', ', i?Ti v . - j ir i & miui v THE OREGON SENTINEL. J f j. . '3 .l,iiin i-TVi'SSBSf-"-1'?"!,1 J" M(.U4i).Ul.Mi.1 fc fcjjy U t-f. 4 JM.-WA.XJ n-t. fcu.. ttmrntrnMAMirin t -. jf - h. j .jj. ii '' iiULtmtiriu.ai.iaia MWMtflN01AnA ty. jtthM'JttT-M w- k .v $5 PER ANNUM. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1861. VOL. VI. NO. 2. IaV irnmmi sa ftaliapi v v m TxGfrMh Kg-- MBJRBBON SENTINEL PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, OY JAMES O'MBARA. KIHTOIt AMD lllPltlKTOKt it- .1 - Offlco over Cluggago & Drum's Stables. TERM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION i (IS AUVANCi:.) One Copy. One Year $.' no One Copy. Six Mnnll .'I W) One Cony. Tlircc Muulli '1 oo ADVERTISING RATES: OneSqtinro, of Twelve Lines nr le, First In- tcrtloii, SII 00 1 niul for inch subsequent liaer- .Ion, l no. Professional or rtu1nes Card. l.noli Fuuarc, per milium, SM Oil i for .Six Monlli, iU 00 ; fur Three Months, SI I) 00. Ji llliorol prutit will Im made tn irrsnns who ulvi'ilbc to Hie extent or butr square. The number or Inirllnn should bo marked on tin- margin or advertisements. D.WM. DOUTHITT, Attorney and Councillor jrnolx.foxxf7-illo, Orofjon. n3A;i"Mi.B: jif ci s iyiartincullin HAS Tor the prcont established n shop nl tlin public Itnuso or Mr. Michael llnnunn. on California street, Jaeksmtrllle, where ho l prepared to execute every description or work in hi line. Hull', warranted to III, nmle nl rhurl notice, In any shin Ih'i cinlimier may cIioom'. llii Iiiii on li uid tin1 lalcil fashion I'll tern. lt"p ilrln done neatly, wllh dlrpiich. Clt irgc low. Jacksonville, Ibc. fl, IrV.O. -l.tr J)i X. Cnlihrcll lioiiliuun H3 pcrmincnlly lnentul In Jacksonville, niul nin.r Ids iirofi-sclunal unices In the .practice of Mnlltlnr, HitrRrrj- nmt Olt.tttrlr.. Onice al his roldi'iico. on California ilr.crt. 1 1 the Iiviimi fnrmeily occup'ud by A. M. Ilirry. u.'xt iloor to Judge Print'. Charge very reasonable. Call attended lu nt ull ti.Mir.4 or the l.iy or night. Dec. gist, In',9. dic'ililiiittii " L. H. DEWEY"" HArlnpemil simp oppodtrt Anderson A Olonu'. o-i California slreit. In Dr. I.. !.iutiiix'driig slnrt, br rcpi'rliu WATCIIKS, CLOCKS, .IKWIII.UY.KI'C. All ork warrant"! lo give tutlrtuillun. Jacksonville, Hoc. '.'Ill, H-"'. 'Mf C. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, oi'rii'i:, j.t:cMi vh.i.i: unto htoui:, Oii;im. DR. JOHN HERRUOLD, SUnQICAL AND MECHANICAL mm nj27W.ar.tB.Fvi'-xir9 Tn oltBioii.-tri.llo, Orosou. All my ork will li cxteiilnl JVT1 t sreutly roluccil prlei'. i'oii r.un flVSy'ja'&l only. lOcl.Iiillli.in r 1 1 U '. "JOS. H. BLEDSOE, Attomuy autl Coiuifulor nt Lnw, l.riM I'rnetlro In nil the Court InMlnJ.uk. mil niul Jim phliio cnniitle, nml In llu1 SS'iprt-iuo Court of tliu.-jlntc. -1 1 f . REED & BERGEN, A ( t o r it r y nt I . a w , j.w wko.wim.i:, i., VIII nttrr.it to nny tmliii rmiHili-il lo lln-m In the ovcr.il Courl or lint I'lrtt Jml'cl.il DMrlcl or Oregon, niul In llm Supreme Court. SO. R. WILLIAMS, AUORNKV AND Cni'MiKI-MHI AT laff, Kr.uiiYVii.i.i:, hiv. lirilJi praeltco In llio ecrl Court, or the V Flitt Jtitllcl.il Hl-lrlct or Oreson, ami at. tenil promptly to Im-liieM enlruti-J lo hi. care. (Wi-cUiiim ntleudtd to ulth illp.itch. 27 CHAS. B. BROOKS. M.D., HAS I.OC.VTKI) IS JACKSONVII.I.i:. nml offer 111 proreMlon.il wrtlre to till com. iniiiilty In the pruetlco or Miciut, Sariri ami iltMnci. onien on Cullfornla lrcct, next door to hen Ikt" Jewelry nlore. Cull nltemlnl to at nil tiouri or d iy or nlnlil. M.uiii:ii, iHi.u..u-ir PKTER lUUTT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST alarkaoii. Illr, (IrrKuii. I. prepared to tnko rietun- In every rtylonr Hie All, "HU nil in" i-m" iiupiuti-iiii-iii, ti do not i;tveatir.ictlon,nn charge will Ixtmade. Call at 1'iink' Climr Store, or at the (iullery on the Hill, nnd hhi 111 1'lcturei, lllf SEWINGJVIACHINE matihksi:m, nr.uoixu axu tenth. ON' HAND nnd made to older, lloiuo Lin. lug nud paper HuugliiK. by ' A. 0. AMlKuTS, 2 Giltfornt Slutt, ahnt Ortjon, Law and Collection Ofilco. 10. II. WII.I.IAM'I. A. C. IIIIU'H. (latu ChUr Jmllcc.) WILLIAMS & GIBBS. Portland, Ori-eon. Will practice in the Courts or Oregon ami "Nii!-liiii2ton Ti'rrito'iw. B. F. DOWCLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jotkiuu t llli', (It I'licin, Will practice In all the Court or llio 3d Judl chil UWrlcl, tho Supiviuo Court or Oregon, aud In Yrekn, Cul. I'nrllcuhr attention paid to procuring I.nnd w.imint aim couecung cminis against the (.or iTiimcnt. VOly SURGICAL HOSPITAL. T nm now prepared to rccelio patlcnta In the X iup;ini, on mo corner oi iuim aircci, oacK ortliu "Union Motel." tmum cash on coon security. CIIAS. II. IIIIOOKS, M. D. Jack'oiiville, Jul) ;i, 8i'0.-2S . LOVE & BILGER, fnllfornia Mrctt, JntKvomlllr, Clrrgon. DEALERS IN Tin, Brass and Copper Marc, Stoves, Iron and Stcol, Hard ware, Cutlery, lilacksniith's Tools; Powder, Shot & Lead, Paints, Oils, (ilass,S;e.,&e. WORKERO JN IRON, COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS. JLOVB3 & UlMiMll HAVr,Jiitrecehid rretn the All.inlle r nnd Sun IVmelKO, n eointdele Ktcek nl eier.tthliik' In their line, nnd will kevpcuiul.inl. Iy on liaml nn nnrtiuent or the tiot Tin, Slipcl lion 4 CnpiH'r Ware, lira I'Ijk". IIjiImiiIIc N'o.lr, I-'urco I'uiiip', Chilli", l.eml Pipe, lln-e, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AndXUails, nil; Sizes; liar, I'lnte nnd nmrli il Iron I'iiIiiI. Oil, fhv nml (JlnMl All i'mllllror I'liuiUr) iluil or nil iiiiiiilnr Ilriulie or evi ry ar'cly. c Ic., rle. All nrlleie mil liy them or iiiiiiiiillietiirid WAIIItANrCU. Th Ir w.uk I mult or tin liert li.ilerliilniiiWirelnreert 1'iittilii'. iy.Ord r nltemlnl lo wllh ipilekiit ill patch, uiul lllkil uecoidln to dlrielluu. STOVESTSTOVES!! Ain. Jii-t nfi-lml, n l.ire lot or Stove, or nvurUil flze, nml pniiituni p.iltiru. Ihu'K's 1'ntpiif Cooking Stoves, The Xew World Move. The two ury ll, mol approved patlerinln the world. Parlor, Ofllrc and Caliln Stoves, I'.itiryninl I'hlu, ceii'luicliil ou lutifl TihI mbf! pl.i'i'. l'ullrrr, i;ttll.". 