Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 23, 1859, Image 1

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. f""vMr-
iilfiilMmlM)i ii . J
- U..III !. i
mITorbcon 8BKT1KAL.
b.l Inter.!. o ri,n.
tt 4 ..
"riibllMicil cVerj' SrliUnlny,
V: G. T'VAtTLl
A.. nr On. Year $5 00
(t ConV. Six Month
3 00
u .,
'Copy, Three Months
ir. Twelve Ltnw or lew, First In-
Vw nni
I.. i nn.
anil r easfi xulroqucni mser-
Jrfrtonal or lis
!?1?1 Ifiw CanK Each Square,
.... --.- ...
ndrurtlto to the extent O ,'.
fte nunlbcr of irrertlon iho., r" --jVaJ 0n
the rrs'gin of aSvcrtlscmcnU. w raa-u
JacksoBYillo, Ordgo
"I 7A'
BOOK lMUoll .fJUfflXtllt,
uccuira-Miu AmtnoM kMlTBMMf
best tmi m.nffBu, .
" 8 Mil. !(
IerttS5ta' ' -"iterWl fr bcw h
aner I'niMlr'i''Sl,l-r'M '"K
that Kill not Wl n ke tWllo. Afc
auortment of 11 w Hcow.Nt S 9m
r(t. Siimioww .tnfrf ibui; i"caiM, am,
litr ea h d. tiaimww Waf" A
gu.' ., .'M. j. f i
- KkottviMi7MaajMrirf7'J.-ft.v
ill pracun 10 ii me yum i w-ijgiaa, Jwan L
r.i D.mrict, the tajrew a t nr Uwgm, img
la . rrU Ca!.
tri iTi nnwn r 11 1 i
'art.eulr atteat on paid t pracurinR Land
arrauU aud c .. ting rlultai ngiunal 11k dir
rrnment K"7
Atluniry mmo louiiM-lor nt Ij, mid
nngriie C'llri Orrguiu
'1U practice la the various Courts of tbm Tef
rtlory. and promiitly attend to the collection of
waimi tipwti 1 nt tniuti biaies, luroupii an
rflicleal aprnt rmidinir at Washington. O.TCC
In Eunr City Laoc County, 0. T. SOtf
k. u. HLVTK. j a wilsov.
Attorney, mid t'onntrlltn m Latr,
Sulesa, OrcgOM.
rrtieuhr attention it given to the collection
bf noin and nount and claims Bgttlntt Uov
trnnwnt. iiountyjind WarranU bought and loVd.
Odice, 01 cr blarkcy'. store. SOtf
Attorney & CeuiiHcller tit Linrr
JncitKMii ttlc OrHIoni
Office, Up SUIr. over the Ecxtlnel Odlce.
IIuiId'm catruited to his cafe prorsptly at-
icuqrq 10.
Jacksonville, OcL 0, 1M8. 33tf
Yrrkft, C.llr.nil.i
bffice on Main Street, four doors south of the
ToM Office.
Will practice In the DUtrlct Courts of Jack
wo county O. T. 2S9tf
OfEce at Kerbyvllle, Oregon. lit
W. W. P1GE,
Alloniry mid Couuwllor at Larf
Portland, Orrcn,
VlrUn, Burgeon and Acoutlltr,
ackaAatllie, Oregn.
SeTin6lf aHf Uert' :COud door frum
,,Pe, JjfKV and bet aclecllon or Pnigs and
stent MtdUUf, constantly on band. 96
I' . SMITH, ""
....ur, ...u v.Ur ., l. aa
Corrailli, Orrgo. .'
s r 1 ,
Attoraey K CodHevtltir at Lavt,
tlACKSONVllrlJ!, Uf.tGO.V
ColleCtltms, and all proTuatonal
yimuyitj uvuura lO.
. THOMP&ON L C.tV.?.
Office, at the 'Jacksonville Drug Siore." north
C.lohflWnlae,'rtl1"1 d&W ttb0"
lL s,TUoarb0r, m d
uty J, lft58
0 w
encen. r n.
'a! 1
.TnckRbhvIlIc, O. .
Lewis ZigW-, fm. WUkinm,
H V.5JAKEf IHE "u.tion
-. ini i uij," Jacksonville o T.
and bvc completely BENOVATKD
the Mmtbr
nbfiting nd Pointing.
Alo, funv.hi-d
-Slew 3eds ari Bedding.
The Ilttus a ,10w U fOMri.CTE onler te
accommomw cuntomirt. i proKivtnr will
spare no pw (0 r.rd-r il 1 u-lotncrs happy
and romfmtnlJe ,irf i'g their taf
Having bjH-jor Cools ahd Shv inl w.tb n
well snpplhu Irder. Iht-y are antler l ft tRY.
Ins: that thii .m.l Khali U tvl.m.u,,.!.-
siipplic' Vrilbli'ilHiC w uccrT'lp iHtkfiw
tattf and fxnry or ttr trn
JackNinVij,. .v 5t
alr! S
triBSorwet ni Vw 'ate 5atoon
Cal Ti i . Jl,
JackioiuilleO '""ion.
The tVoprMitr liorlnp
coandangv tu tit nt.l ly
annoaiic to the bl c"
,...v....... . .wr ... xw.
H . . If J,,tr:!n,z,,,, 7 t,h,:r tjr tbl' (m)3
, ..ff.rnV 1 ..1.... . 1. ...
I Jtob at nil Houn, mud , a. o;
I Ilall piH cr'i vt-m n a . j w.ll to fu'
nMied f on! t ) r" pt no
Ttrni la-h,acd mndriitc
jifcipwjppr' j iwww
t iuke tliar;e of i!ir h 1 h u 1.
ar il i ace .nmi ulat- all wuj iuot tutn.
lu it" rrj U-rt vlf
V, ' at a!U m ? I cpl il v 'i the ft tlr
mark t atruu-t and roniimml wah pinnl
Stabling, ZZay ahd Grain,
and n can jajjkutlcr In attendance, lie hojm to
lyt l'rprieMir.
