fP. y I p If 1- h'. :u.-i (Dragon Sentinel. W. G. T'VAULT, EDITOR. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. Snturriny, Hlnr 30, 1858. Snn I'rnnclsco Accncr. Tnou.is Ilotcc, corner of Washington nnd Montgomery streets, Is our nuthomed Agent In Snu Francisco, to receive sub- erlptlou-i ana advertisements far the Sk.v tim:i.. Notice. Wo Trout J call tbe attention of tbo former patrons of the Sentinel to tbo recent chnngo of proprietors, and urgently ro quest that nil those who arc Indebted to us beforo tbr UOih of May, It-f.7, to nuke Im mediate pnymcnt,aud those having accounts spins, tne cuice prior to timt date will please preient tbem, ai It becomei necessa ry that (be books of the firm shall be settled uu at as early a period as possible. W.O T'VAULT, ALEX. IILAKELT, DRXOCRATIC CANDIDATES. Nominated at Salem, March 10, 185S. KKPIinSENTATlVK IN CONaUESS, L. F. GROYER, Or Marlon County. Governor J 01 JN W II ITE A Iv Ell. Of Lane. Secretary of Stute- LU .UC1EN HEATH, Of Polk. Slate Treaturcr3. D. BOON, Of Marion. Stale Printer A. RUSH, Of Marlon. District Judges M. P. DEaDY, 1st Dittrict ; R. E. STRATTON, 2d Districts it. I. BOISE, JW District; A. E. WAIT, -If A District. Jncktoii County Democratic Ticket. For Senator, A. M. BERRY. For Representatives, II. II. BROWN. DANIEL NEWCOMB, W. G. T'VAULT. For Sherif, L. J. C. DUNCAN. For County Judge, WM. J. DEGGS. For Countu Clerk, WILLIAM HOFFMAN. " For Coroner, JAMES HAMLIN, For Treasurer, DAVID LINN. For Assessor, II, BOZARTH, For County Surveyor, SEWAL TRUAX. For Prolate Judge, N. D. SMITH. For County Commissioner, PAT. DUNN. Supt.of Schools J. 0. RAYNOR. Col, of Militia G. W. KEELER. Uti Douglas County Democratic Ticket. For Senator, or Councilman. HUCJH D. O'lIRYANT. For Representative?. JAMES U. DUItNETT, THOMAS Nonius. For County Judee. STEPHEN F. OUAMVICK. For Sheriff. THOMAS WHITTED. For County Clerk and Auditor. JAME8 M. l'i'LE. ' Tor Treasurer. GEORGE 1IAY.NES. Tor Assessor, CURTIS P. STRATTON. For County Commissioner, DAYID MAKKHAM. For County Surveyor. JOSIAU A. JJUIINETT. The Election. Wo havo not tlmo or opportunity nt present to say much Sn relation to the approaching election. Tho candidates for State offices havo In part passed through this county, and discussed the sovernl questions thnt they liavo pro soiitud, hut generally of a prlvnlo or porsonnl nature. L. F. G rover, tho Dcmocrntic enndi dsto for Congress, tins plnced himself boforo the peoplo of Southern Oregon upon n stiro nnd proper basis, indors ing tho Democratic National Platform of 1650, and tho administration of James Buchanan, and Ilia legal force of tho decision of tho Supremo Court in tho Drcd Scott case. He is a no tlnnnl Democrat, for tho Union and the wliolo Union. With his experience nnd opportunity, few, if any, wilt doubt his capacity to servo us in Congross, nnd thnt no man enn ho sent who is more familiar with our War debt and would he moro likely to obtain an ap propriation to pay that which tho pco plo of Southern Oregon nro so justly entitled to thnt which It has been tho ohjoct of tho opposition to tho Demo crntic party to slander, abuse, nnd chnrgo as having beon originally Insti tuted for tho sake of plunder, and car ricd on in such n muincr ns to com mit robbery on tho Treasury of tho United States. Tlioso falio nnd slanderous charges havo becomo stale, and to a consider able extent nbnndoned, but tho people ol Southern Oregon want a friond to tho mcasuro in Congress, and ono who knows' and will do his duty In obtain, ing tho appropriation to pay our war debt. G rover will do this if elected. ' Junoc Deady, tho candidato for Judgo of tho first Judicial District un der tho Constitution, Is walking over tho track without opposition. He Iiks not been canvassing for tho oflice, but has been holding Courts ami attending to tho duties of his office in adminis tering tho laws. I'l.. T...I -- I ... iuu juugc una no opposition nt pre. sent, nnd that which has heretofore ex. istod Is passing off. Wo only hear n distant random shot fired by somo re trcaling opponent only as n signal, that although tho enemy are scattered they havo taken ambush In somo