Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 22, 1859, Image 2

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accompanied by Ile warrants rmrtiosed to a ditch known its the kccler or Appcgate discii-sing the Wntrom Impeaclimer, i case. It
surrendered slmfr be accepted, t ditcli. nt or near n land claim know n ns the , I, Mj,j 1C vote .In tho Homo will be very
Sec. ft. When nny bid ore accepted, llic Wulkcr claim, thence ton Applegnle rher close. It tuny ocenpy considerable time, ns
pressing polygamy In l(h. In the House,
the same thin will lie attempted when llic
Utah Innd question comn up, ns It will soon.
I lly n decree or the S. Coup, of l'ropngnndo.
I says tho Catlwlit Minor, confirmed by IIn
.Holiness Pius IX, on tha 2.1 Hi of July, I6f8,
I the prerogative I grorittil to the Bee of Haiti-
TiikOidkxt TosTMASTin The Siow II i
(Mil) Si,M rlaims that Mr. IaiumcI .Sl,,,,1
Ken. Piiotma t -r nt HI. Martins In that cn m.'
is tho "Id st pNtn.astcr in the United ,st I'
Mr. Schnel was anKilntcil to olricenij,,'
the dcnioeialtc nd.nliilstrallon ol l'mn,).,..
JifTlTfon, In lfiC!), fifty yturs ago. lie his ttitl
hale and hearty.
Pwu.jmoN op Uturon.n.-TlieiKinV.
Aalfm, Jttmmry 3d, lBfiO.
WM. J7H0BINS0N, Editor.
'i' 5
more, so Hint in councils, assemblies ami meet-
illtrs ctt nvtrv k!n,l lin.iw.lontf'V Id i.iif.n In tlin
winl or Coutily Uoniniistioncrsnaii in inni mimm ;i--v ."v " i .traction
Snttirdny, Jan. 2Si, 1850.
nubile that, In tho Miring of 1857, 1 subscribed make-ai. order directing tho Couoty.Trcasurcr most elig.l, e, except ns ..ere. ma. er , , n.,( lrn
hi mind in Chatham county minute Airl.uN.iop of Hahinmro for the tiiuc bciiiffi
w or stock In tho Crescent City to purclioM tho ynrroiiUilcjlRniitnl In thone- ?'"'
, ,.-, ,., i 'rented bid and pay for the same out of the im, to nav
,any. 1 wrotein fnrorof he road; j?1"1, fm FllmWand the warrants so re- wer, lamb,
for fire slwres
. .. . . i ... il.. ....! .iihirt.i in iiia on. nnn mr kiii-ii iiui inntu iiiu lihiiiiuui n .. - ii,,.t
nnive nnd purchase water no-. "" ."7. V."'. ",V': . 5!" 7 . "' ;.,i" ' i T.YV 77 U,T ,""M: ."" "il ,u T V '
na f Ut r.i'niln rwit A n nllPirmi III lwi nn,l il.. .i .r LA. 1.-.U. ..... l 1. 1. :.!.....
Wlon or this Stalo, m given by the Cal. Si,
fS?n.xx Froa&olco .Otfyoxxt
. 1 T?is.t I'rtmHflMV
'V . , ...,. ..r i.l.j ... I V"c "' ""lie nn mis m-inii """.i "i un-0 rrntinces uiai may imi present, wiiu-
rV,.,, Into rHcci llio ' "'"' """""I1 "jr Congress. I out regard to tho order of promotion or coimc-
Ktqi'itt, is JMH.ouii.orwiiicli .18,08, orrCWm
esc; 65,000 Indians, and 2,000 negroes; lfr.
!ng a nhitc imputation of -132,31.1.
, kviw.mj . - rf - --. 'i'i.-. i.. . i r... 1.1. .1
T aaMan v . . . iL. bu.1 T MVtlih.l ft Via li . . tl .1 .t... ...1....1 BliinMltl
Tiioma Itck corner of Wash natoti nd , "" J " lnT,,r '" """ ' i'"""' "- ileemcl slmll oc cnuceiicii .i uu.cr reiio-mvu . -""'". '";:"',.:;'.' ," p;rr0,i n,e 'Hero in n most fnvoriib e diopositlon, Mys crullon.
' The Mili-crllicr li compiled to msVe eollec- ''.. . , r . - w vowi,r-r rnnt, inl be ft Fiifliclent voucher for the he Mine nt p'rawrr, to mnke hii1 ordnln sutli . . I ( nwrt0n rre- "rrUm or Dec 12th, that no. a few dat
tton"rron 1 wbo arc ImUtnl to hlm. ,Jfr,,U,.'il"? llai && ' W ,",', County Treasurer in the Kclllcment or hl-ac bylaw and rrgnlal low ni tho companj may , hmVIbi" )SSibl Ite rradklnU "?; I''bHl.l n letter from Albnqucmue,
Hon rtam tun t.no are w t I .TBCk;onrllc, ivas the person nppolnted to col- The bids belnc rniml, the preference deem ncwary Tor the well lieliie of mnl cor- "JJ?". "' '' fiK?;t0?.in orrwS written by Mr. Koe, Mho dctalle.1 tho ralfcf
Therefore lie Rnn "1"Z". lt the ntments.or nt font ...eh notice a S'fc g vcn ,o'hc if. Jnt bearin'g the old- noratlon. not fnconsbtent with tiio hid of the , JiJ 0?X S rf 1.1 S . hf ?"?! emigrant party, nhlch wn nt-
thcmlm Indebted to make Wami, otl.r. ,lnclonvlllc rrnA, nnd fihlnk est date of presentation Tor paym.nt. 'JTic United .States nnd rf Oregon. 10 r"" "r u.e mcccm oi oicok f 1Uo (fcI
wliaMndr.awonnli mut Iw plaerf hm. Ih Sec. 2. If tho snld corporation. ilia I at nny " yortc. Since then, wc learn b llio Suite ft
can be coltcclvd. W. (!. T'VAUI.T. Capt. fowler loin me inai nc .. rcc, 0"hc --, f mKnl W-ff thc ,nmc mc become insolvent, each Mockho l.ler shall lie ym ..re or .Ml.incsoin, r.u. mgn np. ., t WlJ()r-taci.llu, mi wm Al.
Jack-onUlie, Oct. 16, IMS. pbli.sh the notices In that paper. After his, ",, eceptr(1,phrlltn or fl mr-rly .o be Individually liable for the debts ol the cor- Peemtlo , or the M,cn. . y r lgrr pre- ,, ,, , jf,, vcrnmcnl tt on wlh
. . I declined paying nny further ncmcnl on M ,)0MbIe. poratlon Incurred while he was a member of ; Deccniber U, through benator ICIcc n 3mp!c supp,r ofl!lorcs rr 10 relcl of those
Wo Want I ,i. .,. ofm r .tock....mmlmc that the one hTconnly TreMurer .hall return .11 nnae- the ..me, to an amount equal to hi. stock wyo rial k ng f" M to cotrn a wagon Cmlr.!t Z Vere on their return.
