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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1859)
trz'LMt9Mjm i MKWBififtii mtt UM'iW' &n otv:, fW SfiF' ntMMiMMriniii msrmmwmiEmm fSsaMisTsMWMsMBWi T-Sas-v.'' ...rasy""" '' ViiMsMiiswiir.; ",r Pmmmmw THE SENTINEL. Bnttirilnr, NoTcitiUvr Ii, 1850. National Delegate!. Tlio follow Ins article, copied from the Hoc tamento Democratic Standard, sufficiently ex plains Itself, but It is singular that none of the Democratic presses or Oregon, or that nemo of our leading And best Informed Democrats had, up to this tlrnc, discovered tlie blunder which tho State tVntral Committee made in their late call for a Stato Convention. Of course tho Contention will elect tlx Delegates In stead of thrct, for ns tho Standard says "let Us send all we arc entitled to." The drornn Skntinki. of October 15lh. eon tnlns the tall of the Democratic Stato Central Committee, for n Stato Contention to meet November lfitli, for tho purpose of selecting three delegates to represent that State in the National Convention of 1800. Itappcars that the Committee acted under the old basis of 1832, which existed for twenty years, when it was clinupcd by the following, adopted at tho National Democratic Contention, held at Dal tlmorein 1852 t " YM, That In constituting tho future Na tional Contention, In order to eccuro tho re spcctltc right of tho State, each State shall be rntllled to twice the number ofdclegntcs It has In the Klcctorat College, and no mora t and the Democratic Committee In tnnklng arrangement for the next Democratic Convention, provide such number of seats and sccuro tbcm for the delegates elect." lit this bads, the Cincinnati Convention of 1856 was governed. That body made no chance in it. nnd consequently Oregon will be entitled to iix delegates In the Charleston Con vention. Three delegates might bo (lermltted to cast her six votes, but we presume- xlio In tends to send a lull delegation, nnd that tho call for the selection of three was a mistake on tho part of the Central Committee. Under tho basis in force, California will of course 1)0 entitled to eight delegates. M In JBJIG. The raciflo coast is not too largely represented. It us tuid all we arc entitled to. . m .. . DniTonut. CiUMltt. Cnpt. Tlids. Jordan lias withdrawn from tho editorial control of the Dalles Journal, bis official dutk's hating railed him to Puget Sound, where ho will bo stationed until furthtr orders. We regret to lose from among tho corps so able, courteous nnd graceful a n ritcr as Capt Jordan. Under Ms charge the Journal held high rank among the papers printed on this eonit. The Dalles people have loat, tly his removal, a most vain nblo nnd zealous ndrocnto of their Interests. We with htm the best bf success In ctery walk of life, wbcrcter lib) fortunes may lead him. In blm Is united the gallant efflccr, tho ripe scholar, and the truo gentleman in ctery sense nf the wonl. Tho paper is nt present edited by W. H. Newell, once ol California. Distikol'isii AunivAt Ills coppcr-coiorcd mightiness la lake, chief of tho Klamath Kike Indiaus, arrived lu town during tho rain of Thursday, (we do not mean that ho dropcd with It,) and paid a visit to oiir office. After giving a few exceedingly unintelligible grunts, and tho same amount of supremely inexpres sive looks, ho left, lie did not inform u which of tho dozen or two Presidential candi dates ho preferred. We put him down n II Ve limn In contcqiinice. although he riuy Ihj a Hunter chrp. lVrhups Uotti tuny get him they aro fellow Aiitte American", and ipijlly troublesome. Till? Dih'i:iii:nck. For the past month and iinre,vtlillo we Into been blest wllhdellghtlul, Invigorating weather, with but two or three ral'iv days and nights, the people In tho Wil lamette liavo been suir.rlng almost ull the usual Inclemencies of an " Oregon Winter," with continual, heavy rains, slurp IroiU, nnd tlinsu ivcullar, penetrating " mills," to which one neur forgets tho first exposure. Tbcro Is a vast difTercnco between the elluiato of Oregon South nnd North, entirely in favor of tho former. Tin: Krruta IFotku On .Monday, Mrs. darning and Mr. K. 1'. Ryan it ill open n