THE SENTINEL. JACKSONVILLEi Saturday, December 0, 18.W. ACa-BNT i Tho following tintned ucron uro authorized to act ns agents lor the i-E.vri.NM. t Tiiom t IloviK Snn Krnnclwn. I). I). Iltism Oregon City. Jxn. It. Smith, Lafayette. N. II. IMNB CnrvMUn. Ai.ex. Hlakklv , ..Kuircno City. 'oiin I'tTiltiiii, Winchester. In tier went lower, disgracefully tower, into tho depths of blllingsgato to extricate filthy terms Justice to Don. Harney. When tills bmvc and gallant officer first of opprobrium nml abuse from tho noxious assumed command of the Pacific Division or mire, with which to (ling at, and bedaub tho tha North, nlmos-t every otto of tho lendimr objects of his own, Mr. Hush's, and tlic Clique" Joiirnnls In California eulogized him, soma of dlsllko and hatred. Soma of thcc gentlemen them going farther limn good tasto or truth were mcmlwrs of cither house of tho Territorial .warranted. His daring exploits mid valorem Legislature whllo .Mr. Smith held u seat in tho. conduct In .Mexico were Instanced, nnd It was Assembly, but even there they did not escape predicted that should tlic liostlio Indians orui from the torrent of his abuse. He denounced dlscotcr any fresh cause for proper chastise ment, of nil Generals In the service, Ilrig. Gen. Itarney was the man to whip them Into pcaco nnd subjugation. When they first learned that Gen. Harney had taken military occupation of San Juan Island, and stationed them from tho floor of tho House, from tho hustings, from tho corners of tha street', as tho worst of Democrats nnd tho vilest of men. Capt. Smith of this county was shamefully derided, and Indeed this county was represent ed ns little better than n community of rulTlans, a force thcro to protect American settlers In by Mr. Smith. Again, In the canvas of o8, their rights ngalnst the encroachments or uov, NOTICE. From nnd nfW this date, nil bills duo the KKNTINKI, OlTICK for subscription since the mid So. of Mid Volume, must be paid to guardism In his denunciation of the political honor of Oen. Harney for his prompt nnd en- the present proprietors. and social position of Messrs. Avery, Slater, crgcue conduct, irom meso same comment O'.MKAItA k I'llKAKEIt. Jacksonville, Sept. 10, lb.VJ. Tho Smith and Bush War. In tho illsrcputiiblo personal controversy now wnsliu lotween llicia two editors In their i Mel teeny, Oazley, Shuck, King, Hall, nnd , I Lcland. In his storm of invective, he did not 1 spare tho sanctity of Honunnd Its gentle In- I mfi!rtt1it In.,, u-nrii ilrilirfnl fnrll. fnitil thai ......... ..... , -, ...- an-- - sacred seclusion, nnd their nam?i ban lied bo- PnM ll.A . .1.1. 11.1. lutlll it... ..Unit 1111,1 respective patten wc do not Intend to become , , ,, ' ... ,. .,., i ', , ',.' ,, ,.,.,, , , imost loathsome cpIlhuU known to our Ion Involve. . 1 ram the outset both have design- Aji, M tM bj R rcin5ltl,,,rtflI rro, f"f X 7"' Ky o'"' ' '"" 'theilpi of it man who l.vl form:rly been n fol latitude ,,r their .p.arrel In order to draj us tocr h tl.o Bcrvlco uf tha ...cak and lowly Into It. by the rcpuhl eatlon of abusive n. I, ., ft iW of lfl ,, , ,, ul lll0 .ibcmilinbf pimTrib nnd extracts ci' I ,,, call,,M,0 r,. ,clt lfl jn.ito of irom lorrucr numoers oi mo .-vuini'i m, unu which were cither wrltUn by Mr. Hush or thu United Stat'. I .Mr. S'.i.ltl. ulso n.iinM Hen. Ad dr. Col. .In. Journals. They not only approved of his course, but commended him for tho jealous concern lie evinced In defeneo of his country's right". Stotosmeti n they nre, they applaud- cdOcn. Harney's nets for the simple reason that ho did only what they knew to be coriccl. Ho p!cncd them, and thcreforo deserved the laurel wrenlh nt the hands of the nation. Hut lately n change has come over thosplrlt of their dreams. Since tho temporary ndj.Ht mrnt of the San Juan ntTitlr by Lieut. Hen. Scott, those wIo editors discover thnl after nil, their patriotic real had outrun their ills- cretlou, nnd caused them to entirely forget for , ,,, , ,, , J . , . . .HI.......... ...., M v... .... ... , ,.. I V It HU1I, lll, 4M-V. HUH. II. MIIII.M ll'I.V. .'. anonymously con rllr.lcil by Mr. femit . during ,. Ui 0 mmf w UmMge ,loreil the campaign of Vi4. TIimo republication's ean.b no good to the Dcmncmtle pirty, to tha two combitaiiK nor t any ono else. It l not expeetiil by tho InJIvlduils who n1 .mblWi them, that any go.! will result from their unprovoked, tiiidi.iiit.iWo nc!. The re prints nro givLti for the sole purpose of in volving in In tho dlgraceful controversy, nnd tn Irritate in Into rwpoiHcs n vile nnd ilep!tbt ni were the original nrtlelc which i-aih of them copied. We do not think that to beeoni a iinfiil liemocnitlc editor, u pCMnii nri't degrade htimclf to thu level of u blackguard, nor that the best way to pro mote the welfare uf tho party Is through n h-ivo boon nbmal nnd calumniated by Mr. within their brains upon the weighty national liuili. Mr. li. did nsull nnd ( ,,jcct. (K-n. Ilarncy neteil iniprudviilly, lm wantonly slander each of thesi iwrsiiiu. lilt ptitously, nnd exceeded his hiht. It Is his In contrast with what Mr. Smith on it stiuhi way; he nhvnjs behaved jut so. Tfny know occatlon, nfttr 3 win choen U, S. Senator, It nil the time. Ofcoiiri. Not to be partial nnonuMwIu luibllihcil ngaln-t them in tlioinor nnlut lionet cr. they condescend to show Sttttciniiin, oil the attacks of Mr. Ilmli wcru 1L. world how haiidtomely they r-au nctiult the mild ns n morning cphyr when compared to it , lit Ila ilIiTVrencu between their fiirmcr prnlcs of sirocco. Neither of lhco individuals were In i tlio old soLller mid the truth, nnd iiccoidlngly direct nntagonl'iii to Mr. Smith In the struggle now berate him In unmeasured terms, nnd tie for portion ; yet had they been, how no- nounco his Invcitir.iut of tho disputed Island blirls It to net generously with n defeated rival, nt n military usurpation. Theycteu dcswnd than to p.