Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 26, 1858, Image 2

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    ,..,g'BPW. ...-JSL.
Iiyilif '
I .
(Drcflon Sentinel.
w. g. mmf,!.
Snturilay, .Tmio 30, 8808.
Situ I'rniicUco Acounr.
Thomas Dovcc, corner of Washington
and Montgomery streets, Is our authorirod
Agent lu San Francisco, to receive suli
crlpttons and advertisements for the Bk.v
tinrl. To Our I'lilrout:
Wo are compelled to request those In
(Ul)lcd to us to make Immediate payment,
as we arc forced to havo money. We shall
leave for Korthern Oregon In tbo courso of
two weeks, and must havo money vrltbln
that time. Tliosc itlio cannot pay us, should
not object to setllo their accounts by note,
June 12, 1838.
We would call tho attention of the former
patrons or tho Skvtmel to tbo recent
change of proprlntors, and urgently ro
nuest that all those who arc indebted to us
beforo the 20th of May, 1B57, to make Im
mcdlate payment, and tboso baring accounts
against tho oflico prior to that dale will
pleaio prctent them, n It becomes necei
ry that the books of tho Arm shall bo settled
up at as early a period as poslblo.
W. 0. T'VAUIT,
Tlic rlttitOtliC'Ktilittiirc.
Tho schedulo' attached to tlio Con
stitution of Oregon provides that iho
"Legislative Assembly shall convenoat
tho capital on tho first Monday in Ju
ly, 1859, and proceed to elect two Sen
ators in Congress, and mnko such fur
ther provision as may bo naccssary for
tho completo organization of n State
government" It has boon thought by
many that Oregon would not bo admit
ted during tho Into session of Congress,
and that, consequently, tho Legislature
would only mact, organize, elect Sena
tor, and adjourn; but now. that Oro
gott is, no doubt, admltlod, tho ap
proaching sonlon will bo ono of in oro
importanco than any ovor hold In tho
Torrltory. Thoro is much legislation
necessary to tho "complete organization
of a Stato govornmont," am) tho ses
sion will probably bo cnntlnuod two or
- . - ., 1
JRs,'-. TgSST ?5"-,w
JLfl jssslbb I AssAS ssm ur UAiAMiyaji ism siuiisb stsjisrwsM . wim r'ri
TiWI 0 I sj IJ f M flfV pTlysssfsjsgss m """W . "
JTt!mi . l.'u t J2 iitaffc "- ' v ftssT.
.weN attrhwi.
i It 1CM AMt'lWl UI AM it SWr S
- jJJs1m4m irt burlp o' -ywl ijg'
IpTlor'tho-Bame, and'aH aJerte
inents fowarded to us by him shall be
promptly published. Mr. Williams
will visit Josephine county during the
mouth of July. Persons in that county
who bavo herotoforo had to pay oxlra
oxproia charges on papers, can now
obtain them at subscription prioo, as
the stage carries tho U. S. mall from
this pl.ico to Kcrbyville, Waldo, and
Crescent City onco a week, and uli
packages and papers can bo sent by
tho atago throe times a week.
Wo understand that it is the inten
tion of the stage company to travel tho
Applegato road. In that event, sub
scribers on Applegato and Williams
Creek can bo furnished with papors
Cikcus arrived in town on Wednesday,
and havo given performances nightly
since to good houses. The perform
ances are really much better than wo
anticipated seeing. Many of their (Vats
are not excelled anywhere Madame
Jeuetto Austin is a good tight rope
danceraud equestrienne. Tho Mossrs.
Nathan Austin, Wm. Franklin, N. M.
and J. L. lliukley and J. II. Kles, are
good porformors in cquesttianism, tum
bling, &c. Mr. Austin, as clown, gets
off some good things, and contributes
much to the amusement of their audi
euces. They have met with very good
success here. They gavo their last
entertainment hero on Friday night.
Tiik Excelsiok Tnourn, negro
minstrels, arrived hero on Friday oven
ing of lust week and gavo two of their
unlquo and interesting performances.
Mike Mitchell, the champion Jig dan
cer, is not excelled in that line. His
dance, "Kssenco of Old Virginia," is
par excellence in negro delineation.
Dan Watson, alias "Old Eph," is also
unsurpassed in the truo delineation ot
negro character. The other members
of the troupe are possessed of unusual
merit, and as-a whole, we think -this
troupe capable of giving first class
performances in its particular line.
