Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 24, 1858, Image 2

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SntHrdnr, JhIjt a I, 1839.
San Tranchco Accnor.
TnouAi Borcc, cornor of Washington
and Montgomery street, la our authorized
Agent In Sun Franckco, to receive sub-
icrlptlooi and advertisements fgr the Bkx-
We would call tie attention of the former
patrons of the Si:vri.ct. to the recent
chance of nrnnrlctnm. ami nnrrnllv r.
quest that all tboio who are Indebted to us!
before the 20ib of Mar, 1W7, to make Im-'
mediate payment, ana uiosc fitting accounts
against the oflico yrlor to that duto will
picasc present mem. as it becomes necessa
ry ttiat the books of the firm shall U settled
un at as early a period m possible.
W. O. T'VAl'LT,
i '
(fir Persons who re indebted to
this oftioo for subscription, advotlUIng
or job work, aro requested to cnll nntl
soldo by cash or note.
Col. V. G. T Vault, editor and'
proprietor ofthis papcr.may be expected I
to return bomo about the 1st of August.'
Oregon Is not Admitted!
Tbo caption of this articlo embodies
n deep and sevcro dliappointmont to1'
nimost cverjr citizen ol Uregon. It bad
been confidently expected that we
would bo admitted beforo tlio adjourn,
mont of Congress, but that much do-
sired object was not accomplished. It
tlon in tho Representative Hall and
prococded to elect two United States
Senators voting viva voce. Gcn'l
Lane was put in nomination ; tho num.
bor votes cast was 50, of which ho re
ceived on tho first ballot 45, and was
therefore declared duly elected one of
the United States Sonators for tho
Stnto of Oregon.
Tho Convention thon proceeded to
tho election of a socond Senator. Hon.
Dolazon Smith and David Logan were
pat In nomination. On the first ballot
tho former received 30 votes and tho
laltor 8. Air. Diyor, of Multnomah,
voted for Jacob Woodsldcs against
Gcnl Lane, and for Joseph Teal
against Dclazon Smith, Hon. Delazon
Smith received a majority of all tho
votes, and was- declared duly elected
one of tho United Sjatet Sonators for.
tho Stato of Oregon.
Thcro is great anxiety manifested
on the part of tho members to adjourn.
Tho session will last but a fow days.
It is barely probablo that a bill to reg.
ulato tho judiciary and appoint tho
tlmos of holding courts can bo rushed
through, but nothing towards organ
winy thRt an appropriation win
bo made by Congress coring its ext
session. Tho Delrgatm from the two
Territories, Gen. Lans and Hon. I. I,
Stevens, have done good servicoin this
matter, having labored incessantly
for tholr constituents, and with ranch
efioct. Thero has been a great chango
wrought in tho public mind in the At
lantio States In tegsrd to the juitness
of our causa and our claims, and not
withstanding the powerful opposition
of Gen. Wool and a small portion of
the press, our claims aro now in a fair
way to bo paid. Tho following from
tho Washington correspondence o( tho
San Francisco Alt a, Is tho Iattj' intelligence:
"Thero was al ono timo a strong
opposition to the war tftbt of tvas h
ington and Oregon, but the delegates
Irom those territories ttavo uuslpnted
it in a groat measure, and now the
Military Committee of tho Senate are
unanimous in favor of psvinc the
claims. Thero aro threo members of!
tho IIouso Committoo who, whllo thev
aro not favorablo to the payment, arc
not prepared to oppose it; and as the
subject is referred to Mr. Falknor, of
irginln, as a sub-Uommilteo for ex
fimlnnflnn ilnrtnrr ttm iAiAft r.....i
inrnngn, out Homing towards organ- i, -- t, ,...-."... . "
., B(. , .... , bio report from h m wi I carry tho b
izlng a SUto government will be done. thr 't, ,rumnutK.. J
Considcrablo excitement has pre
vailed heretofore botwecn tho friends
of tlm aspirants for U.S. Senator; but
will bo recollected that our Washing. onyosterdayJudno Williams and Gov,
ton correspondent, "Uno," in his last ! Curry's names woro withdrnwn from
luttor, under dato of June 2d, express- tho oontest, loating the track clear for
od tho opinion cotiGdcntlr that Ore.'' Lane and Smith.