HAS erecW a New awl Ctmmod'etH T
rrn Staud at the &miUi End of tin ltic
Cam on,
1)0L'GLAS COUNTY. 0. T.,
Where he i prepared to nuaemmodate the jrub
lie In pood tylc The loc rcs.dvnee of tU
proprietor ut this point prttlNdes the ntoMsti;
of raying that
Hie Talile
will he a well furuuhed u ttrc country nflord.
3?X.o Sta"tolo
Isiupplit'd uilb liny mid Orula lo nUmdanae.
Animal will noeni- wrl eulur iitUiitiun.
Every atteution wJ to rend- r lhw ubo call
comfortable and MiuriKd. 4nf
HAS Ereeted NVm lludddty. mid refitted the
old tavern kUwd at
JioU.Im . - . U.I.
Where he I prvjiar. d 1 w acalate the Tro. -ollug
I'uhht in poud : . .
Will be ns viet! furnW.d m a if In Oregon.
Is large, and will t-ujij.t J with liny and Grain.
1'artloulnr attention pu!d to animal.
irEvrry atteuliou ald to 'ihote who nvt
favor him with n call. :'-t4if
A No. 1
Inththttr, O. T.
taken thi Hotel il) eii'Kti. 0 tu
make it all that IU name i,c i-ai
A v-ll fitruihlif-d Tab !v. linn
and coinfortuble licdt mul cnrUulitaiyliuj tluii
Induce the traveling coramufllrj' tTpatrouise
me suinu.
Novemb-r 8, 1658. -31
Koree Market,
Travelers can be noomnw,ioar with Jiajyf'!
Horses and Duggta alwrat nrady or ahoit
ndwu ,
No jialiu urtd to accommodate eutiuusr.
The most esjr1aoed grooms ulwiuii lo at
tendance Tenofc-oheap for cash
kwcUctlwlt.1 4g-.Clin-tiaALJtiiMMIaWCtBMOW
ttrtfcii-JflBr-a-. J
PnU' .Minru infi wrrrrni
'uTW 1 Wli JWIW" v . "". 'lil
wHr4iJM4K , , ' !?Ll!3aaaf3!Iaafr'!!f,w,"BlJB
, .MfcT.. . . .- - tBi. Ja' awjBaMaaMrTaari . nf i .Jan '
' ' ' 'i" '".1 'niitji mi. iaaapnv'aBaaar7iBiaaanBhiiBaBBMhBM
rvatotVti-Wn '" - - 1 ----- aaa. - ', Tl rTlfMrTTIlllaaHTlaaaalar
lir 'iAAmpwKEaissizagfi;iHB
II i J.'.Mft.. JKi. .1 1 li- -n..! -EKHMH
m l IJf Tl't IM rt !
l-usIneiL,,,,,, . "iUM '-".
" iaw-lv crranuwT t.itrr auu oaiv
. i. ' iVWuhlc iiMtuale uMWdte Jo. luur
' . ' t"leVli-oot Kiililliitr.
cv Arxiichuv.
C1V' P.1.1 74" Act ,0 "nirfian Act en-
. . iiu .rtcinnr
iinn wronenufcjr
Vf if tnnrlri
'"'ii voii-nw
I'M'Pxw. ulllll
moHt us-- ,,1,1
lr"-pj j , rv
tit, nit h .
....!....-. ,
ni " n mu ,
tenor upin r of
unit iii.it nr' arf
K1I by the U iM
r.uo Tint f t il
ui iriinv lu l pirn
purchovr c r t ilim
snm r i n xvo'
tlierrlur, ut c . r.'v
Wlrv i
lwircr u v . tMI
ly tM. n ufurca i
mntmv uh cli iu lap
hall liatt lx II m Wfg
..t .i-T-..:.li c.o. utiie cn1 thfnny trim
fund l -1-" " lttnf"' l'.v ''ll w'c'irFotli jmr-
mn of the ku1 MockS n miiy bj ncciwiry for
iimi tMirtiPM. nr out nftiud truit fiitul, for re-
1 Tvmehl nf the tmrclmsMfWHy to be niade to
Uf Jiwniw rtMinrw iihtoh
Apprvd, A-brwry 2S, 18S0.
t'nr IV An net pvinc the Awnt of
C"Hrrf to h Law ot the Mufown Ivp!ln
tire for the App'ttntiii! nr llic rvrrwd
twopcr c nt. Land PhihI of mid .SlHter.
llt'i rwi'int by lite Nnrntr nml ilnuoor
prfentntiu-s ot tin- U111i.1l States of Ainrr-
I ,,. ' (Vh n-u Biw.ii.b.il Thfltthenwntor
C".r If h.m1 Uh. in w h. n-l.r, Rim. to
"M ...i.frI-.lntrcol tin- Mute of M-
-.-; - -. 7 - , '.V
' An M 'tin- the c.iiip'cl .r
1 . n r,. i uJmj. t 1 htu. a'd fn.- clhrr
i"T rppr v.tl on Ui nn ew tluhiy ol
"imT f .1 cm iimnHl umi iiPv-in,
Ui iu?hvdin
-ctmitMm ff the -Mwn MeJbfiE
....,. 1 . . . ifHllWlt
-F ''J '4.
" 1 Itui nn
it I till OL";' wr .
I 1 Iriu . li I fitlv
- - ' -
' ' ' ' 1 imi . r 1 . ii ceil
m' "i. tu'v cvrul. r.iiruBrr.
aid fity-oii". tt.iidtlatcli. cyi.l-vu
1 . t . L.t.e
MUBiiy-iwo.ii.irdNwsi, .n,, l,onlr
1 red and Mty-rour. tinl Man. v,twu h.
drwlaiid IIU-ai,Mrtmith Av. HjSlit-
'7wl ' 3 U. Umd Uiutn. vklium
haired ,BW, .n. and UHlili June.
eighlMW huwlred an iy.rht. eiptt, h.Vi
ibmMWOd k-viii liiifsutl umI flrty dnllurV.
