E?Tsisfcii?"R y 'S mmmmmmmm ifarWSBBBB!BBTBlCMrsilll!9K '' Mi ,fc-tiisswsiwsiBfsSWSsssialMBMiajM . i ji 7 :- .1 ffl: 4m rflllk Black and Blue Eyet. Blsck eyes most il.ir.zle nl n ball ( Illue eyes moil plcnc nt evening fall ; lllock conquest soonct gain i The llluc n conquest most ulani j The lllack bespeak n lively heart, Whose ton emotions soon depart j The Ulirc a nlciullcr llimc lietrny, Tht barns ami liven beyond n day ; The Dlack may features liest disclose ; In ltlue may lecllngs best repose Tken lot each reign without conttol, The Black all mind the Ulue nil soul. The Cental. Tlio following Is the Information sought In tnkinff the census. Wo cive it In order tint enr renders may know liow to prepare for the visit uf the census agents : Tlio too of each, sex nml color, whether white white, black or mulatto. Profession, occupation nr trnilo of each aal person otcr fifteen years of nge. Value of real estate owned. Vlacc of blrtb, Doming tlio State, Territory, r county. Married within thenar. Attend school within the year. Persons over twenty yvurs of ago who can not read cr write. Whether deaf and tlumb, blind, Inuno or idiotic, pauper or convict. Name of owner, agent or manager of the farm. Number of Improved ceres. Numlwr of unimproved acres. Cash value of farm. lue of farming Implements and mirhlncry. Live stock on hand June ht.18CD.vir.: Number of horse, mules nml nttc. working OJCrtimllk cows and other cattle, stviue uud hern. alue of llvo stock. Value of animals slaughtered ehrlng tlio year. Irex1nce during the year ending June 1st, I860, viz t Number bushels wheal, rye, Indian corn, oats, beans and peas, buckwheat, barley, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, pounds of wool odpourvli of tobacco. Value of ore land products In dollars. Gallons of wine, value of produce of market, garden, pounds of butter, iiiuwlt of cheese. tons of hay, btidictt of clover fool, pound of hop, pounds of ll.ix, bndiels of lUt seed, pounds of maple sugar, Rations of molasses, pounds of honey nml beeswax, and value of aorne mnnuinciurrs. .Nshk of cor tiornllon.romnanrnr Individual producing Articles to the nnmtal t nine of .'1)11. rtsme or iititincj, tiuiiulurtnrc or product. Capital Invested In real citato and personal estate In the btistnc. lliur material nol, Including fuel, viz t . Quantities, klnd, value, kind ol motive power, micmncry, structure or resources. Average number of hands employed, viz ; Male, female, average monthly cott of male labor, arcrasc monthly cost of female labor. Annual product, iz : Quantities, Kinds, values. Name of every Tierson who died during llic year ending .lime 11, 1 SCO, who.io mini place of abode was in the family, the nge, sex nnd color, whether white, black nr mulatto, mar ried or widow cd, places of birth, naming the State, Territory or country, the month In which the perron died, profession, occupation or trade, disease or cauo or death. iti Cento Vai.i.kv Indian Wail A corre spondent of the Sacramento Union, writing from Virginia City under dato of June fiib, Cirri the following news : On the nrrlvnl of the troops nt Pyramid Lake, linlrnil or n b.illli, us was e.pcrted. it was found that the Indium had crowed the mouth or tho Trnrhiv. whleli feel Muck Lake from Pyramid, nml rilrviitvd mi'r the roughest cnmitry ctcr sevn. limmd liie lionse Mountain in the north. l'i!uiirl liny, with three other, l ft In n scout nod fiimid their MinpiKfcttrd, ct idi fitly In crnit lnti:. On the following morning (Wlmxlay), with about three hundred Imr'C. ho swam I hi Trucl.ee with the lumps, nnd look Ihtlr Hull. Afur some Iwrnlt-flto mile I nml tl.rnujjli the most impregiiablu cation', nnd nvir tin roughest ir.nuutnlii, he nbaudomil tin' rh.t-i-and returned to camp. About tiirltvnYb'i'k lit nltht. n man imiiiuI .S. Allen, wl.n u In adiniiccnt n spy, wn killed bv n piny m mine mm n or eight Ind'uui, nml iiiiiptn-'y tr!pKil nf everything before the the bal.ini e of the party came tin. The volunteers mrc to move back to Willum', having the rein Ursnl Pyramid iuU. Captain ntctvitrt had Kfestcd nn eligible file for n post on Whine rnea'd camp ground, nt the roiilhiciicc id tin two Trucker. I'aptnin I'lecson". company arrived hero today. Uuninri became current that the olunteers had ilicbandcd. but from what 1 can loam from private tetter and other source, the tjiorls tiro prciimlutr. I understand that Colonel I Inys Intend lore torn with his command, diibaud, and reorgan ize with a smaller fore?. IIom- to V.irnn Push. As a rule, water hould ncur be gheii until the further with- holding of it rrcaM Ui ilelrlincntal In the rums, iiaimuai waicriug nor, hi mo ma torily of wics, lanrc barm than i;rMl, I'laut left to battle with drought tend their ro.)t down deep In tl.o rnrlli in search of innisture, mi wncn rain noes come, wry ihwiu nmro nr it than tliiwe that have regular watering nil long. If the ground Is dug deeply nml keiil in good earth. plants that have onio'got iilub llhcd will liear drought for nny length of time ; but things lately p'antcd, nml that have not had time to get lmM, muit bo lrpt Hip plied, or their beauty may umMi lor half the season. Succulent vrgctubles, ton, which ought to bo kept growing quid:, nriU have abundance, and, of course, plants in li mint have suflicifiit. 