mm?mymm " ' ' ' ?- - ,- m.-f, .. 17Tr' 1MVHHHnHHI i??FnBI" mmr 'a- -.. WpwH( bf&9&MmamM0Mi&r s- HiCK -. .. l.j a- - w" ..,.. .-.... ... f.-V THE OREGON SENTINEL. '?'. . .,,. 'hV S'.rfi Uttm'wwitfiriji ".Iff j J- SmtfiSjafjSfii i fui ' i-ij)juiiiB.ja-'k'i. i imifm9T&mbmmimigmm yn PER ANNUM. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1859. VOL. IV. NO. 42. ''lWJlPPW3lBr?:r :!' : 4 tiiK;ZIHil.BHn Y" u THE OREGON 8BNT18BL. PunHs'icil every Saturday, by CMBARA & FRB ANER, EDITORS AND PIUHUUKTOIW. 'AS. o'KEAtll, I'. II. 1'IIK.INISK. Oflce over Clujrgaffo & Drum's Stables. TERM9 OF SUBSCRIPTION! (its aiivaxck.) Onu rmiv. Ono Yt nr ft 00 Ont Copy, Hlx Moulin Due Copy, Three Mouths :i (io auo ADVERTISING RATES: One Square, of Twelve Lines or Iom, First In- rllon,;i vu , nnu iur rat" '"'"'i"1 " linn SI IM. l'rofcsslonnl or Uu'lncs CnnK laich Square, r annum. sjM 00 : for Six Month, S15 00 tor Three Month", Sll 00. A liberal 0lcount will 1 Maili l perrons '" advertise t the "'Xtfiit f four niu.irc. Tlie number of li.eritotis should Ikj marked on the margin of udvi-rllwmcnl". UNION HOTEL, Jacksonville, Ogn. Lewis Ziglcr, Wm. Wilkinson. H ZIGLER & WILKINSON, AVK TAKKN Till; "UNION IIOTl'I., Jacksonville. O. T, niul havo completely MlNOVATKl) iho same hy Refitting and Painting. Alo, furnished Now Beds and Bedding. Tho IIiiii-o In now In COMl'LLTi: order to nccommotl.ilu cwloincr. The proprietors will ppiiro no palm Io rentb r their customer happy nnil cotnfiirlalilu during their piny. Having superior Conk and Stewards, with n writ Minidlni Innlcr. tln'V are nulhnrlrcd In pay- Inir Hint thctr TAI'LI shall lio abundantly supplied with nil Hint Ik necessary to nitlpfy the lale nnd fmicy nf tin- greatest ol epicures. Jacksonville. Nov. Mil, lt.'.H. mf POETBY. I WAIT FOR TUEE. tliu c SEISTTHSTJCX. Si ?.tt.Be. AV.m2W book and ron MOTTIM OFPIOEI, Jacksonville, Oregon, EAGLE HOTEL, Kvrliyvillo, Oregon. 'PIIK SUIlSOIMilUlt HAVING HUIICTBI) X n largo addition tu this well known stand, ttiuted Tit iho limiiof Kirl.ytillo, mi tlio road to Althnii'c, Suitor Digging! nnd Crcs cent City, solicits a share or puMIc patronage. T3bLO Tctltole Will nlvvnya bo furnished wtlb tho beat ilia innrkcl ulloiils. Sinirlu lluuma furnished nn lllx-rnl term.. joiin it. riti.NDi.ix ICcrbys llle, Juno 20, ISVJ. Tilt BOOK AMI JOII I'lllVIIMi!! OF EVERY DEOORIHTIOM. Kicculeit IHi Ntfltnw "d Dhpitcli, l Hie BEST STYLE 01? TUE ART, AT VERY LOW rilXCISS To N ii 1 1 (he T I m . Our iMorlmrnt of matin ltd l f.'-r and iaImi Uc,iidallonlimf'ir 11 ii. Kniiry 11 Intlnir. pniiiil"',. Mini In nnniuT Ihatwlllnnl full I" )') hiiI'I"'!!:"'. , 'A nwnrliix'iil of l.w lli.iit.iiilinii I). "Is M Hi-k,,k,-p, ijiimmimiii, Sul'lrim, t.MMUllon,, nlwuyn oil Imnd. nnd lor ml' tlinip. wmm niimii ...imi D. F. D-OWELL, ATTOIIXHY A'L1 LAW, ,liMl..innlllr. Oiru Will PMCllru III nil tin' OiurlMif tint ad Judi cial HMrlrl. tin? Supnnw Court nfUnun, mnt In Vnkn, i i . , irii.Miiuruiii'iil on mild to liiwiirlna I.-iit'l Wttrwntu nnd collwtlnjj ilnlnw ulti H' t rnmi'iil. '-' v WTs. OROCK, Altoiiit,' mill I'niiinrlm' nl l.uv, mill SOLICITOR IN OHANOERY, Kiimiift'lly.OHKi"'. M'lll ..nMm lii lint tiirlnll Ciilllli (if l!.l Tip rltiir. nnd pff-i'litlv iittend l ll" rollittltm of clnliii iii.-.iliit ll.! 1'nltiil Sliili--, llmmjsli nn rnioli'iil nip'tii ri-niniiiK ni u-uui.vii. In Kup-nu City, l.nno Coiitiiy, Apiilegatc C0t'U,O. T. ri'lH'. nmUT-lgnnl Mim Id Infoim liln frlcndi X nnd tliu truvrlliisf pild!e Hint. li.Mlnp; Ini nnivi ! iIumiIiom' Iliiicli.lli.iir-ivnvlx'tni'Cii Kir- liy vlllo nnd Jnikpontlllv. Inriinrly known n llnrknt'll mncli,) .mil in ultf nrranucnu'in ii ii family to take I'li'irjji! of tin- liuti'V, lie l now pri-pnml Io nreniiiinmlali1 nil wliom.iy patron- ua lilin, In Ilia my iipI pi)t. THE TABLE Will at all llmut 1") piipldiid wUIi the lot tho mnrki't niroid; nnd cnuihlliid with Kod Mtablin?. ZZny and Grnin, mid n cnrvful lioltcr In attendance, ho Impe to merit n fharc of p'lUIc pitnimiKK. U i-i 1 1 lipiiu ly I'roprlilor. Tho hearth In twept, the Dro It trlglit, Tho kettle tings Tor tea; Tho cloth U spread, tho lamp Ii light, Tho muflliis emoko In nnpkln.i white, And now I wait for tliec. Come home, lore, come, thy tak ! dono Tho clock licks llptculngly ; Tho Ulndi arc phut, tho curtain down, Tho nrm-chnlr to tho flrcpldo drawn, Tho hoy la on my kuce. Coma home, love, como J hla deep fond cyo Look round him ltru1ty ) And when tho whltptrlnt; wlmh go hy, And If thy welcomo ttcpj were nlgli, lie crowa cxultlngly. In vain ho flndi the welcomo vain, And turn hla glancu on initio So enrneptly that yut ngnln Ills form unto my heart I ttralu, That glancu la to tlko thine. Thy taU Ii dune, wo mt thee hero ; WheruVr thy fuolptcpi No heart will pp'.nd piicIi kindly cheer, No tA-nllng heart, no lUtculnjt car, I.lku tlio4a who wait thco home. Ah, now along tho croM-wulk fust The wcll'knonn step ilitU com?, Tho bolt is drawn, tho gnto Is pat, The hoy la wild with Joy at Ut A thouand welcomes homo! HARDY ELLIFF HA.? i recti d n Ni-w and Coimiiod'oii Tnv iru .jt.iud At Iho Houlli Uud or tho Ul),' Ciuiyim, DOL'dl.AS t'OU.NTV, O. T., Wlnro l.e l pri'iured to pniinimml ito the pulp- Ko In goml pljle. Tim Imii: nsideiiciiiir the liroii'IeiiT nl ifi! point preclude thoni,cirlly of Piijlnjuiui ' His Table will loa will fnriilihiil in the country nlfurili'. Ispuppltnl ;ili llnyiu.d liiiilulii nlmiid.iiicis i.l... .1. ii ill Iij' utU'Ulliiu. i;iiy ultiiillon im'iI to u li'h r thu-owhoi'.ill - T . . .'