Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 19, 1861, Image 2

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f. '
F"?3 '
soptiott. The terms nro Five Hollars per an
num, nlilcli Is a low ns wecnti pr sibly fiirn'nti
Vote of the States.
llclow wo plvo nlint may be tnken for nil
Iho paper, In view of llio high rate Hint rnlo . from Superintendent (Jcnry, tlic appointment ' prnctlci.1 purpoe9, ns nn almost complete vole
very department or trade and labor, of sub-Agent ol Indian Affair for tills section, oflliobi
ATlTMrtAV. JaMiinvv in. lam
MiMaiMH.Mi I sixteen columns of rending, made up or origb tlont authorizing Mr. Pvlo to take any step trlntin or?.?"11'1"! cpt lhuc i.r Testis, Ml-
. .... 7. ... .... .1. . . . ' .. Iilili'im. vli-(iiin nnil South Carolina. Ill
TheHeW Volume. nni, news, n..u -ciccim mutter, most. merging ownr.ls removing to mine suitable SouVCnrnllnu the elector nro chosen by the
Tills number Inaugurates the SiMli Volume mul Vulanblo to the people. Our news columns the swarm of vagabond Indians who now Infest LotfM.ilure. The vote of that Stale Is there-
f the Skmtinm., and with It wc propose to " cotilnin the very latest nd tiers from nil ( the town nnd neighborhood, but we arc pretty lore estimated,
sond Hie public. I""' w,,ic" '5. "'. Mnl telegraph
address fjme words to pntrons i
T , $ Md
' ', i
' i " -
Indian Attain.
Thos. Pyto, of this ca inly, Ims received
Into in evi
"lie paper will weekly rontaln from twelve to Willi the appointment came no specific liistrue,
Union, nt the Into lW.lt nihil ctccltor.
It embraces the vote of every Stole. All the
Miner a nmr.l rnnirnl nf il,n i,niv.r .. . brltti. Our location cnnublcs us to be several
rum endeavored to make It every way worthy ''"J '" mlvencc of nny or our State cotimpo
of the patronage of the people of Soiithirn mrics, and frequently wo send first nca-aeven
Orep particularly, and or Interest to the peo- '" ' Willamette Valley. In other dc
file throughout the Stale and the Union. To ' rurtnicnts of ,ln; PI,P"' "e ,M ,,rivc ,0 MCcl
this end have wc labored diligently, nrdenttv. 1 I'-"1 i(r')tl Altogether, we wish to make the
ran mil satisfied that ns soon as the Superintendent '
faithfully, and if we have lint succculcd
in our purpose, then without hesitation we uc
knowledge that It was because we ould I o ,
and not because we did not try. lint from the
Increased patronage which lias been given I lie
SmiMEi. the very best paper In Oregon, for
every class ef readers. Advertisers will find
It peculiarly to their advantage to putrnnisx'
It, as it has a larger circulation in Southern
Oregon than nil the other papers comb.n-
paper during, our connection with It. we c.iu,0'. '' M'te an Mtciistvcclnutatlon through
safclj Infer that our ellortslmvc not been tin out the whole Northern country. Will not
neerssful, and that lliey have been npprecl.i- mlr fricm'' M u' townnU doubling this circn
(til. We have gone to considerable expense ' ,l"on during the ensuing jear I
from time to time in obtaining by telegraph, '' " " , ..
aodthtough oilier channels, the very latest ' ,,,,mM " "" ".-l-rom the New
news Irom distant parls, to lay before our rea- Vork n,,,, ,,m,nn lMI'c"' we kun "",l ""I'"1,
dm, and we have studiou.ty sought lo ftirnhli lT,1 nU,, ,,l,,rcM n",, l'ar,h,,,l' "xmU. '" .'r
Ihfm (he latest Items of local and domestic In-, rcnt c,,,,, ,'",t nm" l')l'r-v "r "w
ttlligcncr as well i men nrtlinns, factory liand, nnd hiborus. In
(rurchlcr.fforUhavebeen directed toward., Nc;r Vwh '"' -XOUO pewm., male and fe
.w,h.oit n. ... 1...-1 U....1 .. male, nrc thrown out of employment. One
,..-..,....... ,..(.vm, . ,mi.,m. .,.-....,
receives Information of the condition or things , nrecMnrluge ...
out here, he will give the Sub-Agent authority
to net (flectlvely nnd promptly in ridding our
Ivmtilft nt tlintrt nl.titiitnnlttj. Iitltnfirp. Willi.
r-T" ".- - ..-.c.... ...... .
In n Imlf tfttlrt nt llila Inivn nrc n,m lillM.lpr.1 I)ftllt,llt4
Hell 27.h;i:
Dougiu n,ir,
Indians n. few or tlicm Klamnths. but by far
the grenter part Shns'ns, Modocs. nnd strng
glers from one or two other Cnlifurnm tribes.
Id Iwitke, head elder or the Klamaths, Is with
his coplo, nnd can control them, but he has
no moro inlliienec our the others than a do
mestic cat would have our n band of cata
mount. The property of our citizens Iscn
dangend cery night while this sauge, mis-
chtcvous swnrm Is permitted to camp near the
town, nor, until they nrc removed ton safe
dilaiiee, will this danger be averted. We do
not believe In the policy ot purchasing pence
from the Indians, yet since it Is the plan adopt
ed by the (lomnmcnt, there Is no Jul caue
Kii'lmi (II. All.)
llrrcMni Idge
Dough'. .,,,....
linn Khw ,
Lincoln ,
11,1 III
General Intclligeneo. I Tho Souih Carolina Convnitlnr, on the' California Newi.
The Pony Kvpres, wills St. luti ilutev lilst. asln s.cret swlnii mol of the day. , Knlo (Jerkin, n (leiiinn i-ntu tr.m. w'nt
to I)(ceml)cr 24lh, brought llio following llcnn i N'',,V'hfr ttn, ,,""a "r " dillnlle ilmracter. m inlerni in her own house in S icrnmeiitn. on
of Intelligence to the California Associate,! L " .TV 'Tt; "JS i,?' '.K WIT iKmrMn? ll, 1"ru ""' -" l-l"l. Altai
niuiniilcil, wire the liHlowinjr: I no limimnr nuncil liihl,u ppusiil to be lur murderer ,has
i' to appoint riHloni lioue ollleirs nnd I'ihI- Uiii iirieslcit.
St. Louis. Tfcccnibt r 2-ttlt. miK is, unless the present Ineuuilieiitscmitlnu.', A tmiltitiidi' of robberies nro reported
The New York 7Wi' Vnhliminii corrcs- loiicli lh.it no nlteral ions In the pre nt nr. ilimn.'lmtii iho Kini... il, i i nrit.,.,., 'i,.
i.. .. ...... . r ... . ..... i ... t. ....!,. i ..:. .H-......I . . . " ' ' "'"
pouiieni fnys inni mio s Sliei i-li is cnnsmenil . mngi-mcms vq iii.iiiu limn nincri ru in -.ini .
us ri fleeting more fairly iu:d fully the poltlon'niilhir wn, that the present nfflecis be eon
nf the Hepnblieun pirly than nny nllur, nnd ' tlnmd, by nppolntincnt, under the Slate Ouv.
it Is fully cndorsctl Ihere. Sonlherii im'ii nro wninenl.
cry bitter ngiilnl his fentlinenlK. This fit-l- "'ho Convention nd.iplrd the Itcvcnuc nnil , j ltf Kla,, f January wns rather nttletly
trig has greatly Increased since lis publirullon Postal laws of the Undid States, requiring uloeru-d throughout the Stale. The Sennto
In full. Also, that enncrvntlvo mm Unlivery i lliemonejs collected to be deposited In llio adjourned In retrnvt to tho ihiv. but the A
I. pi If a1 r Cull. IS..k..irkti aiiKIlaI In IliA Ahlrt I .. I. I.. f.-f - w
II in 1 nm (3UHIM iuroiiiiii. pin- rei in uiv 1mh.i rciiiniy reiucii in no so.
oIiiiuik' eiiiiiitv.
