Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 29, 1858, Image 1

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    'Trm-f fFn.Tjrgp
NO. 20.
.1 I
Iixirptmltnl on all Subjects; and denoted
Utht bttt Interettt of Southtrn Orrgon.
l'nbllshed Evory Saturday
W. O.T' VAULT, Editor & Proprietor.
One Yonr, S on; Sir Months, 83 00:
mrce .nonius, s- ou.
One Siusre of twolvc lines or less, first In
f ertion, $3 00 ; each subsequent Insertion,
91 00.
r.nivcM Cinns, each square, for one year,
530 : it.x months, $16 ; three montln, $10.
A liberal discount made to pontons wishing
to sitvertiso to me extent oi (our squares.
Job Printing Office.
THE Proprietor. having
J. ty of JOB TVi'B on
tired to do all kinds of
a good varl
baud, It pre-
On the SHORTEST NOTICE, and on tbo
aoit HEASON'ABLE TERMS ; sueb ua
Conoert Bills,
Ball Tickets,
Dill Heads,
Address Cards,
Business Cards,
i'C, iJ'C, iJ'C.
Job work done In
mm is
ti suit cuMomcrs. Orders solicited.
Business (at;)s.
Corner California and ld Street,
April 2, 1828. 12tf.
rhTtlclan, Surgeon nnd Acoouchor,
"TX7LL Promptly attend any who may
I I require hit profeitional services.
frThe largest and best selection nf
Biuxsand Patent Medicines eonstontly on
OFFICE Cslifornia Street; nest to the
Tin Shop. UmG
Billiard Saloon,
Opposite Eagle Hotel,
January 1, 1B5S. Itf
Physicians and Surgeons,
OlFICK "Jacksonville Drug Store"
opposite Union House.
CA constant supply of Drugs and
I'llent Medicines always qii hand.
. a. tunuo.v,
Lite, of Sacramento,
n. j. LAD ATT,
Sun FruncI:co.
Corner of Montgomery aud Commer
eial Street!,
(Over Hanks & Hull, Hankers,
Sim Frnncltoa, Cat.
51. J Lasatt, Commissioner for Louisiana
OFFIOE-On Main Street. Jour doors
louth of the Post Office, Yreka.
jr Will practlco in the District Courts
of Jackson County, O. T. 2 29tf
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
the Third Judicial District of Ore-
At Keibyville, Oregon.
ITICE At his residence, Jucksnnt
ville, O T 3
Uttlldliifr on the Sntiil.
nr :Uza cook.
Tis veil to woo, 'tis well to wed,
For to tbe world has dons
Since myrtle, grew and rosea blew,
And morning brought tbe sun.
Rut bare a care, so young And fair,
! lie sure you pledge with truth ;
lie certain that your loro will wear
I Beyond the days of youth.
For If ye give not heart for heart,
I As well as hand for band.
1 You'll find you're played tho 'unwlso' part,
Ana " uuitt upon tue saaa."
I 'Tis well to save, 'tis well to bnvo
A goodly store of sold,
And hold enough of ehtutug stuff
j For charity is cold.
1 But place not all your hopes and truit
I In what tbn deep mine brings;
We catiiint live on yellow dust
Unmixed with purer things.
1 And ho who piles tip wealth alone,
I imii r.... i ... -. i r
i in uiivu umu iu ntnnu
Beside his coffer chest nnd own
'Tie built upon tbe sand."
'Tis good to speak Iu kindly gulso,
Anu sootuc wncro r we can ;
Fair siieecb should hind the human mind,
And lovo link man to man.
But stay not the pontic words,
Let deeds whh language dwell ;
The one who pities starling birds
Should scatter crumbs as well.
Tbe Mercy that is warm and true,
Must lend a helping hand,
For those who talk, yet fail to do,
But " build upon tbo sand."
