.
guf. ll id ill be liie duly ofnl Hutx tin
li Hid lit tu ii mparo the paer liirni-l.iil by ll v
piiblii; rontractor with ll o ftumtird ipialtly ;
and he flail tint ueiept nny paper Iri'lii th"
rnntnietor whUb i!.i not milium tn the
t'liidiild ihtiimlned upon n' nlorisuM. Aid
In cuff of d HWtnci' nf opinion hctuiHi ll.e
SuH'rIut(iidiiit ir I'lililii; 1'iintin;; mid tl.e
ci'iitnitorf Pt pitu r, iiltli reiKi t in It ima'.
ilv. lie matti rot il li'iinrrflull lieiV'ctm lad
and Mlt'ul by lla'.luitit Stumllng Coirinitlii'
ou I'llnl'ugnr tl.e Iuu Ihii.ik of CnigiiM.
In default i T any roulnirlor umhr thin law In
eouip'y iiiih bV roiitrnit in furnlrh ng the pit
p r In I'mptr Jim, nnd nl pmier ipmtlty, ll.e
SuHrIiil(tid(iit I niilhnr'xid In inter Into a
new I'oiitrin I w ll Ii ll.e Iniutl mid Utrl blddir
for I liu lull riV if ll.e uoini.niiiit niuong1
iIiom; uliiiw pn pii'aN wiicrijieliil ut tdc In. I
iiiiuual letlli.i.'', if it In' prm I Icttl .! f(i In iln.
nml II tot, idi n In ndii rllii' f.T propo.n'.iiinl
iiiiunl tl.e eniitnul n lali ii.lx'fi'ie proiid.il;
and din lug nny Intertill tint i Ihu iiintulby
iho ueii lulu ni.i mint lor null proposn!. the
HuiiliiUiiihnt fliull puiclmf"lnldeoKii mar.
kit, by nnd with ihenpnroiulol the hecictari
ol tin- lull rior, nil null piinr ncffinryfot
Ido public sen lee, nt Ido owel price. IVr
any iiietrasu of 111.1 to the cntermmnt In pro
em lug n fiipp'y of paper for the ue of tde
liiiwiiiiiiciit, the I'oiitructor In id fuult 11ml dlf
iriirllle thall Ic cl'aigul ullli, nnd ln!d re
rpnu.ibli' lor tlio fiiui",iiiii fh ill Ik' proneuteil
upon their In nd by the Solicitor ol lhcTrtii
ury. In the name of the I'nitnl Slateii, In the
Clreull Court nl tli I'nitnl Stub, in the
il.flriet In ithlili tho il. f.inlliiig eonlrnitor ie
fide ; nnd In 1 liable Ihe Solicitor tu do fii, the
ahl SiicrIutMidiiit fd.ill nport In htm the
ih limit ou il liiipHiiIiig,nilli 11 full Halt mail
of nil the furtk in thein.e. The raid Siiir.
lutiiiihut iluill l.ii p n JihI in d truf nrci'iint
of nil the uih r reiiiud Iroui Ida ('oiitractor
or tnutr.iclor. logetlnr uilli an account tf till
tho papir u-cil lor the purpi . of Ihe goirrn.
incut under lhl net, nml fdall relmrt tin'
iimount of null i-luei rouumcd In laid print
ing tflnhlM mint, and In what woik or pub.
Iicalloni 1 lie fame win iiwd, In the Secretary
of tde Interior, nl the end or ciuh nndcvirji
ll.ral Jimr,
Sic. H. And be It furilir r ruaclnl, That
iilitlicwr any cliarl. m ip, iliagraiin. ieii.
nr otlirr manning tdatl be reiiuind In illm
Irate any ilocmmnt ordrrrd to lie rlnlcd by
eltlur Iii.iih' of Ci'iigri, fuih nigral !ng'.
fh.dl bo prociirnl by the Supiiiutiiidcnl ol
I'rinlliig, 111.1l r Ide'ilinetloii nml hik r in!.n
of Iho (.'i.miiillltu on l'liliting of Iho Iiuu-e
ordering tin fame.
