Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 17, 1858, Image 4

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H -i in niiiiiwnwiT-miTninriHrTrrwTrnTTT"rn-i nr
XaT -rrr-7 yi'-- -z- r. ..
ion iSnUhtcl.
Dit. LiviNonTO.tu'a Nkw AriuoAA
ExrKDiTioN. Al nlnto rneil(tigrtlii
Hoynl Gcoj-riiplilcnl Society nf Lou
don, Sir It. Murchlson observed tlutt
Dr. Llvlngitonu would not lie nlilu tu
attend niiollicr meeting of tho Socle t)
lieforo ho sot off on hi return to Afiicn
Dr. I.lvliifjstnuu would go this time tint
nlnnu. I) ut would ho nocnmtmiileil l
five nble iisslslniiti In tils lnluirs. After
ascending Ascending tlio Zambesi n
high ns tliey could, (hoy would put to
(ether tho stc.'iin launch which Into
been constructed for iiiivlgutiiig the
sluillow water. Dr. Livlugitono would
tako with him tin iron houso and eititli
llsh himself 011 thu high ground not fin
from tho bunks of thu river, which he
expects to provu salubrious, nnd he will
go nccompiiuicd by Airs. Livlngstouu
The Portugese Government Imd kindly
ofi'eied to render him tvery possible ns
elstnuco in his progress througli the
Portugese territory. Dr. Livingstone
until he relied much on the nid nf the
scientific gentlemen who wero to nc
compiiuyhiin. dipt Ilrddlnglhld woM
bo tihlu to give moroMcciirntencuounls
of tint tinviiiiillmi of the Zutnbcsl and
its tributaries, nnd of the prospects ol
establishing water intercoursu with thuj
Interior. Prom Dr. Kirk, tho botanist
f il, ..rno.llil,,,. tl.i.i- mhrht ni.,.r.i in
dertvu valuable inform, ition respecting
" "I "."""! -"V -,"" ""I
tho plants nnd vegetation, nntl thu pro
liability of practically cultivating cut
ton nnd other products. Mr. Thornton,
thu geologist nml practical mliiuriiln.
gist, would bo nlilu to ascertain tho
value- of mineral products, particularly
of tho cunt, of which Dr. I.Ivliifilouu
had brought specimens. Mr. Il.tliies,
tho artist of thu expedition, would, with
tho nid of his brother, bring back pho
digraphs of the scenes In Southern Af
rica, so that when they returned to this
country ho hoped they would ennto
provided with very valuable and Inter
esting Information,
Kansas. Thoy nro getting tired of
llio thing, oven in Kansas. Wo clip
tho following pregnant paragraph from!
tho Leavenworth Daily Ledger of the
16th February: J
"Let thu Lccompton Constitution
pass, nnd let representatives elected be'
called together and elect tho two U. S.
Senators, und tho agony is all over. '
1 rue, tliero may bo a Taction In thu
Free State parly who will not bo sue
cesiful, and may endeavor to keep up
this infernal nigger agitation, from tho
fact that they Imvu been 'ruled out'
from u participation in tho 'spoils ;' but
that ii nothing, they can bv easily chok
ed off mid made to bite the dust by tho
Horn will of the people. 'Demagogues'i
nml 'families' of both parlies are mi
lunger in thu hearli and affections of
the people, mid their 'ruiillii.' mid 'roar
lugs' will avail nothing. The '0iple
aru sick, tired and dirgustid with tin in,
nnd will listen to their madness no
more. Wo want pence, for that brings
us happiness and prosperity.
Tho Kansas I Imillaf Freedom do.
preciites tho ooursu of thu Now York
Tribune and other presses of that char
acter, and favors the Immedluto admls
slot) of K.insas under the Lecomptun
couititulinn, and says that people can
then peacefully proceed to miiko such
amendments nf their constitution as tho
majority shall think propor.
Inavouiiation or tiii; Hqucstiuan
Statuu ok WAsiiiNoroN. At Hicli
mond, Vn., on the 2d February, tho
neve cmtestri.-in statuto of Washington
win. Inaugurated with appropilalu cor
(.monies, tho occjiIou bviug 0110 of
niaghincent display. Thu lion. It. M.
T. lluiiter delivered n masterly ora
tion. About 15,000 people wuo pres
ent, including many member) of Con
gress. On thu following da vast mul
titudos askemblvd at tho Uiclimond
,'1'lieatro to witness the presentation ol
Washington's caito to tho Hon. LMward
Uverett, and aUo tho presentation ol
WHsliingtou's spy glass to Air. Yancey.
Tho ceieuionies wero very imposing.
Mr. Mumfoid, Secretary of Slate, madi
tho presentation speech, which was ml
mlrable. The responses of both tho
recipients excited general and etithusi
nitio applause. On thu same evening,
by request, Mr. I'.Vetett repeated his
oration on Washington to un audience
of several thousand
OCrA man or a journal that can p
provu the Lecomptun villainy, must be
prepared to justify and sustain any
fraud and wickedness that the dlrpen
ser of Federal patronago might desire.
.Y. lp. Tribune.
With tho exception always, Mr,
Tribune, of that other "villainy" con
nected with, u 81,000 lobby check, so
long stowed away in tho breeches
pocket of a somuwhat distinguished
editor. Does Mr. Greley know who
It wastiV. Y. Neics, March Qlh,
(KT The Virginia Stalo Senate has
passed a bill prohibiting the emission
of bank notes of a less denoininnliou
than ten dollars, after tho 1st of Au
gust, 185S, and of a less denomination
than twenty dollars after tho 1st ol
A,ugus(, 1850.