(Jen. Sldilds ile'Uentl n leclurc lit Sacr.i'
nicuto on the Dili, on the life .tnd character ut
iten. iriuksnn.
1 .01.9
lilllo cause fur cot.lldeiicc in the pim-cli
Crlllcnd1.11. or the manner In which It was re
eel veil.
Tliero wns no iudicntlnn or dispolllnn
among the ltepublicuns to the terms propixed,
iiinugn some hi me nnutiicrn Henniors express
of the Assembly nnd that stld ollleirs retain Mr. .lames Polk, tho mnll carrier between
11 ns piiimc pro)criy, lor 11111 uipnai 01 inc Hcoll Valley nml Salmon Hlver, hud his IM
fvseinniy, 1111 uic nnai Biuiemcni wnu me ,111m iminM u.iUly frozen in eroding tho mnii.
Uiiitid States,
At Charleston, a grnnd proecslon of mln
tho opinion that tli'y would be lalbllid to nto men, firemen nml soldiery, look place on
moderate Southern States. I the night of the 21st. The Uorcmor win sere-
Jlaniliii hu had n long conference wllh.nadcil, nmld grrat enthin!iim.
(Icn. Scott. The (Jenernl c.xprcseil n Imrn In the Smith Curollna lgWalure, on the
that tho difficulty would bo overcome nnd 21st, the House entcrlnlmil resolutions pro
icllted. 1 vidlng for llio IWding nnd truupnrtntlon of
Hamlin nnd Cass have olo had nn Inter-1 tfoops, and establishing telegraph lines to ex
icw. posed posts, under the nuthorily of the (Jov.
An article In the ltiehmond .'minirrr re- Urnor, in case of war or nppreliciuleil Invnsion
commends the seretllug of Washington Clly,
wilhtlio public Imlliliugs, it is Muzlieil nt
In Wnshliigton by Southern men, nnd Virgin
ians themsilvcs nrc nnhamcd of such murlle
The New York Tnbme'i Wnhlnston
correspondent, of Hecimber lHth.savs : " The
firm nlonc discharged ner nnvtlmusind hands,
hn wtlh ttiln fiitPhfMC. i 1 1 11 vi fMulrttfSiM.1 t.s
InvVte rmbrotlnn l,!il. ,.r k,K. I.,.w , "I'oteile suffalng Is occasioned by wit
tflos,cntcrprlr.!ng charscler, by truthful nnd ,,?wal i"'"1 '-" ' Hoiillam orders. The
fomprehenslvc slut. meuts cnimnilin; the conn-1 1!" V"ble n'1 "T "nP" K ,n M,,,tf ,f
.and of which these we nrc nestcrcd wild nrc
I !..
part. If the Superintendent has the power, he, J;"'"""
1 ,t .1 , i 11 1 . 1 1 A I Ikiiiglns . . . .
Miould authorise Mr. Plc to make such oilers; t.
jlo tin inns will procitro lliilr Immuliatc di-; lln-ckluridge .
pirlnro from the settlements. They hne wild
tryl:i resources, surpassing tuli ral ndvantn. '"""" pu'"cn,cm' nn" ' ri''",r'" c"ma r,,p hunting nnd fi.hlng grounds whither they can rrcwnrmne.,
M. .n.t i,h.,.,iui i. r. ...'rcclty.nre ready to loin In nny scheme of lur. nwUhouM be eomiH-lld to co. nnd return no !'. .'.i."
have seen In somwhnt more than eleven venr. ,'Il"wn,,J ''' ngnlmt those they c..i...l. r ,n0rctonnnoy or molest the whiles. Should Mncoln
uri.ifo r.z.iai ...."....' . .."" ............
why on exception should be made In respect Ikll 43VW 1 acino iwiininii got into n tiglil pate, nml
.:,,,., 1 , , ., 'iimi,.i. nr.fi ' Roi oui nv n uerniii , wna put 11 n
to the Indian belonging upon our frontier. , I'oiibU II'0IJ,nmliTon to bo nctid on In Commltke of H.e
II I tllllrf is.... . - --- -.
rffklcnco upon this coat. nlmost the entire ,,lC nu,lmr" nni1 ",,cU.n" cf ' !,a,,jc w,'I'- , lliry lw nnptovldid for this Inclement season
ivinmniii hi nilonii.iTv-ii 1 .... , . , .
1 u ,. rtM . ., c ly In tl.c w.iy ofadeir ssionilbunnsi
I localities, a field belter, ;,. , .' . ., '., , .,, , ., ,,
. . , , I Wen ink rland that though this Is the lime
astryniilinlerpriicofmnn . for ,wnH.nr,w ,C spring work, the large
fnunlrv iin.t.., .U.nU.-. t .i.- it..t...i u. I "" "eprivin jiieni 01 me mean. 01 siiikisiim v
.1,. r..,i....i i...'i .'.The following, from the Host on TmitUr
.... " ... iiirwv itii tirstli I1IUI 111 ll'P I . ., . I Iflfata
la the most noted
adapted f.ir the Indu
in almost every point of lew than Is fonnd In Unihliii' firms of this cilv nre ni.ilerl.illv rnr
this region. Sincerely Impressed wdh thlsbe, tailing their builncss In some casts tol)iei.
lief, we shall In the future, ns we have In the '" "r "'? half. One firm, who iiiuilly im-r-J.
endeavor to plainly sit for,., fact, In sup. jg gfi
port ol our views, so that by honorable means vuiy ulirmpllug to obtain work. A in-nth
we may Iraluec cmlgrnnti f.om the older States 'or two since some sldpu rights rem irked mi.
tnoBrmy hltlier nnd make their homes nmona '""lly large orders Lid Um suit South fur
.,r people. Wo claim tohausnlor nd- StSJiM
sjantsgrs lo aid In the accomplishment of this . m,i KT nmnicrm iimIciI wluiln n few win I.,
rssncficlnl dnty, Innsmneh ns the liberality of The del reuse nf lni.iucs Is U-ginn'ng In lie
resident patrons has emitted m to lnerc.ic our Ml '' 'ho retclpls of the nriiHis r.illroinl.
i.'stnffr'nil.rsln the Stale, iirr.. 1I.0 INkLv' . iiril..inl t.f lhl illy wh-c ml prollls
---- -.--... .i.. 1.. . i .. 1 :...... ki. ... .1.1 t.. ..1 1. .1.1
c fulil itur what It uuswhtlt .. I,,",,,,!,,,! ....itlm- il,o,i.,tl,l!l.1r.. i.i.k iu "I"1" '"
we asiunml conlrnl of the I'iiikt, and mnv. wr' .if.-lv ihniiiiih the irii-l nf IM.7. nnd who w. vlci t'is-v nec.i!iin. We u-k tit lute the fsl
1 position
!!?'.'! I At n mectlns of dm Committee of Tiilrlv
iMt.iit ,ir ,, .....iii..,, r it,.!. ,.r Mr.n.,.1 rn.
Douglas .,,,.,
fiiriilrh them with coarse provisions nnd goods
to feed nnd protect them from the cold until
warm wenlhir comes ngnln, nnd until they can
hunt mul fih nnd sustain themselves. Hut un
der nn consideration permit them lo prow I nnd IMI..
hmfnbont the setllimenli, In the practice ''fi jli'l'f,1''
tho most rci o'ting vices, making more corrupt Lincoln .7.7. .
and dissotiilo the few who will hang nbull
cwry town, living from hand to mouth, with
mil work, nnd without a spark of honesty.