Sic. '.). And In; ll furlhcr iincicd. Thai It
fliall Ih1 the duty of tdu f.iul Suxrluti mlcnl
auiiuallv to pri pare nml fubmit In ll.e Iti-gl.
ler or tin' Ticifiiry, in lime tn have the fame
enilirneid in lie nunu.il (tllmallK from that
dipailmeut, ddalhil (ftimaUn of the mI.iiIis.
ami. inn in ne pant lor wage, tiigrailng, lilmi.
lug, materia!, nnd for other uuifr.iry r.v
iKiife of tald iiriullug rslablismeiit lor the
s. ei.nd 1 ear. And Ihe raid Siipcrinttndcnt
liall nbo, on the lirnt 1l.1v of ido mcctim: ol
uieli tendon of Cougriff, or u soon Ihcrcufter
a may be. rcpoit In ( ongrrt Iho exact ton.
ditlon of tic public printing, binding, mil
1 ng lining; tlio nmnunt 11ml mt of nil niich
printing, binding nml rnj. raving ; (lie nmnunt
and coft of nil paper purih.iKil for Ihe fame;
a tuli'imnt ol the M'tetal bids for mnlinals,
and tueli fuilhcr Inforni.it Ion 34 may bo williiu
hi kiioitlnlge in ribald to nil inattcis con.
ticctcd theriiiilh.
Sec. 10. And I10 It further enacted, That
neither iho Superintendent nor any oilier
(fticer tn be apnointnl under this act shall,
during liia continuance In ofliee. hate nuv in-
tercft. direct or imliiect, In Iho publication of
any newtpaixr or peitoiiical, or In nny print
ing ol nny kind, or in nny bindins or cugrav.
log, or in any loutrnit for fnrnMiIng paper or
ntlur mall rial connected with Ihe public print,
lug; nnd nny dotation of IhU feet Ion fdall
fubjeet Ihe parly offending, on coniielion be
line any court of couiietent jurisdiction, to
impriwnmint in tde pinitintlary for n term
of not les than one, nor mnie than Iho year,
and to n Hue of file bundled dollar?.
Fee. 11. And be it further enacted, Tlint If
tho raid Superintendent shall corruptly collude
with any ptrjon or prisons furnishing mate.
riaU or bidding therefor, or with nny other
jicrfnn or perfons, or l.avo nny secret under,
standing wild him or them, by himself or
through other, lo ilefiaud the United States,
nr by which the govcinmint of tho United
Slali3 Shall li;ilclinudul or made to tuttaln
n los. contrary lo Ihe true Intent nml ineniileg
of tins net, ho chiill, upon cnmictlnn theriol
before nny court of t-omicti nt jurisdiction,
forfolt hi ofliee and be subject to imprison
ment In the penitentiary for a term ol not Iim
limn three, or mure than scicn tents, and to
a fine of three tliott'nrnl dollars.
Approtid June 'A lSfiO.
No. 'A
A Itcsolullon explanatory of Ihe Kiglitli Sec-
tlon of the Act ol Congress npproTnl
rcbrtnry ttvcnly-clght, tiglitccn hundred
nnd Itfly-nlne.
Itrsoltul by the Srnntc nnd Houe of lbp.
nscntntltrs of the Cullnl Sinks of America
In CotigrcsH n'simbteil. That the repeal 1
tit the eight section or the nrl m inngrcM.
niipiovrd the twitity.rlL'dtli day nl l'tbru.iry
eigliltin humlrnl nml llliy-nlne. or ro much ol
tin- net of Congress entitled " An net to ngii
Into Irudc oml lutirrnurrc ttitli Indian trlbm,
nnd In preserve prnre on the frotilli r." np
proud dune thirtiith eighteen dundnd mil
thirty Tour, nt provldm that Ihe I'.V.tnl Slatm
tlinll make Irddunllicntionnut of Ihe trcnxiry
fur proTrly taken or destroyed In ccrlnln
ca. by Imllant lrcjpnlng on white men, n
ih serilml In said act, fl. nil not be eouslimtl
in destroy or Impair nny right tu Indemnity
it lib h e.xiftnl nt Ihe dale of raid ripinl.
Apprutid,.lunc'A 180(1.
(No. 37.1
FoTnt llrrolullnn lo luliuv ide Price nf I'ub-
I'o I'llntlng.
ltesoltiil by Ide Senalo nnd House of Hep
rifcntntltir of the 1'nitnl Stntm or Aimrlen
In Congns. netnbliil, 'I hat the prices clad
llfluil nnd nllnitul for public iirlutin." by tin
ad milled " An net tu prntnle fur 1 n'utitig
the public printing nml eMnhll.-hiiig tde ptln
llit rtt.r. nnd lor older iuroiT," uppmud
AuguH tin ut Prix, eightit 11 hmiihnl and llftv
tit 11, aid by tde riterul nets mmmlitorv tin re-
of, tdat l in ray; fiireompolllon, prii'.-iiotk,
folding, si Itching nml ItHCilltig map. aid
platis. be, nnd the fume are. ridiuiil forty ikt
nnli'.ui 1 nml that, for Iho 1 11 .e of giiln.'
