Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 22, 1858, Image 2

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vegan Sentinel.
Saturday, May 92, 155$.
San rrnncisco Agency.
Tnou.vs Borer, corner of Washington
mid Montgomery streets, Is our authorized
A cent In Snn Franchco. to receive sub
scriptions and advertisements for tha Skx-
We would call the attention of tho former
'patrons of the Smixri. to the Tcccnt
cbnngo of proprietor, nnd urgently re
ijuctt tli lit nil those vilio are Indebted to us
before the "Oth of .May, Ib57. to nuke Im
mediate payment, mid those bating accounts
against the cflicc prior to that dutc trill
please prcrcnt tiicm. a- it becomes necesw
ry that the books of the firm shall be settled
up ot as early a period as possible.
W. O. T'VAri.T.
Xomlnalcd at Salem, March 10, 185S.
Of Marlon County.
Of Lane.
Secretary of Stale
or roit.
State Treasurer S. D. BOON,
Of Marlon.
State Printer A. BUSH,
Of Marlon.
District Judges
M. P. DEADY, 1st District ;
It. 13. STRATTON, '2d District;
R. . BOISE, :M District
A. E. WAIT, -Uh District.
OCT Wo publish tho proceedings
as furnished ot by tho Secretary
of the- Mass Meeting held at this place
on Saturday last. Tho people of
Jackson cbnnty now have threo set of
candidates. First, -tho Democratic
nominees; second, the Repnblican;
and third, the Independent National
unsatisfied Democrats, Republicans,
and Whigs. It is to bo hoped, that
whoever may bo chosen by tho people,
will bo faithful in tho discharge of the
duties devolving upon them in tho offices
for which they may be choson.
District Court. A trial sitting of
tho District Court, Judgo Dcady presi
ding, was commenced hero on Thurs
day. Tho criminal docket was quite
large, and the Court will probably bo
in session tho greater portion of next
wei k.
Attorneys present W. G. TVnuIl,
prosecuting attorney; It. II. Snelling.j
of Yrcka; D. B. Brenan, P. P. Prlm,
and B. P. Dowel), of Jacksonville. I
From tlic North.
We nro-indebted to 11. F. Dowell,
Esq., who arrived hero on Wednesday
evening, direct from Salem, for the
Statesman of tho 11th inst
Be wake or FnAiiEK Rivm Mikes.
The Statesman has an article caution
ing its readers "against believing the
idlo rumors of ' big strikes,' 'chunks,'
and 'nuggets,' found in tho above
mines," and subjoins tho following
Since writing tho above, wo have
fcen Dr. J. G. Tower, an Intelligent
Correspondence of ibo Sentinel.
Ktrbyville, May &lh, 185S.
En. Skntikkl: In attempting to
writo to a public journal, it is not wlth
out regretting that I may causo to be
Omitted from its pages, something more
valuable in itself, 'and of greater inter
est to the reading public, than anything
I am able to send particularly when
knowing that I invade tho precincts ol
a sanctum known and respected for Its
wisdom and regard for tho interests of
its patrons ; and for me to presumo to
writo a noticeablo letter irom a country
rnnilnrnll rlnttml llV tllO Contributions
of such as " Lowkrab," " Jim NaMio,"
.... .. ? ti ir if .t
Gentleman, who left this nlaro for the I " '. "Uoraiaine,- . iionrie
above mines. Ho went up as far as Arat.l la,"am "Jimmy,' would bo pro
Cowlltt, and met returning California! "nplIon Indeed; and as ludicrous as
miners whom he knew, and who had "? OTlho voice of a jewsharp amid
been on Trailer's river all winter. He the language or us tie.
savs thev nronounced tho Frazlcr river ! Ma,,0 of most Interest rcqulrodes
r - . .a
mines n humbug. Dr. T. savs ho learn
ed there were two thousand reons at
Bellingiiam Bay, mostly Californtans,
many of them in a state of destitution.
