ii mtiwl umn TOL. III. JACKSONVILLE, 0&EGON, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1858. NO. 26. dependent on all Subject) , ami devoted U tt itil Inter ft of Southern Orrgon. Published Ilvcrr Saturday, nr rt G. T'VAULT, Editor & Proprietor. TCRJJS! One Ycnr, 95 on; Six .Monthr, $3 00:! Three Months, $'- 00. j Advertisements, I Oae Sjuirc of twelve lines or le. first In rti in. $3 00 ; each subsequent Insertion. 3100. 1 I ;t Tauds, each square, for one yenr. gjO, x months, $15, three months. 410. j At herald s.'otmt nude to persons wishing.. tdrjrtle to the extent of foursquares !! ( J O II tV O II K , Of all kinds executed with neatueu ami dupslcb at reasonable ratces. , S U0UXC00 vEai"u0. - - - - THOMPSON &. GHEEB. ' Vhyslclans fc Suvpcons, orriCn "Jacksonville Drug Store" .Notlh side nf California street, Third duor ohove thr L'uion llouae, Jackonville. 1 1 Tiioursut, m. n J o w ctitrn, u v. July 3, ISO;. 25if. B.F.DOWELL, ATTOnSEr-AT-LAr, Jacksonville, Oregon, - W, , ,,,, ft firr t. ft , n.ftv.1 11 1 1. 1. 1 iini. 1 iib 1.1 jl.ii inr.. Curl, of the 3d Judicial District, sad the supreme Uourt or Urcgon. and in irVi, Col lAMieular attention paid to procuring MRU warrants ana coiiectine claim i.nit the Government May VI) SOI) , .ux u'LAtrmiLiN. iic.Nnr xt.trrrL. I MUUGHUH&KUPPEIS ' "X15W STATE" BILLIARD SID DlIITIIIrJ safL!il ; New Ilnlldlng. Corner Cnllfornla. and Centre tilreets, '1 JACKSONVILLE, T , Tlir. "NEW STATC" Is a cool and, picious Saloon, and is fitted up in a 1 style of elegance. Tim Milliard Tables . are iiw, snit rrnni uu, uf ihv tis.t uiakei. ISKCf. t ' M And t li Iltr there vt ill always be found I a gouJ supply of raro old French llfarwlj tics, prims Scotch and American WliN key, choice Wines, Air, and Lager Deer, ! aaj supenur llatana Cigars. tf-lr. 1 add ii oFc ."gibbs. 1 , C 0 CA'SJi LLOll -AT-L A W, Koitburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Itcferences j flic Joiepb Lane, Washington City, D C. Cimpbell & I'ratt, San Francisco. Gal. William Thompson, rq., Pearl street. N.Y. Jamti F Starhuck. Eeq., atertown. N. V. Hen. Jaion Clark, I'leMis. N.Y. Ilea Carlos Emmons, Springfield, X. T Stmucl Lake Esq , Ilutialo, N. V. Harper & Ilrotbers, w Vork. 22tf UNION HOTEL, Corntr California and 3d Street, I' JACKSONVILLE, OHKGOX. 1C LIP PEL & WILKINSON, Proprietor. GRXERAL STAGE HOUSE. April 2, 1858. 12tf. EL DORADO IJ1LLIAKD ANU DUINKINC SALOON, CORNCt OrCALirORNlA ANDOREOO.VSTftEirrs; JACKSONVILLE. O. T. Itf Billiaud Saloon, Opposite Eagle Hulel, KEHISYY1LLR, 0. T. January l,Jd58 " ltf I IIARMOX, Late of Sacramento. II. J. LADATT, San Frauciico. HillOS & UB4TT. . LAW OFFICE, onier of Montgomery aud Commrr- tial Streett, (Orer Banks k Bull, Bankers, Suu I'rnnciscc, Cat, --. tl J Labatt, Commissioner for Luuitiaiiu 4J nov26nlCtf R. HAYDEN, Attorney and Counsellor at Late, WILL ATTEND TO BUBINESS in the Third Judicial District of Ore gon OFFICE At Keibyville, Oregon. Janua 111 Tbc Finest AND Are taken by PETES BUTT, On the the Hill, near the old Parsonage, JAGKSOZTUfLE, 0. T. Dally Work, nv ciiAni.ru jiACKir. Who lap from dread of daily work, Anil his appointed task woiild shirk, Cemmils n folly and a crime ; A soulless stave A paltry kuato A clog upon tbc wheels of time. With work to do. and store of health, The tnnu't unworthy to be free, Who will not give, , That he may lire. His dally toll for dally fee. . o ' lo' us work ! We only ask I'ewnrd proportlon'd to our tusk f V"e have no quarrel with tbo great No frud with rank With mill or bank m, , No enry of a lord's estate. "" "c tan earn snnielcnt store To satisfy our dally nevtl, And can retain - A rrM,,on we nre rich ,nJccd- No dread of toil hare wc or ours, ' Wehnnw our worth, and weigh empowers; The more we work the more we win ; success to traiie ' Succi-s to spade 1 And the corn that's coming In I And joy to him who o'er his talk ISemcmbcrs toll Is nature's plan : Who. working, thinks, And