SUJlJ IL1!. JJ '"0" -- Items of IVcws. Kxile ok Tim Kino or Dni.ui. The Andnmnn islands, to which the olJ King of Delhi has been condemned by the Hritlsh nuthorities to lio trans-1 ported for life, nro situated in the Ra)j of Hciignl, about half way between Cape Negrais and the Nicobnr Islands I Theirlolai nrea is nuouicigni inousauu tqui'e miles. Tiiey nru inliabited by n couple of thousand Main of the mo suvajjg cunrnoior, ami nru t-uii bi one of tho principal resorts pel'' of , a n ot tho Indian seas. si. it Tin: Flowha India:; ! y'Jladlson (Florida) Met s rename iniormation tlint Huwless " has surrendered his I aret is now nt Timpa with his . , MirN waillniT tho consummn- t ' pements now being- made, 'j i slerred to tho west. It is ' s . if oiri gentleman was in a shock , liiglv ragged and (liity condition when. ho presented hinilf at Tutnpa." I Pm.ADi:t.ritiA Mint. 1 he r.nlnacc .t it... f C M,..t -. l)l.!ln.l.,l.,l,l. vOY .l ........I. ,.V ln,Il. ...n. snr.nno.i r.ri the month nr.Mnrch, was 8-o0,7-20 in qold, principally in o-ntilo eagles ; i SU;6,000 in silver, wholly In hnlrnud i auartcr dollar ulceus, and $16,000 in . "" ' ..i.niitnn(,ln Viiicennes, under dale of Monrovia, .'&..... . . .W W.w. ...,', Jatiunrv 2.rith, uivea n list of twenty oiieslavn cm'j. tienrly till American, captured bv the English cruisers, since j April, 1S57. J The Semite, on the Sd April, adopt., rd a joint resolution appropriating S-,000 to remove the remains of I'rcs-' lilent Monroo Irom X Y. to Richmond.! Announcement. Editor henttutli You will please an nouace U. S HAVDEK a a candidate for tht oCicc of JruTicr. or tiic Piucc of Jacl fonrllle 1'recluct, Jackson couuty, Oregon, at tht coming June election M.CNY VOTEltS. Donglns Countv Nntlonul Demo, cnttic Cnndidntca. -. mi For Scnatar, JAMEti F. GAZLEY. For Representatives, A. E. MVGCE, 110WMAX. For County Judge. WM. CATIICAIIT. For County Clerk, JAMES WALTO.V. For Bhcriff, JOHN CULLISUTON. For Treasurer, C. M. MOORE. For AMcitor. JONATHAN TIUBITTS. For County Commlnloner, JAMES 'I1JRNER. Auuouuceiuent. Jacisom CiiEtc, Jackson Co., O.T Editor Oregon Unit mil: l'leaie an. nofltxc the uudenlgned at a Candidate for the office of CONSTAULE, for Jacksonville precinct. JAMES CROOK3. Notlomtl Demncrntic Appointments for Southern Oregon i F- M. BAitsuy, the National Democratic nominee for Governor, will address hli. M- ' low eitirens in SoutUcrn Oregon, upon tbe political Imuss of tho pending campaign, at the following I TIMU Xu 1-L1CC8 I nlesate's Store. Wednesdar. Mar 10 : Winchester, Friday, SI : Roscburc. Satur dsy '.'I ; North Lanyonvillc, Monday, U ; (jaliceburg, Wednesday, 20; Kerbyvlllo, Friday, 2f . Althouie, Suturduy. 2tl ; Sailor Diggings, Monday 31 ; Evutisvlllc, Wedncs ilsy, June 2 ; Sterling, Thursday. 3 ; Phui Mt. flilj r.i.l. i. f ...i... ltiA c...... k Ml,,., filUltJ, , Ub&UU)iltV, CBIUI- in .i im.. ....e..!!-'. invited tu meet and address the people at . -ITv,.UB eimii.i art ..iiii, ' lone aevcrai appointments. By order of the leid .Yntionat liem State Com. la Ho Honest T la He Curable ? cuoum no person, posicsmng a greater i COUNTY JUDGE, they way consider me a ' lection. 