Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 21, 1860, Image 4

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-Snrpnd. Lover.
Yenng Cupid had woven nround mo
His strangely Invisible chain,
And fnt lu fill chains ho luut bound me,
Yet I foolishly relished th pain j
And then with n heart nmllowlug
With lo o or something divine
1 dropped uii my knees, without knowing,
And asked her If flic would bo mln
Sho swoon", nol nor rercamed neither
lint turned ipiltc red In the face,
(I aflcrmtnls learned Hint tlio painted,)
As she mid wllli dlguMcd grace,
" One hii'lwnd Is trouble enough,
Then why should I wish for nnnthcrt
So cense your nonsensical stulf,
I now am n xviib nnd n Mornni I''
You can " phancy my phcrlliigs" Jut then,
You can think of my smbU'U demise,
And how the most lool'sh of men
t fled from Julia's ryes;
Ahd te-nlglit t can but remember
With n pitiful glow
Tlie moon looked down, In December,
On me, six winters ngo.
MS imz l- :. MS2 me mm
at his old stand. In Jncksom Itlc continued dur
lug his nbenco nt Iho lint, by Wu. lion man.
l., will conduct the business ns lielorr.
The Impress leaves Jacksonville by Iho Call.
Ifornla Singe Co.'s conches for
Orescent Oity.
Ms:aa. :'".?. JLm
uunmiij. s.H'.i.yi-w.u ijuMPinan
t'Dongtu rui.no be the man, .u.d that now .WW ;. j "'
power to p'ay Warwick will bo much 'TartthlSSP'
i er than his trumpeters would make the',,, ry .icription, nt Vrckn,
illc believe. In the llrtt place the limiilml , mr.
Retry 7 tiday, 'lltundoy and Satinday,
Returning on Monday, N'ednevlay and Friday,
and connecting with
Kxnrers t nil rents of California, the Atlantic
Slates nnd Durupc.
Sight Bills of Exchange
procured, pliable lu any of the Atlantic cities,
Canadas, or Europe.
M.-Msi-.urrmrMs jl.jpsj
procured from any Impress or l'osl Ofllce In
Collections made, nnd curylhlng ntinerlnln
.. I.. II... I......-. I....!....... .... I I 1...t I..
iuiiiiuit iiiiiiiiiiii it..
. ... ...
iii lining unlcrs or
aim auv no ml be
i low.
The Washington correspondent of tbe Sac
ramento Dtmooatic Standard, says t
During the past week I Laic converted with
several of our leading pulltlciaus on the tub
Joct of tho next nomination for the 1'reshlency,
which will be made in less than sixty il.ns
front this dale. Everybody kviih to iigrco
timt I'ongias emmot lie tlie man, uim umt now
mill c believe. In the llrtt l
ami twenty votes oi me simtiicrn suites, una The patronage or the public Is respectfully so.
the seven vote from jour .Statu nnd Oregon, 'llcltcd.
will bo hupclcsstv ngnlust him. New York, Juck-onillle, December .It, 1MD.-.V).
with her thirty-live votes, will not support him,. - - - ..-
nor will New Jersey. Connecticut h.u up- CALIFORNIA STAGE CO.'S
t.ointid Administration ik-lee-ites In the run- UHUrUnWIH O I HUE LU. O
portion of nine to ten. Massachusetts Is , ' VD T.W? T? V T T1VF
,'l.l --"- ' ' -"-.. .i i .
SSWS '.V33 h'rf ?'-i' t ra f
stronelv niitl-DoiiL-las. Maine Is b ill Don
and half Administration. Xew llampshiio is
dead ngulnit him. l'cnustlvanin is ton nun
for the Administration. Ohio mid Indiana un
divided, nnd .Minnesota refused by nu over
whelming ole to Instruct lier dcVgatit to go
Yreka to Jacksonville.
S nnd nfter Monday, March 20lh. IMP, the
for Doinrlas. Wlutercr slun-jlli ln nooewis I J t'lillfornhi .SI.idi Coiiiiianv will run n Tri
be derives from State which neither ho nor I Wnlily line r Coaihes Istttuu Yreka and
anv other lKmocr.it cnu currv in tlie electoral Jnek-ouvllle, lealng teka mi
rol'rge. " Hut who's to be tlio m m V ' cwtjr- Hondays, Wcdncidnys and Fridays,
lioily n'Ks, simv IIdhjIiis c.inuot be. Hie , , ,.,,,, .. , . . , , ,,,
opinion Is now becoming iry mner.tl that -""I UImk the Union Hotel aUncksonvlltoon
lr. llrrcKinrldgu is n licnd nml InmMeiS'-'",''',',',,,'",lJ',"v''-"ri1!,
ldgler Ihanull bis competitors. IK- is u south-'Conmvting wllli Iho Company's coaches nt Yrt
rrn nnn, sound on the sluury ipicstion, id little ' ka for the following places :
tiltm that the Nortli will luivnt lilni checiful
ly, and so true In the iiitinsis of the .Soutlicru
States tlmt they will not nk for unvn.lditlon.il
lilanki being put into tlie Ciiivliui.iti I'latfonn.
J'ennsylvauij will go for lihn to n certainty at
the popular ctrctioii, tiud If nny IKmncr.it ran
carry .New 1 ork. he Is the iimn. Hunter's
chance It much lessened by the division lu the
democrory In Ms oh ii .State. Ho Is popular
lll.D MI.UIT.S,
nnd nil IntenuMlato olnt".
Pa-si ngers lnKiklng their immes at thenrtlfc
tin (.nllloriilii bingo (.'iinip.tny, .M"lrniHiIlluu
nt tlie North, but lie docs not mate nnv e u-1 "",,'l Vnkn. will l furnish-it with iIii-miijI
tliusiaim. I to I co d. t in d and ae !I.iiln ' nehin lor nuy oi iue iiisii -ni-s in-irif.
nltiioii"li he Is mlmlttctl to lie able, honest nnd i
patriotic. Cobb can carry his own Stutci . , , .
without n doubt, and will doubtless have n K r Hi fiL 4uikV- Hsj
vcrv larn uunilwrnffrlndibiihi. I'.mvKitilnn sW -L- - PI aL
.....'; ii . . ................... . vl
fMIK I'ndcrsigniil Imvc now on hand n full
X. nnd complete nssortinciit of
All slits Cnsl Moif T ICllllts,
Tin., Shoet Iron, Copper &
Wooden ware.
Wearo now Importing our goods direct from
nml wilt
Soil for Cash as Low
ns any houiu In Snn lntncti'o. Those wishing
to puixu.iru til nnr line,
Stoves in Particular,
nre rnpirslisl In call nnd xaiiilne our stuck and
prices. All orders will ircrlta our prompt at
tention. JTimi 1IKN.I. I'. DOItltlS .V llltO.
At J. W. Tucker's
San Francisco, Oal.,
S 300,000
i:cr dlplayed In any countiy
s-ri t'i ivi . xrv iin
I JLl .1 1 J OT J. IS, X J.iUJU ,
j.icKsoxviu.i: ,y wiluamsiivroi
but not I fear, n sufficient number tunomiiiaU.