We tako tho following news Items
from tho Statesman :
Multnomah Cof.vrrDnMocnATic
NOMINATIONS. Senntnr. A. D. Pitrli
U. S. Sr.jfATOR. Will the Republi-' representatives, A. B. Hallock and A.
can,, if elected, vote for Gen. Lane Lli.A.
the first United States Senator t and ' cltirk, W. P. Doland ; assessor,' Dr. Bv Mtisfaclion from the party down here
patch; first, with this: politics and po
litical apoculation on the great ques
tions of tho times, share a full interest
in tho public mind. Tho " fearless" of
Jnsephino intend, at the ensuing clcc
I lion to support, as a man, the veterans
of democracy, who aro now bcloro tho
people on tho never changing platform
of fidelity to tho will of the majority
tho rights of minorities being duly re-carded.
I have beard many expressions ol
received 50 votes ; Davis Evans, 2. I. ATE It FKOM THE STATES.
For County Clerk Win. Hodman,'! r h "rival of the Yrcka stage ycl.t
by acclamation. : si I ! Jay evening wo received through ncikuisn'.
Before proceeding to vote for. Slier-1 express dates from the the Atlantic Stales
iff a motion was mado and carried,,! to April 20th. Itolow wc give a short sum
that the several candidates (whoso mary of tho news:
names would bo proposed forjthonc-,! Comimsssionai.. Tho Lccouiplon bus).
tion of this convention) stato whether , g'n W ," "".WJ. ini
t ...i.i 'i. i.tj- ... .1.. .' Senate refusing to receive tlio House Hill
wcy wuuiu i-nvii " ". i u anj MI,dlnc it back. The House thereupon
or no
action of this convention. In compli
unco therewith, J. 0. Winhurn stated
that ho had announced himself an indo .
pendent candidate for tho offico of
Sheriff", previous to a call being mado
for n Mass Convention, but he was
witling his namo should go beforo the!
convention, and he would abide by the
result, h. II. Hall followed, and an
voted ayes, 119) noei, III, to adhere to
the Crittenden amendment ; thus rc-iimrw-Ing,
by precisely tho snmo majority, their
Tote upon tha passage or tho bill. The mat
tcr remained In this condition fur a few
days, trben, under the pressure of the Ad
ministration, the Senatu asked for a com.
nilltco of Conference: this request tva close
It contested In tho House, and finally car
tied by tho castlnu vote Of the Speaker, and
committees wcro appointed on both sides..
nouncod tho same in substance! nlsn.1 On tho rart of the Senate, Senators 0 rem.
staling that he wduld define his posi-l JJ""1" "!,(1 .sw"d. S" tho .J1 "n
,i. i:,t.i .. .11 ...t,.i ' . Mlousc, Stephens, lngllih and Iloward.
ton politically on all sultablo occa- Tu, co,omt'ttc haa hall one or two sewloru-,
sions, nnd thought tho present not a but tiothing has yet been determined upon
sultablo ono; however, ns tho ofllco'l Tha latest rqorts aro that there Is no pro.
will the National dissatisfied Deniocra. bee. A good ticket, and ought to le ' '''' our neighbor county, Jackson, has
presented a ticket, whosa overy name
and political act has been so consistent
witli tlio interests, the policy and meas
ures of the party which now tecognize
them as leaders in tho present contest.
I o-day wo will havo a precinct
Jnrkton County Democratic
Tick of.
Vor Senator,
For Representatives,
For Sheriff
For County Judge,
Jor Countv Clcrl;
k For Coroner,
-For Treasurer,
.For Assessor,
For County Surveyor,
Por Prolate Judge,
For County Commissioner,
Supt.of Schools J. O. RAYNOR.
Col. of Militia G. W. KEELER.
