JlllHI ililiill ' '" Wli WWHI 1 111111 111 iTJPE)PfaEaiii tfWf ; m 4 11 Hi 'ill .: m r.',. y OREGON SENTINEL. JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, Ffbrunrr tf, 1801. The Newi. Wo aro obliged to ilckr a IcaJcr prepared for this Imuc, to give place (o tlic cry Impor tant Intelligence published iimlcp the Tile-, the question of lie publican or lKnmcriil is graphic hold. ll tvoulel appear that a civil t mini. If ii Itipuldicdii make his iippeiirunce' war Is already commenced In the Hut, uml ,l;laTO,il,,ll,!,BMT,lB.P. "is??!1' .. . .i tt m . i ii ii . i politics, ho Is told lo hold his leuc.', mr they that tho President ll making n llrm stand Jin!l, Union wen now, uml ruuly to llb'ht lur against all violations of the laws of Congress, die Union. The overt act has ut last been commlltcd byl The wnr spirit U rife elsewhere. I'tnni South Carolina, In firing upon strainer tent ' U rimvtl1 ."VT.iTv l' h?, I ' ' ft ' .suysii correspondent of the Ai-w lo'A UemlJ, by the I olcrnl Government to convey troops J l(l ,, llsi' tlmt Mr. Lincoln's tiamli ami nniinunttlon to the Forts In Charleston j through .Slate to the mil of Unvcrnuiihl, harbor. The Mbtiiro of forts and l-Vthrnl for lniiu,'iiriitloii, will be iiltiiHUil ttllhilinifer property I. several of the Soothe,,, State, calls SXSl SfT 'SS for Immediate nnd vlgorom ne-ll.m, uti.l "p"!' (hN oj luh.ii w.u entertained Iwritnrore bv the conduct of the rebellious States will do- rn , Ii l, since the koto hm nrivn In South pend whether civil war shall be waged with Carolina, the of iiiiny. In this relentless r,,ry or a parous ..i.e, be re ffl.fttSjrrwW.lrl'llS: stored to Ihc country. I he secession of Al.i- Uncolii's Inauguration, nunc ol tho ltniigfl bama, Mississippi mid l-'lnrld i is doubllcs u friends iT tlio .South will rally willi the popu reality, before this, with the addition probably . I.illon Tor the prccrvalloi, of n-aiv. of Georgia. North Carolina. I-oulshina mil lU,l,'u'fls rn,m Vf."ln,'V,t0n "Tr. r ' , , .. . ... 'liable souices, conhrm tlic rumors or iilunn 'Irxns. The speech of Senator ll.iker, of ' ,rrctororc clrcuKitu!. They say u single Id.iX Oregon, Is said to have been very ullr.i In fioin the Houlhrni buule in u united rtnysjlc lUpubllcaalsm, nml mailo many converts to will britu ten tlioii'an,! ninnnl men In a iliy tho Secession from tho Comcrvullio ranks.. (j!J Hie btH.lcr lonntita u 'f'," ,'u ,. ,.,,,,, National Inpitnl. In llifl (Minihi .Niulh, Ihconlygllmmcrofliopo for the Union ln( (;cor,!n ml,i olkrs to SliiIIi Carolina ol the late news, Is the action of the Commmlltec . hundreds of nun armed uml iimlppiil, with of Thirly-threo In regard to trial bv Jury of 'lkr ol hnndnils more, and olhir Southern fngllUo slaves, but this Is not enough. If the h,,?,1w.'!r,Jr.r,!r,,"H,,lu,.,,l.Ir ";'M uf "U,l'r' I ll r .1 ii it . i in 1 i , . Illil lo the I'llllliCtlO .Stale wise policy of the President shall I adoptol. ,,.1(. (lj,.,tHUoll4 Mr. I.lncohi'a ndnnt disunion may yet lie stajnl, but the chann-s Into Washington, ntf the Viihln.Mon corre for such n consumnatlon arc nl.irmliyly fetble. spondont of the Vir VoiA IkrM-n wry The Pacific lUllrnad bill ha i,ac! ll.o Senate in an amended form. Utlcr-wrilrr? say the amindment has virtually MIIul lliu measure, as It Is of a nature reptynant to tlic case of disunion, we need care House. Hut In , ' ...., nun icaiiu, ,;0,, ,IH, , nis l nn cIiIiucm, for ll Is ix- as this dark doom Ii to contemplate wo urr tiectnl that llflnii Soulliiru States will be out much finr that If not already accomplished, ' ' the ConRxKniry by the 1st or IMinnry. It nlll bo before the llh of Manh. I 'j'l'O " ro u" c""" ""; ""' ,)" , day In that month. Mllit'ii Statu nut. thirty m.. t.. oi.j Senatorial Mites nro gone.ntid If tho Northern THO Lut Blander. Democratic Senators go with thou. Mich as lhc .ViifrtMim of January 'Jlst contains n' (lcm ml l.-ui". of Oregon ! Misrs. tiwln nml most scurrilous article In relation to ournlf. , Lilluiin, nT ('nllforni.i ; lloiiilas, of Illinois; Wc do not mean to bo dragged In a wnr or "right nnd Pitch, of Indian i: I'ngh, or svords or an exchangee, hil.lngsgato with the ll dibascil wretch who holds temporary control r4 tn, or -vun 1irl of n imirii,if nmlynii of that Infamous black-mall hcit. If we' may bonsurul the Vice Pnild.'iit will immt have so little reputation that It can lie ilalnnl gle his connnl to have the vr.tii eountcl lr or damage, I by the fabrications of one who. , 'A ,, ,. presence In Oregon Is owing lorn, ccapo from Ig tho Capital wn ut Hot rliheulnl, but I just punishment for nn atrocious crime In the am Informed by parlies wlmnto Will n.tiil, Kast, and who has since ll ol mainly by the that several i.r the military eomp.mksh.iie .t., , .,... i:,r .. i r ... ii. Mrsely ImrriiHil llnir .oil, then) lat fiw practice of iHMty rascalities, any. kfmco that ,m I( C I1CW lnclllu.M Mil nnwnl wo could make would Imj worth no more than hCo.slonMs. The mod mail i vliuds Ihn u-J the p.icr upon which It might be wrlltiu. ! out .Mnrylniid, where the mllith nml !nn Hut lest no abioluto alienee In rvganl to tho l.r mllllnry nro U-Ing wpilpjieil and drilhil, WiiMDnworiihu.iwi.kTBpii...tu,i.ouH,irtyj'i V;;; wIi Jn(liv mi from first r,,iher n weak illmt In Ju-tlfy K-reslonV Me In last, In every word and line, It Isu tbsueofi IhsiicIusI CongrifS In let thun (ihi Slave notorious lies. Willi ulngular uillnenw the H""i) part In jki.iv. statin.' in n few , , ., , , ., ritk I hcv wil ln'iuit of Ihu I'nli'ii lonver. language of Mocanley ,Kin Il.urieio ran lw .,.,,,. ,,, r ,,, fluh , rn,r rilVl. npplliil to the nuthor of this mniistinu jet j n (IHiiMiiiimilnr.itlun.ii lies firvin. ridiculous Ion : "Tln-rc miv have , lr ilescribil the iiil.nnllks of slave ImurrvC' livetl greater liars, but wc never rrnd of them nor heard of tlicm." Neither direitly imr hi directly, In any way whatever, during Ihe whole course of our e.!stcm.v, ncro wo en pngnl or Interested In any occupation or n ihaniclrr with Ihal nlti-gul by this il.iMnrd villain; nor have wo csir hex'n enncein d ill rretly or indlnctly In any business, retinue, nr iH'eupatlou, of a diire putablo or dWiniioratile nalurr. Tho fellow sa)s ho hns k Iters to rortoborato his laVe-hond. IK either lies jMiint blank In this as well, or tho writer ol any such letters has pcrpctraleil nn ripmlly liifamous lie. Wc iuc strong termi lint from ilnlrc but becunre no milder language ran meet 11.0 case. At pn-senl. wc have no r- course ugalnst this wlioUdo lying scJuiiilnl, Harvey (lordou, but us lt? llrnme f.i of tho petty larceny rogua who stole his only pair of s,och,gs.