I-itto is next on the Hit ; but tlie failure to
carry Indiana, and the sennimr disposition of
nil Democrats to elect a southern man. render
lilt chance's very dim In my opinion. .Mlcnon
l;V,i. .i" iCif 'or? . i nm TUB mid,'n.lirnrd will run n DAILY
yro It not for the belief which Is general at J. XAs OI-' STAISIM U-miJjk.
the .North that l.o is n "llrcrsMtcr" mid nn ex-. mhhIIIo and Wllll.uu.l.iirir. Innu nnd nlu-r
trcni.it. I he MM is erroneous, but it exists, . Ymifilni, MvVr '.'I'd, IKW. Their l.iuc will
uud thtrrloiv, although I think he' Is the-nbhit ' run with
man of nil thesa named. I do not think he bus
nny chance. Ilmolxre givrneim nr.lidrh
of the Impressions In the hit Informed clrchs
as to no action oi tlie t mrlestou Convention.
I.mrn.u. Uk.i'kts.'I l.e legaclcj of tic
late ll.ircn do (oMfiuldt, thr.lcwfsh million
nlro n( (.aihIuii, Wi'ie us singular ns they were1
liUrul. Rxcluiie of the Immen-o sums bo-
(piraiiicii to miircw cimrittri. I.o lilt our one
million ol iiolinrs u various objects, unioig
ntlcrs the follow in;;:
To dernvfsl mnnlii-rs nt t!i, Lan.!.,. QtAt
rxcliaii;f, e-vcr sixty years of age. ?IOi,un(i ;
to widows i.f liii'iiili.rs, filPWiOl) ! tnKHr
'i'lnker', r'J5,tiO(l( to tho iwnsol poor I'mi
krrs, to ujiprvtitlco I hem to vurious trades,
c.'.'.ihmi io itw oor or nil iKiiomlnatloui in
Ilrlghtoii. tliCdaro of his reside nee-.e.'O.dOOj
to tho potters and policemen on tlio ludon
nr.d llrighton ruilnay, to purclute for -neh
lrtcr six ound tfnuit Uif nnd ilium pud
ding on try Ncv Year's Day. (he Inti rest
cf&lOO.OOO: tolVter Thompson, c( llrigh
ton, who bud cut h's liu'r for foilydlve- years,
Sl'dOi toec!i of his ckrks.siv'ln number,
who have becu In bit employ C ft ecu e m it,
813,000. '
llkiimn lintri m hkmia Nt am .1snni
writes n Missouri friend, occurred tho other .! 'JjOU I "jS" U ji.
w, nuivii. iur cnu lUipuiU'UCe, I IIUVO K'lilom
kcii parallellcil. I was standing there on the
milvulnftliost. Ixuls packet, when u g n-.Dv7ellinC. sStab'oS Sheds
thinincnnj up nul nddri-sseJainaiislun.ling1 J? " . 7 .OIleas
cioxi by me, nml evidently u stranger to lilnu and Xiana najOiniUQr,
villi the coniuio:) Wiwie-rn iiuesliou: ' ,, ,, , , , .....
'Dovonuwlobaeeiir combllng (ifUtHieii four mid it half uud leu
Vvi It, I .. i i t acre-, Hi-right r water, Ae., Ac.
,,1.,,mi.i' , ' 'i "'" l1,ruci.,r,1n The riourlug Mills im not mrpvsM In nil
plug fcl the hugM iliiiiinsiuns. ho hundul It to .Cmihern Oreami In lut or ellglblliiy of Iikm
the applicant, who, takim.-. out his knife, cut , lluu and evcelleneo of m.iclilm ry. 'Ihe ninidy
0.1 almut one lllth of It, with the uIihtvuiIuii il.ifw.itir Is umi.K to drho I no run id h'mii'h
" llicre'i tobacco e-uougli for any man, ain't , nlKht and diy ilurlng nlno muuth lu the ernr,
theru!" 'and the Mills will grimUuJ btihvls or w'lieut
, "We-II. I shoulJ illnlslLtw ra," ,m the' lrdv regularly.
Indlgiumt rvplv. , I or lurlher parlleulars, nnd for leruni.r Mile,
"Very well, you lake It, then." ho crolly T'y " ,uu """"'""r "poo i no pr..im m
oiiH-ru-ii, nun lundmg blui the small piece, he. " ."'.r'..oi iK.-,o.1,..ir
HUl the Ida n libs imLoi n.,.1 iv.ill.l .. i ,'iw,'r -' lJ-IJ-tr
" ' " .-
DRATII Of ItoilKIIT lloi.JIKI. 'I'l.c late ntus
from lluropu liiforms in of Iho death, nt tho
, t'imciiril CoiK-Iirs unit rinv
Atili'lliiui SloiU,
so ns to viiuiru comfort In pivcucrs nml spiiil
In I In" Iransmt'.loii of l.'eprcu in tiler,
V7(rr HXI'RUSS will imnj Tiunnre,
ViukagH, iMIcit, 'tri. iff., ,r.
lu InMIi r.iM-eugi'r and Kepro Depirtments,
they urn dcloriulmi! tosjuiu iieltlier ullenlliiii
nnr means In merit on. I nttiie Iho eniut.int
liatiouaire of the iubllc. nnd their tirmt will be-
'J se. Stage will start from the .'r.i lli,l
lic'i "initio, ii. id Irom the ;, lj,1, Wil
lUu burg.
II. I.. ItAKK.V.
.1. V. t'lNNINtlllAM.
J.ikmllli, Die'.SI, ls.V.i.:tm'.i.
vxixmws' MILL
T'H- 'iderlgtinl N nlsiut to rrmmofrnin the
J. Mate, unit therefor,- olUrs for mu- Ids llu
'i e
nt Raburg, togellur with Ids
M .'.!.
Suece-ors to .S. W, .Sawyer,)
Xtorbyvillo, Oregon.
V0U''" iiiHwrrn'i.i.Y ini-'okm tiii:
cltlxeus ol Josiphluu I'ounlv uud I lie
public In gem-mi, lint they baeo bought Ihe
vutlro stock or (binds of Saiuuil V. Sawyer,
nnd nre now receltlug Irom r-'ati 1'iniicK'n n
rnncy & Staplo Ziry Goods,
Fino a 3Ioavy Olotbing,
Slats, Caps, Oil Cloth,
Carpeting, Wall pa-
por, Crocorics,
Uoots &
mpiks', missks' anii riiii.ni:i:.N'ii cit.r i.isti.nii
ami i.m niri:iis, noxMir ami hiiivs tchi
mimis, ruoi'Ki:nv i!I.ip..mmjii:m.i.u'.uii:,
IIIIIM II AMI llOMKMII' Mije'llllS, I'lllAllS.
l.l.'IIV, H.Mipl.l.llV AM lleilllWAtli:,
TO'llj', (lll.S, IMINf.ANII WIN-
waiii; ox ai.i. i.M.niriCH.
Tngt IliT with many other R'ls loo numeroii
to iii' utiuii, nil of w'hlch we are pn pariil to sell
ul great I v
Our I, lotto will nhuiys !.. mall prollt'. ipilck
sales, nml ready piy." Moping by strict nl Ion
thni to buIui. nud to tint wauls of the com.
iiiuulty, In iiii'ril iishaioiif Iho pid'tli! imtroii-ngi-,
wo winiM gleon cordial lueilattoii In call
and exaudnu our stock uud prices, Wore pur-eludugelvluie'.
M. II. MOIMtl-S.
KrbyllIo, Septendier In, K'J. Illlf
L-tl ' Wfl v " . r ' t- lf-Ve... .'iC'Vr,!