.hi i.iir Important to Sottlors Land Patents. Sfu'v Ur.xi.'i OrfiuK, 1 Sai.v.m, Oo'.v, Oct. Bill. 1810. f I'Vc(ueut inipilry la nude nt tlila odlco for lutid l'nleiita; unit whynettleH wlioi clulmi have been nurvcyiil four or live ycarf, havu not received their i'utcnl'. die following cxtntcta Irnm letter nf tho ComiulHlouer of tins Oeucrul Liud OlHiv, to thu Surveyor (lonernl of Otvitnn. may throw some light upon the nuliject. In ono licnrlni; date thu I'd day of Muy last, lie say : " It it lU'cw.iry tiiai piuli miowiu the Donation ClnliiH under tho net nl 18." I) j mid Iho mljolii' ln fracllom uud nubilivUloiii of the puulir land In iho 'IWmlilp liy thoo cl.ilm, tlioitld bo furnMieil to this nllleo ni ipecdily o pollute, luonler tocTpiililu this InialiieK, you nro reipiesteil to iurorin Iho clalinniiti by pedal notice, nl tho inMIly of iK-rfeelln;( their clulim ' vc. t "m t u (im.til Dumber Inn licen rwclvnl ut thU ollleo thereby cm lug dclny In the UfM of I'lttciit., unj trouble to tho cl.ilnr.iuil. " Nnr Ii this III! (lrt lixtaneo of m iklnz this matter tho ilbjeet of InitrurlloiH IVom thu uoramiK.oncr i m enny its tno '.miii. or'i i- rr, ioniii.v mim uf mis oniw, iini ' tne old saltier cannot p'rmittiil by Ihvlr lacii-s, In tliu nutter of their surveiv, In mli- ji'ct tliu community to nil Iho'MU cun'oiinoiii iiiercnii. ii ueu mo nam iiie-mi every Instance, for a completo return bv tlio lirst any oi iicccmucr ucxi; nnu inoso weim- lies to nincii re:crcuco ins ucin mane, ns oc Inff In default, I havo no doubt will find il ton valient to complcto tho liuslncss In their hands by the tenth day of November next. In my Circular, of tho Cth day of July last, tlicro is no inuinanou mat claims, taken by lejjtil subdivisions, must bo surveyed If, in progressing with this unfinished business, I shall haiipen to have notlfiexl some who do not desire a survey, or may not be entitled to one, because of haviwr sctued beforo tho ucnernl surveys, such persons ought not to bo oltcndoil ! such notice can do them no harm. Tlicro tiro some cases however, wlercln claimants have supposed that n truct ten chains wide, and forty chains long, would bu it legal subdi vision, and Iiav'o so uJliBed) bnt- tlM-Com- inlMioncr orthe K'liid Ollleo lias un ipiallllnlly prohlblteil tnch being so rcganleil, nnd declared that " th rnmllest h'gul subdivis ion which Is ksucrplilln of being descrlbcil by Its relative positlcn In n Township and section, is io acres ni --'u chains square," or tho fraction of such -10 acres, mode so by a surveyed claim. In looking over the sbtlracts or notification, observing coses where tho claimant had sup posed ho could taka a "40'' ten chains wide, and 10 chains long and had notifliil as such by a legal sulKlivision, I havo caused such claimants to lw nolllleil In order that, If the ditto of his settlement would permit, he might have a survcr, and perhaps save II) or in.iro acres of Innil by It but If In such cases ho should still claim by le-al rubdlvlslon', or, for nnr reason satisfactory to himself, ileclino tn survey, I havo noMilitg further to do with his enso than to hasten tlio adjoining surveys, so that not only himself, butnls neighbors m ly bo nb!o tn get their Patent Certificate). There aro many clalnn, tlio surreys of which havo been returned tn iho Iteslstrrnnd deceiv er, nt Oregon City, mid havo lain tlicro for years, without any Ccrtillctlo ha ing isucil In such cases, nf course no I'atcnts can bo ex pected to havo Issued ; tliou'h for this delay it Is certain that tha present Incumlieiits nro not responsible j they have only been In nllleo n short time, and I nm free to believe that In duo tlmo they will prova themselves worthy of trmt. 1'fw persons, I apprehend, know tlio trne roudltlon of their claim nnttcrs, exrept that n survey has been had n great whllu since, mid think It time tn receive their Patents. Inasmuch, therefore, ns ono or two imlilln Journals havo conceived It to Im their duly. not only to ntiriiniio to nm unworthy motives In having taken prompt measure to bring up this unfinished business, but to dissuade claim unts from a lliml rurvry, and ull, too, in the faeoofthc eontlnual clTort, for four nr live years, on the part ol the ('oinmltslouer tu get thu business nf thu Surveyor ('s mid ItenUtcr'H (inlet's into n condition fur th l"io of I'iitcnts, I have deemed it my duty ns it public: officer, to plncis Ihew mitten liefurv the i and !, it Is my duly to In form tl.em, that I nm nt nil tlm s ready In aai-fiti vwy HeVri'. uieir iiiiv, n hi." (Ji-il nl .tlio lt.rur&ia!Mi !s-.-v Iho Ciiii.lilnm or iin'Mfi i ther nl lids, or thu I! glptcr'imttirvs nnd Ullers of liu'ilry nddri'sieil to this dllhv, upon that siibK-t, will m.vt with luimnliiitu nttentlon, while no tlmo imr pa.m siinll Im pp.iri.-il, hi T. onko auir DR. L. GANUNG, Ili) Islnii, Siiik"ii n'"1 Arnmliir, liickkoiivilU', Oregon. Office, on California tlntl, mvoiuI door fiom the Tin rliop. The,'it mid Ik'pI nleellon or Drugs mid l'ateiit Mullelues cniiPtantly nil hand. Wml . N. SMITH, Allurnry anil CiiiiiiMHor ul Loss-, mill SOLIOITOR IN OHANOERY, for IH. On K'. 