Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 14, 1860, Image 2

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(MkmiSi iliiLU' L'ttaeS
tH . w
w i -mm
SATURDAY, April Mtli, 1800.
From nml after this date, nil 1)111 duo tlic
SKNTINKL OI't'lCK for subscription since
the commencement of tho Fourth Volume,
nnd for Advertisements unpaid up to (Into of
the 33d No. ofrnM Volume, must be paid to
tbe present proprietors.
Jacksonville, Sept. 10, 1859.
kllUlIlllll tuii
lection Monday, Juno 4th.
Kor HfprtsrlilMlvn,
J. 13. WHITE,
G. W. KEELElt.
Var Mtiritnr,
Var Cmtiit)' Clerk.
For ('mint) C'clilliilnlnnrrt,
Tor IVtmilr Ttrasnrcr,
111 r Coronrrf
1'nr Coiuilj Nurreyorv
Kor Cmiril) Af or,
"WiU. KAlILElt.
for Politic Ailinlhl.lrnlnr,
wwwt numwmmm
Tho Oregon War Debt.
Our Wur Debt appears to b) a common
target for every newspaper scribbler nt Wash
ington, nnd very few of tlicm essay to ileal
with It Intelligibly, correctly, or fairly. With
only n smattering of Information upon ono or
two of the weakest detail of this great nnd
Just Debt, theso cheap caterer for tho public
maw, set to work with Indecent zeal to proe
tliut the total Indcbtcilnesii claimed, is of n
not penny cheap as It is In lliu older Statu,
Wc know nothing of tho particular Item
harped upon, (and will venture that It Is erro
neously represented,) but wc do know that
there arc ferries In Oregon nt this lute day
which could not bo rented for n month nt n
much less llgure, II nny nt nil, than the price
charged by Mr. Mills. It is not n good way,
to demand services In Oregon, nnd then Insist
upon paying fur them nt tho cheap going rates
In tho Knstcru States. Dollnts with us will
purchase llttlo moro than quarter with them.
The scribbler closes by remarking that the
" Treasury will bo saved n largo amount by
this (Third Auditor's) critical Investigation."
Yes, nnd so would the writer and his fi lend
the Auditor, save money by declining to pay
their honest debts. We give his word :
Tho well known Washington nnd Oregon
War Petit Is d.illy before the House Commit,
tec on Military Affi!rs,nnd they will probably
report n bill, in accordance with the. iK'tailed
and lengthy report nf tho Third Auditor of
tliu I Tcns.try, which lias just liven made, unrr
nn examination lusting oicr n year. In speak
lug of this In my letters written while It nut
pending nt the last CViiltw. I staled that the
claims under this Debt wcro very much exag
gerated. Tho report of the Third Auditor
fully confirm' that statement. In the recnplt.
illation of this report I find that the amount
found due the military service, itt Auny lates.
on rolli of both Territories, as reported by the
Commlsloncrs. to bo 8521.379 73. The
amount of scrip claims for supplies-property,
etc., nt the rntes lixvd by the Thlul Auditor,
ore 8,.M9.'M,.!S 82 tho total being 82,71 1,
ll()3 f)5. Tim aggregate amount reported by
Commissioners for rxpensis In both Territo
ries, was 80,01 MB 3(5. Deduct from this
tho $2.71 1.808 fi.'i. nnd it lea vis 83.201,..
013 81, You will thus sec that tho Auditor
lias thrown out some three milium) of dollars
worth of claims 1 This has been effected by
properly considering n claim like tho following:
une m. A. .Mills is n ported tor tin) moot a
ferrv lin.it from f lie lit nf Jntiu.-trv 111! lint Int
of March, three months, nt 8200 per month,
nml ironi ilia 1st or .March till Hie 1st or Au
gust, live months, nt 8100 n month, amounting
to 81.100. It was scarcely possible, as the
Auditor says, that during nil this period this
boat was In tho exclusive me of the volun
teers. Tho nnmo of tho firry, or on what
stream It was, Is not stated. Tim Auditor
settled this 1110111111 claim by allotting the
claimant 830 11 month for his services. The
report Is tilled with many Mich instances as
tlil. borne or the estimates m.iy lie rctlucciJ
In tho Conimtttea when lliei retiorl the bill.
'I'hc Treasury will lie saved a large amount
by tills critical Investigation.
Oregon Items.
The woolen mill nt Salem has In constant
operation IS looms and -160 spindles. About
prico with these trlllrs, nnd boldly nsscrt from 1 000 pounds of wool per d.iy Is used In the man
this jumped conclusion, that the. Debt Is nolh
lug short of a gigantic fraud sought to be
rverpctrated upon the Federal Treasury. These
ufnetureof casslmcrcs, blankets, llannels, &c.
They dally turn out 300 yards of cloth, or near
ly 500 yards of llamicl, 35 p.ilrs of blankets,
greedy gatherers of State scandal, lltly enough besides quantities ol yarn. The establishment
for their claw, search out nn Item or two from
tho whole account which to their picayune
Ideas seem exorbitant or fraudulent, nnd
straightway dress up tho morsel with frothy
adjuncts until It Is puffed orinveleaI out of
nil proportion, nnd made to appear huge to
the public view, a thing of substance, real,
when all tho time It Is but tho buihil of chaff
with ono llttlo grain of wheat contained. At
n distance, the stuff looks genuine, but 11 bieath
or n '.ouch proves Its worthlessneri, nnd dis
covers tho cheat to bo in It nnd not In the
solitary grain It smothered
Is In prosperous munition.
Mew. Clay .v. .McCJiirc, of Kugeno City,
nro to put In opcrntlon n irl-wcckly Concord
coach Hue between CorvnIH mid Oakland.
Wo wish them abundant success. Tha null
contract should bo ghen to them. In Intr
tlmo wc cxK'Ct to ice a trl-wechly lino from
this to Oakland, connecting with the other
A gentleman KKiitly lost OCOtl In coin In
Marlon county, somewhere nloug tho road. It
The New Speaker and Oregon.
Our Stute is deeply indebted to Mr. Pen
nlnglon, for the distlngiii-hal favor which has
characterized his appreciation of her presence
In tho Union, lie teas reptcscnted as a very
fair and Impartial man before his duties ns
Speaker commenced. Probably he Is nil this,
but he has a very singular wuy of showing it
Ills trentment of Oregon, however, Is npt to
cause any other Impartial person to think that
his fairness consists only in rumor, and that hu
is In fact, either n very dull, stupid, unlit man
for the position to which he has been elevated,
or that he Is naturally a very biased, prejudiced
politician. Upon taking his scat ns Speaker,
he made quite it pretty nnd patriotic little
speech, In which he promised to deal fairly and
Impartially with cveiy portion of tho Union.