IfSi WlM m m
Kuel, , . MM&
x,m.siurMW, WWWl WkVntf
. . an iiu i un m.i a a h ry r. un i yi
III King, Wis, i;r ltlng, Jiracoleis, cie. , m u f n.n .l -s Xi M.tl fl fl ftf
Mvmr um.rmrmc2.am.xam9 HJ g ltajllB, M W
1011 1'ltiodoM Wnlehes. from nil the ecle- fdfPM
braled makers, Including Ih.i celebrn- Rjf ti.riS Qfrs i!J tfaM ffA1 StfJj,
lid IMnllmi Jlov.mmt.iit pr.ee i WiXgtj fnti KJ VWW)?'
tnnglng from HSM Io V lW). , gjMr;
Such ns Ten Sct. Dinner Sets, I'ltchcrs, t aBaUflfi iWqawHMPRK
(ioblcl., Napkin King;, Cupv Vlsh $ lJto 9 lM BM M fc- J liJlg
Kulee's, i'hi Knleis. Ladles. Salt MtM'M'-
Ccllars,rnkollskels,C.Mlor., fh3WH'AtiWfi
Salver. Candlesticks, Minor Duikels, ColTee (tS WflH $ftej &J!Jl Og f-VUJJu
and Tea Uri Duller Kiilu'vSugarSpo , i jj M&U M (fill &ML PwM fl) D
. .. ...... ... o... -m Ka k-j wlw,i Kv fi?.irij er'tftl
Such ni I.aea sets, uainci. neivicicci, Kr.tMji( XEfMSiZ. ttr.W'X. LJiSJV
i!.n ri,i.. llnindi-U. I nek es.nf eeeiv Zj4S.&tt?l&tl&hfi!3fiSc!58i
iiri .VTi-sf r.. uc. - svj.jl': .... '"n-'. - j.
nwiK&mm&mw'9X9. i
ilescrliilfoii. Croses, Jet and (Jnld,
Wnlrli 0 bn Ins, in eiirlous
styles, Tlillibh-s,K"Idiilid
silver, Sleeve Hut-
Ions nnd Studs,
ty, -lUO .S'etti Chains.
$eix'-tstt ffoxwolry!
Such ns liir Kings, !nnt I'lns, Cane Heads,
Sleete llullous nud Slink lir.icclck
With Hold, tjiiiirtss ni.d hory Head.
100 t lilMlrn.' Sil. ICiiIH', l'nrli nml inoii.
2VXn.3a.tlo Olooltsat
Two dozen line gilt mil Lrunxu statuette
Mantle Clocks.
O XT T Xj Z3 r t IT 1
A larsc ft-sorlment of Pup-'rlor Table and
Ticket Cutlery.
JWrAllof th" nlsiio (JiMuls will ! sold at
ii, 1..1.0.1 iwiull.tn riilps-as Ihe utidiTFlKiied is
ilcslmus (d closing out his Immense stock Won-
ihe list uDlarcli. '
;r.o. t. :iu.iu:s,
7 I'iiiint SriiKiir, Sex I'luse'isen. i
'llll.i Is limply tho fi itm ntid Juice, nnd the
dlslllhdjule iiriliul.diriiruliiginpe.Jiidtcloiidy
meillciiled with I'iruM.iii ll.nk, Turkey l'.lui
bub. Juniper lleirles, nud nlhcr tegetnble lem
edlnl n.'etils, sl.ilHully eombluid. uud lu such
minute nnd e id ipn.it'lles ns toeoiilltute n
mo ill or lb)iiiU'op.ithle diKuof inch rtmnly;
which, Mln II ceiliibliuil, roim nn limoci nt. Imtui
Iws, jit nctlio Tvitit, Alitr.ihif. .Irli-fljtjftfte,
Dmirtif. Anli'ltMt I'm Milut i'(iir.yr, jileus
ant to the t.i-li'.
The IiiVFiilnr. In ralllnir the ntteidion of Iho
public (i sjv chilly t'nlllnriihius, who know Ihe
excellence ol tho Califotlilft (iraiK-,) In llirsc
wil. iiiijii
rtdinnccdngeof nliicly-livo epars. of Uoberl
rs the l.iilicr or tin- lrl.li
llolmrs. tor inunv vears
bar, nnd the hot survivor of that hand of gift. I
id men. whoj genius illuminated the liar ui.d j
Senate of Ireland at tlie commence ment of the' '
piwnt evntury. lie was un Intimate- mid de
ntiil frluid of Hubert Kuiinct. wlmid sliter lie
warrieil, but had so completely withdrawn
himself from politics for over flliv jcar, tli.it
ins name w nut .ilium hiiown. llo win r,ne T,.i..r. i ......,..,... ....
ortbomostiifted mlvM-atm. uud his la.t m .1 , , ii .'"" '""vvv """""" "SK"'
Horso Markot,
i:l'(ik.nk city, o. t.
T"IS anv al"l n'il arranged l.lvirv nud Sale
.1. stable Is situate opio-llv Jo. Teal's
Fiie-Priior Hiiililing.
2 kxcoi'uas.i: no.iii:
3 To Ule.'lIrK liniilat;l''ntiiii rsi.f
3 (?
a Tho Wll.l..MirnK Wfl.!.Y.X -MAN-5
LM'ACTflll.Nti CtlMI'ANY laie mm'
on hand nnd will continue to manur.ic
3 lure looidir IhoUst of
j nnd would Imltcyou to favor us with E
Z lour pitrouage. All old r fur the
3 uboiud'oiKls will iicelie prompt utlcu-
2 Taken In DXC UAMJi: for C00D5.
3 Addnss Jii.(pli Willi,
. l!!ir S.lliio. OrpL-nn.
" t
Ol-' j:. .1 U.S'L'JL,
till S'loiltttilllirl) hilt, I, HitM llllhllo.t'llt,
iriiOMniid nrtirlho I'lrst of Manh I him
J. lettHil lnv Asiy ItllU'e nil I llidd m.il fi.liei
IMImry In ili-wrs. Dr.Vt'AN, HIIKIMIAN A
Co., who will eiiuduel Iho hiliucs of A-.i'il;
and Iblbilu'r In Ihu iiianmruml on the term
Ik low si itid.
J haiikiuu my frl'-inb nml tho publin fur lh
lulmiinsi' I havn ric'lud Irom ihi'iu. I ! to
Mili-cril-o m.ix'ir I- .ICaTil.
Sail 1 lai.clico, liU 18, It-CD.
: . '. i' .' 't i s. i1 ! i , .-..
perhaps jreatcl fori'ii-lo i Ifort was in IS 18,
nucu iie-ueiiii ns cnmwl for .lolin .Mitvh 'II, in
the Slate prosecution which conslijucd th lat
ter to penal enile.
HortCS uud Illlirirles llhl:iTH ri'tuH. f.i, Ll.r.,1
No pains spared to nccnnitnoditit cii'lomers,
Tluinot experienced (looms nliinxs In attendance.
Tvrnis-cheap for cash.
OctolnT '.Ml, IWh.