For tU pay tumoral lmmi Hlj, ,,
r act of Ihirlv firf JMr iwi ,HIHjrvU
and IWjMoHr. leu Ui,hJ fin.hw.4r -d ihdJars.
a 1 W U k ,0 WW.Hl.lHlr.t at
St. JOUlt. JIlSMMlI))Mr nPt UW,lr.Wenl
Jane, fteliteetj i.ui.ud BIK jorij,,
thMtaatMl two Iiumlr0d4khi
Ker tWi pay f fk lo ,MH!ritet in
Callfiwmo. tr act u.iUird Mutflb. .hieen
hundred bmI flfty-tw, u,OUMlw .j (U.
urn uouun.
IV the iy of iHter-eters per oC nf tbir
ttahJuiw. iWii'HjralrslaiiJ tliry-fiKi-.
jj WM-.rr .. . rufua . nebtHll IhhiJhiI 0hd
Kty-w., BiKNIgntwhUHpua,, j,,k. 1.
drvd and firtystx, Ihlr thw,, luui. Imu.
drfd rWlam.
I'w jinswU telndw five tltouiand dol
lars. I
I'or pravfcjow rr Ibam, e!von theuttoJ
eipht lmn.lr.tl rfoihug. 1
ForbMiili4atn.o tt nod repairs Here
of, ten tltaotuHd dullafc
I'or iwurunee. tmiK cation, and nectM
ry eiLieiies of ileliwry nwit.ith'S iromla und
ItrovisiuNi! ta iho JnHuti r.b in M mu-iotu
MIuWgaH, aud Wirwn, thirty thousand
iluittir. 1
Vut CBatlagcoctas of (l(nd'an ilepartmcnt,
inviy iiwutwiiu utk iiivt ilnlunic
f tbo Miipkiy im-Stt 4wMirar.v eJrhi l.J
ineriiHrii.ieiii 111 juuiaiira
"..iig. on such iw (a
stuMs aud fur iweli neMoO'f
'f I lull- n . llu. Km.
retary of the ItiterMir m5 e,u neotury to
the jmulie swviof , fire tlKuiM) d.,Hrt
1 ur iwuiiiiHK irvuiy Slu.utioia with the
irioitR Jmllau Inbua:
JlludtU JVirf.tw For-inl, ftf Un In.lnt.
meiitsw,, ntuHiily.lo beej,, in ,. .ir.
itwsc or such poods, pr-ivfiu,, Dtu othe use
ful urticeg. us the FruwUtit hw di.eathm.
may Irom tune lo time dtrmiiu. h.
arlicloof the tnty of fVio,iitli ()ci.djer
wfil.twi humlrftl nud filiyl., tttell,,. ,l0U4
mddullars. "
For fourth of ten inatalmi. . ; .
becspvwhtJ in ntaUbJiiiin,,,, ,Mnviu i
tliem m aprieulturjd flh.1 im4lllnl ,IUP)U1
and 1.1 edacatio their h.I.Ij ttiI primioHns
on isutioii aiid Chrt.ai.,.Xl tlw'.llMrnllsS
of th t midnit. r teuib 1 e 6f the treaiy
Ultv-llif, hflwu thousand d'ljli
Forexjieiiaw of truwifn and delivery
iST "T seitulota
Cboowi, JloW, and fhmnt lndtan,
0 1 llhcmMc taUy.-Yot)i Uu of live ut
Mulmenis or uKiuity fur b.$4 ,u ,r
seooud article of trrtiti lumri ...:i iJ..
ry wpbtewijMtudrod ui.'dllJt.,e iLousjudj
Sri.X,la'ifT C1?I,,''!9't for pay of
nbysiebu. fn.cl.er. IVariramll WM fiVrSjer,
jwftlrirdttrusj'e trtutv in,L....i r
uWhtmi hundrwl umi U.ti.rJAflfe t(wUiawj
irti imiairvu uviiuri.. 1
CtOtto, Seooa, and Un ttaui.... v.
fifth of fllteen iii&talmeuta'of noiiiv n in .v.
nvotitid as dlfoeted by thb l'resi-.. .,. ,ti
" ,e a -... '- "T-'WH i IMlIlt
arucie tnty ajpatieotb N oeffcer. etgbtwn !
.ji .1- ii-.--. .--!-xr4mnnamamEsmmmim.mmm'mm t ;?
&f iiMi---igiM-BiBlBWlPWPfW
gWOTHBM TP7 wumw. ,. " ... i-WPWW ?."?' , T!?T zbs r.1
LUiW'W gr-, ylMH wwwwtiwm . ,y yrFT..ZP, '
lyUMw''wWW w wnU W KvH9N0rtf ivMMin 'JF,W" m ffJWgBIHBj-ii ak. j
W Jgy yiWi -wrr rBww."I HffiMPJ .J'UPiiJiLitm,J:;g:aMM!lMMKL,JMi T
r----. it i . " - . Jta hr p . -" - --"- - --- --- ,a .MmKm-mttamMajmmmm
wa. t-irfW IH yMb jyteMk Hs-fct, lHimrRjm . J
iwMViiiHH BiiH nmiiBV wvuvni taBiBS'w BHiww vot-i iv i11 j.iKJBBsnvrrHiHiiiivr"a - tiiii.imwi
rT-BBM IV i, m'rT ' "l"l.'awTT '-"T v l f Mil BTTii liT11 - - --'- AiK'TlJ
oh. 'MttjL. UMiMirrMgl fci 1 miilnaia frMdAMflPlHaBMMUffH ! ,. -fSSJv
nWJIHA lf WWVMMi ' U " ' ' w-fl " """ T"" . V "4 ' Z ITXE "TTW .17 XT' 3LZaklLJl A Jfll
CWflHiV7HHimJHMEriM Wl liHW h J H IHWn MB' -. jT.iw-rr - k MF-t- " 2J?hZ;
IW HiL X: WIHSav "UN I III KM i ' CTT1 - iW- wa Hi i JT -C -
aBHHnraiiwsa aawi mm mmmim ,wfcwr mm hmhiiIh h -
edflrii far m mm. NrWdMRiliaHWMiniMlHfJMM
' ij irolrrd nml fiHy-ronr, two tbotnd dollar.
