f -( nxi :&t vj 7.ltl'.'W a LJW1 PMr't mikzmeaa mwrnimri .M...iIiiII.IIHIIIMIImiI. I sissps niynnma I i TTf- -" " - HmTrlii IsksrVQI ' mi am i nanLasEtaeiu.iiB. kwiii ii w a awrtfw .HUM 11 1 . WlWlM wow iiil'ui.iTf Ji'.tj.1 .' r "Tffi?1 THE OREGON SENTINEL. vn $5 PER ANNUM. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 21, I860. VOL. V. NO. 27. j i, 1 ' THE OREGON SENTINEL lMittl Illicit every Hniiirilny, ty CMBARA & FRB ANER, KIHTOItH ASH pnOPIMKTOItl. JAS. 0 MKAItV, f. Ik IIIt'.VM'.tl. Offlco over Cluggngo & Drum's Stables. TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION i (I.V AMMM'K.) One Copy, Ono Year ' "0 Uno Copy, Six Months 1 ) One Copy, Three Moulin 'I "0 ADVERTISING RATES: One fttuart, of Twelve Lines or 1cm, First In Kitloi).a 00 ; ami for each sun.ipiciil luscr .Ion, ft 00. Professional or IluslncM Card", lavcli ?yinrr, per minimi. no I for Sit .Month", l.i 00 j for Three Month', J10IW. A liberal ill-count will lw made In peronswho advertise to the extent or four KimirtT. Tho mimlx-r of lnTlloni should fio marked on the margin of advertisements. J. K. ACKLEY, House, Sign, Carrltmcjniitt Ormi- iiirnltil . PAINTER OILDINQ, GLAZING, MARBLING, PAPER HANGING, &o. Mixed Paints, Fully, Cluri', nu.l llrushc for sl. Jacksonville, Ocl. 8, 18.19. .W DR. C. FOPPOLI, sunn n.; rn ) vie, i.v.i xiuyauvm:i:. Ofllrr nml liillrmnr)' illrrctnlTinM If. .Minhu'h SniKirr, Iackmnvii i.i:, Ou.v. DIt. C. FOITOl.I w Im cnnMillnl for nil kinds nl iltreiiH-n nml due utletitlon will also Ixi directed to Female uml Children", com plaints. Dr. F. ba til' IKplomi nml Ilia testimonial" of many persons Tor proor ul Ms wccctoliii men .11,. ... ., Ul.Miii. line iniiiiiieiii. IlKIm PKTIill DIt ITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST JrUxiilllr,Orr gnu. Is prcpnird to tAko Picture. In every styloid" (he Art, with nil tho 1IV iinpturtMiiciil". If In -ml rIioRililnctI(ill.lii.V.17S'1III IwnU'le. I (.'nil nt Funk' Clgsr Hint, or at Ihu (iklli-r.v on Urn Mill, ami hv hi. Picture". 1 Itf SEwmGltf'Aoiinm" M.TTHi:sl'.H, IIKDIIIMl A.l TKVIW. S II tVII nml m-it iinliv lliuiu. tin. KJ Ing uinl paper lluuglng. by A. C. ALIIERTS, ! CiVunu I S'ml, 'r hpj", "Law and Collection Oflico. (1 10. II, WII.I.IMH. A. C till IH. (liilofhUr Ju.llco.) WILLIAMS & GIBBS. I'orlluml. Ort'Ktm. Will iiroctU-u In the CourUof Orogon nml Arofhlnstoii IVrrlto-lw. NociiiUt, 18.'i8. JWtfrfi B. F. DOWELL, ATTOllNKY AT LAW, JM-kaiiutlllr, ()rK'ii. Will iirarlloe In nil Ihu Conrlx of Ihu M .ImlU clal IH-lrlcl, Ihu Siiinmo Court uf Olefin, nml In Vrrkii, ("l. , , I'nrllcul.ir nttrntlon nM to irocur!iitC l.inl WarninU uml vullectlng cUluu ujraln.l llicCnv rrmnvnt. 'My THOMPSON & GREER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Jurkinnt lllr, )i Kirn. nico, at tho "JftckfOinlllo Drua Siore." nnrlh .Muof Cnllfornla ulral, Ihliil door uUivo Ihv Union Hoiim. i. h. Tiiouivov. m. ii. u, w, (iut:i:ii, m. h. July 3, 18.1H. Mt DR. L. GANUNG, I'hy.'lrUn, HurKinil nml Arnurlirr, .lackxoiivillc, (ITSII. OWce, on Ciiltforntii klrvct, fvcoud door from the Tin Shop. Tho InrBi'rt and lict fclectlon of DriiR' nml Patent Medicine. conMunlly on hum!. 'Jim! CHA8. B. BROOKS, M. O., HAS I.OC.VTi:i) IN JACKPONVIM.i:, nnd olfcrit liU profi-olonal wrvlccn In tliU com. timiilly In tliu practlco of MiiUrint, Hariri uml OMtirut. OHIco on California utreet, ucxt door to Nen lier'a Jewelry utoro. Call, nttended to nt nil hour of day or night. March nt, 18C0..1l-ir REED & BERGEN, Attorney at I. aw, lUrlng acIuU'd tlieniMJlven togelher In tho Practlco or Law In Jos-phlno County, Oregon, will attend to nny IhiMiu-m enlru.tid to their cnio luai couuiy. September 8, 1M9. 3ltf C. P. SPRAGUE, Attorney and Counselor ut Law, WJI.I. practlco In tho several Courtu of tho Flint Judicial DUtrlct ol Oiikoii, and nt tend promptly to Imelnepa cntmslctl to hi. care. Offlco nt krUtUYVU.U.', Jo'cphluo county, Oregon. 020y. JOS. H. BLEDSOE, Attorney nml Counselor nt taw, WlT.Ti practice In all (ho Courti held In Jack ton and JoKcnhtno couutlca, and In the (Supremo Court of Ihu State. 2 Itf, J. H. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,JAl'KtNVIII'12, CM1V., Will attend to any hulnce confided to him In tho Mvernl Com Is of tho Fir.t Judicial llUtrlct pf OreKon, nnd In the Supremo Court. M. R, HAYDEN, Attorney onU Coiuuelor nt I.w, Offlco onpoBlto Dr. M. C, lliukwcll'n Prng tore, Kcrlty vllle, Oregon. March 31-tM 1. f A FISK lot of Clold IVn, with silver holders. i ana, wiinnui, i ino jnci.")iiviiio iionKnmi vittviy Vly iuv, cevi(Cf Ca. aud. Orcyon sreo, PIONEER STORE. tACOII A. Hill VNF.ll, I ,,. inns-A.llnr.WKii. Oim riuwinu. Jtickimnllt, J. A.UltUlVIVEIt&llllO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DDALERS IN Dry Gr o o L m , Olotloiias, Boots dts Slioes C3-arooo3?io i jl v- o. j . y j la Jo-welry, to. Illsl Itcrelvt'il (vlii. lied IlluITi nnd Crca- rent Clly,) anil ()ciitil, ll Ki'c.ili AsM)iiiiit!iit )!' LADIES' nnd GENTS' FURNISHING 4-CI5 Tl'. nc tho nlletillnii of lh. rltlr.cn of i Hniiu ISUer Valley uml Iclnlly, In call nnd I'Mitnliio our well SELECTED STOCK, lidnri! purchase tlcttherc, miwc know llicy will nuo money ny nt noiii. T A "II C,. I") 110. Imve determined I. IV, .IJ. CV.l) lolhclHreliir e:ir liiniiii,1, uml tlll theri'loro !! piml'. illlur ror ch'Ii, or lo rrrpniiMiile inircn.iN-r, on Chor.p and Easy Torinul Plt( 1 nCM,J. nl (,1' l"lcM ,(I" n1"' im Iiikvii ill i'U'iiaiiH' lor cimhi. Our rcsiilin jmrtnoi' nt Sun l'mik-U'cmlll fiirnlfh iih nnkly with rTo-cr Grooda, , wli'eJi will eimhltf n lo do n luro nnd peiienil mcrclmnil'liiij Imrliie". nt u cry tmullndt ance ou Kan riuurlrco llrpt co.t. hL j.i.vxe Ino. uncKnunTiiie. rtpru it, iMiii.-inir. t,, ,n. . ,rr-?.v .:r. "ESKMAN'S vkr:m:wi5tHH C. C. IVTCKKMAN it: vi:ii iii;.inii.iiTiiK 12 .".. .E2- ,BB, 3B53 AM CS BANKING BUSINESS, lit III old rl.iml. Ill -lilcknmxllle, eiill!niti .III r lii!( hi n'l-i'ini' ul Ihe Ii'l, liy U'm. llortMis, I;-1.. w'tl I'nudiiel lie IhuIiii'pi. n l-r.ir. Tin i:iiMi'iivn.liiekoullli! hy Iho Cull I'oriilu Hmi' Co.V ciMt'hi'. for 'Tar:ac:a-::K:-tn. I'nnj 'liitliii, 'Jiiurufoi uml Salurihi, Utlunuugon Moiuhty, M'nhiKilaionil 1'iiJtiij, nnd coiinccllni; Willi WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S lAire In nil mrl of California, tho Atlantic HliiteKuml Kiii'mh, Sight Bills of Eschcingo iirneiirid, punMo In nnyof tho Atlantic vltle', Cauad i, or llurope. GOLD DUST ML4'wm",a.-r:a: BOUGHT!! procured fiom nuy Kpre or l'ot OlIIco tu California. Cn'ilixll'iii" nmdi', uml rvoryllilng npivrlnln. liU lolholpreM liii-Iiii'iiiiiinillvolli mini In. I'.irllriilarulli'iillou paid In tilling Onler. of cvtry deKilplloii,ut nka, uml any point U--low. The p-iliouuftt! of tho puhllo In ropccirully hj llclled. Jaekfonillle, )icrmlirr.1l, 18.Vj.sVI. BLACKSJUTfflNGT IN ALL ITSJRANCHES ! aij:axi)i:u (Jcrrj) aiAirri.v, RI3l'i:CTl''Ui.i,V unnouneeii to hN ft lend uml tho puMIs generally that ho coiillnuei Tho Blaclismitliing Businocs In Ilia Imlldtnjr formerly occuplnl l.y Win. Ilurke, ou Oiliunwi .Srrrf, ilimthj Kul'vf Uuy ijittjf V llrlllilt .VijWrf. i.trry peciei in w oiKiiono iii tiiuiicct manner nml nllh ijulek d!piteli. rarilcuiar nllcullou citen to repairing Plous?i laroxxo, and to HORSESHOEING, mid to a.'i'os and rcpalrlnaAG" J "" GJ&" linliiK Twol, Picks, Jlnm, fie, nmdu lo order, of tho very but material, In Ihu most approved si Ion. All wink W.lilt.NTi:n. ALEXANDER MAUiIX. JncKfomllle, January II, 16(,0.-J:'ir. DR. JOHN HERRBOLD, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DIt. IIIMUlOIiU nnnnunccs tohUfnim erpalioiiH uud tho public generally, that ho Im icturucd to Jacksonville nml located per nmueiitly, tu ciiifiigo lit tho piuotlco of lit. pro fewlnu. Ti:i:TH e.tiacled. and nil ill. ease, uf tho Xt ll.V.t.V 77.7.7', treated nml ciireTl. Teeth tilletl in tho most uiiiii oed manner, nnd warruutctl lor two year.. Teeth Inserted, aud cntlro plate, inado tu order. All mv wurk will bo executed at ereallvrc. duced price.. uj-umiiiry proiiuco or every dcFcription, wood, coal, egi, butter, poultry, Mock, Ac, taken Iu n.umiiit nt coluir maiket mice., us auli, Hut my tcim. am luvailably CASH. Xooltot Oxxtloi'S't TIIi:i!i; can bo found u Hue lot or poekel Cut biy nt lhe.lacksoulllo ItooK nml Variety stole, toiiui Caifoi'na dinOirsnn slrccli. Till te s.E3sTIJSJEI,', W & d.VSZ&iFZ 3300K AND JOB uifffla a Jacksonville, Orogon PLA'IjjI ?JS!D lfcE3V hook m) .ion riiLvriMii! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed with Nenlnen nod Dispatch, lit tho LEST STYLE OF THE ART, AT ' V1.T.Y LO V PIIICJJS To Suit tlie Time.. Our norlmenl of tnnlerl.il l new nnd exlen Ie. nml nil unlen for I 'lain. Ornnineiilnl. nml l'liney rilnlliisr. proiniillV mini In n manner that will not full In KlOKitlractliiu. A rull uorltiieut of ,w III, tKK, Mich im liiil, .Mort g.xrf, .iiiHliioiiv. -iiIii,i im., Lvectilloiix, Me., nlwnyii ou Ii nnl, uml lor miIo ehenp. HO ! FOR GOLD HILL ! FOVR nORS2 STAGE LINE. TfOIl llm nocnmmcMl ill.ui of peroni wMiIiik , In Mt tho womlerful (iolil Qunrt. ill I n im nt Cold Hill, l!ie mli-erllier will run n ZDfJhJZXSIT 3L.I3NTE3 In nnd from there, with FOUU. JlOliSli STACKS, from nnd nfler thin dale. Tin Hinge will linto Jacksonville, limn the I'NION IIOTIIli, eery mornluK (Sutidayn luelmlnl) nt V u'cliH'k t nml returning, will liuu Cold Hill nt :i o'clock ev ery nlleruoon. PAnOELO AND LIQHT FRCIQHT taken ou rcnpjiinMu term. Tor I'niiMiie or 1'reliihl. npnlv ul tho iUk of IN Union llolel, or to tho ml-erlU r. " jlWli. iniiv iiiMiimiit JiSeV,;ti".Mi"ch 21, iotio..in.ir. j ?.; or j- Livoryai1 Sales Stables. lornrr..! t Uf,,r"" "" '""rll. Kln.l.. JIV C-r.lTAwTfc DRUM. TIlliJIISTAIU.lVnioren S2& Inilly I'MMtnl. mid (ouveiilint In III" I llloii Hold. llol uml iiiiiIfii will do kept hy tho day or wiik, nt iiiothruli'i'li'irKi''. The pniprleior. hao nver.il lino BUGGIES &. CARRIAGES, fur uno nr Inn linr., lo let ou ieaiiu.il.le lerm. AI.MI; Good SaddloZf orsos&XMCulos, which Ihey will let In pi loniiy p.irtof lliovouu. try, ou reiiMinalilo linn. Animals Jlourjltt nnd Sold. nml linr'e. Iirukn to tho Hiddlo or hurtle. The proprlelorn ph ilo llieill.ellen lo clio Ml Irfnelloii Iii nil who may f.nor them with a call, Jaekmnvllle, O. T. Illlf !. COOL, EUROICAL AND MECHANICAL Ollkc At llU IlKflllUMT, ciul cml of Cull lornlii Hreet. TT,: .L.L iu Wll.l. l'KIII'OIIM Al.f, iieee'niry oik i-allmn In hi. lino of iiii'lniw, lit lliolali'kl uud iiiott luiprnwil t le. Tr.rni insiiif.ioii UUJ.IJU Mm J. J.liX i rri Xi . ill fllll kl'lh Ol' ill lUU'tri. IIH II111V III) llllllll. Z'ox-ixxst iOASIl. 42 ly. KohtlHiiK, . T. Gi:o. uoss has TAicr.x llio liiillilinj,' ou 1 1 io corner opim- JPB1 flu- tho Amerlcuu Hotel, relltled mid .Si TiZ urniiiycil tho t'.iiuo MiItaMo for a LIVERY STABLE, Whero hu keep4 Hoie mid IltiKglc.ut ull timen ready to ueeniiimod ito eutoui(ri. 1'roin hUloiia nml wclPknouii experience, he I lO.'o to iiromUo lluit nil nnlmalii left In hi. . J m clriro hall how ell uml lallhlully ullendid to. Aiivaj. reuuy io nccuuuiioiMio LiiK.ir lor cash. Ilinebiir. n 1, IMS. ISIf HARDY ELLIFF TTAS crecltd a New uml Commodlou. Tav- iXern .Stand nt thu b'uullt I'M of tho lilt; Canyon, DOUGLAS COUNTV, 0. T Whero ho U pri pared to nccoinmodato tho pub. Ilo In K0ld stlv. The loni; re.ldencu of Iho proprietor ut ttila polu ireclude4 the ucccifelly of sayliijr that His Tabia will lio ns well furuUhcd u. the country afford. Til J3"t.tl I. supplied wllh liny nml Grain In abundance. Animal will iecelo particular Attention. Duty ntleutlmt paid to tender those who call camfottuhlu mid Mtlslled. -JGtf lACKSONVILLE CEMETERY I :x: NOTicn is iii:iii:iiv oivi:n. That tho CEMETERY GROUNDS baioliecn completely mreyed, fenced In, aud divided Into appropriulu lob. l'rom aud after thU dale, In termeut.wlll not lw nerniltted until application U had to Mes,r.. HUlll'KK A I, INN, Jackrau villi'. Partte. do.Irlns tu imrcliato unliable ploti for FAMILY BURYING GROUNDS, Vault-i, Monuments, ,Vo can secure them upon application to tho above named gentlemen. ny orutr oi ino llOAItll OK TIHTSTLIS. Jackwiii Itle, DccemlKT lo. l8i?.-tf.lT, i.- SADDLEEY AMD HftBHSSXf -!:- HKNnr JtmiK, J. llK.S'JAMIS KUItV, Judge & Emry, IN CLUG0AQE & CHUM'S BUILDING, JACKSONVILLE, OQN. WH Imvc now on hand tho largest and belt nxortment or Saddlory and Harness Ware, ever hroiiuht In Southern OrCKoli. ' MAN'S SADDLKS, WP HIUDLKS, STIRUUW, SPURS, MAlt- TIXUAI.ES, SUItCIXQAIiS, or every variety, clcRant and plain. Harness, v. Single and Double, Plated and Plain, Tji COLLARS, I'AIM, HA.MES, WHIPS, HITS, II ALTERS, PISTOL IIOFr- STKI1S. PIIVSICIAXS AXDORIU- NARV SADDI.K RAILS. IIORSK JILAXKiri'S, litteil nml rtmiiel, faney nml plain, ROII EH nml SklNS. LEATHER. RUCIC HKI.V, &v Ac, Ac, Ac. "rrRACE SADDLES mmln lo order, with ccr.vtliliiK cnmplele, nnd Itnnninj; S-heeln. Tnko Notlco that this is tho only Shop which hits the Gcnulno CONCORD COACH HARNESS. Wr iinko tho real, flinon puro PENNSYLVANIA HARNESS, full rlirKcd, with IIKI.LS and COLLAIt 1-Clt.S, or plain. Wu make our own CUSTOM WORK, mid lluMi It In tho lierl manner. Old or lalet lle of every specie, of wotk, fnll'iHeil njrreenbfy In Ihe lale. of our pttmiK Cull nnd cvmiiluc our .lock before purchu.lti.' elKewhere. Wo S P. I. n V II P. A l nnd do Cimtoin Work nl Inwe'l llvluir price.. It RPA I 1 1 1 NCJ- 'lone nt ihnrt nollce. Order. I rum u ilMitucv prouiplly nlleuded to. All nru luvlleil lo vail nnd examluo our .lock. C NEW STOCKS Tim I.tirgi'! uml Coiiiilvlet ever JlroiiKlit to .lncUoiilllt. J. N BUB BR, HAS n-ccntly n-eclu-d a lrp anddlm.lllcd ii'Mirlmrut of HI'lllMi .t ii'i.'.iiiirr fi.iit'tf . IIOI.lt ,ii NII.VICJI WATI'IIKi. l I A fl O X II J I1, V K It Y, -. ...-. Top-llier tvttli n rii il.d lot ofothir r is "vsr tu n- dei Tr : ;;... isr v.v.s nut nciins, n.ii:- A7Av.v, nxi:i:n i:i :s, wwnv, iircKUJf, fui:i, lut.wii- u.Tii. .n7,;.7:iv. nrrmxs, xfKi..wi:s nwrvu tV.l.W. (V.W."