mmmwmmm Fjgfjnaag m:mmwm!mvmmm&mimE& 'AfcTFT. Ljm ?sf - fisl 1 .&- 1 ft vj inoi.tirrt I'nnniMPOtiiKNri!. ilia late Translation nliil nnhlication of Humboldt's let tcra have tiroiluccil n uroftium sensation In lltcror ilrclcs, ami I lie admirers of the great travel.' nro ilcscrthiff Mm by hundreds. The religious critics nro UTy severe upon the plur Ing InlMclity which lil.i letters disclose, wlillc the cnlm manner In which the author appears In all his great ttorks Is rndly marred by the exhibitions or Ill-nature ami tistincM which his prlratc correspondence thews to have been I'hnmctcrlstlc, A lalo copy of the New York Kvnnpch4 thus coiniiK'iitti : When his, death tvnsuinouncci., Kuroponml America, with tlio characteristic fomlnesj of our no for hero worship, viol with each oilier In uiiilcahlo I rife ns to the honor which iouM be Paid to his memory : nnd by crave tlivlnei, learned historians, eminent icholau, anil brilliant litteralaos, eutopics were deliver ed to his memory ns one of the greatest nml best of men. lib works and the utterances of Ms last hours were tortured to extract from I hem the evidence that he died lu the faith of I the Christiili). i A few months have pactl. nnd his conH den tin I corrcsnomlcnco with his life lonsr friend, Viirnhnecii on l!ne, l.pltcn to the world it culpable piece or Imprudence, wo admit, yet itciitiMtlon whether wu Iioii.iI mourn cry deeply after nil, that one of the world'it ldohi Is east down from his lofty pedestal. The rorre. poiiilctictftlcmotistriitcs most coticlusitcly that tlie philosopher was querulous, captious and contemptuous, even In regard to those whet had ponght to do htm favors, or to honor his scljntllla services : that the American Union, which he profon'cd to regard in highly, was tiic subject of hM fnipient nnd hitter jibes but most all of it shows, beyond a doubt, that in' was an tiller disbeliever in Uiritlnn Ity, nn admirer of Strauss' Ijbcti dean, whose conclusions he was ipille ready to rxrrpl. nnd " In fine, n I'nnthcist who recognized no Divinity except iinlure. Tin: SrniMi nr IS'iO. From nil imrts of the clvllired world accounts are received mentioning the late Hprlng ns one of the most remarkable on reconi. it lias not only Kin backward, hut the clmnzes of the weather have beiti sudden, seven', nnd nccom- patilcd in many places by extraordinary phe nomena and calamitous visitations. Thelloods in some of the districts of Trance and tier many, u's well ns in lluglnml uiul America, have been disastrous. In the Western United Htntcs Iheio have been fenrlul storms of linll mid frngmeiits of lee, n fall of the latter, of unprecedented character nnd violence, hav. In: occurred in ICnU'as. 'lie tornadoes which have swept Illinois, Ohio nnd ndjuccut regions, have been terribly destructive of human life. That which carried nway entire villages In Illinois may be classed mining the most mourn ful and wonderful events In history. .Showers of meteoric stones have taken .place In differ nit parts of the country, accounts of some cry remarkable ones being contained In our last Ditcrii new i. The same ntmoiihcrlc condition seems to have prevailed generally ocr Kurope, accompanied In some places by' combined tliunderoiid snow storms. In llcl-i glum, I ebruary I'JIh, there was nn unpre cedented fail of snow, ninl twelve churches were struck with lightning ll.c account say " slmultaiicou-ly, tit plua-s wide apart, com-prl-lle; nearly the whole breadth of the cimntry." Thcso were nt Uiyo, Courlral, Mallues nnd Antwerp. Some of them were completely destroyed. Meteorologists In Kng land nro collecting observations on Ihe uiiui ally backward Spriti. to compare with the record of tast yeurs with rciircnco to the cycle theory changes. I.imy.i.n ii v Wkkii. An exchange, speak in,' of tho rumor which sumo of the mild lie piiblicaus have gltw clreiilnlluii to, lint l.ln coin Is n conservative llepuhtlcan, remiiki : If iinyli'i-ly i'XKKt4coucrvalhm Ironi l.tnrohi, or any inihlIeutloii of the lob mity ol .Scuurd' -Itrciip'S'ibl.' roiilliet. he will hij disappointed, lur tw-ltftliimny of Thurl'iw Wivd, In the Albany -ii.iiw.f.iu. thew points Is lotheful lowln'i lli't: " OuucrvAtlsiii. lulls modern nr.d odious ense, has no rrprorntntlvo fn Mr. Lincoln. Itis war nznlii'l injustice, luhumiiilly nnd s-tavcry Is ol the "lrnpnsiblo" sort, nnd he ha no sympalhy with those whownuld whls ii r ciillhtl-n.amst niMirxgllMlfuy form. If he I. a rou ;h iliaijjfcWTL)liiiil one. Auholds I'liieiMrjvriiuiJeAirnriTsIn contempt, nnd would ns yiuii 'cotton' to u pickpocket us III It llilUgllf.KV,' , " This is hi nttltiida now. If he bo ns wis.' us ho Is thorough, lu will permit no timid friend to mtcrto him from Ids m.hlon, mid Jk'ttlll tuko l;o step backwanl,' to conciliate those ' wIiom) touch is death.'" I'lit.Y Mkn. In tho tintem part of Ohio tin ic rwldi ii nun luiiicd llronu, now n Jus lice of the IVuee.and u very sunlliV man, but. by roinmcn cotissnt, the ugllvt Individual In lliu West, U'lng lung, gaum, tallow, mid awry, with a piill hki u Liui'jtiroo. I Imi. .Itii Im urn I,, linnltn ninl nn' one or the mountain i funis he met n man on loot ninl alone, who