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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1858)
Mi rtMMjii i immBhtti m., -w: MM mi, 'Ml .. f ent of tho Statesman, writing from Port Orforil, Mnrr.h lfilh, says "I have but a moment to wrllo lo npprlso you of tho Indian outbreak in this neighbor hood. Tho Chctcocs nro up nml In arms. About n hundred "bucks," all in fighting gear, Iwo got together, nnd nro railing tho deuce. They Imvo kill j tho Indian Interpreter, Oliver Cmit well) nnd up to tho present moment wu nre unccrlnln whether moro lives linve hern lost or not, ns some other men ro misting, who may, however, Imvo ejeaped. 03" 1. 1" Heniloy, who has fur tamo time been in California endenvoring to secure nnd bring bnult to Oregon tho culprits Spnnlor nnd I'M wards wns un able to get then) released from tho sec ond writ of habeas corpus up to thu time of the galling of tho Pacific. Ho writes Hint he strongly hopes to return with the prUnner on tho Panama. Standard, '2Uth ult. S.cnAMi!Nro Uitiuoi:. Tho con tractor for tho Sucrnu'iito nnd Yolo bridge, will, anys tho Union, commence to morrow the construction nf tho acaf- Indian Octiihkak. A correspond folding ncccstnry for elovnlfng upporMday. to timber' itrclchlni! from pier to pier. A coniidornhlo portion of tho iron work on tho crntro or draw pier ii completed, ,ti a n it 1 1: i) , Un ttic 11th April, nt the rcsldcncoof tho Utile's father, In Jackson county, U, T., by A. W. A. McConncll, J. P., Mr. John Pur ton Wiitrr. and Mist Jci.u Ann Hozjuth. NEW ADVEIITISIMENTS. Jr. ANDKIIHON liken Ibli mth. od uf Infiirminc the Farmer and Sleek Kairrr flint ho I prepared to take I Ilia wildest nore auu urmK liitm in n short llnut lay not In exceed threo hour to ho perfectly gentle and lamo. Persons dailruui of having their horses Irslned, by giving him nolico, cm bo ao. eommodaied I'rire, $11). Mtf ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "VTOTICC la hereby gin that the un 1 derilgiied tin Iskoii nut lattem oTad tnlnistntion from tho l'rnhitn Court of1 iJOUclst County on the eslllo of Daniel I lluHilv.drceisedjIaloor Hid county. All uniufdml- payuienl, and thoiu having cliims againit laid estate iro requested tu pitienl thini to the undersigned within en rr,it hi" pliexof rtsideuun in Look, in lil l'rainn, in mid tuunty. March .7 !i "'oi. l'lLLDINd !.r..I.MON, Mil Adiiiinlstrilor. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. JOTtCr. is hereby given to all persons 1 whom it may concern, tint the un, drrsupird hi taken out from the Probata Cuuii of Douglai County letter of idmln islfjiioii oa llio esliln ol ficorio T. Diy, drreased, litu ol iiid county. All pcmn inucuicu iu mo etuio ore rrqueitea to mike iminediito payment, and thoin bav ing claim giinsl aid eitalo will present llirm, leilly aullieiitlciled, for setlleinenli in ilia uiiiiertlgiieu at his residence nrar Ciimitille, in said cnitnly, within one I rsr irnni inn into nien. r u0 nmg will barred .March IV. I&VJ. Ull JOHN rUI.Linn'ON.Admr. FINAL SETTLEMENT. "VTOTICL' Uterahy given to all persons X interested In Ihn eiiato of L, 1). Kent, Jeeeisud. lite nf Dmielm Couniv. n. 'IV. llul Nuncy Kent. Admlnlslrnltli of unlit I riMiB, iih nird her petition in Die Probitul Conn of Duugln Cnuniy, pra) inj to maku I fiusl telllenif ii( of h ircounli of laid 'inn ; it i thercforo nrdered that the final iciiieiiieiuoi iihl accounts bn made on the first d ty of the Juuu Term ofiiid Court, lo be held at Itoseburg, in laid cnuniy, on Hi. first Tuesday In June, A. I) 1833. ,prn u, icaij. WM. Urt TIIUAUT, ItlU Probita Judge. LIVERY STABLE, Corner of California and lib itrecti, JACKSONVILLE, III James Cluggnge. ''pill: Sliblois large and well arranged, J. and customer can be accommodated it a moment's notice with superior SADJDLE HORSES, OR 1WGOIES Double or