y im I.l?" ill hit; ii OCrWo rogrcl iiiuoiiitlint'Oiir'Wnsh-. ingtoti Correspondence, has not arrived in tinio to ptitco it bofuro our roadors this week. Its delay tins boon occa sioned by tlio mall from Yroka tn this placo bringing moll mattor over only unco in two weeks, and this Is ono of tho weeks tho mall docs not travel be tweon this and Yrekn. Gen, Lnno, our Delegato In Con gress, lias again plncoil us under oblt giitlons Tor sovoral vnlunblo public doc ument, recolved by last mall. (r No Democrat should forget that to-day Is tho tlnio appointed for Pre cluct meetings, nud all who can should attend in each Precinct. Pimuii.iai: op So.noka. Wo tnko tho follow ing' from tlio Sacramento Union of (WlOlli: Theru nro patties of iiilitienco from California and Arizona now at Wash ington, urging tho purchnso by our (lovcrnnieiit of Iho Statu of Sonorn, Mexico, and there Is no doubt that thu Administration will buy it, Negotia tions aro now progressing witli that Uw. I know that Mexico has pro poied to sell, for that country Is of no uiuto hqr, it being overrun by tho Ap ache and other Indians, who uro n tor ror to tlio inhabitants; and, liowuvcr, lliu troubles now oxistlng in that dls traded llepubliu may tuiinlnute, the government, If any bo established at all, will need and must havo money The parlies urging this matter want (iUH)uias as a port or entry, lor with oat it, Arizona and tlio adjacent coun try trill bo of comparatively litllo value. They expect to get as Tar down as tho iiStli parallel, taking In a part of Sin- aloa. Aiiciiy Diacii.utunu. Tho opinion ia tlio Arcliy caso was delivored this afternoon, by thu U. S, Commissioner. At the eloio of his decision, ho makes mo of tlio following lauguago : "As tlicre .110 no satisfactory proofs tn tie iiiomtrulo tho escape of Archy from .Mlitlttlppl, and tho ovldeuco is clear that ho was hrought into tho atuto vol unlstlly by Ids owner, mid as tho tes limony clearly ascoitatus that, after coaiing Into tho Stato, tho clalninnt hir ed out Archy and went into business on bis own account, thus disallirmlng tlio fact that claimant was merely pass ing in transitu through tho State with his ciptivo tun away, an -order for thu discharge of Arcliy from tho custody of the United Slates Marshal must bo made." Arcliy was accordingly dis AmgicA. Dispatch of Sacramento Un ion, MM iiut. Imlcpciitlcut Cnndldntc. I snnouneo myailfm n Caudldato for the o!Uco or Sl!i:ntl'F of Jackson County, sub Ject to tbo decision or tho voters, In Ibclr -Convention on tho first Monday in June! out. My views upon tho polltlcalnuestionsl cf tho day, I will mnko known upon such occasions as I may have an opportunity. i:. II. HALL, Jackion County, April 19, 1838. Announccnioiit. Editor Oregon Stntiiul.Vkare an nounce JAMKS T. WOOD, si a cindldato for Iho cfllcoof Sheriff or Jackron county, subject to the decision or tie Democratic County Convention. 13ld KKW ADOTflSE.MENTS. 0. BAHRETT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, RI:81I)I:NCI: at J. Swingle's, Anlelopo Creek, Jechson County, Oregon. (Dlirti:ular attention paid to drawing up all kinds of legal papers. IBIy To the Vui.llu! IN the year 1851, I bought a black Cow Irom Dennis McFeely, and In tbo Fall nd Winter or 1MI, I lost said Cow. James Hamlin was drlvingcattlo Irom Ilutto Creek and drove a black Cow answering tbo de scrintion or tho ono I lost. I took Bosses. sioaoraaidCow, believing her to bo mine. Tl.l 1. I- ...il,-.. ,1.. ..UIt ".!.