Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 10, 1858, Image 2

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" V- .I--ft.
rcgon 0tntincL
.ntHrtlay, Jtslr Ii 1839.
Wak with ENeLAjra." Ob Sat
ardxy afternoon of 3nH wek, hhh!
' erabi excitement WM'dwiteftM town
by th appear&natj ef ' M.MUjtCa
j",fer JEWra -with rhe atrtifg te
Extent from Frazer Mine J
Ycni! YMU Met!!!
Snn Franciico Accncjr.
Tnoius Dovcc, corner of Washington
and Montgomery streets. It oar authorized
Agent In Sn Francisco, to receive sub
scriptions and advertisement for the Sik-
We would eall the attention of the former
natrons of th Slxtixsl to the recent
change of proprietor, and urgently re
quest that all those ho are Indebted to us'
before the 20th of Jlay, 1857, to make Im
mediate payment, and those hating accounts
against the office prior to that date will
please present mem. as ii become ncces
rjr that the books of the Una shall be settled
up at os early a period asposlble.
Is Orogort.Admlttcd f
This question has been frequently
afcked during tbo week. It was gcn
erslly thought tfant the steamer from
Now York on the Stb of Juno would
bring us the glad intelligence that the
was a"scll r" and that tho extra had been
I printed in town. This kind of "sell,"
we think, is most too practical in it
operations, and should not be practiced.
We learn, however, that the proprie
tors of the Herald disclaim any knowl
edge of its being printed at that office
until after the extra was circulated.
The Shasta Courier's good name isj
used occasional! "without leavo or
' license." We fear tho boys will never
, receive land warrants for their amices
I in the "last war with England."
At rbcenlx, on Sunday, the -lib. by Col.
.Miss H Aoxcn,
bill for tho admission of Oregon bad i
passed the llouso; but It appears that
the bill had not been reached, on file,'nays, J.r.Mr.rnwttY to
J,.-., , .1.. ... Tn. !.. t t both of that place.
... ' ... ' , We learn that Mr. Pursely is a son
At At ltin h A is it ATfnn risen ft aAUAfal I
, ', . , , , , I of St. Crispin, who has been endoavor-
day.Uter than previously agreed upon,, o
and s.,11 fee quite certain that the b.11,1 , AMng little
passed the llouso before tho adjourn-,'. . ., , , ,. f , ,
.-.,,, . town above named, and who, it is said,
mont Our Ua.hington correspond- 'haiConducted ,mcIr ,,, ,.
Tence and private letters havo not been! . ... , . ...
' t...i mi ... ..... .r. . ' 1u" rc.peciao.y. aomo montns since
he became enamored of Miss Wagner,
a respectable lady, who finally conscn
er to "learn tho worst," L t, whether
wo would soon find ourself in a depop
received, but will be this afternoon by
mail, whon wo may have some further
intelligence than wo glean from the pa ,
per. It will not be definitely known
here until about Saturday next, the
17th, uhcthor we are admitted, but we,
predict that we are.
OCT Tho Legislative Assembly con
vened at Salem on Monday last. We' groom, who had taken some stimulants
hope to receive the newt of the organ, to "bring his courago up to tbo stick
Frost Joaephlsse.
Richard YiiKM, obi- agent, hat re
tamed from "erbyvHle, and reports :
Slatted frexn Jacksonville en Satuis
t .. . - .
terii Inav, July 3d, at 0 a. .; armed at Ker , Intending to give our reaoeni an
- i . . - ' .v . ...
trenca that war had been eJeclarcd be bvvdloat 4 r. XI fotrad the road to b "acreeabla surprise,' we Kepi u einci
jtween the United States and England, good. The Fraier fever rages high y private" when we dispatched our
Our cltixens were immediately boiling a goo.lly number started last week i "reliable correspondent to r raier nv
over with the "war spirit;" a red flag' for the new El Dorado from Kcrbyville
was run rjp, and tho loud reports of'j and other portions of tho connty, and
gun powder was reverberating through i they are still going ofT in little squads
the neighboring hills and mountains,1' of from two to eight Times seem
when tbo "war with England" waslj doll, and trade is depressed on this ao
brought to a suddon and unceremoni-'i count. Etch one takes as much cash
ous close by me iniormauon that tti aa possiuie, wnicn we navo no oouux
I they will need before theyget back to
I their homes.
