Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 22, 1858, Image 4

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(SDrcgon Sentinel.
A Hint for Clio Lndics.
An exchange paper lin a bit of ad.
rice to young Indies, setting forth how
they may know whether a young gal
lant f really " courting " them, or only
paving them polito Attentions. Thu
confounding the one with tho other has
been the source, of very much trouble
both before, and since tho era of Pick
wick and Mrs. Hard writ.
A young man admires a very prcttv
girl and must manifest it. He can't
help doing so for the life of him. The
young lady has a fonder heart, reach
Ing out lik a tendrils for something to
lint? to. She sees tho admiration : is
Sho sees tho admiration : is
llnttered ; begins soon to love ; expects
sorao tender avowal ; and perhaps Rets , living romance,
so far ns to decide that she will chooso, Ono day, whilo in Sacramento city,
n " whlto silk under that gause, otc.," wo heard an old citizen relating his ex
at the very moment that tho gallant sho( perience in tho gold mines in this coun-
half lores U nnnnlnrr llin ruination to
annibrr rfnmtrl inn miles oft".
to which class the attentions pnid her
by handsome and fashionable young
men belong.
First, then, if a younc man greeti
NW Ihp rflfliRiiltv Una In not nniliT liutra. tho Gold L.tUo oxcitomeiit. e
standing the diirerenco between "polite shall not attempt to follow tho old nil-jl..".; 8 M file W n5Xa ' '. ,L'1 nolV",".Sn!?,r?."
nttontion" and the tender inanlfesta. ' nor through all his mountain wander- L.c,.t;ictu,, seminal we.kness.nd all,, spproc'Mcs hjlti b wit bout Dr. i ..
tiout of love. Admiring a beautiful ,ings. nor Is it necessary to mention his I the horrid consequence or soli.abuse, and. JO , ViJck.Ve.Iand will ba Touau con
woman and wishing to make a wifo of' hopes and fears, his sufferings and ,he hope, that hi. nsP n"'nnd"-' venicnt to u?, being used a. a aoap.
htr are not always the same thing, and toils, and ultimate disappointment, but """fc Pn. 85. For .ale i Dr. Cwpk.y'a p,.
therefore It is necessary that the dam- ho made one hair-breadth escape which 'R.V.'r.ct..ny ear's ?n ' Judical an d Surgic. I Ins. hoi.. Sac
sel should be on tho nlcrt to discover , wo shall mention. lor many dajs the i Europe and the United Slate., and during "m,?n,0";r VV.".. m '8K.n L
you in loud, freo and hearty tones; if not whore. J he party had about l.i honorable way ho. referencea or unques
ho knows precisely where to put his mules, all heailly packed with prols 'tlonable voracity from men or known re
i i i. ....it.. i .t.1 ...... Int n,.t lil.niiMi ilm .imu- nn tli. Tipectabililv and liich standing in aocirtv
,m.u,, aru. ,ou .p "' ' .
with his mouth opon; if he turns his
back to spoak to another; if he tells'
you who mado Ills coat; II lie oats ,
heartily in vour presence ; if hu falls to
talk vcrv kindly to your mother ; if, in ,
short, he sneczJ. w L you are singing,
criticises your curls, and fail to be
foolish every hour, then don't fall In,
lovo with him for tho world. Ho only!
udmlrcs you. let him say what lit- will
uuiiinis juu, iii j iiv
to tho contrary.
On tho other hand, if he Is merry
with evoryhodv rlso, atid quiet with
vou; If ho bo anxious to see that vour
fn I. ...tltMnntU. .vafli.i.l. ...! vnnr
... .. ....,...v .. ., rf.
iiuoi jicr.iuu rnijiuu ui mini juu gu
t , , ' , r i
lows, looks solemn when you arc ad-1
dressed by nnothcr gentleman, and in
r.M I. il. i,i..i . f;i t ..,,t...r,i ..:,i
faot is ho most Still, uwkwnd, stupid, '
j..v....uu. u. u..jwM. """ v..-., .v
may go ahead, and mako tho poor fob
low too happy for his skin to hold him
out into tho cold; It bo talks very low, navegono -uown oeiow. naccrruic tionsunon the face, pain in the back and ' r,rr.or0finn r-.fcocoe n.(
and never looks you stendily ill tho eye; Index. head, fimala Irregulajitiea, and all impro-l1 piLpardUOn pOlSUSCS Ol
if his cheek, ro red and no.u only j AwKtrvm 0, A Elt.A1,:l, Cojl. iSSJ'S X't aiTcfting and CUrillg
blushes, it is enough. Ifho romps with vicr. In tho summor of 1650, a man however long .landing or obstinate the ,
vnur ai.tnr. ilia like a nulr of ohl IipI ... t. .... , ,, ' ... i.,-.. ..n . .i...,-.'! nlCCACTO OCT TUC
1 ounglad.es! keep your hearts in a jfor,omo m(( he Mrvtl ne,.n and
se of good leather. or some other reii:m,d New Vorki 'I'bence he
ugh substance, until the right one is, Lj ,.,,,, vr.liPI, ,1,.,,,,, . ijvrnoiil.