- I -- ,.l tu iiuiujr ma ll(UIIO iuhi i ciaim sum 1 on-, nnd If any person claiming said Cow, and making better proor than 1 can, I will deliver her to inch person, otherwlso I will retain possession of said Cow and lako her with mo to California, leaving on the ad or Aav, JM8. AJtUS T. JUJI.NSU.N. April 1! llh, 165 b f 1ST OF LBTTEUS ItEMAINIKO IN Xj tho Post Oflico at Aihland Mills, 0. T April 1st. 1856. Anderson Wro. Drown. John esq, Grldley W A, Haunum Wm, Ilaunum Wrii M, New- cemb Daniel. 1311 A. D. HEhMAN, P. M. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "VTOTIUE Is hereby given that the un M dersigned has tufion out letters nfad minfitratiou from the rrnbsto Court of liwiglsi County on tbo estate of Daniel iiunily, ilt-ceaseu, laleot salil county. Al psrsons indebted to said estate will make linmediatu payment, and tbosa having xtaims against said estate are requested lo present Idem lo the undersigned within one year, at bis placoof resldeucu in Look ini; Glass Prairie, in said county, Alarvli "Will, l5ci. TIELDING LEMMON, Hi! Administrator. a dminTstrators notice MOTICE is hereby givon to all persons JLl whom it may concern, that the un I'srsigni'd bos taken out from the Probate Court uf Douglas County letters of admin istration on the estate of George T. Day, oVeaivd, lata o ssld county. All persons lii lebied lo iho estata uro requested to ttiti.0 luimediata payment, and thusn hay. Iug claims against aaid estate will present 'beni, legally authenticated, for settlement, lathe undersigned at his residonco near Caiiyunvjlle,' in said county, within one Ji-n fjoni tlio date hereof, or,tho same will barrsd. Alorcli IS.IBSS. lit! JOHN PULLEUTQN, Aijuir. BfPMMJbSWWm. I.. J. f2nil(ny,"-M o would iliroct (ho special nltonllo'.i of Invalids to the pe rural or Dr. L. J. Uitopkny's advcrilscmcnl, on fourth pagonf this paper, to place thu services of n learned unit experienced Phy sician within I heir reneb, To those who are suffering from tlio effects of sexual of private diseases, or their ltl-lrcntment, wo cheerful' ly rcconuacnil tlio Doctor, ns a man of rare scientific and medical acquirements. In order thai patients at a distance may avail thoinsolvcs of Ids advice, frto consultations by letter Is open to tlicm. Hm3 Wcstorn S(ar lodgo U.D..A.F.& A.M. -Regular Meetings held at their Hall In Kcrtiyvlllc, Saturday precccdlng full moon. All members In good slaiidtng are Invited to attend. , L 11. WILLIAMS, W. M. Cius. K. Diiux.Ntn, Sec. Kerhyvlllc, Jnn. 1st, 1858. Iljut2 Coxscltatio.n QnATis. Tho extensive practice which Dr. J. 0. Young has acquired In California Is to bo attributed In a great measure not only to his skill and experience, but to his liberality. Tenons aflllctcd with any disease cognizant in his branch of phar macy, may consult hi in, at his office, anv Any, free nf charge. When addressed by letter, whero a written answer Is required, iho usual fco (910) will Ira exacted. Ofllco hours, Irom 10 o'clock a. m,, to 8 r. jj In. vallds placing themsolvcs under tho charge oi ur, loungcau rciy upon a rpccity nml perniaucntcure. Tho Doctor's uniform prac tice has been to talc no pay unless a cure Is effected. "No cure, no pay," Is hln motto. Letters