Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 05, 1859, Image 2

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Saturday, nittrch R, ISM.
J&. d- 33 TST T Sf x
The following named p,'roin arc nuthori-cd to
net a ngetvU foe tlic Secrisr.i.:
1. 11. Hawaii,. .
Jso. It. Smith,. .
Geo. W. Catk.,.
Ai.tx. HiaWKi.Y,.
.Fan Francisco.
.Oregon City.
, , ..Lafayette.
, . , , .Corvullls.
..Iaigcnc City.
. ..Winchester.
The -iiWcrlbcr I compelled to make collec
tions from llie-f who nrc Ind-btut to him.
Therefore he again requests thow who know
thcrosclvCT Indebted to make payment, other
wise their ciccounW mint ho placed where they
en 1 collected. W.O.T-VAUI.T.
Jackwnvllle, Oct. 16, 1838.
Wo Want
Money, Hatter, Urd, Potatoes, Onions, Flour,
Chickens, Wood ;y(,wc want everything that
liny one else wont. Those who owe for the
Bes-mri, or who wlb to lake It, can pay hi
nny of the nliove namel article. Itrlug them
on : mint cnt If wc work.
To the Democrncj' or Oregon.
The Central Committee hereby wpicst the
Dcmocracr or the varlom counties In Oregon to
wlrcl delciralei to a general democratic tjonven
thin, to nsemh1o at Salem, ii Wedmidaj, the
mill dar or A.irll, I8.VJ, for the purpo-c of
nominating a catulUl.ite Tor Delega e or i c
retcntatlvc In Congrew, and Tor the transnctlou
or such other UhIiicm as may be deemed proper.
The Committee would recommend, iwn lmsls
orrcnrcMMitallon. that each county K-nd to nld
convention one del-gale ror every ft votscas
f.ir tho Kem.K-ratlc candidate for Governor, at
tlic I.Ht election, and one vote for every fraction
over to ; provided that each county flail hne
at leal one delegate In mid Coiivcnllou ; wh.ch
lads will entitle the reM"''lu,,c,oll",I.ln ,
mtMMrullomii Marlon. 10: .Inn, 0S Une,
; ltentoii, 3 J l'olk, fi i Ynuiiilll, 3 ? Clackamas,
fi Multm.mali, fi? Wn-lilngton, 2 5 IM umh.a,
1 Clalwp.l! WaH.-o:t Umiua,2 5 iMigla..
A Jackwii, ? JoHTlilue, ft ; Curry, S Coos,
1 : Tillamook, 1. . . , ., . ,.
Tho CommUtrt would recommend that th'
Democracy lake early lei to K-eure u full rc
rm-ntntloii In s;d Coiweiillon.
liv ordsr oMIie Central Committee.
liy oru.r SWMIT11, Chairman.
Saln,O.T.,Jan. 8, lb.Vj.
Douglas County Democratic Con-
ri.MM will lMa IKinocnUlo i.Diuny wmuir.
II J, held at Itohurg. ?' tl .
m .1.. ..,,..
v , rT .UltOHltR.
T. W. PKA'tmCK.
fc n J,M..AKHtKTON,.
vbhc, vm.
JaaUwn .CH4.Hr 'Bim
riuLn .-- . -;
lBrAisM'BarU o'elock 1'. M.. 'to elect'
sTxWIaTmIo attend Ilia Temtor.ulnrhl.itc
arApriUiw . urca'nei mn. .
r-l"l'i.Xr: . . . ..rcc'nel m.snll,,. i
..! I -""'""""ucii 11'ji.i "',., ir ."
"efd In each precl.t" '',0 ""'-11 place of LoM-
'ng clvcllon-, o- ;turd.iy, tho JGlu day or
7.1 1.. ""vuj ii. , , - "?,
Ill III PflAI. a. l. . . 1IIU 11 r II. II II.3IH1 III lli.l.l.
larcn, ijys " KK.uvn. mr ine piirmo or
'Ppoinlin, ueicgaiw iu aueuu uie tou-ity Cou-
Ajekwnvlllo and SterlhiR precluels. by n for
nwra.wrlionmenl, are cnlllhd Io four, and nil
other prvclucU three delegated each, hi the Con
tention. It Is the deilru of the Committee that there
should lie a general ntteudauco mid ti full dU
Kntlon sent Iron, all the precincts, as Ihere Is
uad will be Important Imdness Io lran.ct.
inns a. Jtu.u:i,
8. I) VAN VKi;
....... . Cmlllty Committee,
Jackionvllle, March tth, 18AU.
Democracy of JacJuon County.
"Wo publish tho call or our County Commit
tec for a Convention to bo held nt Jackson
villc, on tho 2d day of April, 1859, also, their ted, culminating Iu n Manual down tolhopres
rcconimcndution that precinct meetings beheld "' Chief Jmtiee, Taney, whose constitutional
on thb 20th of March, at 1 o'clock, 1'. M., to wlidoni has apparently ecliruwl nil his auteco
appolnt delcgatw to the County Convention. I dent compeers In tlmt celebruted decision In
Democrats, remember the hour, 1 o'clock, and the ease uf Drvd Scott, l'orlunately Tor man
bo on hand. This Is an Important time, hiH kind and ror our own country, our triumphant
ties in Middle and Northern Oregon run republic has so f.ir edited the Old World iu
high. There should he no dodging the tines-' it choice or rulers; wo huve never had a Nero,
tion. Do not let one or two wlrc-workim: pot
itlclans makoyour delegates, lfo on hand at
the time and place. ltememler tho place
where the last election was held, and there you
should Ira on the 2Gth of March, 1859, at 1 '
o'clock precisely. j
Oua or two men ought not to make tlir.ee j
delegates, as Is often tho cau where no inter- j lime, wc may well bo proud of the present and licfeiM upon the ground that tho " cousolida
est is taken. Tho fact that the nconlo of. bask iu the luiulduc.of clorioui fiilnre. whilst! ted statement" tins nude out In his oflicc
Southern Orcgou are nearly all In fiivororl tho unclouded futuMJiip orstate Is drifting iu
. . . ....'. I. .T-'
Ucu. Lune and sustalu htm from tho nawjpa-
ier attacks, should uot hill thctu to sleep
There bonpositloiu uud It may retpilro uu ef
fort to irvveut this attempt to carry personal
prcjudiew IiUu U.o principles of ih.-Democratic
party, to brcik down Gen. Line.
...I i .. . i
i no peopio oi urvgou uave not, uor do we
believe ihev will surreuik-r tLt-ir tiirhu us fn-,-.
men and us Democrats, to be .lie,a,l to by
uny one man or ncw.pacr. The Democracy
ol Oregon watit no dictator, nud they will
havo none.