- ..l.V.v. JIXJI .SUMS, OF CVCflY OESCrti'TION. AL80. Ciii.n I'j.n-i. wirn Coil AinS'n.Mii ami I'kaiii. Hnl.i:ili, l.lll.ll AMlll.WU TlllMIUM, li.n'.iii:..';i'ii'M.T.(iii.i:Si.i.l AMll.ll.s'.Sltl'.WliIK.SUTl, Ml of which will l. Hl nt low orlee. nml nurniuteil. J. M.l 111.; Mill eoulluue. lo Tloi3flx TJ7nt?lorj, J'o'Ptr olry nuct Olools.ni. n heretoloro, In the Ik-.i iuiiiiit, nnd wllh ipilek dbpileh. All nrlhleit luil. Hue manuracliiiiil prumplly, nnd with ii'-alu-'. Call nml .ev hi. plnek nt Ihv old l.iinl.vi.niir of Third nnd CiilirornU .Ireel., Juckuihllle. 4 Itf EUREKA WHISKEY. Di:.i,i:i:s in tiii: iNri:i:ioit are cauiiou eil upilu-t uix'hasii l.'ureka WbUkey, uu ki the packaKe. have tin name of "ra.ramL&fjo.1s.F." burnt luto ciick llaircl uid Half Ilarre), In n Circular Band arnd tho Bung. 0.E OTIIEK IS (iEUI.W:. Piircha tr.khould be l'arllruliir lo lmy of miiIi lloturs as Krrp O.NLV Tlao Oronulno .xtlolo. wm. evi:ll a co., July 7,-3ni. pan I'raiielsco. Solo Ae,cnt.. J z- Sale Am'PintlOU Ql'ALITV OK LIMK, burnt near town, will I.i ruriil-hcd on ilemaud, ut very LOW I'lUCK, Irom tho lltlek Vnrdneur luvin, by X. WITT. Jacksonville, Juno 2, lECO.-20-tf. Oh! Yes!! Going! Gone!! Till! undersigned respectfully offer, bis wr vice, to thecltlzeut of Jackson county a AVOTIOlVXIBn. All ordera liuuctuallr attended lo. The patron- go of the public U eollcted. .MUltU. W. 1JAV1S. J.ckiionvlllc, June IU, IbiiO.-lf.'.".'. lEUti C3-ajrus! Jl'ST recclvtd, from tho manufacturer, a con signment of Uiolre. :.jinc. kw. mado cxpres-dy for Oegon For alo nt tho fcvprcn. uniec. vvx. uotK-MAN, Juno 1C, 18(',0.-2m.22, Dlnrlov K laaoi IV )ou want a gooo Diari for W60, call at tho JucksOIIV'lllo llool and Viulrtv ulnre. eiirnor Cnllloruhv and Oregin streets, ; j o-irt Boi,ji.. PORTFOLIOS and Girt loolw can l found nt llm Jacksonville llool am) Varlclv .lore, corner California mid Orcrn street. ' IT ?7-ra Jbl Io From the Providence (It. I.) Post. Dissolution Upon tho North and South. Wc more than oncu said, nnd vvc tlilnk wc have proved, that n dissolution of the Union would Injure the business Interests of Xew England more than nny of thote of any other section of our country. The "statement of tho caso,"ns the cae I.i presented to our mind, ii simply till- : We now receive from the South our cotton, our tobacco, our rice and sugar, and not n little of our corn nod lumber. Iu exchange for thise, wo send to the South n large nmount ol inauuructurcil urlicles tot ton nml woolen rooiN, farming Implements, mechanics' tool., machinery, bout?, show, jew elry, notions, niulMiaclu, etc. Tho exchange Is profltaclc to us j lint, the urlicles received cannot be produced nt the North. Wc cannot produce coru enough for homo consumption. Again, it Is prolltublc bccuuo wu must have the Southern nmtktts for our manufactures. And lltmlly, prolltablc to us became the ex change of product is made iu our onn eh1p4. Should the Union be dissolved, there can be little doubt that, finally, nil tho Western nnd .Middle States would go with the South. The Wtut would follow Ihe Mississippi. The Mid dle Stales would follow their commercial Inter ests. New England vfould stnnd. Even with out the Middle Slates, the South would have Immense ndvnutiiges over the North. Every thing Mint fclio produces is wanted in England: uud In return lor her products Old England could tend her, nt loner rates than she is now paj lug, everything which Is now cnt her from Xew England. She could thus nt once " make terms" with England white New England, producing nothing for export which Old Eng land doc not product) lor ixport, would be Ml to truilj with herself. Ivct thu Union be dissolved to morrow, nnd In thirty diivs every manufacturer iu Xew England would be bankrupt three-fourths uf an mo iiauiis vvoiiiu nave in wind up their uHulra iienrly nil the railroads would lie with out thu power uf declaring n dividend iu thu next twenty vents n Immlail thou-aiid me chanics would be throw ii out of employment nml n full half of our shipping would bo rot tinsr nt our wharves. ThU Is one view, n very fair view, of the first coii-cipic'icc lit tht Xurth uf n dissolution uf thu I'liiou. Ut us ii-k now what would be the coiinipieiiees of the immediate abolition of slavery ut Ihe South, udmlttiug no harm tu the Union, politically, tu lesiilt from It? Thcto nre, wo will my, four millions nf shivci nl Ihe South. Would tlicso remain in the SlntcH whero they nre.lf slavery should In? abolished? All intelllgitit Southerner nsure us thai they would not. The fact lli.it they could nut Im) prolllublycmploycd as favinen at lit for the