'I'hero nrc two more import ant points to be attended to in civlng water. One is to expo tlio water to the tun before using it, to render it soft and warm,, nml the other U to giro a thorough tonkins nt mice, sufficient to keep the ground mnUtawn-k. Supposing the supply to be limited, but regu lar, the belt way nf reounuilzhig both water nd time is In taku the garden, piece by piece, watering each piece thoroughly every (.-veiling, nd thcu begin as nt first. Speaking of Ihc line episode In Irring's career, Mr. llrrnnt s ivs : I le liecame attached to a young ladr, whom ho was to hao mar ried. She dlfil uimcddcd, in the flower of her age. There was u sorrowful leave-taking be tween her and her lover, a tlio grave was about to separate them on Ihc ee of what should have been her bridal ; nnd Irving ever after, to the close of his life, tenderly and Inlth fully cherished her ineinniy. In om) (f Ihc biographical notice published Immediately after Irving's death, nn old, ell worn copy of the liible Is upokcn of, whltli was kcptlUng on the table in his chamlier, within reaih n his bedside, bearing her name on the title page in delicate, female, hand a relic which wc my presume to have been his constant com panion. Those who are fond of searching In the biographies of eminent men for the cir cumstances which determined tlio bent of their renins, find in this end event, and the cloud it threw over tlio hopeful nnd cheerful period of early manhood, nn explanation uf tlio (rami tlon from tho unbounded playfulness of the " History of New York " to tho frnu, tender and meditative vein of the " SLctch Book." The proprietors of a hotel in tho capital of a Western Slate posted the following nolico in the hallway leading lo the dining room : " Members of Assembly will go to the lab'e first, and gentlemen afterward). uNota Utiic. Itnwdies uud bhacKsuards will please not mix with members, ss it is .hard to tell one from tho other." UNION HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. SY LEWIS B. ZIOLX1L THIS wldetr known and clablifhccl Hnuo Is now kept by I. K W I S II. Z 1 G b K It . b'ml.'r lil iin'r:iiteuiiiicc It will be entirely re-ltltiM,rc-riiiii1rliii1 nllb icw IUmIi ititil tlciiillng, New llanm riirnllurc, nml In every way placed In llrft order. The nc eiimtniHhllons lor purli ham already lieen hrgely nlteiideil In, and the proprietor can tife- ly proniii' nil wim piuoiiii' iiini, comiorti mm luxuries rnpcrlnr In nuy pmtlitcd i'lettliere In this section, nml not rurpaiscilnllhln Hie Stale. will lie plentifully mpplied ttllh the let nfeve Ijllilnit llicnniket iillniil". r.cellent nnd ex perlcrecd conks havo lieen eiiRagiil, who Mill eater lor tin lates nml ciijoynn'iit of tin' i pi cure, ns well in for the lour or plain, mli-lmi-tial fare. In every department the TT X T O X IT O r 13 r, will Im wide nnd i,nlnl..ini, a rilt!T CLASS IIOUSi: In uh'eli Irai eller, Iran-lent lltni ami pciiiniii'iil bnanlers can iiIII.omciiiu nml enjny rveiycnii lure comfort nnd util.iln eliierrnl h-pixe Trntn the fallKiie, enre nnd lalnir nf tlm day. The proprietor repectrullv niKell h cnnllu nance i-f lire pilronngi1 whtrfi h.ifnrmi'tly lieen lictoMil. nivi aimr the imlillc mi illiirls upnu Ids part will In) fpanil In iWne the iiit(irt or Hie Iriwelllngns ell ns of the permanent com munity. Tin' Slams to nnd from Yreka.Creseeiitnir.' KVrlivillle, nnd .Vnrllicru On'ciui nil urrlivnt ami ileiinrt from tin Union lintel. A Mipply nflatett inicn fnuii all parts of the .MinuiicMniciumi iiiiscoainiinysKeilln Hie Ki'.idliig lliium. Jacksonville, Nuvcmlier 3, 1M0.-I2lf "EAGLE" Iff olel9 KERBYVILLB, OLIVER i. EVANS, (lire m tiii: M.m: enri k iioim:,) RIPKCTrUbbY InrortiM Ids friend nml the public ill general Hint hv has punliii'id flic li.ilu Hotel nl (ten. T. Vlnln?, nml I un 'r tnanenlly loeatetl In Kcrbwllle, wluiu he will lie happy In ht nil hi nlil rii'lnnicru nnd n many new one nmiyle pleu-rd lucall. lie lion; by a cnti'laul nltenltuii In the comrnrt of in jru'! In merit n enntlnn.iiiec nr llieiery lilHniljiitrnn.iKi! In-'IiiimiI ii poll him nt the' Slate I'ni k llmi-e, nml Irunts that none may go amiy iiiK-au-uiii. TEAMSTCriS! uCiooil nccommoil illnn pr'MM for team 'brn. May Ili.lSCOrtm-lS. PATCHIN'S 'f ; 3 'A CroscentOity, Oal. nIli; proprietor nr lid well known Ilnue, X (Tin: Mentor ami m:r iiiixi-iini i. iut:s ct.sri'irr) ri-fp.ttlully lnt'nnnlili fiKiidniiil Hie pulil'e ceiii rally that ho I nine pn pared In entutnln iIi.immiIim may fatnr him willillidr iiitriiti.i'.,' In a lle nii-iirin-nd liy nny other llolel In .Vnrllu ru Culifiiruln. 