-wo shall mevt .. 0 watch ...!.. IT.. Ill ... I..... ll.. tl.. I... l...lll. Illlll I1W li.HV HIV 1'1'JIOI Ililiill, III' will doubtless wnkly mid lo the great rata loguo of faUhooils he hasnhcady falirlc.ilcl nnd pitblialied, for tho purpose or wounding and defaming us. It tcmalns Hi be Rvn how far the public will countenance or eredil the ma licious lies (f one who has ikllU-mtely lucked oilier false uiserllons by n f.iLc lutli. I)m'.:in.Ki. A number of otllu.d nrll cits and domettle Items urc difcruil this week to give place lo the more iniortant and very inicrisiiiig inicuigenro irom tlic Mates. We give tho report of Senator linker's speech In (he-Senate full as wc rrcrhctl ll from the Sac ramento Union, h ordir rriukrs In Ore gon may learn nith ouhhrst ili.p.itcli the , ., j. , . . xlcvvs ami action of cno who Is iupposc.1 to represent them. Wc do not think he diK-r,1 iu w Pnsldiiil. nod more parlkularly when lo urges thoex. Mr.,1 approves of all the prone-mo meutuns of Wade, ll.ilc, Wj.IiIiiiiii,) cccdings. His iiepluw- und l-ite Private liovrliiy. and others or the "Irrepressible" elan, h'wrilary, Henry, intends nil the IVkriil ,., ' . Icaui-iiH's ut the rcsl.hi.ecs of ll.o Colketor, Mii.itaiiv Iivisio.'lhu citizens of Port land, Vancouver, and other places north, are circulating n petition praying for the rc-cl.ih Ikhoicnl of 11 fcparuto Military lcpartuienl for Northern Oirgon und Wiisliliigiou 'I rrl tory. Tho irtition should be grunted, yet we fear it will not be1. And besliks, some pro vision should be liuda for Southern Oregon ol a more beneficial iharnetir than has c.xlitedtn past years, livery other see tlon is provided for, while this people arc left out in tho cold by IhciiDclves. -- . Tiik War Dfiit. lion. I.unlng Stout says in a ktter tlmt he is conlidcnt of the passage of tho Oregon Wuf Debt bill ut tho present session of Congress. May Heaven Incline the tho hearts of the Senators und .Mcmlnri in pur bebulf. Tho dibt Is 1111 hunorablo uml j just one, und should have been paid two years ago. It has bevnamin,. . iH.uJ cuwed, ilciiouueeHl, defeiidesl and deferred, until patience and hopo is alike nearly ixluusteJ Now let it be paid. ' - -Wkkklv AmniiTiKH. Wo havo received Iho lirt liumUr of this pajiei, puhli.hei uml edited by 8. J. McCormliU ami K Uov. (j. I.. Curry, at Portland. It is a luiiiUome, well-filled kliiet of Iwenly-ciglit pages, contain ing a largo amount of original, neiis, and fc. k-clrtl matter, ami Is furiiisucd ut three dollars iiyrar. Wo can't well sro how so many news- pipers aro to livu in Oregon, but the Jrficr- liur is certainly worthy of a lirt ihauec iu the Kiucrol tcruiublc fur favor, Tho Spirit iti tlic Etitt. From the St. Louis coriespoudciica fir the Alia Ciitijoniui, we tnko tlio following extracts whkh Indicate tlic spirit t.r the peop'e of Ihc Kut. A port ot llio Information, If nny tiring near tlic trutli, Is posltlvc'y itirlling : ccotmls Irom tlic Intnltirnf Pennsylvania ore to llii1 edict that itirulluienls of xoluntCTrs nro ipikily going on iimong nil clmw, hiiiIit the name of " Union Mi'ii." In llicciirnllnienl, unruiaiiio wr.iiT, i.y oewav-i. avoenu. .. v by Ills taking tin- o.ith of olTic In New Vi r! III. II. .1-1. .1.1 : ! C...!.. .11 .1.1 . I..,. !.... ' a ilnnltt has nrUcn In the minds of sonic lulule I IIII IIIL'IIIIII.I. iir Ullll II i mil IIVI1 gentium,, : S ,,c,.ir c0"1n,,'1,j ' Jiippoo the iheloral otes nro ueeoriliu in eoiiMiiuiintiii re iiulriiueiit that U, in Joint cimmli m of lions and civil war. In eonnrctli'ii wllli the n'l'ive. wp nps'i.d Ihc lollnw lug from the New Voik Cotrupoinl cut of the S. P. Ilitlltiui. Tiny nro In lie taken for vvliat Ihey nro worlh, tho writer showing htmcif very uii'irupulous In what lie ns'crlsui facts, or Miii.i'rrs n preibabllith', nil lliB vviiy ll.r iy!i his I..-5 ! tftr. Tl.r ktter lar difc IKc.-mKr I9J. ; Von hair Li aid T tin' iiTHi'I"!! rrivi'iii.l. nil of the .Mobile '!''. . fi.r I have nun iirevhms oeealon rilinol to his slut M, lit. lie sign) hliiHolf " ll.irmony," for llio rrasoii pivnun.'. tlmt his eiiresi.i,i.hiie-o nln.i I1.1t moulii sn e.Mielly with the truth. 'I In oillowln.- IsiaUiiliunotieof his recent loiter, loll, . '$$ pnltv , Vlw v,,,. ,., K.vcnd nights In every monlli. Thev mi rut suiting rmlneut lawyers, nial iiienilv1lng with V'.'1' ,MI'., 'I..' .1. ''!,.,'. "" ol '" -;. ni'l. "fv .1 . ... ." .1 . ... ... .r i.t.i.. i.ib ..rtiii.ii in iti.. i..,,. ..ii.r ilmi tr 1 Mil... .. ... y....... ... ... . ....... .. I 2.ll. I'i.r..lin. Civl. J ll t tl .Kliiil itl.Jittil tlon of the Union, mid thai the Cullis-lor ol Ihe Hrt of New Vml; 111 d his in IsliiuUnro telkvesl fioin n'l further iiecouu lability, have u right lo 1 nihil nnd ritulu the revenues ucerulug lure, mid them until the U'gWuliire of New Vmli or Ihc city aulliorilks ntlaeh the same. If n slnglo Slate gins nut of ll.o Union, Mr. Sehell 1. yards it in brnl.rn 1111, nnd saw " l.lueoln Is not Prii-'dint ;" unit tieithir la iioruuv of the I nlunl illli-iau will iisign or urnmW their power and tho public to uny cms pi 1110 111 iieiiKurv. ' Mr. Jul 11 J. CI co, tl.e Sub Treasurer, takes ll c same view, lie has nviral millions lit his disposal. A large poitiou is In bars ol gold v.tuM at I,IHM) inch. There arc Icing minted wlule sn us not to ntlruel iitlriiliou in elm' III UVIII. lilliu.iil lli'in ntr .1111 , iv.iriii . ..,,. ... .. ftf rlu. r .., 1 ,.,,.oll. ... .1...1. e-tis. of being removnl from the SubTreus 'Siib-Treasiiier nod other iflie..i!s wliu mo ii: 1 the eoii'piruey to prcviut u mrrinder of the L'u.tom llniisoninl ol tlio uiuiic in the It'aclc Ikliutilie.ius net Marih. Of roiirn', nil Ihe iiroiilo lire iiiikIoiis lor the Sin, hern State's to gel out, in order lo iiive them ,111 c.uiiso for rei!!i,i0' upon tho public ticiitire at mis point." Tlio N. V. Tuna of WidiKfilay, has nn editirinl vvhleh Is eahututed lo Mir up the llree'iiters to un unnonlcd plleiiol frenry. ll rmtioilii-s an usserliou lint the eertulii leading Hciublle.