Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 24, 1858, Image 1

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"P- flPV s-w . .... - Twwn.Mwn)ii in n.ii ijmiMI m..iii. iMininuaymiMiiEaii
3', -,.. TKii . 77-rr--" r -
..tt. .,.,-. . Mil III Hill Mil !
-" i "kii r
. 1" w-i r "ail irr . imw f- . w - m- -i-.- -r-, - T4. t - - -tattM
aaoaaElTM" 4 . ' r .. -.. - - 7,f--T .W
' .. -. "N,
init ' all SuLectii and deeded
U " !f$ti of Southern Orrgon.
Proliant Everr Snturdnv,
ir ., " A! LT, Editor & Proprietor.
T CftUi s : !
Ocr V n.r, S 01; Six .Months, 93 00:!
rit-.e Montln, 2 00. i
ae Square of twelve tines or less, first ln-
scrtion, $3 00 ; etch subsequent insertion,
-100 i
n km Cam. each winarc. fur one yenr, i
30 six months. $15 ; three months. $10.
A liberal discount nude to persons wishing I
to advertise to the extent of four squares. ,
jon rmsTisc, !i
(' all kinds, executed with neatness and '
.d!pteh, at reasonable raters. '
Business QlartH.
... ir
Physicians Sc Suvpcons,
OFFICE "Jacksonville Drug Store"
North s ide of California street,
Third door above the I'ttion ,
House, Jacksonville.
1 t TII0MfCl M D 1 O. W. ChEIR,
July 3, 1 55. 2iir.
m n.
Jsekinnille, Oregon,
II C uruof the 3d Judicial District,!
sad tue Stprenia Court of Oregon, and in
rtks.Csl j
Puiicii.ar attention paid to procuring'
Land Warrants and collecting claims
s4.nt the Government Slay '.'0. SOly
nux x ut chlix. nc.vnr turret.
t r n r r i-n .01 tbu I said as' there I stood
J.evr Uulldlnc. Corner Cnlifornln
snd Ccntrt Sireots,
rpilE ' NEW STATE- is a cool and
L n.noui Saloon. and is filled uu In a
-"- ", ,'6' Th, Ulllt.iJ Tbte,l,Wa, oaU'd tsr oha-t. ractbinVs. l-u t
ir new, and Irum one of (lie best maker. f
Aad at ih Ur there will alwa-s be fliund I
aHlauplyar rare idd Frri.eb Bran-
dim in N.ntlt ..1 A It.
-..., ,. ..... w...,vii -i.u .niiiucuu 11 nit-
ke-,cHoee Wines, A:, and
Lagxr Bser,
;t'Jlv. 1
tndiupsrinr llataua Cigars.
C 0 V?S E L L O R -A T- L A W ,
lloislurg, Douglas County, Oregon.
Ota. JM.h Lane, Washington Cltv, D. C.
Catnpbe! 1 Tratt, San Franeiseo. C?al.
Wj.iiam T. impion, E-q.. I'earl strent, N.Y. j
Don Car. Emmons. Springfield. N. Y. I
Sanuti Lale. Eiq., BuBalo, N. Y.
tu-per i itetbert, New York.
Corner California and lid Streets,
April 2. 1636 12tf.
emit r ciuroRNU AXDoncoosiiTncirrs,
Milliard Saloon,
Opposite F.-glc Hotel,
KCRinVlLLE, 0. T.
ir r 1, tBSBfi. .V
:Sn Francisco.
"J ,mtimgfmn.'mtni t Lommer-,
at Lute,
'& NLSS in
JfeSfcict of Ore-
'ae tbe Hill, rear the old Forsoug,, Jf
-J.l Ct0A I IIil.I.4 O. T. s
"" cee
AJLJ. I M-U..lAAJUt . rttJ
"iTfyCvMitaWeM'lif Louisiana
y- aemsaWf
4t M Nfi NLS8 ml
v tmS
TlioHcht for To-.Tf orrew.
