,1 S -T-TiV m smsasiiaTmi Effl&SQffiflmH Aaron Burr and John Randolph. Col. llnrr. who hail been Vlco President of America, and would probably hnvo been the next President but for his unfortunate duel with General Hamilton, caine over to Kngland tod was made kuoiiij to me by Mr. llandolph, of Virginia, with whom I win very Intimate. lte requested that I would introduce him to 0 rattan, whom Jio was excessively nnviom to cc. Col. j'-irr was not n man of very pre poMcsalrtf appearance! rough featured, nnd ocltkr dressy nor polished but it well Inform nl sensible man, mid though not a particularly grrcablo, yet an Instructive companion, l'eo tile In mineral form cxtravuiranl anticipations fcgardiniemlncnt persons. Tlioldeii of u great UNION HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. Y IEWIS B. ZIOLEJL. TIMS widely known and cslnbl!hcd House is now kept by Li: WIS II. ZlflLHR. Under hU superintendence It will be entirely re lilted, ro-furiillied with New Metis nntl UcililliiB, New ICtIS mill JIIMIIISIIK) Ituom Furniture, nnd in everr wav n acctl n tirot nrilcr. ... X - . ...... lor uiifvii unto nircauy The nc- llCl'll orator and an Irish chief carried with It. ii.itii-!,,,.,,,,.i.n .. . :. .. - ' . . i1"' '"-" v- rv-v -. - . j .- rally enough, corresponding notions ol pntsi- hirgcly attcndiil to, ana the proprietor enn saro cal elegance, vigor nnd dignity. Such was ly promise nil who patronize him, comforts and Colonel llurr's mistake, I belicte, about Mr. . luxuries superior to any prothlctl rlchrre In mis riclion, mm mil eurpassctt wiiuiii uic oiaic, Orattan. and I took care not toimdcceliohlm. Wo went to my friend's house, who was to leave London next day. 1 announced that Col. Ilurr, from America, Mr. Randolph and mysell wished to pay our respects, nnd the ser Tont Informed us that his master would receive os In a short time, but win at that moment much occupied with business of conciuincc. Uurr's expectations were nil on the nlert I llandolph was also anxious to be presented to Ibo great Uratlnn nnd both Impatient for the entrance of this Demosthenes. At length the door oiened, and In liojjn.tl u small bent figure. meagre, yellow and ordinary one slipper nnd one shoo ; his shirt and coat sleeves Incited up high, ami an old hat upon his head. This ap parition saluted thostrangcrs very coitrteoiisly, asked, without any introduction, how long they had becu in Kngland, and Immediately pro cccdcd to niako Inquiries about the late (Jen rral Washington nnd lue I (evolutionary war. My companions looked ut each other I their replies were, custliv, ami they necmcit ipiitc Im atlcnt to see Mr. Mraltnn. I could scarcely contain myself, but determined to let my Di centric countryman take his course, who ap peared quite delighted to see his visitors, nnd was the most Inquisitive tierson In iho world. IVindolph was HkiXTA tiliuv ' T" ."."'" " . ,tt9Kr''yhalnil and wclT-drejMtl ( (irntliiu, therefon', took htm for the Vice President, nnd atiilrcssti) him accord Ingly. llandolph at length begged lo know If they could shortly have the honor of seeing Mr. Gral'an. I'pon which our host, not aouoiiny uui mcy Knew nun, conceived it muit be his ion .tames for whom they inquTrol. nnd laid ls bcllercd he had that moment wandered oat somen hero to nmusu himself. This com pletely dliconcrrtcil I ho Americans, nnd they were about to make their bow nnd their exit, when 1 thought It high tlma to explain, and, taking Colonel llnrr nnd .Mr. llandolph re spectively by the hand, Introduced them to Ibo Might Honorable Henry Grattan. I never mw pcoplo itaro so, or look so much embar rassed. nratlan1hlmeir.pcrce vlnL'thocnnv. t ' . . : :. " will I plentifully supplied with the bct ofeve. rvtldiiii the matket tilliuds. Hiccllciit and c ticrlcucrd conks have been cmraseil. whowlfi cater for thu tastes nnd enjoyments nf the epi cure, ns wen as lor inv lour ul plain, suusiuii tlal fare. In oi cry department the TT N 1 O N IT O T "K I j will In made and maintained a FIKST CLASS 1IOUSI2 In which trutcllcrs, transient visitors anil permanent lionnicrs can alike secure ami enjoy ctcry crea ture comfort and obtain cheerful repose f,d the fatigues, cares and laWsof lln ', ., Tho proprietor respectfully fc,.,, n.con,,n nance of the patronage ",' lj"'rm-t y been i-.i i .-.I ..... .no imlillc no efforts tinon iR-.iijniil, iiiiii t."-ui" , ,i .. . hlsnart will I- i"1'.'.'1 ,0 desc'ie the riiptmrl of the trav''B0- well as ur mo permanent com The Stages to and from Yreka, Crcsccnl City, Kerhyvllle, and Northern Oresnn all nrrUuat and ilepart from tho Union Hotel. A supply nf l.tlet-t Miers from all puts ofllio AtlantieHtatesand tldscoa-t always kept In the licmllng l!o(im. Jaek-oin Ilk', Notemlier A, lf.19..l2lf CALIFORNIA STAGE CO.'S TRI-WEEKLYLINE FKOM Yreka to Jacksonville. ON nnd after Monday, March 29tli, IMS, the California Htago Company will run aTrl Weekly lino of Coaches between Yreka and Jacksonille, leaIug Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays, and leaving the Union Hotel at Jacksonville, on THcsilnys,TlnirAilsy At. Saturdays, Connecting with the Company's coaches at Yre ka for thu following places t SHASTA, U'A) W.UFFS, TKtlillA, oircri'ii.T.K, MAItYSVII.U:, HAU11AMKXT0, , P-anil nil IntermciUate pomis. i ) AUw-ngcrs booking their names at tho office 111 IIIU l.llllllllllllt OlilU VUIII HI J, .lllll.'iniM.oo Hotel, Yreka, will bo I'urul'hed with through B.F.DORRIS&BRO. Orescent City. STOVES AT VHEMfJ irTtn rnFrvt Mm ' i ilt j llff tlcki tsroruuv or tliu nlHipnainiil p lllf 'WM. Mot'ONNKI, . J- ilace, i, Agent. IIolcl. KERBYVILLB. DAVIS EVANS, tan: iik kvans' iioi'dn, noun) mvitii. Riai'lOTKUM.Y Inform. Ids Men.tsand the piilillo generally that he has pun-liMil the house heretofore known in tho i1((, Itot.