Anki'uoti: or Mn. Dki;ixsoi. The fol
lowing numlole of Daniel .S. DickliLon. is
nulla ehnraeln Utfn nf ilm nun mnl N ,nn
good to bo hut; .Some icars u.'o, when .Mr., i'XlOiSj0! Wi'V iA"SfiV,i'1
llli-Llnsnn u... In Ii,.. ir..li.l l llM u..,. I'" AlV UJ' ' "-, X J.lXJ. I I J X
ujion one oeeaiion, in niiiiftcuiblynf Kurorcan
i.niu.is'.diiors, oiiq oi mem tiM.il nun II 10
traced his ancistry far bacl
lunl a cout of arms. .Mr. I
ii nrii ,V l,li?,,('c"ri' "Brcul way byullo and Jack.ouiillc, loim.'ily Ku . i ,
linn.-, but in inil nnm fi, runn.. i lniiii.nir. If.. I. .. ..!. I.. ...., ......... ' """""',
.1 . ..in ie I i " "- ' 'n i.iiivii,i.iiiii iiiiiuiiniraiigciiieiiuiillli
i.uy ..niiu uvf nan KiHji oiruii- urius, soiuu i ii iiiiiiiiy in laue ciuirge ul I In) Ihiiim-, Iio I now
f.S H.I..I. I.A.I ..n ......t. ..I -II I........! 1. ..- a IA
vi iuvm ii uu iiu iuui9 iu nil.
AppUnlo CiccKjO, T,
!. repllcl that l,,ulll, u.oals.io lb.nel!.(half.avij VenK ".
I'lrv ii irniil uiiv I.... .11 1 ,....! ti. . . . '
liiiikiitd to uci'iiiunindjlo nil who way patioii'
Uo him, lu tho leiy lxt stjlo.
nt all times Iw sutiidled iilth tlm lui.t ilm
... . . s . .. 1 i 1 . . --...
iii.iii.i aiiuius; mm coiuijiuul uilh good
A Novh.tv o.v TiiKMTunr.M Tlio Inir
Jd'uml, (X. V. ) Iurft hoists a ctcrun hiwrlB-' u.
(muss ii iisv ts.iauii U 4IHUIII 11 Ul'WrUUt UUl
fi.ltiH4ll U'llh til mi IKS' nut UiiiMt ll.u u.irl.l
........... ,,,,,, ( wua isisi'is S(11 m ui ill .
uoineofthe fleetest iiors that ever woo u' tabling, Hay and Grain,
puHC. Hiram has recently turned his attention and n careful hostler lu attendance, ho horn's to
to another direction, and bv way of a lark has mult u share ul' public p itronage.
Imported from the fore-at of .Maine, a moose, j HL'Ull JinAI'rf,
which be luj tumeil, and which lie suys e-iin' i'1 I'lopilelnr.
do tlicfiistcst traii'llns on record his ordlnarr I " "
pace, when fairly warmed up, being a mile in , - NMI .4Xa&.
.'.' jei a gait timt no will kci
the J.
j In the llurehn Hotel, Is this diy dbtnlied liy
lillllliai bVUFVlll.
kem llll when anv mill! rii.linrlm rsliln hrwlnrmn ..rUll.... I..
other animal would tncromu bcneulh tho J. twien AUNTY (.ANlI.Vd .t I. 1'. itV.iv
!..- il ... .. (. .. ...... ... . .. . .V
- jju-Muie'.
Unipqua Academy.
i'outiii: v 1 It IS.-iD-OO.
IIkv. Isxac Dim o.v, .1. M I'rliielpal.
.Mm. il. 0. Dn ins, Tiaiher of Trench, Draw,
lug, Mu-to uud NecJIu Uuik.
Ill" I all lerm or II weeks will com. Pep, 2ii.
Winter " " " " " ' D.v. II,
" .spuug ' jl.ueh I a,
Summer" " " ' ' " June 4,
ti'itiov uiTKS rnii K.uii Trim i
rrliinry Achulars, Sfi K)
i-ouiinoii l:uglih studies
Higher "
Lathi. (Jre'ik, I'itiicIi, Drawing, nud Xee
die woilc, each cxltn
Initiation 1'ie, lucludluglneldeul.il Kxii's:
I'rlmary teholur each, fil)
.tdvauceil ' ' 1 no
HluiU'iiti will 1k revelled at nny lime, but
none for le,s than ball' n tiiiu. Tho emern-
mint ol the school will lu stiletly parental, and
nn scholar In? K'iinilliil to remain wliocv Inllii
i lion Is iioilllielv bad.
Hoarding luiy bo ubtnlued uud houses rcnlnl
II tho neighborhood upon ien-ouabo telius.
Hy older ol'lluaid un'iulei'Hi I
Wil. illl.l.IMl. I'i-mV
II. Dn:v, Seo'y. liotf
7 un
b on
.1 nu
ri nu
The iituh rstgm d hai hg nsiiK'l.itei) lliemsi-hrs
lii!ri ST.. i Tur llii, itiirii.ie nf rarrvlnir nil ILu 1m.
ini'isnl Ami) lug nnd liillulng liohl nnd Sllirr
will I.1 prepared, n'l uud ufti I llm llrst of .M.nvl'
iie.xt, tiiiivilieili'po.lls lor AsMiIng nml lie
ilulug, uud In mal.u r turns In l;iii.iitid liar,
ll tlm d liar or fulled Stales Cola, at the op
lion ut il (Nisllnrs.
'I he c!i uV'S will In ns follows j
Win.s 1,'i.u i:kaiu: w.M'iiiv I'mmiitiii Hams.
oiiiMjuurUr oloae percent, on the mine of tie
II lis.
Will A' IlKTI'llNH AIM'. MIHK IV Hl.l'IM.Ii Dills,
leu cents k.t i. on Ihe giii-s welglit niti r i.k It
lug uud niii'-slxleeiilli id one H-rrenl. on tin
i idiin or i neh (sir m i r ill e lhuuiind dollars ; un
each kiruiiiUr tlio thoii'iind dollai', li'ii ivih
Per oit. un the vros weteht ulttr ini'llinv. uinl
niie-ilghth of ooi) ier cent, on Iho xabiv of lh
Wins ItiriiiA.s ,u;i: Msm: is I'xiii.n SriTi
(.ins', leiiiintspTo.. on the grosm-lnIitnfiii
m lllng.iii.il one-ball ir one pT cent Iur coin
age; ItlugloureMils pern, less than Iheprei-i-ul
i barges or the I ..S. Itraueh Mini hue.
Wlur e'.nialind In llielloM will l neeoiint.
id lor In llieili. Itoi'ln ihe-iiianuerniiilut tin
iali eiii-ionmi v ut Iho U.S. Iliiiueh Mint.
1'up.irled bars will bo ib-Ui red six bonis nf.
ler lbudeinilt of Iboliold nrHllur It' doinil
Itillued liars or I'lilteil hl'.iles niiu will Imil -live
red Tour d iys (not Including .Simd.iy.) nlu r
Iheib'iioslt of Ihe linld or tidier, il.: letutii,
ol il'iudU of
ilondiy will Iki payable on I'lldiy,
Tui'Mlay " Kaluiilay,
WidueMliy " " ilouday,
Thursday " " Tin-rday.
IVIday " AVisliimilay,
Stluiday ' " ThurMlai.
I'i i urns dedious nf seeing their (Jnld or ili i r
nu Iiml can do so ; mid llioiissay e'lii(i' Ikhii t-iieli
duiosll will Ik) l.inl i.iur.itoloi' I brio mouths.
ut lliodlspoidiliiu of the diuiltor, lu niiUr lu
ull'iid i leiy iM'lllly fer testing tho coiieclnci
of the a-uy.
awns ni ures ami Aliueials iii.nu.
dold uud n'iliirll.irs iiuicIiumiI.