homo under this title, in the building formerly occu plcil by tho Skntinki, office. They hate fur nished the homo with everything required of the newest and moat approved stylos. Mrs. t). will personally superintend tho euro of tho rooms. Tho projirictors projmio to keep a lmue especially adapteil te tho requirements of this community, which their experience and tact will, no doubt, enable thent to do. IIorsr Hack. A match race for a purse of 2000 will be run over Hail's track this nfternoon, at 2 o'clock, between Mr. Farms' stallion " Mountain Duck," and a stallion be tnngliig to Mr. N. D. Smith. Tlie distance to run is S00 yards. This match has created ipiito a stir among those, whd engage in such sport, and tho attendance nt tho race Is likely to bo large. Tun Union IIotsu Mr. Lewis Zlgler lias now full charge of tills cstabllnhcd house. Ho lutcnds to thoroughly refit and rcfuruisli tho rooms, furniture, bedding, and tablo depart ment, at once, ami to put tho house lit lirst rate i ondltlon. Tho " Union" Is an old and favorite Iioiisc, aud under tho supcriutcudcoco of Mr. Zigjcr every exertion will be made to win for It tlio reputation of being second to no hotel in Oregon. Tiik Counts. On Monday will commence the regular session of tho County Court, Judgo Tolman presiding, at the Court house, in this town. The special term of the Josephine Circuit Court will commence on Monday at Eerby ville, lion. P. P. Prim, presiding. fir We fail to publish the proceedings of tbt l'rceinct meeting held at the bouse of Jas. Casey nt Williamsburg, for the reason tint tbo information most souuht iu retard to it. will be found In the proceedings of the Jo- sephine county Contention, which we publish I lu auotuer column. s9 AVe are indebted to Dugan & Wall of Crescent City for Portland papers to the 24th Oct. Also, to Dcckinan for lato States snd California papers and to Win. Uallard for favors during the week. SQf Again we aro under obligations to Win. Hoffman, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court, for a report of tbo proceedings had on Wednesday and Thursday. & The Crescent City stage fulled to con ncct with the stogo which left Kerbytille for Jsckfontillo yesterday morning. I LATEST NEWS. By the Yickn Singe of Yesterday, Tho Vnnderbllt and Garrison steamship Orizaba arrived nt San 1 rnncisco on Satur day night last, with the U. S. Mails and near ly 1000 passengers. The steamship John L. Stephen arrived on tho 28th, with over 1000 passengers. The news from the States Is no later than thatgltcn In other columns. Tho lady of Senator Douglas gato birth to a daughter in Washington city. Tho Infant has been named Ellen Dottgla). If. P. Naun, tho newly appointed United States Senator from California, has signified his ncccntanco of the position and will leate on tho OoMcii Age, Not. Cth. Two-thirds of the town of Volcano, Amador county, Cala., was destroyed by fire on the morning of tho 29th October. Surposcd to bd set on fire. About a do7cn houses were dwtroycJ by lire in Sonora, Cala., on the titoruirlg of Oct. 2Gth. It was tho work nf nit incendiary. Wo extract the following Itcnis of tele graphic news from tlio Union. They arc dated from Cnrsoh City, Oct. 30lh I Walsh ii Co., of Virginia, shipped twelte thousand pound), and the Central Silver Min ing Company three thousand pounds of ore to San PVanfclsco hut week. Connor & Vlgnct discovered some rich decomposed quartz, on Friday, hi tho ttcltllty of Devil's Oatc. The surface lias the same Indications as diggings nt Virginia, but richer. The miners nt Washoe und Kagio valleys met nt this city, yesterday, elected h ltceorder, formed laws, etc. They allow each man tn hold two hundred feet, and ha must do ten dollars' worth of work per month. A drove of one thousand utile, belonging tn Dr. (Illicit, of Cumptonville, passed through this placo to day. About una hundred and fifty persons from Downlctillc, Nevada and vicinity, arrived dur ing last week. Law Intelligence. At the ndjuurned session of the Circuit Cour' fur Jackson county, held on Wednesday and Thursday, November 2d and 3d, beforo Hon. P. P. Prim, the following business was trans acted! Stale