Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 30, 1859, Image 2

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THE SENTINEL,. Th0 ,,flte31
SnMinJay, Jul)' .10, IHJ(.
.A. G-13 INT I1 St
Thr fnllowinjr namsd nwnw art- ntithnri-ed to
net ni agents for the Skvtivm : lint to do so. c will content ourselves with
TniMm tlnrm, San I'rnncleo. sending h!'.:i In return tlio following setup chnr-
l It. Hawaii,.. Orvftwi City. 'ncierlMicofhls corps or contributors. It was
.Im). II. Surrit.. . t.ftijrrltp, i ent in by n friend In his own town (Salem)
V. II. I.wtt.. . . ('oire'Vw. who knows well whereof lie writes. At first
AUK. IIUIKM.T. ftll:w Cltv. wn (mil ncrimle nhnilt usinc it. but it Is SO
"lift-like" we feel It would lie nlmost n sacri
lege to cniniiiit tt to tlic waste Iiakc1, without
Thoir Char- Wl o "killed tho Democratic partj V
'The Di'inorrnrv () of Morion, to Joeepli
Ru.li Is sometimes very wllty ovr the con- Lnno greeting 1 Sbviss iii'KhnrD akd kioiitv
i tcnli or tlio .Win. He knows Its writers fol-ii, (764.) ninjority for tlio Black Republican
'lit first sight I criticises their styles mid curl-1 cnmllilnlo for Congref Unvltl Ugnn 11''
J cnliiros their productions. If It affords 1dm That'll do .tyitrmin after Hint announce
nny recreation to do so, nml to lmugino.hat ment, with n flourfcli of trumpets, ask.irAots
lie Is girted with the power or divining, wo nrc J destroying tlic Democratic party? Why not
I willing to humor him. J i,,,,' ,,e j0j,Ct b -fog .wi,0 i;jcd Cock
u c enwu repay unn m kind, lint we clioose
.ioiin I'momm,. .
wj.i inmr
Iltiih seems to have seen Swift's maxim
somewhere, that "u lie irtll stud to, Is as good
as the. truth." At all events he acU up to It
iidmmibly. Ilo and his satellites have not
censed liwying, sineo the State Convention
was Mi, stbotit "Gen. line's elTorts to break
down the Democratic party;" "Ocn. Lnncrl
ding the Democracy of Oregon to death," nnd
nil that sort of nonsensical stuff, which neither
Ihoy, nor nny body clc believed a single word
of. At the mine time they were doing all they
could, with might and main, "In break down
tlic Democratic iHirtf." to sell it out to the
Tho 'Ororon SoilUnol." .ii..j. l.5 n.ililn. ,,,iitni. nl.-,v,,l It,, , llkiok RciiiihliiMiMi: both In the halls ofleeis-
In Xember. 1M.V is-urd the ".lfimoHll, nMf,v, nImosl ni flcnious as 1 J Intm. nnd in the country. IMiold the result I
.. ,r .. . m rnnmry ,,,,- .., ,,,, KWtaihll for . Marlon County-thc sent of thcoli.p.e cabinet
tr..io-rdvod innl.WU and sanKU.muy In-,,, , L)w) Horace Greoly wM, -the publication place of the "Cllmio's" Or
m mr. IIhmmi men ami those In who , eIMl cmt for mt gan-the sent nnd centre of Its power, gives
Jwfcmcn we woW mr-l hkcly eonlkte, ex-, ( C Sllllt,miln, TlU ,, B rMl mb. Lcarly eight huudre,! majority for illaek lie-
1 . ' -,.TmnUm l m M ""V.0 Ial. Naltbfr (lie iJnn. or tho execution of ' publloniitora: for Daw Ian, and for W. II.
on .mpcwoiuiy to Mmm a newspaper run..,. m . .. ... ,. , M .,,,, .Fewnrd .In 1 SCO. should the election of Pres-
lUW i II 1 ttVIW ! ri'Md in i( iv IICl '
7072 Ci
J O S R V II 1, A N R .
Sdyl it foe Alwiftvn m' Iht Xinml MwAir
lvinjr him n elmncc "to sec lilmscK ns others
tee Mm." We hope our correspondent will
continue to favor us with the result of his oil-
I swrntioiH in nnd around the rendezvous of
, "the clique cabinet." -Ki.
Letter from Oon. Lftno. Telegraph Dispatch. A Tonr IUt - On Wednesday owning
WtsciiKsTKR,.Iiily.'i.lMD. Wo Irani from Mr. Juiius Ottcnheimer that quite an qxciting fool race cameoft" in tho lane, -KmTonSKNTt.vur.:
Sir. Returns recelv- at nine o'clock, on the morning of the 28th , near Ctnggngos farm, adjoining Jacksonvillcj
cdlo.lftyrromtiioiiortn.siisiymeinaioiouiin3J.a leiagrapn mspaicn was rcecireu at;thc nonies ofthepnrtica wc have foi-il, if we (f RmitJCQtmHfnHtOntyqri)
Is elected and tho trnc principles of Democracy Yrekn. announcing the arrival of tho Golden j ever heard them. One of the partita is known ,iw tititt ytm- miing X ly I US, A, J), l&f
triiiiimhantly sustained by the people. Per-. Gate, with news of another erent battle bo-.bv tlm name of "Vnlnni. nnd dm mbpr bv! nrcnirrs.
inltmc louse tho.langungo of the gallant tween the French and Anstrluns, in which that or "Dig Willamette," stakes. 523 a side. ! KSMlrfb?TiSSw'
iinj niiiiiiKiim,. .;. ,uuii .ii-uuii, iiiiu o.i.uuu jnwui..- ncre u was witli some uinieulty the lauer count do ' " " Miertir,
ours. '
Logan, tlio lllack Ucpubliean
the trul'or Ditili tho same con-
did write tho Metropolis letter,
son in his heart deep anil black-
vailed In the heart of a llencdi
who attempted to sell out and tranfer the
Democratic parly to Logan and the Mack
Republicans ; yes, the very same Iuli who
did slander the good people of Oregon when
they were engaged in a bloody war with the
Indians have mot with that rebuke justly due
to such political traitors and ilisunlonlsts,
uuieu, ami u.uoo Aiistnans taKcn prisoner brcxieht to the scratch, however ho was found, ' jimoiini rcccit eti irom niio 01 esirays,
party, and a complete victory for the French. ' and !occd 0n the track. Distance, one him-' AnZtSri ' fliim r i.m. 2" to
aril Hush Who ' i deed vimts Ynlnntrer pivint. Willlamstte fivo I Innl snd ferry licvne. ... . liw:
who with trvn- Joiix I Hav.vks, was nominated by the feeU Ue friends of the iwrtiw havimT scttleil Jicft,n,,rfC0M,f"lra.J,t!:i,!,Kl,0" il To
asever pre-, Democratic Senatorial Convention, that met all Uic VTC,mnM- M thc 5mlcw ,0 ,ndr - 2" , Z" ". uTn "" " , S?
et Arnold ; lie at Happy Cntnp in Klamath Comity, Cal.. to .,an,i. ,l m ,rnnA w, mi.mi., I "'
' iiinter tlw tnmitmling cireiimttnnecs.
