U5 PER ANNUM. (JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1859. VOL. IV.NO. 7 . TUB 0MB0H SENTINEL 1 "...fWMWTON ALL SUBJCGTSt INltr . . Tiirrrfit nf Or4fctn PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, rp-V VUL.T &" IIOBINSON, V.-'tW- W.J.OUsOX. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! (IS jWVANCB.) Cnnr, One Ymr . I it Co .(sit Moulin, l!"co: Three Mouths 511 uu a no 2U0 ADVERTISING" RATES: Dm 5.mns of Twelve Lino or less, First In mllnn.tt 00 J and for each subcquout luscr- JlfiloinTor Itulnes C.mk Each Squnro. PSnum. 30 00 1 for Sit Month., li 00? i rural dlount "I" m!uK lr'on' n,", ,jmllo to the extent of four 'iinares. T.riuimbfror In.rrlloni would be nurkul on Itif tnirgln r adicrtlcmenl. yon rn.xaspriaxro. Of Kitr Variety, executed with Ncnluessnnil liiqaub, at lowel rate. pjiofessionaL. Law and Collection Office. ao.ii.wii.tmn, a,, cumin. (Ulr Chief Jullce.) WILLIAMS &. GIBBS. I'ortliuul, Ore-Ron. Will practice In the t'outts of Oregon mid Wsd.inglou Tcrrito-ici. NnTcmlier. 18W. 'XlM "b'f.Vowell, ATTOItNKY AT I.AV, Jnckinmlllc. OrrRtiii. Will practice In all the Court of the .1.1 .Tu.ll clil lii.lrlct, the Supreme Court of Oregon, nnd laYrtka, Cal. l'arllctihr (titration paid to iirncurhie T.ntnl Warrants and collecting elaltiu ugulnst the G t trnmcat. W W. 8, 8. M$crjb' Attvrnfjr n CouiirtUI, ,i SOLICITOR IN OMANOtPlT, - EKne tliy, OrrRiiu. Will practKt la the various CourU of this Ter ritory, ami promptl attend to tho collection of tltlu npui't the United rJUtr, through nn l. ,i.,.. r.i,IInj nt Wiwfclnutan. UfrJce UKtputCHT l-"n County, O. T. SOif ' UIKUI k WILS8K, .; AUmy CniiMMeiw at Uw, KhIch. tmm. s ,rsj 1'srlkuUr attention U BilollriLCoIkIei of boIm and accouiil, nnd rfUloErajfattit'CittYli rnmat. , , ... Ilounty Ind V .irnmU toitglil and old Dfltcr, mrr flarkpyV More .I'llf w o.T'iAri.T. ii. (.. in i!.M:rr T'VAOLT & BUIINETT, Jarl4.ni. Illr, Oircoii. lUe formal a crliuTlilp In the PJtACU'ICJ-: Oh" JuAV. Itttlcf, l'p filalti", ner the Sknti.nki. Odlee limine rnlruUil to their cure proniptl) at- trulnl to. JtckMinillle, Oct. 9. IMS. 3'-"f "T. BrSRELLING, ATTOHXEY AT LAW, Artka, Cnlirnrnln. Dflct, on Main Street, four doom toulli of the r.t onw. Will practice In the Dlatrlct Courtu nf.luck uw county, 0. T. 'JrJUtf 'r.'hayden C'OUXSELLOll AT LAW, AND rroMooxxtincc Attomoy run JmUmiii unit JiMililiir Cuuiitlrt, Offlce at Kerliyllle, Oregon. ltr "th omp sWTreerT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, JnrKMi.it Illr, Orrguii. DUVf. al llin "J.n-L.niu llli Dni" Siori' " Iiorlll Klof Cnllfornla street, thlid door nlwltf Ihel I nton iiuurr, l.,TllnMMON,M p. 0. W. OIIKHn. M. n, Julys, 1WS. '.Mtf DR. I. GANUNG, lli)tlUii, Nlirnrox Hint Aruuclirr, .Ttfcknonvlllc, Oicgun. OaVr on California itrvet, mtcoiuI door from lf Till Shop. The large.t nnd bod Klectlon of DniK and Titrut Jlullcinoit conttiiiitl on hand. ttinii PETEE BEITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Jrkon,ltlr, Ort(oii. ! prrpariil to take Pictures In every ftj le ol fc Art, with all tho Ulet luipravvmviil. It" not uhc Mdfactlon.nocliarKei will If made. fall at Fuiik'n Cigar Store, or nt the Caller) on ! Hill, and ko Ida Pictures. lltf WM. HOFFMAN, KTOTA.IIY 3PTT233jXO Vor JacIuom family, Ortoi!. IkitU. JlortgaKeii, Power of Attorney, etc., lrwn up, and Couwynnoing genirully piompt lj executed. OlUce, at the Pojt OHlcc, Jucktonvlllc. 9tf I. . SMITH, Allurnt)' unit C'uiinllr nt I.im, ami 80LI0IT0R IN QHANOERY, CarvallU, Orto . UU W. W. PAGE, Atloriir' mill Cauiixllur nt Im.f, l'ortln.Kt, Orrgoit. 