Tho Sager Troape performed at
Kerbyvitle on Saturday night and gave
general satisfaction. The Twin Sis
ters, Arabella and Isabella, dance well,
anJ Little Adella is a "trump." Her
singing is exquisite,
return to Jacksonville about Wcdncs
day, and give a few cntertainmonls bo
foro leaving for the South.
The ball at Korbyvlllo, on Monday
evening passed off very pleasantly, and
was perhaps the finest party ever given
in Southern Oregon. There was an im
posing array of ladies present Ilich-
ard compliments the ladies highly ; says
there are more handsome ladies in Kcr
byville and Wcinity than he has seen
elsewhere in Oregon. Maj. Whillock
discoursed the sweetest music
Great credit is due .Messrs. FairGcld
Ai Stcars, the proprietors of the Eagle
Hotel. Tbelr supper was gotten up in
superior style ths "Colonel" being on
A jicw road is talked of cross Ap
plegate at Thompson's ranch; leavci
Applrgatoat Murphy's Creek; cross the'
mountain at the head of Deer Creek
and Intersect the Mooney trail at Sloan's
ranch. This route is estimated to be
12 miles shorter than the Siate Creek
mines in the interior; hadn't bH there,
but could cite mo to miner who bad
In about two wcekt my tufflj ol
tho sp..ndulix" Was exhausted, when
I found myself, injeommon with many
others, reduced to tho extremity of dig
ging for a shell fish which Is indigen
ous to these waters, of wlilcli JRt.
the annexed it only a tolcra (J gj
ble representation; they nro known lij
the unnoitical name, clami. I con-
ulated district, with "nsry" reader thisji soled myself, however, with tho glitter,
side of -10 dec north, or not -Sur-'; 'nB onf In prospective. One day we
siuc oi ju urg. norui, , . , I were mado glad by tho capluro of
leavrng about equal poMlous uf it in
Orettnn and Calilornis. 'Hierv is hut
a tmi.ll portion tif Tuie Inko in Oregon.
Illondy Toinl is in California. The
a. mill boundary of fractional township
11 south ranges 10 and 11 eutt, it
principally in the lako about 1-U mile.
Lost River has its source In Clear
Lake, and empties into Tute Lake
which has no outlet Lost river is n
very dtcp and turbid stream, but nar
row, not averaging more than tuchu
rods in widlh.
ted to wed. On Sunday eveninc. ev
orything being got in roadiness, the
'Squire bid them stand up. After the
usual preliminaries, be asked the male
! party, "Do you take this woman to be
I your lawful weddod wifet" The
In township -11 south rauco 10 east.
section 0. is tho Natural Uridco on the
fice it to ssy" that, since tho latest.) ,, . , . ,i, ... Lmlgrant Iload. This Is tho boundary
arrival of DeekmanVGre.t Northern) JKi "Bh, "!, ""' , !. ' '-'-" tho Modoo and Klnmath l,f.
c . i. .....innnriii.1 .. v......b ... m, ...,.----- a ails, i be i amains cinim tue ooun.
Express," we arc In possession of the. Your remittance xvas received on the ,rv ,n ,. Nnrll ,,, Wep, ,.. ,.
following J lit inst, when 1 again indulged in the MllJoc to lho Soutll ftllJ E1, Tnu
moil "ocn owx srecui. ooRaMro.Dt.vT " , ,Ux"ry f ""luaf meal. Klamaths appear to bo friendly and
(llMtraltdnarptr'$.Vo(;aiint.) i ' " tieamer surprise commence" nsloBi t0 on ,crn 0f friendship"
r..-P Hnrr. Juno 25. 185S. I rUn,l!nS "P ""r 'T about thooth I ... ., H flnd ,hst , , .