-rscoiito him ? Hut no such grarloui to the very laudabic syslcm of espionage, nnd treatment did they receive At the hands of Mr. Immediately publMi to the world the exhibition iKclliieil to vote for Mr. Itn-li for State Printer, Col. Kelly, nlo n worthy ifcntlo.ii.iti, was de nounced s it ttaltur, it trtekitcr, uu I n ni( .' Ivtially bise iuii4ii.tgo was applied to nurself. And tow, the itltorer of this moixtrous (trade sturdy Ditunernl had two of these pickers tip of trllloi mado tho lrli all the way to Sun .'nan nnd luck the vtitllll 1 f I fit f (Wlfxl ttlMll II. It I mi ( tinM'lki.1 . 1..MHt. ll.A i,f ilrtP.t.i ltrtall,tit ttMil Ait.j tit liMIIts tj.i.ttii iisl titl.vd iltiHutiblfiiifiTtiat ..' HI "" ( , , " . , tlon, In tha ni'nt brutal, ravagu in.tnner. lie, tha wpposul fiirloui expletives nhleli csniprd any po:., mora cMlaily i.gaii.U one who ,,,,, m ofln itf chnif Seu. , (kn (j ()f )f mn profess to bj it Our parly li ,, ww 0 kWW at )f w , . cffc ,io a yvl ,o ,.iimv a u,)0ul ,my nreody wwken.M by fact on, shorn I , , ,c(, a(J C, ,wJ ( gm ,,,,,, , cto, ftfcr (icn,SVott ,,, nt Patlym. , """ ""'' .. whither In win obllgnl to go to procuri! sur-' couvir, and the-e hlgli-tone.1 Journals havo tha tago of b.lute,Io,, than any ffl rM,minl fi)r Kwn womu u trffl ,,,rj,Ul4 ,l0bMIMCCIli;mt ,, mIm, good D.-moeiat can wl,h to r-o It. iittead wUK. , , ,,,,.. Tho removal and bear hnn.e. the talnte-l mokcU which nr rf Imping It onward to llu.,1 ruin, it w Hof fj,.,K A,,.lir WlW ,,UUnl .. l., tl.,t,,0 ,, by their tm.rbld read.-rs. One or ii nv iiiin itiiraiiii iii i im i nun. in i'vitv inpin .. . ..... . .. .v,.. .......... ., , . oxevllent gentlemin niid sturdy I e tier to ncai tii'''inioii, promote iiarmouy, nini restore tho party to Its foimer unity nml strength. D.-mocratic cilitor. ptrtlciilarly, should labor to this end throughout Oregon. Their position enables them to t fleet greater i ,. ,.. r..nt... ... ..... i...... .1..... ,i.A. i:ou. vr in iiuiii b uii-hivi iiaiiii. ill., i uov ouivi , , ,., ....... iL... . ... .....', i . , .1 I I, i. iiiidnlrjv. iklilK-rately urges thew tcry gen- lomly preserve) . for t ilasi. If thry have iHrjonal grevanccs, et,, . . ,,, , .,.. .I.. .. .. , ,, ., , i it r it ,i , lletiien, every one of Ihtm, to ostraciw u Kr- public gnu. 'Ihcvdo .... t.. i.r, it... i.... '..i.i . , t t. "h, iib'iiod them, but whoto iibimi was t,?m carrhtl ImiK-rtlnent curiosity on far in lotndoj but they hate no nifht to make their ... ... . ...... ,iv ... , . . ... . ' . rciHCtlvo .iwmi tho ....Mlum of their dl.pu . ' ' ' , ... . ' . ( ,,,,,,.,;,. ,,,,,,, ,U ,11,1 1 ihnt Mr. ni!t!i lUTmittnl III 4 fttlilllfMltV til llifi ni slut l1.v i iiw iMllr.U iintm Im.iLt!ll IN I m ni'irli thulwltcr of his JudfnuMit, nil tiou for laueh they set down nshVu. Hut we sitiu stntnrr wlilelt was honorcil hy inn. Scott nnd Stall. Ilverylhliig they saw nnd heard calculated to il.iui.igo Ocn. Harney's military or personal portion, was uincriipu- tho llual spread before not stitto that either of fess to be one of the " Statesmen" editors who nre so thoroughly tcrsed In International law, and who can so nstutely Instance tho short comings of tho giilhtnt old wnrrl&r In this vexed question j but at the time, we thought Gen. Harney moro tlmo half right, nnd we In tend to cling to this opinion until we have somo better ground for changing It than tin wise diatribes paraded by th men who were alike Ural In applauding tho net nnd lit de nouncing tho author of It. Con. Harney may act Impetuously at times o did Gen. Jack son j but wo think that the former would no more willingly nor wnntonly embroil his coun try In n wnr with nny foreign power, than would tho old sage and hero of the Hermitage- Vkht Mi'stf jti. Those who hare ever seen that wandering fiddler, John Kellcy, (and who on this coast has nol?)