.Mr. I.. Jl'.Vni will U Awaiu- nnd lb (lnrr,
and .Mr. KOIIIlll I' 1)1 ItNUiTCadder uud Cen
i ml Superintendent of our cM.iMl.liim'iit.
DU.NCAX, .SlIKItilAX ic Co.,
nf New Yoi I;,
nud AI.SOI - Co.
March 17, IfCO.-lJui.U.
luriiaratlons dn'sso with b" Units of in hie nnd
conlldeiico prid" In proving Iho trelleiice or
our untlio hi i'i'" i nnd eonllib'iieo In their reme
dial ilrliles. itilapbd br the lolloulng (II-ium'si
1 1 4111 U irflrrfiiw. vf .IW1V, llilihiiil
Ojii'IijiI,i'H, Achliti if, er ,S'vr .Visikh-x, I),iui"
j IM imwyi. iinnir. iimmrni;' fif I nhiiri or-
fi"; Ilimllliiil ami nltrmilloil Jinn, JUtr m,d
jut. 1,'hlh, AVsrwiirM, llw, lh'nlt'H, lhf
hi'tiff Ikc ,kin, if Uunli I irrjiralin, liiin in
llit IttimHrh ir llimth, C4,r, Diitn'mi, Ar.
The Proprietor does mil pri'lend that Ids
Mnbc'ilid I'alilornia Wine nud l.rnndy Is n
"woinbrorii mlmrle," In liiidieiilseliiier, but
ni)niis to iIii-coiiiiiiimi siiipi- nr I lie public, nud
he docs lint hrltate Io nioiv, llml hekuoMs
fronii'ximb'uco lint Iho midlebies In lids, al
though mu ill In iiinutlly, will nlteii elfecl 11 cure
III soino id Ihe iIIh-ims elllllui rnbd, whin tunic
violent nnd pomrl'ul runitllis liavu fallnl In
their nbbcl.
'.'.i.i, lbo-o who drink llijiior rnrly In the
muiu'liig. or Urnio hiYnkhil, would llml Ihe
Hmuily net dillahtrully nu tho nuns nnd sto
mach, 1,11 ping tie Ism. l legular, Ae.
Jtf As 11 gi'iiiril It'ietngo It Is pleasant In
IIil. la.ti. sllulille itill.iniliiiis. irt'ili.'IK- l.tirm.
I'-,, nnd (tins the i.'i.ik nnd Teebla a jelling ol
in nun nun sirtngiu.
Rtud Vni ('til finite if Aih-h;iii hindr At;
V7ifoi4ii i. Iltitl, Annlijirut nnd M.mtl-
fintniiiig VIHiit, llu'tmi i
I ilnlnnb cirllly that alb-r n m'niilo uud
e in fill nmilylh-sl iiuiiiliintlou i.rili"f'sllriirol,i
iVIiik nnd llmiuly, innur.irluml ly Dr. .lames
I.. ranpinr, lu niibr Io ntf 1 lain llse'oiiinb
'mi nnd iiialily, 1 hair, niter inrioin ixp'rl
iiniits, uiriml ul lk rnlbiwlug ii-Milli The
Wine Is of n very annialile lu-tr, Unlit color,
Hid imni a'dii unnna, 11.nl e.ni-1-ls nf (imie
uipir !'. olallb-o.l2-l:i. 'I until.' ni-ld I-V.t.
"luring mulls r -M, Alei.bul t-i.l. Watir7.Mil,
'ii'inrtiHi.'iii 1'iiinwlii J !7, .iiij.'.ii.- ,r l'..n
hi 01.1, salt 0 hi. 'l. N. I.'AKI,.
It eau l t lUeii by lh m-i.t d llcale of illlm
x, nml in noi ratliin, 1.1 culi.ii.-n.
S'v,1 by till llitpfiluldr Dntjiui'tt nnd rVro.
ru 111 ikc I'nitnl Sliitt, ('iil'umiii nnd
(: 81 tl Iht llattle', or Six l!otth
or (Ml.
OllTIIIX Til INK I'ltlUl'. Ill IXIIlllH'llllMll.
lesysHv llml n Iste-slwlb' of I lie lauiiliiiiol
l.uii.'s I,. r,iri,ii!ir, il. I)., Is uKsl tiruiind Ihe
. .'kiifintli Uiiile,
Wlml.Hibi .ltf-tiU-eV.VMI7.Y., .V f'l.'.IXt
I'AIIK V ll'7'A, uml R .;An'l.V if IV..
"in Vlikl-MU l) I. in
MOIITIIIIAST (.'nriH-riif iloiiipunery mid
i.1 Wit-hiiiirtoii rstm-ts, .Sun I 'r.uiclcn, Is
i.iitliorlxed Agent lor I I.o lollowiuj' newsp.i
K'ts :
OiiinoN Hr.xtini 1., iliicksotivilJe, Onou.
Pueilk'.lourn.il. MugeiK' (,'i!y, "
Dn'goii Times, I'orlkind, ' "
(Invi'ii Awn. Dix-kihi City, '
.Mercury. Sacramento, Cul.
Iv.xpriwi, .Murysillle.
llml.' Iticord. nn!l!i
Itepublleaii, ."-'Imsta.
lerni Ciliwn, Dowiilciille,
I'l.uvr llenilil, Aitburii.
1'l.uvr Courier, YiinkiK.llnr.
.Mouiituiii MiH'iigiT, I-:i 1'orle.
I'iaixr 1'iiw, Auburn.
M-klyou Chronicle', Ynkn.
l'lum.is Argus. Ijiiliicv,
Sohiiio llu-.ljil. lleliit-U.
Alamwla (Luxtli-, .Sail Iwndro,
Democnit, r-'toektou.
Aui'uhir ."-Viitliiel, .luckson.
llenilil, Creeviit City.
I'lti'llio .SmiIIiii'1. .S.inln Cnu.
Tuolumuo Courier. Columbia.
I'iiIoii Deiuoer.it, Honnra.
liidi'ir.'iideiit, San .Vndiras.
Illlniiie. .in ,Iu.v
JF'oc Miold a Panntca it found that ) estates tht
W'tak, Knvout l)iprplie,
Riifftrtrt t.'tlh any Diwc rtud my theory:
T II.W'i; round that mot diseases lirote ratal
.1 that rally deaths occur ! that people 111 c for
vi Ufa 11 lie hits il.'nlti. uenk. tnnMliiiatii unit rnr.
liaiMtid- not ft otii Ilic dlsenes Ilselr, but liotu
nn Inability lu inline, nnd nature's strength to
withstand or maintain lire llirntmli the images
of discit'c. (ilie them sttength.undnatui'owlll
relieve, liT'ell", Ifsllmulaled. Hhe has glien us
li-rlisnud phiutsloill'ict nil this. Purify Ihe
blood, lend r the Intestines, the liver, tliuhentt,
nml nil llm nnltiral (uuellc.s or man or woman
nelile, million bate hitr comportd diren-e.
Doclor.iAUKil wi;illli;it iloescoiucisntlously
assure nil who nnd this, that lilrHAMU'll-'IDII,
or, iMHioiiiriMl Uoiiiiiil. pi winces million
reel iibnioib'serlbed. IIcIiii'Iitii, the old, Ihe
totlerbiir. Ihe tijlshil. the nervous, thu ihsiiii-
tle the lurbi bile, the debauchee nnd the liilillld,
relive under lis Inlluences, ns ir new lire line
given tliem.
