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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1860)
M v I i & JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, Nov. J, I88O. Farther Mall Faollltiea. The Crescent City Ifaahl call attention to further moll facilities wlilcli arc now required by the people of that llcinlly, end those upon the route between Crescent City and Jack somllle. Since the extension of the Over land Mall line through to Olympla. the ocean ttcamcri carry no malls, and those lis lug along the contt arc made dependent upon Interior communication with the Overland line fur all mall matter directed to them. Tli'i Is un doubtedly a prcat hardship and Injustice, for .which n remedy should be granted at the earliest practicable day. The lltralJ pub lishes a petition to Government which coers the ease sour ns the route between that point and this Is concerned, but complete accommo dation should be gtun to all Interested. A dajly, or at hiist, n trl-weckly mall Is wanted '''rind ought to be established from Jacksonville to Crescent City, tm Williamsburg, Kerb) title, and Wntdo, with brunches to Althoue and other considirnblc mining camps. A cmt-ncchly or wethly mall Is needed equally between Jacksonville and Scotlsburg, and other points on or near the coast In Coos, Curry and Umpqua counties, with branch routes extending between the principal towns In each of these counties. The serlcc oxer most of the routes lat mentioned could be ndcquitcly ierformed on horsibich, but from this to Crtwxnt City, It stiuuld bo by stage or wagons. Our merchants, as well as all others engaged in trad", In this and Josephine ruunttes, receive almost, If not nil, their goods by way of Crescent Clly. It Is therefore essen tial to them that frequent communication with that port 1)0 afforded. At present, Ihera Is only a weekly mail, and those on the roast must, under the new arrangement, nwnit their correspondence by Overland service from Han Francisco. This will soinct lines occasion a delay to limn of nearly a fortnight In the transmission of litters, when really the time of rnriiagc ought never to exceed seven days. It Is plain that a rimcdy against this provok ing order of things should bo had speedily. The nutter rests with the Senators and Heprc tcntnllvei of Cnllfotii'a and Oregon, In a Ijniit measure, for If the iuhjcl Is properly rmntcd to the notice of the Puilmiilrr General and to Cougrisi, It is qulto linpiml bh,to conceive that tie rrquiri-d sen Ire will lie l.ngcr withheld. The attention ol our trprrM-jtatlws agents nt Washington (settled to the muter. Death of Hon. Delazon Smith. The sad duly divnlvc upon us to announce lh death of lmi. Dm.amv Smith He died nt tl- residence of W. C. Hull, In lVrih.n.1. Lii.Suiiy I it, nftir an Wilis of more thuii o week, sitirrlndiiccd, we delict c by his txertiouslu the lite cumi'.ilgn. Mr. Sm'lh n-nsn maw ol rii.1iK.nt Abilities, the best or.i (or in On'go'i, mid ci.e -f tho most elUelite fpcuki-n that cve-rcutcrtd the potitleal anna. lie hud been long ctuased In nub'lc life uifnrv 1 e to On','i) i, mi I had fl'Ic.l h'B'h niuj LioruVe public nations. Orl-'Iiul'i' JiUXiw York, he em'gialcd to Oliio. iv'iere . .. n leilitnraSicy'lH'rallo p.iier for some jcji - lertevIvpllholV'n-'iitKtUfirfrgeil'Arl fair I'M to Letudnr under the AdmlnUlratioii uf PfL'jtdttll 'I'lli'r. mill til It... nvdlmlt.HI ..I l.t. term or nffliv, r turned to llie Unltiil Statis, ... . . . . . . . '' -" '" "I " ,.n.i i.u.'.. in. I.!. .m.i.i ...m i. ini.i uiiori. in. . ii iiiiLMV unuiiu conv ui li. r Hum i (.'. iicru-ci . I 11111 1 1 19 iiui 1 1 1 1 :i . iiiuruii'.ui 111 I Air.iri ii.u. ............ -.... -.... ' M IH. I.,I1II1V III .1.11 .-,...... .--- '4 ----,. ". ,-.-..-. ..... , , Illfl.'SJ ul, un. ..vmi .i.iia.1 i. .Mi I., ii.. iiii fj.f.1.. I useful work, ll is the mi coninlele die fiu'ts of our enterprise and then ni il ilmt '""') " '"'" ..... .v-..yv.... ...- .- ...,....,. , ,. .... ...... . . , ... .... I The N. mi.,-1 ehrli.n for IMwalrs iHluw. rrom Iowa he came lo eiregon in nonary in inc i.iVhii mn rxiani, ami iney procure.! uiem irom nnniuir sourr.s '..,.. i ,,,.. .i.m.i ,r. .. A, 1M2. Illsrnrtfr In I Ills muntry, while It contains ln-shlc a vast amount ol other learn- You nroenilrely wetenma to uo our dhqiitih- (Diiii.i reeelv-' ' ixrliticale of i r.inalncd In Tcrrltorlil condition, and since it . Inc. lull resting ami a most Indisiensable to es. eenllemcn. but don't da so. and then ih nv ' hnv iU ' '" ijorily. Iirrome a Slate, is well known to our people. every ciais. me pictorial iiitnirvjns are After having serveil In tho Teritoriul l.-glsla-1 given to old the learner In companding live Assembly for several years, he wa, by the I terms, and the technical nanr. of mue that first Stale legislature In 1859, chosen United I Is found In the scicncle nnd nrls, which V rr State Senator, und served iu that boly until i bal description Ireqnently full to mike cy. .'Juuh3d, lf?39. O.l his return lo Oregon, ' There is also ndd.