Wlnc-fooledt thou aWst-wlth him
That oiks It not : but be who hath
Watched o'er tbe waves thy fading palh
Will never moro an ocean's rim,
At mom or eve, behold returning
Thy hlgh'ticnpcd canvas shoreward yearn
Thou only teachest us the core
And Inmost meaning of No More,
Thou, who first shortest us thy fuco
Turned o'er the shoulder's parting gTacc,
And whose sad footprints wo can trace
Away from every mortal door I
ruddy's Valentine.
Tbe New York Mercury publishes tbe
following epistle from Paddy Murphy :
I Stir: I retaved Ihlsswate pledge of af,
jfeckthun from si llttlo gurl furnlut St. Pat
rick's Cathedral, and It's dancln a jig mo'
heart was when I otipend the dallshus pis
tol ; I don't say I know the swate cratur as
muther In the ould countbry ; but be the
sowl of St Pater, and Mrs. Pater, nnd all
tbe little Fitters, I think It's tbe gurl I dan
ced wld at tbo charity ball In Fifth Avenoo,
We danced In tho kitchen, by ralson of Its
Uln too hot In the parlor. Joost look at
tbe darlin heart, wld a clnlbes pole run
; right troo it, to show Ibe coot of my coat
made an Impresshuu ou her darlin swate
sowl. Ocbl Erin-go-bragh l swate lllegsr.t
poetry :
Ocb, Paddy I swale Paddy,
If I wes yo're daddy,
I'd kill ye wld kisses intlrely ;
If I wes yer tirtitbcr, ,
And likewise yer muther,
I'd see that ye went to bed airly.
To taste of yer breath,
I wud starve me to (loath,
And lave off my hoops altogethur.
To joost have a taste
Of ver arm on me waste,
I'd lauf at the ruanest of wcathur.
Dear Paddy be mine
Me own swate valentine
Ye'll And mo both glntle and civil :
Our life we will spind,
To an lllegant ind,
And kare may go dance wld the divlt"
'Pitch In." Tho greatest of all nutsan-
ces, to a respectable editor, aro those small,
minded gentry who believe that the mission
of a journal is not to disseminate news, aid
buyers and sellers by advertisements, but to
b perpetually "pitching In" to this or that
subject, more generally into this or that In
dividual. Such characters are generally
very loud and talkative specimens of the
igrriuj irritable, prone to bint that they
could carry on a Journal, with all Its dlffi
cult details, much better than anybody clc
In the country; that they would "stir up
thiuge," and that tbeir firm belief is, that
all a paper needs is "pepper," to make It
excellent, Wo can Imagine, as .we write,
that we even now hear the familiar accents:
"Now I just want you to write an article
and give so and so ata"-r-for wen of this de
scription arc gifted with a degree of assur
ance which reepeota no duty or dignity, and
suffers the possessor to believe that his mis
erable fancies will actually recelvo ooruid-1
cratlon. And yet we can say with truth I
that we never met with one of these sdro-l
cotes for Indiscriminate "pepper" sudttbusc,
who would cot writhe with ogoitjkU the
falutest allusion to himself in fypewlilcb
fell short of flattery, or who was not In foot
a coward. Valley Yetman,
Sjj-"Ba fit to live , beTeady todiel"
Never can I peruse these words without agit
tatlon. What has been undergone, what has
been suffered, what struggles have been
rtnade before wo be (It tolive. And Ibis point
lis scarcely attained crc wc arc to be ready
to enter into a state totally unconnected
with lifa.
Perils of fccn-Dlvliir;.
Wo bad a terrible excitement nno day Inst
week, says n correspondent writing a private
letter homo from one of the vessels of the
American exploring expedition In Sevasto
pol harbor. Ono of the divers, Harris, the
Engllih marine, n first rate fellow, and bold
as a Hon, goes down examining the outstde
of the ship on which they were at work, lie
had been forward and was going aft, nlong
tho bottom, In sixty feet of water, when he
suddonly signaled for more air, and though
the pressure was Instantly Increased, two
moro signals for " nlr," and to "come up,"
followed In rapid succession, and then coin
ed all reply to signals given. Thinking the
fault was In the ntr pump, the speed was In
creased until a pipe bursting near the engine
showed that the hose was foul. Then they
shouted to the other diving parly, In a row
boat, at ft little dlstsnce, to come to the res
cue. That diver was brought unby bis ten-
ders, and they recommenced rowing for the
steamer. Meanwhile, poor Harris made no
more rcspouse to tho anxious signaling of
bis tenders, nnd thry had tried In vnln tn
haul him up tho " llfe-IInc " was nlso foul.