Rltufte r I. the iHtttior. tte heavy ami ex- "l "" " '" m' n
Jbtap). of tmporting L.tW,.' "J P""? J"
He lms u faculty for using other men's Ideas. H'Iet B " the House or Representatives.
as his own. As Tarn- 'uli iiml Ids emissaries linveilono tiieir woric
. i .i t ...- i .. ... I.. inn 'i itn wn.L hi i imp itniuia Hiinuiu ii pilu
i.-t. ..- - :t.. . , . ,. .lemiwsiwo uw iiibos oi wnicn ana vriocuiia. " "
lilg(ipfieoorifor)lmen,nwltnclypopultel ,. ., . ... u. . , .Mr1, ,,' (hen.: so It does. Hear how exultlngly, and
their clKimetsrs. so Rush adopts such or thelwlll wlmtl fiendish glee tho organ of tho
ideas of tli men who surround him ns suits his ' cn,)i"cl Blofl, ovcr ,,IC n""ll:
Woirrnv or rirrn. So Tar as heard from,
' nil r nnmilii nviMnl Ttttfl 11 Itf tMtl ll(t1itfrt I ltd
emititry then with nuuty other dmwlmokn
nnd iHsmlvnr.tafos then numerated would ile
leat tlic enterprise of publishing a iiowsrmper
nl Jacksonville. Jn fact many ho rapreswil
their wlllingnees to assist lout so link- confi
ilenee In the meersa of tlic enterprise that they
wonld only subscrllM for six months to com
mence with. On lite 21th of November. I83il,
the first number of the iknlmtl was ianied
At that lime tiie subscrlptkm list wm
than two humlml. We ndvoenlrd the JihI
ne of the Indian wnr in Oregon, ikfeodeil or
set tiers from the base calumnies charged by
ticncral Wool, Resson nml others, of lifinglnjr
on the wnr with no oilier motive titan to rob
tlic Ircosnry oftbo United State ; attempted
to iktrelop tiie ailmntages of Oregon, and jKir
tlcularly of tlw sonny South ; advoeatitifr the
true principles of Democracy as enuneluttil by
Dsmocratic Xatioml Conventienf : endorsing
the decision of the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted States upon the subject of slavery, so far
ns iiechtetl upon. We contributed our mite
.om,.Mcncan,i.,.oteiorfc.atcbenaiorortl16j,ca(lln5aml wmnR onUomc 1B fccl nnil.
l,t "m' TP( , ,x" co,,nticsv,:rl vat.ee-but little side betting-time orVohn
Siskiyou, Tvlnnmth and Del Norte. 0. N. teor.l.l.nn.1 u,ni r in- wtttianwiio if. see
Thornbury and Jojm T. Hayi.es were put In t-M terminating a jovial laugh at Rig
.,....,...... ..... ..,..,,.., , .....i wiiiiamctte, nki declare.1 lie dld'nt think
Mr. llayi.es was unanimously nomlnale.1. The keeping" made so much difference,
convention ro-endorscd the Cincinnati platform ' -- -
Thanks to the true Dcmrcrncy, who arc nl- ami mo prociiii.ngs or tt.o regular Jemocrat!c rs r.w Ar.niVAM. There has been nolle an
war3 governed by principle, traitors have not Slate Convention held nt Sacramento on the accession to the population of Jacksonville,
prevailed nml cannot prevail against them; 21 of.luno, I8flO.Ac nro not personally since our last Issnosec births.
they have maintained the party organization ; ncquaiiucu wim mo nominee, uui no noi nesi
linvo observed the parly usages and elected the
regular nominee.
All hnll lo the Democracy of Oregon. The
Union Is safe should the election of President
co to the House of Reprcscntathcs in 18C0,
trnitors nnd Rlnek Republicans to tho contrary Pnniox.u.. Mr. Francr of tlio Crescent sofp.cnee of the clmrncter of the people or It
nnlwlllistandliig. Viy lleraM, visited our town on
title to my that he is worthy tlio support of ,
tho true Democracy of tho 12th Senatorial
District of Cnlilornln, and look upon his ilec
tion as almost certain. 1
A Prophecy being Fulfilled.
In a work pubhohed by M. De Pnult, on
the Congress of Vienna, In I8lfi, it is said he
deplored the disposition made of Italy by the
Holy Alliance, and predicted the ocenrrrnecs
which have since transpired ns a natural con-
Total amount of receipts,.
sum (i
'.i i
Fee of District Clerk
" " Auditor,
5up't of Common School
rroecutlng Attorney,. ,
Judges of Klection, . ,
Clerks of Election, . .
.Iutlees of the Peace,.
Grnmr Jurors,
Saturdav '' 'ho intrigues or Austria nnd the position or. "
'"ili 1K 1'ra,lcc- According to the Philadelphia Vets I " "
. i in. nt ,!, tIieory M.(R ,lml ft ponfaip ,,! 0f i(ajan in,j f,
Thanks, tenlhonsnnd Ihniiks to the Democ. i 'wl. rcmnlnlng until Tuesday tlio
racy of Orecon will co up Tram the heart of ospresseii million, Willi ucing much pletuwl , Ptato sliould har Ixvn mmblltlml. I.v I,1M.
ever v true Democrat from M nine lo tlio shore , with Jacksonville, and surrounding country. ' tho whole connlr would have been freed of
of the 1!acI(1c. Yours,
purpose, and then publicly reviles them.
All who nre intimate with his habits know
this lo be a fuel.
Pratt fimiMitd most or the articles on the
Oregon City and Sulein sent of government
location controversy. Delazou Smith and
. ' , some otlicrs (not Rush) supplied nil the nrgn-
lw . ... . r. v,., . -tii....
I BlfllH iiiuivorui ii oiuii-jjuiviiiiiivm--Jimiiiiu
'ami Xesnilth the chief lenders against the
Know-nothings that nppenrcd in the Statesman
in IP.V'i nnd IPSO Drew writes most or the
articles that "pitch Into Old Jo.." while Roij
'and Ready contribute very nearly all that ai
lars on national polities especially on "the
I nigger question."
I Riiili hlmseir Is no more capable or writing '
an argumentative "stick full" thou he Is of en
voted lor Mr. Slout In coiivcntinn, has civen
him n majority nt the polls. And In Linn, the
nrliicoly ninjority of fillO or fiOO is cut down to
inn a defeat not less severe, than If the coun
ty had glven.a nominal majority tho other
way. IMcgs-les representing opposition conn
ties com Ihto to nominate n candidato Tor
Congress for ifrmocrnfic tnunties to tint, and
defied the will, not only of tho democracy of
tlic country, uut that or tho counties which
were to e'eet the candidate, If ho was elected.