Single. This Stable his bien erected at heavy espense, and slocked with tho finest blood id horses, well suited for tho saddle or hirness. Kxperieuced groom alway In attend nice. No pains will be spared to accom modate customer in uperior style. Kooning that the public will extend ptlronoge where it ii due, the proprietor tlilleri liirnislfthit be will be ablu to ao commodate all, at iraiomblo rales, for CASH, lUlf $50 Howard ! OTIIAYIID or Stolen from the suhscrl 7) ber. living two miles above the Ash- unit .'Mills, on the road to-ireka.two bay ..::!.. o : : r. -: ""- ,--.. ,. .l..A... III..I..- I 4 !." . . .. ... .,,.., mole, icarred on the top of tho wither iiu uii ifio iigui nim ui mo dock, unuer the collar; eight or nine year, and ride I win ; the oilier a opaiiish mule, eonsld ersbly knock-kneed. AIo, a red und while spotted Cayuso maro pony If not stolen, Ihey have probably strayed o Umpqua Valley. 1 will give fifty Jul lirs fur their delivery at my bouse, or a suitsblu reward for any Information that will lend to their discovery. HAMU1H. GItUIHl, Aprll7(l&"8. 13i3 NOTICE! V'B'Mli; Copartnership eiisiing uuderlho A name of Cohen & Crane Uithis day dissolved by mutual consent. All those having accounts against the firm, will pleiso present them lor payment, and all those Indebted to the sslJifirin are reques ted to ssttle their account inside of thirty day from date, Our su;cesor, S. Heilmer & Co., wo seeoinrnviid to our friends and customers. COH KN A. CRANK. Alilieuir, AprlM.ilSsa, irju.V ' 1.1 WWWIM WBiWWMW Dusuom-iititt 4iioliifnl)iits for K'llhllc MiKMtUlUK I The Hon. It. 1 (Jiiovkii. the. Democratic nomineo for Congress, and other candidate; ior man miieer", wm niniroRs inc people nt tne places announced liclow. Tho candidates of any ami nil opposing pnrtloi are respectfully Invited to meet tho democratic nominees nt tliclr scleral an- polntmcnts, nnd to discuss existing political i limes. Tho lion. Dehizon Smith and other nMo and dlstlngulshtd democratic speaker! will also bo present, nnd address tho people. The Dcmecratlc candidates extend n cor dial and earnest Invitation to their demo emtio fcllow-cUlr-cns and nil others, to At tend at the following times and places, to wit: Jackson County Jacksonville, Thursday, April 15; Gasburg, Friday, 10 1 Sterling, Saturday, 17. Josephine County- Kerbyvllle, Monday, 10; Althoure, Tuesday, 20. Douglas County North Cnnyonvlllo, on Tuesday, 2'ii Koscbitrg, Friday, 211; Ra ker's Mill, Saturday ,2 1. Umpipin County Klkton, Monday, 2C. l.ano County Eugcno City, Wulucoday, 28 ; Long Tom, Thursday 2'j. llcntoii County Starr's Point, Friday, .10 Corvallls, Saturday, My 1 s King' Valley, (Wntsou',) Monday, $ ; Tamplco, Tuesday, -I. Linn County Albany, Wednesday, 5 ; Thuroton. Thursday. 0 : Ilrownullfc. Fri day, 7 ; Lebanon, Saturday, 8 J Sclo, Muh- Marlon County Sublimity, Tuesday tl: Bllvcrton, Wednesday, 12 ; Balcm, Thursday, II): llitltovlllB, Friday, II. Clackama County Oregon City, Satur day. 13 j Upper Mnhilla, (Harrison Wright') Monday, 17 ; Mllwaukle. Tuesday, 18. Multnomah County Portland, Wednes day, 1U; Sauvlo'e Island, (Kills Walker',) Saturday, 2'2. Columbia County Ilalncr, Thursday, 20; St. Helens, Friday, ai. Clatsop County Astoria, Court House, Tuesday; 23 i Clatsop Plains, (Church,) Wednesday, 20 ; Tillamook County Saturday, 2l. Yamhill County Weal's store, (S. Yam bill lllvcr.) Tuesday, Juno 1 ; lafayctlo, Thursday, 3. Polk County Dallas, Wednesday, 2. Washington County Forrest Grove, Fri day, I ; Hillsborough, Saturday, 3. Per order of the Demo. Stair Com. L. J, Cinplaty.