-iiis are seriously loiitiiniilalltig Ihe niiiie'xatiun of Mexico, first uiid-r tho forms ol Ihe Protectorate, but mutuary as a eoni0. nviit part of the Confederacy. This, ll argues, Hoiild furnish us nt once n lendy melius ol in-.h-miiifyiiig Ihe North for the loss of the .Southern Iriuh, iind ut the same llmoof check. mitlng the filibii.lerlngseheme-s o( tlo Sires. sloiiists in that diieellon. Tim Yimr lielieves the Mexkaiis wouM reudily inter luto sueh n sehem.'. Tho latest rumor from Miisliliigton having . . l..n . II ., .!.... nil. 1. (j lr, ll..i has ehalknged, or ,s about In ihullcngo Mr. Tlioinpson, of the Interior Department, for Ihe attempt of the hitler to lounccl his (l-'loyd'c) name with tho iiibbcry of the bonds. With iifirenco to tho llucaiem-ildl-graco of Major .iuhrs-on, it is said that, thoiild the AdinluUlratlon d.iro to eoii.umuntu It, (ien. Scott will resign Ids official mltlon. nnd olkr his Birvhcs to his country. tJrn. Josipli I-nue, of Oregon, it is iiscrlid, slreuuou'y insists that AinliTson thould bu Imiuedlutcly dismisced tho service. & Col. W. II. Purnir, of Portland, has (jono to Kan ',uuekeo, to uld in the proccu t i,f Hoiaw Smith foi tho inutder of Nvwill. Senator Baker's Speech. Wuhavu only n tueii'jro synopsis of this speech, by tilcgruph lo the Unstcrn papers t In the Senate, Jnmiary 2d. all the naileries weru crowded bcfiiru J, u'vlorlr, ntnl all thu lobbies were lllleil full of hulks, nnd a large crowd was gathered outMu the doors. A ipirHtion or order aioe'. 'I hu Piiollle Itnilroa.l being tho special or iter, nml Mr. linker having the lloor on iinfin lhe.1 bu!uess, tho Pacific Unllroud Dill was mule) the special order for Sat 111 day, ribiiirv wi'ri'.; if;v;;.;u .rViic.: piisencc. Ho complimented the speech of tho ,-iinior iron, i.mutnim ns nemg tne nisi no 1 nenrii, uui sun 11 rrmumeii iiim m nuni was one-o raid or n famous book ll was the best way that could be said what never ought In hiive been said ut nil. The nritu inrttt of the Senator goes to iirovo that the (lovirnincnt Is was lint one Mivrrek'ii. nnd Unit 'V3S the Ilea- ill Till 11 111 11. .iir. nil lit n'liii iiiiiii 11 I'll, it H .r .1.. t .. .. HI..1.-1....1 .11 ... I..I ,... .r.. ii 11 1 , 1 . " ....... .... .... ,.... .... ..... 1. ,..!.,, .l.. ..,. ...Vs.. i"' "-'""" .'..-." .,.1 .e.eTjn .... M.e sn e..-o. , ,r sirecsiin i as iie-c:, or. eresi , ,, ..,-. r.,,... i10 w,,nr of Charles-'illate n-lliM while ca-cs or long nan.ling.o.m. to ills-ol'vof1,, relation to ll,riI.,,e,artJov,r. -wlon. Ilo was for ,lul ment in Ihe CT' lupiwcii iimi iicsuim , ,,iw,lir ,K) ,,c P.i.knt will uale.nnd omppsrenlly lncur.,l.lccl.nracter,wlll uu-nt.nml clnlmesl, i.vcor.hng lo Webster, that Pnlmi, nn.l nppeiilesl to Northern men lo pn- "".y.." V; ,,", ' r",, t,.Vfl been nerunled bvl"IIV"' ".' ,0 "",,;t:."'-11 "ri,,'r ,". I his ; surely yield to Its wonderful curative powers the (lovcrun.e..l was th.s (lovernn.ent r tho vet dissolution by conciliatory nets. Jfill Hinlc troops mid armorers nml 'men eu- ! , 'i !" P1' C"" ",w, l,reVM'1 'nn-l H-r ur.-nt mhiplallon lo Ihc wanl, of ,,. w-l,l,i peop'e, rornienl by hid vidua.. Ho re- A resolution approving the action or Major garni in cleaning tlic r ",0-"1 ' ', '"' t ln ,' Si-er,tnrv of War I M,r'" ." u h1,,i.iir,mt l.v li..i,iln.inn V O. fertinl to un 1 x racl bv Mr. Deiilamln. fromnu . . ,. ..... i-t. . Cu:.r... i.i i i .. t iihiv l. r Mil n, secretary 01 wnr. InrsMi- u (.aliroruia oy iti.iitingion . i.., udihev, by .lilu l ,,!,,c snathe Amlerron, n.,,1 promising tosuppor thoP,..!- 1- lln . m Ul '11w' "T ''" :NT" "MK J",T?, , ' M." J,otrl11' ?", Senator Imd unwittingly kit out .Ic.h.t part, dent n the enforermcnl of tho hrvs, wa, J'Kffi I then e-etislilerel c,.n.ln,,cs theSecretaryl raric brn ; K .1 . k ma CSamnen where he snld milllllealion was an hkii too p-scd by iv vote of ll!) or tho lglslnture the honor or the Administration pledged In (ic f '' '""' ,vl' I:' '',rJ' ri VnliiVll) v" nbiurilfor nrgunient.nnd too odious for di. In the Senate, same dale, Toombs made n A Committee of New York lrinncmt. m'llulaln the troops In the p.Hlilou they i .ecu- "y i.maim,erego. j. ). ru.don. nml the r gl, or a State o nuili- , , f r ,lc,M(llli lraii ,y- Me.-es Taylor, arrived at Washing- I'M ry hml bevn the a-suraneeglyei, lei v wh , ft, - Hal, llt giul Vnn. imii.iIIv alxitrd. lr. It.iker atguid that there I . . ' . . . . . .. ,.. .,,,.,. -i.i ... .t.ti.i u i ..i.!!. the irenllenien of South Curolin.i who hail nl ." ""' ," ""v' pie. He sil.l nil argiimouts iiartsl n-i the snv-Wavhliiglnu. nml reports Ihal complete ills-eri-lgnty oln Slate are fallarlotis. South Car- 'orgm.lzatliin exists there. Section is vvnrring o in was not n sovereign Stale, nml a I nrgu-1 ,.,(.. ..i..i ... .i-r ,.i,.. t mints made with especial reference , Kirri.tsPln;lK'Koi.Url..ii I.TKiliy w II ol pcan sovirelgiilles were hot exactly npi.l!,-iible,l'W If not prevented by Georgia und other here. IVrsouil l.tbe-rly Lis, II they hinder the operatlou of Ihe Piigitlvu Slave I.iw ought to bo n K'aleil. Lincoln will colorex1 th? laws, whether revenue or fugitive slave laws. After n nrgiimcnt, he yielded to a mutinn to udjoiirii. .an mljusimeiit In any iiu.irle-r. u?. ..: iiciion in ri-gani in me lemior. was muui. ., , ..