I have reached tho new El Dorado, I , The Surprise, as the annex p.f'gv ' to sell tho land on Big nnd Small Kl.
and my wildest hoi.es are more thani"' cut shows, is a river steamer, wsid ninlli Likes and hato tho white setllu
realixedt but first I will give vou an' "cenda to Fort Langley. Passage to i there, but do not want to sell tho coun
ari-nnnt of mr trio, which I miv pre- ltt point is 820, of which 85 has to", trv Noithenst of Hlu Klnmath, as that
This Troupe willi face with Uricham Young's remark ', ,,e Pa'd i tho Hudson's Hay Company 1 1 their principal -liunting ground. No
"It a a hard road to travel, etc , ,ul "" b ' e iniurs, u you cnn cotivcrtaiioti was nnu wiui ino oiouocs
1 left Jacksonville, as you will re-' &rmtTo more smalljjSkmi
member, on the 1st of May, on a livery steamers would havo employ iiieiit
horse, (Clugage Ai Dium had not yet , Tbo steamer Sea llinl attempted to go
put on their stages) an nccurnte-V up with passengers, but alio stove Iter
cut of which I send you (ou JS. jbows badly, (seo cut,) and CN
will observo that the design tiiat u, . ,Vas eamni.ll..tl ir."l,n,.t.lrn I F.m,
the horte is barebacked, 'lliat ynu,up 0 ,nc sur,ir0 ,hc gcC0M(J ,rp,and
may not think I rodu in that mvself 'and 0 oihcra' nropfrdi..! on tho
perilous journey, from the "head ofnav '
izallon in time for our next issue, and ing point," and who, consequently, had , r0U '
by the succeeding woek may learn who j no very definite Idea of tho proprieties'!
unve oeon eiectcu united stales aena. or the occasion, answered, "J don't do
tor. -Wo havo every confidence that nolhin' else, old An nun...ji..
w p - M kMIVUIID
style, I send lho saddle, nlso.jSW
The first day I arrived at Kcrbyville, igation for steamers, in n canoe, and af
("Nedyah" promlscJ mo that he would, ter passing" through "unheard of dan
write you an accurato description of 'gcrs, traveling thus ntcr one hundred
tlits flourishing town. I didn't have miles, we arrived at Sailors Diggings,
time to lako any "charcoal sketches.") where everybody "cainnako form 810
irom which place 1 readied Uresccnt to 9100 per day I I
City by McClellan 6i Co. it Mann's i In regard to thcie mines "tho half has
stago coach, a rough, jack. .sgrmv, fnot been told;" they aro richer thnn
knife cut of which vehlcltK3?jCf the Cnliforlila '40 ers ever saw or even
of "public conveyance' I v ..dreamed ofl! Thcro It room on !
executed while ttopped at ono of the zer and Thompson rivers for 50,000
miner, without crowding very much,
and when tho water in these rivers fulls
Gen. Lane will be one of them, for we
bclicvo ho is the first .choico of two
thirds of tho voters of Oregon.
CfBRr Coc,vr. From a private
letter we learn that the 0i!r !, r"T' :' "u uo "" I
D.m.mik.i;u .. .1-...J i-.1.1. Parted the all-lmportant Qry, which
oflenco to tho would.bo-bride, and she
at once became a wouldn't-bo-bride.
She remained, bowevor, while the J. P.,
amid the suppressed merrimont of the!
company, some sixty persons, pro-'
Democratic ticket was elected In this
she answered with a negative, and re-
. The State ticket received'-"" :U 7"7 "B"
150 majority, and Cpt Tiche-!1'? "r In CC,rd.
The Oregon Farmer will be issued
In Portland "early in July." by Wra.
n. Taylor, cc Co.
The Crescent City Herald commen
ced its fifth volume on the SOth ult
The editor says "a vear has rolled
round during the publication of the
1 1 last one."
.... r,r .u.;t .-a n. .. . i, " " " in accoruaneo witu
: ,J 'v' T'u w" . VCH"ilh Egotlcn or a friend, he left tho
nor was elected by n large m,jority.-, room bf. . . . -. ' Jf.1'
Ine greatest strife was on County, . , , . . .'
T.i. ti . r j j . nnd WM ,oon nf,er In le of far ad.
Judge. Ihero were two Independent' ..,. ,. .. ,. ... . ,
j. i . ....,. ... . vancca inebriation, when be was taken
randnlafoi in tlm (ilH .mill f. .1.... . . .'