Tor fifth of uttfcti (ii'tnlmc a Is Tor tl pa"
orn lurincr, rcr ClYli article tmtv ciphtccnlh
XoTcmlKT, cifihtccn linndrwlatdCftjft-urtotic
thnnFnnd dollnr.
hiindml and firir-tRo. aidclclith article trca
tt th'rllclh Feplcirbrr, richtitu hundred and
fi.l.v.f. r, c p I hnm!n d Jn'lnr.
. For tntiiinl or ciph'tcntii or twcniy live
inxlnlmcnU"n proil. per fosrtharllc'e treaty
fonr'hOd'iirr ci?htr,nInndredandforty-to,
MiHlolchlharticV treaty tWrtlrlh September,
' Mcen licndrnlaiidDllT.rpar.Kvcn tliouraud
d I'nrn ,
For two third" oitiphlrentli or wtoly-fire
inti'rmntii for tl nprt of fchhnjx. prr
(mirth article ttraty fourth October, ciffhtecn
hnwlrr-l ami fifty two, and eighth nrt'ele trca
iciliiriicih S-nteiilifr. clchtecn hnndml and
firtv-fuur. one thmiaml tlireehumlrrd and thlr-
tv-ilirredollarnniiil thirty thrre centt.
i;;; " of 0
; rnrth nrliele treaty n.urth Ofclobcr. rlshtecn
Mmndml and forty-two. niid elahth article ihir-
itti reptmiu r, ripniceii nnrmmi onu liny-
,rnr fix hiimlrco and iixty-iix owiaranu
tv cven effiti.
for two third of e'rhlrenlh of twrntt-fiVe
Min'rirnit rnr tlie pnrcinFC 01 provimnn ami
Sim ro prr fourth nrliele treaty fourth Orto-
jjr ph'wn hundred aid forty -two, and elphth
rj.r"' treity thlrtlfth September, elgli'etn
hflti'-el and filly-lhnr, one thousand three
'hmit'rfd nnJ lliirly-lhrcc dollars and thirty
ferrecfi ifi'ent ami ottitT uois una imiav. n,.i,.,i.i.
.- . . . - r. : r T-
mi 'it nn.rulnnd cd'Jiutio-nl niirrt... K.r
h nrticle tniity thirticlli Sepuinbcr, eigli
huuJnd au'J (Kty-fjur, uinctctn thousand
r -st of five iasta'ments in blankets.
l.s 1 tj. guu, ammunition, and suih Biher
c 1 mtiisity as tiny may irquire, to
U T r e bund. Kr twt lltli urtlele tn-jt v
t S S. itilr.ii..1utll hundred and fifiy-
ini, ui.iu ami uiiuurs.
.r C thortctrtyiwU!mcntsforIxmtths
ustartt. ir second und filth articles
jNty tli.rtuili rpiembcr.ci;:hlen hundred
u tl lipj fi.ur. live tlouaiKl and fortv dullam.
1 1 ri'ih ..f twenty iiwtn'ineats for tliosun-
-iAi t ,.f c. m.',1 d .1...... . ..........1 1 rtr.i.
..it ', n,.iir il. ..L..I. .-. .,i..i. . ..:..!....
rv - mwiavM.l aiWTl II til 1I1I-II1IH I . I'll'llliail
I iini't.-.! 1.1,1 Cn.. .... ...... ,i i .1
tour, one lliuuiutid thrtf
1 u mrni uikI luciiiy uolhirs.
For the tldrd ot twenty imtalmcntr for the
sevinth Hnlh nud ftsKlunt. iiwl supjioj-t ol
hop. p-r second und filth arti. 1 1 treniy tbir
tiethhepw tuber, vighteen liundntl uud fifty
four. n thouMml and suty dullam.
Fj r supK.rt of a smith, uin'etant, nud shop
for tin- Ih.is Forte bm.d tlu'ing the p'cjiure
or the 1'r.sidenl. per twellth nrticle treat v
ih'rtieth SiptemUr, eighteen hundred null
Civ-four, ode thousand and sixty duilurs.
For wppurtor jwo farmirs for the liols
Forte IfcHittl rll.JThe pk-usarc or the l'rvsi
dent, per twelfth article trtily thirtieth .Sip
temUr. lishiern hunt'H tiiJ fifty-four, one
tlrMtmind two hunlred dollars
Ckifxwt c tlit MiuiH-ppiFor one
hud ol eighteenth or tvvetily lire instalmetits
111 moiii-y. rxr fourth artitte trtuty fourth
Octobi r. eiphtrtu JmndnO und forty-two, and
eighth urtitle tnatj- thirtieth SeptcmKrw eigh
tn hundred old tifiy four, four thontand one
iiurrarvuuuu sixty six Uol ars tmi sixty seven
Ct lltr.
For one thrd of rfetilccnth or ttrentenie
inslulmeiits Tor die payor two Cs.rK.tjter,rKr
i.iurm mime inuiy lowrill UclMiCr, Clglitieil
liun Jml mul rorly-two, uud eighth article tnn
tv thirtM th Septi mUr, eightei u ljuudnnl und
B.ty.four, four hundird dollars.
For one third of eightttntli bt twenty-five
instahmnts In goods, per Tour h article treaty
rourth OctoU-n eighteen hundred and fori)
two. and eighth article treuly thirtie.h Sip
tomltcr, eiphtci 11 Inmlred uud filly Tour, three
thousand file liiirxhiJ dollars.
For oncthrdol eighteenth of twiiity.fie
iiisiuimeina ior iim supnori 01 sciioois. ht
fourth art e'e tnaly o irlh October, eighteen
liuudrvil und forty-ltio.'nnd eighth utllcle trea
ty thirtit'lh fjenh-tnW. eiirhtt-eM hundred and
fc- ftmin'fi linndied m-rl-Tijty-slX dollars and
snij-sev.n ceus.