Stock aoiso
torcst taken In our county nominations
r. ...... M... . I than tho action of tho party In other
VflWIWJ,.JA. ' ., . ..-..-
tic Republican Whig candidates, if successful.
elected, volo for tho pooplo's choice, '! Tlio Steamer "Entcrpriso" has made
Gen. Lane, for U. S. Senator! Let xcverul trips to Eugeno City lately.
,' tho peoplo ask theso questions beforo!; JJ ,,,u,ar b0,,, and h" a V'1'1"
them so as to bo understood. J ,.?, nlT i01 rr Jo,,m" h , t0 be . n,,ct',ing f?r tho clcc," f le,e.Be.,f .t0
J .v.. .v, ...,ii.IB vuiiiuiuin, nnu cuii- . mo couiuy conveniion, to ue ueui nil
St-nnns Di:AT.i.-Mr. William Mar- 'l S rdcr f ,bc mlli,3rJr ,lr,arll'; "d of hta ,mon"'- '11'0ro j,,c ln
tin, who was a nephew of Col. Wm. J.
Martin, of Winchester, and who, wo
believe, resided in tho Umpqua valley,
died very suddenly, yesterday morning.
it seems mat uo una laicen nscvero
r.old frnm rnnilnr. lipniir.K lltrt P.ni-ftt,
ftlslstliifT to rivn rntlln nnd -.. nt.!iSU,,Jern
unwell forn wctk, hon on Tuesday !!Latvcr ,twcn,f ,bou,anJ cattle-will
last Dr. Tho.np.on wa, cdied to visit",1!0 d;ivc,n ?om 'hil TerrllorJf ,oto Cnl
him at Davis Evans'. Ho wa. treated '' ""' Jnrlng tho present season,
there untd Thursdav, when ho seemed J , II. .wl ' b " e following from
to bo much better, nnd rodo to town - lhB T ""' ,hnt ,b oulI,orilIe
in a buggy with tho Doctor. Every1 ' awm ,count ao no1 ",,cn(, ,0
anncaranco indicated that ho una ran. '""" cn,li0 "wncrs.-out will, Im
akill.tiAa l.ni.i B.i I (..it.... it I ...-It
n.itl. ! . i i . . , tumincB riiua , j ui, i ucnot o ii is wen
Cattle.ln very large numbon, arc klngdtflncd who w, lll0 noailnccl. bu,
driven from Oregon to California this 'Were I cottsin of this, I would not, of
Spring. Tho slock sro dejtined, pen- ' courso, montlon prematurely tho names.
ilcrally, for tho Sacrsmcnto vallev. or I ln0 now w8n "ad from hero to j
' . !-....,, ftl. I. mm... nH. I 11 I.I.I-
California. It is estimated -I r .."""r .?",. ",.VJ L.. V. """,'
V. KAMI U b14 HlUUlirillVII. tU U i(
through our prosperous valley.
Tlio mines throughout the county
aro icldiug their harvest of abundance
to tho strong and willing arm.
Tho town presents qulto a different
appearance to what It did when you
wero ncrc last; several new and beau
Idly recovering, and so continued until
fifteen or twenty minutes beforo his
death. Tho Dr. thinks that the iinnio-
diato causo of his death was the rttp
ture of a blood vessel.
Theatkival. .Tho Varieties Troupe
wore very favorably roceivod horc, and
played to good houses during their
stay. On Friday night of last week,
j tho "Lady of Lyons" wes presented,
I Mr. W. H. Brown as Claudo Melnotto,
,ond Fanny Dcming Hanks ns Pauline,
both of whom sustained their parts
very well, and to tho entire satisfaction
of the audience. On Saturday night,
they gavo their last entertainment,
Donrlne County Democratic Ticket.
For Senator, or Councilman,
For Representatives.
For County Judire.
For Sheriff.
Fer County Clerk and Auditor,
For Treaiurer.
For Assessor.