-il a bib'i nf synonyms, em. lie wis n c.inilnuie for reilectlon, mil wasiie. . .1 fiute-lliy llio rallurc or llie be 11.1IC to in ct III cai names ; ine proniiiiemiion mm nrumgrapiiy fiuoium ufirr Ids nom'iullon In Demoeratle0f flretk, Illn and Scriptural name! quo- l.'aucui, Since November of lust year, he lms lv.rn editor of the Oregon Dimurol, pub I'shiil nt Albany. manor nann impulM. and In the beat of political contests, frequently gave utterance to I.iu0'ua:c -iik'i. ,im,e ,;n bincr personal inemie. lit Jut mm, (00,, ,Mlor most devoted friends. All In all, bo was n ..., of miuh more than ordinary foiccof clmracler, Jk-laoVaJ. 1.1 im CsulU be hud In eonmio witli m irtuls, bf.rgi1tef ul1" let us riinember only hi . Irlues nnd lib nobler qualllirs. Ilii-4t m pate. , Nor to Mien or a Jokk. Dr. Gnln, U ti. Siualoi from California, had his vote chub Icngid nt tho recitit election, in San Francis. CO, by somubtaekguard. aud was obliged to tsrear It In. The groutj of rliallenge was that be was not a resident of the Slate. The 'fpposil!or paper nxm lo think it a very jod Joke. Had Colonel Ilaker, Senator elect frt.n Orrgon, remained in this Stule until election ilay, ond offered to xote, It mlglit have trr ub led li'iti lo made etlli lliat he was a rcdent. lie hod ill ytd in the Slato a few months, but nothing more, and a soon a elected lo the fictwtc. removed Id household baek to hi residence In Hun Francisco. Hut ne upioiH li tlulle'iigo of lib voto hero would have been, In the 1 yes nf Ihcse eiy prrw, a great out rage nnd un indignity to the Senator. Dr. Gain came to California in 1849,and hat ever lnce resided and made hi home there. Col. Uukcr never made Orrgon hi home, never xotcd in the State, ncter assumed any of the lit or privilege of citizenship, uules we v.s candidacy una election in llio catego- - warrant that not another instance ""'"hany man ever aspired ' ' great, as Col. ''irifkd orcr M if aid. diKino jl.Thoa. AOIslrt'la 4 borae aear .fore, a)-syiits k.rJuMHIeriaissl s? jrjFm i y j- ' ' .. m Tii i vwiim i m m mmmmmmmm ssssssssssssssssmiswsw i ii i ii jMajasijjssaaiaaa i Tniniaa Culpable Tardlneai Nearly three weeks have parsed since the election, yet nothing like full returns are had fiom Coos and Curry counties, nlthough only a little more than a hundred miles off. It look very much ns If the returns were kept back for some not altogether correct purpose. We don't mean to oppugn the Integrity of the County Clerks of those counties, but It may well be surpeeted. that where elections nrc so closely contested ns thsy have been In Ore gon for two or three yeats past, and the kumc two counties are always the last to send In the official returns, there Is something more than Inattention or accident which governs the tardiness. We are assured of un Instance that occurred In a certain county In the con test of '58, whin two rival candidates run pretty close together, In which the figures on the poll returns rent to Salem were made to give a small majority fur the successful candi date, when reully the true returns gave a con siderable majority to tie defeated candidate. It is Imped that nothing of the kind has since occurred in the county alluded to, nor In any other county, but after the commission of one fraud of this character, suspicion would quite legitimately rest ngnlnst the county In which it was practised, II there happened to be un due and unuectsmry delay In the dispatch of returns thereafter. In the election fur Congressman In June, Coot and Curry counties were nut Included In the official rrsult, In conequenec of the returns not reaching the Capital within the time pre scribed by law. They gave a majority for the Democratic candid ite, who had enough voles, fortunately, to secure his election without the vote from the di'n'.ory counties. Hut had the election been close as It was In the preceding year, Mr. Iogsn won'djinve received the ccr- Itlicnte or election, noiw iiuilamjiiig Col. Sliiel f election by the volo of the piiple was appa rent. In llio contest Just rloscd, had any row of the Presidential candidates a majority with the vote of Coos nnd Curry, but without this been defeated, great outrage would h tve been perpetrated upon the people of the Slate, and it might have been, of the Union. Whether by accident or design, It Is wrong to withhold or delay the county returns of election, with out regard to the ulltmatc clflct of such delay In the result. There li no good excuse fur the delay, and rma meant should bn taken to guard against a recurrrnre nf similar iv'ls. We ore well aware that the people In the two counties live remote ami scattered, that the country Is wild and rugged, that com munlentlon Is Infrequent and d (Tlcult ; yet traveling through and over the whole region is nut so hard to necompliih, but that trips can be made from the most remote pnrtl his of either Into the chief towns of Douglas and Umpqua counties within one week, nnd from these latter x'uts thu returns cuutd Ic forwarded by mail, ns tho law mi'ilrc. to the Capital In n few ilits more. If Individuals can make tin- trip from the least aeccslbte i portions of Con and Curry counties Into It"i burg or i:iene City In from seven to nine days, undoubtedly the rleillun nliirix cm be forwarded with ilispitih. and If the residents or the officials of those counties would see that In future these vexations und sasplclmis ih lays should not occur, they would 'bcllcr suli erve llielr own Inleresls nn.l h'moie all Imputation of wrong fn m their olTicTal acts I. ..'