TTiU day Oregon U a State, or will remain
a Territory for years to com :. If admitted as
a State, a eumluUto for llcprcscututivc in
Congress must bu nojjjli.uti.il on the 20lh of
April. Who shah ho 10T Dwcuss this mat
ter, uud scud up your precinct delegates iu
RtXcivd, Jj'Oretifu sut uiltuUt.il iu a Blute, wc
vilUiac.to.clal n iWegutu to Congriw next
n.. ...... i. ...-.... . i . .r on. i r
He niiut.be uonuiutvd on the iOlh of I
A-w. vr.Ll u-illii... 11.-, ... .. .......! .. I
April. Are you williug that thu orguwad op-'
..v --..., in, wu -rjjHiwivu. ujr.
iKwilion to Gen. Luna shall urrnv ilmir fnm-R
nnd defeat tho old hero, uud fos what purpose?
, , . . ...
jioso of him politically, (hut u better opportuh
nlty Hwy occur to pull rocli other dowu. Dem
iwruts, it b ouly a strain bio between tho polit
xtriil oppontnts of law,
I It Is not our Intention to say ono word (
Imratiwt nnv of tlic opnoii-Uta of lotno, nor ilo
we think It necessary, fr nil ndmlt llml'tho
I recent charges published nguiiwt him havo
' made hlin firtj per cent stronger In Southern
j Oregon than lie was before.
! . - nia.'Dlntr iirT Tiimnll-fl "Rnail.
vrcscouv iivjr "-.. .-...r
Mr. Geonro Conwull, who brought the W
u t,.ll fH,m Vnnoleon to this )!ucc, Informa.
us that there has been no mail or trnvcl from
Crwctnt City Tor tire last three weeks. This
Is rather nn iiiiiiuion on that portion of the
route ennjo why, the snow is estimated rrom
five to twenty feit ilccp. It Is to be hoped
that the Injitnctlon will 6on le iliWwd. " It
a certainly strange inni mis uciny oi commu
nication Is nllowed where so
leant lore Is cooped up In bo sum
Ko fur na tie Ull ICti Cinies juiii iroi"
United siatca
' "
i rM in w. tnirrinr U rnnrfrncil. It i
would bo much better that the route shou!d be I
from Crescent Citj- na. Fort Orford niul
Coos Hay, to Scottsburg, nml then out on the
'Military Itoad. That can always bo trav-
cllcd. I.u at present we must put np with
sending our communications to our Orescent I
Clly rricmls by way of San Finnclsco. I
;.; T, 7- T t i, it
Anniiv Wrm Mr. Kcuucdv. of Folk ,
Co., wlio Tor n couple oryenre (lio only workn ,f(, uMtt(i s,ata, to mljust Indian War m
In the summer) has been engaged in twarimr Jtnteti tonrtutte Ihttr tnlxin by a supplemental
in Artesian well on Ids place, has reached
lepth or2.'i0 reet. The water now rorces Itsuir)
within twenty-five feet of the surrnce.
will resume operation again in tho spring. ! ... ' ;" . ", "", ' . 0r the war coniutsslouers ' committee, niter haying examined Ilia " con
Tie S lUJfa . !S about 81,000. This j Jft ftK the Governor, by some one I wlliUtal statements b,trnets o ddb
Is the only Artesian well we know or In Ore-1 ,0'e.l t" o so nml that report would ments," nnd some of the vouchers, came to
L, (i, , rnnimenctil III Wnslilncton ,?"" ?Jl: . .. ",'7;,lV,, m tho deimrtmcii; nl theoiicliisloii,tliafn6irnrfinrfi'iirf.if
county, but
"". ......... f... "
u sjoi au.iniiDii. oHiicmiiH.
"We cony the nbovo
ror the purpose rf eal-
,ling attention to the subject of "Artesian
Wells." The farmers, miners, merchants, tra
de, as also the whole population or Southern
On,on are inters inprocurlng water to
"Willow Si'iii.sos Hiihiishs. Just ns wc
have nu..r c.xncctwl, thec nrc tlic best gold
Ilirrtrii"3 in kJfe.l ,, I IPOtrflll. 1 III; Lllilllll It
It .tt.M 1st . r . H't. mi.iIhi tT
- TB - n - -W..H v..e. - ,
M"r,i" V "! 7"' ''V lttm
Xtwcro bc
Uek's 4crn.'kwt Ike ett-e":M fts si frW
4k f .Hwnh swm wrmcd lit .afkWttowi ihm)
teyssMI wKk Miiy'nyiitfirtg'tatr,
' ' -V-
JW-Uincd ta.oflkc'.Ha.ter
tliTadWd Jinn'w the 2d, Kings of Kngluud
, ,,, nlM) nriMtltution were the m-wt
,,'"'': ,.. ',..,, . ,,,,,.,1. ...,
";!t .' ! '? ,
I1.I.....I. .. .in... ...w.ri.b.. .iiv .. m ....... ......
7, , .. ., , , . .
niiciiaiiun, . isin.ci o , oviu o 4, nn. eoiiviu-
, , .. , .,1. , .1 . ... , ,
o" of J-.nipiro nml kingdom. Nolivithstuii-
niiciiaiion, iiisiniciiou, iiiiiovniioiu.nuu eoiiviu
ding from tho potentate down to tho iktimiii!
ull knew th.it JclTriei wliole lifewiu dovoil to
hlghtenlng mid darkening the imsva o'm'iiiny
J since hi day down to tho proiciii- w'ivre wis-
doni. virtue and a senso of mor norm ccuicrs
Iu tho highest authority pl" ,0 ", there is
always a coriliiwle sen- r "d worth at
tached to the couiii-" of state. Such has iv-
cr been the gci t o'"" ow" govctiiincnt.
Our snjircj' courts have nltvnyi been filled
with tho0'' inoulliplecw of tvltdom, cxchi
plarw'eut und uii.lyiug patriotism, lh.it ever
u.mtioii was blesswl witli since the first rec
ords of human existunce. From Wellington's
evcutful career as Chief Magistrate of this na
tion, the unclouded courts have besn lllumiua-
a Cromwell, a James tho 2d, nor Santa Anna,
to outrage the
ultaw of humanity and give
... ' "
place to relentlei
Our tilide political career has Uxu nn cnvl
ous strife for patriotism, am the beat interest
of whoso morals and eWIIiulloa will more
thau compare with nny nation Ihatercrgraccd
licr clunncl of trucenlighttiicnt, we may exult
iiUlw wiles uf nurownaxiilrnnce. Hut there
...n.l 11... vinli mtnnj 111 inn vicillliv Ul ,ULK- uu 11,11131111. ... " ,..-p
""'"""" M : . . t .1 ..,.,in....it,.l rviwirt" referred to. ironi sans, - uih...... .... ......... """.v lion to llio l4Visiaiivc .ish-iiiui; " "? "'"' aervum m the Vrrmn
sonvillc and Willow Springs-thc location or "' "" -;ri ";"",; t ,.. mntfaKCnnd doc- nwardcl by Ihccuiimisslon to tiuar crmasicr," ' Imvo bet.n ,)rinU,, uit, thu exception or n pa- AW. 30, Ik, ,,, My 31
the eniintrv. the deep valley only about 1300 " 1 T'l i J r,?,! tl.U .mnnrr.it.il : ! ""d the bahtncf Aic itieh, after deduct ng the , ... 8,lcU ,,.. ,10 QnarlcrnuBliT General o for by J '. ,
f,t .,r; tide waW, surr 1,1 V high 2 sfeS Sk TK Hre ,' itKISSlf TCT, "
mountulr, buirlng upon the.r sunnnll : k ugo des wo o v My fijt i;;',:;";, .. con.olida.eilH.a.cn.eid." It shows hererc v- J i?LrUl.k amount L ,,, rec-m, ,, of
mm extensive iiikh seem io warraui uie v..- f) . , , (S?8 CAC 43 3-1,) n per 'eon-'wiiri.ni sai ia..u u i,w,i, ,nw .. Mni,lwUn tho liamis oi oiiieerso i.ai .epan- Mie j . , S17.0I8 19
elusion that the only Aurc and eh.p process Xl" tof ,a c.m-nt ' herewith accompanying." wnd nnd e l.teen dollars am ,,lnc w ecu . I ,,, c.n.pcnsatio.. awurdnl to said offi. To' ,,,, ' J d,. fm.