Toor heart I why cleg thyseU
With weights thou necd'st not heart
Enough for every paslng day
la its own toad of care.
Why bo in haste to par
A debt before 'tis due ?
So soon tire's sorrows come, why run
To catch the distant view ?
0 1 let to-morrow's woe
In wle ronecalment rest ;
Do not her frightful visage trace,
And wear It on tby breast
Enjoy, endure, find do, '
From rain forebodings free 5
And make life's bitterest moments vield
Their tigering sweets to thee.
Wit and roll)'.
Onee Folly tried to chral the world,
'Auraing Wit's demeanor;
And tbo'l (poor fuel') the darts r-bebnrl'd,
Thn Wit's own darts were keener.
While tboe of Wit were ussd In sport,
.And dipp'd In pleasure's chalice ;
Young Folly used another sort.
Wioie only point was malice.
A sly and secret nim she took,
But ere one heart was wounded,
Vpon htrulf, by seme ill luek.
Each veoom'd shaft rebounded t
So Wisdom ventured to express
This gentle hint to guide her
When U'tf takes aim with most aueoess,
Gtttii-naturt stands beside her
, 188! TViemat Ilayntt titilrtj.
Claim of the North.
nr snottrr. txscRiBtn to rxizxR piTtorrt.
, , . JliMne manner, or may be allowed wltbln six
ESXKS, - -Jl ceurt, W by a judge
Ttere Fnuer stories had me brought,
To rather clams and not the ore.
The plashing wares so mournful fell
I'poR my ear and seem'd m wild
1 eorsed mj luek, to think a "sell"
Like this I'd bought, Just like a child.
I stooped upon the muddy strand,
Tn Mull F,a hI.mi l.d.a -.&..! -.. !.
And Dondnrt-l on mr iiroict drear.
We mtMt dig clams Jf Use we would
In this rich (?) land an ay up here
.Mountain .tfrurngrr.
The .Tloou.
The devil'. In the Moon for mltetiW; they
Their nomecelalure : there Is not a day.
The longest, net the twenty.flrst of June.
C. ..L . - ...
citn hiii ine uunnes in a wHKea war
Oa,wbloh three single hour, cf moenshine
smile t
Abd thM she loos, se modest all the while.
To r.uuu.
Ttiey ley (beu bast a hundred tongues ;
! wlf bos only oe ;
If she bad been equipped like tbte,
O, what should I have done !
- - -'
or the state or obegon.
The State Legislature at It. roeent set-
1 slon, passed three bills of a general chorac
' ter. which were as follows :
'.1.Y.1CT to regulate tht practice of the
Circuit and Count u Ceurt :
I C.j. 1 II. I ......! 1.- It.. T !.!.. I--
iAy.H,ril,.5 rn,.. tk.i.i,-'
.. . V, .. VHMW.1-. V. -V U.;.IIIHI V 1 I
, Mt passed December 10th, IMC, except tbeM-i.y ef Octeber, In Marlon the .eeond , " . Cttrefol; u tl" P""W of, paying 5.MI d.wn for It, aud I. to take
I , third section thereof, entitled "An Act to Med.y of OoUber. delivering them and passenger, to the Pan-, immediate pes.lon.
iloooformtbe practice of the Court, to tbe In the fourth dwtrict. tu CUtsep the see-1 new Aeapulee. or at en., The Mormon war bo been ended-elllt
'laetof Congreie or August ICtb, &. 1 ed Monday of August, in Columbia the' r l''ey are delivered ot "S entoo the rejwts from there are very contredlc
, asdtbcMme i. hereby repealed: and tb. third Monday of August, in Wasco tbe. ?7' t-"0'003' "d ol Acapuloo. !26.- tory. One day we learn that the Mormous
t'praolleeef tbe Clreuit Courts shall be iu
I eonfermity with the law. regulating the
ji practice of tbe District Courts In force nt
'l tbe time of tbe postage of tbe said aet of
'Concrete, so far as those law are consist-.