. .... - jJjtshiiportaiil nntler. "" -' Wmhiiu'k 'rontAi. rKAiininirn.--Frnm Messrs. A. L.llm" '0-. the cm'neni iati'i "f "" Frailco, wchavo received . I m .. . ..... 1 t I. . ...I. - r . . I i nraeir.g nooiii ..iuu worm ; nuuu omgrapii . 1 . i... 1 ...i . tations In I jtln, Fn nrh, Spmish and I'sllan a table of terms and phrases, with th-sr Inter pretation, used In the Hible;an explanation of lgn, fl.'iirw. Initials and nbbrvlalions ; wrlirht ami measure labhs ; and a variety nf other miller to lie found Innonher r"ui,f lion but this. The book sIiqiiM1x In every faml'y. ,n "cry school, and Ift t1 vt of every schoUr. ifo litia.; I. conplele with out It. From Hancroft k Co , we n1s reeciv a cony of Shearer's " California D'se-st. " a I " Tabic of Cases, " and llie " Divisions nf thu Ruprrmis Court of California In .and Titles." work of especial IntireM and value lo the legal fraternity. Also, a " ('radical Trea llsa " on metal and minerals found on this coast, by Kdward Pique, whlc gives much useful Information to those engageil in niiuin;, or who deal in ores or (ubstann's of 1 1 c'asses ment'oniil. And a'so, came a copy nffflre Adventures of James U. .Vlinu, MiuRtam ccr and Or Inly Hear Hear Hunter of California, " lete willi thrillinisfsketches of I. ...! .I..itl. ..!.. Tl book I reiile llie r.iring exploits and sfaUlinr adventurers of " O.l Adams, " (reeTnllyJeceaseil) during hi mniiialn life, engngeil as he was In bun ting, trappug and subjugntlng grizzlies nnd other wild ni'muls. It is a very readable book. cbsliYt Picorial unabridgcl and the other publlcatiW. mentioned, can be ob tained of Wm, nofcf nan, Esq . who I Agent for Messrs rtancrofi A Co, and through him, order for Stationery, Hooka, and ever) article In their line, cNh be filled from the San Fran' clsoo house sMth dispatch, at low price. r Dead Boot Found. A person on his way to town Jfitierday, In passing along Poor Man' OTreek, discerei iho boily of a man a liukoff from the trail. 'J lit. ppearance nf threnody indicated that the deceased hud been w- sjlvout three week ago. A party started Irom tu.. , h(J 8rtcrll00n t0 bihiff in the L" ."V"" ' " b recognlMif psaslble, and d -ci ntly i.r'rerti Bttamboat Krisiot. The Porn.r,d Ad i$itir ol Monday, jy that tbt sltsimer Elk, whlk- stopping at a wood station, on the Upper Wdlametle, eiphuh boiler, a day or two before. Several ner teat, injured .-jouie merely I n were more or it no lire were - - i - ,,. I ' ' -' ' w .-. IV" Si'rcKwri'i. llc'itn'ii. Judge 1'rlin, and Messrs. Icrgon, Dowcll mid Ynnd.llb who started nun a hunting expedition to Dead Indian Vnllf? a fortnight or m.- a0. re turned to torn on MonJuy last, bringing witn them an nbomlance of Venison ond elk hams, saddles, shoulders, Ac, ns evidence of their craft nod skill in the sport they had engaged in. They hunted only three days, nnd got twoctks, end seven fine bucks. Tho balance of IImj time was passed in exploration of the country about, nnd In camp. Ouly one black hear was seen, and he made go vl Ills escape from dangerous pnxlmtly to Yandlll'i rifle. The shaggy "varmlu" was exceedingly for tunate in croslng our Men I'l track Juit after he had sorely sprained h'n nnklc In slipping down a hlll-shle upon llio fnzen snow crust, and thin accident presented him from giving chase to bruin. Judge Prim on day when nlone,savv the track of tho grlrzly vlilcli had been wounded nnd was bleeding coplnu ly, but wisely refrained from following np the brute, well aware that a single handed combat wlih n big grlw'y, enraged by n r cent wound, Is no good thing nt least a Judge had better ab stain from that style of Aer practice. Only one of our hunters was unsuccessful, but he was compelled to remain mostly In camp from a painful wound got accidentally before leav ing town. Ilergen knocked over n fine young buck In the first day's hunt, and having achieved this feat, rested complacently upon his laurels, leaving the greater slaughter to Ynmlill, Judge I'rlm, nnd another who accom panied them. The patty generally enjoyed fine health during the excursion, were vally pVased with Ihtlr success, and on their return, dt light ed several friends with generous gifts of the game they had killed, We tender hinrly thanks to them all for the handsome share al lowed us of vei tson and elk both. Tun Arri.K Tntur:. Week after week, wagons from the Willamette, heavily laden with apples, arrive In this Valley. (Sencrully rpiiek sales fur ready cash arcrculired by tho-c engaged n this trade, but recently there has been ex peril need mine difficulty in tho dispo posul of their fruit. The market Is pretty well stocked, and money Is too scarce. The failure of fruit crops In this Ynlley the pres ent year was a cry fortunate miller fur our Willamette fellow-ell lzcn, though n hard blow to our own people. In another year or two enough nf every variety of hard fruits will bo. raited In this county, nnd this will keep among 111 a good deal of money, whieh has heretofore every jrar been paid nway to tho fruit growers .Vorlii. It Is good to ex change, but with u, the cash goes and Is nev er returmd through any channel ol trade. We yearly pay away a great many dollnris In return for articles whleh we could readily produce otiisclvcs, white there I nothing that tan be lukeu henco to other portions of the Stale with profit. Abetter domestic econo my should be Introduced. - - - Nor CiirniTvunv-Weobscrvelhatfcveral nf our cnlemporarles north, frequently copy . minim the telegraphic dispatches from our columns without giving crnlit. This Is neither prefcsshvialile nor crcdliobV. In some Intlan i e.