1C J C.TOLMAN. Anuouucument. D. B. BRENAX Ii a Candidato for Prosecuting Attorney, f.r tbe counties of Jackson and Josephine. lOte JIA111UED I- At the residence of the bride's mother, on M the igiii Inst., by U S. Haydcn, J P., Mr ' 1 '. A4sV(rUIM IU.U1C9B.II.AII al . UAUslil. ii vi (aiauaviuu cuuuiy. KEW AUVl(mEiMKNTS. Tlircrescent" CHy" tt'nggn" IloadTs COMPLETED!!!! Just Received and Opened at 1. 1 Hil k BIO. Our Now GOODS, atuouut of the aforesaid qualifications. lu,iK?""d r""',t '" '''f c?,,mjr l!"r"n", uuu. ui .us utwiaaiu HUdiiuwuuut iu ' wj,1n 0evear from Una dale, or the same the estimation of a majority of the voters , Wl) ue onrr;d Apr S3i iB5i ef Jackion County, nsiurf to the offico of !Gt4 J I) BURNETT, Adni'r a ui.,i,uaL aesuu i ait.J r, wniclin . , Y . i ----- -- A. we ofTer at reduced pneas. Call and I'"0 " co'e'" A" ' esamina our Stock and Pr.cea, and judge' ' l,f,r,B ou'' nE""1 "'e "" for tourselvos b pleaso present them for pay monl, an lUlf J. A BRUNNER &. BRO. I ,l,Ye ",de1t"-d l0 ''e saidilfrni are re A GENERAL ASSORTMENT, wMel. J. A ORUNNER&.RKO. Notice . PAY UP! AND SETTLE UP!! A NY PERSON HAVING CLAIMS -x against me, will jilea.e present them ind receive Iheir pay. And those knowing themselves indcbl d In me previous to First December,I867, "ill cnnfdr a favor by calling immediately and sauting up by note nr otherwise. JOHN ANDERBON. I'.- ii', IK7 OOif 1'Jlf Commissioners Court. a "Mil! .Hoard nf Ctimmisiloucr or Jack. . ton County will hnlil a Special Sot. inn on Thursday, the 3d day of June nnxt, .11 (he Auditor's office. Wm. HOFFMAN, Cl'k. 820 Reward. STRAYED OK STOLEN -Tho tub icnbrr has lout an iron gray MARE, ntiotit fit years old, 14 linn Jn high, was shod all round with old thorn, tome ssd die. marks, bar had the tcratchot, hat tome light wind gall no brands rr other par tirnlnr mnrki ; left inn at Uuttc Creek, ' Jackson county, about the 18th or April, , IMS Tha tliuu reward will be palJ to any person who will tlelhor to ma -aid ninro, or give me informational I vet by tills, or lcae it at the SrkTlatL office, go mat i cutaiu said more. J A ABBOTT. Jacksonville, May 15, 1833. 0 Copartnership Notice. T- M. KENNEY A, JAS. HAMLIN s have litis day formed a Copartner, hip undor the atyte oi "Kinney it Ham. I'm, ' for the purpose of transacting a gen eral mercantile business in Jacksonville. era 0 T at their Brick Store, corner nf Call firnla and Oregon streets, where they in. utrtl.Bir frlcbj, ,j ,.e public to call Blll oxnmine tboir Siork. Jackaonville, Jlay 2, IS.'iS. 1Si3 PHFY h Ulllllllll k . ...... ........ TyANra n.u'1TIl,.V flEESn, n?gs,' lt.,i... rwu .1 , V'i??,V iVl.'i " llarley, Corn Meal and Hour, in euhanag , lor itooua. Ilamriulier " Tit no trouhlo to show ' Gonda." IHtll I LADIES jlALl AT KENNEY Ac I1AML1NS llrirk Store, and cxnniine their Silln, I'laidt, Do. laiuea, Mtialina, Jnpncaa,Ilcraeca, Lawna, f..n... r,i.i...i..ii.. i...i. ..!... . i l!llfiftrl. rrifl.l. filflt Imlila. Ilnttmaba Cnuiliriika, Jackuuetta, and Prinl. Call and ctamine " 'Tit no troubla to how Gondi." 13l3 NOTICE ! ! ALL IVrsons hating WHEAT In the' Eagli Mill are rtquiialed to call and Set their Clour imini-ilialcly, aiuca we are esiruut of doling nil tht present Mill it-1 counts beforo the coming bartrst. ! THOMAS A. JACOB3 May 15, ISM. IS(3 ITVVrV .- IT nil IVQ r, mm 'Tit no Trouble to Shotr GonJi. 