Promises nnd performances prove to be ns lit
tle alike with tho honorable gentleman, we find,
as with many others. Ours Is the youngest
State of tho Union, too well known to be for
gotten entirely j too freshly admitted to have
her existence absolutely Ignored. v hat grlcv
ous Slate sin she has committed In the eyes of
Speaker Pennington, beyond tho election of a
Democratic Representative, we cannot divine,
and therefore must regard this ns iht re.von
for his passing upon Oregon what Is Infinitely
worse than a slight nn Insult In his treatment
of Mr. Stout, In conucctlou with the Standing
Committees of the House, Isolwilhsluinlinl
I.!. II t.. .- .t.t .. ...... .1 -...1 --...'
Ills llli-liruillisu lu ucoi (rub i-ijuui aim e..ii
justice to each State, ho has notoriously viola
ted the pledge, nnd exhibited full ns much ven
om against Democratic Slates and Democratic
members ns chaructcrir.;d tha Speakership of
X. P. Hanks, lie has behaved not only mean,
ly nnd unjustly towards Oregon, but cuntemp
luously also. Out of the thlrly-suvcn Standing
Committees appointed, Oregon Is given but our
place, nnd that a subordinate one upon the
Committee on nxpenditurcs In the Slate De
partment. With the important measures con-j
csrnlng Oregon before Congress, her position
politically and geographically, to say nothing
of tho qualifications of her Representative,
which are nlivnys to bo taken Into considera
tion, common justice would imvo prompted
the Speaker to nwnrd her nn equal nnd fit
place In the Committees. Dut he has failed
to do so. Mr. Stout Is fully competent to
servo upon any of the Committees, nnd partic
ularly upon that of Indian AtT.ilr, nl Post Of
fice utid Post Roads, on Territories, on Claims,
anil others, in which Oregon Is now especially
concerned In the business pertaining to them
Ills non-appointment to any of these Is little
short nf an outrage upon the rights and digni
ty of tho Slate, nnd In the coming ufccllou, we
trust that our citizens will unmistakably nsstrt
lluir condemnation of the party which Is re
sponsible for this wrong, us they sliould, by tho
election of 110DO but sincere, faithful Union
loving, States' rights men to office. There
should be 110 rflorc of the Pennington school of
partisan Speakers, nnd Democratic successes
will rid Congress of their rule and misrule, In
good time.
To Yrckn. for the Oregon Sentinel.
Dates From St. Louis to March 2Zd.
Battlo botweon tho U. States
Squadron and Spanish
War Stoamors ! !
The Spanish War Stoitniera Cap
tured mttl pout to N. Orleans!
Proceedings of tho Democratic Conven
tion of Joiophino County.
Pursuant to n cat! of the Democratic Cm
trnl Couimlttco of Josephine coiimy, thu fol
lowing delegates nucmhliil nt Kcibyvlllc on
tho 7lh of April. The following dulei
of the several precincts were present 1
over Lily cent a uutnei, mat nour nus ever
been held anywhere from tin cents to one dol
lar per pound, that labor Is estimated nt more
than n dollar a day, nr.d that nil other things
have been or eru correspondingly high, In
tl.o faro of the assertion! of our Senators nnd
Iteprwcntatlvif, nnd of those of our people Jed from the S.imllknmuii mines, snvs llmt the
who havo occatlonally made visits to the At-; diggings nro not what they are rcprtr-cutcd to
lantlc side, oud despite tho solium averment w- lie advises people to stay nway.
of the holders of the sir Scrip, bached nnd
corroborated ns all these are by the certificate
undr oath of (lovernmcnt officers nnd Ooveru
win found nnd restored to him, nil right. He
lint ll U tlin'iMva tliu lioncil llukr ftlim. It U -ri.rrrUn.
-- " .-.n"- " w.-. -- ...... "A, .. , ... ,. .. ,. .1 .... .
,,,!,f,,r!i.m of Oret-on ili.it most of those to' to meet wllh such Instances, both of h.mtslv ' 1""' ,,wl0" "W'f nmuucr,
whom she looks for relief, or rather for justice, ! gratitude. We should like to Kuuvr the! $'ntt Crrrt. Oliver Kvons.
view tho makeup of tho Wur Il.bt frfinn Unlir's name. f.'uflou Cittl: Thnmai Hart,
distance. Her Debt I referral to n body oft The Portland Charier r.Iectlon was to come' H'lffwfli' jVrfrfc-.M. T. Pierre, jiroxy II.
mm who live In Slates nnd Diitrlct whire'ttTon the'.'d Inst. The Democrat nominated ! '"r!!' Mn Jlovull, J. M. t.ilp.n, D.
labor Is low. nr.d coodi cheap : to a clan who ! It. It. Thompson for .Major, ft. 0. llubblni
understand llttlo nlbuslncn or trade nfT.iIrs wns out ns ludipeudint rnndidate. 'J'heprob
nron this coait : nnd who have no reaiimabli ability Is that Dobbins Is tinted.
conception ol tha proportionately high rates An nsay of tho ore from the Hantlam lead
which prevail with ns, in utmost eviry depart- muse hm been obtained nt San I-'raneUco.
in'M tf tralllo nnd of labor. They seem to The result showed 827 worth of silver ami gold
think It Impossible that oats nro itr sold at nnd ubout 1)00 pouudt of lead to the Ion.
I uat mine will pay.
Tho home of Wm. Naylor near Portland
burned down on the 29th March. Tho citi
zens hud made liberal donations to the uufcr
lunula occupant.
Mr. hlte, of f.lr.11 comity, recently return
Jlioicntnirn, It. It. Mitrhi'll, proxy ford.
lined tie, W m. I. van, proxy for Carrig.111.
II'dMo. S. It. Siotl, prosy for Dull mid
On inntlnn, n committee of threo was np
pointed to draft resolutions cxpridvu of the
seno of the meeting.
Tho following nioluttons were Introducal
nnd mloptiil :
ltttolcol, That our delegates to the Stale
Convention be lnt.tnict-.-tl to urge nnd vote for
Ihe po4powmrnt of the nomination i( Pnsl-ili-uilal
ICIi-ctors until niter tho Charleston
Ilttolvtil, That Foulhcrn Oregon Is jmlly
entitled to thu Itcprrscntntivu In Conervss.
nnd that our deieguti In Ihe Statu Conven
tion shall ur'.o Mich n nomination.
On motion, the following ginlleme:i wero
appointed deleirales to the .Slate Convention,
vizi ucoruo I lir.ilicr. A. II. htcvcm, .lus,
mint Commlsiloners, too many of the Sena
tors nnd Representatives still perxist In giving
car and belief to the thousand silly and in.i
Icvoltfit fabitcatloiH urgal tigalnst tho correct-
tiold and gold quartz hive Ih-vii illicovcrtil
on .Mjrtlc t-uvk, Douglas couniy. Jluy there Ulnieold. D. S. Ilollon. D.inlil lmeriran.
be u million got from tho new diggings. On motion, tha following gentlemen were
(J. II. Abbott, Indian Agent nt the Dalles, nitpotntcl dilcgates to the District Convcn-
1 . ... .... .1.1..! , . 1 . Hon to meet ile egntes from Jackson nnd
reports the Indians lu that section q-ilet, but , wlllMi f0 ll0lniwta n tinttula fur
un attack was feared from theSnuku Indians.! Di.lrlet Judge und Di.lrlct Attnrnvv, viz t
The 7.';iw alitor Is nut ngnhut tho China. ' Charles Ilruuner, Oliver J. I.'vani, S. It.
i.ihiaiw, .luiepu np'ur,
Water Is
'bank caving in upon him
Tho miners on Coffee Creek nnd
are making good average wages.