opinion confidently that Oro
gnu would bo admlttod beforo tho closet
of the session. This opinion was sua-'
tallied by privato letters and other i
sources, and we have, prior to the pre
sent writing, oxpresscd our vary doct
tied conviction that Oregon was a
State but we, in common with al-
most every other votor in tho Territory,
bavo been much disappointed by this
unexpootcd fenturo of the nows receiv
ed this week from th6 Atlantic side.
That Gen. Lane did everything with
in his power to havo Oregon admit
Lano and Smith
Wo expect tho nows by tho stoamor
to-morrow which will tettlo tho ques
tion of our admission as a Stat;, and
it may probably havo the cfJuct to con
tinue tho session of tho Legislature a
fuwdajs. T.
Personal. i
Hon. A. M. Berry, our Stato Sena
tor, returned to town on Friday night
of last week.
Hon. J. W. McCuIly, one of our Rep
resentatives, rcturuod on Wednesday.
T Ti'inn T7i rT inn Vrnlf TTrttts
t..l ... .1 . r " . ....... " '""" ' "' r" "" ""
: : ,. . ' U0UUl5;'paid us a visit during tho week,
but tho Kansas question having con- ,Ion . wenl on .- .
to Yrcka.w hero wu learn be will become
a ci cat portion of tho session.'!.
and tho British cutiugcs consuming
not a littlo of tho remainder, but littlo
timo was left for tho legislation actu
ally necessary to keep tho "whoels of
Government" moing, and even this
was only accomplished by the session
being extended several days boyond
the timo fixed upon for adjournment
Oa tho 5th June, in tho House, the
Scnato bill for the admission of Oregon
was roferred to the Committoo on Ter
ritories, from which Committoo it had
not been reported, up to tho bour of
adjournment. Tho Washington cor
respondent of the San Francisco Alia,
"llio Oregon bill failed to become a
law, and ilea over on account of some
suspicions entertained by tho Commit
teo that tho Territory docs not contain
tho requisite population to form a State
Wu think this question of population
will probably not prevent our admis
sion into tho Union ourly in tho next
session. There havo bcon several States
admitted with less population, and we
may soft-ly say that tho people of Oro
gon nro better able to support the ex
penses of a Stato government than were
twice the population in any State hither
to admitted, not oven excepting Cal
interested in tho Union. Mr. Drown
is a good writer.
D. M. Konney, of tho firm of Ken
nry A: Hamlin, started to San Fran
cisco on Thursday.
N'jinnow Lsoai-e or Fuazcii Pas-'
sesoens. Tho old steamer Commo
dore, formerly Brother Jonathan, sail
ed from San Francisco on tho 8th,
with 400 passengers and several bun
dred tons freight. On tho 10th she
encountored a sevoro cale, and was
only saved from sinking by the utmost
exertions of tho pasiengors, bailing in
cessantly for three days. Nearly all
the freight was thrown overboard.
She got back to San Francisco on the
Mth. Tho passengers seized T. J.
Wright, the owner of the floating coffin,
and compelled htm to refund tho pas
sago money.
We loam that Messrs. Wait & Hess
of Phccnix, lost four or five thousand
dollars' worth of goods, which were on
board the Commodore.
House Bi'xniu) at Ashland. Wo
learn that the dwelling of Mrs. Sisson,
widow pf Dr. SIsaon, who was killed a
few months since, was burned, logeth-
pp ivtlli ttm r.i.nll..PA nn fl...... t..t..