- .. . for men or nl! cla'ses in tlic .orin i.ciieve.1 'iivirrlhcrrmluro or local liw. Ileunotol g.ird In slavery had ihatigisl. uml that her yttimK!dur:!r,un,t'or.t! syslem. Mr. Hunter said he never niluiltleil ll.o Smith thought Congress had the right In re-str'i-t slavery In the Terrilori.M. Mr. ll.iker said that he hud understood that genth mi ,, on tho other sl.hi wen, iu tuvor of establishing u line U'twiriifhtshuii nnd slavery. Mr. Ihnjimln said lb-it ho had never a.l luilled lint (.'.ingress hud nny power tne.xleii.l slavery Into nnv Tirrilory. Tim South had lies,, In l.tvnr of extruding the Missouri Com promise' line ns n nutter of rnmpict mrrrly. Mr. Hiker Ihouglit wo eoiil.l .In nothing ns it matter or i-omiuet which would violate thu fimslittilion. Ilo thought that If tliu Senator from liiillnna K-beveil In e-oii'clene-u lit it ("migri-ss hud nn rhjl.t In i-xrlude slavery, he iiiii1 havo violntetl his oath when he voted for sui h i .t-hidoii. Mr. II nj.iiii'n s.i'd Ciiiigresi had no such power miihr tho Constitution, Mr. Hiker said nn Ael of Congress vvus n sieml law,' , nidi r oath, mid lr voted In prohibit slaviry by i-iiluln law whin he miu nl'y believisl that Coiigtiss had un right muhr the Coii'lllutloi, In pa. aiii-li n law, tl-d he not vln'nle his leilh whin he iii.ihml sm-li n vote? Hi's.ild that the Stlillor fit m InilsI iiim romplaluiil that the lioiciiimeiit inter fitnl wlih slaviry Iu ihe South. Mr. Iknjinilii said thai he d d not comp'.ilii of Ciuicess, but of the Slatiti. Mr. Maker was glut to Icr.r ll.r r1 niuplnn f ti ,v .-. halt tlmt C n,r ss had n it Inter- drill, but tint his c ...plain' of the Si.i(j. II 'W ci'tiM liliimis, fir IiwImIuv, In lerfero with slavrry In Viiglnh? Mr. D.l-Jaintn said sh:- i-ou'd not bv bill, but nrincil men m'ght go Virgiuln nnd the I'nlliil Stiitoe i.riui mid murder irniv!ul men. nnd l,y tni-xelto llie-h'.nes In lev oh. A Tain 'll Massachusetts was louud In say ll wits right, nnd M.ismcIiiisiIIs hadi-leeiid him (inv entor, undthus IihIitmiI itiunler. Ma-sai-hil s.lls had soil Senators hero In iibmo uml vll lire the S nilli. Mr. H.ikir sa'.l that was nil n IK-Hir sroiH- of debate. Iluinbnlttesl Ilmi Individ.; ibt might .... .. ' .. .. ... Mr. Ileidimlii raid that Ihe Itipuhliriii: parly iuti-iul t.isurroiiid llics'avi'Siiiies vvltli I, e-e Slnli'S, to us In foii-o i in inilpullon. Mr. Dakir nrueil, ir even thai were sn, it wns un rnui' for d solution' Mr. Ileiijimlii I siy, dtr. hilly. yrs. Mr. Daker iul.l un. und protxsilnl to argue il vvus ii iiteesslty tint slav.ry inu.l U- siirn uiiinti uy- inv mine, ll slavery i u Hint s. i ll iilil-i iij ii.i.uai iiiw r. iiiiiii. ii, .'i inv world, the North were the ...iu, .. ......i a.... .....i.i,,...d. ..(.......I, ... ... ..uly allies of ll il-viiith. nml nirr hound In re- ...... .!.... '...... I'..... ....1... 1I....I . .. ....i.i UII.ISIIIM1-, i, liiuiiu.-i i n.-iini ,WMV!,1,,M!,iMi,V,nl,.uTn wouM b? bound 1. 1 assist tl.e South, ami uouM .hi It. lie argued that the rlxht or fiit'SKxcli I could not bo controlled In n free eouuijy, or a lice prers. whlibwasu greiitirrar. guild Inn fteT country. He would not resttu-l Ihe-K' to nvrrt e-ivilwaror inalntiiln slavery The great I principle or Ireo government would never lie I siirreiithie'il. Come weal, come wis', slavery ' shall never be extended by Ihe hwiis of thel iinvernmiii, m ii.o i mini nun, no noun i.ol yield oic hub lo Feets.toit, but Hiiro wcic things whkh he would yie'd, amoug them the rt'enl of the IVrsonal l.lktty Dills, should the Supremo Con it prouomiiv them uneonsti tiillointl. Mr. Clay had said, aid ho would my, Yield not ono Inch or word to seces sion." Ha would agree to make nil IhuTerri totics Slates now, nnd let the icop!u decide on slavery, lull he would never agree to pro tect slaveiy in the imno of frvrdom. ltefer. Ing to power, ho said, die) it not look a little nskhough, bcruiiso thev had h!t the ofiiees, Ihc South had i:ot un this rebellion, lie said, after nil, ho had greut ronlldenee' hi the loyally of the iH'onlu ot ho noulli, lie henui sCiiliiueutsivcryM.ire'.uu.i rouiu sev uiu couin seu the clouds bre-aklug; nud ho was not with out llio hopo llit, with time lo allow the re v et Uh heat to subside, tho Colon would yet remain safe) if triistesl to tho hands or the co p'o, Tlio Senator from 1uiUiau.i had said that a State actually seceded, and wc must acknowledge its Independence) or make war, Ilo said ho would not nckunvv ledge) its ludciiciidinee, ami raid It would bo no very strange thing ir u strango Ooverument had sometimes lei rnfoieo the laws. Ho iiunted the ordinanco of lien, Jaekson in regard to collecting tho revenue, w lie n South Carolini onco beforo rcvolteil, as an answer to the Sen ator from Louisiana, when ho asked how ho would coital tho revenue. And nhovc all, let the laws bo maintained and thV Union bo pre served. He closed with the words or Webster' speech iu reply to J I ay lie. C5?-Tho liCglslututc or California have so far declined going into an election of U. S, Senator. CSr Gen. Volncy 11. Howard, tho eminent real estate lawyer of Sau Pranckco, has come out in favor of u Pacific Republic. lUsV-Tho list or murders, tssaulls and rob Urk-3, is dally swillid ihioughout Culiforula. ...,.,... y-.., i ...r.,.iherres.....e. o.s, i.,ft .Morg,,,, Is gunlse.iied bv'JOU Alabama e"'i D.parlmeiiti Nor nglon, Secrelury """" ' ) """ ; "'""' i mu iispiirc.i ny mo growing lie said he whs of the opinion that discussion """ " """""' .' ( ,n(inr ' on u pe-.iee-rnl ml-slon looking liilln-iiviiiiliniu iniikioflhe Douse. on nil points or .l.rrinex-was ,,.e fid. He was l'l". ,,.,,, ,...,. Th.'SVnssl.'n Ihir was ralisl In Wilinlns-' r, ""VkiI. has ro,nplle-.,tol matters in the , r, will iu In iiint nil Just him or romplaint In I Ihe IVlmvler nt Clurkstni. slgnlfiesl I'l- n, N. C. ,. the :i,l. KnihiMhullr m.x lings rxbllng maiiner. Our ,.r.iul or even.k'i.yto , '.fVimi-y'llvit.! ' ' u rail nnd honorable way. lie ronUn.h-d the liitiiitl.m to hold hlm-elf te'sponslblu In Ihe h.tvv berti la I.I, nml tho siresslou fading In- l'!l,w '"'' " Utlll' "V,,,lv'-V "'l""1 "."',Kr !'