never sinks , His Independence as a man ! Who only asks Tor humblet wealth, Enough for competence and health; ' Ami leisure when bis work Is done To read his book. I)y chimney nook. Or stroll nt setting of the suu: Who tolls os every man should toll, For fair reward, erect nnd free : These are the men The best of men These are the men wc mean to be. A Chance Mill Left. ct iron tiruunu:. I do believe sho worshipped me, Hut when I Uid prorosp She turned away with scornful looks, And elrvattd note ! I asked If she would be mine, In one year two nr three t Still scornful, with a nltter laugh She answered, "No, slr-cc!" And yet I feel she loved me woll, Although the other dsy, I onercu ner a urive sue tain, "I am not on that lay I" uti cnanging sexi uncertain una 1 "hTch'cnne?oDJ?u.t f-llke ntudern skirts, Our feelings can hut iwcll. I Ansae she loved me, though she went And Wltb another wtd ; A fellow with long broomstick !, And locks of fiery red. No matter let her slide I feel A chance Is left for me, "Good fish there are, as any caught, Ucmainlng In the sea." ptr A good story is told of a Uostoulau's, first appearance iu polite society in Arkan- sos ; The company were engaged in dancing, but the loveliest female present occupied a , good offices. And here, in proof of that, I chair near the window without a partner will mention one fact. It Is known to gen Stepping up to the lady, with a palpitating ' tlemen that I was the Indian superintendent, heart, his miud creatly agitated for fear of wH as the executbe of Washington Ter a refusal, he said, "Will you do me the hon- or to gTace me with your compAny for the j ''next set1" flcr luttrous eyes shone with unwonted brilliancy, while her pearly teeth glistened in the flickering candle light, ber 1 full, snowy boiom rose and Ml with joyous rapture as she replied, "Yes str ree-bob' I for I've tot, and sot, and sot, till I've 'bout itukrootl" j I Tc- A Virginia paper records the mar 'Huge of Jane Lemon and Ebcneier Sweet ; whereupon our dtvil moralizes : " How happily extremes do meet, In Jane and Et 'eneier; She's 110 longer sour, but Sictct, And he's a imon-squecier I pirAn Irishman In London saw the Ly-Ing.ln-Hospltal. "By the powers," he ex claimed, "that's the place for me, for I have been lying out for a fortnight." pir The owner of a litter of pups was re quested by a friend to put Jilui dowu for a puppy. "Sir, I set you down for one a good while ago" pir It U an error to think that a long face is esMutial to good morals, or that laughing is an unpardonable crime. '&&- The swamps of Florida Met said to produce 500 bushels of frogs to the acre, jWiin uiugators enougu lor ieciug. i-tL. Why should a little man beware of roarr; Ing a bouncing widow t Because be f might be called "the widow's mite." ,29- "Capital punishment," as the boy said wheu the school marm seated him with the girls. U.-SU "Father, ain't that a band-box where the musicians aro V Vsl. Marriage Is designated as a "bridal," because it puts a curb upon the victim. !i-&- A Dutchman said a pig had "no ear- I marks cxeept a very short tall." I &U Why is a dandy like a venison steal; I Because he's a bit of a buck ! -H. f,a lt.M nnl to ben.fit himself.1 .Wh th world a benefit when he dies. ... .... .rf --,, S.'-vra-iw 7WNH, m . to lawyer who called aim bard names. ,m. t .t 11 ..f.f - .. m.. jSU What key will finally open all doors of civilization to all mankind an,kee, ; fcju What color does the raiser wish bis tojalobe? Yellow. SPEECH OF HON. ISAAC I. STEVEMSl on Tiir. PATiirxT or I The Oregon nuet VTmliiiiRtont Iiutlitii War Ictl. I Delivered in the Home of RepretentaUtetS .May 13, 16C8, Mr. Lane, of Oregon, having yielded the Stevens of Wdshlncton. said : It Is not my Intention. Mr. Chairman, at this time,1 vcrt hundred Indians with a band or twen to occupy more than ten minutes In dlwus. 