'M HORACE G. BURNETT, Attorney & Counsellor ut J-mv, Jackson vim.k, Obiwhx. Collections, mid nil professional buslmss promptly atleimea io. uitr THOMPSON &. GREER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Jul U.iiiis lllr, ill i kii.''JiiiUponIIU' Dnm Store," north Me or Calllorulii ptnet, llilid door aliovo tho Union lloii-e. J. H.TIIOM1-SOV, M. I. U. W. OIIBKII, M. I. July 3, 1M8. g3lf I'oiiifurl.iMo and tut illid. JESSE ROBERTS HAS Tmlid New llullilliiri and rtfltUU the old taieriistaud at CJU.2V".BSL-T6'J1.3L'B ' noiitii knii or Tin: oaxyon, I lunglss County, O. T. Wlierv ln I nn-niriil In neeonunoilate the Trav eling 1'iilillc III giwl Ptjle. HIS TABLE Will I-) us will fundi hoi ns tiny In Oregon. Tho Btablo la large, tii'.d will piiipl!il wltli slny nm firMn. iitlentloil nld Io iiullunls. O-Kiirvuttentli'it pild to those who may lavor him with call. "M Itf Fiivk's jUhstauiiaxt. noii:iit'ii, oitKuuv. A 1'INK Im oiienid nnd will il. klip a llrrt-chus Itcslauraut, on .'lulu ftrct't, Hoseliuig, Ogn. lliMnllns bv lliowiik, nnd meals piritil nt nil hours, to mil cutlomtr. The Itcslauraut Is coiiuwliil ulth y. sroocl Stnblo, where tra villi rs can Ik) uccouimoilaU-d with goml hnrro Iced, uud pueh ns nro iIIpiiomi! tn give us n call run Ih fiiinUh(d wllliCOOD UKD.S. arrautiil clean mid comt'ortalile. A. TINK. ltnsibiirg, August 1., IMtf. Itlyl V. W. ClIAI'JlMf. WM. HOFFMAN, xaroi'.A.xv'E" ixtiixjIO l.-ur Jut ksuii I'ouiil)-, Oii;j.iii. Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, etc. drawn up, mid Conveyauelug generally piompt I w m iwll t Jtil. Olllce.ut thu llxpresa Ofllce, JncksT.vlllo. 9tf JAMES D. FAY, AlTOdSKV & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ooi'valllw, srx-oisoxi. Will in. ilIIcu lu all thu Couttsof tho State, nnd ntt.-nd piomptly to nil buolness entriutcd to His cure. iii i.. r. NOsllMi, ltowUirg PKTKll DTI ITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST anrlivuiis lllr, Orrito". Is prejiind tu lake Plcturm In eicry stjlonf IUU an. Willi an inu linen iiuiiioiiiiii-iiia. ii iln not charges will ho made, Cull nt l-'iiiikV Cigar Store, or nt tho Uullciy on thu Hill, mul h'O hl Pictures, iltr , II, IIKKI), Jackpourllle, J. II, I'.l'.EI), . JnekMuivllle. REED&MOSHER, A 1 1 o r ii y a at U a w , Will attend to any business coulMcd to lliem In thu several Courla or Iho l-'irst Judicial District orOiegou, and In tho Supremo Court. September 8, IMlh 3ltf JOS. G. SPEAR, Superintendent of Common SJtools, TaTH.I, 1! nt his nniro In Keihy Wile, ut tlio UV ... ... .. ... . .1 TV OIUCU or 1110 (Altllily O'K'IK.IHI Saturday or each uiouih. UduK tho Hlbl XVsV23.tOC3L! dton Aiin which tiiom) owing tlPAVivUv's iis uro rcqucsti.ll to rulsu ns fooii l'-''J possible. "Mvcry littlo hilps." .M.CJ(i iV 1UVIO Alin.lllAU IlKlillKN, Keibyvllle REED & BERGEN, Attorneys at I n v , Having nsi-oclntnl tlieniK'hes together In tho Prnctleo or l.uw lu Josephlua County, Oregon, will attend to miy busliiis entrusted to their i-aru iiui eouuiy, Septcmlier B, 1WJ. 31tf Law and Collection Office. ut:o. ii. wm.i t imi. x c. uimis (latu Chief Justice.) WILLIAMS &. GIBBS, t'ortlniiil. Oregon. Will pructleo In tho C'ouitsof Oregon and Wellington Tel rllo'Ies. No ember, 18.-.8. 22tfcC CHAS. B. BROOKS, M. D., AVilliuiuslJuig, JoscoliJue Co. OIT-T.U3 his Bcrvlccs to tho citizens of Wll Itninsburgi Apptegalu mid Wclully, In Iho practlco of - Mftlitint, Surgery nnd Obstetrici. T Ollleo at Savngu'n Hotel. Willi uiubiirg, Oclober 1st, t819. 37tr R. HA YD EN, COUNSF.LJsOIt AT LAW, Oltlve at lUrl llle, Ore'ou, lf .September, 1WU, eonfirs on the !d settlers, I putting iho bm!mis nf Iho nllleo In u condition us a t;ie(inl pnnUgt,lw right to mike his tu udm'l of the iisuouf I'iitcnts. KMis'irrry, In eusis where hu e.imi it reiluee hit claims within tho legal sub divisions, It Is bv no means liiteudnl that that very privilege In Ids favor, Is to operate us n disadvantage to other of the community, fin far from pueh cuuctpicnec. the law iihin'utcly Intends noth ing vNr than that the claim shall absolutely Im survcjttl within ii rcuioniblu time; and such is the cousirnciiiin which must govern your net Ion In such ruses. " Vim are, therefore, requested to Issua n printed iiotitc. duly exnlauatnry, mid couched lu forcible terms, sett' ig forth Iho intention of tho net nf Congress, and tho construction tmt upon It ut tho lK'jiarluHiit ; nnd stating tliat their unreasonable delay, in causing their special Mirvey to Im undo, will be ut their own peril, vc." In pursunuro of thu latter Instructions, notico wus issucn, mm very many of tho settlers themselves of tho earli est upnoi (unity to kubmlt their claims to sur vcr, uud who, together with those whoso claims had been surveyed beloro this thm1, should have received their Pattnis. In his Annual report nf 1 85(1, my predecessor siys : " In order to rxmdito tliecomplitlon of claim- maps or ToiMiships, to bj 1'ornanUil to thu Commissioner oi me iiener.u winn uiuee, it would bo well to empower this ollkv. to say uulhoritutively ton'tllen. that they mint make their rcnucst for surveys within a given number of days.ulUT the expiration ol their four year's re.siiiince mm cuiuvuiion ; oincrvviso,u tit-puiy vvill bo commissioned to innlio iho neivosirv surveys without delay, und ut their expense y' and uguiu in h!s report of 18.'t7, ho iayst " I ho completion ol claim maps to bo rorwani cd to tho Commissioner of thu Ocneriil