j eot with the Constitution of the State and
1 with the provisions of this act
I Six. 2. The clerks of the District Courts
shall forthwith, on the taking effect of thl.
aet, transmit the original paper., and oeplts
f the proceedings, in all causes, oirll and
j criminal, then (lending and Ubdeterrolned (
in tneir courts, to tbe county clerk, of tbose
eounlle. rcspeotlvely iu which issue, of lact
nnstug in uieic couica nouiu ue inauie un-dcr-the
act herein before repealed. And ,
all causes and matter pending in tbe Dis
trict Court, of the Territory shall be trana-
I firred to, and be beard and disposed of by will expire In lew than ninety days, there- j 1telT l" Le Insisted upon, notwithstaud
j the Circuit Court. And tbe"ilerk of tbe ; fere, this act shall take effect from the time ,n& refusal to sign the ratification, and
L District Court shall complete tbe records ' of It. pawagc. If the Slate has beeu adnitt-' ,liat the transit will be jrotected by the
1 of tbe Judgments and decrees rendered In!
their courts, a. required by section, thirteen
I and fourteen of tbe .aid act of Decem
ber, IMG.
S.c. 3. The county judge, county clerk
and sheriff, or each county, .ball select from
the btstesnient roll fifty of tbe moat coidiw-
tent of the permanent cithern, distributed
throughout the county, and having written
their names on uniform ballots, shall place
those ballot.
t. in the jury box; and, fifteen!
a term of tbe Circuit Court, the
...; .t.-is .1 ii r. 1.-1
day. before
clerk and sheriff ehall draw therefrom, bv
lot, twentyfiie of the said ballot., and tbe
person, whose name, arc on the ballot o !
urawn suau ue ine juror ior tnai term.
1 . , .. , ....
And before any more ballot .hall be drawn
from the box, twenty-five additional name,
shall be selected, in like manner, and de
posited therein. And challenge, of grand
ttirnr. nr. hrtiv .lmtt.ht
Stc 4. xte coun,T ja(igfI eLaU .
the rower, and wrform tbe dutle. or justl-
of the peace, In all matter whatever i
and in addition thereto, the county courts
shall have jurisdiction of all chit suits at,
law, not Involving the title cf real estate, j
in which the amount clalmcJ, or the value
of the matter In diputc,sball cot exceed,
Ore hundred dollars, nn J also to try all nc-'
cusatlons cf crime and misdemeanor, not
punishable with death or Imprisonment In
tba penitentiary and to award the punish j
ments prescribed by law. for uctr offense;
and the pleading ami proceedings in the
coubty eoorts shall Iks the some as before
justices of the peace in lika cases. And, the
unfinished bu-lnt pending in the conntyMrmldetiU Thfe-wpproprlationa amdnnt to
commlslonrr's court, and In the probate
court, of each county, shall be transferred
, to, and completed In, the county court.
Sec 6. The right of appeal to the clr
cult courts from lite Judgments and decisions
of tire county court', shall tie limited In civil
controversies In which the rum claimed or.
vaiuc onue maucr jn uispuie snail amount
to fifty dollars or more ; and such appeals'
-....!.. I. .
.1.11 1.. ..1 1 1 t. .1.;:
"" w 'Bkcn u,Ht .revBieu m me line
uiKiiucr an ufjimis irvui jueticri vi luc
peace. And in all cases of ruidcmeanor,
thejnrty aggrieved shall have the right of
appeal to the circuit court. And all Judg. !
ments, orders end proceedings of the county)
eourtt shall be sulject to rvt lew In the cir
jcnlt eotirli upon ttrtteruri, vthlcli, inoriml
sal cas uod la civil suit between parties
.litigant, shati be sued out and prosecuted
I In the manner prescribed by the statute re
lating to justices of the peaee, and In other
caste they may cither be sued out tnthe'
I Inspection of a copy of the proceedings osm-
.fit.. c...A. -.B ....h k.ii.i.h ..!
uaineu 01.