4 LL KINDS Or COUNTRY PRO XX. ducn taken in exchange for goods. Jacksonville, May 14 15t3. T7ENNEY &. HAMLIN WILL PAY Ibo highest price for GOLD DUST, In Dry-Uonda, Grucenua, Clolbing, Hard. warn and Cutlery. J8l3 In Jiittlcc'a Court. qJIURITORY Or OREGON, Cocarv X. Tu Daid Tliuinp on You are notified lliat a writ of attachment has buein issued against you, and your properly attached to satisfy tbe domuiid uf Davis Etaus, amounting to I weiily. live uoitora (S-M now unless you shall appear boforu I'. llaiden.a J""" V,- W'c I"'," ! f . "" .. "2il' ' ,hi' olhe,,i ,n, l'le 30th day ol June, 1B53, judgment will bo rendered againit you, auu your property auiu to pay llio ucut. Dated this ilth day of Ma), le.59. Ifcll DAVIS EVANS, PlaintilT A :i'lncr Wnntuil, IF appllration be made soon, in the Slate Creek House, Josephino county, O.T. 17 OLIVER J. EVANS. ADMIXISTIIATOIIS XOTWD. ITOI flCE is hereby given to all persons J-v wliom il may cuncarn that the un- .l-.-.-n-,! I,.. !... .li..l,1.1.. , P . " " -rr-""- . V " . lor uf ll.e e.tulH ofllunry Vandtne,dee'd, I late of Duuglat county, O. T. Pursnnt indebted to said estate are requested to make immediato payment, and those liav. ing claims aguintl said estate will present III cm, It gaily authenticated, for settlement, lo the undersigned at Ills resldoiico in I) BURNETT, Adni'r EA'nCUTOKS NOTICE. "VrOTlCE. All persons having claims 'iv against the estate of James Hanuy, dec.,' lateo? Douglas county, O.T., are hereby I noiineu to present Ihoiii, propuriy auinenr catd,for sulllement, to the undersigned, at his residence in Round Ptairio, in the, count unty aforesaid, within one year from , s efate.or the .uniu will be burred . ... - - tin April ti'j, tioi iui JAS D. BURNETT, Ex'r. ' Dissolution Notice ! rr HE iufinertliip hnretoforo existing I, bulweeu the undur.iened is this day H. .!... i i... ...... ...i -...,.,.,... , Tho of Ho,., and Mule Shoe. Ine, nnrl In fill ttii t firt.kii. . brandies will be carried on by J.ll, Deuby, "6""- --- 6 """" -"- 1'rrsons owing the lirm will plea.e loiiio forward and make immediate settlement, and those having claims against the firm will present them for settlement, without j, delay, to J U, Deuby. I. It. Utlll, D GRIFFITH. Jaoksonvllle, April 1, 1053. lGtf NOTICE ! rg'tllE Copartnership existing under the JL name of Cohen A; Crane is this day All those will d all payment, and all i those indebted lo the sold ill rni are reques ted to aatlle their accounts in.ido oflhirty dusfrom datB. ' Our su-c.sors, S Hetlmer & Co., we reenmmend to our friends and customers, COHEN &-CRANE. Althouse, April 1, 1BSS. lUmS 1 TWOIIORSE W AGON for S J A PPLY tu Ihe subscriber. LE I' XX. a W. G T'VAULT. j, 15 J? KEGS EXTRA BOSTON SYRUP Fors.leby J. W. STEARNS 'J J r 1 1 U J A ill li if vyUUij'4)4JO .-siPffiffliuMOTfflas Donitifintic 4vpiiiiliii-iitH for I'llUIIC IM'UKIUf(. The Hon. L.F. a..own,lho Democratic lioralnrt! for Congress, and other, for State officers, Trill address the people at tbe tliacs and places announced hclovr The candidate- of any and all opposing partita arc mpcctfully lilted to meet the democratic nomiiirea at their several ap pointments, and to discuts cxUtlng political Issues. I The lion. Dcluron Smith and other able and dittinguithrd democratic rpiakcra will alo be present, and address the people ! The Dciiucraili. candidates extend a cor .dial and earnest ln.ltation to their demo j emtio MloTf -chlrons nnd all ctliers, toat tend at tho following tltncs nnd place, to- 'wit! ! Clataon Cb Aslorla.Ceurt IIone, Tues day, Ma 25 s Clatsop l'lalus, (.Church,) Wednesday, CC : Tillamook County Snlnrdny. 