Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 23, 1859, Image 2

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    I "
,, S-Sl-gg!; "V,
.Inly JJB, IS.if,
Tho Clique Cabinet and the Wnr Debt, or i
"Pnmmftn DnaA" Aim D J tr.t J '
wmuiuu usiiw iui owiuuiuiucrs.
Tho organ of the cllquo cabinet says they thev Ii
Tho Visions of "Anti-Joseph."
lie "cliiiic cnblnut" uiitloiibtcdli lliink
From thpTarfmorlb MS Turn, nun, . en to b- rqnMfc n -l5 " Vi rTnr ' those
mi ! " "
Iminonso Gold D.scovoriosl in'1"T1 ."J.",1
i fully open nre niuking
Holly's W8 on tho NiraCua Cft?a1,
y,rm the Panama Stnr, May 2P.
mi iv i ro.., i.tlv r. .T.Ire.1 resnctti'isf tho
I""'" . ""' 1 . I
-A.a-33 3JTi3 t
Tho fulliVivIng named perron are niilliorlztd lo
net m agent for the Suntin'hi. :
Tiiomis Uorct:.. .
I). I). Haw ut,..
Jno. II. Sunn,. .
V. II. Link
Al.wt. ItuKHi.v,.
Umis Frmifdii, .
.. iv viMiiifiiiii tiii: i in ii tii niu i inmv vi mi iti vp in ii vw
syzrx 'cstfaKSrftS-TBe.
Siliir; .. ftKr.tsi?SSsT6
-T 7S " " -i'lll.lliry WHO COl 111 1, lint MiiimV r Tim vtl imMnn. I. ,.nu ...lll.l n.i.llui I.I 1...t.... ".I.- 'l-. Inrv WIlS rcVIVIIIJT. mm I T-v ! ""''.' ."uuv iu. "" o -"4- . i ,
-on on.i lingular or which it but u very flimsy count the Jnchn . enm.tv ...,.,. ,. " " . In of k'nTn in i tCf Z , i7 '3. .V". J l" ", 'the route we provision in n nrniiiiflrnt style. It tun, i om .in .
Sr,?, J?".L0.,-,: T" "1-1 ..W.ructIotrwillitl,esavaffen,ry,"-'in'-nn,Wp,t. iWQVrHl , ,, , . Jffioni "
. . 1.6 ,t iuii oi n,inw. om hyena, and t he fier: nppctitc or n canni- ronimroanCnr-pnri.ieni. iwpcci tog the J"', "much .mecr- present, although commissioner were sen c.y I q q i
Iff Hie .V. fnimiii. to ,1a their thinking for I bn about to feci upon n carcass. Jin (hint. F.fon tior of tny formr letters your J f""8 nl '"" "? T.r'i ' Lincd I prisoner prw.lv from 1-ngtn.id to luiHo them; talwl. K I
litem, mm who take Hirdis ymr ift for iiro- tlicv have shlvcrr, tlii.l..nrt -.., frCmler8nn,t'nro 'cnrnl tlmt the substnnw ' "'"V, ', . ". ... Vr J,, .11 tVlilbttt It was no one wis there, except n lew eniiiojewu
lenfact. . ' i III' ' , Crcl . . )e.m0 c.mlio P?rt "f.of mr commmlrntloni comiUorfiict, Wtli " l"l'lnl. 'I'lie lr rta b ')q;uth. rtrnor-.M. lleltr.sofnr no can iweertnin, certainly CAJWVW
. . Fan Fmnct'cv.
....OrcROii City.
... I.nfay,.(,,.
. . . .i:iinm City.
. . . WinchiHtcv.
von rnssiDRNT.
.T,osi:ni LAxr..
Croscent City.
X M 4C.S Mk
' f-. -. .f . .. I .....-..,..,.,,...- ---. . -..v-, .......
We rnnnnl I.Hn n,ni i.i, , ' ,m l0 l"ccw-rinne.i .io. I jine's clmnccs to state corrertlr. nlthniil tho leant rotfiml to
We cannot believe Hat It hopes to Impose for the C'lmrlcMon t.ominatfon, ami laneht the thrir favornhb or nnhvoniMb chamoter. I
country not lo have the mi- """ , '" "",nlI- ' occnuinci- wnn imt
make n nomination, but In' H "c. rrnnn' "'." ,M iwwnwnwconrainei in
. till' iiMrinn r iiiiika nni ihiimi imiiii rnniiir
, ... v.UHt fllll Ml 1IUII I1UIIIH
e comforts ntul repreent the result of olnervntioiis and iri-
nssurniico that Slnul quiries nin.I" n tlio snnt nml in iiernon. In
polled "mon than Hie Lane strength," and that or,,cl! ,0 M,fs0' he m3t scrupulous. I subjoin
tWc ideas upon imp others or men it own J Democracy of the
'levies, but. the most shuhWpatcd. and su-'daellv nm.!., in .
mill, it U. I there arc ton many bo- lenvo It nil to the clique cabinet. II
it Ihetrlto old maxim that 'Uuuo,,, hlm-elf too nlth the nssuraueo tl
'lie 1 rniii""".' ' ., r. .
...... -i . i. .-!. Mfiiiin. in'i'u.'
mw.ni.en inr one iirami"V"-r ..ti lnl ., .,Aftfh.. .luiinoil.
.:..vi.v liver an .- j -.: .v. .-: . , ., . ...,,,
I'oiHiOcrnli p ftickucM nas urourniiui u...".
ted a inuntli iiieo"y Ovcrls"
1 levers
.-ih louier than word," for It to meet will
tui'ii . i nw . t,,.l
.- . Illuun
""." '" s,,uv, ',;;,' Vint place. . CwHidefa do siekuc
...id Ita- bn r.oJ IT n m p ,. , , c, ;iscr n)l
aek upoi. Ilie troP go '? f"t. l f of tKj ,.
mid one of the party had
by tKeold.nowlmvln-''tnurht the Mother '. f'hmn,.'- P,""1"?.'1?"'? immca of ikw-m and londi-
LTr-4 ..- ..:. .--.. fc " :::iii,''i ' iimi inn
drwwi iw
"Tlio Defection."
Hush says "the dkan'cctlon in the Democrat
ic ranks c.x tended nil over theSlnte." Ills
modesty () dnutlM proventei him from My.
rr.iortnt. nr mi -,..
felons; and ZTtiymSmgmm
. ... . - " u':
a i.i peer meal proicssor ,ouM pilM toraSSnl
unpin: ins practices.
Wlmt were, nml nre, the ffo,., 0f the
cabinet on the wnr debt ?
ti I. .. r .
. ii mci jmicni io the whota Slat
&Qmp&i& wk
mm drew mm W... Mfcw
itI TJUn3r.
ibsfe1 wn y 5 iWwtl
r . 1x4?, Slwftvwle In tlrtr'via
t to Ivt mmi JtJ !wrk of Ysiite Irk f ' m
vl Nor (ijkt fttt' l1 "" iiW H '
. V ji
t ill. ll.rtl' !.. it., htalit I . 1.. i.... I ii . .
,V VTi I . . ,".r" j ",0 ninln Imlucrinciit to our laklng npol?
rvri L-l It ws roii . 1 will. Imp ;n1,iin.. .... .. . .. . 'mil
,,,' ..- ...ivii i mi- uiirucil 01
ui ins MaitSKiiin.