Sic. C. The county court shall be held
at the Court House, iu each county, on the
first Monday bf each month, and at such
other times, te be appoiut-d by the County
Judge, as may be mccssary for the dispatch
of business
Elc 7, Because the Judicial system of
iimn nf llttiliitmi If ihm Ctiln litm lvn
..imin-.i im .1.. 1T-.I- .-.1 ir t it..-
fr0m the time ol such adml.sten.
wisMiisi-- hsw mv WMSWti tva tuvu
4fT I. .n.ji'l ll. linn C I.Mi'n-
" ' .....- """' "
tht Cimiil Ceurtt Jot tht ytar left?,
I Sec 1. Be it enaeted by the Legislative
, Assembly f the State of Oregon, That Iu
the year 1E6P. tbe Circuit Courts shall 1
held r-t tbe times and plates fidlowlng:
I In tbe first district, in tbe county of
'Josephine, on tbe third Monday of Septum-
bcr, in Jaeksen. the fourth Monday of Sep
tember, in Douglas, the ttoood Monday ol
In the second district, In Curry tbe fifth
Monday of August, Iu Cee tbe first Mon-
.1.- .1 C.-. 1 I.. T-- .1 - . . I
I Monday of September, In Lane the third
Monday ol Septebr, In Benton the fourth
'Monday of September.
I In the third dletrlct, In Washington the
fifth Monday ef August, in Yamhill the first
l.J-v In C..f.... ....
ia Fulk the
"WJ ... H.WnH. ... W.R. I., , H m
t!l.. nf Ki-.,.-., In I.iuu il. .
fosrtb Monday eUucemt. Iu Clackamas the
third Monday el October, in Mnltuemah the,
fourth Monday of Oetober. !
Exc. 2. To prevent delay ef justice, this
act shall be In foree from tbe time of its
act shall be In foree from tbe time of Its
pawagc. If the State has becu admitted into
the Union, otherwise this act ehall be void !
.f.V.f CT to inertate the rttenue cf tht 1
, 5afe?
1 Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legtsjatlve ,
Assembly of the Slate of Oregon, That, to
defray the current expense, of the Stale,
the tax to be levied on the atteHment of I
taxable property for each year, shall be two
and a half mills on the dollar. 1
Em, 2, Because the time fixed by law
for levying tbe said tax, for tbe year !,
ted Into the L'nlon. and If not in eilmtttwt ,
this act shall be void.
0e ob t'Ohikb "A doien children
may seem a large larauy wun some rous
who ore moderate in tuem ttitngs." remark-,
eu jirs. rarungion, me oiuerasy; -nut (
my poor uutunnu uaru 10 u.11 a story 01 a
woman in some part of tbe world, where be
.topped one night, who had nineteen child-
ren In five year., or five chlldre
,?'"' 1 dn ' reC,UeCl "hQh
Ur 'twas one or t'other."
ldren in nlntteen
but I rerocm-
pur The man who threatens the world i
lwvs rldiculou ; tor tbe world can eo on
without him, and in
a short time cease to
' miss him.
fSr Many of us are led by our Ice, but
a great many more of us follow them with-
j out any leading at alL
I iu Splggle soys, that, although there
j I no such thing as muzzling the press iu
this country, there Ir plenty of book mutlin.
the Territory Is Inapplicable under tb. State . B'llir wr- Al u,?ll,r P-'. 'on the falls and their vicinity, were swept Wthon the 2.tb May, on an experi
igovernment. tbcrefere to prevent delay of1 be w.sn'or three hundred yard, from the I , fene, fc A 'hor,e KUi . "IP- After proceeding to deep wAter
Justice, this net shall take tfleet from the lhorf- 'ie "UfM torn to piece, for- (fe , h flood, two negro B,nd eciafully testing alt the apparatus, .