'I'ln1 IIotiH', Itodiling nml iV.'tSi I'tiruittii'u nrc cnliruly iicv.j"fU will, nt nil IIukm, bo Inmuli d with the b-M Ih; mirki'l nll'inl', nml imcxpi'U-i'nri'Urllun spar ed to m ili" hi yuet fit I at ll'i'li:. OHARQEO MOOlirtATC. a iia-iiiim; ami ii.iiti)iii:s.siN(; saloon all.ielinl lo lie-- IfoiiK'. G. PA1TIIIN. Mnrrli .1. 1SC0.-7. Proprietor. " "iron sv:l:id! TIIKTWKXTY .MILK HOUSE. Rogi;o Rivor, Jackson Co. rjIIIS rtiit.t. I, -d Mt.aud, known aim ns JHU'- .1. i:rr.s n:i:i:v iimi:. mji tin r with the IVri')' Pi ivlliKc, I'm in Slocle, nml I'iiiiiiIiu liiipli'iut'iil, l linvt rttVuiiil r.it t. ili 'Mis nn m!uw nni ilhi. MuiHinllior-'Inle and Mllllarv mad t '.i North nnd Poulh. and ennmr .-. Uili n u-nod. Commodious ilouso, -f;fti with out-l)iiiltliii''H. About JMU 210 A CIVS of V 1 N E L 1 ,i. K, try Prli Hep-1 one nl lh nm X I) . rrv Prli lleeo I oiie nl lli mn-t n luildi' In the Male. I'or limi' and iilli.r piil.cillilr. Apply, on the pre'inlrcs, In It. S. J1.W1.TP. Mnrch3l,li:r.n..nm.l. OAKLAND Oaklnml, Dunlins County, Ogu. rpili: iimlerclniil, proprietor of the 0M.en s inn si;, Mould ropeciiuiiy niiuouiiee in I lie public Dial ho ha filled up Ihe nlmtu llouu In Siiporioi' JStylo, and resiHCtlnlly n-k fr n contliiuaiico of tho public paimmij;o iiirctoiore eieiwec to mm, promising uiai iraveurs win nmi Gtiotl 7i'(V) and GikaI Beds. The rooms are well furnlahed, Ihe bed clean and cuuirorlalile. Tlio Tivlalo Will bofurnl-hiil with Ihu U-st the market af- lonK lloaul ly the d.iy or week, Sttiytt Itine Ihu llMvor nil jmrli of Iht Shit. V Oood Stnlolo wlthnlai'Kiniiiiiily ufllay amKiialn. Animals caretully uttemliil to. u. r, niii.Ki.i.i , nonritior. May :, 18Ci)..ir.-lC. AMERICAN Hotel, Orosioout Oity. THIS accommodation'. IkiIIi In tho KATXO and ,SUU:nXll JWAItrMKXrx.nrvun. eipialled by tluifu iifnuy lionv) III llil iiarl of Ihu Sla'c. The HOOMS uvo spacious nnd new ly rurnblieif, and every uttentlwi paid to tike com fort of lndce'r. "V-O- Hi st uccommoilation can be extended to KlMU.tt'd. nnd at nio-t moderate rate. .M. J. McNAMAItA, J'roprittor. April 21, lSCO.-ll.tr. AN tnlirt new ilock of goal: I.iullc and gen tlemen, do )ou want lo taiuyour money j irso. you can do It, by culling nt Uioiindersltfn ed'n stoie, win ro you will Hint an eutlru new i oi nry ami luucy goou, ciotlilng, boots, shoe, hats, Ac We opened nn nn enllro caOi principle, jxai by so ilolnu, we can alloid to K'II eheup. Patrons are solicited lo hq us a call nnd examine for llicnuelus, More on California street, next lo Messrs. Anderson A Glenn. HAUHS imOTUKHS. May JC, 18C0..19.f. JUSTICES ULANKS for sale at TlllS OFFICE. CALFORNIA STAGE CO.'J TRIWEEKLY LINE FltOM Yreka to Jacksonville. ON nnd nrter .Monday, March 2!)lh, IKt, the California Singe Company will run n Trl Weekly lino of bVnchrs belnetn Yreka and Jackonrille, lenvlng Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, nnd leaving the Union Hotil nt Jacksonville nn TiicMlny, Tlutrsilu) v Sntunlii) s, Connecting with the Company's conches til Yre ka for the following places : SHASTA, ltlil) HbM-T.S, TKIIA.MA, UltUVII.bK, MAItYSVIU.K. SAUUAMr.STO. nnd nil Inlerniodlalc point. Pii't'iisi-r Inioklng llii'ir names nl lis- tie- r the Puliriir.ilti Sluice C'ompinv.M tr.m l.l.m llnlel, Yri-kii. Mill Ih riirat-liiil n.lh tlnoith l'k"lfnrrt iv nl 'IimiIkiiv mm d idle '. Iltf VM. .MiCdNNIll.b. Amul. wrLic-jii: A N 1) EXPRESS LINE!! JACKsosTiu.iTfu'iM.iAMsnvnai TUP. unierlsneil will run n DAILY I, INK OP STA.r.SI-UviiJ,.ek. Fiiutlllc nml H'llllam-liur, Imm nml nil it 7W.i.i. Arrmfcrr ii'd, IMU. Their l.lnciilll lieruuultli Cuncoril Cone lie a nml rino Amrricuii Slack, o ns lo ensure romfnrl fo paMi-ngers nnd fjiceil In Die lrnnmlMlon of l!xprcM matter. Thtir I'.XVRIISS u-,11 inrrtj Titmurt, Wiigrt, Wri , Vaptrt, ift., Ifc. In both Pawner nnd KxjireM lleparlmenis, they are determined In riiara urllher ntlenllon nnr mean In merit nml reecho the enn-tunt patinuazo of the public, nml their terms will be re.mimlilo. 'IhoStazcswIII start from Ihc KurrU IlJrl. JieU-nnvllte, and from the yi'r JIM, YI1- iiar.i'uurg. II. b. DAKCN. J. V. CUNNINGHAM. Jatkionvllle, Dee. ill, iK'if-Um-l!). THOMAS BOYCE, ADVERTISING AGENCY, VTOUTIIIJASr Corncrof Monlgoniery nml Ll Wimhlnulnii Slnvls. r'nti l'raliel-n). Is authorized Agint for the foltoning ncnria- Iter Onriinx Skstimx, Jarl,onvllle, Oregon I'neillo .inuriial, l.ugeiic City, " Oiegon Tini'-s, Portland, " ()n-gon Argil, Oregon City, " Mercury, .Sacminento, Cat, Kxpre. Mnrntille. Ilnlli! Itminl, Oroville. Itrptibllrnii, .Sh.i'ln. Sierra Citlxcn. I n-vnlcx Illc. Placer llrinld, Aidmrn. Placer CnurliT, Yntikee Jim's. .Mountiiiii .Mceiigcr, Ia Pcrte. Placer Pre., Autiurn. .Siklyou Chronicle, Yreka. Plumas Argil". Oulucv. Hnliiini lliiiilil. lknlcia. Alaimihi Untlp, rj'nn licandro. Ilenioenil. .SIihIiIhii. Amador Senliuel. Juckton. Ilemld. I'rrciiit City. Piielile Seiitliiil. Sanln Cm?, 'runhiiiiin! ('(.uilcr. Columbia. I'niiiii lit'iuorrat, Soimrn. lndeK'iideiit, San Andirai. Trlbiini', San Jim Souiliiru liii'vnni, la Angeles, i:i Clamor Publico, ' .loir