-he of the portly figure, rubicund face and Uaidolphlan 11030 who has perambulated, sung and fiddled from San Diego to Walla Walla since '-10, will ap predate tho following " announcement" which we find In the Humboldt Times. John has a riiio voice, a coarse manner n knack of music and easy living j a most reckless Idea of notes, musical nnd otherwise i a lovo of adulation and nnj sort of whlil.yi together with an nnmltig fund of anecdote and brns,nnd n dis regard ol money and jicrsoni trully refreshing. Head. Ms kteitt. "Owing-to urgent business below, Mr. Kelly BY TELEGRAPH. To Yrcka for the Oregon Hcutlsicl. takes this opportunity of Informing the Public that this will bo his lut concert In the Xorlh- 0. A. Thomas, tho attentive and obliging Telegraphic Agent, scut us tho following by last night's stage t Yiikka, Nov. .10th. Editors Skntixkl : A Mrs. Morton was burned to death lit Wcnvcrvlllc, on Thursday night, by her clothes accidentally catching fire. Tho house was also consumed, Sho leaves a husband nnd family. On Saturday last In 'WeavcrVlllc, n Mr. Latigdon was shot dead by ono Pnt. Phillips. Phillips was living In a cabin owned by Lang don. Thu latter attempted to kick in tho door and Phillips shot htm. Ho was examined be fore a Justice of the Pence, and acquitted. Thu missing steamer Corltt arrived nt San Francisco on Saturday, the 2Ctlt Nov., with tho mulls and passengers, all right. Tho de tention was caused by tho A'oift 5r on the oilier side. The steamsnlp Sonora arrived on Sunday, and the steamship Untie Sam, with mails of the Olh November, on Tuesday, Nov. '.ifllh. Tho malls by tho Corlit will reach hero to morrow. This should cnablo us to got them by today. Kos. Skntixki.. MABHIEt). At the rcs'ilcucu or Mcnrs. Ilrown Stearns, ltoetjurg, Oregon, on tho 19th or November, 16,' 9, by tho lion. 8, 1". Cli.MwICk. Coltnty .Indue, T. 1. WiNcitOTKtt, LVij., Collector or the Port ofCoosoJJay, add Mrs. MjLma Lowk, or Koiclmrg. DIED. At Willinmsburg, JoscpMncr county, Nov. 2tlh, of putrid fore tlirort, Ltma G. ItoufCRTS, aged seven years and six months, daughter or John and Mallnda Huberts. Sept. Mth, at Sulslaw, Lane Co.. Ogn Kmwa L. Nonnis, aged S yurs, 3 months and 21 days. In Corvallls, Nov. 12lh, Gi:onoK It., son or Kebcccn and Wesley Grnvess, ngid I years and 2Udajs. BIRTHS. On the ltltli Nov., In Douglas County, the wire or W'si. M. Mvnds, or a daughter. Nov. 21, In Douglas County, the wire of E. D. Dakto.v, of ii son. SPEpIAjL NOTICES Washington Camp, No. 31, 0, of X, Hold their regular meetings on the Ortt and third .Saturday evenings or each month. Companions In good standing arc respectfully Intlted to visit us. 1. V. PHIM, o. n., J. W. McCULLY, D. R. It. H.INF.S,'&c'!. Jneksnntllle, Ogn., Nov 1A, ISM.-tf II. NEW Advertj.sejieivts. Jhut Kenivey & Hamlin's Wt?xtxcj?m, ZMEpoliA.xa.loa, nuicl IVXlxa.ex'SB' Cash Store ! MAY BE FOUND DRY HOODS AND GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, WW ., CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO ftf- Notice Is hereby given to thu tucmlicrs ol arrcu Lodge, No. 10, P. nml A. M. Sovcro Punishment. X fellow named Oltcrbury, who has been loafing nbout town for some lime, was served crn Country, ns upon his return below, It Is will, n dose on Tuesday evening which he will to nlleiul the next reifiilnr communication, to his purposn to (ptlln musical tour oi twenty- ,10t Ukcly lorn rciitcntucr. On several occa-' neiii at .Ma'o'iic nan. on iinniMy Aifimij;, Itu jears.iin.l to retire ir.mi i. (nn, ,ie n,jlllns camped on nil adjacent hill i' f Ihrtmht, mil nmnnj, .auors ot nmirousii-h , Imw w g,wn nm, c(HCl . IIomuav Htu,.-'lhero Is to Ik. n mil'nyfidlc.l to discover by whom this was sup- t-iven on Prlday. :iOtl. Instant, nt tho Union ' I"11 l ' '"?MJ '' Hotel, by Mr, WOOD AND WILLOW WAltE, STOVES 8& TINWARE, lOWDi:il, H II O T AND LEAD, attit, Kurlhtrn nml (lueens Wurr. Alt of wh'ch will bo sold so low ns to DEFY COMPETITION. Call and examine bo fore purchasing iIm-wIhto, and we will verify the foregoing decimation", WrSow. tonirr ff'"Jorl,ia' ?'"' ""go't Ulrcttu ppimute the H Jhiailo Saloon, Jack' tonville. , DKI.IVKHV AVAOOV rlrctllallnfc ,romlf etiitn.ty nruunil Itiiuiili npnic. ititr. Oltcrbury, It ait- o ltidlntif, who ri.. ,1,.. ,l,i. I,i thl, establlshetl nnd favorite lion-e. The time ,- " Y'T,, ' '-. M,.ri,J li hiinI fltltii? tho iipeai on. be nir lull . T" """ " '""" '" . " '-v - Hy order or the W.M. . f. (HtlXIt, .V Jack'ontlllo, Oregon, Nov. 12, lft.lO.-td-l.'l Umligler, the Proprietor of lt" !liU' so "!"' I,MN dnnd favorite ho...c. Tha time " " i te'; GRAND CAMP OF OREGON, X. 3. off XC. .IA?ir."S IU W.l)i:,lrnnil Hrrirlnrr. between Christmas nnd New Year's-ln iloli- camp, Jolt.o,! them In drinking It, nnd later In ,0'7l': AT (SI.VlV.VI7..i ORKiSOX, day wei-k-whcn all tho world Joins In ccla.'ihenirrnm m procure n.....oK to.., uar Tn nil coniinunlcalloiis to (Irand Citmi! bratlng Itiero two Initial days of Cl.ristl.mUy, " ,00 i'wi oiii, iMaKui ono oi iiw nor- .,,,,, ,,,,,, ,nrormn0 C(),lctrnlrpK with niiiusuncnt nnd festltlly. tfSonilitarlBloir. Ono of tho Indianj not tll0 ,,nUr mfly n,M,,wIm,, ,,y 0(,,)rt.,,llg!tny 0, will henbserved tlt n mteelal Invitations are I" ... to , mut, ma, e utter n.m,;lhe rllol,1R fraud .Senators: to be Issued. In generous spirit, character Istloof the man, Mr. Zlglcrnsks ull to como i . .tt..i- t.. I.H ' fi-t.H, !.t .nil ,,nrti.-iMti: ... . .-...... .";.,. .. . ,. ..,.,,,.,, ltlll llU - . wide lm. . ...lot. will b handvtmely rcpomlcl !"'""