-l, Kcrbyvllle, ami Is now jKrinane illy ilutl there, where ho will lie happy to n-e nil lib old cus tomers anil us many new omm may I Ira-il to call. He Iioihm hv n cnnilaiit uili-nitm, in it... coiniiiri in nn imenu l merit a coiilmunno nl T0MAS BOYCE, ADVERTISING AGENCY, NORTIIKAST Corner of Montgomery and Washington titrcels, Han l-'runclsco, Is uuthorlKcd Agent for thu following newspa-ersi unrnox HK.NTtiKf,, .incKsonviiie, urcgon. I'ncillc Jourual, llugcnc City, " On-gon TIhui, Portland, " On-gon ArgiL, Oregon City, " Mercury, Kncrameiuo, Cat. Impress, Mnrwvllle. llulto lCecnrd. Urovlllo. Itcpublicnn, .Shasta. Sierra Citlwn. llownlevllle. Placer Herald, Auburn. Placer Courier, Yankee .Hm'ii. .Mountain MessLiigcr, Iji Porto. I'lacer Press, Auburn. HNklyoii Chronicle, Yreka. Plumas Argu, (nlncy. Solano Hernld, lleiilcln. Alameila (lactic, .San Lcnndro. Democrat, Stockton. Amador Sentinel, .Inck'on. Herald, Crescent City. Pacific Sentinel, Santn t'riijs. 'I'uoliiiiiue Courier, Columbia. Pnlon HemiK-mt, .Sononi. lndeieiiilent,Saii Andnus. Tribune, San .Iiwo. Southern Vineyard, Un Anglic. Kl Clamor Pufdlco, ' noif , v. ...... ..M..iw(i.it. .-.' -----......... ncarllly loinol In inv merrlmont. II,. miiuiillie Very lilnr.il nilrnn-in llnunl ),lm down his shirt ilccvw, pulletl tin his stockings, "l l:vn"' """"' l,0S""-' l!1,,f. nd Irutts that I " j '...i.t.j .iir-tiiiiiMi! mm In his own Irresistlbla wny npologbcil for the oiitr figure ho cut, njuiirliig thtm that he had totajy overlookcil It in lib nnxlclv not to jeep uicm railing : that ho was returning to Ireland next morning, nnd had been budly parking up his Wk, nnd paiK-rs In n closet full of dust find cob. cbi I ThU Incident rcti dcrctl tho Intcrrlew .,oro Interesting. The Americans wero charmw.w, their ntvptlnn, nnd nfirrn .protracted vl. rttlrwl. lilghly Kratilli-d, while (irattan retuiicl a-ulu In hli books and his cobebs. HiUvneton's I'tr semi Slflc'ics. TEAMSTERS! V.i.d'niid aecomiiKHlatluii prntl.lnl for team. '" July 31, IMUlf. ADAMS' otel At The "Great Eastern " on ZxuibWon nt New York. The Ortal I'.aiUrn Is the reigning "Hoi." at New Vorls. Hero ts what the Tribune ol of the .Id duly s.iu : Tho nrlnelrial fcaturo of nltrnpllmi In f, mctrmiotls vesliniav was tli.i litmi l'.,tt?r. I'-dlh . " .. .r. r...i -.-. -....., i ami never ill nil iiiniury in niuiu iu, l0 lctnltv of llaiiiiiioiid. !l"ik inn! Jiolhiiiu. X3ni'clnxiollosa. rpill.rlaMMiiil, favorite ll.mo Is keptliv .1. Cms. Aiuvs ,t Co., who arc In eiery mail. IKT liri'luriil In recilli' niul iuTinnininl.ilii Irmi. Hen l gin-tii. niul iiermiiii'iit lianlcrs. KTOTIOES TO THE TRADE OF SouTHEitar Ouix;oi! STORAGE ANDFORWARDINQ. TiiKMr.u'.KtHii.i:MtiiMTi:.tsii:ii & J T 3E3 Xa IT 3Z3 , Now running kUuen S'cuttSlimgaiiil riiiMiiu City, T8 KKADY TO ItKCIIIVi: rilllinilT AND J. piyehari;eslii-Ciiiiiiil,Ia," uruthi-r i-m-ls that may arrle. A largo utul rouimotlloii WARSKOVSB T1IM Undersigned havo now on hund a full nnd complete nssortment of COOKING, PARLOR, AMI SALOON STOVES! All sl'ts Cn.t Hlnre Tin Ktlllts, t.0, Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper & Wooden Ware Wo are now Importing our goods direct from ar-v xriv'Mmvm and will Sell for Cash as Low as any houu In San Kmnctsco. Thoso wbhlng to puii'tiavo In our Hue, Stovos in Particular, are rcipientcd Id tall mid etamluo our Mock and prices. All billets will leech u our piuiupt at tention. JTmfl lll'.NM. F. IIOIIUI.S k IlltO. The IIiiiimi llii.it(i near llieMiulh bank nf ifii.tui' lilvir. eleven ml es rrnm Jaekunik I . .....1, ,, ..,,. :.' - '"II ."-. .mii. .'.,, , luitvirii. Ml ' ii .. V.V . . . . " " '" "' uu'" ""' "'"" "" I diHrtB' l gle this mule a lil.il, a. l, wax. "mnf ,r,,'l,,''''"r"H'r,v,l',lii'irpMiisnlSeiitMKirg. vie, Nilpiiein from Km rmuelren will Hint ll In ihelr Con- streets 'iH-cu the focus M u urratcr llinmlMh.ui Uunl.-ii and rnlf ,'Kti.,r.i,,W fl..7.Jnvln was all Uvv B-ilheunl to g.uliry I . public eu- ,,!.,. gi.iii!. ... ...... . n, iim niMiir -, ; .i ...:.. ..' o.ty. I no inuiix iiimmeimii ni uiiiiiny n t -. -. " fur ili.yiccoiiiincHl iil.ni l.nnr "in I ho momtiuf. and fr.-n thai unlit ..hjhi I m.Ml.m. IUlli.nK """"" rr "'riwiimni.nioii l..i ,luiilier I'lirlmii. lnrrLMi.il liv thiiiisalidi. "if miests. "' '." ' ,Km rnail. r,M,i i, rtiv fri)lll ,...,. . ftM ...'. it 'in,. ....mi. Hid iinii I. t. ..I i A..iiM.... r.- ' . ..... . .... rif ii'ii i .V v'.i V.',"""""" '"r.MK'iimemswin nocinru ly allelii -. In. r,l III Is niul ulher fe.lllilhu. fi-.rv nr. 11, r... i.. ivii....- n.ii i. i... u. "i.." ....... . ra..i,m-.i for which can I ..,, I. ,W.,i , i..k.. .VV ?Z . "' '...?: V ' r-'"! I --"-" limn,, .UUiii ,1. 