110 MB,! HOLT097, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Has permanently located ut NAPOLEON, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, hcre he kei rw ooiiaUntly o-i band n couiplulo "ortmcnt nf Drug nnd Pub nt .Mid elno, for nl cktap fur ('uli. XH' m. ' 'I I"1' ,7"' ,M','' J,f HOTELS. UNION HOTEL. Jacksonville, O. T. f lowis Zlrior.' Wm. Wilkliuoi. ZIGLER & WILKINSON, , HAVE TAKLN Tilt; "I INIOIM IIOTKL Jacksonville, O. T. nnd hne completely INNOVATED tho inmu liy i Refiiting nnd Painting! Aim, furnhhid I Now Beds and .Beddixg. The House Is now In COMPLETE orA to accommodate customer. The proprlotorJivlIl pnre no pnltu to rcndr lliwtr eii-lomer llppy mid cnmr.irtnblo during their still, t i llni'lnir superior Cooks nnd Steward. iflh n well 1111.1111011 hinliT, they nro nutlmrixid lire liter that their TAllLi; shall be ul.uiuSUtly supplied with nil Unit is iiecetir) to wilUr the tnsle nnd fiuiev of tho greatest of Jacksonville, Nov. fith 1MB. plaquemine AM) U5nrfi-H.s.:aii :im::i, First Doorwct of the New Stale Kloon, Ciil foruln Sln-et, J liirkHiun llloj Orrgm SIFERS & SONHeL, Proprietors. J M i iii riopneioM imin cnuiiil'MH-o In their nbllly. s. 'iitiuounco in t no mill S" tluit tln' nn now tin pnn-d mid iMcrmliud to gile complete vati.luclion to nil wtft $ nmv pilinni'' uu in, vuncr uy u" ttrelt. Iluv. or M ill. Moals fit till Hours, and crwM ir.ctly und Mliitartorilv tuonl r Hall Supi-iv or IMm I)lmirr will lc fur iilthid to onl r on hort notice. Term- Cii'h, nnd mmlet-nto? .ifCuiiii' one, ctln. nil ; . "IIHk roeKMinii ny I nun lt linn lmc ru kmii n 1 '' JtrK'ioNMIU OiI-Okt UIIi, IK'i.N -toir SLATE CREEK m OLIVBK J: ETAFS. mutu .11 ,..... aJ.,.1 JiuAiM 1 fn.i Kbrvllle.( ihlrtroHrfwti m life, hum )mt itvtiv ml ti xomi- IIIR Kt HH MAM aWI HUJMifa MMWINM m eowfDttM " iupw'WiliV tf iAhh!Im4 wlk m& Hw oatUrr H64iktll, well wtiplwiwUfcJfay l17.,T" ". nxnlii of Iho Imi"hIi.I1I) of the dcftir "EAGLE HOTEL, ISlllMlll'IMI, (ll'CROJI. I rpiii: misciHiiIiiTn aviso ijukctki)! 1 n laruo nddiliuii to tliM well kimwu rtutnl. I ..til tt.it in the town of KrlytlU'. n the nwd to Allium, hnllor Huitinss ""d Ores cent Clly, lollclts a lmreof public p.itrou.ie. 3723LO "37"tol Will ninny Ih fiiriiltliid with thu bet the inmktt ulloiiU Single Kooini fitniMiul on liberal term". a. t. vim.no. Karhytllle. Aiir 1 1. 1MB. 3-'f 77o "vi " r"l l 1TJ ' ! "J I j.J..vji2J JUiu X J.l4lLiU Aiipli'KUtf Ci-eflt, O. T. riIli: underlined wUIii-h to Inform hln friend J. and the tnu'duix public Unit. IiiivIiir jni proud thi-ntioxe ltiiueli.(half.wny U'lween ker ! viltu nud Jiick'oniillc, formerly known u ll.irkwi,ir r.iuh.) .mil nude nrruiiguuvnU with n lumlli to take clurue or Iho Iiiiiih'. ho i now iireiMn'd to iiccoimnod.ite all who may Mtrun Ire him, iu Iho iry let tyo. THE TABLE Will at nil tlmcii lo iiippliiil with the bct the market ullonli; and combined with good Stabling, Kay and Grain, and n innlul ImatKr In nttiudnnce, ho hopes to merit a hare of imbl.o wtroiuui-. 1IL0U HKAl'S. lj i Proprietor. HARDY ELLIFF HAS ern onelid a S' nud Conimodloits Ta- ern nliiuu ai tuo bouiii i.uu ui mw Canyon, HOl'OLAS COUNTY. O.T., Where ho U pr paud to nccomniod ito the jhiIh lie In piml lyle. 'I lie Ioiik ri'denoB ol the proprietor nt this point pneluiKs the necoIO of Mylug that His Table will bon well hiruliliul us tho tountry unbid'. 