MBtam&m --,jrw ' " J w W" ?"T v "T "3., r "." "eTT?" " frW Irani that tbo Indian near Walla-W all Mole from V. IL Davis, i resident of that neighborhood, nine bead of cattl. Lieut. Gaston, with an imsll company of horse, was ernt in nortait, ami cnased the red raicals as! far as Snake river, without success. CVrpw Tunes, April 24A. (CrWc arc informed that the Willa nut Woolen Manufacturing Co. will b compelled to Mop for awhile, owing to the scarcity of wool in the market. Staltman. Donrln County Nntlonnl Dtmo cratlc Candidates, For Senator. JAMES F.GAZLEY. For Representatives, A E. MAGEE, BOWMAN.. For County Judge. VOL CATHCART. t For County Clerk. JAMES WALTON. Tor Sheriff, JOHN ITLLERTON. For Treuurer, E. M. MOORE. For Awejeor. Jonathan TiBBrrre. For County Commissioner, JAMES TURNER. A u noun cement. Jicxsox Caxcc, Jackson Co., O.T. Eiifer Orrm Srntintl-Flease an-twi-c the ccJerslgneJ aa a Candidate for tkicfflct of CONSTABLE, for Jacksonville;, rrtcinct. JAMES CR0OK3. Xatlonnl Democratic Appointments , lor Southern Orccon: E. M. Bakstx, the National Democratic toa!ae for Giveroor, will address his M-k'-ctirens In Southern Oregon, upon the jolUiti iMuei of the pcsdls; campaign, at us i.iiewisg Wisehest dsr (U! Frids, t7?' dJ s Jl.m I Arnlewte-s Store. WHnetd'tftrUar 19. I ." 'J n"'V".J. .,Vr?n.:,,e-' M eWfl filar J.MgB U.U. A.r.K A.AL afterward.. ' I TaMcs An runi i .t-w ... , v.i .... .n- . . i tt'.. a r ti tt t a vm ubisvi nuuiiiuuiiu iu incn rs our uauri.i rr Frid.y. Jl s Hr-eburr. 10 :7.vLi .:! .,:r.?' "' tl. ' "T"! - . - . . . Juet received, some, plend.d Model Ta- :: Nor'h Canyonnlle. Monday. H : " 1 ". ... j.1" "'"". ' J .1 "T '" RtI Jlcetln beldal thdr Hall in ble. Oak, Rosewood and Mahoeanv. with 1-bt.rc. Wedaevlay. JC : Kerbirllle. ..:."".:". ''"7",.,"''u "." ,,,T Kerbrvllle. Saturdav i.ioetlr,r-rull Slat and Msrbl BeJ. Al.o Billiard v -? Altbouse. Saturday. 2:Sallor'''ut"V.:.,:s:";:""7 ait ' . u7 "".",",.:; t Tnmminr of everr description. Address. nn. Mond.y 81; Evansrllle. Wednej.'' "" "l'"?' ' li:"'T""?!rvy'my , fc "" -'"i E M. Ill'GHCS.ScU Axent. iWM!5K!H;?."!!r " HoJnd rVair!; S,,'n ,bV oun v n." d",. "Ca- .r ,.,. ISO J.ck.ou streetSsn Fr.nd.co. A'l opr-Mlnp candidate are respecter n J'1' l btrrd lavited to meet aud addrea tu people at ; Jill i ueie several appointment. Dt order of the Uld .Yationa! Dan, State Com. Is He Honest 7 Is He Capable ? SbeuW ao person, possewing a creater-' m. MlluntlVU Vt M4MJV.IIJ WA ilV VUICI. ef Jackson County. cne to tbe eQ.ce of' COC.NTT JTDGE, tbey may consider me a X4i4aa fA nlULaiA a sk. .r.a..! I.- tuciiot. 'iq ' j.aTOLMAN.''" Anuonnccment. ' i &e of SHERIFF of Jackson County, tub- .: to tat decision of tbe voters, iu their Cscveatton on tbe first Monday in June Lit. My view upon the political questions .' tbe day, I will make known upon such , eccxtlon as I may have an opportunity. ' E. B. HALL., Jackson County. April 19, 165"! 