full forn. nnd ilUd In lli't ntnlutli 11, the
MiKritit(Uihtil id the t'liblie I'r.'ntlng l
luriby niillioriml nnd dinelid tu eaii'c the
uicounts of Ide public ptiutir or priutilt to
be luaite out nml n mh n d in dim, ns l.i 11 1 "fore,
under ll.e prntlfiui.4 of tho net or ugut
tttuily-rh, ili'dtiili dm tint) nnd hTtx-tttu,
(t xn pt nt to ido printing or Ido 1'ift.llflUc
blank, width hue bet 11 ordeinl by law In In'
put out by nuittnil to tin' loiiirt blddir;)
uiul Infilled rlllting tin' f.iuic to tdeTniKury
rr pntuidit, l.i'rliall ihduii fii'iu the lugre
gntf ninumit 1 1 null aieoiint m rci.dtinl Ide
"um of futly Kr 11 ulnm, and Ide ro.diio tdall
be mi Ititl by the public prlutir or printus
11 bill i'uiiHiiNitluii lor the in. rk stutnl In
.i!d nccniint. This icrnlullun tlull tul.o ttHct
liom Ide pasrau'C tin mi.
Approtiil..lune'A Im'.O.
I wiuuarKMiivffiaMii...2-nrMcwfKt9-wdre3a
I'loiu IheXataminh Ittpuhl can.
For What!
Mate Mr Mp'o of Ido North ever nl
ihiitn, mil in 11 inouuiit of tolHriio n1.itl
iIiiiiimIic tin' ipHstiou Jar ir.'ml I lay nre
ImuMiu up this gniwuttiMit nml ptiifg'tii;
the loitulrv into tdc iimim linrrnrs or rem 1;.
lion? What Into tour South) rn bn-thrui
'lore lli.it ton fdould rifort In un nrl of im ral
vtc-flon in tiillidruitlug yo-irfiltr f.om tl.t ir
nlllir.il Mloiiflilp, nnl bit-.iuc ot Imie tin
pottrr, tniiin.' 11 l.istllo gnu 11 unlit ivi
.In in, wd'rli tin di-nii tluTinii 11 illicr lute.
Im ii'.r tu r i.Im v ? It i nu iMraonlii.ait
f e'aclc tn I hi- lur torv or limn in gnu rrnu nit,
and ton tliouM In a bV In give some r.ifou ol
gland Import lur bringing it In pi.
I Lite tbo Smith nfii-til to jHrfotm tliir
pirt In cairjing tho hurllun of the g xvin
lit nl T Matt lley rifii'til it any liibnle tint
ha Ikt 11 tine Imm Idem under ll.ecointllutii 11
mil la us, whtlltr It pat mint nui tn Ih' iiuuU
in Ireafiireor bhmlJ llaie Il.iy ihnlid ton
tuy right In nny part or this bin id tdumilii ?
Iliiiclluy Intnilctl the nuirclgn'y of tour
Male or Ido f.itiellty of your dmum by Kik
lug to lull 1 hrc ttitd tiur Hilitcalorilnietlc
leiuiriK? Unto tiny priiichtil trii'.nl.f
iiL'tihift yi nr 'ocal liutitutli.u., or suit 1 m'fs.i
rli-s uiuniig ton to dlflmh tho tocial fabric
nml tnisou llit' m'lid nml denrts if 0110 elai
"f tour population ngahift nuotlur r'n.?
Hate lie 1 piactil rille nnd pike in Ide liands
of the d. rate nml Initio iiunimu.ng tin in
to ih priie um of tour prinily nnd biitilur
your tvitc nml little 0111 7 llaietlty writ
ten book nnd nctvspnpu. for no ollar pun
po.e Ihau to tiiako in 1 appear 01I11111 in tin
eyes or mankind 7 llaie they niirttl up lluir
cdllrin In tl.e lielhf tin t you were n flnfu'
id gr.ulul rare, lar Iriuiitli Idem In nil that
rontlliitis n patriot, a rithvii nnd n clirir
I'ni genlhni.iu, nml taught ilitm tn uhdor ui'd
iliNpiso xou? Ibiie wo dm 0 nny of IIch'
tiling, I Int t tie should be lotted by ton into
II position ton intuit nib'c to bo botuo by n
friennd liliili-miiuleil peop'e?
Wc think not. Wo nni guiltier In nil,
Why Ih ll, thin, that IhU great uml pnvHrou
country, to latonl of lliaitu, i eoiitulnil
from en.ire In eiieiinifiriiur. nnd ntotullon
nnd cltil war, ttitli their horrid front, statu)
rlaiing 11. In Ido face?