was longer, gaunter, by nil odds than hiinsclf. lie could give the Hipdiv litly and lat him. Without saying u word, lirown ralrcil his gnu, uud ileliUrately KmIIuI It at thu stranger. " I'or Cod's sake, don't thout," i-houted the man in nlurni. " Stranger," rplleil Ilrown, " I sworn ten xrnrs ngo that IFcur I met t man uglicrlhan was, I'd shoot him, ami you uro the llrst one 1 have kiii," Tlio stranger nfter taking a careful survey pf his rival, replied : " Well, caiilaln, if I look any w nr?o than yon do, thoot. J don't want to livo nuy lungir!" Tun Kui'iixxs or 1'rami: ami tiik Dnr-s or Diana. A rarls letter. decribhig Ihe preliminarily to the I ato wondtrful fancy cos tume ball in that city, says ol the llmpress. who was unxiniis loappeur ns Diana: "Hut the Kmprcss found the drn of Diana, the liiiiilrcss, was in nioiu u lion in ner pain, in vain was thu klrtlo let down so that little more than two Inthi s ubovc her Majesty' ankle was visible. On prevailing hirself to the Kmpcror. the whole eostumo wus found iniNbsible. Her Majesty coaxed ninl wheedled, but Napoleon was iuiiuojb!e. The drcM was altogether Imposxiblo ; nnd so, at last, In that kind of lever to which even thu godliko minds of cm-pic.-s are amenable, her Majesty lUtumined uu aipenrlng simply In domino. Dkatii or Iinv Ilvnnv. Wo learn that, on tho 17th of .May, Jjidy Ilyron. the widow if tlit great poet, died ut Condon, in the sixty sixth icar of her nge. fho was horn in 17'Jl, nnd w as Iho only daughter ami heir of .Sir Jtaljili Milhanke Noel, Iluronet. In 1850 s-ho iiicccctkil to tho barony of Wentworlh. She was marrkd to lxrd Itiron In 181ft. thoimlon proving, ns is well known, most unhappy to boll! husband nnd wife, nnd ho lived with his wife, only soma 13dus. Their only child, " Ada, fo!o daughter of my houw and heart." was married to Karl I.oc!aco, ond died eight years ngo. Mnnuoxi)!, Urother Kimball nddrcssed foiiiu mitslonaries wlio wero about starliug on a proselyting tour, ns follows : " flretlireii, 1 wnut you to understand that It is not to bo ns it has been heretofore. Tho brother missionaries havo been in tho habit ol picking out tho prettiest for women before they got here, nnd bringing on the ugliest for us. Iiereufter you hava to bring them oil hero before taking any of thuin, and let us all bavo a fair shake." ' At an Kantciii Printers' ltiul, recently, tho (ollciving to.ut wim offered : II oi m ft'econd only to the l'rc id the liaseiuinalleu of uews." UNION HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. -IX I- BY LEWIS H. ZIGLEK. THIS widely known nnd established Hmw Is now kept by I,i: WIS II. .If! I. Kit. tinder his superintendence It w III be entirely re lilted, re-furnMicd with Sew IIciIsi nml llcdilliig) Xew Itoom Furniture, and In every way placed In first order. The ne coiiiiniiilnllons lor Riiesls luitp already Iktii laraely ntijudeil to, nml Ilia liioorletor can Mfi- ly promise all who patronize him. comrorls nod luxuries superior to any proihleil elsewhere In this section, ami not surpaxncd within the Stale. Tlx "TOsTolo wilt lie plenllfiilly supplied wtlh Iho liet ofevc rylhlnglhoinaiki'l nlud. Excellent and ex pcrli'iicol cooks lme been cngnged. who will enter for Iho tastes mid enjoj miil of the ep. cure, ns well as for the loer of plain, substan Ill every ilennrltiienl the IT N' I OX' IF 0'l''i li will 1h. in i,i. nml iiiahilnlmil a I'lHST t?f.ASS IIOUSi: hi whlel.l tial inie, travellers, trnnIent Illois nml )ii'rinaiuiil iiimnii'rs ran iuiku securo ami eiuoy eiery inn ture comfort ami olilulu cheerful icpou from tho fatigues, cares nml lalmrs oftlip day. The proiirielor respectfully solicits a contln nance of Ihe patronage which has formerly Ihtii iH-slonnl, nml assures lint public nn cuorls. upon Ids part will be spaird to desert e tho support oi the travelling as well as of the permanent com munity. The Stages to and from Yreka, Crescent City, Kcrhyvllle, and Northern Orrgnii nil arrive ut and depart rrnm I lie t'nlon Until, A supply of latest papers front nil parts of Iho Atlantic Stales ami tfils coast always kept In the llemtliig Itoom. Jacksonville, Novcinlicr f, 1MS.-I2lf ADAM S ' OB. Jk.t SnrclAnollon. r"pHI3 cstablbhed, fntorllc Hoiko U krptby ,L Cuts. Antm.t Co,, who are In every man ner piiptlcd In receive nml nccnniiuoil,ilo tran sient guests ami iii'rmancnl lioarilers. Tin llou-o Is situated near llin sntilh bank of Iliik'tio lllter, eleven inlb from Juck'outllh', nml nlMiut one mile from (iold Hill, upmi the main Oregon mud. A line, spacious Hall Is kept In readiness fur Parties, Halls ntid oilier fclltllli, every nr rntiKciiicut for can be made In short notice. Attached In thu nreuitses Is a line. Invariant Harden ami I'rult Orchard, with ample scope of pleasure ground. The proprietors) Inleml stmrlly In fit up com- miHiioiis iiaimui: iiuoms lur iiiuiiccoiiiiiuniaiion of Blil". Tlio I.anler nnd liar Is suptillitl wild nil Iho choicest varlellcs of Viands, Wines, l.hUorsnad jlt'trrages, which furvlgn or domestic inarlets can liirnMi. A gotxl stalilt Is nllarlied In the Hub I, nml ullcntite hostlers will keep care of horse en Int'ltd to Ihelr ehargo. lu slinrl.t'lTrylhlligralonlilrd In eombiri. In llivcomfiirt of guests and llulr niilm il. will be nliuudaiitly fund. Iml. Tkiivis MimriiAti:. June it;, iM;u.