1IEI. In Big Rich Woods, Miller Co, Minourl, Levis SnoT eonnort of Reuben Short,' aferampeboliCkontbeSlstofMarcb lt58, srtd 59 years. She leave a busband, ten et.idreo, and a large circle of friends to couru her lost, but not without hope. She a member of tbe Cburcb for more than 10 Tftr. and died trusting in the Lord. , Communicated. NEW ADrEKTISEllENTS7 t n rnFTNTATvr -f i JLJ .JJ, si, J m. 1 i mv vuiur wi IIUKV 1UU .UUir OUVls ' -.. -- "v w j j xcakow - v asr ll a find Jate far I'-fMrcntlnr Mtimer . S no uiacksmiiliing in alt Its vartoust ctnreteO. "So cure, no pay," I bl motto. ",. , , , lJ;linZL::T !. -d f.-?- ! - certlucate, Innumerable, from W1 1 e 'nd '"' - 1 i i iikiii v iu mi mm mil nunc con , , . . ... ... 1Cte forward and make immediate Settlement., osc who Lave bctn cured ol loug standing fRtfsrp rJTTr ,,,,,.,. p-j..i.,. and tbo.e having claims against tbe firm d chronic disease under hi treatment, : .. T7,1 Jilf Independent Cnndldnte. w,H p,ent th.m fu, settlement, without are aly, cpen to th. Inaction of thepub-' Jj on,nf1e,,.dBtt,,h ,I,1,.,M."",,,', known.. I tssounee myself a a Candidate for tbe del.f. to J. B. Denbr. . lie at bl.W. iti.i ;.i.?..il .7. Iu. ' "Busli 8aw-mill," .itu.ted ner Kir- . are A RE NOW OPENING A ELL AS- sorted Slock of Merchindtx. al their tKILK STOItL, corner of California and Oregon streets, JACKSONVILLE they cfTer for sale Cheap for Cash iry proouee UT Call and Examine trouble to .how Good.." Oca Motto Small Frofits and Quick neturns. Idi3 3 "" ! COpannerSllIp N0tlC. !l M. KENNEY i JAS. HAMLIN D jf nsve tins dsv lormed a Uorinef-,i ' under the style or -K.nney & H.m-, no, lor the purpose uf transacting a gen-'i i(r a I Lib rl ss fl.ivvn A m f ..- - ! mercantile bu.llie. in J.ck.onvilU. 0 T at ili.ir Brick Store, corner of Call lxnia and Oregon streets, where they in- le their friends and the public to call n d examine their Slock. ,, Jacksonville, May 2, 1359. It3 , I mm h mm vttik'ii iii't-tti. pnfivr i- I MN.'S BUTTER, CHEESE. Egg,, HM",",W, ". ''' Bacon. Lard, Wheat, Oats, l"e,; CAS"' IT B.eon. Lerd WI...I. O.i. IfW't Ilarley, Corn Meal and Flour, in exchange Ramember " Tis no trouble to shos CWds." Idt3 ej LADIES, CALL AT 1 LNNEY ec HAMLIN S Brick Store, lames, Muslins, Alspacas.Bersges, Lawns,)! -. ano ci. mine meir cm, riaiot, ut. Collsrs, Ciiiini. stirs Understcevas, Laces, ...b. . illll.l. ..IfEU.lUB. Dams.k.. v.muricKs, jacKonetts, and rrinu. Call and examine" 'Xis no trpuble to show Goods." 18l3 NOTICE ! ! ALL Person, having WHEAT in tb. Eagle Mill, are requnied 10 call and fl Ikeir Floor immediately, since we are Ct.icou. of closing all tlie present Mill ac count before the coming harv.st. THOMA" JACOBS. n.7 . - ". .".' .. .'T 53GOT SSS.. KENNHY tc HAMLIN'S srhx mam. 'TV no TretiMr Jo Sop Groif. 1.1. ki.-sus or COUNTRY FRO - u -- ir i.ncn 111 cxru.nEC ior roooi. Jacksonville, May 14 !Sl3. i . . r- w TT7ENNEY &. HAMLIN WILL FAY XV. tlia ! ighe.t price ior GOLD DUST, In Dry-Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hard write and Cutlery. 18l3 Notice! '"PHE Copartcewbin hrretofore eijtinj,,cnilt the f"S &mn and place, to- jl anu Known as ilia utro or J 1 5?to tey V Co-l Hut day ditvolrrd br mutual nf.Ajt.t Tl ... u III I.. .J .-J beretder in (he name of Login A. Storey.' aii perfoni note, morlgi tie the same old stand STOREY April V, Ittfia. 