They havo beomperformlng in Joseph
ino county the present week.
VSrAitMoirr" ia unavoidably crowd-
td out this wuok. Will appear next,
n .l i mm i - JiWWHJSlV.nl i."WW"'Uu MUMS1 IWISI1,! H1UJJI JU iejSirlirlWli JBWW'-. - ' l yJL.JMSlBlSjSlJSjE3TOBaKg2gSM
m . . . . . r.i . . . . . ' 'IBSS
rf$nmH.M An i.'ww"'""'"""
Wo havo by mall Porllmid papors of
tho 12th intt., and tho Statesman oT the
1 5lli. Tho ontlro Democratic State
ttckot is elected. Mr. G rover's major
Ity is probably noar 2,000, while
that of Mr. Bush, ngalnat whom the
wliolo clTorla of tho opposition wore dl
rooted, is probably less than 200.
From tho Statesman wo havo
HAiuoN couhtv official.
0 rover,
827 Kelly, 307
730 Uarnum, 409
705 Rico, 235
700 Brumloy, 210
700 O'Munra, 301
Sonators oleet J. W. Grim and E.
F. Colby.
Ropresontatlves elect II. F. Hard
ing, I). F. Bonham, J. II. Lasatcr, and
J. II. Stevens.
Folk county elected tho wholo Dom
ocratio tlckot by 100 majority, and
Ronton County has elected tho Na
tlonnl ticket by from 150 to 200 ma
Jorlty. Multnomah County has gouo for the
Nationals by majorities ranging from
150 down.
Yamhill gives tho National State
ticket about 70 mnjorlty, and elects a
Democratic Senator and ono Rcpreson
tatlvo, and ono National Representa
tive. Wasco County gives tho Democrat
ic ticknt about 200 majority.
Columbia County wont for the Na
tlonals by small majority.
Lano County elected tho whole
Democratic tlckot.
Washington County gavo tho Na-
tloanls small majorities.
Clatsop went for tho Nationals by
small majorities.
Clackamas gavo tho Democrats ma
jorities of 25 to 50.
Linn gavo -175 to 525 Democratic
Unipqua elected tho entire Opposl
tlon ticket.
Tim Jacksovilli: Racks. On Sat
urday last tho closing men of n half
mil was well conlMtwIibftCM.-rLam
,Ztol,CV - "-- ' i-.:T
iJWJrflB- l Vs""Sj(bj Fsw VV i issspsj ssf sjssjfv
tfJWt fMftfm 3B$M
1 4sW lmA JSlsJt
itviii rh fsssi sjssi,
Nslfl m SrrW fMvK JWsW( Ba tmrwa sM
lemClique''!iarlng rholntMe.- At rhe
tap of tho drum, they started, the Filly
getting a bad start, and trailing tho
horso tho head of tho home stretch,
whon she mado a gallant brush at her
antagonist and passed him a full longth,
but it was soon evident that the horso
was gaining on hor, and within ono
hundred and fifty yards of tho stand ho
passed and boat hor homo about n
longth, winning the race and purse in
a very handsome style. Somo differ-
onco of opinion exists as to which of
these animals are tho fastest in this
raco both parlies being confident of tho
success of thoir animals. The friends
of the horse say they hold themselves
in readiness to back him against the
Filly at any time within two months,
tho same distance, with any equal
Several scrub races came off the
same day. Everything passed off sat
isfactorily, and good order was main
tained on tho courso during tho races.
Threo match racos are to come off
ovor this courso, commencing on the
10th of July. Somo fino sport is an
ticipated. '
Tin: Saokii Diiamatig Tnour-E per
formed in McCully'a Theater on Fri
day and Saturday nights of last week,
to very good houses. Wo think La
Fetito Adella, the twin sisters Arabella
and Isabella, and Master Georgeflave
made marked advances in their several
parts sirfco last year, when they were
hero,- Mr. Burton, a talented young
actor who Is playing with them, plays
well, and we think ho -will attain to a
gooiKlegreo of excellence in hisspro
fession. If "
..This troupergave an entertainment
on Sunday evenipg for the boneflt of
the Streets ersucksonville, but we be-
Jtayo tho expenses wero unuMjally large
on that evening, '1 he troupe will visit
Josephino county next week.