.'" I llo-y know- ll In lui p,-rma,.ent marl for sn- nttutkoulho Keliublle-iins of the Nortli for ...i .. ,. , '. ., il..,i i.ii,. ngrccmcnl invlti-s eolrjlon. nnd mint luevllu-l. '." ' ,h'..,"' ' '". ' , " .'", "'..V' ' .T..I1.. i .: '! ..nn in ... . ..s sp-ivu in in id . .itHiiroail llillwnsnm-lilonil. K'n-nr Jllnne- pievenl Invasion, supprew liistirirrllun, nml '"' " ",' ,, .""' ,' ' ".' ""H"-' " iiiui.r. iii-a ml I Us isl iliii-lr lie ol is.u.i Iv. Al-I ... . . I ' .i in...'. ti i. hii-Miirv ol v ur. In i-iiuu I i-.m nn ontrrr ... " , , , , . ,,' -, , , sola mill lo K ol .Vlo. o l.-hn nimlielini-llls. prwrrvr me- iiniuu iiru i-riy, i uu .niiinr is , , , .. , --. - --- - - --- - - , ..... .. . n. , , s,n ratic sen, luty your so,lrom hrsiKlehol fcim.lor ll.ii.Hr .(hue ' ' ' " i.a ,nllW lg u ,ii & for tho'imer- hud t uiMhi .nrrimvlethinsof p.i rie.tlsui.m.r ,,,;,,",.; U,,. and save yourVs- the llnekli.rid.'O t Inb or Charloljesv lite, ml- 'no "" """ ' " nmeu.lin lit In iii.iKi-; p ' with hoiiur.siilijeelesl ns I nni tn the vlo'allon ,,,... ,Vsi, ,t,,:ug. Itvineiiibvr, nt 1 1", 1 1 ami nun uu i nil I u iiiiiiiii oi lie .-iiiiiii in re-, .sunn i..-i.s rmr n nnii.ii noun was - i, t. ..i ,i.., ...,,.,.., ,.i i.. ,-.i.. in untiiiii lion niiuniiii iiiiiii. .-.. i-...i.ii im.l. ia-im BY TELEGRAPH. To Vreku for tlio Oregon Sent hicl. TIIH VKUY I.ATJ'.ST. SECESSION AM) lliisTIMTlES. Civil War Threatened. ' - 1 ere sent us fiom the Telegraph Agent nl YreKit by '.ago nl Tlmrsilay lilglit The ,,. nro , , .. 11, . ,t.,nmtv 1 Sr. Lues, Jnu'y 8th. January "III, Cobb of ALmmnkn K.r.onnl explanation, nnd prol. sted ngiilnt the enuise C'-nimoiIore hliubriik hns rctittncd from sympathising Stulcs. On Ino "th, Ihc Coinmillco ol Thlrly-Tlirce ndoptr.1 the nmeiidme-lit providing a by Jury for fugitive sluvis in the Stale from widen lliey rscnic. 'I'hls Is the on'y progress towards lrt Morgan Is gun bv 'Ji i-ii. ir.i. iiiniriiiiii-.ti.ti, ion. hi, no .i: n , , , . ......... .. ...... 1 " " r" " " -""i- In tho St-natr, Jiimnry fill., the PueiuV ,1(,ip0, bv u vole of SA In ,.'.'l. A dnruleh - lloue. Scerclnry Tliompinn ms rrsignril on lie ground thai the. Stirelaiv- of War hud sent relnfiirixiiienls South without ronu!llng the Cabinet, nml nftir n underslalidhig Moiiltrk nhil Mooie's Island. Ten shots were four of whliht.i.k ill'.el. Tl.estexiuur turned and put In soi. Port Sumter ill I not re-spoiiil In the firing. Commodore Kearney has withdrawn his re signation iu of the proceedings ut Ch trlrslou. Iu .Mlsskslpp!, ll.o ordinance fur smrslnn wns p.t-nl, .laini.ny '.lib, by u vote of HI to ITi. The lilkvn hud ngirrd In sign the oidiuiuccniiJ make It uiiauimou'. Plli.rls In poetp-ine wero voltxl iluwu. liiUucr.c1te tucut follow nl; salutes wire llresl mid llrcvrrrls tl!silayei, Iu the Aatbxma Cniivoitloii, s.iiuv d-iir, a rommlllrc vva nppi'iilnl to draft it riri'islon ordiiimuv. 'I' will iss. TIlC PrtVel III SC'lt ll Sw'lll IlKNiltf In Ci'iyriss on the Dili, in vvl.Mi he says, ' Wi urc lu the n.M't of n gnat tivolutlou, mid iheir Is nn iilli-iMliii' but to colli it tho reve nue nisi protect the publle projiiriy nt far ns pracllrable uiiihr exiilhi;; rlieiim-lauivs. It devolves upon ('ougiens, In vvhleh Is n-sorved the power In deelaru war and lem-iio grlevuti evs which liny had In war, In net in tin prrs cut emerge ore." Ili-n-eomuiiiids tho. Missouri , t'omprouilsv'llno ns u basis of iiilliKlmetit, and 1.1 .kl.I, I. I'.... ..UJ .,...1.1.1 . ...,. ... 1.1- by nggn-sslvciiets. Cniigri-ss should endeavor to bung the tl.lli.'illlks In iv p-.tivful solution. MuJ'-r .iid.rsoii had f lithlully but Impirfex'tly p-rfiirmeil Ids duly." lie gives ns u n-.i.on for not Muling trn-ips in Charleston, tint it would hiivururu'shcd u, pretext for degression. Tlic d-.bitti iu the Sen ite vvas viryexelllng. ... of N. V. rniupiMl the South Carolina ---' Coiunils.lnnirs In Arnold uml Durr. Davlsol Mis'., bltlirly tkuouiiexsl the Prrsiik-nl. .... . ,, . ., .. , ,, tne .xinanv ji.iirmir lias omciauy nnnoiiiic- l S'e' aril's ncc.-pl.mni or ll.o appointment ' . ., . rr0" ',lt'"1" "f Sei'rel-iry of State. It was tcmlerixl in Ik-ecmbcr. Trumbull Is reekcicil to the Senate from ini Qt, ., ' ., ,, . , '"crnor Morrill is ikcted .Senator from Maine. ,m ,. Ki ,,H KV miiiiiiioiiiiI to Wash- ,, , ,,., , ,,,.. ,.,i.i, ,,n,..i, ,.. ,t,.,v .. y nl. ,. ,,w w.ipi.n ii Skt!.iI d'sp.itehcs say that Ihe C.ibiiict is iU-IiIh rating uboul the nriest of Toombs ami Wlgfall for high tivasmi. ltufecll is released on 61,000.000 bill. St. bun, January 115 ,-. u. Major Aiukrson M-nt a note to (invernor Pieke,is,diiuaiidinge.xpl.iiulloiis for Ihc firing upoii thu Stir of Ihe U'tt. The liorcrnor rcturiKil reasons, and the matter is referred to thu authorities ut Washington. It is sild the I gte.itncr will bo sent back with a n iv.d force. Ports Johnson nud, in North Cur olhn, wero bcleil nu llio night ol tho bill, by ihcSmilhvillcguarik A steamer left lloston on llio 10th, with troops nud prov Islons, it is thought to reinforce ihc Florida forts. At Charleston they arc converting vessels Into gun-boats, to prepare for tho coming or the war steamer lliookbjn, on tho way there with troops. Tho people uim dctetmlncd to make a descrate, struggle against uny force sent to siibduo them. The I-'lorlda Convention on the "lb passed a resolution declaring it the duly or tho State to Ecccdc, by u vote or (i'J tu fi. In the New Yotk Igis'.iiuro u resolution was lutroeluced, proposing to raise 10,000,000 to iirm the Stute. Kesolutlons were parcel by a vote or 115 to 2, .knoiiucliig the hostile pro i.roiceslimrs or Southern States as n declara tion or wur, niip'a'iding the firm courso or tho President, tcnelering men and money lo uphold the laws, und thanking tho Southern hi tiles whiili had uot joined tho bcecrslon move me nt. Tho mllllnry expedition which left New Or leans to seize Ports Jackson nnd Pike1, am Sl.n IIaIa.. Ia,.i ns,niilll nA1.HinllLll(ul I Vlrtl ! 