They tint only spurned tlio counel of the del
egates from suen counties, but they taunted
them with liclng foiled by trickery uud man
necment. The delegates from thoc counties
declared, with prophetic voice to the Moshcrs,
T aults. I Impmnns, nml tlio rest or tlio Une
snciclv, Hint the democratic masses would rise
! It would not be verv slramm if Mr. Fmimr Toiclgn domlnlnn. Cotnmentlnir upon tho el
lrth...t 1... .. I fl .1 . Y I I v ,.,m
uLiiiuu. im nincii me jiiiian o- en u irni
Land OfBco Instructions.
WiKcnnsum, Ohkoon, July ID, IBM,
KntTon Skntjnki. : Relow I send you in n
vo"l' ". .v..... a .u-. .ldiimom mumnilffm1 In ln.1,1. I. 1.1
of citizens nrc much needed Tho Kinir of Snnlitdn U inn Li nrrini
.. .. " ,vw '- "n"" -
'Just such a class
Tho races over tho Shasta Course, Siskiyou
I-raucous well as oirnliist Austria. It is u
dwnrr between to giants.
When the entrance to his States was defen
ded by the strongest lnets in Europe, this
i i t.... t I .!. n rt..i .i.n.i. ., ..."... ""I "i "t
T'T '" -""" ". " ." ,J r "'""'.-"i-'S"i. jailor of tho Aim rank! not fc.v., I V kevs.
Commissioner or tho llcnernl IjiiiiI Ulllcc, tlic ami continue five days. Oregon Is tolerably Wlmt will he now do, with an open and de
publication or which will be a benefit to your well represented In Hullz' horses, Jim Wnr- fenselesi country, nnd when Turin ennnot hold
patrons for which reason 1 suppose you will man, Rondo and Pinto. Let us hear ngood
publish them. Ignorance of those instructions nccount from vou, John.
out a seicc ?
I lien Austria shall go ns for as the Ticinn, I
r nlnil m-iM tin. 11.. r i?...!..t .i 1..., i.i-
...... ..... . . ...... . .... '.... .iiw i,iiu u. finruiiim mi nL'i.iuaL uin
will came n greni ucut ot uciny in me uusmess Ulnggagc's Illaclc Satin Isalo on the tnrr. , powerful oppressor ? Will he not uaturallv j
orthlsorficc. I ' liavo recourse to France? Here wo behold ,
ly u letter from tlio Commissioner of the ' We received another of those rich "cob-, Italy ngaln In conflagration bv tho hand of
General Lnnd Oflico dated April 29th, 18511, , Mrs" from the "Kl Dorado." , l-rciichmcn nnd Germans, ns If" Hits country ,
the Receiver Is instructed to collect and credit ' Wo would ndvlso noDS wanting a good , S? Ihc C.mb Stc i'.oni IZttt I
the United Stales wl.hthcusi.nl & in the ; lrlnk. or cigar, to give Messrs. Illllman & ,i)rc,.m!s! ! o, instead of those or,
location of Military Rounty Land Wnrrants. Martin n call; m men who think of the I If it was impossible to prevent Austria
iVsoa fee of lily cents each to thcRccster primer aceavonauy, win nnvc a lust npprccla- ys uul iiumiy, m k-osi a waicn miouij
'etlt Jnrors.
Itoitil Vlewtrv
Prolmte Judge, ,. , ,
" frlM7,
PherlrTfor IM7
J mo At. t'rlo. An.llin.
or carrying returns of election',
- I'nii niinp " "
" " stationery lor onTeers,,
" " ilghK for Oo .
" " repairs or cRIco,
" " lvoksfor do
" " printing-
" " rood damages to F.Suthvrlln,
" " lioanllng prlwiniTS, . . .
" " repairs ol court koutc
1'ald to Lewis Jones for piinulug
horso thief, ,
" expenses or Jail, Including meill
cine, clotlilng, Iroiii, nnd un-
dries for prisoners
" fur fare for Treasurer, j
" expenses of Prnlntc Cuurt. .
" for seal pres fur Clerk' olllcc,
" for map fur county,. . . ,
" Territorial Trciuurer for IMP.
School Fund ..'
" Trearorer's per eenlnRi : on re
ceipts, Sli'151 61, mm t on
dUhnrnemcnts, SI1CM Cl.
MM". .77
$ 1 in t;
300 04
206 00
SO 0(1
00 09
3111 o
13 DO
is oo
Ui K
073 1!
'M 7(1
1 0ft
ISO 01)
ZC8 00
lfi 71
1X12 U
15C2 H
476 ;
..! in llielr mnjostynnil rebuke isueli i fraud upon , Jt , f CVCry declnrntory statement tion of the wants or the public, and serve them .te feSfE!' 2.,lml l ,,,K)i,Id 'i0 bre" I
their nirhta, such dlsragnrd or their will, nnd ,,.,, , , , ., ., n.i!i wme ml libitum, b lie ought to have been pre-1
" such trilling with their Interests. They turn AM 1" ' ""lf n,iy f ' I'rMini.lion necordingly. , cmHj ,1k) ,wwilgc o( j,,, 0J t(, Me 0f tlic
Total expenditures for the year end- " '
log July II, IM!) $12670 t
Previous liidebtedncsr , 1674 Cd
Iprlntnliir n npntii. ihmIAi1i llioualit.
o "--. -y.... -- unci, iriiimit Willi tiieir Interests, 'lliey
iso t in Mm ; and ean't come out. I jclremely ! cd n di-af ear. to feel it now rlnciiiff with tlw
Knitted in education beyond the sujicrfleiul iudlsnnnt voleeofnu cnrugetl demoeracy
to the MlmUiMi of Or. .. . .!.. c.. W 1lckcl up "nt the -nH" lie has never Im-1 The momeut the control or the democratic
mh-oemtinir Ot adeptlm of the im .Wv0"1 ,,y rw,,i"s MyAlU' wl,ut lll,lc ' 1kw Bnlmllon pnsseil out or the hand or its
clause in the cewlllutlon, wltb the belief tlw't 1cu1, il tinw lia bKiwenllrolyengroseeil own creatures and pels, the Statesman com
the constitution of the United Stales secures in Ilticul fclsemlitp (for which nature fitted meneeil itselTorls to "ruin, nnd destroy," nnd
to all cltisens the right exnrossel in the m Mm ,,ml 1'Mot k xim t0 lcnr" m,-v" ',,rM, ,wwu" 0,m1 ,1!" lo ,,w w,ml ,,IC l'n'
Ut iwreJgntvwipleiinheiriillVZ ,hh of hhlor L-vwm1 "10 Toqnevllle on , oernlle jrty. Awl wlmt was Its course?