For County CommlkUoncr,
For County SurvcTor.
mediately on their nrrlval In California,
extend to them tho protection of the
laws of that Stato:
J. S. Dudley. Countv Assessor, hni
appointed Mr. John M. Itunkle, of Cot
ton wood, to tho offico of Deputy Asses, j
sor. Hit will make his head quarters'
in tho northern portion of tho county
along the OrcRon road. Tbo nrlnclnal
object of this appointment is to secure
an assessment of stock driven in from
Oregon, largo herds of which aro fre
quently arriving. t
Tin: OitCGO.t EMionA.vr Route.
Wo find tbo following important Intel.
ligence In tho San Francisco Herald,
of the 7tuinst.:
tiful buildings havo recently been erect
ed on tho street leading from the Eaglo
Hotel to the ferry just west of town.
J From an extensive acquaintance with
'mining districts, and somewhat careful
observation, in such places, to make
some particular town a sort of " head,
quarters " or " radiating point," where
all may come " to sro what they can
see," I conclude tho " manifest desti
ny" of Kurbyvillo is ominous.
Crops look extremely well, and from
present indications, I think there will
not bo as much necessity for the im
portation of staples into tills county as
somo of tho older fanning counlies
may calculate.
Yesterday the " heights above " put
on a threatening face, shadowing forth
a hard storm ; but resulted, to tho dis
Mr. J. It. Woodard is a creat favoiito
with Jacksonville audiences. Tho
other members of tho troupe- played
their rospective parts very well.
They left on Sunday for Yrcka. We
hope to see them ogaiu on our boards, i
The Hudson Bav Comimnt's
Charter will expire in 1650, and it is
hardly probable that the English Gov- j
crnment will renow it. The people on I
tho Selkirk settlements in tho Red J
River country have petitioned tho Gov. J
rrnmciit to ciro tbcm a colon a nnr. I
ernment, end thereby free them from
the tyrranny exercised by the Hudson
Bay Co. The British government is
becoming alarmed for tho safety of its
possessions fearing that the Company
does not offer sufficient security against
Yankeo acqulaitiveness.
Among the passengers who arrived , l,P0"nt f everybody, in a light
uucr u.iu uiu uiunuur oi retreating
Our enterprising road overseers aro
nusy in summoning cblo bodied men
to repair to tho several places by them
appointed, on next Monday, to render
legal servlco to their country, by im
proving its public highways.
There is just now a largo number of
persons coming into this section, from
their costume, a great nbundanco of
whom wo have seen in this country. I
Death thou a Rattlusxakk Bite.
A daughter of Mr. Wm. Juetis, of thii
on their long and distant trip.
Editoii Sextinki.: In conse
qneuce of the large number of officers
"dto,. Jed mThur IZ XTr T l0 Vted ?? ,be "'uinS cl",io". We" '".; U ' lhf. o
koiiei,Uled ou ITiursday, 13th, from the. t is euL-cesttd tliat ib .nTun rM-' m u l.a ' r .i. j c r'.
bite of a rattlesnake. On the day pro. tcra be called to the 17th Section of . the county, it had become necewary to !
vlous, tho child, eight or nine years of ,l ,0 2d Afr'icle of e State Comtitu-'iCall a Mass Convention of tho voters
tho foot, and the'i, i . KU " '""'a: "All quail- jJavorauio to this movement.
The candidates for County Offices in Jack
eon county will address the people in re-'
Brd to the Issues of the present Muvaw.at
tbc time and places following, to wit:
Ashland Mills, Wednesday, May 2Ctb.
l'ba-nlx, Thursday, i!7lh.
Butte Creek, (Wcatgate's,) " 28th.
F.vansvllle, Baturdar, 29th.
Applegate. (Long's.') Mond'y." Slat.
Sterllngvllle, Tuesday, June lt.