JOHN IIAIM.IIOVK'S Eclectic Unimciit! J100I for Man nnd limit. I for sale, whole- vj mie iiuii man, in enraui". Ileery sihtIm nl Irrllat'iiu l ipileUy reduced by Ih iippllcntlon nf lid l.lnlineul. MAIIIC THIS. The proprietor dies nut Intend lit Un!nKnl o ! exci'lleil by nny l.luli.iuil IiiIIikN.iI hi hi III World. The i II. et of lhl luiilc.uu up-M illlKL'.MATIS.M, Kins-worm, Pwelhil filaml,Pnii N"p;il ' t llreii-l. sum lieinl. sore lluoat, sun nt -ii . rprulns, still Joint, ulci r. tootii-aciii:. I'.ilnsln Ihnsphn-iir luck. im!on f . Mle. I'liriMi-aM', Iradinit. Ii.m '""' iiii'iiiihi. u ,n li i j ,.iillt ... , '''"i"'1. ' nt I rrmliiij .'illVj- nr I' i'i i i i I .J III "Vi:. p.'iWnr. ll.N .".I I III. i i i i X. i.sOj, iniiiI J-ii.i .. xlSSut.x i AliK'gut(t Cnin,). T. TIII1 nnd rUutilwMir In Inform h's friend uml tlio Iran ling publ'v Mint, lining Im nniMil IliealSne l!,iueli.(half-Hay liein h'er livilltf uml Jack-ouellle, I'orim'ily kunuii n It.nkwill'a ranch,) and iiiailcmraucmenl with a lamlly In lake tharu of the hou-i-, he I now pminivd to ncriiiuiuiid ito nil w ho may patron uulilm, In the tiry U',t style. THE TABLE Will at all times be supplied with Ihe licit the maiket nll'ord. j and comblneil with good Stabling, Hay and Grain, and n careful lin-llir in nttendanre, ho hopes lo merit a share of public palnniiiu'e. iiuuii iin.vr.s, Ij'l I'liiprletnr. EAGLE BREWERY TO WHOM IT MAY COXCIUIX: A ND PAUTICUI.AIII,Y TO TIIOSK WHO CX. wish to gain strvnglh, we recommend lo CJ o (o tho J'ngle llrrwcry, formerly oh nod by J, J. Ilolman, which has been purchiwd by the umleul-iied, who will carry on tho business, mid keep constantly on hand a large stock of the BEST LAGER BEER, which Ihey offer for salo at wholesale. In their bar loom on tlio premises Ihey will not sell in leks.ipinutily than one Ixitllo or ipinrl. which Is tho smalleiit dose they can prescribe for tho at Hided. The nalronauu of all lovers of Iho bev erage, Is kindly solicited. JOSKIMI WETTEREIl. Jacksonville, Se-pl. 3, IMS. 33 If otice to farmers I Tbol'roprlctorofthe FARMERS' MILL WIMi Kvchange, giving 38 lbs. of Su perflno Flour, with Furmert Mill brand on It, H lbs. of brail, nnd tl lbs. of shorts, for each bushel of good c'.cuu Wheat. WM. J11.SSE. Farmers' Mill, Sept. 15, IP.18. oiitf J. B. PAINTER, (I.4TK O' SI K A II A 4 I1 A I X T S: It ,) Wff in TYPE, PRE83E8, PRINTINO MATERIAL Paper, Cards, and Printer's Stock, generally, 43 132 Clay St., near Suisew, Sua ftanriKK B.F.DORRIS&BRO. Orescent Oity. STOVBjS AT m&msm 'Pill'. Cluliinlgi.iil I nve now ii.i hand u full X uud I'uiiipa'lc n.-.-(ati.Mit nl COOKING, PARLOR, SALOON 'STOVES ! All sltis t'ntl Htine Tin Ktlllia, AMU, Tin, Sheet Iron, Ooppor & Woodon Ware. WcAro now Importing our goodi direct from 2V5-W 3kT3L"Jlar9 nnd nil) Sell for dash as Low as nny houe In K.in I'rancucn. Thee wMiIng lo piiirlme In our line, tovos in Farticular, nrc rrnut-Mid la call nml examine our rloek nnd prices. Alluulers Mill rcce!u our pruiiiitut- icniinn. 27mC IIKN.T. F. II01UU3 k I1I10. NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NEWl'IirCKS. Monms & tayloi. , (Suece"or lo S. W, Su;cr,) Xarbyvillo, Orogon. WOUM) ItlSPIICTra.l.Y lN'I'OUM TIIIl clllsen nr Jo-eplilno cnitulv nml Hie iiiililic In uemnil. that lln-y lintelRiiieht Ihc entire stuck t l!iMMof .SimtielW. sJnnjrr,f ami nru now rrcemiiK irom .-an i rnuci-co n LARQE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK Taney 4U. Staplo Dry Goods, rino & Heavy Clothing, Hata, Caps, Oil Cloth, Oarpoting, Wall pa- por, OrocorioH, Provisions, Boots 6t. Shoou i.AnirV, Missrs' ,sn 'iiii.nnitx'si r.i.r i.tsnxo ami Kin iiAtrni, imsMir ami ihii:s thih- iinos, eT.(K'Ki:r.Y.r.i.is.xii;rKi-.SHCAiiK, rilllNTII AM) !IMITi; I.HjVIII!, I'HIAIU ami Ton erni, T.nt.: ami riM'KKr in i.Kitv, sniii.i:nv ami lui'.iiivaiii:, XIMMII'AltMIMI Ml Mflll Mll'rt TIHII.N, (I.. rlTM,A.MI WIN HOW 111. IS. StdVI'SAMITIV waiis: lit- am. v,i!ii:rit. Toselh'r with mm other pnl lot n'lm'ron In mrnllon, nil iifwhtih weuri pr-'juiul loscll ni jzre'auy i IXC.UUOL.U l-'KIOL.Ol Our imilln will nluny !. 'mall pmlll. ipitck sale, nml niuly pi-.'' Iliiptir by strict iitleu-1 lion In liii-!ne, nnd to tin waulnf ihe omii- iniinlly. In nnrit n share nf tin; iniliHe niirna UK", wo would clvi'iii'iiid'ul iuvitatlon loi-ill n-ul vMimlne nur stuck uml price', b. fori) pur clriliigilewlieiv. An.rj!TrsTAYr,oit, ,M. II. .MOllltl.S. IferhyvIlK P-ptuul r li. I'V.i. r.itf .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii s.'V ATTCMTin.M AMI JV s i:.('ri:A;r. ikuii: s UNDU3TRY.I I'liHn- i;r t!i. k.l'.'l-J.i i .(.i',.iiinii.r r.'UHCToir. : it ;i!i , . I ., a l,I.).. MAN- 5 I'I .VI It liSMii 'iMiMNi li.it enow im ha d a d w II i 'ill i. mi Iniiiaiiufac 5 irr tuimi rih l.l of 2 DI.ANKETO, YARN, AND IOXjiOci?E3:si 3 ai.il wnnl'l lutile ii.i In laiiiru with yniirii.iliiiu.ee. All nidi is for Ihu r - utnite tiooilswdlrei'vlienruiaiilnlten- r I lion. Ei I GOOD WOOL 1 Taken In llXCIIANlJP. for flOODR. Addivs Joseph YYnH. X 5 latf fait iii, Oirgon. Ai TnrrffliTriTrmTiririiinnnnnii TJmpqua Academy, roil Tin: viu i85iuo. Kr.v. IstAO Dhion, A. M., Principal. "" .'Issl.tuut. Mm. M. C. Dimjon, Teacher of French, Draw lug, Music and Needle Wink. Tho Fall Term of 11 weeks will com. Pep. 2(1. " Winter " " ' ' " Dee. 11. Spring " " " " ' March P.'