Six field-pieces have arrival at Port Van.
' paiiv.'P fYrim Itcntr-tii. fur nrlllforv clinnl tiriip.
. ........ ...... -, ... -.. j ....... ,..-.
to show, to tench, or to suggeit. The Dibt is , die.
1 111 truu-iui -rtmiii mil -.uicivij iiyunai uy a -.i'imiiiiihii iv insiiiii.11-11 iu iiuiuiimiu mm
mij .f ll... 11.1.I ltw .p-t.,n, itl lirnnnnl m,-,i In ltnI-tillrf, ftn.1 r-Ait,wf.td llu.lp itriiiildlnn ' hCOII, J(
., .....a. , ...tiMiL.!. i,n ,.i.i....'l.f.,i.,. I,., a iA,...i. .!, ,,r 11 i .a.,,, L,,J ' V". lolh-wlng rnolutlens were Introdua-d
i""""i " - ' v,,,v ! - , - - ' "" -- n, niioptal unanlmoiMy :
know nothing of tl.o subjut or are bitterly Henry Casey. n mini rnt Hog 'I-.ni diggings llttolial, That doU-gates to tho District
prejudiced agaln-t our people.
It Is uiclcis, almost hopeless, to urge nny.
thing U'yot.d what has gone on hi difvueu of
tbe J11jt1.cn of this Debt. Whatever virtue
there Is lu figuris, incj.p!anations, hi language,
nnd In honest presentation of the claim, lias
been almost iwhau.tcd. 1 here Is nothing new
Yiilk.v, April 13, 1800.
Tho Overhaul Mall arrival nt I-'ri-sno City
this morning, bringing dates from St. Louis to
March 22d.
On tho Cth of March, two war steamers
which left Havana, under lien. Marin, appear
ed before tliu city of Vera Cruz, p.ilng nit
the squadron, nnd rtfii'cd to show thilr colors,
although orderal to do so by n shot fiom the
Cnstiu nnd other signals.
The Knglish, I-'niieli nnd Spanish vessels of
war look no notice of the fact of their attempt
ng to pus, but Commodore .larvi onlereit
Coiiim.indi.r Turner of the Siratoga, with a
detachment frqui the .Sitnimmi, to go on the
steamer liulwnotii, nnd proceed to the two
war strainers und usecrluln their nationality.
A Ihe liidmniiil approached, one of the wur
sleameis was ncn to move oil, when n shot
wn fired by the Imhanoln which brought her
to neeoidiiig to onu neeouut,) according to
unolhcruccouut, 11 boat witlin llag was sent to
demand their nationality, when the steamer
(iciioul Mnaiinn fired on the boat, accom
panied with n viilli-y of mnsketrj. At this
moment the i'linfugn fired 11 broadside nt Ihe
Gtntial Mimmnii, nnd the action liccnine
general. Doth itcumcr then holstid Ihe Span-
lib llag, nnd it spltlted cngngemeut ensual, In
which tho America 111 lost tlmo men klllal nnd
one mortally wounded ; thu Spanish lo.s.t.wns
1.1 lilllel. und between 20 nnd 30 wounded.
The result was the capture of the .Vimmon
nnd Mtwptttt, witli mol of the men nnd guns.
Tho Minvnon' uns scut In Xcvr Oilcans ns n
prize, in charge of nn American officer, nnd
has arrived there. The Marmitx win expect
ed thcro in n few days, wllh lien. Murln und
some other prisoners. The engagement Is sup
posed to have taken place near Yira Cruz,
nt which place there Is said to be great ex
Tho 1'rcncli nnd Spanish denounce tho con
duct of our squadron.
The steamers cleared from Havana as
merchantmen utid holstal thu Mexican flag
after leaving pirl. Subsequently they mount
ed guns. Mlninion paid S.'.i)00 for Ihe two
steamers t!tii. Mininum nnd Manjuat. Tlie
news created a profound Kiiiatlon at Wash
ington. It Is billtvcd by somo that Ihey we.e fitted
out by the Spanish authority.
Six l-'itvM'ifWi), April 11 Hi.
The pai-Ii.jr nmlili bvlvvtvn " P.ieille" nnd
' Young AmerH-it" came olf jelerd.iyf Won
by " Pdcllle" In three straight limits. Time,
.,q 'l-'-Q O.OJ
Sieriair.xTo, April P.'th.
At a quarter of one o'clock to-day, John C.
Dell, member of Ihe Assembly from Kl Dorado,
was shot undstablieil by Dr. Sloni',of(!eorgi.
town, 1.1 Dorado county. Mr. Dili Is in gnat
ngony, nnd It Is thought tliciu Is no hope of
hi recovery. The knife wound on Ihe right
side will, it is faired, prove fatal In it thoit
time, ns the phjidciam nro ol tho opinion llmt
the blade passed through the right lube of the
liver mid entered the stomach. The patient Is
falling fast.
cayjTiT'-M.1 f . tmmnni
Tim Vnilnnil P11I011 Convention Is to meet
on the 9th or May nt IJulllmoic a litthi
more than two weeks nfler the Charleston
Convention nnd n week before the Chicago
Convention. Some think Ilio U.tlllinoro nom
ination will bo given to Dates, with n view or
forcing Ihe llepubllcan Convention to lake
lilui up, but It Is not probable thnt such a
t'diig will bo done.
Tins 8Jtl.000.000 Treatury nolrs granted nt
tliu l.it CoinrrcM expire Juiy 1st. It Is said
the Home will not niithorie the re-lsstia but
require them to be fundi d, nnd connect this
loan with tho Turin" Dill, applying Ihe surplus
of the revenue In thu extinction of the Indebt
edness. It is thought the Senate vviu now
yield and make some concession In the matter
ui the 1 ni 111.
J. 0. Coylugtnn, clerk In thcilnllonery
room has nlncnnded, carrying oirtivrnly thou
sand dollars In I r.iiufcrabii' I'nslohleo Cerllfl
cites, obtained fi'om conlldiiillal friends nnd
m ide pav able lo lilmvlf. It Is reported he
negotiated them In New York nt eighty
cuits on the dollar. He left for Kurope.
Uovrriunent lo-ws nothing.
There will be -l.tiOoTUnlted Slates (mops
upon the Mexican frontier before June. Ono
reciment will remain hi Utah. The President
anticipates that the Mormons will be quiet
wniie tin nrmy remains nmnng iiicm ; nut
fears disturbances so soon ns the sold lers leave.