-""": .:.V' X Z :L : tatlsitt. i-onfsrstiH)ii its editor roU'trr right topanide lilt p.irtJy p rs.iiwl grfi-f.i, wrong, or cunillltA tiin.i wlvnys to nny prlv.ile I pjtltlun .b'Vdlves upon htm certain obllg.t leuto tlwse panderers nnd their culptble em ploym tolhu gratlft'lng rcllectloui which tlcv mint enjoy. To tJeii. Ilnrney tho of Nurth'-rn ' severely riitsuiK Ids eiid:tct In tint litst cam-1 ()rr n nn, Washington Territory owe mure punishment fur his scrioui (wrty dcllti'pieneiw. vrcr nm statinncil on this wait. To fljii. resit for gooil morals. A resort to low, ili-nunclatory languaga Is ovrtalit to damage, and to lUtmct from, n faithful erlormincc of (itch aiKl all of llraso duties. If nit unruly or dlsallVctuI mombT ni-eds tho iipplfoutlim of antme, It d not follow that a tolumo to stand, mail calched him, obliged him to dismount, nnd Tiiuminov 'atii,Hntem: I hro.lght him Into town. The mm Mo; l C. Loitn, Oakland; U'. V, the Indian a bottle of whisky to let hint go, n hit, NapoU-un : N.C.IluwMtv, Oakland Jai WAtu:, t'auyonviiie t I A. Hick, U. I. .S'nivmi-lnlH'r 12. IM't-laif to by our ..eoplo gciPnttly. and by the toung i)n, "' " '""' I'""" "" . ladles nnd nntkinui more c.clally, there Is "' cImnt0 ,'.w,mM. c"r l,!ve t0 wl'lM " Indopendont Order of Knighthood. nodoubt. Th-yrau bens.urcdof uln,):o cll.'W.llo man, without tho aid or tveitpon 01 nnj I.sviroil Cuiii.,N. lovment. nnd n rtul.t merry time. ort, declined the whisky unlcr the condition X I, Int IpMmlent Ordw of ' " ' Uniimsul, nnd never rcleasul Ids charge until lie S,lfi) ahibui own ' ' " w .. . ,,..,......,,.,, ,i,i.. n.. Tl . I I.I iiinr iiivc,iiib m too urn ji.i: Oi-kmsii IIaUh-TIio Lmplro Until nl""i'-""" """ '' "' "';;"" ;- "'" Wllllamsbiim Is coiitilcled. nnd now own uu- u'b" V ,1( ,0 '? fn,I' pr '' flllIw- "l0 " -.-., , u.1.- . .,r r.....i.i.i.... .. i.i.i... H...i i..ii... ii... V.U.. 11 ii. .i,h.iiiiuk i,iii?ii iiim, lllU.Hj mi hone fully Mtabllrhul ugulnit him, nnd It was rcsolveil to summarily punish him for his mis demeanors. Ho was fjulckly stripped, tip to n tree, and upon his bare back, thirty tihci wcro soundly applied with it rnwliidc Kcnncy $ Hamlin, Arc now rs-ci-lvlng, in nililltlon to tliflr lot hut Stock, Owe of tiik Largest Anil most I'xts-nlvc Assort mi'iitt of (Jt'iH-iiil ; MERCHANDISE, i:'i:it OITIMIKI) TO TIIK CITI ZKNri 01MACKS0.V COUNTV. iter i no supcriniiiiucnea oi ine proprietor, .sir. L IL ll.irl:ditll. To letter cclebrnto the opditug, n gran I Hall will bogitenon Tiki- d-iy. " ""'I'. ft"l every preptr.itlon li made to ensure n m.-rry pVaant time to the nttend- In? Clients. Coming as It does uiwn the eve C IU J unl ty lifter Tiill i.iihiii In inch tii.uilli, nt lli"lr Hall In Napo leon, ( irt-pm. .Ml ( nmrmnlnns In uo,l standing nro ropfctrully lutliid to tMt us. .1. O.HI'KA It. W. ('. It. .ioii.v ii. 1'urr, v.i. it. II. It. Momomi, .Sec'y. a:ily ofll..ldywwk,ll.e oceiil..g will """'"""'" "' ' ' ' li it. I itdbl t lint, tot iM nit.l tr.f I lis Iteadthu iidvcrll.scitkhl lit; "., "" '; u....' iiiiik oi ins revere treat sMinoiii it nin.iii. tt t.o it Jiiyom one. another column, nul to im-ltu lilm to this last net of gigantic, uu liln-lilii,- tnViuitwy. Sl-l.t. ....L.1 1 1 ........ .1. (v.. Kiii.t, nm mi, i.Ii , .... . ... ,, Ull ll,'i , '. i.iv .,.- vwi.'....... ..... t on, to iiuiisniy iiMiimeii, wu grant, oil hihj ,., . .. . .. ,. .,. ,,,.,, ,-, .. , i , i, r .1, i, . of the p.ut political co-trw of Mr. Ilitili. i tha If n blialliiL' fur lids. IVnm.iN.-ut iiin.uig , ,' ' ,. i. . i. ji . i , i ,, , , , ., severely riiwiiis Ids iniidact In tint Inst cam .. !..... ..!. n.... .-.... i.i . .i , ' ptlgu. nml tiO'ildsubjs'Ct hint tDiKwruil parly ,tm to nnvollur commanding tteiieral that III.IIM l-IIIlIllI 111 IIL'IIIIKIIIlll' IirilllTI I !. I HIT III! - .... . .. i.cnneu in 1'enius.rauc ur.iuurcs, tiw si i.i.ort ' :., , .. ... ,,i. ti.,,i t i,,i,., , . . ., . . , ... ... , , ... , , . Of ol nun in Oregon, Mr. Ilusit sliouM lie ' (j,lr,. twr yb.-h ngs t h em t of stMu ug i.fl)emeorutlci.oiiilii:itbiw,nudwlthaladeetnt ,. , ... ,,, ,, ,t,u. i. ........... .'.i ".. . ..... .... , , , , 'uu " " " " '-'-' - jug ui'juiu iiiii.iini, u.i.i iiv iu.;.ii nau iTr- or ti show liikcw.trmuni In the c.riw. ii" fnrmed much ollur tnlunblo service hnd ho wu iipwili.ted to ollLu when utmost a stranger i wn ntalned in that Ditiilon. Ocn. Harney In the Territory. hoo:t afterward be . ' nns tippulntnl to It. IfcTore ho arrived, the thiHon Territorial Printer by a Democratic1 Indians had Implored icnce upon Ocn. Clarke's Igls!.iture. nnd was continued In that repoiul- j 0w it term. There was no more lighting to be l.V IiiHiu.fiiTtil. oIliiHi l.v ttio IK-iuoera-1 .t.niA lnd!.,i.l ..f i.iitii(. ..iiinitt. .i l.t. t.An.l. ef ..p.A ,, t ..t(t,i.(. . m.i, 1... l...l.hl ..I l.t... . .....I PI v. .W....V, ... , .. ..v .,,.. ( (m c. ,(t H ,( ,t inc,,,,! ,,,..,111, nn,i t (.imrl(r, IOWOVer, tlen. Ilaruey wns no sooner l0.WHTm.llU not iifcoMarT to be brula i jmn ,,,,,, poor, W.i the State ; locates! nt the u. than he UsUts In BD.iian4r hta morn ngreeablo to point tie om)mJ.,t WM f,)rl,)Csl, nnd while It mi In form Mmwir or the geography, rapfer llmi to wield the bludgeon. cm, hQ WM i,,iC,C(1 ,,y l0 ,,,,,,, volfo ,110.,niI),j.( source., eapaelllcs nnd n-ilrv.- Hut whllo wo nro reo!vttl to hold nloof1 (0 ofjJ(lto ,,fIl(t.r ,1)r ,ll() 0D. urm ,. or , mil, 0VCf wWl ,(J lilllt0M. front Hid bltur iniwiuI wrangle. Ju-tloa to f f , iMinurvemotloimif gratitude trcU ,lli,ry survl.lo.t. Hefore theme,-- "rra ""' "" "' """""MioapMly h) long and o stead- liifornullot. could bo projm.i; no mi any Mrioui inisrt'prm-t.iaiion, j fj ,wnow, ,, C(lrHltt,, should havolmid-wlnter-the most Inclement winter iui".iaiuuiu;u iiuueit, or perversion ! laiown i . t i wi .. facts, nude by eithr of tlw dhputants. It Is .