The pump was kept slowly In motion, mid
we knew th.U no nlr was reaching him.
The row boat was coming as fast as possi
ble, but I thought It never would arrive.
At last, they came alongside. The diver's
helmet was closed, strong hands worked rap
Idly and silently, and In un Instant ho was
lowered out of sight, the hose of his suffoca
ting companion In his hand J there was nn
Interval of two or three minutes of fearful
suspense, In which no word was spoken by
any of the score of men who gathered there,
save tho whisper" It must n too late."
i Suddenly n second column of rising nlr bub
' hies appeared. " The hoie Is cleared he
bs air," several voices spoko eagerly.
Then followed the signal for rising, and up
they came, poor Harris Ml stark and motion
less. "Stop tho pump, he la dead," said
one, unscrewing the eye-glass thro' which
he saw the ghastly countenance and frothy
lips. Hut .tho cold air striking his livid
face, tho eye-lids half opened and closed
again. " Ho Is alive!" they nil orlcd, Joy
, fully, and removing tho unsightly helmot
and dashing water on bis head and breast,
be presently began to breathe perceptibly,
nnd after an hour's 'diligent rubbing from
as many strong and willing bands as could
get around him, ho began to eome to con
sciousness. Ho suffered great pain for hours
In tbe bead nnd breast, but Is now altogether
recovered, aud diving as usual.
On the whole, It wus such an occurrence
as Ilidpe may not happen hero again ; that
ten minutes, in which we bad the conscious
ness that a man was dying for want of help
which wc could by no means give, I cannot
think of without a shudder. The hose bad
got fast under a port-cover In iuoh a way
as to cut off tbe air suddenly and entirely.
Tbe life-line was fast on some old rigging
down In the mud under the bottom of the
ship, where ho had crawled in Lis icalons
search after holes or injuries, lie owt-g his
life to the coolness and dexterity of the oth
er direr, who providentially followed the
hose and cleared It before descending to
him, thus gWIng him nlr two minutes ssoner
than he could otherwise have received It:
and It came late enough. The diving dress
Is of gutta percha or rubber cloth, largs and
looe. In one piece, pants, boots, waistcoat,
and sleeves, Into which tbe diver is InserteJ
frnm iIia Iah l.v l.l ..nlAa rt... ...i.-n.. '
ting heavy flannel drawer.., Ac., for'
tho ordinary apparel.
Once tucked Into this ample casing, tho
head is covered with n close-fitting wooleu
cap, the breastplate and helmot of Iron put
on the latter, a hollow, globe, much larger,
of course, than tho head, and provided with
two llttlo window.. rr.n.i ,! m..i -.ii.l
d .vfl.9la.se. : tbo front onl. uiwv. ,-.'
.J 1
w hi e dress ne. The upper nart'of the rir.sa
U now fastened to tho breailnl-te. l.Ainir,
- - -
placed between its edge, and a covering me
: . . r '
tallic rim, which is then firmly screwed to
Its place by means of a wrench, making the
connection watertight Heavy cowhldo!
brogans, with sulci of lead three quarters of
nu inch thick, strong rubber rings for the
wrist, which prevents water from entering
the sleeve, nnd the girdle of shot, weighing
somo seventy-five pounds, complete the tir
ing. The life-line Is tied round tho waist,
tho sbealb-knifo placed In his belt, the pump
Is started, eye-glass Barewed Irii'eud lie is
ready to descend. The dress being now fill
ed with air, tbo shapeless body nnd limbs of
the monster swelling to a she fitting that of
his bead, mako altogether a hideous fifUjs;
which you are not sorry to setl-ranisrio&t of
sight, wooderlng what sort of reception the
mermaids will give him If. licYiills In their
way. The fish ore not afraid of them they
sometimes bring up a pocket full.