. Summer" " " ' " " Juuo A, ti'ition iiats's rnn iiacii tkiim : Primary Hchnl.tr $ii 00 Common ICnxlUh studies, 7 0 HlElier " " b W Latin, (irerk, French, Drawing, nnd Nee dlework, each cstia 3 00 Miii-lo s Oil Initiation 1'ee, Iiicliidliiit Incidental IIxp's : Primary cli'darn each, fin .Idtanccd " " 1 00 Kludeuts will In receded nt nnv time, but 33tio for lest than l( a term. The Kiivern nnt of tho Khool will bo strlctlr parentul, and nnschol.tr bo h mulled to remain whoso Influ ence UlHisltltely bad. Hoarding may lie olitalned nml houes reulcil In tlio tielgUIoiliiKl iipnuica-ouablo lermt. lly older of Hoaid of Trustees : WM. MH.t.nit, IVks't. E.Orr.v, Seo'y. 3Gtf DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCPIA.:iSrTS, 33x-lols. X3ullcUxxK. coiiNXii rno.T and r sts., CRESCENT CITY. WILL nltend to Ihe KIX'IUYlNf and FOIt WAIID1N0 or all Goods F.utrutlril ( llirlr Care, stills Prouiinru anil l)limlrli, VcConslKiiiiients solicited. Merchandize rvcuivcd oa storage. Oct. lS.-39tf At J. W. Tucker's San Francisco, Oal., MAY DC FOUND 8300,000 WOFTH Or THE EI WEST GOODS!! liver displayed In nny country. Such ns lit Itlng. l'ln, Kir itlng, llracclcl, clc. m.VTsjL'3asK:3CJat3s33 tm9 101 riiictlnld W'nlcbc. fiom nil t'ifl cele brated linker, Including the celebrn ltd I'latlim Jliivuneiil, nt itr'ccs miigtug fi om $!IO In Q 100. r JL 33. w tt at" ".a e- M." i5 .Such n Tea Set, Dinner HA; l'llehtrs, (Jolilet, Napkin Itlng, Cup, I'lsli Knlie. Pin ICntvir, l.adli. .Salt Cilliir,l'iiknlla,ki,l,Cn'lor'', Salver'. Uiimlli'sllck. Puttnr l!akit, Coffee and Tea i;m.IIiillcrKiiiu-,.-iigiir! pnnii, Ico Spnoii. (Jravy r!pnna. Llipior Staml", 703 dme Spoon nml I'm k. Such n t.nvn Set. Caiiuo 8el, Jet Sets, Cunil Set. Illiici lel, Iluckhs.nl every dcrrrlpllon. t,'rnseii, Jet nml (Sold, Wnleli Chnl us, In virions ilyli-s, Thimbles, gnldnnil tile er, He-cvo Hut ton nml Stud') rmv tnr'.o ty, IUO Nix'k Chain. Qiiai-ta a"octrol.y Such n lr lllns, llrenst Phi, Cano Head, Sleeve IIulloii nml Mini, uroccici. Willi Oold. Ouiitlr. w.d Iiory Head. tOO Clillilltm' Mr ICnllV, t'nrlt nml Niwoiii JVCnxxtlo Clooln.sn! Tmo doen lino gill nnd broiwo slaluclto .Mniillu Clock. onTiinmrt Alarcoaorlment nf Pierlor Table nnd Pocket Cutlery. Sft-AII of Ihe nbtnc floods will Imsnldnl Ihe- lowest ihimIIiIo rntif. ns the underslcnnl I desirous urelo'lng out his Immense Mock before the llisl of March. M-'Y AY OFFICE, V I) GOLD ANli SILVEli' REFINERV OF K. .T U.ST IT. Mil Jlniilhiiiiiri- Mini, H.ui ritiiiilru, ('nl. liOMnud nflirllie Pint nf March I ban j; Im.cdmv AnivlMln- nml (!nld nml HIHil , llellmrv In '.Me-r'C lll'NCAN, lli:itMAN A L'u.. who will inmlucl the Int'lne- nf Asnylii! 'mid II' linliiir In Ihu in inner and on Ihe Urm Im'Iiiw .Intnl. 'I hnukluir my friend and lh publlo fur tin pilrn'iU'i I Imencvittd Irom Ihein. I be;; to .ulxnlxi iiivn If I- JL'Til. Han rraiicren, 1'iU 18, IPCO. The iinder.I'.'nMh.uliiKn'soe'ntcd llicmsi-lirs lojt thrr lor the pnriKw of cum In? mi the bu Ine.K ni ,n i iii'.- nml I!' tinlny iiuM nndSIIvi r. will In prt'i.t'nd. nn nml after tho lltt nf Alnrel, next, liirrcvltiiib'imdls U't A'-nylnj nml lie1 lliilug. nml In mikor lurn In t'upirtid li.ii Itdlind llir-or t'ulliddliites t'uln, nt Iheojs linn nl ih jMi.Ilnrs. 1 h' ch.i rai will lie n Inllnw : Wiii:- l!iui: auk mvm: in I'sruiirn I! in n.(niiii-li r nf urn, ii.reLtil. .i Itu i.ilnoiil tin I liar. i Wiikn IlKTi'tivs aiii: viuu: ix I.rriM:i lien leu eeiitsrii.n'i the grn- weight nltirmill i lut nnd ii ie.llecnlh iifn'ie li-rcnl on Ih , iiiliienf iiieh Uirotir live llmii-iimliliillirs; m incti uiriiml'r IUu llimisi'iil ilnll.tr. leiuvul ip.ru. nil llii gin, weight ullir melting, nm, i inie-t'hlilh nf n.iu ii.-r cent, o.i the uliiv of tin liir. U'ni'N IImiiiV'I aiii; Mtm: in 1'mii o Srn Oiiv. Ii ii rent- p' r . i:i Hie kiom wcIkIiI alii i J imlllu. mid nui-lnill i.r.mo r rent lor coin I 1 iio j Mug lour cent nri.. Ie than Ihe pre.' cut iliirge-mif the I'.f. Ht.ini'li Mint Inn1. , H Itirt'oiiialiiiil In lliuli'iiM will Iw nrcnu'it-1 id lor In llieil po-Ilnr In tliemiiimrnndul tin ratocu-liimaiy nt Ihe- L'..S. Ilraueh Mint. L'lipaitid b.il swill Ihi IHiinUlv hours nr ler lliidiKlt of llied'nM nr ri.lt ir If d'-iinl liillnul liars or L'lillrd ' tales coin will l.'ile lltipil I'uni'il iv (nut lueludlugriiimliy.) ntlti Hied pn-it ol'lhu liold or riilver, U.: iclurin III lllU-ll III Momliy will ba piyable oa Friday, Toe-day ' " rialuiil.iy, niiliiciiiy - " .Mumny, Thurilay " " Tue-nl.ty, Friday " ' Weducnlay, riatiiiilay " ' 1 hursiUv. Pe r.ons ih tlrous of seeing their fluid or rdlvrr meltid can do sn ; nnd Ihe n..ty chips from each deposit will Im kept sep tratofiir three month, nt Ihoillspo.lllon of Ihu depositor, lu order to alloide'ieiy facility for teallug the correctness of the nsay. Aa)s nf Ores nnd Minerals made. liold uud ii'llter liars puichasd, Mr. II. Jl'STII wllllm Awiur andKcflner, and Mr. HOIIHItT HUUNin'TCaMiler and (Jen erul Supciliilcndcnt of our e.t.ilillhiient, DUNCAN, SHERMAN k Co., nf New York, nnd ALSO! & Co. March 17, lSCO.