(icuernl Johnston has ban ordered to report
at vv nstiliigtou.
1?o the 2?ublic.
ft.MKHirh.-i. l.iilioiw-.'iVrs: llefom proceeding
ntlnu- nil, .0 IllilliC VOII 11 Vl'I'V lOW IlllVV (I At tilvJC
Jncklo ivilie. riiJt. by taking hold of my hatj
Willi two tliiimlH ami one uiiaircxaciiy ore- uiu
right eve, thou elevating mid hut thu twenty
sixteenths of nn inch above my head, and then
In that po'ltlon allow both lml nnd hrndloviry
neatly timcli the lloor. It Is dom-. but It came
very awkward lo iii", u It was tha llret time
I uvir nlicinp'ed Ihe tow a la mule Jackson
vllle. Yil piiiinge ns it may teem, this low
how, though difllctill, comes n. tusy lo tome as
If they hud practiced ll n life llui'. Ilovevcr,
iialuiJ-docs much for soma people, II nukes them
anv tiling and vver.v thing. Jtut to procci J:
.le--r. IMIlorsi I owo vou and marly all ed
itors a debt, and above nil things. I thank the
llellv lor clvliic us idlor und n free lireM
through which 11 mnn, If he cannot get lull ly
what is uiiarmilcid In Ilia constitution, cuiiat
light-, privileges and protection, may tling de
fiance and K'ui'ii lu the teeth of his couit oiuljni-
ntliinimom Jut,
It Is 11 Known fact Hint when nn Individual
cuhmlts taim ly In wrong, other wtongsnnd per
secutions iilirfollow until nt lnteviry right
and liberty whlcli ho once enjoynl will l tram
pint under foot. No m liter whether the perse
cution comes I mm an liullvldinil or n communl
tv. Kn 111 like uli'!llii-r llu lierseculornlH1 hark.
til up by I1i1lIVMlt1.il coinage, ur by hlslng Iheir
venom in ronanm rrnrry i-tu ni-uiir even
tli'initli (her sliould be hid nwiv In. ornruteclrd
by, 11 number of Ignorant, blgotid, grand or
p-tll Jurymen. I say no matter dom whence,
win ro or how Ihe pir-ieulion may come, the
I he conference on the tariff. March llth, ofiludlvldu.il who suluiills tumtlv Is n tine, and
the Oppoilllon delegation or Penntjlvnnla n- uiiiliervlug the name of cttcail And jet, If
ureal to icenmmcnd to the Coinmlllcil ofilheopprei-ul i-houldscekridiifsli.v incain'onhe
WiiJS nnd Means rcrtilln specifie duties on V '' rollows-nmi 'Jlu leal leeches
Iron. It is prubablu n Tnrilf bill will be re- pounce upon him. never Tor 1111 n-luiil letting
portal ubout the inlddlo .r thu neck. K" V""1 ' J',' ."nlnrlunale Is pu.IcV WoihIIiss,
1 , , ,, , ., llleh'M. '1 lit-). Mc-srs. bdltois, Is why I nuk iv
On tho night or I Jill March, nnothcr inrct- phee In tba columin of jour pupcr lor my lin
ing of sympathizer wllh"- Ilia shoemaker I inland nnd iintnmMiid llioiights.
"striker'' of Miisncliuelts, was held nt Nivvl Tliiicnuilltilliui nf the Uullid Elates guaran
Votk, nnd 81. Ill was eollcclal to uld lu curry-j tee In every ell iron equal right, privilege awl
Ingon tlie luoviiiicnl. pmliellon! llulwherels tho protictlon It n
Joihu.i W-nl Osmond. ofXewburir. X. Y. . i V'n'1'' mgo'" . iiiuoiani grnnn or iiciu jury
I... .III... .I...lln l.;i l. """3 iiiinmeiiiicciimi lor iv crime, gin
...'."::' 1... . .L.::.X"r.. r."..i. ..: iwvrnny oirence. or 1.1
1 iiiumi" inning i.iiiUMiuiiii iui 11 iii-.mii hi
OF.- .
rIMIEnnilcr-lpntd are now offering their large
JL nnd cMenslvu slock of
At Ilciluccil ltutcH L'Oll CASH,
or lo prompt men, duu the first day of July next,
nsthuCo-ptrtnctrhlp e.xbtlug between the un
designed expires by limitation nt that time, and
they niodi'Mrous of closing out their slock lu
older lo clou up Iheir l)iilness.
All nnd eury pel urn knowing themselves In
dchtid to the tliui of A.sm.nsos' & (ii.KNX. cither
bring Inn verdict of guilt
.tffnfn.l ., it, 1,1 t.iiltlv .if It.l -r'rt.n nti.l ...V. ...&.
come olf nt Xnv burg, next suniiner, for X'JnO I W. M,ni. 1 jliinr'.. lei mo u.k uiirm I. ihn
rt side Wind inivliiJ XIOO for c.pen.es. Hfeisuntil nriheelllen vvho-n life ami nrniiirlv
The Missouri Iglslnluro repased the l'rce nay In at nny tlmnjeopirdizul In the hatidsof
r rilewnrl relu.al . " ";" kiii. mi -iii.u . -.m jhi-
Xi-cm bill (which Ouvcrnor
to sign Inst fividnn) by n vole or six In one.
It was Ihe first thing tliey did niter meeting,
Stevens, of Washington, Intends lo Intro
duce a bill for the establishment of n semi-
wt-eklv mall from Dalles I'll v, Oregon, via
U'siTlu Walla to Port Colvllle, Washington
Judge Wm. it. Almond, formerly of the
Court of Kind liKlniice, of San l-'rnncisco,
dlid of npoi!exy nl Ixnvcuvvorlh, Kunsas,
March -ltli.
iik'II. by place such linn ill 11 'o-ltion n( ro
much u-pon-tbllily where the live', llliorlli
ami fortunes or the beit nnd vvoial citizens ure
orien at slalsu;
When 11 grand Jury flail nn indictment ngnhisl
n man, we naturally mi pnru there Is gulll muiic
where, cllhir In thu ncluil guilt ol tlie nccu-nl,
or In Ihe bid hearts or bralnle hiudi or 11
corrupt, or a kimliooxlid Jury. Vou, tender,
liiti-t lie tin' Judge, vvliellicr I was gullly or an
o.leiica agaiuvt (ho law, or vihilhir tliu gland
jury or.iaeiiMiu.eouniy were prejudiced orlr.im
A Conimlllce of the Virginia I,gts'iturc'i'ozhd bystmie;imiidriillng,orK'tori;navc,
have irportal iigah.sl Interfering with the sen-1"-" (''haps lioth, Into llr.dlug an ludictmnt
J .. ... . .... ... I.lnrtl..., M.I ..rtt...l ..... ..I....A ..I ..It (I. . ....
trnea of Stevens nnd llazlet
dlngly bo bunged,
They will uccor-
uealii't iae, und ntraln-l m-ubiiie, ol nil Ihe Ira
il-Tit Iii Jacksonville, lor hiqilng tho door of
my store, dwelling, or which jnu will, op.n 011
'lIlO U-gillutlirO Of IrBillin llllS C.Xtenilal 1 ll. Ssl.1m-li? 'I lm mm,. Itullelm .til n.nl.l i,,,,.