We rail the nltenilon of Mr. (Scary to this In
dian nuisance, nnd earnestly press upon him
tho necessity of speedy nrtlon. The imputa
tion nf our town Is between four nnd Ihe
hundred, men, women nnd children. Willi ihls
small population we have full one hundred In
. I2.VH.I
. ;.:n,i
. -o.2:u
. :..voi:i
. I .MB
. I,0M
, .'i.'.iiiii
questing tho si vtrul U'skilurc to revise their
laws, mul if nny win1 rmiiiil cnnll rliisur Willi
It Is rumored llint n luiwr Is being simictl,
rciiucllnir '. M. llotts to leave the Slale.
In llaltlmore, secession has produecil no
scr.Mtlon, one way or tho other. People nre
cheerful. Inislncss'ls better, nnd the Impression
Is, that If tho North will mike honorable
lain during n recent snow storm. JIu was)
lo.'l for two dnvs mid nlghls.
The Scott Valley Mirror says It l the faiill
of icrsons unplnjcd that the ro-nl over Scolf
monnliilnli!sl)(eiiiiiipiil)!eliysni)-. Timely
attention und labor wuuld have kept tho roiul
The discovery of n very ricli qinrlx lode' Ij
rvporlcl nt Ore I'ino. In Scolt Valley.
A l.irgo pork packing eslnblishuient Is utv .
dcr full iitiralloii In Yreka. , ,
Win. Illntkwond dinI Mntlhew Trncry, two
heroes of the fl'llc nrt. had n priri' light In
Nevada county on the .'M ifumury. The match "
was for one IIiiiiimihI dollars, ll.uihwrssl sue
cuiiil el nt the close of the .list round, hating
Im' ii f Tty.lhrrr minutes In the milling process.
were tired for ncccsston.
In .Mobile nn imiu-nse swi-sslon ns-cting
was lieM. whlcli wuswilil Willi eutliii'i.ism.oiil
concessions, nnd repent obnoxious laws, the Ho Wl enrrkd from Ihe rlni IiiscimIIiIi.. 'rrn.
Southern Slates will cheerfully meet Hum. iwv wn!l,eilnwiiv,lelorloin brute that hewas.
in Memphis, 'iVnn., nn i-nlhusfastic meeting 'Mitnl.rs und niurderous nssmilts nrc gelling
as hrldund lideingiins firol. The .friAui- to k ipiilu imlin.iry occurrcuce in Sacw
f,r office in illnmlnatid. Inn nto. Iji1 witk wo gave mi account of
in Hiimlnglim. Hoi., one nuiuinii guns i int . nnd the imikm te us of ai manv mora
sli n. 1
One or two of the religious denomlnaltora
In .liti k'nini-Itrn nli4irii-il llio it.iv nf fiiiltt
Many liklCl's . ,,,,,1 l nvrr .inimlnleil In- IVslili'iit lliii-knnnn.
Sliilrs. ton peal them was ndoplvd, with but, were llluiiilnaleil. N.T. SloiMlelh.n pnrlner In the old en-
twiidivi-iitingvolivs. A Jackson dequteh 'ivs that ill dclrgiitesiibi.IK lfldy Adams mercantile house of
oi iiraii,iiiiiiin..ii.-i--i1.i ..r,.,...i..ii, Micriimenio, comiiuiieii siiieiue ut run rran
f.uor scpmitu secession. Pojuilar mijorily ri.c ,i the lOlh. I'inaiicl.il embarrassimnlii
:M:lH. Icllnthonct. The hnuo Kottnihwl for debts
'Iho tSovernnr of Man land. In his reply to!l0 n,c nmonnt or e.'0,000.
Ihe .Mississippi Couimlssloners, says, that not mmt
until nil hnnorable, constllutliiud nnd lawHil ,,,,
ill.ttls fall, will Maryland rnui'iil to dls.olu. IStMifiiisixn.-Krer since the tctcgrnphle
lion. Ill- Is low malting wllh so ellude the ,., , f Y fc , , , k
rcsu I of his corres lomleuiv wllli tho linvcr- . ....... . . ... .
I nor of the Linkr Slntes relative to Iho course l",vc H""ei inc nrsi news of the Tony nrrl
tho Constitution nnd Ian or Ihe Undid men Inking n prominent P-t-
IMvIs, ol .Mls.isliiii, tinniciessfiillv nt
tempted to h.iu' the i'kvlion In rifirencc lo
territories first illr pond of.
A proposdlon of ll.ivis of Maryland, pre
viously sul'iultlcil.tiiiboitvlng n bill width re
quires llio Unltitl State' M.irslnl lo Itring
fugitives to the I ('strict .Iml.'C in tha Hislriet
of the State from whkh ll.c lugithcs er.iil.
rnr trial by jury, wns rumed lo n sulicoiii-
uiillec or uu'iinVr liom the b)rder Slut
V.J.fill, '-10 iir,Kwllng of Iho C.tininiltcu M to Iw pursiml by them,
r'iThlrly-threcnrc mil considered Indli-nllvf nl j, Tho Siiircuw Curt ir the i'nllisl State
j Mils from the Itnl Itlnff irrfin-n. to whlcli
Houghs ,
Ilcll .,
n salbfactory loliitlun or the prwcnl diffir- '' tiriinlciln miislinmsiig.iiiisl lln( Jtiv.-nior , ,. ,,, j y m,.gr.i.hitlwlth
22r.(.:'cnee. of Olilo. on iitiiilieiithui of Ueiiluiky,iiluriu., , ., ' . .,
::::::: ;f -nw po.i.,niee iwmiiim ino iw v " ii"iJ.i"rjr. ; ! "i!j yy k
7,B2..'i:xprisa nutii r nmhr consldi ration for n con- ..'ho N. . . V-i'-.e sayi poildwty lint id.i.xs qmeker llun by the S
iiiiiroiu isiiiiiriyiiiiiositi hi nny conn ss wis it, iriine.Mii pnjivrs. Wi
pt.mpri.mW, mi i will not yl. Id ..iw lota of Ihe ,tcr(,r Hp r ,, c ,,,
p lion oceupli-tl by the Itepublieiiii pirly on.,, . ', , .
t. . . . t . . .. ... ,. I I II, if, IriliiltTi. nl.l n.ii.
Intel with
' , llr.'rMnrldgc
Mtmntalus dint; fold
we asiuiiicd control ol
eoiifidciilly Ulivtc Ihe clrititiillnii of ihe
to s.iv iii.titlng i if Ihe corruption nnd '"ual s.
t ii- i. . i . ., . . i l.lneolu,,
. .'. I . . . . 1 ..I I . I . H, I..II " I - I ., I
K. ripitilil n Jitir or mi. tr.-n in tr-norti.H in ir..iii,.iitii, nun it in iiu pritiitw", im nitriii,
i.i mill-.- mm ,.,., ln.lli-i. nnl, r It. nluli in.nt.
. r,i, rill I
....... 1. 1 i it r t'l it million, i.inni it nw it
nnni, it ,, ........ . ... ., ' ........ ., r i.. .i-i
11411.1111113 to tut: riiiiii'i inn iiuiiiiiiii hiimi
Tisitr. it) iliosc Slates Is not
ftpiai i . oy nny p.i.cr in Onvon. ,lltl( ,.sl!ir. of wl.lt I. It Is istli.nte.1 he will
I olllicully, the paper Is nnd will continue I lie nl.le to p.iv on'v nboul llfiy ikt ivnt.