-Sm.'J. NOTICE! TO THE TRADE OF Southern Oregon! STORAGE ANDFORWARDINQ. Tim .fiW AMI KPI.KMIIII SiTHAJIKIl SATELITB, Now running between BcottSliurg ami Uiiriun City, ts iti:.DY to iiirr.ivn fiikioht and 1 pay cliareeN to -Cnliiiiibla." or other vessels that may urrlt c. A kiw nud commodious WAUBSOUMB Is ready for Iho reception of goodsatScottsburpr. Shippers fiom Fan Francbcn will II nd It to their advantage, to gito tills iinito n trial, ni the w ax on road is five fiom snow ut oil snicons. Con signments will Iw carefully ittteudid to. Itefer to Fnlkuer, Hell .t Co., fian Francisco j Anilcrou ,t (ilcnn, Mnury k Datls, Jackson xllle. Allleltcnof biulnces should In dtrrclcd to Jniui's Finiu, 181 SexiTr-uu'iiii, 0n. V pwtlJL . as, y sou: AOKNT, ji:o. t. ;iti.Mi:.s 7 I'iuivt SniKKT, Sin Kit wcivcn. ASS SICK OREGONIANS REJOICE For behold a Pamceci ii found Vint reitoru Mr llciik; Am'ottf Dytptplie. Sufferen inA ony Diteaie rend my (licoryt IIIAVI3 found that mot diseases prove falnl thai early deaths occur : that peoplo llvo for year n tiling ilealli. weak, Inanimate nnd e.r intuited not from Ihe dline Itself, but from nu Innblllty In nature, nml nature's strength to willi-liuiil or in ilnlalu lire tlirniili llicrange ofdiene. flltc them slrenuth, and nature will relieve herself, If sllmiilaled. She hn glti'ii lis herbs nml titiinls to I'll'ect nil fhl. Purify the I blood, lender the Inle.-tlne. the liter, the beiill. nml nil t tic imtnrnl Itincllnii or man or wmmtn ncllve, nml Jim hate half coiiiiiuud dliae. Iloclnr JACOII WIIIIIICU dnescomclrtitlniMy ifsurenll who lend thi", Hint hIHAX(lUII'li:it, or, iNtlilouiTIMI Cn.'il'Mt, produce nlllln'el fict iitKiteih'M'iilied. He lint sun, the old, the lolleiliig, the p.illnl, Hie in nun, Ihu iljlptl' l!c the liiibrliile, Hii'ihbaiielieeuml tlieliitnl.il, ret it u under Its liillmiiets, us If new lire were given them. When ct cry other rcinaly his fu'lcd) when you have Uiii ilne'lond mnr In death ttilliMer- iniy.Hiir-iip.tr.ll.i, uml olln r pup.ihirileluslnu ; nui'ii, inuii iiiinieiir e.in-e, joii inciiine wniK. I ui)iii d uml nillug, then fry the luu-t blessed llelbiilnl Concoction. DR, JAOOD WEODEFt'O N.Mll'lt''IKU nr, tin I);iiiiiIIii Cenllnl, caiisc strength that I Its in itn iimllly. 1 he llrl nienit;iiii lonle j the p irtaki r lUI-'lli.-il su il.ttloii I cuiim1 hi sktu Is dump, his llniln fn,.ile nnd nellte, he feel n wMi lor exrivlse, uud kiiuit the Im slivimtli In iiidurelli hell lllilit rplriliil : hi skill btcomesrleiir; his eye, ton. Ik c nue his lit t r l -naih' iiellt e, Ihc bile lit u. tinllriil or I'Jirled. nml hi blond lliium d ni.d purllleil. Ulie bntit foul sloiii.ich, lid netsn an npeilenl, tint nltierttle. A)!ilu, It lininnlj all 1 rellet e lidchliig, pre cut nn necuinula Hon oftvlud In Ihu slom.uh. 'Ihe stomach I the cleat lieelter nrili-ni-eund l(ciit-. I will now enuiiieiiilen few or thn-e dl-e.tres whele I hate seen Dr. Webber's IntlgoriillugL'oril.ninct mottbinullrully : liter and Ajve. Ciillf, tMdltt, Goiullpariein, Titmlr i;, IMmvm Tmvm, tilrr1-nitn, l.Ui'litit' tioiiit Weolneu, ltit nf jfrmvtu, . Ijlile r filmylS, Torpor i Iht lumlivni f Xotmt, S,r fa, (ft, Now'fmldendiulh. Iiinnev nml unltrnnl ,1a. bttilv Is too. ton iiri'tnleut hero t nml ttlm mm. dirt when combined ttllh u climate jlku Ihls, n dry nlr, luiprcfrt'.nleil with t-Uclrlclly nml gnlv nnlMiiJ We hate many who have pi.Mil llmnili .irniie--, niin.e. hiv it llllelllpet, ami iieliaiKli iil, nr have seen other who hate lieen nenrlv ihiclored In denlh byiiuacl; in"dlelui',nrby the ndtlce of" the faculty'' who hate lniireKiiated thrill wllii mercury, iniomel, Ac. Let such, nml Ihn-i' sick fpun vnl lout cniiM', ns central ik rangimeiit iiriliosjsliinj wrnkiirss Irom tnrl out enu-e-, 1 1.: chuiigo id climate, lung sick ness, the ii.o of incicury. or Ih-Iiik niucrwt'e- otirHloctoml, fiom nliu-o nf natuio nml her laws, hv ilriiukenne.', guurin.inill.liig. lUbauch cry nml other excesses, Ircinlitlug, leter nnd nsue chill, rheumatic, iieurablc nml other iulm In Iho Innly or limb, mint ol npp'llte, sleep nr iiiviunrj, .our nr niinout sioui.ieu, lU'KIIIIg 111 tho ears, lie ilotnrcux. etc.. etc.. try Ihls. Head the luini'sof u lew from hundreds of oiiiirscuriii iy it. .Mr. IMtlil.N'nnnrll.I.ilePhrrlfrnfllieCllvnr au I r.incbco, (. nl., eillili-'slo the line Inule, uertiiii'iimi uuiMiy sjh-iiic sIii)Ii.'k or Dr. Web. bcr's lutkiiialiiiL'.