'J-" " Increased to fifty as I got near in? this lull. I will state first in recard f to It. that It proposes to reimburse Cover- nor Douglass, ol Vancouver Island, for sup-' dies furnMed bv the Huron's liar Comtia- ny.n( Victoria, their rt on that Wand. I1 ' am glad that such a bill has been brought before this committee to py for supplies furnished by the people of a foreign Juris diction to the suffering Inhabitants of On-' gon and Washington 1 cmtorlcs, bccutue I 1 can, and every gentleman here can, refer to them ns wltncics of the condition of our country nt that time. I am glad to refer to the fact that fiovcrnor I)ouglas and myself are personal friends. Wc have oltcn con i ferrcd In personal Interviews and by letter,'' , In relation to the measures rrqulslts to de-'1 lend the sparse populattou of that coast , AiidTlt is to me a heartfelt pleasure, on this floor, that I. ns the executive of one of those Territories, have his cmhatlc testimony that the ceursc taken In that Territory was the only course which could have protected those settlements, or which rould have pre-' rantnl lhrlr rlrnnnulatlon And I thank '!Ood that this bill now before tho committee 'gives mc the opportunity to refer to this Judcmcnt. eoralnc. as It does, from an en- tlrely disinterested source Mr Chairman, I will not trouble the com mittee by going tack to the eld troubles, j and trials, and conflicts of judgment that have taken place in regard to this war. It is sufficient for me that I stand here on the rock of truth, and I defy any man to gain say my statements. I go not now to therc 'ports which speak of outrages of whites upon tho Indians which rpenk of that war 1 having been forced upon us by the bad cou duct of our rwople, and which accuse us of getting up that war for the purpose of spec- ulation. When I went to that country In 1E53, Mr Chairman, and traveled across the j'pUln.,1 il.ltcd, on my way to Puget sound. nearly every Indian trlbo from the mouth of thu Yellow Stoue to tho Pacific ocean. When I taw tho relations existing between the white man and the Indians, I was as tonished. I was astonished, for I was not a frontiers-J man. I had, up to that time, seen nothing of Indians, and but little of our frontier population. Still I bad a prejudice that there was much ol wrong in the relations between the two people ; but I found that their relatious were those of kludness and of Hriry I had frequent complaints made by Indians that white men would not pay their debts; and the invariable course I pursued was simply to address a note to the settler, requesting him to settle the account, and It was done In every case brought to my no tice, esccpt In the case of a single person who went on between two days, and who is not now in our Territory. We have got rid of him; nnd his acts, therefore, should not Inure to the 111 of tho Territories of Wash ington or Oregon Mr. Chairman, the honorable gentleman from Oregon, whom I am proud to refer to here as my friend, has told you the simple facta in regard to the origin of that war. I was not In the settlements at the time, but was upon the head waters of the Missouri. The war came upon the people of the TerrU torles like a thunderbolt. In our Territory , there were not at that time two hundred private arms , and we were only able to ob tain arms for three or four hundred men by borrowing then from the Decatur, and from the arsenal at Vancouver. I refer to this j fact as conclusive proof, showing bow utter ly unprepared the people were for these In- dian outbreaks. e I do not intend, sir, to go into any de- tailed account of this Indian war, but I pro- pusc to mention one or two striking and algnllicant facta. The honorable gentleman irom Oregon bas referred to me ns a wit- new in relation to the arduous services of the voiunteera of Oregon In the Interior When I beard of the breaking out of the war, I went otcr to the settlements from the head waters of the Missouri as fast as bro ken down animals, and the difficulties of the road, would enable me to make my way. Coming through. It became in duly, in re- curd to the Indian tribes that bad not bro ken into war, to meet them, and, as tbeirjl father, being wpcrinteodeut of Indiau af - fairs, to endeavcr to persuade them to cou- tlnue peaceful. I met tribe numbering 'one seven mouiana souis, anu navmg' - nearly two thousand warriors, and those! Jbeii ma,n,aiDed ,heir fidelity throughout .. .