101. when iheyforma State eomtitnt ton' American Democracy i" little or nothing oflWa It support IIki nomlnrc (Of the democratic
Iirepemtocy to tWr adWon Into the conW I ,,,0r,,',1,y ! n0,,,i' nl n" of la,,K"a0S C?"vfn,ion; M n f o J
craev as a wvcMtcn State. . y"1 llU 0ff" ! nml ,lH,t 1"Jintfrel,,lJ' c,,,sl'-. I1!'1 nouM Imve ,,0,1C' nmI ,u Gcn- Unc m"1
The Xtntmtthu not dodged ar uivjil l 1 lc once nttempted to exhibit bis kiiowlwlge, his frtciiils would liare done, had they been
on any Um nor has It ehuaMl .vn of J,W,m' '" B NVB' tUlt tl0WCl1 lve u,,l'wlt0(l unsiieewsrul? Xo: bnt it turned round and
.'errom tho flrst to thcmwei.t taT U lUe Anfle-S.on race lo iiwlmle all the white preueUd disobeillcnee lo the very cardinal doc
has been rmuk and IbAmX.. JJmZti i 1 10,,0 ' " ror,h ! -V "''wnlinele llil ,ri" uf lwrncyj wlmt It had been rabid
jeets.lyinirbere iTSST isTssi lT V Wm llta l1"- to ",ta ! ' lm l "l'!'o!dl.W for ywrs. It oixsned its columns
foreim, State leestl auTZLnl 1 nmr l tw Iwlioii of his Ignorance, lo all sorts of abuse of the nominee of the par-
short, the .V, L-, JXft-!Li 1 v im k,ww wtal WTlte '? iu l11" '" II "" notW"' but Ml;"0,v'('l'',g Slotil,"
.r-Ii uJTZLfZZ.l'? " soswlity. llclsodntnrf.- 'i. thr.m , "Odllbrnk iwlltiolans." rutusd Slate credit !
tkble tensity suMrwpvi . -f
It ie no lo9t qiKulkw of doubl.as to Ike
stu-rcM o the Smlinel, having stood Ibe test i
t4 all the surrewmUng ilissidvajitasv. awl per-
-.U.n.tLe.oe JMts at nn nii4iMiil Is his , ruinous taxation I old farmers will hnvo to sell
forte. Twke this tiimllty fmm him nml vest overythlng to iey the hlt-li taxes wc arc coins;
leave hi. Here bntninple which you mht, tolvo jnit mi in Oregon, by these brokm
take your colli k lii : down California pollttviuns! Poor Martyred
o itrriudlccs. ami mlneil lUt standia' J' "eil mis neconliin; lo the njilnlon wrovsri wuin iy lira j-nne society : Uiowur
!.roo5heMt the eooatrr .hl.-l. !,.,. s ' n " ".'T www' uu t'alltar-. .lent : Mrtsmly know, nnything ubout the war
,, ,..tf ,, m,., , imi- niB tTIlIor. '
.1..1.S I...1 l T . i . .1
of nrincliiV !:,l - . wui wu urinr; uuw iiom WOlll llie War
otprncip.uUolirayssnre: 'Jf ungenenms uial usm alluilon here .1.1,1 ,.!.!. ,ui i- i,nui -... r... e....i...i
w ... ....., H.r.. .o, tkltiw, .llf,V, .III ... K 11
against in
VT. reyanlk-M
navmbeen made, h to Mr. Shlnlov. of ih 7i bn i ...Li r.. m. ,...,. ........
, . - --.-- - .r nuin.llg in vvurw iw lia BVI11W11. Slotil
Hti. .n .iiwtui.Hin: in up mi fteriinu.il' urn .!..... l...a... ......ii.i i . .1 , 1 .1 . 1 . - - " . 1 -
rights, attacked ta the Wd bv f.H r .." .,' Z ," 1." TZTZ V T " UW" "'B WUU ": wK5,'or nl,l,0,U "'"Ulee of five, from Ins un ne ive imvrt in It
lcee aad eantti
iu obtain i tk
. Pr"a,"UH sii"J "guts, attacked in the kail by a fill from a horse, nt the n. ...,u,i i. u
Ue ;,- .xn asmoyed n -out cause oT TS t ! II mm ,,rvUy wutlc Jour,,aI' mV nJ W mo.
voeHtlesi. out cause or pro- near taking his lifc. Xo other man hut Hush crutlc latroixtge for years; rve lo tl first
Ito e-1 pec-sleof Oresrou.aiJ aM, ZZLlZlZTi ." " -' . '.- TT r" T "'." T '!0, ,u
" ' i.vi;ii u ivnun inj. aiHi 111 uimmun 10 uiw tiie sert agv.iU
ereoture becomes jifuntiatol in body, in or the clique eubinet the Drews mid the
mlud, or in both. Xo olkr but Im wmkl Ilurdlngs, tlw men who have lived uml grown
stooji to mako the iullrmltlfa of our common Bit oir tiie demoeratlc rty; were rumnmging
nature a subject of reproaili lo Ike iHjnwn so ' ewy holo nul corner of the Slate, roiueuting
stricken. Rat of IUmIi, Ike sentence Is on dUiiHsfuotion with, nnd distrust of tho dmi..
epiiouie- -ana oj nil 4 Aim.
Pratt nml Smith ami Malone lmve censed
N.'mlioif iii;.ul , " 7 P""""1"1 "" 'V eotitriiHites
- i'(wr nm irw
nets. I no Jlegisters fee so culled to be col
lected when tho deetarntory statement Is filed
nml the Receiver's wlien the reipiltltc jiroof ij
The fees for location are ns follows :
For n forty acre warrant, fifty cents cneli to
Register nnd Receiver total. SI 00.
For nn eighty acre warrant, one dollar each
to Register nnd Receiver total, 32 00.
For n 0110 hundred and sixty aero warrant,
two dollars each lo Regsster uud Receiver
total, S-l 00.
For every declaratory statement filed, fifty
cents each to Register and Receiver total,
In those cases where locations hnvo been
made without paying; tiie fees, the Register it
No Overland Mail
Gknoa, July
1 lie 3aii ini.e unjrc nrriveu Here 111
It brinis no mails or puiicrs. Piisuiurers re
port lloruco Greeley nt Salt Luke uud will
leave on the next stage Alia.
.u..i, ...v ttuMigv 01 inc jo, on incsKiooi uic i)eauCt rccdntu
legations, mid her simultaneou. cstabllsliment ! "iie,..
t 14513 S1
12151 61
1 In nil the itllo sovereignties or Italy and Mo- Present loiUbtedncss 2m7m
22ml. 1 'Le!m' ' Tuscany, nt Pnrnw, prevented. The ' T, . , , SM M
t, . M Linger Sardinia slmnld hnvo been wggran-' J '"f1 '''T.llty the above to be nlrucoaa
WJV..H. . . .. 1 . . , , , c correut flntt'nwMit f Hi irru.i..i. ..., ,,
distil, as we
we have statel elsewhere, ami some ii?lfrfi,"SIl-
es or the cv.1 Inherent in the entrance .idv cth W ,0
rnlriln tl.! ...... ... ...I ,. HUiy II, INlH, tO
correct statement of the Receipt nnd Expend!.
vui.ii.j-, dime 01 uregon, rmnj
EouUi Aincrica.
of Austria into this country attempted. It I ndebJ".1 t,l7i,M,lf VH
should be tho invariable aiuf eternal prlndplo I &u on W l U, b01" f
lhJHT M .ffi1 c".!r JEASr I U"SPff!fv.b!rt HS L r '.e, this im
Our South American dnttm am n lm flrl '
or June from Chile, nnd to the 12th from 'terminate nttne Toot or the Alps'
n. m.. ..... . ..,, .. I piiuoi'ope. 'ilicii Italy woul.
v..... u .,u...iiun n iiiurov ni an Htatee litis k ngdoni, tho States
end, Ciipmiio Is in the Immls of tte Govern, iiml tluwo nf V....T.M
nay 01 juiy. a. I), lsan. ni nn i,. n-...
w -- -,..-.- .r1(l Mt 1ivt.UU,
The iVs. pmcvoN (0 add
l'l, l..I...MuM 1
S8w 1 Ckrk or Douglas County, o'regon.
trin 10 set foot in Italy The wi-Miro of Kn.
rope requires that tk-re should be a kingdom
.U..l.ll.l.n.1 ,. ...