"o may honewr n-liev1 hlni from l.!s badi.
ffll.WLi M...1. ...! r.. l.fu rt. f. . I ..
is-'3i?4tfMVjii iur uiuir. irur iiwojz ... i ..., ma... . . . .
kU ---- w. ..iv I'll till t.L IH IUI
jjrar ueiu. e wanted two vtiles In th
MlmiAl u
n Statu ormin znt nn -nh
cn'rtw our Inlliteneo mid power in fori
nud in the pencrnl government with n viF
irrMl.'!!! IT: "r Parties- and in
1'iiit'i uiiira ini in- fi hziiiiim .
tl iiiuiiLi a.e not
uiii.-'s Fiiffiiicntly strong
ifiWJcr-Wtt 4Mi!l!Me4. kViS?. $ VtL&tPi.tt M r
lu.ll....,i.i .rMLT Ul-. , F?1W 'fn MtiBiWRr HH-UhKHTV 1
,,,,,raiii-w --. - m tlnmfTmi m n.ow.tInt8ir."
W,J4k.' r !
kSOftifl ilr(mrt'iiJ xrHtoTITS, ..I'
STrSi.JSi. iiTS5f.11'" "J
PTSF 'WgjMuqq "bawir vK)
:vsan or;iiiacOT.ri,ubifi.u.,;
ttlStrf.l f-.i. ,X A t J
-IOiCCf(HtIIHII Mill1' woiejr oe
tjri. ., ii ri .i . i ..Tl
iu uKo.ai uicnaiKM o
Trill 'Mtlsfthcm.
rbat'il efTr t'touuvHirc
not control the Demount crgiuiteufonS
te.M.,1.1 .t.. n .. Tl...it.. .. i .J
tkoDlBcitJteptd.lwn'raDio and "dJraffeeW
W oUien'tTlS toil lT!I.L Our i.ntv mrnrfm
J' if ffvtlistlt Los potl&oiKS more ilamap' thadilt'
.. 6f Itwllrnllon, cerialnly. 71 wni cffeeUr?
f Jin the Tiork of deiaerallrnt'cn u It tpalJTbeS
jrbfti It did not socrrttl t tugrcnUr.wteiit'W
Wjf-,. 't dnd nwioly to the rock.bAtemcrirsetcr.ofilfi
Wr ; Itanocracy of'Orejon. This gives ft-urifiicf
.- . j ,-.. .
HWUfrtty TAKfc Xr. Stl dI4 wH Imti) f .M ' r&titei l0t -. 'fw-
r..ir -r.t !.. .. it,,, ..- .. ,i ... -,l ,. . . -r -,
"W ? wJiits tint
uJl"rj,L 7TTt.-Sj.1..W
oxm iiim.iavbi -ahii iivnuK rarnvrrwi bofMliwIKM hbont l!i ,W lTji'
.iu.7Aiir. a- in... . ,-t".. (-.t x.. -. ivrf." .;.;.' ""f ?.
'"r'y. i T '. . "Ufre l- MMO (miC'frlllfrrHextMeJ'
river and lake wn Iwiiur
proeileil with, Ifut in n cry smiernciiil anil
v wignKBi. ,llC ..lalns, i hasir manner, with tlf object, probably, or
'nl5 VcVr..rnircL them- bcUiwr n'tiortlnto the market nssoouuj
." siiHucniiy siroig y "' Wcrc met , pob c. Tie general opinion optKrs to Us
LiSlS." '? " piLnrii i Grove. na'.Umt the scheme is very likely to ttfet
.M.. .twh .! .-'-,,... nr ,1, -.at n tw...nlim. iImI .!Bnd. n 1 boil l WOev-
tl mall will uevelop tnc uiui. i.v. -- -yfi , , , .-- - ------- s-. ..-.-vinir.
ml show tilwtlirr or not u" -," --:"B '".." 'inlK-
UMt I'llllllllll 111 ILK llt'lllLT 11 llllllllIIIU IV W
strtngllwBcil by the rriwls which reiii' "
Orrtwn.o.v Dtscoan. The imtlAmeri
cans of Uliiru.-,, i..,,ii,,n. mimIMk r the ills-
bohwtv of the lilies. Thev say the.Wianirter
of the late lleiiiMlrnn Slnl.. rnrentlnn. ns
.-.,... .. .... - -"- - . ,
atii nud
Sv rytffng in and about here in n WuriMi
;eoiiditlon nml prospects for n gc"1 liarTCSV
A General European War.
:Tj.tu.n,., Kt uwhmiimii tfuj mi.t.. .. ' 1? y."5g?"iJrUm .. . . . .l :. ..iL.i.v. oiineinte iieiuf.
r w m & now m ' -.. mr-mr- w acT -aam iui mi hi iiiF rwnwnimii im wniaii i Tin ia ri. ii.ni mn.iii. mr niiini in -t- .i . -. .. .. -. .. --7
.r-whicb camiMetHjf WM hWmk . Oh or nootit t!4U. riUStf. ITrt. BrrirflftrS th,arlike nttll ? leo f ibe0.fmn.i States "? ll"-l-etlon in i-epud""? .lorfw
fonlMiOwertrHittto. JW s4 bfa MhefZ: """w . win wi, rtnrttd rntHl. the
PtTMC.aM (. .WVKfiU"t2aS
'PIIK UiMlerslgned have now on bond a full
I. nml complete nwrtmriit ot
All alim Cm I Cl.nr Tin Ktttlra,
"" .. - JO.
, Copr"1 w
Bte, nnd one in tho lower Home, instead
KHjjK' llllMHIIly l.lve..,.
jhs not tlmt so f
Vcll, what bare tiro cllijno cabinet d
farther that object ?
At the moit critical jicriod In the o(l
went of that war debt when it is trrml,
osit were, in the bullnncc they rob the S
of half its representation In the L. S. Scnntc ol nn nuoliliui jn .
and seek with all the might and inn In of which ""l,'crc Is their ci.ii.
lltev and their organ tiro musters, to parnlvze 'rwat I'ugeiu City
tin cflbrts of the other luilf, reptcjcnted In the .,! .. inv oflc" licnr" n' '"" "fomfr il
MMjJtjIi: 'colunni frw TgtotWUK TSsfc'tl "jF'. U'rWr' pwheml jupiwigrf., AlPBtt
iiiifo3i'ovHwn.jw--.-. -TTiirTuirr" iini i im' im i .n.r, . .).....!...
m:.. c't. ..i. t..
tntpnw bntlllllv wide b tilt trovcru-, - -."...." .- iion- -" - ", www
of flrct Itrituln benrs to that or rrancc, y "' " ' nc i t u.lges oi w l-n..K AA OOdOIl VV P "
. geuerul war In Karope will be the re, Crtof 0 o In the re caj, aid as .far- ,M ,rfc fro,.
for the present Ita an struggle, in sucu ",.', "V." 'Vn ., ,r Ymu?. ' . ."f .-V, ' r--U C.-T3rf -,
'....i .i... ...... ti.. nii.r.li..M..i..i....ii which n diri'ct thrust biinniln..nliftrineirk Thvjl.t a-"- a
jj.iin ...l- l.ui.u.K.i.iiys ... uu ...m.vi ....u.
of the AnicrlfTin tMriv. whirl, wa Inriteil to
I'opulution. "idte I" "ie convuntfon, mlU ito iH true
.10 000,000 ''li'ff"'W 'o onhr tMrJilv l h nuldit
"-:: .. mill IIm.. )u.ri.' .i .. . .Jr-.i it 'ii
cn,.r.ri. .u.i "-" j, ...... i unic..."111
17.000.100 iin-'mres umi
not reptvse
78,000,000 Vntli
.... V...-.i.ist.. Tl.un .l.llln
ik. i :..i " " . .. " ....-. .i" .....- 1..H... I., " "" .. " -- k
. uit repuiiliean p"""' " " 'hun Iiam in our line,
?. "itm..rll.v or tl- opposnioti, , -c . j,
""! tkt tbo IIMMtwAf tllO people St','CS ?," j8,11
nt Mad nil, Itiiliann
. nti.i.1 L the I'fU'j
til hut and roinpnr tJ I iin nud i xbn.