Iind OfllN.nml tho lteglslcrs, is rclurded i Su- perlntiudeiitsof Schools cannot iiuko sale of school lauds contiguous to uiisurveynl claims ; nor can thu Registers arrive nl a Knowledge of tho ureas of bneli tracts tu ucconuuod.itu pre cinitiouUts ; mid from tho same cause, tho re cently advertised sales ol tho public lauds can not bo inado in this Territory." Tl.o .Surveyor General ut Washington Ter ritory, in his Annual report of 18.'id. calls thu attention of tho Commissioner of tho General I .ami Ollkv, to the necessity ol soma Jz-gUla-lion, by which to compel hettlers to make a request for Iho survey of their claims. The great body of tlio early settlers have had their claims surveyed ; uud even amongst thoso remaining umurvcyed when I cniuo Into olllce, (from seven to ten hundred, in tho State,) very lew. Indeed havu hhowu any reluctance to at tend to this matter ; but on tlioeoiilrary.have bet n wulllug hiixIoiipIv for n Una! survey, In thu completion of which, every claimant with in Townships, whero there uro any claims re maining' tu be surveyed, is deeply Interested. Whllo tho causes beforu mentioned havo unrated incidentally, there uro other causes operating directly to prevent the issue of Patents. Somu claims havo been surveyed, and the pluls not prepared for thu Registers ; of others, the Held notes havo remained for years, without luviiu been corrected bv Der uly Biirvciors, though they have long since received their pay for doing tho work, lu some cases, though the claims have been sur veyed four or Dvo years, tho field-notes havo remained iu the hands of tho deputy until tho present time; uud 1 huvo Just learoed that a deputy who surveyed some fifty claims lu Polk county, over llvu years since, uud who has fulled to correct his vvoil; and return his notes, Is now nlioul tu Icavo for tho Atlantic States on u visit. Patent certificates cauuut Issue for those claims, (muili less Patents,! until u icmedy Is applied, It Is worse than useless to have claims surveyeJ, aud thcu per mit tho deputy to trifle with tho bulsucss, fur the completion of whiclu in most cases ho has leceivid his pay in liuid, In the contracts tuwt cipawlvn ! a h- ' ' which 1 ImVv?I, bjuJj Luvu l iiiuen in Wiivt (li:st:uti. Tavlok kaih at Hik.v.v Visrv i.-s ltnri.v to S.vr.s An:, v. Tl.o Idler published In the HtrM, of tho Till of August lust, verifying ihu facts of history lu thi- In stance of ihu mnnorable orders ol IJi Tay lor to Ciipialu llrag'-, at iho battle or lliieua Vlstn, Is corntt iu every particular, ns those who wcie iicq'iaiutcii nun mat nrave nut rough mid uiull'.'ettil old mMier will li'stify. Tho fact Is there is tim strong u teuiK'iiey mi the part of writers generally to present ilistlu guishoil men not us tiny really urv, but ns ihev would havo them. The imtuucu rvferui! tu I u proof of this, and we might enumerate many otlicrs iibmit Washington uud other great men. in which the facts of history uru sadly mangled mid distorted in tho droit to show that thev had honour thoso littlo Imperfections which prove that they were men uud not uugels, ns their biographers would have us believe. Now. m I have n litllu respect for historical accuracy in such matters, I will tuku thu liber ty oi cui reeling iiiiiiiiku vviiiiii lias been made in regard to O.'d ack, uu.l bv which ho is undo the author of a dUpatch hu never wrote. I rclato tho circumstance m It was told by a iierson who was present, nnd the language which was really u-ej. lL'foru tho battle of lluena Vista, when Taylor's cul lant llt'.lu uriny was t arrouudeil by a forcu of tivo or six tlniv'J its number, mid its utter nn- nlhllatloii upKMrctl certain at least to thoio who knew nothing of tho material of which It wns nudu up Ueiienil Santa Anna H'lit one of his aids to suiumoii tho old veteran to sur render, nnd to rrprtrciit to him the folly ol entering upon a conflict that must end lu the ulter defeat of tho Arurleiins, Tho summons to surrender was retried by Colonel Hllsa, who. when ho had translated It to Old Zack, asked what reply ho should make. "Tell him," said iho General, In his usual prompt mid cuiphitlc manner "tell htm to go to II 11." Colonel llliss asked him If ho should scud that reply. " l't mo see. IS or replied tho old man, ' t.y I'd sea him d-d llrst." Colonel HINs. who was thoroughly posted up iu tho etiquette of the t-iimp, thereupon wrote the tll-patih which has been credited tu his commander, and which has to tho cireet that the summons had b'en duly received aud General Taylor declined acceding thereto. Corrnpoiidtnct AV w York llerald. Tim State or Kaxsas. Vurious stnte liicnts aro made as to tho breadth of Kansas, under tho Wyandot Constitution. We give tho distance, from various points nu thu Missouri river to tho'10'2 (2.Mh from Wushlngtou) west meridian of longitudw', which is mado the west cm boundary of tho new Statu : From tho .Missouri river, where tho 10th parallel or latitude (iho boundary lino of Kan sas mid Nebraska) crosses tho same, to the proposed western boundary, Is MO miles. 