18;f In Justice's Court. rpERRlTOUY OF OREGON, Cocstt J- 0rJiCt051M To David Thomp. son; ou are hereby notified that a writ" ofsttschment has been istoed iriioil T'l and vour nrooertr attarbed to ..tltf". ill. " demand of Davis Evans, amounting to Iwtcty.fiT dollors (S-J51 Now unless ! voti shall appear befur. U. S. Harden, t'l Hi.' .'" .. "i t justice uime peace in and ror said county," at hit office, on the COth day of June, ISM." Mi. .J - -ill k. j 'j ,'. ' juarmtni wiii 39 renaerrU Aft. nil you. and your property sold to psy the debt. Dated thu ilth day of Mat, ls3. l.J tllL .' Isu DA Id EVANS, Plaintiff 'rpiffl" WimtCtl, TF spplieatiun be made soon, in the I Slate Creek llou.e. Josephine rountv O.T. 17 OLIVER J. EVANS. ' ADM1MSTRATORS XOT1CE. ! X OTICn is hereby g'.ten to all persons - v n nora ii m.y concern. , thai ti.e un- , r1a.lnaif list k.Bn m k.m.1 . J ft J.f-. within one year from tbi dale, or the same Arm VS. lHoiL D BURNETT. AdmV. " EXnCVTORS NOTICE. i' "YOTICE.-AII persons having claims ," i arain.t the estate ofJ.meslIaneT. dec. lateof Douglas county, O.T., are lierebv I notified to present them, nrooerlv autben CMr.d h lement. to the undersigned. ttlil ff.te. or tlia ..trial Mrill ti. ti.p. April 25, ls5i. I x JAS D. BURNETT, Ex'r. . Dissolution Notice! Tl.E. rarinewliip L.rtlolor. rxi.ting A between the undersigned is this day , ui.iDirea oy mutual consent. I' I'l.. i....:..-.. r ir... J. B. fTENBT. k D. GRllTITII. Jacksonville, April 1,1 Ad. ICtf "NTiTTflP, t ' J.VJAAjJJ t rililE Coptrtnership eii.tipr under the' JL name of Cohen tc Crsne is this dav di.tnlved by mutual consent- All those lisvinr accounts eeimtt the firm, will please present Idem (or navment. and all thoie indebted to the saldifirm are rtnue.. led to ssttle their accounts inside of thirty days from date Our suiee.sors, S. llrilmrr A Co.. we 'recommend to our friend and customers. 'j frill rv a. piiivp lf Althouse. April 1, I85P. 13m2 ,! Notice Settle! ' A LL PERSONS HAVING UNSET- jM. tied Accounts with tbe Fhcenix Mills ' "ree.ne.ted to call immediate r nod set.! ' . TLE 2THESAME.ajIamdlroutocloe all the present accounts. S M. WAIT. Thxnlx Mill. Jan. 20. 1 856, 2 Mew State i. inueDieaia m oiu nrm oy ,i,, ,o. 7T " ,7.C t....; .. ir.ii.rl ire or booaaccount, will u V' "t --- . v- - -.j . with Locant- Store, at ihal&Mn.".--: --... - in Waldo. Siilor DiMlnri.O.T. u'nmma touoiT-iiamer, lourway, sv, nwnr i.ir- .'-, ,i . . iai. ucient. rriuT. zi. VIV A llblkll. i& tiit.n. fl ., M'tri.titu yau iiiHriiiiru nuininniri L i ' " ' --m . - i w n rvrvn i . .. i....i.t .. . ." ui this i. u. iiLiim . i pr; TJYEK.Y STABLER u or coun-, ,j Corner of California and 4lh streets, i "Ti. no! JACKSONVILLE. , ,Dr Jame Clnccsce. ! Jame Clnccsce. 1 rT"'IIE 8uble is large and well srrsnjed,. X. and customer can be accommodated! - ' moment's ootiee with superior SADDLE HORSES, on BUGGIES Double or Single. This Stsble ha. been erected (t bea rmtnu.inil .liwL.rf Willi lh Afixl tilnmf. ed bnr.es, well suited fur Ibe saddle or harness. Experienced grooms always in attend. ance No pain, will be spared to accom- modate customers in superior style. k'nniriii. .1... . I - ....t.l.. ..Till .....J (....wn.iig III., JIUUIIG Will ClirilV t patronage where il is due, the proprietor , flatters himself