. . .. -"- - .. . . . ... - i -i,L .1 ...., h...M f mm n "ni iiifiii ijtmi:
any one clic w)t. Thoe who owo for llic
ScvflNai, or who wish to take It, can psy In
anrnf the above Wmd articles, llrlhg Ihtm
on ; must cat If we ork.
i ii ' ii j i '
.. r. ..u.i u ti. i.rnni m7 nnikiiimc '
IOC aiCNTIHKI H"U " " o a
Onwiov I.Kaui.ATCRK. Wc have no mV
of the proceedings of this body since Its rt-tV
Minbling on the :U lnt. 'Hie mail from tlt
North, which arrived on Tuesday last, broiijli
no later date, than we had recched by if
nmil parlous.
r.11111 IUI IU IIIU.JWH.I. . iwt Ul . .. .. .. ... .. . .
tie Itocky Mountains, and also Tor a large , " "'f V,0'"0.!' ofVcttmbtr Blh,
nmbrr of appropriations Tor Internal Improve- lf,Ulrl ubli.hcd from Huenos Ayrcs. I he
nrntn. writer says that It Is thought that rrtsident
CharlM fl. Jnnr,. it,, nmoentle miicim ' '"' HrBu" flU,,u.ww" wut ,,u
quietly ciilo a scttlcmciil ofulloitrcluinn when
. I. " . . lf. F . t. . ' . .1 M
cotui ftOciioiH ci. 'inetaui cwmnnny or conmraunn mmnrc ir uoorkivpcr ol wic ncnnir. was ii,n I'nli.-H2ii-.i..i,..,.a.i iii -i.
.... . .. ..--!!-..- vtt, .. . . .. . ..Hi..t i.mi. .tl.i Mitv. ih. warratiiB ihppiti therein.
loney, ,h..ir; uua ro - - hnndrcl dol .r. I had a.rea,.y pad wu enougi, V0'nro downer on demand See. .1. It .hall not be lawful for said com-
Qhlckc.ni, ood ; yes, we iaut cvcryibing i nai (gr m ((j (wc j Bm )ot Miiame,, of m, co,1""' 'Vh' f 'untv Treasurer ah.ll keep a pany to receive or charge (or tho life of water
1 rnnnn In rplnitnn to theCresccnt cltv road. ..nn..i. .mnni nniliT ihn heail uf " lledcnm- for minlmr or mllllnir purnovs more than
nor do I rear the threats or Pomcroy or any tiuu Tund" or nil money, received from the twenty wiita for each square inch,
. . ..... :.... ..ini In ih.nnt ami afeoiuloct ons .See. A. The ah company or
mi a. mm MiiMiin ii it ill t sarin mi iii iiht as ai - v --- - - - ..... . .. .. .' it .a ... . . . ...
ouw jji-.. " "- , 0r this net. and thc said mnncy. .lull iierer be mail noiiiac the privilege oi coniroiing ilia ejcieti, neccmlK-r 9th, by thirty-one votes ,1C , . nhltd tbJilwiiriietlon r
ilefaii ter. 1 have nrotwtr.nnd shall be ready "' ,, ". V " ".i. ,i... r.....l. m!i.. n .rl. .M.. r il.r r ver HlHcrii I m Vihv 1ti.nnl.llrn,,. i-iirnr f -t innnlmr,! :, . ".:' :.V r0! pronwii ineiiesirnclion i or
." ' .. ... wi nr mum mm i i.". . .. . -..v;"".: '. . I . , , ."..: .".. ' "i ..' "C not a. Ixineza c laraeler n n. is i
i .. .. al.- ....... uImimm flint Mn niiinni rt nt. t . a.i . .ir.i mil Iia lit tinnii it Mil aii'tm itn u nt ttfsnvniiT niiitrra irnm ' im mitt is ri Aim -vr...r l-.m i.ih.ws ! ..'.. -
"""..SSlruLoftheiire,., J.ulgment against me for the balance due. force from and alter the Bt day of ..nuary, obta n lu.wa.rn-om ter Ivcriir o, mo,, s,cs i.ere also cast for two other gentle- ,ve.,L o'hi coun rlls' JS
jvuiuitu v.ji w . .... -.u i ti. iiwt.i nt i iitfHniiift ' in.iu. .' - . - - inn linn ttmttiii.tAf iiptm p,ui.h.i ..
. . ..4-...- ri i pcc n iiiiniuiitn in nciirMiii '" . ,.! !...... n..nH , tM-..i iv ! -... . . ---.-... "'"'h """" H"'ivvi
unlay we nuke our . w -""""; B,h. In relation t. .nnie paper for the Oregon ' . . , -7, . , , 7- ' . .to'.lUn oar' ,. !?. J ..M..,.l,1 ."T. .' "!m" rauly. Tnuh . ImproUiig to IIuuhh
. 1,1 :i.ll .1 '...wm.I fill.. Illltlt JBHniWIim"! "" ..W....--V"- y. 1 . ,ll,, .. n,tll:,. nnrnram nll. ,' i ' J"""fc""0 --"1 ". -','113.1111" CICIIIIIIC SIllllV S IIIUC UllCIHIOII
Stnlnul that was lundcil nt Orescent Ut). im,a , brr, we. minen for n ini.ig or m Iling purposes other Ambassador. la. Ti,.. ,.i,i r., ..in V,i ..i i
i iiiinw.
that at thc
we are happy o n"' " " , Tl.l. Is, as I .houUI
elrjc of UK in.ru rm nn . . ; -- wo(M lhc
remote signs oi ulaiiiy.ji". " ..." . per cm Crescent C
ImvG l)cen bwet wit i storm, oi n...M...v .... ,m n g mhw ,0 Mdw
difficult oi Innimicrablc- in me imi: ".
tHjverty, oppoiltlon, United poiitlon, bad
roadi.spanuwttlcments, almost total neglect
of Uncle Samuel to provide ad.-quatc Cay
pntl faculties, nnd coiucqiicnt ability to give
jo7SnToM iww5 ioIo ibKn.fcnce on the
rain, from the capricious cloiuli floating Iti
heavenly ace immcllatcly above nv-aml
Vint, too, only tteec months In the year- o,
I eFlH!ct, thnt he (I'omeroy) .. ..... . , , olTorcd tU following ' ". .' i.',,i"n .!.)' " S0' ' t a caucus of thc Democratic members of had left Tor thc San ImU
Smlmtl rrom sl.ij.ping pa- nl . . IiW .11,1. 1 r rll-'-s .hall remain !IC F"?le' -Mr-. loglH wa. dhplacnl from . The rrslRiutlon of CjipI. 1
!ir. lnrnrtunate Stntmtlf ,...,t. i n. n nnnnii ! I! a. Yf.u.- ! ir..i....n 1 'C Liiairmati'liip of the Committee on I err In Ik-Onlm,...,-,. n,.i,i-i.. 1,1
"j' - . rccii ii i. rv i "... v --- -"o xaniu ni 11 in L'uiiiiiniiv iiuii iiui mill iiiL'firHi.
r Al the home or the I ride', rather, by lb rttr
John McKlnncy, Mr. K'tibcn It. Illounl ami Vii
Clarli-a llaltlmore, all or I.tnn couutyt
it On the 23d tilt., b) Itcv. A. V. McCarly, Ur
11. I'' llnnlinnrvnd M Mildred A., dsiiicblir ti
JohnllakiT.nllorSilem. f
ft-" In I'lirllaiid on tie ICtli uH., by Vm nyl 1
V., Mr. Jnmrs SIiitI to Mrs. Catharine Daliva
imiii ui .iiuiiiioinani .
.id, whilst the tJ-On Pnlur, Jay, I hi 4lhiilt..ln Marlon eounlr,
lent or agrlcul. '' Udir Johiif-llpi. Mr. JoluiK. Ksim. of iv,','.
o ore reported l""d, t" Mr. Mary fc naMon,(ir Marlon tV
At the r.-iMcncfif Mlttlioll Tlmniinn. n..
ton Co.. mi the lali lilt.. In llrv. J. A. llan.A.