Fjiamiajst Associates. The
Hartford 'iYmrf.-speukiug of a certain
csclergyman, late of lloston, and la
ter lelt in total darkness, and assaulted
with rotten eggs while attempting to
lecturo in Haiigor, as "the ex-Uev, Mr.
Kalldch of frjagrant associations."
' ." " "in
Conscience the "stlil.smnll voice."
A Weekly Journal contalntog 32 columns of
eliolce rending matter 01 a amnio. -x cm
entitled to Instruct, amuse, rind Interest
llio rrencrnl render, will be commenced on
the llrst Saturday In March, 1858.
VlicCttsUctor Dlnmoiuls
Will 1,0 tin. i-lii-niiMt. bust and most enter
tainlng Weekly Paper ever published In;
New York I
Ulnmoiutsl Dlnmondsl Dlnmondsl
911 Thmlannil fjullara Wlirlll of DUfO Callfur.
nla Diamonds, set In every cnno-lvablu stylo
or elegant Oold Jewelry, to bo t)reMntc.lto,(tifHb0 tle uiltlt lleglmmit nl
the subwrlbers of the Casket of Uhmonili. ,,,,.,.,.., "chief Surgeon to the Militate
rhern nro no alfts worth Ins than 25 cents,
nnd from that up to $300.
Will receive a blenutlful gift In Gold or Dla
mnnit Jvwnlrv Immrdiatclv on receipt of bis
or her name, accompanied by the amount of
subscription money.
The Subscribers' Names,
As fait as received, will bo placed In regu
lar rotation on our Hooks, opposite designs
ting Nos., and tho gift containing a corres
ponding No. will be sent IMMEDIATELY,
post pi til, to tho subscriber.
I.mllcal I.ndlcatt I.ndlestll
You can get n Urge number of subscribers
for the Casket nr Diamonds by a little extra
exertion, and for every 10 subscribers names
you rorward us, accompanied bv the money,
wo Will Stnil you n iiriiuinui uinmgnu gut,
We make the same oner 10 gentlemen.
Flcac bear In mind the tact tuai every
aubcrlbcr to tho Casket of Diamonds will
I receive a beautiful girt Immediately receipt
Of hi" or her name accompanied by thc-aiio-
nerlnllon mnnov.
IVmotm nlohliu to commence with tho First
No. should send m lmmcillatcly,as the gift
tlioy will receive will encnurjge lucm to
speak to others of their success, and thereby
asdtt materially Inlncrcailng oursubicrlp
tlnu list to commence with tho first No.
Among the Interesting features of eur Pa
per will bo n, Love corrc-pondcnce or the
ino-t thrilling and exciting chancier, which
took place In Purls, la lboA.lxtwIxt an Kti
glhh Gentleman and I'rcnch buly tho tyr
ntilcal oppoiltlon or the lady's lather to the
union ol his il 'lighter oltli the l.ngllsh gen
tlniun Is dcicrlbed in tho most vivid and
Interesting manner, as well ns the sueces-fiil
plots of tho young lady to elude the vigil
ance and cruelty of her heartless fullier.
These letters are deeply Interesting, and
of n pure, high-toned character.
fiir Ksch Subscriber must send 3 three
cent postngo stamps fur return postage on
gilt. Address
Proprietors of the Catktt of IHumclt,
Um3 70 Nassau Street, New York.
lutiniiig thu Public that I have fitted
up, at my rriidouce al Pleasant Grove, j ,y ay oilier treatment, rivaii after the
iwo miles "l ol Jacksonvilln, a sullnblrlij,ela IBa bnfllud tho skill nf eminent
building fur the raropllnu and treatment of
pamniii atlllcteil wltn any lurni ui uuonio
ralienis win ue uosruru anu ireai-u ni
Oil. Iiifiimaryul prlres varying with Sliolr j i
eundiliuiis and wants. 'I hone who can.
mil remain in tlm Infirmary will bo exam
iued and prnviued with medicines and dl
recliuiis peculiar In this system a muiU
of tteatnieut by which tliiiiitands have
hneii cured mid and rettored tu liuullli at
very ninder.ile churgns,
I have ninple arrangements fur tlm ad,
miiii'lrnlinn uf tho varum kinds of llaths
medicated, vapor, warm, sold, .Vo.
Tlm dliiliigulnlug leaiure 01 ino iity.
sopathio Prscllco cuniittiin the adiHiiiu i
tral'101. of an Intiorent j-iedlcjilion. All
agents, whether mineral or vegetable. Hist
are known In act as poitnnt, are lejeclrd
Irnm my tirsclire. Tliu Ppysiupalliiu prae
Urn signifies the treatment nf ilutituo with
agents tlnit a l In harmuuy with the recu
pvrallvo powers of nature.
N II. No pertun will bo received at the
Infirmnry who caiinut furnish good guar
antee of payment.
.. ,m ..l-ll 1
The public generally will be accommo
dated at any timu with any uf the almvii
Hpecified llalhi. Tho Ualhing-mum and
lulu aru lined with zink, and will be on-
lirely free from mini.