20. Yamhill County Weal's store, (S. Yam hill Hher.) Tursday, June 1 : Lafayette, lliursdny, 3. l'olk County Dallai, Wednesday, 2. Washington County ForrcatOrove.Frl-, dsy, 4? HilUborougb, Saturday, o. Per order rf the Venw. Utatt Com. ' I.. J. Cznnltnr. Wc would direct tlie special attention or luvallds to tbe pe-1 rutal of Dr. L. J. Czapkay's advertisement, ea fourth pago of this paper, to place tho ervlees of a learned and experienced l'hy- alclan within their reach. Totkoiewho are sulTcring from the efTts of sexual of private" . ..,..,.,....., y'r..y dltcasei, or their ill-treatment, e cheerful- ly recommend the Doctor, ivy a man of rare , rirdcr that patients at a distance may avail thcmtelvcsof his advice, ftie cociultatlom by letter li open to them. Hta3 I Western Star I od ire UD AF&AM cMirnatarj,uubtu.t.A.i Aii.w., I Eegulnr Meetings held at tLelr Hall In Kcrbyvlllc, Saturday precccdlng full moan.' All mrmbira lti good standing aro iuvltcd !to attend. I M. if. WILLIAMS, W. M. Cius. E. lIiiiNNin, Sec. Kerhyvllle. Jan. 1st, 1E8B. ' ltjnl2 ' CoiHJi.TATinv Cains. The extensive' practice which Dr. J. 0. Young has ciulred iu California is to be attributed la a great measure not only to his skill and experiunce, but to his lllicrallty. Persons nffilcted with any diieac cognlzaut Iu his branch of phar- Inury, my consult btm, at his otace, uny, them covered with sets of ilia geuunia r ihy (free f charge. When addressed by ,1,'cl'" ''l returned Iu iwinly fuur hours eUw,icrtnrUlrnBnicrUiMl tl... natiAl - ftfl mll ,m nVAalail A ?(. llic usual fee l10) will bs nncted. ft.llff ...,,.-, . ( hours, from 10 o'clock a. ., to lu ' vallds placing themselves under the charge of Dr. Youug can rely upon a speedy and. purmaucut cure. Tho Doctor's uniform pruc- j tlce has been to take no pay unless a euro Is effected. "No cure, no pay," is his motto. ' Letters and certificates Innumerable, from I those who have been cured ol long slumllng and chroulc diseases under his treatment, i are always open to the liirpcctlun of the pub lic at his rooms. Ills medical ability Is ably and thoroughly deinonstrute.d In his numer ous lutdicnl works, copies of which can be had at his office. Ilnvlnir hern otid an honorary member of the IU.; ul College of Surgeaus, Loudon, the htghewt chirurgicul body In existence, be feels confide: t that his ten k s cannot full to bo appreciated lu a dltcornlngoomuiuuity Cnimultutiou rooms, corner of Montgomery and California steels, over Pacific Express Co.'s oOlce, San Fran cisco. 2 2m3 Xew Sl-.itc u TiTV"RTJ"r fiTATVrR IJX T J-1XV J. IJXXJJJUJJ, lurucr ol ialilornia and llh struvlt, JACKSONVILLE. Dr Jumes Ctuccncc. , rpilE Stable la Urge and well arranged, X and customers can be. accommodated at a moment's notice with superior I SAUULK JWIiSIJS, UK BUGGIES Double or Single. I Tins Stable has been ererted at heavy etprnse, and slocked with the finest blond-1 ed horses, well suited (or I lie saddle or harness Experienced crooms alwaw in attend once, ftu paint will be spared lo occuin- ' modate cuttomurs in superior slylu. i Knowing that the public will extend patronage whore it la duo, the proprietor,' i.auers iiimsmi mat ne will be aula lo nc commodate all, at icnsonable rates, for UASII, 1UU rnfTirtirsrEk TP'Tj A nfiTinrO idlLlalQlS iTllSffiL Li 111 USilS s . . .,.,..., . ,, , J r: ANDKItSON takes this melh Jt ..d, .' infnriiiing ilus 1 aruiors and "'"" --. ' 1""P"","'"- H' deat horses and break them in a atltrirl 1 m iais a trt .. u ar ... 