Its session to Ihe I'd April, In order to make, im-u rin, upil.i.t en rv IiucI.tIii JackHinvdht
provhlon fur Ihe financial exlgcntle of the ; nud the wlliie found In tho same manlier
State. I that they were found ugaliMt mn, by leiiulrlug
ThePrcrelary of Ihe Inlrrlor has submittal ; l",l' y l'.l'' .' "bout i-iicli sti.ro
ii. 1 1 .,t....... r... .1... 1. .11 1... 1.. Ion . pair before the nraiid Jury, lint ililnwns
not tloue except In my pnttlcuhtr raiaj and lo
Hilda wlliii-wngnlnst nw there weru ni Imili
eftiirl nnd Iiulil'try. It U a l.tiiHhable. but nt
tha rntiiu lime a bitter f.irt, that In making n
show tirliiililing up evidence nfaln-t soma few
pirlieul.ir firms 111 the tonu, tin houerl uniiid
jury or .lackvon county luvurlably sent lurtho
own' I 1
Dove truly p!ou, howtrulyJiiH,rnurlentlnus,
nnd rcriipiilnus nie wo nl .IihI.hiii ni,d ollur
ci.uiith- getting lo bu that tlie law shall nut be
liililnptl on by any trilling or accidental mis
conduct. Hut th l.iunb'ivr may iriiclia iiiouev
r nionlcd or lulhietitial rrleinfi (publto or pri
vate, n In previous Iiot.ine,-) ln, jirolivl nu
for his gulll rrnm Jiutlco In iho lair, nml If
wli'nl Ironi Hu- ,f 1110 of ili, criminal to I'm
inblinee of lh 1 Ii .i-n, by n br.iluU.r, bntn.
Ik"ihI or corrupt J nj.
Xiivr.nil.ij' Ilia innrm'ty of n crlui" nppi-ars
to Icrstn Ihe guilt nud win frb-nd-nnd iidinli,i
for Ihairbaliut; bill trilling iloucvt,iii-cMvrit.tl
nrlulinlloutl, ore braudul Willi eulll.niat pin
bind wllh sovtrily, part'eularly If the uururlu
null) has not Ii'urne.l.e.r Is not willing lo learn
lhl iiivv name, now much lu vogui In goii
eclty.o.illnl ' Tickle me nml I'll tM.le jou.''
I imiv my in ihe roiinil-he.nl grainl Jury
who found Hit) bill ujialml me, und mn alone,
for l.MMiliiL' Inv rtoifilooroi-eil on tlieHililnlh.
inn I to Iho roii'i.l l.iad in-llt Jury who oro-
nouiieitl it- 1 11II1, and to Judrft-. Jurit', one
additional estimate Tor tliu Indian service in
Oregon nnd Washington.
Delegntis to Iho Chicago Convrnllnn have
been appointed from ihe District of Co
luuibla. In the town of Wetflvld, C111111., the vtho'o
Dcmoeratlo muulcpalj ticket has beenelictcd.
Josephino Dcmocrntio Convention.
Tho Democratic (Vntml Commlllii-or Joe-phlni-rouiily
rapierts tho Deuiocmtle rtllzeii'
of the several paelnct". Iv hold Iheir l'rliniry
Meetings on Xihtnlf, thu '.'1-1:1 or April, nl Hie
ilii.il place of hohliiig elections, nl 1 o'clock.
I. .M.. for lh"ptir.iiif ih-ellag Ihclrullolt il
imiiibrr of Pcli'iinte lo Ihe (-'oiuileCniivi'iilIou,
lo Iki he, ul the Court Moil', III Kerbyvllle, on
S.it.irih. Ilia 1.1th of Mav next. I.ir thu lmtimMi
or iiointu.iltug randidati-s fur local utlleef. The
rri'clnetsnui entlllnl In lii'lfguliii, n rollowi:
llniwiiiown, I : firass I'lit, :i Kerby vllh. .'I ;
.vpiiiagaie, 1 ! vvniKirs.Miii, 1 1 i.ntveent 1;. 1 ;
Sucker creek, 1 : William 1 reel., I j M.ileeretk.
I ; W.il.lo, :i ; Culliee cat k, I ; 1'auoii creek, I ;
Suckerereck Vulley, 1 ; I le. r era k, I 1 lllliioh
river, I. Jamis lli:iii:iisuorr,
('Mi nan IXnlml tU.
Ki'rbyiHb, April 2, ln:u.
by XOTi: Oil HOOK ACCOUNT, must Dosl-
lively pay up by Iho
rii-.it Day or Jul)', next,
ns they nru determined to fettle up their out
standing budne.
Jacksonville, Atrll 12, lbr,il.-l:l-lf.
n,HI'- Co-piirlnerfhlp hrrelororn twisting be
.1. tween IIAKIilt .V. 1II.OOM is this day ells-
Fnlvid by mutual eoti'ent. All llioo who have
claims ngalnl us will pleno jiresent their nc
cuir.t", nml all who nro ludebtid to us nro earn
t'llir ti-fpicstul lo coma forward nnd settle, as
11. liakir inicmis guiuir 10 mo aiiiiuiic stales.
Juuk)iiillbl, April Ii, ItSCU.
3S3E- Bloom,
Is tlitnklut Iii the iieoiih or Hound ltlver
Vull-vfoi' Ihclriiail Isvors, nnd still solicit
their pit roiuiKD for the liilure. Hu Inlcnds lu
leave lor San 1'ranclrcn In n few days for the
puipo-o or bringing up his
in iii 1 .- 1 c--TT-r,V
and will continue Ids burincs, at Ids old stand,
In Dr. .MeCnllj's two-story lire-proor brick build
ing. II. I1I.OOM.
X 1.(11)1. IkIvc-iii Iho lorl.K of Jackwn
t'retk, which has pro-nictal excce-dliigly favor
able, ami proml-es In lie t.xlcn-lve,nruilclrlou
of obtaining thu alitor )ierroiis who have thu
menus lo erect a Crn-lilng Mill iim the ground.
Liberal nirailgeiueiits will hi p'rfeelat witli
p.'isoui vviiu m ty engage In the cutcrprie. For
particular apply to
nr,S. II. Pi) It II,
April 1 1, 18fO..I3 Jackionvllte.
In Co. CiMirl, April
H Term, A. D. ItitfU.
V.VA... ll.-...., ..... IIujo.u. -.............
...(-...I.. ..-.'. ,.t, ,,,.,,'.... ...... H,l I,.,.. , I .