A. I) UVI.Illll.UIV, .11. 11.
rieAiant Grove, Sept. ID, Id57. UGlf
Uspeclul Notlco.
Portland, Oregon.
rPlli: Preprletors of this ravorlte Kallne
JL KitallUlimtnt, respectfully Inform all
whom It concerns, that they have leased,
and ure now engaged in repairiug.chaiiglng,
cleaning, refUtluir, iroiiro-lng nnd china
. .. 1 .. .. .. -.. .
tug the ijuiiunigon Hie corner or 1-runt and
I'K the building on Ui. corner or 1-rout and ,,ulifiei fur marriage, tocielv, buiinsit,
WaililiiKlon streets, formerly known as tbo!'alll eisfifily hnppinest, and" leaves the
lleuie," and adloininc tlm Columbian Din
ing Hall," for the belter accommodation of
the traveling community with Hoard and,
Lodging, 'llio lloutoTkill be completed and
richly lurnltlitd, with 1UU of the MIST I
UKUH In Oregon, ami ready fur tho accom'
louuaiionoi iraveiers ami weekly noanl
era Ladles and Gents by the 20th nf
March. When opened, It ulll be known as
tho "COLU.M1IIA," and kept In manner and
style tcicnd to none in Oregon. Prices will
always bo the lowest, and Pare the best, as
heretofore. March 11, 1858. 1212
JL led lip an e.Ubliilimeiitof tho above
detenptiou in
Is prepared (urrcelvH palienlt. They will
be treated by llio day, or uthurwjio ; eve
r) tiling furiiithed except clothing, lie
has a Ualh Itonin attached enabling him
to adiiilnliler variuut piedical baths, Sa
line, Alkaline, Caleblste, Sulphur, Iodine,
Nilro muriatic acid, etc,, Cold and Warm,
An experience of sixteen years in the
nraiticoof iiiidiiliif.unda lliuruuyh know
ledge of the human system, enables him 10
render satisfaction lu all applicants, lie
Ireata Kheuinatism in lis various slsges
with universal success, as can be aliened
by msny nzent uf Oregon Quret guar
anteed, when required by the patient..
N. U. Charges moderate, and pay de
manded. M. C..IJAUKWKI.L, M. U.
Jan. 1st, 1858, JWif
Notice Si-,ttc!
XX tied Accounts with the Pbcvuix .Mills
are requested locsit imrccdlately and SCT
TLErfHK .SAMU, as I am desirous toolose
allitbe, present accounts,
PlKeiUt Mills, Jan. 10,
1W8 !
Grand Medical and surgical Institute.
, Satramt,0 ,trett,belou Montgomery.op-
Pacific Mall Sttamthip Compa
met, San rrancuco.
Established in 1854. for the Permit
nmt Cure of all Private and Chronic
Dheases, and the Suppression of
Attendant ami Itetldmt Physiclnn,
... I. .1.. tlnn...l.ii Itavitliititinnrv Wnr.
Hoinltal of
Pritli. Ilunaarv. nnd the Isle
leoturer on llio
.-" -... ...
Uiteate ut womon anu
Communications strictly confidential.
Consultsllnns. by lettsr or nllmrwlse,
free. Address, IMl I, J. CZAKAY,
Han r rsneisco, l.ni.
rmn Till! APFMrTr.l). Dr. I.. J.
J. Cznphay returni his sincere thinks
to his ntinmrtiu patients for their patron
nro, and wuuld take tuts npporliimly lo
rsrniiid llidin that ho continues in consiiu si
his lntiluto for the rure of Chronic di
esies oflho Lung-. L.lcr, Ividnys,ui)t
live and geliitil organs, and all priyale
diienin, vir 1 Hphslitic ulcora' eonorrlieH
jrleot. ilriciurr-i, leuilnal raknis and nil
tlm horrid cnnseiiuenco uf sull-hun, nnd
tin Hopes mat in lung-uc'iium-" ...un....
ceitful prscllco ill msny yrnrs wlllcnnlin
no to ensure him asliro ofpilblio palron
ago, lly the prartlce of msny ynars in
Kumpo ami tho United Slates, and during
Hi,, llunguisn wsr and campaigns, he i
nnshled apply tho mom efilcioiit and sue
ceuful ranicdics ngnintt ditoates of all
kinds llo mes no merenry charges mod
orate tresis his pstinnts in a correct nnd
honnrsblo way hag reftirences nf uniuei
tlnnable veracity from rnon of known ro
peclubillly and high itanding in tociety
All nartlea cuniulling him, bv latter or
utiierwiie, will receive llio host and gun.
licit treatment, anu imniicn iccrecy.