1 tl.. I....... Ilfirl filliHaaaaV tint tr. frrnhH llirsm ruuira j - J "" - -" . . - ? " I"r 6uo anu tamo. IVmons desirous of lianir their horaes trained, by giving him notice, can be ac. I couliuodaled. Price, $10. 14tf , EAGLE MILLS. rVlli !l,1,cr,t."' now l,Bvin.S ,,ief M" nnn wuilllery in eicellent repair. would respectfully inform palruus1 ar.u the puuiicgvnerolly Ihalthey arenqw prepared tu do all kinds of .Merchant Mill business, and are alto furnishing u chuico lot ol Liquors, consisting of Gin, Bron.l dy. Whiskey. Laser Boer, Ac. THOMAS & JACOBS, i Eagle Mills, Jan. 'ii, 180b. Utf. I WILLIS NOHTHCDTT, ' HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF, Law, an J will at. cud to ull busluebs' entrusted to his care. j i OFFICE At the Slate Creek House, Josephine Co. I iiarcn zt, izoe. jstr ZZl . '. -. t m.-...t... .itti,.i !' um-v- c uu, . A LL PERSONS HAVING UNSET-1 il. tied Accouuts with tbe I'liccnix Mills,, are rcouealcd to tall immediately and SKI'- , ,,TLE THE SAME, as I am desirous to cio.e', Kcnuedy At Keiiyon, Proprietors, i all tho present occounts. I 1. S M. WAIT. IIMMIC Pronrlalora aro nrenared lo aei Phoenix Mills, Jan. 20, 1838. 2,1 TWO MULES FOB SALE. rpilE Subscriber has Ivtogood Mules lor X sale Inquire at the Sis ripii. urhe, (3) U t. T'VAULT. iiiky & uiur A Itn NOW OPENING a well as. I rotted Stock of Merchandize at llirlr DRICIC STORE, corner of California and1 lo,;; i,rj ofTer for salo Cheap fur CmsIi or eoun. trt produce gy Call and Eiamlno. trouble In show Goods." " 'Tn ,""" molT-am'" iron, anu JiT John M'lai'oiit.ts. iirsnr vt.irrn.. MIAUGHUN&KLIPPEL'S "NliW STATE" DTTTTmin aiffn TiDTwrriffp !Ncv HuUilhic. Corner Cnliforuia anil Ccntrii tttrcoti, ! lAPtunvvn t r rk m -laivacuiYi iii4i,t u i it THK "NEW STATE" I- a ceol and t naciotii Saloon, and la fitted up in a atyle of eteennce. Tho Billiard Tabloi nre new, and from one of tho beat makers Andat tbe Br there will alwajs ba rnuiid ,1 a good supply of raro old French Bran. .Hct, prime Srnich and American Wills j. key, choice Winrt, Ale, and Lagrr Bear, 'nnd auperlor llaana Cigar. Italy, 1 PHELAJST,S MODEL BILLIARD TABLES. -aan- t.i-..i nmrnnr.frTnv nttnirtnxTc lainii iuiuuiiniiui uuJtiuia, Acknowledged by tho beat Profcuumtd and Amateur Playcrt to nr Tiir Only Correct Cushions Now In Vas t .these tables and ci'siiions I ,ro now ,nlJ ,ow ie 0M ,.. eie" Tablra nftho dav. And ni a nroofof gie" Tables ol ibo day. Auu ns a pruoroT their superior merit, it is only necctsarj to call attention to tho MISERABLE 1M1TATIOMS Rot up in this city, made from PASTE BOAKDand old HORSE BLANKETS, and palmed off on the uimitpertitig as Tim LAN'S PATENT. One of these miserable scoundrels hat hern CAUGHT IN THE ACT. His name, and the nnino of the gentleman he fleeced, will bo tho subject of another torn, uiunlcation. Parties scndiug their Old Itnlls to