11 . ( .( I .. .1 . ... ..','1 MM u-nire'll. I HIM
'"P""'"" '"" """" "" "'1'irim 01 in 1 ,1,-uittitii r tipprobill r lint tawiil n nl
beforo Congress. Ixt them either pay it nil,
or reject it altogether. The jicoplc of Oregon
pro no mercenary fia'bootcrs, tlcmanding from
tho Federal Treasury what is not Justly their
ovvu ; Ihey nro not greedy mendicants, content
to teeept iilms und Insult. They simply want
their rights, not favor, from the Ccncrul (lov
rrnment. 'I hey want the full loaf Ihey have
dearly paid for, as their due ; they will not
accept tho dry crust olfaed them ns :i charity.
The mean Third Auditor may prune the ac
counts until scarce a dollar Is left, and hli
creatures nnd fanciers may make fm Ihcr parade
of tho stupendous fraud charged upon tho peo
ple of Oregon, until they shall have nchieval
tho object sought, nud stll, wo say, that no
holiest, no honorable man, can examine, nj-e,
and scrutinize the Items of the Debt und inform
himself of the facts governing them, without
adding his testimony in favor ol Its justice,
and his recommendation for its payment in
To show, beforo wo close, what manner of
means is being used to ttl'ecl tho reduction or
non-payment of the Debt, we will append a
paragruph extracted from the letter of a cor
respondent of the Sacramento Union, lu a lata
Tho Itoblnson Pamily nro " showing"
through tho Willamette, coming through this
Horses arc plenty at tho Dalles, and sell
nt from 315 to 800 per head Cuyuo riiflus
A bed of coal has been found in I.Inu
county. Tho vein is eight fat wide. Ills
said 10 burn well.
Another nttempt was mado to break Into
the laiuo county jail, n i-hort lime !ucc. Some
outsida ought to bo Inside, pcihaps.
Tho population of Salem, by census recently
taken, is 1.0C8.
voto for P. P. Prim for District Judiw.
Rttolrtil, That tho proceeding of this
meeting be pnbllshal in thu Oiikhon Skn
timi'u Daniki. Lonkikmn, Sco'y.
Josi.tiiink Convention. Tho County Con
vtution was held at Kerbyvllle last Saturday.
Mitsrs. ltinggold, Dan. Loncrgan, II. Stevens,
lieorgo Thrasher nnd Dr. S. Holloa were
chosen Delegates to tho State Convention.
It will be seen that the Delegation wcro In
btructal to voto for a man from Southern Or
egon for Congressional candidate. The Dele
gates to tho District Convention wero also in
structed to vote for Hon. P. P. Prim (or Dis
trict Judge.
PeiVliniTinv IU X'tM'i-. On tlin Olttl, nal
issne, concerning It, only remarking that it Is 0 0JJ mQm q( w..
forty-first anniversary of the Order in tho
United Slates. Mr. Geo. P. Prico has been
selected to deliver nn nddrrss on tho occasion.
of k piece with romo others we have seen. Il
will be observed that this quidnunc argues
that the wl'olo debt is a fiiiud, be canto in the
singlo item of ferriage, tho Third Auditor us-
scrts that extortion has been attempted, ifl Acknowlkixjuknt. We are Indeblal to
tho Auditor or letter-writer cither, lival in Hon. Lansing Stout, M. 0., for important
Oregon, Ihey would loon learn that ferriage Is' public docummi.
"Tub U.vh'mkt." Wo received by last
mall the first number of n monthly, bearing
this name. It is printed in pamphlet foun
and contains inside of covers, 32 pages of read
Ing matter. John Dceson is thu alitor and
publisher. Tho number before 111 (for Pebru
ury) contains wood-cut likenesses of tho alitor
nud lied Jacket. Tho avowed object of tho
work Is the amelioration nud advancement of
the Ited men. In pursuit of his hobby, Mr.
Ileesou is evidently more than chimerical he
Is fanatical. Only that it Is too serious a mat'
ter to make light of, thoso who by experience
really know thu many bad traits of Indians,
might find much to amuso I hem In tho wild
theories nnd speculations of the editor. Hero
in Oregon, Mr. Dcesou is known, and his ridic
ulous work can do no harm. Wo wish as
much could be said for those upon tho oilier
side of the Continent, who only cstlmato the
Indian clmractcr from the florid, over-wrought
writings and lectures of pervcrjc-romaino fab
ricators which aro ever being paraded to glut
tho psucdo-phllanlhropists at tho Past. Tho
Xrgro und Indian can always command
tho sympathies of this class tho poor
or unfortunate Whlto man, rarely, If ever.
Tho fewer of the pulls from tho Calumet, the
better. It deserves, figuratively, to end In
smoke. It Is a poor pipe to draw from. It is
no true Pipe of Peace.
Increase or Di'siness.
provementa in progress,
iu litis town.
Wo nolico new tin
for additional stores
To Oai'ITai.uts. Wc call the attention of
those interested lo the advertisement concern,
lug a Quartz Mill, In this number.
Goncral Intcllifjcnco.
An oppo-dilon (p-urile, however. In its
power) has arisen In Scnitor liivin' Overland
Telegraph bill. This opMid'lon Is iliiclly on
the part of one or two parties IlitcrcMul in the
pitent rights of lelegiuph instrument. They
iy that the umouiit u-keil of Cwiu Is toil
small, und i-vm to think that If Ihey cm
obtain tlie defeat of the present bill, Ihey can
come in thciiw-lir und dlctato ttrius to the
liovernmciit, whom ihey l,h to bu co Into
building Ihe line for thco private parlies, vhu
then hope to obtain Iheir own pria-t for aiu
vcjing tjovernmenl iiiigu out Ihe wire.
Thu bill, however, Ii believed to lu safe.
Senators Mason niidToombiin conversation
with (i'iii. Cii's, guve lit its ill.tlnctly lo under-
siinidlhnt ihe Mexican Irnily cannot U rati
fied. Its Irlcnd havo iibamfnual nil hopes of
Its suea-s, und Undoubtful whether it will
be called up ngiiln this session, nllhnugli It is
still said once in n while that if Miramou's
attack on vera Cruz should prove iv lizzie, it
maystrenulhen Jirirt'.i'eoveriiiue-nt suflielenllv
in tint estimation of Senators to induce them
to tnkii another hllih nt the ncgnthiilon. Tho
objections, however, lire less In Juarez und his
government man 10 1110 terms 01 1110 instru
ment itself.
The proiprcts for tho passage of n railroad
bill Ihroush the Homo certainly nro better nt
present than they havo bevn lor years past.
I hus lar ull the cnutlicllng Interests nopenr to
bo e'oncctilrntlug in favor of the bill of Mr.