-.'jir. 'E AgIe" :: tei9 KBEBYVILLB. OLIVER j! EVANS, (i.Ti:oriiu:si.Ti: i uit.i. imtx:,) I - Tciii!ri:ci t x (Mr,M.1.i fM t, ...i ,i.A If IMII ... Ill ..... ..., l III" lift ll'l- llll'l III.' yubVie hi puenil llml lie has punha-nl Ihe llsulo lintel oflien. T. Vliilng, and Is now u-r-nini'iilly IikmIiiI In Kubytllli', wlnivln. will I In happy In hv all bis old eu-buuers ninl u many mw oiks ns m ty li in call, lb i......... i... .. J....1.I....I ...... .,if.... ,.. ,1... n...,r...i ..i ll"t- "s. M l..'11-ll.lll till. till. ll 1,1 I, III IKIIII.'ll ,,1 Ids giitfl Iii on rll a lontliiiiiiieu nr llintirt lllsral pitrou.iso ltnwul uiina Mm at the Sluto ('rvrk Ilium., and tral unaeiiuygn away dl.utl' TEAMSTERS! 'VQ.tiOOtl liccollllilul.ltloll pintldid for linlil slers. May I'.i, iMio I'.iu-lf'. PATCHIN'S Hotel, Crescent City, Cal. -ix:- rpili: proprietor of lhl well known Houe, .1. ( ins: i.uiiihT ami nor ii'iiiiii:ii rui.s- ct.NTfirv) riclfully lufurins hl Irieiul uud lliu piiiuiouciii rany uiai no is mor pnparitl in viitt limn iiit'-u linn iii.i(, i.iiur nun milium! Kilnm.iL'e. lu it sljle iiiimiiiiomiI l.y uuy other Hotel lu Nurlhiru C.ililuriila. This ohm', lU'ililin-r ami iT'ir FiiniitiH'o iiiv eiilh'L'ly iii'w.l'ij :iun r.:3nc iitll nt nit (tmirf 1m Iiiiiii.1i.h1 ulll. Ilu, tM.l ll,n .. ... ... .....-. .-. ......-... .. .- - .,,v I market iitl'onK and no ih'iio orcM-rllou rpar til lu m ike Ids uuvrt feel ,tl iinmu I OHARQE8 MODERATC, A II.VTIIINC ami'.-?lN(i SALOON ultacliid to llie Hoiim;. (J. PATCIUN. March 3, 1SC0..7. I'mprlitor, OAKLAND Oakland, Douglas County, Ogn. r-Mli:iinderlpntd..ropilelorofll,..Otki.tMi I II011.K, wouMrcpectlullyuiitioiiiieelutlio puiillo tlial lie nitiii up lliu uisivo lloiibo in IStxxiooviov Otylo, nml re.-pectlully arks lor it coiitlinuiniu of thu public palron,ij.'0 litietoforu evleudeil lu lilm, pioiiiislug that tranlers will llml Com I Jlomm nnd Uxl Jkifo, Tho rooms are well fuiuUhed, the UtU clean and comfortable. Tlio Tnlslo Will 1.0 fiirnl-hidMllh the best lliu market nr lord. liuiml by the day or wcW. HUijtt luiet Una limit Jur all jmrlt tht St'ite. wcV Crood Stvl3lo with a large supply of Hay and tiial'i. Animals carclully utteinti'd In. It. I'. SHIIUi.KV, rioprittor. May.',18C0.-tf.-l. anTerican Hotel, Ore oozxt Oity. TIIK necommoilatloni, Inth In tlio E.XTlXd and SLEKI'lSa .7'.l.T.lA'A7Y',arcun. equallvd by tliOMtof any bounu In lids part of tho Sla'c. The ItOOMSnxo tp.icloin audnenly fiirnlstied. and every utteutlou paid lo Iho com fort of lodger. Js-a. Hest accommodation can be extended to '.I. I, AW, nnd at inol moileralo niton. M. J. McXAMAUA, 1'ioiiritlor. Apillai, I8(iu.-ii-if. tBtotxool 33oolctt: rpiKWB who want School Honks will Uml .1 llieni nt Hie Jueksontllle Ilnnlt unit Vaiiily toie, cornel California and Oregon tliccfct. j CALIFORNIA STAGE CO,'.? TRIWEEKLY LINE rnoM Yreka to Jacksonville. OV and nrier Monday, March Jillli, ms, the Cnlirornla Stage ('oiiipnny will inn uTrl Weekly lino of (ioaehes between Yreka and JncksonUlIf, leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wcducsdays and Fridays, ami leaving tlio Union Hotel nt Jacksonville on Tucsiliij. g, Thiinsilaysi S. Hutunlays, Oonnetllng with the Company's coaches nt Yre ka for the following places t SHASTA, ki:d IH.UFl-'S, TKIIAMA, OIIOVII.I.K. MAllYSVIl.t.i:. SAUUAMKNTO, and all luternicdlntc points. I'liwiiuirslmoklng their names nt thoolHcc of Iho Califninln Staite Coiniiuv, Melioiiolllan Hotel, Yreka, will bo lurnblieil with through llcketsforanv of Iho n1mri nntwil phee. 1 1 tf WM. MijCONN, Agtnt. IMr "' Miit-U.M'!M. - THOMAS BOYCE, ADVERTISING AGENCY, VfOUTIIIIAST Comer or Montgomery and Xl Wnshhigloti Streets, San Francisco, Is authnrizcil Agent for the fullowlng licwspn pers t (liii'iiox Hkxtinki.. .Incksont llle, Oregon. rncltle Journal, Kugena City, " Oregon Times, Portland, " On-gon Argm, Oregon City, " Mercury, Saemmento, Cal. l!xptT, Marj-svllle. HutloHiwnl.Orovllle. Ilepubllcnn, Shinlii. Slerm, Downievllle. l'luirr llrnild, Auburn. I'lnrvr t'ouricr, Ynnkee.lim's. Mountain Mcengcr, t 1'orto. I'larcr Press", Auiiurn. Siskiyou Clironlclt', Ya'kn. Plumas Argus, iJtiliicy. Solano Herald, Hciilcfa. Alameda (Jnxette, San lA-andro. Democrat, Stockton. Amador Sintiuel, Jnekjon. Ilenild, Crescent City. Pacific .Sentinel, Saiiln Cruz. Tiinlumuo Coiirh r. Columhla. I'lilon Demoemt, Sononi. liii1eK'inlout, San Andreas. Tribune, San Joc. Southern Vineyard, Iis Angclul. Ill Clamor Publico, ' noif NOTICE! TO THE TRADE OF SoUTIIKHiV OllKGOIv! 3T0RAQE ANDFORWARDINQ. iiik.m:u'amhii.kiiii KTKA.SIKIl S JL. T ES X, I T 33 , Now running between SroHSIitug nml riiiiiiiu City, I s hiiaiiv to i:i:ci:ivi: riir.iniiT and I. pay charges In '('nluinlila,'' or otln r ves-cts thai may utrlte. A large nml commodious WARSUOVSS I ready fur Iherivi'iilloniifgilsiilSeolMiurg. Sldpn nt rnuii San I miicl-cn will llml ll in Ihelr adtunta'.