Mr. Andrew l'lirvv, ofCirall!. ami MIJ?
ilaiightirontrt Pat Id Ihump.on, or UnnCo!
the tun ce of tiv.. Awmlir or the Territory ol uregon, ......i
J" .... .- .- --. ...U ..r.....V -- -- - . ".,
unci, men ,u l'omerov. even nfter the object of That to each lamll.o l.ler n tin. territory ,nc iScCi
. . a -...I .i.M.viiis.i. r tpntui v iitrrimtiier
torics. 'l'herc were imlvscven sotm for Ilnntr.
las. They were thrown bv Messrs. Hlilelik
has been mrt'iil
cd by lhc rresiile.it to talc edict on the 2uth
ol Dcccinbr.
'hoiiia. Itrireton,- on the sd ulL by Kldrr K. C. Hill. Mr. W.J.
.I...H i...-r..w....:.i . - ' "v wc
( w .-.. w IrfVW ! . ! .... .w .( ..-I f VII.. t . . I jSJ.
t .! r ...... j i,..hiIkiiup . . . nuiuti. i litifinnii itrnuii ifuwuiM i .nni ani . . . . . . .
aniotitit ami nesenpiion oi prujiKv "'"j'".' to enter upon and tauc poscs on or any lnu!, i:i.. s.i.'i, , . , , -.";- a recently prepared onictnl document cal
. . .f.. .. i i. ......niHtii i..m . - .. . .. - . iiil'iii. .in. iiri.ii'nr1!.- u u.ni wai iii..ii..ii.-i.ir.. .. .. w
,. i. I...U.1 u.. ..n ..... ...A)., ... I A ,i..rii,iipini wii.w..... ".. -- -i.-.- .. . - . . " .. ...".......
.1. l.n.I.II lIKa l.U lUllt.l W....W.W. .iwvi...v..m. . . ..... I... I. ..v. ....... tmnt . . . . - ..
u Mrt.nl II, aililllinn in WIinL 11 HUT CAVIIII'V iiuii. ....l . n.i. I n mr iif mi. t.i,.i. In. 1..
.l, III.,.. , ......- - , , ,,, nmil, Piunv, ii.ih ... u. .ii, iinr-M.. it., ,i'
..J. . ! I ...I. IW lllfn .t..n.,P . . . ... ..... . !
Ih-cm iuitcd.
H....I... !,....... i... ...... ,....i.. ' ".vmi iimiarci oiiic
.....umiH .is .in. n iia,.nc , culatw the entire amount ol public ami pritale
opprnpriutioiis, rxclu.it c of salaries ol public
olliecrs, for tlie District of Columbia. Irom the
time the t.ovemmiiit locatnl in Washington
Thc U. H. Stiprcmr Court met at Wn.ldng.
ton, Dec. !.
coiuimis . , - atlnaimcnt nnd forced alc, W like manner, x out,,d coistnictlng .aldditchcs.doliiB'no
One w.td, Mr. romeroy, nnd I have done. UIH M a hereinafcr provldcil, t wit : n nuaif UIineccMSry danagc. mid In rmc any lamUor
Cunt. 1'iiU.moii. ot the steamer Columbia, tlly of land not cxceci.ig clgh acres, situate 1)Htcria! us rircsaid sinnteil In lie iirniriviri-
' ' ' . .. II. ..lull. .. ,1 I ..!. .- .. ..... .. . . ...... I . "
sat. that Crcstm City I the nifst dangerous not In any town, village, or ,v' nteil ror tl.c putposes n iilorrsaiil, slmll iu bs I lie sioop-or-wnr I'lymnulh has been onler-, o Uie.lOlli of July at,ut nearly 825,(1011,111)0,
nlaee of landinc roiaU on lue coast IwiwM, lor' lM0 f. ... " i ' ' V Z, I llen or K"w '"" " proprietor or pro- euto tern rruis. ami tuc autmtl value ol the l.otrrnmeiil re-
.... ... ... u.. lnclulllllK llPS 1,....... ri- -,- . .m. wis nm , uiiiu-viniiiiin wiurii ,, gni in oc Ml, .Mr. Iloycv. or&'oiltli Curo ina. asknl h-uvis
II.I.imI Id a anliiP ultil l.l . !...!. il... a ll..unHln a ittwtvi a lllllir' -!! r ill llLll ui nuv.il .lln.xl . m ,ir,i ......, .....I .1.. ...i . . . '
j iiui u is -.s-i iTVabi iiuur i HWij tx nnivum 'r1'" P ' . .. ""tuntuvi iaiu nn tiicintm, in iti ail.lll fcia iiui
) It
iiiu imcrseciion oi sinvts una uvrmim, nt up
. VIIV1.I .9 n ..... min UULUI HMUUr ! IIUtL LT1 I LIIUIM.' "I'lt - I. I . . Milium VI '..IU II I llCinilll'. Illlll . I.lll .1,1 Illll UI Inl.Vlll.M .. ....!.. . I.... 1 1. ft..... . 11 iiril III D I .1.111 II I I II II I . I III. ln.t .,1 till 1 .1 .. 1 .1. 1 1. 1.
iufrpTT "W l' r?' fal nf Umpuua Is Ur better; U,m he c.,.Ad at ifuaiillly or eighty acres or a no, a niian y o, , ,,, u.m .,.,.,, ?r K,M ,n M , , ltl?,( icU(,iM n,nillurc Mnllmry' lld M,nl.
tilllwcw1" ela-las U.U In - " Umwmtvl.cn he c.not A Urenr Clt ,; " 7 '"' S"J t 111" ' .aid "PI'ml'c the damage, lt,k.ll k .win for ; the from Arizona. Mr. Jones, ,.r IV-.ii.wii.ob. W nt n,rly SI 5.000,000, the 1-ap.iol' co.f
xuv proipcr t hereii . , 0M ,uw fa mla wijfferj f wjh ( llcrert of C ning.-l'rovi. Illlec di,i,.terled clllwis i.r s.id c v to , ," . nv 11 -T r b. Ini i iw l W.S ' The .uihftrlit i . , , ' . ,UUU-
.CinlldcnhtElut.'S:!' Pn-p. - " "iTT" "'l ""! Slilol StfS ,?. .SSeX nXfipSSaButmS '- " ' ' --- E
atlon of the country frua tho lavage, and ,lUl '. ha contribute,! J1" or mlliencc of mb1, laml. . ffiS ., T,ic ?,' V' 7'""M' nf IK,,cll,rr "'- ") ,,0,,,M0 ,,,fc,,B ,V"r inl4niJ """ T,m' ,'-
fcrWIn- U t the mejcnt .law of clvillxa. on,J ''"'"'f"1 dullar l0 llw CrMW'" -'ity road ,u!dcr. K there bo u.y, as shall be dctlgnalcd ,ci. , ffi? f llw ui niraXn J. I llut I,,PI,,-V '"'POfb.nt .lispnicla have bcrn re- lww w at Clevtlnml, and their clurl ttns
bringing U P prw nt .tap of civ lira ; 1 r. 1 wrti JH' F " "l1" g cehnl.rrouOlucleo and .i.l.n.ltll to thc Oor. " f" 'Sf 'l Mnrlu Kr.te,. Wo notice
tlonjwcarcproudtobs nun bsLd with the G J 'n.at tie amount of property d.L""! "' that they may n- thl cal liaa Joit beu. mi&iI at Detroit,
pio,rxrs tlut banned the ator d:..W nt T-ltfrrS i "IWJn.lhc Act. eclhm of tbli actHo U fftlHrfagg 1 bJTOX "rc,f. flS1,t; pnwmmnie or life Mnwtge I'Ir1' M, "vUmtl, built and unl for piracy.'