of obtaining water to work In these mine, h J n vto? T t!.o fact th.it Governor Cnrry 11a on & J j oj Jnte 18. B. ho h. d o . ,,y y s Mnmlyn n.a wnr nf ti(, U ,,,
bymak,ngrtW,aVVel.s ,,, e,tN,..halfc aS! 34 "SS SliiJ:. 18.ATA
nal, tho rtiwrlniciit Is worthy or trial, then why I" W" " r lltf "-o, nnlttw... the " ran- lie was nwardwl nine thousand two hundred llM not 1kt wi,, ,y consent. mxT J I
not some or our enterprising cltlicns try I.,-, I J2rt .!- referml to In the last quo- m"'TC5nTl,M Tw?. ''ttrr-, WI'ote "",n,,,,t IJ B'l
If .ceo.r..l. vou hnvoiiceomplWiwl that which tatiou wouid be to u limllnl extent odculatwl a h..l anro due him (alter dr. ucti g e a no nt 0ltP ,iKi t serv . accounted Tor 8.15,593 fil
K . you a fartune. U.lde,, ,,,.l.iug 1 MW "'"' Go "o7 Om. .. . .. nc.Tu
the who:e community. MjS -'; Ti ' OfcW. V. C,,, J 1- . .-
cr(le l7T.""ysWn
is a dark cloud gathering iu the midst oT our ' On tho sufiiciency or the excuse Tor suppres
politivnl horizon, dark nnd gloomy, pregnant ' J J" P"Htiou, the committee express no
with the flml. nrd combining ngoinst us. They j ' o.'he 13th or January, a statement was
arc getting in tho language orotic ornld, quite
too suiK-rstllious. '1 hcv connive at the poverty
.-rstlllous. They connive at the poverty
,,r il.-!,-,.,, mm nml r,.i.. ir. I,........, ,i.
di.Ion as tho most mvorablo to theue!v and
ciiilizution to one other, and inferior nice of
beirgt, whose condition Is the niout favornblo
to themservw ami to civilization oT any other
people ontyth. Tho-only ,WpIo that livo iu 'M U. t'eriStasta
lliAlv lialtitl ihii nnininl tft mnj ,.1. .. .t-Al..ll t --.f.t t i .1
their natural or normal atmcwphcre,surely these
nro tho days oT trunseeudentulisni.
Iiut to como to a close ; ns long as wi.dom
nnd patriotism nro the promptings of our
choice for Icgislators, tho way ia plain, t se
cure us tho nggniudizemcut of tho world.
A M IN Kit.
!. " wTmS
",,u ''"w tuuiHinjf a iiiuii-i.il hi
u,,,,, CUMW)CUCo of the constantly oo
1 . l.l...l , ,.., ,.lr - tt . .,
currius accidents, by which ladies. uwjir the
.uiuu uttiij.nn, uy iviiicu laiuca, UNpf-
inimeiislly oT tliuir lire, uru either burnt to
'd?,,1,,,0.r l'w a largo iwrtloii the drapery
widen-they carry about, them ilaxtruyitl.
Infant eowit by minutes; children- by hj;
' ,,v , i" y .i u.m,ui u )VUn,
, -""' - , ,, iv. ' , v v
uiuniHw u. i.ei. , .iw mctiwi meiuiaics in
a perpetual present-
Of the Commilltt on jWifitrj Affair I togeth
tr Willi Attompamjmg Documents.
Tin. linn, of Renrt-cntati-C of the Torri
..... .. i ..i. . t?:. ........ lur.n ;
W'ffl.K ..XT""""'"
" llesolred, Tlwt tho commltteo on military
afTnIra enquire Into, nml report to thb 1 louse.
First. The ninniml of moneys received from
the sale of public property.
Second. The nmoiint putil out, to whom,
and for what purpose.
Third. What nuiount of money remains on
hand, nml what deposition they propose to
make of It. .... . ,
Fourth. "Whether by inlnltike or othcrwlss
nnv documents submitted by the Governor,
Lave boon omitted to be printed."
Although the resolution nnovc mioiwi uocs
not specify the particular ikpartment of ,ta
miiill a comiwss. , i?,"' ' J ,p, i "m,, . the history or the 1-art of the sewlon o the Assembly, Uov. Cur-.-
?- rSWnfcKSSnft,
iiivvuuiiia - -i . -
nn .l.ml.t itm! n'fnrrnoc VU8 Iia.l to Ino uop;tri
of the Q;-' nSt-
fnu 0I u"1
. Accordingly, the ntlentlon of the committee
was first directed to tho " fourth" proposition
JnjdMb. "S&Og
rnXi enquiry. , ,
ir0 foltowlng parngruph nay Imj round on
the 12tb page of tlic Governor's message :
.. ... li r r.,mmittinntri on the vnrt
lrclmi, a wvu ofvh
w,, '"
eh I have the honor to tram-
The Tair Inference Is that the copy of the
wumiuiiiwiiiH'""'! - - -..
, M UOIIIIUIl"! ...... .-- ,...." .
rn.M,miiiii. uii unit I no nccumnniiyiiiK ;"
mmu, .mplicatcs of which ta Jonml L -
the Quarlermastir General department
Oregon, It Is. quite likely that .lie. o ..o
1 " . -. : . .
ffio mee Z bTta"-. haS
, the d . f 1
duplicates as the Governor might tliiiitt calcu-
. i. ii l !..... artni iii hkmi inn iniKfniMiiii mini im v.i- - ,..,,. .i .liiiiiui i vjiiiiiiiiilil..
tliellu," nnd couseiiueiitly embmevd in the nnd thirty-seven dollars, the balance onlinml.
'.iV n7,uwl e0U"'T:'imly i",ur" , . ,,' an.1(ll 9nt tll0 mil0llnt ofncrsnimt v. .
I ll'l... .1...I...' ... ,..... r.... i..rvlr llmt Villi llllVO llll tirCOUnI of tllC llif- .. nni.'. niTriin
,...w - i,iiv. . iirrv. i... ....."-. -
. . ...... . .. . ...... iafini ri.T niu.ini. .- .... i .imhii.im. iiiiii .m. ... ........... .....-..r....... ..-.. .-.