-e tnglio IhN unite a lrtnl.atlio ting, mi road Is riii. I'tmii fimw ut nil sni-oii'. Con slgniiK'iiU will b-can lull v ulicmliil In. IH ler lo I ulkner, Hell ,V lit.. San Vt'.H .i Ami' rsou A (iletiti, Mauiy A H. rftTs, Jackson tllli'. r - " All litters of Imi, Inifss thoul, Ih illiertul to .. , " i .laiiM' lYalii, ls"ir Scnrrsiii ivn. Oils-. .lOII.V ii.Mtcitovirs Eclectic Jii.itncnt ! G 100H lor .Man and ll.'iil,s lor sale, whole I sab ami retail, nt t'orwillk litt ry siurleit of Irritation l ipilekly reducul by Ih iipplleiitlou oflld l.luliiienl. MAHIC THIS. The proprietor dccii not Intend his I.tnlmcut lo l e.vei llnl l.y uuy Unlni'mt lu llit-Nallniior the World. T hu illeet of llil mnliclnu iim tllKCMATISM, lllaj-worni, Swelled (Hand', Sore Nipples. Sure liieu.t, Hire ln'.nl. son llijiial,sorvol (ill kind', sprains, still Joints, ulci rs, tootii-aciii:, I'alns In Iho sphin nr luck, kiIoii oak, fro-l-bttes, burns, scald', fra-h cuts, tumors, Ac., Is nlnin-t Mlnieuloii'. II Is Ktiml fur lib-litinl, P.,11 i.i II ll.tiil i .itii rimiiti,,. k..r...t i..n.l...ltj .... h r..,,r .-, ..., splint, scratches, saddle or collar nulls, sprains, rliig-lmtio lu fact nil tibia- where an eler I i.i I iippllralloii I' icipilriil. Usii the l.liihueut lirclv, nnd neeonlluj lo illrecliou. JOHN HAIIIiltOVI.', snyl Side I'prnprleor. ivnncn V(fni .1..LIU1UM.111 i. r; jXr;:i t! Aiilcgaic CitcH, (. T. Till! under-lnitl wbbes lo laforui Ids friends uud tho liatillng piddle Hut, lining lm prnteil Ihenlsne l!aiieli,(liair-waybi'twciuKer-b.ttlllo ami .lnek'ouillle, formerly known an llaikwrU'K ranch,) ami made nrrangeiiieiits with it family In lake ehargo of llie Ihiiih1, he I iimv pri'iuiied In aceommnilato nil wlniiuy palinii Izehlm, In thu ttry Ut style. THE TABLE Will at nil times bo supplied with Iho I .eel the market alfords; and cnmuhicd wllli goihl Stabling, Ilay and Grain, uml a curt fill bustler lu ntlemlancv, he hopea to mult 11 share of public patronage. iii'd'H jii:ai's. lyl 1'ioprlelnr. I? Af1T 1? ml?"l1'l?l) V MllYXjljlll X)lXi2j ljl X IV WIIOM IT MAY COSClWXi A ND 1'AltTIClH.AItI.Y TO THOSIJ WHO C. w lth to gain slriiigth, we recommend lo (.0 .0 tlio Kuglo Jlifwery, formeily owned by J. J. Ilolman, which has Is en purcliariil by the unilernlKiiiil, who will carry on the business, and keep coiistuntly on baud n largu stock of lliu BEST LAGER BEER, which they offer for sale at wholesale. In their bar room on tlio prembes they will not sell In less ipiiintlty than one liotlle nr ipiait, which in llio smallest doso Ihey run inencrlbo for lliu at' lllclttl. The patronno of all lot cm ol the bev erage, Is Minlly kollclletl. JoriKiMnvirrnmKR. Jacksont llle, Sept. tl, lSntl. Si J. B. PAINTER, f I. ITK 11 ' U 1: A n A 1. 1 A I N T I! II A Ibulrr 111 ' 'I TYPE, PRESSES, PRINTINO MATERIAL . r 1- 111.l1.i-f, .-1. t, . 1 u per, uarus, uihi i rnner 11 oiock, gvueiuiiy, ID 132 Ctn'j St., ntar Siiuohu, Sin '-nirisro. Xnailiota and f ubul BASKETS and Tub can Imi found ut the Jackxonrlllo Hook and Variety store, cor ner California and Oiegon fctrei t. 17 t i TOOTH. Nail, lug. Paint, Shoo, Sablo ami other brushes, at the Jackiiouvlllollook and Variety store, corner Cal. and Oregon Ma. I L'STlCES l)i-ANKs"for "solo at t) THIS OITICE. B.F.DORRIS&BRO. OrefJcent City. ISTOVBS AT Matvaa. a'.a-3aK.?Jltj rpiIK Umlirstgiietl hnve now on hand it full X and complete nvortiiKiit of COOKING, PARLOR, SALOON 'STOVES! All l's Cut Mlo ii Tin KiKIrs, Tin, Shoot Iron, Copper & Wooden Ware. We arc now Importing our goods direct from aarii!-m'm "3irsp:Esr, nml will Sell for Cash an Low as any house In San 1'ianei'eo. Tlioe wishing In pincliasf lu our line, Stovos in Particular, nre rniuislisl In cull nml examine our stock and prler. All oiders will receive our pinmpl at tention. l!7m(5 IIIINJ. V. DOHIMS .t 11110. NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NliNViatlCJiS. 1 tri'iiTi 1 i .! 1 1 , - -f rn -ii..M.i j il. V jj.Ii, (Sueces-ors lo S. W. Sanger,) Korbyvillo, Oregon. itiisi'i.nrn.i.v ini'oiim Tin: rltlxi'iii of Josephine iiiiiulv mid llie public In giinral, that Ihey hate imiight the Vllllh' stock of l.'nnillnr Samuel W. SlHJer, and nro imtf nvidt hi fr.uu S in rninel-en 11 LA11GE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK nf rancy O. Staplo Dry Goods, Fino SC IXouvy Olothing, Hats, Caps, Oil Cloth, Carpoting, Wall pa per, Grocorios, Provisions, Eoots a. Shoes l..tlllr.s', MMstl-.- AMI lllll.l'lll'.N'fK'.lt.l' l.tSTIMI AMI Kill iltllllltx, IIOSNCr AMI IHIOSTItlH- MiNtiii, i'i:ii'Ki:nv.i!i,tss,tMiiji'i:,:.i.w'Aiii:, llir.MII AMI lillUKsril' l,lll)IIS, I'lllAIIS I'nCKirr fl'T- i.i.uv, Htniii.i.iv.tMi iiJi.wvBTiiKr wi.M.siirMMin fi'.Mi:riiiMi-V riiHil.i'. iill-s, rtixrsi, ix. IHitt' Kl.lSi.i-T((tMAXiTI. tV.tliKIII' .11.1. Vtl(,;nljl' Togelhir with many other g'i, i,im.r. In meutlnii, till of which we r iir,,,,,,,! ..ii ut mvaMv , REDUrlT PRICES.! OlIMilnMl 111V1 ulwiit- b, "sin ill pinni. (pitch'S, nml rt-i'ly pl.t'i" Unplug t-,v slrlel nllell llnu In bil-llie-s, nml lu III" wauls of llio enlil liiillitly, In merit tl sharn of III" pilldlo plliou its, we would lie 11 e inl'nl bit Itulimi In call 1111.I t'Miii:ln ourstiHk and prices, I. foro pur cha.lugt.lsi'nliiii. Al'Ll'isTISTAVLOIt, M. it. Mourns. K. rbytHI '. . pi mis r In, ISVJ. nilf rn ii l'ina r - i f . i , . i .1 a 1 1 fi .i. t--?