recess, to Chescknt Citv Road. Wo under stand that this road has becomo navi gable for wagons. Sco J. K. In an ur ticlo on tho road. J. It. Petors arrived Thursday evening, direct from Cres cent City, with a buggy. Wc arc" in debted to hftn for letters and pnpcrB, but just think of n buggy rido over the mountains to the Coast, thnt getting along tho "sunny south" of Oregon, ifl tho pnradiso of tho Pacific Coast. Mr. Peters Is tho first man that rode through on the first buggy that came direct from Crescent City to Jackson ville. When the Stago makes tho first trip, tho peoplo shall hear of It. CncscnNT Citv Hkuali. J. R. Peters has our thanks for two copies of tho Crescent City Heral'l. After the mail sorvico commonccs botweon this plnco and Crescont City, wo hopo to get news from the Coast once a week, instead of onco a mouth. Josriihiuo County Dotuocrnl JO AlCKC't. For Stale Senator, SAMUEL R. SCOTT. For Rejresetilative, State or Territorial Organliatlou, DR. D. S. HOLTON. For Joint Representative, DANIEL NEWCOMD. For County Judge, A. K. BARROWS. For Prosecuting Attorney, R. HAYDEN. For Sherif, JAMES HENDERSHOTT. For County Clerk, R. B. MORFORD. Tor Treasurer, -GEORGE T. VIN1NG. For County Commissioner, ' J. PENNELL. , For Assessor, J. II. SHORT. For Coroner, GUSTAF WILSON. For County Surveyor, S. K. MYERS. t .i await tho sound of the bugle, when tho forces shall rally again to tho rescue. Ges. J. F. Milleu arrived in this placo yestorday, from Nnrthorn Ore gon, no reports tbat tbo State Dem ocratic Ticket will bo elected by largo majority. Wo hopo tho Gcnoral will romaln with us till after tho election. His long resldonce in this count', porsonnl acquaintance nnd sound Democratic principles, will give much aid to the Democracy. (tt'Look out for heavy politlcnl thyndor about these days, in the way of speeches. Bsrnum, O'Meara, Judge llllams, and J. W. Drew, are on the way nnd will bo in this County next week. Cle.ivz.and Walked, was convict ed at tho trial session of tho District Court, of assisting prisoners to oscnne r. i. ii . . .. i iiuuitfoii, oiiu semeuceu to tnreo years confinement in the penitentiary. James Stkniexs, who wa's indicted for larceny, by the Grand Jury at the May torm of tbo District Court of the 8d Judicial District in Oregon, was ar rested nt Yreka, Cal., and placed In jail to nwait tho requisition of tho Governor. OCT Wo received by the Stage, yes terday, an extra of tho Siskiyou Chro niclc, from which wo learn that all tho business portion of Nevada was de stroyed by fire on the 23d instant OCT Mr. S. II. Stiit, Isto of the Siskiyou Chronicle, paid us n visit yes terday. Ho will remain In town n few days. Ri:v. YonK, tho Presiding Elder of this district, arrived in town yesterday, nnd will remain during the Quartorly Meeting. QtHnrunLV Meeting will be held at tho M. E. Church, today and to morrow. Politics lii Josephine, Kuihiyvillk May 22, 1859. Fihknd T' Vault iThinklng It ac ccptablo to you to hear from your neighboring county how wo are flour ishlug, moro especially nt tho present lime, when politics is tho theme of all, discussed in tho bar room nnd nt the family fireside, I write you. Tho Democrats hnvo hold their Con- j vontlon nnd nominated their ticket, i composed of good sound Democrats, If they should succeed, vWio is to wenr the laurels t Hut for tho firm : First comes my old friond Rriggs, Gov. Geo. E."Driggs. Lot us examine his polit lcnl career;' what claims has 'he upon tho'Natlonnl Democratic party, if they are, as they claim to be, the truo par ty f Wbsro do wo first find him, but in the ranks of tho opposition party, under the r.amo of tho "People's Tick- o," trying end using his influcnoo to defeat Gen. Lane. Noxt wo find him in the Gaines campaign against Gen. Lnno, soatcd in n hollow log on the banks of Althouse, whero Tom Dryer was administering tho solemn oath of Know Nothing. Foreign citrons of Josephino county, will you voto for a man who is sworn to proscribo you I "Think boforo you act." Will you voto a man to a station wherohis lnflu onco can cast a dospotir. doom over you t ilewaro ! thero is a "snnko in tho grass ;" tho grass movtth. Next wo find him