Tbo hose wblcb supplies his air Is ofgutta
percha, of half-loch boro. and attached to
the helmet Just at the bump of self-esteem.
The escape-valve is below It Tbo life-line,
by which signals are transmitted, is passed
through a loop on the right eye-glass, so
that tbe slightest motions are felt, He usu
ally descends part of tbe way, at least, on a
rope ladder, but is sometimes lowered by tho
life-line from tbe first. Tbe pressure of air
Is gradually Increased s. be goes lover, more
fnrco being required, or courio, td supply
tho air. If 'the pump Is worked by hand, It
' requires lour Bed to tend It two of them
' turning at once, am! frequently changing.
Two ' tenders" stand by one holding the
hose, and the other tho life-line t tho latter
literally holding tho diver's Ufa In bis hand,
m any Inattention to the signals frequently
might cause his death. Onco on the bottom
or on the ship, our merman walks about or
works as elsewhere.
Our dives for months past have averaged,
perhaps, four and a half hours uuder water,
and hard at work, per dlcra. They have
frequently, however, been down six, and
even eight hours, In water from thirty to
sixty feet deep. They can descend in water
ogo hundred and fifty feet, but do not like
to work deeper than ono hundred feet the
Increased . pressure sensibly affecting tho
head at a greater depth. The large pay
which divers receive, and the cstra accom
modations which they havo on lwnrd here,
made all the forecastle men anxlnus to enlist
when a recruit was required ; but very many
were obliged to give It qp on n slnglo trial,
while others, (like Harris,) went regnlarly
to work from the first day. They all have
state-rooms to sleep In, and a place at the
mate's table ; and, fur some of them, who
havo always benn sailors before the mast, at
ten or fifteen dollars per montlf; with fore
castle faro, tbo change, Including triple-pay
makes quite a favorable turn of fortune.
JTIrt. G win's I'tiiicy Hull.
The Washington correspondent of the Sac
ramento Union, under date of April 10th,
says i I mentioned In ft former letter the
anticipated fancy ball to bo given at the
residence of one of ynur Senators. What
ihull I wear? burst from the llj-sof many
belles, and as many beaux echoed It back.
Diplomats became anxious over this momen-
I tous question ; membets of Congress forgot
Kansas while musing upon It. J. very ono
know that Mrs. Gwln could, and would,
make this fancy dress hall magnificent, and
as the Invitations rendered "costumes obli
gatory," no llttlo trouble and expense was
I necessary for the hundreds of guests to cloth 1
I themselves in styles which fashion had made
' obsolete, nnd history famous.
Hut this is the national metropolis, and If
a world was mado tributary tn Home, wby
should not Uncle Sam's dominions be called
upon to supply the wants of Washington.
Tho ercntng arrived, and as
"Night, sable goddess, from her ebon throno
looked down"
upon this city, society was In n perfect fo
ment. Carriages were hurrying towards
tbe "West Eud," where Senator Owln's el
egant mansion Is situated, nnd your own
correspondent, "armed and equipped accor
ding to rule," was among the motley and
disguised crowd. First we espied Robin
Uood, then Cocur de Hon afterwards Sir
Itoger de Coverly, Hob Itoy MoGregor, and '
a hftt nf famnnR InillvMiinl. Wf tnnrhril
glssies with a Monk of the order of St. Dun-' 0,0 ,nM n0 n ""u '? ?,one "
.tan. and a disciple of Mohammed.and then l'tImc or ",e' 1 wlU mke, be prln!er
entered tho grand reception room, where!;1""' wh" eo for W. powrt,
we found the hostess dressed as a Baroness' ! ' . b? Bha11 be c,sd ,n flne I,oen. nd
of tho Court of Louis Quatolse. The grace
and cose with which she received her nu
merous guests Would have done honor to tbe
most courtly dame of the courtly age she
represented. There stands a Mexican Hi
dalgo here passes an English hunter. At
one step we bow to a cavalier of tbe Court
AfPliitrlo. T ihi At Irin npTZ rtt rM-mv, A
pnnllrtl frtlnfr from the I'r.hfilent of tho !