0 JZ01120 unit
1 Torin Ihreo
or the Pojkj,
ment, mid tho lust or tlio insurgents, ubout
000 or 000 stroiiR, crossed tlic Andes nnd
reached ban Juan, iilicre tlwr
arms before the authorities ol the
Aiiumlwrciriwitieul prisoners hacu l.-r lms taken un arms for the vrnin,i r ,, Iraotors nr n-nuti-d to (.xui.i.ih.
..r :.. !.... ' . .l.r sl.it- ..1 .. s .
i,M" .. 1 '. ""'w'yoriHl.l ha, repeatedly been vio-' propDd, for bull,
laid down their 1 uted by nil the great Powers ol KnrotH... and pita. uir the Th.
ie stite. 1 H ig nut singular that nt length a French ru- wlM?r'' &f f'xil lgi
. irtiii lit ntnriB innrit'ti nml fiiininnnui i.u.i..
to wiMinfd 1 iniMtoiit until n.r . .: ,""" Y"'... '.. , i im iiiiwi iMgroui rrror. 111 a manner mintnl '"."" '""'
. .-... .i. -. iiii 7 1 iii 111 nn riiiiiw ilia iii'itriu.iuii w . m . ......... ...1 . i .... ...m. i 11 ii
n , . ' :; "v. ... "-.I....IIV..HW.W.IIUI1U1111 oui ns nev ta ih, by mi ntH cent und not un. ""hv-.vi.
Pnid. I. F. MOsIIER. ' tho imnla uncut to inuir lonmnit nrim.hm 1.1 11 1.:.. r .1 ' . ..' BV,.l.?,,u "ol un
I rf0II; lll0 conntry. , ilmu lortv ur. aw !I de ff '""n
At n meeting of the dlbwiis of Williams. lii conseijucnce of tho pacification of tho sosroely Imic exm-etell. after thorml..tn.rI
country, iiusiiiess lias materially Improied, and throw or tho first Nni.oloon, bin banwlime.it lo
ilcou, mid the iitiinireiit duiirtintlmi r,r
ir i.ll l...i,.. ,.f l.i. .1 I. i rl. r ..
Mr. ' closed, nre again ni.ci.wl, tiiil buyers ore oceu- would nguin occnlpv IbVthmne or FruneU IlS
rpiiu Ai'PLna.vTi: nn:i: ni:ii)r.i:i'OM-
. miivr are nri'iisnii 10 nivro tiim ,..i
11 IJruIrf' neroi AiiiU-
iiipMiu J arm, nt tlic nlace
gs urv ncrin" tin- crii k. Con-m-ftiil
to exuin.ne Dm nine.
tan, nml hand tn in m to the com.
Sa agv'ii hnli I, in Vill,ambiirk'.
0. w. s waok,
, )"'Gi:it
S. MKriSKN'tjl-.K,
2E'3 llrulge Comm'.ttee.
ut ,
f bentbern Qrssran. ban. yi.u .. ..
MUeatof oar oapectatlons-oial iNKeadof a
Mibscripllim list of two awahwj,
I are a circulation of i.ut h than flftcen bun
dmi copies.
Wc are under jrrtat obligation to the good
le.pli. f Oregon tor their eeoer.m. natron...
i'wl in return 1dedge ourselves to continue to
ImrrS nuil ir.tiitli f lliA miH.A..n nt .luljta.M
"--" ." '" "' .i:.hiS V,,!,,.-,!.- m,1ii.i., :....'..':-', J ','. ,' '"" "' .
wnvannd means to build a Ifm lirl.bm norn- ,V. J." ' 7, '"'" " . ,,'",'.'.u'v "UMW l'1"'- m. neicnu, nun llie
, , . ., ., iiv uui mvui uiiu ruiiiiivni inaruvis, so 101
lijiu-pnic, iieur uic iirompmni 1 arm. .ur. ciixeu, nre ngnin ojienwl, uui buyers un
D.I). M linger wns culltxl to the chair, und I'icU In supplying the sloti: of jfooil they hac ho iieverlheloss iimlieleil for some French ru
bilus Drnjier secretary. ,ru '?" " "'T"'" '; ler, whom ho imturally must Imve suii'iosed !
Jurepldiw county. Oregon, JunoSlth. 1850. ,,,; J.a"1"", ""j U ' vZ'T.?;;,! '"' ''5 v"uM, be.n ""r!"!" "" " "uli
Momlbr Mr. Woody. tlt the mectinrr i fin UbU he , r.'T.,, ,d ,. .l'?" hTTl .'J" k"j;. '"Jrout policy '
... . - w , :...,..., .:' " -.....-,. .ire iiTiiuii l.unioror is, 11 ere ore. nenmi a. k -1 u m ----
ble with the iiatuml duti i.r I... ii'iii u. 731 J " SL 2 f-e- K2
,t.A ...1...! j- .l.l. !.,.. -. ,1 A irttttVOI tniMllli(rAint rM.i,irr!t. l.ni,t ... .t. .. .. ...I '. . t W
t ;:'t: w " . """ 'v r " r ReiBi..... u..d cuo i s h : ibnTK """ n":" " .. ,J j"' Br!lr'i,..,mt " - at
i receiving piaiw uiiu prnposu s lor bnihling ii..,, ., i.,. ..'i.. 1 . " , !, ' "" -"i.'j"-. vi-nw. jiw rmeiu man-
a bridge acrcUAn,,W,;io.C,,rril. a t Z.' Z. Ta S L1', .tt!A 'I n.' i 'Pi''V
-. - ! . .
Croscont City.
C. W. Smnge, D. D. Mnnger. S. Mia-enger, wen, has prououicnl ngniut the Uoxeriiment nml tiie imeslbllily or his bavin"'
Win. II. Shoudy and J. T. Layton, wero ni- at ,Cll?:";1,mi1 1 reiurlwl that Cueliibuuiba gltinmto und proiK-r motives toc
intl MM committee. , ?!" ,, ,'"' ' '!!'", '"' '"' , tl,e cxunijiSc- prMut war is elenrly shown.
'...., .. I Lustlllo, J.eIieni(io and Ireta nro reported ut ' - - - -
sWeieut lo-
engage iu the
1 nar is tiininv Miowii,
IRI.AMi Maii Tho IVut
vi:n Plattk I'uovixcbs -.'he jonir nen- Me tt
difficulties btvcii Gen. rruuiza. Pros!. I letters coming hither from the Sou Francisco
Menu while Pros-
oeniuo noniiiiec, aim inciting ilenieoruU to vote
again! him nndur IjJguii!