vp pt .. etui- wh -It r -n '.'d in the eti tk
litir nf tib I or snnd.uniiJ.t n bed of jmrtlv
rotten mid parity bntnl nunru. tlintivn fniiiiit
lo yiehl mnn .- to $10 in the ivnii. The lend
tlwlitber will rt'.btiilto the nattr of tbetV'I,
sTrben U4lr irnscnl pet Is over, koTlntrflho
iNnicJBmii'ajCTJcirniigiorv- Willi its Jtcintil
Ncari allies. m
Jo tsltPS, front Lirolfer to Arnold, owrj
parled-YroMjifa nllegiaftfe irlihout rcntMfaj
ilamago.bUtcastx-rMndoned. "TliifrghM
.n..uwii;,(iiviion arnrr ni.rr mm hnir;iM'i ,
sLjMt i it Keartti. Dmh Ji.ln't ssweed IrrfnW
;M.in.. ..r (.'.11 I mm l.t ..Miia I.. I .....,, 1m. Jill ITT 111.-lMfl7lltSf TT III1T VII irifWUIW ' .lk,I AM.- Il. ....!(.. I.. 'It.. t .
'at,:. : . " :: ..v : ' "'"" r "w oinw i...t ti day 0r. ciii "t , , , ; ; z rzLT " " .': i-nwiH
e :rr jiis!'L:i?ji' s
Into the hamls or tlw lleiiul.llcaiw. for tlio sole f " "' Wo had in our inhht In this -" Ji ,ln ,,JJ "TT V, l.,J;,l.,.n.:,y-" ' .T..I.I
and avcml purpose of breaking down t Jen. KiM .!" if "J
LTiiha (,.n. ..., t. f.i..-.. i... i. . i ii V v"z ""'"'i vi- yi ii-t, -.,- jm-j. Wr, n.r wnrkttiif or Ihr..!. 1.-.1 1- ,MI" " "w rnwiw
uuMi. b itjitiivtivu itt ii utiiiiirLiiii. trmi im BtiiHi ii imi m ivti.. 11... ...... .i:t.i.. Mr....o.i i.. i .. j. ' -"--. iimi in in: , ii ....
it. o ' --- - --- !! Till' Hum lira nit i. ri'iiiiiHi- iikii 111 iiuii. .i.i.i iu
iTik-HT .
feiWi....jrtK)ndde Iti-i,, ,,.1,1, -nnnnnnn .1 T 'wrri'1' orust ti tho emumee or arcmK;ii icii rw .1 ......... r.i
making MH.000,000 tlmt Wil, 'ffljl i?.2 ,""? lfttlon. t tw qnnKIWM , nriBs;" " uor I''l'l
command or or In league will. lifciwi ' ''B1!" "vH,no,'w Hi ren-ivod the eniVw le.rV";. ....... ,, n,.1MM . llIlrl
ilMican (nwntIonot ownoi-l -'" "P'V ""'
(Irenl Hritnln.
mcni 01 ine repi
I'n.,!n ".VONOn L'OI
- ''aiM(,t((
:ir.,00(l,0(io . Xnv York. J hit 1 . I'aul .Murfthy It t
'J0.000.000)'lil tlie AtlMXUMn. flnl. In I'Ulnilfllitltln
tiitw l-'iOOO.OOO ' "rxt V' rr" Ibniee b" wi preewl t j
iv.. v11n.11., v .inCjpi U'.U1 OHM.
qnlfi iah lamai,o to the Itanougfttfartj!
M'tluL Ouuido pf Jfarion Cwntr wi&irt
mlr lie. ten
j 1. ..... . .,-",. 'I
jHp " "v Ul" uamatrc. ImJowJ, fti
vH.v o.oon l ......
puhilioii iriliMbi r;,nlH -.1 ' ",r , '.TJ IMM?,"r Fri TV,HTi" "T
n ulllmw. Inl XnmZn "' J1.1""': " victory of the Wiotch
.. . -. - MiijiH iil .iinfrpnui.
. .. f it.. .... ... . a. 111 cviiiiiiimiuii nn hiIiwimiiwa n..i 1 .. .--....
nccco! ixt imIoii r Cougres, In pr,.euri.ur "il nil nln? preVr,, 1 to tteelecti,.n.declml BiteoMl.i.iw3rW ire. XomTolX iwnl. n,Ml ,!rl "Hull. lie m-ar bother, nudhave Oiibat IlKtruv.-lhr fWen nr Khir'nm!
Knianm.uu(Un.eMlorniiiinrxtii.ey ,y ,;rerwrinr ,,." 1-. IntH Wlnre " T.T. "" S1".. " "" .'- tm- "Z ' 1 ,:",. ".""r' " '.r:"i '"" 1 "?""", T-v njpo"""'- . A in
ry 10 nuiier Him iwiurlswi lobeor nnvitr. n.1'ri ....1..- ....iu :.i.-...n n Vi.t. ! -"--- ; "orneti mnre iiinti six dnv- i . , "'"y. " "'. "..""V. ".'. ' .' "r" " '" V."".V.U". r"'K "i wui.ioi com.k-i.ee 111
' ..""""" .'.."''.i.'...."" """ .,"' .."' ""! yiiieyielibiitimertel Wow Invrl,, t'." l lli' Vr.""-!l ivuin.i.i iirifimie. tnc " .Miitt-tri.
. "'V . 7",' . "M .. '."? ' ,,H,,r ",1M ,w obtnlwMl. iin.nnml (., um m , ht f'r.l..- n dccU.ie
kii'-h." uw iiuininsui meiiirnoiiiKcniiv " " - ... .. ..n.i . . II. tiiWB- workcil liU ehiim fi v .1
. ... .. . . . . . . rtHMIll f..r lloillir mi. tlu.tr iwriMmr.ni1 ... . . rf...- ' " '' ll' U
11 'ire im puymeni 01 our war iW.17 , , r " ".. ; - , , -v -" . , ,t I ,J ,, -. ""."" ci.im.
(Mil Imt, ny tbry. mdhl It to rt-veiw It ..A,r ... ' ' .,.Vn f: ' 7V.'??" ." " fl.itlr
Oirj;ili SlrrrltOiitintllrlCriini)' lllullli',
'dli.(irou'r'4tK'rmt." A very poor sort tf 1
misc. tint, n hcrvbv 1 1
YrVtom ' w,,m,J' "'.VH" "othliiff (irtliey dr jr..Uf.t" would rote r..r Stout.
,jf. ". ....... iu .in.' licimuneuirs.) ami iihi; 'nw comic out nml snv
icn ir-imuieN. anil lite Mute, loiw i.nirl. l.r 1 (iini,.
llflf.J .... ... w.
reveiiffB it umkr it prdft."
Openly prefcrrlrtg linn's election, Imt un-
Will tlw
tlmt Williams and
!. r.liavhl I'. Kjmln, Archibald
illlKlnsmi iwreet twj yynh (.j( ,
nuTij-m t-omn ih-hi. liHllaim. fri..'-.t . . 1
ly lh.il nrmmntinM nttworv. mid had n" t JK-
Ml Iui SUA Alt ll.n LHh.1. 1 I till . ...