For one third of tlSMeenth of (wehlt-rlVe
iwlulments Tor the supuirt 61' two smiths'
shop, including the pay or two smiths aud a-
avlanti, and lurnwlilng iron and stee', per
r.iurtji artic!e treuly roflrlh October, eighteen
bundled and rorty-two, end eighth article tren
ly thirtiotli September, eighteen hundntl uud
tiltvfour, six hunlrid aud sixty-six dollars
mul sixty-seven cents.
For one third or eighteenth or twenty-five
instalments fiir pay or two farmers, per fourth
urtlele treaty ,'ourtli October, cigmeeo bun-drt-d
a la torty two, and eighth article treaty
thirlutli S.ptenibr, eightw n hurdrrd and
firty-four. thrtij hundred and thirty-three dol"
lnr and thirty three cents.
For fifth of ttfi nty Instalments of onnulty
in money, jier Ihird article treaty tweiity-H-c-oud
Februury, eighteen iMMaWd'aed filtj-tjie,
twenty thnutund dollars,
Chipjxvji, Pillartr, rind Laid H'timibigosli
tilt Jinndt For Ultb of thlr inslulmeiits ol
annuity in nJoof, per ttfrd trtitlq treaty
fwcnfy-scioiid FeoruarjfiiB)tei iiuirdrcd und
filij-five, ttn IhoosandTx hundrud cad sixty
ix do'iurs und sijtty-six cents.
For fifth of thirtjr instalments of annuity in
good.;, K-r third nrticle treaty twenty-second
Februury eighteen hundred aud fiftjr-Oee. e'abi
thousand djllars.
For firth or tbtrfy luslalmeols for purposes
of utility, per th'rd article treaty twenty-second
Ft-bruury, eighteca huaked ad fifty-five,
four thousauJ dollars.
For firth or twenty instaWnts fee pnrposs
of eduea.Uon, r third article treaty twenty
second February, elghtoao' hasarea and fifty
OVe three thousand iuWiisd.
For tho last of fire al isttdmeuts for
im iiunarn pnt inr i i. i.. nr r. ! i t .it. nir mii Hit .1 iimt " mw Mimri wT"!!! arr
.. J .. & .. . . -- ' - bfebU. I
iilllMnMAi ii in Ian UMilMJfHi jwBVJOTVM'WK "VflMVfVHPHVPBHPVVPBii5j
. - l MBT Ji -i u H -IV A. IHh K VBi HB BMlH i .. :M' T
i-jxtiiH MWaagaMaaMtawfcJwjiigiiuhwAw.
R4HKi!mteMM JarfTFnrtTrT'lrniT'iiranM urnmcr.iKhtccii hm
SJ"ew OTtti or tircnty-Crc Iwtalments in coin,
0d. lioutchtM runilture, and tooklhc utin-
rl!. ncr CU'Uirai r-lt-nunll umi rnl.' 1.,...
' ... V. Ml -
the piirchnM of powder. 1iot, lead, twine, and
tntiacco. per third nrtlcle trcnty twenty Mccnrt
Fc,bnry. elRhtin hundred nnd fifty-five, nx
V.nrtMCl tlnllnrv.
Fnr hut of Bto nnnoal lnta1mrnt for the
el and fiflv-fire. ten thouaml tlollnr.
Fnr Tonrlh lntalmenl tot thr support 'f
of one lilachsmtlli shop Tor ten yrars, ivr-'cc-on1
nrticle or the trmtv or second AivrnU
eighteen hntidred and fifty-five, twclrr hun
dred and Tnrlv dollars.
Chtrmftrn'. Mtiiomwro. irnnfortoX. nnd
iVrtf Tort fnrfifint. Forednentionitirng the
pWnre or Congres. per fifth nrtbV treaty
eleventh Anpr, eichteen linn.lre.lsnd twen-
ly-acven. one tlioii'nnd five hnndrri? tin 1st.
Cliiduatrn.' For perm-went annuity in
pixh's. per act is twenty-firth Frbroary. wven
tvn hundred ahd ninety-nine, three thouaad
Chidmaie tntvmjttlentt Fnr nrrcer Inter
et due Jananry first, i-lphteen hnndml and
fily-nine, on five tier cent, bond of tho State
or Indiana, held In trht fr the Clihkiiw
Incomneients by the Secretary or the Interior,
three hu'alred and fifty dollars.
CKortalkt. For permanent ahnti'itr. per sec
on.l article treaty aix'rcnlh Novemver, eiphl
einhlnUtbd and five, and thirteenth mticte
trealv twenty-second June, eighteen liumlrtd
anil fifiy-Qve, tiin e lhnuanil dollars.
Tor rwrmancnt nniinity rorsnppnrt of light
hrrsemin. per thlrtitiitli nrtie'e treaty eignj
ecnth October, eighteen hiin.lntl nml twenty
and lhiitcenlh arlie'e I rente Inrntv-VCOlid
JuHr. eighteen hundred and uftj-flve, six Luu-J
Ui-ocJ uol.nrs.
For permanent provision for education, per
second article treaty twentieth Januirr. eight
een hundred and twenty-fire, and thirteenth
article trrntV twentv-K-cund June, eighteen
hundred nndJifty-flvv.'six thousand dqllarJ.
l'-o porinarcnt prniilnnir blueksmlth. per
Ixth nrtlc'c treaty clehteenth October, cluhl
ecu hunditd and tnentv iiikI thlrttrMh arllMe
treat r I'ehty-ieeeiMl June, eipht ten hnndml
und flfiy-Uve. six hundred di.llars.
Tor prrmane fit pmv islon for Iron ami stee1.
per n'ntli nrticle In nty twi-nihlli J,innsrr.
vifiMitMi. iiM.HrM t.11.1-iTinj l.tl', !.. IfMr'
leenth article of treatv twfiitr seeon.1 Jan
eighteen hundniT nnd fi!l -five, three liumlrtxl
ami twenty ilid'ars.
For int.-ref t on (lie huivlntl tlioaan.l dol
lars, at five per centum, for rtltieatloii and
other hrmileiul purpiw1, lo be anplhil tiraler
tlie d.retion of the gefientl eooncil nf the
L'troctaw. in coniormily with tlie prnv s.ofi
rontaimt in the tenth and thirteenth nrtick
of the treaty ol twenty-seaond June, Huhteen
hnndrr.1 and filly-five, tncoty-Gvc thou and
To It tent.nirtJ.