found without a doubt, after which you
oil aa ttlintat t alnttl.t stftAai siIiIaIi sinti I
can go on and love, court and bo mar
ried, and bo happy without the least
bit of troublo. ,
e consider tins advice to sensible,
that although it Is oneu to tho
of bluntness, wo have no litsitaii
Stressing it upon the attention
sdy readers.
Reaction ik Favor or Sljvekt
in Senutor Hunter's spcoch, on Fri
day, he said :
A reaction is setting In in Europe on
tho subject of slavery. Hero, too, a
reaction is going on. Our people are
gravitating toward tho equator. The
Sonator from iS'cvr York said that the
white man will have this continent I
say so too, but ns its master, not a
tho equr.1 of Indians and negrooa.
Only on these conditions can tha white
man rule this continent. Mr. Hunter
concluded by saving :
Perhaps at this moment tho heart of
Young America is pondering thing',
which neither the benatnr Iron) IN, l.
nor I dream of; searching out, rs'ing';
.n.l ,,.,Mt.,., ttiainrf.ntnnrihA !..,
and guiding tho tendencies of ho times
into the mighty future, aud into new
forms of covurninciit. Oilier creat tta
tious nra engaged in glutit schemes,
and tilaiing for stakes of empire. The
nail, of ...lions that I.hvb been aecu.
muluting for emituries arc now attract
ing tho cupidity of the threo great
i'owera ol Europe. I lie eagles were
gathered to
the feast, but one, tho
youngest of them, is absent, Such a
state of things cannot endure, Our.i A fast a received, will be placed In regu
instincts for empire forbid it. Kansas " "tlon on our Book, opposite dcigua
i i,uu. r..,i t. .. .u. r ..,-!. ..ii ,"nS Nos., and tlie gift containing a corres
is dwarfed by tho side of such great Ko wiu lU wnt IMMEDIATELY,
t!08- i ' post paid, to the subsorlber.
it mo senator irom ft. i. will lend
me hi tripod, 1 will undertake tho pro
phecy that this Union w" be preserv.
til, that respect will still fullow the ju
dicial ermine, and that vc shall at smiio
future day cultivate a spirit of concilia-
tion mid harmony, without which tho.
!.,.. .....i r i:i... ..in i .. i.. n. '
...ll.i ,, .. .!..!.. i . . .
realize these tlnncs the American ueo
nv tiiese uiinga me American peo.
pie must cast from their councils tho
V.....l. rA. K7 1- 'IH... . 1.. I
of Ins rhetoric. One drop of that ven
om may bring a lethargy on tho brain
aim uisiuru me uatatico oi empire.
O.UV a Pjum-ku. After all the
fuss, tho Princess Koynl'a husband is
only a Printer. According to an an
citmt usage in Prussia, all tho Princes
., i r i .i .
in the royal family mutt learn trade,
Uio Prince rrederick M illim, lately '
man ted to the Princess Royal of En
land, learned the trade of a compositor
: ,i. .-:...!.. n: e n ... .'
in uir inning uiuvo vi ;ur. ilium, at
(Kr All Irishman, in ipeaklng of a
relative w ho was hanged, enyt he died
duiiug a light rope prrformitW.
Tho Early aya.
With what avidity we used to devour
and ponder over the thrilling stories ol
pioneer, ndventura I Ann how our ju
venilo heart would almost loose pulsn
tion. as, with breathless attention we
listened to tho recital of halrbreadlh
escapes and marvelous feats performed
by our good old grnndsiro, In the oarly
dVB of Kentucky ! The time will be,
however, when tho scenes attendant
upon the first settlements in the west
em States will seem tamo and com
monplace, in comparison with the won
dorful things men have done in Califor.
nia. When n few more years shall
hnvo passed away, sonif gifted chronl
clor of events will probably gather up
the incidents of M9 and 'l0, and luturc
' generations will road them as a page of
, trV. Amonir othor incidentB, was the
! most memorablo of California hum-
party of which ho was n member, had
wandered about Ihrougn the snow-cov
i ..i:. ...t.:.. r... .!...
s-ii'ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiim. aiiii uiiiiii: aui. liii-i
knew not what, and going, they knew,!
.... . ... D
. . .