Surrr.ii not nuun a uuiik is
suaranleed in all stages nf aneret dis.
rnei, inir.ahua, norvoin dubllily, ayplia-
lis In nil Its tinges, Irtrlur--. glt-rln, grav
el, iliiibetes. disaiites nf Ihn kidney and
1 1. 1 - ...t..i .1.............. ...1.. 1.
uinillllir, IllCfUllllui iiiuuiii-iipiii, i;iiiiiiin,
paina in the bonot ond auklri, dia-s uf
llio liingi, tiiroat, no'o 11110 eyes, uicers
upon the body or lliiiba, dropsy, nplleptie
fin, St. Vltu.' dance, nnd all diica" ana
iug from a derangement of tho soxunl nr
gnus, such as liorvous trembling, loss or
Miiemnry, tnssnl power, gonxrnl weuknrti,
illmnessul vliliiu wltn peculiar spots ap
praring bofurn llio eyes, lost nl sight,
walieruhieis,ilysiepiia, liver diseain, erup
lions ujwin the fuce, pain in llio bank and
heud, ritmalo irrogulajiei,and all luiprn.
per diiclinrges of both irxei. It mnltora
not from what cunia the illieam, orlginntud,
however lung standing or nbitlnoln the
case, recovery it certain, and in a shorter
limn lliun a permanent cure can Un ailed
diviiclnna and resitted all llinlr ninntia uf
i .... ... ... .
i cure. 1 no meuicines prencrlueil aro plea
sant, wlllioui nuur, -entirely vegelaiiln,
cuueing uoiickneea, and free from inercu
rv ur baUniii. Uiirhnt fifteen venr ufnrao.
ir-. and hue from mercu
' baltam. During fifteen year ufprao-
lice, in Luronn the Allaiilio Slalm, nnd
Cnlifiiruia, 1 hsvo rescued from the jaws
ufdealh many llioutaiids, who, lu the latl
ttaset nf the ubuvo nieiltlnnad diteases,
had been glvnu up to die by llieir nh)tt
rians which warruuts me in promising to
the nfllii-ted, who may plaeti Ihem-elvet
under my care, a ipeedy cure. Private
dircutes urethogieatait direatesln health,
it llirtv firn lliM tirjit rnunnl ,.iiiiitiiltfi,i
,c,rula, and many other dlteaiet, and
Uhould bo a leirur lo tliu human fimlly. A
I purniniieiit cum It icarcely over ellecled.
e mo urn caui
' ... r .. .. . ..
n mnlurlty ui iiin eates lulling Into tint
hsnds nf iiicnmpntenl periout, who nut
only fall lo cure llio diiaate, but ruin the
cniiilituliuii, filling the tyttem with uinr
rury, which, with the diiease, hastens the
sutlerm into n rapid coniuinpllnn.
lint ahuuld llio diteaie and lliu treatment
not cause death speedily, mid tho victim
marries, the diteaau it entailed iipnn the
children, who are burn with feeble cunili
tutiuiit. and the currant uf lilu cnrruntnd
by a virus which belraysllielf n icrnfulu,
I tellsr, ulcers, eruptions, ami other alfeo-
limit nf the skin, eyes, lliruat and lungs,
' entitling upon lliem a brief existence of
j suffering and consigning thtm 10 an early
I Self-Abuto it another formidable, ensmy
, (ohnnllli, for nnthins lite in the dread
eatalnguo uf human dltaates cautea so do
I struciive a drain upon the tritem, drawing
1 its Ihoueam't of victims llirough a few
j years uf suffering down loan untimely
'grave It deatruys 1I14 nervous sytteiu,
! rapidly waalet away tliu energies uf life,
'cause muiilul deranxemenl. nmveiiia llio
priiner duvelopiuent of the syitnin, dis
ditpoaid to cunauiuplinn and a train uf
ovlla more In be dreaded than death il.elf
Willi the fullrat coufidaiicu I anurs the
iiufiiriuiiato victims nf elfabuao ibai a
permanent and speedy cure can be ellect
d and with tho ubindonuient of luinnini
prasticet, my patients can be restored to
rubutt, vignruus health.
Irrrgulurities and all dlteaiet of male-,
snd ftiuales treated un principles eiinb
lnhed by fifteen years of practice and
auctioned by tliuuiaudt of the nmt tc
luarkable cures. Alediciues with full di
recliout, lent lo any part of the Slate, Ore
gon and Wa-hingiou Territories, by pa
lienla communicating tlstsir symptom by
letter, lluiinets correspondence strictly
Addtets Pit. h. J, CZAPKAY,
Medical Inttilute, Sacramento tt.,
below Montgomery, uppniite Pacific Mall
ileaiinliip Cu.'t Office, San Franrltco
Aledjral and Surgical Inilitutu U on
Sacramento tlieel, below Mniitgomery,np
potltn the Pacifio AlsiLSteamship Compa
ny's Office, Ssu Franclseo. Tho Doctor
iiflers free conullsion, and asks no remu
Deration mileti he efleou rcure. Office
hours, from 0 a. m. to U r. m.
I, the undertigued, Governor of Hunga
ry, dotestify heieby, that Ur. I,. J. Ciap.
kay has terved during the contest for Hun
gsrisn liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the
Hungarian army, with faithful n.raaver.
mice vrbereut I have given him this cer-.
uucaie, anu uo recommend him to Ihd gym
palhy, atleuliun and protection of all thu.e
who are capable of appreciating patriotic
self-sacrifice and undeserved mitfortuno.
Uovernnr ufillungsiy,
Washington City, Jan. 6,,ltfoa.
nets, nervous debility, low tpirtit, Isi.
.. . -r .1.. Itmlia end baek
Indltpotlt.nn and Incapabl lly fur labor and
ttudy. dullness of apprehension, to-i w
menfory. aversion lo tociety, love nf soli
tude, timidity. seir.dl.tru.t,dixxlnes..hean
ache.lnvulunlsry discharges, pains in he
,ide, BlTeellcns uf the eyes, pimples on lb.
lace texual and other Infirmities in man
nre cured without I. II, by the juttly cole
brated Pliysiclnn and Surgeoc, Dr L. J
CZAPKAY. Ills method of curing dis
eatcs is new, (unknown to others land
hence his great surce.t. All contullallnn.
bv letter or otherwise, bee Adilrets 1.