.w...U. .11 1 .1...1. 1 r """""' i...Tfii. I IK' 1 III 'II
iii 1 1..1... 1 ........ . .. : .. 1 1 -v 1 - mciiiiiiiini cnmmennt vtukini- t:i r
.other coontles for Irjfanco Tlwrouihlrl .. " , . 1. ' "w I l""H" n,Ml m ftf M,0Hl "mk'r I0"-""' on tlie SMI. ult.. nml took nut .... Cl!u -M
W rrolte halt tho roliat-lfcecnt
TMUkniocnrr hasa.elrar matoritv
MTto lUrSuaiberf-'TnVe JacVsfln, Hrut
ml. iara1.otl.er onantles fnt Intnnnn Tl.irrh.l
9f rf.wl wlU. thfrblacks, tho lliulltwdidnWuoa 'T. i 1 ,l:c ',nrl' of " ;Vcw Yo,k TrliH it pnmtrtwte by Wyli you bad in your . ! 'Hinmlay aiitb. t30; I rhlj,-
ittlretronJ '"'v i'i.i ..s mm our wnr mhltt such men iu Williams ami Strutton, nml -""'; '"'Wf'". .w...ih. m.
i , gf' itrat;7fjr-wlicri,iro know howjiitg
tbsfVILofgau1rs-liow ertrroltr JniTtrai,
Mi, 1. .....L.I..T -r !..!.-... .1. ..J?-M
bitter and umonipromHIng enemy of our wur,' direct. Don't Iminult. WllUnmtuul Strat- K TmT W. JnWdM , d
TiaetOBi nrdnteeasiBffhaTB'bmilhorirnrtVnr V " .." r"'."- -"l-iwr's me ammiert 01 ton are able to fiiee tl miisiof
r f Htalo luipeeUtl of bclonglnnto tf klSpJom
r- of (dlosb TotMdoni'SiTii'JapprnKhed nytwC
r ngentayroni'itKe clhfticTiDd cOTJuiyilireni
r lmitlio)le-forIffM,4SM n rvfiKStk
WH I 4 lbJMW
I ms
Ver. it not for tlw sterling quality or our
Oregon Demomiry, Hush had great opportu
nities ror dtttrurtton fp the late camwlgn lie
had dements of dlicord to work upon which
he will never liave again. The Irwting Dem
ocracy Air years Iwn? ken giving power Into
the hand of the traitor which lie lias not Ikimi
slow to turn on tho first opiiortuni'y ntruhut
their own vital. Ills jniper, estsblisbeil in tlie
early Infancy or the Territory, m the ipeeinl
organ or tlie DemonilIcparty, iWrlvIn; h
large rilend mpiiort rrom It position which
gave It a prnctleol monopoly oV Democmtlc
joiiriialNni Tor ynm iu OrctriKi IU circula
tion, nml consequent power for mlK'hlof grew
Tnr lieyond IU desert, (iwi. Lmc hinirtir,
whom It now war upon eontrlbutl largely
to this result, rirewweiows or its secret tb
lgii4ii'ion him, nml or Iu thirst for hk blood,
he pampered its editor ivith federal troingc.
nnd coiuiilteil him eotrcerning tl nUInt; ol nil
tlw federal oflIe iu the Territory. It to need
l to reut that they were Ailed wih ImIi'
crentures nml Une's eeret nwmlet. Hut of
this Irtreo ft cr.
Hut "the higher the tree," Mys the old prov
erb, "the grwtar tlw falf." Tlw more e.vnlted
the position of the StuUtma,, tbe grealer Iu
treaeliery. That it did not uj gnter mU
chlef In IU "defecthHi" would be a matter of
HirprlM if we didn't know the tort of material
it Imil to work upou. ltut its powr to hunti
J guo by. It will be known ami appreciated
by tl Democracy of Oron In live rutwre.
Ho lof a it iIkItwI proflt from the mukint;
of dlivr sliriiM (V tlw godile or tlw Orejfon
iniw, It sliouteil with braacu luny, "g rent Is
Democracy of tho Oretroniaus." Dut hc mc,
nwnt tliero was n iraswt of iUi trade being
taken awny, It ruhil to set Ore to IwrJiiniito
j 113 did tho mud Kplwsinii who Hung the brand
upon tlie temple or Diana. The fume eove ted
nnd galutd by the ono the fame of tho incen
diary will bo the reputation of tlw other.
(ie:t, l en!, tlmt wo Provoked Hhi vrirmiM
vriiti.il iinvfiniiMii m.rao
11. ri. Ilalm. Inrim-rlr i.r I1..1.,.k T -- ' -"'' -
n u i.. r .. it iii..ii. ... . ..1...M.-5 "r, ' "iB
.. o. j.mi.-r ,1. in.ltini 11. ..,.
I'-inetl MtoM.JWiieST Xi -wsmf jHitsIi luatv
)ff"S. rlv"eifbiircfriw'itb,j,F,liilwAi4ty
i" ;I(uml-, reprU t.,BMViUU f- JrSjU 6m
1 ill Urt , t ,r,v.i 1 ,u , H r.w
TinhII.I.Wl ijt .
l-villUM. ....M T drill toiL UHMMHVIIH.
UCtimree her itrntniiiln tlmt rri mkik.rlm.nrl. 'Vj .' QtAi .d 7JBDiiMSH
nakfiffree iroHrii.:ihrlii H. An' fnviu tdrSS.iTMJrL' -,!SrTsaiSHHWHHli
1. ,,5-iSi.i. ' .i..'.i' rr...3Vl.v!"7-TU1".Tror WOWMlliOXUftlfcV
-' .n i 111 111 r 1 ii ti in vuiili
tost tho Jkciidi uul.Jts.luli.i. In.
ever:arot Ilrituln shonul otlempti
'i. us?....
AH IcimlK or Fiiriitttit-r
Vi' MU.IIT MIIIU, T ouhi:ii.
naylHi.Mbprral ad sAnrchevl ph ,ttn r,.-win' in
UX)lr fif.rm r.,.1. r...i..L.l It J..
PVIJ rfl'i . '..P ' W1.11101.M n nt tu ,. ,
anrof;.4lt0 ie!brereiiU. tha Uutt.l KitV-0t
their forrrs.
" . ...IV, l.H.K I lit . 1 . --.-- .. .. ...
more than six dllVs i"n?,riM f"'m, uf, ,tUlV!t "lip
itcd below lav IhV.. '' l ."' tlTon.h lManl.t) llrlllui
Mr ii-hniid (.1 um mf ht f'r.l,.- ntVcUiie , - V r 1 l 1,1 d k p -t i..
'a Mrfi .11 a . in.. it'r
ft iJaJrcAc.wi i 'rkir.t ' '? a e nrtiSfXnKn ni-IAIRS
KriiMiR..-. -.2 1.1 "L .:. i-Tc:"r..r'"r;i - ". ---; ,arrirTii,a v. ini!-4i.v w
That would'bcjifihln.t Ktwlana Mch seta uo . - '" ! '-"SUa.i.1 J1 1 J l 0f "v-S!'1 .1,
tlMVpnnciple bwtriitg.o imril emu, - m.
luerce. v-'. .f.h..i.
rini. j
1 1 1 1 . r
fctt' 1 tM'V.IIMH.lulV'.'
t llll
"rl-f ,
MyKvoiLClixi uilii.
k 13TT .. ... . . . .- '
... r'turm, -jiiiv 1. h fg. t
?'fiC-KA!UJL4,ii v i in. in-
c ipiiic sTftieoratHverrt nt t I rhnnv
tiVAM r.i II.. ...u...... ....! 1 i ii 1. it I s... t ........ .... ..... .
..-.... ...1 : ..irnrc ui plundering lite iiuuuil. t.Arrar.ir tiik innnviii.ri: r-T. ! TnnUr n.r WwwhmIm . .... n :.i .g'.tt'S.".! "v '-r ?.'T" "rw:TT'. - 7 !Ji ...