-... .! nrra- '. a rfiPCtlty .JUKI ZL V nKl.T. trBfL,m Tiiuiaifint and rorrctl .aleJW.all ! i:Z23rT-- lTr.y ',,,ifm,. ' MrxTcaiTafralr.. Meantime. It Is under. Some booty tvus round on her. u well as bur-
irrmeAtWfV .a.nr l&tffrlbuU re, 55rrai-"S W ' M&Mf raioexted the vlUrtfc,ay4vf & d "'" llng MMehoiisw, etc., nnd
Kia. T7 . ... . bucm I CHMTBIVlllir;ti7,rr.r,.,,U.i. . . l.n.luJ7.1ni.n .. .1..II Ihn mill ninmint nf .il .?, . unic Mfl mawngAftlu frriit p l3nVn, ilnf-lmi. in. ,..i,m l,. '-.. II bundle or lettera frun, . arin i;,.tM .l.il.
acctU U . r,IU mivwrucfl , j:-. . .h " ... r....r, .......... -"-- -y ---- n "oimmejinBH li.trtanM , wepru.BJfflU'-.. 1 tTrJt. 1 " " "'. " .' -"" -" 1 ..,i..:.i 1 .1... r... ..,:",..,."..". "."."
a.wiriiist.uix iiuiiurni uvimm wc vspMU'd iiuui - -iim auiani Mr i i ammIiau m..j iw.-i. 1. 1 -.. "thuv"" i'"i n s iit-iziFiiniL.- u iri-n ... . ,. ... . V( . iMiiiiut.iJiL-i'.iii':
Crouch, ofTa.ptco, to MIm Columbia Trspi
ol Cortallis.
U On the IfithiU.. by Kldrr It. C. Illll. Mr. C.
r. rmr, to .mis lummu ji i-aiio, an or Iilo.ru.
lam im ijnTnmrariTi !. in,-
' unrri-is.
lHIb, the wife of Yf.
In this d.tep, Jan.
I'ottler, ol daughter.
rco ait of r t.- Vr
vAtftrar pdU'Jiv,
itKWr yr-.r o
' ?ir'jfewU'. w
, ,, 1 ' .OftuuJt .or
' RrutoiiJrtn,,
i.--.. -t
lOAkjoijrtJt.jJougiM i'q 0. Til
,l. Sr;- loth ltl&O, I
I'.o. 6MTII-.ZW rf -Mr lUiuom. a
twmtv-flve hotnlrtil dollar be exempt from at- tL r ift . .rlmt.A ..j w ...1.1 '1
f .11. ... (....I i fiM (avail M iin nhr litifisk ' . ... mi '. -i . "
'K.' ", " "r'J'.r .u Ji' 1 ." 7 :. 1 P" '' l0 F ". "n. ' cxccUen
?' ,01-"u,, ,ur " -"'."" "-"" uircctwl to tl n Itr, who fiall preeW'trt
rami itb otcm cvuiiusun-u i-nvi iv iv r . en . ih .aM, M , i , jum ifXZV
l1i"t . ....'. Apncttl. shall ber 'lowed ibeVame as aniukli
aiiowwi fri- 1 Judge out of Jusllee or
in-nrB 111 ot' nun,
Hot C. Tut nut to lake . RmI ...a iw tn
fortst from nnd nW itr pa.varju.
... . , I.. iL.m.17 ... ktrfulfP VAltn lltfl r.BfrKA UlfifV . t..l .'i 1 .. 11.
.1 r. . ...... ... i ... i ... ii.'. .iiu m. . ..... ... .... . w.. ... ...... . ....... .-m. ..i. r. ii.v .n.... .n.... ... 11
L as U0'fl-rH?ri -w - - -'to i ..j.. " s - "" "- ',-
" ,fnttrtlhtlH4w- - inWrooroouju-,iy.rnTTO-i irraace ,- v . phj "j "" m . V " TlVre
rJ.l.rro.l-&tfc " i,l"ilrM' "llomeitUvlug any fgal ,,,r
i'VtS.?" . . 7 IT " .tr , i .ii i , " Wcm to cxctuie.gniasiiiie properly of nny
ajKHrVewI!rf muT" u " c22 u" '" a'y''"r.. MF w wi.a-j iwd-hoMcr m drIgoatnl in tho ftrst section of
ZmXL.. it. j. . i r "lw iveef. ru.. ;o..i il., ...mint .r iimtM. .!.l..i
fr4 ''ter " l,K f.wtlrlTe.rwtth A oot-nee to pU'S;; tUrv.-Jcft.Ify I pi0iot6r:jtfe exniml .kr thf
ft I 3 ?,Sriifi tn... JU MTtlr vol dttw Kobtr.yo. IsWy Ttom Jgi-phlno Co-,T( ff ; 'f nOcer ihatt nnIri a Jury W
"T V 7"if,-it.j,anJ i cstiOJeaJlr end another mail, John ?ItUtawy. atartrdm. J?-?" T.T'i: T,.rrl"inu or tcuuotyfai
Ijrll CIRllll'001 Imlf nr.,,.1, I,,.. , Iw..!,.. , .. , :
. ' established the furl of rnriiii.l..lili.,'nM.r nr ,,i.
ot Wftslimcton for tho urtllvniciit of ull ' rle being In cxislencc on Lake Kne. if It .-v.
M-rlcuu claims iiiraiiml Mtaieo. nml in m... : lends no Airtlicr.
antee lhc rlirlifflhr way across Clilliuahiia, .c-' Hecnan has written to the Xcw York Tn
iiora and MutnMrxicaii territorial in Clir,.r. Aim.. ehllrn,, i....t...,r.
-- - ' i ;:; p. ,. ...j mi iu,t bii n
, I In Hill liin ,, ... i.i. .,...' .
--...,, v..., ... Hl,j iiiiwimuic nine i.c limy
iianii" a challenge wliiih, if he luvs the spunk
olaninn, he cunnot decline aflir his recent
vnunlliijr. Tiic challenge which 1 thus throw
ilcttiito Mr. .Mornvscy, hi enw his prudence
should gel the better of his tahr. I txtend to
.... i.. uf,i m.,. ' ""' "-"auie sum
..j. .w vil.,UUUi
WtifS.H.obAiri; ncfi., tpjlreX wl lhjtjyMUte M, a i
rT?$yl,x 11-A.TOi. TKrTmrehal all Sight, a;d the ...xl evening hoMw, thi itrIanl, and onU oL? by thrsl'-r- rK,u"
. ,iXitrhinWirZ3H" "! nTum""- jwuinron rase om. i teorf atioul 13 Inebea t '. "' '" ouwrr ami io aea nirv l-ill
J&toi'' at"'"? '"tng taainwr our op,) beti d-rwed Hgjillr, a CaiW .lurl ami 'dctormntr tiic amnoir' of il exem of the jto-
, - - .j. .. .f7i..i.t: .. . ! . .. . .-. ... .. DertV in dADUIr ntvandslinrllinin...i. n.
irn nv ... m n i r it aiu ...i - l.. . aa.a t . . . v . m . m ' w i ------vr-'- --.i---a --, i . &a-sr
i.ia. i
loril .Vaiiiet is und'rstood, has rcctltcd
no Intiutatipn of a recall.