"""".."i d.. vM Utva.1
mountains was very deep, yet it was
covered with a firm crust, rarely broke
uencatn mo icci oi nnimais. uneuny,,
'however, tho crust did break and such
break ! In the twinkling of an eyo,
seven of the mule, were engulphed and
I swept out of sight by a roaring rnoun
tain river, which had been completely
arched over by llie snow, and entirely
lunobservable uutil tho crust was bro
ken. Our hern was on the very brink
of this frightful chasm, and had barely
timo to back out and save his bacon,
Tho most singular part of tho matter
was. that no trace of tho seteli mules
. i
.... v. ..-. . ..v , ....,.,..
... i ...l.It. I.- ... .-.!.. I.-. I .L 1. -- 1 .. l. i- PUlllO I. AH. WW. W...V, w-..
namea i nomas uowen, wuo uau ue'iiMV""1 ,"""' "'" "" - "
lollleilCed ,0 tho State I'risou from this,, 'm' .'''" T.?raI .VS"
-.,..,,. ...j ..... .prvt out hla timi ' . y 7 m i ? V i .
count;, anu was sen ing out ms time, ,jce IB( (j,fled the skill of eminent
lcipel, ff()in ,10 i.rilon ,oop i'Af,!ph.lc..n. ai.dreiisled.il their mean, or
, uouniy, and stunned as ttiiru otlicer of
,ift M njlcb sieJ immedlatelv after
fr r-'inn Ai. ,pmiit, t, ,illlrn
.... ?.. . . . ' I
nnd finallv arrived
was married,
Ho landed hre again
aBc ou tho liithinst., t
from tho Gulden
and procoeded to Marysville.
A low
ilavi nr.. aftrr hi nrrivnl. he was rfc- uncase, arcuie cieaicn enemies loneaiiu,
cnarui '- t.'i i i c..nt.H .. n umj rr iiiv urn ciuicoi cunaumnuun. ,
i . w-n p - ...-., .- . .. .i. -..-.. . .
on in K,;K""" h ......,.. crorula ,nd ,n,uy olIl dll,e,- 1Ild
uii in f-r ,i,n rllnln rn.rT in that Pitv. ini r. ' ... - . .'. ..... i r ..! .
'- our arrested, and was brought back here 'permanent euro is scarcely eer effected,' TJ
on faaturdav evening, in charged ol' a majority oi me case, tailing into tlie
Sheriff Matt Woods, or Yuba countv,! hands of incompetent peisons, who not
...! i. ,.. '.:.,.. I ...!.. r , only fail to cure the disease, but ruin tho
and yesterday was consigned again toi,eon'lll,llliplllfii.illg ,,e ,,.;, wi,, ,er-
his old retidenco at San Quentin.
Uowcn's adventures would srve as the
thrmeof an exciting yallur klvor novel ',
S. J Alia. i
A 'WetMy Journal containing 3! columns of
choice reading matter of a character cal
culated to instruct, amuse, sud interest
the general render, will be commenced ou
the first Saturday In March, 16; 8.
The Casket or ll;umuus
Will be the cheapest, beat aud most euter-,
talnlng Weekly 1'aptr ever published Id.
r York-. I
Dlamoud.' Dinmond. t Diamonds i'IT" r ,,,u!r:i"?v.Jo.hy8n ."'."T
20 Tliouaand Dollars worth or pure Califor- ,6r,,v' destroy tie nervous system,
n(V ,,,,,,, ,cl ln f very coucelvuble style "l'W'y ! away th. energit. of life,
of elegant Gold Jewelry, to be presented to
'(There arc no gifts worthless than 25 cent,
, and frow ttat UP t0 m
iuc suucvtlin ui me viu.vb ui iyiniuunus
I Will recdve a bleautlful gift In Gold or !!
i mond Jewelry immediately on receipt of hi. I
or ber name, accompanied by the amount of
subscription money. j
7'Ae Subscribers' jYuotm,
Lndle' Ladles" Lndles" t
YoucauKcta larw number of ubcrlber
for the Casket of Diamond by a little extra 6" n' ' ashingion 'l erntorles, by pa
exertion, and for e cry 10 uUcrlber. flames ;, ,enU eommuuicaiiiig their symptom by
you forward us, accompanti-d by the taouey.ii "Iter Uusiness currespoadenco strictly
we wilt .end you a beautiful diamond gltt.! confidential.
We make the tame otrer to geutlemen. ' Addren DR. L. J. CZAPKAY,
Phase bear in mind the fact that etcry j Medical Institute, Sacramento st ,
subscriber to the Casket of Diamond, wlfl'l below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail
reel tt beautiful gift Immediately receipt
..e .t. ,.... nm .,mnnni.4 ..-, ,. ...L I
llf ,t. nr ... nimt ncMmnant.rt i.v n. ..