. , ... ... , , ,. 3 , and thrown into the mill race, near by.
tie afterwards received a coat of lamp
Tho Oregon .Aru says tho fruit
crop w ill not be as heavy thk year as
Two dragoons were drowned In De
schutes river on tbo Mlhult, while at
tempting to ferry themselves over.
The lire Companies of Portlsnd
celebrated the Fourth.
Mr. Chas. Afofiitt was killed at Port
land on the 17th ult, by the caving of
a cellar he was excavating.
Mr. Wm. Kennedy, of Polk county,
is boring an artesian well on his farm.
A fire occurred at Oroville, Cal , on
tliA mnrntnrv nf .! no.l ..., i ...
were treated to some fine music before , Chinese part of the town. Los, e.tU
' mated at 860,000.
before the election, when ono withdrew
in favor of the other. Jas. C. Frank!
lln, Esq , the regular Democratic nom
inee, was elected, bowevor, by a small
GO" We have received the Juno num-1
ucr oi mat excellent journal, tho JJem
ocratie Jletietc. It contains a fine,
steel-plate likeness of Gen. Jos. Lane,
our able delegate in Congress, with an
interesting biographical sketch. It
serves to show that he stsuds as high
nbroad as at home, in Orecou. The
i. w -l .
General bo been a warm tupportcr of ' Jaektonville went to Gasburg on Mon. "en dispatched to Pugct Sound.
black, and was subjected to sundry
and divers other indignities.
At last accounts, Purscly was non est.l
The Jacksonville Urass lland, which, I
by-lhe-way, has got to doing some'
ery good "blowing" on its own ac
count, took an excursion to tho coun-!
try on Monday, the 5th. Our citizens'
they went and after they returned.
tations. I might havo obtain ifc.
ru an American uorse ol tir. rrtR
Geo. P.Johnson, but I wishod"-4-"-! about fifty feet, to low water mark,
to test tho wagon road, which I found i there will bo room for 50,000 more,
very good. 1 noticed that tho Frazeri) As evidencoof the fabulous richness
river fever was much moro virulont in jof theso mines I will give tho follow
itt attscks upon tho denizens as soon 1 1 Ing statements, sustained by other tcs
as 1 crossed the lino into California. ! tlmony : Three men, by accident, lott
Remained in Crescent City one dayj their tools, and went to scratching with
wnen uio sieamer arrivea irom aan I tlicir hands and washing In a hat, mak
Francisco, crowded with Frazer river 'ling 8 1,200 In two days T If your read
0O A number of the young men of '""" . S. steamer Sbubrlck, has
tho Administration all throuch thu
Kansas struggle, and thcro is no doubt
that ho would bo by far the mot efli-J
cient person we can send to the United'
States Senate. !
day evening last, in pursuit of some
amusement for the Fourth; but we
learn that they did not enjoy them
selves very hugely.
CO" As Mr.Fowlnrlias never recciv.
ed onylhing from the "Streets Ilenefil."
he half suspects the money has bet n ' 'm,ro 'readJ' killed six men and com-
A war
Many "Johns" in California are ma-
king preparations to go to Frazer liver.
After October 1st, they cannot return
to the State.
The Northern Indians Lave arrived
in great numbers in Puget Sound, and
Laws or Onnco.v. Wo havo re
ceived from- Mr. liush. 'IVrrltnrlJ
Printer, tho Law n...l t.v il, ..1..1I. P'd to some parties who have not tm. I '"'tied other depredations.
regular session of the Legislative As. 'I liaid ,heIr road tax ! if such is the fact, ' j '"m" ' needed, say s the agent,
eemhiy of tho Territory of Oregon,'
printed very neatly, and hound In
pamphlet form, in paper. We infer
that the laws arc now ready for deli
very to the counties and for sale to!
private parties, at tho Statesman office.
CO" The harvest is fairly commenced
in this valley. The farmers will be
ery busy for several weeks harvesting jj
and threshing. Crops are generally
good, and we have noticed several
fields of remarkably good wheat and
he requests that it be paid over to him I Freight is brought from Crescent
immediately, as mote work Is needed Cit)' ,otl" place, for four cents. The
on ths streets. I Herald thinks frelnht will soon b .
ken to Yreka at that price.