-s. they profess to have received llie w from ""lrr m""'- "'i'v wuims hihhi Jry. ' " piy lor lluru lelegroplile ibspalehrs, nn.l Il.i.r.11. .... .dt tt. MA....... f ,. y i.mi i uiu ...ri-. inv K'jvur jiMiruiiif nrri en ib'cd lo give their readers vrral diys l.itrr . " inleliigcneo nn I iey ot wrw so eonH. fre-e nf ', i" " , -"- p , , ' .,, i . . """ one i'f our r-enators and n ill.iInguMieil pull, expense. In return, wo think that the lnt ticbrt. rirnvrly of Ibis Imt nnr n rill they ran do Is lo award us the u-uil credit', ren uf TennrssiT. 'llie parties brreln Indira. I.... fa I. HA.iiIu.tu .... ...i..r..t ...... . . lisl nri ililt linn .1.11 the furt. Ilrri. Ani.nv..fMi;nll.m Is nro. cresslnir In llils I errltnry. 'Iliey lnvo liail a duel or two to establish tho fact. The Iu 0110 wo ery harmless, however, Henry Krnne-dy and Sam. Dyer were tho prlnclpit', 1VI1I. 1 h" ' " "- named litis. I'lie parllm fought at twenty two seconds ruch, ono of whom was very rale tlistanrc) witn navy rr '.vnlvers. In the first fire, Dyer got a scratch m the knuckle ; hi own piMul snapped; second fire, nobody hurl, and ilia uQWr " lion orably ndjustnl." Dyer, true lo hi co'ors, lives, and Kennedy went Imme with Fills, which doubtless, best suited Mm. vzjxxzrt Cosxoroi.iTtx Am Umoi, Ily WulncsJ day' mnll we nerved in excellent coiujitton, two large and sp'cndtd engravings, cullilcd, " Shakspcurc and I14 Friends, " and " Thu Villuge Ulucksmilli, " both of them publica tions from the Cosmopolitan Art Union, and distributed only anion0 me-nbers und tubicri bers. These plate arc ent bi udditlon to the excellent magazine published by the Union, a copy of eaih lo every subscriber, and cillur of litem I alone well worth the ricc of tub crlplion) Wm. Hodman, Y. , u Agent for he srotk In this plaee. CALiroRMA Ki taios Late st ret urn from California, gives the figure a follows i Ltu coin, 38.0831 Douglas, 37,008; IlrecUo ridge, 33,210; Hell, 6.5C0. I.lncoliiyOier Douglas, 1,075; Lincoln over Urickliridgo, 4,873; Douglas over Urecklnridge, 3,798. I otal otc, 110,861 the largest cycr polled in that State. The official returns' may alter these figure, omewlmt, but In no wise to' eliunge tho result. HiKtoiis. The Nevada Dcmoctat say that the California Singe Company uro having lelgli made to run upon a portion of llie .ml. !.. ...1. . . . ...... ww lu.uugu uregon uuiing mo uinier, Thataort of "Instlutloa" my be required over Hie mountain rosdi In one or two place, but we very much quMtion It. Heavy rain IP'lpn' pelaliT-tot dcn raawt. To Yreku for thcllrcgon Sentinel. Yrkrv, Nov. 21st, 18(50. The Pony hxprcMurrvcd nt Fort Churchill, Nor. IfJtli, butihu luWrnpli lino was "broken nt that lime. Tlrtnivlccs art to Nov. Old, t Ui 1 ..l t . irum oi. i -hub. i i ff. 9 , L'ncoht has tarried everv fis Sfnlc excel New Jersey, In wiXh t Is reported the Fusoi majority Is 4,000. Delaware nnd Ncrtti Carolln'a Imve gone for llrccklnrldge ifid lAne, In Alahama, the lidicattons vc favorable to Douglas, nlthough private illfpaihm from New Orleans, stale that Hrecldiiidgu nnd Iineliavc canleiTali the Slates mhI, ef Tennesse'e. Hell and I.verett were ahead in IJU!an3) as far as heard from. Present returns from Arkansas are fuvra. b'e to Hell. In Virginia nnd .Maryland, tho contest elcnc anJ doubtful betnevil Hreekliirldgc urn Hell. Iteturns from Kentucky nnd Ti unesee, In dicate that Hell has carried both Stairs. Mts'Oittl his probility gone fur Douglas, but nothing ib finite l yet nseerlalned. rifletn cotinlle- in tieorgia, give 1MI 1 100 miloriir. HraMnriiL'O Is 2200 ahead of Douglas. It l prul'ibte'tW I'liminlon, (Hep.) is defeateil for Congress In New Jersey. Steele and Cobb. (Item.,) olid Nixon and Slriitlmi, (Hep ) nra ilecicd In New Jersey. Fisher, (He'p.) I prubibly elected l Con gress in De'nwarr. WiknI, Keiilgin, Tuvhir, Cochrane, Ward nnd l)c!ait, (I'imIoii.) Corning, (Dem.,) and Duer, (Ibp,) are ilectesl to Congress from New York. In .Massachusetts, all tho regular Hepnhli can candidate's except Hiirllngniiie, nrc elect ed. Thayer Is Waten by Hi) ley. The whole Hepiibllean ticket Is cklcd In Wlseniisln nnd Michigan. In New JiriK'y, die State Senate Is lit pub lican I the House Democratic. The South Caroliiii UvtMnturv, whleh conveneil In chcne Presidential electors, has postpuneil nctlcn nt the suggesltoii nf the (loveruor, who prnpiKCS to arm the Stale nnd unalt until It Is n-cerlalmd whether Lincoln Is really elected. General Intelligence The fieri lory if War has glvrn (Jen llnr. ncy le-avi of nbenee for n year, to visit Hit rope. The liM4 