., u; ,,n i.iii...n..i. .... , ., -am rn.1 in, I . ..... .m. Ill ill li'irnl viiiip Nn 1I..III1 U.I
renkSuA uf ll' I totuc. He J.U l Am nWTOW,
the- twwwttflit sswmsM mm tinmm -
meirt.ejkWPf.fM isMMrfie. M Mm tm timt
IwsWting t"tW fmjxr Hatwsi tiayiw pejtmt
ari af.)
iishijw w im insiwsr .swin .asaw; saei
' Il, ' , i ' . ,
himsflf iniplicntcd
made klinw'l. to the
1 Th clerk of tho House, Mr I'yle, finding
In- llm
rptu.ri. iirnninl ir
'V "" '"I '.....
. . .... i .
lull's-' """ i" i" e.iiiiiii.uvv, ivrumi;, umi
.............. ...ai. ....... ........ ......
- , tliuilucimiciiM ncciuiiiRiiitiiiir llio ineMiinr. as
I ... I I" -
IlifV had been recoiled
by him, carefully tail
up were delivered to .Mr. Hush, tho public
printer. Thcrv wns then no alternative left
thu committee in justice to the Houw mid
themselves, but to UMtitute a further iimulrv.
und accordingly on tho lUthof Jiiuunrviiooth
er Interview was hud wiih the Quartermaster
tiencrui.nt wiiicn, wrilteiistiitnuents wcrere-
ceivwl from tlillercnt m;mous iijkmi the subject
oi i uu iniMiog iiucumeiii,
In tho nieuiitiine Gov. Curry returned nnd
was present ut this interview, nml made his
stutem:ut in writing, dated Jan. 10th, 1859,
which is Herewith submitted, by which it up-K-nrs
that a document corresponding with the
"consolidated statement" ( No. 1.) referred to
in tho supplemental report of tho wur commis
sion, nnd submitted by him iu his message, had
not been pnniwi, nnti mat mo suppruMiou
thereof from publirutiou, had not been with
his consent.
At the same time Mr. I'yle, tho cferk, left
Willi ino commiiiec u statement (.o. '.'.) ln-.tr
in-' duto dim. 10th, herewith submitted, in
which ho alleges the delivery or the mosage.
and ull accompanying documents to the Terri-
torlal printer. The committee did not consul-1
it ncccs.iry to prosecute the enquiry Timber,
us Gen. Drew hero delivered tl.u document to
tho committee, and tihui his stutemciit ( No. a
and 4.) of Jun. 10th, 1859, accompanying this
report, in rcfcrcnco to thudoenm nt.und which
l docurnciit was at the same timn identified by
j Gov. Curry as tho ono accompanying his mes-
, MgCi ,,c publication of which had bceu sup-
The statement or Gen. Drew, last mentioned,
sjicuks for itself; by it the printer and every
body else, n?ting in nn official capacity, are
.Ynni.fiit(i. oxcent (('11. Drniv. wlm lilnr.1 n
I )l,,at nl,,,m,h il '',1 ,bfD forworded to the
, (lovernor. It was not ileslL'ned fur fiiibllmlhiii.
! nml lud i.,, gcllt l0 tho House under o inis
Governor, It was not designed Tor publication,
Aiinreheusion or its origin and uutlioritv.
received rrom Generul Drew, "suppllmentary"
nnd "explanatory" of tho ' consolidate statc-
anil " e.pmn.i
incut'.' whicli accompanied tho messaue.
JSgFtifE!?!? A
lSilS.ulUA.Mi fat,,, It-, U.'tnK'Alvhoilt I til
thTc'uiuenl'of the House of which the printer, be derived from these, It would bo necessary to cut ofllcers or diflercnt depirtinenta of tlic sei- commissi.iii, n.npK-ars from their supplement
inu blume.'ws ' 'inuke inrt.iti such "abitructs" us nru now in vim of Oregon mounted roluiiteers, which I nry rtiinrt datnt ut Fort Vuiicouvit, W.T.,
I ble discrepancy in the accounts or two offi- ry to enable liim to comply, that the commit-
..-...... Il.i I.H..IHI1.II, 1, . . ....!.. ?.... 1 .I....1.T. .1 .. .. -'
ccs" in the deiiarlmeiit, it is undentood that
tho niiiounu iu disfiutonreiticomideruble,coin
palretl with the siii.ject of inquiry, and need
not havo caused uny great uneasiness, or sub-
In tho remaining portion of tho statement.
nothing is seen rendering it necessary to havo
submitted this explanatory document, but ns
Gen. Drew may, in self-defense, desire its pub
lication, it b herewith submitted.
Ik-fore passing from this brunch of the sub
ject, your committee deem it Ibcirduly to soy,
iiini me rcpun iierciuiure mane upon tills sub-
Ject, was prematuro, nud without expressing
hi, uiiiii,ii no i- nui, uv mini means, or
where from, tho document was taken, they bo-
I: .1.... r..ll 1....I 11 . ..
lievo that fiill justice would not bo douo Mr.
J. M. I'yle. tho chief clerk, without nintin,-
' that iiotlifiig opiiearj in the least to iiupllcuto
i liiiu, and that lib character for houcstyaud In-
, Uyriiy stands uuimiHiachcd. w'",,,n
On tho 15th at January, a day or two after
iro commiltso hail closed their investigations
"I"'.' iui unincii w ino suoieci, a lurtiicr coin-
mnnleatlon ww recelveil Trom Geu. Drew, cal
Hug Hie nttcnliop of Hi" committee to what ho
mia lie omiiieii to niemion, iiian-. .....-...-
(lovernor hud not, n his mestigi. reared to
the "consolidated .tntcmcnl," mid had
... ... . . ., .1.... t. . . .. it
therefore intends to send It in tv .... m m-
sage. . . .
1'l. ....mnilnlln,i nf lill. llfCW. IrtSl tC'
form! to,lsnl,o hcrewl.h
submitted. This
l..w lukpn liv lien. DreiV. IS BMWWVll III H
former part or this report In rcloreneo to the
supplemental report or the wnr commission,
,.i In liv the Oovernor. which lines refer to
this verstatement. a, well as to other papers,
copies oY which should also have accompanied property, tue i . s -- ,",,,. , ""men', no is ir.l ..j ..
the mcs.a-e. In this particular, Instead of hundred and sixty-six dollar mid scuniy imt ,! lny powsslon.
wndlnr. document w th the supplemental cents, (18.U(1C 71 , , . , nniy,flMl ,,J The second co!nmn was ad.ktl to the state
r ,i r ilm wr e omniUlon. the Governor, By mi Inflection or abstrat h it apwars lie mttll ,0 rilow ,l0 nnHuinl of moMcji, the
K bl-n in hhTpoweT S FopcrlyTw paid over Wllml nm to Gen. rew, rt .m h(ltjs of C daind by mo up-
1mi.S3 or two thousand fiv hundred dollars, (?. 0i) on eanM examination of their acconnts
KnJi"Ir?J:. ...!.. 1....1 ....': il,n nor nl column of tl "coiHOiida'wl CIPrn, .lotmcu. vouchers. ih1 such other
opportunity has offered to learn anything I
oiurcvmi. urcwsieiicr ii-i..u. ..