-'nnunlllcr. Mr.Jiihu II. Fleming, it .Mrndinnl Tailor, of tipnir, in t.uiiiurniii. eirlllli-s, Sept. 27, (s;,, tlnil IwoUitllesiirilr. Wi blur's Cordial rutrd Mr. J. 0. Kin lis, nf the same idace. nl lulu In lheli.ly, iltiMp.n, chill nud haeklui; eough. iiiiiivriiiiii general iieiiiiuy, neuralgic ami rheumatic pain. Dr. Jiiiuet lliiuuaut rerllfle In the cure nf n pitiable c.t.o nr ilecnynl maulinnd, (where Ihe strencth, iiertrs, iiiniiorv. uml the whole phv tliiue wus prn-tntlid) by Il u-e. ' Mr. .linnet Tree iii.iu.nr.Miikeliiinnc HIM, sit).: My ruling wnt nn iwliini-tlnn, it waul nf Irenglh, 11 lnrHir, it want nr t Ij-t.r. piellle nml nlLir inlMiaUe I'itIIiis. On IhiIIIm nf vnur (uid.nlielietulut.il Hiriclutte iiitirely c'iimI me.'1 W could !ve llfly nllier cirllflctti .nntn 111, 'lamllug that inii-l .r.oiitiihi len-lllte hIhiuI l.'lugiiiilieitli lull Hie nlnito mint lall-fy nnv rea-nnalileptnou. 'I be n ndcr l ron-cl-nllomly nur.-il thai thl r-nlly cxtraordlimry panaent lul It It repn--elltiil. nml l lint nm-iif Ihe liiKtrumt nf Ihe I ty. I.-1 Ihu uuTcted try It, nml Ihey will l Ihiiiktul fur Inning ii., ne so. It Is warr.tntid lo l.i uiihOurlnilt In the mo.t iMIe.itecnutlltu Hon, nr In elllur se nr lie,'', in contain no m r Miry nrulhir mineral, ll I put up. tery liiuli lyriiiiciiitratid, In 'piart Imlili'S, price y.l, itm nr S.. ,-'ii!d by en iv rc.Kclulile Druggist In Jallrorulit ni.d llregou. 'iOlkititrt' nf I'nuiilrrfetl. pie that the lain.i nr T Juuesnn nml J. Welitu r, M. I'.. Is on liDlopnflliiMi'.ii.ldj wrapp.T, nud blown In .he kI.is. liny initio nlher. AgeiH. PAIIIC k WIIITIm nnd all whuh sale ruen -l 11 .s 11 1 i'.iuivi'ii, March l7-t;in U. LOUDON' WS&.& m tj-XiJ Isr $$m m?iwm ,OYiv j. Cf.TILT V, i. "ti ,t t. W 11, 'Z,:.ll'h' SirV '. litis I"'V,NV "flM.,,111" IA.UI-..1 i'.vi liie lv A; Co, Mtrch II.-7 r'olu Airenl lor Californli. lMlsJLicsM.B.tl.i.aB.. TIIK enpirtnrrshlp hcieloforo c.Utlng under tlieuuiminf Kiiuimi k Ifciiin.iiT, I ill tolved from this date by the retliement or Hum Urt. J. (!. KHI.I.OfiiJ, A. HU.MIJi:itT. San Francisco, Afrll 2. lsco. Tut: nnderslRiird will continue Ihe business of Melting and .Wajlnj.' fiold nud .Silver, nt tho old stand cr KelloKt; k UumU'il,No. 108 Mont gomeiy street, under Iho slylo nud linn ol Kellogg, Uowslaii & Co. They trust that the manner lu which the largo biislneMientru.il d lo this establishment during tho pat set en i ars hat lieen conducteil, will bo ngiiarauteo to Iho pulillo for llm future, ami will Insure to them n lik'ial sharo of patronage, r.nlieul.ir ultentlou will lie paid to the anal y.U of Ores, Minerals. Meluls, Wateis, l'io durt of Iho Arls, Ac. Opinions 011 these sub jects will lie given at all times cheerfully, with out charge. J. G. KF.LLOGO. JOHN lIHWSTON.Jn., J. II. STKAItXS. San Francisco, Apt 11 2, 18(0. Flu. IlKwvrnv, who Is nil Analytical Chemist and Metallurgist, ami who was Iho first Melter and llelluer hi Ihe United Stales Ilraueh Mint In Ihls City, has been In charge of the Melting and Assay Department In thoufllee of Kellog & llumbcit for tho past 11 to years. Mr. Htsuiins has been acting as Cashier for tho same lonlli of time. I cheerfully commend them to tho publlo for their capability uudiategilly. A. HUMHKUT. Aptll 21, 18CO.-3ui.lt. CARSON & KELLY, Cor. Main & xttjl Centro iti., YREKA, CAL. Keep constantly on hand a large number of SADDLE HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac, Fcr the accommodation of tho liavelllns pub lic. T lantlent nnimul carefully attended to. Yreka, June 4, 1MB. 201 W- 1? k zzzr&?'b&4b. lAtirVur. . lyfi-Vr'BvrQmg .Oyfjf tiii: vmtv ntisT itn.itnnv FOR PUHIFYING THE BLOQP, Anil for llm Cure of scnorctt, rivir. Mnrt, salt I1111.ru, miMuuim, rmrLU, iiili , STi'niranN rtesnt, I It Ml Cntll't.tltT, siimcuiiim. lutrAtst, Ct'TtNSllM Mll'I'TIOIS, oKNiini. nuiiLirv, !:. AND AM A GENERAL TOXIO FOIt THE SVSTEJf, IT IS f.NHIVAM.KO. it Iim ton? Its n mn-t Imrortsnl its-l.tsrstnm f ttt .rsfll if mnl'eliie, lo i.l.ttln 11 rolncl rlinlltf i Hilt, unit firrfirdlna'r e Ami It rriitll to sllnntt iinltrr.tllj: In rt-rt if "cpifuli. l.lirr IIKtsrs St'l lihriiin. Urn. rt t'fii-lrll.m of llm Villi l'ntr, M a'I lli...p,Mi,.i.tlniiti,m-rii'f Hi. .kin so lrjrln(r lis Hi,) .HrmT slut Injilflmlt til the liritltll. Altlioii(h l.v..l i.f nr. rrul helling rirllcl. It It cnllitl liiii!f-l, nut I'I not Injurs Iks molt DELICATE CONSTITUTION. WI1.11 In rwrfrtt li.itlth. nos(rt It pro.to.sil ly lis Iks, rtrrpl sn lncr.' nfippctltsl ,lmt nlitn iliwtw Ii srstnl In Hit finns. sml rsrrjrlnf rut Its tlctlm nl.mi 11,. .ik rf Uf,-, llicn Its inrststloiit Inrlntiise 1 1 frit sml ..sn I II nklnilltt htw life sml vigor, trnt l'tln( liftllk sn.t ttlii(tli to llis suffering tnil dls isvl. SCROFULOUS 80BE STBS. Ttis f.tlowlrg hnportsnt l.ttlmonjr It from Smitli Klnetten, It. I. In tills . His Psrsipulltt WW lcuinmfn.t t j His fsmlly Pli;.lctsn. Mstsrt. fiiMt-OfMtfm.n, Mjr lints itsnjMsr, itli.n cin vrtr ,.t., trit iltA.k.,1 wtlli s s.rr,fnlous liiiiiuir on It.r fi... tvl.lcli iMmn sft.r rtt. nil.it Int lisr fft etii.lnir utmiNt tuiiil bilnilnrtt In on of Hi. 111, imt ill-llfiitlnB li.r !i.,l. lice. I rmplnrsil lno j.li).lclint In Mt.nil h.r, wlin xhutl, tfi.lr iitiiio-t .kill 10 rlro li.r rrll.t bit It ill .nr. t.