Wi'luite jou tu pordir nnd nn.tvcr Idt-
Think, we prnv you, of Ideso Idlng, and
iiiiiik fttutit, noiore nil go Hon 11 in nnu coin
moil citii.tioiilu. tihlih 'hall steady tlietotlir.
lug Ihroic of id pot mid eaii'O tlam to lunch
Willi joy. It It iilifolutely ur vnlliiiig We
lannot think of our oitn nirairs 111 you think
of them mid for no belter icnam than this,
this glorious political tinip'e, tho price of
1 reasuie nun iiiooti mnl loll, nun tlio last re
fuge of mankind. It lo be undermined in n
moment nl madness nml toppled tn the dutt.
Iliatcn sate ut Irom tueli 11 disaster !
An U.Mtn.coMK Han, An old f.irmrr out
Weft, who lias Iuu liatid-omo daughter.
itoulil not inriult Hum tn kwn Iho touinaiiv
ortlie young men. After the old man dad ro-
unit to rot, lliegirM tinuM bang a fliivt nut
of Ido window, and each beau, with Ido assist
unco or his lady, would Ihu gain an entrance.
It so happtiietl that one ctcnlng the girls
I. ung nut tl.e sheet too early, nnd tlicold gen
tleman spying Ihe article, could not conjecture
the incuuimj of it. So ho cnui'lit hold
and cndemnretl to pull it down, The girls,
supposing it to no 0110 or llit ir fellows, began
to hoist, uml did not dh-covrr the. niMukc until
the old man's head was let el with tlio ttludutt.
sill, when one oDbcm (.xchiincd, 'Oh, Lord,
it dad 1 and letting go I lie sheet, dnitn came
tho old gentleman tn the ground 1Ul0c.it i 11 g
hU shoulder. Withdrawing all opposition In
Iheir helping company, he n as soon a father-in-law.
The Philadelphia Ltiletr not Inns since, con.
taincd tho following tery Inti resting iidviitic
ment i it spinkt lor itself t " Wnnlctl, by a
rwpeclnb'e cnloretl family, 11 whito boy, four
teen nr sixteen years of age, to wall on the
tabloand make hiinsvlf generally unful about
the house."
Position of Senator Douglas,
Mr. Ihingla. nl:ul that the report of the
Coinmllttc of 'I hlitrtti lie tnkdi iii. nnd then .
lirocccdcd to niMri'.t the Sitinte. lie raid no
net of hl public life ever gate lilm ro inuih 1
pain nt to tote tor the rco;utton. 1 tie 1 oin
mltlco could not ngrre. In ordir to see the
real cnuw or Ihe Iroub'cs wo inut go bnilt to
the late etrptlon.
c rhouM niccrlnln that nhenever Con
grcst undertook tn net upon slavery, discord
nml ngllnlion 11 a sure to loltotv. hen CVn
prosslct Ihe (ptertinn nlone, there tint prnre.
lie notrcd to Ihcixcltiment when tl.e Mis
souri Compromise was enacted. The Tearful
iigilatlou of IH'JD was scttlt.il by the establish
ment of tho Compromise.
Whin we tcttlo Ihlt ipietllon In Iho Terri
tories then ttc rlnll settle It entirely. 'I lie
AlinllllonMi could never hate brought the
1 ninn to ttie xirge or tiio;uiinn. imt lor Hie
ipitrtlon of Tcrrilorli.. It wnt thcnjiillon
of tdc exlrmloii of llmt lino In 1P1" tt tilth 1
opcnrtl llicngilntliin. The arguments ot 1H1D limn setuo tno ipiestlon ttiemtil
nnd Ig'.'O were rrienleil the pniltloti. or tliellTotldi' for the removal or tde tie
North nn I tlio South were tho ntrc. The licpubllcntit do not Intend lo I
purist patriots In t'10 laud were nlmtiKtl. nndfr'afcty In tdcSlntcr, wdy not pul
opcnrtl tdc ngilnllnn. Tde nrguincnls of ISlOitdcn reltlo the tpiestion tliemtiltcs, nml nlsn
Air. Clay came bin k lo the Si natc to rte II In" merit to tde CniHlnitlnii, ro tdey cannot d 1 It.
could nut hi lug kiiic. Me round no tro ' p Tlicre nimt be n rcttlciiient or route sort tinw.
