Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 24, 1858, Image 4

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gprtgou Sentinel,
Preserve II on Ilia Hiiri Ilemity.
Ho enreful to rctnlnn good digestion
nnd a elenr conscience.
Use llio unlh luflicietitly for clonnll
ncci, and tlio ngrocitblo sensations of
(ho skin,
Tnko frequent exerclso In iho open
nlr, by wnlking, riding, rutining, etc.
Ilnvo .ultnblo cmployniei t for tlio
mind nnd body, ngreenblo to the titsle,
Knt ilowly till hunger U satisfied,
but not to repletion. Avoid constipa
ting nrliclen of diet.
Quench your thirst frequently with
puro coltl water. Avoid tlilrit-provok
inn conillmenlfl.
If you hnvo rutin orunenslnesi In tho
Btomncli after drinking cofleo or eating
, pastry, tnko a drnft of cold water.
Hotter still to avoid the uio ol cotteo,
ten, and alcoholic drinks.
Do not uio tobacco In nny form.
Attend promptly to tho indication
of nature
Do not drcis nioro warmly than Is
rcmiiilto for comfort.
Let your shoes, bell, and other parts
of your dress, bo easy, oiving freo
courno.to tho blood nnd digestion.
Do not retlro to bed with a head full
of troublcsomo thoughts, but rcllovo it
by pleasant conversation, music, n
liymn, a danco.ornrtinin tho open nir.
On retiring, tho head should bo cool
and tho feot warm.
Do bold enough to speak tho truth,
nnd not bow your conscinnco to any
1'rcsorvo your self respect, nnd your
courtesy to others.
Ho temporal" In your enjoyments,
religious without bigotry, and liberal
without ounding tho prejudices ofnny.
As n general rule, pursuo such n
courso ns, on tlio whole, shall bo most
Tnko sufliciont labor or rxorclso to
keep tho body lithe, tho head uroct,and
nil tha motions easy.
Tho truo lady, ns well ns tho truo
gentleman, should bo perfectly upright,
both In person nnd character.
Asiociato with ngrocitblo compnn
lons, lovo your relatives and friends;
cultivate your own mind, tosto nnd sen
timeuti, and Initnict others.
Kndtinvor to bo happy you no It, nnd
assist others to bo so.
Coutrlbuto to tho Improvement of
your kindred, your country, nnd tlio
Lonrn wisdom in gonoral, whenever
it mny'bo found. "Her ways aro ways
of pleasantness, and all her paths'nro
ftaea.Jifje illustrated.
J war. Hhown and tiik IIankiiii.
Anything that will do In laugh nt,
connected with tho financial troubles,
ought to bo treasured up; for there is
little enough of it, goodness knows.
In Mlhvauklo, says tho Green Hay Ad.
vocate. wo not this:
Judgo Drown of tho county court of
Ilornia, everybody knows spares no
ono, and 'cuts down great and small'
with his 'sells,' having just returned to
that city from n trip to tho Interior, mot
n cortnln baukor, whoso reputation, In
all times, is as that canny land from
wliouco lie not his accent.
"Well," said .tho banker, "how do
you get twin tlio country I Any now
failures! -How aro monoy matters
whore you hnvo been I"
"Perfectly awful," said tho Judgo,
"an alone tho Fox river thnro is a per
fect panic. Vliy,atOshkoili I couldn't
pass one of your c.l bills, anywiiero in
"Couldn't pass n threo dollar bill on
my bank I Do you mean to say that 1
(Much excited.) What was tho rea
son t" (Very uorvous.)
'"Tlio reason was, that I hadn't one,"
placidly replied Judgo Drown.
Our friend, tlio baukor, mado no an
swer, oxcept to tartly inform tho Judge
that if ue would como down to tlio
bank ho would give him one.
No Cnunnit. A lawyer built lilui
self an oflico In the form of a hcxignn,
or six square. Tha novelty of the,
slruoturs attracted tho attention of some
Irishmen who wero passing by ; they
made a full stop and viewed the build
ing very critically. Tho lawyer, some
what irritated at their curiosity, lined
up tho window, put his head out and
addressed them :
"What do you stand tliero for llko n
pack of blockheads, gazing at my of.
flco do you tako it for n church !"
"Faix," answered ono of them, "I
was thinking so till I saw tho devil poke
Ids head out.of the windy!"
CCrAn Atlantic exchange says: We
saw a fellow tho other day with a bun
die of Judge Douglas' autl-Lecotnptnn
speeches under each arm, a likeness in
his bat, half a dozen autographs, on
old franked documents, in his pocket.
A year or so ago wo saw him with Ids
hair badly singed by the fire he had
kindled under his tlHgyl Wc, who
battled for the Judge through his whole
Kansas fight, were hardly allowed to
look at his "picter."