IKsiMoeratlelnnrlncliilcaniiil ini:c. Tki i r..l Afewwciks siniv n business mm of llos
Sriris' Wi'.nii.ii:. Information Is frc
q'lenlly sougltt by crsonsulihtug to subscribe
Itii'sell A- Co.. lo transmit ilis
t,ixn PHenes. II Is lliouglil it will pass, us Iho c-
:n,l7ii Isleneo ol tho lAprivs is s.ild lo tlei nd on il.
fi.IIMsl Tho Pitstmisler-ISeiieral will slop Iho
2,oii:i Souih Cnrollna nulls on its secession.
I The Poslm.isicrut Charleitnu having stgnl-
.tO.IKi fictl his intitithm to resign, nfler tciwsion
WM '' rr0 w" I" " tlistril.ulh.il there.
.'..m;. Hie I'orl liiteuwrirlli Pcmntml nnnnnneeil
2,2 Iii! on nuthorily In.lli from l.'iienln mid llites,
unit lite laller win nceupy n pueo in Hie I
Cabinet, piult.il.'y lint uf'Seca-Liry of the
Intirlor. '
The New York II'diIJ Irarii Ihut llio.
It.tit.t I ! t. 11 -. 1,1...,. ...I
iiiuirii lion i-fioiii loii.in. ui i iiiinrpiitii
. :ii.7ii:i
. C.72H
h.io bein ppr...nhe.l bv tho woslonbls.l0" Mliinliv Iho 'J.MI were iiinslly ol iiscenl
ter Ihe lniMirlnnl Intelligence from thclvist
regu'arly lilegr.iphiil w llh quickest dispatefi.
s from two fo ihreu
icrunicnto or San
u know ed no oilier far
irnl.i whlih gives lo sins-
ihosiil.la-t ol sltiury in llioT.rrltories. ""r ro,,,"B m eprn-o lo oi.tt.lu the very
Commodore Kcurny h.ts reslgiusl. latest ih'ws. We owe Ihe nofr'fm'M Ihnnks
Atn.lhir slacr, wdli IMNI AfrlvuiH on board, for having nlnnc pltin m lute If.iporlant news,
,",J.,'iTi,i1?.',"r!.1i' ... t,i, r ... . 0'ionei.r two ocrisIim, which wo conld not
I ol. Ilinllir. woo went Willi lien. Mnlker1, , , , ., , , ... .,
tollinlur.is,hasliwiimrtloi.(il. have reci-l veil In time for early publication
In llu llmi-e lt.tl.iy Mnndiy the Scikcr' from nny olher stsirce. A pnvr whlcli strivM
pnwi.Kilu It Iter fit in the Suuih Ctirtitliii diligently In r-lerco the public nwrit at
........ ..a..... ..I........... .....I. ... ...... ........ ....I.
iK'HVlttl"!', iii-",inv liivir i iMioiviioii nun
the lliMv,sIutv Ihut Slate Lid ns.iitiKt) lur
soiinlgn eiqiiirily.
rimii ngs in iiienouiii i annum i onvtii
hindsouie p-iiroir.igi'.
xi:v Ai)vi:uTisB.Mi:.xrs. '
. . s . t .it . i . urn .i.ii.iiiss iiititiii rim .. . it n -
.. ... .....,. i win ii viw nt sci-iiro iii' r it.-oih.-r.il on : i.iii i . w i" i . "-
. I .1 It. . ... . . .- Kl.A-tWIs. It.. I .Ilir-lllll ..... ........ . fl I llllll . . . . . . '. I .lI-.lt...-.I.... ..I'll '..Ti.ll
rt nl.urlV s una lirab'v lived III our 1,..I. f ion. wnu ittniuion-n.t. .iminin.th.tii nw. tor -otti.- niu or tu lira .uiim. uniui , , 1,0 OIIU ""7 n pillil Hull IIIIV couniinlealloil 10 till-Ill ' 'iT"1" " " "? .,... .... i. ins. inn..
ami w haii mn rZ, 1. 1 r Hi Vt i ,n ,,!' l"","r" t""1"'"' "m ,o "irrI'.",v .,' I".". '! nr t in take. if,. r;..::::7;.7.:::::::".'.'.:::::::: u i imnu to u.i.-.st.itc iep.tnme..i ' m- i- ,,::r,,,r
ami ksj liallmvrr fader In the ftully whlih iyrtr 0 n nrv .trgoniuounl. iii.ii w , ell i! ' ' , ,. .,,... ,i,1i1,il. I ut Wnshln-loi. will be mjiilrid In lake mi 0.11I1 ih" nl.'eghiiuv
MarlNflsliirallrrvKclnlfniiiiiiiliimniN.il !.. Ii U .ili.Mtnl. will reae'iul hust sVi ws journal Is ret. Int. wo particular! re miwrr. I 1, ,1, . ri ,V,r..l, f.t.t.i r ...Jl e Slate 1 that Postal .miter mil re
f lit Jloelrfiei and mra.nrv. Hut In tl.,Hr ' lho.i'..nd .1 .l.rs. -v cwimni.1 the New ork uMy Journal ' '""." Vir2ul Ulslwl seccsh.nlsi -llill-ln .1 I.I..., t.r el., mjln unriuugnl. '
formanceol tMsih.lv. well nol tlfin liln 1 " " ." . . """'""" ' 'y U-st general newsp.iKr, '' J; 1qiieiiv,l..iMilcrlMslMpiMtenril..ii..s.i light " mi.i'ssl.irs'f from f-irilh (.n.t.ii.a
andrenr.la-nsil.tei.raeii.vs IIVJ..II n .. ,,l"P",",r "l"' nW ,,,Uor-,,I"' '' gemv. literary nnd sclmllfic iintltr, desullory; I rryMnrHs .l?' wercnieo.dinglv ndopted. ' I Cuhlng hid r.t.irnnl lo Washington.' ni. I '
l.are.li..loo, L, ,...1 .'. l.- 1 . 1 r mit!n..fn P.ieille Uepublie in Iheivuit ..r.. n-ndtng. nnth?jmellc mid fi-nlgn rt.m-s.nd- ',.! vii' t The .Mississippi Cuim'sslnnrr was corle- reporl II...I. Souih Caioliiu. was iietlng with ,
4 .-i"i-"'i-ii llii'llllll irill I IS..1...I .r ll.. I..T.... I . .....I....I, I.. .. . . . - ..n. ...-----.---..-.--.-..-.-.-. -,- . A.,.i,i . .hi.. . II... I!,.... .1. l...TI...b. IlilT I'.I'IV 111 I 111 Til IIINT.llIIIIl II II I1II I III'
10 ui.x.1111 I ly i''mii 1.1 in.- tinr.-M irp'Miiiiiiv'v "" - -
f mid hl.iiii 11 kfKtiMi. nr wli.i'Ii mi. HiiiiiJ.iitil n ii'W aTiiin 1, i
wim:, iiiiiii;i &, to.
iu:.i.i:it.s is
Hnllrtt In llir Wn.ils nf llir l.iKntll)'.
Itss.rt to utiou nud ninlii-ioiis ivrsnn.illili.
bat at the fame time, we sliull not irmll on
provokiO ntlaik upon in from nny worthy m
llreabte source to jis wlil.imt priqvr and !
romtng attention. V m m-ll aHnre llul In
niiilii Iho State ol California and Oregon, und
iho Tirrllnrlis of New Mtwieo, Utah nnd
Wuthliigtnn uikler one ft.rm of goiernimut.