CO" Gov. Geo. L. Curry has been
appointed Register of theLand Office,
at Oregon City.
COWe have been shown some beau
tiful pictures taken by Mr. G.S. Smith,
at the Union Hotel.
CO" We learn from Dr. Greer, that
Mr, Rrenan who was so badly Iniured
last week by the accidental discharge
of a blast, It doing very well, and that
bis entire recovery is now considered
eertain. The left band may be tome-
what still.
CO" Messrs. Thomas 6i Jacobs gave
a Ball at Eagle Mills on Friday night
11 of latt week. We learn that it Dasaed
L. J. C. Dl'.scan, our newly elected
Sheriff, qualified and entered upon the
amies ot the oflico this week. We I
think ho will make an active, eflicient i!
off very pleassnlly, but wat not a
numerously attended as was antici
.Submit Duma, we learn, has ap.
pointed Samuel Taylor, of this place,
a deputy, and also that he'has appoin
ted J. T. Williams jailor, vice Thorn- j
ton Anderson removed.
J. C. McCohmick, of Portland, it
soon to Usue a beautiful Map of Ore-
jgon. It is to be furnished to subscri
bers for the low price or 85. The
prospectus may be seen at this office.
CO" We have seen some timothy of
remarkably fine growth, rafted on the
Messrs. Overbeck's farm, two milei
CO" A Vigilance Committee bad ta
ken potfccss'.cit of New Orleans, and 'foal ,own' Some of the beads meas
uppomted a Citizens' Polico of over n' ure ia ,,a Incles.
thousand mon to secure a fair, ,8CeJ! EoMi: Cocmca8 and other
able, .nd quiet election ,,, cr0ded ou,
Jacksonville Rack Course. A
race is to come off to-day between
"Billy Woods" and Whitmoru'a sorrel
colt, 300 yards 8000 a aide.
On Thursday, the 15tb, Grundy Tay.
lora gray gelding ond Siscmoore'sgray
gelding, runs bOO yards for 8500 a
On Saturday, the 17th, the "Gist
byed Filly" and "JinCrack" run for
82,000. j
Religious Sbhice will be con.
ducted in a grova near Judge Rice',
00 the farm of Mr. Williams, jut across
Boar Creek, on (to-morrow) Sunday.
Services will commence at 10 o'clock
t., and with short Intermissions con
patients. I got a ticket "for Whatcom
direct," in first cabin, at a very high
rate, considering that I bad to "sleep
myself," and almost "cat myself." The'
accompanying engraving represents the I
steamer 1'acinc, as sho
"might have! been seen"
from the top of Umpqua
Light House, a fa distance of about 4
leagutt at sea, on her way up. We
pasted some salllne craft
with "living freight" for
ibe,ew .1 Uorado. in
Jonii Hulls possessions.
In "due eourso" of steam we arrived
at Whatcom, and were landed with the
expectation that we would reach th
mines iu two or three days by the new
road or trail which, we had heard, the
enterprising people of that place had
already opened. I at once proceeded
to tue best Hotel, or whlcb, when
completed, tho proprietor assur
ed me, th annexed is a correct
drawing; but, as yet. I see no resem
blance. The hotel, though, like the
town, is in a state of almost undefined
incipiency. After a sea voyage, you
may be sure that I did justice to a din
ner 01 such gam as
tho subjoined cuts tjB
rtpreient After din- ZZEj ,
iter 1 look a ttroil to "see the sights."
Saw some miner looking fellows wbo
had some of the genuine Frazer dust;
they said it might be obtained in any '
detired quantity, and with the least
possible apology of labor. Made up
my mum 10 start next any ; but was
informed that the trail teas not eomalti
ed, and the distance, instead of being
as had been represented in Oregon and
aiiiumia, was overrteo nun'ired mile,
through a mountain wilderness. Here
was a "damper; but on Inquiry I learn.'
d that the route up Erazor river wasj
alio very damp to much o, in fact,1
at to prove fatal to the lives of a num.!