Iirst, and the miiernl tfi.iernuieiit next: a ikir.')ioT i'ohtc.vati: km-ipk or TimKll vof.vo ,i.,t. l.i -u. .1. .ll. r ........... in.,n -:u- ;W. 1 Tv - " " f- - rjrr&ir ftTWR 49l !3' 4
! Which I'XIH'lliL nil Ilk avmikilLr nn tl... .'. I.ili.u. IIhi ICffllVvllle StaCO WHS tie- OIiikmIIm In tli.il nn wtik.1. tki firr.-, rt I ..It ?V ,..t . 1 . .. . t . . .
ored rmw. and l.n not. I'nMm u k.m ik r,.i ua.yli.iir tlw bill eoitibrffliito.lnukiifliivllIeWctl.'loeatwI. which vkdil tbitn on tit u .''-;&. 'kiitf'AMaaU1.2w. J "" ','" IiX V Jil, jl AJJN0 f? A Xj 12
fuM e!.l 1lr.11 of tlm Cjumila.. n.m ..-.1 u iKa.kv avtmlmr. will. .MUc Julia, nud I.'m- t0 i ! rT ' lite-' ' .las j'' , :iG T? A D I C
-4 parly ivbleli oppOMil ..... i..lwU.l..u IiiIi.uhu lUMnmH. ..' MU rtayldn llnrrU. iwsn-n-! I'rom tin Ivciitrtli Pally Tim-. 1 vlr,- ;U.; jiaaJijg'Miaw1irltltlk " -" ' c,l,.urAr!S?f, is ( .mm.'
the l-uioii. Iuvh wo dldn'tsi. rrunwi.urSlute irtn; mw of tlw Him extemling lo the Iiiiders QL0PJ0US NEWS from THE JSJNEMr: f'SrS&.&P&fr C.l4g'lrf'.1 1', JltWT Or UIKt X.VH CABniAOJiSirJaSs '"'' nml'? '"',l
initltiiltmu as to draw Invidious ilk thiol Iiiim broke, karlng but mw Ibw nud tlw stage roll- jMmt,, ;),mwrtli. r;rf ((l ,llfo( ... KjJL sTm!? iZi!!!!!!!? MCNWKSjU.W-U'8 ON" XIJLXp. !antsvrjrrc)'tilwfrftetroiii,od sulnln . in re-
Iwtwwn cillxcns by birth nud citlrem bv ailnii. "W dawn n steep hill nt n trenwwhuw iwcr S ti4u Tkt ,i,.ttitt JlomM e,th uunf.t. Jlmi WmnIi Km r.temekW low nm. W-s , ' . ultimr.lrein I4 uai-T jaii
tl.ui. nud ut the snme time gunruiilce iHilltieuI At tlmt time n iMrwn passed before Hie horsee wj tr mux. -ti ihjm. Anoiher nf dnues 'coahl-not bv.mnai" sato.tTl W 'iniHt ef -'-llii411 yMIOlVgtMl,
mid IW.I quality with ou.elvo. nml oul e.,11- nlth n load of brnih. causing tlw horses to J -.'SS. C llffl Weiert Is ot .rare f any-
ireu iu ine iutruiKii uegrixt : leave tnc rutin; ine e.eeiwui irusiy
lit Huit tho work tl trim ilon.nrrnla nf.vit. W. . Il.illunl. titnico In tlio x-oiiiil-
1 ' ' " ' " 1 - ..' " :-". .'- .- " ". "..- - ----, -- .,, r ..
smim iMim iMirniuvrth to llu Uoiii uiir the const or .Vinci, iu cuiii'iion with treaty " . . i.u...
Tlw news is nil 01 tbe moat mitteriiig nnd en- Mipuhitioni. ,, .'.TrlLu . . J?'l, '
couroginir mluro. ns our rorresuuknee, which ' .. . , . ,- . . . " " ble t.rm, at
weiay iK'n-roour readers In ,.., extra, fully l .JdEuTn, . o' n X HlS OId Stand E
ticmoiMiniios. ... .... n- ........ ,.t, ii,i.-..n. cai iiiiuma stiili.t. ja.
jcicii leuiis mm iiiseovertcs
tlio day. I lie whole tlistrlet
bo proline of gold. Clulnu
. -..J. &.C
r"". s&? 1 ,, ...
c J.H OfOertJ? r'SJffllT. " '. ' V"
3S.,-Wr -'iTul 1. & i.inv
. a.j. -14b T. ' "I"
P'.SfJltjmTrHlSI rn.,
. j. . 1 .r.i .. .'.iiiiiii.il
.in ir. r to tlm
- -iTsr"rrj.rif-,j'
.It IS 4Jn?!gariiWicIwiii't of cl'jd.ng up
auiniTiwryeyijft'zr li'Mmionr 1 1 14
ImsTOfet. jinJyjPeaaJ
.lie ii(. 11 su' '"i
. ,.. . 1
uiui II.
,.t ll llii.". IKT-..1H d -irous
unpt ii'.' . r 1.1. cur.' ol Mute nr ! I....
scu-cmu rv-u 1. 111; or irreutiuir iru. tuiu .am 1
know with ifrtninty llw.i-Tti'iit or iN.tH.dtiri.'t
or tlw tui.'t or tructt sought to bo tuV n . in
wiille uirre litnuiiM iu u touiuhni ! chum.
' lull "IIS vli. .11
1'hil Hi riii( up.
r pr,'-
1 '. it.iI-0
'ei.Kou.it-11 to jACKrio.NviM.ik A meeting
is-to be held nt Portland, on tbe llth but.,
to'rbrai a coniany to oonitruel a telegraph
lino Trom Portland to Jacksonville, nud thsntc
'lo connect with the California Hues nt Yrcka.
The call for the meeting U signed by IlvnJ.
Ktark, S. J. MuCormwk, nnd J. M. Vnnsycle.
uiui under tbcauspleosofsuchcnterprUliigaud
energetic men, we baie no doubt lliu impor
tant work will soon be comft..-v(i.
ltov. J 0 Kayner nnd family left on Mon
day last, for Methodist Conference. It Is gen
erally thought that tbntport of S2'hMnJref.
jiiWflud Jgifjwr'P ted
r iui4.BiiMawti.wo. iu
if soatiwa-rt Mryiwry elfr
BrHdw.- Wt IMM.I K jftaM
,tkww wibVWwl 14 .Tank. tW-wwt
rlotiemcn; or men who nmrrtlii tlwirv tlw lug tlwni, If ixwiible, to jump nut ami leave
payment ol our war debt ? tlw stage. Mini Jullu I ufliiinii nud Miss
Hut these men or tlw clique cabinet nrc nt , Sophia Harris jumped out, landing on Term
U..I ru.....!...! 'IM.... ...... ....f ll.. .... ... . I.!..... i..llli,..l .M.I.Y. t..tit. 1...!.. Ill.U
""" vun.raiv.il. ll.vi II.MIU9T.I l.K lir IU ' inn .. iiiiuu. r.. ...... nij.ii., iwimc lllliv lllllimwillH W. ... rr ... .1. i..n CXI 1.11IIV. A ITIII'I T. J 1. wwoau-f .
.......... "...': . ............: i . . m..i. I....I. ...i .i!......j ..i i f rriliecsi. raiiioiiii jw.iiiv ir ii.u J.V.1I..5C, - - -v-. -
ursi nun npiie ii i.en. 1100. imv mo coiiimi ,um r.inmn tu nw since, iviwro sno renin ueti ." '""" ""' "" w " "v v"" " n . r..- i.i.;.i vv .. u,,....!,. t .. i.t nr u..i,i .. ,,nii,i. .... ibi.vi. ...i .