From the Pike's Peak dold Miner.
From the St Louts It. publican. June ?0lh.
DKKvra Cirr. June 3. 18fi9.
Tlie exe'tement alioul ihe Oregory dipping).
is still oh the IrrreaV. Authentic information
lias lieen leeei vol I ere tc-elav of tic striking
or Mill richer leads by a prospecting party
conducted by Mr. Gngory, ami the ra'n of the
Jailer's claim on the original Gregory lend for
not less than twenty-one thousand dollors to n
parly of four of whom three, viz : Amos Grid-
tiy. K, II. Ilcndcrtotf, from (la's county, Ind..
and a Wm. Alhn. rrom Fulton county. Wh
o's, arc known. Tlie brothers Uerrees. wlm
also had tvo elstrn on the Gregory lead, so'd
their interest Tor 87.500 ahd S7 000 One or
the Z'g!ir broihers sold a dali illicit hr had
l.ouglit n wc-k pn-vlnus for ?50. Tor cC.000.
A number of other tciles of lesi magnitude ore
alsn reported Marshal Cook, ol Dnnlplmn,
bought a claim or Gregory for 8C00.and bam
uel J. Jones, a well known railroad conlracin.',
two or aurther Individual for throe mules and
600 cuh respeciivelt.
'Hie epelus to the "diggings Is dall extend
ing in volume. Denver City is all but ihwr-te-d.
I do not think that more than three
hundred are now living within the limit.
Mr St. James, a Mexican trader of Scotch
dewnt. now domiciled In this p'ace. bought
this morning something over two ounrci or
nugget gold consisting or lump weighing from
two to seven pennyweights each. Tley had
111 brought in from the Jnekson dlpgiurs.
The nrrl.-nlx from tlip Plnlra still rontlnue
la ha l.r. Lut rclan.lnjr ernVrnnta have be-j
come a rattier scarce nrticle. v lmeer lands
here now. at rmee steers for tlie mountain.
The nfiiing in tlie Gn-pnry il'g'nga havlm?
lo be clone, to a cor j'dcrnhlc extent, Ihrnugh
rocks, there exists now iniite a demand oH
b'ssting ponder t or rhieh, however, but a
comparatively smill quantity is on !un I. J-or
qu eksilver a sudiU-n market has n'so limi rrc
atcl, Two weeks ago it was off red on tlie
street for 25 crtits pe? noun.) by returning em
igrants, und could not bo sold at I hat. l-nt
wwk it so'd for 82, and is now S4. and will
undoubtedly reach 810 beroro raany da;s
fa fee.
The first snpply train sent out by Mow?
Ilussel k Jones, comii'litn.'Of inriily-fiie wug
onsdrprth Ijsix splendid mu'rs each, olid
loaded principally wild procerh. nrrimTu
few minutes upo. It is a real crxU-nd In view 1
or Iho general scarcittt or nlfnoe-fnll articles nf I J.
trade in this place, 'l he anifnuU look as sink ' !
as IhoOgh they had just left Uavenworth c.y ,
Specif, is lixnk A
tement made 1
it I
the 1 reaury Denartii
cie in the banks t
1850 was nearly two
lions or dollar ; u
Dftv-.firc millions, an
dj ana nirety-itin
auu iniriy mousaim
The Attorpey flei
tl at too rosimnsier.
duco the overland
weefclr to wWy.
the savin? to Ihe depi
Dearly 300,000 ami
Goo nakc Bisuy
ttraaM to s rcry W
, JLr..M itnt iLil kLlT i V4n UMJtl
KBMmwmnBKKKHKMm7MlKMBItmmlmiSiBtmjsLeLxaiiiiaMM 1 afjfal I
aa?f TEflS&ES lis slataWawlias AtJkJia aMwAW'rlS Vimt Mmkm tnSmhiiF4aU taifte-.,i $ j 1
r7aaBrBP !bjP"R ArsstWaJiaVaV.atBaa.ar2ak.Tl tattKaljrjfJbaavded at tWhatifi tf 7WF 't'MS
Kn .. .ia7 "" "Y IFi " ImHIFTfHrTT TlMlal liar trpTt 11 rnaaial tmJlit jlnw 'iiit ( B
msmmmm flBnjKPKSKiS IBftfiit0 '& m m
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallaaaa'MMafafMaaaal'aaaBateSr' JL 9) f
mmmmmssms-mmmmmm i
nijf jiM - f
Tho Two Strctuas.
Behold tho rocVy wall
Tbat down Its iloplhg slJcs
Pours the swift rain drops Ucndpa lac ra
htng riveMtucsi
, roiitrJ! townid ibc tun
;jg'utb ttic cleft mcuatain ledge.
fiSilcnder rU had itrsycd,
tgSit for tho stinting stone,
S flaWta's oc'&n, with the tangled bra'.d
, Wwam flecked Oregon,
m ttie neigms 01 vv .u
parting stream dercends.
moment turns Its tlcnder
widening torrent becdi.
the ramc cradle's sMe,
theivxme mowers knee,
dathncss and the frozin
:rt Ifift ltrfirill ? ft I
' : -.0. rr nji.
r - . ... -.I... .
Political Dctpiration.
MrrTKU noM uss roustr!
Albany, l.n Co , June 25, IB. $.
Editor StHtmili The venomous htiVn
tile who edits the organ ol the "clique cnVnkl
Is growing every vJ'iy more de!pera"e alJiSc
evidence or his popular cont'cnimtcnrjl
utoti turn. 1KB imuo 01 Jiir Jut c stafe
little e! than exhibitions or his imp 'eftlm?
trcdof Hen I). Sm'tli. Ilu p tc t&Urss
.1... .. 1... i. i... .. . !...
Iiwu );illl.iumii, .viuu-l-IJU ...ui.l r ( CURSCm
to tic made the tool of the 'cabinet ' s'l !Vca
i sum
n ncanr every otter sentence lie re
inln ld service nat ntilr -lie Anr.l'i, rf.lVif
uneircunwisnl," but the unc.rctiD"- d . wtll!