Igfall of I exiu, which provides for the con
struction of one Central und onu Southern
road. This bill, too, meets tho approval ol
Mr. Iluclmniin, who promises it nil tliu nld In
his power. Its friends Intend getting it up nt
tho earliest opportunity, when an dibit will
be mado to foreu through with it little delay,
A private letter from St. Petersburg states
Il1.1t .Mr, t;olltus, or Uamorinu, u. a. con-ul
at tho A moor river, is sit the ltussian capital,
nnd has presented to the ilovernnicnt his pro
Ject for 11 line of magnetic telegraph from
MocowtoSt. Imls, by tlio way of Siberia,
Iho Amoor river, Petropaulowski, tho Aleu
tian Island, ltu'ilun America, Drllish Colum
bia and Sun I'rancii-co. Mr. Collins hus had
proposition from I.nglish capitalists to con
struct the whole line, and thinks that it can
bo completed iu three jenrs.
Propositions have been Informally submittal
by the Ynudcrbllt and Pacific Mail Co. inter
ests to put 011 an nddtlonal Mcamcr to Califor
nia nn Panama, and thus establish n, weekly
mail to san Francisco, diking tho postnge ni
their compensation. Prom the apparent de
termination of .Senator ( j win nnd others to
oppose any more ecu mall contracts to Cali
fornia, nnd to favor nil Overland malls. The
bill will prove a failure.
Gov. Letcher of Virginia has mado a re
quisition upon tho Governor of Ohio for Owen
Drown, FrancN Mcrrlam, nnd two others of
tho Harper's Ferry insurgents, who reside In
Ashtabula county. Ohio. Oil Sth Murch,
Marshal Johnson delivered tho process) to Uov,
liennison, who tleeiliies 10 recognize it, in 11
l.'oiiiinltleo, lnnrdrrlh.it nny of our reader who
111 ty desire to cnrraniul with It during Iho com
ing rreshlenll.il campaign may bo Informal how
to dlnct llietrconiuumlentloiis:
xi'Miiim or mi: iiiyviirrrt: :
C. L. Vvii vMuniivvi, nf Ohio, Chairman,
.Mil M T.VV Mill, or I.tllll-lilll'l.
Tiiomv H. lliM-otic, of Vlrglnh,
Wu.i.roi II. lAin.ihii, ur liiill.iun,
Wii.t.ivu IIviikshvm:, of Mln-ls-Inpl,
W111.11JI Hun en, of Pinuolvanln,
John- A. I.oiian, or Illinois.
Jouv Cihiiium:, of New York.
M. W. Cu'rikKr, Sn-nkiri 1 UixiiUt.
Ilooms of the Committee, No. f, 1 street
near the City Hall, All communications should
be nddresseit In tint
Hon. 0. I.. Vai.i-vmiuiu.vm, M. C,
Ch'iirmm National lfoit.nilii !!
ilnil CUmnillit, W'likinjlon, J), O,
Oil Ihiirfdiivi'V cuing, Mulch 29, nt Iho I'f'
Col'.NTV 01' .1 Vl'KSON. f
fn i mirr rflhe llttalt rf
cu.uiixs c.isnr, ima.
A 1. 1, p-rsons Inlcrestnl In tho fiml tHlltnint
of mid lUtiito with the Uxeeiilor thirrof,
nre htriby uolillnl to Im nud np"ur l-efnro lint
County (null ofsnld County, on llnfiitiy, Ms
mA ii' uf l), hut, nl which tima suIJ Ihul
K'tlluiK'Ul wlll'l"' mad".
April II, IM0-lw.i:i.
Adrniniatnitor'a SsTotico.
A I.I. p r-on Inlereslrd In llm IM ilu of W ai
l Ji.wi:rr, il-c'd., will lake notice that
le II, 11 1.1 Aitiuliilsiralloii hnvnlnvn grniitetl In
n. P. iiiiiu rnitio' Aimiui-irai"r, on mn
blh diy f April. All llio-j hnMIng claims
il .nllirl s.lld Kslnto will pre-nit ll,ei In the Ull-i.r-ij(iud
at hU r.-ld noe 0,1 11-ar (.'rnkwllli
tii pi-op-r vou -1,-r' within una year, or lie for-eie,-1
navl ! aad all Ihow! kuouitiit llietiiH-lvri
imMilat In inlil L-lale will inaki Imiinillalo
pAvmeiit In O. I). IIUMi:.
April 14, ISi:o..l3-liv. I'utille Adin'r.
TH herrby ntvin that I vtia tint n pirlnrrlii llm
Kurk.v Hotel, ieit 11 iKiarder, u:el will pay no
itetii' eoalniciiil lij Ihe Comptiiy,
AM lierrnm inv also hereby tvnrual not In
Tlmo nud jeais,lh-t cm-j Irotl my wife, .vxv (ivM'.xn. on my account,
P 1 vein not n-v'i-ui; respoutiuw lor noj iivot-i
fuliiri'. not I0111I but wli'p-ri!,vvlllprovirmv
!iimiv iiuitrail.
JAckxiuvill", April II, UCo.-wl-l.!.
tadr, iin.ru th.i'i ollii ri. il-re-iKil liilhtiii-atedlii
this in iiiui-r by you, riiiht ho lorablc grand m.d
p.'tll JainKiif .Ink on eoitnl.v,
rinully, I pmy wllh upSin ,1 linniti that Iho
ea-al. cooii iu wii I en nl Ilia ivl.olit wurlil1 i-.i-i.jmn. 1...1 1 ,...1 ,.. ,1... 1 .... 11.... ..r ...,.
will put illi. trl.iwK heart nnd li.iad. lou-elh.-rj f iUUMM nu.UoilN AMit.wov,' nul
iindnplacevv.i:. rom.ihlnir b. l. r hi rhl by ,,ulr,i.,t,diauj ,.;, ,.., ,tUt,. r 1 .ball bo
XjiaaSSJ-e Ofill!
July. Iieiae,t It wllh Niiuiihlnz whert'lii uul
will Hint ii.tilv piinlthiiiiiil nml luiineence pro-
t itlon. A toiut'lhlugiitwhoM-viTi'iiitnegullt.
venality nud corruption will tremble us iu pres
ence or the IMtv.
1 urn sirs, very rcMi.-ctfullv.
P. J. itVAX.
Jack-omHlf, AprlJ I2th, Ifi.0..adv.l3-vv.
ilitiicool Mr, M. Ttplnn, 1'iiiiHiuit Arademv
IScv. ftnae Dillon, Mr. Corbln lilllam nui!
S. Maria I In. kins, nil nf Dniigln county.
IpMpp u-rlllen nn llm Hlli lit Mnreli In l,nr. Peas, llo
Letcher, for rcatons asilgnal therein. ' Gu Anples, rer lb
. inirriTs.
At Wllliainsliiirg, April tllli. thu lady of John
T. I.inton, nfa daughlrr.
On Cow Creek, till tint., to iV. I!. Mynott, 11
Iu Winchester, 2d Inst., lo Thomas Smith, 11
wammm vmrnrnm wotfJwwvaKmm n .11 .iijw-iiji,tMum
Jncksouvillo Wholcsnlo Prices Current.