After nil this the StukNinan will Imve the
liifdnml affrontery to reiieut, oh! "Oen. Lino
killed tho democratic jxirty rode it to dUh.'
you may kwKv by IU meluidiysleul iltHh If)
It Is generally so far ilown in the maaea of met-
aphjsios. Jegul lore ami iwliticnl eewioiiiy. that ll, did (Jen. Lane, or "the Lane society"
nolmW eke but the writer cau understand It ever give aid and comfort to Iu enernte! Did
""'e,M Ihcy over counsel their frieuds to vote for
Roiwe eoutrlbiilious nre remarkable for llluck RepublicaiiMin, and for lllack ltepubll-
tbeir tame, liunHlriiin monotony: spiritless cairt? Did (Jen. Lane out council his friends
( euiswiees ; firqueut wanderings from nnd sud- to bolt u democratic nomination! and otc a
IKII reiurnimfS 10. llie lired entu ! mul a. n? Sounnl won llv 11 in llinn .. I.M
D . -" '-' ' '-. "--- -.... ........ HWV....V,, V.IV. A'lU
.L.Mlt.la r .L V-..I ..
.. .Mm. hi ihb .-.niionui iJenMcraov, not
turning to the right 01 kft to bamly epithets
wiihanywtw raaj so d-vrude themselves a
to Merit the contempt of an intelligent public.
Oaauosi DsntocaAT. -We Iraro received a
circular awl prosieetus directed ta the Democ-
rury or urvfon. prouosiiig to w.Mish Miin.
iiy. Lion Owwily, Oregon, a weakly newspaper
to be wUeil (be Ortgou lkmotm, to be wliteil
I'V Hon. Ddaaim kimiik 'II.. i. ......
WL.lMveHodwibt.lusoaud.iweowprowWut; !,' ,nU M lf tw,vf 'ng lo sTlf((. turn to tlio Stattman, of July Sth, they will
l.-uicwli newspaper, n fto. number is , , "' l "fur "lfc llfo of m" ,,t '" ' ltor glorjring' over the contcmpluUd
to be iHutil ulout Ike 1st day of 8.'4embw I , ruiu of "ie ,,emucrae.v- w "'' he functus lie has
iivxt. Tho tvrosiioetiu dttk i... iiTi). ' ,,n!W " ?'n'nJ "Jown on 'T- Lat'o"nnd his , wrought. Ao say (onlenwhiM, for it is bv
- ivev i'lmc tiitniiAiB nr il(al.I I. .!..- il. . i . . ... '... .
.Movwl by Mr. fauvago, tlmt the commltteo tho head of the retoliiitan.
I authoriaseil to cull u meeting, to accept or I ."'
rueQtnrnnn.iil.riir Inill.li,,.. ,1,1 l.P,l,, .,,,.1 "iB uuhkuiuw uenwn Ueli. L rou
o..,endl bv Mr. Wood.-. ii!,i n,. -- i..dl.r. !'ie fonW-nlloii, and the Oovcru- !ule,li Mill n
.i,n ..i. . . .- mCiH oi uueiios Aiers. setm ikevw to roult
sliull constitute n iiuorum to do bus ium. in a wur. L'rmil. r.,.!,..,. .. n.... -.. r
Curried. ' liro.il, Puruguj; uud Uruguay, nnd m deter-
MovetlbyMr. Putchell, that this coinmUlec ''l'"?1 ,t0 "-""'I'd lJciios Ajers to Join the
be nulhoriwl to select the most sultablo loca-1 C Mo.!Ia.,,0,,.nlU rt, i iv 1
on for bulhll, , aid bridge: also, tlJJJZS?'ia
tlio community, by posting notices or thcsuinc, j Iu Cobija a now iiier is about being con
In three or more jmblic iilueea. Curried. struclcil, probibly or iron. Tho contractors
.viovcu by Mr. Woody, that if either of llie .TJ(.iT'..": ,,lv,,1!'."s "s.,ml. n,monb' i"c '"'
absent members of tl
....... l I1. .... v. .
uw.hi..iwi .uaiu lliu j,wv uincc eicrKs
tell me thut the inereoi in Otcrlund mail
Ix-lilnd tbo number St.
return. The mull wh leb
left hire 011 Ihupmlay morning lust, contuined
mer 11,000 letters, while yours ncvirul 011
Tuesduy night preceding (uoitnting through
bugs only) was not ipiito up to thut number,
They say that the iucroo is a gratifving ono
botli wiiye. and the transfer by Overland Mail
now is fully .10,000 letters per month nn nvc-
rnjro of 2.1.000 each way. To this mu.t be
aiiikHt tlio rnct that not a
at the degeneracy or thcpeopleond Institutions ' cur hear him gloat with a malignant glee
of New Kugkiud whenever it can boot Iu. Its supposed ruin? No; but if our res
any man
.U Hill advoeutc, 11 U what it wilt pw.l
manner of distributing Iho ollivw. "The Win-
1oHip liiid tk(dti Irtc
ilutrtnl iMitorinifist A ..:.... :., .... f.... .. anwiln MUk.k:... ..ret. .. .. 1 . ,
m . ... " '" " --- s lino jv iiiui-UL is un iiiiil in ssissw 1.11U Kiimiiiiiiz ui iuu iiiiilit. mir ii:ib n innii
ic niorosuitt committee 01111 ili .nnii.... '.......: ..1 .. .1..1 r '..... . ; ...,."'".
,... 1. , 1 . ,1 , , . 1. 1, ---. vo.vi I. iiiiiiivvn, UIU11Z II1C J w uiy-iuuiUBIHUl.-vlirn.-l, i lie limes Ol
incline to ten o; tlmt tho remaining members brunches or the Purina uud PuraRunv, to for- arrival hero continue to bo Tuesday night and
of said committee, bo authorized to fill said ei(fn I'nmlgruthn, on tho most liberal tciini. Saturday nlgbt of each week twenty-two
vacancies from th nulucrlli,. tn n, ir;,i.. ' Altogether, tho country is decidedly uoini' a- days out. Their conveyance from Tinton bltb.
-----. w - ""n" . iiiwi.i - -ww- - ... -.. -
"7?' , er, uy rauronu, maKw tliem punctual ulmost
ui-AVAQi-iL-.'ie lulcst datc-s aro to the to the minute Cur. llulUtin.
loth June. ,
1 he roAoIntlm which broke out in Kcuador, I
(.wv.HiuiiiiKu.-Kia .iorena nsbuiircino Chief,
From .lie known ability uml njmJ 'JJ, cl,w'er W" nd lU"Co,,venti0."aro
ulitor.woilonotMLtoarZuilttVV'l .. . .
lwwiiicotnimiHd respect ami do important
a vt ice for the Democracy of OregiHi. We
ifrv'. the enterprko with n wish foriUsueeeis.
uu inviiiu tvuuiu mai ue uas uveu so success-
Ail as he Imagine ho has been. His power or 80me " '' 80ck-dologers.