When every other remedy has failed) when
you iutlc I nth doctored near to death wilhiter
cury, Harsiipiirill.i, nuilutliirpopubirdi'bislous)
whin, fiom wtiatcieri'.iil'e, you become wenk.
languid tTitct nlling, then try the most blesced
lleriialml Concoction.
M.XMICII'It'.Iti oe, liixluiiriillii(Cmtllnl,
causes slnngth -that Is Its iinlu fpiallly, The
llr-t oivnilioil tnule I the nartakir leel thai so.
dalloii Is cans, d his sl.lu Is damp, his limbs
piyi!e and nclUo, he fills n wish for e.xei else,
nml I.11011 slut lias slteiiglh to endure II; he Is
ligm rp.riiui ) ins smii iiccnmes clinr; lilsejcs,
loii.beiauseliisliiirls'nadeuetlve. the bile mu-
ilrabiil or 1 Jotted, nml his blood Ibtuuul uud
purllld. iriiebiisn fniil stomaeli, this nets ns
nu up rlent, nut ollierwlse. Again, It Imiihill
ulily rilieies belching, ueiciits nu aecumula-
lloii 01 mini 111 ilia Miunaeli. die stoinaeli l
tliugreul ricclu r id disease and Itscuix1. I will
now' enumeiAle 11 rue of those din.i-is where I
bat oh en Dr. Wiblxi'sluiIgorutlugCordinlnct
iiiTt l-nul billy :
Iur and ,l,pif, CuUt, tlr'ntlty, fnnyfti.n, Twain
l.nt, ll.lirntM TrwmH, Slrrrlm,itt, Ciitli'tf
fiwrf HniUrss, bit .lcm-.n, lifi t
or S'roiglS, 'IXrpi r 0 l',e AiMivm
1 Aiifnrr, ., r .Sv.
Now sudJen ib-alhs, Inn icy nud unlver'al de
bility Is too, loo prcinlcnt In to ; mid who won
ders when combined with 11 climate like this, n
dry ulr, Impirguated with cbi Irlelly nud gale-niii-tn
7 Wo have many w ho have p.ersed through
slekncss, whose lire Is lulimpeni u nud debauch
ul, or bavoH-eil ntluM whn have Imii niiuly
doctorul to death by ipiack iii'ilielucs, or by Iho
iidllco id" lists biciilly'' who bale liiijiii-uiuitiil
them with mercury, ealniui I,. c. I.clsuch.ittid
Ihon'slek I10111 xariotn e.iii-es, 111 geiiiral de
ninanneut orthesislein I irenhues Irom iarl-
oincauses, nr. 1 I'liang.'ni cinuaie, long lcl;
uess, Dos ii'c or imiciiry, or be-liijt olherlH-oicr-doe'lniTd.
Irom utilise of iialuro nudl.ir
laws, by ilriinkeuurss, giiurni.itullliig. ilelsuich
iryutid ollnr exoses, tniublliig, fetcr mid
uguee'iiiiiMiieiiiuane, neuralgic nml oilier puns
In the liody or liitib-. limit nr upiHlle, ship or
lie inory. Niur or billions sloin.uli, llekling In
Ihe i-.irs, He dulorviiv, tie1., vie., try this.
Ile.nl tlio liiunes ol 11 lew hum biil.ilruts of
olliirniind br It.
.Mr. Dat id frnntiell, I itt'Sherld'of Ihe City or
R111 Kr.iuclio, l'.il , rirlilltsio iliu line tonic.
utri inu m.il nnn isciiie ipialitlis ol Dr. Wtb
Ur's InilKoratlncRiimuilUr.
.Mr. John II. I'liinlug, a Merchant Tailor. nf
Hillir, III litllloriilil. verlllle-s, Sept. K7, IMI,
that Inn Isillles of Dr. WibUr's ('mdial ruiul
Mr. J. ('. llm lis, of the mine id ice. nr pains lu
Ihulssly, d)st'pla, chill uud hu Mug einlgli.
togellur with general it.Mlllv, neurafgle nud
lllirillll iiiL ..
Dr. James Donnniit cm titles In the cure of a
lillhible cj-o of dcc.iyul iii.iiiImhnI, (v.liirc the
livngih, nines, ui'iuory. nud Ihe whole phy-
mmi fflsm wm
Timv&xrWzMemw isse&r
. ,. -, hUftt tj
: Jt cissVsTiia
tiii: vi:itv iii:st hc.'ihiiv
Ami fur llm Cnrn nf
sennriis, strrmciiiv tLctns,
ri.vr.ie snnts, nrsu ouuilaist,
iiureviTim, iitanhh's i iicitioxs,
1'iui'UJi, luei-s, nrsKUAi. 1u.t1t.trr, Aa.
ci:Ni:n.F. toxio roit the systeit,
IT fi tt.N'HIVAI.t.RI).
It Itistonir tscn n inn-t Itnpurlsnt ils.ltsrstSM ta
It., rrlUp ft nilirliif, to et tstnj rrnis-t slingsr
I. lliis, suit imi.r.ttnslr " fl'.-l II ii-irlt lu utiiiMi
eiitits.sllj In ri,t or Hfr-ruls, lasrr l)hMs, Ssti
IiIkiiiii, Oi nml l'olrsll.in nt I lis Vltst IVxrtrs, L.t
:i lli.w loriii.'iilmiill-i'ti'fl,i sVIn HtXrfhfl
llii- .silcnr sivt Injurious ta His l.sslih. Alll.outi
I.H.cf.l i.f wifiil lifsllnjr iri,rllt II Is tills!
innnli--., slut "I'I not Injurs His inu-t
Wlirn la ifrfl lirstili, no cITi-cl Is .ro.lnr. l,jr II
iiv.iel S11 lnrrMtsi.fs.llle tut I.f n iIisssm
Ii srsifl In His fm-nr. smt mrrjrlnj f-t lis sltllm
n'l.tij I l.p lli i.f If.', ibstl lis mjrslillims Inltntue
I. fWl smt s.tiit It Miklmlles M llfs sn.t llirnr, sad
l.tlrji liiollli silt strtiigtli tn llis luli'tlnj uj )U-
eonoruLovs sore xtei.
Tlis f..ll.ilnj lm.lsnt Irsllmnnjr Ii from ftuMh
Klninn, It I. In Ill's nw llis !srisMlls was
lrf.itutiKii.tr.1 Ir tlis rsmlljr t'liiltlsn.
Slcwrs. PisMI-nsMtroifn, My llltls ilansMrf,
whrn i.ns fer i.ll. wai slls'knl wttti s sfsnratmis
li.nn.ir on Iur finswlikli sim sfl-T relsioM Isu
l.rr rip. eiilnif alm.l tntst t.'ln.li.s In oss of
Ihsim ami .lllfliltllilf Iur !il '. I rltinl-.S.J
li i.tir-irloii 1,1 sitrmt li.r, uim rslisu.lr.1 llislr
uliii.At still in sits hr r rrltsr. till It all (.rurs.1
!.- ami flns'.jr mis i.r llisin irmsrkr.1 In ms Hist b
j, vl 1.101 11 nl nuns striking cnri rlTrrlist Ir Ussitl
harsaisirllls. an I ilikl ms l.i IrIL I i.l.Uln.-l on
1-tlV, wh1. h stu- c-niiiiif nf-l ii.lns. ami lrr II sa
stl ti-r-l up II In.) 1 rfrrlr.1 n rnilro nirr. II Is Bits
oirr f.iur irars sines sl.o was rnsnl, ami llisrs lias
Urn nn imi srpr i.f lti i!lcas, Slit rs ass
s.ll.r.sJ ll.it II Ii ifrt-t euro.,
Isn cirull yoiirs,
ni:oi;ni: I'.niit.ssoy.