.ylliing from '
. .' . lit u .1
the uovcrnor respecting me supp
tlic document wus sent in by misti
e ' f EV' ,
he Informed Gen. Drew that tho " eoiwolMatnl
statement" would
be sent in with the mes-
by ull tho QunrtermaMcr's and Commissaries
rrom the sales or the public property, nrnoitn
till to the sum or scvcuty-cigut thoniand, bIx
liniidn.it nml fifty-six dollars, and lorly-nlne
and iliree-rourllH ix'iits. (STS.'JoG 49 Jl-t.)
In reference to the second inquiry, your
,,r H,i. nuiiiPV m-elnil from the sa Ul III I1WIV
" "..:.. ... ... . ... ....".
" S ,3 l-'2 condenied"'
... . ii. iibi Mtniinti?i" np iirfiMiiii riirrpiii.
Vhve e The fa is ....on which
j ttar eame to this -.elusion are these :
L? - SS XloA
It Is the disbursements of sums like the last,
i nublic eye l dlrcctwl.
lies to Dneuii tlillercnt Quarter-
im Twe-aowwiucurwaw; wiiiiw
JtalMi tW,0 1 14. U mJ wi af
ftiU fcr tftarl ii-airrTl.WislsiHi asa
nsTlarM MMaMraai, saaka
si: ikMiC' -ir? Jia5.
s)aVrW VBiR PtP yWPasPaPJ 'aB iaW
.TTasa, fUM isaar. aSMaaMfncarct raMyssacJ w
leirTDneiien., in muuiu inu iiiiuriiiaiit.n i
thooflieocf the Quartermaster (ieiicrul, and
ivliicl. liau ih-eil iiui.ic ni uie liuu ic exiK'litc.
I ... ... ..r ...t.t..l. ......a ....!..... ...ii..lv
. ...,,! " ... ...
i.h.i j.iiii.m hi u'ltii'ii .iiii...iiiiiiiii.iM...rii..ii.
...... "1"" " """J-""-" v
soiilmii io o.iiniu.
! .1
C.'ii. Ilrow nlneeil In the hands or the com-
inltl.v u condensed statement." and which.
und only which he upjunrwl wililiig should Ins
pul.Iii.hwl, but it is not more in detail tlmn
account current," nnd as a nimiu oriilTurdliis
nforuiatiiiii, devniwl more objectionable, refer -
j rim; only to the numerous vouchers, whereas
tho "account current rcivw io tno "iiu-
It is due to Gov. Curry to say that he urged
Gen. Drew to comply with the request of tho
committee, und no doubt is entertained but
tlmt if it had been in tho power t.r the Gov
ernor, that the desired information would have
been given.
A resolution, reduced to writing, was then
adopted by I lie committee, nnd furnished Gen.
Drew, or which the lollowiug is n copy :
Hetolvetl, Tlmt Quartermaster Geu. Drew
furnish to the committee on military nffalrs,
under the seTcral Itcnn charged in his account
current from the 30th Nov., 1855, to 25th
Sept., 1857, an ubstnict of disbursements of
nionuvs received bv him rrom the sales or i.ub-
. lic properly, showing to whom, and for what
purpose thu same was disbursed.
To which Gen. Drew made n reply bearing
' datp tho 12th or Jan.. 1859, and which is hero-
with submitted.
j This reply asserts that nn " nlutruet " cnn
not be made by tho Genera! stielt as the reso
lution culls lor, anil tlmt the vouchers sliows
Tor what purpose the moneys were paid, with
other scattering references.
The committee felt it to be their duty to,
nnd on tho Kith Jnmiury they did adopt a res
olution, somewhat dilK.-rc.it from the first, which
was punished Geu. Drew, of which tlic follow
ing is u copy :
Com. ox Mihtahy Ackaibs, II. It., I
January 13lh. 1859. f
" Ileiolveil, That the committee on military
ufiulrs full to perceive any good reason why
Oimrir.iuwii.r f!.... r u n,... ul...i.l .mi
Quurtcrnmstcr Gen. J". W, Drew siiuiild not
furnlsli to the committee, or allow thcui to
take COP. (3 of thosoTend "abslraels of tho
disbiineiiieuta" of the money received from the
sale oT the nubile uronertv. Tho comuiitteo ' :
therefore renew llieir request tlmt Qunrlermas-
I ii.i. fJi... T U' ll.,r..Ll.l. i. .1... I...
.. w.(. V, ., &II-11 llllllMII IU lllU tUlUlllll,l.V
copies of tho fcevcrul abstracts of disbursements
or moneys recoiled from tho kales of public
property, to whom paid, and for what purpose.
assuring uen. Ureiv that ifn clerk Is uecessa
ice wouiu provtuo one."
It was supposed tlint the resolution just quo
ted would remove all objection or obstacle iu
the way ot obtaining the requisite information,
not only In reference to thu disbursements by
Gen. Drew, but by other officers.
However a reply was received from tho
Quartermaster General, bearing date tho 13th
of January, and which is herewith submitted,
which placed it buyout doubt that it was not
the intention to furnish tho required p.iixrg.
'i'i,,. i,,n,.;-., .!!-.. i. i i... .i... ii...... ..:, .
" What nmouut of money remains ou hand and
..Ml..,,. ...V1..,I ,J UIU JlU.t-V, !.""
wiuii imposition tiiey propose to make or it,
b not or so much Imporluncc, inasmuch as it
b not supposed that the sum ou hand b very
great, compared with tho sums disbursed or
paid out to the " abstracts," oT which refer
eneo has already been made. It will appear
by on inspection of tho " consolidated state
ment," hcretoTore snpprescd from publication,
that there b in it, a column in which b stuted
ot.pMlto tliu name uf each Qiiartenuu .tcr and
Cointnissury. the "amount ou hand." mid al.o
the disposition that b proposed to be made of
tlmt amount which k tlmt it be eMlopiMil
. ... ... . ... . , , f .... l.Mi.ptnF rii.,iornl nf llri'C-on.
nnvintr mnnirtTiM inn iiuiv reinnnii in re- itnn'".. ...-.. c--- . ,, .
In lli.. "minnr.M.P.l ilnfiiinellt " tliCiint. i 00 COnimilICO lliive camuiij ";' y I 'c nqouniS rcpormi nj inc in unit uiiw', "
?ffi&i!$to tofc o'Jtion urgiil against the pub "mnitfng I ,,e hands or the two ofticer.
ered. There is no difficulty In nnswcrlng counts respecting the di.bu scmenls of ( monoi , ftwe tfcrre(, t0, nre overstalnt.