the euhicriber, (who It now making there. uutliluna under riiulan a t'atrnl,) can liavu a a a. ' .... hies, Oak, Rosewood and Mahogany, Willi ly, witli Billiard Slate and Marble Beds Alio Trimmings of every description. Address. E. M. HUGHES. Sole Asent. SinH let) Jackson atrei t, an Francisco. California Stage Company's Tri-Weeldy Line FROM YREKA TO JACKSONVILLE!! (H and after Monday, March iilth,lb59, ilia California Since Cotnnanv will . . . .. j . . nun mating mo bmuii ni.iei ai jachaon- Villo on Tuetdava. 1 bursdms and Satur.1 I I .. ...- .1 - tt ft .. .., daja, cnmiecting wall ibo Company's Coaches at Yreka fur the following placet . N1 ?' JfJi' 7,y ' ,KFr JI.I.UJI, VllfJ I lUltl, .llli.JO- YlhLU, BAUUA.UIJMU, and all interumdiatn points. pMHSLiiffera booUini- thtilr iianitf. nt thii ."flieaor li Calilorma Stogo Uuiupaiiy, Ub1(b iilltu( wi, Ut furiilshid vv,ih ; Ibrougb tickets lor any ortlie abovo named I'placea. . II CONROY. ! Onice Agent, l raks itiarcn vi, low, Jill March 1M, 1653, 1.1. AuAUor. nnd Duputy ron JOSEPHINE COUNTY, O.T. Oflice in Iverb)ille. OONDS, DEEDS, M O R T G A G Efa , J.J roweraol Atluruey, tXc , drunu up un shortest notice, and fur reasonable fees 4tf i j iTlic Exact Time o Way. I' TOTTlVr TSTTTnTTR w , j-..., WatCuHiakOr aDd JcWGller ,,,.,, Ilasloe.ated in .,.... JACJ.S"M7U',:.T' .. Buur-o . i.. i.urm. oireei, in jonn Ilcrrbolds Building. I I ft TUllUS and Jewelry llepaired on' ' if short notice. All kinds ol Jnwelry Manufactured aud Engraved to order, in quick Hint). W tidies and a general assortment ofi Jewelry ou hand and for sale chuap for' cash. Dec. I'..4dlf T. E. RYAN OFFERS rOR SALE a large and woll selected asaurlinenl of T APLE & FANCY DRY-GOOD , boots a;- shoes, Miuiug Tools, And ull kinds of GROCERIES, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, at his More ou California street Jncksonville, Aug t, 157. SOtf I unmn nnnr rm m tt n tt ri n n I II r II 1. 1 I III H . R . . ... uvvuu, fronting mt J'lata, uonterej L.ane am fourtu btrtttt, YHKKA. Cul., I commodate Travelera with I'm ale. run a Id-weekly line ol Loaches belwetn t' ., , v n 'v I I t Yraka and Jack.ontllo, Itaving Vreka I t'.llljoauill, on Mondaia. Wedneidava and TriuWllXOUTI! END OFTIIE CANYON, Rooms, wilb Single or Double Beds Tho TABLE will be supplied with the DrST IK MlKKtT. The BAR is furiii.hed illi the Best 'rM, l.Kll'lis, Ac , Vc. 17lf Wo! TUcvc,vcryl)oiyl Face Uic Music ;m vcniVAv Do vim with to patronize a hftllte enndurted on tlrlclli Irmnnmnrp mtnritili i . Dnynu want tnsmpala house fiienrably all other places, for its moderate charges, 'order, cotnlort, convenience and superior it you desire an mcae, we adtitn ,ttn 87. 80 nnd 01 I.cldcsdotff Street Tint eilablisbment is centrally and in the immediate vleimti of the tt.f il. f'niltil Stutni Ilr-nrli Mint. located na rammmmr ir&w tme i III 3 mm Iff g i aan .ffl ffl a sn jSjVJSL til 4 it H 1 Bate iiw tmnMJkMdM . rat,snlr?. Pi a EU t-W TM i ('WSWVWiiWtiivyoftvtVVyfLVW wsik pa pa m i--m&2&3&&'?&HBim4 ,r ., .. , . , ayy-tyr.