J CZAPKAY, M.D.,San I rancitco.
1 ma Aok I Great llletting lo Man
kind ! Innocent hut Potent I Dr. h J
Czapkay's Prophllacllcum, (self dislnfecl
.. !..... . .urn ntnVHnllvBaiaillSt enn-
nrrhneal nnd ayphalitlc diseatra, mid mi
unsurpsKed remedy inr veiieieei,
Inns, giingrenuus and ennceruus Ulcers,
-..:! i..l...n. r...m ihn vurlnn. Ulollla
IUJIII- uipwinij- ..- - --n-- - ,
mid urethra, and all cutaneous cruptiunt
and diseases. As lunncuiniiuu 11 u pre
ventive against small pox, so Is Dr. Ciap
!....- I .I.llaniiriim nreveiitive asailitt
mht r 1. 'I... .--..-. --" I"--,: o .,
...:.l..ll,l .,.! witiiMrliri.,nl lliteatea. Al
though harmless In ilinll, II t.o-seties the
power uf chemically destroying Ihn syph
alilie virus, nnd thereby saving thuussiidt
,.... L.lnM tnrttl liv ilm tiinat Inallitome
of all diseates. Let tin young man who
appreciate iieaiiu no wiinoui ur, v,ni
key's Piuphilactlcum. Ills In very con
venient packages, and will be fuund con
venient tu un, being used as a snap.
Price. $!i. Fur sale nl Dr. fznpkny's Pri
vate Medical and Surgical lutliiuie, Sac
ramonto atreet, below Munlgumery, op
posite P. M. S. Cu.'s ullico, San Fran
citco. Hm3
V:: -o tim l-4-i-XSii
'WJ' e-SBW
and rou tiii: cuui: of
And contains no inlotnt pulton to Injure Ibt
Tli approval of thlt prrptrtllnn by Phrtlcltnt to.t
llfn nf Heltnee, tml tlit (rail turu wblcii hn
inirtcil lit u, rurnlthti prvof tultldtnl Ui eonrlnr
- c-rMI'l tn,l illKtrnley inlml of IU (rr'tt tupe
rloilt) tmt !u. It It now lrulnlittrcii la nrr!
frtctlcs u a mre tail
In c'ct of Strofult, Ltprixr. Tumors Bwe lllns nf I
Ji-lntt, Uliruimtltin, Krr'lptlw, King' JMI. snit
tierecnmpUInt tjoiplomtlle or linpnra llloo.it tmt
til tho illwwat of Ilia Mut'lri ami Tt-tuet, lofrtbtr
with frnml lUMtlljr of tkt t-iUut. yltM to thlt un
ftlllni: I'urtfltr nf ike Ilnu.l-fur tb bkxxl It Hit ehtn
nrl ihrntifh wlilcb (IImam DnJi lu way U tlie vtrlout
vruu of tlit boly.
llrnb tlit follDwiiijj.
Thlt tt rllflrtte u ttnt ut br our tjrtiita it I'ttUr
ton, N, Y wl.lcli It slm c-rtlHtJ to by uttrtl vf tlm
BtlahLon or if r. IliJUnL
Mtura. A. II. i. D. HiSMi d-nUumtn, II sItm
in. pirB-iire lu tenn jmi iu k.imi-)id9 inifii in
rrt.M 1.1 my ton. lit !): a ttrtn rol.1, nnd tfUr
Ulil nkt r MTt tunVrluK Hit illct KUlol In
lilt kfl Ire tnd fuol, which aMn twcllxl In tlie ululoil,
TIm iIIIhb w Itnnnl l.y bit pbjllcltn, tg.t UU
clitratal must ir..fnljr , nr Out no Irtt Ibtn tlttn
ulctra rurinr.1 en b Irtf tnd fot tt (fit lime. Vt
lift flit illITtrtiit ibtlrltn.bui none rIUot blni
luu-lij anj Ibt 11 winter found him to tuittliUxl
tmt kiw that lit waa unable lo lt hU 11, tuffrrliig
llio mutt txtrucltUng ln. Ilarinc Ihtt llnw ibt
tit lint twomit ta mucb trl-etal. Ibtl plte trttr
Ure ctnit cut. nf wblcli be in now nmr than twenty
fit rMrvtt In abultlt. arji Ins from onbtlf toon
ml a litlf Intbft In leiielb. V bint flvto up all
lnvt of bit rtcior) t but tt Iblt Hint we wtrt lu
ilurl ti Irr your itraaprlll, ami with lu uu bit
lictllh tmt api-rlllt Ixfxn lininnllaltiy to I111r.ro,
tn.l t.i raplil w ibt cbangt Utt Utt Ibta a doitu
bolllf tlTwle.1 a parte! cure.
lib irttliuJe, I rtuiila truly yours,
I'rcpueJ taj t.iM by A. II. (V . 8ANU8,
Wboltttle Drutjliu, 100 Fulton street, cersrr ef
Wllllun, Ntw York.