of his wife lo.'el her with the ilimVultln growing nut nf the San Juan affair, has iK' ply nllecteil lhl gallant soldii r. The Sheridan Kimwles, lost In llio steamer AulK, was not the author, but lhi I'hllmhl phla agent of the American Hink-Nntc I'mn pany, elnrged with the pcrfuriimnco of the work' by the l!mror of Hu;sla. A ili'piteti from Hiirliiulon. Vrrmoul. il.i Inl 2.1. slulis 'Int the lion, . M. Jlatif. Slate Tniisnrcr. hisih fiti'lid to the aiiniint or $ 12 000. nnd fin) to t'nindi. It Is rxnrt til Ih it further ilseliisiirrs will mikoll 8".'v (MM). Minisiirrs of si Airily have been taken by nll,irMn' his lindniiii's nM-t ly, Advices fifin Havana report the bark Siinn. ' ,,'.,,,, v Y, ',mA's Wa.hhut.'ii 'disn itches .1 V..... V...I. ,.l.l l .1,.. .. .....I . slalei tint inlellia nee trniii n n-IIuire soiiriv s iv n lur ttic IVpe I tube preparnl Int llriuul. " - .. The Oxfiird (Miss) Mrr unj s-ijk that n ii iim tiswtt ii as.1 t lixt st in in f. u.t I iil i unit I lav Is ami M irlon, led Ion, he T!.. Meslllu 7'im's. of Noveni'ier lsl.savs it.nt I'ihil..'. iree Meline, U. S. A.. Mount- l IUU.. will! II rnnil .ic.i....i. ...hi .... . .1 . ..... y ... n .1 .ii....... 1....1 ... ... s (.nt. inrnl Willi n parly of Nuv.ijos. nt the iirisulli ui llie I'.iirm lie nn, imiie n'iy mors siwmI nf I'url Hi-llinre. Cnnt. McLnnt) nns ... . ..--- - I ...... . -r... ..Il. shot, 1111 1 Instantly r;ntrcil. Hivvrul Indians were I.IHol. A boy el.-vi'ii years of age has been rmivleli-il nf klllin; nnulher till year cf age . () K,rntns4 cmmH $t v It Unlimited that Austrlin Irner.s wer largily rrws'nlraleil nil lb" f:. oilier nod there w orii'rTiiiioiij.ritiiil. I here Is n rumor lint ironno Au.trlans at Munlua hud crosei1 ,11 Pi). Tim Freirh Hlshnps nnd cl.-rjy continued In bo'dly nnd lirirnnly ihfend (he P.mtl cause, 'it was lK-lleve.1 ilmt the Pojio' Nun cio ul 1't.rls would not return. A Of Iha newipnpoi slates that Iho ynuni;. est djiiffhler nf the 1 lnU of Islntnicn was Iho'ii.1 bride of llio Prince of ales. Cuvour Insn-ilii denied Iho runnrs nf n cession of Italian territory to France nnd In-1 mills Dial when nplesand Home nre annexe.) In Sardinia, nnhndy will d. maud nny territory from n nutixii of 21,000 000 Inhabitants. In re.nrd In Home, Cuuiit Cavour sirs ho would lil.i- lo have it m Ihu Capilal of I Inly; but it will ln six months before bo will be ablo to inv how nnd when. As to Vinclki, I'urnpp does not wish lo see ItaH'ntvtar vtllh wVu.lrla. Count Cuv.ur pniilels that Vun-ll.i will. In time, Ineonio nrt nf Iho great Ijiiliau Kingdom, In n 'areablo in inner, when not only Franco and ili.'Ian.l, but Clin liermany will inalio no olj. clions. 0nribtl.1l ami Viclyr l'miuiul nre on good terns again. It is snid Hi it tho former has writ. u n hltir, niluilllliu that he wns wron In ippnsing llm pulley of Ctvour. nndrxprest Ingfegrct Tor bis IjsI vojngo to Palermo. li ri'imiliil that In tho battlo of the 1st Oetiber, Ouribaldi lost -l.ftOO men, while llie lowi of the Neapolitans wire less. The bat tle laird 12 hours, and huh finally pilned by the courage nf Ouritial.ll.nhu, w lib his piintn loniiso torn by u hall ns to be scarcely nearible, hd Iho heslialhij Calabriuus to the charts again and again. RiDici'ini' PiRionsivNcn. A Judge whee'1 tho County Clerk of Santa Cluin, six mVs in a hand cart nnu day last week, ike patiea having agreed that the looser of a pblilled wngtr should perform the foolish feat, Tills silt nf fun tvnnM III Income children, and ioiiUuciou, n , 0r larger growth, u ,,B ie w1K.r ,, , lo08(,r Uo, wrro n-i treated to an application orox-goaj , Hon ArriiorniATKl Tho very men who v ii is. ii m ' .rccenllv presented Col. K. D. linker, the Call- fornla flnalor from Oregon, Iho 5,000 net of I . I-. .. . . stiver in $ari i-rancico, were loremose among . those nsnting to banish him in 1850, for Ids celeb-ulcd speech In defence of Charles Cora whon-'tlw Vigilauco Committee hanged. O (jmOTfii O mora ,' OREGON ELECTION HETUBNS. ItBIHIItTED. ftf 1 Kwm (tunti'rt, Bnch Jicksnn (17.1 Josephine .. Ml Un. 3l 2oJ 921 i VA 4112 213 -6HO 191 420 S98 409 A7I SCO 0 l'8 1C8 11 tlrll 40(1 21t 288 ID fit) 72 inn HO 312 40J 211 Bli.'i 173 3l 131 41 3H un? 8 F61 10 23 C 3 3 7 3 lioiiatiuft uV A 60 Curry .sjjfe, (Too , ifm-1 " yinptpiaWTjp... Jft nmiui IF?... 392 snr m j?kntnns R24 lulliinmtl 2Rt Wii-htngton ,, 13) Columbia 32 Clalrup 29 WVct 2M Tllllinojk 13 -vM ,4 7 17 3 ft 3 00 on 2 OU 4018 A279 f.029 107 California Items. Oier 250 soldiers arrived ut Sun Francisco oillieluststeanur. They metis In distribuliil iimong the rcviral companies in the Stale. Hinry Piirkirkllleil n man innnl Klllnlt, t Hlcli uiiiiii.nv Kii'Hing mm in uiu hick. :illiitldiii1iuttaiitly. The papas say that horse thlivcs arc pten- mil over llm Slate. I'u'iire rniinly, Hill ran second loltreel. A .,,ee roblr a shot by A svitel,,.. ... ncnrN.du. Tho fi'liuw bcloiigeil Inn gang nl four 011C of vehlcli was nrrestcd nl the 1 same tin, Orrln t. Williams, of Mass., was kilted by llie rll,j, nf n ,.m while mining at Se cret Hiivlni I'.ucr county. , In Fresno rniinly, Lincoln got bnl' three votes. Iliallj rommuiilty that. At a sale ir.0ws nnd calve nt