I'rsrssM sn.t s.tt.1 ly A. II. .V II. MX MI'S
M'li.ilr-a'o DriVi'-ls IlKl I u.l
Willi nm .r.r imi.
i.tvii'sirrtl, forssr
i'ii'Ii" was j rn-iniieii) oy lis us..
Jam I'ni mail, il MnLi-lilinup lllll.anisi
"ily Piling was nu exhaustion, 11 emul nr
-tri'iiglli. 11 liirxr, n mint irvigiir,atH-l.tenuil
ullur mi-. Lllilii rcl!ii. D.io Uslll- n your
iii'iii.m riiioieu miu iiiiiviiaiv iniireiy cuiiil
Wo could give fifty nlhrre'erllllcati's nrdntlh.
slainl.iig that most p. rsniiH ure m-iisIiIiv nlsuit
Mug imtlitd ; but thj ulsnu iniitl snlbfy uuy
ii.isoimhle pinou.
1 h le.nlsr Is C4i:nctnttoiily ni.urnl that this
trnlty i-.xtr,iniiliiar,i siuiieni ! nil It Is npre
ii'liilil nud Is not nnr nT llm ntutiris I ihe
d iv. I.il llm lieu id try It, nml l!n y will la
Ihml.lut for lulling dune so. Ills wairaubd
to be- linhijurious to ibe inn.t 1 li-,i,. cimsiiiu.
Ilo.i, or lorillnrH'x or ng", lue'outa.u 1.0 in. r-
my or iitler inlii.'ral. Il Is put up, urililli
ly inlieeulralul, In 'plltl lili" pncii S.I, Inn
turS.V Rildbyenry lespeelnl'l.' Drusgl.l In
t'alllorul.iuiid Oriyou.
isu. Ileiuiru id enunbrfills. llml tio
imiiii' of T. .Iiiiii-miii nud J. Wi btT, il. l Is o 1
lli" lop of lln'oiit-libi ui.i,i, r, nml blouu In
ihe gll-P. Illiv lioin- litis- '.
A.uts, I'AKK .V WIIITi: uud nil u hob .ale
Diiinji-l-ni.'-ii 1 1 bco. pi .nil IM 111 U.
I'or s.v tr IlKWITT. KITTM: A . It. JOIIS.
SUN .V I'.l.anl III.IIIMirnN l'.i, fan I'sansl
llti'K .V l.-ill TIN, Mirj.vllVi Ii. II. MrlloN.t
A Co,hs.rmr.l.i ami ty l)ni,'l.ti jsnfs:ir.
I'sanslk 1
1.. . TIIOMI'n'O.V, Kruggtst,
1 OtiiO Agmt for .Tncksonville', Orrgoo
ri:i.i:iiit.7 1:11 hi o.u.xe 11
rort the cuitc of
lly'jvpvir, l.vl.gr! en, ( cintipalinn, Istt rf
ljiptlite. or nu; llitl.ottt Criiiplnnt nni'
ing I'u hi 11 utiilid iirtwn 1 ('ie SlvmatS
cr Hi fit.
A I.I. or these dbi ncs you will soon l rellev
X. iii ol by l)i urn or lb -v llllleis ns 1 1. r ill-
-fity' GTWF
.,:,": i',s"''.,!l.
xy .
tills L-rtal tllill.ilt.lii tw
lie is I lie poult of pmrniiiiil uud 1 jalsirati- study
rei'lioil Oil llle- laillhi-.
Houlheiii Viuevuiij, la Anjelw.
Ml Cl.unor I'lililico,
TIIK .mcxv.xmhim:m)ii bTI'A.Mi:il
.l()I!. llAttCIIiOVJVS
Eclectic Liniment !
ritlOD lor Man nml llea,t,ls for tale, whole-
- suio niiu 11 mu, ni e,orinlls.
.IA.MI..1 I'AlltiL'K A- I'u.,
.Virch n.-7 f-'olo Agents Tor California.
"gioba tsa l if"
Can ZTrancisco.
TTsVnitV descrlplloii nl I'luoninl Ilenvv Cloth-
JJ tug
I'.veiy soi cliii id Ii rllnllnii Is ipilekly reduced
y th application or Hits I.Inlineiit.
A Democratic iluvor ii e-hcted in Camden.
New Jcisoy,, with uu opposition majority Jul
II. V, It VAX.
Jacksonville, April II, lSt0-lw.l3.
"Iiril.l. attend to the l'.KCIUVI.NG nud VOlh
t t WAitlUMs or nil
tlouils I'liliiuliil Iii tits Ir I'm r, xillli
J'i'oiiitiiis nml lllijmii'h,
a.Cunsliiuients oolicllid. ileichandlzo
received ou itoroge. Oct. 15,-3'jtf
Tliepioiirlrtorilies not Intend Ids Liniment
to Isu I'M'i-lliil by nny I.Inlineiit In IhoXatlon ur
the oild. 'Jim ctlict or this Medicine upon
King-worm, .Siullid Hlands Soro Mipb's, fioro
I llliut. soio beail. sun. Ih.1u.1l. 1.111.1,1 .ill i.li,.i
"s JSS ' TT- -sj. srisj 'IP'. 1 1..., .il.r !..!.. . ..I. . ' M
i3 3. JL - Jl, JL," va . I 'i"o""-i "mi juiiii", uicirs,
Now iiinulng betneen 1 HJOril-AC'lIK,
c '. . it i. I'.ilns lu ho rplno nr hick, nolsnn oak. frost-
ScottSUiirn auil Uiiipuiid Cj', bite,, i,urns, seabb, frod. cuts, tumor?. Ac., Is
Ts5 HDADY TO Hi:Ci:iVi: l'ltDIOIlT AND almo'l Miraculous. It is good lor Dlg-luad,
pay charites to 'Coluuiblii." or other icssels ' " ' '''" uila, old lunnlng soich, wliul-milU.
that may nrilie. A largo nud commodious
I ready for theiectptloiiof gooiNnt.S'cottliurg.
ithlppeis I'ioui P.m l-niucbco will llud It to their
udtantago to glio lids roulo n trial, ui Iho 1. ag
on road Is Ireo Irom snow ut nil seasons. Con-
klcunients will Iri carefully ntteudul to,
iieier to l iilkuer, Hill iv to., i-au I'lanciseo :
idiut, scratches, laddie or collar galls, sprain,
llng-liono In tact nil diwases where uu exter
nal application Isieipibed.
Usolhu l.luliueut lieely, nnd nccoidlnglu
dliecllon. JOIIXHAIifiUOVi;
u'l folo l'jiroprleor,
Anderson & (ili-nii, Jliiury .t Dails, Jackson- (i.ati: o'muajia caintimi,) Oultrm
ville. Tvnr nnrooro iinniTi.m ......
All letters or biUucssriioiibl bo directed to ' ' , 7 ' ,"K"",nu mn "1""
Jumesi IVaJn, ai'tr, Cuds, uud l'lliitii'g Slock, generally.
l8,f Sconaui'iiu, Ocv. 40J 132 CUy St., near SMtme, Sm Fiandxc.