-"Vc would direct the special attention of Invalid to the pe rusal of Dr. L. J. Czapkay's advertisement, en fourth pago of thin paper, to place tho aervlccaof n learned and experienced Phy sician within their reach. To those who are suffering front tho effects of sexual of private their 111. treatment, wn cheerful , rccomme,t lh9 Doctor, aaa manof rar( sclciitlflo and medical acquirements. In order that patients at a distance may avail themselves of bis advice, free consultations by letter I open to them. llm3 Western Star Lodge U.D..A.P.& A.M. Regular Meetings held at their Hall In KcrhyTlllc, Saturday precceding full moon. All member In good standing are Invited to attend. M. M. WILLIAMS, W. M. Ciia. 1- IliiUNNKn, Hcc. Kerbytlllc, Jan. lit, 1838. HJul2 Conh'i.tatiox GiUTiv. Tho extensive practlco which Dr. J.C.Young ban acquired In California U to bo attributed In n great . measure not only to hi skill and experience, I but to bis liberality. Persona oflllcted with ' any disease cognizant In bis branch of plmr- macy, may consult biro, at bis oOice, any day.yrcc nf choree. When addressed by letter, where n written answer I required, the usual fco (810) will bo exacted. UOlco hours, from 10 o'clock a. m to 8 r. u In valid! placing tbemselvea under the chargu or lip, loungcan rely upon a speedy nnd permanent cure. The Doator' uniform prac tice has been lo take no pay unless a cure Is ellccted. "No euro, no pay," la hi motto. Letter and certificates lutmmrrnbl. from those who have been cured ol long standing uuu curonio uitcases unucr ins ireatmeni, arc always open to tho liidix-ctlon of tho pub lic at his room. His medical ability U ably and thoroughly demonstrated In bis numer ous medical work, copies of which can bo uuu ui ins omcc. Having uvm votni an honorary member of tho Hoyal Collego of r V v t ,1 it t is . 'I - wv. .,. vi . .! Hi, (I Surgeons, London, the highest cblrurglcol, body In eslstence. ho feels confident that bis services cannot fall to bo appreciated in a' dlP(rnlnrnminiinltv. nnnillllilllnn rnnrn. I corner of Montgomery and Callfornlastccts, over Paclflo Express Co.'n oDlce. San Frun-i Cisco. 2 2m3 UNION HOTEL, Corner California and lid Streets, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. KLIPPi:ii & WILKINSON, Proprietors. GENERAL STAGE HOUSE. April 2, 1858. 12tf. WILLIS NOHTIICUTT, HAS 11ESUMKD THU PItACTIOK OF Ijw, and will attend to all butlnesa entrusted to his care. QFFIOi: At tbo Slate Greek House, Josephine Co. March 27, 1828. 12tf JacKioavitxr. Anill S. 1828. fpilli Partnership heretofore existing be- ,i1,0v..i i,v ,,,i,,l r,..,-..i All Jl. iween liliiggage a Tool Is Un Uny ---'--- -j .-.-..... ........... .. Knowing in 'ime firm wl einselvei lo be indebted to the ill settle tho samo with James KOTICI! rPIIU partnership heretofore existing X between the undersignod is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having buxness with the firm will please call and settle. JACOB HOFFMAN, L. 0. GAUY, JOIINW.JAltVlS. April 0', 185a. 13(3 Dissolution Notice! rpiin Partnership heretofore existing X between the undersigned i this dv dissolved by mutual consent KUFUHXOLU, DVIION.UOLK, , Murvji 13, ieoa. I3tl , ... I aKo l3r firTwV ?e.eV them o IjlJ-Wff "'.IT SSf "l""' T James Cuggge for payment, be being X "'"' D" "n.'r 0,c le.n' ,eP,,ir- r..po.Mibl.6o? lb. demand, againit the "7 t nXll..M?Z$.W P"r"' Utn ilrm JAH ct UlUiAnw and llio public generally that they are now firm JAS. LLU( OAGE, npmia Uo flU UMi nf ftUrclianl Mill in iwuy i uuii, i SOCIAL BALL. A SOCIAL HALL will bo given nt tho mm? ua ays iekdtoil, t( On the main road from Jacksonville lo Kerbyvllle and Crescent City,) on Thursday April 22d. 1858, M A W A tt li w s . Jacksonville. Ai.kx. Oauteii, Thomas Pti.k. Kcrbyvlllo. David Kkxiiai.l, W. J. Mathews. Joti.v Davkstout, Gasburg. Geo. H. LodAN', Sailor Digging-. T. 8 IlxnT Canyon Creek. R. Wimion', Illinois Hlver. Wm, Ihklani Allhousc. (Iiim. Lotus, UalllcoCrrok. Jamk Mi'Sincnnv, Uvansvlllc. Hkn. Haymond " I'lnor Slnnngori. Wm. M. IUi.laiiii, S. Noiitiicut. Mutlo by GKoitau