1 ou beard wbilc at Solent of the f
(manumctnrc.1 to suit tire oceati'
Smith's Miavliig the tMirum tr.tn ri",
WnOiltieton. lnertlief with the r -t it He
ifMin.ltl,. cIhO aaI nn 11 nr.1 frt t I ftTtfX
"'"" "" I""- T " -'" " . ' y 17
Sulcmil.i ih bolting tlie ncm'.iat n In pia
rieratlfi runit. Wail, tlu-v 1ml.' 'it -It? on.
., " . : Jr v:h - . , . . n
circumrireu utn ig pnuiiu 11, mu r. u,iiaii
nt full length in the SUitetman of lu" T
rimh, in his preface tolie pul)'i .,
greet credit to hlmsir for 1i s v X
"agent," ntho calls it, Hi tic (.!
this nval'giunt ami eowsnl'y per-'
hneds. Ife wfcs to sliltk all tl e r.
of Its jmblleiitron un Ii'i will r- '
hart) but tjluces an anxhty tl ..t
rrwiw sfion'ii pnat wy.it "Ptiea.J i
Uataai.-w-S axvi-13lj:7 . ' .
jwm. .rww ...p-nrni wn r-i. .. nwl
rarekwnw as to lis pvibl -tty. ho woUM
think to Imr Mm talk tolhtpulit thrnwgh
his organ that 1 was at tl Micm of the
whole dastardly attempt to bla:kra the pri
vate character of a good eifzen an.left.mab't
man a man who, Iri imV". inan'y. gewrous
senllment snd Imrrakr, in sympnthv for l-'s
kind, and in everything t!t eonstitntei a. tree
man, is as far resnovid above tbj groveUJog
piece of sottlkft sfWirest contalne.) (n Uoshj
h'de, ns ll.c Imveist are abere the earth ? And
yet, reader, it is oven so. J!very man who
was ai Sulem during tho late extraordinary
sescien or the lglsktnrc, knows tint not on'y
werc IJusli and "Nei" Itcrnliart" prontptors lo
get up tho IiifomotK stnrjos about Mr. Smith
which nrcvvltu wich rsluctanec published In
tho Statttman, but that tliey were vary imlas
trlous circulating them amongst the member,
and that, knowing- the eliorae'lrr of their too'
for veracity, tliey were at tin pains of a rrob
orating Ms 'testimony in n paper of s'm'Iar Im
port with Itarnhart's, which they slgnwl with
their own names. Tills paper was nrlvnteh
exhibited along with Ilartihart't to as maoy ns
chose to nil: for it. Kicn Ihe IJIock Hewb'J
cans were gratlGed with the tight rr it.
And vet thit miterable hypocrite Hike dia
bolical and infamously notorious s'amlerer of
tho private character, who spare ivaltlier ar.e
uor sex; this ghoul, who fctleis uprn the (Jltli
or his owu cnntion this Asthel Jtusli, from
whose Ungsrs' ends drip tho dirt ofdnfamaltnn
at naturally as the drop full from tlie Cpas
tree which slay the unttHnectiuf trucoller. till.
thtng vho iih-s hit power over rupeea to blue-ken
ami calumniate whoW famllic. So dsmonsJ
izo jiollute, and drag down ;o tlwlcvol or bl
ow 11 grov tilling iiKtlneiS, ihe (HiWio watbivtnt
or the country, Insirad ol rivaling uial pur
fying it, this felluw luts the iufnnal Imiwdur.cv
to play the moral jhut't II at 1 0 may crva'c
the impression that hi dosn't atiproie o"
Itarnhart's attempts to propagate at bsou
calumny ax wot otcr forgetl in the Cre of iLe
father or lies!
Just hear this model editor aflctlheriV.-
"At the urgest reqiiwt or members t tl
IcgWaturo we publWi I lie subjoin! suitvwrnt
an e-oKtiior In re I wWpli, was nuns in 1
.imir, ... ..11. iiM)W, Ol IJOIf. J II U0U1 I
,. we nmjt (where Iho stars ( ) are seen )
1 portion of !t7 improper for ueinpaper ool
ii iui ui.i.iii is nu'inui pjr. urover s 1
c 'n'ent. at. for privato reafoiw. he k iinwillunr
M'l.:- ..l.lT...IAk f- .. f.l -. . r. . '
1 uenr leii.inony npirat.w. aintili. Al
tlioiigh In Violation of Mr Gr.ivirneonflihnei.
....... . . . -.-I.. .- ...
""3 Y. """' ", 7, '
, . ,, ' .
ii-iimiiu UK.1111UIV, uunyoi in' i'
nad it
1 thtatttz"! out I'i
t matlc
Ilu LttiiiiSaaftiaF jflfrffi
nege-sou vvjm.ro,iKii- ariineMtth ,5, fafa .iMihltmm,
an rx-clerk In the offlee or tc S. ,r nv flf fc 0,,,, fc, wBtcvOft-. JW . '
or Indian Afklrs ) to do duty lu t trc w rt nhw ijy;ma fcr, hy'. ;
l.'Bckening llw private character or Mr .SjIUiJ f,i,u.v nf 4tVl, 'wUn m tsUeliarlaiv.
. . .. ,i it- . . ... . aaai
1 frft
in r-r,iu
.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHriPiiiypMyiii m ; ,
mnBmmm&mimwtizXMmmmmm'j m '
VOL. IV. NO. 2 7:
opne the re-election of Mr. Smith or that
tt was gottan up for nnjihSag else but a pre
text for their lioHiBf; a Democratic nomina
tion, it a trnn'partnt humbug its t,ransph
rency exceeded only by its idleness, dlic coun
try .nctrt that the drttructlon or Jlr. Smith
was (letcrmined upon by lair or by foulmcaha,
the moment he ccacd ut 'Waihinglon to do
the bidding of the Salem dejperadocs, respect
ing Gen- Lnnc. That w as Mr. Smith's oflliico
thnt fie rensfn why his re-chiton vens op-
porcd to the Wt'cr end by fie Fnlcm Tuclicn.
ti,-. on nwsra or ttut, and Ijoinir u9
( '-a -- --- -ulaaial rllrrril rr
, 1. vv . .- . . .