J(Kttxiux, Saturday, April 1I.1SC0.
Transaction lu country proiluce for the week
ending lo-d ij-, hat been quite limited, nud price
hnvon downward tendeuej. In lbs nrllclo of
Ilacou, n good lot (from 1,'nipquii Vnllej-) wn
solil nt Kic.j Hog round nml Lard at Ihe same
figure. In green Apple Iho Market continue
well suppled, nt figure ranging under our quo
tations. Iu Vegetable, thu Market has n good
'apply, Wo coutluuu our quotations as follows;
I lour, lu qr. sacks, per lb, ..... , On CI
Coru Meal, per lb (in
Wheat, per bushel $2 09 n 2 SO
Corn, do 2 00 n
Hurley, do 1 flu u 2 00
Oats, 1I0 1 SO n 2 0(1
Hay, timothy, per ton :10 DO nttt 0:1
do wihluiuu do 2.100 1130 01)
Uncoil, hog round, per lb
Hams, do ..,,.,..
Stile, clear, du , , ,
Shoulders, do
Heel', licit, per lb
Pork, do do
Mutton, do ,,..,....,.....
Chickens, per doz
t.aru, icui, in tins, per iu
elo in kee.s da
Under, fresh dairy, do
no IU Kegs, no
Cheese, per lb ,
l'-HK. fresh, per dos
Potatoes, per lb
Onions, do
Turnips, elo
Cabbage, do , ,
lle.un, do
--- - - . a
San Francisco Agency.
TIIOS. ISOYt'i:, (iencral .Newspaper Agent,
Sail l'niuel-co, ! Iho authorized Agent of 111
Oiikiion SeNTi.sEi., lor that city, Ofllcu eoruer
of Muntgouii'ry and Wu-hlugtou ilivuls, up
WAIUiril LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M.
A 1101.1) their regular comuiunlr.itlous
"jjvrllu Wtilueiday Kivulugsoii or preceding
Vlhe full moon, hi
JAl'KilVIM.i:, on v.
.. w. oi:i:i:n, w. m.
IL D1.00M, Sa'ii.
X. O. of XE.
TA.III'.S It. W.VIli:, (JhiiiI Sees Int-y,
To whom nil communications to Grand Camp
should bo nddnssal. Information concerning
thu older may nlo bo had by nddrctslng any ol
tho following Grand Senator I
Tiiosnyov War.u, Salem j II. M. Don uv, Jack
sonville; P. C. Loup, Oakland W. V. IIini:
uiiiT, Xiqolcouj N. C. HowjiiN, Oakland j J.vs.
It. Want:, Cauyoiivlllo ; Ik A. Itici:, G. L.
Hi n 18
20 iv 2a
HI n 2S
Hi a
H a
10 a 11
13 a
oa n C oo
20 a Z3
1G ii 20
60 iv
Si IV 40
S3 a -10
SO a
3 a 4
On 7
4 a fi
i fi
12 a II
7 n S
20 a 23
Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
The only pine nud genuine IlaUnui Is, ami
for tho last twenty yem, has been prepand by
Si.TH W. I'owi.n ii Co., of Ilostou j and their
printed name, us well as tha written signature of
I. Ilrrrs, appear on tho outer wrapper. As
jou would avoid tho tpurlous nud havo theccn.
nine, tale wmt alurt This Invaluable remedy
WisT.nr lln.s.m or ii.ii CiiKnnv Is the best
ouo extant for Iho safe, speedy nnd permanent
cuio of coughs, colds, toro tluoat, bronchitis,
asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, croup, whooping
cough, bleeding tit Iho lungs, pain in Iho breast
or side, nnd In fact every form or throat, chest
und lung complaints, us well us conhi-uitiox it
self. This household remedy should bo In the hands
of every family and Individual, as a timely ap
plication of it to a slight cold will causa linmc.
dlato relief; vihllocnscs of long standing, obsti
nate, and of apparently incurablo character, will
surely yield to Its wonderful curative powers
audits great adaptation to tho wants of man
when mulcted.
For salo In California by Itcddlngton it Co.,
Henry John'on fc Co., Charles Morrill, Sin
I'l.iucltco ; It. 11. McDonald & Co., Sacramento ;
ltice, ColUn & Co., Marysvllle ; nnd by Smith A
Davis, Portland, Oregon. March 2 1-10- Jy.
lonq.-llid in pbuv ilu in In Iho hands of tho
prntK-r oilier lur collection.
J,ickoiiv!'ie, April I J, lii).-ir-i:i.
JllAVi: uudinriz il and empowered NICHO
LAS A. VUCNti, or lliillu Creek, to act as
my Atioiinkv, mid to transact nil buslnct for
me dm lug my aWno from tho Mute.
Jaek.onvllli', April IL-lwlS
;ifiIlKrcai13 U0Ld jl.jAa.
t piinCo-pirlnershlp heretofore eltlnir be
.1. twien Al NIT GANTNG .V P. V. UVAN,
In Iho lairel.a Hotel, Is this diy dissolved by
mutual con.viil,
K. P. ItVAX.
Jacksonville, April II, lbGu.lw.13.
" ha'r. d y ellTff"""
HAS cntleil iv New nml Commodious Tav
ern .Stand ut Ihe South laid of Ihe lilg
Can) on,
Where ho U prenaral lo necommcilato tbe nub
lie In good l vie. Thu long residence of tha
proprietor ut this point piecludcs Ihe necessity
of saying that
His Tablo
w III be nt vi ell furnished ns Ilia country afford.
Isnipjilled wllh Hay nud Grain In abundance.
Aiilm ils will iwtlio particular attention.
Ilvtrv attention uild lo render llioso who call
comfortnblu and KitUIUd. -JGlf
Information Waatod.
OF AI.i:XAMr.U PATTL'USON, lato of
Iho 1'remout Hotel, Gnsbiirz. He left Yre
ka on thu 23d of March for Id home, aad wm
last seen at Iho Iiglo Itaucli, ten miles north of
Yivkii. Hu rodu a bay pacing marc, Mr. Pat-
tiTson is it em in man, italic coraplexlonra, auj
about 28 year of nge. Ills former rvstUence
via In Seoll's Valley, tshasta county, Cal. Ho
u u known to havuw ltli him over tOOO In gold.
It I feared thul ho has been niuidered. Any
information concerning lilm will bo gratefuliy
ncelnd by Mr. J. P. JICHNI3, Fremont Hotel,
Gasburg, Ogu., or ut tliu otllcu if Iho
April 7, 160O..i2.tr
I-IM now doing business In my new fire-proof
store, nnd have a good stock of every variety
or good
Repairing material for fire-arms, revolvers, etc.,
all of which 1 mn anxious to sell
Tor Cash or T alic !
and will Kll as Low us tho very Lowest.
I,0' , V. J. ItVAX.
P.O. Iteader. f vou owo mu inv ihlnv
come and pay j, r,
iMw nianniUKn, iiiihh s