W. G.T'Vault ad J. W. McCut
lev, membors of tho House from this
county, left hero on Thursday for Sa
lem. A. M. Runny, Senator from this
county, and Danibl Nkwcomd, mem
ber of tho House, will start about
Monday next, wo learn.
(fir News summary on first page,
ihiismhii1 H'W'i'M-'i.'jJ'ju 'MttMimrAvnutufN---"- .sw, a
Klamath Lakb lNDiANs.Wehavc
just had a conversation with Mr. Fer
guson, who was ono of Thompson's
Klamath Lako Surveying party, but
who returned somo throo weeks since.
He has son and oonversod with somo
of the party who havo just returned.
We havo not been able to obtain any
thing llko a correct description of the
country, but that portion which the
party wero surveying Is generally heavy
timborcd, mostly mountainous, will
nlkall valleys, and in tho region nbout
Lost Rlvor, tho prairies are covered
with sngo and chnpparrol. Tho two
mon Llndon and Short, who enmo into
tho settlements for supplies, carried out
the nows that Col. Steptoe's commnnd
had been attacked in tin North; which
lod thorn to oxamtno and watch the
many hostllo acts of tho Indians with
moro scrutiny than boforo. Somu time
slnco tho Indians found n lot of flour
where tho surveyors had Cached It,
which thoy took; and what thoy could
not carry away, thoy emptied on the
ground. Many hostllo demonstrations,
such as pulling up the stakes and, pro.
venting tho surveyors from continuing
thoir regular lines, wero exhibited.
A party of somo fivo Callfornlani
passed tho camp of tho survryors with
somo 30 mules on their way to the
Frazer River mines, and several days
after they had left, a dog they had In
company with them, roturned to Ihu
surveyors, causing them to believe that
tho Indians had attacked nnd killed tho
After tho surveying parly started on
their rolurn towards tho soltlemonts,
thoy discovered signal fires throughout
tho country, and tho Indians became
moro sulky nnd warned them to lenve.
While pasting down Lost River, they
discovered largo numbers of Indians
moving In tho direction of their camp
Tho Indians, many of them who have
bron in the sottlomcnts, and can speak
Jargon, notlfiod tho surveyors to leave
or tho Indiana would kill them.
Thoro woro several Kanakas with
the Modocs who were advising the
Indians to kill the whites and prevent
T iih iiisfcii 1 1 r
. ?" I
-. I .
Jw HssBsWBiBr ssw "Ssisyssjsysfssssfsji
mi&i- JsA'rh ii Kin sWirfrn
tiHffr--e)OMBlfyp:-wisiyw'sjiwiimu si ,
and thus load to another Indian war.
Do not go into the Indian country un
less you havo sufficient numbers to
provent an attack and dfoat.
lluiTisii Outiiaohs uroN Amkhi
can Vxsicls. Tho British cruisers In
tho Gulf of Mexico havo been firing
into and soarchlng a number of Amer
ican mordant vessels, under pretonoe
of suspecting them of being slavors
The Administration has acted prompt
ly, having demanded, through our Min
ister, Mr, Dallas, explanations of Eng
land, and also despatrhes the frigate
Colorado with special orders to the
homo squadron to stop any further out
races. The British ofllcors who nro
engaged In this business assert that
thoy are ordered to board and search
all vessels sailing ofT the coast of Cuba.
Under tho Ashburton treaty it was stip
ulated that the United States and Eng
land should .each maintain fleols off
the coast of Africa for tho purposo of
preventing tho flags of either nation
being used as a covor to tho Undo;
but thoro is nothing in that treaty that
will justify British vessols In tho seizure
and detention of American ships, or in
demanding to examino the papers of
vessels engaged in lawful commerce,
The determined persistence of Eng.
laud in forcing her claim to right of
search, led to the war of 1812, and,
if that Government at present pursues
a similar course, it will undoubted!
bring about a like result.
Wo nro glad to seo that tho Admin
istration has taken this matter in hand
in a bold and fearless manner, and
does not trust to tho delays of oflicial
diplomaoy, but has ordered the Homo
Squadron to rendezvous in the Gulf
and put a stop at onco to these out
rages by force of arms if necessary.
We may learn by our next advices
from the Slates of an actual collision
between tho two navies in tho Gulf.
We havo no fears whatever of a war
between the two nations growing out
of these outrages. All that is neces
sary for redress in this matter, wo
think, is tho prompt aotion already
taken by the Administration.
(KrRead our Washington corroa
poudence to-day.
Washington Cornspontloiico.
t u r 1 m 111 fin.
YABIIIr"ur, ""J " """
I am very happy to Inform your rea
dors that on yesterday tho Seiinte pnss
tel the bill admitting Oregon as a State
into tho Union by a voto of 35 to 17,
and that there is but little doubt but
that tho bill will pass tho House before
iho close of tho session, and this will
bo mainly owing to tho exertions of
Gencrat Lane, your diilinguiincu re
presentative, who has managed the
whole subject with great ability, nnd
from his personal popularity with the
membors of both bratichos of Con
mo is.
Tho House, so far, has only devoted
a portion of two days to Territorial
business, and Gen. Lane iJIa
getting pnssed tho o
number reported
of a Military
Salem, nil
other Torrit
best specc
made w
ly co
and soJHMPao
by It flfBPnicmbors,
that liadfHPP' (,l House
it would havWmssed by a Inrgo ma
jority, but unfortunately tho bill has
not yet been reported back by ttie
Commlttoo on Military AlTairs to whom
It was roferrcd. Tho session is now
drnwlng so noarly to a closo that it is
baroly posslblo that Gon. Lano will
havo another opportunity of bringing
Iho bill nguin beforo tho House, but
should the Military Commlttoo mako
their report ho will undoubtedly try
to get It passed by tho IIouso this scs
slon, so as to havo it beforo tho Senate
to bo acted upon at tho commenco
mont of tho next session.
Tho House meots at eloven in tho
&Kf 4 "ffifr ' LljJEf-LJi
AsaWlaissUssO .lliW sgMAisyJ ifctf
erfJst4"'tbtir sju
U ', Wi'fsw sfttMnwii-ss) immmm
IJn wtf9 IW ', swsssswsiii ''r1
latlng to Ocean Mall Steamers, Inter
nal Improvements, rovlsal of tho Rev
enuo laws, construction of Military
Roads, &c. &c., will bo considered,
and must go ovor to tho short session
Mr. Joseph L. Wright of New Jer
sey, has been elocted Doorkeeper of
tho House in the placo of It. B. Hack
uey, uho has been dismissed for al
leged improper conduct, malfeasance
in oflico, and for incompetency. Tills
action shows the difference between
tho democratic and othor parties. The
democratic party never shield a pub
lic oflicial, democrat though he may
be, on whom the slightest suspicion
rests as to his Integrity, while tho BIccli
Republicans attompt to cover up the
tracks of their dishonest officers, as in
stance the aeleot committees now sit
ting to investigate tho fraudulent con
duct of tho Black Republican officer
of last Congress, and it must havo been
patent to the leaders of that party in
the House that thoso frauds wero being
Tho peoplo hero &nd in the large
northern cities are in intenso excito
ment relatlvo to outrages committed
by British ships of war on Amorlcan
vessels, which havo been fired into,
boarded and searched, on our coast
and that of Cuba. The Senato, and
House have both passed unanimously
resolutions calling for information upon
the eubjct, and it is understood that
the steam frigates Wabash and Color
ado will be despatched to the Gulf im
mediately, while a call will undoubt
edly be made upon the British Minis
ter for explanation of this outrage on
the part or British Naval Officers. The
President will take deoided measures
tor the prevention of further outrages
such as have been perpetrated. Daniel
Webster, when Secrotary of State,
urote that further diplomaoy on the
right of search had been closed thai
we never could and never would per
mit it ; that we went to war upon thai
question when wo woro a weak power,
now that wo rank among the first na
lions of the world we certainly will
never consent to the search of vessoU
bearing the American flag.
Important news has boen received
by telegraph from Utah and generally
believed, to the effect that tho Mormons
havo backed down and that large nam
hers aro cmlcrntlne from Salt Lak-
City, and that thero is but llttla room
to doubt tho fact that Gov. Cumttilngs
has entered tho City and entered upon
hi-, duties as Governor, with tho con
sent and at tho rcqnest of nrlghnm
Young. Even if this bo true, tho Oov
ernment Intends keeping a largo mili
tary force in Salt Lsko valley, and
will mako Salt Lako City a depot for
stores and equipments, and will keep
nncn the communication between Lea
venworth and tho City. This keeping
open of communication nnd tho faclli
ties afforded to emigrants both for tra
vel and a sure supply nf provisions ns
well ns protection will be of Immense
bertefitMoyour young Stato, bocauso
will tako tho ovorland routo to
on and Washington, and they will
unposod of such peoplo as you so
need, thoso who havo tho bone
now and aro willing to work,
fust close to savo mall.
Iho AelmlMlon of Orc-
luto she union.
receiptor tho lato advices
Atlontlo side, wo have the
io intelllgonco that tho bill for
admission of Oregon passed tho
ennto on tho 18th ult., and wo have
evory reason to boliovo that tho bill
passed tho IIouso boforc the adjourn
ment, and that Oregon is now ono or
tho States or Iho Union. Below is tho
bill, as it pnssed the Senato :
Witr.nr.As, Tho pooplo or Oregon
havo Trained, ratified and adopted a
constitution oT Stato government which
is republican in form and in conformi
ty with tho Constitution of tho United
Slates, and havo applied for admission
Into tho Union on nil equal rooting
with tho othor States Thereto,
Jle it enacted by the Senate and
House of Uejmsentatites of the United
States of America in Congress atsem
bled, Tnat Oregon be, and she Is hero
by, rticeivod into the Union on nil equal
footing with tho othor States in all re
spocts whatever, viitli the following
boundaries : In ordor that tho bound
aries of tho Stato may bo known and
l-l---- -'! '
- ---flii il tliilhiii
Slutni In n nnlnt duo WCSt of tho mid
dlo or tho north ship channel or the!
Columbia river; thence easterly, to and
up the middle channel of said rlrer,
and, where it Is divided by islands, up
Iho mlddlo of tho wldot channel there
of, to a point near Fort Walla Walla,
where tho forty-sixth parallel of north
latitude crossos tho river; thonco cast,
on said parallel, to tho mlddlo or the
main channol of the Shoshones or
Suako river; thonco up tho mlddlo of
the main channel of said rlvor, to the
mouth or tho Owyheo river; theucodu
south, to tho parallel o( latitude forty
two degrees north ; thence west, along
said parallel, to tho place of beginning,
including jurisdiction in civil and crirn
inal cases upon the Columbia river and
Snake river, concurrently with States
and Territories of which thoso rivers
form a boundary in common with this
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted,
That tho said State of Oregon slmll
havo concurrent jurisdiction on tho Co
lumbia and all other rivers and watora
bordeilng on the said State of Oregon,
so far as tho same shall form a com
mon boundary to said Stato, and any
othor Stato or States now or hereafter
to bo formed or bounded by the same;
and said rivers and wateJs, and all tho
navigablo waters of said State, shall bo
common highways and forever free, as
well to the inhabitants of said Slate as
to all ether citizens of the United
States, without any tsV July, impost
or toll therefor. ttlijr
Seo. 3. ylnd be it 'further enacted,
That, until the next census end appor
tionment or representatives, tho State
or Oregon shall bo entitled to one rep
resentative lu tbe uongress or tne Unl
tad State.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted,
That the following propositions be,
and the samo are hereby, offered to the
said people of Oregon for Oregon for
their free acceptanco or rejection;
which, if accepted, snail be obligatory
on the United Statos, and upon tho said
State or Oregon, to wit: First, That
sections numbered sixtscn and thirty
six itktjjJNM-y township or public lands in
said 'mate, and where said sections
or any part thereof, has been sold or
otherwise been disposed of, other lands,
equivalent thereto, and as contiguous
hs may be, shall be granted to said
State, for the use of schools. Second,
That seventy-two sections or land shall
he set apart and reserved for tho use
nnd support of a State University, to
bo seleoted by the Governor or said
State, suhjct to tho approval or tho
Commissioner of the General Land Of
fice, and to be appropriated and appli
ed hv such manner as the Legislature
i?i1WiWiti'i" I .I..
of said State may prctcribe for the pur
pose aforrsald, but Tor no other pur
pose. Thlid, That ten entire sections
or land, to be selected by tho Govern
or or said State, In Ifgnl subdivisions,
shall be granted to said Stato for the
purposo of completing tho public build,
lugs, or for tho erection ol others at
tho seat of government, under tho di
rection of the Legisliituro thereof.