with the Southern nirinbir', but I e eou'd I' ! I' eatuiot be in.pnticil. Wc nr. in n stale nf
no support of this line in the North. 'I '. t ilullon. It is coiuprouiNe or war. Ho
Missouri line tint nbatidotictl lioraiie lt picfcrml i'omprouitp. llv s.ittl It reem.sl nt
fritmlt raid Ibey eoulil not carry It out in good though the Senator o'i the other side are tie
faith. Thin Ibey luinttl lone what tiutiirxl 'Ictinlneil Innct nt n truly, l.t the KiipIii
best. Tin. v derirttl tn take Iho question out 1 deride tdc iptrstloti. No idmbl tlio ttpnpSc of
of Ciuii'Ufs nml rteitru the fence or Iho conn
try. At lnt It was dccldid lo Icate Iho quel
tlun to ll.e piopV or the Territories ificm.
elvt-.. 'Ihe nt ottlt fdotv that he fiititiortrtl
I Imili eniiipriiml.es, nml for the r.imo niisnn.
1 1'ciiro fntiiittid. nil oter tho country. Hut In
I I .VI nnd I Ml It liccame iitccntvto orga-
nlxo tlio liiritont of Kuuntiud .Nibradm.
Tie tomtiitttiv in Totmlng the blll.d. tiimliKil
tnenrrt out tlieeoinpronii'i- nienure.of 1 k.p0.
Iliiii.-li I ley dad nil bu-ii.tti favor of the Ms
soiirM'otii rom''e, nt nig 11. It could Ipcar
rati nut. A line nnd try nut luunnlintelt
ralftil. thai liny were vio'ating n racrul com.
iiri.iiiie ; but the bill till not mention tdc
.tlif.ourl Ci'iuprnmK', but tl.d ray the cnj!i'
fhoiild hate the puttir of sittling the tpiistloti
Tor thnuH-Iies.
'Ide lil.inry ir Ide (inverntnrnt inludt be
illtldttl Into Ihrre part'. It. fuv yjtl ll.e
llotirmiuiit iiilinltliil ininy Tirrltnrie'. but
all it a" peace. Afltr the ni-ltatlnii of IP'.'ll
.i. ullltd nil wat in'o ngnln till I Kill.
"mec tin 11 we date dad n rontinunl eoutrn
tir.y.iiiil the result or Ide lata eliclloii lm
l.-m.r.iry. ll lu.llcri. not wlalher lien-
evil tire ri nl tr huaglnarv II tdc South tun-
!.... .1. 1..... .1. .'1 ..t .1 t. ..
P I'll - tllttllllM II) lll'f 1I'MII'III
if.. 11, 11 iiiiii'ii mm nu- in'rii'ii. ,11 11 .iniii 11
and war ratl.tr limn mldr Hum He war
n.ry to ne ll.e S.i.i.tor bringing il n pirll-nu
qui'.tion lair, but n It tint luiitijht, de leil I
iiimi to ilituul lite iMiiorraey, .Nn 111111
tins larltir i!fnml lo l.-nrn dc had ml.rep.re--dititltho
lb publican parly. He u'k.il the
Sti.nlor fn m llhln ir it itn not Ihe pilry ol
tliut pally In confine r'.ittry witlilnit prtxtit
limits by the netinti nr the I'ttd-ral I. V.rn
mint, mil ttdillur it tint not the policy of
hat pally In 1 clinl,. s'riury f.o.i tlio T.'rtl
lurh we linn- pn.et nr nny lu-iciflir in qu're.
itdctdrr ur nut that piriv i'uie In latnr of if
turn eg the fiigitlu- f'ai In short, wl etlnr
it ttat not Ihu policy 1. f tint party In .x.rl
ill Ihe pnu. r or the I'i dotal Imv. riimei I mi-
tltr ihe Conslltullon ncortling to their inter-
prrlut nu, to icjlrnln nml cripple Iho In-titii-
lion i.r rl.it civ, with n tiew tu it iiliiiinteex-
tlnelUn In the Slates, old ut well us 111 w.
North nml South.
m. u-...i. ...ti 1.. ....t.i n. . ,1.. ........ t..
mi. . um- run, iii-ii'iiiii inn 1111- Hli.niT in
Ids, lurch ulrnuly made. Ilu Im.l no mldl-
Hun to inake
Mr. Ib.uglns rnl.l Ic .I'd ml f.xprrt nn
e.piltoc.1 nii.tur. He proem!,.! In nfgi- tint
mull wax the policy i.r Iln- lit publican pally,
atid.ptot.il .Sir. I.lnioln's sKiih(s, iilun l.c
sahl the erIU iim.t conie, and tlio Slate be
eiiiie nil 0110 tiling or the olhir. In fl.oiv tint
he inalntainiil suih policy. Ho said ho had 11
Iiiih! that Mr. Lincoln ttouM repmliato nil
null e.xtnnie fcntiiiunts. Ilollntn.il may,
i.eilh.r he t.or Ids parly I. ate Iho power to tin
harm tn the South. 'I lie South, huticter, nre
mult- In lush into il'sin'oii nml meet tho con-
quenccr. No ninn itou'd gnfurtliiT than he.
