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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1860)
fzz&itmteti w THE OREGON SBUTIKKLl i SATURDAY, April 11th, 1800. The Quartz Mines. Ou last Snturduy, tlio proprielots of tic lili ctulirr, nl Gold lllll, tleuncd up their nrus- tras, nml 0.1 I lie pioduct of the preceding " week's labor, realized over mid above expenses, 0'ie thousand ounces of gold, liotwilhslmiding tlie erudc and slow process which they nrc Tor the present, obllgul t'i use In separating the valuable ore from the rock. The quart- winch they arc taking from the lend this week Is raid to be (till more wonderful in its richness ; and I from present Indications, no one wcck,howeir great its proceed, tan say that It will not be lueccded by Its better. Many persons' In this and adjoining coun ties, Arc vigorously attempting to make dis coveries In the quartz Una; tho prospect ing of the various lodes, that have been discovered, Is progressing! nnd tho Impres sion is every day growing more general nnd fixed, that several of them will, by the aid of suitable machinery, become sources of great profit to tho owners, und of extraordinary benefit to thu commuuity. These by them selves are of sufficient Importance to muko this one of the greatest of quartz mining regions ; but hitherto tho public mind lias been In a great degree, diverted from them to the sur passing richness of the (lold Hill claim, and tho eyes of the community hao been to daz sled by the brilliancy of (lie latter, llmt they were blind to that on which their gaze would otherwise have been fixed In astonishment. Moms It 1 ci 1 Qi'aniz. Muilloii was made In our last week's paper, of n rich quartz lead Imring been struck at Itoek Point, near J. II. White's store. We learnt from a gentleman who lately (sited the locality, that the onner, (,'spt. Sam. 1'rye, Is industriously prospecting the lode, although working toa great ilisud run tage, owlrg to the high singe of water In the vicinity. TI1I1 summer it will bo fully devel oped. .Some specimens obtained from the lode almost equal any of Iho-c from the fundus Ih vc!u at Mold Hill. The loo.v, decomposed quartz and dirt round the c!n pojs extrava gantly rich. As high m four and five dnllari have been washed from n single pan of rotten quartz and dirt. If this lode should priuo tn bo extensive. It will boa snug fortune for Its lucky owner. week Dr. Thompson Mtcd ll.eloJe dis covered by Ids mining pnrtncts, beyond tie Hlsklyou. l-'roni rcclutcn l the roik til.own u, wo should pronounce It it very rich vein. Tho gold can plainly be discerned with the naked rye scattered ull over the rock. Various persons estimate that It will yield from Pl'.Ml to 81000 per ton. The Company intend tn construct an urustra furlhupuscntto work the lead. Oilier dlscm cries of quartz have been made on Applegnte, but we Imio nothing to lay of tlicm this week. Von tin: .Statu C'dni kxtihn- llirly Iu the wcxk most of the Dvlegiitc (all butonewe believe) In tlio iKmnerutlti btato Convention from lids county, left fur llieeiw City. Wo regret that Mr. Thus. 'k wut (dillgvd In forego the Journey Iu eimscipicnee of Ill-health, I. II. Ititd, l.'i).. ulso left with tire delegation, nnd we sincerely Iiojhi fur the benefit of .South' em Oregon, for the sake of liaimony In the parly, and fur tho honor of county, that he nioy return among us tho chosen MMidaid bearer In the coming campaign. Wo bilUve ho will, loo. QfAitu IImick. We forgit to mention In last week's paper the two huge uud ex travugantly itch bouMcrs of Hold Quartz from Ish 't vein, which hud Inxn mi exhlblilnu nt ItetkmauV, were lukiti by Messrs. .101111 Mc Laughlin and Clias. Williiimi. mi the morning of the .Id Inst., on their way to Sun I'VuneVco. Tlieso blocks will further satisfy ilia Incredu lous of the tlihno- tit Jackson county quartz rock. We believe Mctrs. JleU and V, con template the purchase nfn ipiurls mill, width will be erected at (Jnld Mil. Imwimtiihtu Man ami JIk.ut. Individ uals arcustomed to the habit of Indulging 11 ('run too much, all'ord uniusciiicnt to icvcral pcrjoni about town, win) seldom mti the opportunity of npKiiding to their gar ments bunches of fire-cracker. I I--j- and dogs aro cipiully mullruutcd with tin hclllm. and their suffering j dps aro exultantly grctlul with tho jeers and laughter of thu multitude These nre not occasional, but atmojt e.cry day occurrences In