n. Davis titans Indictment for keep ing a gambling hours discontinued and reeog nltanco discharged. State . Frank (ioddard Assault with Intent tn kill discontinued. It. Ft Maury r. O. II. Ilrooks Action at law to recorcr money discontinued at plaintiff" col. William Gates is. Samuel Sngtr Action nt law to reenter money t continued. John S. Ilerrlnrt. (). D. Koxle-Dlll In than dry for Injunction niljourned Into the Supreme Court by agreement of parties. James Cluggaga rs. W. W. Fowler Actional law to recover real estate J adjourned Into the Supreme Court by ngreement nf parties, Jacob Iliiirinui ii. Larklu Mcllanlcl and John McDaiitel -Crus bill In chancery adjourned Into Iliu Supreme Court by agreement nf par lies. W. W. Fowler n. Juntos Cluggtge lllll In chancery j mljctirniil Into lbs Huprcmu Court by ngrevmcnl or pnttlcs. L. J. C. Dniieiin Is. Michael Thomas, W. C. Jlycr mid F. Iloin. lock Action nt law to tv eoicr money J eoutlii'ird by nf p.irtbs. Veil Sltulx r. Charles Slormi Action at law to recorcr money j continued at defendant's co.l. James Ilnmlln r. II. II. (irinin Action at law to rvcow r mouey : continued. William Nohouo r. Thomas ,V Jacob I'orecloiure of mortgage decree for plalntlif for illiO f3, and In default of payment In GO days, the sale of Hie mortgaged premises. II. F. Maury and Jen Kolluon r. 0. W lloxle ForecloMiro of Mortgage ; decrru for plaliilin's for$3l.'ll t8, and In default of pay men I in CO days, the sul of tho mortgaged pre iiiIwh. Thu Court mljourniil wllhout day. TriK Wasiior Su.vrn Minks. As thesd mines aro beginning to attract contldcrblo at tention, we select from exchanges tho best In formation c cm find regarding their locality, wealth, Ac. for the k'nefit of our renders. A correiondent of the Sacramento Union, writes as follows t Dy looking nt Ooddard's man of California you will sen n place thereon designnteil " (lold Canon." It is a small ravine, heading iu what Is termed tho eastern summit nf the Sierra Nc- vadis.aml extends nine miles in a soul beast d reetlon to Carton river, which stream it touches at Chinatown, n milling hamlet twenty-five miles north of Genoa. At the mouth ol this cuuon isdu cxtemlve, on which more or less mining bus been uouo every feprlng since '32. gold having been discovered hero as earh as '!!. Tlio place thus imperfectly described Is the present W nshoo mining country. As an evi dence of llio richness of the mines, we find In tho S. F. paper that ono man sold an Interest in a claim to U. Davidson, tho banker, for 821,000, and another person owning one-sixth of a lead had refused 810,000 for his share. Some of tho stories reported concerning I lie immense wealth of these mines are almost fab ulous, if not altogether so. Jacksonville Wbolesala Prices Current. Reported for Ik Snlliiri Coirrcted tckl y. JiCKsoxtlMJ!, Saturday, Nor. S, 1859. Wo hate but little change to note In the patt week In country produce. The cloudy weather aad prospect for rain has a tendency to mote Flour off with more animation, but no chango to note la prices. We clow with the following Quotations i Wheat, iter bushel $2 00 a 2 SO Oats. " t SO Hurley, " " 1 60 a 1 SO h our. In or. sacks, per lu ft 7 Corn Mcul, (scarce) per lb. 7 f. !'Sdu"'!?(r '?." " 2 10 00 a20 00 Bacon, tides, clear, M SO do do with bone,, do do do Deef... hams.. shoulder,...,,.,, hog round 22 s 22 ii 6 a 10 13 6 00 SO 27 ii'.' a 40 a 7 I'ork Uutton, Chickens, per doz Lard, leaf, In tins do " Inkeggs Uiitter, ficsb (Uiry do old, m kegs 75 60 "I VfUVVBV,., .... 33 Kggs, fresh, per doz 60 I'otutocs, lb 3n Onions, ,,,,.. 6 Turnips 4 Cttbb age , 4 licans, , iaa Green Apples 18 it JOHN ANDKHSO.Y, JAMKS T.OLKN.t. Anderson & Glenn, OALXFOKIVXA t.