1- rom Klwood to tho same, 370 miles. Prom Atchison, 3(10 miles. Prom Itcuvenworth, UTU miles. From 'Wyandot, 398 miles. From thu Missouri Statu line, westward, on the llilh parallel of latltudu (Iho sauth bound ary of Kansas), to tho 25th Meridiau west longitude, 412 uillos. This would make tha mean distunco, cast and west, of tho new State, 381 miles. Tho width north nnd nouth of tho Stnto is three degrees, or 207 geographical miles. Wo think a State 381 miles In length, by neatly 208 in breadth, uud containing until fertile plains and Ucm In vullors as Kansas. should ho largo and rich enough to suit thu I --n lA,,l,U jl hi even a nr...,.. ...... erat. IrCiii'MieaiA 7'iim, Tho First State Prisoner. nv ouant TiiotiNDi-nx. 1 lauded In New York, .Tnno 178 1, by trade a rough tiallmakcr, in tho twenty-second year of my nge. In October following, (at that tlmo the park was out of town, nnd only fifty thouiand inhabitants.) with ten thousand fools, soma bigger and smaller than myself, we stood wAtchln;; tho vibrations of thu ropo uud Iron hook during two long hours. Then the sheriff stood on thu scaffold and read a reprieve. I confess I wns much disappointed 1 expected to tee u hanging but no hanging was there. 1 lio nnu wns iSoah unrilucr. lie Kepi n large shoo store In New York. Ho committed rorgcry, which nt that tlmo wns death, by the Jaws oCHkmq UnlUd .SlaU.'.TbuHtat0 Prison or .uw l orli was tu ihu courre oi erection in this time ; this was the first erected In the world for reform, Instead of Imiiglng. The So ciety of l-'rlcnds were the chlei promoters of this humane system. One room in tho prison wns nearly ready to receive criminals. Thu Friends procured from Iho Governor a commu tation from death to Stale prison for life. lleiug n shoemaker I17 trade, they gave him a stool, wax, lasts nnd nwls, nnd hero com menced the Stnto prison shoo miuufactorv, Next court, six vagabonds were sent to keep htm company, whom ho learned tn make shoes. I visited the prison thai! years nrter this. In ono large room sat three hundred shoemakers. Nnh wns pnivwt marslnl, walking through the ranks with n cum iu hind, punishing evil doers, and praising them that did well. Seven years having passed over him, the Friends wait ed on thu Governor. "Friend," said they, oven viiir.s mro vim would havo hun this man now hero is u reformed member saved to so ciety." I Io received nn unconditional pardon, and enmo out. Tho friends found him a store on lVarl-st,. found him money, endorsed his paper, and gnvu him their custom. Immediately ho wm In a thriving way. He Joined tho Society or Friends, mid said they nnd thou with the liest or them. Ilu had 11 wife, and children ar rived ut maturity. I lis Journeymen worn chlelly men ol fimily, nnd w rought nt their own hoiu w. One day he L'uvu to a in in n Pair of b.iots. "Now fri nil," nam lie, "linn nrisi tiring tiuurj iiuw; uuois on Ihc evening of thu fiiurlh day." Buys lie, "You shall have them." The bouts did not corns home until tho even Ina of tho llfih day. Noah was wroth. Hu gavu thu 1111:1 11 long lecture on Ihu evils of dis appointment uud want of punctuality. When no ilrew up to iirci'iif, ine in 111 repueii: "Sir, I urn 11 poor in m havo three children the yiiun.'est lorly-elijht hours old. I had to atlt 11 1 to my wire mid cook for my children. It was not lu 'my power to llulsli the boots smnii-r." Nn.ili still cntitln.icd to magnify the horrors nrdlsapiioliitm -nt. The nun grew angry, the Scotch bWl boiled In his veim ho struck th counter with h'. clenched flit likj u uletlge hamui -r, nnd uiiivvenil : . "I '..uoii'lt I.mi ti'-rlb'.o t'i'ii' tobtsdlsnri. p.llntcil. 1 mn inn t gumg up Tu um rnr fo s.u yu'i huiu, uud I n.'tcr so disappointed lu my life us when 1 saw tho reprieve. N iw, this w.t.1 11 kuoekilowii argument, ns 1111 Irishman would say. It was 11 nno In p'llut, ns they would wy iu court, nnd it fact Ii 'vond till coulruversy.ns t li.y say lu (oiurt-ss. Noah was ihiinb, hu niii-iieil not his mouth. I lu gnvu the man uuollier p,nr to make, hint Im in Ms emiiloyiui'iit. Ire.itol him kindly, but. us the mm -oiid. he tii'vvr heard the word illsaiipilntniiiit l.ill from his lips tli.-reafter. Nri'i went nu priiierlng uud to prosper. One day he borrowtil various sunn of money, und 0btulu.1l 11 number ifeuitors.'iiieuts. The bills ho t-haii.'iil for gold ; the endorsements he gnt shaved 1 1 Wall rtr.vt. That iii-ht he was olf for pirts unknown, taking with him u dear sister, ihu wlfu nfn young friend, to cheer him on the way. The story Is true tn tha letter, und h.'iug Iho first subject of State prison re form, thu day dreamer nf thu present tlmo may iH't'le thu question, whether hanging or Stale prison reform ts mo surest wuy 01 curing u His family nnd friends never heard from htm. Tin: rjinciT Ni:wmu'i:ii. The Loudon Timti tievvsp.ijijr i-slablUhment Is ahead of the vviirld In thu Intro luetliMi or modern Improve ments in tho art of prlnllii'. Hy thu follow ing, which is taken-from tho correspondence of thu Hoclu-sler lltmotrat, It will lie seen that this mammoth concern prints the Times dally upon itervotyno plates : "One ol the most Interesting nnd novel de partments of tho establishment, is that in which the stereotyping process Is carried on. You know, perhaps already, that every num ber of the 'iiwri is printed from stcrcotyiKt plates, thus saving 11 great part of tho wear uuil or tlio typo, iho stcreoiyiw is iiikcii 1 nun inu -lortit 111 iiireu minim- uf u new process, Invented by a Swiss, und known only to him. A thin layer of soft uud damp papier macho llrt receives thu Impression of thu style, and ufter It has been haidoicd by thu application