1'oiJ, I'aiu, mid pvrrylliliiK eonneclid wllh Iliem Stover, lunilil.' mid jnrriel. In 1'ver.tlliliij;, Hielr lock I the lnree.l nnd eniiiplili-rt iiir lii-iu!it lo Jucl.omille, mid they nri d teriillti'tl In n II I '.ill .('nl e..liuln li);el'vlifr-. i their tlek IxTnri' purcli.l. Jiiimi v;i. ishi..'.1:!. .iuiiv.M)i:if(i. --..i.x.tittNT.iii.r.Nx. Aii)i:r..sx & Glkxx, QETVECMORCOOH AND THIRD STftEF.TS. Wiioi.i:sAi.r. AM) ItKTAII, IIDAIXIIS l.: SHPLB & nm DRV GOOD!!, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WINKS, LIQUOHS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, rrosorvod Fruits, 2?io Fruit, Preserved Pacats, Oysters, Fresh Spices, Sauces, Jellios and Ficklos, MINING TOOLS, IIt'cllllllltn, Ii)itli'iiuiil, I'ar- iiiIiik linplt'iiu'iitx; Pal nlx, Oil, Iron anil Slci'l, A1I.S, LOCKS, (nriiiii(iiiii)i,i.oi"u.inAix,.sAt,Ks. CANDI.KS. t'AMI'IIKNi:. I.AMl' OIF.. TIN WAIIi:. WOOIHIN" WAlli:, IIIIOO.M.S, I'ANi.S, ZKTDXA nU3BEH CODS, to which wo rcpectrully linlle prmi' wliiilu; piirrliatu wu nre di'leriiilnid l-i SIOLL. JlIJdAiJ J'Ulv CJASl I. Jackwiallle, Octotar li, b.W.-iH'J. i:xikin:ss saloon. DY P. H. LYNCH. At llie Olil i:taltllUeil Hiprro Coiurr I. . w r.iiiiii,... ..nil i, iv f ni t ....lt...i .. tn. il... choicest Ltanors. wines and Cordials, oh. tntned ftuiii ihv beet ism KrancUco Iioiih'. Tho Lett approved Qunlltlen or KtiKltrh, bcoicu ami Aiuei lean fliatt JJeVCratJCS. on drauuht or In Imttle. GlClAJiS f prlmo Havana hrand, IHircn.imi iiiievb Hum iiiician iinpuriiii; luiiin'. will lie kont coiiMniillv on hand. In eviry depirlment the Kxpre Haloon will no Kent in liixi-rniuKiyie, mm no oiinmiunlly w'lll Lo neglected to cutir fur tho coinfort und rcrriMinieni or gueti. c. r. M'ltAlll'i:, II. IHYIU..V. SPRAQUE & HAYDEN, Alloincys K Counselor nt Law. 27 Kkiiiiyvii.i.k, Oiikcox, OlOOlLS t A GOOD a?foi trutiit ol flocks nl tho Jack wuvillo Hook and Vnilety ttoro, corner C'.illlornla nud Oregon li''.'tU, If LA W8 OF THE UNITED STATES. ClIAl'TliU CI.XXXI. An Act making npprnprintloiii Tor the nnynl fervlec Tor the yinr ending tho tlilrtictli ol lime, ciglileen hundrcil nml sixty-one. Holt cnaclcd liy the Hrnaln nml llouo of Ri'iirMcntntie of the Unlliil Slntts or Ameri ca in Congress n'.iemliled, Tlutl the rollowing r unu be, nnd lliev nro liereliv, niprnprlatcd, r-T the year cn.Iitij? the tlilrtictli or June, ilplilicn liiiiiilnil mid nlxty-nnc t I'or pay or cnminlfrinn, warrant, petty fiul eir nml nninicn, Including the engineer corp. or the navy, four million five hundred nnd iccnty-rour thoixanil reven linmlnil and tneb ly.flvc dollar nml tiincly-nevcn cent. Tor provisions for cominlioii, warrant, nnd petty officers nml teamen, Including engineer nnd mirim ntlnclud to vrwcls Tor wn-pcrvlce, nine Imiiilnd mid lorly-oua lhounnd seven liundre.l dollar. I'or mirucoiM' iieeenrlcs nnd nmilinnccn fur the nick mid hurt of the navy, Iiirlii.Iit.tr the i iiiinei r nml nnrliie corp, iinriy.ivctiiouam! ix imiiiireii iiitiinr. Tor lliorepiilr ntvl efitilpment of llic vrse's oi itie ti.iv), itiie oiiiiiuii niu 11111111rt.1t nun tuetil.iriu lliMl'aliilihillar: I'rnvidetl.Thiit not mure limn Ihreu tlioiHimd diil'nr rliiill lie I'.xiii'tidiil ut nny iiiixy-jiiril In ii pairing the null mm pir oi nny verrei. nun. inuiieeeiiy it I nl e.Kilii'iicy of Mieli npilr, nud I lie prnti.t. Me cost llit-rcur. lu iiecrlalued nud njiorltil Ik the, Xuvy Oitirtiuont liy nn examining hoard, to lie cotupot.il or one eaptitln. or com. miiiiliT in llm Ntay, the luivul eoutructor of tlioyntil wlnro nny vttwi-l'ui.iy Iteordeud for rep ilrs, nml tnu tu'.nli r workmen ortnieh ynrd, ur iiiiem.tMir wotkiniti nml mmclmcrnfthc it ivy, iiciorillng to tint nature of the n pair to lie made) iuM m.itir workmmi nud engineer to liedeslgiiatid liy the head ISuniiil ol Con. triiclloii nml Itepalrs; nud not more than one thoiimid ilollnr. hall lie e.iei d il In rrpaiis on the mil nnd rigging of nny u-cl until the i.vpidiiiicy nud in crMlty of null n pair, nnd llii'tsiliiiiliil -it lliirinf. Ii.no Urn ntrtul 'ti llio Nuvy I -:n tin. tit liy mi ixunlnli'g hoard. In li.' I'ouipiKiil of one n ivnl t Pin r, In lo Im nppiiintcd liy tli'.Seiriliiryoriln' Navy, nud the liuukr rfggir, ui.il n.iutir railnuikir of the yi'.til wlnie nali iicl may tie nrihriil. I'nivMcil, Tlnit the .Sierclary ol the Nnvy ennn ran-fnl ixiimlniitlon to Ik1 inailelty nn.il tlTmr. rtiu'lnirr, nml eon trueloi, into thu eomllilen of I lie railing e el ol tin? navy, nnd thu rnt of giving Iheni. or nny of tit-tit. full linm power, ti'zilhcr with Ihecxpuluney of milling nieli i-liange In il n- of ll.e coii, cendith n, n rd I. niul gene ral clwraclvr of ru-li cwcl.ini n'tcrcl ; nmt tint ll.erc,iort of null ifliwu. Ig ilnrwiili tin r-'ceivluryV vlini llicafn, li' C iLiinnlra led lt I'.'iig.r .it It m.t m.'ot. I'ur fail for tho navy. 1 1 li, puieJiitod Ir I'leiiS'ib jiMsi'illiiiI liy lnv l.ir ntlrr mile, riu'. and lor tin tr.iti.i.,rtiit l.ui thereof, lilil hut dud ami folly iIh'iimiiiI ihil'm. I'or llic pun liii-o of Ileum niul other mate ria' for thu navy, three liinitln.il ilioii'iind I .I!ur. For niiliinnre-mid nrduancs Vtnrr nnd imiall nrim, lueiiid li.