Jacksonville, Wednesday, 2d
. L? 'sge, w-ns bitten on
KTWo call the attention of our usual remedies in such cases were im Ji nl, ct In the ton. J h
readivr. ll,i. u-b . ,!. n..A -i .. ,.,l..- if.s i... . . . Ii Pre.cIM tUO tOUIlty wh
. ..... .. ,w , vaiu ui ll ill,
Hofi'man, Esq., in relation to the no
cessity of voting in the Precinct in'
which tho voter resides. The Consti-1
tulional provision is a good one, and;
should be carried out bv the voters:
asunder our present system of nW
rece voting, and the great number of!
othcers to be voted for, if the voters
should as a general thing, and which
is commonly done, attend nt the County
seat to vote, much delay would be oc
casioned, and in fact many might be
deprived of the privilege of voting.
Wc therefore respectfully recom
mend that tho suggestions in tho Card
of Eq. Hoffman be adopted; and by
n Anlmw ll.A .. .. Ill tl 1 . I
cast their votes at a convenient and
early hour, and causo much less labor
and delay to the Judges and Clerks of
on the stc-amorSonora was Lieut. ,MnL
Ian, U. S. A., who goes to Oregon on
tho next steamer for tho purpose of or
ganizing an expodition to open an em
igrant routo from tlio Columbia river
to tho Missouri. This is a project in
which California just now feels an es
pccir.1 interest ; and when wo consider
that our overland communications are,
now blocked up, preventing the very,
character of cmicratlon that wo most
need on the Pacific coast, this nstumos
anu to wmen wegoa and Washington
l orritones will be keenly alive. Lieut
Mullan was nn assistant in the oxpedi
lion ol tlio Pacific Railroad bv th
for himself
nlorer nn
--" - .k,..wv.a ..((U n U BIIMII IM'.M . . I. -I. ,IW ..
mil was
.fcww--as F&S
verv turrets is.... it ..."
wckirtnry. mo cuairman SlatpM lirli-IK-
the object for which the convention
was not n political one, tho convention
then proceeded to vote
For Sheriff Ebcneier Pinkhnm, re
ceived '21 votes; J. 0. Winhurn, 10;
E. B. Ball, 23; John E. Ross, 1C.
A motion was then mado that the
two candidates liavinji received the
highest numbor of votes, bo again sub
mitted to tho action of tho convention.
There was a great deal of interest man
ifestcd by tho friends of both parties.
Finally, at tho suggestion of Mr. Ball,,
(through ono nf Ins friends) his and
Air. Pinkham's names wero again sub
mitted, when, E. B. Ball received 11
votes, nnd Ebcneier Pinkham S3.
On motion, E. B. Ball was declared
tho nomineo of this convention for th?
ollico of Sheriff.
For Coroner Dr, L, S. Thompson,
by acclamation.
For Treasurer David Linn, bv ac
For Assessor Jno. Watson, recciv.
ed 31 voles, and J. F. Gray, S.
A motion was mado and carried that
tho balance of tho ticket nominated by
tho previous county convention of this
county, bo endorsed by this convention.
On motion, tho Oregon Sentinel and
Jacksonville Herald bo requested to
publish tho proceedings of this convcu
On motion, tho convention adjourned
ric die. J. A. VA N N EST, Ch'n.
S. J. Dat, Secretary.
Further News from Malt Lake.
San Fmancibco, May 10, 'OS.
By tho arrival of tho Senator, this
afternoon, important news has comoto
hand from Salt Lake, to the effect that
tbo .Mormons havo abandoned tho city
to tho U.S. Army. Tho Los Angeles!
i ineyara, oi .nsy f, says :
"Tho U.S. Marshall art
balillltv of anv satisfactory nsrcemeiit.
' Tho "further consideration of tho l'aclflu
Railroad Hill his teen postponed until De
cember nrf t.
It o 111 Houses of Congress linve.Totvd to
closa the present session on Monday, Jun
7th, the Senate havlnc; concurred In Joint
resolution to that effect, prcrlousrr. lofted
by tbc House.