-i-ftzs'T- fritTOTa IIO.MH), per week, id. BOAUD, per day, $1. MEALS.60 conts. LODGINGS, CO to Tfi cenlt per night. s S1. Single Itoi'ina furtiithod couipletr, 75 cents per night. tu llooms or Lodgings can be bad by the Night or eh, with or without bosid, to suit tbe couonience nf alt, ... Tho Beds am titled up In the very best stjlc, with patent I rench tptings, and the best curled hair msticttet, clean bidding. Ac. BATHS FREE. 11) nniemtltiiij; attention and untiring efforts to furnish the greatest amount of tow fort and convenience at extremely low prices, the proprietor hopes to merit a conllnu. anru nfihe increasing patronage "tint the What Cheer Hnute at preaent enjoys. ' fi',n Vut the accommodation of inincri and others having money or valuables, thoro ate two nafes in tho oflice 4 Ther is an entenslve Library and Heading Room, woll supplied with papers, pa riodiexls, At. aar THE HOl'E IS OPEN ALL NIIIGT. ftfr T'rateleis will pleast remember that there are no Runners connected with Ibis eilabiuhinniit. The hat Chtcr Hnune n conducted on strictl) temperance principles. nnv.7 43 It. II WOODWAKD, Proprietor. .. a.1: HAEDY ELLIFE HAS ERECTED A NEV And Com modious tavern aland at tha South llnd of the Canyon, Douglat County, U. J, Where e ho It prepared to accommodate the In good sl la. The long residence, pubic In r,,B ,, proirnpriemr aiima poini preciuuea, the ueces'ity of saying, that BUS TJOkS Will he as well furnished at the country afTurdf. Tim STABLE la supplied with Hay and Grain In abund ance Animals particularly attended to, Etery nutrition paid lo render those nho csll comfortable and aatiified. No.i!7, 1837. 40tf JESSE HOBERTS ; ha,: AS erected NEW BUILDINGS and fitted the old tavern stand at .. . .. ... .. n I ' wnugiaa uouniy, u. i , Wl.-r L. is .r,,nre,l ... nceominodata llieM jj Traveling Public iu good ttylo. , TpfTfS 'PAR'nE I w'"he as wellfurniahedas any iu Ore- ' gon. THK KTAnLK M la large, and well supplied with Hay end ..(irhln. Particular attention paid to anl- malt. 't-gIory atlontlon ptid lo those wjio 1 nini aor lilts Willi a call. Pet, a I, I&37, 4flf H. H. WILLIAMS "",T1LL have completed and ready to grind, r A ffiSUSOI-XfllKLlIf, Connecled will, hi. aaw-mill, known I well ,. , il floured a, .1,1. mill, il is I " 0,"'" """ ' ' ern Oregon lit) all th l.ect Iftrdeifl ol at Imv nrli.ii I Persons owine for lumber will please call and settle up, as cash is much needed. ' Aug.-.-j. a3tf Vnuuiuu Acartcmy. iCpilE FJRbT QUARTER OP THE - Summer Session of lh Academic' Vear will commence its term on the ISth1 i t r i.rll.,v i,,., I forriot.U.7r,.ru,dy.l...I,d,eul.., io ,.,, - ,j0lrU d -j B,a,e known o acl as poisons, are lejeceo ''reasonable term . from my practice The Ppyso.psthic prac A. K. FLINT. 4lf Principal "Pkospeot Ranch," Applocutu Creek, O, T. PHE undersigned wishes to inform hit 1 frli till, and ihu lrmlitir nllLtie tllltl. ! huvliig improved tho above Ranch, (half way between leiu t illeaml Jacksonville, formerly knuwu at Barkwe.ll a ranch,) be "' " " PC("ivis.i W-. uurket Qirurdkij and cumtuied with good STABLING, HAY AND GRAIN, and a careful hostler in attendance, be hopes lo merit a share ofpublia ptlrousgu. HUGH HEAPS, Froprietor. Jbiiu.ii) 1st, IS5S. lyl W. G T'VADLT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. And Notary Public for Jucksou Co., Will practice in the Supreme and Dis trict Courts of the Territory Ofbcu adjoining the Printing Office, Jacksonville. O 'P. Ul Plijsiciau and burgeon. OFFICE At his Residence, in Win. .better, O. T ultf utiiieii; Miiunu o ini.vii,; i. l.t, ty (.. r ... ., Is now prepared to accommodate all wliu, "' "v "" V , ViWnniTl! l may palronue Inn, The TABLE will at i ..s.,..,.. n. Bent 111 1057 ! ull tunes be supplied.. with ihe be.t Ihe t I 'eassnl Gruve.Sepl. U, leo7. , !;.