to inforcc the huts, but tie must loot; f.iett In
Hie face. It.b-llion olteii Ihimiuc fitcns-ful
rrtolutlon, uml a gntirmiiint tin oftiu forinl
lo r cognlz 1 ir iifn gotcrnni'-nts in rctoltftl
tirotlncct. In this liiivdiuudit Hi? laws muni
U enforiiil by cltil protis. I low nre nt
going lo e.M-cu to the liw, when the I'.idnil
liotermiieul bus no poncr? ILtw nic we
going to cutout- Iho law in South Carolina?
I Ic tlciils il Iho right of fci.ifloi', but she had
iloue ll.ni'il bow cuuMtu help it 7 South I an
11. mi- 11, urn iinn run. 11 m m-ni 11 .- i-nuiii 1 ur
..n.n ...11 ., I.,. ..!...,,. .... 1 . 1....
Colli illdll the South tint it tins the fl...:l
iH.li.-v nl Ihe tli.tuliiaiit tmrtv nr the North Ii. ,u" Amxw ."'. ,l,l1,':r '"" ' ,h rtlli. lit
liiv.iticll.i-lr tv.irlltiitim.iil tli'l.tr. Tl.f .-"t 11 1. ! ,??".a!:r'' "IM'""? dine ly on tl.lt p.lnt.
lor Iron Ohln (Mr. Wu.l.) n.lmitt.d I .xtst- M"'""""" .Maii.U..I. 'J. pp. H..I. si.,2.
111.V or ll... U'lJtf nl the Simili. but ehargi.l It ." ,f "lt;1' " ""'''f'0 ,4I"1,U' ,H""' "" ' "'
,.. ii. ...1... 1 r .1... v.... 1 cl r n.or otiortellnii of thecutiiitrv uiriniil
rlil( Kill Iti's tV stnillVs !" ItUII I'll, til,- Ul !' lift J 1 I ,--.--
toeiilorfoil-o bit miles no mike war midi"1 "donwu lormctl. rind mutt endanger it
conquer the State? .Me wo pr. pared Tor war , "w,": , lv of philanthropy may be ns.
wllhoiir brethiiii? lie wou'd not (,,rt(.l.'"fd for this iinttnrnintnblclnierferrnee. ami
Iho Idea till etiry Iiiuh.' of aillu.tuicnt tut'
gone. Ilu wut Tor 1 caiv In sate the I'n'on.
War tvut dif union, ect tain and im t itab'c. 1 1
nftrnil to the purtliao ol I oulsiai a. nnd '
It 11a pu'ihantl for thu b m lit of the w, .
I'nlon, and for tl.e.ifji of the I'pp'r MifSK
slppl in particular. 'Iho piiiun or that
riti r i more luitfsary unit than It tint Hun,
Wo cannot cxa-ct Hie p.opV..r the Inlirlor to
i.ilmil Ide right or 11 foieigu pnitcr taking pus
region "f that rlt.r. llcuUo rtdrre.1 to the
punluifo of A'tibimi and Hie rinouiit paid,
and n-knl If she could go out now.
The President in Id moMge first said we
eou'd not cocrco n Statu lo iim.iln In Hie
I'nlon, but in a few sculiiuit dc adtisetl the
acquisition of Cuba, nt ir wo could pay three
huulr.il millinis fur Cuba nml tlio next dat
she might si tide uml re annex Urn ll tn Spain.
nr.l Spain might sell her ngiiin. He li.nl ml.
milted that Tcxut dml cost us n war with
Mi. xico mid tin thousand liver. In the name
of the seven HioumiiiiI gallant men fioin Illi
nois wdn fought tliOH- batt'es, I arguo against
tlio right of that Stale tn secede.
Mr. Hemphill nskul ir the protection 0
Texas was the only rciicnn ol thu war, nml it
the United Stairs pttd mitlhlug to T.xas Inr
Ido land if no did not ucq'iiro Calil'onii
from that war?