'.crlptlon money,
ll.Mnn.ul.. ..tn.At1iin.ni.nIll.ll,i.r ..I'l'
WWH. n,UM,Mt .w .VWW..I.V 11..M IUUI l.a.,1
.peak to other of their aacce.e.uod therebv i
. asei.l tuatcrlnlly In increasing our .ubecrin-
tion list to commence with the firat No.
Among the interesting features of our IV
nor will ba n Lore correanondente of II, o
most thrilling aud exciting character, which '
took place iu l'ari. in ISW.Mwixt au Eu.
glUb Geutleuian and French lady the tyr- i
aulcal opposition of the lady's lather to the
a...t ah , ' 1. 1 .1 ... I.. .. .f ,1. . t. T-..ir-l.
uuiun vi uib uuf;uicr niiu mc .uguui ecu .,.... ,,,-. .j. hii:i Burgeon in me
tlemau U described In tho most v hid and , Hungarian army, with faithful perse er-'
Interesting manner, mhcII as the cuccewfuliance wbereuf 1 have given luiu ihicer
plots of the young lady to elude the vigil
ance anu cruelty oi iter neuritis latuer. ,
These letter are deeply interesting, and
of a pure, high-tuned character.
aertaca buwenber must send 3 three
cent postage stamps for return postage on
ntlr Aititnxi il
"" I..r.
Proprietors of the Catktt of Via.nodt,
lluiS 75 Ns-Mii ?ireet, New York
Grand Medical and Surgical Institute.
Sacramento itrect.belov Montgomery, op
posite Pacific .Vail Steamtntp i,ompa
ny's Office, San Franciico.
Established in 1831, for the rcrma
nrnt Cure of all Private and Chronic
Dixeasu, and the Sttpprcssion of
Attendint nJ Resident Physician,
Lite In the Hungarian Revolutionary War,
Chief Surgeon lo (he 3llh Regiment ol
llonvedi, Chief Surgeon to the Military
Hospital of Pclh, Hungary, anil the lilo
lecturer on the Disease, of Women and
Communications strictly confidential.
Consultations, by letter or otherwise,
free. Address, DR L J. CZAKAY,
8n Francisco, Cat.
Lzapkny returns his sincrre thinks
to his numerous patients Tor their patron,
age, and would take this opportunity to
remind ihem that he continues to consult at
his Inilllulo Tor tho cure of Chronic dis
cases oflhe Lungs, Liver, Kidney s,digt
the llunruian war and campaigns, he is
enabled to apply tho most efficient and sue-
' ceisful remedies against diseaa of all
. . . ..
k(ndi H
kiniiM ian nsra mi nirrriii vaiatiiarFra niuus
lo usra nomerenry chargeamod.
...,, i,, hiirnt. in a correct and
A P"' ennauHitig him.ly letter or i
;olbrIMWIi, ,,. ,h, lr, 4nJ .tJt
'tlcst treatment, und Implicit secrecy. !
O u"'rnf.,llII,.r ou.deb'.lnl V
, XJ
I ci diabetes, diseases of the kidney, and
bladder, mercurial rheumsiism, scrofula, '
'pain, in tho bunct and ankles, diseases of
,,,e ,"nE,'1 throat, no., and eyes, ulcers
u t jj bmb, dropsy , in leptie '
, Sti vitudance, and all disease, an.- ,
i,,E from a derangement nf tho sexual or.
'gam, such a. nervous trembling, loss of!
uiemory, ss of power, general weakness, l
'"'wne.s or I.Ioii with peculiar spots ap j
peartne urluro the ejes, less ol sight
wakeluIness.Uvspepsia, liver disease, erup
. cure, ine medicines pre.cr
'nl! ',l'out. udor. "'
..causing no. ickness, and fres
cnbed are plea'
iruly vcgetablo,
re from mvrcu.
or balsam. During filleen years ofjirnc.
:e. in Europe, the Atluntic Stater, and
nlifurnU, I hac rescued from the Jans
'death many thousands, who, in the last
. a al... l.nw .M.ntKH.J .l:.a.. . '
din ,?,, w,rrim, me In promising to i
tie Jm.cted, who may place then..ti,ea
under my ca... a speedy cure, rrisa e
rury, wiucli. witn the disease, liastens tlie
tsullitrer into a rapid consumption
Hut sliould tlie disease and I lie treatment
by a virus which betray a Itself in scrofula,
leinr, uicen, eruptions, and ulnar atlec-1
Huns of the skin, eyes, thrust and lungs,
enuiling upon them a brief existvuceol
surTering and eonilgning them to an earl ,
B'"8- . . .... ' i
il Heir Abuse is another formidable enemy
toheslth, for nothing else tn the dread
, catalogue of human disease, causes so de-l
struclite a drain upon the .(stem, drawing,
us iiiousaun. oi victim, lliruugu a le
cautet intiilnl deiniigeiiiejit, present, the
proper dettlopmeut of the system, dis
qualifies fur marriage, sucielr, business,
and all enrthlv haniuncss. aud testes thei
i UulTcrer wreckud in bodv and mind. nr.'
disposrd to consumption and a tram of
et its mure to be dreadrd than death itself .