1.IH1, J.IChMUI- .lllillj' I'lnlll, SOIIT-lll lill, OlIS, uollei' let down her eurliiiii, lnere.i.d nv tl...us.ii.. i.;'-r- '.,';ri ,rl.r, n,rls mpplM with nil tho Central ) l( was nunp ir.itiwly ih m rliil, tho ... V'.'V !,'., vh t.r Viand-. WM, l.hpiors ami HUlh, riiiitthiuidThiid.iMUU- mrs hiir.llv ',,.''";, "Viikli forilgii w C'lnnllo mnrLvU doliu' a wivU day" liimm ss. wl..!e tho CikIiUi ' ' ', fp,.,. and Ninth ni low enrs. whit Ii rim In the vl- . ,.. i il,lo Is ntlaehed tcllm lliitel, and . . s .... ... .. t 1 s .,.. i " ' . ii...., .Ill h.uiii i'ii nf lii.F..u . ,. II I 1 Iflf ,'S otnltv of I lu "reill rtife. wero i-rnwi nl in mil-, ..iun tt eitllers will U'fii c.v 111 iiorsi's til fnvnlion. Kiry Unci rtmnii,-.. towurds tho i,iite.l to ih'lrehiirp-. .. .. .. 1.. :i. i..iMitin- nf .1,. .t.i.. ....j' t.. tt...rt 1 1, rvililnirctileiilttil Ii) eondiiro In .lack llh.l?--..'.rM I ' " "VV . ' ."" " I Jiinitlfi. lM.o.-2Jlr. ,...i:. tluAr wu- tit lliii ilt irk, the cat side wecially, the .ltlivatfo' "'' Im nw. wlill- ihii-o living 111 1iam-lurg, Itrooklvn, .V-V-cv City, II 'ImAi-I mil other .iil.nrlts. tail fat-ibl. 4 lirnu.hd fr their lie- nimnotliitloil ll IW h.H "I Me.imers nnd ferry IhmH. whlcir nn t . . .... . . t 1.... I.I v I10.1H. W I Cir ran 'iiuiii, 11111.rt.iM: luring tho day. i-nnvcvi .lM '"siers uroiind prices va'"'" fr"l ',, ( Iwrnly There ''"."""'''n1'1 "' ten "t ii...... nn,i ni mrf"1 '" '" "'"' crnwiV to rrt'"!'i'f'lK-Ir irlpMi.U the ship at five rents 'I PATHin'S 'JBX. tel, Ore,cot City.Oal. jH; oprleloritf this well ,n0Hll 0I1.0 " i.. 1I...1 .. I I -ii.' 1 r.lf- in mi.'' . n-iiiiiiiiii' iirt'iii wai tii mill "",mW' no U 'li'1""' '""'drill : ,.1 jmIm nf eyes gaa-d upwi the hue '"".jjer in the enuiso of tho Jay. Yet. not. yihstiiniliiig the throng, lbs dust, the heal' .nnd other things calculate lo try nneVi ti .. ll.A li.l .. .1.......! ,ir..l-lln.l ... I.I.I. Itl l,t w.'fc ,' IHVUril I ' .I.U..I, ilH ' .. ., . servlrcsof the largo foCi-or police wen-'0'"-. I'tiiiiiiuru mi' eillltv ptratircly unnceit-i.v l'nionado net '?'' beer receivcil llljd palron.ige,an-'0meof llio vendors mi-" h-mdjome iirrtflu rom the hungry and i"ly. A few Initn-" of In lolrniloirc'l"'r',l otlcnllon.ni "ey always do in 11 wlMnoom gathering 'it nothing lb.it rn,e ' our ears Indicate tlial the gen rrii'iw.'uf0 n,u' K00,l order liadoeen dllurbed. -ii Hiipboaui cvcrjlhlng nnrarnl (inlet. An .KHI.V IMIMSIIOY Eclectic .Liniment ! GOOII for Man ami Ilent,ls r.irMle, whole Mle stiil niall, ul Cnrtiillk l.'tirj ritt-cIi-H sir Irritation Isipilckly nducid by Ik application or this l.lnliueiit. MAlllv TIII.S. The prnnrlelor dees not Inleml his Mnlinent 11 1" '.!". II11I by nny l.lnhiK'iit hi Iho Nation or the orld. The iilrtt of lids iiiciUcIiiq iim illll.l .M. llrt.M, IIIiiR-wnrm, 8m Ihil Clamli, Soro NlppI.-, r-'nrv lln-ii.l, mro head, core Hmu4I,hjimoI ull I.UuU. sprulmi,llfr Joints, ulcers, TOUTII-ACIIK, I'nliis In Iho spln-i or luck, hiIhiii nak, frnM- I. te, burns, senilis, franh cuts, liinmi-n. Ac., I. .'.''Vr'n'1.?0".10"-.. I,P"1'1 I"1" JliK-he.ul, riilll'MI. Il-llll.l. (.1,1 nnmlni. mr... .. I. ,.1.... .li 'V ...,. .,- . - t ' till III ki-r it..l...u ..! II.. .. ....!.. ... . ' .,...,.. ,,,., , ,iMr n ifSMicn is nii-ju 1 ' J' ""'. ww lunar Killis, pliiini, o.nt 1 ' i",""" i.iiorni. S rem niul "- " tii".e wuiro uu Mier ,1 ' "'-lie Kfin-wlly lli.it Im U mm liri.i.irei! lo I "u!. "I'1' lc" '?". '" Wl'dwl. ,Ail.iliilhi.ewhti uuy fan.r hin w ih 11,,-Ir L,1"?,"10 Idiiinieiit fnvly. nnd aeeonllus In .jjirmiii :', , In nlh-iiii.iiipiM, 1,, U1V tcr,illnx-lhiii. JOHN II.UtCKOVi:, iii m .orinerii uilirornia. " ji Fnle I'jiruiirltor. f iii r r n... . ,"X. ,5,,'!"'!,''.l 1S!PlinSPT!f''j' l ,Mi't Aiil(guif ('rrih,0. T. NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, ax j) NEwntiojas. jvroimisTAYiiOja, (Hnrciwors tu S. W. Sawyer,) Korbyvillo, Oregon. Wofi.n Kisi'LtrrrrMiY ini-oi:tiii: tllieti of Jiwphluu coiiulv nnd the nubile in Kim-ral. that Ihev ku ImiiiuIiI the iiilim flock of (iitmlsiif .Samuel W. r-.iw)ir, nnd nnt nnw riri-Miur fnuii San rmnrW'n 11 LAKOE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK UK rancy it. Staple Dry Goods, Tino U Heavy Clothing, lints, Caps, Oil Cloth, Carpeting, Wall pa per, Groceries, Provisions, Boots & Shoos I.Mlll'V, MISSI-V AMI rlllUlllllN'HCAlr I.ASTINII AMI Kill IMmusrf, ll'INNKr AMI IHIWS Tlllll- JIIMis, riins-xiT.V.iil.tss ami ijucknhwaiii:, rucM'ii ami nouiMTii? i.i'jrons, finuis AMITIIIIM-lll.TAIII.KAMII'IM'KKTI CT I.KIlV. HMIIII.miV AMI IIMIIlW'Alli:, JII.M.MI HAIIVIMI AMI MKI IIAMIIM TOII.jS, Sll, l-AI.NTS.A.MI WIN- ll(lW'SII.AKlS,HTIIVKANHTIN- I'JAIIt: (IK AM. VAIIIKril-' .- " '."..." mini- ..ilirr t... " ''"' imnierniis .4Mi,rMchnyr'n,""'mr"u" ' REDUCED PRICES! Our moltii will nlwa.vsli. "mull prollls, ipilck sales, and r uly uy." Hoping by strict nltiii- At J. W. Tucker's San Francieco, Oal., MAY BE FOUND &eoo,ooo W03TH OF THE I3STI!ST G-OOBSI! Kvcr displayed In any country. Such ns mm 3c m. im u w x ms 9 In itlng, l'ln, liar Kings, llracelcts, etc. ion Fine flold Watches, from all tho cele brated makers, Incliiillng tho celebra ted l'latlna Mnveuieiit, ut prices ranging from &U0 to $ 1(10. JL 3L -w- : -mv-3 m. : ts 2 Buch ns Tea Sets, Dinner Hcl, l'ltchcrs, Goblets, Napkin ltlng", Cups. FIu Knlve, pie Knives, I.mlles, Salt Ccllars,Cakc))ski'ls,Cnliirs, Salvrr. Candlesticks, Hiijrnr ll.i'kds, Colreo nudTeaUrn,IlutlerKuUe,nugiir.