-.i ,.t .i...,. ...... ... i ..,., . . ' ...,..... . .,.-,, .,., ,.,.,.. ,. ..viiwr , , irifcrw, Mr, nmt l0 Mr. i jrover. Hut ho , put In successful PiK-ratioii, itwiiiiMnsa ngui i involve innocent, uncoil. ., ...,,. , .... ,.. ,tA ,1i.n.-,ii,1. ..;... n.J ..t ,a r Vlt7V fc' tt"V(jll Mini fc"" w ", -"n- ' I VI lls'J WMItllJI til II VII 41 I IIV lHiltmtm vIoKito tho ifratitmu iluo Irom him to uio mm j tlo Kn Ico ikmamUil tho mirvey nml com-ric-j ocratlo Mrty. lie MiocccOnl In 1I.111U3I1.S tlw ' tluiH of fvailblo wagon roaili from the U1U ' ll.J,t .u.lni.:lss 'I'l.A r.HSt ISin ill it I 111 ill J ,t (..U I b ....! I.n... ll.A l.llm I A 1,'rl ,, 1,,. . I 1. I , UVtWlr-HWIIMi I MV IVHliv - '- tl,-tU I l Al.', H ll'l ll'll IHV r.s.llltV asi I VII caob other. bis nnntendUo system has I , tQ ,,0 lU , rMy ,lU vonUy . CoIv,te. Ot.r the'grau.s eouMsafo- Urn rMrbtl Utmost shamefu ly by one ol ,1,'tlut ,,, llw, ,lUy sou, , day, sooner or ' v nd eomfortably enter thu fertile nnd Invit- .,.v ,....-, .,. ... V,T, ,1, UAiiiui, l,,l) , ., I,.. !.;,,, ...nllpnll.t nrovnil. I.. . V..II..W ,.f v, l ,..I...1?R ..,.r.a . , I tVV- VHMSV IIIHI WIIK.I t !-' j,..-...-r-. ,,, , till, IP f SI''VI 1VI"II MV MI'JS DIWV" 10 liroperty exposu th'J lltrolltery ... ., .... ..v. nronerlv. nd.viUltcly ranl.t Ui Ir.iii.norliil with lupriMWil racilltles. punldi Mr. IIii!i for Ids ubanilouuient ol th To ('olvllle, numUn of hardy gold miners jMriy itt melt it critical Juncture, and fur pro- ,H-ra coiitautly wending their way, ntid the olve to go. .Secure F.f. .. ......... t.. ftmi. t.Mili. , I. tl ,1.1 .Wit Midi;,. al&lr be u.mltend. , owl V n ur l'Wrf ' "Wtge l.IiWell cdto. ter It was over, ho came Into tow n, urrl endeav. to nvcitge hlitiiell Ofcotirto ho fulled upon twoolhlsrh-tstiurs lit amiable nit, on. Monti tlot.ii ItlsfovKniRS.IIut A :.ort' W nn opp-.-l I I. r l.snol. Imw. Iii.I time ugo no chioiileleil the dlseoviry of tery In this liutoneo, think thai tha culprit ico-iwil fair illglngs near Hardy KlidV, itt thoCa i, ' more thin what he richly .!, itltliougli and llili week we learn from Mr. Inhn Andir- wctlu not sjuttu like Ilia authority that admin son. our enterprising townsman, who has Imn I lstere.1 It. Ills olfenco will bo Utter realircl on 11 Journey to .Scntu'iur,', llut near Jlmtny by thoo who Know the trouble thee vagabond I Tnogoo.IV, ut tJrave CrevK, prospect linvo tiuii.tin give tin- coiiniiuiiiiii-s u.ey itimi, ...a. Iieeri found which Ifdirato depodts thut will i hat dvinnnswhM,y makes of them. Tl.owhlte pay goo.1 wages. Koin twenty oriimreiuent . i"'i who degrades himself to their level, nvio jiroctit to work there, all doing well, tin I they elates with llicm, und smuggles lliptor In them, hate nniple water ut band. We P'" iimihii ncinn me paie oi civntxeii socie .1 lininy n big lump. ai.d lots of smaller ouci. j l'. nnd when taken In overt nets liberies to lie iientui urcot.iiugiy. unioriiiiuteiy our local was too, outwuluhed nny personal displeasure or disaii- lin'jun time '15. He was romiK-lle.1 to nnult I polntiiienl wrought by the Convention which I the oK'nlng of !irlng before his plans could llut no, ,; utit in fueoosjfid operation. Iho lutcasts cfi.eil wrtle Into tho " filthy Kiol," In . aiotiiJuttltlsMtlon of tMr prcMiit course, nor to cxelto sympctiliy or prejudice for nnd against fact, and wlilelt marks tic net. In thu Oregon Dmotrat of Xnv. L'Jd, Its Tkriiiiii.r Hiot. Ilalllumre city has oguln i luws do not provide lit puiiMimeiit lor this class been disgraced by a bloody and fatal election I of olt-nders, and lulico coiiiutuiilllcs will too riot, which unread throii'.' the city. The I often itillict It. eombatunls were clii-td as " IUfnriners"aitd " Itottdles." One 111111 was killed, tno fatally wounded, and six others badly wounded by shots. A number of others mm beaten nltli clubs and stoui-s. Thu polls bad not closed when thu dlipatelt was nnt to St. Iuls. The eitUens were nbout forming a Vlgllaaca Committee. Tho Sau Juau Difficulty. Oen. Scott i-oiiiplrlid his tiilsilon to San lunii, und has returned to the States. Ilolow we give the bet account ul his action which wo hate ccii. It is tuken Irom thu S. V, llultttm. It will be observed that the deput ed Ulund virtually remains in the poAicsiloii or the U. S. (lovcriiineut. without pr.jiidieo lo the claim of (ireat llrltulii lit future ttego tatlons i Am. ItiiiitT. The New York Tribune icnls approvingly of Ihe manner In which we .mi.IiimIixI lli.k l.ttik liiilll n.14 til Ot-itiliMI "':' , ", ; ' r , ,, Col. Itv, Oe...Su.tfs n'd. arrived at Vlclo IhcnboieU conle.1 from thu .Irgni. III,., ,, .1 ..7.1, n..,u.r ui..n,i,.lu.. n.nii. must bo gratifying to lhoe who called them-juiiy riceittd by Our D.iuglus, tvlm manifest selves Democrat In the last June election, und ol uu can.esl desire for uu umle.ililu aciiIoiiiuiI l. tottil for Mr. learn that the , of the .lis.. 