Jacksonville. Tub ItoAiis. I'rom tho cucrgy di.phjel by tho Supervisors In some districts we haw bad opportunity to notice, during the week, there Js reason to hoio that in a short time these sections of tho County roads will b put in excellent condition. Wo trust that it nny be so throughout tho County, ltoad service or road (ax no good citizen will refuse or shlik, and it is generally t'.ioso who complain nwt .f reads that do the least to repair them. e liavo the best county in the State, why not hato the best roads? IUi!i. During lliu former part of this week we were favored with several showers in tho valley, and with rain nnd tnow on the sur rounding hills. The effect of this Is apparent Id tho brighter and more cheerful aspect of In nuimate nature, and iu tl.u look of Increased bopefulncfs refiectcd from tho farmer's coun tenance. There was not enough rain, however, to uffect In any considerable degree the volume of water in tho mining streams. CitRsczxT Citv Maii-. Wo learn from the Crescent City mall carrier that ho was unable to mako the trip to Crescent City last week, on account of thu great depth of snow on the mountains. No reports soma six or eight feet on tho mountains between Sailor Diggings aud Crescent City. If such is tho fact It will pro bably be three or four weeks before teams can cross over. Oasterun'8 Dkatii W.iuukt. Judgo Prim on Tuesday signed tho death warrant of this wretched man. Thu execution U fixed for Friday, tho litis day of May ensuing, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. -Persona wishing to puichase cheap piods are referred to tho advertisement of An derson & Olecn, la to day' paper. They mean a bat tfceyr.iy. LATBST NBWS . , Jly (lit Yrcku SIiirc of Yesterday. The ncits by the OvcrlaiiJ Mail from Hi. Is up to March lfilh. Tlio House passed the bill favoring the pro pos.ils for carrying the Pacific Malls by a sin- , ' '' ' lo. The election took place it) New Hampshire, Murch I. Illi, and resulted In favor of the lie publicum by about five thousand inujority. Murquczo has pronounced iu favor of .Santa Anna, in tlio city of Mexico. He was arrest ed for no dolug, and lifter winds inuda hU a- CllH Tlio lJcmocratlc National Committee nrc cons'dciliig the propriety ofihniiglng tlio place of holding the National Convention from Charleston to Baltimore. Stephens nnd Iliuletl, the Harper's Ferry conspirators were hung at Churlestown. The news from the Hio Urando is more pa cific. M11J. llclnlzlciniiti has Informed the Government that thu wur has ended. Confusion nnd anarchy pre. ails to an alarm ing extent iu Mexico. XHtWTTWM f"!-t California News. Commodore) Cunningham, Commander or tho Navy Yard ut Mnru Island, met with quite 11 talons uccldcut nt San 1'runclsco, April '.'d. While standing on the whurl it saluto was Hied Irons the Powhatan, nud u wad from one of the guns ttruck liim In the face, sturdy Injuring Idm. It is feared that he will lo.e his eyesight. This will be hard, us ho has already lost ouceyoln the sen Ice of lilt eoiiilry. Tin. pioneer I'xpressnniii of the I' Iix press kfl Han l'miielsco, April '.M, to crosi tho Continent. Quite n crowd gathered at the iilllec to sw I11 in off. Ills cxected that this KxprcM will laud letters iu New York Iu thir teen days ; and by using telegraph from St. Louis I he time will be made iu tilua da; a. A duel was luttght, ou tho 2d lust., near .Stockton, between dipt, l'rost nud Dr. .Slmp son. The weapons used were duelling pistols : d stance tweho paces. Two shots were ex thiiigeil when tho (Tllnstvo hiuguiigc wiis re Iractid. and both putlrt declared thcmseltcs satUfied. A public icccplton and dinner .ns given to Japanese Ambassadors mid suite by the Muni cipal and Military uuihorllliit of San l-'run-Cisco mi thu I'd hut. The ceremonies were at Undid by lieu rly the principal pit tonuses in thu State. Col. Joluurin, of tho Utah command had ar rived In San rraneItco,ttiid departed for Wash ington on the Mh. Maiimc I.NSTAI.WTIOS or a Cmnnt. Oregon Chapter No. -I, convened on the filli ofApill In Jacksonville. Tho following ofll cors wire liisbilli-il by K. W. 1'olter, M. K. II. P. ir I'trus Chupicr, Yrilm. Cal. W. Jl. S. Jly.h, M. i:. II. P.j W. W. Fowler, II. K.j Wm. IIc-n,I:.B. Uco.M. Harris. . II.; Sew all Truas. P. S.j Jos.S.Huriee, It. A. C; A. M. Ifc-rry, M. :id V.; II. Illoom, M. 