. -. ...... .uu luimiuir, Ull UCDUOJ IWJJUI,
Ifomia, for in Oregon there is not that during the absence of tho inmates. It
wasteful extravagance in public exnen
ditures, which characterized tho early
government of that State. Wo think
our citizens may rest assured that we
will bo admitted during tho next ses
sion of Congress.
The Cortes arrived at San Francisco
on the 15th from Victoria, with '20i
returned Frazerites. Report tho mines
a humbug, Tbo Santa Cruz arrived
n few hours later with 600 Frazeritos.
.Report 10,000 men at Viotoria, many
very destitute. It was feared that they
would seize tho steamers and force pas
sago backjto San Francisco.
.Mueslis. Glascock & Tuokxhvby
aro making tho SUhiyou Chronicle one
MHlho best papers lit California. Wo
have seeu the prospectus of tho Daily
Chronicle, to be published by the above
firm. Wish them ample success.
Astouia A:tr Salem Militahv
'Hoau. A bill making an approprin
.tiuiiifor tho completion of tbo above
iianioll road, was pasted by the recent
1 1 Is said that circumstances indicate that
it was tho work of an incendiary. If
such is tho fact, it would appear that
the cold-hearted villain who waylaid
and shot the Doctor, is now Mailing
his demon like tnalico on the dufenco
lsss widow of his victim.
0" The race over the Jacksonville
Course on Saturday last, between thei
"Glass Eyed Filly" and "Jim Crack,"
one mile, fur $1,000 a sido, was worn
with ease by the former. Thero were'
a large numbor of persons in attend '
anc, and considerable betting. j
We learn that there were set oral
exhibitions of fia'.IculTt on the Course, ',
in one of which a Mr. James Stewart,
of this valley, had bis under lip bitten
otr, by a man named Moore.
Gone to Fbazeb, Gen. John K.
Lainerick and Messrs. Tbos. Cavan
augh, Chas. Storms, and James Hayes,
left here in tho stage on Thursday
morning, for Frazer River, via. Crescent
City. Wo believe, though, that the
throe first named aro only going to
W hatcom, on the Sound, wheru they
will probably go into buiinets.
1 1 through triumphantly."
Oncuo.N. Wo sympathtso with our
Oregon friends, says tho San Francisco
Alta, in tho disappointment they will
feel at tho tion-admlsalon of their younc
stato Into (lie Uuion. The treatment
la rather cavalier, and Californians can
appreciato it, for they remombor a sim
ilar chapter In our own history. But
at ail events wo congratulato them
upon tho prospect that their entiro war
lobt will bo paid.
Tbo Territorial Lcsialnturc,
Bulow Is a list of tho membors or
tho Territorial Legislature, which we'
copy from tho Statesman of the 13th.
As Oregon was not admitted, the rog-
ular session of the Territorial Assembly
will havo to bo held, commencing on
the first Monday In December next :
house or itcrnESKXTATivKi.
Marion County I). F. Bonham, J.
II. Stevens, Jas. II. Laaator.
LinnN. II. Craner, John T.
Crooks, E. E. Mclniuclr
Lane W. W. Chapman, W. S.
licnton J. II. Slater. II. II. Nlehols.
Ummua Jas. Colo, (contested by'
G. B. an Riper, who is probably on- ji
uueu to tbo scat.)
Dounlaj A. G.'McGee.
Yamhill A. Zieber John. II.
Wasco N. H. Gates.
Multnomah T. J. Dryer.
irnjftritoi Wilson Bowlby.
Washington 1- Multnomah E. D.
Claclamas A. F. Hedges, B. Jen
nings, D. B. Hannah.
Columbia T. II. Drury.
Clatsop W. W. Parker.
Jackson W. G. T'Vault, S. Wat
sou. Josejhine Dr. Holton,
Jackson 4 Josejihine Daniel New
comb. Com if- Curry Win. Tichonor,
Polk Isaao Smith.
Polk if- Tillamook II. N. V.