'uxablo diilleulty pending hvttmn WARHEN LODOE No. 10, A. F. & A. M. A MOM) th'-lr rt'gul tr coiiiiuiinlentloiis ZKf 011 Veducil.iy cteuliig prvridlug Iho rfull moon, In JtlK-SONtlM.K. ... T. V. W. I'OWI.KIt, M. (J. W. (Jiikkii, Sec'y. Hook matt l.itililtT Co. Tl "1Iik,IcA Udil-r Coitil'int" Ifdd llwlr ixutir niii'tiiia o.t thu llr.t nf swell mi.utli, ut 7 iM.'li-k 1'. M.. ul ll'-lr Hall In the urth'S-l'iiiiiit lloi'd." Iiy opl ri J. K. ACKl.llV, Krtmm. J. II. .o'.tl.ns, Si-c'y. vim wiwu . mim. jmjwi'JM xm umnatmmmmmmm Jaoksonvillo Wholesale Trices Current. ltiioitiilfiirtli-M.itlin I t'liiiirlnlssn JacWisoiviiji:, Saturday, Dee. 3, lfiD. There has been but little done In the put week In country produce, lit l-'lour the ntarkrt has bstt hut 11 Mimll rupply, nml prices fully in- M.lloMiv,.fnck- TTAVINTS lieo.t niinlinred rxc1ulvily for Kim:-. iX CAS I I . they nre not only enabled, but Dotormincu not to bo under sold by any othor Houbo. "itu A 1 1 merchandise ptircUattd of us will bo dilltered by our PIOrMEER EXPRESS .. -AND DELIVERY WAGON, FltUI:: OV CIIAHC112, on regular roulo days. -1C""- ENTERPRISE. KgNoVby & Hamlin, n.wi: at coniii:i:ai:i.i: iixitasi: lilt d up n:t EXPRESS DELIVERY WAGON for tl.'- purp.1 i t tn'.'iuih" load' nffllio hacks of milt- r 'il'n rn Irom tue iOuch uf t.i their h"Ui-s, ami all .tlurcliiiiitlliti I'liicliitiril of us, Drlits-rc.t I-'n-p r Cliaigc. tnir JdB Jl. 3L-b i AT T H E WILLIAMSBURG. lulntil. In nil other products Iho supply I , r jlir.iinihr.lgui.l bating llubhed Ids new and :i..r o t .m x, , 111 WlllillltlsllllIKi ilOClllllH) Count)', Ori'uoii, llegs leato to Inform his Irlend' mid tho public, tlialhewlllgltoii (illM OI'KNINO , S, Wi.w..,i.l,,-uflra,.,comiiiTO..W. :,.,.. .1 .Hnnuccioi. but tve do liot np- '.LmL-ers rnniiiiilcred in funmr rears u-rriblv '' :..... ----o ----- -- ;. ' the just bad oomluct of the editor i'f the prote of the ui'tdj which Mr. Smith has seen evidenced iho urgency of. establishing n line of lsfflu..,partle..larly animadvert!.. upui, the J , t , nill,ll!,ter:t ,,, wwiro, Nor way ,.0,,-, to protect this emigration ftom the ..l.ll... .l..ll....l .11.. .....I K.njA.II.I.,... .. I...... I .. ..' u tibiue, driiuiieiatlou und proscription wlileb Mr. li.u tttlercil, publiihcd und i'.i-reU-i I iigahitt geiitlemeii iiioto or hs prumluvnt In ' Oregon, most of whom uro Deiuoerats. It Is' it strungo ncciuttlbit to cumo from tho .putrter It does, to say the least. Tho grmt bulk of the) tittipcrutlvo ussaults wcro nud publlihoil during tho pcriul in which the so called "Salem Cliipw" wnsuiost formidable,' nnd whilst, Irom his ontt toufisilou, Mr.1 Hiiiltlt was a leading member "f that cabal. Tho names of ipilto a number of tin. attacked (,'on.nx'r .Sr.tsn It. I'roni tho Jrgut, we und Injured parties aro given In thu Utmmal. oarll t,at (,'eorgu I.lvingstop, tho convict who und otrtslnly the m.-ntion or wie that wu ,ull sf,it from this county, und whoso eseajw ilwl In tho Hit pojillvely astounds us, ami will frol ,1,,. ivnltcnllary wa published lust week, amaze every rou.lcr t'ogiilant or the facts in rctuni?l to prison voluntarily and tho caw, WIHI.C- piijinliecs nro not so deeply the 100 reward which had been offiiol for ingrainul In behalf ef the Informer, that .u.y 1,1,,,, nu brouglit with hint ono of tho hand umomit of reasonaUe. iddi-pulable testimony bHU odlrlng the teuard, und fald that ho was would fail to establish just conviction in their 60 ,.Utw ttith the slender chaiicei the conn minds. In tho tdilorial referred to, Mr. ' try In tha way of provisions, that soon Smith deliberately a.!u that Mr. Ilusli bhall cr'thau tratel through It, ho would stay in K couik-ioiKd from tho fat orablacon.likrntloii'prijon until hi.s term eplied. Oitet.s, also of every ioial Democrat in tho State, m a'lromthls county, who ceapol with Living punishment for tl.u wrongs dona these gentle- ton, tho latter prophecies, will likewise return men. Ainoiigotkersaionaiikd: Mcn.T1io. for iho same reason. The Penitentiary must Smith of Juc-kson county 1 King and Ilrown ,o a tery nice place for somo folks, of Mul. non jib ; Shuck nnj Kliuiey of Yam- -. - bill; Ford el IVIk ; Avery, Slater, Mul teeny Focmi Kel-ay of Ueuton ; (,'iuley of Ilouglas i ' been eonvicteil of ISaritum of Marion 1 ifall, cililor of the Oi. murder in tho first mmai jiehtner, nun i.c: inn, lonuvr cunor had i,ot been pwsed upon hint up of the SlunJar'l. (both of width jmjah ate .Vov. ad. It will bo death by hanging of now defunct.; course. Tha other Insurrectionists were to bo It Is fcnonii to every pusoe In Oregon, who i,ulliuiiatcly tried. Theirs was 11 k-nrfiil crime, hm even 11 passing l.uoak.lgeof the political 1UlU Wrfuy n,t they ut&no for it. Itrown history of the eouutrj.tlut iniiuli ubuwui Mr. diMte.! nut the slightest ovldencc of Insanity JluslipoiiieUiiUt;.galint each mil fiery one ,1,,,,,, tho trial, nor hid ho clnco his capture, cm wo bring ourselves to believe that Mr. o.iviiughts of hostilo Indians. A comtciit Smith Is nctuitod by nny worthier or nobler fur.