- JLVJ-l I L.'J!" known throughout California, Oregon, and good fsrn and hel nf bed, together with accnminodat'oni ' to go to 1 10 nnd 121 Sncrniucnto street, SAN I KAMfcCO in tho principal butineas part ol Iba city, anmlilp Co 'a ulTice, tbe Lxpiets Co, cllicit, mm row KEItBYVILLE, O.T. 'rr-Mir ili,l,.i.tilift Imrlni. LEASED tha boe large and commodious llotellii tIB flourishing town of Keibyiille, on lha ruaJ ftnm jari(innvlllo to Allliouse, Hail. or Discing', and Crescent City, solicits n share uf Public l'atronagc. em AtB-LS Will atwaya be furnised with the best the market affords, .C. C. FAIRFIELD. ,2 Kerb) villa, Jan. I, IBf7. tV.if SLATE CHEEK HOUSE. nr Oliver 3. Evans. rpiMS well known stand, dtuate fifteen miles from Kerbnille and thirty-four from Jacksonville, has been erected sulta ble lo sccominodato the Traveling Public. It i. ,l...i. n.l,i-m ilm boat and liott " " Bh".)- P.l''6 l0 " ,,0,V' U. V0V ess to make their guests as comfortable ss potiiblo. Furnished with all tho country aflorJt. CooirStnblca, well suj.plied with Hay and Grain Hopes are entertained that those who call once will ride late or slop early tu partake again of the hoipllalily of the 03 cupanu. Ill PHYSO-MEDICAL ffilUUlT.. A. B. 0YEHBECK, M. D. TAKE THIS METHOD OF IN lormine the Publio that I have filled up, at my residence at Pleasant Grove, Ijlwo miles eail ol Jacksonville, a suitable I build ngf," I AViaininiui.m I lh. ' - J ' , "V varying i 1,1, ,h,l ' condl -"!.. "nd Un... 'Aof. who csn , . ,.,m. willhtn.airi. ..""""" ...-...-....-., - ined end provided wild medicines and d. recliuns peculiar to this system a mod of treatment by which thousands have. ben cured and and restored to health at very moderate chargei. I iiae ample arrangements for the sd mluislratinn uf the various kinds of Baths medicated, vapor, warm, cold, Ac. The distinguishing feature of the l'hy. sopslhio Practice consists in the aduiiuis iratioti of an Innocent medication. All agents, whether mineral or vegetable, tint are known to act as poisons, ure rejected lice signifies the treatment of disease wllh agents thst ait In harmony with the rvcu perative potters of nature, N I) No person will be received at lb Infirmary who cannot furnish good guar antee ol payment. BATHS ! I The public generally will be aecomrno. .dated atony lime with any uf the aboie apeufied Baths. The Bulliing-room aiid tuli i are lined with zmx, ami win uo en. i). acti BOOTS, & & AfllflS S- JUST RECEIVED and to ARRIVE, a complete assortment of Ladies', Misses' and children's, Genu', Boys' aud i vuth's Boots, Shoos and Gaiters, selected i wllh a view u seivice. If you waul to economize, call and es. I 'change cash for a substantial and superior ''article, Pritca aie reduced to suit the limes. Ladies, Gents and Juveniles, drop in when you are thopping, aud inspect Boot sao buol Stoki., Cor. Cal and Oregon sis , (Opposite tho Eldorado.; anf "A1NJUS. , A YOKE OF OXEN For SABI3. f Wlfcll o rstl on Yoke (.f first rata JL Work Clile Apply to 3 W. q. T'VAULT. I IS i JklaaaaH 4 jB ljBHaaalaaaaaaTaaal!aHaaa9H