3?3bL JS1:'tolO Ismppbul with Ihi unit Grain In abundance. A.iiiiiiiiit win r.iiii,. tkiri i?iii.ir uiii'iiiiwii. I'.wri attrition und toreiubr Ihoso who cull comfortable and Kil.Mlul. ti.tf JESSE ROBERTS HAS I.'reeted Sew llulldlngs nnd rehttcd the old Intern bland nt CJa nn yojtn "W jB "M B ?9 XOUTII UNI) OF Till'. CAN VON, Douglas Count, 0. T. When- he U preparul to nccomniod (to tho Trav eling Public in good lyle. HIS TABLE Will lx) us well rurnUhed ns uuy liiAOrcgoii. Tho Stablo Is large, mid wtll mpplnd with llnj nnd Grain. Particular attention paid to uiiluials. iU-i;ervuttcntIoii jmIiI to those who may fa or hi m with a ctll. 'W " A No 1 n m WillOllDSltT, O. 'J'. rniin RuuscmiiuiT having tukiiti tins linie . win tnucuiu. iu imitiii It all Unit Its 11111.10 (nil cake. a ....11 r,l....ivi..wi Tnlili-. clean ....1 ...inil.irl.tlil.. Iliil. 11111I iill-.llll stllllllU 'liall liiilucu thy trui cling eoiumuuHy to patronize .'"?... ..o.?-.. ..-."t -'. rmewlllMiSV3IitIi5W nif,aiir' ,U,,",m," ALF.SI.O0UM. No miwr" IP I-1" ADVERTISEMENTS. TXTU IIAVK THIS PAY SOU) TO V Mirs. UUDLIC'II 4 GOU) SnilTII, the lll'SINKSS licretofore carried on by in nt 1MH11MX, nnd rerommend them to our Customers. All Debt due to us by Woto or Book Account Mint Ihj Puld 1MMKD1ATELY, to S. Itni) LICIT, who is nuflibrind to receipt for the same. ,r. a. imuKxr.il i- imo. Jacksonville, 0. T., Feb. l4tli,18SD. REDLICH & GOLDSMITH "Will contlnno Iho Sloro ut. And will receive ni;ooil nwortincnt ofMKH CHANDIni:, which llicy oll'ur Chnip lor C'ASIL bl Ci. "V. COOL, SUHQICAL AND MECHANICAL IDESTNTTXSJT'- Ontri- .loliilnc He wUiilim llulil," .Imk.uli t lltr, . T. Hi: will it.iu'ohm aw. inn-'-urN operHttou In hi" line of bui-iiieM. In the latcvt nnd uto'l Iiiipriililjlo. Tr.nTII limritcil on mi - Tr l' VVM in fiilUi-tsurln iiuiIh, ns inay lir reiiulnil . , Toarxxia :"OABH. I. ly. IK' Hft J ' I JSTe'r&r 33r "ULSS ! 1 1 AT riciud and for rah'. In tl addition to my former rtock of Drum iiml Patent Medicine, a ll w iiml dwilnilih ndditlou, mine ofwli ch were ueer IwHire ulUr id In thin imirkel, vU : llnvk-'n llviwri.ni rinid.l'epluilic and Ca tarrh tniilV .Me lli-ti r' Oiut unit hiiiun h Ointment and Con. d iiirowdew (uiirit.illidllorw l ,l ini'ii l I mil I.v.nltrnn. I.voiih" rimi Powders nud Miipnelio PIIIh. a Ijiiah Inniitiuit (n-crut ) t ulone, (pun 1 1 itiic) VlrTlclM for Ihe-'TnlUwCo.iuytlJ'crriinuTim etcii alo Dr.iniR' CohrrtaMflKfCor1Wilro Vt. I.IIM" IjOITI XKHior.fKjbwniMvvn chJ'Utcr, mrpIn BftcrmniUeatlon '9w3 '- - ' l OANUWJ. . out by we! tryti. URQrCALf MCOHAMCAU ' iawiiBEjyrrKiairnr, WHh, MnW OHlMterwhi itt HWii ' AMMM)rV'lU.K. D. t. 1 tfj&W2iml1fm t4ie Most lriBlB rHJ t f twiy5rfi. SmTlltmlediijrMMjilalM o oui i '"i mmSam, innile to All nn work will bo exec it d tit crenlh nv diiful 1" cs. I Terms liimr.ulih cim. .'.Olf ATTP.NTIOV, FE RHYME X. Aeon, of rouit and a half INCH In store and for Kile nt (Uf) KKNNUY HAMLIN'S. nosiatoi' cb 3rtooi-cox"'s UMPQUA DISlRiCT. To tllcra In township 23 touh, ruiigo 7 west. 'JH ' i 12 " 11 8 11 i5 11 11 20 ii ii .j 11 11 30 11 11 j.J 11 11 ;ij 11 11 11 i 11 13 II rpilK AIlOVi: lOWNSIIII, imtltiK lon J nirwyid and plats tlunof ppnuid on tho l.'.tli d.iy of January, 18.VJ. nil xtlers whohuii elalms ur parlfcof clalius tlivreh nro nipiestiil to anpitir at the l.nud Onieo. fi- tho Umixpin District ofOn'goit. nt Wiiuliestr, within thirty d ys from und nfter tho l.Mlulay of March. 1W1). or previous to Hint lime if conienlent, wlit'ii and whero wo M111II lie prenreil to receive the iiotillcutlniii or their clii!m,im enter upon the mljii'tmeiit and solllluxnicidlug to law, of all eoulllctri of bouiidnry tliul ia bo found to o.it. Gum under our liaiul- at Vinchittcr, this '.'7th day of January. A I) li 1.. V JlDsllK lteglstcr. It I WM.J MAIt'iS. lUcelH-r. AND 83 . T3 ar jb v me. 