'Jd V.; Jnseiili Maishnll, M. 1st V. Ps.tiTioy. On Wedmvlny morning lait ill- k tliltsti of Wm. Cukterlhi, tit have Ids jti'iilciieo coinniutul to itnprisomuent in the I'.nlu ntlary for life, afgntil by a iiuuiber of eilizi ns. wm- forwarded to his Kxeelleney, (lov. Idteaker. nt I.ugcnc City. 0 Miall nuke known tho Ciiveruor's tlirjuwltluii of Ilia tau nt the earliest practicable- day. Trt.KiiMi'iiii'. Wutireuiitkr many obllga liens In Mr. C'.nn A. Thomas, Tlcgruph e Agtiit ut Vril.ii, for hti promptiHVi In for- utiid'ng ut the l.ito nud exciting news In Im- romiJ under our T-! graph Wc can assiiie Mr. T. that Ids klnduiYS is duly nppre cluliil by our cltUens Iu furnlsblng them the l.ltllt i.ews. Thanks Wu return our sincere thanks In Dick Williams, of the 111 Dorado, for 11 supply of genuine Oregon elder and 11 ll'nu lot of Jlu- tin t cigars. VSf Wc arc conijH-llcd In layover our Con. gns-iuii luminary nnd other interesting news 111 itlt r pripanil fur this r.ei-k, to maku room lor our telegraphic '.-) a'cliif. ii1lflM1 Ki:xivi.Y & Hamlin's 3j'ni-ixo-5, lMoolinuloa, rtxxcl 20Clxioi-' 01xortX- Os&sli Store I MAY OE FOUND D.1Y HOODS m BBOfBlUBS, BOOTS AND SHOES, IA-lDWl-ia, CUTLERY, C1G AWS AND TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO WOOD AND WILLOW WARI1, STOVES & TIN WARE, POWI)i:it, S II () T AXl) I.KAD, Uln, Kmlliirn iitol (tui'i'n) Wfirr. All of wlilcli will bo soM hi low ns to DIUY COAU'KTITJON. full and cvanilnu be fore puivliaslug lewhcre, and wu will crily tho luregolug ileclaratious. Cf Stoic, cotiw of Ciilifornia ami Oregon Stictt, cpiXHitt tht IU Diiuula Sulooii, Jack- sonville. OKI.lVr.IlV VV.VCiOY rlrtlllnllng iroml- ruoiMly niuiiml tltroiijtli j"icr. lUlf. DH. JOHN HERRUOLD, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL :----iT3im:rJ DU. lir.UHOLIJ nimoiincei to his form er paliom and I ho public gi'iieiully, that lie has iiliirned to JuckunUllc nud locatnl per manently, to engage Iu the practice of his pro-fi'M-lon. TKLT1I c rac oil. and all ills- cases of tho JA ll'i' A.VP TEKT1I, treated mid carol. I cetli IIII11I In thu most upprni ed manner, und wariauted lor two years. Teeth Inserted, uud entire plates mada to order. All my worlc will bo executed nt greatly re duced prices. ,HCoutitry produce of every description, wood, coal, ess", butter, poultry, Mock, Ac., taleri Iu payment at golug uuiket priced, as fjfA. but my termt sre Ins srlsbly CASH UNION HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. -:x:- BY IE WIS II. &ZQLR. f "1I1IS wldelv known nnd established House Is X now keptl.y I.I. WIS II. Under liN sup'.'i-.ute'uilcuce It will bu entirely re littcd, ru-rurnUlied with iN'cvv Hi'ils anil llcdilliig, IVcvv Itoum rtitnlttiiT, anil In everv wav nlaecd in firt order. The ac- commodiitloni lur L-ucsti mc ulready b'-cn liirirelv nllcniltil lo.nml Hi" lironr elor can tan ly proinl-ii) nil who patronize Mm, comforts and luxuries superior to any provided el-ewliira iu Hits section, unit not surpas-ea wiiiun 1110 suue. TlTLO KEaOsT3lO will bo tilcntlfullv tuimliid with the best ofeve- lythtng the iiriikct nlt'ords I.'xxcllcnt mid ex. perlcrced cooki liae been cngagid, wliowlll cater for the tastes and enjoyments of the epi cure, as well as for the lover of plain, substan tial inre. In every department the UNION IT O 'I TD Jj will be made turn maintained a I'lKfti' UlvASN ItUllhi; In IMilcli t.'nvcllvrs. Iraiileiit isltors and iieimaiiciit boarders can alike secure and enjoy evciy crea ture comfort and obtnlti chccrliil repusu from tho faURiie', cans ami t.ilois of tliu day. Tl.a iirniirlctiir uuiii-ctrultv sutlcltA a contlii. nauco of tlio pitronaga which has formerly Icn bostowid, aim ns'ures the public no 1 iforls tiiion hlipart will be spired to desrrie the support of me travelling as will as or 1110 permanent com mtiuitv. IlioSt.igcs tn nnd from Vrckn, Crescent City, Ivttbyvilli', nud Norllierii tlreenn nil nrrtvu at ami depart from tin) Union Hotel. A supply (ifl.tteit pipers from all iirls oftlie Atlantic Status nud this coast ulnuyn liipt In the Itl'lilllllg I.0OII1, Jnckrouvllle, XovemK-r fi, l$59.-12tf PATCHIN'S MMi 5 32L 9 Orcscont City, Cal. riiJIi: proprietor or this well known House, J. (TDK I.UlOKSr AM) lICfT 11'IIM'IIKII IN' t'lltS- it.nt tin) rttpiclfully informs hli IrlcmN and lliu public generally that liu Is now in'ptnd to entertain liioc wlm mar famr him wltlitlnir iiitronage, Iu n ttilo uiiMirp.ivid by any other liuii'i 111 .lunuini unuiuriiia. Tlio llotiio, Uotlding nud ftffi Fitrniltiro uru entirely now. JM? :bh:uis iH:--n:a.5 will, at all llui", lq lurnislicd with the Ix-st the m ukct ntnnl-, uud no expense or exertion spar ed to make his uue-ti fcil ar iiiimr. OHARQE9 MODERATE. A IIATIIIXr ami II.MIt DIlISwISO SALOON attacluJ to tlio House. 