and ccrtillcatcs Innumerable, from those who havo been cured ol long standing and chronlo diseases under his treatment, are always open to Iho Inspection of Iho pub lic at his rooms. Illsmcdlcalablllly Is ably and thoroughly demonstrated In his numer ous medical works, copies of which can bo had at his oMcc. Having been toted an honorary member of tlio Royal Collego of Surgeons, London, Iho highest chlrurgleal body In existence, be feels conlldcr.t that his services cannot fall to bo nnnreelalod In n dlsccrnlugcomuuinlly. Con viltaUon rooms, cornerof Montgomery and Uallfornlastcels, over Facillc Express Co.'s oQIce, San Fran- Cisco. g vm:J "New Stnle LIVERY STABLE, Cornor of California nud -llh streets, jacicsonvilu:, I'r Jiimcs cttiggngo. rIMIE Stable Is large and wull arranged, X ami cuilomers can ba iicconimodaled at a moment' uollco wild superior SADDLE HORSES, on BUGGIES Double or Single. This Stable has boon crentmt at heavy exitinic,nd slocked with Iho finest blood, ed horses, wall suited for Iho saddle ur harness. Experienced grooms always iu.nttoud. nurn. No pnitia will be spired to accom modate cuitomiirs In superior style. Knowing Ihst the public will extend pntrnnnge where it is dim, iho proprietor tlstters himself that liu will be ablu to no commodate all, at leasunablo rales, for CASH. Itltf FINAL SETTLEMENT. "VTOTICi; ia hemby given to nil parsons X interested in llm estiitn of L. 1). Kant, deceased, Isle of Douglas County, O. '1'., that Nauuy Kent. Administratrix of said essste, has tiled her petition in the Probalo Court of Douglas County, praying to uiuku filial settlement of Ilia accuiiuls of said estata ; it is llwrefure ordered lhat tho final sallleniuntof sold accounts bo made oil (he first day of thu Juno Term ofsild Court, lo bo held at Itosoburg. ill said oounly. on the first Tuesday In June, A. D. 1858. April G. I80H. WM- CATIICAUT, 1)t3 Probata Jodgo. $50 Koward! STKAVED or Stolen from the aubscrl ber. living two miles nbovo the Ash land .Mills, nn Ilia roud to Yreka, two bay or brown Mules one a largo American mule, scarred on tho inji of the withers and nn Ihe right side ol (be neek, under llie collar; oight or nine years, ami rides well : tho other a Spanish inula, consid erably knock-kneed, Also, u red und white spolteil uayuse mare pony II noi sloian,lliy liaveprouauiy strayeil i In Umpqua Valley. I will glvu fifty do I- j lava fur liul r ilaliuasu ut ni liniuii sst ts I If not alolen.lbey havo probably strayed i SHIP IUI tSSSVII MOIIIVI HI "J "WUSU W M suitubln roward for any Information that will lead lo their discovery SAMUEL GHUllll. April 7, 1858. 13t3 NOTICE ! rriilE Copartnership esistlng under Ilia JL name nf Cohen A; Crane is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All Iboso having account against the firm, will plesso present them for itaymont, nud all iboiu indebted In the aaidilirm lire renues- , . ... ... m t , ' led loailllo Ihuir accounts iusida oflhirty days from dsle. Our su:cessors, S. Ileilmer .V. Co., wo recommend lo our friends and customers. COHEN A. CHANE. Allhouso, April 1, IS58, l.lmS UNION HOTEL, Corner California and Ud Streets, JACKSONVILLE, OllEGON. KLIP Pi: I, & WILKINSON, J'ronrtelort. GENERAL STAGE MOUSE, April 2, 1S58. 