Otr "You are no gentleman 1" said
an angry disputant to his antagonist.
"Are you)" quietly asked tho other.
"Yes, I am, sir." "Then I am not,"
was tho caustic reply.
OCT "Mr. Smith, don't you think Mr,
Skeesicks is a man of parts I" "Do
cidedly so, Miss Drown ; lie is part
numbskull, and part knave, and part
, . .-.,. 1.. jkih, .Aft, i.ili.-JLi
"" "Steak Waooms. Ourrca'dors.says
tho S. F, Bulletin, will recollect that
thoro aro two steam-wagon projects
maturing In this State. In regard to
one of them .Miller's tho Marysvllle
Netes says :
An experiments trip was mado with
tho wnggn on tho 3d April, through
somo of tho principal streets of Marys
ville. It was followed and surrounded
by a denso crowd of curious ponpli
who appeared to ho In raptures nt lis
nclilovcmorits. It worked well; yet
Air. Miller bna found somo defects nnd
Inrltlciencies which he will very soon
correct. It is hound to go; not over
rocky hills nnd miry dales, perhaps, but
nvnr tlm lnvol nlnliunf tho Sacramento
Valley, it will travel llko n thing of
Ufa. Our Sacramento frionus will see
It, beforo a groat while, with a long
train of wagons behind If.
In regard to tho other steam-wagon
Overton's tho Sacramento Mercu'
ry says ;
Tho Overton steam wagon was, on
3d April, removed from the building in
which tt was constructed, at tho Union
Foundry, to tho yard adjoining the
premises. Steam was raised, in the
afternoon, nnd tho ongino tried with
cutiro satisfaction. No atlompt was
mado to run tho wagon, as tho legs, or
tevors, nro not vol nttnehed to it. Those
will bo completed, in nil propnblllty,
by Tuesday morning fllh when it is
oxpocted that tho "machinu" will mako
Iter first trip through sncrnmenio.
Samiio on Womkn. "Doy may rail
against women as much ns doy like,
dev can't set me ncninat dem. I hob
always In my life found dem to bo fust
in lub, fust in a quarrel, fust in do
ilauco, fust in do Ice-cream saloon, and
dc fust, best, and do last in do sick
room. What would wu do wldout
demt Let us bo born ns young, as
ugly and as helpless ns wo please, and
n woman's arms am open to recclbo us.
Shu am it who cubs us our fust doso
ob castor oil, and puts clozo upon our
helplessly naked limbs, nnd cubbers up
our foots and noses In long flannel pot
ttcoats; and it am she, as wo grow up,
(Ills our dinner-basket wid doughnuts
nnd npplcs ns wo start for school, and
licks us when wo tears our trowsls.
ft7"A vntinir iniin ttnniod Harrison
Lnflln. of Waturstown. N. Y.. Iiunu
himself in his workshop, recently, on
account of disappointment in lovo.
Tho vuutm r.tan was foolish. Who
heard of a wldowor commuting suicide
on account or lovo i A iiuio expert
enco is very wholesome.
OCT To n fond mother, whoso child
ren woro nt tho time making themselves
diiagreoablo, n gentleman observed:
"I have a decided preference for bad
children, madam." "How strange!
And, pray, for what reason V said alio.
"Decauso they aro always sent out of
tho room."
03" A favorito modo of introduction
in Drazil is said to be, "This is my
friend ; if he steals nnytldjfc from you
I am responsible for it.
03" " I say, mister, how came your
oyes so crooked!" "Why, by sitting
between two glrli, anil trying lo make
love to both at tho samo tlmo."
A Weekly Journal containing 32 columns of
cuoico reading matter ci n vuaraoier cal
culated to Instruct, amuse, and Interest
tlio general reader, will bo commenced on
tlio first Saturday In March, 1W8.
The iluHlitit ofltlmmmAB
Will be the cheapest, best and most enter
taining Weekly Paper ever published in
new tot.
Diamond! 1 Diamonds I Diamonds!
20 Thousand Dollars worth of imro Callfor
nla Diamonds, set In every couceltablo style
of elegant Gold Jewelry, to bo prescutcd to
the subscribers of the Casket ot Diamonds
There are no gifts worth less than 23 cents,
ami from that up to $300.
i:vi:itv subscriber
Will receive a bleautlrul girt in Gold or Dia
mond Jewelry linuiediaUly on receipt of bis
or ber name, accompanied by the amount of
subscription money.
The Sulserilers Names,
As fast as received, will be placed In regu
lar rotation on our Books, opposite designa
ting Nos.,nd the gift containing a Carres'
ponding No. will be scut IMMEDIATELY,
post paid, to tho tubsorlbcr.