1 . . ... . ... ..... . . --" ' . 1 oin si nn iiv 1111 i- i ii-ii. 11 hi 1 int ii. I ". T . . ,., r" "V ' '"IT" " iiic.i oriso. tueuovermi.tit. ,tltI.. -nlsUli von have sn kindly i IT nil In do, Sr. luis. Jan y Kith. to re-lnfortv him. At n pnllu. hiury im-cltng ,.m, nl,tinr!ad the P.wlm.i.'ir Hemral . I ho .s.rr r Mr II r.f, with IT. S. Hemps c l" 'el j of rrsidull wi ro olkrnl ; one iir- flljmtMCr ,,c nir.lrs ol the Department until luaril.Inntlempliiu In enter Charleston bar- J'1";; ""'.I f1'1 ,,"7!,"i ' ''"'"'"'''lyoiir sue-exs-or M.-ill l nppolntesl. , . , ' , Mug the military rstiil.Ibhiutiil or tl.e Stuto liii' -,, ...... ,r,... .t ..,,. it,, ,v.v 'wrylMliy rtiliw nt daylight, wn llred be put on u wnr r.H.lh.g ni.dn.i.-mentiil. Tl.r im'" r';,V V'1-1', ',AJ,J "" ,"NAJ" upon by Ihe South Carolina garrison, ul Port ,011a rsupimrlliu tlf S-ulh, nnd while deny-' ..rrrJraJ,,. u.i-i m u tiw,a, IIII1L IL KIII1I11II lllll IH I1llll. IllU ('Uiuil liuuiiv hipviui'i tu uiiiiiemii iiivi tcsistauec. -1 obiect on the morning of the Uth, without,"0"' ,,IU3C B,vl" ,,,rw "M "''' Oenoral Intolliffcnco. St. Louis. Jan. . lHfit It Is rnninrid tint tho forts nt Key Wist, rilisacolii, I-ort .Morgan, . . liko llorgne. Port Johnon und the niseunl M ll.ilon He aid gatrisonesl by the rcspcctlvo Slates It, " .' ... . Slates iu whtrii lliey are locilcil, Tho Suitlli Carolina Commissioners left Wushlnrlon, tienting thorefuenl or the Presl- dent to grant their demands as n declaration or war. .1, 1, . i.f 1, ,1.1 oombs has been tkctcel n ik'egnto to t he Umrirlii Conve'illon. ui rgiiiuoiiveiiion. The IP.iruMiM has liecn onlcred to I !f ' Wl,,i,fl' t,l,',Mc1,"''r0 In llwMccn. I tlon of .1I5 duties, ns Colketor near Clinrles'.oc. ,, . , ., . f , I ,, . Ihc n-ijirt tlmt four companies, hi 1 orl Monroo. iu had been ordered to C-I.nrleston, ere.. ted n great ove.ten.en n Norfolk. l.kuteiiant .North had olfercd his resign.,- "g nn approval ol the Irltlrmleit littl ( tlltl liJISII lltinnaafitl Comprumlsi', Ha In e-s un liren res nl ,w or K. ' i a - . .'. a. in iuii nil iiivii imi srniii sjijesiusis iiismi . . -' . - . .. .. tt iviiiniuir r nnmics nun iiecn urni ni .-sew inni, riimiM", -...... w ... ...., Sem-rn Pulls, nnd seviral other places. ' 1'uJ1r";,lM ".r1.i,","1', ' '' l'rT!'-V..,,t ""!, " ll" . W,IV W '" "!'V!y cl"lomcrcl In imnoror Anderson. 'I he Ncbm-Im l!' !I"U''' ' 'T "M " Ja'1 "'. I",lh ,'"rl11" , I''1"11 '""c ""c" "' Jl ,M'V lh,"T ImpMulnre passed n vote Tor his gillaut eon- t r re-ei) r-n-al p.edges was to piivu.l colli- Iti-euu-en bl-r., advertising .!.... shin und the illusion of blensl, in the hope that iLiinuii in t he m. in (lie fuel- null. Ikiijamn Mordrral has prMcnte. South Carolln l with 81(1 (mil Oovemor Pitkin's Cabinet con!t or Mo- it... i. u.-... i r o I .... u . iiiiiii. ,. nil i.i tnii.- . ii.iiui i-i'ii. .. . i. ,ti- rv of War t Mrrrlmjrr. S.eretarv of tl, ui.i-mu- Cl.l. Chare Slona has Unit ,..,, -n,.. ,.. .,,!,. ,i i ..... , ir f 2, . ml ,.r ,i, ...tii,..,. r !l. nt.i.I. t l i..l M.i.'i..' In ns.usin-ito Seniors Wiuk'nud Ciiuronl, The Si n.ite Commit lev or thirteen have re pnrtml thnt they could not agree; on any plan of llilJlKtllH-lll. Illalr. iiovirnor of Mkhlgnn, In Ids Mes. s-ige, takes the same podtlon us his preikces- sor, relative In tk' Personal I Ilsr-rly bills. ,Vima!i" "r tilTl.M. ." . i r'i ." i" - ., ,. . Ic-fiim l- , HilsTit- I ' niul I.I..1.I I ,1 11 llllll-'lll lllll llll lllllll.llb 1,111 l-V llli.-.U . .. -1 . . . . ...... , . .. whirell rx'sts, nnd miniill.nrilvi-lsi-wlico In hiierfero with It t rern.',d.!ng the prnpr! of exe-eutlng the Coulili,ii..u nn-1 lives reh live ihiretu: reiii-.'itiring nn such i-nt.ll-ctiug tie menu hi the Ciiu-lllullou,orsiit)lt'hhtriiiir freiii nny rourev for a dissolution of this (im eminent. In Ihe Si u lie on tho .'1.1, Dk'Vr pn-s-leil n'tllIon extensively sun.xl by cltfo inof P-n sylvaiihi, iu f.ivortf Crlltind n's i-omprom'si'. The Arsenal nl Mobile was n'rt, I'oiitiihi lug seviiity eiitlit thousand stand of urms und llllitu lunula. barrels guiipuivikr, nud other nmmuultlon. l-'rnrs nro interl.ilnesl Unit the India, s wnu'd Interrupt rnmiimule'.ttkuis at Cettto,. wihh Springs. Cnl. M.l.s. ul Port Ke.iiny, too'; steps In prevenl the Inlerrupllon. A mm, Ills n-portisl, wns hung ,t Into-peu-kii'v, Mn lor inmpi ring with sl.ivri. The (lovemor of Nebni-ka vctoe-d tho bill prohibiting slaviry. ll has pncd ono heuie, and will pass the oilier over tho vein, ! (or. 1 1 oils tn Is i r.piriug ncluatly for tl e ikfemxi of the froutii r ngnliisl tho ludiani. Iud Dilhoudo is.kuel. Tlio Wndibigtoii rorrc'pondent of the Cin e-liuiati I'liimntr. writes, .liinmiry '.'.I ; A coii.olid itei) South nml n consolidated Vol III nro umv predicted. P.ll'nrt will h? undo ut ouco In Cem-jrc-s In ttiengtheii thel Presldeiil's hands. High pratso is showcieil upon him from nil shies. Ills policy is not s ii .oil Icviiop-M. nolug uiiiiscii ny poiiiiei.iinoi nu tug in right oi serrssion, that u wom.i or "r V I M I 1.' 1" right to neknowleslito lis hid. Ni,.knrc In.lend il 1 1 U I l .1 . or w.iaing un iiidiiwful iwir. After nn r.xrit- In Jnrl.souvilli. on ll.o vviiibig of Tm-sd ty lug dt bate, the!ullous win rekrrisl lolhr January- '.'Mil, nt tin' home or I'o bride. I.y Salurilavm-sling. 1 lli-v. M. A. Vllllain. Mr I J. P. IIiikvivn ami Niws'or Ihc rescind ing of the md.r for tin-1 i.ii , P- lloiiiivv.vl.ksl.h.iiiMeror Win removal of the i-inm.n nl Pitlntuirg was r lloiTiuin, l.