-. r tnuiiu iiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiinniiiiil-N ATTENTION, ALL! fl v.Mtn it.w.i: iio.Aii: liMDUSTRY.I 'In llil .! iilmnlsiI'ninii (snr P n.T. .... ...i i,,.,i,iini P..-1T uux.iiu.1 nun waau-ftuiuft. c Tl,.. Mill 1 11 ITTI" in II T ee M I V. fi P 1 iti"ii 1. ivi; I'litin v-1. ........... w I ..- .1 III. -..'-.,. I I II. I, II ...... pm 011 hand ami will continue p linn in mill r Hie it or BLANKETS, YARN, AND 3 and would lutltvynu In latnr us with 3 iuuriialrniin.t'. All oiihrii lor lliu 3 idioio (ii)iU will reei lie piomptiitten- p 3 lion. I GOOD WOOL 3 Tabu In CMuAMii: for (iOOlirf. 3 AiMivm .loiciili V,, .. 1 t .1 n.. . .. r . iuu b.ih'iu, irrj;u. ry l' . .,rfVWt.WS1WlfcWrfJ,.. -.-- 'j TV1! !' Illlllll til 1 III! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "" . ryrrrr.'n'TTTZSj-i-j.'' -rrjy Unipqua Academy, roit Tin: yiJau is.-.i.-oo. I!t:v. IsttcDii.uiv,.!. .M., I'rlm-Ijial. ' lbtaul. Miw. M, C. Dii.iiv. Teacher of I'renih, Draw ing, .Miilc uud NcvOJu Woilc. The Tall Ttlin of 11 week will com. Sep. 21.. " Winter " " " " " Hie. 11. " Spilug " " " " " " March 1:'. " Summer" " " " " " June -I. Tl'ITIHX II tTfiS lOlt IIACII TKIIM I Primary M (in Common llnlUli otiidle, 7 no lllithcr " " 6 ou Latin, fircek. Firm h, Drawing, uud Nee dle work, tach extra,, ..... n 0(1 Music 8 UU Iiilllalloii IVcbiclii'lliigluildeulal litp's: I'llnury VlioUi'.. each, , Au .blvanced " " 1 00 Student will bo icsvttctl at unv time, lml cone lor lei than ir.'.l' 11 term, 'fhu govern m.nt of lliu school vlll In strictly parental, nnd no scholar Ihi icrmittcd lo leuialn tvlio.e Iiitlu nice is poMlttcly biul. Iloaiillug may bo ntitalneil and houses rented In thuiiclglilwiiinod oi.)ii ren-ouablu term.. Jly older of Doaul of 'I'm. lees : W.M..M I l,l,i:il, 1'1'KS'T. K. Orr.v, Sco'y. aoif DIGAN &1TALLJ FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Uriels. XXiilldlus, COUNKIt I'UOM' ANJ F STS., OliKSCENT CITY. WILL nltrud to Iho 1tl.UKlVJ.NG nnd l'OIt. W.VUIil.NO M 'ill fiOOlU Illlllll. il (o Hit If C'air, ttllli l'linniilliiss nml l)lwlili. XQ.l.OII.I"llllie Ii tollcltld. Merchandize Oct. 13.-3VH nceitid ou ntui At J. W. Tucker's1 San Francisco, Cal., MAY DE FOUND $300,000 WOUTK Or T1IB Is'ISFKST GOODS!! liver displayed In any country. Such ns : at a. m: nmr jl imi In ltlngs, Pins, liar Itlngs, Ilracclcts, etc. -mar ym. r.M.-" c3 vjk 3eq m 9 jnn I'lno rlohl Wnlchcs. from nil Iho cele brated linkers, Including the cclebnt tid I'hillna .Mott incut, nt prices ranging liom IjilM. to y 100. Ji.i.:n."V3 3t.-iV3fa5S Such as Tea Sets, Dinner Set", l'llchrrs, Onblcln, Niipkln ltlug, Cups, l'lsli I.'nltei, Tie Knltes, Ladles. Salt Cillurs,C,al.oIlaikels,Castoi's, Sa'.vcrs. Candlesticks', Sugar lla-kel, CofTeo anilTcal'rus,IlutterKnlves,SiigarSiootis, Ice Spoons. Ornvy Spoons, I.lipior Slnml, (HO do. Spoons and I'm k. Such n t.avn Sets. Cameo Sets, Jet Sets, Contl Sets, llrnci'lets, lluckles.oretiry dcserlpllon. Crosses, Jet nml (iohl, Watch Chill n, In tarluiis tit lcs,TlilliiUcs, gold and sllter, Sleet u Hut- tons nnd Stud, eveiytnr.t'- ty, 1U0 Neck Chntns. Ouni'tz T o w olryl Such ns liar lllngs, llrensl 1'lns, Cane Heads, Sleet e nullum nml Minn, iiiaciicn. tK3v3i.?ar33S8tf9 ,. Willi Onld, quarlr. nnd Itory Head', toil I'lillihriis' Xr( Knire, I'diU ninl WInhim. 3VXil11o t Two do.eii lliu' gill nml bn)ii.o slatuetto .Mantle Clocks. O XT 1 Xj 33 Xt "V t A law assortment or Superior Table mid Pocket Culbry. -. Ill ,.r ll,n iiIhiIii (iltOlls will I"' Sold 111 Ihe lowest mlbli! ratef. ns the uiidelslniiul Is ihsslhi is ori'l.e-lng out Ids Imniinse stock In nnv Ihe llrsl of March. i:t-ly Y OFFICE, GOLD AND SILVER "REFINERY 0 F M. .1 US'J'il, III JliiiilKinnti)' Hlirrl, Mini I'rniulMii, I'nl, I, iio.ti ninl niur iidi (list ,.r .i..hh. 1 1 biiirtl nit" A .(' Oitlee and Hold nnd Slln ' llelhiny In Alessrs. HI'.M'AN, SIIKIiMAN . l.'n wlm will conduct Iho lu-im-s nf A-niiIu;: ami Itelhilui: lu the iiiamiir uud 011 the liriu Uliiwslali.l. 'Ihaiiklin: my fibmlsnml Iho pul.lle fur Ihe ptlroii'igo I haie rtvltitl from lloui, I beir In riilii ril' nitn-lf l JL'STII. Sail, IMi. H, HSCD. Tho uii'icrslsiii'd hat big associated lliciiiw'ltes Ingi Hit r Tor Ihe purpOK. of can vIiik on ihubu. Ine-sofAi-atliiiiiid lb-lining IJohl and Sllter. will l. prunil. kii nnd nllir Iho llrl of .Mart b notl, to reecho il'-po.ll Tor Aialiig uud lie llubig, ami tiimiko rcliirus lu I'liittnl liars, Ittllued liars or Fulled Slalm Coin, ut Hie op tion ol drHisIiors. 'I he ehnrjea will Ik. at follows : Wiicv Iii 11 ax .tin: Mint: iv I'M'tiiTcn Huh. , iineipi.irlir ol'one k.t cent, on Ihe tulueoflhe liars. I Wiii'v Itiniuss .tin: mho: inUi'iixkh Iltus, leu cents nr ox. oil lie) gro-s wol-lit alter luell lu;: j nml iinis.lMifiilh ofont. vrceiil. on Ihe tabu, ofearh bar titer llto thouMiid dollars; on each lur under III 11 thousand dollars, leu lint. I pero, on llio gros weight alter milling, and ' nuiM-lghlh of ouuicr cent. ou lliu tulue of lliu' 'llir. , Wiikv i::ti'iis .tin: Mini: iv I'mtkh Srtn ' 1 Ciiiv. li-ii i-iiiU 11 r 11. 