Clatsop, Columbia $ Yamhill (va
cancydistrict black.
Multnomah Washington Thos
R. Cornelius.
Clackamas $ Wasco -A. E. Wait.
Marion j
Linn Chas. Drain.
Btnton ij- Lane J. W. Mack.
Umpqua, Douglas, Coos A- Curry
Dr. Wells.
Polk tJ. Tillamook X. Ford.
Jackson Josejihine A. Al. Berry.
tin Marlon couutr. at the late tleo
tion Samuel Parker was voted for for
Councilman in some precincts, upon
supposition that Edward Shell, the
Councilman of last vear. had removed
from tho district. If be has left only
temporarily, without Intention of chan
ging bis residence, the seat was not
vacated. If be bad changed bis resi
deuce, the seat was vacant, and Mr.
Parker will be the successor. Both
aro Democrats.
OCT We loam that a letter has been
recived from Jos. Parker, recently of
this placo, written at Whatoom. He
soys things thero appear like 40 times;
and that there Is a "good opening" for
sporting men. No mining news.
O.v Fikst Pace we publish the laws
enacted by our Stato Legislature at its
recent session. It will be seen that
they aro prolsionary, and are not to
take ttTect until Oregon is admitted
as a State.
ttr Bee New Adtertiiements.
I cannot write with the freedom of "an
old hand at tho bellows," nor would I
write you now if some ono in this sco
tlon was holding a regular correspon.
dence with tho Sentinel.
Josephine county bears tho appoar
anco, at present, that somo localities
In California did several years ago,
when tho publio attention was startled
by reports of the discovery of rich
mines at a distance of but a few days
travel, wlion everybody beforo hearing
tho report seemed to bo doing well,
contented with their lot, and settled
permanently In promising business;
but tho momont something bojond the
mountains, new and never beforo heard
of, "sounding In" gold discovery, un-
parallcd in wealth, no man claimed or
seemed to claim any occupation or
business as his own, but turned for a
solution of every plan and thought to
tho exciting themo of tho "now dig
gings." Now, horo is our county, pns
scsilnc incxhauttlbln cold mines, every
district Is supplied with water tho ycnri
turouch, and we may safely say that
no mining section, either In Oregon or
California, is so thoroughly supplied
and furnished with the perquisites to
successful mining operations as Jo
sepbino county; and not only those
important things are ours, but tho gen.
ernl construction of tho country is such
as to relax tho rigidity of hardship,
nearly always tbo companion or a min-,
eral hunting population; a warm, balmy
climate ; rich, fertile, and fruitful lands, J
lying contiguous to tho mines; n large1
population renowuca, wo may say, tor
energy, industry, and intelligence.
Now why should such a prosperous
county as this is known to be, become
tho sceno of frenzied and deiusivo ex
citement about tho reported wealth of
a country which wo bavo no cood rca
son to nciievo uetier man our own,
a foreign land upon which wo bavo no
claim, and In which wo can expect
but littlo, and claim less protection
from its rulors, for tho reason that those
to whom our people can look for pro
tection, nro barely able to protect and
defend themselves from tbo inurdorous
thousands of cruel savages who are
thickly scattered over all that region :
and our brethren going there will not
find them as tho pioneers did tho In
dians in California, a savage, but weak
and feeble race; but a savago, warlike
and powerful race of barbarians, well
provided with the essentials to carry
on a destructive warfaro against us.
The greatest cause why they will bo
harder to suppress when once engaged
in war is, they aro nearly all supplied
wiui itnuiu arms, obtained Irom tbo
Hudson Bay Company : the? know.
and have long known thoroughly the
porfect use and management of thorn;
tne country ts wild and broken, and an
Indian, in a mountain country has, as
sad experience hath shown tho settlers
of this land, tvtry advantage over tho
wbito man. These -objections have
passed away from us forever; "peace
and quiet reigns supreme," undisturbed
by any cause savo the dreamy visions
of Frazer river. Should this oxcito
ment continue to drain Soulhorn Ore.
gon for any considerable length of!
ume, we may loou lor a Hood or set
tlers and immigrants from the valleys
of the Territory and Northern Califor.
uia, coming here to advantage by the
uesorieu couuiuon ot tue mines.