- . . . f . causes of hostility, and of the unmitigated ' hostility of many of the Indian chiefs. When '' I mettle Oregon volunteers on the field ory t1 Walla Vraa, you may le sure that there" was a most cordial and hearty welcome be twecn us. Sir, to those, volunteers, under IIcaTcn, 1 probably owc mJ ,ire for ' ,,bJ i but a a party ci twenty-nve men wan uie, land I had made up my Bind to attempt to'l make my way to the settlements. It was , the action of these Orrgon volunteers, In protecting the settlements, that opened tho nay fur me. 1 What might have been my fate In lighting rncre be nwl1'9 Indians were, I do not Vnow' DuM conceived thai It was my duty to get to my post, and do my best for the """ rJ" "M WM "" "rcu ilvc' Sir, I learncU nothing of the, tolon I tecrs till I was making arrangements to fight the hostile Indians. The volunteers met the Indians, defeated tlicm In a signal battle that lasted four days, and drove them across , thr Snake rhcr, thus, opening the way for' my party. I was with them Tor ten days. I They consisted of tho very flower of the pop-J ulation of Ortgon, men of family, men of! substance, who had taken arms in their bands In order to protect the people of the 1 two territories; anu mere tbey were on the cold ground, without tents, living on horsc-flcsb, and without proper clothing, the thermometer ranging as low as 27 deg. bo low tero, nnd never, for fire days, getting above zero. That is what the volunteers of Oregon did, and I am thankful that I can say this for them as a witness In tbil high presence. There aro .one or two older points to' b'"b I ' '0 allude briefly During the , wuo' of that war In the Territory of Wash- ngion, not a iricnuiy jnaian, or an inuisn prisoner, was ever maltreated in the camp 1 of the voluutccrs of Washlngtcn. I say this In the presence of all men ; and If any one will rise and gainsay It, I shall ntk for the proof. For six months the people of , Washington had to live In block houses i and yet, so obedient w ere the people lo taw, ' so proud of their country, doing such high homnge to Its spirit of humanity and justice, that during all that time the life of the In dian was sacred in the camp of the volun teers. Why. sir, there were nearly five thousand disaffected Indians, durlug all this time, on the reeenatlon Ijlng along the waters of tbo sound, and not a man ever went there to do them harm. I rejoice in being able to give this testimony, here In tbo pretence of my countrymen, In regard to the conduct of the people of Washington. Do you wouder, sir, that it has caused to grow up In my heart the deepest and most 1 aeTOtej ,uachmrnt to that people, who have held me up In their sustaining arms In my efforts to advance the public service, and who have, by their conduct, illustrated its dignity and humanity, and thus given a lesson to the country and to tho world. Mr Chairman, I have said all that I do stre to say at this time. I trutt that the tame measure of justice which the commit tee propose to deal out to Governor Doug lass, wll! be dealt out to the people of the : Territories of Washlngtou and Oregon. The debt in all the cases rests upon the same foundation. Our people furnished supplies, and animals, and shipping, and rendered their owu servtcts, on the faith of the Gut ernment Every obligation ,. mad. payable) wbn an appropriation is made by Congress. It Is germane to my purxte to give one or two facts In reply to the grave charges which have been made agalntt our people ( of furnishing