The P.M. S. Colo steamer Golden Act.
arrived In San Francisco on Tuesday even
ing, July 13th. Her dates from New York
arc to June Stilt) and from J.tvcrpool to
JuneDth. TV txlce the following summary
of news from the San Francisco Call:
nllcup3 of Congress finally adjourn
ed atslx o'clock, Monday etenlng, Jupc 14.
All tie appropriation bills, except, wc be-
HeTe, the one providing for Ughthoasc, were
puted, and rrcriTed the sanction of the.
eighty rollllecs ti dollars, and perhaps .they
will reach a larger sum; but It Is Impost)
ble to ascertain the amount with accuracy
until the confusion Incident upon the close
of the session has subsided.
In special tcsbn of the Senate, Jnne 14,
Mr. Mason called up the resolution rtlaUve'i1"- '" ouri, narc rn new unucr
1 lo the BrltUb outrages. He desired an ex
,..i rit-. .. .. .!.. 1.-.
1 '"- v"i r"..-a.,v.
0rtbe probable bearing It would have opon
the pending negotiations. Mr. Benjamin, of'
Louisiana, also urged the adoption of the
resolutions, la the course of his remarks,
In 1ra tn aft si HtMnn( tT mi ttmin t.1avl Intia 1
- m MiiiishM we va 11iMku iviwiivsioi'
Lor J Napier bad an Interview wlthStr-'
retaryCase oa the ISth June, and both
,,:... j-., .u. ,... r .
ok-tica huva .ugiHnii 1.111 it; tuiicaviy rci-
tled on a permanent basis before the next
meeting of Congress Lord Napier ha In-
telllgencc that Instruction have bccnlnned,,, ' .' ... tBlrtVn,;t on
from bis governaent that wtlt cfTectoally jl llje 0jl( ,,jc ftliout ft lhwtMi fceL Th,
stop all further cause, cf complaint In tb , ,,,,, CaUtX ,.,,, j, wa,lf(, cn
". I" u VIcot-,I,!crb"dT h" a,nl"a B1,,U,el1 the .outh wing. Nearly all th. house, are
British Legation from the Admtrsl at Bcr- tun,moeaown drlftinc away or aluklne
muda. Order, have been given against in- gMrct.y B bnlldlnc in the city is expected
terference with American ship,, and the t0 wllbflana tbe floKoJ. Mot,ta idty U. llao
Styx is recalled to Halifax. ! in danger of being overflown. The water
The steamer l'ennsylvaula, on the room. atthUpoint U continue, to rise, and all
tngofthelSth June a,bwtdI,taneeUow,.tle rMnsare , noo
Memphis, exploded four ofber hellers while, n.u"t ,. .,, t'tr , ,. . hr,,,.
Miu vi u nutvi'siuueri i vi j 4vn w ut; , . 1
pa.scnger. were out of tbelr state-rooms at,
! " t paneng.i. In the rter part
.... . .. .
ruv..1u-la1 T.UU.CU. bbu einiurcn -
llrtiri .1 finf -l-i.1 II.a ntmjt.1 .ut.f.1M .n -
.--.-., -w. ... ...... M.u..u u-
..iiiKl Btnoni- (Sem. nit .iinnnitfic. Ih.l-lil
iifwl fitnnnrt fVn. 11 atiitkntf Id l. I
w. on fire, from tbe rmeke and ftetn
..,.,. t, ...... ... ..
-. ........... . . .. ..
lucre werc-i.'w souis ou ixaru at tue time
of he accldent..200of i,em werede.tr.yiJ.
After the explosion of the boilers tie v.,i
.el took fire and burned to the water . edge. ,
Many of the pattenrer anJ crew who were'1
1 rescued ere tadly burned and scalded -
At tne time et tne aecMent, the r. was on
a voyage up the river from New Orleans, ,
which jdaee she lift on the f tb of June. I
Tbe difficulties at New Orleans arc at su
end. Tbe vigilance Committee very quietly
laid dun their arms and dispersed after
tbe election. The K. N. ticket was elected
by a small majority. I
Tbe 1'ootmaiUr-Gcneral be. alencd a I
contract ttb the Louisiana aud Tebuante-
j ... .. ..
