Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 29, 1858, Image 4

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    - r MmimgBg' "" !Z-mmmmh8jbH
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A TJirllllnff 8cuc
Mr. Tlios. Kingston, of Cincinnati,
who for severni years has followed the
business of putting up lightning roth,
which, of courio, requires steady nerve
nnd a firm hrnln, met with nn accident
rocontly, by which, but for the most
singular presenco of mind, or, rathor,
supornntural instinct, ho would have
fallon from a dizzy height, nnd been
dashed to plecos. Ho is compollod to
climb roofs, over chimneys, and up
spires, and fix a rod with perfect cool
ness nnd precision, hundreds ot feet
ubovo the level of tho earth.
On the occasion to which wo refer,
says tho Enquirer, Mr. K. had ascend,
ed St. Paul's Cathedral, whoso spins is
about lilib feit high, noar tho head of
Droadwny, nnd gono to tho very lop,
whero, having loft his ladder below, ho
clung by his arms and leg, fastened
tho Inst foot of tho rod, nnd attached
its point quilo n heavy ploco of metal
securely, as ho supposed, to tho cross
surrounding the steeple. lie had just
completed this diflicult and dangerous
task, watched by n number of persons
in tho streot below, and wlillo looking
at tho work nnd experiencing that sat
Isfaclion which results from n hazard
passoil nnd labor accomplished, of n
sudden something heavy struck him,
and mado his brnin reel until ho could
hardly soo. Instead of losing Ids hold
nt once, ns would seem to imvo boon
tho most natural and Inevitable result,
he clung with n power beyond himself,
and n will superior to his own, closer
nnd instinctively to tho spire. Ho knew
not what occurred, nnd to his confused
aonses it nppenrcd that tho steeple was
tumbling, or that snmo strange causo
was about to bring tito vast structure
to tho ground.
Some forty socouds nn ago to him
must Imvo elapsed beforo ho sufli
ciontly collected his scattered thoughts
and subverted consciousness to know
(hut llm Aiillni tinner nart of the rod
had fallen upon Ids head, disusing the
blond to trlcklo over Ills lorciioau, nnu
nearly blind him. Ilu was In u dread
ful perplexity and most dangerous po
tilion. Ho bared, if ho moved, he
would go cloaving tho nir to a torrlblu
death upon tho stony street below, and
nt tho same timo ho know ho could not,
In thu disordered stato of his nerves,
and hit ineroaslucr weakness, retain libs
grasp, moro thu result of fato than of
reeling, mucn longer, u no siirreu, uu
might fall ; if ho rcmainod, ho certainly
would ; and sn, dotormlned to mako at
least nn effort for his life, ho put out
ono font very cautiously, then his arms,
and then moved tho othor foot ; nnd
aftor half n mtnuto of exertion, and tho
greatest danger, ho touched tho top
most round of (he Inddor, and in a fow
seconds moro was insido of tho steeplo,
and safe.
Then It was that Mr. K.'s groat cour
ago and strength forsook him; his
nerves and muscles relaxed J ho grew
sick unto doath ; his knees gavo way ;
his vision swam, and ho sank oxhausted
upon tho platform motionless nnd in
sensible Ho miut Imvo lain thoro half
an hour hoforo ho could riso nnd walk,
and he did not recover from tho shock
for moro than nn hour afterward.
The peoplo gjiing at him from the
street detcrlbo tho scene as painful and
exciting In ll) oxtremo. When they
observed (lis rod fall, n thrill of horror
ran Jhro'iiL'h their honrts. nnd two wo
wen swooned nwoy, for they expected
to behold him tho next moment dashed
at their feet. Destiny had orderod oth
erwise, and .Mr. K. still pursues his
dangerous nvooatian ; but ho says if
ho were to live a thousand years, he
would never forget the intense horror
of those century like moments, when
ho seemed to hang upon tho ulr more
than two hundred feet nhovu tho earth,
and to bo momentarily deseondlug to
a dreadful death.