12tf. JiCKsoKYiLur, Apiil 9, 1858, rfllE Partnership lieretolbrooxjilltigbo JL Iweou Cluggage .t Pool ia Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All tboso knowing themselves to be indebted lo the late firm will settle the same wild James Cluggage. All those having demands against Iho liu firm will present them to Jumea Cloggago fur paymonl, be being respniitible for Iho demands against the late firm JAS. CLUGtJAGK, 13 JAJ1ES POOL EAGLEMILLS. 'pill: subscribers now having their Mill JL und Distillery in excellent repair, would respectfully Inform their patrons and the public generally lhat thoy aro now prepared to do nil kinds nf Merchant Mill business, and are alto furnishing a choko Iqt of Liquors, consisting of Gin, Aran u"yi Whiskey, Lager Huer, &C. ""' THOMAS A.JACOII9. Eagle .Mills, Jan. UJ, 8o8. Olf. !gl.V.g WtES jm'OKl&fto ANniJHBON tnkes thUmdlli.' I of infiirmlns Iho Farmers ami Hi nek lUisnm that he Is prepared lo lake llln wildest home and break iIiimii in ii ahnrl limn my not to exceed three hours In be perfectly ((initio nud liinle. Persons desirous of having their horses trdined, by giving him notice, can he no. commodated. I'rira, $10. Mlf il II l . V 1I1U111 U11U , Auditor, iiiuY IH'imly . ron JOSEPH INK COUNTY, 0. T, Office in Kerbyvlllu. PONDS, DUCD8, fll O II T G A 0 Kb , JU rowers ol Aliorncx, iVu., Uruwn on on aliurleat notice, nud for reasonable lues. -lUlf California Slago Company's Tri-Wceldy Lino ruoM YUHICA TO JACKSOXVILLKM ON nud nftor .Monday, Mnreb UOili,leTB, tho California titagu Company i run nTrl-weuldy line nfCoaclie boiwei u lmna nml Jarksonvino, leaving i rohu on Mondays, Wudnosdnys and I'rldays, nml luaving tho Unlnn Ilutulnt Jaoksnu villa on Tuesdnye, 1'hursdsys and inlur days, cnnnculing with tlio Compauyie Cosclion at Yrekn fur Iho following placeSi 'SHASTA, RED BLUFFS, 77:- JIAMA, OROVILI.K, MARYS- VILLD, SA CltAME&'TO, nml all intormcdliitn jiulnu, l'assutigais bouliiiig llielr nunies'nl tbo iilllcu of thu t'aliluriii.i Slago Ciitiipmiy, Vrukn llnlul, will bu furnished wild through tiekuts lornny of Iho nlmvo named places. II.CONItOV. Olllce Agent, Yreka, March !2I, 1833, lllf N O T 1 C5 IJ rI",IH partnarslilp biirulororo existing JL bittwecti ilia umlarslgiiijil Is this ilay dissolved by mutual consent. All imrsous having business with tlio firm will please call and settle, JAC011 IIOITMAN, L. 0. OAIIY, . JOHN W.JARV1S. April G, Ifijrf. i:n:i llmitinv AunAumy. rj-'in: rntsT auAitTLii or tim: 1. Summer Session of thu Acadamla Year will iHimmeuce lis lurni on the l)th day of l'ubruary iust. I'nr cnorsenif study, laws and regula tions, sen Calaltiguu, Hoard good, and at reasonable terms. A. It. I'M NT, llf Principal. TWO MULES FOR SALE. ffMIE Subscriber lus twngood Mules lor X salu. Inquiro al the Mkmtinki. olllco, of (:i) w. o. :" vault. TKollue ! LL Persons nro hereby notified and u. jl. wnrneo nui iu iiirciinso or irano mr u certain iiromlssory note drawn by mo In fa vor of William T, Kelly, for tho sum of ono hundred nud eaventy dollars, dated l'eb. I, iv.ti, as I no not inteuil to par ttie same tin i less cumpclleil by law, ns I hold ngalustsnld , Kelly so toffs to a greater amount than the I note. JOSHUA II. COMPTON. February 5, 18.1B. fitf A. D. OVEBBECK, M. D. T TAKE THIS METHOD OF IN X lorming tho Public lint 1 have fitted up, ut my residence at Pleasant Grove, two miles oast of Jacksonville, n suitable building for Ihe reception and