With llio fullest cunfidence I assure Ihe'
unfortunate ictiina of self-abuse that a,
permanent and spnedy cure can be effect
ed and with the abandonment of ruinuusi
i practices, my patients can be restored Iu
ruuust, vigorous health.
IrreguUnlica and all disease, or mates
and femalea treated on principles calab.
Iished by filttun year, of practice and
sanctioned by thousands of the moat re.
marKawe curea. Medicine, with full di.
reclioii.,.ent to any part of the Ulate, Ore.
Vleamahip Co.1. Office, Han Francisco
. ; -
I Y, : J:
d tSureical Institute is on
L. . , .- .. .1
vl' flice' fc'anl'rancisco. The Doctor!
0"', lree eo"u'talion, and ask no remu
neration unless he effect a cure. Office
l,ouri frora ' 'J
i '' undesigned, Governor of Hunga.
do testify licrsby, that Dr. L. J. Czap. '
"? ''" served during the contest for Iluu I
l..l.n Itl.A.tu k. ,l.. U t .1 I
lificate, and do recommend him to tlie sym- j
iiaiuy, Biicaiiuu auu proiection ol all tlio.e
who are capeble of appreciating patriotic
self sacrifice and undeserved misfortune.
Gottrnorof liunearv.
ti-.-i. !,. r-:... ,. . . n. " '
.iMuiugiuu wij, jin.u, loo..
, QPERMATORRH(A, or Local W.k
i? nras, nervous ctbiliiv, low spirits, lit
not cause death speedily, and the victim l! perfect health fucceedj dtfeafc, at intci
marries, the diseuso is entailed upon the j, fuccceded by Spring, and the esrtr
childron, who are born with feeble const)- , , ,. i .
lutioiis. end the rurrent of life corrupted I clothed in verdant beauty under the gen-
S tilde. ITtunrn " "".;.,, .7 ,"
indisposition and Incapability for labor and
study, dullness or apprehension, loss of,
memory, aversion to society, love or oli.
lule, timlflliy, seii-uini"i --- ,.---ache,
involuntary discharges, palne in he
side, affeclicn. of the eyes, pimples" on the
Lee sexual and other Infirmttica in man,
,re cured without l.ll.by ihe ju.iiy ceie.
brated Phyaician and Surgeon, Dr. L.J
CZArKAV. Hia method or curing di.
eana i new, (unknown to others.) and
henco his great success. All consultation,
. ...I.-...-1. lrjf Address 1
i... i.. tit nilipriTiae. free
IIV (M.l " -- -' ..
p7a iu'av. ai. ii.. sin rrenciscu.
-..... .....i i.np.rnui uirnrji.
ficlid dlicharges from tho vagina, uicttisj
and urethra, and all eulaneoua eruptions
and diseasca. At innoculallnu ia a pre-,
venttve against aman po, i, .,.
kaj'a I'rophllaelirum a preventive against
syphilitic and gnnntrhosal diseases. Al
ilimiih lisimleas In itself, it possesses the
power 1. 1 chemically drstroymg Ilia yph-l
lime Orus, and thereby saving thousands,
by III
The Oldest And
All Biseucs arising from sn Impure
State of the Blood, or Habit
of the System.
The thoufands of unfo
licited tcftimonials from
perfons of every rank, in
focicty, fhow in tlie moft j
fatisfactory manner the
powerful agency tnis
Glandular and Ofscous
fystcms. In its compo-
j, .s,i. . , , . ivmu such men n you ' r--
.,.. , n,envrnv nr lilence, for nmar. is ourn In ihelr treat
rpilE GREATEST D SCO CM OF , mcn, 'A incei w,h uu, 0r, Pr
1 TinAoe-Cret Ules.ingto Man- i ie of in- ol,er B,tut, should call
kind ! Innocent but I 'otent -Dr. I J., H jjr. j.'c. Toung, an they would
Ctapkay'a Propliilaetieum, (aeirdislnhct. Ln tvo)i, jmpo,,ion inii ai,t ,he Due
ingagenl,) a sure preventive against gon.i.or,nhU lcrcucin Ubor of suppressing
orrhcwl and ay phililie diseases, and "n cK tnj cmpric,m. Dr. Yottnr.'a
unsurpassed remedy fur venereal, lcroiu chlfMI a?e moderate and within the reach
viwk.-twww Wi I Ilk
fition, on which much' vl?,,,,clPd,orb",,ru1,,,,Qi",,,.n,,c!nJ
' ,ouspring. Persons who have been treated
Of lt? VflllH rirnmric. fhr
Or lib ailIL UipUlUb, UM.