0. PATCH IN, March 3, ISdO.-T. Proprietor. "fob 'sjsjJjByT" TIIETWENTY MILE HOUSE. Roguo Rivor, Jackson Co. THIS otaUMiril stand, known aim as JHU' VAVS rilltKV UOUiii:, Ingi-llier with the IVri'V I'llvlli'gc, rariiiSlof'Ujiiiul I'atitiiiis Iiujilfiiifiitit, l now 0SW11I for t ile. The prtin'sN arc sltua I11I upoii tlm Stale and Military roads Iu tl.u North a d South, a id c nupr'!'. '' . dts n good, Com:ao;liona 2Eouc, ,',:& with oiil-ljitiltliii-rH. About J'jj.W, 210 Acres of V I N E L A X I) . Tho I'Vrry t'rlvllogo Is one of Ihv iuot valuable 111 inn .-line. 1 or 11 mis ami uiurr particulars. apply, on llu pniiihes, to It. S. .IKWKTT. March .11. WEW'STOCK. Tilt; Largest 11111! Cuiupluti'xt ever lirotight to InrUsmivlllt'. j. heiTbbit, HAS r.'cenll.v rcelitl n large onddlvcrshlid aMjrlmi'Ut of sriii.'.o .. wr.KiiiT t-i.oiici, (iOI.l) A Nll.Vntl W.lTt'HKM, a is 1 a ji w si j n y ir, 1. 11 , Iv-- ,fA Ptnil, I'nirinlil .' t'limrii llit.;''vt'-g Together with n splendid lot of other ST DE3 ,7V DES 3Li .. -Sc-; lllli:.lST J'.VS, HKOQVUUS, A'.IA' RtSdS. nXOKK-lllXCS. I.OCKKTS, iwoicux, oust:, niLUfi:- unv, .v..'.'iv: nuriuxs,, wAivir ci.uxs, cruris ..i.v.s-, .1 xn .?;;. 1 ..?, OF EVEHY OECCfltPTION. ALSO, Ooi.11 1'km, with fioi.n ami Sn.vrn ami l'tuni. Ilin.iii'iu, (ioi.n ami Hii.m.ii Tiiiiiuj:i, S11 11:11 W'aiib,J"ii'I. Taw Kr-knt, AMlI.MIItVfe'Utl.l.WllltK.SKIH, All or which will I13 Mild at low prices and warranted. J. Nhl'IIUl still cniitlnm to Tlopnlv XVvtolaoo, (Tow olay aicl Oiooltrj, iKbeii-tofiire, In IholiiMm inner, and with quick dbpalrh. All articles In hi lino in.iiiuluclurcd promptly, nml villi iirutuc. Cull and see hU tncl nt tho old stand, corner of Third nud California streets, JacKxinvllle. -Itlf biTaoksmitiiing. INALLITSBRANCHESI AI.KXANnnit (.lurry) .tlAUTIN. RIl'KCTl'l'I.LV annouiicix to hU irieud aud the public generally that hu continues Tho Slacksmitbiog Business In tho bii'ldlng formerly ocviipliM by Win. Iliirke, 1111 (WioruM Html, thrtxthj Unto' Ciiif tjiitie !f J)rtiins Stul'Uu 'Decry tpeelen nl work done In the best manner and wlili quick dispatch. 1 'articular attention ghen to repairing IloxiiSl3L Irons, and to HORSESHOEING, nud to making and ifiialrliiK v7 ;iQ'P3 nl'd !2 Alining Tools, l'KUi., Hurs, &c, made to ordir, of tho very but iiiatcilals, In the most iipprniid styles. All woik WAltltANTCI). ALHXANDKU 5IAUTIN. Jacksonvlllo, January It. ltti!.-.12tf. JACKSONVILLE CEMETERY I iX! NOTICIl IS Hi:iti:Y OIVKM. That the CEMETERY GROUNDS havobcen completely nueyed, fciicid iu, and divided Into appropriate loin, r'loni and after this date. In. lermeiiiswiii 1101 uc peruiiiiiu uuiii uppiicuiiuii Is had to Messrs. llUItt'i:!-: &. LINN, Juckson llle. Parties deIrin to imrchasa tultablo plots for FAMILY DURYINQ GROUNDS, Vaults. MoiimiHuts, Ac, can securo them upon applieatloii to tlio abate named gentlemen. JJOAI'D OF TUUSTKB. Jacksonville, December 10, Ig59.-tf.l7, SHBRrPP'S SALE. NOTICIl 1 hereby given Hint I hate levied upon und will olfir for sole, for ca li, to tho uigncsi muacr, tuu loiiowmg uecriucu REAL ESTATE, to wit 1 Tho soitthncit nuarter of tho south. wist quarter of Mellon lourtccii(ll) 1 the south half ol the south half or section lilleen (l.'j) 5 the tioith t'i actional half of the north half of section twenty-two Vt'l) : fractional river lot No. 2 in section twcnlv-iwn (22) i river lot .No. thrcoO) lu section twenty-two 22) i fnicllonnl so-ithwett ipiaricroi kciioii iwcinj-mo (a) j 1110 noriii wistipiaitcrol the noi tliu est ipiarlcr of section incniy-tincc (23) ) nil in iownsmp.o. tinny. six (() ; south 01 lanuc .No. 3 we-l, contaluliig In nil I'lVi: IIUNDKKI) AND NINIJTV-ONfi AND 31-101 ACItUS ! and ntso tlio fractional northwest nuarter and the northwest quarter of lliu northeast quarter 01 section iweniy-tiirco (23). In toMii'hip thlrly-slx (::C), south 01 range No. 3 wi-tl, containing ON I J IlUNDIiCD AND twi:ntv-'iiiih:g and io-ioo auucsi to- gctlur with all the licredilnmeuts aud appurte nances thereunto licionjiug, cr in any wue np pertaining. Thu above described tiroticrlr (or so much llicnof as shtll bo necessary to sutlsfy two exe- cuiloiis uuiy