Uestruclion mnj not Iiavo been equal to his
Moved by Mr- Shoudy, that tlic proceed
ings be published in the Oregon Sentinel.
- - -
Lick Skim.ot. 1. S. lfolton, of Kerby.
Mile, Is out in the Inst Stateman, Llvim
Go iu, Iviculn)
iijilHsirs lo hare assumeil colossal dimensions! '
yui. imuira uni Lrblim ino oft Guanrinll "lUliomuol July,
WM.... ..T,...? ..., ..... , ..
i i.mu. 1-iyuniiii "wriios lor It you may
easily discern byilslasloof wormwood and The democracy will recover In good timo
gall, and the frequent recurrence m" "priMerl- from theefTecu of his sly attempt toassassi-
bing better Democrats than himself." "Iscii" '"! her, but ho will never be ublo lo. The
, thinks lihiuscir oiiq or tho "prccribcd" stneo he democracy of Oregon nre stronir enou-h. m..i
..... r i .. .., .....,.. ... ... .. " ' "
-..i . miurni wiui tuui v. a. juiiosliln for vifforoiis cuou'-n to uo without t ho .?,,,
w- a - -"- i''miii
Ilo is fiercer than tho fiercest on "oM and Marion county if need be: lot Rujb i.iU
Rio "1" JSstTui-m D. D. s. JlotTo.v, M.
P. In the Hiulumin of July pj. tWm i n
Mter publitbed over tlw si.iulure of I. s lifc
llollon-. A very rwpectaL'c geiillemnu frvm Jo' ljxae' ,'10 oW bumbuy," nmU-stnye lo bo , It with him into the arms of Republicanism;
Jusephliw Couniy was ut this Uce when the ' ,ll(MI8l't betlsr Democrat than the (Jcuer.il , t' other gooil democratic counties in
wiui urriveu. i;, u,i,tf jv.ttWi ie ro -" oiery uwiv etee mnuiucU.
nuriaa tixit bo would irive ilvedoliir. 'o kmr are zl0l " "'ir lait creed.
who wrote the letter, -for," saya he, -tho wr
sou whoso uaiiK umiearsat Ike bottom .!M,,nt
writo.it. J nit look at the hk- "P;" t.it.litM, l J"ri-co!riuiite3 anything to the ireoeral iK'rhnia have le-j overbcarimr In her nnnn-
I D"'"" II e..i -. ... . ' " I- .- .- " --.-
I mux urjuiiii uic cmiiu calumny," or not. If, lo otlier clillUren of Hi
who does your spelling ? .
lor tbo interior to put down the iiiaurmnts' I T'"1' ta'h'T. by I). C. V
ilrior to rencliin!' Arobutn. irn,i r... Mr. 1-..M. Cuao tolIUs
. .. s. -.- . .- -itvuk ewsvv i
jus iron .uoimiuIw attacked tlio (Joverunient di- -,"Iuacouniy.
.'msMnion. -itic battalion "Reservu" and the m-i !J!
at the residence of the
nderwood, Co. Judca.
i-Aiuii K. Haij., ull of
CJrow tho present Post Master nl i
Vrek'i California, is the democratic nominee
for Sher irufSL-klvou Oountr; Mr. (3rnu- U n t '" . v.". iw, LOHiinamlcr
.... .. ' '. i"u acmei caUei "K
squadron "La ilucrte." llnn,rin tn i. i.
tcr, went over lo the ruvolutionary party, and
In the encounter took iwrt aguinst the few
who rouiaioed with Rubles. Jn ibis m.m,m.
Xlnl.ittn -.. l-ill.l
Tho Peruvian fleet continues to blockade
July 2 Uh, w ifo of Judge P. P. Prim, or a son,
MMIJS Undersigned have now ou baud a full
J. and complete assortment of
All lxc I'mt blote Ta Ktltl..,
.. tso
Tin, Sheet Irou, Copper &
Wooden Ware.
W'v are now Importing our goos direct fro01
and will
Sell for Cash a Low
us any house In San Fraucitco. Thowj wltbloe
to purchase iu ourliuc.
Stovos in 'Particular.
quested to call and eianil. ,.,.. .t,i
" wife of M. Mensor of u son.
VII renegades j Oregon, besides Murlon county; she has been
, a siwiled child of urosneritv for nunc cnn-.
1 ... . ir ..!..., ... ... . I ; .. . . . v '-" '
.... ,.u. W......I niicuicr u,e tittitiuhml of ami u may no ner goon to remain n prodigal
the Impenitent 'line ta'io ihed on lU eross for eomollmc Ry oud by she will return, and
' ILnoMtti.t j-aII...S.- -. il .. .ft i ....
gentleman well qualified for tho office, and has
been Post Master at Yreha for several vears: ! the port of GiuvunnIL nml it u ..t,i n.r.- .
his prompt attention to business, and acconie- 'H tberciolutionlsta with urms, money; 1J3 DVJJirnSEJIKNTS.
.- m - t t . -. . . lira rwiiti
who oi i,. 1 1. .cigier oi n luugiitcr. ... " ' : , , ! , """ "" emue our stock sod
wife of I). M.Kcuneyofa daughter. 'rf!' Al1 will receh your prompt at
big -1 V in lively-four I
10 Soma f.imllf. linn ct,n
I. A .1.Ai? ..All Al A. ... .... fl ,' ... . ... . .... .
, ..v wwTO, ..u,.u,vl ,uu may i-asiiy niiccrii it by carries away ivun tier. Tbe democratic party
I, III... c.n.n .v..... .... I ...t.t.l. -f . . ... . , ...tit
III her
' Ms-i-wii twiiooi Mr. Owen Connelly, n "'" wmo euMiurks which cluiracteriie the ' will not bo "killed" by her loss.
M&uun oi nuc ciiueutio, u. vUIlwl our oonlrlbutJons or his old master "Xw"iT. ' gance und self importance she may think the
luv-o ofld ojwad u school ta Ujjch tm IHjreiS.iirn. They arc both Incapable of a chaste deed is already done-that Rush and she hare
C-stilUn Uagiujce. On 'ITwrssUy oseoin, tlwugbt, aud very seldom of a clean utterance, done it, but they will both find out before a
Hie dots opened, with some IS gehoini.. uudor ' n u Vt..' , ' . .. twelvemonth rolls round, that tho tomnrro-
fluoaufpUn. Mr. Connelly iiemiucnllynual.', Ilfllt, 7 7 7 P"T'' of Oregon -J- notdead. but sleeth." 'lVlk-
W, nml no do ,,ot hetltalo to M- " l . l" "S ?" 0IR,"1a, for 'ou nevcr I,ai1 m ,of"" cxcc,ut on of democratic party."
' - ". " ur u mouei iiangmuu aud
of -lino's jiersonal jwrty." The cflect of bis
liu5n.tj wnoiouie, uas ucen to bm!d
oral MtUfuction l I l.-i ., .,....., """" " w " yu Uecared nt Van
those- nttci1l. will .reiw, much aaluZ ' "Tjl1? Wet grating ,nal practice
fr.m nenuirin Iho n,c 0r tbe .i ..i .X ' .". .7 ' "r "" uwn wuo luui "u ' "
till Cuitiliun language
keu, tlul "It w fortunnto for tho noor f..rt.