We nre not uwnre how ll.i propoM-il reheuie N
ritxhtil lliit.Rghoiit Culif.mila, Utt wc nn
imlnt of vnrieiy, ni
.iiul rntirl.iiumenl, by nny p qwr In tin-1 uiou. iiK
lite lerm nre two tnllars n jcur lor u single, Hell
the late hMlr.1 Hlttiiilconlcst wnl win-1 ,,,, , , Wl0lll, iVor rH.'fa.t.r In Ore
.n.,nn..Wm,men.. cvpwmii .ym.ny.nml ,rwp(, , ,u,.,aU. tc ,.,,
IM., Ia.. ...,M.IMlh. ....... , I
" ' .jil,,M,l",l irilllllllllulllVJl, Ul.ll'll
ot.y. eight copies (or tin dollars, an I to ctnbs 1
..r twenty or upwards, one tloll.tr i-.i It.
If nn nuuitlug, intirlnlnlng lllir.irr nnd
lllil-ntnl ug s.r Is.intol,lilliil with sens...
lion, low, t-r pleuilirg (Mimi slorie.s ; g(-slp
Kiislnn . ,
mm- i.JtM.V.
M.n- iimoiiiitf.
W neer hnvo found creation In tho brains nor
I .M.I..I. Aitiuttisl Iii tni'Ii nn &MI.I1.JH. ultli U
emanated from tl lips that gme litem. P. r- Ml ,,,; t we mllllll xlrJ wn.,, ,w ;,,,
fcapj 1 torn, were more cu naMe tfun r.,(.n., M ru,,. AlH, ), , ,r, rfi(. ,,,.
. , , ,. r""!"'i!,n" w'en'u,,-r Umof taxation were nl'ow.d ... the Stale
at fault, llu whatever tho suUti.we and' ,.,, i,,,,,,, II1P.,,.W by an alliance
ehar.clcrof Ibcso pitty grlesanivs. rrna-ni. ' wUll rorla. That Slate liisa very rv
brauco ol r.nrl the delro to avrnge them should 1 ,rnVnnl system tt povcrnmcnUwhlte In On-g ei
Mwbe Uafsnnl. We nro m.e wp!e, and wc r,nflUv llwtrletil iro.H.my. Ilulwean
Impcndtng ihngtrs saay tooscm p.cilpitalr fl(r ,! t'.iloo n ills, and lru.t the dnv will
opoaa. he.rgM,t .cm.i.y or Mag ly ncnrwn,e .hea wo shall k oWiged loco,
fcetly mnfstf people ; Ihercfaru tit in at the. ..... .... ..,. ,,. ...,. . ... .
...ii,.i .1.. - .. i.. . 1- .....i"""" "" i-i-j"'" -v
..... , ,...,. . vu.v.u , H"'l4m,lciarncfr,
iiiinlse.r our H.-opV, they nisiMbo quite a ,mr,nW satirical, or LsirUsipe skilche! j l.tncln
1 1...1I 11..11I11 11 h.i.ii.ti. i.r iiii'.i.i nn,. iLi.ii.in.i Aale .-Itilt s.
SRXil i-op'i were nnh'ml prlulnl. Toombs had lilegr.iihii t (Set.rgta that nil
.iN.li.- 11 ,, 1 irl.ili- tin, llu,. ,.r 1I.1. Irl.li I'linrllu ' "" l'l"'l'l.llflll 1.1 111 llllll.lll K WiW in'.HUI ,
bio Ass.iMilli.il siM-!tlv, nt llostiiu. 1.11 il,,. , llh tl.rIV.ui nud coiili nipt by lb.-lb piil.li.au I
n'ghl iT H.v mW I Tilt, after Iraifuellng . ".Ikii t.r Ihe I ...nm lliv K Iblil.yn thai s,y.
l.isucs.-on!.hnil..ineMH.iig Union n-s...i. " IbpuW i-.m n.ntl.r hud s.ilitl igiili.M ,
itoiK ul.1,1. ...... .,,,,1, ,..!. ,l.,..si null of (Villi nl 11 .ri'fosilioris, nnd ll.tl
Seu.d patriotic i..l.In--s.w.roil.iler.il. ' lb: m.ijorliy 1h.11 tl.i'iintl lint Ih.y h.t I im
l'iiatert.lv!.frroui New Vork. nul.lMie.1. guarantee In off r. which was llmily ii.-qil
bale lei.. led 11 bid fiilliu Ihere.imd If i... , -?-sl In I'.v olln-r ip-mlK-i. Ile.i;s ll.ut llu-
: k,:u:.
We have many subscriber whoil.ffir wdh
. if:-.1-"" ,0 K,l'"r "rless.itent In mlitlc.il Iw-lnro
','" ' -snil ccrlalaljr nc cannot but W -I grateful I lino
Kr.nTnifTii.r..iMrr..-Thcr,-g..,pa'pirs V V ., , H.i 1 .
, discus-Ing Ihe con.lruclion ..f n Ivlegraph ' l""",0 ,kf j;1'1 J "
erram Portland lo Vr, ... .tn.MI.ey mm logs In l.b Houses or Congress
poetry, sernpi, Ac., wc tan think of no paper r,m,ir'h'lKe'.'.7.'.'.'.
Cfii..l 10 liic..ctT 1 vrn tif.i.iioy .uriioiy .or 1 1.1.1
tho West, which is furnlthid ot two dollar
per nunuui.
Hut If n good Ok'inocrallr nerrffoper Is
wbhed, wc cordially recommend the Weekly
f 'nitfrrVi'inii, publlshitl nt Washington. No
ollii r p;tr furnbhes tho same niunmit of
luip'irlniit political Intelligence, bollwn nltum
and ililall, nnd il gives, besldos, tho speeches
nd litters or the dislingubhcd men of Ihe
Nation upon ull public matters ; n vast
nu.oiiut of Interesting corrctpomlcncu from nil
nud proi-etil-I
the otcm-
, 2as
rsriyor news nnti miscellaneous rcmfing we'
.L.ll 1. ,-'..! .1 . . ...
wnu it.j riic mem. a couniy paper snon tl
receive the support or every resident ir the
eounly whose means will enable htm lo take
a paper, unless It is condnclcl in such in inner
aa to repel rather than Invito pvlroiuge. A
paper II not an object of ih.iriiy.as s.tnu. stem
to think, but It Is nml should be prnmollv.i l
the weal and advancement and Intelligence o'
nn luiniiiumiy nilllll, III III Splicrc, It Cllga
wbhlng fulleflicial procectliiigs of botli lliuiit.
of Congress, must subcribe fur the ('o.igirs
iiinnf CUt, the only pacr whlih gives
complete reports, with kpeeils and documents.
I CiiiT.rn CnM.rrnTinv. We learn for lie
(li.l time, througli tho kindness of n com-
ispnixKiit nt Itosuburg, that tv few Suudav
stnee tho Episcopal Church nt that place was
., . .... ........I lk......t...n..lj. .....I it...
,. .1." 1 ,1 . .. , . I .. 11. .. ....... 11 ... Iiotn ik w;sii -vi'iiivii., 111..1 iiiv
. iwm iw ri.ni.iiuann- 01 HMrir poiroil.ljc Binir.ii." w ir 1.1c pun ,.,iih, Bin iv,-i , . ,- , . .
but w. shall strive lomakolhefa reiWlegraphi; who ha. ,W.r,f ihem-tUt of Ker,l .VrarMle an. roreign new, or the day.