tssuul iroin uiu omce 01 ma uieiK of the Circuit Court of Jnekou County, Oreaou, anil to lue dlricted, one In f.noi- of MAItKd .V AIIHAIIAM vs. DAVIS I'.VANS nndJNO. W. riliAIIS. lor the sum of six hundred and thirty- Illicit and 73-100 dollars ; tlio oilier, lu favor of f. .v uu. i'ams i.vA.a nnu J NO. W. SKAHS for fan sum of live bundled and iiluety-ouo and Ct-lUO dollars, with Inleresl on each from September, 18A3. nt the lateol two p.r rent, pir month, cu3lj und accruing eots) will bo told on the picmiics uu Tiicsilny, (lie Silt Day urillur, 1SG0, iH-tnccu thu hours of 11 o'clock, A. M. and Hire, o'clock, P. M. HUd April I, 1SC0. ,T. li C. DUNCAN, iSUrtf JJdtwi Cb(y, Ociyei. April 7. lSuO-l'.'-lw. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Quartz Load Interest. On SATimi)AY7"Mny filli, ut ii is'clotK, l. 31., riLL be sold, by an otd-T fiom (he County ? t Loan 01 .iaeK-on county, iumi ou in 1l.1v, tho lilli it iv nl April, all thu uinlHIJcd In tiret of JIL'dll M.CASSOX, In the Quartz .'lining claims sltuatul on tho Blackvoll Quartz lead, ind rccotd d by 1'. Moruu, V. S. Halls, D. John sou. .1, ll.inralian .VCo. Sab In bo niailu up.'ii the pn mlsM nt the time anovc mi-niioniii, ny inu niinio Aiiiiiiiiitiruior or Jacl. son county. TmiM.s : (lue-loutth cish lu hand, and three- mirths lu six 11.011II11 from day ofialu with np- irotiusicur.iy. O. I). llOXIi:, Public Adm'r. .-Ipr'd 7, 18C0.-livl2. Action to Iloccvcr Monoy. Ueo. 11. I.oha:i Circuit Court of the und IsAtu TniiMrsoN, m. First Jiidiilal District for the County ol Jo sephine, State of Ore gon, dune Term, 18o'0. Jmm I.'I'noMrso.v, To JA.MKS L. THO.tlPSO.V: ArOU will p1cn take notice (J10. M I.o. 1 gnu nud Isiuc 'I'liomp-on. plalntln's, bate llleil 11 cniiiplalnt ngiinst on In the Circuit Court for .Inwiiliiiiu County, Hlalo of Oregon, demanding jiidiiinont agal.f.1 you for the sum of I'he llundnd nnd I'oriy Dollars nud 1'lltv-luo Criil", logelhirw llh Interest nnd cot of suit) and that unless oil nppmr lit snM Court, lu Kirnyillle, 111 s.ii.i iiriuiy, on .v.ii.iy, Hit ini iliiifji:nt, .1. I). IHCo, nnd nunHcr sold com plaint, the Mine will In taken for coiifl'ssi d and the prayir thereof will In' i:r.iutcd by lliu Court. C. D .SI'KAOCi:. I'll. 23, DitfO -Sri. All') ft i'p. Action ut Lsiw lo ItccovorMoiicv. Isaac Mann nml .Stki-iii:.v Ciii'ucit Action nl Uw to rccovu if. .Money. (li:o. V. IJt:Nr. J Tn i:. w icr.r.T: ArOU are li'rcby tiulll'.i'd that unless jounp I. p-nr In thu County Court, lu nnd for the County of Jiurphtue, .Male of Op'son. on the llr.liliyol tho lirm, toljcl.ildnl Napol tin, ou the I'irri J rt.foy in Junt. A. D. lHU, nnd nil wirtho complaint In this suit fllul, thu sum" will In lakeii lor cnrriil. and Judginent will li. rcud.'P d ngaluit ou Tor the sum ! two hun dred und 111 lyHiiio doll irniid lliirly wu-u eiuts wiiu niKivn aim co.u.i h ip.iM- i, nut. iiruNirrr a .Marcli I, Ihui.-mll Allnuft,r ITfi. SOLDHlllS. Tll.MSTi:ilS. SAILOUS, (or llu-Ir inJvH-t or erA.i r'o'iH.) who n'ruil lu any wars or A(f. ltd. r In Callfornl.i or ttir!.rft, lriur I Miivh I..I, I W. e Iknf titl-lifit itlio irtn imJer il tn 1 r'.JiAV ormllora who scmtl i llu ciu-t of California lu ih .Mia'i.ui ar,willd w.ll to nddnx us. Cliii.i that li no Ikvii njietul III tl.11 hand of wilier nviiU. Ii.ivo been nioo"i-.rully ( btabud by u. An. ills acting fur us, liberally pi'd. Lat.d Warrants bo'ishl uud suhl to onbr. n.i.l all lialne re quiring an A ueut nt Wa-liiugto.i. ulU-mKd In. It. II. I.I.OVD A- Co.. for Claims l'eiilnns, llouuly Land. & llifereneo In an Of the liemls if llepartiBitllts, rcbruary II, It CO. int.-1 In the nailer vj the hUciU of JAStKS 1IUSTUX, Decerned. IN thol'rolialo Court of.lncli-on County, Ore gon. Notlcii Is liereliy slven III it a 71111 f Ihmtnl of the said vsUlu will In1 bad In KiidCuiirl, by the AdmiiiLlrator, ('. 11. IIAIIKIll T.L. mi the miA i.iy f Mj, ISfiil. King 11 diyof llir term of tlit Court. U I uftheJIay'lVna. 1SCU, nt 'J o'clock, A. M. W.M. HOriJlAN, Uttk. April 7, isco.-lw-li. 35T' JLJ. ln the matter vf the Vtinle of WILLIAM M. UUAOTT, lkt'd. AI.I. prnins liileri'sbd In tlio Ihiul ttUltmnJ of thu Jtuto of Wm. XL i:i.LIO IT. ilrceuHil. with the AdiuliiMratur lUreof. are iioiIIImI lu bo und appear bclcro the County Court of Jack son County, on thu 3d day of thu .lay Tirw, Dili), III) rmf, ut which lime raid Dual clllinient will bu 111 ide. lly ord-'r ol' iho Court. W.M. HOFFMAN, lUeik. April". IKCO.