-poons, lco Spoons, Uravy Spoons, l.lipmr 8lnnd, "00 doz Spoons ami Forks. ar Dm r ais :bd :a. tit z Such ns T.ava Sol", Cameo Sets, .let Sets, Coral Sets, l!rncflel-,luchlc.orocry devrlptloii, Cloves, Jit nnd Oohl, Waleh Chains, hi various styles, Thimbles, goldiwd illver, Slecn Hill- Ions mid Stud, eviry nne ly, 1U0 Nick Chains. Cxxm-tia ifowolry! Such as Kir Kings, l!renl Flu", Cane Heads, Slcco ISuttiiiH nnd Studs, llraoelcls. With Oohl, (Juartr. and Ivmy Head. 100 ClilliliuiV Nils Knliv, I'mli nml Mitnmu SVXnzxtlo OIooUsj! Two doen line gill and bron.e ttatucllo .Mantle Clocks. O TT T Xs 23 X5. -5T I A largo iiworlmcnt nf Siiiorlur Table nnd I'Kket CutKry. Tfi'.MI of the nliuvo (Joo.h will Is) sold nl IhohiwiM possible inlcs.ns tho iitiilerslgiiisl l desirous or closing out his Imtuvlisu stuck liefoti) the llrst nf .March. UHy (5j 1 v.s.J'ir-- jXiJ.l'jr. I.Vrt L . wii'S Ws 1 SOI.IS lUKNT, 01:0. t. ciuaii:s, 1'iiiiNT Snimrr, His FniM-i'iti, h WiRS. WINSLOW, iN r.ifiliinsl Niimi' mill IV -'V. iiiiilt IMivsicltiii. itix-i. 'ins in llio ur leiilhul nriiHilhirs, lur SUOTlflXCl SYIlt7I ror Children Titthlriff, Hon in bii'Iui-ps, uiiillnllni wants of llie coiii' miiuiiy, in merll 11 slnuv nr the pulille palnui up'. wewniildclliMiioliKal luillallnii In call and examine nun-lock niul prlies, Uforuiiur-ihiItiKil's.Hliere. AU;r.STl,STAYI.01l, M. II. .MOItltlS. hVrbyillli-. S.-plunl. r in, IK..J. ailf Which greatly (.icllitulistheprni'i'ss iTIitIIiIii," -wtll';i11aV;.V'A.il'nini,lli.-.(,.s-.,lt,l..!l,i.l:,li;A'S Is mix Ii n I"' "' Ur llMil: IN Ik ml upon it, For behold ii Paimtcti it found thai rcstmes the Weak, A'cnvui JJypepttc. SiiJTcrcri tnVi any D'utait read wj theory: I1IAVH found that mot diseases prow falnl j that cully deaths occur I that people lite for yearn 11 living ocaiii, wiiik, inniiiinaiu nnu c.v liauted not from llio diseases Itself, but fiom nu Inablllly In nature, and nature's strenslh to withstand or maintain life through Ihorainges ofilbeae. fllvo them slrenglh,nudnaturelll relteiu herself, irsllinuhiliil. Shu has nlvi-n us , herbs mid plants tu cllict alt this. Purify thu blood, lender Hie Intestines, tho llier, tho limit, nnd all the imltuiil functions of man or woman active, nnd you haic half conrpiend dlicac. uocior.i.uajji Mi.iii,i. iiot.sconcicniioui assure all who read Id. Ihat ' SAM U 111; nr, I.NviunuvTlMl Coimilt. liroduccs nil the ef- fict aboieilccrllicd. llohasrccn, the old, the lolterlnir, thapaMeil, thoncrioiis, tho ilyspeji tic tho Inebriate, llio debauchee nnd tho linulhl, revive under Its Inlluences, ns If new Hie wire given tlii-m. When ci cry other remedy has failed j when jou have been doctored near lo death with Mer cury, Saivn pal Ilia, and oilier popular dcliHuns when, limn whatever cause, j 011 become weak, languid itiid idling, tli.n try thu must Llesrul llcrbabal Concoction. DR. JAOOD WEBDER'9 N.1MIL'll''II'.tt or, liitlKninllii(l'iirtllal, cnii'es slrcnglli- that Is Hi main iiunllly. The llrst operalioti tnnle 1 the partaker feels that s u sialism Is caused his skin Is d imp. Ids lluil nipple and nellie, he feels 11 wMi fur c-xnct!, mid know ho has strength to endure It ; he.li light spirited 1 Ids skin Inroincs clear ; hlsryi-s, Inn, ln-eaii'o his Hut Is iiade active, thu bile inn. trnll.'.il or ijiiled, mid his I1l1101lll1l111111ln1.il putllled. iriiuhnsn foul stomach, this nets as iinnpiilcnl, not iiiherwlse. Again, ll Inunedl alely relleiesbllcl.Iiig, pruunU nil itcciimula lion or wind la the stomaili. The stomach Is llio great ivcclvirordNi'ifcnud Ilscure. 1 will now ciiuniemtii a Tew or lhoe illseaMs wlu.ro 1 ham seen Hr.Wibbcr'sImlgonitliig Cordl.il nil mol luaiitlrully : I'trtr and . jw, CMls, Ih'mlHv, Cuiiiliiliaii, TnmU IniJ, Ihlirinn Trtmni, ,Voy tm.ir, (XnnhUl- fi'wt'it MiTiXifSS. ti if Maitrir, .Ijptilt vt Slniiylh, Tvifnr ( lie Aimliuiu A"ir, ,r ,(., Vr. Now ruddeii sleiillis, lunacy nml untirrsal de- blllty Is loo, Ion prcialeiil here ( nml who won. ilerswheiicouibliKdwIlh n climate like this. 11 dry nlr, Inipiegiialsil with sliclriclly and iinlv- iiiiism: Wch.no many who Iiniupa-ctl Ihioiiiih sickness, whoso life l lnleniH nue nnd ihlmneh- 11I, or h.noK-en others who hue Uen nearly dnelond to denlti by iiuiick lniit!cliics,nrhy llio iiililres.r" Hie ntctill who haiu Impregnalid them with mercury, calomel, Ac. Let such, nml those sick Horn inrlous causes, ns guiiralite- r.iURi'iiieiiloflhesysiim; nuikiiess Irmu irl- mis causes, il. : chiinnv ol cllmste, long skk- lie's, Ihv ue of nftieiirv. nr lalinr i,il,.,.L. nvir-docloml, from iiIhim s.f lutmu 11ml ht-r laws, by ilruiikeiinessgotiimaiidlliig, lUhaueh. iryiind iiihir mndCi imnMiiijr. bur nml K"f chills, rht um.it.cWusnlKic m.il nlhs r p iln. 111 iiiuiitHiy 111-nmiK want nl iipKtile, slitiinr memory, w.ur or billion. sIiiumcIi, llikllntf In llio mr, lie ilobinux, etc,, elc, Iry this. Ki-nil the iinmesiif 11 lnw limn Iminlr..!. ,.r ollnrsiuritl bv ll. .Mr. lMi.d.-c.iiiiicll,lili.piurliriirilio(.'llyiif San I ramln. Cal, eullliesln the line Iniilc, .tilimm.il l'llUtljrilll0,jallllCSurir. Ull. krs liitIpiiilliiK."auulllvr. .iir.Joiiiii. 