- a -- -j ---i - i . -. ... T.i Amwinimi nil a i. a. i . . .i m. .. 4ka na
the "nret'ninrcferencoeillier to the''con- arising irimigoics 01 prnj.T.7i .-.;, . . n.enncr columns ww sm.t.m ... ...
dated statement "or to the report or the prclud ce our claim iciorc w : -. me nnnnts awanieu louiiicrrnioiiicv ure
iiaien siaiemem, or 10 uie npi ui uii i j . rIsald In tho i, ..... ..i. r., ,i,!p .,mr cm
commission aecomi.anyi.ig tno ..over, or , ,,., " " " " . ,. ., ,hw ;- , JV"?'-' "Z. X . Z i T .,,
..!. ! i. tt nnan Mimti vol i : ri'iniri 1111: nui i,uiiiiiii.tii,",'-t v im ii.ii ii. i iiiiiiiiii-vii'ii v i.ii -. .
miMiMtiv tasAt nrvltixm imVii
vT:iirri zzm '"f : M0T?rr".'r?5?,
1. . I ?T.. ML V"
";"" ,',, i,ercwltl submitted, .hotri
Abstract " l ""'
g . . wlli ,, ,, lic
I'""1" "' l " ... ' ' .f-,,,,, w th tho eonol. i
111 W lien IMNl'll 111 HWi"'- -V . . .. ,
I i..i .......... " biiniviiiL; iiiv ... '.
... . i.... .km Mninimi. nir
which each Oiwrternvwlw hbuld urcoiuit In'
Mufnbstraotor disbursement, rur liisiuiict,
lake the name of U I'. llrowii.QiwrtcriiiaHtrr
nt Roseb-inr. Tho nsolW.itii t ih-ment
' i. . - ar !.- ...Im tl llllltlir
shows .he reeelvei irn , ,0 v ,
- - ,:,,;... . ,,.,. i ,ntl. t ho
statement"- ,o n "" "r.ir ....nve dol.
Hi ir iivmiif i nn r iiniuiri'ii iinti t' -
h, and ehight cent, pM 0 . -
two sums together deducted from the amount ,
recclvid, leaves the sum or thirteen thousand
r... l ..I ...! n-rilr ilollilN Olid eiellti-
mur ihiiiui " "" . : , r;., I
three centt, (W! Wj "L.".1." Ka . rn
.... 1.1. iuluini.1. nriloliiirsoincnl. which nru
or sAohW ! on file In the office or the Quar-
seem to have been made with more than onii-
nary carcriilnes., nnd with an eye to public
eciinomy," wo can see no renou why our
clulms slionld be preiljudiwl by an c.tisilIon
of the ubilruls ol disbursements of money re-
ceived rrom sales in public proi'cr'v.
w. w. cuArMAN, cii'h,
Accompanylnp; Documents.
No. 1.
oorr.r..NOR crnnv's stitoikst.
KxEi-iTivr. OrrirK, I
Samui, .Tun. 10th, 185D. J
Hm In wmplimiec with tlie request or
vnnr rnnimiiipp. I havo to state that all the
documents tmiKiniltiil with my communlca
, qv TI1R Mimtaiiv C'ommittkk tVifnin ;
' i ...tv ... v....r inm.irv m nard to thu dis-
Bi.iK.'un.iicQ.or n.eertaln '4ciHiMMrti'ic.,a4"nyv
srem Dw.pk's
nsnuiiiaij in
HJuHiFrwa iwv
1 ifcilvl MM tmmwsnmtkJm
ty'm &1mi
i, . .
t't -.itiBifiii. r...i.. .'m-.".r.7.. -
HUTU nrrrcrnrA. iiiui u tiiiaiu iiui-i uvh.k m
cnnsuiidated'iliitenieiil" of accounts (ifdiucr
hud preparwl In my oflla mid lurwatded to
nnv, i. urrv, i.iui in.vn miu m uiu iiuiu-i;..,
ILnnuiilMlm. ..ill. (I... f !(i'.Ff inr'.. ,11fSUl..,..
J.VI.l VP....... V ...... ..IV VW.V...". " ...w..n,
renort or the nr
'SsPJsEMlsl'l glm : T J
lW"j(i tlHBoSiTi6Wr7'J,?!!ll
comminloncrs und other n,y accounts, a certified copy of which is here-d"i-onr.ila.ed
statement", With acconilwnying.
ducumculs. Assati
' was not made ky ine for publication, enibru
clng, ns it cl.it, iicrely the results nt which I
, hnd urrivwl iiik.ii examination of the reports,
und nccouiits ciirrnt. and roiiehcr of the dir-
' fercnt ofheers of ho service, which were on
file in tny olliee, lohtniucd po'MiIon of It in
order to prevent Iu publication, ut least, until
such time as it rciut be accoinpatucu wiin
proper explaundon.
1 further state hut nt the time I obtained
it, I believed it ld been scut to the House
under u iuhnpprcl:usluii of its origin nnd au
thority, and lurtbr that it was obtnined-by
mo without tliulnowUdge or consent of any
officer or incinbr oT tlic House, or of Gov.
Ourrv. or Secrcary Ti-rrv. or Mr. llu-h, the
publfo printer. JOSKl'JI W. DltKW.
, (No. 4.)
fjoeuMCKT nKir.iiKD to ix uovKRxnn ccimv's
CUikJuIiIoI Sliitwit tie Amount Money Tf
etnwtfrvm tUitaof 1'tiUie Vrjtrty from Oct.
UM, 1855, to till, iri, lttAK, v.V Ojhttre of tht
dijftrtnl IttMitttute uf the Ortyult Mounlal IW
untttri, raticl in. rti Io tumireu Indian hostdi-
hum urtym iiium mhI Iboti,
-? 'L.' 1 - .- i .
Pp.::: ? 8P 5" ST
. 102L!-AirP-l
w7'. ?-v P s??l
a. I
rt P
'i a
w 2 ? ? ""-- V) i- let. to
S?tr,06 IOO-JfflOO
iX ! UHKOtaaag
f V ? Villi- a 't-i
c-..-t--iy?. oCp-rij-i. I
.- ! u ia iv m 4. m ii .i
?! S L' r" u "- " "- '" m Is
Si 3
I ceitify tho above statement to be correct,
us .er reports or the ditTerent olliccrs named,
now on file iu my office.
'iuarterinastt-r General, O. T.
fAU-a, O. T., July 31st, 185S.
(No. ft.)
fim.ir I'iioi'KUTV,
Supplement to und explanation of "consolidated
ttt'iiin- ' if I'i- i i-, tf m-irui ie t irl
'B-'g' rF?'5rcSji20'5
P8 .a. f'ss.re . a. s:
I u.
V S M -OC U 44 5
SS K rJ : mV-i lit. o
from the sain f vuNic profKit U, fnm U't.
Ulh, to July Slrf, 18.M), bu offtctr of the
difftrmt dtiittmmt$ if (hegon mixwtM
volunlters, tiilM into ttrvict IP nip piro In-
dian Itorltlittcr
a1.- iu,. .A1I.t.l.H1 alnlnniliht " ft lid tlllP 111'
licn ns 0y ,f,Kjwl to hnw the nmomit
of ,non( rtcrfiol rrom the sales itf pnWtJ
tropcr,yJ by dinerent offlcem of the Kerrice,
1)oso nceounl n are on file In my offlrr.
w . .... bMi t ..I ll.A
; ran ill Is shown mine " onnnm ..-.