next thirty jrars Is plainly npparent. Even allowing thut they would re main eaccub!o, nnd could In) safely intrusted with the privileges of citizenship, It is very certaiti, fnmt Ihu moment they hcrame their own masters, they would produce mucli kit than they iln nt present. They would becomo bunions tu Ihe cominuultic. in whleli they a- .ldnl. nml llmtualiili mini, llmii.ntul. ,r iIiki.i wbiild lw driven Xorlh. In exchange for lv ni, the South king forced to depend le" iih.1 coiloii crowing, ami. (hiding It uciv.sary tv Wrt.'tTlB-o-a'gft.'Jt;n.'Xtelinife nitlrie. inw purrhasnl nt the -North, would Import Noitlieru laborer, nieelunlc nnd nianufuc tunrs. In twenty year, If wo are not de ceived, the South would luaiiuhictuie her own sIhkt, lut., clothing, luiuituro, stnves, m.i ehlniry.et.'., uud inillious of dollur whleli now iiuimally llnw Xorlh would Iki kept nt home. Tho moment Ihu cotion pl.inlutlons nf South C.irullu.i nnd ticorglu felt lhedejiriidou which would inevitable result from uiiiveirul i manci pation, that moment would the iliivnuker. of InsMchu-stt mid thu weaver of Ithodejn Island feel il also. Tho lu.tue. nnd reasona- bk nix of this infi-rciicv Is udiullliil iu the fol lowing, which wu llnd In the Xew Yolk Httiwip I'o't: Supioc," say our Xew York namesake, "that the Soutlierii Slnti- could once rid Ihrimdvc ol .i.ivcry: the clliet would be that the North would nlmost immciliately .laud sllll. The fertile soil of Ihe South, It. more ntirau'ive climate, its noble harbor and liavliMhlo water, il vast uncultivated fields, would Invito n rudi of jK'OpIo from the fico .Slalis, uud turn the course of emigration Irom Europe to the legion below the Potomac. The grow tli of Iho frco Stale of the West, now o rapid, would ho checktsl ut imcv lUi lining village would iv.iso to nugiucnt iu pop- Ill.llinlK or llll'-liu'lil lull tlnulv. mitt lli.it rl-.t . . ..... n....... ..... ........j, ...... ...... , . . in I lie vame in lannnii vvlileli Hie settler counts tu cnnlldeiitlv', nml with so much cuctiics, would not happen." The iurpose of tho .Veiling Pmt here is to convince the South that she would add to lur wealth hynbolMring slavery; but who doc not nt once perceive that, even could this re sult bo real i Ail nfler many years of contusion, it would cost the Xortli iu wealth all that the South could poHbly gain ? Wu nre not contending that slavery should continue to exist, or couy; to exist, us it found profitable or unprofitable to tho Xurth. Wu null thinw tho rlidit mul wmn" nf tlin bull. tutioii nut of the urgiimcut, for the purpose of nunin;; inu lunacy ui lour-iiiius oi iiiu urgu ments which nro oll'ered to Northern men by Abolition demagogue. Threw demagogue tell us that the Xorlh is wealthier than the South ; that our lucichaiiU nnd manufacturer ami mechanic havo grown rich, while the South have stood still. Wc do not deny the fact. Wo only ask, from whence camo this wealth? nnd how long could it bo ictalued if slavery were abolUhcd ? Slavery may ba a great outrage ngalnst hu manity. Wo look upon it iu this light, und havo no defense to oiler for it. Hut we remind Northern men, not only that tho Xorlh clung to It while, it promised to be prolltablc, und kept up tho traffic in human lUh Ion:; nfler a cold climato uud unproductive soil had scaled il doom in il own section, but that Northern merchants nnd mechanics, und Xorthcru man ufacturer, nro dependent on it today for their Mutely shirts, their Iminenso store-houses, their splendid duellings, their paying railroads, and their reputation lor thrift. Another Rki-i'iiuc.ix Tniwii'H. Repub licanism, has achieved nnother victory. Every truo Hcpublicuu will rejoice over.the lolloniug : "Married, on tho 8lh Inst., by tho ltcv. Hiram Wilcox. Mr. Patterson Wot and Ml. Rebecca Juue Young, ull of Morgan." Tho Oallinoli lhsnatch sav that tho croom is a mulatto, aud Iho brido a pure xehiti an I. and the minister u member of tho Republican Too brido has undoubtedly been Informed that tho highest judicial tribunal in the State (tho Republican Supremo Court) ha decided that her husband i a " white male citizen of tho United States," and is, as a mutter of course, just us good as any other whtc man. j io can voie, sui on juries, nml hold oiiiec. It i nnoiher triumph of Republican principles. over which every member of tho party should rejoice and clap his hands, -lhuijt to (Ohio) tmum. 7, rromiuo tanta urn. scniinci.j, Thu Hof Tall nirannm. -' There was n young Doctor of my acquain tance, who lived In the town of W , In the northern part or the State of Ohio, who, nl though pretty well educated nml Intelligent, was very