treatment uf persons oOllcteu Willi any rorin or disease. Patients will bo boarded and treated at this liifiimarynt prices varxlng with their conditions nnd wants. Those who can not remain in tho Infirmary will be exam ined and providsd with medicines and ill. reclions peculiar In this syilem n mode of tieatmenl by which thousands have been cured and and restored lo health at vary moderate charges. I have amnio arrangements fur Iho ad- I ministration of the various kinds of Hatha ' ..ll..l..l ......... ......... ...I.l .v.. - .,"?u,",,1.u vapor, warm, coin, iVo The distinsiiihini; fuature of the I'bv- sopalbic Praclicn consists in the admluis trillion uT on innocent medication. All i agents, whether mineral or vegetable, that 'aro known to act us poisons, aro rejected i from my practice. Tbo Ppyso-pathio praa t tiee signifies the Irealmuul ui disuasu with 'agents that act In harmony with the recu perative powers of nature, N. II. No person will bu received nt the I Infirmary win) cannot furnish good guar antee of payment, I BATHS ! I'0 lT4U,IW UUIiaiUMT Will Ull 41VI. U III II1U- jej afnn, lma wm( Hny uf , ,bllV0 upecified lUlhs. The llatliiug.room und The public generally will be accommo- tubs are lim'id with itiuk, und will be, en tirely lra Irom taint A. U.OVEItHECK.M. 1). Pleasant Grove, ftipl. 10, 1857. Mlf Dissolution Notice! rpilE Partnership heretofore existing JL between lliu undersigned is this' day dissolved by mutual commit' .ItUFUS COLE, UYUON COLE, March 13, 1658. 13U Notice Settle t ALL PEUSONS 1IAVIN0 UNSET tied Accounts with tho Phoenix Mills are requested to call immediately and SKV TLE IHE SAME, as I arudcsiious to close all the present accouuts. S. M. WAIT. Pbccntx Mills, ?an. 20, 18J8. . willis NoiyrncuTT. HAS UE3UMEI) THE PHAOTIOE OF Law, and will attend' to all buclaees entrusted to his care. OFFICE At tbo Slate Creek House, Joscnblno Co. March 27, 1858. 11! tt A YOKE OF OXEN For SAEE I, WISH to sell one Yoke of first rale Work Cuttle, Apply lo 3 W T,, T' VAULT. Clothing of all kinls ; For salo tow, byj. W. STEAUIN'S. ' T P I el in . PHjEfcAIN'S'. , 'MODEL lliillll TABLES.! SHU Patent COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Acknowledged by the best Professional and Amatctlr Players TO BK Till Only Correct Cushions Now in Use I THESE TAIILES AND CUSHIONS JL nro now sold ns low ns lliu "Old IV ' gio Tablraof llm day. And ns n proofof uiair superior merit. It Is only uecossary to call nltonliun hi lb MISERABLE 1MITA TIOMS Cot up in this city, mado from I'ASTE- iiunuuniiu diu nuiisr, ui.AiNKtra, nud palmed uffon the unsuspecting us 1 PIIi; LAN'S PATENT. Ono of tbpsa mUrrnlilo scniindrnls hnn been 'CAUGHT IN THE ACT. His natno, nnd the linmo of the gentleman In-flet-cod, will bo Iho subject ofttiotlier'L'uiii. munlcallun, Pnrttos sendlur thulr Old Kalis tn tho subscriber, (who Is now mnkliig these iiiuions uttiier riiolnn's I'alent.lcan Havo I hum novered with sols of tho geniilun nr uuies, aim reiurueii in iwcniy iiiur nours uiinrwarns, Juet received, sonin snliimrid Modal Tn I Mrs, Oak, Itnsewiind and Mahugauv. wdlh nmui oiiu marina liens, Mo iiiintiru Trluiiiilnga of hery dBscrlptloti. Address, i., ni. uuuiii,3( cjola Agent. Bmfl 180 Jackson slrenl, San rrminlsrn, MEDICAL DH. L. GANUNG. Physician, Surgeon nnd Accoticbor, V7LL Promptly atleud nny who msy T T reuuiro