-lw-f.'. 3E.SJ,3?-F2.A.7rS. CAMD lo the iildincu of tho nib.crllH.'r at I 'oil Hiijs, Joitpliluo county, und taken up ou or ubout the 1st day ofXIauh, IHO, Out Ih'owit HurBi, strlpo on fou'hind. Iwlli forefeet white, brandid ou the right shoulder with HU, (II II connect, ed) scar on left hip. AUo, Out) lilut S'uiiilsli Ilorsf, right hind foot while, .Span Mi biuud nn lelt hip. Tho owner can haie tliem by provlug proper. v paying eiiarKCS aim expenses. .March i I, IbdO J. 11UOWN. If otico to Farmers ! The I'roprlctor of tho FARMERS' MILL WILL i:.cliange, giving UU lbs. of Su pel lino Flour, with 1'iiruicia' Mill brand on II, H lbs. of brau, nud SI lbs. of shorts, for each bushel of good clean Wheat. wm. iicssn. Farmers' Mill, Bent. IS, 18.18, fitmf "W-a-iteca.! iQA AAA WHICH Those owing )5UjU J J) u nro requested to ruLu po3iuie. "i'iitry uitio iicips." MAUKY & DAVIS. Si.DX)XiE-aY c rnf) H1MISS X iiKNT.r jiimu:, - - . - i, iiLS'JAUt.v unnr. Judge & E3111Y, IN 0LUG0AGE & DRUM'S BUILDING, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. w II hiivn now ou hand tho largest and best avortmcni 01 Saddlery and Harness Waro, ever UoukIiI to Southern Oregon. LADIES' A.,i GliNTLL!. ToA .MAN'S SADDLES, Ift HItlDLES, STIltItCI'3, Sl'LMlS, MAlt- TINUALKS, SUHCINOALS, of every variety, elegant nnd plain. 3E.CtlX23.03S. A- Slnglo and Double, I'latcd and Plain, Clfi C0I.LAH3, I'ADi, HA.MKS, Wllll'rf, HITS. HA L THUS, l'LSTOL IIOL- STKUS. t'HY.SD'IANS ANDOHDI- NAHY HADDLK HAO.S, IIOI13I-: ULANKlll'S, llltml nnd strapped, futicv and tdalu, HO II II. S and SKINS. LllATIIKlLIIL'CK. .SKIN, Ac., .te., Arc, At. SO RACE SADDLES made to order, with everything complete, und Itunntng Sheets. Ta1(o Notlcs that this li tho only Bhop which lms tho Gonuiuo C0NC0IID COACH HAUNESO. We make the real, slmon puro PENNSYLVANIA HARNESS, full ilggcd, with IlKI.I-a nud COLLAU FUH3, or plain. We make our own CUSTOM WORK, and flnlsli It In the bi'st manner. Old or latent styles nf every species of work, followed nurccably to the t.i'tcs of our patmn. Call uud examine our slock before purchasing eltwhire. We S i: li li C1I V. A I and do Custom Woik ut Inwol lliliitf price. 1 1 13 PA 1 1 J I N Cr done nt short notice. Orders Imm a distaucv promptly nttetidul to, All are invited lo can nud exam nc our stock. SI IURMSSS & SJIHILISII V STORE NEW STOCK. Jorscph Micholbnch, OAODLE AND HAnNES3 MANUFACTUftEIl Cor. Cull ru rn In mill Oii((im lnl, JACKisONVILLi: Will always l.eip o'l hand i''TTf Iwp a ai'rtm nt of Califor . tm nt or Lalilor-rr,' 1 Saddles, Whips,' i21uIauiidOr lliidb'', and llarnevs, which will In sold at It I'll H II It lliu Pl'lt't'H. saddia'.s, iii:iiia:s, iiaiixhss, ..- rt:im. maiitis(:aia:s, woodv.s, max A.i) m:ass srinnvi's, sui:ctxau:s, sa n m.i: IIA(lsU'llll'S:i'ISWL 11 01. a runs. Strnns. Itiirklt . (!laii. mill n cfttnnli.tfl n(irt. infill III llio Saddlery, Horse and Wagon Turn- imiug 1. inc. Vj- D'xvtn1 ntteutlou paid lo the la.iuufac luri'of heaiy Vruisjlvitnln 'c Cottcoril C.'oacD 2E2C jS-j-rstTSZ! s s . All OLVTOSt WOlli: done on the sherlitt nolle.'. Ill th Uwl stile. All luy ou cuoiui nt are Invited lo call and e.xniiiiii" tlio in-w stuck, wlilcli I- cuaranllnt lo k'II us low an auy other house In Jackson conn- V T'Jti.paiiina'iioiia nl wiorfsi notice. PUKNITURE BUHP2B & LINN, (lirguii hliirl,nppultcICciiiu)- c llnnitlii'i, JACKsuxnu.!:. All It Ituls ol Tiinilliii't MANUFA0TURED, AT MIOIIT .MITIl'i:, 'ill (IHIIKIt. Are r.ow ueclrtnTtinil Intend lokwpebnstantly on hand 11 full u-iOi Miient of EASTERN HANUFACTUHED PUIIHI TURE, "StVII AS (CZ'SPjZL? SPRING BOTTOM CHAIRS Of all Descriptions, rrench 3odsiond3, ic. All ord'TS Iu Iho Furnlturd and Cabinet line, fdlnl nt short notice, do up for cash, by JUlf lllltl'Li: .t LINN. LOVE & lilLCEII, Tin, Slovc, K Ilni'tlu'iiro Denier. Fin-Proof Urick, OS CauriuiM t SniKirr, Janrsu.viij k, Tin-Plate, Sheet-Iron ft Copper Workers. EVIlllV nrllelo lu iiso Mnnufurliirrd In Iho nbumllne ma.le lu uiderwith proiuptiiei uml dispatch. The proprietor Uei p ou hand nil rxtuslro as. mr I incut of Force pumps, Chains, Hose Xjvx3 iirn)i, ei cry description of i-i.a:rdava.:r:e, u large qtiantlty of Jiar ami AbsoiIimI JKO.V, In (juaiitltlcs to hull purchasers. Cookinrrand I-catins Stoves, of thomo-t upproii'd patterns, always lu store, ami lor mte ciy low lor t.nsn. Jiicksonvllle, Oct. IB, 1S58. .9tr FANNING MILLS! riMir. niljscrll-.'r