supplies at exorbitant prices. Now, sir, I have a friend, living near Olym pia, who told a hone, to be used for the volunteer service. When asked the price of his horse, be replied, that bis horse was worth sixty dollars cash, "but," laid he, "to be used for the defence of our people, you shall have the horse for forty Ave del i " scrip." And the horse was purchased I for forty-five dollars. And, geucrally, for a considerable period on the sound, horses , were furnished tho territorial authorities, , for scrip, twenty-fire dollars cheaper thau J ' they were told to the garrison at Fort Stell-j aeoora for catb. At the close of this service these animals were sold at public sale, and I' brought from teu to fifty per cent, above the j original cost. I recollect an lostancoofaj orlg mule captured, and which was rode by Cap- tain Uennlts at the battle of Grand Honde. Captain Uennlts rode tbe mule home to Olympin, a dtstance of nearly five hundred miles. He was desirous of owning the mule, and to be bid for it when it was put up at auction, nut iua antmai was sirucx on at tour nunureu ana seveuiy -nve aotisrs to an- other man. and placed to the credit of tbe ! Government. Captain Henniss. who bad I been n captain of compooy of volunteers lur lue wuuic war, a ucriou ui mjuio icu ' ni&ntbs, was not able to bid in bis own ri ing mule, l And now, sir, In reference to property captured from tbe Indiaus ; it was never 1 1 taken and kept by private Individuals !..., .,.,,, binogeui orueta were given ua pro pvrly taken from the Indians should be ac counted for as public properly, and the or der were strictly carried out ; certainly in the Territory of Washington, and, I believe, in Oregon. Mr. Chairman, j ou can, from facts cf this kiud, learn something of the character of J-ll-! tlf-i' the transactions of oar people In this war. Ti - . . A... t, .. -.. 1 it nu, must empuaucauj, n war lor oar ! protection, and for the existence of our set tlemcnts. And I am thankful that it Is a war which lias lef 1 left so little sting behind be tween the Indians and the white settlers of 1 tho country. They bavo nearly assumed I their old relations. It was not a'worl: of 1 supererogation. It was a work of toll, and watchfulness, and of constant exertion, to brine about the old relations between the whites and Indians, so that all antmosity might die out, and n spirit of kindness and confldenco prcall. Mr. llranch. The commltteo have passed now some, fifteen bill., nrtl while I am veil 'Hug that the remaining Mils may be dlr " ' , , . lthout debate.li poed or, tr it can 1 done w uuicij iub iiurotiuu cau uo until wunouii' , ., , , , ,, ..... 1, further remark, I shall submit the motion that the committee rite. Sir raulkucr. I desire to make one or two remarks before this bill Is dlsposod of. The justice of this claim has not been con trovertcd, nor has the propriety of Its prompt payment been questioned by any gentleman who has so far addressed the committee Ilut the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. Lane) threw out a remark which certainly ought to be noticed by some member of tho Com- mttlre on Mliitarr affairs. lie would seem to place us In the position of having singled out a claim due to a British subject, and tojj a man 01 wcaunt wane wo are rvprcrcuicu as forgetful of the demands of the humbler , volunteers of Oregon and Washington. This remark docs gTcat Injustice to the com- cnlttec. fpontbts state of facts, now tuade out cUarly to our satisfaction, wc did not hesl li uu to report the bill for his relief. It was claim about which there could be no con- troversy Its justice was universally con-j ceded. We have not, as yet, had time to examine into the great mass of these claims which have been referred to ns, nnd to which the delegates from Oregon and Washington have alluded, but design to glvo them a fair and Impartial Investigation at tho earllett moment. I have not. so far, expressed