Mr. Ibiugluisahl Iho only eattso ofcompluint
of Mexico was the iinniie.xathui or Texut, nml
tto dad oii't- p.ild Texus ten mdliont for some
barren laml she did not oitn. lie m!i i't
Coiitilution wnt iulcndeil tn be pcrpclu il. He
deniid llie right o! aoccfmon under Iho Cnnxti
lution, n iigilu.t tho Ctmstitulinn.nnd against
justice and good faith. Ho said I line could
lio no liovcriuncnt without coercion : but co
ercion mint bo used in the modis prwerilwl
by law. ThU Is not a question or eoeicion in
u State. Wliero no authoii'y of a 1'e.lcial
(lotcrmnent remain., tto nro hound to ncg
ni7e n Government tie facto where Ihe State
maintains Imllttdual sunt-. The nisii win
I vt the t'nlnn, nho Inns lo hv I lie laws em
firctd, will Into In j-cc u rilieilioii put do.vn.
Unit iIihsi lie liilend to inforcc thu law in n
s.-citling State exivtit bv nnklti 1 War 7 Li
hit opinion, wo dad reached the point wtiero
ili'iiiiion wnt Inetltab'c, utiles. ,1 comptoin'si'.
inuiiuiii nn concelon, eoulil lo in.ule. Jlu
piclorrcil comprotniso lo war, i.nd concctsloii
to illsiinion,
No compromise will be availed which do?s
not curry tho imratliui of slavery lieyond Con
preJ. lie raid he had toted for the propo-d.
lion of Iho .Senator from Kentucky (Crlttni
den), nml wat rrmly In vote for Itngnin. Why
cnnr.ut tlio Heiiubhcnnt unite on the Mlstoufl
Comprptnl'e line 7 They had he.ieil curet
enough on hi. head for repealing it tn lie glnil
now to re establish It. lie dad helped lo sup
port lli.it iminuro till ho war comjiellcd lo
abandon it, lie wat willing now lo meet nn
tunn of iniiluil conec'slnn. Il had ofi'tcd
nnnidir propollluii lo Icntv (lie territories In
rit c" till Hut- dud .".(Mint) InliaMtaiits. nnd
roc.. Ift'io
luttrfirp with
nut In 1111 ain-ml.
Masiu'liii'ills nro opnosiil to rlavorv tsltn-
slon. but he thought If thi'iiucttlon tint nib
inltlrd tmlny. on the rco!uion of thcSciin'i"
rrom Kcnttiiky, tl.ey would ritWv ihem. II. 1
nrgiml ngaliil I U.III'OJIOI) or Kiip!e. I lo raw
tin ro was nu eternal reiiarallon, but he could
nut rnnitdrr war until nil hope it nt nt, thottglt
present tndlcnllout nvmcil In rhmv that thcru
would lie blootl shed, but he would not despilr.
Mr. Toomln motel In postpone till Moralit ,
when licpriifFi.nl tnorr.-r roniortnnrki. Tim
ni'illon was ngienl lo. Senate ndjuitrticil.
tl'iniu Ihe Nitv Vurk Journal or Commerce.
Ocn. Jackson on Union and Coercion.
In Ihe cri.N ithlih now In-sitt this tntloii,
the opinions mil id ehiintlont ol the trbe and
trrcnt ftati-m.iu or uti eurlicr K-rlod or iIm
Hi-public urc itnlurally limktd In nt light for
the gultlinee of lie present gem ration. Tim
opinions oT im one huto been ollincr iimtnl
lluiti llin.oof (iiu..lackon. It It npproprinlp,
then fuie, tthfti tip lu-nru C11I011 nl fono ad
vocated In high placer, nml mltocnicd run in
tlio inter of .Inrksrn, tn quote rrom the rare-
'" ' T ?"""! j "."., '" " ' """0V . '" 'l'""'""I
twIli-Lb' Ide laltl.' riiilt nt I mnv, tLtrt
. will Ik-nn 1 ml 11 tic Union, nml tilth It nn
. . .1 M .t . . - .
1 , , ., , . , , ., ,
1' "'J !' K,"'IK? ."r f'""'-. Ih tli'inrv of
the Injun tl wouM tint secure to tlitm tlieblt'Sf
Ingt of liberty i it would utingcth.-lr ninngs,
nut tiny ttouai tuuuH-liu fh.uo
In the cum-
mon in 11.