of heat, tho melted lead Is poured 011, which Is to form the stcreotyio plate. Tho papier macho has the power of resisting thu net Ion of the melted lead, und como out of tho fiery trial uninjured, nnd ulmost uiiscorehetl. Thu plutcs are remcltcd every .lay after tho is sue of thu day is printed from them, mid thu waste of type metal Ii 0111 day to day is very slight. IW this pDwer of multiplying tho num ber of forms from which tho famo sldo of thu paper can bo printed, Iho 7Vir 1 can usu three or four presses nt once, nnd thus print Its .10.000 copies on nu emergency, In two hours time. The 7'ii)ir employs In its establishment 3.10 jwrsons. has cl-'hteen reporters at the 1 Inu-cs or Parlia ment, und for these, ns well as thu majority of Its compositors, the wonting hours are ine night hours exclusively. It owns four cabs, vvh eh are employed solely Iu carrying repor ters and reports at night to and ho between Printing llouso Squaro and tho Palace at Westminster. Tho leporters relieve each other at tho llouso every quarter hour, and thus though the debate lu the Commons lasts till 4 o'clock Iu the morning, the 7'ms gives It In full by sunrise, though it corers two whole pages of the Journal." As UNKxriTKO Cmmax. Speaking of tho tendency of temperancu orators to nut them selves forward us previous examples of tho blighting cuccts of drink, an exchange says : " My friends, throe months ago, 1 signed tho pledge. (Clapping of hands and approving cheers.) In u mouth afterward, my friends, I had a kovering In my pocket, a thing I never had before, (Clapping uud loud cheers.) In another month, my friends, I had a gootl coat on my bacif, a tiling 1 never nail lutore. t Cheers and clapping of hands much louder.) A fortnight alter that, tnv friends. I bought a coffin !' Tho nudianeo was going to cheer here, but stopped uud looked serious. " 1 011 wonder," continued tho speaRer, " why 1 bought a cofllu. Well, uiv friends, 1 bought tho coffin ihiuqI felt pretty eertaluf I kept tho pledge aujlhvr fortnight, I should vvaut one." Patrick Honry. It lias been common to suppose that Patrick Henry, " the naturul orator," ns ho Is popu larly called, was very slightly, If at all, Indebt ed lor his wonderful eloquence to thoso sources of mental culture which nro hold In highest es teem, ns at onco tho models of taste and tho In struments or learning. It seems, however, that this opinion is unfounded, and that the American iletnosthencs Is nu cxeepttou to the great law which affirms that " tha gods give nothing to men without labor." From nu In teresting nnd instructive oration delivered by Mr. Hugh Ulnlr Grlgsby, before tho students of William nnd Mary College, 011 tho Fourth of July last, we clto the following statement In reference to tho literary stylo mm curly classi cal proficiency of Patrick Henry 1 Onaliutaiicaof Iho application of philo logy to tha history of Virginia, Is within my own experience, niul may not 00 w llhout inter est, to tho students or William and Mary. From a critical examination of tha fragments of tha speeches and writings of Patrick Henry which havo como down to us, and by a careful collation of them with thusu of prominent con temporaries, I was convinced that our Patriot Prophet had received regular and thorough training in tho Latin classics, and that he hail received that training In curly life. There wns to bo seen In his stylo a ' niriovi fdicitin' and a ' tttUiddjiinctura,' 11 purify uud 11 tact which could not lie tho result of chance, or they would have been equally apparent In tha works of his rivals ntul it was evident, so finely were llieso characteristics Interwoven In the general texture of his style, that hu must have studied tho ancient uitihors in curly lift1) as such results rarely appear so conplciiouly iu tha productions of those who become acquaint ed with thu classics nt a more advanced ugc. This was O10 argument of Internal evidence an argument which was satisfactory to me, but which, without mi infinitely mlnuto exposition of details that nona but ti philologist could comprehend, would not bu conclusive to others. It would thus be regarded rather as nu opinion than 11 demonstration ; nnd must, therefore, sustain my conclusion, for tha benefit of the others, from the facts uf Henry's early life. " Ills father was u teacher und a native of .Scotland, iin.1 he was uiliitiiteil lu that country when l.itln was taught with substantial skill, but in tnv vtnr.s before the sun nf Greek liter- nturu had rU-ti in the Scottish horizon. Now, thu Seolh tench Latin ut Ihu tcudcrcst ago. 1 11111 myself of Scottish ileicenl 011 thu mater nal ride, nnd was taught by Scottish teachers, and 1 nm hardly remember 11 lime when I could not reud l.itln, or at least when I was not familiar with tho grmumer. Hut the father of I lenry was not only 11 teacher and 11 Scotch linn, hut hu was 1111 ndmlmhlu l.itln tchnlar; for wu uro told iu thu diary nf Samiiol Davis, hlmk'lf 11 this scholar, tint thu father of Henry was hnru familiar with his Horace than with his lllble. Hence the conclusion was Irresist ible that. If tho father of llenrv t night Ills p.iplis the comics, hu would, llku the rest of inn co.iuiryuieit, ic.ieu itieui vany ; mm, m nu vvus prnvid to havo been thoroughly skilled In th -nt thai If haitaiu1ilwi s'iIMa ii nf fctlirr p.'opTu Latin, he would at tho a.imi lima teach It's own. This was the argument from prohi- billty, which 1 did not ii-evd to enhance my own conviction, but which might be necessary to gain thu assent of otlurs. Here. then, vvus 11 l.tet neortnlueil lu tho life nf Patrick Henry, which was not only not known, hut which run counter to the opinions und statements of all nts coicmpornrics aim umgrupiicrs. nut was my opinion true, after all It was strictly true In liulti resiiccls, that our great orator had tear lie, I tho J-itin classics, und that hu had learned them In early life ; for in the recently puuifshetl iliary 01 John Attains, umler the date of September, 1771, wu havo It from the Up, or Henry himself, that Uoit fifteen he had re.i't Yirgnuti'i i.ivv u ii.