1111 llio Lrnsswetelitiifier melting, iimi iiiio-lialtofnueHT cent lor coin, ngo ; Mug fiuir cint 'r o. lo than the pres ent ehiigvs of Ihe I'. S. lltiilteli .Mint In re. Sllter contained III Iho (iold will be iirrnunt id for to Iho ilcpn-llor III thu m inner and ut llir rate cii.teui.ny nt lliu t'.S. Ilr.tuch Mini. I'lip.iilnl Kirs will lodellti nil sit: hours nf lir of Ihe Cold or Sllter If ilc-lrcd. Ittllued Ham or lliille.1 Slates roln wlllU'de. llverullour days (not luchiilingSiiudas) iifltr Iho id po-it of the Cold or Siltir, tU.: returns ol dt im-lt of .Mnmlay will bo payable on Friday, Tuenlay ' " Saturday, WiHlneiilay " " Morula)-, Thuinl.iy " Tuexlay, Friday " " We.luenlay, Saturday " " Thursday. lVr-ons deIious of seeing their Ould or Silver melted can do su ; and the uw-ny chip, from eaib ilt' will Is. kept Mparalo for three mouths, at tin dbpoi-ltliiu of Iho depo.llor, In ouler In iillouletiry laclllly fur lollug the curutiie.s of lilt' I1SMV, Ami h (if Ores and Minerals untie. ' liuld uml ,'tllttrll.irs puichaeil, Mr. ILJl'STII wllllm Asmtir and Urdncr, uml Mr. llOllliltT lllHINim'tVliler mid Uvu Supciliili'inleiil of our Cital.ll.linicut. DU.VOAX, SlIUIt.MAN k Co., of New York, nnd AI-S01' ic Co. March 17, lSC0.-3m-'J. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP, Flint Nt., K1111 Francisco. w II rontlnuo In manufacture at tho above wcll-kiiuwu IMublbliment, STEAM ENGINES, Quartz, STlour, Maw IV1.11 and othor Machinory, or Ptery description, Abo, lito. nnd Hium U.isriMis. From the long cxpeilcnco tvo have had, and thu superior tools and machinery, and llio vtry larco collection or patterns nt our command, we reel coiillilent that our facilities lor turning out thoU'st sttle of woik. tvltu dbiiatch. nud ut I the lowest lutes, uro not surpassed ou llio 1'aclUc I coabt. Hiissla Iron Ncrnwa for Quartz JllllSf iiiuiiu ut snori nonce. Ordeis I'or all kliuU or work will rccelvo luompt utteutlou. (iOHDAltD.HANSf'OM k RANKIX, July 7, ISC 0.-l Late Uoddurd i Co. y soi.t: aok.vt, v (il'iO. T. (iltl.MI'.S, 7 I'iiiint Srm'i.'T. riuncn. .. . -.. r ... I A SS A sick oregonians rejoice For MM a Panacea tifoaml that taloicslht Weak, Xtrvous Dyycptie. Stifftnrli to'.i any l)irt,n( read ny ihtory: I HA VI. found that most diseases piotc fiiltil ; Unit early dcnlhs occur l that people lite lor J rears a lltbigtlcnlh. weak, Inanimate nml ex-laustrtl-not from the tllsenes Itself, bill Trout nn Inability lu nature, ami nature's strength to withstand or maintain life through (he rat ages of disease. Cite them slieiigth, nnd nature will relieve hcMlr, If sllamhitiil. She hits given us herbs uml iilniits to eltict nil this. Purify the I iiinod, lender llio inlcsllnes, the liter, llio Heart, iftii'l nil the natural functions of man or woman nciive, ninl 011 havo Imir conqutrul license. i'ocior.iAi.uii iioei con-elf nuoii'iy I nmc nil who tend this, that hi SANtlUll' ll'.ll. or. iNtinoiitTlMi ConiiMt. luoiluces nil Iho el' 'feet nboieilen'rllicil. llchnsscill, the old, Ihe loitering, the pal'Ied, Ihe nirvou, the dyspoji lie Ihe liiebrlale, the debauchee ami the lilt ullil, ret Ivc under Hi liillueiices, as If new life wile git en them. When ctery other remedy has failed when ou hatu lieen doclortd near lo death with Mir eury,Siirsaparllla, nml other popularilclusloiis ; when, Irom whalcicr cause, ou liecome weak, languid ami idling, then try the most blcssul Itirbithul I'oncoctlou, DR. JAOOD WEODErt'O KAMU'll'IISHl nc, IlitlyomlliiK fnnllnl, Is Its main ntinllly. The llrsl operation Ionic I llie pal taker feels that su Is caused -his skin Istliinti. his Ibiihs siiiilontid nctlte, holielsn tibli for ctcrclse, ami knows he his strength to endure It; he Is iigm spiiiien 1 nissKinnecnmescicnr ( his eyes, too, Ik eiiiise bis lit er Is -nnile acltte, lht blli licit or ijeelctl, nml hl blood thinned and pillllled. Ifbe has n foul slomaeh, this acts as an aperient, not olherwbe. Again, It luimetlt ulcly rt lievrs belching, iirvt enl nn ncciimula- lion or wind lu tlm iliuiiach. Ihe sloumili Is the gnat reeeltirordbeasennil ilsciirt'. I will now enumerate n few of Iho-o ilbm-es where I haie Hin Dr. Wibljcr's Inilgunillng Cordial act most huitiltlully 1 Alrrr ami Atfiv, Vluttt, I),!mI!ii, Ciivlijnllon, 7itii4- liny, llilitiijm 7VdH, .Stniln,r, Omrliln- IijImI W'kiIiiih, Ittn if ilimmi, .Ij'ittU vfMnnttt, IWpnr , Hi'.I'hikImi$ ( Xnlnrr, tee., t,r.. Av. Now million death", lunacy ninl de btllly l loo, loiipretnlent hire) ami who won. ihrs when coiiibluid with 11 climate like lids, a dry ulr, linprrgnalul wllh cbclrlclly ninl gnlv niilsiiiT Wt.hati'uinuywliohavcpa.rtil through sickness, whose life Ii lulemptraic mid ihbauiii isl, or hate sti'ii nlhers who han been nearly itncbiiul loilenlh byouack mnllelnes, or he the advice of" Ihe lacilly ' who hate Impregnated them with mercury, calomel, Ac. 1-1 rnrh. ninl Iho-uslck fiotii tnliotii causes, ns general 1I1 MiigciiH nt tr Hie s stun) weakness Irom tnrl mis caiiies, tlx 1 rlningc id rllmnle, lung sick ness, .the use or mercury, or being otherwise nvt r-doctnretl, Irmu nbuM of tiatuie nmlhtr laws, by drunkenue-s, goiirmatiillslug, ilebaiich irynml nlher eieissis, trembling, feter ninl ngiiuihllls, rheumatic, ni'iiratglc nnd ulherpilus lu Ihe bily or llinli'. wiuil or npinlllc, slot p or memory, sour or billions stomach, tickling lu Ihe ciir, lie doloreuv, tli1!, ele., try lids. Itead the iinmesof uliw lium humlrcds of olliirsruriil by ll. Mr. Dathl Se.inncll, lnle.herlirof Ibc I'lly or Si I'mncben, I'nl., nr lilies In Ihe line Ionic, limine and niitlili.vcptlciiutllltc or Dr. Wtb Isr'n lutlgolalliigSaiigiilller. Mr. John II. Fleming, n Merchant Tailor, or Ophlr, In California, cirlllles, Sept. '.'7. I Ml, that two Isilllcsul Dr. WibU-r's l.'onllal cureil Mr. .1. 