1 icming, a Mrnhiinl Tailor, of sMHiir, in iiiiiinriini, etrilllis, Sept. 27, Im, thiil twulitilesi,ri)r. Mi blur's Cnnll.il cuisil .Mr. J.C. l.wins.nr llioniim.place.nl Kilns In Ihulmdy, slislKli-la, ihlllmiil luckliu i-nii..!.. ujrelhfrw llh cent Ml ihl.'lln-. ii,r,,i.t.. ,,,,.1 rheiimalle pains, ' " llr.Jiiint-s llonnaiit cerllll- In ihe curei.r a pilhilileeiiHinr iKvuyul mintinnil, (whin- ihe slrcnglli, m-rii-s, im mnry, mid Iho whole i,)ii. sliiuu wits pnt'lr.it(d) by lis lis.-. Mr.J11m1sFn-11t1111.11. .MokeliiuiMill,Mi)p: -..iy m-iinif was an cximiisHvii, a w.iul nl "iiiUKi". 11 iniHir, II Wlllll nl ll; ri I iV' 0 4 i-J-V -- -iri y -irfiVfri'ttaifZim aivtfJBAj t. YjmnijrMtiHM asfsn .v. ftrr i 1 ii lt-- 'III. Illlls. III., till. I iithi-ritllstlilblii fii'llii. One U,UU nf vnur A I.I ii --"-...... ..-.1 ,1.... .il. 11I or hy "- "u '" ",vy i" .oit jiiMittiuTuSXi iTwi i ii uTui7u i tui MV 11 TTr " ll M t J mi 1 1 -j ftllfcNllUNi MLLS e s V Ir-w .KfJ 3ni :b?-i T81,5 will, tt all limes, l. furnished wllh Iho U, Hie markn iilfniils. nnd no eiiK-nse or exertion siu.f. u 1 . ... (.eilliioll.ll head nn'l.vitnl nVlVO thn blllu-nrk and lookcil down upon tho-Wird, but no con nection between Ihe hlpani shore tool; place, cvivpt when some Im-ky fel'iw rceilvcd leave of iiltHMiee, when he movJ.is rapidly through Hie crowd as a hnfal n.ilril Uu rnul.l r,,rre him. It IsMtlmatcI llmtnnt less than fifly Ihoiuand pcoplo vWtnl Ihcdocl; on foot nlone,' Ollklllllll. I)i Ifl ... ..ll.ln.. l" .1... I . . . .1 ' ', iv ""'tni'B ws ii ywTn iviuner w no lomcej iipoiiTvr niSjcitle form fnn ihe decks of sun- irv .ii....icnt. i.ieriiiix-ynjpenrcil ilcli-'hln! id tiiiiiako his BH.ts fill AT IISIKK, CHAftQES MODEnATB, a iuTiii.Nt; ami ii.uu ji:i:s3iN(,'SAr.ooN llllKllllI 10 HlO HUIIH'. U"' (!. I'ATCIH.V, March 3, IK11..7. I'ruprlelor. OAKLAND IBEJH:5'eia.W2 oii'ltis County, Oyii. rpill;iindcrl;(nisl, proprietor of the Oiilimi ami cxiiectation. ludiin-'fror! Hm .(? .1 "'" ' """''' r,'-ps.HiHly nnnounco lo tho ..1, , ' Si. ,Z ' . i..rf0 ' "l(J "r'01 ri-l nubile Hi it ho has lltli.l im the al-iio lluM In lointcd. " ' ereatiy,.,.- SworIoi. stylo, . , im J ami repecll'iilly a.l.s lor .1 ciiulliiii.inee of the nirnSrrvi f,l P.li .1. t. pisbllf patlonaKO hirvlufiiro t-xteililol In him, ',".; fJrr. ;. ,,,n' ",,nnL',,tT(,x- piomwug nwt twwiiM m nn.i perimmts two years, has r icciede.1 n maklni;. I - "11 1 r 1 it 1 silicr steclof icry superhr spialiiy, for cun "("x' ",H "'"' l"' JM. metal. It nos.srfva nlltho .,Mi,i',u r.i..'tri. a ... ....11 r...ni.i..ui n... 1..1.. .1.... . . H. 1 ...! . I M.tll .1 .1 . "I SHU I III" lu.nii" u.w ..v.i ,i..,. 1. 1...., ...v ,. iivuit llll ivtllilil vuuvTJ Sll-vt lilimmip uiv "iwift, ...... . I, ...III MnMnt. I 1. .niM, nn.fn.l ...11.1. I IIV99 11 Hill llllill' HIV lliu?t n,-Vl.l I'UIISII lir burnished surface of Iho brit'litncf s and rcllec tlvo powers of a mirror. Tests by hydraulic pressure nml gunpowder explosion In closely sealed tubes, haio proved it at least three times stronger or tougher limn the best cost 'wlthu largo supply of llaj . and comfortable. .. Tlio lllll loi.b Stage Tatolo .riiriibhcil with tho lie.t t ho ', ".? tho day or wick. ..isc Mm i., urulllH,rlr market af. V Oooa the Stole, sleol heietoforo made: heneo Its sunerlnrltv.caiefully nttemlul to. 6itvl3lo for rllle nnd pistol barrels, and tho cylinders f revolving breach pin nrmi. Ah yet the cost of making this ncwsllicr steel" (so named,) i j somewhat greater than tho best cast steel used for nlco cutlery ; but the sav ing from tho losses in proof of the barrels and cylinders, and the greater safety lo tho users of (ire-arms, will abundantly compensate for the extra expense Incurred. At no moment of difficulty does a husband, knowing his own utter helplessness, draw so closely to his wife's sltlo for comfort and assistance Is when bo wauls a button to be sewed on his shirt collar. Frederick Hoffman, the difaultlni; Secrete of tho raciflo Mall Company, was rrrcstcd ,ly Cth, at Treuton Palls, Oileidi county, W 1 om, uuv ueintu nu i inv niuu. KJralu it. i'. sin:iti.i;v,. May.'., 180U.-tr.-Ili. Animals rietor. Thcqpbolis Fiskc has Ix-en appointed to n ip in too I'ost uiucc jicpanmcut. AMERICAN Hotel, Oi'on oout Oity. TIIH accommodations, both In tho K.ITIXG and SUir.NXU VMM ATJfiVAT.V, are mi eipuilled by tlioso nf uuy house In this paitof the Sta'e. The JIOOMSmo spacious umliiewly furnlehi-d, and cvciy attcntlou paid to tho com fort of lodger. Viii, Het uccoinmodatlon can bo extended to '.l.l.-'V, uud ut most moderate rales. .1. J. MuKAMAltA, Proprietor. April a 1, 18C0.-ll.tf. rpili lersli.'ii(il wl-hes In Inform Ids friends J. nnd Hm Ir.u i-llnir public Ih.u, hailni: Im pmiul IIioiiIkiio Kaucb.