'jbub FOR SAXiS ! m THE Siili-er.U-r Kilies In sell his FARM nnd Ultlll.RD, locatid iu Douglas County, 0 T.. two mlk SorTli of Wineh t 1 aud udjoiilng the rniiMiun Academy -ho lm .100 acres, ,.1 Improud, a goiid FARM li'Hrir ItAlIN il outlmild ngs iilmut liO ucrtu iu a Romlitai. uf ei.ltlintlun aun choice M-lcctid fru.t trees, !00 of wli'ch will Inar tho pn-seut year, lliu .mul Is good and pkiisnntly locatid on the Miliary Road from Winchester to Pcoll.biil ' mil , ,'irut tlmr- oiighraio lending from Calififnin to Northern Uregoii, ror n 11111 mm coupictu illtci jitloii Inquire at tho Slminki. ofllcc Ti rms : KASV. J. l. ci.kki;niii;ard. I'liipipm Academi, I eb. Ii, jg. j(f FOR SALE ! Containing 160 Acros. 1 WISH to bell in) Farm, iltiialtdiu tho lower X portion or tho ullei, mar Table Rock. In a good neighborhood. Time U n Htliool louo cimiiuleiit. TheParm Is well tinted fur Agi I cultural or Stock Raising imrpoMS, with an ev touiio ninge Tor tattle, ll l0 is a good Mill Bite llicreon, which lnmMlint out ol repair. Aljoill 8 i""'1''' r htnd Is iimler fence. The above naimd Farm I will all l,0 rur CASH or n00K- , fc WM. M. oW. Jacksonville, .Inckkon Co., Feb. 10, "oa. af ESPECIAL NOTICE I rpiIE iindemigiicd wing about In lcaio Tor X Iho Lt. moil re.pectlully niiues h all iw miis ku.iivlug theni-4-liis luil bliil to him, eltlur l.v Nolo or Rook Aecouiit. to make IMMEDI ATE PAYMENT at llio IX Doiiiuo." FRANK 1IR0WS. JuckKupllh o T.F-b I i i"i: .ill ITSEL,IuANEOUS. To tie ULDEGS of .TACKSONVILIJa & VICINITY. VXjr. TAKE ri.EASUHE!n announcing thai V wc haie rrcelted QRK Polces or the DUO 0IIOlCJT PATTI2UNS nnd JlhST quality of AlUCl'lCHH, KurIIhIi, French Which wc offer to mil low Tor CASH. 111. J. A. HIlllNNEIt Sc 1IR0. BETTER-LATE- THAN NEVER. Part of our " s " FLOUR- SACKS HAVE ARRIVED, nnd fornlc C3U3A3? POIl CASH; Uy .T. A. IHtUNNUIt & DUO. Jiicksonvlllp, Dec. 17th. ltf. P. .1. & T. F. WiS, iVt tbolr OlclStnaid, K1EEI on hand, and offer for sale, a large . and willelictid assortment of Groceries, IHlnlncToolv, Clothing, Hats, Hoots imtl Shoes, timl Dry Goods. COLT'S REVOLVERS ALWAYS TOR SALE. An etenslve supplv or OUSS.MITHS'MATE RIALS. Tor rcpnlrii.g RIUch and I'istnk con ttantly In store. JacltMiui llle, Oregon. SOlf jMotico to Farmers ! The Proprietor of tho FARMERS' MILL TIMi Pxclinnge, piling :0 lbs nf Su. perline I'lour with I iirmers' Mill brand nn It, H lls t.f linui and - Uu of shorts, for ciicliLusliel or goou c'cau n iieui of coot! e'cun lieut EWfc. WM, HESSE. r rwKffl Tl "'- "J."T"'" . ''Wlf v -. . ti . y.tmMtt. .4 Li-lSs 't'&rWHmiUHfi TAYL-ORIiAxOKBIYV f UfVA. sAmlUMMMMWPMlKi'k M.3iN.;i.aM..TitM .. .KMT" T BJT -"" 'I Oils, raintsrTHrpwBOaaSifl Grlasjq, OCxxtty ici I or Nil1 at the 1 d i.taad, on Miner streit. 4311 FLOUR.. TFOUU IN Ql'AN'I'lTLrf und I'rice to tint imreluiM.'nJ. bl '-l XlAUHYilUVIS. NOTICi: TO Tho Trado in Gcnoral of SOUTHERN OREGON. w THE undersigned liming now ilnlslutl Ids NEW STEAMER, and Iwlng nttetl with her MACIIISERV, will bo realty to run tier on or anoui uiu lnt of iMarcIi, next. Her burthen Is 1UU tons, and the accommoda tions lioth Tor Pimenitirs und Freight the lil-ftl and most COM I'ORTAIILE. Tho Warehouse Is well situated and prnvltlcil Tor Rtcelilng and Diliicrlng of Mirelmndlzo mid Produco. ..... ., . The uiiderslgiud will Iwslnw the utmost care and str'ct attention to all lliislnemumttirslntrus- li d to h in. ... ,, Tho nboio Steamer Is placed nurmuncnliy on this tonic and u liboml PiitroiinBO sol cited. JA.MUS FUAIN. s..nii.1.nri.. O. T.. Jan. 12. 