Mr. ftcjilietiv or (icorgia, has prepared to
Xrt, n tiki iiit mijHirliiiiily, u bill Tor the
bvton or Or L'oii into llic I ninn. ''In n. U
aiMiartlltli'nl nositioil t tho timiMtirr. A.
linoaaHhe Wnf snui rac ldiHeil or. Mr. S.
will mow to iak up the bill fur theadmbsion
Ti!J Wi. 1ii..,. ... I r Urrgni,. ;.i n J J publicans -
-4 --'-..-'-"-...ijfc.,. ti,t. tietiiiwtie
g.,.1 --..'Jl. .
Vcrv'liliiily.niarl'lirnlv,niiTurMlav. lllh
Innt., Mh KlinnorfJItpheiis, wire of rlriilsmsa
Sliplin, aged .11 ycar.
InWl Tualafn. 1311. nil., orcmup, Hor.
nice Niel, the only il.tughter or V, I!. nj K
J. llai'tt, apd l'J tniiiithii, and '.'O days
I nm.' I ilwiiiiimwM J
r:w avi:utisi:aii:nts.
To tho LADIES of
p: TAKK I'l.KASnir.liiannoiiiiclngthu
V we have rrcflud
'UK IVIee. or lh
'II.. v1f
CMKk.1 'c wn,
"Wt ..trtW-'' i!'0f '"tng taainwr our op,) beti d-rwed Hgjillr, a CaiW .lurl ami ' dcwrm'iv tiic amnu.r' of il excm of the rro- r .u r
i'-T olabluliiin-nMam.-I-..,-.- .&,,.. l , A-' .ta V. r . . Prty in dispuie OtW ndabOethoPOlltl Jtt-
-e mn tf;,; ;i:
TL. air M.orfi priik'is Wk. ..I.!....! .!'f. i. ... ..... .i . t.f.. .... .. . !... ....! t, . ..: i.I! .r ..... ' "' '
AA 'fv-j Ai .,vwni'w. .v . ..... .KV) uq warn I'll at. kiwm - ""jwi' msss jnry caii. ye ar. , . , .,
rWL" 't' ww'yi'w Itmapiutly; fxpowij (a the weather. On the uvaW of "" .' 'ra "VT . J ,?B,V V1" "theK P H. V,
t?frJ ... i, ii . n:.. ....; i .i.:. . .-. .. . .....,' Uix 'more rcrl.t laadholiVi In lh in . lneft- -r- UrtM.or the
&. iwr : :.::: 7:;i."r,f ' ,7rq t -T,r- ?tv- hr " i twiiw ai,ttj, fM, and , n; r,. iw run0ww
'7'ca i",f"v ""'j MU4ii iu rsiuiwtrrn i auu (irtitiwrii nnirii & uni, , 1, n eUM tituii'si. - .t Ia .t.. . i. li i '
JrW)rtva.Vui.H. .litfitalt.rii..iirf.M..i . 'i .,. '' ...... .7 'i5,,..,r .i-.i . -r 7.. . nii:'. I Sa avbwixs Clh53
ft' ' ni!rlittrconh!andjUrnMi V r,Jlor ffL T,,0"1-wl MalUoh, tffVntt.fi,ea,;i
SJ)jr-sjiFtolIltti,fcn,B,wl1B compsnyo Kun.wtn ,uwtclulkH0 toattachmeuL aul s'ale.rwn such ?t ' ' l ? J "K uT I . .ut
rw.fsStor tt IM nmdy clrrfelk conn htvinj re off tly fgsmd It Invlbfe to h tkiwhS t Vl -j , fe'm.ft It'"D Mt dtr w,i
S MS ? "'' dr..llwiW tratkm. fre. art the poIa ,fr. '-j 2 de. fc, ' " Instant and i,w
ss -..- .. .- w . .mau. bibi ai .a pt ira i. .. lau.n a a.
M,U' llnh..nUn..i Uu.l.i...i . i'T... 7"; "'.'.. . ...1 MWI.I.WWI .wcii.oi inisciy. WW a
iLl i. iTT i ,.,7'", .i . Il.T "' ,,u" '"f Mt y .? W paer l tho OvekTaJ Mai csmcIi Ikaf fcrk
l, -!,, .jieimnj fradm.li. I'ol tU.1c il all the raw Iaweairin frrc liom and a'lw li. na.Jae.ilhj, Fraaeaaw. NnrMnr iau. . ...i.
. r-." '-T . . . " "'...lli. . -- -- I-.... - ,-..-.-;,-..-'.'": "". s nif
UiTMKi., "K.oin.i?ja,ii
. H....' .. .,- l Ml' . . J .. '
aeritt ,r , ........ ,in!rnctaiw:aiflrnnillltc or-tMtTJ" jiea.is
, ""- ",r,r,,i"'l'liirtirbWlJijgCiusiiig IhcdiilicHoiironl.iroib
ill cndcatoro'Wclrarn that thc ce!eliratl l,r.f. !.',..:..
""S .. ?ul. "f llc JJIurmai. fitmllf nr . " '"
'WJtlg IIouso or ItrnreseiiUliv.i.'ed by old IJIadc IlaHk.ttMw'd C i. ,'.
m it ntiiiugioii I moil, on the l . Coon.or Addiioii i.nintv, Vrrniuit.
irS Dennrl.or IViiii.rhiiiili, in to Minor It. W'illin,,.. .r iiinu...ri.. n ...
-' " .1 l --. (IIW. J.1IIIIIIHI1
hI IIUST qnalitt or
L rrrnch
" ra :. is svk r.n w.
iVhlih we olbr to tell low ror CASH.'
I'art rour
county, Missouri, lor S'JOOO,
I'linirr.,. mail .1,. n. .
..a l.i saiiiK....ri.i.' .".".":.." ......... .-ni- iicjii
idinr.;n7;ui,. "r ,?.". ""i ... i,.c,raifcin nv .n,
. .. 7T;""C7" iws..miwvi iiiVKtmTIH Hill ' lillllll III IH M HI In lli.s
China !
HAvn jMittiVKn, nnu mrf.ie
ojz&v i'or n-vsTT,
lly J. A. IlItt'NNKIt A- IlltO.
gcnftjiitaliiWH waUvi tuensweJ U.e
lhi.r 1 ,.! Vb..l .. . QE. ... i ..-?..
.w,i o nur, no aro sw:'ii
J.fc Kj,(t full from wee
' t the barth voi
,.(..m..ii. ravwivvr
."llAM. lt
'";tjT ' ... . ., , -. -., ... .
DuWi. Th-ift0 ' hare bn fcvMy (m- , wf ,uwl ,n ll0B " of tin w
3td or,BC. V1""? nu i.oi bKH1 punoWy for a
hS tP' ' if Js all ,r M
the nHwl'
'au.wui. in . nai
AM' J. QbllDdK
. S-7.
it sfastW rsfir
. '4
lA.ll.Ject, llicrcjwusa niulnr Ivor I....I.I... idl i.-ii-' im .,.. . . .iiimii hum;
..-....-. tv., -!.. . iil.t..L.. '": :",'.,'.i "-' 'c I"." orn.ll tl p ncn lidils of en.
itnniiaa j ajl tatssa nr ' viiiuiin .BBai: vin. ini-f.iipi r uHin iiii a...ii j .. .. -. "-
"aL irXiT , the roi .W..thor miTrfli. e consid: I" i'" "L i"''" "crw m"' W'?cliir, of
, --- - --- !, . a... .a. ... .. . ' Mtui iniiL' iitiiir iiiiin nin ui.i.ti. i.. .... i. . .
mteingcrw- .r,r..i?r!?'?'!.rTf:
nSnfnmSi.'aZ";.. ,. r,,r 73"? .."-:....J?.wf-I1. iJl-.hU iuw; .