-r r. :..i . . . . ' ....... .... .. i. . . ....... t bo duv. The who e tktrlet litriiEiiif out to , -"' "' . "'," :;,V " :,.""-, " "u" '" ,.i ' , r. ", V " ", r" ":.':. ""'i r'.'T wuiie mere humim iu u j oun.hm
ir.vu... wmm. nicy uow war upon, rosiraiuui mini mc aiago wpw i, ...... nw nomi nrouo . ,. , - , , .,.,-- . , " two siraujiii lien s ny j; u j cm nc. "'.""'i.V ""'""' ,ruv" ,Hll-h '" vttu,ul ,u" lo tlw mruv ol whi.li is unaumoud. T.,i,J,n,
them in somedegrcc from muking nsnpcnn loose, when sho made her nppeurnnce from tho ,,cred worlblcM throe or four week ago tirs I . I be nico wlileli wus tl-ointielients,nttroc.'",uV ''''''- nul w,WcinK tlw Doimtion clulms cannot
display as they otherwise would have done, of rear jvart of the stage, receiving only n slight now comnmudiug from live to tnciiti thousand ,V? nTl"mtT.l.'l.. -'ni' , .niinaiS Kept by Uay OrWCOU Iw (urnhdml tbe reipwtiio Kegistersond lto.
tUl opposition, nnd sympathy for Wool. scratch on the urni, nnd was not tlw least ""ollum. ' i woml "TOl "" '' ,"JJ-' i ,. Isnlw pm.nml to keep unlinnl. iht for , ivtw. mid tUtcroro iwns desirous or pre-
Mr.lb.ihiiil.umlerstnndus.and, bepn, Wghte.ied. This was n mlnieulous JZ&AS ffiififlS claiSiSZerS
tenth wit to, wo tell him we bin e abundant Mr. Hulkirds iriira of miudnnd osperltriicc or ivorklnu to advantage. A?tlw towusare, falot tlw fi bust toy ami grain Wing mt u w arc In iiwt.y instauw put to tlw upenao nnd
proor-proor tlio most posltlvcin our posso- no doubt contributed to save the youag ladioa ' deserted in tho rush to tlw mountains. m to-day. ! W M ' l K,vV" ,r"uble r viM"V or sc",,iff '" M f"r
sion, or what wo write; and tbut It shall be from Injury. " Tlw Iwnltb ol the district rns csecllent, nud , The Iwtlinonv bcingjiHunieleut, tho com- 1, , " """ ,Pt'c,uj r1"1! "' "''y f0' If this sluto or sur-
forlheomiug ns sooiuu our war debt is in n "N'ceminot tell whether tlwro wns danger the spirit of the inlnewjublluiit. I IUUioner tllMluirgnl thliceused. I Probate Notice. veys slmll Im-im-tiiiiIUiI toewitli.uc.enrluli.iy
oonditionnottobounVetedbyitspubllcntlon. and ronuuic. enough tonmkon hero nnd he-, tll03' ,f dnLTnu.U rf!n. i" TO iJT,7,!i ' Co. ?.0"..'! ?":? oaM.tjr. Jljs T.-rm. miriL,7t iU.
quart', gold, (or which latter they Tiavc wine frfiSn, B1i Vit bom Jltlt n'priw crew pntj llmuinn. ilreard. '. ' WJI nceswlty llwforc mail
sph'iided samples.) nnd would have rcee wl n i i,on,a i,v (,,,,,,, llrent. f the U S. UI)Klti:i UY 1'Hi: COPIIT THAT l'l'II- be a parent to ull inUrwtwl of immt'dialelv
clique cabinet are) they opposetl It. and sided satlsfuolien of nil parlies, little or no injury, much greater supply, ivwe U m.ttlwt tlie mi-, el0ori-or-iviir Marion. , W Mention for tie .ale or thereat uriat ol c' l ," wy or Doimtion clulms. I o
with Wool iu the first Instance- thev side ' - - now rrfuw to fcdl rur less than J0ier otintw. ( Mid deoenml, Iwinade luiJwOrfruSUneI" Jb ileputysuryeyorri will wr.bout delay
, , v .'. i'iiBniii.i..uiV,r.ii....r ., -i8 in. " i"" in pinny nun aiiuiHi.iui i j nw i otiK. u line il-iy n tnspaten irom ior iuur cou-eouuve wihjks, iimi all iK-rwnn in. ptimcu in rauu ouuniy, wnv, mippiua
with thOH? who oppou the payment or lUos-, ' ,!R -aito jiaiioatio.s. Ann Rj,plw, they nro imliUcmut nbwt wiling the. St. Catherine's, newsllw interruption or the i '""'"I hi the wle or the real Mate r dd d v. lib tlw abstract ol lu.tlficutioiw, will lie iu-
peuscs in tlw twxt butnnee. TIh-v nro oomto- I"1'191"0' f'P wllb n small steamer, drawing du-t nt nny price. Wetland euiial by tliashinguwuT oriodis oen.l, Iw ami npiRiir on tlwltrkt Ja of the eirttat! te proeeed with dispntch to each nml
tent throtwhout. Ili-en that U mmrtrnHv In fonrlwn Inehes of water, lias been tirade on the ' We eaimot flow our Jiasty nmarks without , bus hwu reoeiied. 'ifnty vwels iiro detuiu- 3I't-,i'-,r term of tbU cutirt to wjew cause wl.j every urwurvov, okiini" williiu tbpir riiHe-
.1 ..r.i..u- ,... .,.., ...... .,.. .i ' ' Sacramento u1miv lll Itlniii. l,l..l, ... ,,.,,. woitl of txmipliuwiit tu .Mes.rs. Joiws & ' ml in the email. I , "? 0,uw ,ur ' mv .JT"?! .S . "" 1.,,.."r.u", " ttricU, wal make know u to tho "iluim
irverw iiiiriiiM iiiisTi. Jiilfc null till IIW sH.'flH , .....,....-- -"- ll.,.,....!! f.,- !. .. ..-l l i . ... i I IU. II M. 1 11 II V W A ". IJIli K. .-.... It i i:.. i
a . . .. . . ... . j. . isaoH.il iui mil xtxiL inri uur laHiiH iiiuvami ' -.-,. ...... .,..--. .--. niit, ibuiiibmb ui aam-vi linn iii imraiiiiiii
hinder like sueb eontlslcney ? Do they prisw "c,w.v snccessiui, mo uoui meeeeiiiiig in reueu- , ,WveI,,ing tlw Iwunilless n-ircos of lum- i Xn- Yiuik, Junof.-Tlie three mile raoo
It mu jewel, ns coiwlsteiwy is said to be? lug n point only n row miles from Shasta. . Uudisimiycd by iuu- (lucounu:iuir reivorts. between Tar Klvefnd Dill Chivitem. lor
TImw who luivti laid occasion to know tho At me latter pmw JSIO.OOO was suiisoriucti iimnmwmxii uy tiw crtes ol vruakcni ami nlur- a.niiu, come on ycytmy, over mo iushion
pursuunic of
reck,, Iwadstrong determination with which , ; t -I Hvor. and Improving ' fti. J j,,.
thew men imrsite their nun imriHiMM. neul not tlw rapule. m. m,..,. n.i.i., .. ....... i...,
Taken TJp !
tlrtaw men immw their own purpose, ncod not
be told that tlwy would sink the wnr debt In
the bottirflilos 'Iluilw ir they could thereby
only nttuin tlwlr own ends gratify tneir vin
dictive lint ret 1 of some one whom they conceive
stands in their rond to preferment to those
on uncoiii.uerable ciwrgv, backed br nn im- beats.
incnso omlay. mid u biing laltb in tho gold
Moxkv, Waii
ivlin .In tint lrnniv tkom ll Is mil. niwu.,ni. ..