183U. ltf "the ne'w'state BILLIARD AND DRINKING nmv neiuiiMi, roiiNr.it of c.u.ooiiM.i amitiiiiih KTIifcinH, MCKHUM It I.K. O. T., IWCXatighlin &. IClippol. miii" ii v.. siniu'Ms a cool and snaclous Su X loon, and Is llttul up In a stjlo or elegance. Tho Illlllurd Ttthlwaro now . and Irom ono ur the U.st maker. Aud at tho liar tlieio will always I round a good supply or rare o Id trench Ilran die, lirlmoacoteh und AiiKrlcan hlskoy, choice .'...' . . i , .11..... .,n,l uiu rlur Hum. tllCH, AIO, aim i.v. wvv.,m. ..., .,iJ ajly na Uigurs. WALDO EXCHANGE ! WM. Ul.NTISnTilS-. J0S"' w A,JA HUNTINGTON &. WALL'S BlX-LIAItfl SALOON, Jutililiic Count)', Uiigom rpiIE "WALDO laCCHANGL" U furnished X with two superior Pielaii'd lato Improved Cushion llllllard Tnbles. Keep on hand at tho llnr tho choicest liquors and CigarSi selected I... I!.. i uronrlelors in ban t rUIIOIM.0. Fiom their general ocqualtttauco and known desire to aicointnodiitc. a lilieral share or public patronage U rc-x-ctlnlly tolleiti.il. -tSlf jAToticc to tho Farinorfi ! The Proprietors of tho ASHLAND MILLS MLL Orlndgood clean Wheat dellicrid V at tho Mill for 25 cents per bushel, (r lug nil tho proceeds thereof. Or will givu tl 8 lbs. of SuperflnoHour, with 'Ashland Mills" brand 2 lbs. of shorts, and S lbs. of bran, for each bui-hel or good clcau Wheat dell end at h'ML ....rvPn FOWLER v W AUMfitt. Ashland Mllli, Aug. f-. 1B08. W POETRY. Life on tho Ocean Wave, " A life on the Ocean Wave I" The nun who wrote It was green He ncirr had been town, And a storm he ncvef has seen. He nci cr has seen a wave, As It dashed o'er the vessel's deck He hns never seen a Are at son, Or been Uoatlng Upon a wreck. He never hns been nroqwd From his morning's gentle doip, Fy the sound ofsplsshlng water, As It fell from the horrid Lose. He nercr has henrd a man Scrubbing right over his head, With a noise rufllclcnt to rouse v From the grnic the slumbering dead. He never has seen n fat woman Growing thinner day by day, And leaning over the icssel's side, Throwing herself away. While people look carelessly on, Though In tears the womnn may be, And imfeclliutly say It Is nothing nt all, Only the roll of tho no. And oh t he has never been scn-slck, And crept Into bid Iu hi coat, While cury motion increased his thrtt, And UUttlmji were all In his throat. Tho man inns have tailed In n boat, In some puddle or on a sound, Hut If he has lieen to sea, and wroto Such a song, he deserves to lie drowntd. Thlrty-Fivo. 0 weary heart, thou art hnlfwny hornet Wc stand on llle's nuridliiu helgliti- As far from childhood's morning come, As In tho grave's forgetful night. Gltc Youth and Hope a parting tei Let Renson take the gulilaiii- mm 1 Hope proiulN-d but to lirlnr1'1 'urc' When tho blooui'w llidw off the brow. One lwikward ItieA- 0 childhiMid' home J SBwJiujiMiare I the last t the Int 1 Sfe V nfl And now, bless God I Its golden line I omen o'er and lights my shadow way, And shadows a dnir hand chuui-d In M.ne- Twill guide me to n hnpplir da) I A FAtunn. Col. Moore, a politician of 1 the Old Dominion, enjo) ed a great pcrsoual noiiularltv on uccutinl of his ngablllly ol tnau- ner, uud of course always curried a big ote whenever ho was ntt for nn ofllce. lie gu-icr- ally spoke to cicribody he met, and usually succeeded in com incmg them tlial lio knew them well. He met his iimtt.li ono morning, however, when meeting a couutryinan lie shook bis hand heartily with him und commenced: ' Why, now do you do, thlr, I am icry glad to theo ou ; a fine duy, thir I thee jou still ride your fiuo old gray, thir.' No sir this homo Is ono 1 uorrowcit wis morning.' Oh I ah! well, thir, how are the old gen tleman und ludi 7' My parents lime been dead about three yeurs, sir.' Hut how with your wife and child ?' 