I iuai u v,as not uu tMJj. for then both bones
Wiu. lie rtesT.i-Ourlut&t advices froii ot l,w t,,!8" V0"M Iwie broke
'there of sma" talent, superficial culture and piofonud
tlw uonh. sjv ilea' rm-K Muu i..,i ..-i wa. but ouo bouc in iho w it -,,. ... ... ?mu"!'.ihli mr ".a3 ever been lent to tho (ic.
....;.... .. ."', v l? .. . w """"' w'.. h o. . .7 7.T ""' ' lw" "' " sycowunu that ho was a ercat
cnuipi ia eb.clioi);.sboa!d they do so, lLo
J)"'ple will forever hercaner, ii- s. h.is
1 h His for C iv;
to set it J" to uu nii Birr it.
in n
- ... . -. - --..., .. .,
personal party, lor liunscir." His great otm
has been, to be considered tho lord high ulraon-
er oi position nnu piaco In Oregon. A nun
B3rM. M. lli)ivi,s ueroriun be a dog
man, uud could dictate a nolbv in tbo mnnirv
.,. Mis rngo on finding bimclf mistaken, knows
uu uunim- neu ntwvu to il. xTatij
seeks li ruii net- hi i mu i ml-
datili manner, biu in:nt.i lilin linsta nf frtpmU-1
it is only nccesury to form his acquaintance,
to respect nnd confide in him. o have not
learned who bis comjiotitor will be, but will
say this much; who ever he may l, that If be
defeats Wm. Grow of Yrekn, he triumphs over ' lxa twice run bitob
one oi me ue men in aisiiiyou uounty. ume in January, on tbo starboard bow about
'"" ,-uucr water; put Into Tucamaand
tJiNauiait MiniMP nia.i.m. 'ii.. i...
, Aur and erni 83) a:
I Our Puita correspondent, under date or Juno1
11th, writes.- "Whaling bark William Lib, W.
i L-S ociim, iiuuter, or Newport, Rhode Island,
.n ,.r". fl" " tU0 M" .'.. 'avjofc'
iy u sworu tisu tiie lirsi
call and ciamlie our stock sod
RKN'J. p. DOIlttlH & una.
Col. Hooker, who has lWn in charge of the ,pai,;Z XnH S'ouVon
improvements on tho mllitaiy road from this the 7th of Ma?. ., la . lasx Am'v.?11
place to Scottsburg. passed though onr town i " S'S Into tlw forehold, found about five
thfl -Rlacktinithlng IHtaets at the l )
eWb'nenr the "Kl rwrado,"on Cal- J V
Ifrala street, I
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Horse and Ox s!iolng, preparing iron doors
the other dav, bo expressed himself, as being ' ,, w.;, U01'? to. and bent some Kanakas "uu winuowi. aim a "... oi iojen ork
,,,,, ,". .J, ,,, ., over tho side, who discovered tbe nlacwnhniit AW. (arming and mining utcusiUmado to or
agreeably disappointed with the appearance I MVen feet aadcr S ttl nul t der or repaired with neatoe- anddlpateu, at
o the country, in the sunny south or Oregon.- , ken. .constantly at work 'till! sixVcl brok . Kue tiff
Wo bow-ever, are or on uion that tho rmlitio , out the fore .old. but nu-nv tl.n -..ill...- .1 ,n. I JaO"0lvl ""? 1J 2gtf
OP RlWVfl AVIl nTHr.iu
Bggiesj Carriages, Etc.
or the south does not exactly suit the Col., f,?,1 V'? Icul! ,,rovo in I,luRs oiicfpartiully
much disappointed in the result of tho Califor
linndrvtl blm1.n. i . i . .
MHiihu oiiuiwuM i iirv iirnir rin im- ntitrsi --- -- v
..I. .,.. .:........ , . . .... l.... ...!.. ', ."' - ..v. ..,.... r 1 inf. M1U-9
mu vikciioii; lor our opinion mat l-itliam ",' "'"" ie was nauicu nslioro in tho mud, I h chciUi
..1.1 I .. . .. ?, Qllll tho llnmo,. ! 1 (111 1 -r .. . . " " .l
aim iuo wuoic uemocratic atnto ttcl.ct, will bo nt " -wii. jiiBoruoi me t.
gon, until about the firat or January mat.
low pwpand to fuin'uj, blgSfcfcl
llritH(Li and tL mil. r u.,i. .1. TtyH
inorUHe.OUn. ""W' rri?."saddt
His Old Staad. 2lad stable,
- -.- ' Zl ' TE" JAf KSOX VILLI.
lire at J
liri'IU:l Sh
creek one I
cattle arc as
icn, and nr4
d .s iir.ne
cr with aboe
'ifiiu. era
I'lrr'ia rgli
Al' J
.K ci
-B-M-HL1MOTH (,e' si &
fllflnMMMReMH fail t Vfl I a'
v.....v ,v 'immmmmffm PiBK, H VM rETTiT"SBEBl-Bl-e l r 'J '"JT'll
Tho reason wl.v cn.n i ..:. ' 7 KIUs?ll. .L. ?B'0t HUT TT' mmrm.mmm!lil '1'Tif
.. .- '. i.i,.,.,i. ..i..'"'T,i"rr i.n, -.- iTmmmmMwmmvagHFirr' .. 4,j- - f .KJ-wtti.4 ib-..
muij-ou; mail, uuu coulil dictate n noluv lo tho conntri-. vmu.-.,ui .ctujvwi.-, uojvh uo lies i ' e v" " ih. - RPSH-V 1 1 mi i. .. -" " IJtT'.T' yvmvw--r- .. iM
when he wys "I (Uulton) acted nml voted , . ,, mm trMMmit '- , ,J W MBmEMYJfWk .- , -7 ?!
"u IID louni - he u lr urn, in .1. j.,,.,1, ... i I ...iit. ...1... I iri. .1 ...i. .. jv new can UUI lor tlio htatn nf M h-liiifnn u .--- -- rr 1 niJi n 11111 lia 1 1 1 . '. I B'-iX
-.' -,... v. .1,11 '; .... ., .'. .. I - . ,, -'WMlf-rU .11111 I ...,! l Ita. 1 ..Ul.Ull' 111A.11IL.1 1UP lTlir I ,. IIHK . .-.-... ,iL r i r i; LBBV . Kl JHBIHftB a H.U. W ? I . MK. S i. .".... i OTM
W w" "'V "f-"'-1" "- V PJ' v feke until uce U i tuurf rut L., , uf lb. st ... . U. neinult ..I Mim.ie- in tliat Hiat -..c v.t. vll, t , i.i1 ?sJXsttM. MBBH-H bv fTfl hlWrMW
v .MLjgHBWltii ' .--.. " - - -r- - 1-.-.------. .... ... & ty&SmE$ 'mkJKm.-'TKKKKBBIBHBSMKSM MmJL