-i, exivesl the ro wl'h the llvvl 'iM natlsfurlti.ti. J A ltrge n-srinM ig. or Ilo frirmls of Hi (Invirni r Pinks presldnl our n illomr nl you-igniul h.ip.y eo-ipb' hmmitd dy tlelr pm I lie Cade-Is of lloston, on lb- IM, nnd mad nn ,.c (, m,tA',. ni mid Hu ncca-lnn one I iloouiUlsiMih. In cm-'n-ion hopr...ns.xl(ll, , , .r.,.niy ri.m.niri, ,y ,.. -tl.e triilluiit Miijor And. ismi. Mnv the us . , " . . ,,,, , , , ,, . p'o give him the W r he d.-serv.-s. nu I (!. .1 i " ,,",n,,,n ,,,,Hto "f ,,,,, rl",", ",", '"" " g'v Iheliiiviriiiiiint rnnrasri' M lurk him." I frlrndslilp. D'spati lies vviin lu New Vml. I 1h! n'Sei was l-oTitlfully fa mm by lie on the '.M, slating H'tfltr hud ru'.l , luppv eoupl '. nml we irrn-l mnl'ally wl-h Hi n tliiil Hm d.n'i-allli's vvimiM Im m-ttV-il by ll i , tir.,',i ro-itniliiietit nud JoyoiM forluno "I, I Dili. Her wirM-'ri-u'iiliilforllriUTialificcI i... ,,,,, , nllogelher, nnd urn. wilh-nt nulhorily. I !!!gnn,.,. IJT.,wr,T. Piig'Mii.mb.'r fiim An., hn for licme ot , th.'.M. I SPKCMAIs NdTICKS. In Ihuhouiolhi C-niinllt.s'i.r 'lulrty.lhrv. I ..,.... ..... on the .'., ru iimtlon i.r llilsi.w, I.f ICy.'PHOlSillXL'jnOKKo.W, A.F.&A.M. irsoluthuis vvno mhiptiil iii-ii.'n'xiiig slaviry HnM llu-Ir rrgit'tir Inns the A pirlicis for pursuing u ik-iicu iwI-v, lioil.pir s ... , , ,, finuiit now- imIv be.-au-o p'.iw lino lingir Mas. Wtxsu.w, nu rxperleneed nurse and fo K)sslbk I'nlirihat vvas ile moiulatcd ho vvrs ' m-ilu physician, has a Soothing Syrup for child, auwlllin,- to.hi nn net which would I'lreclly iteii let thing, whkh grtntly facilitates tin. ,r.i or Imi rettly Invnivo Uiu tiillon in tl.e catainl ties of war.' L'poi, those who have provoked the employment, of force imut all tlio eon.-o-epienecs Tall. 'Ihe vigorous enun-cls or Slanlon, lllick, Toucey und Holt, have greiitly rnntributesl to the stiviiglhenlng ol the Pres.ehnl's purpose. Against them Ihe whole force ir Souihern In llueneo was elirecled, in the hope) or obtaining thu adoption or nn oppnslta policy. .... -. . .. ..- .. i .... Tlio rrcsieleiil is reporiest in navo s.viei in-'ugor.lov no,.l'sr,,son resigning. " Ihe agwine-nl was nude between the herniary of ar, who had no ylglit to make it, und the leaders of ihc mob nt Charles ton, who havo uot the power lo hep It," Mr, llakcr'K speech was one for cewcion throughout, and maele secessionists of conscrv nlivo men. This dlscti'slon is beginning to divide) the peop'e) into two pn tics one! in favor or coercion nud the other iv.'almtit. The Union meeting lo bo held in llillimoro in ii ri-vv il-ivs Is to ue'aildreteCilhy Vlco-Picsl-dent llrrckliiridgo and J. J. Ciltlcnden. There has been u goml de'.d or talk hero to-day nbout uu ut tempt to ii-,a-iiiate Senator Wude ; but I have hcaid that the very trivial matter or n stranger calling to sec iiim has bee n magnified into the merit or annssassin. Thomas 0. H"yno'ds' I.lcutonant-Oov. or Missouri, nnd n South Carolinian by birlh, Is just back rrom a two week's y'slt to Wash ington. He has di'jlea-ed m-iny ol his polit ical fi lends by in.iuik.Htin,'. eluco his return, cxlrcmc Secession siiitlmcuts. He aUcmk-d a meeting or Ilia Dcimcrallo Club night before last, nnd made a Secession seveli, urging lliem to re.-oho thimsolvcs luto n company of Minute Men. About twenty persons look his advice nud cm oiled ll clr name-'. Mahkkts. Tlcro is no ehaugc in pi ices . , . ., t Flour I firm ut tfl 00 (i SIM per 100 Iby iwuumiii'ii j-iai Secretary Floyd's Resignation, , I ho following it, the pnie-ial lorre-spomlctiro r,5M..nlni .Si i,.;'1 wusc.cliangi.l betwtru S.crilnry 1-loy.l nn TCincI-Wn vir.!fllt!' Preside nl on the reslgmitloi, or tho " i. in 1:1! r. iv ,.. 1...1., i Wa,iDkimiitm,:nt.Dcc.'.'9IIi. IPfia. Mir !t)n it,.. .-I.-..I..LS of Ihe ''Till nsliiiit. I rend tk folluivliiir tinmr to you in presence of K. sjtll-iu.-t : 1 Col'M'll, CiiAvtmu. Mxitutivk .11 am.i,i, I'ei.. -1 111, ioiiw. 1 1 hi. , 1, r... . r.i. ,,. . iv,,m .L. m-iionnr ' ., Sir ! , U l , ."l 'I '., ,1 ,1 . 1 the commander of Port .Moultrie, Unit the sol- Mansiov, Dee. "JTtli, leiill. vK , I 5 M.-J., Amkirnn. In my judgment . ,mniJ u mnv l.rt us bv which to enu, p'nUcs of Ibis Oov eminent have lieen I'lll- I'OU iL.lll.llV 13 ll'll IVI. 113 l'J Mlliw,, ," - r rMlnXe our winortni prevent civil wnr. Itisdr. , , , , , conftkiieu on Ihe TM, ,, t . , s y ,,,, , ,, This 1, rlkr , ,' , ,lt.llcloll()rthomililury.,,,!UrJr n vvllfo! right to fin-iik for her. S.iulh Carolina, on he other hand, gave reelpronil plnlges thai ttrsj Titi-iNi iMidti'il li.t Iss-ixii flit y the,,: ngii'nst . "." ',vv "" -- -i.ii lr ,1 rm"v '" " ""' 'K "" "" '.' r ',r'?u,P romm.Hl itlmi ol the rxislln troubles, fie two Houies of Congriss l,.,viu both ruU-l Com-. vinir imi ! nbji-cl. Illlle-e-S inoMUir 10 nun .... ....-' ..-. .. -.. . I lm nu.ilrs stoo.1 until he ni Ion .r .Major IHK'IMils IUUVII llllltil UllHllCIl IMU Mil' Ulll ,..., ...i.h t . ",- iiu.iiiniicrni war. . raiinin e-uiium ,u ' ihengeiii ol sum it calamity. I dtvply rrgrel in feci inyse-lf under Ihr iie - Willi Ihe highest RTSiiual regard, I nm iinxt truly yours, Jmiv II, I'mivii. To his Mxcellcney the PrisM.ut ol the Cited States. W.VsMIMITOX, Her. .11. lPfif). .. t it.. . .. . .. .. i i . i f v...,r nslt'U.illoi, or llieofiko of lhiSii-n lary .r W.r, nml not wLhliig In Impose m.i. vot, me iau oi in-riorniiiitf ns im-re rouuu miiiiiivv I.h.mmh on or pnieil.'iig tin v- -1 uui miiou, in ri ii-u.x. ur.'uoii. i -v x S. M. WAIT. W. M. S. llcnii.-ii. SerV. Jiii'Ji!:: om:(!()NciiAi'Tt:u.N(..i, OF" j.ivh'sox !..:, m:i:i:ox, Will Indd Its tegiitir coiiutmuleilious oi Hu riist sni until)- itviniiirf i-rr.v. .j- M.nitii. All N.Journlng ('ouiiiulou In good I.iii.IIii; are ciinllnllv In nil. ml. W. W. POWI.CII, II. P. J v s. T. ( I l.r.x n, Sce'y. ikiMlT VAimHH LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M. A IIUI.U Hi. lr reguhir iiiummukalliiu, jvvtlio Wnl'u-siliy l.'t tiling-on. irpiee'e.llnj. rlhe lull moon. In J.VIkSUXVIII.K, (HIV, 0. w. (iu:i:it, w. m. II. Dl.ll.IU. .Vic'.. 