belt SarJapanlla Root,
1 1 f V 1
j ri,,. r nt.nA,:nn
and ialutary productions
nrn .U:J J
iu. V.UU1U1111.U) muuuk'
ing a compound
in iti character and properties from any
preparstion now in ufe. Under iu re
ftortng influence, flrcngth and vigor arc
imparted to the ejthaufled frame, and
ul mlluer.ee ot rtirelning lliowert. iu .
operationi are in harmony with nature.
, . . j t -a j '
.iiu ik umjr ue uuuiiitibiwu v ejsuiii
of all sg and every variety of confti-
tution with the moft pcrfcfl fafcty.
rrrporvd and sold by A. B. &. D. SANDS.
Wiiolc.ile Druggists, 100 Fulton 6trret, cur,
of illiam, New-York,
Fur sale by Dswrirr, Ktrrta cc Co., II
Johmok 4. Co., DtoihoiON itCa.Sao Frao.
cisco s Iticr &. CorriH, Marysrlllei It. II.
McDomiD 4: Co., Sacrameuto) and by
Druggist generally.
Ageuts for Jacksonville. U7
Plows, Winers' Picks, Horse Shoeing.
All Kinds or
i rfltmtjft. DUULiiAn,
Corner or Culifnrnla and Fourth .treats
Crat door east or "Sentinel" office.
HOUSES and Mule .hod at quick
lime, and not inforior to any westol
Ihe Ito.ky Mountain
Plce rhore ibueing, plain, SI 00
" " " ateell.id, 6 00
Keens on hand all size of cheel Plow
and sillier.- nck,
Repaired on the shortest notice.
Having hsd long experieuca in the man-
iiitaclureorell kind of Farming Tools, h
flatter himself to be able lo accommodate
II who wish lo have work dous with
neatness and despatch, at Ihe lowest cash
Jacksonville, Aug 8.1357. 30ly
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Dook., Btnlionery, &.c.
tere.t of David Levingar in the above
business, i. now offering at the old .tsud
a largo assortment of the best brands of
Confectionery and Fruits,
School Books, Stationery. Ac.
Very Cheep for Cash.
Oj- -n, ir you want
JaiksouvilU, Nov 21.
lJ Fcnaleby J W. STEARNS
jBDr. JDomig.
X.R. Corner Californiaand Montgomery
T0 THE AFFLICTHD Read thefol-
low n lUcoiKiKtAToav l.tTTins
.. . . --.t
d fc ,. ,,elwe,n tyr. Young and
. . li- i-.
.1 a .. .. mm ... k..AA in.. ... anirn n hi ....
. ., -. . r u...u . ....
IIHI-C .niiiiui3 ,. iii.pij" -
of the most humble.
IMPORTANT Dr. J. C. Young wl.be.
to call the attention of Invalid, to pis
course or nrarfice. The Dr. haa long since
abandoned the mercurial treatment, and
ha. strictly followed tho Vegetable Prac
tice. Patients under treatment with him
ore not ronfintd to the house, nor takfp
from their business, but can go about and
eat a. usual. The Dr.'s mode of treatment
of cases of debilily, both genrral and sex
ual, is not aurpatted by any phjslcinn.and
alway. result, in a net feet removal of their
troubles. Dr. Y. Iia. discovered a new
mode of treating anVcliona or the Liver,
which after a fair trial ha. heon submitted
to the Professor, of several of tho medical
Institutions of the States, and pronounced
by them, a. perfectly successful, and has
been adopted by them in their practice.
In the Iroalmnnt or incipient consumption,
and disease of the blood, the Dr. stands
pre-eminent In hi. profession, and wi.ll
warrant a euro In all cases. The following
testimonial speaks for itself t
Da J. C. Voone. Slrt Your mode of
treating aiTectioni or tha Liver and disea
sos of the Illood, has proved by repeated
trials, to be the best yet offered to the fac
ulty, and ha. been adopted by the boarJ.