IIm 1I1 Coniltltit.oii cannot lie maintained,
nor Ide L'nloti proertitl, in iippo.ltiou to
public rtfllng, by the mere cxcrllnn or lln
.0. it lie poitcrs ecufltliil to Ido coteimnrnt,
'I dc foundations must be hi Id in the iiffUtinn-t
of the H-opIct In ide security it glte lo life,
litur't-, (haraelrr.ntiil proiKrly, In itery iiunr
it r or Hie country; nml in ll.e iriitirtnl ot
iiichmtnts which ihe citizens or Iho K-vernl
""Inlet In-nr tn .mo nnntl.er, at members of on.t
pdllirnl fanilly, mutually contributing to
promote the happiness ol each other. Ilenco
the i-ltlrciis nf 1 tery Stato shou'd ftudiouslt
uvoid etert thing caleulatu! In wound tho
ehili,lliy r nfliiid Ihe Just pride of the poo.
p'u i.r other Stutir: nnd they should frown
iiimn tiny procttiung wiiuiti ttie r o tn imii.'ers
, 1 1 - - it , 1 -Ii . ,,,, . . .
' .,.'V .".'' . ,,fl' ."'c awmS f ll.elr
tmllt eal brclhriii In other porllunt or Ihe
!!"!"": ..'". n i"!"1'1"' wnlcittlion; tho
t! """i jiai--, ijihj ttitli piirsu;tltotnrlnl, the
lutein il n-giihtttnts ol ihescur.il Slates mutt
frrquriilly iblKr fuin one another in Im
porta nt particulars ; nml this dillcfcuce it un.
utoldablv lu.rniMil by tho tnry'ng prlnclp'ct
upon whiili tho American colonics were oilg.
lu.illy pliiutol : principlis which had tiheti
d.vp root in their rnclul relation beft ro tho
rcto'iition, nml Hurt fore, of ncccsfliy, In.
Ilueiieing their ill.y since they I h en mo ficv
and iiitlipdulenl Stales. Hut each Slate has
tho 111 iimstinuablc right tn regulate its own
iiilirnal concern ni-co.tllng lo its on 11 pleis
nre: nml whilu ll dues not interfere with Ihe
right of the mplo of other Stater, or tin
riaht or the Union, every Slate tnut be tl c
o!e judge or Iho niensiirct proper to secure
iln' sufiiy or Its citizen, and promote their
liiippluesf; nml nil tlToM. on the part or th
(Kopleor oilur States tocnit ruliuin npon thtlr
iii.titutioii. nnd all nieasuies raleiiluteil lo
diturb their rights or tironcrlv or to nut In
Jeopard v their jimce nnd intertill tranquillity.
, 1, : ,.1 . ., 1 ,,...-.
arc in direct oiuiosli on to the siiirlt in whleli
weak men may iicrsuade tdciUH-ltrs for 11
inoment lh.it tley nre laboring In the came of
humanity, nml averting tin- rights of thu
um 111 race; but etery one, upon soIkt re
Hen, will sco that nothing but mischief
an conic frem ihcfo improper o'siinlts upon
the fit-llng and rights ol other.. It'-sl nsstirril,
that the mm found buy in this work of dis
cord nro not worthy ol jour ennfldinee, nml
It scitc your strongest rt probation."
- - -
Tfi-tons and Yankkis We may lenrn
snmetlilng Irom our (.crinan citizens. They
llirlve on the ranto inenmo that a Yiinkio
would tnrto on. Wo knew n tpungo Uir
mm wliosij capital, when ha Inndul on our
hour, coii.l.tul of a rlngu'arly-centtruilcil
suit of liliio eh tl cs md n loi g tailed pipe.
Vet In live yturs ho had a house and Int,
money nt in'e'rift, a tvifo and two babic, nml
any quant ly or domotic blis and pickled cab
bage. Hnring the mot ur this time our meri
torious Iriend rcceitcil a salary or only six dol
lars a ttetk. A Yankeo inignt have rrcelve.1
flte limes Hint sum, and come out head over
ears in .Kbt, The Tacl Ir, Hermans luto very
sensible nntions of lire. They nro not fiut.
Tl cy drink beer and smoke pip"s with niton,
itliing Ion; stems, but Idey nre not addicted
In " ea'lin.' on" tnultltudinous baskets of ck-pem-ite
lleid-ieck. They arc Industrious and
icoiiomlcal. They know enough lo lay up
something; for a rainy day. wh'cli is a great
deal mnio tliaa some Ameiiais know.
Many Amerieant seem to think they will have
no difficulty in borrowing; timbrcl'ii when Iho
limine! il liiiny day ionics, but they nH-crtaiu
their mlstuku whin the timo nrrites. and nro
too oriin rt ceil In scik sdclter in Iho poor
douse, or lo go nnd livo with their parents.
Meanwhile our Teutonic friend goes p'cu'untly
ahead, rjising puulen sauco and bsbh-s, and
constantly waxing ilchtr, latter nml jollier.
Wo rcwut, that we may learn som t'lln from
ur (I'crmaii ellV-ns 'CUuloul VUinvtmUi,