will MAKE nlu' ,cl1 X FANNING MILLS, luring tlio coming summer, throughout the llou'iio Itlver, ApiiU-imlo nnd Illinois Valleys. HuwllUUculoiill klmliof IWachinory Hopairiag, especially TltUSIIUItS und FAN-MILLS. NEW RIDDLES &. SOREEN6, for Funs aud Threshers, supplied ou short uottco and on tho mit icasonulilu teiuii. Shop, ut WULI.S' JIILI. on Apidciratc. Alls onlers lull with AKTlilfll LANGKLL. Jiicksonvllle, will bu proiuntly forwunli'il to ihe tJlOll, . u. or. I'KAUUU. March 21. lSC0...1m FFOUll IN QUA.NT1TKS uud IVicc to buit nurehuicrs, bv MAURV k DAVIS. S B0MB8 SA-LOOaST! BY BURKE WILLIAMS, C01. Cnllrornln &()iik0 !.. Jnrksonslllt. rpiIIS cslAMIshcd and popular House has been X purchased, ami is now Kepi uy Hilly lliu kc and Dltk Vlllliuii, bothnldiesldenltof Jncltrouvllle, and widely kuonii In this section of the .Slate. Under their inaungcmcnl the EL BOH ADO shall le kept In llrst-clai stile, and every arti cle procurid nt their liar will lie of prime qual ity. They lull 0011 hand "-VlnoM, Xslcixxox-sii, IVKnlt Qovoragos, aoi-ctialra, XllCXTZOVI.X'W, xxxxel Cxp,ivx'f, of superior ipmlltles nnd cholco brands. Thote whohaic putlallly Tor FANCY 1M IX TURKS, will I14 scried with the most dllclous " tlnulnr ities" that can be devised. A tip-top article of C onuino llavnna Cigars, from leading Importing Houses of Sau l'lancls co, always on hand. The Homo is furnUhtd with two superior BILLrARD TABLES for lh recreation and exercise of guests who mnvileslri! to cnesca In this dollchtful. bcuefl. clal game. Mies of latest local, California and Stales' papers kept for the cutrrtalniueiit or visitors. In every way within their line the Proprietors will spar neither exertions nor expense to cat(r to the laile requirements, nu J faucles of their patrons. Jncksouillle, March 31. lC0.-ll-tf. vi.uir i n n i vt it it n vim lMJM A lH li flli I. ill li 1M J "25fUV STATU" By Martin . Slnthburn. "PHIS favorllr, spiclous and ntliactlvc Houie, 1 has Ik-vii purchased from the former propri etors, Messrs. McI.aiuui.i.v A Kt.tlTru liy the above named pultes, who nru now prepared lo receive the calls of their friends nud the public gcnoratly. Their J3 A It ltckl with ihe best of every varliiy of WINC8, LIQUORS, ALES, OOFt OIALO AND OIQARO, Just recclveil from tho lirst Importing houses In .San l'rur.ciico. All sorts of Kplciutiin DilnLs mill .lIlMurci tn warm tho heart nud cheer the mind, will lie deeocleil, mil ol the iliolccst exhllarullng aud stimulating liquid. NEW BILLIARD TABLES, Ol' VltlU.A X'S 1.ATKST, MOST lit- i'i;o'i:i) .vri'.:, with mmuiu: !i:i)n axi) i'Arr.xr wMiit- XArioxi'Usiiioxx. Thoo fond of this d"llililfiil and hrullliflll rxcr cle will eon. nl their rmoyineut bv i.l.ivug upon ihe. x 33 yv t a .13 lu k s . W " NEW STATE" SALOON Is on tin iilil spot A" HiiddiHit, cf L'Ji furui'i nud Tlonl Wc'. Jjel.-oinille, .Mar. 'i :i, IMU.-.M-7. PUKL id" SALE SCITOOLLANDS. XT''flCIl Isherihy glieu llmt the imdi-tslgnul 1 will ti!Ur fur sale, nl the Court Huiim-, Iu .l.iikiouville, on Sul ti i ilit)', (In Sl( Dtiy of April, in'xt, tho folbiwIngiluetlUil propriy, to wit: .SV.roii in in 7liniu;i li" S. II. 1 II'. .V. L Quaitir rf .V. .'. iimter .Vrrroii I", in ViimWkji IT, .V. .'. I H". Pint tf fimth I'l-ailion ' Settwn 0, .V. II. K rf V 1 II'. V7ie lVs Fiaeliimnl lldf if Settion 1, Vlirn- ,h p UT, .V. It. IK IF. 77ir X. K. I'riKlioiuil Qtwrtcr cf the X. .'. Quai It r SiUioh '.', 'Hirin-'iijiti', .V. It. DAI'. Tiihms of Salk: One fourth of the niirelia-o money, culi In hand, nud tho rcnnlniUr In I.' iiionth from the day of sal. I niir I nc lutiTCl nl t"ii r ti'iit. jn-r annum, i nu iari;u iravts win uu uiunii in eu uud 10 acre lots. 8. lUJ.MI'IIItKV, Superihltn.ltDl Cunnwi HeivJi J.idto-i Qt, March 17. ImIO.-Iw-'J. NI'.... CONTliC'L' IONKRY. Oroeou atroot. TIIH undersigned has on hand, nnd Is always nuily to miuufactiiro to order, ull kinds ol Pilttl'), Coufi'cltoiiary, Caiiilli's t'liirlit'rs, Cult CM, l'ies&c, for WriMlugs, Hall, or Parties, gut up lu good ' st) le, nnd nt the shortest notice. i TI-IJi BAH : IsidwayssupplUd with ncholco lot of l.iiiilorh nml Vt iiien.nnillliniiMSiV JacoU'wIiole.omei i.At.i:u WINT.IllN & IIKLUIS. Jncksonillle, O. T., Del. ., lSiti :i;:i8tf EAGLE BREWERY TO WHOM IT MAY COXCERX: A Nil FAKTICULAIILY TO TIIOSI1 WHO CA. wish to gain strength, we rccuuiuieud to Go tts tlio Kttglu lirciverj's formerly owned by .1, J. Holuiau, which has liecu