Death or Coi HmtoiiV Col. nenlon
died on the morning of tho lUlh of April
Ills death, althoueh for a lone time expected.
created a profound sensation throughout thi
country, and especially In MlMurl, for
Hiiicii blato he uas done anu sunerm mu-t
Ills funeral services ere simple and Itapos
Ing. There was no pageant of any sort.
The President, Cabinet, Judges, diplomats
corpse, Senate. House, and other public of.
fleers attended the funeral. He had a long
Interview with lhe President on tho night ot
his death.
Kansas Is quiet. A new Free State Con
stltutiou bad been framed nnd scut to Con
The religious rcrtrnl tu and about New
York still progresses.
The Secretary of tbo Treasury has Invited
proposals till May lUlh, for tho imiio or any
portion or tue wuoie ci sa.uuu.uuu tn Treat
ury notes lo exchange for gold.
The election In Connecticut vent Rciuh.
lican by 2,500 majority.
In St. Louis, the Free Democratic major
Ity Is 1.300, and in Jeffersou City, the Ctrl
tal of Missouri, an cutlro Frccsoll Cuuocll is
Mrs. Swlshclm, the well known ed
itress, has had her paper destroyed at
Si. Cloud, Minnesota, on account cf
her plain spoken words.
Henry Clay's birth-day was celebra
ted with considerable spirit at New
York, Philadelphia, Louisville, Mem
phis, and other cities.
From Europe there Is no news of taper-tance.
Sax Fkancisco, May PJ. Wm. L.
arshall arrived at Los ;a J of l' of L Cacheux U
d of May. ThoMor- Ga!l.y, yr nssaninaled at half-psit
alt Lake City. Gov. lwo' '"" y I'rOMOU won'" namtd
Angeles on the 3d
mons havo loft Salt Lake Cilv
Cumming.ln company with Col. Kane, '.. oirauit, wuo vvas untnart ed
arrived from Camp Scott about the -1th It bu,1 f'f ctn,f' t"P'PeT wlwioiu liavinji
April. Brigham Young was at Provo,
fifty miles tills side of Salt Lake City.
A L-rand Council was to be held at
Provo on the Oth or April, that being
tho anniversary of tho commencement'
of .Mormon worship in 1830. Captalul
Hunt writes that at the Council the
future policy and plans of tho Saints'
will be determined. Amasa Lyman,:
one of tho original purchasers of Sauj
Bernardino, with about Ibreo hundred
men, divided into small parlies, left'
about the 1st of April, on a tour of ex
ploration towards and into tho Apache caalago to the City Hall,
country. The Deseret Xcics was sus- J Jni, Sho U rat,,er lia,ld
pended. 'Hie last number was lisued '" f"' foa,ra "ro ,ba, d'0
ftlcliktlno Glrault, who was unmarried
existed botween them. Sho called at
i tue sioro nnu roureu lino n pnraiu
oflico with Mr. Galley, for conversation .
alone. Sometime after, a cry was
heard, and persons rushing in, fnui .1
Galley ou the floor, having been slab
bed willi-a bowle knifn. passing thro'
his toft lung und Into tho stomach.
We called at Mr. Gallup' rooms at
half past seven, P. M.. and there ai
not the least hopes of bis recovery.
The woman was subsequently anesled
by Eugenu Dllcsert and brought in a
carriage to .tho City Hall, and thence
somo; says
did not ful
fill him, and that he will yet live.
Sae. Mercury.
n Importance that wo dulv appreciate 'I judge them " honest miners all."
nd to which Oregon and'Washintrton Sl'RECASE.
on the 7th of April, on a reducod sheet.
It makes no mention whatever of anv
movement or cbanue. Almost dallv.
sinco the 20th of April, Mormons, for
n.A.I. ra.Mi..la stfC... flA.H 11 -
rive at that place, and are desirou's of.lfe cqtialnUncoof bls.ln Tuolumne
purchasing the places they sold under VR.
O.nly KucriNG thi: Pkacb. A
r.t..i . it. ii it f f. . f
jiiivnu iruaui, says tue i unity JOUWiU,
X .tins Convention.