that he will be able lose- comroonat an. at leasnoable rates, lor CASH. JJIf eiqssb jm&mm. T F- ANDERSON take this melb. rtd of informine ilia K.riiira aid . Slock Raiser llial be is prepared to lake ' the wilde.t horse aud break tbein In a I' abort time lay not to exceed three hour Persons desirous of having their burses t 10 lie perlectly gentle and lame, trained, by eivme bim notice, can be ac. I commodated I'rire, $10. Htf I' U WILLIS HORTICOTT, HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF' Law. and wiU attend to all business entrusted to bis care. OFFICE At tbe Slate Creek House, Josephine Co. March 27, 1858. 12tf TWO MULES FOR SALE. ' rMIE Subscriber has two rood Mul.s lor t se'e Inquire el the Srerifet. office. II n W. ti. T'VAULT. Uf ! SKBfflttMi HOTOBS"." Dniutrrntln ppniiittnctit (or it Public trrakiHg. aaaa'.. tv- ah- Tbe Hon. L. F. Oiiovxr, the Democratic i, nominee for Congress, and ether candidatea't for State nlScers, will address tie people at ' the lime ana pl.cca announced below! tr . - , . r ioe rtni h&im ni invanti an fmtvwmi.! parties are respectfully invited to meet the I democratic nominees at their several ap- potntmentt, and to discus existing political. , . . Tlie lion, Dcl.roa Smith and other aMe and distinguished democratic speaker will also be preeent, and address the people. The Lemecralle candidate extend a eor dial and earnest invitation to their demo emtio fcllow-clUtcna and all other, to at "A, , . , . j I v-iscaamaa v.o. uregoa uuy, ftaiuraay, 1 1 May 15 Vpper Molalla, vllarrlaon Wriebfi) ' HMonday, 17 ; Milnaukie. Tuesday, IS. Clatson ConntT Astoria. Court House. TueadsT. 25: Clatsop rials. (Church.) Wednesday, 2C ; , Tlllanook County Saturday, 19. Yamhill 1'c-uniy WetTa store. (S. Yam .bill Hirer.) Tuesday, June 1 ; Lafarette, Thursday, 5. Folk County Dalla. Tnklnrtnn rnnnir "Vednesdar. 2. Forreat Grove, Frl- day, 4 lUlltborough. Saturday, 5. Per erdtr bf tht Detno. Stalt Stalt Com. I MrJIlnnTnaii I'nnnlT l'r41inii wfrM.' L. J. CxapVnr.-We vronld dlrectt'0 "" " ... r.i ....t n in. .. .l a-i- . . : nluI of Dr' U J' Crkay'a adrtrtUeaent,, ! oa fourth page of this paper, to place tbe " vfVbtffl RIKUSIVU U4 tU 1IU tU UV IT I' service of a learned and experienced Thy- '.ufTcingfrcB the tffecta'ofecxual of private ji it. i . . . ! , , diseases, or their Ill-treatment, vre cheerful- ly recommend the Doctor, a a man ST lut scientific end medical acquirement. In otiu that patients at a dlitanca may avtll , themselves of bit advlc, free eoasullatlent by letter U open to them. . . Iln3 Kerbyvllle, Jan. ht.lMS. lllul! Coxsn-Tinos Gratis. The extensive I P"" "hieb Dr J.C.Young ka. acquired,1 In CaltforuKU to be attributed In a rrt 1 mnunn not onlv tohl..itll Ult...Ml.n.. but to bl liberality. Persona added with any diteare cognizant In bl branch of phar macy, nay consult bio, at hi office, any day,rr if charge. When addressed by letter, where a written answer Is required, i the usual fee 'S10) will be exacted. Offiee ' hours, from 10 o'clock a. x., to 6 r. x. In-1 , valid, placing themselves under the charge of Dr. Teucs can rely upon a speedy and! permanent cure. The Doctor' uniform prae- ahililv Ii .l.lr and