voting for Lavrson and Watklns; of tho latter I will speak moro hereafter; of tho former thero is not subject enough to talk. Next comes Dr. Wm. Wntktns. The; nearest thing I can comparo him to is Joseph's coat of many colors. Ho has beon everything, whero tho filthy lucre i could bo obtained. Whilst ho extends' tho right hand of fellowship to tho no gro, ho is ready to smito him with his left, for tho sake of his mania, oflice holding. Whilst at homo and in iioart ho Is n Black Abolitionist, ho has tn ken tho oath of a Know Nothing ; nnd in the contest for delegates to tho Con stitutional Convention ho defeated Dr. Hark well declaring himself n ttuo Democrat had Democratic tickets printed with his nnmo inserted, and afterwards betrayed them. Ho too, like Briggs, has always opposed Lane; yet, now they express themselves as Lano men. Can such n thing bo pos-' siblel William Rincliart. tho noet.l who has but lately arrived from the-. ! Stater, whero ho was employed In a I sugar refinery writing love rhymes, is a candidato fur Clark; is a Black Re publican ; what qualifications ho pot. scsscs, I know not, except that ho be Joicphliio Democratic Cottuty C'oiivvuileii, Tho Democratic County Convention of Josephine, held at Kerbyvlilo on Sjturday, Mny"22d, 1858, to nominnte camlidatpa for Cnntitv nftlcergi Was or ganized by electing W. J. MatheWs, President, and J. I.. White, beoretnry. On motion, n committee of five were appointed to examine credentials, con sisting of Messrs. Root, Hart, Bozarth, Dickinson, and Pennell ; and reported tho following number of delegates from their; respective districts: Kerbyvlilo precinct, 4; Browntown, 1; Clover Valley, 2; Briggs, 2; Suck er Creek, 2; Round Prnirio, 1; Apnlo gate, 2; Canyon Creek, .1; Gaiice Creek, 3; Waldo, 4. A committeo of five wero appointed to regulato nnd report order of busi ness, which they did its follows: 1st, Senator; 2d, Representative;, M, Sheriff; 4th, Judge; 5th, Auditor; fith, Treasurer; ?th, Assessor; 8th, District Attorney ; Dili, County Com missioner; 10th, Coronor; and 11th, Colonel. A committee of thrro wero appoint ed to draft resolutions, Messrs. Wilson, Hurt nnd Root, and reported the fol lowing : Resolved, That wo fully and heartily approve nnd ndopt ns nur Platform, the Resolutions passed nt tho Democratic State Convention, held at Salem, March 10th, 1858, as they contain nono but" who not only command the respect of their nnriizan frlonds, but of nil thcjjllcvcs a whlto man is as good as a nig community, nnd if it will not occupy, ccr. His only chance is to become, the too much spaco I will try to let many' t,dl of the ticket, and to wag when his of your renders know the men, and tho masters want him. Mr. Abbott, a courso the Convention pursued. I strong pro. slavery Lnno Dcmocrat.whot Samuel R.Scoll, of Sailor Digging.,' fl'" " '.or.a y?' m ,.t.-.i. i . i .i r c. . e b'liu tbosnmu bod with Untkiis and tehed lb. nom nation for State Sen- BgB., nnd swear, th.ynro Lanemon. r-t lia la ..1..1I 1 ....... t.f I I ' It a W, . " "" i...uw-i, uoing au oiu i no is a canatuaio for Assessor. The recc ator. resident of tho county, a miner nnd fanner by occupation, and baa always taken n strong and nctlvo position in tho Democratic party, Dr. D. S. Holton, our candidate for Reprcsontativv, is also woll known, and possesses abilities nnd talents to becomo a useful and infinuntial mem ber of that body, and as our county and boulliern Ore-iron has lorn; been rest of tho ticket you shall have ns soon as possible ROOTS. Correspondence of the "JentUcl. Editor Sentinel ; Thoro Is somo lit- Colonel of Militia, M. M. WILLIAMS. 'Kr Press of legal business in Court, and tho Election approaching so close lyyia the only excuse wo have for jack of original niurtcr (his week. low Ha.n.ninu, who was indicted for an assault with intent to kill, was rearrested on a bench worrnnt. but mado his escape from tho Sherif)', and has not been taken. AsncHV Sjiitii, charged with lar ceny, whose case wss submitted to a jury the jury disagreed, nnd woredi. charged, and cause continued till next Court. David II. Sextos, charged with larceny, by stealing a mule from John Purdy, was tried and acquitted at the trial sitting of the District Court (r We are told that tho candidates for oflice in this County are stumping it, nnd will visit the several precincts In the County beforo election, (KrTbo Issuo Term or tho U.S. District Court for this County, ad- journcd on Wednesday last. OtrTha voters of Jackson County should all vote in the precincts in whiob they reside. BcrKMAN, ar. usual, has rendered u numerous fuvore during the week. tlo o. arking respecting tho Cr-...it City ."urnpiko Plank Road. It is al leged by some, whoso interest is not In wheels, that the Road is not a practi cable one that loaded wagons cannot uo urawn over It. This, in my opinion, is an gummon, and Intended to Irifilit- neglected it become, n matter of Im-K tlhT "S portanco to send men or ability to pro iters, heed not tho croakers; but go toct and promote our lutcrests: such' I ahead and cive the rond a fair trial men we have nominated, nnd they will ,M' "eJr ' bo cortain to Qndn pass rocelvo the united tupportof thu nn.!,,,JoBOod.rod, i".finl,'1y better than a. xv. narrows, r-sq., our candidate ( Pleasure or pn.sing over tho road, and for County Judge, is n nnmo fumilIar!'mV0 examined it closely, nnd must ac. to nil; ho is n man rcspooted by age knoff,doe "t I am agreeably disap- uud youth, possessing qualities rarely P.0," ,! ?' '8 """'"ft n,Uch beN ,? . . ' b lmie rareiy ,er roa(j Bn j ct)(j t combined in one person, and whose ble to build In such a mountain com.- talents, ngo and qualifications nre,tfj' And this is not nil. Ifyoushould: nown oy nil, nnd admitted. He is at, ""I'l1"" - nu yourseir at Crescent present residing on Williams Creek ,iCi,i'' lJll,,?,ire to con,oto Kerbyville, and has resided I,. nr ,.,..,.. t,. ou w,"."nu -'o north fork ol Smith ...,u. JSCSrr?'.'' '! " ."ountains, MM -......,...., Bu nuv.. ns wants annuals nnd ramily, keeping a first class nnd its evils. No better cholco could I hotel. His table is furnished with the have been made to fill that responsible ,e" lUe otti affords, and served up sound Democratic doctrines, Resolved, That a man who docs not indurso these principles nnd act upon them, ie no Democrat, and should not receive tho support or tho party. Resolved, That Gen. Joseph Lane, our tried and devoted delegnto in Con. grets, Is our first choice for United States Senator. On motion, tho Convention proceed ed to ballot viva voce. For Senator, Mr. S. R. Scott nnd Dr. D. S. Holton, wero put in nomination. On first bal lot, Mr. Scott having received n ma jorfty of nil tho votes cast, was declar ed tho unanimous choice of tho Convention. For Representative, D. S. Holton, J. G. Speara nnd CapL Williams, were nominated. On first ballot, Holton ro eclvod 0 votes, Spears 8, nnd Williams, 10 votes. No choice, Second ballot, Holton, 18; Williams, 0. On motion, Dr. Holton was declared tho unnni mous choico of tin) Convention for Re presentative. ' I On motion, James Hendersholt was declared by acclamation, tho candidato for Sheriff. For County Judge, Messrs. Barrows, nnd Barny wero put in nomination On first ballot, Barrows received 18 votes, nnd Bnrny 8. Mr. Barrows whs declntcd tho uuanimous choico of the Convention. For County Clerk, R. B. Morford E. Bell nnd Lawrence Angor, which resulted in tho immediate death oT tho latter. Mr. Bell had a bearing before Judge McFadden on tho 10th, nnd wm held to bail for 85,000 for his appear tnco at tho noxt term of Court. lb, Dcntlt of Col. ltcntou. Tho Washington Union says that in tho interview between Colonel Bens ton nnd tho President, tho night before his death took place, Colonel B. spoke of his extreme solicitude for the condi tion of public affairs, and his pitiful seme of the imminent dangers which threaten tho country, nnd cxhotted tho President to rely upon tho Dlvlno tup. port nnd guidance, nnd not upon that of man, who would deceive him. Mrs. Jacob, Col. Benton's daughter, of Kentucky, arrived at Washington on tho Oth of April. Mrs. Fremont is in California. She left her father about March 10th, not apprehending that ho was' in n critical state. Madamo Hoi leau Is in Calcutta, tho wife of tho French Consul General. On