E.M'kkjks or Tkiuiitokiks. The
following is a statement of.tlie oxpend.
itures on account of different Territo
ries of the U.S., since 1815:
Now Mexico,
82017U8 us
105,005 00
500,711 til
727,073 85
-180,323 3-1
312,012 05
170,813 71
280,000 87
277,051 74
80,203,005 73
Faho. Ned McGowan, who had
been tndioted by tho Grand Jury for
paying raro, gavo himself up, yester
day, at Justice uidlemans.uourt. lie
then gave the necessary bond, $3,000,
far Ills, appearance lor trial. -oc. Jer
curt, 18th,
OCT An Irishman wroto ns follows
to his friend, during tho rebellion of
'08 : "To givo you some idea of the
country, I shall only state that at this
moment I am writing with a kv.ord in
ono hand and a pistol iu the other."
QT Groat and rare heart offerings
aro found most exclusively among wo
men; noarlyal! the happiness and most
blessed moments in love aro of theh
creating, and also is friendship, espe
cially when it follows loo.
OiT.K man that outlives his repulu
tlnii snort heroin mlifrrth
Slmviiip; a Note.
Old Skinflint was tho most eclebrn
tod broker In Philadelphia, his "shav-
ing" operations wcro famous, as ho
usually tonk not only ueara nnu wins
kers, but "ono pound of flesh in addi
tion." Young Harry Soarum was ono
of llioso dashing chaps who lovo wlno
nnd horses, and who form a majority
of tho borrowers. Hnrry haIng many
wants, on various occasions borrowed
of Skinflint nt three per cent, n month
"off," and having at sundry porlods
mado "raises," paid off Ids rcsponsiblU
itios. At last ho got tired of such con
stant borrowing nnd ropsylng. It would
bo six years boforo his estato could bo
sold, under tho terms of his father's
will, who had prudently postponed tiiat
event until Harry should reach tho ago
of "thirty," and Harry concluded It
would bo hotter to mako n heavy ope
ration at once, nnd bo rid or tho both
eration of continual borrowing. Away
in Skinflint's ho hied, dotormluod to
nrocuro a Rood round sum and so bo
ilnnn with It.
"1 want ten thousand for six years."
"Hem! what security will you give!"
"Oh, you may liavo my bond that
will bind my pronorty."
"Hem I what discount will you glvol
You know my rulo Is always to lake
discount "olTi" besides, you owo me
ono thousand, duo to-day, and I lout
you ten iu tho stroet tho other dny."
"I won't pay what I liavo beon pny
Ing j ono nnd a quarter per cent, is
enough. You tako It "out," nnd tako
out what I owo you hesidos."
"Hem I well, here's a bond for ten
thousand dollars nt six years ; sign it,
nnd it'll ho nil right."
No sooner said than dono. Hnrry
affixed his autograph, nnd hummed a
tuuu whilo skinflint got Ills chock hook
and made n calculation.
"Nnvo vou cot ten dollars nbout
yon I" asked Skinflint In a moment; "if
so, lot mo linio It.
"All rit-lit. old boy." said Harry,
supposing ho wanted it to mako change,
"hero It i."
"Horn I hem!" said Skinflint, lock
ing up his desk and making prepara
tion "to shoot."
"Stop, old fellow," said Harry.
"Whore's my money I"
"Your money I vou'vo got it."
"Got it? what do you meant"
"Why, I was to take "oft1" tho dis
count, wasn't I, and the thousand I"
"Yes; I want my money 1"
"Why, my dear fellow, you've not it,
Ion thousand nt ono and quarter n
month for six years, is m'ric thousand
a thousand you owed me nnd just
paid mo tho ton it's nil right, my Jenr
boy n fair business transaction r
A Batch or Tiikm. It is stnted
that ex-Mayor Wood, of New York,
is nbout to oommsneo a libel suit
against tho editors of tho 'lYihunc, in
which seven hundred and fifty libels
will be clmrgcd. Hay Hook
Ai-rican Exptoiuwa Expedition.
Dr. Liviucstouo nnd Ids companions
in the African Exploring Expedition,
sailed from Enplnnd on tho 7lh
(KrAsk thy
shouldst pay.
purse how much thou
OCT A wagor is n fool's urgument.
A Weekly Journal containing 32 columns
ciliated to instruct, amuse, and Interest
the general reader, Mill bo commenced on
the urst saturuay in jiarcu, teoa.
'rhuCtxslLclof Hl:vuonis
Will be tho cheapest, best ami most enter
tainlne Weekly Paper over
published In
J New York.