United States. Flower girls, looking more
lovely than the tiowers iney carrieu ; cwiss
maids, fresher thau the Alpine air; SenorN of lhf ' .,.,.,
tas, as enlrnneing as the breeses of Spain i ' For x " ru,D roJ"lf' BDd be who B(lvel
and maids of honor in the sty le of the Court lIsM n,e hMl m? ""a'ce.
of Queen Elizabeth, fair enough to fill then Jlu ,ot tu6 trftdlD&" nn-evcu ho who
pages of atiother Kenllworlh, met our trance 'sold merchandise became rich, and even as
and wonderlnc case. Tho "White Lady of
Avenel" elided by us lite a specter; "Au-
. .1.. ll s 1.1 I.-., il
ra" uroao upon us use o lumg u. Biur,
-- ......- . ....
ond "Columbia" filled our heart wllU love
.... . .
not altogether patriotic ; "nigiii" stoie up
on us like a sweet dream. Sir Lucius 0''
'Trigger asked us to take a drink ; nnd Hho-
derlck Dhit requested usjlo bo his vis a vis.
We paid our homage to Queen Isabel, and
shook bands with Charles II ; hewaaaccom-
panted by Buckingham. Mrs. Partington
was of course la her on n peculiar character,
I keeping a crowd in a roar of laughter. Sam
Slick, from tbe State of rtVnrmount," wos
I .liltlllni. nwav. while Motor Jack Dawnlni?
was enlisting soldiers for" the Utah servloe
"Fourteen dollars. a'montb, the bestinedlcal
attendance, and divide the women after we;
get there." Such were tho inducements
held out by tho gallant Major to enlist,-
But T must close. Suffice It to say that Mrs.
Gwiu'sfouey'ball ws tbe finest party ever
given jn this -country cand.tbe ihundrods
i who were charmed into a forgqtfujness of
'every care for ono night at least,-wlll re
I member it even when time has wrinkled
I their brows, and cast his silvery mantle over
their locks.
ftu Trust not the flatterer. In Iby days
of sunshine he wltl'glve tbee pounds of but
ter, nnd In thy houls of need, deny thee n
crnmb of bread.
Qj'tJently o'er me tbe dues are steal
Dg' as tbe man said when he bsd five bill
prtientod to him at the same time.
A Parnblo for Bttslucss itlcn.
There was onco "upon a time a man that
kept a storo and sold goods wholesale and
And he became melancholy, because cus
tomers were shy and times hard.
And he said : Lol I am Tulned, and the
sensatlou Is disagreeable.
And my ruin is tho most painful to bear,
because it la slow In progress, even as water
doth gradually become hotter tn tho pot
wherein (he lobster bollctb, until the crus
taccptis creature shrlckcth out his soul In
Lol it Is better to bo ruined quickly than
to endure this slnr torture.
I will glvo my money away to the poor
roan oven to the poorest, which Is he who
'prlntcth newspapers, and I will shut up my
shop and wrap myeclf In tbo sackcloth of
desolation, and pass my days In the purlieus
of broken banks, cursing tho hardness of
tho times and rending my garments.
. And tho bowlings of Homo shall bo ns tho
dulcet sound of dulcimers, aud they who
'blow tho (lutes and Instruments of music,
Icumptrcd to tbe din I will msko In the ears
jof the wicked cwu the curs of lae buul;
I And even as ho said, so did he; for be was
notllko tdhcr men's sons who arc foolish
'and know It not, and they say they will do
so and so, performing that which Iscon-
For the sons of men are fickle, nnd he that
I Is born of woman dolb spite his faco by
diminishing tbe length of tho nose thereof.
And lol the printer even he who did
'publish newspapers was made glad by tho
j bounty of him who sold wholesale and re
'tall : and he did sound his praise and print
thorn moreover, and did blow tbe trumpet
of ferns respecting that man's dealings, from
the rising of the sun ct en to the going down
of tho same.
And he even tho printer of papers did
magnify nnd enlarge upon the stock of goods
which the trader had In bis store, and did
publl.h the variety aud tbe excellence, and
the newness and tbe beauty, and the clear
ncss thereof, till the people yea, all of
thrm, far aud near, were amazed.
Aud thry said, lot this man hath gathered
from tho east and tbe west, costly merchan
dise and wares of wondrous value even
the workmanship of cuunlug artificers and
we knewJt not
Oo too, then. We will lay oat our sliver
and our gold In tboso things which theprlu-
iter printed of, and that what he doth pub
. Ilslt shall be ours. For this man's merchan
dise Is better than the bank notes of those
who promise to pay, and therein He, even
( banks of deposit which beguile us of our
money and swindle us like sin.
But the trader was still sad, and be said
( tbe money that those people bring me for
tbe goods in my store, will I still give to tbe
printer, and thus I will ruin myself; I will
ue suau rejoice.
And the sons of men shall meet him In
the market place, and tbe sheriffs shall shun
him, and the scoQ'ers shall be rebuked, and
shall take off their bats to him that was
And be shall flash the dollars Iu the eyes
of the foolish, and shall eat bank note saud-
I V", "JrTl
. uncleau beast lletb in the mire, so stir-
, red be not by reason of much gold
1 n,t Iris tiAntila fliw!'! tn lit tlnsS fnm
u .m ,.v.. .- .. ..v.. ..v.-
it . sv. ,
, me norm
And from the South.
And from the Went.
And from the East.
And the printer rejotced, aud his phat did
But the trader could not become poor ; and
, bis melancholy ceased, nnd the smiles of
happtness were upon his face.
And bis children did become mighty In
tbe land by reason of tho dollars, which
many of the people who read his advertise
I'mcnt had poured Into tbe trader's money
A Lovipo Ojj Set): "No longer a lov
er 5" excjalroetj ad aged patriarch ; "ah, jou
mistake me If you think age has blotted out
my heart .Though silver Jhairs fall over a
' brow, all wrinkled, and a cheek allurrowcd, j
iyet 1 am a lover still. I love the beauty of J
I tbo maiden's blush, the soft.tlut of flowers, '
tbo singing ofLirds, and, above all, the slW;
very laugh of a cbllJ. I love the star-like!'
meadows where tbo butter-cups grow, with
almost the same enthusiasm when, with
the ringlets flying loose In tbo wind, and my
cap in hand, years ago, I chased the jiaiotcd
butterfly. I love yon aged dame. Look at
her ler face U care-worn, but it has ever
held b smile for me. Often have I shared)
the bitttr cup of sorrow with her and o
.bared, It almost teemed sweet Years of
sickness hare stolen tL frcjbneis oi life;
but, like the faded rose, the perfume of her
love Is richer than when in tbo full bloom
of youth nnd maturity. Together we have
placed flowers in tho casements, and folded
hands of the dead; together wept over lit
tle graves. Through sunt-bine-and storm
we havo clung together; now she sits with
her knitting, her cap quaintly frilled, the
old style 'kerchief crossed, white nnd prim,
above the heart that has beat to long and
truly for me, the dim blue eye that shrink
lngly fronts tho glad day; the sunlight,
throwing her a parting farewell, klsfcshcr
brow, and leaves upon its fulnt tracery of
wrinkles, angelic radiance. I tec, though
no one else can, the bright, glad young face
that won me first, ond tbe glowing love rf
forty years thrills my heart till the tears
come. Say not again I cau no longer le u
lover. Though this form be bowed, Ocd
Implanted eternal love within. Lot lbs car
be deaf, tbe eye blind, the hands palsied, the
limbs withered, tbe brain clouded yci the
heart, the true heart, may bold tacb wealth
j of lore, that all tbe power of death and Itm
victorious grave shall not be able to put
out quenchless flame."