-..-1 ... ...:. .... .1 vm nn
loin my ofllco at tlic time tho statemcul was
Sncc ())C (1ato or tl)C pI)pcrt to ttj,icli this
j, a,H,,pcmrntt lwo 0f the oniecrs, whose ao
rnnn m il.rln .Ifilivl lmvi tnfornietl me
7. T "" "'" ""- -;": --- ,
" " ",T .col!c ",,on' """T6 l0,n3 "V
ns ex.fliited therein, arc Incorrect," and since
July Ust. 18AB, some evidence has leen
placcdon the files at my olEcc to show that
j,,,, Oregon and Washington Territories,
nn,j i,0Y mucjj (,e nmounts nwardwl by said
commlsJou to those ofllcers, ctcccils the
nmimnhor moneys reported In their hand,
The mrunt awarded by the commission
i awed by
In the thli
arc enrrctly stated
nl rolumn or the
statemen, but they were not obtained rrom
any offidil report of the commission which has
neen n.-uic to me, nml with tne siaicinenis, in
tl.u othc. columns, were futnihhrd by tno Tor
the Information uf tlic lixrciitlve, and not for
publlcatin. .lOSKIMI W.DUKW,
Qnnrterinn't-r General, 0. T.
SalkmaO. T., Jan. 13, 18SD.
Cbtidenitit ttiannil of mi(u rtcrifrrf on nmrnnt m
iniun'fi mutvetri, jrvtn
, 1858, antlncrvmM
Quarttrii.i',ir Utntml,
cut vouchers 8 l,-r8B 1!11
lly ensh paid to 87 dili-rcnl kt-
sons einplnyii, as shown liy
111 different vouclier
, 'v mi", l'""1 ,l? d'ljercnt cr-
. "" ' !r nrticicj iimjJ, uw,m?
NlJajsiaMoiw tfcWituiTS (W
MMatejf Hw pyfweC . M.
aVrfqa.tfca.L. Gamy, (
aMBB MPWC) 'a,
STa Im4 iaV'0,
Wfc4 1 1 -m ssAsMMI . . Wtjatl 4lJ
I auM MitJPjrMwri sm rwnjawywai
" "Sr..t. i- . . i .
aajwal,at ifafla
"isW BBBl1aSCJ tMW' fce)MI "MfeMttlHMM tk WO-
tiHtbr-rtie eSmmlsflon nn'Iniliiiriviir exiicn-
' . . ,..
,- in
, nnd have been nMiroved and ullowwl by i-ald
unson niul uusuingioii j errnorun.
August 25th, 1B58. mid ns u further shnwn
iiv ine siniriiii-ii. 01 sain cuniiiinwioii, uiiuit
.!...! ..lT1tl ..n1 of ,1ii.l ll.l'il ..ill.. .1,1.. Ill l.f
I, IV. I I....V.,.. r., ', ...VI. 111".. M1iJ.llllltl. ...
joski'h w. Diti:w,
Qunrtrrnwstcr General, O. T.
SALr.M.Jan. 10th, 1859.
QfAiiTKiiMAiiTr.il Gr.M!MAt.'s Oiri( )
Knlein. O. T.. Jan. 12, 1659. f
To the Coinmltteo ou Military Affairs or
the House or Hepiweututlvii. ?r the legisla
tive Assembly ol the Territory or Oregon :
Gentlemen : Vour "resolution" or yesterday
has been received. It is not in inr power to
furnish you with tho abstract nuked for.
1 cannot make uu ubstract of disburM'ineuts
which will show both to whom and for what
purpose moneys huve leen dinburK-d.
'I he abstrsct of moneys paid to jicrsons em
nloicdund fur urticles hired, and miscellane
ous expenditures, rhow to whom tho moneys
have been disbursed, while the 173 vouchers
relerred to iu the "condensed s'utement" fur
nbhed you on the 10th iust., show for what
btirno-e thu moiievs were paid.
The abstracts of articles purthnml, show to
whom payments were made for thoe articles,
while the 3a vouchers ro.vrrou to in mc -cou-densed
statement." with mv property returns
uud accompanying pajK-rs oiv tile in my office,
show for what purpose the money was paid.
The 3 vouchers for money transferred to
officers, and payments made by ord-r of Gov.
Curry, which ure referred to in the "condensed
statement," show to whom transfers und uiy
ments were made, and the accounts current of
those officers, with their accompanying pa
pers, show for what purpose those traiislern or
moneys were made, uud how, und to whom the
moneys were disbursed or accounted for by
the olliccrs who received.
Itcspccirutly submittal,
Quartermaster Giueral, O. T.
Sulem. O. T Jan. 13th, 1853. (
To thu Committee on Military AtTairs of
thcJlouieor lieprvseiiinitvrs oi uregon Jer
ritory : Gentlemcu : Vour resolution of this
day has been received.
While 1 have exhibited uud am still willing
to exhibit to i ou ull the accounts current, ab
stracts, vouchers, and other jmjp-rs iu my pos
session, which relate to the receipt or disburse
incut of moneys, 1 am unable to find uny pre
cedent for the publication of my accounts sim
ilar iu character to those on file in my office,
even after they had been fiually audited by tho
proper departments, but these papers are du
plicates of accounts not yet audited by the de
unrtnicnt at Washington. ulthouL'h thev have
been examined, approved and specially com-
I .-.. 1 A !. -tr-4il1 -h Ifet .1 -!.... .4 st.n,..
iiiiiiiiiii i" i.w .m.w.uv.v i.-,i-(ui.-iuiiu ui uiikm;
departments, by thu-enmmisiilou appointed on
tho part of the United .States to audit and al
low the nccouiits of thu late volunteer service.
The abstracts you desire, procrly accomr
jutiiy the uccounls current, uud vouchers that
support them should tie examined iu connec
tion with those vouchers, und ought not tc bo
separated from them even for examination,
much Ies for publication.
My nccouiits current, abstracts and vouch
ers aupKrt each other, and taken together
constitute a full and complete set or papers,
and I nqi unwilling to tcpurntc them.
H the condensed -tiitiimut" fuiu'shcd the
in Oitgotl, m lbf "n"
committee on the 10th Inst, Is not ratlsfic.
lory, the nuclei refetnd to in said stste
ment nro now on Hie In my oftlce, nnd can l
further examined by the committee, and from
them enn be learmd the purposes far which
moneys haw been paid, white the nbitrseli
nkwt Tor by the committee, only show, In in.
ny IiKlnnrvs, to whom moneys havelnvn pi,l.
Itesm-etfully submitted,
' .10SKPI! W. DltKW,
Quartermaster Gcixral, 0. T.
(No. 8 )
Salem, .Inn. Ifith, 1R48.