(lialf.w ay Utwceii Ker byi lie and Jacksomllle, runm-rly known ns Jlarkwell s ranch.i and inado nrningi-uivnts tilth a rnmlly to take charge nf the hou.f, Im H nuw I'riiianil in ncconimodato nil who may lialrou ue Mm, In the wry IsM style. THE TABLE M Hint all times Ni Hipplhsl itlih tholet tho ninikcl nilunU ; mid combined with Koik1 fabling, Hay and Orain. nndncarrliii S , .,.,, , " merit u shaic of public VV,t;,.1.,.Vu'M' '" ''"I to HL'Ull lll..uk lyl I'Mprlitnr. EAGLE JMIEWERY TU WHOM IT MAY CO.VC.'f.V, A Nl) HAKTICULAKIiY TO TIIOSH WHO CX. wish to gain strength, we ruommeinl tu Go to the KiikIc Hii'ut'ijj formerly owned by J. J. Ilolm.111, tihleh has lieeu purchased by Ibo undersigned, who will carry uu thu business, ami keep ciiii.tautly on baud a largo slock of the BEST LAGER BEER, w hliti they offer for salo at w holerale. In Ihelr bar room on the prcmbes they will not sell Iu less fmaiillty than 0110 bottlo or ipiuit, which Is Iho smallest doso (hey can prescribe for thu at lllcted, Thu patmnagu of ull louts ol Ibo bet el age, Is kindly tullclitil. .jusi.rii iW'.m;itr,..i 'ckfonvllle, Sipl. a, IKJ'J. tij Sobool X3ooIial THOrii; who want Selmol Hooks, will dnd them at the Jacksonville Hook and Variety stoic, corner Callfoi ula autl Oiegon streets. jr PAINTER. WT,i0'MKA"-Hi-Ai.STi:..,)W,;.W TYPE, PRESSES PK MI,TERIhL Taper, Cards, and Pi Inter's v. .,,.i smvnVy, ID 132 Oi; St., near Stmome, i., Vwrfeto, AMI 1 nuui I r.M'oi'itAtJi: 110,111: SlM"nilft"TV ",WW- iv . . 2 I" lli-.,!inlmtil.S;l'i,i,nii.,r a OHEGO:; AND VAS1I1NOT0N. 3 3 ' The WII.!..MirrTi:M-OI,u:N .MAN- rrACTrillNO COMIUNV hate now 011 hand mid will ciiiillime In liianufac- turctooplCrih. U-sl of DLANKETS, YAUN, AND and would lutttvjuii In fat nr us Willi joiirpaliniiugn All orders fur Iho uli-iiu (ioodswlll n-cilio j.ii.iiijit iiltvn- Hon. GOOD WOOL 3 Taken In HX'CIIANlii; for (iOOHS. Addn-1 Juiiill Watt. n i-tir u.i .i yjy .tviu, wicsuii. Vfyw VY-mtiimimirmrjmm TJmpqua Academy. POU THU Vlll l851)-0O. Hi:v. Is t.tu Du.uiv, .1. M., 1'rluclpal. Mus..M.C.I...w,N, ....fc:':'.I.,.Ji'J;u,t, Ing, .Music nml Niidlo Work. Tim Full Term nr 1 1 imks will com. Sen. !IT, " Wlulir ' ' 1 n i),.e, 1 1, " Spring " " ' ' ts jfarc, j-s, " Smiinier" " ' " 1 jiinu ., ti'ition iimm run kai-ii ti:iim 1 Primary Sclmbus, $u no Common HuglUIi kindles, 7 uu Higher " " j, ou l.alln. Creek, French, Irawlug,iuid Nee- dluwoik, each c.lrtt, ;i no Uii-lo u on " ilyii'iil, .Vs. nw nu Ills. ..; bfiictliui by mnllii r. ll will ulie n-l In lourn.ltcs. iind n in 11,1 Mill I't fr ivfilhln. 'We hue put up utul wdd this iirllclo Tor ntcr ten years, and cm in r..,S'A.f utul truth, nl ll, thil ni1 hiiti'iii'iiY Is sii mM-1 In ny of any mollelni'. A.r- "v"yi'' " "'"" '""'"' ill ! ',h',lc 11. m ,,.,..,!.',... , J sin- .i(T..y 11 . 1 .. i... vii iiinnrii nv uVuokutji:"15 laueo id ilbsat ?J.'il"l!i. uiii- nue wlui ii-nl It. (Iii llio I'liulrary ull are iKllnht'il with li otr.illuu, and sxl; In li-rms urhlghi-.tcoiuiiii'iiditimiol' ltsiiii.gle.il tlkcls niiiliiuilh-iil ilrlilis. M'e sieak In llilsmitter " 11'A.if ht ..(,.," nfler tin jsiirs exp-rltuci' anil Vnsf uir (imUlKit IU JulilliMnt nf leKit ut liireitpliiie. In idiuo.l etiry iii'l.iucu whtre Iho Infant Is sulli ling fi'iuu pain niul rliau.lnii, Itllefwill be louiid in lllliili nr Iweuly liiiuiites allr the syrup Is iidiiilubleriil. This valuable prep initloii is Iho prescription of one nf Ihe niu.t epiieuenl tniltii'i'nl imintln New Huglaiid, mid has lt.cn iisvd with imer-fml uyiutxtt, 111 M. illSlll.llllll Ml Villl".. a iinoinniv iciietes 11101111M imui ini" Inil'.'orates llio stomach nnd Ismib. inirecU neldity, and glies lnm nml energy Iu ihe whole swlelil. ll will r.lhic ilbuost lu-taiilly Orlpiiiff iii tho Unwell nml Windeollc, ,11111! nt rivouie coin ulslous, which. Ifliolsliei illly miicdUil, i-ud s-'0"A '" diatli. Ml IIk-IIviu It the I'm- '"'l "'"' "" ' l!,n,fbi Iu the M'lilldiS'lly world, In nil ciscsnfDvsi'ii (''(t'tlllliKf bry uud IH.ir riiu-A in sliilil w-w-'- - ren, wueiuir 11 nrlM-sfioui teething or Irom other vow. M'e would say In cure mother who has a ihlld tuf firing fiom uuy n'f the foregoing complaints, do not lei your prejudices, nor lliu prejudices of iiilurs, stand Itettvi'cn ymir siill'erlng child mid the n Hi filial will Iw sure yes, uholuktil lure tn follow iho iisu of lids iiieillvlue, if timely umd. Full illlecllniis will iiccoinpiny each bottle. Nona Bcuuino unletm Iho luc-sfiulle of Vl'KTIS ti I'l'MKlXS, New York, Is on the outside wrapin-r JUT-Sold by ilruggM throiighnut Iho world. r'luclp.tl OMUe, HI Cedar sln.il, N. Y. l'llie Only iii I'snU Hi- llullle. l'AUK .t wiiiri:. Fnla Nnwils for ,()'! J'jrllU' I'twisl , 1. 1.' Iv.i.liiugliu st., July 1 1, 18i:o.-;fi.iy.j s.m Fn1uclx.11. Co.illulrilletidimd Ihrcobaiu inllrcly curnl im-." ' M'e could lto nfly (illierccrlincali-s.iiolwlih-1 wtlsui n:i " J lHl;s. "p elng nitllri-ih bill ha ui.ii.. .".... ."...-.," "!..;... V.,".'.",,Uir-l"? n-n.itmi.i .... '" "iii'iy nny "! mo nin.i cuinrni' " '". j 1 'tin, THIS VKIIV 1IKMT ItlJJIEDV 1 FOR PUHIFYINQ THE BLOOD, Ami for llio Cure or scnoreis, srcnnonM cier.ns, rKvsr. souks, livsii cotirLAiMr, salt nm.CM, if.itrciiitL tiinixsrs, IIIIUMATUM, CVTANEUCS tllCI-tlll.ls, 1'ini'i.iJ, hills, uciluai. nuiLirr, .Vj. AND AH A GENKItA., TOXIO FOIt THE SYSTEJT, IT IM U.1IIIVAI,lii:il, ll lis lung Uen s mn,t linrsirlstit itotl.lf rstiim ln'Jr Uis 1 r.vllfD nt Incllrlne, li obtain rrtniHly slinltisr' Jr t tlil nnd scctinllngly wo dint It resorted to slrrsM -uiilrcrsi'l In cs.fi nf sjctufuls, I.trrr Msesios, Hslt j r.iuiini, (Icncrsl l'ruitrttloa ef tlm Vital l'o tr, "A't'Ak sll tlimo tuniiontlnir ilUcuci nf tlio sUsi Srtlf,f"JBI llio 1 stUnco sail Injurlitusj to tlio I enlili. Alllionch .ivM-ti ef iMWrrf.il Ittsllnj rn'rllis, It U tnUiul lisriiilrs, anil will liol Injurs tlio most DiaiCATK CONSTITUTION. M'lun In rfl lirslllt, notirt la ri1uil l-jr IU tits', rcr't nit InctraM l.f artlll tut ulieil iIIm-smi Ii srll In tlis frame, siul rsrrjrln? f.