( BETWEEN OREGON AND THIRD 8TREET8. WIIOI.ESAI.K AM) ItBTAIIi Ji: AI.EUS IN t STAPLE & FANCY DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS) HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WINES, LIQUORS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, Vreaerved Fruits, Pie Fruit, rroBorvbd ZHoats, Oysters, Fresh Spices, Sauces, tTollios andFickels, MINING TOOLS, Mechanics' Implements, Far ming; liiiplcnicntsj Paints, Oils, Iron nml Steel, NA1L.S, IjOOKS, HAEDW"AE'E, (of all kinds) H.OUll,01tAlK,SAOKS, dANDI.KS, OAMIMIKNK, LAMP OIL, TIN WAlli:, WOODIIiV WAIIK, IIIIOOMS, PAILS, lit DIA HUSBER GOODS, to lilch we repectfully Imile KTfon nMiing iiiirennx! nn no nro (ii'ieriuinrtl in fsl'iljlj CHEAP FOll CASJi; AM)EltS() K tJI.KXN. JackMintllle, October 15, lM'i..f.i!. CHEAPER kJ ; Ii '! T II A N I1 II E it! :o:- imisi CASH STORE, BY BAKER & BLOOM! WK are now n-ccl lug a largo and well sclec. till flock of the Intent nlvli- nml iliII.tih of all kinds of ladles' and geiillctneii's FALL & WINTER DRESS GOODS Boots, Shoes and Hats, (iitocr.itir.s and i'hovisio.ns, WINES 8b LIQUORS, fnll ItlmU ml iiinllllra, OnOCKKUV, ULASSWAKK, II Alt D WAItK AND CUTI.KItY, nnd o I.AIKIR AKKOriTMKNT Of IVClrLOirfli' Tool. All rlilcli nviilfer to N'll nt tery small prnllK nndkit p One rlcs Only. ladles and gtiitleiueii uill llml It to llieir nib tnnligulo mil mi u Mim pureh.i'liig rl wlicre. It will lu no trouMa In exhlMt our j,'hkK llcnicinVr, our pl.iee of burlncM is III l)r. McCtillt' Two-Story Tire Proof lliltk lliillilliig.u (he Corner Store. All kinds of I'llOlltrci: liikeu lii ctehsiiKe for (iooilH lit t'lisli Prices, nnd the .l.l.'AV.r I'llh'K AUOWKItf, MiOUVCK. JuekHiiitllle. Oct. I.t, lfOi,.;i!)ir RE-OPENED AND REFITTED! "jSJTJW STATE" !. n.2 Sy MXaughlin 4t XUppel. rpili: I'llOl'ltlrrroitS s.r tl.U Stnclmis i. nml'Ktmt Saloon deslru lo In form their p.ilrun. ami Hie public lliey bate thU week entirely iiKiimin and iik-ii iimihkii their Iioiimi, nml nrn again renily to recilioculli from "ull Ihu Morld. mid Ilic nI of muuklml." Their Ji A It isttockeilwllh the best of every Miricij ( WINES, LIQUOR8, AUE8. OOR DIALS AND OIQAR8, Jut receled from lli-j lirst Importing houics In Sun KrunciKo. All foru of Kniciirenu Drinks nml mixtures In Miirm tho heart and chirr the mind, will bo decocted, nut of tUu choleett eilillnrutlng and ullmiiUlliig Ihpildi. They Imwal.o received aud put up NEW BILLIARD TABLES, Or I'lfRh.l.VS LATEST, MOST .If- VROVMt STYI.R, WITH MMIltl.K MRUS .I.Vi RATRXV (Willi' .VAri0.Y0U8lflO.Y8. TIiofc fond of this di'Uk'htful ami healthful excr cl) villi coii.iilllH'IrciiJiijiikMil by playing upon mew i iu V 'X' s Xi 1j ii S. e " NEW STATE" SALOON Is on the old spot Ato lluMinj, corner if ttii fvrnia mill ThrJ SlretU, Jacksonville, OcloUr 22, 18it.-yl-4t. DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, X3vlolc Z3u.ilcU.rTiC COHNKIt FKOKT AND F STS., OIIESCENT CITY. Wll.Ii attend to tlio ItECCIVIXG and FOIL WAIIDIN'O or all UooUs Knlrutltil lo their t're, with Prauiine ami DUwlrli, tej. Conilcumcuts solicited. receiveu on storage. Oct. 15.-33tr Administrator's Notioa. NOTICK I hereby given that Letters of Ad mliiUlratioii buvo been issued out of tho County Court of Jackson County, Orciron, to tho unucnnjiicii uu iuc r-iuiu or DAVIU .. IlKIt Jtl.V, deceased, late of said county. All persons InUebted lo said cUto arorequeit- sons havlni! claims niruliut salt! I jlaln am re. ftVU IU1U4RU I1UHICUIU1U IMVIIICIU. OI1U lUOflO IMT. quested to prcneut Ihu sumo to tho undersigned ut his restdeuce, six miles cast of Jacksonville, lu tald comity, within ono year fioin thedato of this notice, or they will bo forever barred. JUI1M a. JlhKUI.N, Adm'r. diicKMjiiv uie, uci. ii, iNy.-iw'.3V, ?c2k: JV--Adse. Smtk OK OlIKdOV, I County nfJaekwii. ) aJ' Tothr Tut Paytn of Mid County, Greeting. ALL peious having Taxes uvk'ssed ugalutt them within and fur said county, nro reques ted tu luy sueh Tuxes to tho Treasurer nf kaI.I County, at his olllco lu Jacksonville, tho county, seat ol said comity, within Sutv Iky from the dAte heieof. 