- IiipuIi uiul expni'i. three Imii ilr.il nml thlrly-clxhl lliim'-itil il.ill.i-. I'or I'outiiigiiit i .mm lli.it miv nrerite fur the fii'lowliig iiiirixiiM-. : 1'ieclit mid lriiiiprtittl"ii. piii t og mid hitioiivr nder ii-.ii',' lu iuHii.ii.r. Imi!.. hi iii. iniiil.'1'.miil lr.iw.ng. piiieln'euml rpa!i of flreiiuiuc nil iiiiiclitniry, reimli of uiul nlli-mlim; to ntiiiiniugiui In imvy.xmili, piuil,.te nud iii.ilnti i.i.t ee nl litirre nnd oxen, mid diaing train, ear!., tlintfr wtiii!.iind lie ntrtli.tfe nud reimii of wnil.iiK'iiV Iihi' i pnrfugo if ptiinic ivnir, iiKi.oii.nml camle lor may urt!nui Imro ttutlou : nav of watrluuin ami iueali nlnl lalior not ehargtitile to nny other iippropriuti n ; traiMportiitloti In nml l.i'lmriit leiiilmg the ilelivery or prnrl.in and Mole on rorelgu flnll.iii j tth.irlii'.'e. ilocknge. mid n nt; traveling o.Mkiii' ol olllcir und other iimler oriK'r ; lunei.il extviM . tore nud ollleo tent. liiel, roiiiiuir:oiii nml pivir eMl;lii navy iigii!uud hturt l.ii K'r. 11 ig. owning, un-l pa(l,iitg-lHie4, prtiniiiini nnd oilur cxciie of rirrulllng. nppn h iidlug iI.ih rti r. tr tlirm pi; ti hti."iiiiin tiding cotiiti irarlla', courl f ii.uiry, nml oilur Hrvlets niilliirzul hy liw, pay to Jud,jin ndvoeate, pilotage nnd lowu.tof vi'M-t!. nml util.titiKo to vie!lu il fit it, and for lull of limltli m.il tpinruiitiite e.ile of (h!i or tint I'nltiil Hluli navy In foreign port, lite litiudriil ut.d nlncty-nlx iiiounii'ii iioiiar: I'roMtliil, ll.ul I lie cxiien- lit tin s muter tho foil-going iipproprlution. hull he to iicetiiinltd for in tiithow- thud!' Imrccmnitu liy cnih liurenu, under eaeli re iieetlvc appropriation: And prnvldi-d furtlitr, 'I'li.'.t llic ttllumU lor ('.H'iiditiiKi (or inch puiiio Khali hereafter lie given in detail. I or ll.e pmclin? or fjllpilro fur tho use of the navy, ten llioil-aml dollar. .Miirluo Corp. I'or the pay of officer, nnu eoiiiiuVtonetl oll'ui n, iiniilciaiu, privates, rlerk. iut(iiger, ttenard. and wrviinU; foriutliiusaud eliiljilug lor servant, additional ration for live yuir' urviie, for umlrutvn elollilng und rnliouj, liountiei for rc-iiili. nt'.'iit, lour huiiilnd ami lui-uly-firo llion,aiul two hiHidnd mid tcveiity clyltt ilollur uiul eighiy nut. l'nr piov!ton, sovnitv-ono thousand even liiinilrnl und lilly-nlue dollar. l'nr elnlliiic one humlridmid thirteen tlioit 8 1 nd eluhl hundred mid f.fiy I. dollar. l-'irfuel. Iwinty-tmi lliou'imd three liiin ilrnl oud furly-tnt) ilollnr und twculy-Hve Will. For military Mnrr, viz t pay of nrnmrcr, iCnlr ofurin. purrh:vcorureiiiitfrmenl, ord tun' c t-lous. Hags, tlrtiiu. Ill-, niul oilier In rtruiiK tit. Iwilve llioiiMind ilnlhii. I'or trumpartntlou of ollia'i nnd troop, nnd expenses of riciuliing, futirtuu thousand dullar. l-'or repnlrs of barracks, nnd rent of offices where Iheio nro no puhllc tulldlnys for that purpna, eight thousand dollar.!. 1-or roiitlugencl(, viz: freight, ferringe, loll, enrtave. whurlu;:e,eonipeiratlon !o jmUi-s udvoeale, jitr iliem for ultiuding court mar tial, rourl of liii'itry, nml for ciniitiiut lalior, lioa,o rent iiiliinol' itiuriiis, hiiriul of d. etused iiiarlues, printing, stationery, postage, telegraphing, ojipielicusloii of ikserter, oil, eamilca, gas, foruge, stiavv, furniture, Uil-sacks, adts, shovel, uw. picks, earpenters' tool, keep of a horso for tho inctsciigcr, pay of mat. rnn, washerwoman, nud porter ut the hospital headquarter, thlrty'tvvn thousand five hundred dollar. Xavv Vni). For llio preservation of won;, ami ior me currcm tepuir at me scv. eral navy yard, viz : At I'nrlf mouth, New Hampshire, ten thou fand dollar. At Itartnn. fifleen thousand dollar. At New Vmk, tnruly tlinu.iud dollars. At Philadelphia, liftiut llrjitsand ilollur. At Wushlnton, ten llioii-and dollars nnd for repalrluqr and painting llio nuartcrs oi enpled liy tho officers, of the yard, cvcn tlotiund nine hiimlieu and twenty-nix dollar. At Norfolk twenty thcuund ilo'lurs: to eompletc kIiI)!ioiic, number lortr-ciuht, niiio Uvu llioimnd dollars ; nnd for rcjnlrnifriilp- liouei A and It, nt Norfolk, thirty thousand dollar. At I'cns.ieohi, ten tlioiinnd dollars. At Mure Island, twenty thotiand dollars. At Sucttctt's Harbor, one thnmand dollars. llosriTAiJi For tlieconstriictlnn nnd com ntctiou of works, nnd for tlia current repairs of several naval hopltals : notion. I-or repairs of hospital, two thou sand live hiimlnd ilollur. New (irk-. ! or repairs of hospital build ings nnd laboratory, sevrn llioiuuntl ilollur.. Naval Asylum, riillndelphla. For Improv ing cemetery, skr-llglils lo main building, fur niture, and repairs ofrutne, houie cleaning mid white-vvnsliing, repairs to Itirnnces, grates, and rnn.'f s, gn mid water rent, and for repairs of nil Minn, tivo titoiKami one liuuureu ami nny dollms. For support nf bencfleinrles at the n.yltim, twinly-sevtu Ihoii.taml dollars. Norfolk. For porter's lodge, replacing wooden galleries, ami for retinlrs of limpltnl, eighteen llioupaud two liutulrt.il aud seventy dollars. I'liisneoln. For draining