-t In 1U1I111 atviit tin) I'llli cf lit", then Its InysUiloiit Inlhiriieo liMtsmlssin) It enl.ln.llr ntwllfg ainl ilnr, siul Lilnf s Lcsilti unit itronglli In tlio lultvlllij nml ills casvL SCnOFULOUS SORE EYES. Tlio ftllmln( lnir.rtiiit testimony Is frntil J-iiUi Klntnn, U. I, la Hits ra-n Hi tarsrllla itnS lrcoiiiiiieiiilr.1 hy llio famlty l'lijtlclun. Messrs. rii-niil-Slrnltemen, Mjr lUlto itanililer, irlin unit iraf tM, was nlUrLr-1 wlilt a strtfuttiiia Imiiinr (n her ftr, itlilch s.m.h artrr rlrnIr.t Int'i Sirr eos ei'nlnir nlmmt ltul Mlniliieis In unn tif Ihoni, nn. ,11-lUiitlMC lirr w!aa.lo ran.. 1 finplninl ln jliyslrhiii in attend lier, Kim eliaii.lel llxlr Mount tllll in slrti her rrlkC Imt It 'l ritinl u--li-s. aii'l nnnlly uno tr lliein reiearknl lit 1110 tlal li li.l nti.oin iifsnnio SI llkliitf curi-s effirlml liv hamls ."iii.itsirliivaiiilnitil.nl iimtntryll I iiMalne.1 on U'U'r, hIiIi-Ii slip r.iiiiinence.1 u.lnir. and UTiire ll wao all ii.r.1 iii it livl urc'te-l an rnllro cure, ll Ii nuns mil ftur )cnr slnen alio was rnrtt, anil Mure has lin ti.t tmiiiaraiie iT Ids ilUeaso, sad no mo iU.Hi.il tut ll Ii n iTt.'.tt cure. UcsiTcirniir ri-tirs OKDI.di: IMIIINSO.f. Prepared and vt.l ly .1. II. tV II. H.VVIIS. IVI,U'M'n lliusst.u, IvO 1'ullon-tllul, curier r Milium, Neve !.rlc. IVr s.' 1 lir.WITT. KITTf.i: Jli '. It. .I0IIX-SiiN.VS'.i.o.ll:t.lllNi)liiNA.I'.L.rviS'ran4-lii i:ii;.i itiiriN. m,miii i: - -w Ai Cu, biiikiilu an-l 1 I'J.'.'I.U Bi'UuckiJTn lt..S.TII0MrS0.V, l)nijrtsl, 1 Om'J Ajrent for .lacksoiii Hie, Oregon DR. ROSBNBAUM'S " ci:i.i:mi 11 1:11 vidm.icii rort THE CURE OF DypffMO, Indipttiein, Ccmliml i ''"' Jimlilt, or tint It'll one '"''; "n't. i3 fieim si i.nirt'1' '' J lHt ,Vo",uu ' ...ii i. .', IHII. .,.. ..1,1 I.I. nf these .isvaers you till soon isj nin-s. it- io slo In i no i-iiuiir i i ciiiisrieiiHoiis y nwiir,,! n,t ,i ,, rra ly i-xirai.idl.iury p..,.n..l. (, iV ,"..,V sH-iiUtl.iiliel Itsiiatt nl f I),.) in,.inii,i . r it... '.'.'y'. I"!' ""'""'ebtl Iry ll, utul ihcy will I.. iLiuailll inr .at ll '.Inn,, .,, III. tall P nlal. .1 u lie iiulidiiMtiis In the iuo.1 il Hint,. i-,,ii.ii,. " r ni iiiiur ss-v nr a', In cniilallt mi mer- iiiiTiiruiin r iiiiiii rai. n is put up, tiryhluh. lycnncillMlid, Utttl Inillli-r. pilitt ij.l. tun litrsM. SnMiivviiry rc.xublu Urugjjlii In tullfornI.t ami On'gon. la-H-xaro nf lounb-rfi'lls. Si-o lint the name nf T Jom-nn nml J. Webl r, M. lhelupiirih...iiil.I.le wr.ipK.-r, uud blown In lliuclu-s. liiiv noiionlhir. Agtiils, I'AIIIC .V M,IIITi:.iin.liilwhoh-MiU. Pruglsls In S.m I'mm-biii. .Mauh ir.Cm'i. Iiiltlutlou IVe, Ineludlng liiel.Uiitiil' ifxp's': l'rlm.iry tMuiUn neb, Idruucid " Sludei.!;. will lie receive.! at any time, but mo lor lesatiian half nterm. 't'ho govern. eill in lliu rviivi will i scholar Im iktiiiiiv., vucuUptialllifly bid. X3o.sals.otw nxxel 1vi.Vm1 BASKETS and Tubs can bo found ut the' Jacksonville Hook and Variety ttore, cor ner California uud Oregon streets. 17 X3i"ulioa I TOOTH. Nail, filiating. Taint, Shop, Sablo and other brushed, at tho Jacksonville Hook uud Variety blore, corner Cal. and Oiegon sts. JUSTICES HLANKMoTTalTat 11113 OFFICE. none cent i mo saw will li Hrlctly iiarenti.l. and uu scnoiai- mi htiiiiivm1 tn reiiulu whuw, Inii,,. .'iicuMptiaiiiifiy inn. Hoarding may Im obtalntfi Mv imuset, ,,.(,.. u the nelglilxu hood iimih ri-.t-orvil,lu Unas. Jly oidir ol lloam ol irii.uvs s W.M. .MII.I.HH, 1'rr.s'r. 1- Orr.v, Scc'y. :ioif dugan"& wall, FORWABDING AND COMMISSION MEHOI3:A.ISrTSs ZSx'lols. XSxxllcUxxSt sUM:il FllONT ANJ l" SX.S., ORESCENT CITY. WII.1, attend to tho IUUEIVJNG and FOIL M'AIHJlNd of a' flowU KnlrualiVl" their Care, Willi I'ronmius ami UUiiatch, Vu. Couelis'iuiiuts tolkltid, Merchandise rccdvid on bOfsgc. Oct. 13,-a'Jif tmiCUIBfimi 1 1 xov nrta vo v , IwfsS "-.. A. - W; ..'L''"i'i""t,,,lAix l "''Miiti,r.si ) fnhlcli M'u a. n,.i i,,-i,,.i.' I,, ,,,,, . " . . vr : menu! e.-iiinry, In iheuictitipll huh.li ins It ,iH-iit Ih.Hi i;m,. ' .1 ,11. t....f. ... .. . '" iMiiniv-.,,-, irnisi pnjsivni- , .11.1.,.. I,.,.,.,... i. I m: . . " ' "ft has Ivs-ll Illl.ll.l7lll b. ii..1, 0V""",,iT'l'ieiiiM In iho .Mt.Vcil I' .euby.T, !,rVVy.Vv pr. scrllid bv idiie-l.-ulh- I1!- I'lu.i.Wis i,r the laud. 'Iry l!n in- FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP, First St., Haii Francisco. WJK continue In manufacture at thonbovo I T well l.iinwn ltalilitliinent, STEAM ENGINES, Quartz, Flour, Saw Mill and other Machinery, of every dwciipllon. Also, Inox and IIiiam Ctsrixtis. I'roiu tho long eierleiice ivo have had, and tho superior tools and maililutry, nml the very command, wo - Hinting out .itch, and at fl.il .111. kill....... .1 ..il tlm ll.mllln 0, ' .w. ffM,.pe, uu lliu t ..llt.U Ulllls, made nt short nolMI fo1' Qwai'la Orilcis for nil KludJ of ,orj. llll pioinpt nltenltou. ",u lcclvo l01)l)AHl),HANSC0M.tnANKnx, Jilly7,l6t;0..M l.alol.'mldatil.VCo. TAMKrj l'ATHIUK .V Co., Xlaah I1.