his pruTe'siuna! sarvicus. TJT The largest and best olnctlou or Drugs und Patent Mcdii-ims cun.luntly on IIUIIII. OPI'ICE California Street next to Hi Tin Shop. ' OmG Guardian Salo ! BY authority of nn order from the Pro bate Court or Jackson County, 0. T., I will offer fin-salo to tint Hlchcst llldder. in tho town or Jacksonville, on Saturday, the run nay or Jiay ncxi, (lie undivided tiro thirds of one hundred nnd sixty ncres of land situate In this county, belonulnir to Mnrv Catharine mid Sarah Jnno Johnson, heirs of Mary Johnson, deod, and bounded as fol lows : North by the laud of J, W. Johnson, East by James Hamlin, South by public lands, and West by the claim or Jas. Tuck cr, nnd lying on tbo road from Jacksonville to rjasburg. This 27th or March, 1BJ8. JNO. W. JOHNSON, 12td Guardian. j"PllOSPECT RAN.Cir," Applcentn Crenl;, 0. T. THE undersigned wishes to Inform Ins JL friends and the Inst cling public that, having Improved tbo nhnvn Hunch, (hulf way betwron Kerbtvilloand Jacksonville, formerly known ns llarkwidl'x ranch,) be is now propnrnil to nccoiiiminliilu nil who may pnirouuo nun 'llie TAIII.I. will at all limes bo supplied with Ihe best Iho market ollords, nud combined with good STABLING, HAY AND GRAIN, nnd a unraful bonier in attendance, be hopes to merit a sharo of public patronage, HUGH HEAPS, Proprietor. lummy isi, lo.ia, iiyi inie F.xncl Time o' Way. JOHN NETTBER, Watchninkcr and Jnvc llor Has liienlrd lu JACKSONVILLE, T. SHOP-On Califomh Street, In John llenbold's lluildlng. , 7ATCHES and Jewelry Itepaired on T short notice. All kinds ol Jawelry Manufactured and Engraved to order, in quick lime. Watches and a general ansnrlmonl of jewelry on Hand uml ror sale clinep lur easily Deo. PJ.-ldlf JOIIX U'l.M'UIIMN', IIK.Mir KLIITCI.. M'UUGULIN&KLIPPIIL'S 1 "KKW S'lMTE" BILLIARD Ali DIIRlim; e&DjiHij Uriel; lJulldlng, Coruer California and Oregon Streets, JACKSONVILLE, O. T. rpilK "NEW STATE" is a cool anu JL spsuious baloou.aml is lillnil up In a style or elegance. The Milliard Tublus ore now, and from one uf the best makers. And at the liar there will ulwaya bu found a good supply of raru old I'reuuli llrau dies, prima Scutch nnd Americuu Whis key, cbuice Wilms, Ale, and Lsgar lleer, and superior Havana Cigars, 'My. WILLIAMS "t7T7'lLL have completed and ready to Connectod with his saw. mill, known us llie "Hush Saw-mill," situated near Kir. byville. Peruana having wheat tyill do wall to get It floured al lids mill, as it is situated at ihe best flour nurkut in South. urn Oregon, Ho still continues to furnish tha besl articlo of lumber at low prices. Persons owing for lumber will please call and settle up, as cash is much needed. Aug. U'J. 33f BOOTS, JUST UECEIVED and o AU1VE, A complete assorlmont of Ladies', Mls.es' oud children's, Gents'. Hoys' apt) Youth's Hoots', Shoea and Gaiters, selected w)lh n view to service. If you want to economlsto, call and ex change cosh for u mjbstenlial und superior article. Prices are reduced to su(t the limos. Ludios, iGanta And, .Juveniles, drop in when you n.r'a.ehoppig, and inspect. Hoot AM,buoE Sronr; Cor. Cal.'and Or'cKOii sis., KOosltetKeoEldoo.,,,,,, Mo! 1 licvc, Every lio Ay ! no Mill wish to patron ze a iinusn ronducted nn iirlntv !,..... M;in.h,ir. I ----......., itiiiifcnilT,U IMMIMIIHf I Doynii want tnstopntn hnusr-luvorably known throughout California, Oreeon, and all ni'iur plncrs, fur ils moderin rharces, good Ism and be.t nf beds, together with 'order, cnmlurt. convoiiiinrn, nml superior accommodations? Ifyoo desire till these, wn advise you to go lo ifiii mrtffi 3fftl;lr I I ISi HK W ft w i Mmm w w y Jii juls '. ,, :;iA5!"M. b m w a mimmmmmmmm i 1 (jBjSHsVrdfleflssWrjflsVW USSsSKiKsHriBlflt: lii;WWill ? m m m iHl f I isWlssg-Ws '" avt5lM" .HBLLXJ.M.