" vuip.uy ir vue wuTvyauoc w iw
""" 1 annum 1. to be pm. Tl.eoentraet
w ' wwwb ne m 01
Oc,obr. tb ta D1 L " '"
Ywk J Asplnw.lt shall expireat thesame
i,me- This line, ilh the Me arrangement
lor carrying me maws irem ."cw 1 orx to
New Orleau. In three day. aud ten hours
will sborltn the trip from New York to San
Francisco eight or ten days.
AH of tbe California apoInlmcuU, except
ing that of Manderllle, Sunt) or General,
have beeu confirmed. The Committee oa
Public Lands, 011 the last day of the teflon, '
reported against his cenfirmatlon. thereby
sustaining the charge, which had been
The Government has notified President
Martinet, or Nicaragua, that the Yris&ri
Army and Navy, If nectesary. It Is bellev
led that Belly ha bribed Martinez br order 1
l-.Lt.. .
vi uis uuvcroua-ui. 1
it Is ttated by nutborlly In the Portland ,
I'rMalue) Anrus, that the directcrs or the
steamship Couijaoy, ho hato charge of
the monster steamship Leviathan, hate dc
terinined to place that vessel upon the line 1
I 1
bctneen Eugland and America. It i. tup-
America. It i. tup
will make her trip
posed that the veetel
early next season.
I Iu Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, w bole villa
gea have been swept away by tornado,
.imolving the loss or many live and an im-
mtute destruction of property. In Virgi
nia, Maryland and elsewhere, unprecedented
hall storm have destroyed the croj-a or the
I It is coutemplatid by tbe War Depart
'ment to order a strong force into Arizona,
; to occupy various position along the Sono
, ra line,
I A municipal election has taken place at
WVbirgton City. A great deal uf rioting
and disturbance took place. The Demo
cratic candidate, Jatnrs D. Demi, was
elected byJarge majority.
The Sehate of - Hampshire hare con
curred with the House in re electing John
r. Hale, U. S. Senator, gWing him eight
vote against three for Wells and one for
The Naval Appropriation bill contains a
clause providing for the building of sever,
new steam sloops-oY-war, and the Secretary
ofthtKary Intends to have them built as
soon ht'possible.
Tliccrc of GepW.HarJiy, for the klUtnR,
' . - . i-..M ' .
toi ypung jsiope.ror.ti.e.aiiegea nanction of
ma uaugnter. Jjss trtp cowjuicd Ufbrc toe
iir-i L'ltirici vounr MsjBr'('n bS e
I .... ... . .tV-
Nacqnuiai 01 me accustj.pr
Uen. Ti-to. aiwr, aj-mw-acri tried;
wjin mm betore tne irv? urteans umiea
(laws for one year.'
The rrcsident refined to sign the SL Jo-
.""J. " " ""i"" "';"'-
J ...fc .'.J'l tU.HI. hVUHtUI.tl IVIMU
on a weekly service on the, route, at a cost
Of $293.!KK.
Col. Harrison, the vrncrable United Stales
Coosal at Kingston, Jamaica, died at that
place on the 24th May.
We "have reports of terloas damsgo by
, ,he fl(wJi k lhe wwU
On Sunday, June
a crevasse opened on the
Mississippi side of the town, through which ' "- occurrence-, ai.inosa
the water poored at a fearful rate, finigl'plalned of had occurred, they would bs
1.. vl ... i..i..n i, 1 j
white mftB,'
I,. ... i..h.J,
i - e . es aj.ikv eu uwiuk fieaMey iiuui erv
, ,-rowDcJ j, ,,orcI wcreflovj.
1 ., ..,,..... ,.m)M,, ,..nfcl,
i ...