Lndlcsl Ladles!! Indies!!! -You
can got a large number of subscribers
for the Casket of Diamonds by a llttlo extra
exerltun, and for every 10 subscribers names
you forward us, accompanied by the money,
wo will sead you a beautiful diamond gilt.
We make the samo offer to gentlemen.
I'lease bear in mind the fact that every
subscriber to the Casket of Diamonds will
receive a beautiful gift Immediately receipt
of bis or ber name accompanied by the sub
scription money,
l'ersous wishlDg to commence with the First
No. should send in Immediately, as the gift
they will recelvo will encourage them to
speak to others of tbclr success, and thereby
assist materially in increasing oursubecrlp
tlou list to commence with the first No.
Among tho interesting features of our Pa
per 111 bo a Love correspondence of tho
most thrilling and excltlug character, which
took place in Paris, In 1853, betwixt an En
gllih Gentleman nnd French lady the tyr
anfeal opposition of the lady's rather to the
uulon or Ids daughter with the English gen.
tleman is described In the most vivid and
interesting manner, as well as the successful
plots of the young lady to elude the vigil
ance and cruelty of ber heartless father.
These letters are deeply interesting, and
of a pure, high-toned character.
rEach Subscriber must send 3 three
cent postage stamps for retuln postage on
gilt. Address
Proprictora of tbe Caiktt of Diamodi,
!lw3 75 Nassau Street, New York.
lS ia jiv;
Grand Medical and surgical Institute.
SarrnmnKo itrett,belo Mdttgomtry.np'
potilt Pacific MnU Sleamthip Compa
ny's Office, San Pranchco.
Established in 1854, for the Perma
.! n.ttrrnf nit Priralc and Chronic
Diseases, and the Suppression of.
Attendant anil HenMrnt Pliystelan,
Late In the Hungarian Itevolutionary Wnr,
Chief Sureenn lo the SUlli Kegiment id
llonved. Chief Surgeon to the Military
Hospital of rcslh, Hungary, anil the lale
lecturer nn the Diseases uf Women and
Cominunicailons strictly confidential.
Consultations, by lotler or otherwise,
free. Address, DR I. J. CZAKAY,
San Francisco, Cal.
Lxupkny returns his slncnro thanks
to Ills numerous patients for their patron
age, and would lake this opportunity lo
remind lliom that ho continues to consult at
liia Innllluio for ilia rure nf Chronic dis
eases ofthe Lunes. Liver, Kidneys, diaes
live nnd veiiit.il organs, and all private
diseases, vir i Sphalilic ulcers gonorrhen,
sleet, strictures, seminal waaxness anu an
the horrid eonlcquonce of solLahuso. nnd
ha hones that Ills lung eipunoncn anusuc
ctsiful practico ol many years will contin
ue to ensure Mm a shara of public patron
ago. lly the practice of many years in
Europe and the United Stales, and during
the Ilungul.in war and campaigns, lie is
enabled apply the most cfliclom and sue
ceiiful remedies against diseases of all
kinds He uses no mercury charges mod
erate treats his patients in a correct and
honorable way has references nfunnues
tlnnable voracity from men uf known ro
sneotahilitv and lilnli standing in society
All parties consulting him, by teller or
otherwise, will rocoive tho best and gun
licit treatment, nnd implicit seereey,
guaranteed In all stages of seciot ills
eases, selfVsliiije, nervous liability, eyplia
lis in all ill stsges, strictures, gleols, grav
el, diihales, dineases of the kidney, and
bladder, mercurial rheumslisni, scrolula,
pains In tho hunes nnd ankles, diseases uf
too lungs, lliroat, nose -anu eyes, ulcers
upon the body or limbs, dropsy, epileptic
fits, Si. Vitus' daneo, and all diseases aris
ing from n derentement of the sexual or
gans, such as nervous Iromhling, loss of
memory, loss nt power, general waaxposs,
dininuts of vitinn with peculiar snots np
peering beforo the eyes, loss of sight,
wakefulness,dyspepsla, liverdlsease, erup
tions upon Ilia face, pain In the bank and
head, fumalo irregttlajllles,and all inipro.
per discharges of belli sexes. It matters
not from what eunse Ilia diseatu originated,
however lone standing or obstinate tha
esse, recottry it ctrtdin, end in a slmrler
i .i . .. . . i ir.J
HID limn u imiii.uiiuiu bum bail ua allott
ed hy any oilier treatment, even after the
disease lias bullied tho skill of eminent
physicians and resisted all their means of
euro. 1 lie medicines preicrlued aro plea
sant, without odur, entirely vegetable,
causing no sickness, and free from mercu
ry ur balsam. Duriiie fifteen years oflirao-
tfee, in Europe, the Atlantic Hlatoi, nnd ,
California. I fiavo rescued from tha Jaws i
of death many thousands, who, In the lastf
slates nf the abavo mentioned diseases,
had been givnu unto die by their nhvai-'
clans, which warrants me in promising to,
the afllictcd, who may place themselses
under my care, a speedy euro. Private
.ltaa-.k. -ll.-x-.l-.l .11 --.- ft lianlll. '
illfuui. .iiiiiuuhhi.,1 uiig.ic.iw .. M....,
as they aro the first causool consumption,
scroflila, and many other diseases, and
should be a terror to the human family. A
permanent cure is scarcely ever effected,
n majority of the cases falling into the,
hands of Incompetent persons, who not
qnly fait lo cure tho disease, but ruin the!
constitution, lining Hie aystom Willi mer
ury, which, with die disease, hastens tho
suflercr Into a rapid consumption.
Hut should Ihodiseaseaiid Ihu treatment
not cause, dcalh speedily, and the victim1
marries, the disease Is entailed upon the.
chlldron, who aro burn with feeble consti-
lulions, and the current of life corrupted
i.. n vtrna tvlilMi l,.l.... .i-mIT hi i.rnriili, I
teller, ulcers, eruptions, and other alfea
linns nf the skin, eyes, throat and lungs,'
emailing upon mem n tirlel oxislence ol
auiiGiiug biiu cuniigniiig iiiviii iuhii cany
Self-Abuse is another formidable enemy
to health, fur nothing else in llie dread
catalogue or human diseases causes so de
structive a drain upon the system, drawing
lis thousands of victims through n few
years of suffering down In an untimely
crave, It destrnvs the lien pus system.
rapidly wastes away the energies of life, I
causes mental uurangement, prevents llie
proper uoveiopment ol llie aysiem, dis
qualifies fur marriage, society, business,
and all earthly happiness, and leaves the
-uuurer wrecked In body and mind, pre
djsposrd to consumptibn nnd a train f'
evils more to be dreaded than death itself
With llie fullest confidence I aasura the
uninriunaie Mcllnia ol sell-abuso that u
permanent and speedy cure can be effect
ed, and with the abandonment of ruinous
practices, my patients can be restored lo
robust, vigorous health.
Irregularities and all diseases of males
and females treated on principles estab
lished by fifteen years of practice and
sanctioned by thousands of the most re
markable cures. Medicines with full di
rections, sent to nny part of the Slate, Ore.
gon and Washingiun '1'errilories, by pa
tients communicating (hair symptoms by
teller, llusiness correspondence strictly
Add.e.s DR. L. J. CZAPKAY,
Medical Institute, Sacramento at ,
below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail
Steamship Ca.'a Otlice, San Francisco
Medical and Surgical Institute is on
Sacramento street, below Montgomery ,op
positn the Pacific Mall Sloainship Cumpa.
Iiy'a Ollice, San Francisco. The Doctor
oilers free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he effects a cure, Ollice
hours, from U . u. to 1) r. u.
I, the undersigned, Governor of Hunga
ry, do testify Imreby, that Dr L. J. CzSp
kay has served during thecoulest for Hun-'
xarian liberty, as Clilef Surgeon in the
Hungarian army, with faithful persever
ance whereur 1 have given him this cer
lificate,and do recommend him to tho ay pi.
palhy, altealion and protection of all those
who are oapeblo of appreciating patriotic
self-sacrifice and undeserved misfortune.
Uovernurof Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1838.
nets, uenuut debiliiy, lo apirits, )ji-
Indisposition and Incapabi ily for labor and
stoily, dullness or apprehension, loss ol
memory, aversion to society, , lovo or soli-
actio, invoiuniory musn-Jig", -- --
tide. alTecUona of the eyes, pimples on tho
face sexual and other infirmities in man,
are cured without Isil, by the justly cele
hrated Physician and 8urgeoc, Dr- L. J
1 CZAPKAY. His method or curing dis-
1 eases is new, (unknown to others,) and
hence liia great success. All consultation,
J by letter or otherwise, Iree. Address h
J. CZAPKAY, I". U., ann rraiiciesu.
1 tii Aok I Great Blessing to Man
kind l-Innoccnt but Potent l-Iir. L i
Cxapkay's Prophllacllcum, (seir-dislnrecl-Inenaent,)
n sure preventive against gon
orrhneal and syplmlltlo diseases, nnd an
J rmn.lv fill- VF til-mill . BOrOU!'
luus, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers,
foetid discharges Twin the vagina, uterus
and urethra, nnd all cutaneous eruptions
and diseases. As Innoculslinn Is a pre
ventive against small pox, so Is Dr. Cxap
kny'a Propbllacllrum a preventive ngainst
gyphalllle and gonorrhocal dlsouaes. Al
lliough harmless in Itsoll, It possesses the
power ol chemically destroying thn syph.
alilic virus, and thereby saving thousands
, i.i..- inr.Mia,l I.wiIim mmt Inalhaoina
or all diseases. Let no young man who
appreciate health be without Dr. Cznp
kay's Pioplulactieuin. It is In very con
venient packages, and will be round con
venient to mo, being used as n soop.
Price. $5. For sate at Dr. Czapkay's Pri
vate Medical and Surglcallnstltuie, Sac
ramento street, below Montgomery, op
posite P. M. S. Co.'s ollice, San Fran
cisco. 11 '"3
,cfefi sms
All. MSICASKS At.ISIS'0 rnOXAh'lill'CnK
it i'J uoMrosKU or
And conUtu no miners) plwn to Injure the
The sr-ftnTslof IMs preparation hjr 1'hjstelaas and
Men nf Hcltncr, anil Hi srcal suc which U
linrlr-l lis uk, fiirnblitt prmif auftlrlcnt In runvlnrr
etrrr camllil ami illrtrnlnf inlml ot 111 ertat iii
rl'irlijr ami value. II li now ailiolnltUrrJ In ctnml
I'raellre as a sure and
In cams of Scrofula, I pnny, Tiimrwa, Hwrlllnx iT llie
Ji.luU, ltlicumalbiu, lylxUi, Klnjj'a Kill, ami
trrjr coinptalnl ayoiplviiialle of Impure ll!wl; anil
all llie ilUu of Ilia Mutclrs and Tliu, litlier
ltli Krt debility o( Uie sriWm, yltM to tlili tin
Wllnitl'uiKltrof tho I3I.H-I Tor tht W In the cban
net llirnush wklch illeu flnds lu way to tlio tarloiu
urjiu vf Ilia botty,
llr nil tjir foilDtuiiig.
TliU cerllSeate u scat u by our ajrenli at Taller
son, N, V, which U alto ccrllDtd to by evrcrat uf th
nclfhbort of Mr. IlalUoL
Urura. A. II. U D. Bsxm: Oentlemen. ll fUt
me plctiura to semi jrnu the rulkmlng tttriiiit In
rreinl tu my son. Ha Uxik a mdi cuM, ami aflrr
eUUtoeel-s or um, auOriiif llie illa itlllr-l In
bit left let anil font, HhlcJi toon wll,l In llie ntuiiut.
The twcillng ai laneeil by bit pbytlclan, anil 1II1
cliarft inotl prufuwly: aflur that no 1,-m than tUtrn
ulir funnel in tha Irf anil fuol al one lluifc MV
ba, At different plijliln, but pone rcllcrc-l hlin
mucin ami ll but winter (hiiiJ him an niaclatl
ami low- that ha wu unable to I. are hit ll, tunning
I ho niott ticrucUtlnc ialn. During Ihlt lime the
buss bad become to much aRVttcd, llat pirn after
piece rains out, of which he hat now more Ihan twenty-
I tita irvvr, oil in a i-miv, iarnK irt.ui w.itii-i. u miv
pwi m hui luetics in iciikiu. hi an1 "!' !
h.,- of hit rrcoreryi hut at lhl lime w were In,
ilucwl lo try your fruMparUla, an, with lu lite hit
haallli ami apillle bcvn InimntUUly In Improve,
an,l a., raiJ.l waa Ilia chance that ltu than a uvit n
1 ImIIIvs enVrtfrl a perfect cure.
n nn (wiiudf, i remain iruiy your.
Prcpu.-.l anj told br A. II. ik II. HAND.
WhiIrlllo Drni-vlkta. lot) KulUin.ttrcrt. corner At
' Ullll.n v-.. V...1
....-, -,v v. -. m
I Kor 1 by I)KW.1T, KI1TI.K .V Ca, II .101IN
fON II Cu,anl ItEDINOTON fc Co.S.u Francl-rni
I ItlCB fc CllFKIN, M.ryMlll.i K. II, MuDON.U.I)
I I Co, Bxrainrnto; and hy Dmrzlau saneratly,
l UR00K8 & TIIOMFSON. Drueolats.
Agents for Jacksonville. L7
Plows, Winers' Picks. Horse Shoeing.
All Kino's or
Corner of California nnd 'Fourth Mreols
first door east of Sentinel" office.
HORSES end Mules shod at quick
time, and not Inferior to any west of
the Rooky Mountains.
Trice oflioua shoeing, plain, $4 00
" " steel laid, 5 01)
Keeps on hand all .lies of Steel Plows
and Miners' Ticks.
Repaired on the shortest notice.
Having had long experience in tho man
uUcture of all kinds of Farming Toola.ha
flatters himself to b able to accommodate
all Mho with to ha. -e work done with
neatness and despatch, at the lowest cash
Jacksonville, Aug. 8,1957. 301y
HEZUb T-T AS "tt"cd to Jackaou-mWtKKk-i-
ville, nnd will continuo
tJ-t HIT the practico of bia profession.
All work warranted.
He flatters himself that, from his long
experience and thorough practico in Den
tistry, he will bo able lo give satisfaction
to all who may favor him with a call.
Ollice, On California atreet, on the
cornwr. opposite the "Union." I6m3
IWI8H to sel one Yoke of first rate
Work Cllle. Apply to
'".. . A -. l. -r !.. ItmliaTiirid btiek.
SJi iointge
JV. E. Corner Oaliforntaand Montgomery
..r. . puni-TPn rtanit lliefnl-
TU llir nn a" -- --
lowing RKCoiisiaKDATonv Lmis
... i ...... n Vnunff and
anu men iiiuge n ':, ",
thnso vampires that malign Ms motivrs.
AVO IU 8UCII l"o " ."" " , , , .
Illenco, lorTimni: a ..' A n
menl. All afflieted with Uiseaset of a Tri-
-.I..- nHiii.M alinulil call
YBie or any uihi ..-.-.- -
upon l)r. J. C. Young, nn-i -hey would
tnon avoiu impoamon - --
tor In his herculean labor or suppressing
quackery and empyricism. Dr. soungi
chargns are moderate nnd within the reach
orthe most humble.
IMPORTANT. Ur. J. C. Young wlshet
to call the attention of Invalids lo Ills
course or practice. The Dr. has long since
abandoned the mercurial treatment, nnd
has strictly flowed tho Vegetablo Prac
tirn. Pntlmir. under treatment with him
are not confined to the house, nor taken
from their business, but can go nbout and
cat as usuo). Tho Dr.'a mode of treatment
or cases of debility, holh gcmral and arx
nit. la nr.l aiirnaa-ied bv onv phvslclnn.ond
always results In a perfect removal oflheir
troubbis. Dr. Y. lias discovered a new
mode or treating atleclions or tho Liver,
wliloh nrter a Talr trial has been submlllod
lo tho Trofessors of several of the medical
irutitutions of the Stales, and pronounced
by them, as parfeclly successful, nnd hos
been adnntml liv them in their practico.
In the Iroatment of Incipient consumption,
and disease uf tho blood, the Dr. stands
pre-eminent In his profession, and win
warrant a cure In all cases. The following
testimonial speaks for itself!
Dn. J. C. Youro. Sin Your modo ol
treating affections of tho Liver and disea
ses ol the Illood, lias proven ny repeaten
trials, to tie the best yet ollered to trie iao,
ultv. and has been adopted by tho board
Continuo to study tho human system asynti
hove dono, and you will yet stand at tho
liend ol your prolossion.
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Tuiin,
-L.L will guarantee a perfect and pormn
nont cure in the fullowinc eases, or charie
nothing fur his sorvlr.es : Syphilis. (Jon-
orrlioea, ainciure ol llie ureuira, Aiieetion
of the Rostrate Uland Weeklies of the
Genital Organs, Impoteney, Sterility, both
in male and female, Spermatara, or Sem
inal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Rhou
matlam. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Tcver and
Agua, Incipient Consumption, and all ir
reeularities in Females, toeetlier with all
diseases of Women nnd Children ; also
Nervousness, Palpitation ofthe Heart, Vo.
Persons ofitleled with symptoms alter
doing treated, should consult I), Young at
once, as no disease Is cured unless the pa
tient foels perfoclly well. IT tliero is a
particle or disease left in the system, it
will break out ot some future lime, when
least expected, or be handed loan innocent
oflaiiring. Persons who have been treated
with mercury should be very cautious in
believing thnt they are well, for it is a sci
entific fuel that the mercury will
minglo with the venereal, and form
disease a great deal worse than the origin
al, All llioso who have leason lo think,
by bad fooling, that they have been lreal
eu thus, should consult Dr, Young, nnd lie
should examine their cases and tell them
at once how tliey stand.
to certify that I, B. F. Luning, appliedto
Dr. J. C. Young, to be treated foru goner
al liability, brought on by 'hard work at
mining lu tha water, nnd n tmruinalie af
fection in my limbs, which almost deprived
me uT thtdr uae. that the nhova poinnlaiiita
had troubled mo for long time one of
them Tor several y enrs, and the other about
eighteen months. Overcome by the pain
and anxiety occasioned by them, I had
gWen up all hopes of ever again enjoying
good health. In this condition, I called
upon Dr. J, C, Young, and after the lapse
or five months, I tin perfectly well and
feel nearly as strong as I ever did. I can
rHpnmmeiid overv una affected lo his earn.
for he cured me, nnd lias cured aeveral of
my friends that 1 rccoinmonded to his care,
afllicted with dlflerent diseases, somo of
thoin had cases, of n very bad and danger
ous nature.
Given this my voluntary testimony in
fuvbrof Dr. J. (J. Young, in hopes that it
may Induce all those afllicted, to call on
linn, and avoid tho Imnoelura who hate
robbed hue. not nulv of monov. but to a
certain extent ol my health.
II. a . LUIMPiU.
Greek Horh Gulch, Kern River,
September!.' IMG.. )
DEAR SIR l ll is with pleasure that 1
hasten to answer your lutler,enquiriug
how I get along. I have entirely recov
ered from the complaints Tor which your
medical akill waa required, and I atture
you I reel grateful lo you fur the health I
now enjoy. Snatched as 1 was from Ijie
very jaws of death, and saved from ai un
told amount or suffering Were I In the
rity where I could do it, this would have
the solemnity or an oath, but I am in a
mining camp, tliero is no Justice or the
Peace within several miles or me, and so
you must publish without it. I do not like
to name my disease, and I suppose tl ii not
requisite, as you treat all kinds nf disease,
Yourra, G. LANGPON
To Dn. J. C. Youno.
Mari-osa, Sept. 27th, 18CG.
DR. J. C YOUNG. Sin In answer to
your request, as to how my case Is
gelling along, I would state that I am per
fectly well, and have been so for about one
month. I should have writtsp before, bu,t
have been wailing to see if it would return
I am now satisfied that I have seen the
last ol it. My case was said to be a very
bad one by all the physlcans that examin
ed me. They all galled it a mercurial
disease, and said there "was no help for it."
You called it scrofulous, mixed with a mer.
curial afleclion, nnd said you could cure
me, ana vou nave uone so l can only
thank you br it and recommend all tier.
ions afllicted to give you a fair trial.
lours tin ooaui, v. L,. 1CAILS, Jn.
Ssminal Vtlbnailllr Yonn. art.
dresses those having injured themselves
Uv ntivate) anil imnrnniir tnHnlni.a 1ml,.
sacict and solitary habit tint ruins the body
and mind, unfitting them for either busf
nets or society. The following aro fmo
ofthe sad Hnd melancholy effects preduc
ed h). early habits ol joutb, tz- wcoU
eMkrtba track nffrf Hmfcerpwinlft the-
. t .... mt .l-k. fftw nC mnali1ar
neaa, oi.-nntw i 'o'"i " ", '.
power, palpitation ol llie hrnrt.tiyspepsia,
nervousness, Irritability, derangement t.
the digestive functions, general debility,
oymptoma oreonsnmption, Ac.
MKKTALI.T, tllB inarmi ''"" ""
mind are mora to be dreaded. Loss ol
..-r.lA- -r 1.1aa. .Ii-hrpaainn nf
memory, cuihuiu --, , -
nlrlti. evil forebodings aversion to soci-
etv, eeiioisiruai.ioToui iiii-.i-ji
mJ' . .r !.. .-11- -.-Mfturwrl.
sc,i are somo mo "p""" -.
. - l.M .. mtt.l Mith una
AM prrsona n " ......v.-.- --
-f ..' .-.-.iam al.niilfl tint Tail In
Ol inn nuoTo aj in'.v...i. -.'--- -
call on Dr Young, and be at once restored
to perlecl ueaun. mi n uo..i.
prevent jou, but apply Immediately, and
savo yourself from the dresdful and awfuf
consequences ofthls tertlblo malady.
wicaKKESS nr mi ouh
immediately cured, ond full vigor restored.
.. .. . .. -...1 r--,i
Ultica corner or nionigomer hi vu
rornla streets, over Tcclfic Express, San
v.nr-rn. where nil loiters must be di-'
reeled to insure intention.
J. u. luunu, Ji ir
... ..
consrquonre ol the wide spread tt'
lebritynl Dr. YOUNG, numerous impose
.. i.... anriinr, Inii. xlaience.nrateodirie
to bo petfii-1 masters or the healing M1t
nnd liave succeeaeu in impuaiug un
Tow ortho unwary suflorcrs. Persons with-
n In nnalill nlivaleain. should be Very
cnrclul how they put confidence in the
published statement? Ol sucn ciianaiant,
lor they ore as unserupulous in such slate.
n..n. In ili!r nrnciirn of medicine, and
are very unsafis to trust. They will first
lecelvoyou uy iniso cer'iucnica, prccoicu
Trom "drunken loafers," who perjure thern
selves to get money In satisfy the cravings
r .ii-oaacl nr.niliB. Wile ii itieh nusck
gains your confidence, lie will then dote
you Willi morcurv nnd other drugs, and af
ter titer nave rouocu you 01 your money
.n,l Infnrx.t vnlir colialilUlton. theV wilt
cast you off, with the charge, thai you hate-
not loliowou ineir oireciiona.