Hon- a Church wns Cured of
The Hartford Times relates tit following :
A congregations! Church In a neighboring
' State got so completely enlisted In the IV
'sldcntlal contest, for Fremont and Jessie.
! that little attention was gWen to religious
questions. The minister was constantly
.preaching, praying, exhorting upon pelltl
' cal Itrues ; and his deacons and the laymen
! followed suit at tbe prayer and conference
' meetings. Finally, a worthy old farmer.
1 ono of tbe staunchest and best members cl
the church, and a firm, undevlatlng Demo
crat, was called upon to offer a prayer. n
said :
j "0 Lord, npbold the old Democratic par
ty, which has received tby protecting sup
.port ever stnee the great Jeffersonlsn strug
gle. Continue to biers that old party which
bat, under tby protection and providence,
brought great blessings on this Republic
If it be tby pleasure, and I believe it will
be, 0 carry that party thrcugh this struggle
to a complete triumph. Bless James Bu
chanan, tbe tried and boncst statesman, and
guide blra safely to the Presidential chair.
Bless John C. Breckinridge, the young and
zealous Democrat, and open to him the path
of duty as well at tbat which leads him
straight to tbe Vice Presidency. Give them
victory. 0, bless the opponents of Democ
racy, but utterly destroy their fanatical and
Injurious political schemes, If it be tby will
to do so, as I verily believe It is. Be oa the
side of the Democracy, 0 Lord, as thou bast
been for tbo past fifty-six years, andjsn tbe
4th of March next we shall witness tbe In
auguration of Pennsylvania's favorite sou,
and the people of this country will once
more settle down in their peaceful pursuits,
Instead of warring wickedly, sectleu agalntv
section, interest against interest, and msu
against bis brother. And 0, 1 beseech thee,
especially free the Christian churches from
tbe political strife and bitterness which are
rending asunder, destroying their useful-
iness, and turning them, unhappily, into
mere political usociatlons. Let us hear
something of tby word and mercy on tbe
Sabbath. We bao already becu plied to
fullness with political fanaticism, and our
minister has become a stump orator against
the good old party which thou In thy wis
dom bast upheld so long, and so repeatedly
guided to victory aud sustained in tbe es
tablishment of sound measure!. 0, turn bis
mind from these things, and direct his atten
tion to his legitimate religious duties, or
turn him over directly into tbe hsnds of the
federsl or abolition party, and let them take
care ofblm, and provide us with a true min
ister of the gospel, At any rate, the pre
sent state of things cannot last. If politics
aro to rule, I shall claim one-half of tbe time
in behalf of the Democratic party, to tbat
thcro may be fair discussion within these
walls. Amen."
This was a stumper. K was the first
prayer publicly offered in that cburcb for
tbe success of tbe Democratle party and its
nominees, though hundreds of prayers and
exhortations had been made against that
party. When tbe eld man bad finished,
there was a silence for half au hour, and the
meeting then adjourned.
Major Jon is' 1'ihde. Mejor Jones is
known as one of the proudest "critters" in
(be whole city. A abort -time since, a high
wayman undertook to rob Major Jones.
He met Jones in a piece of woods over in
Jersey. He otked Jones far his pocket-book.
Jonu refused to yield. Highwayman then
took Jones by the neck and undertook to
"chock blra dowix" Jones made flgbt and
kept it up for half an hour. At the explra
t.on of that time Jones cated, aud the high
waymun commenced rifling his pockets.
Tbe contents were elghtctn cents.
Is that all you've goti'
4 Every darned cent.'
' What mado you fight eo longP
Didn'twant to'be exposed. Bad tio'ugV
to hare only 18 cents, but a great deal
wcrse to have the world know it.'
Tbe' highwayman was so plcAud with
Jones' pride, Jli.t be niudeblra a prwi-.ut.of,
a nip of "rid 'vc,1' ond a (rscktr to wash
It donn