.. 1 1 .1 , .. . 1 .1 .. 11. . t. 1 1 .1 Ihe loiifiiiuu Is two du Ilar.-s per annum for
etlby pleasing them in Ihe nmonM and vi-Cwtrnctlng the rud by Mwk sul..,rlplh.s. '''...... t,.,,.,.!.' .1,... ,
Sik ptin may be f.aslble, but wetloiibl It.i" ",'1? ""', ' , , , ,
, , ., . ii-io.. .... 1 1 1 . 1 In clubs i.r ten, one dollar cio.li. Person
llv liM' i i" .. IM...ll ... MIV IIKlll HI IW ... . 11 a
iry chary of their name whin nuutid to 11
tetegrapli tlock subscrlpltou llt, freiu a cosily
remembraneer tks-y had in early tl.ivs In a slm
Par nMiatlnn, We nrc In favor of having
let. graphic communication through ihe Stale,
connecting willi ihe California 1'i.es, but wo
think llio only priietleuble,rufvpl.iii is In have
the telegraph company conslruit It lliim.elves,
eto represent, and us such, should receive lntw.l of depeiiding Uhu subseriplloiis fiom conrcraUtt by lt'ght ttvv. Ill.hop Scolt, of
the suppori or ti.e people, it Is a singular Hie p:op:e lor me mean. ()l0 yllKvft of Oregon, nsslstcd by Iter. T. A.
lact. However, wllliewsu.pcrs. Inroutrmh. ....7 .. , , ... ., ' ... 0rc. Hvh.nd. re.lde.it clergjuun.
tlnetlon lo every oilier lino of Imilncu or pro
teuton, that although a tcron has taken one
for year and Jiked it, at last comes a single
article contrary (b Ids .eiillnients or Intrnsls.
and at once be. orders It discontinued, without
waiting for hit rah humor
without a particle xf consideration
for " liberty of aptveh" nnd Iho
eiftlMi pros," or which, rhaps, he particularly inablul 11 to give readirs tho Menage mid (;mrc,
vaunti himself a eliamplaj). Is this Cl.ri.llun mo uuai nmouiii ni news nun reining ni.itier ran
"sage; is 11 lair: is it manly; The same itesiiles. I lie rirNTINn. wu. 1110 urti .tcr .
man will differ, with hi neighbor, aid Inline- In Oregon to luy before Ihe (H-ople the .Mi-'
diately forget tho difllrcncc 1 w ill becomo di. ' sage, Ueau.o It received It tlrl. You tluwrvc
pleoseil with lira merchant, m.d jut conlhwo a much credit for il eury publication, but we
cui'.onvrr) will have sharp words with his law don't wunt our thundir appropriated without
notice ol tho fad.
t'i .. . .
Jfir'Tho i;.i ns the llrM p.wr in Ore- "!"""' ri"utm -'"W'uaii. sue ..auto 01
gon which It., iho President's Mts.igi. Uforc of M. deorgo wns given to the Lliurelt, In
Iho people, nml tlid not b.ivu it publihetl in cnnn-crutlun. Tho clifieo wits comuiCKeeil
California, eilliir. . iUl Spring, nnd when about Imlf.wuv HnWic.1,
A slight mUukc of our Comtlll f.icnd.l . hmn (luYVli jtut, with laudable giner
The SKNTi.Nri.furnIjhi.l readers with tho Me. ..,,. ..,.,i i. ii10 cltl.ers contributed Ihe
tomb.ld.-, or'tfeoiillw 1st day of January thu I'n.on ' moa11 , roccc,j at once to ribulld Ihe struc
ion or iharilyionlho 5th. Wo did have a supp'uucnt eon. ture Jt was linlshul only a fewdajapr
"lnd.pciid.nce- luinlng It printed In San l-'rauclmi, un.l this ' ,n u t.onjccra!lon, and I tho only Upisci
iu Oregon south of the
ycr, and still give him hi next brier, Jt is
only against the unfortunate, offnidiiig editor
that he hold hit spleen, and only him ho seeks
tolnjuro pecuniarily, for simply giving e.
prcsslon to sentiments honestly and religiously
entertained, and which wcro expressed under
an Impulso of duly alike to reader and him.
self. Only onq. or two of these case has oe-
llKTiiitTUK I-'iiik. On tho night of the
lOlh iti.tuiit, u tire broke out in the stables
owned by tho Cullfurula Slago Company, at
Iho changing station fourteen utiles north of
Yreka, ami consumed, beside Iho stables,
eight valuable, stago horses, will, complete
M so.11 The Installation or officers nf burner for two foor-horso teams, a large enian.
Wulim Star Lodge No, 18, of K.rbyville, illy ol oats, straw nud hay, nml tho ktable
took place on the 27ih nd., us follow: (S.jiiviuri. Thoumotint of lo.s tiululncil Is not
Wilson, W. M.; Itltlurd Williams, S, W.tLtutcd, but it must bo several thousands of dob
James Slci-lc, J. W. (Jio. N. Hriggs, Trcam. ' ars. It I believed that tho lire was occasioned
rcr.j It. II. M or ford, Secretary) Win. M.it-'.y tho cnreles!'ei of the hostler, who had
..I C. .-. . fll... ..... ..,.. - . . ..... ... H I .. 1 , ..!
cwrsxl aiace oaetonnecllon with tlw6iaTikn. ' V "- ' "' . ' . ' ' . . 'gom' "" ",0 " . ' . ' B l ' '
bat we mention lie niallerto show what a vn- '.'.'." r. VV. "'. "...'. "'""" '"-" 'iTI"su"'u "' "m s.i.n.K iuu H
"' If 1 t I...... ,,
Wd of thorn newspaper publisher, are obliged I WM ,lvcrw uy u,c"ar" " mm"' r-"l-
sometimes lo lay upon. I Onroox Dkmocbvt. This exwllent Pcmo.
"J'o return from lhec digressions, however, cratle journal is now edited by Mr. P. J.
and apeak again of the SaxTian. Weslu.ll Mulone, long known a a stcnogrnphlo reporter
3 Brier. Bincc wc uavo eoniroiieit it. a h, Oreson and Cu forn u. Ho an ube
M.W VltllK.
I 'ikIoii
.M.IITII rSNt.l.lNS,
rjuiiiu ................... 1
I'mloii . ,
Douglas ..
lien. .....................
Lincoln ,
Houglas ....
Mil Til I-111111.1.14
iKi'i:it ixi:uci:.MrM.
ayoar 0eislx!
. ..s.t:w
. ft 1.91
. 2,701
. 1 1, -to..
. Ill
. I7.:i."iii
. P.',75:.
Houglas ....
Ilrcckiiiridgo . ,
Houglas ,
JiiH'pltlno ,.,,
l.lun . ,
Claokumas., ,,,..,.
Columbia , , , .
tYllrVO .,.,,, ,
Tillamouk ,.,,
. . . 1 .
Iho dry liar. Lighted cigar and tobacco
should bo carefully c.vcluded from stables and
Tim ltoi.s. l-'ioin Mr. (S.T. Viulng,who
wo in town (luring the wctk, wo learn that J Hnckinrldgc.'
Jlrvl, Ikaig,
.. C7A (flfi
.. :i7t
.. sn
.. .vt
.. 22
.. 7.i
.. M.1
.. M
.. 1.71
.. 215
.. 2IU
. . 2tli
.. o.'t
.. 21:1
bio it Is vsorrv iii !Silun: Ihu vvriltr wouM
not Ire surprised In w IiIimhI rhe.1 11 thtue
clth' U fore long.
Tho Nivs nfcamshlp .I.ihn V. King, built
for Charle.tcsi in New Vork, was burnt in
North Hirer at the pier, (lu-imbcr 18. Il
was valued ut tM 0(1.(1011.
Tliesleitm engine 1.11 llio llaikeriiack, New
Jerre-y, llallrriad.ruu over a hand car. contain
ing tw.nlv lalmrcr. IVccinbir If Mi, killing
one nud injuring Iwn olher.
am rtnl "lls s-cvcn slorv buildings, Lumbers 2'J. 21,
"I.;;.10. 2(5, and 2) In lrankfi.rt Hie. I. New Yotk,
'.'.::. occiiiitetlns rlnllng oilier nisi l.kliiiikrr.