1). MNN. Tittuurtrfor JacitoH (Xunty. Jacksonville, Oct. U, lW,-yra-S. SMawiWWWMlHMWWWMMiMM IStttwG&SaZ'Mr&sV&i NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NEW PltlCUS MORRIS & TAYLOR, (Successors to S. W. Sawyer,) Kerbyvillei Oregoa. WOULD IHSPIXTTKULLY IXFOHM THE citizens of Josephine coiinlt and tho pnlille lu Bcncral, that they have bought the cnllro stock of Uoods of Samuel W. Sawyer, and arc novt receiving from Snn Francisco n LARUE AMD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Fancy ii fttaplo Dry Goods, rise sit Heavy Clothing, Bats, 6p, Oil Oloth, Carpeting, Wall pa $6, Ctrocorios, Provisions, Boots & Shoos I.AMFS', MISSRs' AND CltlUlRKN's CAW LAStlXO AND Kill OAlTF.nS, UONNKT AMI I)I1KS TIIIJI- MINOS, CnOCKKRY, CLASS ANU Ijt'RKNSVtAnR, rilKM'll AMI IIOMKSTIO I.Kjl'OIK, CIIIAIIS AM) KIIIALTO, TAIIIX ANI TOCKCT I'CT- I.KIIV, KAIHIMSRY AMI IIAnnWAHK, .MINIMI CAnMIMI ANimr.riiAntc's TOOlJt, OII.1, rAtNTS, AMI WIX- DllVt Itl.ASS, sru KS AMI TIN- WAIimit' AU. AlltKTICX. Together Willi many other goml (on nulnerous iu meiiiiou, an oi vtiucii we are prepana losell ni grenuy REDUCEb PRICES I Our motto will always !. "smnll profits, quick sales, nun irnny pay." Hoping ny sinct nllcn lion to burinc!, and to Ihu wants of the com inuiillt. to merit a slinro of the nnlillc natron ng", wo would gU uu conllsl Ititltntloii to call nml examine our slock ana prices, before pur chasing chew here. AUUU8TI-: TAYLOR, M. II. MOltltl.S. Kerbytllle, Peplemljer II), l.V.i. nitf PUUNITUHE STOUE! BURPEE & LINN, Oregon Mlrtcl,aiMiilrKtnnr' A lUtiilln'i, JACKSONVILLE. All kinils or Furniture MANUFACTURED, AT MIOIIT MITK K, TO OIIDKIt. Arc r.ow reccltliignml Intend lokeepconilantly on iinmi n inn nvoriiuciu or EASTERN MANUFACTURED FURNI TURE, StTII AS SPRING BOTTOM CHAIRS Or all Description, French Xodsteads, skc. All nrdrr In tho I'lirnlluro nnd Cabinet line, mini ni Miuri nonce, ini'iip rr c-vn, iiy joir nnii'Ki-: .t i.i.vx. it. r. m it ur. P.T. UAVIS Ill I'll V Si M a) Fire-Proof Drick, Comer of Main and Oregon Streets, .lAC'K.SO.VVIM.i:, OllKOO.V, XVIiolrutlv mill lltiull llmltr In OJOTI-mSTG, DlN ?. MlatSM9 GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Tobnooo nzxcl C3itftvm, HARDWARE, Que e xi ib wrare, OILS AND PAINTS) Mining mitt ARtlrulliiinl luiiliutnls. TV. are novt Iteechliig a f.argo and well as. 1 1 foricu mock or (icneral MervliandlK', which wo otar Cheap for Cash. Thanking tlio public for l!iclrmtronn;;o here tofore, ko Initio by cloe atlcutloii to business tn uivni n euuiiiiiiiiiice. Zlll CLOCKS, WlRBsJEflUT 'Pill: UXI)EKSIONi:i) U on X band and Is constantly re ceiving tho blot styles In Jewel ry. Watches, I'ancy und Oriuineii ted Clocks. Thu facilities I novt have enable rue to sell nt prices to suit tho times. Jabs brought or sent tn mo will l.o ilono with ii'.itiiess and dispatch. All kinds Of New Jewulrr manurueturr,! In n,. der und warrantel. J, NKUIlKIt, Cor. Oregon and California sis., Mlf Jacksonville, Ogn. Administrator' Sale. JOTICK IS M!:iti:ili'RIVi:X, Thatlnpur Xl suauconf nu oiiler of the County Court of Jackson County, I will ollVr for sale at i'ubllc Auction, on tlio I4tli Day of Novi'iubcr, 1850, nil of tho .-rsonal properly which lulongeil tn Henry lllackman.ileceuioil, nlwut a mtlo east of Kockuieiiow on mo ircKa ro.-ul. sale to commeiieii ut 12 o'clock, noon, of said day. 'rrnvia. v,o ..n..i.i.. i.. .1 ...,. .1.1 Ti:il.MS: Notes naynblo In six mouths with. 111 nui Wm'r. mil luieresi. jijii.n s. .mii.i.kii, JuckHinvllle, Oct. 2U, iei'J.-3w-40 J. K. ACKLEY, IIousi', Slgu, Cnrrlairc, and Orm sueutal PAINTER. QILDINQ, QLAZINQ, MARBLING, PAPER HANOIKO, o. Mixed Faints, Fully, Glass, and liruhes for NIIC. Jacknontille, Oct. 8, 1839. 38 If SCHOOL LAND AT PUBLIC AUCTION I TIIR west fractional half of Section 1 and the North East fractional quarter of the North ljiat quarter of Section 2, In Townthlp 3T, S. Itaniro 2 West. Alto, the North half ol neclinn 36 lu Towmhlp 81) S. ltanso 1 Hist. The said land In T. 37 S. 1(. 2 W will bo otl'ered for salu at mo court House In Jacksonville on the inirtl Saturday, being luo 10th Day of November, 1850, at 2 o'clock, F. M. And Ihnt the said tract of lanu, lu Township 39, H. llungo. 1 liut, will K oflered for sula nt tho School llauso, near Judge Tolman's, In Ashland precinct, on Saturday, 30tli day of November,- icjj, at x o ciock, 1'. M. 8. HUMPHREY, Superintendent, Jackeoutillei October 29, ItUiMd-JI. jS If ' ' ..-..