JoMorrh bymVrtig,hr.ord. oiiauch , " TO I i ' " "" , of fhtmi.
other artrnlw a. nmJ JroWUoi. .Blnitfor.,X V' r ' oy a ..oliey
vigil couiiatiocA 'riic. ?ct ,',"V,IJ rupture with the
im. .1... irtj ..-. " ":" :,. ;"V.' ' ":"".'. "'""ainru niter llieerent. couiirri.
-..., ...mi vtwiwawcu I0 rvport u urn aiim.l
it'j; nirar nu
lvU., UrlTu
Jon-lais -' " r,'.ii" "'"v.:' ." ". ""..""T- "neri
.ris' .f iw lo.u'rswihrevi'iriiiJ:
lacksnnvilV, Dec. l'lli.
f ft
Tour BletWiilaJ lh T,.j..:. ffBlbly
'WaT1. flftlwlVV.WtfOwwm iTll iWlfully
' .- jl ..'.'. -- """iu ,..!
i.mvrciK riia ra ...... . .i.piiv
a- ..1 , . . T? -".vuM. Ol. 11, ,111
i.HrW'irtA'iil, .. wcpl; uRd.
pi urra, iwrstuOt a
wrcct mucercom
HiflO Ik v.tJ.He it woriNr
t)jta al M" T fi. T .faW. 'WJk 'TSaA-..a.lWs.TT-U
.i' MSit'J TKBBHf4Llra14Ll
i. x ui .v .a.nh ViH"v, !Sdiavir-ii . 49-jn..
KM.. 'ffc rj:'X v" TKW'-tLift. v iJakVtp
VsVaMtSJ . I a I A Bl'VTSr r :W 3H.inillIr1tIBBHiSaGanQaEHXtf w
SHE I ll .tJsV'V-.? . yCyWBrtlSIX'WTBlWaMaWaLa.
IKlaV " 4JTfl'Slli.4B i -. tomtegmmmTTm && Ajy
Hm k '?i'i;Y. tWKM'i, -. ; ivitxarf T ta jism
je9Ss - 2 iurt. ; . z.n ' vWrnsaBPf" -k w wmeM-mtiiik'waASZZK.
SaXI J.f. - VJIiwW -, mftJITK'V , Vit .-'.v --jiet,Ik
UMl f iMKiWre TO -Qif-J ', &, .... iiiHaflbi, jStL; .2
:u vaH 4aHmaaesst!mma
.MEXtX.ff A' I T AaLTliVt -. ITiFfTil T ," .n W'i , V';cXBr?Prllf-'flr JWIairVW
Wjrav,?. it fc n a it i Jk ' t&i-M jfijat viaiiT: '(;,i -. ttior.
raSHM 1T 7fkiK!ISfiPv9PE4K
MPA. fflLS -llBBWrKsSidrawKiaWf.
ii'Kum .TMmmt.Kmzm&. h .m
tVBVa yjtiXuI HIIWF-. Ii' "V AflslB'W'M. : U ,ti MFii.P&iAjL.'Si. -'. I ' .iHWTt
iff JBJsmSiJffiH
. 4HIH' AiW JB.Tiili f M i: JT UaMIA itb '"'Ta 1? 4 J -" JWafaVl C JBHKV ntKBRf BKHK M IW 4Br ....lVtf
M-iZk li gSfif it i fl i "nt iwii mTTr' TTnlTIl 'f ' J3.44iii i-Asis'ltaat! i
, ;'lr w't.'? 'a.MmLmmimzmvrmixwm tm!m m y simik;?p
. rMKiigKMiEiiri;iii
i rXJkiaIfiutt.i.iKWFn iu. i K MtfBBM&alif Hi C? VsHBKflldlvMtv -. aW pu j iiauBWiaKUB e, ji. r . , m y ; (SBtFB
tr .JrUiMr -.S T.Mri
. 7 r.vi k -bitj i . '' v . ufcr,ii..i r. ,r ,. ... tp m wult,; iw T"i . . rii ;, h
.u , .vlftHI .'&.' r ,P . 'Mswii v - IW,
ltWJlW.!MTw.ir'ijr' ' J .'.m-- ' ' . .iWi-X
,, ifiiKMA; rm;M, mm-A- ., ' w.
iFnwnw".' ai:. ? r? .. - iff1 if ;"T -f . -ic " v : .- ft '(
B ' Vii iatfL'PsBK .rfr . . x . I ., 4U i n Za4. fit.., . r i 4 . J, Jf I I
', i.:jK,WutiaMfeXjaavJ,-.,?l..ki-il,ti m
iiSSBbtttyEPjW S&WKlHaHSBBKsW UsAa (Mint
WJptBorfed to report u bill admit- cd with her late ngurcssho dm!oiii..rv -. 1 .i
ijfjU' ras. orduty. II, I. under- lime i. foi co ml Km a , ft e Wl i "
r & wjawent of the t Ievs of Judge tijK,,, our r.-lationi'wlih'chliia Wlffi '
klsiamJ r.i. 7. J-y y " """'gio'i V n ',, ,.ran,(11 ielay,lw has now
M v.sMHieriiil Avoji to the imtum Kmpire. comblm-d with I'nuiw to du.pu.te n position
It iiniMn iUtJkc Mwburgh urritwl at will, us, tvhicl. kI.o nolen.nly rtiioiinml bv
fcm??U,VIm,,n;,,cllicre,0,,,l,e . Vton.Il.iKw lixuly. 1'ranee a T. ffl d
Willi Of vc(obcr.lio1iii' miwliiii,.K- ii,i .1.. Im,,. u...nr..i .. r..n.:.i.i .... ""fa."""
'j ai.Ma am: .--. v v v iiruiiiuiii. ai n r nias. at iii.n,. ...
at Pt. Louts, DccewUr 8ik. A (tWwtch jVom
Im -IoIIlt cllt. milJi.lJ b- tLj. kr. -.i.
. . : .T .."..'! r. "" . m-iii:. 4tiL
MLMWIAI, fgr n-irwl, o '?. W W HW.,tatw that- MrjJewcuVj
-) an iia.riii in ,iif - - - -" -t -- . r. m nr, im isbmki ra-ii . . ir. - .-
f Mr rmu, pWaiwSml'tief.S!1," T,'7.'r. ..illw&iW'leLi 'X"??',c- .l"'' "u.d Jl ""t.object I. ,0 conimand
. w,wu . r-SaSir ;-," .7'"i2u..',e. .fp. ia juio lks ft: .7.7;, :r",rs ?: r" .-,"irnrl,a'. tudr transit
, .V-. ?r.'' ." t"lep-eu ' i "U Pb am alrtady fn Wshl,;i7- The diKi
-. wni nt.tes in c irM i.'" . ni. ,i. i ,' , . , ; . ,T " .. r "f AM
'r."" U.I.T -v hk.wiiu ITUi'M inn im AT ..MtfM.a. . . i. -.
u'wcr.nd faster vcmcI, I not nuirr much penetration to di'.coter
w..:rB ruure. torouan a coi-Ulutlonai iim. '"-"'l-'je nax until the 2th ut C From funton to Iiudon and I'aris
......m miimi ner nine ana that ncroM me gioijcnnd not around it.
vfTI .