Iier who had attempted to atcend to
the mines. . 1
Returned to the hotel, somewhat de-'
pretsed. Was enlivened considerably!
to find that, attached to our hotel, was
the accompanying "creature j
comfort," whose laeteal aub.MB '
ttance reached my coffee run J It 11
through the potent agency ol twenty
ert detiro corroborating evldenco of
the trutli of this, hero it an accurate'
drawing of lho identical 'storo pipe.'i,
Alto teo S. F. papers. A fellow who
was "stuck" after a bit of 'colico in
Oakland, across tho Bar from San!
trancisco, and who hadn't the 'rocks'
to set up house keeping, came up here,
mined 'eleven or eight days, look out
four or five thousand dollars, and went
right back aftor bis 'affianced. Hero
is the feminine in question, from . ft '
a mlnlaturo In his possession. (InBW
the 'charcoal sketch' I send, I al -
lowed free 'stretch of the Imagination,'
as alto of the extremities.) See S. F.
papers. A party of four were going
up in a canoe, when 0110 fell over
board, and was only saved from a 'wa
tery grave' by the immediate succor af.
forded by his companions, for one of
his boots was instantly filled with gold.
Here Is tho boot, which, by the-bye, f
it the style for that mode of mhilnir. A
and the gold dust (8I,70f) was taken
by one of the steamers to SanFrancIsco.
as you have already, no doubt, learned
by the papers of that city. If my fur
ther evidence is wanted, refer readers
to the Crescent City Herald.
I might, if necessary, go on and mul
tiply these Alladdin atmies ad inSni
turn. Enough ha already been told.
it is thought, tn bring all California and
part of Oregon hero before Christmas.
Now, I need not give any advice to
Frazer fever patients ! it would be use
less for mo to ''whisper 'go, or stay I"'
as lor myseir, 1 shall stay until I get
all I want of tbo "ahluers ;" and be not!
surprised if I write no more, fur it can
not be expected that a Milhonairel
would be a pennya-line-cr!
Modoc mid Klumuili Country. 1
1 learn from Mr. David S. Thomp.)
son, who has jutt arrived in town, that'
be has surveyed twenty townships of
land In the Modoo and Klamath coun
try, embraced in townships 30, 37, 39,
30, 40 and 41, south of ranges.?, 4, 5,
C, 7, 8. 0, 10 and 1 1, east of tho Wills.
mette Meridian,
The country through ranges 3, 4, 5
and 0, is a rough, rocky country, cov
on tho subject of selling their Innd.
Jndgirg from appearances, he thought
that the less ho had to say to them tho
boiler for their actions wero anything
but friendly. The Klamath Indians
say (hero aro not moro than forty Mo
doc warriors in all, and nbnnt three
hundred Klamaths, although they 00.
rupy an extent of country as largo at
tho Willamrtto Vnlley, and a grost
portion of it very fertile, and will ad.
mU of largo settlements: and any pait
of it Is superior to tho Willamotlc,
Umpqua or Rogue River Valleys, for
grazing purposes.
Thcro is alio a fino country cast of
the Klamath Lake and Modoc coun
try, noar the Sierra Nevada or Cascade
rango of mountains. Capt Walker,
in his official report to Col. Rots, of
tho 10th of November, IPS J, in de
scribing tho Modoo and Piulu Indians,
says: "They havo ono of tho finest
countries in Oregon, 'lliero aro beau
liful, rich, nnd productivo valleys on
both tidet of tho mountuitii immediate
ly north of the Emigrant trail, abound
ing in the finest grasses, and also a
groat variety uf herbs upon which thvsu
Indians subsist. Thoso valleys aro
each about ono hundred miles iu length,
running north and south, and from
twenty to twenty-fivo miles In width."
Every exertion should bo mndo to
induco our Government to purchase
the greater part of the country between
tho Siskiyou and the Sierra Nevad or
Catcade range of mountains and north
of tho California line, and then estab
lish a small military post near the res
ervation, to keep the Indians peace
able, and in a very short period of
tinin tlm whuln nnnntry wonM ho sat.
tied up with good and substantial far
mers. A PACKER.
Fmom Ckksce.it Cirv. We aro in
debled to Mr. Geo. P. Johnson, for tho
Crescent City Herald of the 30th ult
A considerable number of sharos in
the Crescent City Plank and Turnpike
Road Company is advertised to bo sold
at auction on tho 10th inst, to pay the
amount of tho aitf-tum its yet unpaid.