1 am nn unmarried man. bin' TlnireLiiouL'h. Do jou still liio on the farm !' No, sir : I'io just arrhed from Ohio, where I win born.' Weill thlr.gucth I dou't know you after till. Good morning, thir.1 Ubi.no x Siioweu UATltDoetor Well, how did your wile manage her thonir bath, Deacon t Deacon She had real good luck. Mudaui Moody told lur how she manhged. She said she hud a large oiled silken cap. w itli a copv to it, like u hamuli's, that cume nil ou-r her shoulders, and Dr, She's u fool for her pains j Hint Is not the way. Dca. So my wife thought. Dr. Your wire did nothing or the kind, 1 hope. Dca. Oh no, doctor, she used nn umUrcliu. Dr What! used an umbrella T What the tiiikcrdcf cood did the shower bath do htrt Dea. Sho sa d she felt better. J ler cioiiiw wasu't wet a mite. Slio sat nodcr the umbrel la for half an hour, till tho water had trickled off, and said it was cool nnd delightful, just like a gentle shower Iu the summer. Doctor weukcued. An old woman praising, iu rather cnthusias tic terms, the sermon of u certain Itev. Dandy stuck, who hnd acquired a great name for depth and sublimity. The huspicious ol her suitor wcro a tittle roused, and sho entured to pro pose n question to her Well, Jenny, do ou undewland himt" Understand him 1' holding up her Imnds Iu astonishment nt the question ; ' tuc understand him I would I have the presumption V Speak well orjour friends ; of jour enemies jay nothing. Ptenl dottn a inilirWioTrd tlnv g 'Bho'l Rich,' n You ought riol' to speak so about hti she's rich." " You must bo mistaken slieal rs dresses so plainly. She would certainly make more snow if she wcro really rich. How do Von now!" " I havo been Intimately acquainted with her fumlly from Infancy." "Well, who would, oyer talvo licr to be rlcht She goc to chufch In plain merino, and nellli cr wears jewelry or crinoline I Do you know how much she is worth ?" ' No, not ciactly, lliomas : but I know she 1s wrortrf enough to be a prlro to nny of tow young fortune hunters, If you wxrc worthy of her." ' po you suppose idie is worth twenty thou sand T" " More." "Fifty thousand?" " More than that. Yes, more than a mil lionthere Is no estimating her worth." " Arc you In earnest, Uncle John J" " Surely I am." " Uncle John, will you forgiicme forftieak. Ing co lightly of her T 1 really lgln to think she is beautiful. Sho must be mine J Will you nwlst " "Stop J UopJ She will never be yours." "Why, Uncle, Is she engaged!" 2'H fight for her 1" " Don't take on so. She ir not engagcJ that I know of but she would not tnurry you If had millions." " Why, Uncle V "To be plain with you, Thomas, shcl-aa too. much sense. She knows iou intend to marry a fortune, n"J "do knows that you arc in the hab orsjicuklng lightly, if not contemptuous ly of 1 Irtue and religion. " " Hut I'll amend nud loin the church " " No, no ; saio yourself that 1 'u,c if ou have not higher motlic. ,'uU W0U,J ,,nl 8ue ceixl. Int I nilt- lifc,'lty Jcccho you, Tlomai, I wilt lt J'ou Irlly In what her wealth coul'l!, iu, uncle , I am curious (0 know, if she cmXIuwI WTssSntsVisTMt?'L3 1ms 'Lr uZrZl'JLL.