- ' S M"' TarisWLLm t 87. 80 nud 01 I oldfsdotfT Street 1 10 nud 121 Sncrnmciito street, SAN I'ltANC ISCO. This eslablhiliment ia ecnlrally located In the principal business part of iho city, and in tbn immediate vicinity "T Ilia Steamship Co.'s olllco, tho Eipivrs Co.'s olbcci, and Iho United Statos Ilrancb Mint. IIOAIll), per wenk.eii. UOAED, pcrday, 1. MEALS, CO cents. LODGINGS, 00 to 70 cents per night. fcm. Single Itnums furnlsbed cohipletc, 75 cents per night. VL llooius or Lodgings can be bud by Iho Nightor Week, with or without board, to suit llm i-onvniiii'iice ofntl.' ; ; Tho Iledsnru filled up In the very best atjlc, with patent Fretirh springe, and the beat curled luilr matiosses, oloan bidding, Ac. BATHS FREE. II) uiiremllllng nttenllou and untiring eflurts lo furnish the greatest amount ofjcom furl and conniiiam-n ut eslrumoly Inw price),, llm prnprinlor hopes to merit a contiuu- niico nfilio increiislug palrnnago mat llie For tho nreiiinmoil odiiliun ol miners nnd two safes in Ihe illfiee. Them ia nu MStenshe Library and Itaadiiig Itoom, well supplied with pnporspo rlodlcils, iVc. ptr'VllC HOUSE IS OPEN ALL NIHGT. JMT '1'ravelers will please remember that there me no Runners connectid with this establishment. The What Cheer House is conducted nnv.7-13 IITIIMIMI HOUSE. Fronting the J'laxa, Corner of Jjtnt anil Fourth Streett, YItEKA. Gill., Kennedy & Kcnvoii, Proprietors rpilE Proprietors nro prepared lo so L commoilate Travolurs with Private llnoms, with Single or Double lleds, Tbo TAIILE will be supplied with the llS ST IN MAIIKKT. Tho llAltis furnlshad with the llcst Wisr.s, Liquns, Ate, Aio, I7if T, E. BYAN OPFEItS Foil SALE a large aud well salecled assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DRY-UOOD , BOOTS v SHOES, CL0THB6, Mlnlnc Tools, And nil kinds ofGUOCEltlES. which bu wilt sell Cheap fur Cash, at his aluro on, ..ur.. i. "... ' i.Miliuniin pirnei, Jacksonville, Aug, V, 1657. UOlT HABDY ELLIFE HAS ERsjfN'El) A NEtV And Com mudiuus luvurn eland al llie Smith End of tho Canyon, Douglas County, 0. T Where ho Is prepared to accommodate the miblu In sond sl la. Thu lone residence of ihe propropriutur at tins point precludes .llie neeusmiy ni saying, mat IBI1CS WAlBHilB Will bn as well (iimislied at the country affords, THE STABLE . Is supplied with Hay and Grain in nbund- mice, Aniinais particularly utienaort lo. Every uttcniion paid lo render those who call comfurtabte nnd aatiified. Nat. !!7, 1857. -iCtf JESSE ROBERTS HAS erected NEW HUILDINGS and refitted tho old tavern aland at C ; w y o ii v 1 1 1 c , NORTH END OF THE CANYON, Jlnuglas County, O. 'P., Where he is prepared lo accommodate the Traveling Publia.in good style. IKUS.'MlBlLie Will be as well furnished as any in Ore gon. Tin; HTAni.c la large, and well supplied with Hay and Grain. Particular attention paid tu aui male. Vtu Every attention paid to those who may lavbr him with a cull. Oct 81. 