conceited. Xo subject could be started for conversation that ho was not per fectly nt homo in. Ilo would nhvnjs make some general remarks to Induce thuc with whom ha was conversing to think that he knew nil nbout the topic Estecimiy was this so with regard to lltmers nml plants. Although he wus no botanist, nor even flo rist, yet he pretended to know ull nbout these things, and when ho was visiting or making call among his lady acquaintances, If n.rnre or curious llower, plant' or shrub was shown him, lie invariably knew nil nbout It lad seen It before, or nt least had heard or read of it. Xow, ladles who linvc spent a great doal nf time, nmi pcrnaps moncv, in imrtM'King tare plants from u distance, like to have their ilfjrts appreciate), or at least not in ide light by )oung upslnrl. So, Miss ICutc lv .de termined to take the conceit out of Dr. X Sho procured n large ml and buried its head downward in a llower pot, in such a way that only tho tall was above the ground. She then took pains to meet the Doctor in tho streets nml tell him that the had received some beau tiful new llower, nnd invited him to call nnd sco them. lie. In the excess of his pulitinens, was extremely happy to go immedinlcly. M Iss K. conducted him to her Hue garden nnd showed him many new plant. " Here," said she, " is a curious mem from Mexico, that I received not long since from u friend in the army." "Ah, yc," said he, " I was reading about llils the other day) It is n great curi osity." Well." Mid she, "fee thU beautiful plant from California j it Is called thtkitt tit gum. You never have seen it lefore, have ) ou J" " Vcs," snld he, " the name Is I inillliir lo me, nml 1 saw the llnwer nucu In Cincin nati. It Is very pretty." " Why, really." said .MsIC,"oti nru well potul j can't I Hud some thing that would b; new to you ? Look nt this splendid camellia that n friend sent me from Xew York. Have you rn it liefea?"' " Xo," s-iid lie, " I h ivo ncvir hvii one, bill I hear that they nre nulla common In tho cast, iu gar ill ns mid hot house." Hy this llmellicy had nppnMched the llnwer-pot tint con tained the dead rat. ' Well," s.ild Kule, " It Is surprising how welt you uro aeipialuteil with llovvrr. Hut here Is u very rare plant Ih it I leeeived yesterday that I don't think you ever heard of; il is said tu be entirely unknown to llorlsts. It Is n new specie of geranium, from the Capo of Good 1 lojo. uml Is called riif-rW gmiiniiri," nt the Mine time showing him the rat's tall in the Ihiwer-iMit. " Ah," said lie, ' I l.nvo heanl of that .jK-eios nf grruuiuiu, nnd It is very curious." Said ICnto, "it Is wonderful how uiurh It link like u mi's lull." Vw," rcplieil Dr. X.," that Ii Ihu wny the plant grows wilhoiil leaves or lir.nu he It Is ipitlc common Iu lli; gardens or tk; wcalthv Iu England nod Pmii'v." " HuI'mM Ml Kute, "lltii his short hairs nml itu'ci. like lln on the lull ofn rat." "Sol have hcml," wiys the Doctor. And if you nib It Mvvcvn Stiiiv .(iiA-isi " coiulliiiwd Ml. K."yii will iH-rtf Ive a ulronir tat u..' " " V Ii." r-i talnlv, avs the Doctor, nl the suine ,:; ,y 'Bbbln" iIks rat tail U'Ucen his finger., a nl it,, m smell ing of them i" that lie. rvi. khy the n'ant rrceiveil the nam ol itiNwl eeruniHia, nn i it Is very nppropriate." Rut," mid Mis E.'Mlio plant has nnnther peculiarity licit .rh.ipi Jim lire not awnru nl ; ll has u bulb mis riHit." "Ah, yes." .aid the Diclor, "It Htm to mo I icimiulnr that this plant his u bulbous root. Yw, rrrl-iltily ll has, Tli.it is provisiouof nature for IaiIIcm trees." It is uvery curious bull), raid .Mi's l."nyou win eo ir ymi nun it uu. run hup, it win do it im harm t it was only planted vuMcnl.vy." lie iicconiiiigiv puucti ou it genm-: nut it re nulreil little itlort In lift it out of the earth In tho llowcr-pot. Then for tho first time, ns he sto. I holding ii Inrgo rat by tho lull, the Idea lUthed upon him that ho hail been " sold." ll wu n severe blow to his conceit t fir ull of Ids iiripialutauec got hold of It, and It was n long lime l:foro they reastil lo .peak of the hiNitil Xuaiuiim, wiiu me uuuou rooi, i . Thl remind ono of an old .lory told of 1'cau Hwlli, 1 iseiieve It was, who was very milch annoyed by a lady who wus showing him her llower garden. She showed him a outtHMchoiiltti.n splendid tnclmtrimilitiimin, a curious surnurniii imtnurh, ele. ; and that this one sho had received from lord ro nnd so ; another sho liadcot from the Duchess of II , ele. When Swift, losing nil his p.v'leiice, (of which he never had any great nocic) nsxni Iter i" Madam, did joucver get a I'turruuit Ki'ttmm I" CI'liU used lo lo the medical name lor