-.L. di? ". T T""l 'i' r flw '. l WKrTT fmm !' Yfgj" WfkBAVf WW 9t MB MsHslgWM slgV I HI sBHr. HifHHH Mlil HM wfe vw'f' "5 JS!W ,niin lincu lull Ciiiicatetl -la m (scoi rauimj4ft ir our literatnte, eschews noicls, and Ml the Fmich trnh of the day, reads lur Dlblc,t. tends Suudni School au tenchirund lniiul. Is that enough T Will you not glic up thrl she Is rich Indeed?" " Y ; but 1 thought khc was rich Iu mon ey, or Mticlhlng ntlinatcd in dollar and cents." "Well, csllm.t0lier orth in dollars nnd cents. Ifjou please, ,na tell me tho sum." " I dou't know that i .a,,," ' No 5 I see that ) our nnr i, iniltc abaled, slnco there Is no money In her iMriinony. Hut I liaio not told jou all jet, nor ti moat ma' terlal item In this young lady's forluu. .She ... . , . . t ri.l f Is amluuicaiHi sweei ieiuiercu. j ins muv a man In the laud would think another great foi tunc, if he only hud a morsel of bread w Ith it." Well, Uncle, that is the eitent or this strange fortune which '" No: tho most material, Item, ouc which plies a special aluo nnd beauty to all her possessions, is the pcurl or great price. That Is a guaruutcc or the genuineness and lafety or c cr) thing else. That will cast its lustre upon her own pathway, and that or tho.-KJ around her as loug ns she lives. ATirACT0itv. 'Hallo, boy! didjouscoa rabbit across the road there just now?' A rabbit V Yes I be quick I a rabbit V Was it a kinder gray Miruihit V Yes! jesl' A longUh cretir, with a short tail!' Yes j bo quick, he'll gain his burrow I' Hud it long legs behind, and big carat' 'Yisl yesl' jk And sorter jumps wliclf it runs T' 'Yes I I tell) out Jumps when It rum I" Well, I Imiu't Ken such a crectcr nbolrt here.' . -1 . Jerome! Jerotnel' scrconied Mrs. Duller field, the other day, to her biggest boy, ' what urc ou throwiii' to those pigeons?' Gold beads, mother, aud the darned fools arc eatiu 'em j 'sjicct they think it's corn." One hundred und tigbty-thrco applications for divorce were mado by residents or Phil adelphia last jear,7C of which were granted. Who would haio thought there was so mueii domestic uuhopiuvs in the City of JJrothcr- ly Io?" i i "' - i ys An old lady, sleeping during dlilcc wnlec In a churehln JJurpool let her Diblofull, with clasp to it, und tho noise partly waking her, she e.c!lmcd uloud ' What I you haie broke ouother jug, you slut, haro you J" t, tjulckest ratQ or locomotion Rftcr the electric spark, light, sound nud canaonlwIU, is ascertained to bo tho flight or a swallow, Onoor theoc birds was let off ul Ghent, awl mado its way to IU nest a't Antucrp, in iwclio minutes uud ahulf, going at tho rate of flic kilometres a minute i. e. four nud a half miles. Marrkd PenQiu don't do Sack Thbgi. A trial, Involving mallcriota'dclieaiechar'' "" aclcr, In which It was deemed necessary to es tablish tho nature of nn Intimacy between tho defendant, a married person, nnd a young wo man, took place, a day or two ago, before Jus lice HaiNclman. Among other evidence of , fercd, a witness a danghtsr of Kve, of courao stated that sho had observed the pair silting, so i cry closely together that sho "could wot mo the daylight between them" ( graphic dei crlptlon, thai I) that he had his arm about her waist, and, though her head was turned away, he frequently stooped down and kissed htr lips, am tho- returned his carcsso ar dently. " You say you did not see tho lady's face MIm f " queried one of the counsel. " How, then, ilo you Know that the woman the defendant rmhrncnl was not his wife?'' " His wire pihaw I Do ou think I bnwt't sense T" "Whether rmturo bag or hoi not proitdod yon with thoaicmgo amount of brains, ma dam, Is not the question," remnrked the attor ney, pompously. "Please answer the one I ask." " Are you In earnest, sir?" " Of counc I nn!, madam." " Well, then, sir, you don't know much. I knew they weren't husband and wife when I saw them hissing each oilier, for husbands' and wives don't do such things." Cmtinuali n ouirrr. Tiik DKicox and tiik ImmiHAN. Under this head wo find the following ninufimr storv coIiil' the rounds : A few months ago, as Deacon Tngalli, of Swampscott. It. I., was traih'uig through the r-icrn part or thcS'atcol New York, he fell In with an Irishman who had latelr nrrlr. e.1 In this country, and was in quest or a bro- incr who came bcrore him and settle! In somo or the diggings In that vicinity. 