...1. .I...W .1
-wutiuiam umhki, one Im
w iiKMt m batik Crtecii
wwrriors, UMfer JIuJWo
will be
It dm.
sv'aw aiiisvwarriu ITUIIUI rilMJ lrIW .'A a t-r !,.... - . ,. -T"
. .- v a m wi ii jvaia inn .n. -. . . .. 1 " .. .
J-ort CWbwn,Kort8!th. etc, under com- JTffiaL,Wu1nd,,,?","rm' r" the design has been, M it
waml of MaWVai, Dorn. f. tlm OuauutW .t..I.t"tltM "l"wlndlng the d.. not demand nvicli stntcMimiisliin to nro!
" "Hitir. auauii. uiii nii'Mii m iiu.f .s . .. uuin .... i. t a. a
I diww,jtrf and paulislteji U f,d0vflar
oitad aUi mail ,m .llm ww.ii-rw
J paWie M1,"" w" wmo wiroii.
"hwutial " Irlymct wUh ea
:. trl-iyaek I wmejaud IMmmki,
murro rou tt ty niMH, Io landau ni l..i.i ,. ' V """ ".'v, nmcii ranuoi lie post.
. hundred Caauki ,a,H,n??n !"tui-' 'e Kr nt. , poned or eiaded.-CWrwmuv.r Vh,l. L,t
Mown. . ' w"'?. t-cnwirv , or Mexico, returned to ' 'rnt.
TmL iXIL:'lw ln'T: r. - ..
rwrtMlars obtaincl T i.TLir" "A.i""': ,.J1U "s ?n.pftl,I. . -j j wt ii im.so i'fni.i!.Oii
by the Ovtrlaod "i7-m T.u ','1 '.iA'" V0'"1'--- '."...u",'." 'r,Vel.Vin'?'
Jtom 8m I'raa. i..i.i .iJ.? 1 ST . ."' "P'er tus ; "" "'"iiii io it inasor t;at!r,
arvm oau itw brought alwiLbyife jli inlluwce The Iy,,,. ' omiim..d or her Maj-lv. and nhurd n,
vrim jHiininir r'iiviii .. .......... r. . . .
nilllUIIIICinf Tin. U'ill.
AM. tcrmn. knowing thuu-rlir hid. l.lnl to
Hi' iindcr.'Kiiiil, nre rami lh riii.id l
call and Kltle their nctountu on or More Ike
1st of Fvlirunrr, 18ol),
As J. A. Ilniniirr lulriids having lor .ii Krso
ciicii by that time.
All account, not paM by th lt of Frbraary,
iiv "Mini raic oi uiitrrl (?I tr csnt. rr
month ) H 1. ibargi-d from the lit of Jaun
ry. 1M9.
Th.reaflrr, all nccoiuils mii't lion-ltbil every
nlmtv day. '
i ' -- JIUUXNIIlt k IIK0.
3 k. iv. mm, 1
juo nan v met ww:i riu,w.ua.i l . r.".z".ysait"
.. . -- . r. .'n....rf.,i.l. Tn, tM M.i.W.1 (M I I. 1. . . . - ... " .
.asiMi of iim P.IU..U.. . ...11. .. ' v ". " amu jai er nttriimti n. ...,., i...
. a.l".--?7TZ'v- """'" wi vfaoroai. fk lA.uaJUrtf.. ... ,r V..:."?. V'. 'V" V!.i.-i r... i.. .":.'.:". T. "7 "
,,, : w " -w" Jo wl " loruciiiii to- ": ""." i'oi'ioi-iii position,
wawtothe Mouraeoci uW. lieu to l'.,m. laken during the late ,,ur. r,
hi. - - t' r- -. -.. . .i wrw man U IZ1&H IK IJBI VU I Mm . A.r.I.. ... - ----.,- - . .' m
:f ?":!rar 77 :i TT . w
. uv w , . r '"J ("wa if
' ' ' . .. I J
II r"VtiU;U.LljV; -.."'.' .?v.' "?JTe,rr ?oy at ' orrnie.
eoo Tin. PM, nWMt oeeiihm.,1 .lriTJTltT! '"fr?'1 J'l
' soweHslog Jtfft owrfc,, . . ,, f , !T "wno ojw i,
nrlhe . :ifJ??i1Wm " .TrnlMFFaadtr
. WW -jrv.iWW IHVk I !. rHilli ' mmt- I...J ... ,. . :" ii1i'stT
IUULSIIIaT' . . i 1 - psrt ItSBB .j... . it r ..
pj, M))W j .CJa9fcft, TW, tJ. .l7. VT7 ' . " ",0 i
,IC, llf j w...i .Lli.rTT,,T ,, WMM. tUli omttln ur.t,. n
im'aU ...''C:77r:,",, 4 W K u l.u7.'!
&. twsj JNw, ' " 3,ri York Jhftiw,
Aorth-terruce. when, ft will I.. l.,..,,.i i.
Hm p,i r........ ".,',. .'"V"'.'V
-v hiivv vvuavi t. uiiii u ttiiiini.Ni iiiiiiiii.,.
. . . - --fw.v .tlIIV
i he L'lll.
lilt lllM Pl.t-
kiii V. ,urou",1 l0 ,K"lJnl by the .hip
oi oi ; H i an mlmiruh'c piece of workman.
Miip In brnss.nnd weighs 7 ton, 2?4 cwt.. 81b..
IU length U12i, feet, girth 7 rt a inches and
12 mcheii In tin, lmr li n.....:..u i ..
" ' 3U pounds orpowdcr tolo. d t a,,l l"" J
fd.noryroutneorilritisli "'"' of 200 lb. weight. Thc tnl.w nf .
;;X """.u " emiinaiwi ut lietlti-eu
corrtsponiluit or the Xcw """'"'"&" 1'iyvr.
LVOIIj. 111,. ItrilM,
ii hile one or the aiiti-
iMm . ii er Is huiicr
actitcvni)utliy win,
Mir . Lriimt..kl .... ,
ied inut iiis watt
X50U and
& J3SW3JLT!!., J
!, hxonil door rati uf lh T
Vj Kl Uurnilo, talironiU Hlrttl, V
fu JT.rl..n... III. . ft
3Wsiai3 b st;.n3
oeloS. ! m ,'"t" ,'?4,1u"1'y. lh Inst, at I
sih.k,i '; M.7 fyJ Ho,k l0 be done op lb.
Mouutuln Iradlng from
nn the
JucLannt tll.i In A ..!
Itoad, at a point des unninl i.v .. r'..., ..vi.l i.
ion SPo? aun'i"HP ' "U" 'inr'!nK P0,", f
toil .No. 1, und theneo rimiilngiin round the left
rfrf Ae MatlM. k-wen X w BUJ,
mfc.r,i&M.:ff ":,", . 1)11.-,,,, ....., - r.. .. .
irUu tLw...,'.:aKsr"'.,",fc ,,ur- .r cimn. ., .......":v ". nv'''?Bincai m
ifc7SJrTwjr.,!,.r!H1,0,M' WtVfciCvTr ,l,Tw I-aM mail to a line 1, '"eru inedealli oronoor our oldest
u wi, a1 ?l' " Ha Use Awferfcwia. J ?Zf , 1kF0ity. TM result will l. r i, ' , ' VMW K1'll on Chritimis day l,v Ji.p
k- TnT T' mto ItiSfi ikfl t,k,nrot"tftwt iJnuni" nnd tml fuM ' tt ,reo nl,Ich ' w cutting" II Q
aadZ'-Lr L,l,,,w WSltn,m l"teocrl "ml c, & " !"ji ' 'I'ir l or uearUp tonv lie.