tboroocbly demonstrated in his numer ous medieal work, copies of wbicb can be haft ut til. r.i.. IT.vU. 1.... ... .. honorarr mrmtxr of 1 1.. l!ri r-..n.. . Sofgw. London, the highest cbirurgleal bodr hi erlaienee.be feel. vM..ti,.i 1.1. Surceens. London, the (n.l.i M.u...tt..i sernee cannot fall to be appreciated In a rnreclited In a diKernlngoommunity CoosulutUn rooms corner of Montcomery and California sleet.' ' over Pacific Exnreaa Co offlre. K.n Fr..u dsco. . - - --, .. 2m3 I1 H6BFBH6. I i, Auditor, and Deputy JOSEPHINE COUNTY, 0. T. Office in Kerbytill. RONDS, DEEDS. M ORTG AGES. LJ .' "" of Allorney, ic.drawn up un shortest noticn. snd fur r.Kiin.lil r.. : 4utr California Stage Company's Tri-TToekly Line titnf I ,..,,. . , ,.,.. lRfckA TO JACKSONVILLE!!; ...-j r. .. 1 .. . ON and after Monday, March i!0tb,IfaMM tbe California Sisea Cofnn.n ..ill '1 run aTrl-werkly line of Coaches between' dsys, connecting with tho Compcnv's r- l . v i. c. .1.. c-.ii - ". uavne. i a if.i tur iwe luiiowmg pisees SHASTA, RED BLUFFS, TE HAMA, OROVILLE. MARYS YILLE, SACRAMENTO, and all intermediate points. ra.sengets ooomng their nsmrs at the office of tbe California Slaee ComoinrJ Yreka Hotel, will be furnished withi through ticket tor any of the above named place. II. CONROY. Office Agent, Yreka, March 24, 1853, lltf JlJIVJSJJ1i 1UAJLJUO. I THE subscribers now having their 'ml,',t'"'lu' Pow' of nature, and Di.nltere m eireli.ni ,.n... N B. No person will be received at the - I1 would respectfully inform their pairons'i .'and tbe public generally rh.llbey arc now nren.rad to do 1.11 kind, nf .Vtn,il..ni H1.ll i business, and are alw fnrnishieg a choice ' lot of Liquors, consistiog of i.ita, firau dy. Whiskey, Laser Beer, dec. THOMAS 1 JACOBS. Eagl. Mills. Jan, 23, 1653, 3if, Umpiiua Academy. j, THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE I' Summer Session of lha Academic I1 Year will commence ita term on the 15th l day of February insl. 1 ror course of, study, laws and jerula.'l .: . ......!. "n j ",.t liun,t,.B u.iaivg,.. UWIIU KUIIQ, .OQ atlf reaeoBCbla term s. A R FLINT, Frineipsl Jonx M'Lircm.t. hixbt ramiJ MTiOfiEffl&'KlIPPEL'S I "IHW STATE" ! DTHHUn i 1 I HllII7T?tl' " " " f . 1-Vf w m, lis w u; tin $ New Ilulldlnc. Corner California and Centra Streets, JACKSONVILLE, O. T. npilE "NEW STATE" is a cool and X. spacious Saloon, and is fitted ut n In Itrls of flrnr Tha Itll;...l 1. I.I.. a-". ... v....alu ahuivi ( from one of the best miters. I And at the Bar there will always b found vanrl tnnnlv nf mII r..n.l. n..K I B "11" ! miw i.h.ii a.iaii dies, prime Scotch and Amtrican Whia.' hey, choice Wines, Ale, and Lager Ileer.t ana superior Havana uigsrs. .Mly, PHELAN'S M9IEL IILLIA1C TABLES. . AKD falcnt COMBINATION CUSHIONS,!) Acknowledged by th best Professional and Amateur Players tu a a Titr Only Correct Cushion Now In Use i rpilESE TAHLE3 AND CL'SHIONS l jl. are now sold as low as ttie "Uld irie Tables of the dey. And as a proof jlhrir superior merit it is ontv necesisrv 'i u.c;?? m.p irrT'-tTrtirc . " . --- . r. . m w - Got up iu thik city, mide from FASTE- BOARDand old HOBSE BLANKETS, and palmed ofTon the cnauipecting as rilCLAN'S PATENT. One of these miserable scoundrels lias been CAUGHT IN THE ACT. His name, and the nine of the gentlemen he deeeed, will be tbe subject of an.tber com uunieation. Panics eendiiiff their Old Rails to the subscriber, (who is now msking these I Cushions under Tuelan's Patsnt.) can have them covered with sets of tbe genuine arl .:.!.. .