any ! oplulon myself in regard to the validity of these claims against lie Government, ex-! ( cept that which Incidentally fell from me In the dlicnsslou of the army bill, In which I I expressed the opinion tbst the report of tho board might be re'garded as an award made under the authority and with the full sane- lion of the Government, and binding upon IL I Incline to that opinion still; yet this is a point which I shall reserve for a more full examination of tbc cases, when taken up In the committee. The bill was laid aside to be reported to the Uouse, with the recommendation that it do pats. Old KeKTtcx A Ktntucklan at the battle of NcwJUleans, vho disdained the restraints of a soldier' life, with bis name nn the mutter roll, preferred "going it aloue." fichtlne upon his own book. While J the battle was raging fiercest, and the shot 'flying thick as hall, carrying death wherever 'they ft.II, "Kentuck might-have been seen Istatlonedundera tll maple, loading and firing his rifle, as perfectly unconcerned as "":! 1 ?"! CUBs Uib iUV UU9it 4 " j'v M attract tb attention of "Old Hickory," i 1 1.. v. i,m. ...,....,.-1 ' up Q Wng him behind the redoubts, as he wo in a po-' .uinn wbM, Mnovd 1,1. nerson to the fire' .... . r , .- --- of the enemy. "Hallo I my man, what regiment do you belong to!" said tho General. "Ileglmentl" answered Kentuck; 'bold on, yonder' another of 'em," and bringing his shooting iron to his tboulder, be' ran his eye along the barrel a Sash followed, and another Englishman came tumbling to the ground. "Whose company do yon belong tot" again Inquired the General, "Coropaoy the d 1," was the reply of Kentuck, as he busied himself re loading ; "see that ar feller with the gold fixin on 0( c&at and him" boss. Jitt watch me perforate him.' Tbc General gazed in the direction indi cated by the rifle, and observed a Brititb Colonel riding up and down the advancing columns of the foe. Kentuck pulled the trigger, and tbe gallant Colonel followed i his companions that Kcnlue! had laid low j i ,jeftih tijat dr. , ,.IlurrBh t Kentuck 1" shouted tho free Cghtci.( M ts victim came toppling from Ug borsCi tDcn turning lo the General he C0DtInuedi ..p, fighting on my own hook. stranger," and leisurely proceeded to reload. Fiw Men have a readier excuse for their homage than the Grecian sage, who, being asked by philosophers always ran after rich men. while rich men neter courted phi losophers, replied : "Because tbe latter know tbey want mo ney, and the former bavn't sense enough to know tbey want wisdom." Avoid entering into an argument with a deaf man in a railway car, as it if sure to Head to high tvetd', Tho HriiMi Outrages. Front the Washington correspondence of the San Francisco Ihrald, undtr data of jJune 3d, wo take tho following in relation to the Drlttjb outrages upon American com mcrco : Congress and the country hate been thrown Into deep agitation, which has been increasing for tho last ten days, by the au dacious and unprovoked outrages of Brlt?li. ! cruisers upon our vessels upon the coast of jCuba and elsewhere. Ve have heard al , ready of some forty inttanets In which our vessels have been fired at or into, brought lo, and overhauled by the Ilrltlsh cruisers, on the pretext of bunting for slams, X- cry dsy adds to tho Hit of these aggrcsIon ' ' , . " ' , ft1V Ullillil V, rviUB W, VUI tlHiUIM I'tv- ... , , , .i , , .. posed to fit out armed vessels to avene ;, , ,. . . ... .. , ijthese insults; but the President, very pro I'perly and promptly, ordered the whole dk potable naval force dowu into the Gulf.- Most of the shlps-of war so ordered, Includ ing the Wabash, ha e already sailed for tl; 1 scene of operations, and are under orders ft protect our vessels from such assaults.