-grea 01 proticieucy which, cviu In this day. except under favorable umpire's, is rarely attained ut so early an uge 1 lor, iieiwccn me grammar mm i.ivy, us was Crowded Sleeping Bad Ventilation. Few nconlo seem to bo nwnre of tho sorlous evils resulting from tho crowding of ncvcrnl children into tiicsama licit, the steeping 01 healthy persons with those having organic diseases, such as consumption, etc.. etc., or tho sleeping of young pcoplo with those of tul- vnuceii ages. i e iiccra It our iiuiy, increiore, to publish tho follow Imr warning from Hull's Journal of Health, and to commend It to the csiccial attention of all heads of families, prin cipals 01 uoaruing scuoois, cic. 1 If n. man were to sec a quarter of an Inch of worm put In his cup of eoflec, ho could not drink ft, because ho knows that tho whole cup would bo Impregnated. II very small amount of somo virulent poison bu Introduced Into u glass of water, thu drinking of It might not product Instant death, but that would not prove inai 11 was nut nuruui nniy inai mcra was not cuouah of it to cause a destructive re sult immediately. u 0 sicKcn nl mo thought 01 tailing 1110 breath of another tha moment It leaves the month, but that breath mingles with the air about tho bed In which two persons lie and It it re-brcalhcl, but not the less olTenslvo Is It In reality on account or thu dilution, except that it Is not taken in Its concentrated form, but each breath nukes It more concentrated. Ono sleeper corrupts thq atmosphere nf the room by his own breathing, but when two per sons nro breathing nt tho samu time, twelve or rourtecn times in each minute, each minute ex tracting all the nutriment from n gallon of air, the deterioration must bo rapid Inlecil, us-K-ela1ly iu a small und close room. A bird cannot live without a largo supply of pure air. A canary bird hung up in n curtained bed stead where two persons slept, died before morning. Many Infants aro found dead In bed, and It Is attributed to having been overlaid by thu parents : but the idea that any person could lia still for a moment on n baby, or unv thing else of thu same size, Is nbiuril. Death was cuimci! by want of pure nlr. Ileshles, emanations, rcrlal nnd mare or leu solid, are thrown out from evety person thrown out by the process of nature, becnuso no longer fit for life purposes, becauso they are dead and corrupt but If breathed Into another living body, It Is Just as abhorrent u If we took into our mouths the matter of a urn 111- nnv other nvprelton. .... -. . . .. ...,.,. 1 ....t.i r.. I no most ueiirucuvu typiioui nnu puiriu iu vers nru knoivn to arise directly from a num ber of persons living In the satno small room. Those who can ullbrd it should, therefore, arrange to hate each incmlier of the lumlly sleep In a separate bed. If persons must slei p lu the s.inu led they should lie about tho snnu ago, and In good health. If thu health bu much unequal, both will sillier, but the healthier one the inest tho Invalid suffering fur want of entirely pure air. So uuuv rases are mentioned In standard medical works wlicru healthy, robust Infants) nnd larger children havu dwindled away, una illvsl lu a few mouths from sleeping with grand parents, or uther oiil persons, thai 11 is ussy uijleu tj cits siieclal liutmiccs In prcsf. r ohicrved by my venerable friend, lllshop .Meade, our old teachers, even those wnu wnoin I studied, introduced nearly tho cutlro scries of the classical authors." Tho Field Family at Homo. A corresp'jiuleut of tho New York Journal of Commerce, written from Plttsflcld, Mass., August 23d, gives the subjoined account ol the meeting ol iho members of tho Field family ut Stockbndge, Mass. : At Stoekbridge, week beforo last, (hero was a family gathering worthy of being recorded. It was thu family of dev. Dr. Field, who for 10 years vvus pastor of the villago church in Stoekbridge. He is 78 years of uge, nnd Is nctlvu inougli to nuillvu half the young men of the present generation. A noble specimeu of tlio clergy 01 inu otiieu times, uiuuiu mm pome, going more than a miiu wnu us. over mil ami dale, to point out a spot of historic Interest, or show nu attractive iKiIut tn tho ever varying aud magnificent Stockbridgo scenery. Hut his charming companion iu tho Journey of life, a dear old lady of 77 years, onu year younger than her hu.iutM, is even in advance. 