- ijTfcw JimmT'jtT-zm'&Tr&'sZfimEtkWjM n t MMSUfi MSjAHIHSK BsBVTEiiQiuHIIIHI mDIHH NEW STORE, 3SC1ZW GOODS, On AttnlpRnlc Creek, VI Miles front Jacksonville, on the Crescent City Road, THE UNDEItSIONED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Applcgato Val ley and vicinity, that wc arc receiving nnd now opening a LARGE and WEI.L-SIXECTED STOCK OF GOODS direct from San Frnncltco, and shall keep con stsntly on hand a large assortment or DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS fc CAPS, HOOTS fc SHOES, HARDWAIIE.CIIOKERY, TI.AWARE, He. ..AbSO . FAnsixa UTENSILS, MIS'IXO w plemEnts, Dnuas, liquors, CIGARS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS Our Ooods nrc selected itml purchased from the bcrt cstnblbhed hhucs nml stocks In San Kriiclco, and o guarniitec to sell ns low ns any other bouse lu tlio county. v. n. i uvw.i.ii vuu. Applegate,Sept. Otli, U.'i9. at li)3 WINES &LIQUOBS RETAILED, AT WHOLESALE PRICES!! at tiik EL DORADO SALOON, Cor. Calirornlii nml Oregon sis. T W. lllt.l.MAS beKs leate lo Inform his l iKitrons and the public that he has ricelvtd n NEW and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of the following Wine. ilquors, Ac, of the choicest nuiill lies, which he will llttail to those In the Irada at Wliotnale prices : THR BEST BRANDIES I ntard fiod.inl j tltnrii lliipuy ; t'alll!nii llrnmly. CHOICEST WHISKIES: Ambrosial WhUkey ; l'nlrb ink's celibrated Whiskey j Wiixllnvin Whiskey Hportfimn's WhUkey, A 140, Ml. C. nml Jamaica Hum j I'me Cullforula Wines ( liondou Jockey Club Mouse Clin ', ('liiiiiipigue Cider t English Ales, Ac. Ac. with viNVoriiKn FOREION AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS Too numerous lo mention. ftilr 1'iirslelnii. olid llioso requiring any of us nioeK nr .uniicni itirposes, ran iiu ns sured uf (Itnuiiie Aitidci in nil riics. :i"tf ASRiANDMILLS; NOTICE!! Tiit:ruoi'iiiirroiisoi'Asiii,ANi.Mii.!.s tnke plnviiru lu iiiiiiniiucln:: to runner nml cniiMimers lliat tliey Imvo TIIOUOUIII.V Repaired and R-Fit(d the Mill, and luite nt n lirgo outlay of lime iiuu money juneureii nun ni up onu or me eeh SEAMAN'S Wheat Seperators !! which Is iineiiu dlnl for siii'ratlns "Uue fuf' nml nil iilhi r Ir.i-Ii und flit Ii from vvlieat. 1 dev il iv e iiIhi procured the srv leeS of old ami expe rienced miller', nml Hitler themselves Hint they nru now pn pirei in iiuiiuiuciurc a SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF FLOUR In nny oiruitl In the market. We will crin-I for CAS II or exehnngi' on lint mot liberal terms. Vie hishttl Market vrietiuiiilfor U'limt. (Ilvu u a rail. WAIi.VKH MrOAIX. Ashland Mills, Pept. 7, Ib.Vj. ailf PLAQUEMINE RESTAURANT. mz-orairzifo Al Jolui Mrrr'i Olil SUoil, CallrurnU slrttl. tiik UNin:nsiiiNi:i) hav. m. Ing taken ami rc-llllcd the nliovo well-known otublbhmcut, nru ire- ft paid to furiilili their lileuds uud tho public lu gvuerui vviiii iiouru uy lue wriK or meal. MKALS AT ALL IIUUHH. Night siihiH-rs sin 1 1 1 12 o'clock. Tho TAIII.i: will Ihj furnl-hcd with tho Ust the market utfonK Dy strict attention tn huMncu nnd n eon ta ble, wo hopu to merit a iluro of the public pat rouage. CIIAIILKS IlAXSOK, 1IKNUY ACKLKV. JacksouiIlle,Sipt. 2:1. 1M9. Mlf Xffo w Karsoss k Saddlery 3TORE S JUDOS 4C 1MIT. CixanxaK't IH'ii.inxo, OAi.iton.xu Stnuw J.VCKSONVH.I.K. HAVI? Jii't openetl nnd hate an extensive as sortment mid superior stock of RADW.Kfl AND 11IIII)LIS. PlWWSYLVANl A TKAM HARH-S (JU.NUIIII) rsTAiiK " COLLARS AN'D WHIPS, 1HT.S AM) SPURS. LKATIIKR, AO. AU. Wo arc prepand to mnuufucluro all articles 10 oruer. lu a funer or sit e. w lineatueui and dispatch, All who in.iy desire anything in our ii i uru nipierieii luciiunnu examine ourslocK. Ilepuirtug at ttiort notice. All cheap for cash. IIKMir JliHIK, 1, BKNaHlN tllltV. Jacksonville, June 18, 1859. 