.ffl'SLiLliSMi Iw-!'! ite'W11'"'""!'! l?i " l' tho tree for the purport of
kt!iT,.c mHZ tt2!'SWmm AtnUUultubh iH'te Vi"1"'. A " J't cut lllronsh
iIAJ0tOrIllcarIvtbo u wil.. -. i". "vuiiuwi irom me stlimil. uiul killnl hi... .1.
: t,Ol. WulttrfillM, WL4w .,.. rt...,. , U. C.AKMMIWJ fBESi am
Mail como,-.. jjsirz. 7 .t vt1" .:i,' ;. . : 'ssm
?, ii'qT'' ,-"r7'..,.,"'. c,it. ,T7.aMJ?r!
arv KJa. i .filial iu. -frMha. Jasj-..t . a u -' t
t ntorMcIs the Old Ita,,,,t h!eli point a Carl
I lUd on a Tm- as thw end or Skti
hiclloil 2 com i.'fj .... ii.. ,. . .i.
vM v ruiiiiuii oi lur
...iiummq ui a tree ttliiir a. card is put un alii
ruuu nir lounill..l,.L.. h.. ..'.. .' . "' ""
", ...m.vniiiip iju yarui1.
i.ii,L?i,l!!i.,:,,v".i,.'?,,i '""-id 23fri
ii Ln :uPrr " ,u. l . ,,i c" h.w.ie!-
III..!,"'. ...,. '"""' IO OO U little IIK
T.rr.v ,,,, wnwiHtfOtton llo haie 3 cub
-.." , im. ,u ii,u z tuinrli'.
lrrniii.Liil I.. I .. ..i. ... .
- ...j.v...... ,,.. kimii lornitli irllon inr.
Jiieworkto Iw roniiilrtdil I.v .1... fmh
"I .tWJI nnvt.
i:. T3 rn arwci miki mm tairft k.j...j jut . i iiiu nnuuiirM
. ?o Qo!waH ta a-KmuMifl i. wuLTT"; own. .iSSSI'm
'jtwesliiwly nJf ftwl Jltotlw?4VkflSf
f ? )-;ecv
Itat 1. lk-i-'.T?
.rwwamBautf .
1W"rp8iT8 n
u ... . . ....jau t
ASfNa lajHUK'jL.,
'i.m w, ih-: .ar.
!T ulfuir. K2tt7jBi'
-.a . . tw ---. wawara
rfff"10 fHyrsrs-jij h.a
PftitofccililaU nnd
ka a.,
H,(r oaaiW
mti'MtfiHH. W L.. 4. . '
. '!.'--"- ! w aaoiBB. intatv na i
Si m.?,.. . .1 . . .. . .. . l"T" -'' ditr- I
.'- "WR",' "W'wr MMl-waakW io a
'i ttraMltUI f Ik'aijpTAHal kal-lkH W " "
rot,- , r'wjmwm- V..-.1..-
.. .. .... .- . - -"'?;
-. PinBiU fMBBrBVKHB. F BV.. I ... l.T.i. la
...77.7.V "TF ji mnmmz2?'ux
'iiMrSwi'1'" , Nov. ): V 'wf-,r'jlMl
' .UWw,' ! HitiisJlh 4HUVi Ha" AYow Ua Ik
.hh . -' v-ww..M mwi wtiBi mm r. . . . . '
s?cr ii? vr0 &2lv
' tartatojol
V i-,ittaH(
"'IU Hau
'' ffclNwfa ,C M ,,
Is livorubly iu..illtti " "? "" V- ".-' was from Carli.le. IllinoU.
yW,.Ul ,mn yw old.-C,fr,. dry
a leudiiiff hiwinr'
Mdd u hou or G. A.
iponV 7frtftr 0f
lleutli nt .St. Paul,
I lit Ifxwl .....I
Kdngo" H" Tf"" ''rr7,;gc onUe."'
-0I M.udo v ,;, ' I l,' cuw "''lM .thedefendint liUnTmiv
!l .osumnun. W:& Mr fae,i
no uriwc rrom his to .:",,," "V, ,. ' .l"'10 naclielor love
't coiulalon Iwto i3 d, 1,a,,i"ftto "'Try, accord.
'! Fng o promise, she sued him nnd ho had il.
wynruiy nieuniiess to crow) oil by mvIiil.H i
unird, ,V .J. ," .'?". oiiwhIm, and
... ..,,i,uuml uouurs (luuiagcii.
I.tABiUTiM ok MamiiKi, Mk.v.A remark,
able caso has just berndwided in the Sun en io
Court, to tho ,.. ii,... .. .:....,- "" ""P'iFiir
. . ......... phiio woman ran
uv,w oilier ci.ai.i,.i...i. ..I... r ii . . . ' J
W. W. F0WI.KK,
uddrcisoj a
ration with
'riiew will, i,
itliuubjecl of the
' ftliu on
hMBi'li.'l'r'ihfi'1. I,,l,cr,,,,l,ounc l ffealh
Fins nt lost divided the iUki ,,.,t.i.. .,... m ,.. .
. Th- i.,7m 'V Mulo I,. 11,1.7 ,i" .". "'tt"1"' 'v H.ks
''nd.-r.tood ,o Im, Her husband, itho Is ono I . d c,l ' , ' C
r, ir tbo nip- Joi(i,surviveH her.
.lacksonvlllc, JnMi ojii,' j'J.
Tho Trado in Gonoral of
Till." undernlgmd having now nnbhol hi.
iwioy io run b,-r on orulout tl.,. '
lt of .llmc-li, next.
lo,rbo,'br,,V,', 10 ,'"'' ""(1 " cco.ni..rd
ratlin iKuuto,,
" ""i for xup
tooyNorvb'0 Hh'l'h W'n An.
l" V! ,uu? , rk; '"V8 "' PcmoiwI properly
' .0,000 on r.iil r tai 00,000.
IhoU'uil'll I. ....II :.
r.ir ll.ui.T., . . .. . ' blul,",, anc proiUK.
ud w '? unU "":'"-lK l Marhand'x.
'i i. ..."
and ,irir V. .;. "''' ,ttl.l'cl,'' be ulnio.l r.re
I, m ''l,0''t " ,0"" Hih uialUftlnlnB-
Tl... .1
this roiTta , LI I . ,."rr .'''. P,act,U ixrmaiunlly
""" routu ,u,tl u ",ral I'atronaB.' lol.clM.
the i
the i
lion yovt
est. i
the 8
9. )
nice v
since a
of thc i
he lafi
I'laud i
going i
H Unlet
log th
tot the
,'1y st
land, at
W,(j 8rrj
flock U
"dilute i
o pull o
flTKH. .1
i-ct has
Munroo i
J. Thorn
the AVim
J'e U tin
Vplco of
Jbo liible
lis biiidlu
'he past t
o eight "i
"'nl the v
n'td order
, An Hi
llx Jiegg
aUHHKjV WlLHiHra&BfLBiSaMiLIHUftlM -ft
siKBBiHBiVair !!EslPkBB9ialflKiHBHHHBBiHslPv i
90sB!slHrMft 'l'llsBBBrriBii.aflHbAj!bli1,KMB'41 "RBseArV'SCjiiiiiiiBiaK-.-i.B J fl "sSjBfcvj
"" ."iauiiauuu.
-.' i-'ui- o.T Jau ,My. JifJ