;.:;,j:.7lz: .: zt iwimcut n..d courts
Z :Z 171: r. . r .r". tore, make this o.ll!bl.n..t n r.vorlto resort
iix.ii iii tiiv imw AWi.iOMiuiVt UU U lUUVIVlUUll
IU. 1I8-UD0.--TIHI fine new sla.e-bed (in-, ffiHotl1?Uw overed IT.taiX'KS
slontl or marble, us reported last week,) billiard . see their every predietion urofinl nnd ull their i
tawe. at tliw ostiibiMiiment. ns hkcwwo mo ...m.wiw. ! correspuudeiit of tlXow York Courier mid
eliolco brnmu or Iquors nml cigars eparimug .,.",""'" ". V f A- ' i . K ' -'"I"'""' s0)-"
rvHriir,.!,. i- J... ..ml ii. r-ontloninnlv ,1a. i ???. ' . Wl f nml vllwt,n. and wc trust, , M(IIley ,tt
to please of the proprlo- so nobly mjSn!3Brr-TZ Z'L VffilXZn tJS ft Si ,
h!i.?-im diicnt Denver City 0r.ti per eenUfeause tbe Dank being n I
2Lfri itiriT I v .""r1'!"-1 V. !' i 7 ooUrvutivfociatlou, reels itseirbound '
rewicrvil rrom ull the bad dlcoli or lita Uttlo to ll-wp its coretud must not change mid
imsuaj . n,gr wjljl cvcry w 0r (10 coinnicrcial hori-
Diikviiu Citv, Juno t, 1859. Izon it is icry sf nnd very sure.
I send you tn-duv, per Lenvenwotth Uitv Wo reirnrd thAIro of nvrv iToso'Tntinn r
nnd Pike's Peak Iixpres, gold dust nmount-1 security ns beiiiirry low, except Consols. I
old, I
nml !
ounce That marked Juekson A. ltouldcr is nnlv those of th.st mro.ilniivn nr.n. 'iu,.
... ...I 11.1 .1 . ........ r. .. . .. I nlin .r..ll. ttlu M'l.ij ...... ...111,,.. ... .....:. .... rf .. . '
lwroven"ed on tho cotintrv now fi.r that net " PUU1W" uo lotiowing, ior mo uenciit """ """" "" - j , 1 uouc mu uccooascauuousna ngranuino-1
7; . , ".. ., : n"J" calculate,! to lmvo , tber. or ns n hep th ouo chick,
or duobcdiencc. That rtvengo the tutu oss. . ' "ie 'ep " J1" party, also ror , ff , if . Cllillurn,.. jii....... 1, .il0 rrt.ii,, tS;w.n r,r ii,o rrtr.i:...i ,
TIV 11, K mlw.rllM.r nn 11....... I !.... I ...M. .
er enmo oilotorioiw In two it might J J nlroie mouth ut: Ituite eeaek, a h U torae
I Alliurlwin hurMM. 1k.Hi wirn.l i.iu ii Illtli. tlnrkri'
..u .... . .. . . i . . . .--. ,-- ......
'J Ijae-J-rat hent, ilit; secontl heat, Ca 7
for Congrtsinan just closed.
Kyou cauuot rend In these proceedings tlioir
determination to work tho repudiation or our
war debt by Cong re, or lu redaction ton
mere nominal sum, yen nro Incapablo or Iwtng
nxisoned with, M tlw country went to wnr preni!
without their leave, tliero U no doubt that It mor:
would nfford them the highest gratification to
those warm uud sultry tiny nnd ovculngi. The
tublu Is ouo or tho beat from Phelau's manu
factories, and tbo finest over brought to this
part of tho country.
Juiy :i. lean. rrw4 . UWi
Tbe deputy bavlutf rHirveyod audi u tho res
pective chiiineiiU may desire, will report offi.
riujly all wtcit m imt iibamloned or ii Inch the
claiuiaut tlwll iwKloct or refuse tohaiesur
vcyeti '1'bia bMiu? dono Toniwb.ii t.lats of
lg. tlinu thu olhrr ; the lightot one tuuiuuie hu.1.11.- Douatlon t'laluu wUI be olosod nnd the fu t of
I imrKMUiu a unpe ol wuile iu Mw lm.r. Uutb sticU ivfusal w nwlcct will be rviwrlod to the
Jtin-Tl.orndni. tT ,rt ' euli1"r mrlV', , ,, .. 1 1"'W UiwrturHit at Washing tun, and nfter
jii. ., w. i im I.OIIUOI) , -jj,,. ow ,,... i, ..,. la,teJ tu call at tuv KatJMiin.. I Lli..i ..i . ... '.... . i .....
aa.i isL-j-srsr- : ..raMKS vzssz
oney is a dritgooil bills of first names ! N.-ANGKU. ""l o liy tlw Coiiiiiiwioiier oltlw
- ! W. IF ( li.vi .i.iir.
Hook Ai I.twltler Co. ' S.TL . rijor Gtutral vf Urevon
July an. IfifiP.
, ,, . ,. . i,.MII , " " . iiit , kuhi ii.mv uiiiuuiH- security ns iwimrry oil", except Uonso M
PnK.ieni.Nit.-Hcv. M. A. AMIIIan.s will, lug D value to 4u:i afl. for which you will Tbo nubile whju full of monoy, will ti
nili nt the M. ll. Oluireh, oil to-morrow , pletw) givo me credit. The naoknge miirked, nothing but the arovcd nnd well known, t
rnlng at 11 o'clock. A, is Platto river gold, nnd worth SI 8 per well ostublislitnlrcurit.es, nothing new, i
' Ml(tn '11. ft l.ln.l ..I f .. l.r-,. H r 11 1.1 t l--At. S .1 I 1 I . . '.
X Hook &. I.utltler Co., No. 1 ," are mquuUii
to meet on Jloiitluy evening, July Mth, at 7
o'clock, I'. M., at their new Hull, comer Third
uud V Streets.
J. K. ACKLBY, l'oriman.
Jxo. 11. Sirens, Seo'y. I
3horiff' Sale.
duly iuu. d frum (Iw oflico of tlw Cltrk (
i ircui i;ourt ol Uiu State of Oregon for Juct
son County, and to me directed, I wdlolUir tr
saie to tbe hhrhast blddgr, for cash, nt "Thin-
m ion Jiuuse,' ou tho huliyoii Mounum,
or inaierial reduction, or lengthy delay or our
claim would nfford them. They would be able
to turn out true prophets, and wiy to tlwcoun
tho uh' of ull anti-Stout men
.Tenuis Ta.nkt o.s Si-avkbt Tn the caso of
the slave Amy, decided n few days since, Chief
justice Tnney nas iiirmsi.eti n written decision,
5' ,Shi
1. ?i
CZ5Sivysltal.r mm amn HUtal irem.'xtMu in f.itl.-J-,.
oeaeeaLU U,vm.LiUt1lmmftim)r-fHovaa "S
smis.tfssTf :: vwrns
isweaTiwtoWHM'.iMkt lBMaM.T- -imtmm, 'mTmmmm
...n nr ..-!.'.. '.'..- 1.-..C .. 1
trv I'll wniilil !.,.. I. I...I.. . 1...I .. ...... L. .. l. .... r. II ..!.- .. .i.t.i , . , . , . V. . T . : ....''. '" 'OU J.liueitl
.... .. ..Um. ,, ,. .., juiiwuiii- inwiui-ii no uviw uiviuiiuwing great legal ; snip you ns jmrrnojrr ou consignment irom (.Miuuie butletl title is the most salcble nrti
sulteil with us in tbo first place, nnd taken our rinripl touching tho institution or slavery Ilvo to ten thousand dollars. clc in the uinein, nnd tho demand nppeare
advice not to c6 to wnr. The Indians were ,n.,',.i'nUc, Statw:, .... . . , The gold l the Iniwst jmekngo Is from , as though it itjbo of n lasting nature.