tlio seven year Itch.) "Alt, jw," said she, not wLliing to nppcar Ignorant of an) thing pertnlnlii'; to (lowers, I pot n iron I J nl rue from tho Million nf I-oriJon, but whul a pity it was that it died!'' i ... i Two Tiiisn a WoviiX Can't Do. I'anny Fern, In a confidential nnd iicnitcntial mood, confuse there arc two thing which a woman can't do. First : Shu (nut shnrptn a Uml ixnnt. (live her one nnd sec. -Mark how Jaggedly sho hacks nwny every particle of vvoihi irom tho leiul, leaving mi unsupported spiko of the latter, which break Immediately you try to uu it. You can almost foigive the male creature lit passionate conumpt, ns, chucking her under the chin, he iwltchc it from her little paw, and round und IniKr It oil' in the most ravishing manner for durable use. I wish to hear no argument on that jioint, liccause, when I once mako up my mind, " all the kin' men " can't change it. Secondly : A woman tan't ilo up a Litmlte. Sho take n whole newspaper to do up n paper of pins, und a coll of rope lo tic it, nml it come out undone, nt that. When I go shopping, which It I my hard lot sometimes to do, 1 look on witli n fascinating gaze o n bird In tho neigh borhood of a magnetic K-rpent, b wnttli clerk do up bundle. How tho paper falls just Into the right creases how deftly they tuin it over and chuck it under aud tio it up, nnd then throw it down on tho counter, as if thev had dono tho most common-plaeo thing iu the world, Instead of a deed which might and faith, iom task the ingenuity of nngela I" It la perfectly astonishing, ' TiieDmck Itm-nucANs asp FoitniaMcns. In Cleveland tho Republican leaders carry out tho principles they profess. They allow negro children to sit side by tldo with white thll.;rcn In their school. Uiion objection l5mu niado to thi condition of things, ono of the members of tho Hoard of 1'dnca.tion said : " I would rather that my little girl should fiit beside ll toloicil phi limn liv n .,... Wed hnh or a Ikdc-'huJciI Dutch omi" '" I hat Is what wc call showim. their fMili l,v their works but when an election draw nigh, tlinnn cit 1 1Snn.tl.lln... I. .1-.... ...il, r . ..iv-'v pu.iiw .iij.uwtiiun u.tiiri. win proiess io ik ihv oiy irue irienus oi mo lrl.li and bate hgcKd Pud.li frivdodieadetl 1 Qumni lliiutl, From the New bury ort (.Mit.) Herald. MarrioRO Viewed Without Olasses. More than four-sevenths ol tho marriages in Mu!?achuctls nru nmoug tho foreign born. Why is it ? 1'or the most simple reasons the loretgu born can nfiord togclm.trtleil,nnd the tmtivo born cannot; und tlds must bo to long ns nurevlrnvngniit modes of life continue. )u rocial I ile. there never was n ticop'o lending to deeper and more destructive social corrup tionand that Is most evident from the records of nil the court mid tho columns of nil thu newspaper than Americans. Our fathers used tu till of Iho profligacy of Paris; their children of the mysterie nf Xew York, n city not lur behind nuy in Euroiic. And making; proper allowance for tho siw, how far Is Xew York ahead of oilier clllc nml tow n ? Once was tho time when a wife was n "helpmeet t" now, in n thotiMtid cnrs, you can change tho " meet " tn " lat," und make it read mow truthfully. We boat nf our system of rdurallnn ; wcj. have female high schools, fv-nle colleges, fe male medical schools mid female heavens. Our girls are refined, learned nnd vviso ; they mil sing, dance, p'ny pianos, pilot, talk French uml Italian and nil tho nift language", write poetry, nml lovo like Vcnusc. Tlu-yntc ready to bo courted nt tin jenw, nnd can be Inkm from .cliool nnd nmrry nt fifteen, nnd divorced nt twenty. , They make splendid show on bridal tours, can couucltc nml llirt nt thu watering places, nnd slilno like nngeks at Win tcr parties. Hut llmven lo kind to tho poor w retell who marries in the fashlotublo circles! What nru theyut washing Moor? Oh, we forgot ; nobody has bare floor now how vulgar that woulil b.'i What nro they nt lii.iLluij bread nnd boiling beef? Why, how I bought Ii" wu nro In bo suti! they will board or have servant". Wlial uro tiny nt mending- old clothes? Hut there wo nre again ; tho f.vdiioiis change mi often that nobody ba old clothes but tho rag man nnd paper linkers now? What nic they nt wii.hlug babies' faces nnd pinning up their trousers? And here our intolerable stupidity mice more having children Is left In tho Irish I Whnt lady think of having children nbout her now 1 or, if rlie is so unCorluu.itc, don't sho nut them to n wet nurru to begin Willi, und boarding school afterward! ? Wo reeat. we have como to a point whcie young men liesilivte nnd grow old before they decide whether Ihey run