Continue to. ludy the human system asjnu
have done, and you will jet stand at the
head ol your profossion
Prof, of Anatomy, University, I'onn.
will guarantee a perfect and perma
nent cute in tlm following casea, or chaige
nothing fur hi. .art ires t Syphilis, lion,
on hie a, b'lriclute oflhe Urethra, Affection
uf the Rostrate (Hand Weakneia of the
Genital Organs, Imputency, Sterility, both
in male and famate. Hpermalara, or fism.
inal Weakness, Nocturnal Emission., Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fever and
Ague, Incipient Consumption, and all ir
regularities iu Females, together with all
disease, of Women and Children ; atsn
Nervousness, Palpitation oflht Heart, Ac,
Persons adicted with symptoms alter
being treated, should consult li. Young at
nnee, as no disease la cured untcaa tha pa.
Itent feels psrfnrtly well. If there la a
particle of disease left in the ayelem, it
win uresK out at some tuiuro time, wnen
' Willi mercury shuum bo vtry
believing ,!,, ii,ey are well, f
cautlou. in
for it I. a sci
entific ant that ll.o mercury will
I mingle with the vcnireal, and Turin
.disease a eieat dtat worse than ilia origin
al. All those who have reason lo think,
I by bad feelings, that they have been treat
led thus, should consult Dr, Young, and he
should eismlne llioir cases and tell them
al once how they etand
V 4ir, whom it mav ruKCiaa, Thlais
tocertlfr that I, It, F. Lulling, applied to
Dr. J. C. Young, to ba treated for a gensr-
,al debility, brougbt on by hard work at
, mining Iu the water, and a pnrumatle af
Iftclionln mv limbs, which almost dunried
i me of their use, that the above complaints
1 had troubled mo for a long lime one of
'them for several jeais, and the other about
, eighteen months, urerconie by llio pain
ijand anxiety occasioned by thaoi, 1 had
i given up an nope, or ever again enjoy In
icoiid health. In this condition. I call
.,.,. -----., ...,,. m w .-.--m
upon Dr. J. C. Younr. and after tho Lota
upon lir. J. V, loung, and alter Ilia lapse
,'1fi,e '. n perfectly well and
' feel nearly a tlrong as I ever did. lean
recommend every one affected to hi. care
Tor he cured me, and ha. rured several nr
' my mend, that 1 recommended to bis care,
'atUicled with different disease., eome of
J them bad coses, of a very bad and danger
ous nature.
Given this toy voluntrry testimony In
favor or Dr J. C. Young, in hope, that it
may induce all 'those atilicled, to call on
him, and avoid the imposture who have
robbed 'me, not only of money, but to a
certain extent ol my health.
Gnrii Hoax Gulch, Kern River, )
September '-', 1650'. J
DEAR SIR t It is with pleasure that I
hasten to answer your letler.enquiring
how I get along, I have entirety recov
ered from the cumplainla fur which your
medical skill waa required, and I assure
you I feel grateful lo you for Ihe health
now enjoy. Snatched as I was front the
veiy jaw of death, and saved from an un.
told amount of suffering Were I in the
rily where I could do il, this would have
the solemnity uf an ualh, but I am in a
mining camp, there i no Justice or Ihe
Peace within several rnilea or me, and so
you must publish without it, I do not like
tu name my disease, and Tauppoaa It is not
requisite, a. yuu treat all kind, ur disease,
Yourr. G. LA MI DON
To Da. J. C. Yotao.
Miiwrnsi, Sept. 27th, 165G.
DR. J, C. YOUNGSir. Ju answer to
your request, as 19 how my case j
setting alone, I would date that I am tier-
feclly well, and hve been so for about one '
moutli. I mould have written before, but
have been wailing tot if it would return.
I am nuw satisfied that I have seen the
hit ol il, tly case waa said lo be a very
bad one by all the physican that examin
ed me. They all called it a mercurial
disease, and said there "waauo help fur j."
You culled it scrofulous, mixed with o mer
curial .flection, aud .aid you could cure
me, and you have done .0 I can only
thank you fur 11 and recommend all per.
son. afflicted togiie you a fair trial.
Your till death, C L. RAILS, J.
Seminal We.kneis Dr. Young ad.
dre.se those having injured themselves
by private and improper indulgence in the
secret and olilary habit tbll ruina Ihe body
and mind, unfitting them Tor cither bust
lib or society, The fnllowinrara somo
I of the, sad and melancholy rTects pradue
'led by etr'j b.Mttof ;"j'h g week
lilL-'ai1 "H-J-J-J 1
.r.l......S. ..! I In. I,, nlln In II.
nes. ai mo mt 1 1
head, dimnesa or lghi lose or muscklsr
power, palpitation ol the hrett, dyspepsia,
nervousness, irritability, derangement of
the dige.ttve runctlon., general debility,
.ymptoma or consumption, cVc.
MKT.r.t.v, the leatft)l effect on the
mind are more to be .traded. Loss ol
memory, confusion of ideas, depression of
apirila, evil r.ebodinge aversion In .oci.
eiy, sclfdistrlist Inveorsolitudc.llrniditj,
A;c , are tome or the evil, producer!