22yl Livry and Salon StablMi Comer al CallrurnU mid Famrtkt StrrcU. BY CLUGa'gK Is DUVAL Ifij TIIKSR STAULK are ccn- rally located, and convenient to tho Union Hotel. Horses and mules will bo kept by tho day or wesk, at iiiuuriuiu vuursi". lue proprietors hate several fine BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. for ouo or two horses, to let on reasonable terms. AI.SO j Ctood Saddlo JCorsessicMulM, which they w III let to go to any part of the Couu. try, ou rcatOnable terms. Animals Bought and Solri- and horses broke tu Iho saddlo or harness. The proprietors pledge tbcruteltes to givo sat iifaclion to all who may favor them with t call. tiscstouvuic, u. I. 3tf II, MMM BsBlSS&SsllllLERV STORE Asi mv ' AAJme & BY J. W. HILLMAN. CoriCallfbrnlii 4lOrrKn sis., Jtklonlltti TIII3 OLD AND 1VLVORITB SALOON 13 sllll kept by Jons W. IIili.mav, where he Is rrclartd lo erect his old friends and the nub ile generally, and to dispense the tcry best of WINES AND LIQUORS, as heretofore. In the way of "Fancy Mixture," he will engage to tickle the palate of tho most astlillous lover or inspiring tiuiu. A prime article of (lenulnc IIAVANAS al ways kept on hand for lluxc who seek elegant rcDosc. or care to nulT nvvnt the cares of life. behind the fragrant weed. in ctery way within his line tne rroprictor will spare no exertions or cxlienso to cater to the tnstcs, requirements, nnd fancies of Ids pit- rons. Ily calling at the 31 Dorado ! s wenrt traveller can crntefullt slake his thirst t the buslucss man llml relict from men tal exhaustion j nnd the tired Inborer renew spent Nature. Iltrrylmdy will be suited nnd pleased. Itemcmbcr the nM stand, nnd tlstt 3"lf A. FISHER & BRO. CHEAP CASH STORE. TK HAVE JUST lli:ci:iTJ, AND AUK V t now opening, at Mr. Mct'till)-' l'lrfPrnnrllil(k, nil Uregon trtrl, Intltxiiislllr, n full nnd complete iwortinont of FILL & WIXTER GOODS!! LADIES' and OKXTLKMEX'S GROCERIES, Cutlery 8? Provisions All of which wo olTirfor snl. I'Olt CASH, cheaper than nny uoods heretofore olfered lu this market. All kinds of PRODUCE taken In exchange, nt the market price. From our experience In purchadng gnnd fur Ihls market, wo llalt.vr ourselves that cii'tomers can be accommodated, In Quality and Price, better than nt aur other plseo In JackMinvllla. Call and examine our stock J It coils nothing toshowCimAl' (JOOD3. a. ri.sui:u.t into. Jacksonville, Aug. 27, W.VJ. :i2lf EAGLE BREWERY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN t 4 NI) I'AItTICI'LAltl.Y TOTIIOSK WHO t. wldi to gain strength, wo recommend to Co in tlie Knglt' IlrcwtT)', formerly iiw mil by J, J., vvlileh has Ixt'ii purcliax'd by Ihu iindcrsignril, who will curry on the burners, nnd kirp rnuitantly mi hand n hirgu flock nf thu BEST LAGER BEER, which they nlfer for sale nt wholesale. In tbetr bar riHun nu Hi" prem1es Ihey will not hell lu Icm ipiantlly th-iu nun bolllu or ipiart. which l the riiinllot ibl.' they can prescillr fur the uf ItlcbM. The iiatrnnagii of nil luvers of the bet rrui.1, Is kindly solicited. COMIAD MKVIIII. .HKSKl-ll WKTTKItKU. Jacksonv I lie, Si'pt. ;i, Ikvj, :i:im:i r. V. S. Minier, HAS I.OCATK1) IN (,'APIIi;ilO (FIKKNIX) for llii imrpo'o f pnicllclnit Ids profes Ion. Dr. Mluler l a enduuto of ono nf the Hot rusi'.iar lueilleul eolleties In thu Unltiil .Slater., 'and has had etcnlve (Muricnce. bulh llnl'.tnl. and lirlvale nraelleot nl-il In nUtel. rlc-.i pniellee mid dixiiMSof woifcil audchll I'.nn. He will attend tn nil chi'M's or dl'catc, nculc or ilil mile, nnd ilolren It to be undrrslood that he abrnales the ucnernl iihj of calomel and nlher lujurlnu mlnenil drug, ns he has other nuilicines wnieii are superior in invireiiecisanu tiiiicn less iiijurum. .,li. ciuirges rejMinaiiie; urn iikm'Ijt. Jndiw J. O. Wllklnwn. Hon. W. L. Lee. II. W. Smith, i:-.. Illinois. V. .Merwlu, lUrhlvr Iowa Stale Dank. Sand. Culver, K., O. Jaeolx, Kx., Uasburg. NOTICE. TO Till: Til AVKLMXtJ IHFIIMC. Till' new Ilrldge aerots llocue Itlur Is now eoiiiiilclcil, nml hIm) the llrhlue ucrnss l',v ans' t'rct'k. The road from Iho Itlvi r llrldgv In llelhel's Firry Is In gnoil condition, and i Irniu one to two miles shorter than the road upo other side of the Itlur. Travellers will (1ml It the In-ft route to L'o nnd come. .1 llb-.ral il: ilucllnu iu toll will bo made with parties, who iia to came in uuvv uvit. WM. .T. AI.T.KN'. JOSUi'H IIACIIUS, auf Tjiomas ri:kd. FOE SALE. A FINE FARM, CONTAINING 3QO Acres, KNOWN as the ' , , , O. II. 3ltll)I)i:N FAK.M, lu Jackson Co inly, now Iho pioU-rly ol Juinoi Kiuiicy, Is ntf.Teil for ulo. Vet furlhir par ticulars apply to JAMI3 IlltUCIl Roguo River, May 13, IHU. 17lf CLOTHING, Boots nnd Shoes ! ! :- sss s Da3M TOBACCO .S-GiaABSi LEATHER AND FINDINGS. A large slock of thu uIjovo goods jut receitcd and now opening nt HAIXKS St niio-s. ZOIf Cor. California and Oregon streets. Gr&zS'isZS&rS'isSn: S. W. DICKWN, WATCHMAKER JEWlfliERi sroiul door ! or Ills El Uoraito, CallrurnU Street, JMktonvlllrj Oiteoii. Ss3gs$,sst3te9! MOlfBY IfOTIOa! PEIWON knowing tbemndtes Indebted tn the undersigned either by note or book ac count are hereby notified that they must post tltely come forward and make payment, uswc sre compelled to have money. ANDERSON 4 (jiLENN. 