nnd filling pond nnd lor repairs of hospital building nml do pciidcncKS. ten thousand live hundred dollnr. Maii vzt.M.s. For the conttruction mid com. p! tion of works, and fir the current repairs nt the several naval ni.tgiuim- : llosinn. For n lulri of all kinds, two thou- (and dollars. rhll.i.leliihln. lor repairs of all k!ml, tlx hundred dollars. nsliiugton. For tho renewal of experi mental bntteiy wllh one part enclosed or cum' iniilid, to gtiatil ngitliKt necidiiit fiom guns or iluuhtliil (iiaraeter, lour thouaiid dulliiis. Norfolk. For lut-hvdi nml gun-klil,ilt-I lie' nn iiddilional cliin lioit-e ut m.iguzitie, converting coiiMioiih' nt .St. Ililma Into gnu carriage sheil, filling ruek for nrim nml stores, nnd for repairs nf iiiagnr.lnc buildiiigi, leu tiinunuii seven iitimiriii iioiinr. liinco'ii. For n pair (if old ninsiw'ne. one lliott-atnl one li'imlinl und llilrlytwoilol- 'tirs. For piy of riiH'r!ttti inlenl', nival cm slrue lor, mid 'nil the civil itiibti.hiiieiil ut llu1 ev nil My juidi and rliithut, ouu Ittimltid nml forty-ilght thuiuaml six I.iiii Iml mid four lollitl. For llio iureliac of nautical lnlruinetils to- irilrcil for ilic tie of the nuvy, lor npalMof the same. nnilntsiiofiHtroiioiiiieiil iiflrumeiil! nud for the piirehae of uaiilleiil book, map, nud charts, nml for balking mid bimliiig ll.e same, tncnlv-livc. lliint'ji.il dolhtrs. I'or inoilel. drawing, nnd copying i for imsinge. f alp hi, nml liutipoilntloii t for l.ii p ing crmiiaU in oiilvr ; for lui I nud llehl. nnd for nil other roniiiirnt cH'iirs ; nnd for the wnisof lliep Miiiiiniji'oviil nt the I'nlitd .itali-j Oliivntnry nud hvilrogrnptiicnl nfilci'. vlr. t oik- liwiriiiniiit iimliiT. li wuldiinui. and ji i" jmrlcr, lev.n llniwiml livelmnht-' dni..rs. For tin crcrllon of hose-Iiouto, pik- tUiuisitd live hiiudrid ilollur. For the trtcliMi mil repair of building, improvement nnd prt'M real ion nl ihe grouml nnd for eotitliigitieli' ut tin' I'ttHnl Stall Naval Aeadiiuy, Ikiyivvvii ll.oti.uiid bud iiiin ty-ix dollar. For prcparirg fiirpiiblieutliui theAimr'enn Nmitieal Aliiiauae, Iwvnly llvo lliuii.uud ilgiil litiiid id ut.d eighty il .'lar. I'ur phparaiiii.i of ihe irporl of Ihe n-sull of the survey of the unite Ih tv.it u t'u'if rain mid t'hliii.utid of pnilou o. tl.u eoat ol lap Hi, live thouriiml d dlar. For engraving churl of the survey of llth ring .Stiitit. the Nntlli Pacific Oirun nnd 1'liiu.i mii, under llu dirirtlon of llm Secre tary of the Nuvy, Hilly thousand und tin dab lar. l'nr the removal of the naval monument from the west front of the Capitol in the uroiiml nf the Naval Academy ut Annapolis, il.tccii iiumircil ilollur. Sic. '.'. And bu It further cunrtctl. That Ihe mini of thirty nine tluiiiMinl four hundred dnl lar be, ami Ihe same I larchy, uipropriatnl for pay of comin!ion, warruut uud "ily olli ci r und mmiiu'ii, iuelu ling lli i ngiini r rorp. or the li ivy, fur tin: voir Hiding lint iluilt ol .lime, clghtuii liiiwlrnl mid i.ly. hie. II. And bu it furtlur uncled. Iii.it iiutM'r in the navy of the United Stale li.ill nerealli r be klylnl payuutti r, mid that nil law nud regulation aptilyiug In Iliem in inn ir, nud nil responsibilities nnd obligation, utliiehlug to lliiiti n Mtvli,hull a main lu full force, und continue, to npply to tlnui, urder the tlllu ofpavinaHlir, uud that tho payment hcritofore. mude In the purfir' elerU tt tin nnvy jniili nt Cliurleslon, New York niul Norfollc, under nppropriatlon mudo by Con-an-. ut tho rate of nvin litunlri.il and llflv dollar r nnuiiin, mc hereby confinim) ; und thai thu pay oi llio pumr cicrM ut iiiom1 navy yard shall be coutiimeil ut tho rate ol k-viii huii.lreii anil nny inuiur per nniiuiu. See. I. Ami be it furlher cnaclcd. That the stun of live thousand dollars be. and the same I hereby apprnpriutdl, nut nf any money in the treuMiry not otherwbe upiiroprialed, to he expcndul under the Joint resolution pir-nd tie Iwiuiy-kiMii 1'iiiriiiry cigiiietn iitimiriii ami fifty tcv i il, "In prevent the cnunUrieltlng ol the coin or the L'niltd Slate." Hie. f. And bo it furllcr enacted. Thnt the sum of lui thou.aud dollars be, nud tho t-aine lla.nby,npproirlaUil,toiniib!elhc I'reslik'itt to rend tome compeliiit KT"n or ieron to the Islliinti of Chiriipil, whose duly it shall I iO lu examine, into tho quality uud probable quantity of gold to In" lound there, upon the land ol tho Chlrltpil Improveinent Company; upon tho cluiineler of llm harbors ol Chiihpii Uignon and (lollllo j upon tlto prnclicahilily of biiildiug iv railroad ncross said l.lhmui, so M to connect raid harbors ; nnd generally uKn the value of the privileges contracted lir lu a couditlnunl contract made on tlto twenty first day ol ilay, clghUcn hundred and fifty, nine, between Isano 'I'oueey, the Secretary of tho Nnvy of tlic Uuiled Slates, and Ambrose W, Thompson, mid llio Chiriipii luiprovement Company ; Provided, That nothing herein couliiluid shall be construed as a ratification of the said contract, Approved, June 'J2, lSfiO. Cli.U'TlUl CLXXXIV. An Act to amend an Act entitled " An Act for giving tlfict to certain 'I'rcaty Stipula tions between this and Foreign Govern. incuts lor the nnpreliehsiou nnd delivery up of certain ollender." lie it enacted by tho Senato and Houso of lleprescnlatlves of the United Slates ol America, in Congrus assembled, That In nil eusis wiiere ni" depositions, warrants, or other pajiers, or copies llicrcof, shall be ollertd in evidence upon the hearing of aiT.tradilion cne under tho second action of tho Act enti tled " An net for giving cflict to certain treaty stipulations between this nud foreign eovcrn- u'ents for the apprehension nnd delivery up of certain oITi nileis," approved August twelfilii eighteen Iiumircil aim lorly eight, biielt denoci tloiis, wiiriniils, or other puik-is. nr oonles thereof, slisll be admitted und received fur the purposes mentioned in Ihe said section, if they li.'iniiniini on fi'iirlh lt3;e,j Tho Destruction of Jerusalem. Itccenlly, Sir V,. llnhur l.vtton ilcllvered n lecture In Lincoln, which city ho Im for cars represented In l'nrlliinient, nn the curly lifsliry id 1'AStern nation. Ho gave nn outline, o'f the hltory of the ltiblonlnn, Assyrian, Per siun, Kgyptlan, Orcik nnd .lewf-li natioti., nndclositl with tho following powerful niul drnmiitiu description or the destruction of Jcrii'iiltm by Tina l "Six ymis after the Inrlli of our Iird, .lu tleii nml Snmariu becntm' n Itnmun prnvltiec, under stibotdiuato governors, the mnt fiiiuou or whom vns Ponllus Pilate. These gover nors became so oppressive thnt the Jews broke nut in rebellion ; mid seventy years a tier Christ, Jerusalem was linnliy iieslegetl liy I iln, uller ward Kmiicror or lloine. No ttaireilv on the ctnge Im the same scenes of nppalllng terror u nre tn be lound In the Itlstnry of this siege. Tho city Itself wn rent by factions nl the deadiliest war wllh each other nil the cleminls of civil hatred hail broke loo"! the streets were slippery with the blood of cltl reus iirn'iicr slew lirolher lliu granarii'S were set nn fire famine wntcd lhno whom the sword did not slay, lu the midst of these civil maxnerc. the Jtotn.in nrmic nipnircil before tlto wall of Jirii.i'cm. Then Torn Abort time the rival faellou uiiiteilngatnvttlie conunnn roe: they wire ngnin lite gullntit countrymen of David midilohu.i they sallud rorin ami scuiiemi tnonigie oi Home, nut llil Iriiiiniili wus brief: the fercwilK of lln- lli fakil Jews soon again wasleil Itself on each other. And Tilti marched on (neaiuKil hi iiruile close by thu wall nml from the height the Human gcltciul gur.nl with uive on the strcuglli uiul splendor or the city id Je liovnli. I;t il licte pniac nnd take, ourselves n mournful glance ut Jetiisaliin, it It then wn. The city wa fortified by n triple wall, save on one side, where It wa prnlictcd by deep nml luip.isali!e ravine. Thtse wah's of the niol solid mntnnry, vvt re gunnlnl by strong luweis s oppotie tn lliehiltlestofllii'oliwit Titll hid ilie.imp(d. I'rrtil the In'l'.-li' nl III it tuner the si'iillm-l mljlit lave sun .'irii-ltiil IhIiw Ihewholeof thnt fair tirrili-ry of .1 it. 1 n.aboiit in pt' Iroiu l he t'ouiilruiii'ii or David. W'llhin thise wall wn the p'tlacc or the kings lis roor or cellar. It door of the rarest 11131111111, it cliiitiilxt lliliil with the riHllliil t.iielr!e. nnd vrnwl of goM nml sllvir. drove nud garden glooming vvitli fiitiiiliilii. ndorneil with siutue.i of bronze, dlvidid theemirt of the kiIjco Itself. Hut high above nil, tttioii u iirecipitoii rock, roe the timpV, lortill.il mid ndoruiil by Solomon. This ti tuple was a strong without u a filmic! w'itliln, more ndnrtii'il tli.iiiiipihicc Ouculcr Ing, j on IhIuM iKHllcinnf iiiiinlcrl(fiM!iiniii of poiptvry, imrlilii nnd nl,ibatirt gates udot Mil Willi go o'd nml ''v.r, nm ng wh'cli wn ' 11 cn'k.l lit" ll.-itiitifiit. Kutllitr in, llirnigii.. vit nn'1, wn.i '.'- .-.cad ji r!a' whlcli rdiu'tud Into tin lii!erl"r of the I-tuple ililf- nil rU cl ',vr " gold nnd ovirl.ii'ig by n vlnutiivof gold, the brum In- nf which vvia' n lar.'e m n mm llieriHil oriliotrniple.i'Vinoii ll.enMt.id''. wa Mtovir with t-oM'li spiki. In prewnt I lie blidi from i llim.' I la n- ut.d il. filing the holv doiue. Al 11 dliluiei'.thewliiVliiup'elnol.iil likiiu ni'itinliiln of snow-, frellnl with gohhti piliune'i'. lint u'a.S tin' Veil of that limp'i hud Imii n'ttioly t.nl ii-itnl rby 1111 ii.expl ili'i eriui1. nml ll.e l."rd of lb' dd imt II .-lit wllb Jrael. Hut theemtny I ll iiii.lirlug ui ihe wall. All 11111.111I lliM-ty hr ' I11111111" inuchliie'. from whali T1I111 inund dnwu ui''hly bag m 'Ids of lock uud .Imwcr of lire. I h'j wull gave way ; Ihe city wn iiikriil : the temple ItM'lf wa sloiitnl, I'mulite, In Ihe un-miwhlle, hud mid.1 melt havoc, lli.it lie iH-siegtil were mare ll'ie sini-ln Ihau living nn 11: liny ihvnuriil the btlts to tl.elr swunl and the sandal 10 their feel. I IVi 11 nature ililf so nril,ol 11 Hay. that n motlur iVvntitnl hr own liif.inl ;'fu'fililng ihe iiwlul word of llio warlike pioplnt who hid lit rt lid Ihe Jiws tonard the liud ol promiM.': "Theliinlir nnd ihlleiito woman amongst v'nii, who won'd not adventure to m-i Ihupoleol In r font upon Ihe ground for deli cnti n(f und tiiiderno In r c.vu rhu'l be 1 vl lotvurd In r joung ouu mid tin childtin that ihe shall b ur, for she tliull cut I hi in lor waul of nil thing set ret Iy in Ihe slee uud stroll-in- wliuewith thine niviny shall dintieu line lu thy gate." Sltll, ii ir Ihe foo mid tin fainlue wu no) senurgo Hi mgli. eitizen miole uiul iiiurdircd cneh otlur in they nut in the way fa'se protiluls ran hunting Ihrnugli the .Irivls eviry linage of iKpulr iiuutilele tin u'ln'lly p'eturuof the I ill or Jcrii-aVm. Ami now the t'liip'e wn set on fire, the Jen rush ug tliri'ii.'li the Haute tn KrMi nuildrt it. ruin. It wui 11 calm summer 11 glitthe llllh August; ll.e whole hill 011 which stood tin temple wu nno gigaulie fire thu roof ol Hilar crushed tho go'den pinnacles ol the d into were like spike of crimson Hauie. Through the lurid utnin.phere nil win carnage and slaughter; tlieiclios of thrli-ks and ) ell rang back from tho Hill of X.'on and the .Mount of Olive. Amnngit thu smoking ruins, and over piles ol ihcdcudi'itu plnuHil the siuiHlnnl or Home, llim were I111IIIU1I tho Iti't avtiigiug (iropliccle thus p.'riilinl lernsniem. 111 tuai iinniiiui uuv, men still were living who might have hennl tho warn ing voice of Him they cmcHlcd Verily I say unto you ull, theso thing shall come upon this generation, 11 Jerusulem, .lerusaiem. thou that killest the prnnhels nmUtnue! them that are sent to thed behold your hou, 0 I hit unto you d.-solate! Aud thus were me iiinrew people (c.iitereit over the face of Ihe cir lli, still ritulnlng to this hour their mysterious Identity still 11 living prool of those prophets they It id scorned or slain still vainly awaiting that Moduli, whose divine mission was fulfilled eighteen centuries ago, upon thu Mount of Calvary." ... Anfcpotk or Kmmht. Ills boldncsi was occasionally carried to tho most nitonlshliig lens 1 11. un 0110 occasion a man was ennvicled ol'udmliilsiirlug the oalli of the Society ol United IrbliiiH'ii, vvhlili was then u capital of knee. I''nuuct nppcnreil for the prisoner on n motion in urrcst of judgnici.t. Having read tho " test," to ttsn tho ntithnr's vvouls, with nil the gravity of a man who felt that he was b'tul ing hh soul by llio obligations of a solemn oath," ho addressed the court in these, word : ' My Lords Here, in tho prcfcnce of tlijs Cot rt, ll It crowded and lo-y in tho presence ol tho Po'ng that sec n d wllncrs.vi nml directs tills judie'al trilmml liere.my Inids, I myself ,n ll.e presence ol fim1,ilcclrc. Hole the oa('i." Aficr whicli nstounding piece of oratory, lie kissed the bool' iiui laid it down. Tit" prisoner was treated Willi clemency, nnd aslonUl.lnr as it may se.'in. no steps wero taken ngnli st the new sworn United IrWiraan, uor was lie, we bclleVo, reprliitandcd. . Tho velocity of water in a slnlco or Inhnel Is In proportion lo the pVrpeiidiOultlr bight of Ihe fall, hot tho Imglh o the IneliKc. Tlto velocity nf water In it slulee Willi n two foot (all Is 11. 28 feet xt second. 0.1,000 potiltils Of witter falling a fctot n m'ntile, gives one horo po-ver. Interesting IUmlnlsccnccOpcnlnjr of a Session of Conjjrcfa by waimngton. lltisli. In his Ottawual I'ltnluth, givis the following picture of Ihe nncnini; of nn ntr'y m.'sli n of Congress, In Philadelphia, by Wash ington in person : It wu, I think, tn 1791 or 'On, that ns n boy I wasninong the spectators congregatt il nt that corner and parts cloe by, to witness 11 great public spieluc'o. Vuhingtun wn lu open the session 01 uongres ny going in person, ns wns his ctKloin, to deliver n speech In both Utilises nsscmbUil lu Ihe chamber of the House of Kcprctcntiitivc. The irotvil was lmmene, conidir!iij the size of otir cily, nr nltliougli then the largest In the country, lis population wns bandy more than loriydlve tliotisund. It filliil the whole nren In Chesnul slreet, before Ilia State I loue, exit tiding along the line of Cliesnut street, nml spread north nml south some distance along Sixtli strict. A way kept open for carriage in the middle of the street wns the only "place n it ihwely packeil with (icople. I lutd n stand on the stetis of one of the houses In Chcsutit street, which, raising mc nljova the mass of hiimin head, cnablnl me to sec to advantage. After waiting long hours, ns It seemed to n boy's Impatience, thecarringcof the President slowly drove up, drawn by four bountiful horses. It was white with medallion ornaments on Ihe panel, and the livery nf the servants, ns well 11 I remember, while tiirn.il up with ml ; a' any rale, n glowing livery ; the entire display In equipages ut III it era, In our country gener ally, and in Philadelphia particular, while the s.-ut of gimriiiucnt, lielng more rich und varinl than now, though fewer In number. Wellington got nut of his carrlige, nnd, low Iy en ing the pavement, lacemkil Ihesti ti ol the cillllce, upon the upp-r one ol whicli lie patl-cil, nud, turning half lound. looked in the dinclionof n carriage which had follow nl In the lend of his own. Thin he stood for n miniile, distinctly seen by everjbody. He stood in nil hi civic dignity. Ill cotume wns a full suit nf b'aek velvet ; his hair, in ils'if li'nnchnl by lime, powdernl lo snnw whiltli',!! ilrif.-.nnrd nl hi side, nud hi" liat 111 hi hui'il. Thu he stood hi slk lice; nnd what inoiiii nt these were I Tlirottghotit the deii'e rrnwil profotinil stillness tthtuil. Not 'i word was heard. It wu 11 fivlitig lnvnnd lint whicli will llsilf In shout. l!vvry heart wu full. In vutn would nny tongue have spoken. All were In gnre in ni'ile nduil rat Imt. Ilvi ry eve wn rivi lui on his maj.'stie fit 111. It might have rciiticd ns If he stood in that p'i'itloii to uratify the n"emlAil llimt siiul wllh 11 full view- of the fatlur of tl.elr country. Not so. He had pnnul for hi Sivreinry, tlnn I bclk-vc, Mr. Ilamlridge or Colonel lnr. who got out ol ihnuilur i.irrl age n chut lot- dicoralcd like hi nwn. II' Sii-rc'iiry, na'l.diiig the st' pi. Iiund.d lil.it 11 piperpruliab'y it cony nf the sp.i-eh he wa tnil'liv'r-when li.itli 1nter.1l the building. lii'it It w',i. uiul nut until tin 11, that tin. t. 