Stmhilon, prleTS ruleil nt Um gjg 0 J3. ieT head. lMiimnd Handiph, Cut. Jn. P. Iloge.llen. Jus M'Dongall. (li, ,j, W. Dinver. and Jos. 0. M'Klbben nre r.)l,l;,rn fur the seal now neciipiid bv Dr. (Iw. n ttiu U. S. Senate. The) nre nil Douglas mn. A tremendous pate tided Sin Francisco on the loth. (Julie n number ol siraimrn and sailing mmsiIsIii the iirbur wired imsgr.1, unit in the clly. iiiimniy wire Mown iluwu. roof swept nwuy,niid olhcrUmagcssuitnlmil. The Ib'iiubtleiins eclebrutd their xtctory in San 1 rnnelseii by nn liitmlnullon. It luijiiK'iieil on the night of lliest.rm, nnd was n failure. Old Hun-ui blew ost tlrlr lights. The U. S. Ilrnnch Mint nt San Francisco vvlll close on the 2"ll. font f'W weeki. In or der lis at n pairs may be limb ut.d Ihesniiua1 iiccnitiit in! mijusim. i r u i . ' ' ri i r'. 1 1n4cr',T,"0 TZ Iv uf Sislilenii. ili.vl nt Ms tuiili nee. ufcon-"' the 10th. He was n nalitecf tCiiitinky.aiid iv most estimable', kind, ihlvtl rout gentleman. The gale of Ike Ifttli, vlsllc.1-llio Interior. At Nivndii. Iu ll fury, Humes were swipt away, buildings blown over, trees uprisoliil, und ii vast deal nf protxrly damaged mid destroyed. A mm named Jnii"S. and nuollur man, wrrc kMetl by nlrre falling upon (Kir e-ubln. The loss nl ono Hunilng couiputiy is csllmiteilut over 8100 000. Dr. Hulir. W. It. Farm II, nnd u few other lending Ibpubliiiilis of (iililonil.1, s tiled in ll.c last HifliiMT with CI. Ilakir. for the Stales. i:vcrvbudy knows that not one ;!:,,'jT!vt:,,:!:,,rent,:;!w nliirebiulers tint only neriuiu who Ibht lor spoils, or who are eager uller the loaves and iKIks. ll U rriortid ll.ut Wm.Ooverneer Morris, u lanyir, ii.oilu'ly .liol Jutiii .Slijnnoii. un nl -lor. In Visalln, on lli..'J."ilh ' sWlie pnrlies h id a previous mlsiind'islaniliiu.nnd Shatiiioii sent ii i liulh ngu to Morris, vnIiKIi the lallir I'o'llnid. Shannon dli-d Iu nil hour after re ie;vln0 the wnund. OTbMMMSJISJMSJSJbMS.VVSM Oregon Items. A race over tl" cmou Course, nrar Port (,,,,,1, .... run belwivn - Henleln Hoy," " Mary ii.lilnglon." ni.d IJmin," on the IGlh, lor u purni of 810(H) disiunev one mile. It was won by " Hi nielli 11..)" in 'J minutes 7 seconds. Major ltubblns ol Porlluml, iiml Mr. T. J. Holmes, hud collected 8.1 10 fur the siifKrlug iiulgriiiils who were unl pluu.K-red by the Snake IiuIIiiuh some time since'. Ja. F. (iaz'e.v, immUr of'lho legislative iVssembly finm Hon -'us roiinly, who has Imii very low with (evir nl Sutini. isriioverlng. Mr. Mvers. one nf I he plundeieil emlsraiits. till:,!. ll.ut his two duiighiirs, ngitl nkc ilvilyll nnd 14 years, nre r.iplivts Iu the hiindi ir the Knake Indians. He says that but for the cimii.lice of the six ibsihargiil Hl'llitri m lilhllll li f..'(ni.l lllllll, IIIHl .. . .. .1.. .. .i... i. ..I?..... ii... who l'-"l ms ihu mm lire- i. mi- ii.iihi.- mi lt hole parly would have gotten oil safrly. u,n. 1 amir nn.l ei.iri.tii io i on winiaiirr , u sucees.rul trip In Ihu Northern gold inlne-s. " J Srmoi-i Aiyidiat. On Wrdmsday lavl.l Mr. Muik Killorun of Sinllh Hiver Vullev.l met wiiliastrlousiiicldtiii. lie wu out with u party shooting dueks, ond In gelling nut or. n canoe-, ii gnu in H.e hands of a son of Mr, ., ..I., .r l. 1... II... .... ..a. t.l. .i..l' I diseharireil. lira conli-iits, whleh wire l.irji ..I.iore, lll.o Ill II.U lllllll, -lin ui li. ll nun duck shot.intcrliig Kllloran' right, one of Hiem nn Irullnu' llie lung, causing him to spit blond lieili lib ca ft wwc wu... Ihougli It is liojie-il he vvlll recover. C. C. fin.. Fi'.vn, Fiom llio returns of funds eulltettd ehetiun day fur Ihu Wuihiug tun monuiiie'iil. ns la. ns wu have socn llieni, we are Inellued to llilnk nur Cuuuty will le tho riiu-esslul competitor for the statue ol Washington, 'Ihu proportion In mfli voter will bo large. Hiiukir Hill pnelnet sis i!i. ...fii.'.i in,ni.i r.. ti. .nniriiinii.... whleh umounYed to a dollar for e-ath .&. Corrrn Mimno. The F.voeu Company arc' ilctiriiiincd In lest Hu-rniighlv the- tulue oil their mine. They have Jusl commeneeil nncw iiinnei vviiicn tney c.ieci win ne iiiiit-n nun dreil fell in length, nnd will beat that distance Into thu hill six hundred feet below, lis (iirfuce. Sucre- lo ihim, J&. Cr.tsi. Tho Afcltuut Marshal' return of I.lun county gives tho total population at C.801 closed as follows; mjle under twenty one year of uge, 2,081 ; mule twenly-oue and over, 1,721; whole number of female 2,999 j whole number of families, 1,213; whole number of houses, l,nOG, of whleh 93 nre unoeeupV.l. Who i at Fault. Tho mill bclwecn Hit and the Willumelle have been quite irregular the past week the paper mull cpo dally, lie Stage come and go rrgulurly enougb, and we cannot divine why the mail should not likewise. Will tho postmaster along tho route eo to llil derangement, and remedy itf ... liov. Whitiukrr ha not appointed a day of Thanksgiving. Tho Gov ernor of California ha fixed upon Iho 29th instant, for tin holiday, It I possible that Uov, Whiteuker, after u review of the closing jear, can discover very little lo olT.r thank ior jjniUTHS. n Jack'nntllle, gundiy, Nov. 11 lb, the wife sir. iiFMir iwiri'KM., or n con. SOCIAL NOTICES. yor"" " "lft'ta "d O"0U irt,u' -V- I. 0. 0. F. Jvcinmmk I.OIHIK No. 10, holds Us regu lar inrclngs every SATUHDAV Xyt.'XISV. Ilrolherrjn good standing are Inv lied lontlcud. Tin provision of llie (Irand Lodge for the ben nil of Atclvnt 0. F.'s on Hits e.uast Vvlll toon CM'r',' JK?Si: HOHINSON, N. 0.- J VMM KiIiioiik, Snrttttrji. 32.-Pm. WAKREN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M. A HOt.l) their regular eommiintcntlnns Vrlhe W.iliiwl ly liviiilugs on or pneiiling Sthc full tiiiion. Iu j tt known it:, niiv. 0. W. UUHtilt, W. M. Ilioovt, .rr'i. II li. Francisco Anoncy. TIlnA liOYCIi, Oenrral .Newspaper Agent, U the niithurled Agent of the J..tV ', 7 i&ft ",! " ' ' - Olllce corner on slnels, up Mih. U'iNsijiiw. nn cxpirliiiced nurse ntulle.' male physician, has a fioothtng S) nip for child, ren leelhlng, which gnnlly fiiellllates Hie pro c.'ssnf lee thing, by softening the tiim, reducing all lull in m ition -vvlll nil sy all ptln. und l sun' Iu regulate I he liowcl. II.h.iiiI upon ll. mutlnrs, it will give rest to jour-elves and h.-nllli In your Infants. I'erlii'ily safe In nil V.i-c". Sir mlverliseineiit In ituollu r culumn. lUu.'s) rhlHArilillM, Vi'lluw Dock, and Io dide of lola Is pripaiid fiom llio ttnesl Old Jam ilea Sarsajilillla mid IIiuIMi lodlde of I'o-tass-ailuilraldeiisn Itesloniliventul rurlderol tho IIIihhI. It rleanses Hie system or nil morlild .ml lnin,n-T..r.';T -rriom v, ImiUiiud emotions from Itui sklu-cii?'" HhciiinallHii mid pilns of nil kinds. All,KJ n"".r"' "."""" . , " u' Vi It t. tids lo gltu s m-iiAf ,H' I'rutossir life. Sold l.y generalsKtV K! ""'.". II. II. IviJsrai Pniprls tors, April aH-Cm-ll ay San I rnnclsco. Witar' Balsam of Wild Cherry. The ouly pure and genuine Ual-im Is, and for llio list twenty years, has licen pn-pand by I Sl.Til V. Kow I.K A Co., of lliislnii I nnd their I l"lnle.l name, m well ni the wrltleu slgi.ali.rc i.r ' ... . IIiits. niitvnr n:i Ibe outer wrappers. A you would nvo'.l the spurious and hnic Ihegrn nine, I dt ii Mir vW llilslnvabiaMiinmedy Wlsr ill's I!i,hvm or U'll.tiCunmv U the Ik si one extant for llie safe, speedy and ncriiiinrnt cure of coughs, colds, sore Ihioal, bruiichllls, asthnn. pburlsy, pneumonia. Tuiip, vv hooping coilgh, bleeding nl the lungs, jmIii iu llie i.rrai or liL. and In fact every form of thnmt, dust and lung iiuiiplatnts, as well ns oixmhitIiin It self. This hoilihn1i1 rcmily should lie In the hands of every family nn.l Indlv na timely n- (-,lHllllllMIor ill,lglitil.l,tl,l '-relief, T: nale, and nf nppvrcnlly Incurable thantcler, will sun ly ) It Id lolls wonderful cur.illvo poutrs audits gnat ad iptatton lo the wants of mm ulifii nniletid. Korsalulu Cullfnrnln by liid.llngloiiA Co, Henry Johnson .V Co., Clmilcs Moiilll, San rraiictscn ( II. II. MeH.mal.l A Co., S.ierani.-ulo ; ll'ee, Colli -i A Co , M.iry. villi) ; mid ly bmllli A Davlk.Porll.ind.On'goii. March'.' MO-ly. A Card-To tho Holders of War Scrip. The iiii.U rslgm d, ng. nt or III .e'.i, Hut i.y vs VCo,uf Niw York, mid Messrs. Ilium .V Co., of Washington, has mide nu arrangement with II. F. PiiwM.i., 1's.j , nl Jacksonville, lo receive and forward scrip lollioso houses fur collection. Having Iki-ii In W'mliliiglua nl Hie lime llm Senate lllll inikhu nn npprnprhillun fur the payment of llie sKl.t wits u-.l, nn.l Ulug will infurintil ni lo thttcliinrisuflttlHenmlug n law. I havu no h.-sllatluii In saviuir toebilm- mils I lint llm nppioprlaltnu will be mule I fore llie (III of March next. The lilll nrotid -s for J Iho pivme-nt of llio scrip Iu full, upon lis pre- s-m.iiioii iu ma ix-pariinriii. nui iuu niiioinii Ihu present l.lll cills for will fiily py iiIkiiiI Iuu thirds of the tUlit ; romrniieiitlv, those .li.-- slrlu i to eel their money out of this pitiro'" lloi sliouldbu sure. to !' ." " ,u '"";, '.u..K.-.. viiuy lor premutation liiinudi ad ly on the mil U-coniliig a law, Mr. Down i. will mikoHm mecMiary pajurs nnd nlvonll Hie Inlorni itlmi parlies may n quire, and the com , u.,,m,4 ,llllir miv U', ,,, fn,,Uol) ,,, f SIICHMAN STHVF.NS. Jacksonville Oct. 20. IH0-I0 - - - Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Indigestion, sour slomacli, water Imtth, heart I'Urn, bllllous.ii-w, llvercoiiiplaliit, ncldlly, llalu- li.npv I tninllii. iT ,.1. mill, nt, L I, ( mission ior riceiting nun iraiismiiimg un- -. "'"' .'. . idle, loss of npiie-lite. lunik- ciiuinlaluts. niipri slim afli r r iliug, uud gi-iu ral delillily nru rnplil. ly, and surely cured Ly the Oxv- """ "" (-VI.II.UIMX I Vllli'MI. ,VMiimn Hill. Cat., Jum lillh. IMR.Hav Inu suit, red for nTtce-it year wllh ))Siepshi, In lis worst foi m. and liaslna consulted wllh the liest physicians, and trial every thins recoui ineinleif. vtilhoiil rillif, I was liuluceil lo try llie Oxv.ikmti.ii llirrtns, mid befuro Iliad litke-n one bottle I found myss-lfmucli lietle-r. und con tinned luklii' Hiem until I was cntln-ly rurid uud now eiijuy as cnod health as 1 etir did In! I ""J life. 1 nl.o pUnoiiru InieroiDineii.lInt; Hum ' ,0 "H tt,' utv Ml"' "J Usiumtty. For sale In California by llullngtou Co., J1'"'?. j0l"'M,',1 V."" f'."?V,c" ;,,om" n i'niucbco ; It. II McDwnM VCo.,bucramcntu j Itice, Cnlriu A Co , Mitrysvlile i Smith A Davis, rorliunu, uregon. .Marco ii.