The steamers Pacific, and Cnuiino
dore give notice that they will touch at
Urosceiil City each way on their trips
between San Francisco and Puget
Sound. The mail steamer Columbia,
s'to touches both ways.
Teeth. Dr.Joba Herrbold will leart
for Frazer Hirer about the First ot August,
and Uio who wish work done In the I)n
Hit's line must apply Immediately ; alio,
those onlog hlra are requested to ''ponnk''
up and take receipts. 2013
M A n It I E I ,
At Winchester, oil the 30th Juno l. lie
Jolm . Vork, Bimck It. Lsms (son of Gen
Lane) to Sabau J. Auiw, both of that
a! ;l I
unue urqj o o clock, p
quested to attend.
M .
five cents extra. each meal. CanenAA 'red with, heavy growth of fir. nlni.
to wait, Micawber-like, for "something, and cedar timber. On the streams, of
to turn un." 1 L.i.i-1. tj-i . .. n .
Kmi..i..i. 1-.. -i .l ... . """ mB"u eaver reek are
. : , j ,ww ,uo we ouii
ness of the place. Found a man in a
tent with the annexed fixtures.
He drew from the barrel Into
the pitcher a liquid, which was
mucu in demand, and then serv
I'd r.Uftfnm.ra t.. ..!! .?
Said he was "doing well enoughind l3 Ulh thf0Ufih ,he" ""S"- The
teemed satisfied to "let well enough ,!countrJ',brouSu'ges 1, 8. 9, 10 und
ulone" J 1 1 east, is a gently rolling prairie coun-
A good M. D. would do fi ,'try, covered with a heavy growth of
11 ... . illomFon -ir-v iiexcellent grass, and is well watered bv
would 'Ml 1 . n.tl - i. C7 1 . ... . ' . . uy
- . .... w.i iuo
the principal, is tome low bottom land
suitable for farming, but tho amount is
I; limited. The Emigrant Road runs
'through the north part of township 40
south, and the south part of township
All aro
head by coming at once,
with a good stock of CO"
Besides the diieaua .V-.'
dent ta the country, I think
uere wm. in a few month.
be much fever and ague, rheumatism,
of c. ic.
Found that the pioneer settlers
especially the town-site proprietors
had ry faith in the existence of rich
the Klamath and Lost rivers and the
lakes formed by these rivers. The
largest fake is Big Klamath, in town
ships 30, 37 and 38 south ranges 7ud
8 east Little Klamath lake is on the
south boundary of township 40 south
range 8 east and fractional to wnihlp 4 1
south rango 8 and 0 cast the south
boundary erotting it fivrn catt to west,'
Going to San Francisco for
(J tarline 10 Htn Frane.ieo. Tlu-r.rnra
all Accounts due tfi firm of 1 A. Urun
ner& liroihor inu.i t setikd iinmdiat.
ly. V respectfully rt-nueil all tlmm wlm
are indebted tn ids alwva firm by nule or
book account, o come forward and settle,
and save trouble and rxpns.
A Good Cash Business for Sale.
OWE OF TIlrTliiEsT fiTANDa for
a Public llouit. on Ilia road from
Jacksonville to Credent City will be sold
at a bargain, if applied fur soon Tim
House Is Urt-o. convenient, well fuinl.lieil.
and adapted for a public house, and is now
doing an excellent business. Good farm
land attached, and one of th bed stocU
rentes in ilia country. ForAddreii. ap
ply at this iffir. (,3
ALL l'rrsons who are indebted o llio
Itlo firm uf IlulTman &. Co, are here
by notified 10 (Mile with none other llisu
Itollmau Jt Jsrvi.
J- W 4AKV18,
Union Mills, July 6th, le"53 SClf
'I o tUcTruvellug Public .
OLD 1IAV has taken bis Old Houta
cnia. Urals 60 cenU; $1 per ulubt
for Footmen, and Man aod Rone 82.
Va, CALL aod try we.
. W. B. HAY
890 fifth which T1108E0W.
'VVVv In us are r quested M
reisu as soon as possible." "Every lit
tle l.lps " !JJ MA Unv A u AVlrt
L Sa., & r!aSra