I..I.I uir. In. nil. ,.frr.vi..r l.i- (In ,11. tin, i.1.,1i. ,.l
1 jiir. 1 .. :."' - -v - - o
I i.e. 1:1.
South (.'iimllni seccs.slMi was ccfibrntcd by
j iimf Willis in... i.tiiiT rrjoii-.tiH erv ni.nniii
111 .nvuigomcrr, .n.io.inin, nn.. reii'ncoia,
Sr. Lori. la-rcmber SI.
A large meeting wis held hv.t night nl
Norfolk, ltipi.tiilloii wcru ndopted iu favor
of n National State Convinlinn, oppmlng co
crchm iu favor of arming the Slate, mid de
claring ngiiisl the re opining of tho Afitcau
i siavc irai.e.
.- I The MithtHfist f'.inr.-ivnre of South Corn.
'.!'!! "'i-i. on the IB1I1, passed rirolulloi.s favoiiug
J,IIUII Aliout .'Vhledi joung ladli seceded from
Ihesiiiiln.irli-si.r New York nud Piiiii.ylvaula,
f.!,7IO and pasMtl ihrotigh Washington vt.tirtlay.
r..,llj.'l) Tho ISoveinor of AI.1I1.11111, In loiiitiqu.'ucc
II, .18 1 j01 me .risi'iit crisis, nan iiuunii 1110 rei-pon-
sibllity of advising Iho banks to stupc.id, und
c ... oil h ,n done so but thriv.
!, j.'S i 'I'I'O Homo has p.niil Ihe bill i.r the Small-
tJo I to amend Ihe foiulh section of Iho net for the
I nduibsioi) of Ongon Into Iho Union, so us to
, , .'I.I.FFP i-Meud Ihe lime for silerllng Mlt spring nud
, , 8,718 conllgious hind In Oregon.
,, l.H.'.'J Steretary Tltonipsou hud a long privata in
. . 217 tervlew with liovcriior 1'lojd. in which he I
wltl to have urged Iho nrtrlily uf both re
.,,. signing. (Jiiv. I'lovd iliclinnl cooperation,
i, .'J'.'i, nnd declared his purH.ro lo rennln ut hi post
.'..T,1: mil il lhoelo.eor the Admhd.trotlnn,
. . l(.,.liil j 'I'licmcsK-iigir wllh die volo of Iulslann
1 reports tlmt Ihe Legblutuic of that State re-
., 80 001) fuetl nlmost .uunlmnuily lo appoint Commls-
,, tlO,000 j sioner to Ihe olher Stales, leing dot ti mined
lo net wilhoiit mil ire or consultation.
I.vl.'nu riior MeHonald.ol South Caiollnn,
u vkilor In (ieorglu,
I!. 1'i:iii:v,...hI. It. W.un:,. ..II. S. .Mor.OAK,
Jark.nnvllle, January 12, Y.l.
1W ...
I 011.111 ileo of 1 rtv-t iiiv 1 io.u 1. 111 1
Jirlly of Ihe ft.'piiMle.in', and they uk In
uirri-o the Souih with delusive Impc iuiIiI Iho
rriiinU or HMwiiiii wercd'l.-.iln) for 11 t.'on
ventlon. l-'lually, ho nrgu (Seurgia to neole
by Iho -lib of M.inli.
I ho I nlon I tuimillteco or .New 1 otu re- T.V t!,0 early pvrl of hvt June, n horws miiltf
eehed 11 Ii I ti r from Fillmoriv ixH yet pi'milt I. was t.-lt vvllli in' .11. pvilurt', In ! V
tltl to Isj ptiblMiuf. j e tlliil for 1111.I lnk.n mvay In n few y-D
A entnMiiy i.r Kl men arrived nt Charles. uU The pi-ri.ii(lalinliig loon nit UaZb
loimsliT'liv, from SavniHi.tb, nnd tendi-rcd ln never slum Irvii m-u It. IIh-k' mrl, nml.
Ihelrrervle-eahithciiiiiniibi Ihe .Minute .Miii!rr"i' lr..rmul..u rtcelvtij. I hellmu ho ,.
r s- .mm, ,1, ' lolen ll.o nul111.1l. I tlua-rnru IktiIiv kIvo iiii
'' 1T...1 it. .1 .I.... il... .. . J ..
Smilnr Ji.ki.mn nm l.nr.ih ti rill v nl "."'" 'i"T iniur in iiiu llllll.)
imlor Johnon was biiMi-tl In effigy nt
.viempiiu, 1 n ..iturii.iy uigin.
. feeciiiou meeiliig wns luiil nt
" .lull call ami piove proprrlyn
.. , mi or l-rro lira 2"i tViy I Vl.i
Ni.rfo k ' ttI11 ,!ial ,f ,j KM ,l0 ,, ,
I I'.li
811 1
11 11
""'' and H. J. Martin, Hon
y., ureilea.l. .
I... ' The New Y01 k C'ominnn (wtncil has passed
the Jananesu Kmbassy bill-9S2.ni)n,
tin uie .in 1110 iimisc was 1101 in session.
Tho .Senate, on the 21st, reconsidered the
vote excusing Jefferson Davis imon the Com-
II mllleo or 'I hlrlcen. On tho motion, Davis
A said thai, owing to the solicitations or South
I crn frlomls, ho would consent to serve,
.'.07.' (I III 511 K) 21
Tho figures root up :
l.benl and prompt pntrouago has cnab'etl is writer, and will doubtless u.ako Ihe Vtmotrut die roads between thlaand Slate Creek are ',uSltt8
ta a14 "aiaterlally to if eircn'allon and use- ull that its sanguine friends would have it. in very bud coimIUIoii. .Much more rain and
ad ihe
4H.ll. ......
At a inoellng or the Commlttco of Thlrlei'ii.
..I.I A.. .1... .11.. 1......... -...I I . 1.
,, 111 1.1 no 111- .111, finikin Finn im iius le.i.ii
A tor uny iiiiien.unini 10 iuiesiuc.youi 01 i;.iii
: gnss, wllliout legiird lo hi previous ucllon,
;i I mid us if ho had never made a spicih or given
00 , a voto on the subject.
2 1 At u iiiii'llng of tho Commltleo of'llilny-
Cu. three, n pi oposdlon wns bscu'-st'd for die nd-
-1 illusion vi IMI03UI nun ,-mh .iii-Mcn, iviiien
would setllo Ihe diflleullles in ihesoTeirito.
rlcs. Nnlhlng was done, nnd Iho Committee
1,71 7,r)7.1 udjourned In Thurd.iv.
li.l'J.ll.'l Siilse(U(iilly Ihe 11 'publican members had
872,70 1 n emeus, nml concluded Ihut no proposition
M'J.IHH Mtbfactory lo tho ultra .Soiithein Slates, by
,.ja,.-in nay 01 vmeiuimriu in mo e ..mlitouon, couiu
therefore it was
nml iay cli.irgrs,
l.ruavy eniuliig. I
nl m.l.llA H.i.it....
,1.. i .t.lr.t .1 III,, lit uli...i I !.... .I11I1II 'I't Ii r III. -..!..., ,. r ... f
...........-..., - ',,,''"' I''.' s-n-l."-n 1.1 M'si'lilK llllll .lilViriHIIIZ.
11 sHeh h.ild" M Hit I uiou go M r.' 'I ho 111 ihi . light l,aj color, has nlirhllectil
whlih ii-iillniiut vras rcccivcil will, loud nud In Wr iiuhiiIi, am) Is hrantlid 01. the left hip.
rijKntiil ihceis. , with uu A In n ring.