KerliyiIJo is still improving, and is,
doubtless, the liveliest town for ono of
its size in Oregon. Thero aro two
large stores, two splendid hotels, a
livery stable, barber shop, and billiard
saloon, all in successful operation.
Tha stage comes in from Crescent
City every other day, generally loaded:
with passengers, often the returning!
"bridegroom with the bride." There'
will be moro bay, and the produce re
quired for animals, harvested in Joseph
ine this season than ever before. Lame
crops of whest have come and ripened,
to beautiful perfection, and are being '
rfltliro.l In 'It... r .1 1..
The news from the mines
gathered in.
aro still
of men
Official Veto for dovcruor.
As canvassed by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, in the
presence of both houses :
debted to the Statesman i
Salrm, Monday, July 5, 1858.
Senatk. All the members wore
present. Air. Waymlro was appointed
temporary chairman, and Geo Carpen
ter clerk. Commlltco on credentials
House. B. F. Hardinir was chosen
tomporary Speaker, and J. G. Wilson
clerk. Dryer. Slovens, New comb,
Cochran, and Craner were appointed
committoo on credentials.
Tuesday. Julv 0.
Senate. Committee on credentials
reportud, and members woro sworn by
Hon. Geo. II. Williams.. Luther El
kins was chosen President, Geo. Car
pontcr Clerk, and Air. Harpool Scr-
House. Committeo on credentials
reported. J. C. Nelson, of Yamhill,
had a certificate of election, and Me
dnrum Crawford was contestant. Con
lestanl to a scat within tho bar. Hon
Geo. II. Williams administered oath to
tho members.
W, G. T'Vault was elected Speaker,
C. N. Terry Clerk, N. T. Caton Ass't
Work. C. P. Crnndall Enrolling Clerk,
Jas. M. Hunt Sorceant nt-Arnis, and;
J. II. Urown Uoor-llcepcr.
Tbo Speaker addressed tlio Houto
as follows:
Gentlemen of the House of llcvrc
sentalives : In assumiuir tho high and
responsible duties enjoined upon the
Speakor of tbo popular branch of the
Legislature, my heart flows with gratl
tudo for tho demonstration of partial
ity and confidence bestowed upon one
who doubts his ability and experience
to dltchargo tho important duties do
volvlnc upon tho Speaker, with that
promptness so necessary to a discharge
of tho legitimate business of tho House.
licntlemen, I pledge to jou what fit
tlo ability and experience I may pns
scss, to a faithful and impartial dis
charge of tho duties enjoined upon me,
and frankly nsk your co operation and
forbearanco so necessary to sustain me
in that high position your goueroiity
has conferred upon me.
The duties devolving upon tho Rep
resentatives of tho people at tho pres
ent timo is of groat importance. Let1
mo impress upon you all the ncccsslty
of forbearance, and beseech you to
cullivato at all tlnns a deslro to transact
business with dispatch.
I conclude this brlof acknowledg
ment, and again tender you my sincere
thanks foryour kindncsv and partiality,
and pledge myself to a faithful do
termination to deal justly by all, be
lieving that I will recoivo that kind
ness so necessary to a prompt dis
charge of my duties; and I now pro
nounce this House ready for legislative
On motion of Air. Newcomb, it was
resolved to meet in joint convention to
elect U. a. benators, at 10 a. m. to
Slater, Harding, Burcb, HannaU, and
Shelby were appointed committeo on
lamhlll contested election case.
Wedmudav Julv 7.