Vvr ui by IiBWITT. KITTLK A Coi, H. J01IK
fON I. ro.,ta. ItCDINllTO.V i. Co.btn FrtneUcn;
u. d, Smimmtoj tnj by Driiifltlt tntrtlly,
1M00K8 &, THOMPSON, Drugf-Ists,
ARents for Jackonie. M7
Plows, Miners' Picks. Horse Slioeing.
All Kino's of
Corner of California and Fourth streets
firtt door east of "Sentinel" office.
HORSES and Mules shod at quick'
time, and not inferior to any west ol
the llouky Mountains.
Price of horse shueing, plain, $1 00
.." " " " ateellaid, SOU
Keeps on hand all sises ofSteel Plows
and Aimers' Picks.
Itenairad on ihn m.nrtmt -.n.,.
Having had long experience In lha man.
ufscture of all klmit uf Farming Tools, ha
nailers mmsell to be sble lo accommodate
all who with to h.ve work dona with
neatness and desnateh. at thu lowett catb
Jacksonville, Aug, S.1957. tiOly
ttSflfe. T-I AS returnea Jackson
ijM-PPP. iX ville, and will continue
T-Uo-lJ the practice of his profession.
All work warranted.
H flatters himself that, fiom his long
experience and thorough practice in Den
tislry, ia will be able lo give satislaction
10 all who may favor him with a call.
Office, On California street, on the
rorner, oppotim lha "Union." loni'd
f WISH lo sell one Yoke of first rate
1. Work Csttlc Apply to
3 V fl. T'VAULT,
n mt ie tta :v.v
MjMianjjr.r "
5Drs Dcmig.
A". E. Corner Californiaani Montgomery
. . ... .omnn D...1 l..lnt.
I lowlna UKCoMMrstiATohr I.rTTtnt
. 1 .1 ... I..... .... II. Viiiine nnd
anu men j'ig "" ,, 1
thnte vampires that malign his mutivs,
iVYIIIU (IICII IIIB" "" ...--.--. , -
tllenco, for Tlianr. is iikatii In their Irani
ment. All aullrled with Diseasnt ofa I'n-
.- . t. nllssar nnllirM IinUld Cltll
upon Ur. J. C Young, nnd they would
men avniu iniiiuimi"" "" "' -in.
1., 1,1. linrrnlenit Ulior of siinnreitins
Ijiinckery and ompyrioism. Or. Young's
'. I .... ... A ...IiI.Im fl.Mnf.l.
cnarges aro rnuiicraiu . .,.,.. .,,v ..
ufthe most humble.
TM PORTA NT Dr. J. C. Young wishes
to call the attention of Invnllda to hi
counn of prscllco. The Ur. has Inng sinrc
abunduned the merrurlsl treatment, nnd
has strirlly followed the Vegetublo I'rac
Ilea. Patients tinder treatment with him
nrn not ronllned lo the home, nor taken
rrnm their business, but ran go about nml
eat as usual. The Ur 's mode of treatment
of catos of dobilily, both gon-rnl and sex
unl. It notaurnatsed by one physician, nnd
always remits In a perfect removal oflheir
Irouliles ur. x. 11ns aitcuveren a new
mudeuf treallnc efffrtluns uf llio Liver,
wlilcli nflnr a fair trial hat boon submitted
to the Prufessora of several uf the medical
Inititutiom of lie States, and pronounced
by them, ns porfoclly successful, and lint
been nuuptcd liy inern in ineir prncuco
In tlie troalment of inclnionl consumption
and diteate of lha blond, the Or. stands
pre-eminent In his provision, and will
warrant a cure lu all cases. The following
testiinunlal tpenks for ittnlli
Un. J. C. 1'ouso. Sir 1 Your modo of
treallnc affections oflho Liver and dltea
to ol Hie Illund, has proved by repeated
trials, to lie tlie Host yet oiiured to llio no
tilt y. nnd has been adopted by lliu board
Continue to study the human system asynu
have dune, and you will yet stand at the
nuau 01 your proiuiiiou.
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Pun 11
JLX will gusrnntea a perrect and perma
nent cure In ihn following caaoa, or chatge
nnlliing fur his snrvires 1 Syphilis, (Jon.
orrhren, Stricture or the Uretlira, All'ectiun
of the Ilnttrato (Hand Woaknnin of the
Genital Organs, luipulenny, Sterility, both
in male nnd female, Sperrnatara, or Sem
inal Weakncss,Nncturnnl Cmittiont,Uheu
mntlm. Diipeptiu, Indigetiion,Fovornnd
Ague, Incipient Consumption, nnd all ir
regularities in Fomnles, tneetliar with all
ditesses nf Women and Children ; also
Nervuutncis, Pulpilatlon of the Heart, Ao.