-e was 1.U0 neeilal hi the ticiultyof tho uiolivo In hli present diiimiclatlonof hUiUun- unu. Iklh of thesa routes Oen. Harney dam friend und favorite than tho ntengemcnl' determined to open losum und moro expedi of rvoeut privato grievances, with whteh tho tlous travel. Ile.k-clair.1 that tho roads to Dcinocrntto ji-irly has no cgin-ern. We trust either points should be made so sccttro from tl.clr rancorous blcktrings may sjiocdily cease, Indian uttneks, thai it lono K-rsou might travel und that thu ivssatlon of liottilitiei will prove, safely nfoot the whole ilUtance. us it ns.ure.lly must, to tho parly I At thoeailie-st pruclicnble day, ho detailed ai well us to the public. aI:(1 ,a,wU.1Hi c.polillons to nccouipliih llicsa great benefits, llotli were (minenlly successful. A guol tiagou road was cut to Salt lake, and the distance shortened nearly J(ii) miles. The heavy Immigration which It during tho present year best at test tho importance of Ocu. llurucy's enter prise, lie further conclusively showed to tho Wnr department that supplies for the Army stationed ut Salt ltko could bosuppliol at k-ss co-a and greater expedition Irom Oregon than from any point In tho older States. Tha (.'olvlllo epvditlon was no less successful in the work It had to perform. Hitherto It was dangerous for our people to journey thcro ex cept In large', well-armed parties. Now, a man can securely travel tho tvhola distance from tha Dalles thtie, with no more formlda ,-. ,. , , , ble weapon than tl jack-knife. Ossawuttomla Ilrown has. ' v r.,r,.-nlr..,.v. trm.n,. nmi These arc the chief and most valuablo ser- .,... t.t .... dcree." Sentence ' vlce ,w,lc" ucn. iiarney nas pcnormen uur- hint up to '"a mi wmniMU upon iiim coast. 1 ue-re uro other though less important acts ot his, wlilelt wu havo not space hero to mention, that havo tended materially to the development and pros perity of Oiegon und 'Washington. These services, we aro assured, will not be forgotten by our grateful peoplo, in the din now created - ... . ... of Iho nlnve 11 lined goiiilemeii, l.o was not ,.,,iti,.. , 1;,,,, .i, ,,,.....,, nr.l, Almllilm. hy thu detractors and enemies 01 tien. Harney, mlr -eeendd 111 It l W. "miili Lm Mr pif e twit ! tta .111 lii'.nie old mm." otcr this uii Juan nutter Wo do not pro TnliiiHt, the heading paiKjr of the Hlutk lie- publican party, upproves of their action. A profi-ste.l Cliristiuti might feel tipially gmtilieil to rceettu tha approval of the I'rlmu of Dark ness. It Is exceedingly complimentary. DuMOCimto St.itb Ci.vtKMio.v. At the lata tiie-ellng of this body the following changes were made In tha State Central Comndttcfl : Tor .Marlon County, Ocorgo IC. She'd ; Poll;, Col. .V. I'ord ; Till.1mo.1k, 11. Thomas Ump qua, .fits. S. CoojKri Washington. Jas. W. Chamber 1 Coos, Win. II. l'nckwood. He yond this, our report published last week con tained the git of the proceedings. Intknpuiuu Anot'T. The 1'oi'tl.ind 7Vi s.i)s that several alteinits havo been mad' to lire but'dings in that city recently. Among other buildings como wretch attempted to burn Iho City Hospital, but it police officer fortunately discovered thu Ignited mass of com bustibles, and succeeded In quenching the flames before they had communicated to the building. &"" The- upper Oregon pajwrs by last mill glvo no intelligence of what course the beced crs from the lato State Convention intend to pursue. the two (iourniucnts. He was very enrm-st una, nonuter, lit ueiiuiieiaiiuii 01 inn. cral Harney's course, stid did not hesitate to express Ids' opinion that the (utormuent of the I'nlttd Slates owed to its own dignity the recall of that filter und thu ubsolutu uud en tire disatowal ol his net. Set ci ul days wrro passed In the Interchange of corre-pondeneo between Ocu. Scott and Oov. Douglas. Of course this correspondence is 11 scaled hook" for Iho present. Wo learn. hoA'c-vcr, that while Ihe Oeiierul wus e-areful to utol.l making tiny dlploiitatio apology for what hud transpired, fun act nhieli if pi'tfnrm ul ut nil must be by tliuOovcrniiieiit of Wash ington, and be lul'lre.-wMl directly to tho Oov criiiiieut of Knglaiid, through its diplomatic representatltcfliere.) ho fully ngreed with Oov. Douglas that Oen. Harney's nets upon San Juau Uland wero unfrleinlty in their upcct, and tiiijustlllable lit view of ull the circum stances. Finally, tho correspondence closed, und on tho 6tb S'oveinlier Colonel Lty rcltirneil In tho Ituvenua Cutter Jeffefsoix Ihvtt, 'I wo days later, tha Mtmatfiuutli, with Oen. Scott on board, proceeded to San Juau where an army order was issueel, and copies of It for warded to Victoria, us well ns to Oeiierul llumoy, lo the elk-el that Captain I'iekcit's command bo withdrawn from the disputed Island ; that thu heavy guns ami batteries 11.11 il to llto demand. In fruit', the market has a Hue supply of iihmI delicious Apples silling low. Tor thu week, we close with tho follow lug quotations i Wheat, iht budicl SJ 50 a 3 0(1 Oats. " " 1 SO llarley. " " 1 50 a 2 00 l-'lour. In qr. sacks, per lb 7 u 7 Corn Meal, (tear.v) per II. 7 it 8 I lay, timotiiy, p r ton, an on ilu wlldgi-a-s'1 " Ilae.iii, sides, ehi.r do do with bone,,, do hams dn shoulders do l.ogiound llnf,. fork Million,. Chicken, H-r lz I .unl, tear, lit IliM, hi ' In kegs Iliitl-r, fieslnUlry, do old, III ki'gi, Cheese I'.'i.'i'. fresh, per do Potatoes, lb Dillons,, , Turnips, , Cabbage, Ill-am , Oieeit Appie-s, U 00 u23 Ol) 30 V, HO I 7 ii. a li a r, a 10 i (HI 11 1 28 n .'it a (ii it in u Xt .1 CJJiv 4 11 0 11 I I 111 it IS u 00 3D 7.1 Co, IU 71 A 7 A II 1 On (he i: filing of (lii sZOih live. 1.11.I rcsi:irully tollelts Iho ntte-ndance or a'l loters or mil III and Jollity, tusiirliig Horn that nocnruorulleittl..ii will ha snr. din rend, r Iho ocea-lou n.i or the limit agreeable uud brilliant or the season. C. II. llAitKDL'I.r., 4C-2W Vrtfr'utvr. HOLIDAYBALLy A HOLIDAY UAI.Is wild, in: oivi:.s' at Tiin TTxULoxx jEIotol, ou,Friiiii) i:viiiiiig, thu not h of Dccciiilivr, by the proprietor, I.KWIS ItJLKU- Kwellcnt M lrS I C "" ' Irol- .bit lur ll.o oee.i-i.iii t a sunioluoui f SUPPKIt ""I bo riiriiMml and e-"teryllih.uii.