-j... j i . . t I Tlie Exaet Time o' Bay.! sJOHN NETTBER, w fl .!, 1... -, jAffA i,A r " a l CflfflaKC Snfl J6"e lle f Has located in i JACKSONVILLE, O. T. SHOP On California Street, in John llarrbuld' Building. TtT'ATCHES aod Jewelry Repaired on t short nftice. All kind, ot Jewelry Manufactured and Engraved to order, in ijuick nine. Watches and a general a.sortment ofl Jewelry on baud and for ssle chesp fun cash. X)te. 151. 4ilf 1. 1. WILLIAMS I'erssns Iiavine w whest willdol HiaiislAJU. II A i .-M . well to get It floured at ibis mill, it id will be s. 7lT furnishedTa .n m n,. situated at th best flour market in Soutb-lr"'" " " '" ru,Di,,4e1 M ,D3P ln 0,e- "n Uregon H lill continue to furniih the beat " 1 ,,i'1, co"111 article ol lumber I low price. ' ' "ons owing Jor lumber will ples.e ' ',"V" "inl cl" 10 "'" UP cashi much needed, Aut- - 33tf 1 T. E. RYAN OFFERS FOR SALE altrgetnd well (elected assortment of j! STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, I 1SUOTS 6f SHOES, IETATS, ttOTHINfj And all kind of GROCERIES, which li.'t .Ml nine Tools, will sell Cheap for Cash, at his store on California street. Jacksonville, Aug. S, 1E57. 30tf MM UIMY. A. B. OVERBECK, M. D. TAKE THIS METHOD OF Insmina tliak I'sllilas dial f dava UP ' my residence at Pleasant Grote,j two miles east of Jacksonville, a .unable iviwnik assv avueev UI1I4 i hare fitted; building for tbe reception end treatment of! not remain in th. .Infirmary will be .'USTABZ,ING, HAY AND GRAIN, ,.--...-,...,-. ., u,v.... ...uu. ., rect.on peeul..r to tb . W"" ' of treatment by which thousands bate been cured and and restored to health at very moderate charges. I have ample erraneement for th ad. ministration of Ibe various kind of Bttb medicated, vapor, warm, sold, Ac. The distinguishing feature of tbe Phy. opatbic Practice consists in the adminis . tration of an innocent medication. All 'agents, whether mineral or vegetable, that are known to act a poisons, are rejected , from toy practice The Ppyao-tialbic prc tico eigoifies Ibe treatment oi disease with agents that actio harmony with th recu- l"&na'J w'' onot furnish good gusr. nte of payment, .v .. .. . Xi.AXXO . The public generally will be accommo I dated al any. time with any of tho above 'specified Baths. Tlie Ballnng-rocui and ( tubs are lined with zink, and will be eu- 1 lircly Iree from taint, A. B.OVEBBECK.M. D. Pleassnt Grove, Sept. I'J, 1657. 3Clf 0. BARRETT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. T ESIDENCE at J. Swingle's, Antelope 33Fsrticuler attention pj'd to draw in; up .11 kind, of Irgal p. pars. I5lv Wo! There, Every body! Do you wirh to patronize a home conducted on atrictlr temperance principles? Do you want to Mop at a house favorably known throughout California, Oregon, and , 1' 0,,,er P',c'' for " n"Jre chrC,, If rflM al !! tit tat m iIpa a. mi -- j .