AU person, who are -flticled with any
of the above symptom should not Tail la
call on Dr Young, and be aitnce restored
to perfect health. Let 110 false delicacy
prevent you, bul apply immediately, and
save yourself from the dreadful and avCriit
consequences orthi. trriblkmlady. T
immediately cured, ond Hill Vfr teste-W
Office corner of Montgomery end ,CU.
fhrnia itreets, over Pceific Lxpre.s, San.
Franclco, where all letter mutt be di-l
rcctcd to in. ore Intention.
J. C. YOUNG, M I).
XJ eonsequenre 01 ill vrioe sprcau c
lebrllynl Dr. YOUNU, numerous impoi
tor. have sprung into eaistence.prelending'
to be petftct master, of th healing art,
V have succeeded in imposing upon a
few oflhe unwary. uflerer.. Persons wish
ing tn consult a phyalcain, should ba very
careful huw tiley put confidence in the
published statements or aurh charlatans,
lor they are aa unscrupulous in such state,
nienl a In their practice of medicine, and
are very unsafe to trust. They will first
deceive you by falso rrr'lficntes, piocured
from "drunken loafer," who perjure them
anlvr to get money to satisfy the cravings
of a diseased appetite, When such quack
gain, your confidence, lie will then duse
ynu with morcurv and other drugs, and af
ter they have lolibed you of your money
and injured your constituting they will
caslyou off, with the charge, Ihalyou hate
not follownd their directiona.
The only way to avoid audi Impostors,
a tn consult Dr. J. C Young, the Pioneer
Advertising Physician of California. At
a meellnrof the Nrdical Faculty or this
Slate, called to investigate the source of
malpractice that haa cnusod so much suf
fering In this country, it was unanimously
reeommonded that all the afUictad should
consult Dr. Young, as he w, tho only reg.
ularly educated 'Physician now advertsing
in California, all others in his linn being
qunck. and and impostors, and are not lo
be trusted. The ufSictail will pleas take
notice, thai there waa not a physician at
the meeting who had ever seen or heard
of a single case of malpractice from Dr
Young, w lilla not one nl them but hsd seen
number ofca.es from the foreign quacks,
who 10 vanniiugly .el forth their pre.
lended virtue In the public prints.
Tho above fact, should be borne in mind
by all aeeking medical assistance.
Think heaven, they aie gelling thor
oughly esprsed, and il will not be lung
before they will have lo fly the country, la
amid the Just indignation or an outrsrsd
public. Then will good people lhank Dr.
Young for hie continued effort, lo banish
quaikery from our midst.
If X. YOUNG can be ron.ulted from S
a, to 8 r ., at hi office, cornel Call
fornt and Montgomery atrnrls, orcr th
Pacific Express Office. San Francisco,
All letter containing the usual fe
or $10 will meet with prompt attention.
a Sfin3
nltlllllD WlENDiClt.
('VticAol'j V!3 Stand,)
3TAVE on band and are always ready
..L lo inauTaclure lo order all kinds of
For Weddings and Pardee got up In gnej
style and at tha shortest nonce.
Jacksonville, O T July IS. 37mJ
Tabic KocIl MaUcvy
r"HE undersigned baton hand, and is
l always rsdy 10 manufacture to eider,
all kind, uf
Pie, 4 .
All kind of Syrup, and everything iu
in hi line or business, usually round in
the Confectionary Id th cities.
For Weddinrs. Halle or Parties, tot ud i
good style, and al -i shortest notice
wn. 11 cast; & co.
Jacksonville. Dc. t 2tf.
llounty Lianas
'PHE undersigned will attend lo Ihe pro-
X curing of IJounly Cauda, under the
Act of March 3d, ld'5,fur persons who have
been regularly muster. d into the United
Slate, .ervice for Ihe term of fnurlren
day., or more. Person who were engsg
vd iu either of the Indian war in tin
country, and all widow and orphan ot
such person, are entitled lo I CO acre of
land, and by forwarding the iieeiaary proof
of their sortie 10 Ihe unde, signed, ihe of.
tidal forms will be made out and furwarde4
to Ihe proper Department st Washington
which win cnsuie tue return or a
For the applicant.
Having a competent agent st Washing
ton, it enables roe to tram.et this kind ol
business with great efficiency and dispatch
Charges, tuoderal.
Address W. G. T'VAULT,
Jacksonville, O. T.
IV m. Hoiriuuu,
OFFICE At the Po.t Office, nest doos-
lo Pal. Ry.u's,
Jtek.onvllle O. T.
The Flaett
Ara taken by
On the the Hill, nr tha old.FancBtg,
jj! aj-'at L ? ?