Ini; made lu Ihe beet stile nnd i.r ilie U.l
111 un 1.11, e.irc"iy ior luismaiKet, is noivsvll
lug at (iulnvy Hall ul the current Xew Yolk
'Iho following Is the I.ltt of I'rlccs nt which
wo are-now selling:
I'liiii Dies 1'rwk ("oats, from
I'ine Doeshlii Dualuers Coat', I10111. ,
I'lno C'asslinero lluinis Coats, fiom
I.IkIiI Coats, or wnrui weather, Irom
iiaiui-niiio iingiau, noni
1'iiio lllaek Doeskin 1'auts, I10111,,,,
(iood ijii.illty Caliiirru I'uuts, fiom
.S'ervieeablo A'allnel 1'ants, I'liini. . , .
I'anls, ror suiuiner wear, fiom
.Silk Velict 'cts, Irom
.S'llk nuil.S'.ilbi Vests, Irom
D.11 Is .V Jiiih'a' .S'hlrls, lino iiuiillly ,
iibllu.xiiilno rndcrrlilrls, (rum . .TSitstu 1
IWiituiiiuKirey .MeilnnDinHeis.ini. 7. els to I
.S'huherl''lauuel Dudei'i-lilils uud Drawcis..$l M
I.lueu HaudkeichhTs. Irom 'J.1 cts to All els,
Full mils Tor noiktiiu mill Coat. Vest unit
I'aiit form low usilo.
Abo, Hats, Caps, Tiuuhs, Vullccs, etc., at the
lunvm 111 111 raier.
119 & 131 Washington St., San Francisco,
.Minll DAVIS ,fc 110WKU.S.
H to 12
Ii to lu
1 to :i
to Hi
t to 7
:t to fi
U to '.'
1' to 3
n to :t
:t to a
to :t
Wood, Willow-"ware, etc.
AS wo nre about iciuovlog from .S'.in Fran
cisco, nil, iruA o etuteour tiitmiM ut as ,irl
11 illy at jiotiiUe, wo oiler our oxtcnlio fctoek oV
II ovd-u-are, JlmUti, Urcomt, Ihmhu, Cotton
nnd Manilla Catdagr, Twines, .Jr. .Vc,
nt rcduseil prices, and we luilte nil who wish to
iiiirchau good lu our lluo, to consult their own
iiitucst by citing us a cull.
of one of the must e. hbratid physicians ir th
lurr'nt ecnliiiy, lu llii'iiei'oiiii.Miuiitof uhlch
he has Imdy ssut IhiiIi lime nud iuo.ii-y. t
do not lu-ilat" Inntnriu that wlo'ti' Dr. Iloen
kium's Stouuch Hitlers uru iimiI uea-o'dl'i'Vir
and Aiuu I'.inuol i-ccur. It Inn I in nualxrnl
by tlm iiiii.I scleul'Ile rhontlsts In Ihe ilnlirsil
I ii.-iilty, nnd Is im prescrils d by lilu.-.li'iilli.iif
I Iio l'l.'cluu 1 1' lie- I u.d. 'liy iIhiii-Issl
Until -01 jour eoiistilutloii, uinl go your tiny
Aru inu ilyss.-p'c! take IIick' Slum ich lilt'
Am yon Tslllloii- ? lr" 0:10 of tliu hotllv, ami
Ik r. lieu it lit ikhi.
Aroynti iiuiio)ti by Inillgostbui or ronslIps
tliiiT -muoie tbeeMUso bi ihe riiuuseot these
X. II. iTACODS .t Co..
Ms"i VrvpriHure,
V l'TIOX.-.''n isinnrrs of Il(en1iniiin
1'Ilt' is nre e.iuliiiiiiil nnlurt the many counter'
Its now ailn.it lu Ihu 111 irkut, uud en-cially
uaiiln-t 11 ehonp nml worthless nrtlrle eallul
Ibiseucht's Dlltirs, put up In Ihlscily bv .Messrs.
I'urmr Urn's., wllli the in mud fiitciillon i.f
pi.yiiiu ou the wilUiiruiil ivp-ilntlonnf llo-cn.
i-n.mV liiilirs, inn ruiiul.al ugeut lu all cases
l 1I.1 11 p-hi and "hull iril-r.i-es. The genuine
mi- 'nbiiiim Ins our i.uiu.' I.i.iml d on each cork,
a, d oiirsij-iiiitiir-nu 1 orb lilx),
X. II. .IAC0I1.S k :.. IVoprietort,
Fansiiino St.. cor u r nrCummerelal st
Mnuli :7, iMiD.-f.in'j. San Francisco.
I.oio s (be very po try of mlry
l.ovo s not bCiul, us 111 my mo, write
I.oio biics lie- lolly I row, Iho ip-uklug vy.
me nuiie eu'iir euvci; jiair lUonn or dark as
Loir loirs to hiss the lips (hat apart unfurls
While, gli.lenlng, tnouy kclb, like siiollcw
Such bienlh.nieh tieth.nseverl.ovewouldsiill,
A10 made by l.ufoul's Jamaica Soap Teeth Itool.
And Ihe worst hair soft, line, d irk docs lire,
Tiiiielnd by Juiim' Coral llulrltestoratlio
And puruibiir skin Isglieii.l'ioiiiwhlclidcfi'cU
When wasbid with Jones' Italian Chemical 80s p
Thesu irnllv beautiful inenarulloiis for lbs.
teeth, the breath, the hair I
Tlio llne.t sliai Iiil- soan in ule Ilia moil rmo.
lleut rr washing lulunls the tn-.t skin purlder
-remoi is ruckles, sun bin u, tail uud eruptions,
soirs, Ac. Its pi ice Is reduced to ii cents t
eako now,
in.s(X)i.oiit:it nmvand mm. iirrath
I.afont's Soap Tooth Koot makes them as
while n mow, clean.es tho mouth, tongue, Ibroat
uud gums, sweetens nud purilles the biculh, ami
heal, bleeding or tender gums. It Is without
e.xeejilloii 'he Isesl Denlrillee made.
I. Henry 'A. Johnon. or Ih-ntchi. ila boroliv
ccitlfy, '.'1Mb July, 183.1, Hint I do consider.
Jones' Coral Hair Hmtoiatlvo tho best llslr
lireparatlou miuK-. 1 h.u 0 seen It make the hair
glow, slop Its lulling oil", cure Ihu dandruir, ami
dress the Hair most beautifully, All my cus
tomers lll.o It.
:s.fl,Solil lor 2.1 nud .10 cents, onoli. l.v .11
Druggists In Calll'ornla uud Oiegou.
I'AltIC .V iVIIITK. 0 It O K Is I- it
OHAXI': nnd lHUHXGTON & Co., Hurt
Francisco Agents. Murch 17.-6ra-9.
JOHN KLAXAOAN. c. r, maoukrhot.
Tino Srandios, Wiaes,
JtU JL ifM. a-
3i?m3 39 Sacramento itrcet, San Francisco., ,,r (llll",c.
M9 Cc
Fire-proof store, ill) Front i-lreet, between Clay
and Washington,
rorclpo llnuors In bond
Fine Drumllcs. Ilnlt.inil P.ln Pmi m...t .1.
sold In iiiantltles to suit the purchaser.
.ii" 1, itcaieu in .aIlvo Callfotala WTntt snj
s -..,,
11 "JSmvt. 1 J MM , W iisrSagMMaBBBsBBKaBR