The only way to avoid such impostors,
a In rnnallfl t)r. J. C Vlllini-. tllB PioOCer
Advertising Physician of California. At
ameetlneol llie neaicai racuiiyoi mis
State, called to investigate the source of
malpractice mat lias causeu so mucu aui
r.lna In iliia rniintrv. It waa tinanimmialv
recommended lliat all the afflicted should
consult Dr. Young, as he waa the only reg
ularly educated Physician now advertsing
In raliftirnla. all ntliera In his linn heinc
quacks and and impostors, and are not to
be trusted. The ulllicleu win piesseiaae
notice, that there was not a physician at
La, tn.aim urlin liatt Rfiir Been or lienrd
of a eingie caso ofmalpractice from L'r
Voung, Willie not one or iiicin nui nan aecn
a number ofcotcs Trom the foreign quacks,
who so vanntlugly set forth their pre.
tended virtues ill the nubile print.
The above Tacts should be borno in mind
by all seeking medical assistance.
Thank heaven, they are getting llior-
niiarlilw afniMml. anil it will nnl lie Innr
before limy will have to fly the country, to
avoiu llie juai inuignation 01 en uuiniru
nubile. Then will good people jliank llr,
Vim n Tor lite continued efTorta to baniih
qua ikery from our midst.
If ft. yuuisu can tie consulted irom
a. to 8 r. St., at his office, cornet Call
fornla and Montgomery streets, over the
Pacific Express Olfice, San Francisco.
All Ihllrira rfintalnlna- llin llaual fne
of $10 will meet with prompt attention,
n al tl
V,cguar Mall lim.
WE beg leave In inform our friends,
both in Oregon Territory and Cal.
ifornia, that we conduct the Mall Line,
and are prepared to ar-commodate patten
gois to and frdm Oregon Cily to Corvnllis
upon the arrival or evory U, S. Mail, as
well as carrying those of the Interior on
the same mole.
Leave Oregon Cily on every Mnnday
and Wednesday nt 7, a. n Leave Salem
on every Saturday and Tueaday. The
Coaches will leave for Corvallis, with the
Mail upon the arrival ofthe Coaches from
Oregon Cily.
tf B. Wo keep a Livery upon the most
reasonable terms. Forage or all kinds.
Money down, and no grumbling, makes
short credit and friends for life,
OOlco at the Livery Stable.
c, r. n.T. t untw,
Sept 1C. 185G. 4Gtf
Ti.le HocU ttnkery
okioon srnn-T.
rpilE undersigned boson hand, and is
J alwavs ready to manufacturo to order.
all kinds of
l'.i a t r y .
C a ii d i e a ,
Tie, & e .
All kinds of Syrups, and eeryihiug in
in his line or business, usually found in
the Cotifxctionary in the cities.
For Weddings, Balls or Parlies, got up in
good style, and at the shorten notice
Jneksonvllle, Dee. I. Hit.
Win. lloirmaur,
OFFICE-At Ihe i'ost Office, next doon
to Pat. Ryan's,
Jacksonville O.T.
Bounty ljHdtJ
rPIIE undersigned will atleno to the pro-
m. wuiiuj oi uuuniy pan us, unoer m-
AnlnT Ma.ol, f?,l IH,r.V,.. .......... .!. I.. u.
-..--, r- rw wh, v.,,,., iiviawiia nut, ..a."-
been reeutnrlv miikirl Inin ili ir,itiiAY
Slsles service lor llin lirm nf Cnrlrnni
days, or more. Persons wlio were engsg-
" siiiier ui mo snuian wars in tins
country, and all widow aud orphans of
aiili wxnrmnmt -.. ......I..., ... 1?.l .. nl
H... .-,...,.a, a, cii,,it;u IU IVU Btir, VI
land, and by forwarding the ncessary proof'
u. max auiTicu to iue unafiaigncu, me ui.
(icinl forms will be madeoutand fwrwsrdeiU
lo the ptvper Department at Washington
..iiiv-i. ti,( cniure iue reiuru oi a
Kor Ihe applicant.
HaVini A tfimrAtnl an( sit tV.al.sn
- --gj whii-ivhi vKvas fa ree'Jk
ton, it enablei me to transact this kind of
ousines with great efucieocy and ditpatcu.
Charges moderate.
Address W. O. T'VAULT)
Jacksonville, O.T.
Clothing of all kind?
' For sale tow, byj. W, 8TEA RNS