-. v - "( " v auilli. jmi Leldcsdotfl" Street This establishment is centrally located KE 111 1$ Kir '1 1 Mam www msfammm ptavaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv it iiaiv . h m wm -1- -"" - -- . J . ... -..-..- , MVH?lBhHHl rtaVVKplHnfi "3 iaHIB' IbiiiH saaalsSt ltsi9u aiiiiiimi aafl 1 &MmwmytSBgizx&)T&wmi'mtmmJmjl WKtttMKj-MEStjSt eta mj .! Ai hi. eia n n 11 aa a w.t "- v. P I and in the immediate vicinity of th Steamship Co.'s ollice, the r'rtiaod the United States Hrancli Mint. ,ror, HOARD, per week, G. BOARD, per day, 4)1. MEAL8,5( 50 to 75 cents per night. u. Single Rooms furnished complete, Vsu Rooms or Lodgings can be had by to suit the convenience of all, Tlio Beds are filled up In the very best best curled natr matresree, clean oeauine. BATHS 1) aniemiltinr attention and untirine fort and convenience at extremely low prices, the proprietor hopes to merit a continu ance of the increasing pstrnnag that the For the accommodation of miner and two safes in the office There is an extensive Library and Reading Koom, well supplied with papers, pe riodical, tic jarTHZ HOUSE IS OPEN ALL NIHGT. fitr Traveler will please remember that tliete at no Runner connected with this estsbii.hinent. The What Chier House is conducted on strictly lemnerahc principles. no.7 43 II. B. WOODWARD. Proprietor. HARDY ELLIFF HAS ERECTED A NEtV And Com modious tavern stand at the S uih End of the Canyon, Douglas County, O. T., Where he is prepared to accommodate the 1 , pubie in good style. The long residence liofihe proproprietur at this point preclude ma necessity oi saying, ibat Will be as well furnished as the country afford.. THE STABLE Is supplied with Hay and Grain in abund ance. Animal particularly attended to. Every attention paid to render those who call comfortable and tatlsfied. No.27, 1S57. Clf JESSE ROBERTS HAS erected NEW BUILDINGS and refitted the old t.vern stand at Canyonvlllc, NORTH END OF THE CANYON, Douglas County, O. T., Where he is prepared to accommodate the Traveling Public in good style. mas tasils gon. THE STAIILE I Is large, end well supplied with Hay and,'nd, fil Grain. Particular attention paid to ani-M '0P mals. (.ealloe S-SU Every attention paid to those whs may favor hun with a call. uet. J. ler,7. 44tf nmmim nisi. fronting the Plata, Corner of Lane and Fourth Street, YREKA. Cal., Kennedy Ac Kenron, Proprietor. rpill Proprietor are prepared to ae I JL commodate Traveler with Private I Km,'J !.".''. 8.!'r.' Doubla Bads. il TI.. TI III t" ..III I is. J ...:.l. .L- I I .4.UUI , vv iUiIIICU Willi IIIV I i! But is Mincer. i Tbe BAR is furnished with the Best. I, Uiscs, Liitvas, 4c,i.c. 17if '"Pkospect RAxcn," Applegnte Creek, O. T. IN-iPHE nndersigned wishes to inform hi.' -L friends and the tratelmg public that, -w hv ..v m il b'wwssv a having improved tbe above Kauch, (half, j war between Kerbvvlllaauil Jacksonville. formerly known as Bsrkwtll'. ranch,) he tJ . .r.c. i - ..... i.., 1' ". ."""U a careful hostler in attendance "wr" ,u u,t'i a snare oi pumic in iron HUGH HEAPS, ' i Proprietor. Jnury 11, 1553. lyl II BOOTS, i TIJST RECEIVED and to ARRIVE, tJ a eumplete assortment of Ladies , with a view to service. If vou want to