In accordance with previous notices,'
, the excitement of the gathering togelh-
nty, who, In Alcaldo times, issued
a permit lo a company of Chinamen to
v- j n n rfvu i m iia n i t. a . i
route, in which ho e.tab h.i.h ! ?ir "'"".T FW
ii, . , :v " uii couiuy met at too cuurcli
u hl-'h renutat on as nn Er. t i.-i m. . t. .. . u.cuu'c"
d. T: i . . '" "-"", on oHiuruay, May jo.
liticineer. tnd wo alia i ic-.o .. , i.i' . -"..-' '
...I ...1.1. 1. J I . . . it ---' - "t'V.. UC IIIUC
had been called; that, as the previous
county convention of Mav lt l,vin
1 failed to nominate such candidates, in
we ww i- . si iii tvviii- n..li r....l.fl . ' esae A. .aa
r nf tl, Slnl. . ll.Tl. M... ?- l .. ""' ,0r "' '-HJ P-UU Ullll PI.UOU.
wa Hiv -! i wt tjii siiuuils f-IUIIt ,II,(. i.. a a a
v !. .a.t...i .. i ' "-ocum(niwasn lormniauior
oil of
At-geles. of tho date of April 3d, from' Vr.l fuse ly ornamen ed III, rib
Salt Lake City, which state that the !' Z,b "L ' V 'C'' ' ?''n,,,,l'n
people of that city, and all tho settle- ' J MUf ' w" f r.ef ' fJ'" ,,,01 Goen.r.
...... -... . '. i '," I. 'hey also paid him 825 a dav to dull
mums iiuiiii ui ii. uiu cuiiininiiueu lo i
Immediately abandon and burn their' '' w Wc U ha d U In tlwmosl
dwellings, and move south to Provo, io , ,,? , ," ' T in,5 . " . '
that Col. Johnson may establish a .nil-1 0"J W i,l,led fr t,")."; l'"'
itary post there. The same writer says1 r ,, Cailiitac,,C "n, ".'P"1 in, front
that Gov. Cumming was expected to I??' f?w. Pla,x. mounted on a
arrive on the following day In company IT 1.x n ' fd,0 fU,riUlly
with Col. Kane, ancf that it was sun , ; "ourUbl.sg fbis hat, charging toward tho
w.v.i.j anu uacn ngain, nil (lie llicrill
came and arrested tho whole parly.--
linH r.l..t. l.ll . "- , . .'
uu.t:eio suau vote in tue election' Jn motion, the resolutions drafted;
m.i.i.v ..-n...i -. . li''W'v:"1 " wneretueymay 'oy tne committee appointed at Jack-
"""" 1.-','". uul l'ru - ., reame, lor -Jounty olficers, and in any -lonvllla pr.cinct, on Saturday, the 8tb
ford no relief. 1 ho swelling spread to county in the State for State officers, I Inst., wero read and adopted,
tho body, and after the most intense .n-lV Ci"llf f a ConSre"lonal ' 0n motion, tho convention proceed
suffering, death ensusd. (Uistrlct In which such electors mayiied to uominate candidates for State
I' reside, for Mpnihor.rifrVr,,.,,..., ti., ,- ,. m ..... ., ... ."
.... .-..., wv.in,, jUS ,.u I.UUUIV ouigers, wun tue loiiowiuff
arrangement will enable the larger pre-' ' result voting vita voce
cincts to got through with voting, with- , For State Senator Angus Ross.
In the hours prescribed I by law. , A motion wa. made and carried,
Wm. HOFFMAN, '.that the chairman appoint tellers to
Audltor' J c ;.coun the votes. In compliance there.
KTW have received in exchanKe V ' "" "Ppolnted Henry Klip
the California SnirU of the Times. h ?! i"dJfe'.and ,he COnven'
n. .I.....J ..... . .... """niMiiuw
,.m,.v, uviuicu iu mo tun anrt Held
Setuxo at Daroalv8. l)y refvrence to
advertisement, it will Le seen that Messrs.