-ij-j. JkdBiaittrator's Notice. NOTICIi Is hereby given thai letters of ad in'iil. trillion have been to A. M. lir.itiiT, In the estate of Waiiiisin IIujuut, de ceased, of Jackson county. All persons In (Killed lo said estate nro hut-by nollllid lo make Immedtatu piymeiit, nnd those having claims against tho estate will present them to iho undi rslgntd, at his mldciico In Iho town of Jacksonville, within one )ear Irom date, or bo forever liarrcd. A. M. HF.nHY. Administrator. Jacksonville, Nov, 24. lf0. 45:4w AdaiUUtrator'a le. NOTICE I hereby given that I will offer for sale, lo the bMicHt b'ddir, on Mo,u,ay, ih ElM Day of lf at Hie " Jaeksontllle Bakery," per order r',he ' Ilouoralilo ejouuiy uouri ior jbcksoi)'- the ouo-tiftli share of a nm i mi e ivi-v ! ilM. known a Iho Hot man I.cuiV"ItuaU'!! Hie heador.Slilvelyfiileh,ftlwx(0 "'" "?" Jacksonville; Hi'd on.slS'tli sharo lielouglug lo Iho estate of John Hebel. di-ccasid. Terms, of salo-cash In hand. Iho sale lo take pbtco at two o'clock, r. . HKNUV HUIIKII. AdmlnUlrlor. Jacksonville, Nov. 21,1150. NEW ADVKIITISKMBNTH. NOTICES! . -XXHl- i- C. G. BUtDSEYI, Havlnir nnrehn-ed. IBrf entire slock of Oooelsf or llie mie ntm ol m.xikt a. iiii.i.i, will cull In no the business at . the old stand, on i. iVeio Winter Stock -OF- Mincis' & Fanners' OOODB ! now aiiuiviMi, all. or wimii will, ncsoi.n AS CIIIiA'U AS lin: CIIKAI'CSIT Jncko'ivllti-, Nov. 20,'28i). EVANS' HOTEL! Jk.t anxrnaaaa-vlllo. . fpilrl underslirnrd has attain laken potrwion jX of this old estaSlislird, fntorfla Hotel, purcnaseii ll in pn-pan-u In nciive ami innecuusnuuaiv iiniiiuiK mrm and iMiinanrnt bnaiibrs In the very best style. The lliile l siluatei) near Hie south lflliK of tin mn utiir. rti-ii'ii nlles from Jnrksoiitllle. mil almiil one nrle fium Cold Hill, upon Hie main Oregnt riNid. A flue, siitc.inis Hall si kepi In readlnrs for I'arlle". Halls nnd other festivities, every ar mngemcut Tor wlilcli can be made In short nollci'. , . , . Altaehrd lo the premises Is a fine, luxuriant Danlen and Friill Urelurd. wills ample Knpe or pleasure grnimds. ' Tho and liar Is supplied with all tho choicest vuri'lleii of Viands, Wines, Liquor ami Ileviw-Remwjiltli foreign or domestic market can furnish. A good slilito Is ntlaclieil lo the Hottl, ami nlleiilltclinsllrn' will k( of horse' eu lriisli.1 In llu'lr charge'. " In short, cv rrylhlng calculated lo conduce lo lh comfort of guests nnd Ihilr animals, will bt iibiiiidanlly furiilsliid. TwiMi'Munrn!!!. DAVIS F.VANB. I.'inn.vllle, Nov. 24, 18(0. (3lf NEW-ARRAflGEKNT!! "SfKW STATU" By Daniol mmthbu 4c Q: 'Plllj favorlle. spiclous and nllmellre House 'f! '"J '"Si K n,; ?", .J ' "'rn V ' mH aU" .. ... IIalhliiiti2;Co..wlio nils of all (aUihI tlh Hie best of every vurhiy WINEO. LIQUORS, ALES, Q, UIALS AND OIQARS, just n-rt'tvi'il from the RrI linjiortlng liou.., j San rniuclsco. All surl of IZlilciirrnn Drlnka nml Mil (nre tn warm the heart itiidchi-cr the mind. vil in derocled. out ef Hie choicest xhlltra!U lllimhitlilg I'qulds. - , 5h' 'Hft MEW BILLIARD TASLS, or :..i .v.v ..irt'-sr, X".ir v. VMiYM) STVI.K WITII l '.If.. IS. m:isai I'ATissr'iiiUi- 4Wk .VAT1O.VOUS1110V& ' w Tlio-e fond of Ill's dellghlful ami I fwllbfiil exer cise will coiiml tin. IriTijui iii-iil tij '.y ngupon lien. X K W T A Ja K S. Tho " NEW STATE" SALOON Is on llie old spot AVsr IIMoij, twmr Clb fwnlii anil Thml Urtrti. slatc'ar-ws- Tl.nt ii-t1' --v-"'liarp kl'p on hand, con siaiillv. sho very iholcesl qualilie of e HHANDY, WHISKY, (JIN, WJN1-S, AND COHDIAIJi, whleh thrv will nil nt moderate prices, wiinw.j nviKoriii.Txii. For inrd'clnal purposes, llm purelivir cannot procure a ne-iteraiicie luaa vt u sell. Jacksonville. Nov. 21, 1800. yl-T. SAFES! SAFES!! F. TILLMAN, Ko. flit, HMtrrr Nltt, Nan Srai.clw. Cal. SOI.K AOKNT forTIl.TON & McFAIl LAND'S celebrated AMI Xlu.vclav mutiom This Safe is well known In themniket forilsiinsurpasssd lire proof quality, having withstood In Call furnm, us well ii In the F-ist, tie Imttist flf known. We can re ft rlo rndti-ss ce-rllfici from partita in our mining town, wla-rr safe havu been sul.jtct lo the molv" test or it fire-proof qualilie. Tho ?.,? striinil by our CO.MUINATION10' Till Wk I In every respect the r1 'T,08 ono in use it require the key r f0""''"."' Hon in open the Safe. If Hie 7 ,,M b nbstractetl Irom llie owner, It,0"'' ""l V?',' r.l-llv l.ii-lp.. In llm nnvitsOr wllllOUt III knowing Hie mental ley.hU'U the owner car- rle- in hi head. To Hy ' ,Wttnl ' ,a relI7 bio Safe, we ofTer the oovo iheapcr than any other In the market. .... , , A large aworlmJ " !"' and lo arrlv V. TI.I.MAN, 90 Uatlery !., v,. i icnn' 45:3m in-" 7 Attavhl tut sWotico. I ACTION l LAW TO RKCOVI MOM'" Nl. ' NATTiair uiausu. rs. Gkokqk W. Jmhiav. m (1K0RQK W, JOHDAN; irOV are hereby nntllk-d that, on Ibe 16th alno! iVSKl ffi.OTr'v llio sum of l,4S0 6, aiul jsjr property l. ' lueliin, anil unuss J vr in iu unvihs Court of the Male of Oteaol for (bo coswly of Josepwuf, 10 w neui ii. . m ",, and answer iirfS8?& 'Ji4r tf ""u V the umySiS bh.f mTS 1 l ' pro or ibe court tnuiSLtJl h ! It. VIlisaL.a.L Tr OTPM "St m ft m rsa m iwi ria irt ii SlSV,