I A band of "regulator numbering alut'u ik,($mt
Cfiecn, have bauK as many as five men hi ) . l"&.
' aud around Tamra Bar. Florida, duriuc
and around Tampa Boy, Florida, durieg
fit mnntlt. l"in tutn ttitt litsntv tr ea i m
., . . ;, , , -
, ,trctl, of T h
.,,, Tb ,0 lW ,Ut a
on cUck u nol ,oucb lu fctt u
,. . . , ni..n i-v..
mo iuuuiu. vruo waa luey uuur 10 a ircc
.i,... .. .ti. ..
,.u .. wL.re , .. , UInff Imn,.
neled for bis trial, and carried Mm to the '
Georgia and FlorIJa line, and bung him to
a tree. They took up two women of ill re-1
pute in Tampa, and gave them each fiftien
lashes, with notice to hute, etc.
The Cleveland (Ohio) Plulndealer ay,
that Mrs. Cunningham Burdell ha. pur-
cnaeeu.tavH in v.. couniy, bwou. i6ur
-1 1 . i ,. . . .... . .
miles trom carroiitoa, ana about seventy
mile, from that city. She bought tb. farm
from tbebelraofthelate Dr. Samuel Sear.'
are leaving Uuh j tbe next day that they
are not. One thing I. certain, they do not
Intend to mokst our troops. Brlgbam
Young has surrendered to Governor Cum
ming the teal of the Territory.
An affray took place at Lawrence, Kan
sas, on the 3d Inst., between General Jiia
Lane and Mr. Jenklut, in which the latter l
was killed. Mr. J. was a prominent citizen '
of that place, and his death ha caused a
' marked sensation
' A serious explosion occurred trj lately
at the town or Barre, Mas.., causing the de-'
j.truetlon or three powder mills, and reeull-'
ling In loss of life to one of tbe employees
.attached to the wcrka.
Several coacht. and covered wagons, In
tended for use ou the oterland mall route
from St. Louis to San Francisco, passed
westward, through Rochester, on the Cen
tral Railroad, ou Monday, June 14 th.
The Secretarr or tbe Treoturr 1 assured
'that the Fall Importations will he very '
J', -..-...,.. . . .
utajy, ana ne anticipates a targe increase 1
in the reveuue about August.
Br a fatal accident which occurred iu
Boston harbor, through the capsizing of the
yacht Prairie Flower, no leu than ecicn
live, were sacrificed.
The swill-milk excitement tpreads. They
have dltcoi ered the some Iniquity In Buf.
falo. In one place, COO hogs are being fat
tened for market en .lops.
A destructive fire occurred in Milk street,
Boston, on the 13th, Involving a loss of
from $150,000 to $.200,000.
General Haskell, tbo distinguished Ten-
I netsec orator, ha again been released from
the Insane Asylum, at HopklusvIUc, Ky.
Tbe seventy-second birthday of General
Scott was celebrated with military honors
in New York.
Tbe steamer Eollpteexr, leded on Ibe 13th,
near Natchez; thtrc were two killed rosd
three wounded.
Colonel Kane had arrived at Washington.
A great rain storm commenced In New
York on the llth, and continued mote than
.10 hours, a steady, soaking rain. Thcstrcels
I were well cleaned.
The flour milt of Bills, Thayer JVUfhcr,
ITroy, IS. i ., was destroyed by Ere June
Loss, $ 40,00.
Thomas Francts.-keeper of a saloon;
.10any, June 17th, murdered a womav
named Hilton, with whom he had ben
ing as hts wife He locked up the house
escaped, but was captured early the
h ctrlsllan Winiami.Ti Octoi. mtrt
'tralclda at the -White Hall Hotel, I'Mlai
1 .
Mils Sarah Tellcl Is delivering tectun
Boston, an the Mormons.
.The dally prayer meetings were still ktfP
up in New York, with some Interest.
JLittcr from Kiiropo.