1'ot was a stronp;, athletic maii'a t. p-o.. olie, aud had ncrer seen the interior or a Irot- ran. cuurcu. J l was a .Jcasni.t Smutv morning that brother i-srolN - l'l.-who inquircu inc romi 10 tuo nearcsi cliurcli. EisjTjsjtsr H Ifoad "lJua vcwn. Ho l.iA flf 3Mw -gsw mm" 24 TUkmtu DM (its sw,.!. h mmm Mi mm&- i Xttmmb (stdMUrfMlMMrf - JRansMTrn 1 M, mmmi , a.;a 1 Sui4 Uj.lSissi a !iii-sNi!; , "Huch'eald ingalls,''tIryUii sprakTl worn, i-.y wm , ,ou 0U." " Dcill a word will . . al wi replug I'at. The meeting was opened with iur by tho pastor, rat was eyeing nun very ciosrv.wncn a old gentleman, who was Mutidlng In the clrecllv In front or 1'nt, fchauted, " Glory ! "Histijo clear dei ll," rcjoincu mi, " his loud whhjwr, which was plainly heard by tho minister, " Iw dacent, uud don't mukc a blackguard or jourteir." Tho parson gre ,noro BI,J worc rKnl '" his devotion. l'reMiilly tho Deacon uiureii aiiaudlblo groan. "HIst-s-t.jo blackguard haie you no daccney at all T" wld I'at, at tho snme moinant utvlng tho Deacou a punch In Um ribs which caiiKtl him nearly to low tils equilibrium. Tho minister stojH-d, and extend ing his hand iu a supplicating manner, said Hrellircn, wo eur.not bo Utsiuriicxi in wis wnj Will some ouo put that man out!'' Vis, you rivlrcuce," shouted IM, " I w 111 !, and sutln'g tho action to the word, 1 collared tho Deacon, und to tho utter horror und aston ishment or the pastor, brother Ingulls, and the whole congretlon, ho dragged Mm through the aisle, and with a tremendous kick ho lauded Mm In tho icstibulc or the church. An exchange, commenting on tho fact that a number orC'iuciunati joung ladies haio late ly been married away to other places, thus sajcth : "No city has a bcttir claim to supply spare ribs ror the unlicrsc." It Is told that when Minister Miles prajed for raiu he left nothing uneertuin, Ho said, " 0 Lord, thou know est wo do not waut Thee to tend us ruin whlih shall pour down iu fury aud swell our steams, aud sweep away our luycocks, and femvs, and bridges j but Jrd, wc waut it to come driulo drozzlc drlado drozA", for about a week. Aukii." Coltousajs "Tho sligtcst sorrow for sin Is sufficient, if it produro ameudmcut; tho greatest is insullieidut, if it do not." " John, go to tho store," said a mother to her little sou, "and get mo seten pouudscf. coffee." No I won t, I reel Indl.poscd tWsworoluff, Send rather, mid toll Mm to bring mo a paper or tobacco, aud to be quick as possible," My dearest Maria," wroto on affectionate; hubaud to Ms wire, a strong minded woweii, She wroto him back, " Dearest, let mo correct cither your grammar or morals. You address me, 'My dearest Maria.' Am I to suppojq jou havo otkr dear Murliu'' in i. ' "'i i ''Johnny," wild a wofker to a sou, plno j cars pi ago, "go nnd wli your face 5 J aqt ashamed to see, you coraoto dinner with to dirty a mouth." " I did wash it waaiuiu," and reeling his upjKr liji, he added gravely, bon itiujlaihc grow log 1" ' I think it must V" sJAsssssssuB ie4F iJ m Mfn l isqnswvttrii'giTttii '' jwyim"1.. -1 -W" J-i -AKi'v4