cconomixe. call and ex change cash for a sub.tsntial and superior article. Prices are reduced to suit the time. ladies, Gent and Juveniles, drop wheu y,u are shopping, and inspect. ujot sail oiior oroar, Cor. Cal. and Oregon at., (Opposite the Eldorado.) Sltf HAINES. Physician and surgeon. OFFICE At his Residence, in Win. clie.ter, O. T olif. A YOKE OF OXEN For SAEE. TWISII to sell on. Yok. of first r.te Work Cattle. Apply to 3 VV. O. T VAULT Face the uslc atnVf cadi good Urn and be.t of beds, together with n . ,(. i U 110 nnd 131 Sncrnmcnto street, SAN FRANCISCO. in the principal business part of the city, t.iptcis .0.1 unices, 0 cents. LODG1NG8, 75 cents per night. the Night ur Week, with or witliuut board, style, with patent French springs, and the ate. FEEE. efforts to furnish the eraatest amount ofcom- What Cheer House at present enjoy other hating money or valuables, there art orniMWiwo J wteLfo m i ms KERliYYILLE, O.T. THE Subscriber luting LEASED th; above targe and comtnodinus Hotel in the flourishing town of Kerbrvllle, on th road from Jacksonville to Allliouse, Sail' or Diggings, and Crescent Cily, solicits H (hare of Public Patronage, THIS UMk Will atwaye be furnised with the best the market afford.. C. C FAIRFIELD. Kerbyvllle.Jan. I.H57. fWlf SLATE-CBEEK HOUSE. Oliver 3. Evans THIS well known stand, sltuste fifl4.lt miles fronilCerbyvilletnd lliirty-four from Jacksonville, has been erected suita. ble to accommodate the Traveling Public. It i ilwaya pleasing to tho boat and host. ess to make their guests is comfortable a po.tibl. tfJHIg STAE&lg Furni.lied with all the country sfTorJ. Good Stables, well suonlied with llaf 'and Grain. es are entertained that those who? I call nnce will ride Iste or flop esriy to psrltke (gain or tbe hospitality of the os eupant. , lit The F 1 n e t tpaoToaaAipiEiig AND i&iiaiBia'!? vTipbs Me taken by - PETER BRITT, On the the UIH, near tbe old Parsonage, JACKSONVILLE, O. Tt Htf W. G T'VAULT, Atfomej and Counsellor at bxvr. And Notnry Public for Jackson Co., Will practice in the Supreme and Die. irict courts oi ma icrriiurj. II llffira adioinmr the Prinlloc Office. fW V 1 sMgffRWrlrt?lifMlVliJ Hap BJW a ff 111 CTO5iiiiara t Jacksonville, 0-T. Hf OEEC.ON lMKEUY (DDrryiS'SDniBaiT, tcnian wikxbich. xLarnr niMtaap. WEINBACH & BAHHABb, (TrvcMs Old Stand,) -r-T- AVE on hand and are alway resdy I" to rnaufseture to order all kinds of PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, CANDIES, 1 1 U.1KJZS, I'ttiS, se. Millj: For Weddings and Parties got up in goed style tnd at the lie shortest notice. 'Jacksonville, O T July Id !i7m3 AueUsouvlllc Mukery, i.uri - .n itoki-x skit to'eluuhxiiu WM(WW. ..-,-- "- ' , Jacksonville, O, T MIKE HIENTC JnMTTAS OPENED A SALOON forth ,1 XjL frinsaction of the above business, and will Keep on iiauu ana muuui.ciui toorderall kinds of Urend, Cuke. Cracker, PJe, I'oiliy, CO.VVECTW.YZRY, Vc, tfe. For Weddings, Bill or Parties, furnished at shortest notioo and lowest prices. MIS HJA!B Will be supplied with tb best LIQUORS AND CIGARS July 10, IB57. 8ftu'J TWO HORSE WAGONor SALE, A PPLY lo the .ub.eriber. A 3 W. G T'VAl'LT. ' j . s " sm-simni masiiL' nT' tmmriMsTlwnwfli'3 H-