Advtcei from Liverpool and London axa
to the 9th June:
Our MInliter at London had communicat
ed with the British Government with refer
ence to the Brltlth outrage. In the Hints
of Commons, on tbo 4th, Mr. Fitzgerald,
I Under Secretary of State, said that ths Am
erican Government had made grave charges
against certain Uritlib cGccrt. but no offi
cial accounts bad been received from thes
Tieweu avuu iuc acepesi regrci, ana imrne-.
dlate explanations gKen. In the meantime
orders have been Jent out to the officer of
, the British squadron In the Cuban water, to
ma1tc tv"T ,?'u,rJ ,nt0 the "'J1 CJ ,lb
rKent tI1u American vessels, and that
tb pe"-' caution and forbearance should
I J nnfUti i0rtMi VM,U bcM'DS AffiCr'
.i'6""1,0"-, . - , ,
! ,9nL?a,a ',""' dfrrc"lM a aelIoa
, cf the British cruisers.
The Atlantic Telegraph ships sailed from
Jbe expedition "wa to sail on the loth, to
'. .... . .. .'.
Iwobn o i-xmm, aw su.ps siar. ,3t ciu-
. ('"c'
1 1.
.. . .....-... .. . . S
, , . . : . .
,nur ""T r'S"nnH, were 10 09 tent to
, India Immediately.
Another fearful eruption of Mount Vcsu
vlus, causing tbe lot. of many lives, and a
t vast amount of property, I. reported.
Some further unimportant British .ac
cesses In India are reported.
Reports have been rife In Loudon to tbo
effect that Charles Dickens bat separated
from hts wife, for reanon. connected with a
London actress. Mr. DIckeui published a
card In hit paper, IlouiholJ ll'ordi:
It appear, that be ha. .eparaled bimttlf
i ffom Lu wfc , , tbe BroundofafJ
MeuBl Md BBMBouer.M. IncomDaUbllltv
' hM,..,.......,,' '
.,, ..... ..,.., ,,... , '
mum ,w,w, ,U H .V VI M.4 .WUMVbHM
with an actreis Is false.
A Jeatr.v Weuuixo. A recent writer re
lates a scene which took dace at tbe pas
tor', house. The young parson having ar
ranged the folk., commenced ;
"Jobu Sirlbncr, do you take Melloda
Woods, In the presence of these Mtu.ssei,
to be your lawful wedded wife I"
"That'. ot I'm here for," answered Mr.
Strlbner, cramming lis hands into his bree
ches pxkets. '
"You will please answer yes or no."
"Ye or no," promptly replied tbe gen
"No, no ' say yes."
"Y-a as, then," catting a sheepish look
around him.
j "Melinda Woods,"
I "Y-a-a-sl"
, "Walt a moment, pleate. Melindy Woods,
do you take John Strlbner, In tbe presence
' of these wltnetsts, to be your lawful wedded
husband V
"I reekln."
"Then, In the presence of the wltneuc
spoken of, I declare you man an wife, 'cor-
dIn' l0 ,lj law or Jersey, and tbe Oospll:
n' WAl'd fill). Wn...t 1... . ... ..! I
"" "" "ii w uv ujh yu ju iun.
Ecuo. What must be done to cond act a
uewtpaper right 1 Write.
What is necessary for a farmer to a&elit
blm? System.
What would give a blind man the greatest
delight Light.
What I. the best countel given by a jus
tice or the peace I Peace.
Who commit the greatest nbomlnatlwui
Nations. . iu
What cry Is the greatest Urrlficrf Fire.
2rNow, Gtorgc, you must divide the
cake honorably with your llltlc brother
Charles." "
" hat is bouorablc, mother t"
"It mean, thai you mutt clyo him the
largest piece,"
r'Then, tnutlier, I'd lather ClsMlej lUvuJd
e WK ef t.ie.At antic, wbw. IkiuUi , ,
- .in mmmmmmm