'tvl ill l li'iwlis, lii'i-l. long nm rr.tlfs'' alle. - - .. Tho r.fdnatiou of Sicrctnry Cobb. The following I .Sevrel.it y t'obb's loiter liud tlnj htj rcfigiialloii, nn.l the lVis'iKntV u'l'': ... .. . VV .VSIIIMITOV I'lTV. OOCP. ITU. Mil Dtnr Sin A 'ii fihilv to th,' Slate of tiinrjla rcqttlri nn-to taken slip which ti'he 11 proKr nml 1 shoiiil im longer con lime In bi n nii-mlxr of viiur I'libliiet, III lie Imtilili' of h eiiiinlrv lonwipionl upon llio late Preridititi.il election, the honoi mil safely of my state nro involved. Ilir p "pie s regard it, uud In their opinion I filly concur. Tiny nro engaged in n struggle while tic is'ite Is life or death. Mv fr.em's ia' lor inv view nnd rouiiel. Not to ripind wiiiiiiini iiograiiuig to mjseil nml unjii-t I" tin 111. I Iiiivi aeeordlnglv iitenirnl. nud mint 11 i.v lone to them an nddn, whicli e intuit llio calm uud solemn convictions of my heart .1111 Jllll.-IIHIH. The views which I sincerely entertain, nnd wh'cli, tl.cicTorc, I iiui bound n express, il.IT 1 Pi some re.jm 1 fnuii your own. Tliecit e.uv of thl il HVrciu'o wou'd expoj nie. if 1 s'tuiilil renuin in my prrseiit p'atv. In ilnjust iqi'eioii. and put you in n fa'.e poii1oi-, Tne first of these cniVcquews I cn-ild lienr w-'ll inoiigh, but I will not .uhjeel you to the tut. My withdrawal hat not been ncMtlnnnl by unylhlug you have said nr done. Wlilht tin lertng from your ni.waso iiptn soup of its il (orillciil doctrine, n well us from the Impo so (iirnestly cxpresiil that the Union ati yet 11' preeriil. thers was no practical rcMill liktly to fnllnw- which required me to retlie fom your Admin!. trillion. 'I'hat necessity I creuttil by what I foe, it my duty n do ; nud the responsibility of Ihe u'clt tficrefore, a-si. uloiio upon myself, Tosiylhat h regret ikvplv' regrel Ihl tKecslty, but fifbly cxpas-c the iccllng with which 1 pen this communication For ninr'y four years I have Iteeil nrociatiit with vnu u one of your Cabinet officer, und during that period nolhlng has occurrnl to in ir, even for a moment, our personal mid oflloial relations, In the policy nnd measure of jour Admin's trillion I li.ivo cordially concurreil. ami shall ever feel proud of llio humble place which my nun) may occupy in lis history. If v-our wise counsels nml patriotic warnings Irnl been heeded by your countrymen, the 4th of March next would have lound our country li-ippy. prosperous and u.ilteil. TI1.1t this will nut be so, is no fault of yours. The evil has now pas.il beyond cinlrol, and mut be met by each and nil ol us nnd. r our responsibility lo Uod mil our country. If, ns I believe, If story will have to record yours ns the last Administration nf our present Union, it will n'o place it side by tide wllh the purest ami best of 1I10.-0 that preceded it, Willi tlto kindest regards for j-ours-lf nnd tho membtrs of your Cabinet, with whom I hive been so pleasantly associated, I am most truly and sincerely your friend, Hovvem, Conu. To the President. 'W.isiiivaroN, Deo. 10, 16C0. Mi T)t(r Sift I hare ricelvcd vuur mm munlcatlon of 8 ttiird.iy cvculi.;, resigning the position of Soerelnry li) tt.o Treasury, which you hayo held slnco the ccmnenccmcnt of mv Adniintslr-'.iou. Whilst 1 deeply regret that you hive determined to separate yourself from us ni tuts critical minion l, yet I admit that the question was one for your o-n decision. I could huvo wlih?il thit you had arrived at a ....... . . dillbrcnt conclusion, b.-causo our relations. bull official nnd personal, have ever been of 1 no most 11 ioiuiiv ami c. n:iil.'iilial diameter. 1 may add that I have been entirely satisfied with the ability mid r.eul wh'cli you havo ills playeil in performing, tho duties of your lir" p iriiiui I'liioi. Udrdlully reclprocatln? j-onr senllh:nls nf personal regard, I remain, -ery K'speclfullV-, your friend, .TamM IIi-ciianaih' To the Hon. Howell Cubit. iit the Philadelphia Slate. Having fund hat gone into liquidation, Artcmus Ward on "forlt." Mvery man nf Intelleik has gol his Fori, Diinll Webster' I'ort wa to sfA'chef fy in the Hauls ol Kongils ,t make DiclHiunurics, Slmkncr rote goml phizo, but he wnmlcnt Iter bin wutli a pint nf hold Sidcr ns u ten nergruflie Henortlr. Wooil he? Hey? Jlc bet 1! dollnr lie woodcut. Ilmry Ward Ititelicr would make a good end man for tho cork opcry minstrels, Iwcausu he can cackle well. Old tieorge Washington's Fort was tn not licv any public man or the present day resem ble hlin In nny nlarmltt ' extent I Where boul can (Jcorge'.s cknl be fownd ? I ask, Ar boldly miser mi wlnrc. or eliy wheres r!e. uiii min lownsin 1 ort wa 10 iiiikc nav syin'rilli r. " tJoy In the world 1 nnuthcr lift) salvnl I" (Cotashun Irom Townsln's inker- tisetnuiit.) Cytus Field' Fort I to lay a snlmmelilna telegrar under the boundin blllcr of theOhiia & then hev it Ibist. Spaldiif Fort I lo mnko Prepnrd flloo, whicli mend everything. Wondlr cf It will tnend n sinner's wicked waze. (Impromloii gonk ) Zoorr' Fort Is to be n female circus feller. My Fort Is the grate moral show hizn's and rllln cho'cc famerly lltcmti;r for the newspa I cr. ThntV what's the matter with mi. See., Ac, Ac. So I mite go on to an IndcIT nit extent. Twict I've cndercrol tn do things which thny wan'l my Fort. The fut time vvas when I iinilerliiek to lick nn nudathu cum who cut n hole In my lent A- crawled threw. Ktz I, ' my