Afr. Bristow offered resolution that
tha Senate proceed to allot classes as
required bv lha constitution. illriin
Berry, Colby, Drain, Elkins, Florence,
Urim, Mclteeny, and Williams drew
terms of four years; and Alessrs. Bris
tow. Cornelius. Gazlev. Lamson. Iturk.
le, Scott, Wells, and Wnymfro drew
terms ol two years.
House. 'lho Spoaker announced
the standing committees.
Mr. Harding Introduced a bill to
regulato the praclico in circuit and
county courts. Read first and second
time, and 100 copies ordered printed.
Air. Harding offered a bill to regu
late the times of holding courts. Read
first and second time, and ordered
Joint Convention. Tho two hous
es met in joint convention for the eleo
lion of United States Senators.
Air. Burch nominated lions. Joseph
Lano and Delazon Smith.
Air. Slater nominated David Lol'hii.
Tho following Democrats voted for
Lane and Smith:
Bonham, Burch, Cachran, Cazad,
Lruzan, Urooks. Craner, Ilarding.IIan
vtas iiv aijltjuas i ffJ fs. . . w .
flalterinc as to nav. tho onlv I"'"' "gV"3i "oiwn. penning,
complained of is the scarcity I "'. Melnlncb, Morrison. New-
MPvnnv comb, iNelson, jsorris, i'attersou, Shel-
ilALU. !, Steven.. Tlmm.. Ticl.Knnr T,.
j u -.--. -....., .,.. ...,. m V-
483 "6
6134 4213,I4r
4213 ' '
4213 ' !&
MnJorllT, jpil MjL.
vitt, Wait, T'Vault, Berry, Brlitow.
Colby, Drain, Florence, Grim, Lam
son, Ruckle, Scott, Wells Waymlre.
Elkins 9.
The following opposition members
voted for Lane, but not for Smith :
AlcGee, McCully, Nichols, Shuck,
Slater, Gazley, Mcltceny 7; Lane
receiving -10 votes.
Bowlby, Cornelius aud Williams vo
ted blank against Lane. Dryer voted
for Jacob Woodsldes.
Tho following membors voted for
Logau against Smith : Bowlby, Mc
Cully, Nichols, Sburk, Slater, Corne
lius, Mclteeny and Williams 8
AlcGee and Gszley voted blank, and
Dryer voted for Joseph Teal,
House Afternoon. Resolution to
canvass the votes for Governor to-mor
row adopted.
Air. Cochran, from Committee of
Wuja and Means, reported a bill In
creasing the State (ax to mills. Read
first and second time, end ordered to
be printed aud read third time to raor.
Tii I'KdDAY, July 8.
Senate. -The President announced
the (lauding committees.
a " J n
same, and to county MaA ol curry,
were passed.
House. -Committeo on Yamhill
contested election reported. No eon.
elusion arrived at.
Tho bill to regulate tho times of
holding eontls was passed.
Afternoon The vote3 for Govern
or were canvassed, as required by tho
constitution. Soc tablo clsowhoro.
Judge Rulso administered the oath
of oflico to Air. Whltcakcr, when ho
delivered to tho two houses his
iNAUOun.vr. addkesv
Gentlemen of the Senate and Hous a of
Representatives, and Velloie Cithcnt
of Oregon:
You nro assembled hero to-day un
der t no provisions of tho fundamental
law of tlio' SUto tho people, by their
own act, cnllcd n convention that
convention framed n constitution, lho
pooplo ratified it, and to-day wo put1
on tho habiliments of tho full grow J
man. aud ememo from territorial vail
salauo into Stato sovereignty. It is
worthy of note, that whilo tho people
of Oregon woro preparing for a Slato
organization, tho government of lho
United mates was menaced and ureal
ly imperilled by tho acts of a sister
Territory whllo framing for itself
constitution, preparatory to entering
tho Union, it is a matter of gratifi
cation, that no such lawless conduct
and violation of rights characterized
tho pcoplo of our young and fair Stato,
while preparing to become ono or the
members of this great confederacy,
and It is attributablo to tho fact that
Orecon was peopled by a bigh order
of cititeus a peoplo possessing a duo
senso of their moral and political du
ties to themselves, and a spirit of for-
boarnnco ono toward another.