tho day of Benton's death, his youngest grand", child lny in tho room over his own nt tho point of death, Ho has been at tended nil along by his daughter, Mrs. Carey Jones, who resides with him. -Wm. H. AppIeton.oneofCol. Benton's publishers, arrived nt Washington on tho evening of tho Uth, nnu wns allow-, rd nn interview, though visitors were interdicted. Great numbers of nuxious friends in both bis nublio nnd private lifo thronged Col. Benton's residence on thu Oth and 10th. Both Houses at Washington ad journed on tho 12th of April to attend tho funeral of Col. Benton. The pall. bearers wero J. B. Floyd, Sam. Hous ton, Gen. Jussup, W. II. Appleton, J. P. Rives, Jos. B. Clay, W. W. Scalon, nnd Jncob Hall, of Missouri, The body wns tsken to St- Louis, accom panied by his sons-in-law, Jncob and Jonas. The youngest child of Jonrs died early on tho morning of the 11th, Ago and childhood went together. Tho members or both Houses or Congress attended tho funernl procci ston from C street to thu cars, and n city delegation, with the Senators nnd members from Missouri, accompanied tho body to St. Louis. Mr. Buchannn called upon Mr. Ben ton on tho evening of tho Uth, nnd had n brief nnd gratifying interview, In which tho latter assured tho President that ho died at pence with all tho world. It Is said that not less thnn twenty. five thousand porsons visited tho Mer cantile Library Hnll at St. Lcuit, whero tho remains or Col. Benton lay in State, to gazo upon the face of tht illustrious dead. At tho funeral, all classes, and societies, as-oclillom, civil and military, odicials of every grnde and character attended. Tho cortego was forty. five minutes In pass- nnd D. Kendall wore putln nomination.1! '"S Ei"" point- Tho body of little station, James Hendershott, our candidato Tor Sheriff, is a mnn whose acts during tbo past two years that ho has filled the samo station will speak, nnd do Mm bettor justice than I am capable, of doing. R. B, Morford. our cnndldnfn fr,- County Clerk, was formorly of Jack, sonvillo, but has been for somo tlmo a permanent resident or this county. Mr. MorrorU has been Clerk for ome time, to tho satisfaction of all, He possesses every .qualification becoming an able officer, nnd takes great paius tn the performance p his dutiea.-r Though .formerly a WUig.lie.ia a good national man. The Nationals, or tho rocs-and-taL's of all parties aro to hold their Mass Convention on Friday next. It would undoubtedly amuse you, to see the list of prominent ofllco seekers to seo of what a compound they are composed. It is a pity that a set of men can b found so void or principle as to amal gamate the extremes or all parlies bat point can they gain In the end in a style tbat would do honor to anv country; and the bods, Oh I how re freshing to tho weary worn traveler. ."be Messrs. Reces, at the root or the Mountain on the outskirts nf llli-.nL valley, aro just fitting up auothor first class nouse lor the acoommodation of the traveling public. Thoy also undor. stand the wants or the. jaded traveler. and tbev do respond. Their chargeal .o muuernie, widen is well calculated to induce travel that way. The Cresceut City Wagon Road is JU..O an enterprise, and tho practice, bllitv is now demonstrated boyoud the ...auutr ui B uouut j ana it should be patronized by every well-wisher of bis TIP' lor BU croakers will be com. PewB Jo yield and blub with shame, JAcasoy Cq., My 22d, 1858. VVBLIC SPEAKING. The candidates for County Offiocs In Jack. son county will address tb peoplo W re- 8 10 me issues of the jresut canvass, at on iiue and places following;, to wit: Evausvllle, Saturday, May 20th. iftffiu' ni "B'f'' Wond'y." 3lst. BterllugTllle, Tuesday, June 1st. ..BUMuuvuie, Wednesday, " 154. Ricicakd Buotheks, of Yreka, Mill accept -our thanks for reculur files of 'i "N-oratnente dallies. On first ballot, Morford received 1-1 votos, and Kendall, 13. Mr. Moiford was declared the unanimous choico. Mr, G. T. Viiihic was declared bv acclamation tbo candidato for County 'T i ii-a-iuriT. For Assessor, Messrs. Short. May. Covington and Pennell, wore put in nomination. Mr. Short rooeived a ma jority or all the vote, cast, and