0. 1.wi ns, nf Ihe in me place, or pilns hi the body, i!viMpIa, lIiIII nml hacking cniigh. Ingellurwlih geiitiid tlebllily, inuralalo nml tlieiiiaalle pains. Dr. James Hniimnt 2 .".. ,u i.n "ij;i 'Jrn ViiiilriTeeiistfor ileeaynl iti'itihood, (when Ihe slituglli, iiertcs, hlrtuory, nml Ihe whole pliy- siiinu nun iniintitt(j ntv ns 11-.', .tlr, Jimii's I'm loan. of. okebinuioll"l. su; : "My Tiding wns nn cxliiii.tloii, 11 waul nf stmiiith, 11 lorpnr, 11 want nf Igor, (ips'lc mid nthtr lulxlalili. fulhigs. One bottlo of jour Conllul nllivid uud three hate eutlrely I' in-." ' Wo enuld give fifty othercc rllflcutcs, notwith standing Hint iim.i Hrsou nro SCIIsllltl' Illsilll Mnif ik'UiiiI. tun , .,U niu.t iilbl'v ant- H'llHlllullle K'TOII. 1 lie n-iider l coiisrHillnusly n'sanil llml lids rrnlly I'Mnmritluary panacea l nil ll Is it pre AMiitd. nnd I' iml inn' or lh, uo,irnm nf ihe day. lal Iheiillllcliil try ll, uud Ih-y will Is llniiiklul for hat Ini; done so, H is wiirrautid In Inj iiiiliijiiihuiM In moit il llcate cnu-lllil-llnu. nr In either h' nr ..', In contain 110 ins r I'liiyornthir mhu'iul. It Is put up, ter.t'hlsili ly coiicinlralid, ln'piart liillb". price t.;t, tun mr tf.1. Sold bt etiry u-sK.i'lal,le Dmgll In Califurul.i uud Oregon, (IUwaiv i.r counlerf'IN. Seo Hint the name on' Joiiimiii and J. MiMVr, M. D.. Is 0,1 lliu top of llm out.lde wrapper, m.d bluwu In Ihe glars, Uuy none iillu r. Agents, PAUK . WHITC nml all whnlesale Dric-gbls lu San I'mud-co. Maich 17-ihn tl. ':,f;'!""-..Vv "'lnf..r'rt"""' .IA.MI.S I'ATIIICK. A- C(i., March 3,-7 Sole Agents lor Cnlirornla. 'JM MW1 -.'' JLaIB.. nIIII copartnership heretofore cxbtlug under A. Iho naiiio of Kiu.ijiuii k Uriiiu.iiT. Is ills Milt itl Irom IIiU date by Iho retliemont of Hum bert. J. 0. KKI.I.OOG, A. 1U.M1JI.UT. Fan Tranclxo, April 2, IbCO. Tun nndcrslgnnl will continue tho builness or Melting and Ami lug (Iold nnd Silver, nt the old atnnd nl' Kellogg ,V Humlxrt.No. 1 OS Mont gomeiy street, under iho style mid llnu ol Kellogg, Ilcwktou ti Co, They trust that tho manner in which Iho largo business cull Uitcd lo this cutablhhmcut dining Iho put set en cars has been conducted, will lw nguar.iutcu lo Iho pulillcfortholiiture.andwlll In.-uio lo them a liberal share of patronage. Particular utteutlou will bo paid to the anal ysis of Ores, Minerals, Meluls, Waters, I'lo. iluet of tho Arts, Au. Opinions ou theso sub Jeets will lu git en at all limes cheerfully, with out charge. J. O. KlXLOGG, JOll.VUKWKTOX.Jn., J. II. STKAKXS. San Francbco, April 2, 18U0. Dn. IIkw-stov, who Is an Analytical Chemist nnd Mctulluri;Ut, and who was tlio llrst Melter uud Itelluer lu Iho United States branch Mint in this City, has been lu ehargo or the Melting nml Assay Department lu the olllco of Kellog ,t Iliimticrt for the past lite years. Mr. i-iKiiiMi has been acting its Cashier for tho Mino length of lime. I cbcci fully commend them to tho public, for their caiuMllty oudintegiily. A. IIUMHEUT. Aprll21,18C0.-3m.ll. CARSON & KELLY, Cor, Main & Mil Centre iU., YREKA. CAL. Keen constantly 011 baud a large number of SADDLE HORSES, CARRIAGES,.-, I For tho nccommoilatlon of the travelling piilc lle. Transient nnbnals caicfully altcnded to. 1 Yickn, Juno I, lt.51.. 2Vtf ..", tlh s-OS '.lsWn Mma&T Tin: vititv iiiwt iM..Mi.nY FOR rURIFYINO THE BLOOD, Anil for llio Cure nf sennrett, 1 r.v r. sour, salt 101 tin, mii.iu.niii, N-ll-Lks, DILLS, sTcnnonH 11 cms, lirru murLAixr, MlllCCniAL MSKAStS, ctamiics rianiots, utMiiuL i1F.n11.1rr, Ac. AND AH A Gi:Xi:ilAL TOXIO FOR TIIK SVST1.1., IT IH lNIUVAMiKU. ll IimIusk xtn most linjwrUnt ilrl trrstiu In lh .Mll.o of inntlelnts In ot.UIn rrrnt slmltsf (1 tills ami srcohllntts- we Jln.l It mortal to slmmt linlrrrsslljr In ns of Scrvfult, I.ltsf I'lscssos, I'.twiiin, llcn.rsl l'rolrllun of lh VlUt IViwtrs, Hint II llnisf InnusntlnK illsssisa of tin ilia M trying Us Ihs itlfnre sn.l Injnrhnti lo tlisa licsllh. Although I-.m..... f -,-rf f ful hcillnn iTopcrllci, ll Is tBtlltl listuilf", n 111 not Injurs llir (notl DELICATE CONBTITDTIOK. Wlirn In ixrf.ct loslili, no clrVct Is Toliirf.l If Its , escrpl n Incrcs-o of pptltl tol tlisti tlissssn Is sralt'l In Ida frame sn.l tutjht fvt Its tltllm slotut llie ilti of llff, Itisn Us liirlnl,iu Inltusnra It frit sn'l srsn II rnlilml'ct nsw llfo ti-t ft, snt J.tlnsi Ii.allli ant itrcngtli lo llio lulTcrlnrf tint OU uwt. scnorutous bore etes. Tlio '..ltotrlnit ItnpnrUnt Irsllnionj- ll from South Klmrston, ll. I. lit ttils rasa Hit Haimpadlla M Ifcotnmch.lisl t-jr lk fainll