1. 0. 0. F. J ve-knovv im.k liiiimi: Nu. H, holds ll regu lar meetings every S.iriHUlAV WKXiXH, '.eeptlng In thu llrt wiik or caih month when ii is held on rmu ,t:.7.v;. Ilroll.irs iu good standing mo cordially In- vlled lo attend. W. 0. HANSOM. N.O. IIkniiv, It. See'y. (.'IL':(!m i-cs of teilhlng, by soft, iilug Ihc niu-. rulue-hi nil lullaii inatton-will allay all lulu, nml Is sure lo icgiilalti tlio Ih.wiIs, Depend upon l, muuiers, ll will gite rise to yourselves nml health to your Infants, l'trfeelly safe In all can-, fii-c nnveriisvmeui in another column. fr- it is much to be regretted that ee Idle) hi thu enjoyment of health so little ulten- Hon Is pil.l liy many to thu pre.ervallon or si. lucsiini iniu a nie-ssiue'. Luxurious uv Hie;, hao- ',, of ,K,V,J Iiro ,0 .,!cn ; ,-., lu.yut, TKcu upon th Its or Indolence, e.xpojiiru to suildeu cliaugi s ot monitory erurors ol .inn lltft Ui-.t In. Ilentlon of nn nllack. If nuvlhlui! will relieve the niflerer, purify the blood, lestoro iv v li.'oruui' circiiiiiiioii oiiit iiiorouituiy ii-uovuiu iiiusy-Mtms ll isaaniiH Miriapartna imi.' Dyspepsia, Fever and Aguo, Indigestion, sour stomach, water brash, heart hum, lillllousness, liver complaint, acidity, flatu lency, jaundice, ihingo or climate, slek head ache, loss or appetite, feiinlo complaints, oppics slou nHcr eating, nml general debility aro laphl ly, eflcctuidly and tiiu-ly emed hy thu 0.xv (U.N.eTt.0 JIitti us, I'VI.IIOUMl KVIPFM-f. MiAihimm Ilill. Oil.. Jmit lfilh. 1858. Hav ing sullered for lllteeii yenrs wltli Dyspepsia, In Its worst t'oiin, uml having consulted with the liesl physicians, nml triiel cvciy tiling recom mended, without lellef, I was Induced lo Iry the Oxvui.vvti ii, and before) I had taken ono liolllu I found myself much belter, und con tinned tuMii" them until I was entirely cured ami now enjoy as trood health us 1 ever .11.1 in my lire. I Iuko ploasuiu in recommending tlicm lo all wnu ure Minimi ly uuucicti. JAVIKS ,VMI-.lltlllK. For f.ilo In California by Itidlngtou A Co., Henry Johnson .V Co., Charles Morrill. Sun l-'rancbeo; It. 11. .McDonald .V Co., Sac, auiento; s like, Coillu .V Co., Maiysvillu ; Smith .V Davh ll'uitl.iiul, Ote-aoit. March l7.-lyc-. Wistar's Batiam of Wild Cherry. The only pure nnd genuine llalsnm Is, and for the h,-l twenty yea,, has been prep-vml by Sktm W. Kowi.s: .V Co., or lloston , and their Willful name, us well a- the wrlllcn.lBnalureof I !--- ..... nt llift tilitt urnhluiM A si -. n- " ...-1.. ..- yu would uvo.d Ilia spurious nnd hnvc the gen- nine, tilt wmi'thr I This Invaluable remedy U'istiii'h IIvi.svm or Wn.n Cni.mir Is the best one r.xlant for Ihc safe, sperily nml ivrmanent cure 01 eo.iu i", tun., riuu uiruiii, iiruiivniiis, ., " , " ,' , ' , , ' '"' I'k'url-y. pneumonia, croup, whooping 1. i.i..h, , i. i t, !.... curcorioiighs, colds sore throat, bronchitis, cough, like ding ut the lungs, pain In tho breast " M. l I" f t 'l. cto.1 and lung comphilnts, ns well ns wnscmitiox It- IioiihIihIiI remedy (sliould lie In tho hands family nml Individual, nn a timely p- pllcalliin ofll lo n slight cold will rnuse Imme- bco, so popular t llrcniiM ll..' prices there arc Irresistible argil u.outs Iu ll raior. constantly mnk- Hitlcy has made uml morsian- 'i-inu.-i. is i ip nrui-s "!" ",u goods ollen.l. the liesl ami llio eheaiest. WilV nro Ihreo salerooms needesl at QciMr ... , .1 . , I .1 I. .... I .1 Men.: Th.-v are Ihe efle-ct of n h-glllniale cttetislnii of liti-Ini-", foundi-d upon Ihee-mrgy nudfallh- . , , . . .. , , Itsomra- ik I,i, i. '......riM.illiv nt rlnrLwnrk. m..l .1..vileservliiif of the conlldenco of llio m:w aivi:utisk.mi:nts. New State Saloon. II) John .Mi'Lniiglillii, rPIIIS rslnlill-heil and popilnr llntio m L Ins-ti ri'iiireha-cd by Joi.v Mi l,viiut,.ix, uui will Is-eoinlnelcl by him In Ihe san uni form and i-vcellrut miuiitr that dlstln pd-heil I'm lliui'i' In pahnlc-l dirs. He will kiep on hand mine bit first clas lirntidsor WINKS, COUDIAL.S, Liquors and MAIP 11KV13HA013S, il.VI. nro rrviiliirly forwardnl Irom m.lnl Im- p irliug hou-es In Sun I'rmicbco. Ills sloc'e of OlKAX'M nlll likewise bo of Ihe lust .pinlllles. Taj BILLIARD TABLES re of I'lo I ii.'s Itt-st buprovisl p.llirn, with Miil-h II .1-un. I eomlil, nlfnii ru-lilon. l-i iiild't'oii lu tin- retail lmlm-ss, Hm propri etor lull. i in- Us frii-od- ami thu pi.l.lli- that hu p- inl to riirnbh eu-loiners wllli M'lnii ind l.lipims or ls-. ipiallty In bulk or pickugrs, 'wixorinaAZiZ:, it stub pikes a will iiinl.u It an linluet m.'iit .r p.ncliiHrs In ucilu- fiilr supplies fiom i m. lb in- mis r tlio old stand, corner or C.illfornU uid 'I sins l, e-nntlguom to the' 1'n.t Orrl.'u uui Milkman's llvpn-". Kith 2 .'I rosinvBLY CLEARING OFF J1.1? OOST. II. ISIiOOItl Orri:i:.s in s.n hu hn'tiiii: stock nt i.i-l, eoii-Ulliig e.r a wellM'Iccleslttvikof CI.UTIIINt;. IKItiT.-a d .sunns. HA IS ami CAI'S. WINKS ami I.HJUOIW, citoci-:ini:s mj M INCUS' TOOLS, CltOCKCIIV and J I.A.S.S V A ItK f also, a fine iissurimi'iit of Ciigllsl, and l-'rcnch Merinos, iSeoteh I'l.ilels, Alpacas, ll.ire'ges, Tni.llns, Subs Muslins, I.Tivns, (iin'-hnni", llouut'ls, llnnuct Hibkuis. Cmbioid'-rrd .Sleeves and Collars, Cugllsh, Amirlcau and l-'rcueh UAI.ICOKS, and n large stock of l.-ulie-s' Children's (Jailers and Shoes j all ol which will i'tuiUitly I SJil nl IW.'as I Iniend lo char out my whole stock by the first or April. v Su)'"All those iiidibtisl lo ma will pleao call and pay up Immediately, to save rxtiensos. II. 1ILOOM. Jacksonville, l-'eb. 2. 1801. 3tf -nor eiiiioi..'j. i-iiiiiiueini nn ii.i; siricn-si in,-.- 1l-Ml'T, stfi-rr - . . 2 !ir..ii.i.i lUItT ..nii. Iu rtilJ fsr- LV.sWfezlSJ htTsi i mEiKaffXKm 'gfcrm ffl;..'y.aaaft.Y3Mteac- uhmhipih imamizmfmmimm: