Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 12, 1858, Image 4

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(Drcgon 0aitmcl.
fSJfrtyxSJ IF ,! aj JtT J!
Xilll for Aduilttloii of Kuiuni.
In our summitry of States news lust
week wo gnvo a part of the bill report
ctl bv the Conference Committee, and
which was ml opted by both houses of
Congress, tor the admission of Kan
sas. Ilelow wo nlve tho bill entire:
Whereas, Tho peoplo of Kansas did,
bv a convention of del gates, assembled
int Lecompton on tho 7th day of iNo
v'ember, 1857, for thnt purpose, form
forthumielvesn Constitution and Stato
Government, which Constitution is Re
publican; and,
Whereas, At tho samo time and
nlace said Convention did adopt nn or
dinanco which asserts that Kaniai
when admitted as n St.ito will have an
undoubted right to tax tho lands with
in her limits belonnlnc to tho United
States, and proposes to relinquish said
asserted right if certain conditions set
forth in said ordinanco bo accepted
and agreed to by the Congress nf the
United fctates; and,
Whereat, Said Constitution and or
dinance havo been nroiontcd to Cotv
cress bv order of said Convention, and
tho admission of said Territory into
tho Union thereon as n Stato request'
ed; and,
Wheicas, Said ordinanco U not ac
centablo to Congress, mid It is deslra
bto to nicortaln whether tho peoplo of
Kansas concur In tho clintiiie in snli
ordinance hereafter stated, and detiro
admission into tho Union ni a Stato as
herein proponed, thcrofbro
lie it enacted, A-e., That tho Stato
of Kansas bo and is hereby ndmllted
into tho Union on an equal looting with
tho original States In all-respects what'
ovor, but upon this fundamental condl
tion nrecedeut, namely: That tho nues
tlon of admisiion with tho following
proposition in Ilou ot tho ordinanco
framed at Lecompton, shall bo submit
ted .to tho vote of tho people of Kansas,
and assented to by then) or tho major
ity of tho votori voting at an election
to bo held for that purpose, namely:
That tho following propositions bo and
the samo aro hereby offered to said
peoplo of Kansas for their frco accept"
anco or rejection, which, if accepted,
shall bo obligatory upon the United
States and upon the aiid Stato of Kan
eas.-to wit:
First That stellons-numbored six
teen and thirty-six in every township
of publio lands in said Stato, and where
'cither of said sections, or any part
thereof, has been sold or otherwise
-disposed of, other lands, equivalent
thereto, and as contiguous as may be,
shall be granted to tho said Stato for
ihe uio of school.
Second 'Thai ienlytwo sections
of land shall be ectapart and reserved
for tho uio and support of a Stato Uni
versity, to ho selected by the Governor
of'said 8Ut. tubject to tho approval
of the Commissioner of tho General
Land -Ofllco, and to he appropriated
and applied in such manner as tho L
giilaturo of the said State may pro
scribe for tho purpose aforesaid, but
for no other purpose.
Third -That ten entire sections of
land, to bo selected, by tho Governor
of ald State, in legal subdivisions,
shill bo granted to said Slate for tho
purpose of complotiug tho publio build,
inci. or for tho erection of others at
tho seat nf Government, under thu di
.rectlon of tho Leoiilaturo thereof.
' Fourth That oil tho salt springs
within tho said Stato, not oxoredlng
'tw'elvo in numbor, with six sections Of
'land adjoining, or as contiguous as
may bo to each, shall bo granted to
.aaid State for its use, tho same to bo
selected by the Governor thereof, with
in ouo year alter thn udmiiilon of said
State, and when so selected, to bo u,sed
or disposed of on such terms, condl.
lions and regulation at tho LcgWIaturt,
shall direct j Provided, Thajl no salt!
spring, or land, tno rigncwnorcoi is
now vested in any individual or Ml.
vidua!, or which may bo hereafter con.
firmed or adjudged tq any 'individual
or individuals, shall by this article bo
granted to said State.
Fifth That five.per centum of tho
.proceeds of tho sales nf all publiojanils
lyiug wilhttv the said Slate, which shall
be sold by Congresa after thu admis
sion of said Stato into tho Union, after
deducting all tho expenses incident to
the. samo, shall bo paid to said State,
fohllie purpose of making public roada
anuiinternat Improvements, as Hie i.e
nislaturo shall direct; Provided, That
tho foreedhur propositions herein offer
ed to tho Stale of Kansas shall never
interfere with tho primary disposal of
luo.lamta oi the unllHJ.citei, or with
. any regulations Congress may find
recessnry for securing title In said soil
to bonajide purchasers thereof, and that
no tax shall bo imposed on land be
longing to the United States, and that
in no caso shall nonresident proprie
tors be taxed higher than resident.
Sixth And that said Stato shall
never lax tho lands or property of tho
United States.
At said election tho othig shall bo
.by ballot, and by indorsing on his bal
lot, as each voter may please, "propo.
tition accepted," or "proportion re
jected." Should the majority of votes
La cast for "proposition accepted," tho
President of the United States, as soon
as the fact Is duly mado known to him,
shall announco the same by proclamu
tion, and thereafter, and without any
further proceedings on the part of Con-
grobj, the admission of the State of
Kanrjs into the Union on an equal
- l.TT 7 T7 i !y r rr
entitled to one member in tho House of
Representatives in tho Congress of tho
United States until tho noxt census be
takon by tho Federal Government.
Out, should tho majority ol tiie votes
bu cast for proposition "rejected," It
shall bo deemed and hold that tho peo
plo of Kansas do not desiro admission
into the Union with said Constitution,
under tho conditions set forth in said
proposition ; and in that event the peo
ple of said Territory aro hereby author
ized and empowered to form for them
selves n Constitution and Stato Gov
eminent by tho name of tho Slato of
Kansas, according to tho Federal Con
stltution, and may cleot delegates for
that purposo whenever, and not before,
It la ninnrtaliietl. liv n consul dulv utld
legally taken, that the population of
said Territory equals the ratio of rep
resentation required for n member of
tho Ilouso of Representatives of Iho
United States; and whouavor thereaf
ter such delegates shall assomblo in
convention, thoy shall first detormlno
by a voto whothcr It is tho wish of tho
peoplo of tho proposed Stato to bd ad
mitted Into tho Union at that time, nnd
If so, shall procoed to form a Consti
tution, and tako all necessary stops fur
tho establishment of n Stato Govom
mont, In conformity witli tho Federal
Constitution, subject to such limitations
and restrictions as to Iho modo and
mnnnor of Its approval or ratification
by tho peoplo of Iho proposed State,
as they may havo prescribed by law,
and shall bo entitled to admission into
tho Union as a Stato under such Con
stitution thuj fairly and legally made,
with or without 81ovory, ns said Con
stitution may prescribe.
Skc. !i. And be it further enacted,
That fof tho purposo of insuring, as
far as possible, that tho election author
ized by this act may bo fair and frco,
tho Governor, United States District
Attorney, and Secretary of tho Terri
tory of Kansas, and tho presiding off!-,
ccrs of tho two branches of Its l.egis
luro namely, the President of tho
Council and Speaker of. the Homo of
Roprcsentatires -aro hereby constitu
ted a Hoard nf Commissioners to carry
into effect thu provisions of this act,
nnd 10 use all thu means necessary and
proper to that end. And threoof them
shall constitute a Hoard ; and tho Hoard
hnll havo power and authority to de
signate and establish precincts for vot
ing, or to adopt those ulready estab
lished : to cnuio polls to be opuncd nt
such places as it nir.y deem propor in
tho rcsneottve counties and election pro-
clnols of Iho said Territory ; to appoint
as judges of election, at each of tho
soveral places of voting, three discreet
anil espoctablo persons, any two of
whom shall bo competent In act; to
require tho Sheriffs of tho several coun
tie, by themselves or deputies, to at
tend the judges at each of thoplaoes of
voting, for tho purposo of presorving
peace and good order; or the said
Hoard may, instead of said ShetifTsund
their deputies, appoint at their discre
tion, and In sucl instances as they may
choose, othor fit persons for the samo
purpose. Tho election hereby authorized-
shall contlnuu for onu day only,
and shall not bo continued later than
sundown on that day. Tho said Hoard
shall appoint the dity for holding said
lection, and tho said Governor shall
announce the samo by proclamation;
and tho day shall be as early a ouo as
is const. tent with duo notice thereof to
tho people of said Territory, subjoct to
the proisions of this act, The said
Hoard shall havo powor to prescribe
Iho lime, manner and places of said
elections, aud to direct tho llcno and
manner of tl0 returns thereof, which
re turns shall be made to the said Hoard,'
whoso duty it shall bo to announco the
result by proclamation, and tho said
Governor shall certify tho samo to, the
President of tho United States without
Sko. 3. And bojl further enacted,
That in the election hereby authoiized,
all white male inhabitants of said Ter
ritory jover tho ago of twenty-one years,
who possess the, qualifications, which
are required by tho laws of feuid Terri
tory, for a legal voter at tho last gen
oral election for the members of the
territorial liOgUUturo, and none oth
ers, shall bo allowed to vote ; and this
shall bo the only qualification required
to entitle the voter to the right of suf
frage in said election. And if any per
son not so qualified shall voto or offor
to vote, or 11 any person shall vote
more than onco at the said election, or
shall rooko or causo to bo made any
fictitious or fraudulent roturns, or shall
alter orchango any returns of said eleo
tlon, such person shall, upon conviction
thereof, beforo any court of compotent
jurisdiction, bo kept at hard labor not
less than six months and not moro than
three years.
Sec. !. And be itfurthtr enacted,
that tho members ol the aforesaid
Uoard of Commissioners, and all per
sons appointed by them .to carry into
effect the provisions of this Act, shall.
before entering upon their duties, take
an oath to perform faithfully the duties
of their respective ofiioes; and, falling
thereof, they shall be Habit' and sub
ject to tho same charges and penalties
as aro provided In like cases under tho
Territorial lawj.
Skc. 5, And bo it further enacted,
.n. ... . .r ....
i lint tho otticers mentioned In the pre
ceding seotion, shall receive for their
services the same compensation as giv
en for liko services under the'Tartito
rial Uws
looting with the uriginal UtiW, In all
respects whatover, shall bo complete
ami abiolutoi and said Stato shall be
Grand Medical and Surgical Institute.
Satramtnto ilreet.behw Montgomery, op
poilte Pacific Matt Steamship Compa
ny's Office, San Frantttto.
Established in 1854, for the Perma
nmt Cure of all Private and Chronic
Diseases, and the Suppression of
Attendant and Itesldi-nt Physician,
Late In tha Hungarian Revolutionary War,
Chief Hurgnnn lo We vutn iiegimant oi
llonveds, Chief 8urgeon lo the Military
Iloapllal or Peslli, Hungary, and the late
lecturer on Iho Diseasot of Women and
Children. , ,, , ,
Communication! strictly confidential.
ConMillnllnns, by letter or otherwise,
free. Addrin, DR I. J.CZAKAY,
Hon Francisco, Ctl.
Lzapkay returns hit sincere Ihinkt
In lila niirtia.nti nallanla fiir tllflir tlilrtm-
age, and would tako this opportuinly lo
remind them that ho continue! to coniult at
till Initlluto for tho cure nf Chronic dlt-
aim of Iho Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, digei.
live and genit.il orgini, and ill private
disuses, ir t By hllilie ulcers' guuurrhei
(ileal, strictures, tominat weakness and ell
the horrid consequence of Jell-abuio, nnd
he hopes that hit long experlonca undauo
cesiful practice ul many years nlllconlin.
ue to unsure him a sharo of publio patron,
nga. Uy the practice of many yeara in
Hurope end Ihe United Htatet, and during
thn lliingirlan war aud campaign!, he is
enabled to apply tho most efficient and sua
ceitful remedies sgalnit dlieaiet of all
kinds lie uses no mercury clntrgmniod.
erale treali till pMlenta in a correct and
hnnorahlo way hat reference! nf unquei
ttnnabU veracity from men of known re
apeclablllty and high standing In loeiety
All parliei coniiilliug him, by letter or
otherwise, will tecelve Iho beifand guil
tiest treatment, and implicit tecrtcy.
Surrcit not wiir.N a cuuk is
guarantied In all ttegra of tecret dli
eaiei, telf-abuse, nervnua debility, typhi
lit in all its sttget, strictures, gleets, gra
at, diabetes, diaeaiot of Ihe kidney, and
Mulder, mercurial tlieuinslism. icrolula.
nalnt In the bones and anklet, diseases of
the lungs, throat, nuis nnd eyes, ulcers
upon the body or limbs, dropsy, eplleptlo
fits, Hi, Vitus' dance, and all diieaiea am
ine from n derencement of Ilia ioiuhI or-
(t am, iucIi it nervaut trembling, lust of I
memory, lots or power, general weaxneaa,
dimneia nf vision with poculiar tnult np
prating beforo the yes, loat ol tight,
wakerulutii,ity?pepiiB, liter disease, erup.
linns upon ihe lace, pain in Ihe bank and
held, familo irreiiulailtiet, and nil imnro.
per discliargei of both aexet. It matlera
not frum whit cause Ihe dliease originated,
however Ions Handing or obstinate tho
case, recovtry it certain, nnd In a shorter
time than a permanent euro can bo effect
ed by any other treatment, nven after the
iliseaae line bahled tlm skill nf eminent
phyilciant and resisted all their meant of
cure, l no meuieinea preicrineu are plea
sant, without odor, nntlrtly veiruMhle.
cautiug no sickness, anil free from inercii.
ry or baliam. During fiflxort years nf prnc.
lice, in Eurnim, the Atlantfc Hiatal, mid
Califiiriila, 1 havo rescued from iho jaw
of death many thouiauds, who, in tha last
staies nf the above mentions d distasos,
hid been givon up to die by their phyti.
cians. which warrant! me In promising tn
the atllicteU, who may plico tnoniolei.
uuurr my care, a ipenuy euro, rrivnte
diseases are lire glcalest enemiet lo health,
as they are the tint ciuiool consumption,
icrofula, and many other dlitisei, and
ahould be a terror to the human family, A
piruiaueui euro it tcarceiy aver eiiecteu,
n mujurlly of tha cases falling into tha
limitl! uf lnenmnotftfit norinii!. wlin lint
nnlw Tall In DtltM lliM .llAMa lillf vlltn IimI
MII.I . .w ....... ...V UI.VH.V, HH ... ...W
cmislltiilion, lining me ayitem witn mur
cury, which, with ihe diioaae, hutens tho
sufferer into a rapid consumption.
llut should tho disene and the treatment
not causa death speedily, und the victim
ntirrUa, Ihe dniaia it entailed upon thtt
children, who ate born with feeble cuniti
tutioni. and tho current of life corrunled
by a virui which hetrayillielf in icrofula,!
letter, ulcers, arupnoni, ana uuier onto
linm of this ikin, eyet, lliroat and lungi,
entillliig'upon them n brief esiileuce of
tuirering and consigning them lo an early
tielf.Abuie It annmgr formidable enemy
to haallh, fur nulhlrt i4io in the ilrcaj
catilojue of human dliVitf'TYrett-ii do.
slrliclivtf a drain upon lliiiyilcm, drawing
lit ihnUsaurl or victlrtieVlliruuulj n few
yeara of suffering down V an untimelyl
erive. 11 ueiirnvi ma nmpu iviinin '
rapictljf wastes away thu enerciei oT life,
ctuies menltl derangeinanl, prevents the
proper development of tha eystpm, clii
fjUilifiei fur marriage, society,, buslnait,
and all earthly hajipinm, an J leavru the
.uflercr wicclxnl in body and mind, pro.
diipond lo coniumplion and a train of
evili mora In be dreiiled than dnath itself'
Willi ihe fullest confidence 1 asiurt the
unfiirtiiualo vidian of telfrabua that a
permanent and tpuedy euro tin be elfect
ed and with the abatidonjnent of ruinoUa
pra:lios, my patient! can' be restored lo
robust, vignroue health.
Irregularities aud all diseases of mojes
and frmilei tratltd nn principles estab
lished by fiflnnn vein of nracllco and
siicllnued by thouundi of l!ie '-nost re-
mirhatiie cures, aleiliciiiet wiiii lull di
reciloni,tent to any part of tin' dtita.Ore
gon and Washington Territories, by pa
nenla communicatme their tymutoini by
teller, Hulinwi corrojpondonco strictly
Address DH. L. J. CZAl'KAY,
Aladlcal .Institute. Hicramento tl .
below Montgomery, uppotiia iPaeiiic iUil
Steamship Ca.'t Qfilce, JJan Francisco
Dll. L. J CZAt'KAY'a -mYATE
Medical and Murglcal InMimto U on
Sacramento iiteet, below .Mouigiiinery,oD
poiitn tha Pacific Mail Slcamihip Compa
ny'i Office, San Francisco'. The Docior
nfl'ori free eonsultation, and aski no ramu
nerilion unless he effects a cure. Office
hours, from 9 . m, to 'J r. h,
I, Ihe undersigned, Governor of Hunga
ry, do testify hnroby, that Dr. L. J. Cxap
kayhaiMrvcdtJurin;; tha contest for tlun
garian liberty, aa Chief Surgeon in tho
Tlungarun army, with faithful perwver
ance whereof have given him thlicr
lificat,nd(do racommend him mthesyni.
pilhy, alteulion and protection ofill those
who ire capable of appreciating patriotic
self sacrifice and undeserved nilsfortuue.
Uoveruorof Hungary,
Washington City, Jan. 6, IB5S.
SPERMATOnrtHCBA, or Local Weak
., nstt, nsrvout dbiliiy,ow spirits, lut.
r !. Ilmhi unit hnek.
Mudy. dullnets or appreh.ntlon, lost ol
memory, atemlon to society, love or anil.
Zt, timidity. ir.diMruti,dlrB.n.li.o
l.t... In.otuntsry dischirges, palm In the
tide, affection! of the eyes, pimples on tlie
Zl sexual and other Infirrdll.ei in mm,
.4 cured without I.II, by Ihe justly c.le.
brated Physician and Surgeon, Dr. I.. J
CZAI'KAV. His method of curing di,.
eiset It new, (unknown to otheri.) end
hence hit great success. All consultation,
: . .i. ....-!.. i,. Addrnii I.
Ji CZAl'KAY, M.D.,SanIrancl
i.w ii.iii.r nr uiiici ..pw, ..-- -..
rriiE Greatest discovery of
kind l-liinncent but Potent -Dr. I. J
Czankay'i I'rophllacllcum, (seirdisinrecl
Ini h oul,)-a sure protentlve against eon
'". :. ' j I. II,!. .11. k.,.,. und n
orrnoMi nn" jri".,," r.
unsurpassed remedy fur veiierinil, scroru
lous, gangrenous and cancerout ulcnra,
foetid discharges from (lie vagina, utotu,
and urethra, and all cuianac-ui eruption!
and diseases. At innoculallnn la a pre
ventive against small pox, to is Dr.Liap.
kay'a I'rophllacllcum a provenllte ogalnjt
tytiliillllo and gunnrthccal diseases. Al
Ihnugli harmless in itself, It possesses the
power lit Cliemicauy urnrujinj - 'ji-y
llilio virus, and llieridiy saving lliousaiids
Irnm being Infected by iho most lualhsonio
of all diseases. Let no young man who
. i.. l. ..1,1. I... .wlfl.fiiil llr. tjznti.
appreciaioF iiniiu uv " r
kay I'rodhilacllcum. It Is in very con.
veiitantpacktgei.aud will be found con
vuniuiit to me, being used at a soap.
Prioo, $5. Fur sale at Dr. Lzapkay a Pri
vate Medical and Surgical luititulo, Sac
ramonlo tlreet, belew Monlgomery, np
noslla P. M. H. Co.'t office, San Iran-
1 IImI
AMD FOK THE cuttu or
aii. msKAses AiitsLva riioitMrisircns
or nts srsTSit.
it is ooMrosKD or
Ami conliloi ao mlorl polion to Injure the
Tito iiproTilef lull prpirtlgn hj rbjlclna and
Wen ir Bcltnce, ami the (real aaccfit viblcli li!
liltiV'( IU Of, rurulOiit proof iufllclvut lo contlncr
titrrci-i.il I au.l illwtrnlng inln.1 uf IU tTtil aii
rlorltjr mi ttln. It It bow s.ln inl.tttrl li kcucuI
lirecllre i a mro aid
In cues of Scrofuli, Lprey,Tutnon, Bwelllos ariUf
JilnU, l:tirnmUini, i:rjslplas Kln.'s Ktlt, ami
tttry eAinplalat jrmptomMle of Impure lllulj an.t
til lbs itlttiM! of Uio MiiKlrs mil llituei, tother
Willi gram! iltbltltf ot Ibe t)ilm. jeU to Ibis nn
rdltir VurlOernf Ibe H'..xl-for the blooJ l lbs cbin
nfl iliroa;b wldrh ilUctsc Cadi Its ay to tbo rirlou.
vr;ni of lb toly,
llr nil ijjc fullfliuiiii.
TliU ctrtUcitt u snt ui by our ittiU a Ptrt.r
son, U. which It sU ctrtlUeJ to ly Sotenl or tin
atlfbboisofMr. IWIinl
Mtun, A II. Ji 1). Biiost nenllmn. It ttvr
in plronrs to imt you tbo Mluxluj tuUmcnt In
rnl tn myV-in. II tuok mm col.1, unit -fin
fllilMl or Mrcrt inrTciInx tbe iliHiM Mltlrl In
Ml l(t Irf ami f.jt, wbleh Kn w.lr tn tb ulinn.1
Tho irllln u Itnn-I I J bit pbytlrUn, int ill.'
rlia'ttil ii'.it pmruMly; flr tUll im In Ibui tvn
iilra ("tliKliti Iba lr mil fuol I iui lime. r
lil lite CiftVrtut Ji)ilrlni, but on rtllttcl blm
iiiuihi anil the Itit wloUr foun.l blm su enucUttil
ml gw tint lia u on.b Ui lrtc III l.l, !lirrlii
bu intot tscruclallii,; pain. During- II. U lluit Ibr
Uwn but booKins hi iii'ieli DTcCtnl. tlit plfco aftrr
I'rco uiu nut, o( wbleli be bu nuw mora llian twenty
rto r.Mf id In a buttle, i "yl'T '""" o-lilf lu our
uiil In'f Incbol In UiuitU wo ha I Wca up til
lmpn r bU rreuterr; but at Ibli time were In
rtn.. I In tt our firpi(lll, an.l mIIIi lu um l.l-lita-ih
anil 'xllm Utsan IninivJUIel) tu Ihifr.ar
ami n ral t wu lb thmno Ibat lu than a Union
buUr iTiaI a pert'' dry.
i nh j-'lt'i 'i I rimvn Irn'y j mr.
DAl'.lUb ii.u.ui:d.
Trtptrcil M A& ly A. II. & II. HAMIH.
Whoieialo "I)rL(U, W l'ulliJ-strrt, corntr ol
William, New York.
&0V k Cv tail ItKIHNiaON . Co. H trantlnu
CJ,8tt.MiM,!j an.l b HrMf'' e'n.r.ll)
nilOOKfl & TIIOMPSONrrup(tl!i8,
t-igeiua ior jacKsnuviiie, )il
Plows, Miners Picks. Horse Shoeing.
All Kinusnr
IBikiKgl fflUtf HflEI
Corner nr (Jalifortiia and'Fpurih slreett
lint rloor east of "Sentinel" office.
TTOIlHCS and Mulct shod at nuick
XJ. time, and tint inforior to any west of
iiic.iu.Hjr MPuninini.
Price of horse shoeing, plain, $4 00
" " ." " stool laid, 6 00
Keens on hnnd all sizes of Htuel Plowi
and Mlnera' I'iokt.
Repaired on the shorten notice.
llarme had lunir eXDorlencn in ilia man
nliclure of all kinds uf Farming Tools, hn
flaltert hmtaf to be able to accommodate
all wljo wh lo have work done with
naiinass and despatch, at tho foweit caih
Jac'ksopvlUo, Aug S.1957. 30ly
WholeiaU.and Retail Dealer in
Hooka, Stationery, ic.
XJL teieiofj)vld Laviiiger in the abovo
bllslnilla. la nuw nllMrifiB- &l li nlil ulutu!
a urge ainortmeiit ul the best uranji ol
,-,., ,.., r..w.,..0 -. ..,...,.,-..-
(DUttafitl&e AH10 !BA(D(B(D,
LonjccUontry and Fruits,
School Booka, Stationery, &c
Very Cheap fQr Cai.
IU van, It you want a uond Uigar
Jacksonville, Nov. 21. 45lf
t or talc uy J, W. BTCARS
lSilS If '--yM
JDr, IBcmtige
A'. R. Corner California and Montgomery
TO THE AFFLICTED Read iheinl-!!-
tlrrnuwcNDATOtlV LltTTinn
jk. lunula " - ,
and then judga between Ur.oung and
lhoe vmpire in hi"h
a . t.i -ii.i. Mn vdii vrnulil ft net
tllence, fnrTititRt; is nr.aTil in their treat-
mont. All auncieu wnu uiimiw -valo
or any other nature should call
upon Vt. J. C. Young, and lliey wnuld
then avoid Imposition and assist the Doc
tor In hit herculean labor or suppressing
quackery and umpyrlclsm. Dr. Young a
chirgM nro moderato and within the reach
of the moit humble.
IMPORTANT Dr. J. C. Young wlihei
to cnll the attention or invalids tn his
eouria or nracllco. Tho Dr. has long ilnce
abandonee! tha mercurial treatment, and
hat alrlclly followed tho Vegetable Prac
lice. Patients under treatment with him
am not confined to Ihe house, nnr taken
frnm their business, but ran go anout anu
tat mml Thn Dr.'a ni nil o of treatment
of cases or debility, bolh gem-ral and sex
ual, Is notturptttvd by any pii)sician,ana
alwaya remit! in a perfect removal ofthulr
trouble! Dr. Y. hat diicovrred a new
mode of treating affirlioiii or tho Liver,
which altera fair trial hat boon tubmillod
in tli Vn.rmnrm nt anvnral of the medical
Institutions of the States, nnd pronounced
by thorn, at parnsclly tuccettiui, nuu nat
been adoptrd by tlmm In their practice.
in tne treatment oi incipient ennaumnuun,
and disease ttr tho blood, ihe Dr. stands
pro-emlncnl In lilt profession, and will
warrant a euro In all cases. Tho following
testimonial tpeaka Tor Itself i
Dn. J. C. Vou.10. Sir: Your tnndo o
Imnllnir nnai-lliim of the Liver anu tlitea
tno ol tho Illood, hat proved by ropeated
trials, to ba the best yel ouerna in inn inc.
tilty, and hit been edopted by the board
Continue to itudy the hiiinnn tyitematyiiu
have done, and vou will let ttand at tho
head ol your prufusslnn.
W. ll. liuiuir.ii,
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Penn.
JLX will Kiiaranlre a nerfecl and pvrma
nelil cure in the fiillnwiug cases, nr nhaige
nothing Tor his servlrea i Syphilis. (Jon
orrhoes, filrlcture ofllie Urethra, Affectlun
nf the ltottrale lilanil Weakliesa ol Hie
Genital Organs, Impolency, Sterility, both
in male and female, Spermatara, or Sem
inal Weaknrsn, Nocturnal Emissinni,ltheu.
maliain. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fevor and
Agua, luoipient Consumption, nnd all ir
regularise! in Femaler, together with all
disnatoi or Woman and Children ; also
Nervousness. Palpitation oftlio Heart, Vo.
Pertont afllicled with iwnntomi altnr
being treated, ihnuld consult 1). Young at
onco, as no diioaae is cured unless the pa.
Kent loelt norfnnlly well. IT thura It a
particle of diieme loft in the ayitem, It
will break nut nt tome future lime, when
lenat oxperted, or be handed loan innocenl
nffsiirlng. Pertoni who have been treated
with mercury should he wry ciuiloui in
believing tlinl limy nro wall, fur it it a tcl
unlifio furl that tho mercury will
mlngla with Ihe venereal, and form
dlaeatr n great deal worn than the origin
al. All llioin who linva inninn lo think,
by bad riiellng!, that thav have bnen treat
rd thus, ahould consult Vt, Young, and he
thould exainiuu their catei and tell them
it onco how lliey tland.
to certify that I, II. F, l.unlnp, applind to
It I f Vmiiiv In lia IrnnlMil fnr n ..niir.
w,t . - -"ft, " -- ...- . -.....
al ilebiliiy, brought on by hard work al
mining IU ma water, nna a pneiimaue ai
feclluu in my limbs, w lilch almost deprived
i.i. ..rilnilp naM. llial ill alinVM riilmilitiiila
had trnublad ma Air a long time nna of
tlieni lur teteiai ycnri. anu uio oinerauoui
vlghleen mnnlhi. Overcome by the piiu
m.A anvlalw naatfiMiit liw lliam 1 liait
given up all hopei of ever again onjoylng
gnnd health, in this condition, I called
upon in. J. j. i "uiifii anu aner uie npin
nf five months, I m perfectly well and
fuel nearly at ttrong at I ever aid. I can
.MoinMiMiirt VAr iiiia aiTMRlHfl In lilt eirn.
fur he cured me, and hat cured lavaral of
my frienut mat l recumnianaad lu lilt cire,
ifflicted with differont diienat, toiiie ol
lliem bad cases, of a ery bad and danger
ous nature.
Given this my voluntary testimony in
favor of Dr. J. C. Young, in hopct that it
may Induce all those afflicted, to call on
til ft, . and avoid, the imnatturi who hive
rnbbed 'me, not only of money, but to a
certain eitenl of my health.
11. r. i.u.nnu.
GnKEa Hon Gulch, Kern River,
September U. I B5G. S
EAR SIR i It It with plmsura that I
hasten to answer your luller.ennuiring
now 1 got along 1 nave entirely recov
ered from the complaints fur which your
medical "kill waa required, and I assure
c ..- "
ynu I fiol grateful to you fu,r the health
now enjpy. Bn'tchi-d as I wat fiom the
toiv jawi of dejlh.and taved frnm an un
told amount oT iiifTering Ware I In the
rity where I could do ll, thli would have
the solemnity of an oath, but I am in a
mining camp, there ia no Juilice or ihC
Peace within lev'eral uulat or me, and to
you muil publiih without it. I do not like
to name my (tisane, and I suppose it it not
requisite, as you treit all kinds or disease.
Vourrt. G, LANGDON
To Da. J. C. Yoouq,
MiHtrnti, tjept. S7lh, 1856.
DR J, C. YOPNG. Sir 1 In answer to
your requnt, at to how my cue It
getting along, I would ttito tint I am per
fectly well, and have been sa for about one
mouth, I should have written before, but
have been wailing tntae if it would return
I am now satufied that I have teen the
I11I ol it. My cite wai ind to be a very
bad one by all the nhysicant that exiinin
ed me. They all called it a mercurial
diseisa, and said there "wit no help for it."
You called it scrofulous, mixed with a mer
ourial aflsctlon, and said you could cure
me, and vou have done so I can only
lhank you for 11 aud recommend all per
sons afllicled 10 give yuu a fair trial.
Youra till death, C, L.'ltAILS, J.
Seminal Weaknesa .Dr. Young ad
dresset thou hiving injured thenitelvti
by private and imprnpor indulgence in tin
secret and miliary habit tint tuina the body
and mind, unfitting thorn for either busi
ness or toclctv. The following aro eomo
of the tad and melancholy eflucti preduc
ed by early habits of jouth,lr wcak
nest af tha back and llmhsipntn In th,
head, dininest of ilghti lot nf muicvlij
power, palpitation ul the hiart.djspfprn,
nervou-nctt, irritability, di-rangi'nu'nt (,
.v.. jiiIi riifirilnnn. eenrral dtbllitv.
tin ib'-"-- --o . ,
tymptotnnof coiistimjition, Aft
nla-PTALLY, 1110 leariui rutin mi lilt
mind are more to bo dreaded. Loss ol
memory, cmifutlon nr ideas, drprrwlon m
iplrlli, evil forcbodlngt avertion tn .ot.
ety, toirdlstruit loveortolililde.tlmidily,
(to., aro tome or the evils prndured
Allv"""" wliu are afflicted with lay
or thn above symptoms nhould not fill tn
call on Dr Young, and beatnnra restored
to perfect health. Let nn false delicacy
prevent jou, but apply immediately, tnd
:.. ......ntf frnm lliei dreadful and awful
consequences oftlils terrible milady.
WriKPtSI r Tilt tumana
immediately cured, ond full vigor reilorcif
Office corner or Mnntgnmory and Calf,
fur n in ttrceta, ovor Pccific Express, 8tn
rnnclico, where all letter! mutt be di
rected to iniure intention.
Beware of Imposition. -in
contenuenre ol the wide spreid ci
lobrllynl Dr. Y'OUNGi nnmeroui impns.
ton he iprung into cxislence.pretonding
to be petr.Ll masters of tha healing art,
and have tuccreded in imposing upon a
few ol tho unwary euflefers. Persons wild
ing to cnntult a phyttciin, should be vary
carelul huw they put confidence in tlm
published statements of turh charlatans,
lor they are it unicrupuluui in such tute.
menti at In their practice of medicine, end
are wry tintafo to truit. They will fini
decelvoynu by falso certificates, procured
frnm "drunken loafer," who perjure then,
tblieitognt mutiny to satisfy the cravlni,
ofa diseased nppctiie. When such quae.
gaininur confidence, he will then Am
ynu Willi mercurv and other drugs, and tf.
ler Ihrv hnve lobbed you of'your monty
and injured your constitution, they will
cut) ou nfl", wilh the charge, that you bitt
not lollowed their directions.
Tha only way lo avoid such impostors,
it tn con.iult Dr. J C. Young, the Pionsrr
Advertising Physlrian of California. At
a moetingi'f the Nrdical Faculty or this
Slnle, called to invesllgite the luurci nf
malpractice thtt ha cauted to much suf
faring in this country, it wit unanimnuilr
reciiinmendnd that all ihe iflllclid should
consult Dr. Young, as he waa the nnly rej.
ularly educated Physician now advetlilcj
In California, all others in his linn being
quicks and and impnttnri, and are nnl to
be trusted. The -(Hlcled will please tU
notice, that there waa not a phjtlcian it
Ihe meeting who had ever tanri nr heard
nl a tingle caio of inaliraetlce frum Pr
Voung, while not one nl mrm but nad sten
a number ofcnsei from tha foreign quicks,
who io vinntingiy let lorlli tiivir pre
limited vlriuit In Iho public print.
The abovo facta should be home In mind
by all seeking medical assistance.
Think heaven, they ate galling thor
oughly exposed, and it wilt nut be lung
belur they will have lo fly lha country, to
avoid Iho just Indignation or an outraged
public. Then will good people tliank nr.
Voune fur hla continued efforts to binlih
qua ikery from our inldit.
UK. luunu can be consulted irom )
A. to B r m., at hit cilice, enrnu Cali
fornia and Montgomery streets, ovirtlit
I'aclllo Lxprets Ulllcu, ban tranclico,
All letters containing tho utust fee
oT 910 will meet with prompt attention.
1 .111 J
A Weekly Journal containing 3! columns of
choice rcadlnc natter of a character cal
culate to Instruct, amuse, and lotcrctt
tho general reader, will be commenced 00
the first Saturday In March, 1868.
ThcCttBUclor tftlHUMHUlS
Will be the cheapest best and tnoit enter
talninir Weekly Paper ever published ia
New ork.
Uiumoudal Ulnmondtt Dinruondtt
W Thousand Dollar! wurih of pure Califor
nia Diamonda, eot In every conceivable ttylt
of elegant Gold Jewelry, to be presented to
tbe subscribers of tbo Casket of Diamonds
There are no glfti worth leu than 25 ccotr,
anu from that up to suo.
Will receive a bleautlful gift Jo Gold or DIi
uiond Jen vlry Immediately on reoelpt of bit
or bcr utne, accominuled by the amount of
subscription money.
The Subscriber Names,
At fait at recclrcJ, will bo placed lu rcju
I.r rota'lon on ourJUMVf.'oppcJltr lUslgoa
ting Not., and tbe nlft containing a enrrte
pouding No. nl)l U tent IMMEDIATELY,
pott paid, to tbe lubsorlbcr,.
Lndlcil Lndletll udlcaM'
You can et a large number of lubscribcrt
fur the Casket of Diamonda by a little extra
exertion, and for every 10 lub&crlberi names
you forward ui, accompanied bv the uionev,
vre will send you a beautiful diamond gilt.
We mike ttie'eatue offer to gentlemen.
Pirate bear in mind the fact that every
aubicrlber to tbe Casket of Diamonds trill
recelt e a beautiful r.lft Immediately receipt
of hla or her name accompanied by the sub
scription money.
Persons wishing to commence wltb the Tint
No. should oend in Immediately, at the gift
they will receive will encourage tbem to
speak to others of their tucceid.and thereby
assist materially u increasing our subscrip
tion Hit to oommenco wltb the first No.
Among Ibe intereettag features of our Pa
per will be a Love correspondence of tbo
most thrilling and exciting chancier, vrblch
took place in Paris, In 1805, betwixt an Eo
gllth Gentleman and French lady tbt tyr
anlcal opposition of tbe lady's lather to tbo
union "or bis daughter wltb (bo English gen
tleman la described ia tho moat vivid and
Inttcesting manner, as well aa the successful
plojs fit the youne lady to elude tbe vgiU
aneelma cruelty 'of her hearflee father,
These, letter are deeply IntewsUrigan.i
ofa pure, high-toned character.
pir Each Subscriber) must send 3 three
cent postage stamps for rcturp ppiVft of
gilt, Address
Proprietors of tbe Casket of Diamodt,
Um3 76 Nassau Street, New York
via 1 1 us
mount) wie.vdicu.
(Truchot's Old Stand,)
HAVE on hand and are always ready
to roaufacture tn otdsr all fcindt or
For Weddings and Partial j;ot up In good
tyle and at the thorleit notice
JtckionUlle.O T July 10 afoiJ