""" - iB umj)uiiig oi intir large
and well selected stock of goods at rates that
muut induce a rapid tale. The stock con.
tains a great variety, principally new goods,
of the most fashionable patterns. Call and
.iiit mere any rvnovv coming can
didates for office t If so, will the nat
uralized foreigners, who are enjoying
all the blessings and privileges of our
Democratic institutions, inquire aud
ponder well before voting t
(ttrTbe Crcbcent City Wagon
Rcud has been opened for all kinds of
travel, and will soon be entirely com
pleted, I
for lievrescntaliresn Tt firlffin
sports, the games of crlckot, chess,' relved 13 votes; Giles Wells, 20
billiards aud ball, and feats of strength P'eP!,cu Watson, 37 ; Rev. S. P. Tay '
It is published by S. T. King & Co.,' fe,?' ?r'' Wk' M'0?! 38- J "
Sat, Fr.nci.co, and is printed , the f " && D, j
best style of tho art, and ably edited. I W. M'Cullr and J. A. V. l. '.'
THEnpwnfn...v77 ii ,,eciared tho nominees o
Ih DotAtv of Josephinecoun. tion for representatives,
ly hold their Convention to-day, to. On motion, the candk
I; declared tho nominees of this conven
J On motion, the camlidntA l,m!n .
nominate candidates for County ofliceB.llc,eived tLa gheet number of votes in
Fr...r7Jo..P,,,c,,,r.i.p:3 . yszzr
noseu mat a compromise Una been ef.
fectod, so that they would not be oh-
liged to leave the valley. Other letters
have been received at Los Angeles,
which intimate that tho houses aro be
ing destroyed, but we aro inclined to
tfouut tlio correctness of these asser
tions. Great dissatisfaction has mani
fested itself aiiioni: the Mormons, and
they have split into numerous factions,
each with its parties and leaders.
The Star, of May 8th, contains ex
tracts from various letters received at
Los Angeles from Salt Lake, confirm
ing the above news. A letter to a gen
tlemsu ol Los Angeles, dated Farming,
ton City, sixteen miles north of Salt
Lake City, April 4th says : " We are
now ordered to movo south of Provo,
from the settlements north of Salt Lake
City, and that city is also to be vaea.
ted and burnt down Immediately, in
order that Col. Johnson and his men
may come in and fulfill the orders of
the Government in establishing a mili
tary post there. Tbero is a regular
break up, and it is going to bo rather
uara witu an. I be word generally Is,
that they intend to locate In San Pete
Valley. Gov. Cummlug and Colonel
Kane are expected in from Use soldiers'
camp to-day, under an eicort of oui
boys, aud I anticipate that some com
promise will be made, in order thafall
shall not havo to go away." Vnifiti
In court he indignantly deelnred that
ho had only been using his influence to
keep the Chinamen from fighting.
Look out rou tub TstuniTanut.
Rki'Iikskntatives.-.Wo hope ourdem
ocratic friends throughout the Terri.
tory will see to ft that democratic inein
tiers or tho '1 erritorlal Legislature are
elected in tho several counties of the
Territory.- Statesman.
(Kr Recollect, that forcouiittj ofK.
cers, you must this year vote in your
own precinct. The Congressional and
State ticket can bo voted for In any
part of tho Hinto. Statesman.
Minino in the various locnlilles in
this county is being energetically pio
secuted, and with very good succeis.
Wo hear of very few dissatisfied mi
ners, very few who want to tako a
wild.gooio chase into tho British pot
sessions. Jrll. Parker, ef the Yreka Hookstorf,
will accept our thanks for States tiapcis
ana Magaslucsj
The Golpkn Eha, Among all our
exchanges, this paper Is our favoiiu.
Is, Several tine
fallen during vctk.
sbowirj of rain Ijt