Sennrd sml.o on Saturday night nt n bin. WM. 1IYHKK. -
iuit i.r Iho New Pimudluiiil .S.elely, New Jvek'tmvllle, Jan. 19, ISCI. l;w
York, llu eounM.ll.il Iruler11.1l foilK-ariiuce'. i . . , . . , ., -and
,nM 1 hit tho Sttvs.lou fivllng had U111 AamlBlStrtOr'a MotiCO.
g. tl. ng weakir since die Kl.elionil.iy. Wlihiu" ..,..,, , . . . .
rlxtv .!n tho troul.V wwM i.im iiwuv. . XJ' TICI. I hen l.y glvt 11 lhal thr.mifTfcnr,
In Iho House, Coihraiii' i..ii.huvd' L'nion l. ,,;,V,,,i;' ''"'T,"'0 "'"(;f '! -'''!'
-..vI,ri,.d..lM,.,o width .fa.ki-1 propyl C,Ji?WP.,TssrJ&
... . . .. ;..:.- --.-.
cnu.iiy. iiii-.ntii. .mi .ron lu.k-i.letl I.t(4
e.ltilii nio n'iirtu In iitiko ini.nipe pti imirl
tu ihe tiinl.'r.igiii.l, nt hi re.liloiicu nuir Kir
l..vvilW; n-.ij nil ri.us I1.11 ng claims ug.ilu.t
n'd erl.il.' nro riqulrnl lo present lliem vvllhln
oiivviar f.om tho date lureof or Ihj forever
Ke-l by v llh', Jos. p'.lue 10., Ogn.,
Jan. I, IM1I. jyl9;lilw
losuhititiile 1111 innuliv into South Carolina
ullilr. Nothing iras dune, mul the llm-i-
.utjotii ix-ii tiirriiutxi.iy,
Iu Iho Seuiio lotl.iy, Pugh nnd Dnugl...
siil.iiilltcl .lui-.idu. nls to tin' Ci.utllutl..ii.
w tiiih were ic'erud to the Coiuuilttiv o!
1 I'd i' t to.
M lin:'.ii madon spee'ihnn ihe .Southern
side; he had M-arctly u Iioh' lh.it the t uiin.l-l
of Iho South wt u'd he gr.iulril by Ihe N.irlh
Davis sul.mllliil 1111 111111111l1111.it lo iho Con-1
slltntlon, diclurlng die right or slave properly.
The Senate tuljo irni-d t-. Tlrirrd ly. '
Two defalcation have bin 1lis11.vere.ll11 IJYWrlunf
Ihe Intirlor Dii'ivrlim nl '.no iu lud'ai Tru.i I--' Ch-ik of
Sheriff's Sale.
of nn evrciillim duly luetl l.y trier
J l, ,I h Ol IHU MIIUiy UHliri III Wtll -.nm-
llonils. und Ihu olher 60.0110 iu oi.li. "'." l"u,"f Oregon. In ravt.r or Annerson
nollilng was ..no or n il.llulli! n.luri'. . llr.,llll(1-.l(li dollars ($281 ii4-luil). wllh l-
lutii:ser.eliinenl(ii:i.i.wlaynt Pitts ,,.n,, ailI, ,.,, , ,mu, ,cv,ril upo,, wij will
burg, 011 the diroavery Ih it Iho V. f. (J.urler. , Ur fur m tu t,0 mgi1Cit bidder, fur ca.li, on
mislir was nbnut shipping 12.1 guns f.om , tho p-em!es, 011
All.gl.any Atk-imI to (.'..Ive.t.u and the- j. ,,, ike ln( ,,, of vVnarj, 18(51..
Seie,hreouldgi..hir. .Major MlellngN,, ;
iu coiniiund. ilicllneil In give any p-ilivo in- rK,n ,. ,K.w.n,f, . WmikIiik m- Iu nny wli
forniatloii on Ihesulijiet. U'liduig Democrat ,,i,-rlr.lnliig. lo-wlti Tho roulli had i ltU
'"r'l"'. " iiiiriiu.ii.ii.i iu nuiv ihu uiinii. nuiiii.er inrio i.i) ami n.ur (ij. 111 iiuh. iiwiii.
Iht seventeen (17) ns laid ilowu u. IU' klul of
Ihu town of Juckionv ille, Jaclkou toiiulv,
Oregon. I routing lilly feet on Fourth street au.j
Itinnlng bach nuu huiidied feel on 0 street. In
saltl ton n.'' Salo between die hours of one ano
coiiutermiudetl, saving that tho peoplo would
not sulflr tho guns lo lo removed. A public
meeting iwu about to bo called to consider the
subject, It was reported that muikcls, sl.?lls,
l.iitlit. f-iiviklrv. nrrnntrpn.pntd. itt.. in n i-nn.
slderablc umounl. had ulrcady been s'.li.ped. ll'olir, !' 'J; ,,,, , .,,.
II npK-iirs that Iho Fort ha never jet been j Tul' tho 1 llh day or Ji
mounted wilh Ihe proper guns 10 Inch Co. v.9...,,.. shcrlVjaclJ
luuibi.un nnd . '12 pounder. Jym.l.lw hcrtllJackl
' January. 181.1,
lackson couniy, Oregon,
Sheriff's Salt.
TIIJ. Ih) sold nt Cluggago A Drum' IJr-,
" .., -. ... ......., ...v..... ...,M.M ..m.w, . - . - - - --- .rUStOU... ,.,,, 1 1 . 1 1 1 ,.u,.., nur vi viii.-ii.i.iH-iii .11 iiiv i.
Wc rwrtectiu"y solicit our patron1 Mr. J. M, Shepherd continues as publisher, ' now had lullcn iu Jetphiue lhau iu thlL be adopted by the H'op!c
1 foblic to further cxiuid u legitimate Success to the paper. (vicinity, j 'Totul, 5,:i2i.UIH-ccfiry lopivruro.
Stout, of Ore:.'on. hu presented a bill, nil-
thorWng die Suivlnry u( War nnd of the In
terior lo repot t to Congress ull Information in
it...:. . .'., r.i. -.....i .. .1... 1.... .1
S ' TA'. """ "A ""'rV,- Z y MM,, In Jneksouv Hie, on
.........,,,,,,, ,.,, ,,M3,I, ,,, ..,- .,....,.., ... .... , .... .Q..,
lies. nn.l Iho ale massacre on Snalio river. ..is.o.y, ,.,. .,, tn,u v, ,-u,.y, 0u,,
In New Orleans Ihcro havu been gen' nil1 A Good, nlmor.t New,
demnnstrallon guns flicd, tho IMIcau flag TVO.II()KSU G'AUUIAUE,
rulscl. and tho bust of C.illioun .INpl.iycd w ft m, lnM ,,t,ic Cat-. tu ns to Iw used at n single
acoekate. In Hlchmond, secession gives gen- earring.-, ir wanted, Al.o.nuold
CrThcmirl!mT.lngoflnteresl stirring In tho' ,. nL'"(iv '''.'VV.?,!!?8,
War ikpailinenir The O.egon Hep..s...lu- SoW " wi"P"y' "'a . .
live nml Senators nre endi-uvoilng .In scmie. .,. .,' '';," JUUA,Vvf. m1!; i
a dlvMon or Iho military district iTg.ih', us It ' - Jft""nry l i'1' U8"1' -Ji1JJ'ilT J
.lootl under (lenerul Harney, bill their efforts 'IjMNP. CltlAUS A lew lliousund ju-i c.
will.ioibcsu';iesjful. X' iclvcuut &lajU.i3.M
Ml aH
ii in I mm ilium" m i mi ihafcaHiw mi