marry, und tdtcrward keep clear of bankruptcy nnd crime. What is the constipiencc ? '1 here nru more jktoih living u rlnglo llfoi uro thcro mort listdlng ii virtuous lllu? Ills I lino for mollur In liiiow that the exlravngnticii thev cueourage Is di-struclive of the virtue ul their children : that all tho foolidi expenditures making to rudi their daughter tu matrimony nre, instead uf nuiweriug that end, tending tu destroy the institution uf marriage altogether. Wirns or tiik PnKsiiir.NTi.vi. C'.vnpipati:. The promlmi.ee lu'ipiirvd by ctiiulhlutr fur the Picsldency, p-irtlriikirly idnce tho das nf Col. Fremont nnd " ,!ei!c." iirevssnrlly bring' llivir wive tn public notice. Tho practlco is not one to be udmlrcd or Imitated, but great Is public curiosity and it lu'tst be rnllslUsl. Sumo lmi'iisltlvf nml romniuiiteutlvu gentlemaii of the pies has given print to tho JuUvinjruo. tlccuf Presidential ladies I Hie I. iier.wrll'-,ijerllie Mrs. 1 Jncoln m a ladJ'libeSlfr'ililr'.y five yernis old and a ! nui Prrsbylerian. Mr. Lincoln attend tho same chureii, but is not a member. He. how ever, is ii moral man, nml u strict teetotaler. A trmrHranrc I'rcsl.hiit. with n Presbyterian lady tu president the White House, may tT lect some change in Wuhingtnii nunuer. -Mr. Hell is u Imly ol decidul character nnd energy, und Is not bitterly pro-slavery in prin ciple. At tho tlinonl the murder of thu waiter ut the hotel Iu Wellington, by HerKrl, of California, she took Iho occasion to rxprc'i her strong; abhorrence of iho lunnncru of Soutl cm riifi'uns who chanced tn obtain beat iu lb Xiitiou.il 1,-glilature. Mrs. Douglas has been for a few years cver since her marriage, In factone uf th ipicens of Wiiililnglon rocietv. Whatcvi iicople think nf the Little Olnut. ItlsKttlc by u unanimous voto that Mr. Douglas h ch.irniiiig. II ho were u candidate for noml nation, no cnuvcntlon would Ignore her claims. If sho were running for President, sho would uuito nil mill'rugr. unless some fanatics suit agulmt her on religion! gruumls, for Mr.. Douglas is an earnest, practical Rumuu Cath olic. Tm: Ri'i.inniN that Xkikii Lvrou. Rev; Dr. Hi'i.i.ow, tho Unitarian, of Xew York, recently delivered an nblo niMrcss in defense of theatres, in the course of whleli ho administered the following thrust at the ' piety" of tin se vere kind: " For my part, I say in nil solemnity. I iinvo lieeomo sincerely suspicious of the piety of those who do not love pleasures in any form. I cannot Iron tho man that never laugh. ; that Is always sedate ; that hu no apparent outlets for natural spring of fportivene. nnd gaycty that nro perennial In the human soul. 1 know that nature take her revenge on such violence. I c.cct to find H'cret vices, malignant sins, or horrid crime springing up In thl hot-bed of confined ,'ulr nnd Imprisoned cpaeo ; un ' then fore, It give me .inevro moral gnitilia lion, uud In nny commuully, to boo innncei . pleasures nnd popular amurciucntsrcslsliug tl religious blgoliy that finis ns so uuwi-ely up them. Any thing i better than dark, dee unhappy social life ; u prey to eiiimi nnd mi bid excitement, which result from mimitigat Puritanism, vthoe fecond crop Is Usually I bridled license uud infamous follv !" Wmvt Aii.kii Him? The last number of tho KmtUtbotktr has n good nnecdoto of u man wlin rarely failed In go tn bed intoxicated nml disturb his wife the whole night. Upon hi. being charged bv a friend that he never went to bed sober, ho Indignantly denied tho charge. nnd gov o the iiiekknt o ono parties lar night in proof: Pretlv soon nfler I got Into bed, my wife said, ' Why, liusbutidi what Is tho matter with you? You net very strangely P There Is nothing the matter vl . me,' said I : ' nothing nt nil." Fu bmo there is,' wld slio ; you don't net liatural nt nil. Shan't I get up nml get something for you ?' And sho got up, lifted candle, and camo to the bedside l 1)0k. nt me, shading tho light with her hnd. I knew there was some thing 6trai';a about you,' said she:' why 'jou'rt soitr '" Cows with Smcn, An KnglUi rcmedr is : Qivo her ono pound of c nsoin salts, wiih two ounce of ground ginger, autf one pound of treaclo in a nuart of warm ale. After the physio lias opeiutcd, follow up by a continuous course of nourishing food, such a oil cake.' Thoroughly physio tho cow, aud follow with, nourishing lood, It Is raid that n brother of n nobleman well known on tho turf has been rxnelkd Irom a union C'lulj for Mculiu? ctiiidlc. Tho nobk dilimpicnl in tin. ivccipt of X'-'IMJIH) a ec. m i i f i H . Jij i i JsS 1 ' S Ja tfBK " , . . x l, . , m i rt i isWTTliT nrft 1 V?rSjsmlHijHFvlVVmsS atiisMv.)imKlKK0iitEStBSiB