-7 Sole Agents lor California. ai 'Mm i.MlWi1 'WM.'t'Ji.sUBm.. mo superior tools iitui maiiiiniry, nn J."-e collcelliiii of liatleunntoiirco I i" '(''deiit Hut our facilities lor I Ptoturosa t PICTURES wllh and ulllioiitlramcs: Look-Ingtilas'-CHof inrloiisklcs. Iu bo round ul tho Jacksonville Hook and Vniloly store. rTHir. copartmrslilp heretofore existing under .. lliu lliiinu ni iir.i.Miiiit iv jiimir.iii, in lilt snhiil lioiu this date by the iitlri'i:iciitirIiim bert. J. O. KHI.I.IKifi, A. IIUIIUHKT. Hm l'niicltco, April 2. lfcCO. i',i.,,l,rgnul will contlnuu Ilia business in .Hilling niul Assaying Uold mm silver, nt Ihe old aland nf Kellogg ,V lliiuiU'rt,No. HIS Mont gomery street, under Ihe style and Hun ol ivsllogg, Ilowotmi K Ct. They trust that Iho manner Inithlch the large buIiiessentriitttd Iu this istablbhmeut timing Iho past seven tears has lieeu conduclul, will lte n guat mites) to tho public for tho future, nnd w 111 lusiiio In tin m u lllsvr.il share of patiouage. Particular attention will be paid tu the anal ysls of Oies, Minerals. Milnls, M'ntus, l'io duct nf the Arts. Ac. Onliilnus on Ihewi soli. Jecls will Iw given at all times chen fully, with- oui vuaiKv. J. O. KI.I.LORU, JOHN IIKWSTOX.Jb, J. II. SIKAliXS. San Frands-co, April '., IgUO, Da. lIi:ivhTo', who U an Analytical Chemist uud Metallurgist, nml who was Ihe llrst Meltcr iiud Itclliier Iu Iho United Stales Hrutich .Mint iu this City, has been Iu chari'u of tho MrUlm. nml Assay l)ei.iilnieut In thuntllcc of Kcllog i. lluiubcit for Iho past lltuyeuis. Mr. Hri.-Aii.vs has licen uctlng ns Cashier for iuu riiiiiu ii-iigni ni nine. i I cheerfully coinmmd them to Iho -"lIo for their iapabi.I.y,i,,a,11U.glujl)i.u.i, April 31,1 6C0..3-- I. Olools.cs t A GOOD assortment of Clocks at Hit, Juck-' tout llio Hook and Yailely etoie, coi-.vr' waiiiorui.i aim uieuu ireeu. is uis"ON & KELLY, Cor. Main $ Centre its., Y TJ V. TV1- a T Keep coimaiilly on hnm arKU lim;,u.r or SADDLEH0RSE8.CARRIAQES.iU.. Fer tho nccoininodatlon of the traudlliig pub lic, liuiiileiit unliiialswrifully ntttmUil to. I, 20ti Hum -iiijuiiriviitlltiilliKii niidlo yor ay I'joissng. , ,. Ate yen slyspcptlcT-take these J.maih Ull. irs. .rf ion Milium? Iry o"' "l0 '"dllcs.anil lioi.liet.il ut niiee. .,,,,, Are ! hihiss'' Indigestion or con.lluv llmi?-rn' '" "'"viuso by Hie frw ite ul lheu "Uu" X 11. .1AC0IIS .V Co.. VWe l'rftntoii. C TIO.N. t'niiiiiii'Tsi,f Hn'oultminra Illlti-rsureciiiitliiiiiil agnln.l Ihe in-iiiy cnunter. r.11- now ulln.it In thu market, an.) i.ocs-lnlry "alii.t it chttip mill would--s ntllclo ealhil lloM'iiihrHllilt.rs. put iiiiitl.isi-:tvir.i-rs. Tunis r llroV, with Hm iitna,-,! friic'iill.ni nf lin-tlng nu Ihe well-uiriusl ivputntlminf Hummi binia's Illit' r, as it n-iu dial ugent In ull c.i-s o ily.u piu nud similar diseases. Dig genuluo Itu.iiiliiiiiii has our uaiio brniulul ouiailicork and our sigimtupi nn each l.itiel. ' X. II. .I.U'OILS it (t..l'rnprIcloH, Sansomo st cnriu r orCoiiunercl.il si., Mauh ."7, IMil.-uiiiU. Sail Francisco. " 10VS JA'ia, ORBOOW """ I.uvo Ii Iho icry pictry nfioetry l.oio lllinl blind, lis many iiocls wrlln ' l.utulitrs thn lofty I row-, thu spuiklng eye The itMte clear ihuk hair brown or dark nigh I. !.!!.? hn ! V" lll "l" tHi nIkrt ntfurls Mhlte. Kilstcnliig, luowy ledh, like li.olless IK-arls ; Such broalh, such tetli. ns ever I.ovo w onld suit Ale made by I.afouta Jamaica Soap Ti-ctiltool! And Iho worst hair ft, lino, dark sloes live. Touched by Jouu' Oir.tl llalrlteslomtlte And pure clear sl.luU jjUmi, from whlchd.-fi-ctt cIojkj When wa.lteil with Jjnes' Italian Chemical Sonii. These ically bcaiimil prcparallons foe th leelh, Iho bnnlh, lie hair: joxi:s' ri.u.ux cuumwal soap. The llnest similar soap made the mostemo lleut for washing lit'auls tho best shht inrlller icmntcs fitckli-s, sun burn, lau am) cruitlons, sores, Ac. Its pries is icducid to 23 cuts u cake now. ' mscowuun w:i.Tra,ui pour, jweatii. I.afout's Soap Tooth Hoot makes hem M it ldloiianot!',cloiiiv the mouth, longie, lliroat and guins, sueeliiis and purities Ihe bivath, anil heals binding o tender gums. It It without exception the lied Deulrllico made. no mom: i.iu)xi:ss on had hair. I, Henry 'A. Johnson, nf Hciilcla. do hcit-bv certify, -'Ulli July, 18.-..1, that I do coasldtr Jones Coral Hair Hcslorutli-o Iho lsxt Hair prciuuitloii intile. Ih.ivo seen It mukr Iho hair grow-. Hon Its tilling oil, cure tho daiUrull'. au.l sltcM the llntriiKut beaullfully. AW my cu u.niers iiho it. Tii-Sold lo- 2.1 and flu cents, each, bv all Driiirjlsts In Calllornla nnd Orrnon. l'AHIC ft, AVIIITK. 0 It O Y K Is Is ts Oil AN" i'l ItKUINGTOV Ss Co., Hats iviinclsco Agents. March 17.-Cm-9. HUNTINGTON & WALL'S WAXDO EXCHANGE BJXLrAKD SAI,003Sr AATAIaDO, Joii'jililiii) I'uunly, Urcgon. TIIH 'MVAI.DO EXCHANGE",'!, furnts e4mm with two superior I'ht-laii's late liniir,vf j Cushion imilaitlTablis. Keep ou baud at lbs ii I t.l at I liit itl. j.t.uiwl T Innniui n .1 af11nA .! (.. ' I Vtika, June 1, IcJS. Har thu cholwt liquors aud Clgari,cll4Hj " lliu iiiiiii:iiiid ill ouil I'lunciscit, i'ioiuiiieirjeneiai ucijuaiiiiancu and known ilcslre tli'iUCoiimuHl.ae. a Uljeiul share of nubile julrvmye liTiMicctlully soll-H'.oi. tuf r i1 i i