To the Committee on Military Affulrs,
HmtseTif llepresentatives of the Iis1tie
AwmbW r Orecon IVrritory : Gentlemtn t
Allow mo to call yor attention to wht I
nmilte.1 to mention in my siaicmciu io ti,e
committee of the 9lh Inst., tlxS
'Hint tho Governor, In hts mesrngo, allml,'
nnd rcrem to all the accompanying doenments
which were Jinntwl with the message, hut
makes no reference or allusion (o tho "contnli.
dated stnteineiit," wider tny signirtnre, which
wai sent to the House with the documents re
ferred to by him, and published with his mes
safe. The fact that tho message contatntit no ref
erence to the "statement" In question, waione
of the circumstances which indncwl mc to be
lieve that it had Ikxh sent to the House
through n "mlsapprthensioii of its origin or
authority," or by some other mistake.
llWJOskf,H W. DltKW,
Quartermaster General, 0. T.
jionevs nECEivrn rnoM the oiticem or n. x.
Alftnvt mrrnnit rrrimi rem oJ?crr nf Qiarte
titniltr'nml timwwry iVMrtwfhrt 0. M. ,
rot AW. 30, IMS, to Srrt. SA. IRA", ly JX
II". rrir, Qwrttrmattr Gfnt-al. 0. T.
n te. mow whom nrr p.
Oct. 20, 18AB. Lnynl V. llrown,
Qr. Master O..M. V.
Nov. 8. 185C. Loyall. llrown,
Qr. Master O. M. V.,
dan. ft. 18ft". M. M. McCnrver,
C'om'y Oeiri 0. T.
Tun. .10, 1857. Snmncl 8. Mntii
, Qr. Master O. M. V
Mar. 31, 1857. Samuel Parker,
Com'v Subs. 0. M. V
Ap'l 10. 1857. .Ins. It. IVtrrs,
As't Qr. Mast. Geii'l, 0. T.,
8 1,000 00
1,500 00
118 SO
1,000 00
270 00
1-1.599 JO
Total received 818,-t!U Si)
I certify on honor that tl.e aboTC alutrtrt
Is correct. '
Qunrtcrmastcr Orneral, O. T.
8ai.cb, Jan. 22.1859.
To the Siieukcr of the House 4 Itcnrrxii
liiti.cs! .Sir: In reading tjie "proof of the
n'lH.rl or tlic .iiiniary i omaiiiircM ine iioum:
of Iteprcsentntlvis, this moment, I diiconr
that raid report does not ilrettly relieve th
Territorial rrlntcr from infereneo or having
Inxii aware of the withdrawal of the document
stjlwl "n ccinolidatwl slatcim nt." I w1h to
oy lite
Of rae iMUjar liraat "e.
awMI imm tn Mat
tarfi mmr
laattaM tnaan.itiil k A saWy will.
1 1 (aaswJrtVaaaiii w. , -. P'lnie.1
fjTrisii'p, wlNsyarhaa. ly U, or of
aiMaa, laaaaiMssWM, J m kKM4NHr.l.no.
aa traatwiwak-
WmTTft A8Stial
I rrtnliT.
Iff'is 'Jl3aalTMSA,llK;i
- - - aa7a ax i . t-1,. 1
Cil. Jllmir' mill ullirn Iwtit Iu llnll-llir
llinieiill' lrlirrii Iluuliia nml Klllli
ConaiiUr Mini lllplouiHllr lllll-.hr tub
(lurl(.ii--I'Bi Illr TrlrKini.li I.liir t'iJl
Ixl (.. I.rT,ni.irli ( IIJ- I'm I lie IIMIriMit
Hill HtrRiiirr AVnlil.i(!lim Srimlar llrit.
jmulll Jlr-TI.l,u v., vr., m-
Has Jimk, l-'elt. 20th.
'Ilie Overland Mull, of Jnu. '.Till, arrived
here at noon, willi five pas-tngers,oncor whoia
ciituc tlirough. I make up the following ex
tracts rrom paiiers funnelled mc by the agat
or Wells, Fargo 4 Co.
New Om.ka. e, Jan. -lib.
Captain Mnury und others, charged with
obstructing Federal officers iu tlieir duty, were
licld to bail in g-,f00 envb.
New Yon, Jnn. 27th.
Notes have passed between Douglas uud Fitch,
but the inatterb In the bauds or mutual friend,
nnd in a fair way or adjustment. It Is stated
that an early opportunity will be taken, In
ok-ii se-slou, to make tin Isstio with Dniiglasin
rererenco to his ttatcmciit about individual Il
linois appointments. The War of tho ltoi
b evidently just beginning.
The Houso went Into Committee of tle
Vhole ou the state of the Union, and took up
tho Consular and Diplomatic appropriation
bill. Ail amendment was offered to di.pcii!
with foreign Ministers. After some debate,
thu amendment of .Sherman, of Ohio, was adop
ted, to limit tho missions to Great Ilritain,
France, i'ruuin, Spain, Hrazil, Mexico, f'hius,
Peru, Turkey und Nicaragua.
Mr. l.ronch, of North Carolina, rviwUd
back the bitl-appropriatiii!; g.'IO.OOO.WHJ to
enable the President to acquire Cuba. The
Prckldciit w ill not fuel .atinlied In renewing
the negotlalimi without soinu expniiou M
oj.ioion by Congnss. Congress took uu sc
tiou ou the subject.
I.k.ive.s'wortii CiTjr, Jan. 27th.
Tho I 'actfic Telegraph MueTwus, to-dav,coin-plutedlothb
city. There b much rejoicing
among the citbeus.
Jau. 21th. An unsuccessful attempt wsi
made on Saturday night la.t to rvkvuu u negru
who is awaiting trial on the cliarge of U-iug
JEriEiuvox Cnr, Jan 2Cih.
Tho House received another war ini.sage
from our belligerent Governor, but tlic wsr
spirit has evidently caved in, ami tliere U
nothing ulanuliig to bo anticipated.
Thu Pacific lluilroud bill was taken up ia
the U. S. Senate, on Jan. 2Glb. Thedil-eriBt
umeudincnts of Wilson, Davis, Pugh, uml Hits
were voted for and lost. One o'clock to-morrow
was the hour appointed to vote on l's
pawugu ui i ue uiu.
There was u lively debate In the rouc .
uud uJMinst tlioiirnnrlL-lv of lliciuilrucl maikt
say that nil iiicj pa W-nii !; "",
rcmifM jtmWmdhjmte (he pul
MZS1 &JiWm-l1mt I at mi know v
raia)aii. aal aaaar or hcin
by tho Prebldent for trauiporting the slaits of
the l--cho to Liberia,
New York. Jan. 26tb.
There was a rumor in thb city jenterds
that the steumer VushIntoii bod arrived si
Snn Juan, but being unable to scud licr ''
senders across tho Isthmus, .he had procecdid
to San Fruucico via Cuik Horn.
I lie election or Senator Denjainln for anoth
er term is auuouuccd,
Hami-ax, Jan. 2Cth.
There aro no tlgns of tho Arabia, now due
with Liverpool dates of Jan. 15th.
Daltinork, Jun. -Gili.
l'ctrr Arrie, (.no ot the murderers of otliwr
Itigdou, was convicted thb morning of mur J1 f
in tnonitt degiee.
The Centcnniul Celebration of tho birth "f
Hubert Uiirns was held with grrat eelot In c"
York. The must noted fi-.Uval was at th
Astor JIou.-e. at which W (' l.patd
bided. '