I'oraous oflllctod with symuloms alter
being treated, shntild consult Ii. Young at
once, at no disoaie It cured unless the pa
lletil feels perfenlly well. If lliore is a
particle ul disease left In the system, it
will break oul at tome future lime, when
leaat experted, ur bo handed lo an Innocent
nlftnrlng. Persons who have been treated
with mercury thould be very caulluus In
believing tbnt limy nro well, for it It a tcl
nntifio fuel llinl the mercury will
mingle wllli tlio venereal, and form
diteate a Rfent deal wnrte Iban tlie origin
nl. All tboae who hnve tnaanu lo tlilnk,
by bad fMollnrjn, that lliev have bean treat
ed thus, should consult Ur, Young, and he
tuouiu examine innir caret buu iuii ineiu
at once how they stand.
all whom it ur coneiriH, This is
to certify that I, 11- P. Lunlnj:, applied to
l)r, J. ('. Young, lo be treated for u gener
al debility, brought on by hard work at
mining ill the water, nnd a pneumalie nf
faction in my limbs, whioh nlmusi deprived
me of llinlr use, thai the above complaints
had troubled ma for n long lime one of
lliam fitr i.VHr.l v.,. Atiff lli ntl.MV alintit
eighteen months Overcome by the pain
....1 ....:.. .... ..in.... 1 1... .1..... 1 i..i
K-.U .,.,. u.i..iiru MT IIICMI, IIHU
given up nil hopea of ever again enjoyine
good health. In Ibia condition, I culled
upon Dr. J. C. Young, and after the Ispte
of five inuiillit,l em perfectly well snd
feel nearly as strong as I ever did. I can
.u.At,..ia.(tl .,.,. oil MflM(.ll fi 1,1 fmrm
. H VM,,,,,,W.,H ... J W.-W H..WH.VU ,V .... H.H,
fur he cured me, nndhas rured several of
my Irlenus mat 1 recommonueiiio lilt cere,
atUicted with dllTerenl diaestes, some of
lliem bad cntes, of a very bad and danger
ous nature.
Given this my voluntary testimony in
favor of Ur. J. (J. You ny in hopes tint il
maw tiifllii-A nil tlinaM atlirfH(l fri f.i.11 nil
III ii), and avoid the impostors who have
rubbed me, not only of money, but to a
ceitain extent 01 my ueaiio.
11. r. LUNING.
GnCtri HoitK Gutcn, Kern River,
September 'J, I6M5.. J
DEAR SIR 1 It is with pleasure that I
hasten to answer yuur Intter.enquiring
how I get along. I have entirely recov
ered from the cumplalnta fur which yuur
medical akill waa required, and I atture
you I feel gruleful to jnu fur the health I
nuw enjoy. Snatched at I was from the
veiy jaws nfdea.lli.nml saved from an un
told amount of suffering Were I in the
rily where I could do it, (lilt would have
the solemnity of an oath, but I am in a
mining camp, there is no Justice of the
Pesce within several miles of ma, and so
you must publish without il. I do noi like
to name my diteate, and I tuppuae tl It not
requisite, at you treat all kinds nf ditesie.
Yuurrs. G. LANUDON
To Un. J. C, Yobko,
Minima. Sent. Q7ih. IfiSfi.
DR. J. C YOUNG. Sim In answer lo
your request, as to how mv cste It
vetlln alnni. f ivmiM alafM ,I,m, f an. .....
ectly well, and hnve bean so fur about one
mnulk T al. ..!. I L,a.. ! L a
'. , iiiuuiu iiqia wriiivn neiure, out
have been wailing tmeo if it would return
I am now satisfied that I have teen the
Uil ot ii. Mv caitt was said to be a very
tad one bv all lha nlivticana ihctt mimln.
d me. Tiiey all called It a mercurial
djieaje, and said lliere "was uo help for it.'
YOU Callud il ftArn.iii.aiia.iri.TAii slM. . ,-.
curnl allfotlun. and said jou could cure
liv. aim 1 uu nave uune so can only
thank vuu fur if nntl rArmnmAn-l 1 1 -
..... j ., ?, .. v..... iiiiviih .a ut
sons anlicled 10 give you a fair trial.
luuraiui ueaui, j, u. UA1LB, Jw.
J Seminal Weabnnit Dp Vn,m. ..1.
drestes lliote having injured themselves
bv nrivale and imnrnnar ii,.li,l..... n.i,.
tecrcl and anii-,,y til tbit tuiot tlie body
.. ..,,,,-. huimmhje 4HVUJ iui vuur IIUI1
iiess or society, The fnllowiog are so mo
of the sad and mitli.nrfir.tw . &. -. tttt
od bv early hsbittof -oulh, i wenkx
r .1.. I...I. ..! Itn.r.a. ttn In lha
neit Bl inn ""I"" .....-..,, .
head, dimneps of sight, loss of niu-culsr
onwer. paipitaiion in in iiini,"ji"'t'iii,
r . -- I..I..I.I1:,.. Aarani.rlnl.nl nl
nervuuancaa, inii ';i - -J V I,
the digestive functions, general debility,
ivmptoms of consumption, Ac.
nitaTSI.I.T, llio iranu, -..rbl. -. ...
mind are more to be dreaded. Lois of
-...... .1... nf I A a a a . .tanraaainn nl
rnemnry, i""'" --, - i -
spirits, evil forehndlngs aversion to soei.
ety, setraisirosi iovooi oumuuv;,. ,...,..;,
,Vc, are some of the evils produced.
All persons wno are ikiuhih
a -.a- -BLaKaal.l-amekft m 11 ft aa.
or the above tympionia tnuuiu nu. .an iu
cnll on Ur Young, and be at once rettored
lo perlccl lieaitn. i.ei nu ni "";
prevent ou, but apply Immediately, and
nave ynunolf from I lie dreadfal and awful
consequences of this terrible mrsladv.
WKtanita or Tiia; ni
tmmedlalely cured, nnd fulUlgnr rsitnred.
OHlce corner of Montgomery and Call.
. . ..-.... n... rm.lra lnraaa. R,H
llirnia lirrmi, "'"' .,..-..,-...