-t, sml finally ono if lli.in r.tnitk.il lo ins Itiil h livl known or ,011111 .trlkltitt cur. rffsflnl tr f-iftilt' St.tlllt. on I mtn.-cl nm In Ir IL I nt.ufnH on 4Vt, hli Ii .ti. ciiiiun.nei-'t u-lnif. mil Ufis It SJ II met iiji It livt urorll in rntlrn rnrs. II It now fii.r f.mr jenrt .Ineo slio wis riirf.1, snit Itisrs his l.n no rr4ijiMrtnr i'f Hit itlisuts snil wt sst stllilltd lint ll It .if.l stirs. lisirvrtfiilly yonrs ai:oi:(u: ijodissom. rrrrsr..t tn.t so'M Ir A- : HAMISS. Ul.lr.v iriil-tt, luO rultun-itrctl, cornsr W1III11111, X.w Vftli. F, .,' l.r llltWITT. KITTM: .V To. It. JOHX SIl.S ,V Ci.in.l t:i:illNinnS k e'n.n Krtnrttmt Itll i: .ti UIKI'IN. MtrtillVI U II.MrlMlNALU A Cu, etrriiueiilo) sn.1 ! DniKt.U (.ntisll. .y.TIIOMPHOX, Druggist, Agent for Jnckionvllle, Oregon lOmO DR. ROSBNBAUM'S ci:i,i:iiiiati:i stomach FOfl THE CUKE OF Dyiprptia, Indipttlinn, Cowtipntion, Iax tf 'Appthlr, nr nmi lldhoni Campli wl nru nig firm 11 moitud nclioil vj Iht Stomach or llcirrlt. A I.I, ir ihre d!en-s von will soon lie reller s ,.1 ..rl... il ....nl nt.. .-, ni'llnii nil llm Inttle. . . ,, t'l ." ,ll' tl-r .1, ,l v 1,1111 1 11 IH.T f. lie It Hip n-sult oflimrnum uml el.il-iinle.tuii 1 111 sreni nntliljin-p- ur i.rniicnr llm mn-t I'llrbmlid iihyslrlant nf Hie nreM'iu ceiiiurv, in inunccompii-iimcni nl wlilcls he hit lict'ly .ml IniIIi lluiu nud inuney. We do nut In-liali' in nfllrm that where Dr.'llnvn bnum'sMntuteh Hitler lire nml uea-eor Fever nml Agueraiiunl occur. II Im U-en nn.ilrznl b(v tin- mo.t seienlllie eliMiit.lt lu Ihe Medical I acuity, nnd I iiihv pri'scrll.'d bv uhic-lenthtof tho rht.Ielniis nr tho l.iud. 'fry them lest Ihein mi your cuii. Illutlou, nud go your way rijnirhig. Aie jnti dyspeptic! lake lliew Stomacb Bit ter. Are you billions Iry one of Ihe bottles, and bo relleiiil nt nnee. Ateynii iinnoynl by IndlcesHnn orcon'llp. Il'iu! -reiuuie the raitc by the Irceu.eof these llltteis. N. H. J A C'OI!? k Co.. &Ji J'roprietori. CAl'TIOrs". fo'i.iimeri of Cn.cnliaiim's lllltiiaureeautlii'iiil it'pilnl the maty rnuutrr l,lts limv nlloit lu tho initb'l. nnd 'K'Clnlly n'4-ilu-t 11 elniip nnd wnrlhli" nrtlclu called liii'i'i.cni n.itirs, nil up lu I til rit v In- Messrs. 'Tin ni r llrnV., with the ntnwiil l.ileullnii of ' l,r..i'tii, .1 1 llm 1, ..ll.. it,.. .1 ...... .. 1 1 r II..... I-'."'- ,, .,-. a, an. ,,,, .,,!,, i,, ,,u 11 mi; in' lllttirs, n 11 reimil'nl imenl ni nil cntei of 1ysit p!a nml .hull ir iI.mm-i- 1 he qeniilne li'ii-i-nlMiini ha nur inline I rami d on 1 neh cork, nnd our .lnaluri' nn i-ueli lata I. N. JI. .1 A COIIS k Cii..l,ro,rIelor, ' Pau-nino si., enr.11 r of Commercial St., M.ueli :7, ISliil-Hm'.i. ,S.ui Francbco. "LOV2 TaOIMlGONl I.oro I the very pntry of poetry l.ove It not blind, nt ininy uiett write l.nte lote Ihu lolly brute, Iho sp-nklii" eye. The white cbnr cheek h.ilrbiuw 11 or darkM ulghl. I.nve lotes In kiss Iho lips flint apart unfurls . While, gll.leiiliijr, snowy teeth, like spotless iearl .Such breath, such tcclh.ns ever I.ovo would suit. Are made by l.nfunt's Jamaica Soap Teeth Itool. And the worst hair soft, fine, dark does live. Touched by Joiich' Coral llalr Itestoratlte And pure clear skin It git en, from which defects clopo When w a.hed w llh Jones' Italian Chemical Sosps Theso really U'autlful preparations for ths teeth, Iho breath, Ihe hair: JOSES1 11 ALIAS CHEMICAL SOAP. Tho llnest shaving snap made the most erne llent for witshlng lufauls tho best skin purifier remotes fieeklcs, tun bum, Ian nnd eruptions, sores, Ac. Its price is reduced to 25 cents cako now, DISCOLORED TEETH ami FOUL RREATIL I.nfont's Soap Tooth Hoot makes them sit whitens snow, cleanses tho month, tongue, throat nnd gum, sweetens nud purities the breath, am) heals bleeding or tender gums. It Is without exception Ihu best Denlillico made, NO MORE BALDNESS OR BAD HAIR. I. Henry '.. Johnson, of lienlcla, do hercbtr certiry, 20lh July, 1R.15, that I do consider Jones? Coial llalr Itestoratlto the best Hair preparation imulv. I havo seen It make the ha1' L-i'ow. stop its falllne oil', cure tho dandrulf. ail m drea tlio llalr 1no.1t beautifully. All my cus.r" icmers iiko 11. s SL-Sold Tor 2.1 nml .10 cents, each, by all DriiKitlfl in California and Oregon. 1'AUK & AVIIITK. 0 O V E LL A URAN'K nnd lUUHNGTON & Co., Han Francisco AKcnl. March lT.-tim-9. HUNTINGTON & WALL'S WALDO BXOHANOB, BILLIARD SALOONl Jotriibluc t'ounli', UitOii, Tlin "WALDO nXCHANGE" is furnished with two sunerlor l'hclan's latu Inmroveil Cushion Illlliard Tiibles, Keep oa hand ut t'n Har tho choice.t Linuofs and Cigars, seicci by tlio pioprietoralu tjun I'rancl.uo. , "s From their ecucral aciiualntanco and knows dcslro In accommodate, a liberal share of pobllt pairounge i resrwcuuiiy souei:i. tatf WMrXiEk. '- -.3f -7'tY'-?''';?7r-- nrtTihrtimi it - -fe----- - . mmm WBKzm 'mmmmammmmmmammwm.