wa. declared tho unanimous choice of the Convention. Mr. J. G. Pennell was declared the choico or tho Convention for County Commissioner. For District Attorney. Mr. R. Hav- den was doclared the candidate, by ac clamation, Coroner, Guitar Wilson; Lolontl, Cap.. Williams ; County Sur veyor, o. iv. niyers. The following resolution was then adopted : lUsolved, 'Hint in caso Oregon Is nut admitted into the Union, tho nomi iiees or this Convention be voted for as nominees for similar oflices under the Territorial Government. Tho following named gentlemen were appointed for a Central County Com mittee: James Hendershott, E. North cut, J. L. White, S. U. Scott, and A. Iv. Barrows. On motion, Resolved, That tho pro coodiiiL's or this meeting bo published in tho Oregon Sentinel and Jacksonville Herald. On motion, the Convention adjourned. W. J. MATHEWS, Pres'L J. L. White, Seo'y. From the 5ortIi. By tho mail on Wednesday wo have dates from Portland, Oregon City nnd Corvallis to tho 15th Inst, and Salem to tho 16th. Steamboat Accident. Tho new steamboat Venture, recently built at the Cascades, by Messrs. Thomnson Ai Coe, for tbo Dalles and Walla Walla1 trade, was carried over the Cascade Falls on Wednesday, the 12lh. Strange as it may appear, but one lifo was lost out or thirty persons on board, and tho boat was loved ashore In a sinking condition near Castle Rock, two miles below the falls, by the steamer 3oi.n- ta'm Iiuek. v?0 ident happened, we are notlfiformed, but supnose it was one of those occurrences where nobody wns to blame. The man who was drowned, (as we learn,) jumped over board and attempted to swim to a rock in the rapids. The current was ao strong that be was engulphed beneath the foaming torrent and wa. seen no more. Oregoniatt. A personal encounter took plane at Vancouver, W. T on the 8th Inst., about 8 -"'clock P At , between ici McDowell Jones, a grandchild or Mr. Benton's, was conveyed to the tomb st the samo time. Mexico.. Letters received from Vera Cruz, or a lato date, state (list, with tho sixteen oflkors, leaders in a projected St.nia Anna movomett in Mexico, who were arrested on board the British steamer Deo, at Tnmpico, on tho 2Ut or March, letters were ts ken with them tending to show thst Santa Anna bad entered into an ar rangement with Spain to subject tho Mexican Republic and to establish a monarchy or to inako t a foreign de pendency. The arrival or the steamer from Vo ra Cruz at Now Orleans, ou the 12th or April, brings Mexican intelligence thatGen. Osollo, acting in beliair cf tho Zuloaga Government, bad taken tho city pi Gundalvjnrn, capturing the entire Government of Juaraz. Osollo was on bis way to the city of Mexico, and would, probably be declared Presi dent of the Republic advektiskmext. Jacksonville, May 25, 16SB. This is to certify that Mai. Bull told tne previous : the last election, that io muuiu vow agniusi slavery in ure gon, although in principle bo was in favor of the institution 'of slavery as it existed in the States, and alto, that bo (Ball) contended that masters nnd own ers or slaves have tho constitutional right to take them anywhero in the United States, W. II. Tisslev. Personally appeared before mo W. H. Tintley, aud mado oath to tho above and foregoing statement, and that they are true or bis own personal knowl edge. U. S. JiAYDE-f, Justice or the Peace. May 25th, 1658. This Ii to certify tbat sometimo pro Wous to the election on the Constitu tion for a free Slate or a slave State in Oregon, I think about tbo time the Constitution was first published, Major Ball stated to me in Ulkinr; unon tho aubjpct of slavery in Oregon Territory, nfter justifying the prlncfplo held by the pro.slavery party of tho rhzht of slavery in Territories, stated that he aid not know, taking in consideration the climate, but it would be well enough to make a free State of Oregon, and that he thought be would voto for a free State in Oregon. Samitl PjiiLtiri. Personally appeared beforo me Sam uel Phillips, and mado oath to the above and foregoing statements, and that they aro true or his own knowledge. U. 8. IIavukn, Justice of tho Peace, J u mo- ii i y, O. 'I' , Mv 17 !frr.H