Francl'co, v hare all letters must be di
rected to insure inienuwn.
J. U. lUUlMl, 01.17.
contequonrr ol the wide sprend ce
lebrity ol Di. YOUISG, numerous impn.
Inra have sprung into exlflence.prnlonding,
to bo peiftet msttert of the healing an,
nnd hnve aucrceded in impoting upon a
few ol llio unwary tuflorers. Pertons with
ing to consult a physicsin, should be very
rnreful how they put confidence In the
published ststemontt of such clisrltlnm,
tor they arn as unscrupulous in such title,
menlt as in their practice of medicine, snd
nre very unsafe to trust. They will firtt
deceive you by false certificates, procured
from "drunken loafers," who perjure thtm.
selves to get money lo satisfy the cravings
ofa ditentad npjiellle. When tucb quack
gains your confidence, he will then dots
you with mercurv and other drugt, sndsf
ter thev havo robbed you of your money
and Injured ynur constitution, they will
cast you off, with the charge, thatjou hse
not followed their directions.
The only way to avoid such Impostors,
is lo cnntult Ur. J. C. Young, the Piontar
Advertulng Physician of California At
a meoliniof tlie Nedical Faculty of thlt
State, callod to Invottlgate tlie source of
malpractice that has-cauted so much .uf
faring in this country, it was unsnimoutlf
mrmnlnnnilail I lilt all the aflllclsd tllOuld
consult Ur. Young, as he was tho only reg.
ulnrly edtiesled Pfirticisn now sdsrtting
in uainurnia, an oioers in nit unn uting
qunckt and and impostors, and are not lu
be trutted. The ufUictod will plena take
notice, thst there wss not a physicist, si
the meeting who had ever seen or heard
of a single case ofmnlprnctlce from L'r
Young, while nut one ol them but had inn
a number ofcasos from the foreign qusckt,
who so vaiiiilingly sut forth their pit-
t. -iil.il vl.maa In ilia tiiililln nrtnla.
.u..u.a .....". ... .... -v..w, ... .
Tli above facts should be borne in mind
by nil seeking medical atalalanco.
Think heaven, they are getting thor
..ii. I.lu M,.na..il ami tl utll nnt Iia tuna
..MKj.. .-,.. .w, ... . ....f,
belur I liny will have to fly the country, to
avniu ma lint inuignaiion or an ouirirt
public. Tliun will good people thank Ur.
Yuiinr for hla conluiued alTorta to bnnlih
qua ikery from our midst.
tr tl. xuuimu can no consulted irom
&. ,n H t M..al lita tifTira nmafl Pall.
Ifornla and Monigomery strorls, ovtr tlis
Pacific Express Office. San Francisco.
ah tetters containing me usust lea
of 10 will meet with prompt attention,
i! i!ui3
7C heg leave fo inform our frlrndf,
IT both in Oreeon Territory snd Csl
Ifornla, llint we conduct the Mall Line,
and are prepared to arcommodate paaten
gets to nnd from Oregon City to Corvallit
upon the arrival of every U, S. Mail, ss
well as carrying those of the Interior on
llio same route.
Leave Oregon City on every Monday
and Wednesday at 7, A. M Leave Salem
nn etery Saturday and Tuesday, Tlit
Cnachea will leave fur Corvallit, with th
Mail upon the arrival of the Coaches frum
Oregon City.
IN 1). Uo keep a Livery upon the most
rensnnahle terms. Forsge of all kindi
Money down, nnd no grumbling, maksi
abort credit and friends lur life.
Office at the Livery Stable. .
c. r nsr. T K DBV,
Sept 1C, 18GG. Gtf
-" i j
Tabic KouU Unkcry
"S"1HE lindaralvnad liaa nrt lianA a-i,l la
X always ready to msnufacturs to order,
Bll niliua v.
Co n fee t io n as y,
Candl.s ,
Pies, t s .
All kinds of Syrups, and everything la
In his line of business, usually found is.
the Confnctlonarys ir; lha cities.
For Weddings, Ualls or Parties, got up la
good style, and at ha shortest notice-
Jsekson ville. Dec. 1. i!tf.
Win. MotfnittM,
OFFICE-At the Pott Office, next dttr,
to Pel, Rysn's
Jscksonville O. T.
Hounty liauas
rVUh undersigned will atleno lo Ihe pro
JL curing of Bounty Lands, under the
Act of March 3d,IU"i5,for persons who have
been regularly muttered Into the United
States Service for the lm nf fnnrlran.
days, or mnre. Pertons who were engag
ed in either of ilm Indian, wars in ililt
eounlry, and all widows and orphsns of'
ucu paiiuni, are eotllled lo JbU scrrs oi
lulld. anil bv furwmitlna- Ilm n,.iuiu nrnnf
nfthairaorvice lathe undeitlgned, the of
ficial furmt will beiuadeoulandforwardta'i
tu tlie proper Department at Wathipgto
which Mill ensuie the return of a
For lha applicant.
Having a competent Brent at Watluvc
Ion, it enable, ma lo transsot thla kind el
business with great efficiency and ditpatcb.
Charges moderate.
Address V. G. T'VAl'l.T,
Jacksonville, O. T
Clothing of all kind?
For wis low, byj. W STEARINS
( .,rB.r..r.,iiCTV.fSa-ajL.
"'-'iHialifc-wn I -S