1857. 44lf JnelLKonvllle Wtilu'ey, EIPE(STflli!IB!BV, OltllGON BTIIBKT, NKXT TO 'XL I10IIAUO,' Jncksouvlllu, O, 'V., MIKE IIIENTC OPENED A SALOON for Iho T.TAS JLX transaction nf Ihe above business. und will kuep on hand and manufacture to order all kinds or llrcitd. Cukes, Crnckers, Pies, Pastry, VOA'FJSCTIOJVJillY, f., S,c. For Weildlncn, llslls or Parlies, furnished at shortest nuilee and lowest prices. Will bo suppliml with tbo best LIQUORS AND C I U A It 8 July 10, 1857. 2u"m3 11. . VIHVLK, M. l. Pliy.slcian and surgeon. OFFICE-Al bis Hesldunee, in Win- clieater, 0- T , liS nl,tl. , r J'PUA.tb the. subscriber. " , . 'll ' W.;VG. T'VAUIsT,, Face llic hc and vciW i-mi wnal uneer House ni presoni enjoys. others liming money or vnluublea, lb ere are on strictly temperance principles. II. H. WOODU'Altl), Proprietor. , !lT,nnrn niiAinnMm n 'MM P3IV KEIUJYVILLB, O.T. rpilE Subscriber hating LEASED tin JL nbovo largo and commodious Hotel in the fliiorisbliigiown nf Korhyvlllo, on th road from Jseksunvillo lo Allhoimo, Sail or Diggings, and Crescent City, solicits share uf Public Patronage, toe mm Will nlwata bo furnlsed with the best tho market afford C. C. IAI II FIELD. Kerbyville, Jan. 1, 1857. 02lf , SLATE CHEEK! HOUSE. v , Oliver 3. Kvaws. THIS well known aland, situate fifteen miles fioiti Kerbyvilloand Ibirly-four from Jacksonville, bss been erected sulls. I.Ia ... nnitM.n.l,A I.a TITrnv-llli- Pllliltf- Ij tf(V ,U U.bUIIIMIUU.IV Mill .,U.VIl',l .mi. Il is alwaya pluailng lo the host and bott.' I ess lo muko their guests as comfuflsblo as possible. , Furnished with all Ilia couutry affords. Good Rlnblcs, well supplied with liny1 nnd Grain. Hones nro entertained that those who ! coll ouoa will ride late or stop early lo partake again of the hospitality of the oc cupants. ' ttl NOTICE ! S PAY UP! AND SETTLE UP!! ANV PEUSON HAVING CLAIMS against mo, will plea.e preiniiflhttn and receive their pay, And tboso knowing themselves indebt ed to me previous to First Deceinbnr.1657, ulll confer a favor by celling immediately, and settling up by note ur otherwise. JOHN ANDEItdON. Deo-25, 1837. OOtf WDitwDW siPEfliasa- HOUSE, . - BY N. C. DEAN. THIS woll known stand, situated five -miles north of Jacksonville, on tha Oretio lload, baa been refitted and new, buildings erected, and also good stablest Tim proprietor will accommodate the' Traveling Public, nnd hopes by unremit ting alleiillou to llielr wants lo obtain. a' liberal share of patronage. .. Nov, 12, 1837. lllf JNEWMAN FISHER, CALIFOltNIA STKEET, Wtutoale nnd WtUil Jkaltr !n mmmmmmm 'Hooka, Stntioncrri &c. HAVING PUUGHASED THE. IN lerestof David Luviugar in lliealnu" business, Is nuw oflvrlue at the old stand a large assortment of Iho best brands of (DlfHAIBS &W3 W0M(D(D(D,. Confectionery and Fruits, " School Uoobs, Slnllonorj, Ac, - Very Cheap fur Cash. IET Call, if you want a Good Cigar- Juckeontilhj, NovJtl, 4Slf I Hll'lUnD WIK.NSAC1I. ALnEtiT DsKDARP. WE1NBAGH & BANHARD, Truchofs Old Stand,) HAVE on band and are always ready to maufacture tn ordor all kinds of " PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, CANDIES, V.IKES, PI US, &t. .f&Alffraa-Hs, . vauauAti-s, ': For VVerJiilngs and .Parlies gi aiidj'srljesgol.iip f''Sj5j(" ttyla Slid at llie sliurlcat nulico. Jaelisonrlllo,' O T skn nnv 'IVJill IW :Tm3 m '0 5 'r '-.. " "