-iideil lo wlilelt will pro mote uiuc'iijiijmciitoi guests. XO SI'KCIAI. INVITATIONS will Im Issued, llterlioily Is niitvstesl to ul tend, and It Is l.nptil noun will stay away. Jucksontllle, llec :t. U.VJ.-lw. 1 It. Williams, Sai F.ri Wooi.f.k Factory. Wo in- erected by Oen. Harney's orders bo displaced : aJ ets per lb; I'tttuli .....I t 111 Mind f. uiillil lm npniln1l l.v n IllpS.aU CIS per UUMICl unions, t,i uu per llll-lt- coiniutnv under comniand f.r .'.int Iliint'tn l'l i L,,'"S'!' l' . els per ctip-.-r head; Chick- Drotcct tho American settlers there. T; 7." ' " L?. !."-:rii0.f.'. l"r.';,,;!"'.?.,''! V. Lr F ! . . ,,1 I I . si .s 1 fj .tl , , I tl VvHtTH', I'll IW.T U UUlllTi i.lH.i-JLlS .. ,l lH,robi,r1 '-H '"I. hcott Will otlrlso'wrli,. Iaoctspsnln; llaco.i-si.les, 15 the recti! ol Ilaruey ; but ho has made another icU-shouhl.-is. 121 cist hums. 20ctst Wheat. re-e'oiii.i.e'iii...i.wi.l lviu refine 1 urs w in Oregon Markets. 1' Nov. 19. Apj.les, Into Fall .1 a -I cts : l-t Winter (! els per It. j Wheat, While, St 10, Kid. it (Hi per bushel; Flour, ordinary, $. 00 11 A AO wr 1M 1 best jU 00 it i 30 : Oats. HO els pr buhel; I'otatoe", (111 cU; Onions, $ AO ; llacoii, sides, IU, hams, 18, should. rs, 11 ctspe-rlh; I.nrd, 13 ets J Ihiltcr, roll, 3D, it 3.i, keg 21 cts per lb; Chickens, per .bra S3 AD; Ujie'.tOtU, Apples nro selling from wagons from 2 lo A ct, Oats, eggs, bacon, and butter, aro scarce'. Alihw, Nov. 22. Wheat, While, per bushel, 80 els; Ked, p'r bushel, 72 els; Oats, per bti-h-el, 7A cts ; 1'ot.Woes, per bushel, 37 cts j On ions, p?r biishvl, St 7A j Flour, pi r barrel, i OD; ihllter. In keg, per lb. 25 els: Halter In A Hi. rack, per lb. 28ctsnerlb: Kirirs. ikt.Ioz. 25 cts: t Ch!ckcn.ieriloz.82A0a3 00; IVac!ies,drlid,i 171 TT UJ TV T rP T li TT peril., lis green, Ha 31 cts; ilams, per lb. l.v U Jll iN 1 X J MX JU ets s niioumers, per in, lu ets ; femes iiaeoit, per lb, 121; Laid, per lb, 10 ets; 1'urli, per )h, IJ it li els; Heel' on foot, per lb, 4 a IJ els, S ti.t.ti. Nov. 21. Apples, Fall, 1 J cts; Winter, ucm, AO cts per wish' 1 ; '1 ur- II. 0. lllKMTT. 1 Jacksoutllle. f I Kerbyvllle. BURNETT & WILLIAMS,' A((oriicv & CiMuisi'loiH at Iaiv. a, Cnllectlnns uud all prolessioual business promptly iiiteu.le.i 10. 3Utf formed by Mr. 1'rutt, thosiipcrintendint of thu u.Wil .lr",m u"4 c'0-ls' m any event, 11 rrgar.1 Salem woolen factory, that tho company find !' '.v,lliu Unvcrnment. IU General mvnom nn, illffimilli. In nrn.-nrll..s evnnl uilflnl..iit to HallUe lira iWtltUI II Vtpmlmentt Of I'lt i'Mh run their factory through tho year, and also fitthotof 0go, and California thall be that u market I in,lilv'rnnnil for nil iimwnnl. eontoluluteil into cnf, as then wis formeilu. w ...... ..- -. . ... ..-. .... . . . . . , . - em they can make, which average between 1 "' lv,,llul nte,or. "10 eiitci cominan.i 01 uu four hundred und four hundred mid tifty yards! "I0 forces "P" this coast to general Clarke. per slay, u'.. ... t..i ,n I...A.V it.,.. Tn,it.i.i a..A...n. ,1 V ...U ...11 11' ,,ll.. .I...V ..M.., l.l.Vlll- Co.NVini:n.--A man named Adinn was teiiilcnt O'eary.of Oregon und Wiililngton,'Convlctesl of larceny nt the last session of tha I'olk county Circuit Court, nnd rentcueed to threo years linpiisomiicnt In tho Stute Pen!-tcntlury. has diverted a largo portion of tho mono up- proiirlateil lor thai purpo: of blunkels made at Sal should be. Oi egon paper. propriated for that purpose, to tho puiclitue, of blankets made at .Salem. This is ns it Tho Grand Jury nt New Orleans refused to Indict tho filibusters who recently attempted to leave that poi l. Cheap. The Cugcne Press says that cows nro selling nt from SI 5 to 825 per hcud lu I .iinc county. 7A cts per im-liel ; Oats. 75 cts per bushel; Hay, Timothy, $18 per tun. OitEuoxCirv.Nov. 19, Wheat. 90 11 $1 00 per bushel; Flour, $U,U a 0 00; Potatoes, 7A cts per bushel j Oats, $1 00 per bushel ; Iluttcr, 30 cts per lb; lUcon, 12 a 15 cts per Hi ; EgK", cts per do. J. K. ACKLEY, llinisf, Sign, Cnri'liigu, anil Oi nii mciitul :PA.T;jsrTjin. GILDING, GLAZING, MARBLING, PAPER HANGIWO, &o. .Mixed Taints, I'utty, Ol.iis, mid Urm-hcs for sale. Jacksontlllu, Oct. . 1810. 38lf STOIKE! BURPEB & LINN, Urr(Oii Sim t,o,iulloICi limy & llunUlu's, JACKSONVILLE. All kluilisulTuuiitilre' MANUFACTURED, AT SHOUT NOTICI-:, TM OIlUKlt, Aro i.ow reet'lvbiKniid Intend to keep constantly 011 hiiml a lull assortment of EASTERN MANUFACTURED FURNI TURE, SITU AS SOFAS, SPRING BOTTOM CHAIRS Or all Deseilptions, Sronch Hcdsioads, 4lo. All oulers III tho Fiirulluio nnd Cabinet lino, ( shot t notice1, cheap lor cash, ''.... 2tf unti'iu-: MNN wfeHi! ' isssmefl. W T ift nn 1 .1 .flifi. itf'iMT-yM.MiMMSMSSSSBfc m