1 in NEW STOCK. Michelbach & Dios, SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTURERS, Cor, Cfllirornln Mill Urrgon strctU, JACKSONVILLU Ifi; Will always keep on hand F a Hirer n.orimni oi uainor nla and Oregon Saddles, Whips, llrhllcs, and Hnrnccs, which we will wll II cnsmiatilc I'llcen. M. MtiitKt.SACii has Jmt nrrivid from San rranclico, with n LAIttjII STOCK of SADDLES, both of California Oregon Hlylc, alvi FANCY LADIES' SADDLED t Pennsylvania, Concord Coach, and all kinds of Team Harness ! Contantly on hand. All CUSTOM WORK done to order on shott notice, lu the best slyL A Large Stock of Harness nnd SmlJlcry suited to the wonts of the country, alunyiu.1 hand. branch "Stouk at P HO ENIX. We Into opened n branch store nt l'lurnit, (flnslsirg,) when' we nrent nil tlme ready tu fiirnMi Ihe.SAMi: AIITR'I.I'I nt the Wain .TB...i oom us at the Jackvuivllle store. All our old cii'tomers nrc Intlted to call and cxnuilnn our new luck, which we gunruntcc to tell ns low as any oilier livile In Juckum couu- .tfr-Itepalrlng done at rhottu! notice. From long eerlence In llill.ulns,nnd by n prompt nllenllon IoiihIts. we hupo to merit n liberal hnrc of public pitroujge. Augift i:t, u.'n. ::'itr i? f7d orris & bro! Crescont City. SI JP O V E! & AT flMIK Undersigwd have iiov rti hand a full X mid complete iniurlinclit of COOKING, PARLOR, SALOON STOVES! All . 'ixt Mini' Ten KiJII,., AIM, Tin, Shoot Iron, Copper & Woodon Waro. Wv arc now Importing our giMnls itlti-cl fioi.i nnd will Sell for Cash as Low u any lioiiw lu .''.in I'raueiM'ii. TIiomi wbhlug In purrhukv lu mir llni', Stovos in Particular, aro rniii'lii in call nnd iwnmlm mir slock and prices. All onlers will rtvelve i.ur promiil al teiillon, J!7md lli:.V.I. P. IIOltHJfi A RRO. Administrator's Sale op n.OVl ESs-teTtto! Notici: isiii:in:iiviiivi:N. Thutiniiur. Mianeo of uu mdi-roi lh" I'minly Court of County, I will i.)!i r for sale nt I'ubllc Auction on On Saturday, u ICtli lay of No vciiiliiiV ensiling, on Iho prvilvii, tlui follow i.i.Mli-H'rilKtl tr.ict i.f !'l.n.l.,.vhiu"i?,".,:. '" ,l,tf vMv "f JAMI5 A. LUl'TON, dwi'd., tu wltt OLAIM JKTq 07, In Ipwn.hln .s', :;, .amii, 0f Kaugo No. I Weil, beg iniiUig ,a ibe S. W conur, Ihiiico north ei elis'.us thence m.t lu ihslut, tlnnco tmilli m Vilnius, iheneo noilliMi iKy, 1 1 mln., west :wa 8Utli chnlns, In the pUcvnf l'ginnlug, eoiilalnliig 319,U Acres, known ns tho Luploii place. , TKU3IS OP SAM:..-0ne fourth eaOi In hand, Mini Iho lemaludir on n cndlt of s.x nioulhi, till!) gcoit Hcnrlty. o. i), noxii:, . . Wic AJminuiralar. Oclolicr 2i.-w3.0. LOVE & lilU.lii: Tin, Slow, fc 1 1 n ut ware Jleiili-rs. Flro-Proof Brick, ox PAUIOIIM4 Still I.T, Jsi'KlMNtll.t It, Tin-Plate, Bhcet-Iron & Coprer Workers. EVKISY article In uw .Mnmifnclured In tlio nbovollno mado tu uidir nllb iimmiilm-.. and lliutch. The pivprlelors keep ou hand an exten.'Itc as. bortment of Force pumps, Chains, Hose Xjesax) rzz3as3, every doerlplloucf a largo quality of liar ami .UmiIi. IKO.v lu ipiantilles to hull purch.ucrs. Cooking and Heating Stovos. of the mot approved path rns, always iu store, and for inlo very low lor t'u.h. JackMinvllle, Oct. Ill, IMS. 29tf TO THE PUBLIC ! I Ail nowilolns business in my new llre-proor store, and hav u a good stock of every variety of (ood 1IARIVARK, OROCIIRIKS, DRV 0001)3, CLOTHlXtl, HATS, ROOTS AND SUOKS, IRON AND STKRL, OUN AND HLACKSMITH TOOI. ltep.vh'ln(t material tor !re-rrrr, rovolvers etc all of whloa 1 am unxlous to sell ' "' For Cash or Traffic I and will sell as Low as lh v.r a. 1. .1. R'YAN. If Jou owq ma sny Ihlna r. j. r. 3Gtl i ,jt jjy 4iyi ' V . p'& .Rea,,er, If jou owq ma sny Ihlnj W vvwv .iv4 ,-aj , , I D ;