j.'titlc Sir go out or I shall fall onto jon putty heave." Sez he, " Wmlc In, O'd wux tlggers." wfiercupoii I went for him, but he cavt me poivcrlul on the lied and knoct nw threw the tent iitlo a cow tiastur. lie pursooil the nttark nnd Hung me into n mud puddle. As I nrrwc nnd rung out tnydrcnclit garmlnt, I knnkludeil filin wasn't my Fort, lie now rise Ihe kurlin upon Seen 2 1 It is rarely scl iliitn tint I reck knnsotitshtin In the Flow In It tie. Hut In n scrliu tnun In InJIuiiny. In llm I'niil of IH , my orgin grindor got sick of the f-ver nnd died. ' I ttevtir felt nnhnmcd In my life, A- I thaw I Ide ItUtc in 11 few swn'Itrs of iitliin stritliiniii. KoiiMquiut wn, I was liUlul In so much I itidonl zietly know wlinr boivt I wu. I ttirnrd my livln wild licestsof Pray Ionic Into the streel nnd upol my was; wurks. lllmilH't I woil pluy lio. So I liarnisl mysi'lf In a Kanal bote, tin re being two other hore hltilicd on hkeni.e, 1 Irfhit A- nmitlier nlwil nf in. The ilrlvnr hollerd fur 11 to gil A- we did. Hut the hnsse lielng on iir.nl in such orriiiigrtnuiit brgun tn kick and npiccl A- rulr up. ICt'itcrqtitnls wn, I wn kicked ill' inly In Ihe siiimmlrk A: birk, A: pn-M'titly r.iiuij inuelf In llu; Kiiunl vvitli the iitlnr ho5i-s, klekln mid tontin like 11 lilbe of l.'iis-ejtorl s.ivlli. I wusnqiiil, A- n I wn b'lin c.irrid I tn the lavtitn n 11 hem no llo'il, 1 nl in 11 ftb'c votev,' iiv Fori." 1 Itoj, playiti hois In-lit Momti'. Never don't do iml hln which telit your Furl, lor cf ymi do jnf II find yourself phi.'.iin in routi in Ihe Knual, flggiirallvcly .- nltln. Tho Only Remedy. The Ilmtoii 'ni touches the reccsjlen qttetlou with u needle' point. It says : What n Hciuclu i ltd tnomiroti hypoc risy of the North I, Hailing nt the sin of tho -'until hi keeping and winking skive, whllj 'l.o Ninth live upon iiiitinr.ictiirln; the pro duct of slave labor, and .Mnaihuetl nlono works '.'nil.ilOO slave tn keep her cotton mill going! And now when tlic tuprily r tho lap und the markets or the South nre barely interrupt!!) by this "battle of the State which the Abolitionists have raUil up with their war cries of " llvo-headnl barbarism" and "saenil nnimo1iy" and "heels on tho mik or slavo power," every body Is nnndorlng; and fiitrlng nud doubting whetlur we shall be able to got ihro.igli ull thl without u general and llnauelul crush and bniik-np. What has mainly priKluciil this lull Ihli mud war nl the North 011 Ihe South, culmina ting llio fust election ear undo by n geo graphical parly of n sectional Prcident. What is tho remedy? Not this inls.'ralrle little fubtcrfugei of waiting fur cotton to conw North which can b:tt(r hc!d by tho South to Kugland n-nl Franiv, uud In the meantime pinching laboring urn mil failing Ihe npii of iiiKitu-s. Not nt nil. The remedy I lu nn ent're change of the Northern aspect of hatred to the slave-holding State. 'I he people of the Ninth mml shake otr thl Incubus of ectlnnallMii. They must turn their back oil llio men whohavcdicclvod them; llieymnsl rt. tnlit lolivt 111 tolhtit toiittitutiamil Migationt, and let slavery nlono In every thing except inriiliig to the best account for tho benefit of minktud. Tat Is the remedy ; and the great question of 1 10 d iy, Union or u half n ilo-n Jlcpuln lie, prosperity or national ruin, iVvr.iU upon the sense and Justice of the jn'ople of the North to stop this nggrcsshvi npon the South) nn I change llils whole policy nl an irrcprrssl b'c conflict into a full recognition of thu equal rights of the Stntrs, and llio strict observation nf tho dalles lictwjcu llic Slates, enjoined by the Constitution. Mfi.i.iinx at Sisa Sino. The exiled Mr. Mulligan docs tint bear Ids retirement from the uclivo scene of llrondway and Houston with that fortitude which was to be expected from so fierce n fetlovr. He wilted terribly when tho striies were handed him in exchange for his (jtnssy keiermctes, nnd and when shorn nl his mustache lie tare way to a flaoil of tears. Indeed, ho sobbed most pllcouvly nil the while lie was making Ids new toilet und bo finished by begging 10 be put Into tno hospital department witli the view ol being treated to light work. To the first question that was consequently nthed him by the attending official, bo was obliged lo answer that he cotild not write, so his hopes wero ended. In that qnartcr, and he was cnnslpH to the solitude of his cell. Them Ihe sudden clinnge from a life of luxury ntnl eao to the slern realities of a Stuto PrIou cotnp'ctcly unnerved him, and nt m'dnt'.dit Ihe wardens wero summoned to him with piercing and most piteous cries. His physical system had (or the llmo completely broken down, and hews carried moaning to the hospital, ami left there for the doctoi'j treatment where, at ItU accounts, ho still remaned. Arie lent; Tribant, Dtc. 1 3'A. Too Vl.vsV.lbibni.vs. A trial took place In Iimcnshlrc, llnglaml, in which n pun nan-el Wood wis a witness. Uponiiiilng his name, OH,lwc1,jVood. the Jiidre, addrtwiing him, o(ei ; " Pray, Mr. Yi), how do yon sirl your namoT' Mr. W, Kplnxl t "U itouuio 1 1 ttonblo 11 e douhlo 1 double u double n d." The JndgQ Ink down his en, looked over his gold-rimmed f jicctaeles, and said 1 ' Really, this is the most extraordinary name I ever melt wllh." After several lutvcnnont attempt to record it, ho was compelled to abandon tho clTorl, the Court In the meantime boinj oi,, vnlicil witli lmi"lilcri '''.I n . I- 4' H