- Some small irpa steamers, the Dolphin, Wa !ir Witch, Arctic, and Plymonlh all gil- lantly manned and commandel have satit ed, and with every disposition to ly aloi side of the British vessels ofwar the Bit, lhe For-.ril. Bnd ,... Dartanl. that h av , fotj In chasing and searching our, vessels. I go far e have not heard that the llrtU.h 'cruisers, thoush thev have overhauled Ki 'many of our vessels that were engaged In I ordinary trade, have caught a slaver sailing )Unler the American flsg. They did on tit- ,21st and Sid March mako two very valuslt- ptltcs of slavers In which Americans bad no Interest, and stimulated by prlze-mont? . the British cruisers have become the mot keen and desperate, having no chance for a capture by any deference to national rights We shall In a few days have In the Gulf Mexico vessels mounting 140 guns. wTJIls the . iBrltltb naval force on the Weit India statin mounts 370 guns, a fearful odds agalntt us In cate of a collision, which many believe to . U inevitable. I! The Committee on Foreign Affairs of th Senate made a report with resolutions ct ' this snbject, which declare In the most so, cmn manner that these aggressions shatt not be tolerated, and that any meatureT' necessary to snstaln this position ought (9 be adopted. The Senate Is In favor of the resolution so far as tbey go, but a number of the Sens tors, including Douglas, Hale, Wilton, Toombs, and Mallory, ar desirous of golug farther, and directing oar naval foroe t capture and bring Into port the offending British cruisers, without waiting tberetuU of our remonstrances to the BrltUh Got ert ment. Should the British Government avow the nets of Its officers, then it would b an international question. If not, then tho of fendlog parties should be dealt with accord ingly. These resolutions are to be acted upon 03 Friday, the Sib. Neither the Executivo Government nor Congress alll suffer again any negotiations with England upon the question of the rigM of visiter search. The American doctrine, that the flag protects the vessel and every thing In it, will never be yielded. In 181;' this Government hd occasion to declsre la firm determination on tblssubj set. I The British Government is ennallr firm. ,M U iuppMtd. ,a U, 10pp0ft ., a pretewr n B " """ me seas. The orders under which the British crult. era are acting, were probably given by ths Palmerston adntlniiUation, At a ministerial crislt exltts in England It it possible that Palmerston may again In at the bead of the ministry in which cin we shall have much trouble on this question. Lord Napier, the Brititb Minister, has dlr pstcbed a letter to the Admiral of tbe Wot India station, SJr IL Stuart, requesting him to desist from further (Operations again our vessels, untU Advice be received from England. The country 1s sot prepared for war, an-) never can be till after It becomes engsged Iu bontllllles. Tbe sca.board defences are very Imperfrct, and there is nothing to prevent a British fleet from thelling and burning New York. As to the Navy, we have seveuty vessels of war, only thirty of which are fit to put In commission. Most of them are useless for war or peace. We have navy enough to get us Into a war, hot not to carry it ou, . Golp Iksamtv. On Saturday last two minors near Honetown, being afflicted with the Frazer river mania, sold their Interests one-tblrd each in a claim, the one for 930 and the other for $23. They then clean ed up their washing of the three days pre vlout, which yielded them each $72, or $21 per day each. On Monday last, lbs pur- cbaer, with a pan, wanhed 20 out of the Ulliogt of this same claim. Ths men who sold this claim knew its value. It bad been yielding largely for a longtime. Tbey sold because they were pot satisfied to make be tween one and two ounces per day. They were, In short, Frszer-rlver-mad, and fn .n, tnttilii n, llfnfftiftm TIav nnrl fflnl nn "flams! SAoiro Courier, ""0B A' I I. l i il m " .. K nTliiiiisnis t j- v. j jjlMHn4i-tt lfoT -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MrMrKttMk'tiMrrHM-'-' MN-MMrflrflr .... , ,, .-i a ly&-. . jU& 'v. m!&KttiNWtWFtfmu -fr-T rvftVUHHiP