pureliunil by Iho umlerrigneil, who will carry ou Iho business, nml keep constantly on hand n large stock uf the BEST LAGER BEER, which they otter for sale nt wholeale, lu their Inr room on the prcinU'i Ihey will not sell iu less quantity than one bottle or (piuit. which is Iho smnlli'nl doso Ihey can mescrlhe for Iho nf. nicted, Tho lutronae ir nil loiersof the bev erage, Is kindly tollcltiil. .losiiiMi wi:iti:ek. JackFonilllc.Sepl. a, lu. 33 HUNTINGTON &. WALL'S -WALDO EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON! -W--.jsX-(-, Joililii I'ouiil', Orrttoii. TUB "WALDO EXCHAVGn" Is furnished with two superior 1'IiclanV late jinprovcd Cushion Utlllanl Tables. Keip 011 baud ut the Dar the choicest Liquors aud Cigars, selected by tho pioprietora iu ban Praucltio, l'rom their general ncipialntnucu nnd known desire to accommodate, a I1Ikt.iI share of public patronage is repretfiily tolivlltd. I5tf I JOHN AXUUIMO.V, - - - JAMES T.aLKJW. AiVDEUSOiV & Gleptn, cAZsirozuvrzA St., OETWCtNOflEOON AND THIflD STRCtTS. W",i!AYL;b:LmisiN fflPlBftWWKIBOBIB, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WINES, LIQUORS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Eats nud Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, Frosorvod Fruits, Fio Fruit, Fx-CBcvvcd Bloats, Oystcri, rrcsh Spices, Saucos, Jollies and Pickles, MINING TOOLS, .Mechanics.' Iiiiiilrmijiiti, Far ming Implements, I'nliits, OIli, Iron anil Steel, XA1J.S, LOCKS, 1-XA.RXr 7AEE, (of nil kinds) n.OUIt.nitAIN'.SAUKS, CA.VDLi:., CAMIMIK.Vi:. I.A.MI' OIL, TIN WANK, WOODK.V WAltK. imOO.MS, PAILS, INDIA HUB21ER GOODS, VC 1'A '. 3 .D -: 2tt.H8s to which wc ri'speetfully Invite jiersons wlshlns; imrchnu u wc nn determined to SELL CHEAP FOll CASH. AXMKKSO.V S. GLKNN. Jiicksonvllle, October 15, ISJS.-II3J. NEW STORE, jSTEAV goods. On Apiili'gntt Cur It, lit MIIcm from .InrU'.oiivWIe, on to Crescent City lloutl. THi: um)i:iisic,.m:u wui.i.i uiisrr.u fully Inform the citizens of Apnlegale Vi ley nnd vicinity, that we nre tree ivtng nnd no opening n I.AtlGi: und WULL-SLLCCTKU rnilK I'.NIOStGNKD WOCI.n rtlSI'KCT. now STOCK OF GOODS direct from Han l'miiclico, nnd shall keep eon stoutly ou hiiud ii largo uvoituieut of J)KV iOOI)S, (ii(otri:uii:s,ci,oTiiiN, HATS &. CAPS, ItOOTSAi SHOES, IIAUI)U'Alti:,CltOKKHV, Tl.WVAIli:, Kc ..AUO.. rAllSIXO UTKXSILS, MISISG IM- i'ia:mi:sts, diwgs, liquors, CIGARS, AXl) YASKKE .V O T I O X s . OurCnodsnre si-tolii! nnd purchssod from IheliMl i-stnlillslicd houi.s und stock lo Sot rraiielKO, nnd wo punrantn tu svll Iowm anr other liouse In tlio enniily. . w. rotvi.n: co. AppH-li, f-'t. nth. IM'J. . ii. r. utinv. .T. I'illS. 1U0BV & DAI'IS, Piro-Prcof -rick, Cornor of Main and OrcffOii StrcoU, JACKSON ILI.K, OltliaO.V, nml III lull lit nl r In 03T3T C3rPOdLm OJLOTI-IIjSG-, :oonC MliKkew, GROCERICS, LIQUORS, Tobnooo nucl Olssmra HAIID'WARB, OILS AND PAIMT8. kilning nml Axiliiilluiul liiiiliintnU. Wi: are now I! -00111111: n Large nml well i k of (ieiicml Merchaadise, which wo on. r Cheap for Cash. Thanking tho puMic for llielr patrnngc hcre toron. we iiope lycloto ullvlilloii tu biiilnoMto merit Its coiiiiuuuuce. Sltf HAINES &BRO. Corner Calil'ornia K Oregon Stt., JACKSONVILLE, OQN., HAVK l'OIt SALi:. nt the very LOWEST nCilULS 10U CASH, CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES, J I ATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, AVJ NES AN1 LIQUORS. AI-K AND POUTER, T013ACCX) & CIGARS, I3 T 13 F R U ITS, And COTJTJTHY TJLOHVOM generally. Heavy Clotliliig tvlll bo Sold at Cast. Boots and Shoes ! 'pIHl suliscrlber hasopenol n shop on Cll X lornln street, Iho doors west of Haines A Hi os. store, where he will mako Ihe BEST AND FINES T B00TS AND SHOES, WITH XUATXIlSSand DISPATCH. HIS WORK nil WARRAXTED. He will nho REPAIR BOOTS Bm SHOES la 'ho best manner at short notice. .B- A share of publto patronage Is respect fully solicited. M. 8TACEY. Jacksouilllc, Dec. 2l,lH9.-t9tf Notice ! !! ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to tho undersigned, aro earnestly requested to (all aud settle their nccounts on or befor lb 1st of February, 1850, As J. A. Ilrunner Intends leaving for San Frsf cko by that time. All uecouiils not paid by the 1st of February, tho usual rate of Interest ('.'J per cent, per month,) will be charged Iroin the 1st of Janus ry, 1S.W. Tlictcaftcr, nil accounts must be Milled very ninety duyn. ltf. J. A. DltUNNKK & URO.