01 mm in lur activity, intelligence, v!acity,niiti all those nameless graces which give such sweetness to tho ngtil us well as the young. Well, week before last, Iho six sous and ono daughter, with their wives und husbands, aud children aud grand children, to thu numlc-r of forty-six, met at thu ch inning old homestead, nud'what u meeting ! Tlicro was David, a dis tinguished lawyer, from New York j Matthew, an iiiglneer of eminence, residing In ICasteru Massachusetts; Jonathan, a State Senator, Irom Stoekbridge; Stephen, a Judge of thu Supremo Court of California 1 Cyrus, known to tho world for his Indomitable telegraph en ergy ; and Henry, the youngest son, a clergy man und scholar, and tl.o accomplished editor of tho New York Emugtlut. The daughter Is the wire of tho dev. Mr. Drawer, of New Haven, Couu. These were the children, uud then thero vvero thirteen grand sons and thir teen grand-daughters, with two great graud sous, making tho fourth gcucratlou present at tho gathering. It won't not bo well to enter tho sacred pre cincts of tho family circle. What transpired there is not for tlio publio eyo or car. Hat occurred outdoors, bevoud the fireside, may bo recorded. Tho gathering took place in Stockbridgo on Saturday, and on Suuday all assembled In tho old parish church. Itev. Mr. Drawer made the opening prayer, and tho venerable Dr. Field preached from Acts 20 chap., 22d und 23d verses. In tho afternoon, dev. Henry Field, or New York, de!icrcd the sermon. Sabbath evening, ull tho family met at tha house of thu son resident in Stoekbridge. On Monday thev breakfasted In the grounds of David Dudley field, ef Now York, who hus a riunimur resilience lu btnchiiriuge, ami ut noon they ull dined at the old homestead, with their beloved parents. Tho nftcrnoou uud evening were passed thero iu the purest enjoyment, und none so happy us tho father und mother of this delightful group of children. 'On Tuesday morning tho charmed circle was broken, tha members of It leaving the vllleje, never ujjulu to be united ou earth. Fl'.jiirKKiMi tiik Gini.s. Away up In tha northern part of Vermont, rays tlio Anuitrr-, Is 11 primitive nut of a little village, culled '-The Center." Here not long since, tho rustle youth of Ilia vicinity congregated for u "dance," nnd "daueo they did," said our infor mant, "with an unction unknown to our city belles una ucuux. Ono Interesting young man, having "Imbib ed" rather too freely, became "fatigued" In tho course of thu evening, und wisely cuucluded tu "retire" for a short rest. A duor ujar near thu daueo hall revealed In vitingly, u gliuqisd of u comfortable bed, of which ho took possession, with a prospect of an undoubted snooze. It so huppcikd, how belt, that this was tho ladles' withdrawing room; and no sooner had hu closed his eyes, than u pair or bloomlug damsels camo in from tho hall, and begau ad justing their disordered ringlets, thu dim light 01 tnu iuiiow canuiu 1101 insciojiug 1110 tenant of the bed. The girls hud tongues, (like most of their sex,) which ran on this wl,u : " What a nice daueo we're having. Havo you heard unj holy say unj thing about me, Juno!'' "La, ycs.Sally ! Jim Drown savs he never saw you look so lisudsoiuo 111 you do to night. Have you heard anybody say unythlng ubout mo?" " About you t Why, rnrtin. I heard Joa Flint tell Sam Jones that yuu was the prettiest dressed girl lu the room." Whereupon tho dear things chuckled, "fixed up" a littlo more, and niadu off tos-ards tha ball room. They had hardly reached the door when our hair-conscious friend raised himself up an his elbow, and quite intelligibly, though slowly, Inquired : " Ha' you heard nuybody say anything about me, girls t" " Phansy thdr phecllnks," at that Juucturo! They ilea with an explosive scieam. F011 am) Aiuissr. Seuutor Toombs In a speech lately said : " Douglas was not his choice for tho Presi dency ; but he would support him sooner tbac any uppusiuuti man 111 mu uuiini iun. Douglas bud been in error but ho is u bold, manly, truthful, independent patriot," And Senator 0. 0. Clay, Jr., of Alabama, speaking upou tho event of Senator Douglas' nomination, gave utterance to the following strong language.' " I need not now tell you that I w III not sun. port Mr, Douglas or uny one occupWvghis platform, although nominated by thu uuanl mous vote ol tha Charleston Convention of tho Democrat lu parly, or any other party what ever. I love tho Democratic party fur Its principles. I will not abandon those princi ples for policy. I prefer the right, even with defeat, to tho expedient with success, I pre fer truth to triumph. In politeness as In many other things conuee'ed with tho formatlou of character, peoplo iu general begin outside, when they should begin iusldo ; Instead of be ginning with the heart, and trusting that to form tho manners, they begin with the mind, and trust the heart to change tho Influences. Tho golden rule contains tho very life and sola of politeness. Children may be taught to mako a graceful courtesy, or a gentlemanly bow j but unless they havo likewise been taught to abhor what is selfish, and always prefer another's comfort and pleasure to their owu, their polite ness will bo entirely artificial, and used only when it is their interest to iiso it. On tho other hand, a truly benovoleut, kind-hearted person, will always bo distinguished for what Is called uativo politeness, though entirely ig uoruut of the conventional forms of society. A country editor having received two gold dollars In advance for his paper, sajs that he, still allows bis children to play with other chil dren, as usual, 2 W M V .,.. S.JI