t'lirtlclan. Messrs. H-Misi (Isntlfinsn, My lltllo itaimlilsr, vtlirn (Kin J car oil, was atlackttl wllli scrorslmis liiiiimr 011 hrr fici". sililcU nkmi nr f tnnlnl lilt's her ryes cmslntf sIiiomI IhIaI t,!ltitiirii In ona of llirin, ami ill-IUutlna: lur lili fiM. I riiiptoss.1 Itro 1 lirslrlirn 10 ailrinl lirr, hIi.i tiliamtiil llirlr lllinml kill lit giro hrr rrlltt 1-sit It alt iMrr-t " li-ss, an,1 nitaltjr ih,o of Ihnti rrtnarkr,! In mo thai h livl kiinisn ol initio slrlklnff mrra rITrcti-il ,y lan,ts farsapullla. ai, ttlsr.1 ma lo irr It, I ot.lalnM on Mtle, tslilrli ihr ri,iniiiriirrl ii'liif, an, Uf,.ra ll was 'l iisnl (ii It lna-1 rITietnl an etillro mrr. It Is oow our fmr )iars ilnro alio was rnrisl, an1 tlirro hal trn nn rraoiarasn. of Iha illiiasr, anil wo aja. salWlnl ll ll a -rf,rt mrr. Itsflvrlfullj" j-onrs, n:oi!(ii: itonisiinM'.' I'km'M and sold Ir ,t. II. V It. HtMlsl. vii..lrw'i tirnnisK lis) 1'uituti-strrct, corcir ut tt'llltaiii, Nrr Yolk. I'or sa'. ly IH'.tVITT. KITTf.i: On. tl. JOIISf-H(lN.t.l'n.U'.i:iilN(llilNAiCii,.!'i' lilt'i: .t. COI'I'IN, MarsilHi.t a II. Mi IIUNALU A Ci,l!acrainmii an, Ijr lru j-jl.ll fni.iaUjf. Ii.H.TIIO.MI'f-O.V, Druggist, IOiiiO Agent for ilnihsnntllle, Orei;oii DR. ROSBNBAUM'S i:i.i:iiit.'i: t. r.wn.wn for the curte or- ".''"'"" liliRtli), t'nmhjHilinii, l fJ ApjiUtc, vr 11117 llilliinit ( (iiaj'lrnilt nii'i 1 iik Dam a iiivilait ik.o.i J Ihe Stnmaei nr lluirilu A I, I. (if Ilu e vnu nil) snrm Is; relier. nl nf by the ns nf lln'ssi llllltians per (IU rti'llnn nn llio buttles. 'Ihlsjirent mill-il)siep. lie Is the n'siill nf piiiruiuid nnd clalairale sliidy nriiiieiifllie nio'l celibmlnl h)lclans of lliu (III Slia illlllll J 1 III IlltJ rtVlutM,.!!.!!,!,,,,,! fw 1.1.1, in hits Irccly sJH'iit both lime uud iimncy. Wo ilu mil he.Itale to iitllriu that ttliiru Hr. l!oen Ilium's Slum tell Hitlers; mvusnl 11 iaoiir Fever and A;iit'i'iiuiiiil nceur. II his li-u miiiltnl by th" most sell ultl'.e tin 1. ibis In iho MiiI'ckI 1 iiniltt.nml Is nmt piiH-rllsilbyiiliie-lenthaor tin. I'litsleluus nf Ihe Iimi. Tiy Ihem lot th 1,1 nn t,uiircoultlutlon, mnl l;h jour tny i.Jolclujr. Ale j mi ilyspeilic: taKe then' Stomach lilt, leis. A iv ) ou billions; -try one of Ihe liotlles, ami Ik) rt lift (il nl iniee. Arejnii iiuun.tetl by Indigestion nrcontlpn. ihm . ix mote Ihe came by Iho fiecii.oof Ihcso Ititlus. X. 11. .1 A CO I IS A Co.. SJt J'ropmhri. C. I'T JO,V,t'nnMiuiers of Itiist'iitaiim'n llltlemiiittiMiilliiueil u;'a!ul the many iiiunter ftlls imivulliMl In thu 111 11 'kiI, uml c.pcclnlly mjaln-t 11 elit-ap nml norlhh's nillcle eallitl Ito.enchl's lllltirs, put up lu lids city by Messrs. Turner Urn's,, tilth the awmed intention of invjliifj on Iho tiitl-e.iiunl reputation nr Itnsen IsiumV Hitters, us a remttllul ii;eut lu all case nf ilysiicpda nml similar iIIscih-s. The cenulno ItoM'ulsium has niir iiaiuti biamlnl ouinihcorli. uud our slyuatiini 011 1 itch laln.1. X. H..IAt,'t)II.S k Co.,rronrletorf, Sansiuiio sl corner iifComineiotul st Mauli :7, ISi;o.-fni'J. San Fruucbco. . " 10V23 lV.fE,'0IU300rfl" I.oto Is llm very oelry of melry l.ovo Is not blind, ns many oct write I.oto totes Iho lnlty bruiv, Iho sncuWutf ryi, 'lliotthlto clear check hair bruit 11 or dark at iilKht. I.ove loves to lilss Ihe lips that apart uufurla White, Hll'lcnln..', tnotty teeth, like spotlen M?arts j Such brenlb, such teeth, as ever l.ovo would suit, Aiu made by I.ul'ont'a Jumatcr, Soap Teeth Hoot, And Ihe iinrst hair soft, flue, dark (loci live, Touched by Jones' Coral Hair Itestoratlve And pure clear tlilu la- kIvcii, front which tlcfcclt eloo When washed tt lth Jones' Italian Chemical Sot p. Theso really U'liutlfiil preparations, for tht teeth, the breath, Iho hair: JOKES' n.lU.IX CIIUMCAL SOAP. The llne.t ihailiiK coup made tho most emo llent for tialilii; InlanU the belt skin purltlcr reinnu'S IrrcKles, fuu bum, Ian and cruptioM, sores, Ac. IU price U nduccd to ii centi cnKo now. lusvowunn n:r.Tiian,i mw. mieatu. I.afont's S0.111 Tooth Hoot make them M tt hltc as snow, clean..-; Ihe mouth, tongue, throat nml Kums sttcelcns and purllle- tho breath, and heals bleeding or tender gums. It U without exception llie best Pcntriilco made. no .10.: hau)Xi:ss or had haw. I, Henry .. Johnson, of Ilcnlcla, do hereby certify, iUlli July, 18.15, that I do consider JoueV Coral Hair ltc.torativo tho best Hair pi eparatlou mad. 1 have seen It mako llie hair Krmv, stop lis lalllnjr oil', cure the dandruff, and dress tho Hair moat beautifully. All my cus tomers llko It. IB-Sold for 23 nnd 50 ccnln, each, by ftll Druui.bU lu Ciilllnrnla and Oregon. 1'AllK & AVIIlTi:. 0 It O V K hh k OnANH nnd ItllUlXGTON & Co., Kan Francisco Agent. March J7.-6in-9. HUNTINGTON & WALL'9. WALDO EXOBANGS, BILLIARD &ALOOW Jor)ililno louiilj-, Uimif Tlin "WALDO i:.CHANOr." Is. (lirnlshed with two superior I'lielnu'H lato Improved Cushion billiard Tnblcit. Keep on hand ut thu liar the choicest Liquors and Cifjar,sclcvcd by the pioprlctors in .an i'luncisco. Finm their general acquaintance and knovn drstie lo lU'conunodnte, .1 lilicral slmie of nuldlc pntiuliav Ii r'.'sputlully solicit, Jlf -4 sT ' J i i c i m m$s&