- gKwgf'jj - w
B -
l25.JUi"r"J. JTa7;.tMTCT. ;'i'jl ' -."JPt iW
wxrrr iLarvaaaitf taaaa aa raaw. m rxs
f 9 ''BBIBBiBBBBRIBaS' TB. Ve. WtP ?
taaa. S4faaaBa ' '. T"
ai. aaatam. ajhataTi UM& M
-1. - rm ., . - ikj.
tw4, mt 11 mmtmrr
""""i 4. 1 'jt 'u o
UraTllsaSMlM'il(atf itoHWaJHatf,
the SihlaVBa. faaraMnr IBaKnBMCII Is aaa
" . . . , ,L j jk -"j.,13
Worsa A I Upt issMt at MM M'faW '
llMtMllllMvf SSWfJvsBsllltr:
... r-aa a aarftasi is 9M.Vtim:
of timk airsw'.rM , Vis tM at ttA .
fgWa(s, v Tlast ha iraa aV V y
l!4Pl,f nm aaajranaa) m-pmnm hbb; bbw .
aatiWi. asa) aaaniiit timmi mt"
f$$imm of tin LeSst wtt M .
wiieve,.BM Fr e"'7 aif ""
lhe, tt WaiWeKlaef, whk h ftse4 hlsa f
fVoTOWiftfdsnMw- 0a,lBs4a'
honthIiiiltfrwlpM M I
letHinwytoJktiklyhlvt'sAjc . I
ndllSii's eaWeMy U4 cWfrJa ti j ,
STM4Mr also ssere a si MMekflen of tWr ' " N
r. "f 1 .:. : - ..., . .'-'.sr
Otifr.CIfa. aeoajgwa(U79ajypaaaaM''
JIvTssiiaiJLSterUU-lBi'isWch UaaTlihi
sJrer1St'!k jmsit lN il4';I, I- "
jjraifriay t . aaasfcy sy asayi'to j wvftwty "
. wYtF JSPV rW-rflB V p
l)IVi W avQBtH
aflaaktfl-iMaal tJaalW
glgSteSgxWJrW CX
' f ' 1 'I -"- N. iuo n.f.v.. wj
, ,,,,. . ,, .. . , args n)nJ0l nh0Ut it,
,, . tf ,irf tMeea ,jlC 0ron ufal ,,0 CTCr
told Graver, or any body oWe such a t)ory on
unqnnliue?! fib ttiade out ol who'e cloth. Oth
frs who know Judge Crane, nnd one of tlictff
an ex-California S.nator who knor Mm well,
ay "howonld Wit Gwl Almighty fur a glafa
ntgrcn." And this Is the kind or tuitimouy
(if they have any) upon which tho Salem
eliiuo Btk a verdrct of guilty upon tuch a man,
o lug awl ravorablyjknqwu to ouriclvw, as
Mr. Smth.
'Hie people will pronounce an unqualified
corah nniat ion upon tlicse slanders ard their
authors, and propagator).
queat battle At haoekta.
300.000 TI100PS KNOAOKDI
tuc pnr.NcirvicTonious.
Gn.aoY, Cau. July 13. 1BC9
Tl Overland Mall arrived lwre this morn
ing at 10'i o'e'oeK-, brlngiuif dat from St.
I ul to June '20.
The steamer Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool
on llw otb, arnviil nif tjuebec June 18. Her
adviesc are four days later.
The Anglo Saxon bring most important
mwafroiB tbeacaj or war. A great buttle
hat been fought ocur MJIan, in which the Aui
trlsnaweie dcloitnl with n, lots of afi.OOO
killed and wouoik-dj -6,000 Austriaw were ti
ken prisoners.
Lat: DisfATnr A despcrato battle was
fouglit at Mnpenta. on tlie 4 lb or June, be
tween the Allied Army, under tho Emperor
NapolMHi, nnd tho Auitrlan Army, under
Gen. Hum. lu which Bulinjltex forcea were en
ftped on both sides.
The Kmperor Napoleon, In his dispatches
i the Kmunia. at the Tullosles. claim n .!, .
Ie.1 victory. SRving ihat hU army took "000
prisoners, dlsablel J 2 000. and caplnrcj llirm
eunoofw an.) I wo stnnUirih?. He estimates tl e
'.t.orhisemnnrmynt 3,000, bet Jtwatru
nwred in I'arls tlt Ihe French Iosj win .
iwofii yJiiti and izjjoo. It f, suppowtl that
,b,",o,TAl''" 1SP000 t0 80,000 Aiitlilaus
and 120,000 I-rcnei engaged in the battle.
The Austrian iieeonnt diflVr widvJyfrom
tlKoril Fundi. Tlrt-ir bulletins Snak of
M-veral laiit'tM Unng finight with verylng sur
enij mi Iwili sides. It was still undecided on
the uiirlit of JuneClh as to who pained the
vklorv Great lews en both sides lire repor.
tod. Gonenil lnbiisse. of t!.eu.mr rA.
ilarmee. was ftlllJ. aid Marshal CahmU-ri.
.. ... r..A.,.lu. r ......,' . ..
"""""" v v uiru corns, wot mortally
"oiimh-d. fo
Ueneral Maurice JfeMahon, commanding
llieaerond enrn. I.,.,l I.,-,. ai.i r..i .fi
... . . I. . " ---. .. .tiiinnui
?'TL !LZZ?t, .- a "
-v "" "W "U'HU iirju
I "(f he lrillil MuilUalsaml General.
hi a .nuinhd
M fj
1 l
' f
lvSilK..; w' 4. SIT ' ' - JF I I wNiaaaWBaMlma W al IBHIlriBilBBlaBBPi ' d
Piy-fC,, '':MmL ''l l'" llaaaasWiW Um j
-n-. . --,. nprr M aBBaaal
I J .
Bfc","""SBBBajBBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa.pa( jy