Fourth, That all salt springs within mid
State, not exceeding twelve in number,
with su sections of land adjoining, or
as contiguous as may be to each, shall
bo granted to said Stato for its use, tho
same to bo selected by the Goveror
thereof within ono year after tho ad.
mission of said State, anil whon so se
lected to be used and disposed of on
such terns, conditions, and regulations,
as tho Legislature shall direct; i'ro
tided, Thnt no salt spring or land the'
right whereof is now vested in any in
dividual or individuals, or which nnj
be hereafter confirmed or adjudged to
any individual or individuals, shall by
this nrtinlo bo granted to said State
Fifth, That Ave per centum of tho net
proceeds of sales of all public lands
hjng within said State which shall bo
sold by Congress after tho admission
or said Stato into the Union, after dc
ducting all tho oxpentos incident to the
same, shall bo paid to said State, for
tho purpojo or making public roads
and internal Improvements, ns the Leg.
islatiro shall direct; Provided, That
the foregoing propositions, hereinbefore
offered, aro on tho condition that the
peoplo of Oregon shall prnvldo by an
ordinanco, Irrevocable without Iho con
sent or tho United States, that said
State shall nover intorforo with tho pr.
mnry disposal of tho soil within the
same by tho United States, or with any
regulations Congress may find nccei
sary for securing the titlo in said sell
to bona fulc purchasers thereof; and
that in no enso shall non rosident pro
prltoors bo taxed higher than residents.
Sixth, And that tho said Stato slndl
never tax lands or tho property of the
United States in said State : Provided,
however, that in caso any o( the lauds
herein granted to the Stnte of Oregon
havo heretofore boen confirmed to the
'Punitory of Oregon for tho purposes
speclfloiiin this act, the amount so con
firmed shall be deducted from tho quan
tity specified in this act.
S:o. 5. jino be it further enacted,
That until Congress sbnll otherwise dl
roct, tho residue or the Territory of Or
ognn shall bo, and is horoby, incorpo
rated into, nnd mado a part of the Ter
ritory or Washington.
jSPfBSSS1 !n ,b
ard. ften
I Clmgms",
LWaot. Fos-
As4u JmmC Hailso,
Jw, JAWjiii'slRwiiinesse.
Sebastian, Seward, Shields, Simmons,
Slidbll, Stuart, Toombs, Wright, and
Nays Messrs. Bell, Clay, Crltlen
den, Davis, Durkec, Fessendeti, Fitz
patrick, Hale, Hamlin, Hammond,
Henderson, Hunter, Iverson, Kennedy,
Mason, Trumbull, and Wado.
Absentees Messrs. Bales, Clark,
Fitch, Mallory, Pearce, Held, Rice,
Sumnsr, Thompson of Ky., Thomsou
of N. J., and Wilson.
OCT Tho Oregonian of the 12th hat
tho following letter:
Dalles, Juno 10, 1856.
Mk. Dhvkr -2?ir Sir: An cxpreis
came in lat evening from Slmcoe, re
porting that tho Indians were congre
gated in large bands at the Klikatat
block houso, belonging to the United
States, and where tbo main herd of tho
government animals aro constant!
grazing. Fivo soldiers, one sergeant
and two employees or tho Quarter
master's department are stationed therr.
The intent or the Indians was to fire
tho house, kill tho occupants and cap
ture the cattle.
On receipt or tho news here, Major
Lugonbcel's company or 0th Infantry
was ordered to proceed forthwith to
tho scene, which was done to day.
Kamiakln and Sklooiu wero the head
devils, and thero were many there
who were seen among the hostile In
dians in the late right with Col. Step
too. The war has commonced.
The Streets Ucuc-flf.
Editor Sentinel : When Individuals
confer generous favors on a commu
nity, would it not be well to let those
benefited know the amount of the ben
efits conferred, so they might show
proper respect for favors so generously
tendered t As the Sager Troupe gavo
an exhibition of their very talented
company for the benefit or tho Streets
of Jacksonville, if our alio Street Com
missioner, Mr. Fowler, will bo kind
enough to let the citizens know the
amount handed to him from the pro
ceeds of that night, ho will confer a
favor on many who wish to tender their
gratoful acknowledgments for gener
ous actipns. Mant Crrizurvs.
OCT Will our citizens Luve an Mi'
or Julv celebration!
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