'Ilio transition from a Territorial
oxlstcuco to that of a Slato sovereignty
is atwaya attended with moro or lets
disorder and delay, but when we con
ider lho changes that Oregon has
passed through tho people, when but
a handful, organized and successfully
maintained a provisional novornment.
which government was superceded by
an organic net, and uen. Lano sent
hero as our first Governor, tbo neonle
readily accommodated themselves to
the government and to his authority;!
and now thoy declare that thoy are
ready for another change, and asiunim
Slato sovereignty.
Oregon goes into tlio Union under
the movt favorablo auspices a demo
cralio administration at Washington,
standing by tho Constitution and tho
Union a full and hearty Indorsement
of that administration by tho Govern
ment and peoplo of this Stato a Re
presentative (elect) In Congress, fully
committed to tho policy of that admin
istration and Senators Known to bo
ardent in their support of tho same, wo
feel warranted in sowing that (ho Inte
rests of our State will bo thly and
successfully represented in tio Cou
gress of the United States.
It is much to bo regretted that our
peoplo havo suffered so lonj by the
siipfiieness mid tardy aetion of Con
gress in relation to our warddjt. And
I regaid it as one of tho nmedisls
advantages to bo derived frofi our ad
mission into the Union as a, indepen
dent Slate, that through th influence
of our members in Congress, the miiidi
of members of that body w'l be more
vflVctuelly disabused, ami Sieedy ac
tion bo had, and an ap(ropiiation
made by which our cilizoiit shall re
ceivo a full recompense for their pro
petty sold aud services rcndlred.
Oregon is probably ono o tho moit
altruclivo portions of the Nlh Ame
rican continent, ot once betlitiful and
picturesque, with a healthy pnd salu
brious climate, well adauted tube pro
duction of all tho cereals anil mot of
the other grains common to Ihj United
Stales a sea board of sons three
hundred miles, with numerous (arbors,
and Inexhaustible fisheries arallo land
sufficient to sunply three mllions of
souls with bread grazing lac'd suffi
cient to supply twico that numserwitli
meats probably no country better
adapted to the production oj wool,
flax and hemp, and It is admitted that
Oregon excels in her growtn of fruit,
her mountains aro covered with the
llnest of limber and undeilaid wi
gold, and recent discoveries show thst
we aro not without a goodly supply of
lime and cosl ; her streams afford soms
of tho best water privileges hi ths
world, and her livers are navigable for
steamboats at all times of lite year.
Oregon ouubt and niitrkt ha am ex-
tensive exporting country, (jet ei,-l
contrary siie Imports msnv articles iL
might be manufactured in the country,
thereby increasing her prosperity,
frrnwlfi a.i.l In..... ..... '
.. utiu tuijju, .nun',
When our people, become a Manu
facturing peoplo, whn they pwliv
those articles of neeessity fer whW
they aie to eminently capable, when
our exports shall equal or overbalance
our imports, then, and not until tlie.
will Oregon become truly great.
Tbo act of Congrrw by which
are admitted into the Union is. in w)
opinion, sufficiently generous to nc-
immeati Itself fo tue favorable cpniw
eratioti of tb rwonlaof Orwron. Tix
grant of the 10th and 30th seetiVus sfj
land for school jwrpows Is merely
continuation of a provision contain.
til 11)0 orsanto act. Nevenlv.iuji ut
tioss are set apart for the use off
SAle University- Irn sections H
granted, to be jipWifd (o the eieelK"
tat i
gon I
by i
tie I
lha i
snd I
are i
and i
2 1-S.
as fol
aid n
w-e hi
to In
we c
u.t n
Hill ta
ilin rail
aSSMfrfrj. -law