IMiiraoudsl Dlnmondsl Dlnmonds
20 Thousand Dollars wurth of pure Califor
nia Diamonds, set in every conceivable stylet
of elegant Gold Jewelry, to be presented to!
the subscribers of tbe Casket or Diamonds, I
There aro no gifts worth less than 23 cents, i
and from that up to 2300.
Will reecho a bleautiful gift In Gold or Dia
mond Jewelry Imrurdlstdy on receipt of his
or bcr name, accompanied by tho amount of
subscriptlou money.
The Subscribers' Names,
Aa fast ss received, will be placed in regu
lar rotation on our Hooka, opposite designa
ting Nos., and tbe gift containing a corres
ponding No. will bo sent IMMEDIATELY,
post paid, to the subscriber.
Ladies) LndieaH Indies Hi
You can get a large number of subscriber
for the Casket of Diamonds by a little extra
exertion, and for every 10 subscribers names
you forward us, accompanied by tbe money,
no will una you a ueauiuui iiismoou gits.
We mako tbe same offer to gentlemen.
Please bear in mind tbe fact that every
subscriber to tbe Casket of Diamonds will
receive a beautiful gift Immediately receipt
of bis or her name accompanied by tbe sub
scription money.
Persons wishing to commence with llo First
No. should send in Immediately, as tbe gift
they will receive will encourage tbem to
speak to others of tbelr success, aud thereby
assist materially in increasing our subscrip
tion list to commence with tbo first No.
Among tbe interesting features of our Pa
per will be a Love correspondence of tbe
most thrilling and exciting character, wblch
took place in Paris, In ISfo, betwixt an En
glish Gentleman and French lady the tyr
anlcal opposition of the lady's father to (be
union oChls dauchkr with tbe English gen
tleman is described in tbe most vivid and
interesting manner, ns well as the successful
plots of toe young lady to elude tbe vigil
ance and cruelty of her heartless father.
These letters are deeply interesting, and
of a pure, high-toned cbaraoter.
jtjr&eh Subscriber must send 3 three
cent postage stamps for return postage on
gift. Address
Proprietor, of tbe CatkctoDiamodt,
UnO V Vrrrnn Slr-t, New YerV.
. Cf R.,y. . i" S .f f ri,.'T Al s "'"". lupHons, nnd other nireo
S?'?..'.! ' ski., eye,,. hrn.. nnd lung,.
Grand Medical and Surgical Institute.
Saeramtnto itrcct.bthw Montgomery, op
poiile Pacific Mail Sttannhip Compa
ny's Office, San Francisco,
Established in 1854, for the Perma
,nt Curr.nfall Private and Chrome
Diseases, and the Suppression of
Altondanl and Resident Physician,
Lata In the Hungarlsn Revolutionary War.
Chief Surgeon to the Sllili Regiment ol
linn..,!.- niilnf Sarseon to the Military
Hoipllat of Peslh, Hungary, ami the lalo
. r ... n! .... f IVnm.ll Kill!
leoiurar on we iioni .. - -
Ulllldfen . , , r. .1 I
rvmnninii-iiitani attiet v cotiG Jen tint
Consultations, by laltor or otherwise,
free. Address, DR L.J.CZAKA),
San Fraoolico, Cat
Cxaukav roturns Ida sincere thinks
to hit numerous patients for thnlr natron
aga, and would take this opportunity to
remind them that ha continual to coniult at
his Inslltulo for tho cure of Chronic dia.
... nfiho l.nniM. Liver. Kidneys, dlaes.
live and genital organs, and all private (
diaeaiei, vut Syhllllic ulcers' gunorrliea,
gleet, atricturei, aemlnal weakness and all
tho horrid ennssquonco oi ,eii-auuse. nnu
he lieprs that Ilia long experience and auc.
cessful practice ot many yoara wlllcnntin
ue to ensure him a share of public patron
ago.' By the practice of many years In
Europe end tho United Hlrtcs, and during
llm Hungarian war nnd cnmnalgns, ho la
enabled to apply tho moil efficient and auc
cossfiil remedies against disesses of all
kinds Ha usee no mercury chsrges mod
eralo tresis his pMlents in a correct and
honorable way has raforencoa of unques
tionable veracity from men of known re
pectabillty and high Handing in socloty.
All parties cumulling him,Tiy letter or
otherwise, will receive the best and gen
tlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy.
guaranteed in all stages of secret dis
eaiei, aalf-aliuio, nervous debility, syphi
lis In all Its stages, strictures, gleels, grav
el, diabetes, diseases of the kidney, and
bladder, mercurial rheumatism, scrolula,
pains In tho bunas and ankles, diseases of
tho lungs, throat, none and eyes, ulcrrs
upon tho body or limbs, dropsy, epllnptio
fits, Hi. Vitus' dance, nnd nil diseases inl
ine Tram n doraneement of tho sosuat or
sans, such as nervous trembling, loss of
memory, loss of power, genernl weakness,
dimness of vision with peculiar spots ap
pearing beforo the eyes, lorn of sight,
wakeP.ilneii,dyfpepsia, liver diseasn, erup
tions upon the face, pain in the back and
head, fmale irrrgulajities,ond all impro
per dirchnrges of bolli sexes. It minors
not from what cunsti llie disease originated,
liowover long standing or obiilnalo tho
case, recovery U certain, and in a shorter
timo than n permanent cure can bo effect
ed by any other treatment, nvsn after lha
llirain Imi bafllad the skill of eminoiit
physicians and resitted all their means of!
cure. The medicines prescribed are plea
sant, wllliout ouor, eniiroiy vcgmauie,
Icsuimc no sickness, and frueifrom mercu
ry or UaUain. SJuring niisen years oi prac
tice, in Europe, the Allunlfo Slater, nnd
California, I nave rescued from tho jawa
of death many thousands, who, in the last
tines of the above mentioned diseases,
had been givnn up to dio by their nhysi
elans, which warrants mo in promising toj
ina Hiiticu, ii. iii-. ci"iw .mvi..wi.v
under my care, a speedy cure. Private
diseases are tho gicntoit enemiea to health,
as tliuy are tho hrstcauaool consumption,
'scrofula, and many oilier diseases, nnd
should be a terror to the human family, A
permanent cure is scarcely ever elfecled,
n majority of the vases falling iutu the
hands nf incoinpalont persons, who not
only fail to cure the disease, but ruin tho
constitution, filling the system with mer
cury, which, with the disease, hastens tho
suflnrer into n rapid consumption.
Hut ahould the disease and the treatment
not cause death speedily, and the victim
marries, tho disoasa is entailed upon the
rlillilmn. who am bnrn with feeblu consti-
llullon - .and the current of life corrupted
by a virus which umriiji men in scroiuia,
'i.ii.. nt.... innllnn. mul tillim nlTuM.
entailing upon them n brief existence uf
suffering and consigning them loan early
Helf-Ahuie is another formidable onemy
to health, for nothing olio In the dread
catalogue of human disease causes so do
jstruelive a drain upon the system, draw ing
its thousands of victims through a few
Jlyearsof suffering down to an untimely
grave. It destroys tha nervous system,
rapidly wastes away tho energies of life,
causes mental dorangement, prevents the
proper development of the system, dis
qualifies fur marriage, societv, business,
auJ nil earthly happiness, nnu leaves tho
-uflerer wrecked in body and mind, pro.
disposed to consumption nnd a train of
etils morn to be dreaded than death llsclf.
With the fullest confidence I assure the
unfortunato victims nf solf-abusq that u
permanent and speedy cure can be affect
ed, and with the abandonment of ruinous
practices, my patients can be restored to
robust, vigorous lioaltn.
Irregularities and nil diseases of male,
and females treated on principles eslab
lulled by fifteen years of practice and
sanctioned by thousands of this most re
markable cure. Medicine, with full di
rection,, sent to any part of the Slate, Ore.
gon and Washington Territories, by pa
tients communicating their aymptonis by
letter, llusiness correspondence strictly
Addres. DR. h. J. CZAPfCAY,
Medicnl Institute, Sacramento it.,
below Montgomery, opposite Pacific. Mail
"Steamship Co,' Oflico, San Francisco,
Medical and Surgienl Institute is on
Sacramento street .below Montgomery ,op
positn the I'acifio Mail Steamship Compa
ny' Office, Ssn .Francisco. Tho Doctor
oners fres consultation, and aska no remu
neration unless ho etleals a cure. Office
hours, from 0 a. n. to 0 r m.
I, the undarsignod, Governor ofllunga
ry, do testify hereby, that Dr. L.J, Czap
kay has served during the contest for Hun
garian liberty, j Chief Surgeon in the
Tlungarian army, with faithful persever
ance whereof 1 have given him this cer-.
Ilficate, and do recommend him In the sym
pathy, atteatlon and protection of all those
who are capable of appreciating patriotic
self-sacrifice and undeserved misfortune.
Governor of Hupgsry,
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1852.
O ness, nerone (Jibilily, low spirits, las '
m .1. Ill anil liatatt
dl posl. on and Incap.blllty for labor ;nd
LV,,,lvP. dullness of apprehension, lose of
memory, aversion to society, love oi aon
"". .... ..irj i. ilizzlneas.heait
.!.. llmlilllT. inii-uii.---F v ." .-
. . . ' . .l!..k.r
W""W1" "".":" . .!,-.. .n.l
eases is now, lunKnow,,A "'", ,,,.',,"" i
hence his great success. All consultation,
by Irtter or otherwise, Iree. Address L
jfcZAI'KAY, M.D.,Ssn Francisco.
1 TlirAosl-Great Bles.ing to Man
hind l-lnnncent but rinr',,1'H
Cxspkay'e Prqphllaeticum, (self. disinfect-
Ing agent,)-" sure preventive against gon.
orThota! nnd syphillllo diseases, and an
.....l rmlv fur venereal, acruru-
loua, Ksngronoua nnd canceroua ulcers,
footid discharges from tho vaglnn, utciua
and urethra, and all culanooua eruptions
and disoosos. As Innoculatlnn Is n pre-
!.. ...Inl mnll nox. SO is Dr. 11SP'
TUIIIIvn mk,"i. - , r , .
kay's rrophllactlcum a preventive against
syphilitic and gunorrhosal diseases. Al
though harmless In itself, It possesses the
power ol chemically destroying tho syph-In.!-
..i . il....l. vine Ihousinds
from being infected by the most loathsome
or all diseases, iiei no j.iun - "
appreciates health be wilhoul Dr. Ctap
key's I'tophilactlcuin. It is In very con
venlent packages, and will be found con
veniant tu use, being used as 0P;
Price. $5. For aalo at Dr. Czspkay a Pri
vale Medical and Surgical Institute, Soc
rnmento street, below Montgomery, op
P. M. t. Co.'a
oflico, San
11 m3
The Oldest And
All Diseases arising from an ImpurtJ
State of the Blood, or Habit
of the System.
The thoufands of unfo
licitcd teftimonials from
perfons of every rank in
focicty, (how in the mofr
fatisfactorv manner the
powerful agency this
preparation pofsefses of
arrefling and curing
Glandular and Ofscous
fystcms. In its compo
fition, on which much
of its value depends, the
belt Sarfaparilla Root,
with other moil effectual
and falutary productions
are combined, produc
ing a compound
in Its character and properties from any
preparation now in ufc. Under Its re
floring Influence, Arcngth and vigor art
imparted to the exhaulled frame, and
perfect health fuccceds difctfc, as Winter
is fuccecded by Spring, nnd the cart!
clothed in verdant beauty under the gen
ial influence of rcfrcfliing fliowcrt. Iu
operations are in harmony with nature,
and it may be admlnillcrcd to persom
of all ages and every varicty.of confti
tution with the moft perfect fafcty.
Prepared nwl sold by A. D. &. D. SANDS.
YVhulesalo Druggut,, 100 Fulton Street, cur.
of William, New-York.
For sale by Dkwitt, Kitylc & Co.. II
Johnson iiCc, Hidihoton i. Co., Ssn Fran
cisco) Rick Si Corrm, &!aryivilie It, II.
McuotfiXD & Co., Sacramento) and by
Druggist generally.
I1ROOKS &. THOMPSON, Druggists,
Agents for Jacksonville. 'St
Plows, Miners' Picks. Horso Shoeing.
All Kino's or
Corner of California nnd Fourth street
first door east of "Sentinel" office.
TTORSE3 and Mule shod nt Quick
JLX time, and not inferior to any west of
ma uotKy mountains.
Price of hone shoeing, plain, $4 00
" " " " steel laid, 5 00
Keens on hand all sizes of Steel Plows
and Miners' Plcke.
Ilepaired on the shortest notice.
Having had long experience in the man
ufacture of all kinds of Farming Toola.he
flatters hlnuelf to be able to accommodate
all who wish to Jmve work dona with
neatness and despatch, at the lowest cash
Jacksonville, Aug. 8.1957. 3Q!y
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Books, Stationery, &c.
IttlKlnoBia la mitax nlV...! .. .. si.. U ..,. .!
terestof David Levlnger in the above
o,i la mini nll... a I. l.l .,a.J
iewM huvt sjiViig B 1IIU UIU ViailU
a large apartment of Iho butt brands of
Confectionery and Fruits,
fichool Books, Stationery, &c,
Very Cheap for Cash.
ID-Call, if you want a Good Cigar
Jacksonville, Nov. S. 45tf
For sale by J W STXARiVS
a. l.Aaint inn IIUIUB -SSIM wnin,
elia, involuntary discharges, pains In he
.Ida. alTeclicns of the eyes, pimples on the
lice soil and other Infirmities in man,
"cu"d without 1.11, by the Justly cele
hr.ted Physician nnd Sorg.on, Dr. I.. J
If III. mellmu 01 curinK uis-
fflt. fibuuj.
A. E. Corner California and Mntgomcry
and then Judge between Dr. Young nnd
those vampires that malign his motives.
Avoid such men a, you would pes
tilence, for thkr is dsstb In tholr tros
inont. All alulcled with Diseases ofa Tri
vnta or nny other nature should call
upon Dr. J. C. Young, and they would
then tvoid Imposition and assist the Doc
tor In his herculean labor of suppressing
quackery and ompyrlcism. Dr. Young s
chargna are moderate and within the reach
of the most humble.
TMPORTANT. Dr. J. C. Young wishes
X to call the attention ot invanoa to ins
course of practice. The Dr. ha, long since
abandoned the mercurial treatment, and
ha, strictly followed the Vegetable Prac
ilr P.tUnn under treatment with him
aro not confinedjo the house, nor taken
from their business, but can go about nnd
cat as usual. The Dr.'a mode of treatment
of eases of debility, both gonial and sox
ual, I, not ,urpasd by any physician, and
alwayi rotull, in n porfect removal oflheir
troubles. Dr. Y. na, dlicovered a new
mode of treating affrrlions of tho Liver,
which altera fair trial has boon submitted
to the Professors of several of tha medical
ImtltiitlniK of the States, and pronounced
by thorn, a, perfectly successful, and has
been adopted by them in their practice
In the treatment of Incident consumption,
and disease of the blood, the Dr. stands
pro-emlnent In his profession, and will
warrant n cure in all cases. The following
testimonial speaks for llsolf :
Dr. J. C. Vouiro. Sirs Your mode of
treating affections of tho Livor and disea
sos of the Illood, has proved by repeated
trials, to be tho best yet offered to the fae.
ulty, and has been adopted by tho board
Continue to study the human system nsynu
have done, and you will yet stand at the
head ol your profession.
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Ponn.
will guarantee a perfect and perma
nent euro in tha following cases, or charge
nothing fur his servires i Syphilis. O'on
orrhna, Stricture oftlie Urethra, Affection
of the Rostrate Claud Weakness of tha
Genital Organs, Impotency, Sterility, both
in male nnd female, Spermatara, or Sem
inal Wenknrss,Noclurnal Emissions, Ulieu
matltm. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fever and
Ague, Incipient Consumption, and all ir
regularities in Female,, together with nil
disesscs of Women nnd Children; also
Nervousness, Palpitation ofthn Heart, Vc.
Persons nfllicted with symptoms niter
being treated, should consult I). Young at
once, as no ulseqse is cured unless tun pa
tient feels perfectly well. If there la a
particle of disease left in tho ,y,tem, It
will break nut at some luture time, wnen
least expected, or bo luinded to an Innocent
ofTsiirlnr. Person, who have been treated
with mercury should be very cauiiou, in
liollevlni- thnt thev are well, for It Is i
antifio fact that tho mercury will
mlnelo with tho venereal, nnd form
disease a great deal worse than tho origin
at. All llioso who have reason to think,
by bad feelings, that they have been treat
ed thus, should eonsult Dr, Young, and he
should examine their cases and tell them
at once how they stand.
i.r. WIIOSS IT MAV concisti, Thisis
to certify that I, II. F. Luulng, applied to
Dr. J. if- Young, to be treated for a gener
al debility, brought on by hard work at
mining iu tho water, nnd a pnnumstie af
fection in my limbs,'Which almost deprived
me oflheir use. that the above complaints
hod troubled ma for a long time ona of
them fur several years, and the other about
eighteen months. Overcome by the pain
and anxiety occasioned by them, 1 had
given up all hopes of over again enjoying
good health. In this condition, I callud
upon Dr. J. C. Young, and after the lapse
of five uiunths, I Mm perfectly well and
feel nearJy as strong aa I ever 4d. I can
recommend every one affected to his care.
for he cured me, and has cured several of
my friends that 1 reeomnmnded to his care,
atllictud with different diseases, some of
thoin bad cases, of a very bad and danger
ous nature
Given this my voiuulsry tc..im. ny 1
favor of Dr. J. C. Young, in hopes that it
may induce all tlioio nfUicled, to call on
him, and avoid the impostor, who have
robbed fine, not only of money, but to a
certain extent oi my health.
GntxN Holts Gvr.cn, Kern River, ?
Septombera, 1656.. j
TTNKAK SIRt It is with pleasure that I
XJ hasten to answer your lotter,enquiring
how I get along. I have entirely recov
ered from the complaints for which your
medical skill wa, required, and I asture
you I feel grateful to you for the health I
now enjoy, Snatched aa I was from the
veiy jaws of doath. and aaved from an tin
told amount of suffering Were I in tin
rity where I could do it. till, would hae
the solemnity oi nn oaiu, uut i nn m i
mining camp, them la no Justice of the
Peace within several miles of roe, and ,o
you mutt publish without it, I do not like
to name mv disease, and I suppose' It I, not
requisite, aa you treat all kind, of duease,
To Dn. J. C. Yodico.
Miniroai, Sept. 27th. 1656.
J. C. YOUNG. Sir i Jn answer to
XJ your request, as to how my cms
getting along, I would state that 1 s
am per
ecllv well, and have been ao for about tine
mouth. J should have written before, but
have been walling o,ee if it would return.
I am nuw satisfied, that I bava seen the
last ol it. My esse was said to be a very
bad one by all, lbs phy&Icans that examin
ed mo. Thev all called it a mercurial
disease, and said there "was no help for it,"
You called It scrofulous, inlxod wjih a mer
curial affection, and'said you could cure
me, and you nave uone so i can only
IlianK you ror it ana recommenu all per
son, afflicted to give you a fair trial.
Yours till death, C. L. HAILS, J.
J Seminal Weaknsts. Dr, Young ad
dresses those having injured themselves
by private and improper indulgence in the
secret and solitary habit lint ruina the body
and mind, unfitting tbem for either busi
ness or socioty. Tha following are somo
of the tad nd melancholy effsct, preduc
ed by early habits of ;r'i'h, : fa!
nevs&ftho bark and limbs, pain In the
head, dimness oT slsht, loss of rousculst
nower, palpitation of the heart, dyrprpm,
nervousness, irritability, derangvrn.M n
the digestive function,, general dsbil.tj,
.ymptomsofeontumptlon, Ac.
MsTAs.it'l tho tearful efTeels on IS,
mind are more to be dreaded. Loss ej
memory, confusion nf ideas, depression ol
spirits, evil forebodings aversion to ,of.
ety, self distrust.love ofsolitude.tlmidity,
ficc., are some of the evils produced.
All persons who are afflicted with any
of the above symptom, should not fail to
call on Dr Young, yid be atonce resinrtd
to perfect health. Let no false dtOlcscy
prevent) oil, but spply IMeJiateUv, and
save yourself from the sires, ol andiavtftl
consequences of this terrlbl.ftnalady
immediately cured, ond full vigor "slorecj.
Office corner of Montgomery and Csli.
fornla streets, oter Pccifie Lipress, Ban
Frsnclo, where nil letter, must be sV
consequence ol tha wide spread ce
i.titti. nf t)r. YOUNG, numerous Impo,.
tors have sprung Into exlstence.pretendir.,;
lo be perfect masters of the heeling art,
and havo succeeoea in imiu'."B ui.
few orthe unwary tufleror,. Persons wish,
ing to consult a physlcsin, should be vary
careful how they put confidence in the
published statement of such charlatans,
lor they are as unscrupulous in such stsle.
menlsasin their practice of medicine, and
are very unsafe to trust. They will first
deceive you by false certificate,, procured
from "drunken loafer,," who perjure lli.ro.
lve, to get money to satisfy the cravings
ofa diseased appetite. When such quid
gains your confidence, ha will then dosa
you with mercury and other drugs, and sf
ter they havo rubbed you of your monsy
and injured your constitution, thty will
cast you off, with the charge, that you has,
not followed their directions.
The only wsy to avoid such impostors,
is to eonsult Dr. J. O. Young, the Pioneer
Advertising Physician ol California. At
a mcetlngor the Nedicsl Faculty of this
State, called to investigate the source of
malpractice that has caused so much suf
fering In this country, It was unanimously
recommended that all the afflicted should
consult Dr. Young, a, hew,, the only tvg
ularly educated Physician nnw advertiing
in California, all others in his linn being
quacks and and impostors, and are not to
be trusted. The kfllicted will please take
notice, that there was not a physicisn st
the meeting who hsd ever seen or htsrd
of a single casa ofmalpraclice from Dr
Young, while not ona ol them but hid sssn
a number of cases from the foreign quacks,
who ,o Tauntingly sst forth llitir
tended virtue. In the nubile print.
The obovo fact, should be borne in mind
by all seeking medical assistance.
Thank heaven, they ate getting thor
oughly eiprsed, and it will pot be lung
belors they will have to fly the country, to
avoid the Just indication of a i outrsisu
public Then will good people tlis"" .
Younc for his continued effolts to banish
qua ikery from our midst.
V R. YOUNG can lie consulted from 8
a. to 8 r. ss., at his uUicr, cotnsr Call
fnrnia and Montgomery itreet,, over tha-
racino L.I press umcc. sun mimwn
All Iniinra eontalnliir the Usual fee
of $10 will meet with prompt attention.
4 -'in J
ntcniuD wiKNUicir. albcrt juKVinv
(Truchol's Old Stand,)
HAVE on hand and are always rase'y
to maufacture to order all kinds of
CAKES, PlES,&.e.
For Weddings and Parlies got up in good
slyle and at tha ahorlcst nonce.
Jacksonville, O. T. July id. 97m3
Tabic Uoult Ualicvy
''pllC und,r,igned has on hand, and is
JL always ready to manufacture to order,
all kinds of
C raekers,
Pies, &.
All kinds pf Syrups, and etrryiliing in
In his line of businesr, usually found in
the Copfectlonarya in tha cities.
For Weddings, Balls or Parties, cot mp in
good style, and at she shortest notice
wai. tttaat & iu.
Jacksonville, Dre. I. Stl.
Bounty laaudB
rPHE undersigned will attend to the pro-
jl curing ot xiounty unus, unatr sue
Act of March 3d. lbV5.forteison, who has
been regularly mustered into the United
State,' service for' the term of fourtresi
daya, or more. Persons who were engsg.
ed in either of the Indian wars in tin,
country, and all widows and orphan, of
such persons, are entitled to 1GU acres of
lend, and by forwarding the neessary proof.
of thetr.servica to the undesigned, the off
uciai lorms win Depiaueoutand forwardf)
to the prop,r Department si Washington,
which will ensum the return of a.
For the applicant,
Having a competent ogent at Wsslunrr
ton, it enable ma to transact thla kind on4
business with great efficiency and dispatch.
Charges moderate.
Address y. G. T'VAULT,
Jacksonville, .O.T. J(
Wm, Woxruian,
OFFICE At lha Post Office, next deor-
lo Pat. Ryan',,
Jaclr-jnvllla O, T,
Aro taken by
On the tbe Hill, ntarlbe old Parsonage