. . 1 . j 1 1 limam tMaa n rnv rftrw i nn I-.A I a. .r.tmmm .n ml is m irri . .ui... .. ii.. .. i' .. 1. .
'.' .1. r.S7i J. '.:. " Tr '. J v,u u" ;"';""' 1 nu iu.tMiiivT, tor 1 ou may eict to iienr or greot improve-
"Awwywjn iuu cnnracicr mu 1 jaiu qiu jk.t ouuee. jia soon ns possi-j mciils in lire-;). Wlien once the nttcntion
swvsa.rwaTrrprescnted in bio advise nw as to th rual value of each sic- of tho wl.nl.-. lt .ntir. t. ,iku ., -.
..MK. as neraoM. linen. . Mlol.. tt fnl I, .., ... ..1:... . .
MMi.MeW, M &, Atli7iSl(;Tt ",,,,bj,C,c T,, mhr s"rl.rWoglr rich, so old ml- J and will attain iinlen 'iT-lt h tbS
UTsWtorMrteia-.UM. Wm mm TZSjBH&.&M.S'lfo Jho pcrs sny. Jliey f nro tutonubed, nndwunot certainty. ult itcly, of pndueln from their
uniteil etioruu-at c hnnes. It was so in the
Wii.I.PdC-... lnH.Ir,l, ,!,
OH fft( A No. lSUUAlt l'JNKSIIIN . .,11 , .. x ,a
tJUjUUU glos 011 hand aud r..r mle low, I "7 ' of August, 1851,
by '.lw3 KKXXKY & HAMLIN. at the hour or 11 o'clock, A. M., nil tlo right,
. .. I title and intereit of Michael Thomas n ami tu
SaVlljSNoticG. j Ibo prirty known ns the ".Siskj'ou Moun-
ii... .... .it .-1 !...,"..". ..' ..- j." " "- - rw!f mm m uifoii aioau. iv nc n a i"k ju.-.
..ru.c. jwiu.mi.civu. iniiiuiion io oeiiparcii ror it is tlio ono para- I HAVKiHeU tlio accountsot mo estate or B. , .. ,.,.,. ;ui iu.im Aoto ..ml
uiniiril lilon K i Ui.l.a l.t.l r..t- lr. ..r...n.1. I If Xfiirlln r1..r...i..,t 111 llm P.iimtv 1'iiiirt fit' . .. . . ' : ' ..K,. . ..
.......... -. -. wi.w um iuu iv eu.ru.aci.u . . ..
rescmbloa California gold more closely tlinu, war is growingSiuteiwily, and yet the deter-
ui. uiuut jk uiscv.t.'ii'u. 1 miuuiion 10 ueit
I writo you hontstly, gentlemen, nud it is my mount idea. K.
n. i.i:r it... 1 .ai.At ..... ......... .1 .1. ... T
...... uvi.u. i.iab ... fci.u iiivna a n.ti uu uu.u iu
the national
. - eeetaw AtomUim, alr!tiil
eAMi.ciHtMMiTy to aWsalMilU
WO mm TASrf tM pajwtalcrc
MWM M)rMStHtt,MS vv.
BrrMA e4&- MB AtAJtkr I
"Wmtmmj mmp pojnM IMjpPitVeQH-NM'B j
'1- I. n ... ....I T 1 11 1..,. 1.1 .i) Ihiaa lientbto ,o I
Ttiialtn laMI aimilliii 11 4 ismw wfJMW Wv tmmM
-- --.-. ni hi " 1 -w 1 ' r I I , ...- ii . . -IT-
fti nmnnhi 1 lai 1 I iialiaal iiaii in hum rifitT ;ijfM
un jr" ' im 1 u ni ifti- uwpswieil Qtaawi
"""ft r ,1'MtUf - "Al
'" & Ammmm)mmmtM mm 1 M S"-. "TJ-" 1
.'T '"' 5ar5rll
liilltlr in tbe believe it, even ir they do seo it. Claims nre
ire '1 1 lial ' Irvlrir unlil nvrrv ffnv nt frnn. SI it... IV,! Ir.
r.trMMI which render 8''U. Then nm roi.riuntntiniiii .n,U r. .
tMWaiibbmenU for by parties io whom I buvo the most implicit
Kjiwjjmonjr tneso uim.
raBftf1'0" r)niM-' Tho ho,l,or8 f the gold district nt Oregon's
- mCenititulion or demand 320 per ouueefor iL n.iii.in
slavery as much, and I will not give it unless you so iu
hts or own- struct. I am ivilliny to .Mvnfiln
Sr the law," I KiDCC I wrote you laat. tho reports Trom the
cuacted by mlnea have contlum d to grow move encoura
ging acw ieaas imvc uecu struck nud prov-
daysori811bentho Yoluutecrs weroout,
nud will bo strain.
Tho ncknojrjged wont la a breach-loader;
tho pntcnU ar common onoucb. Imt nil l.ntn
been condcm; soraetblug- like tbe Ameri
pu olcaoiiDoating Firc-Arm, but carry-
in..ici';iiu., wuuiu eccm 10 uavo uw
Martlu, deceased, Iu tho County Court of I
.. . . ........ .I........
iMHigiaa coiniy. aim ap. lie. ior u laiai aeuit. . .,.. ?;.,,. ,fOr,-,0n IwornoratinL'
7. - . .:.. . "wv.:.. tii .. ; ,; v.
tain in IU
common cluj
un 1 weapoii
I rrdiicblscs granted to raid .JlrTlioinas by tbo
5. ..... ...1.. ---.i.. 1. ,u.....r ..1. ... uci ui iuu lAisiaiuro ri'vu-Kvi. iuvuriruiuK
muui 01 eai.i eniuie. nmw ...u.u khvii ., ,-u, ,. - .-, ' T,. -'.,.. ;, i i-. V,
tliae tbe first Monday of Auguit is set apart for ," "f "7 oy " , ", J8,"" ,", ,
bearing tlw tame. All persons lutwetted can Tbo nboio drserM Property I Uvied upon
attend If they k-o proper! i lo satisTy m, -ccution In favor or Ijndsay
J- H. VltIGHT, Atbnlulstratw. I Ajinlegii' J"'. 'i'ai,lit lalJ, M- ,1 boinns, for
June 29, 1859. S5w3 tlw s-'' r ix thousand three hundred and
. twOiy-four dollars aud twenty-fiio cents,
-T . , fQ,ii'4&, with iulere-it, costs, and nccruhur
JS O TI CE J Itwsu.- I J. C. DL'N(!A K, Sim ff
A LL PElbSOXS KKOWING THEikSKLYW'r .JllV 20t,J' 1b59- . 'vi
fully requested to wttiVtheiVmUunubv rHu WAY TO MAKE MONEY
1st of Jul' 1850. - ' ' 'P TO 8AVK IT-TUi: WAY TO SAYli MO
On all account- not paid at ll.nl rfmc.InUrest ! V I JTVl'lMT I VB
at .be utual rate o the country, . -.$ $? 51,1";"
iut be easy to load and cer-
lts. The volunteers nro not
.at are rendr with tbe coah for
wb strikes their fancy. 11.
a 1-2 imt Conf licr Sloutli
will be cbargeit. Thereafter, all acQJiuit must j
be settled
Every aVliu'ty J)aj.
Scotlsbueg, June 2'. leitf 2jw3
Cwue ami we us.
tilif to suit iiurcliaii-rs, ut
ft, WSi 5
-. -