CAnTKii, A. GiuniNua, W. Gatm. J. 11UOWN, Proprlolor. pO A general Invitation In exte mlcd to all. 12td PHELAN'S MODEL BILLIARD TABLES. A Nil rulent COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Acknowledged by llio belt Piofcssional and Amateur Players TO UK Tilt Only Correct Cushion Now In Use t npilCSi". TAIILIIS AND CUSHIONS ,JL am now tnld as low a thu "Old I'o- gle" Table of llio day. And ns a proof of llieir superior meril, it l oujy necessary to call attention to tho MISE II A RLE 1MITA TIOMS Got up In Ibis city, made from PASTII- IIOAItDand old HOIlHi: lU.ANKKTd, and palmed off on the unsuspecting as niKLAN'H PATENT. Ono of lliesii miserable icniindrel ha been CAUGHT IN Till: ACT. Hi iioiiio, and the name nf the gentleman be llreced, will be llio subject or anothor com municallon. Pailios sendiug their Old Kails to thu ubscrlber, (who is now making these Cushion under Pbelan'i I'alonl,) ciin liavo llirm covered with nets of tho genuine ar ticle, and returned In twenty -four hour afterward. Juet received, somo splendid Model Ta ble. Oak, Hosowood and Alabnaany, with Hlatn and Marblo Ileds. Also lllllliird Trimmings of every description. Address, ngs of every description. Addrei V 31. II UGH CS. Hole Asent. 6m3 It'O Jackson street, San Francisco, California Stugo Conip.iny's Tri-TTeokly Lino FIIOM YREK.V TO JACKSONVILLE!! ON and after Monday, March 2'Jlh,lfco8, tho California Hlouo Company will run a Til weekly line nf Coaches bctwei u Yreka and Jacksonville, leaving Yreka on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, anil leaving ilia union Hotel at Jacksonville- on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, connecting with llio Company'? Coaches at Yreka for tho following places i SHASTA, RED IILUPFS, TE HAMA, OROV1LLE, MARYS VILLE, SACRAMENTO. and all inlsrmedialn points, I Passengers booking their names at the inflict) of tho California Slago Company, I Yreka Hole), will bo furnished with through tickets tor any of thu above named places. II.CONItOY, Office Agenl, Yreka, March 21, 1839, II if Guardian Sale ! "!Y authority of an order from the Pro- J- i bato Court of Jackson Couuty. O. T.. I will offer for tale to the HlghcU Didder. In the town of Jacksonville, on Saturday, the H " UR or Hay next, the uuuivhKd two IliiPilynf Ann lilt ml rati I ami ui vtu a apaj aC ! . . .. .. . . F ' 'tMrdiof one hundred and tlxty acre of land J tuto In this county, belonging to Mary Catharine on I Sarah Jane Johnson, heirs of MttrV JohllSOII. deO d, Olid bounded US fol- I0'" ! North by tho land of J. W. Johnson, M'' by Jamea Hamlin, South by publlo lands, and West by the claim of Jas. Tuck er, anu lying on the roan from Jacksonville ' .T . -. ... lo uasuurg. Tins -J7iri or Atarcn, 1MH. JNO. W. JOHNSON, 12U1 Guardian, IIHI for Divorce. Mary Collins, Plaintiff; ) vs V Dill for Divorce, William Collins, Den. S William Collins, sild defendand, will take notice that the sa'.d plaintiff has filed her bill and petition, praying u divorce from said defendant, in thu District Court for the Hd Judioial District of the Territo ry of Orngon. And if the the said defend ant shall full to plead to said bill on the lint day of the Term of said Court, lo be held at Itoseburg, in said District, on tho lint Jlonuay oi May, 1608, a motion will I be made for a decree in accordonco with the piayer In said bill. W. G. TV A ULT, Plaintiff's Attorney. Feb. 27, 1859. 7 EAGLE MILLS. business, and are alto furnishing a cboica lot ol Liquors, coniistiue of Gin. llran- dy, Whiskey, Lager Deer, tVc, THOMAS & JAC011S. Cagle Mills, Jan. SJ, 1858, 3f. IjmiHiua AcnAemy. rpHE FIRST QUARTER OF THE X Summer Session of the Acsdemlo Year will commence it term ou the ISlli Uay of Februry inst. i For .course of study, laws and recula. lion, ee Catalogue. Hoard good, and at reasonable term. A. It. FLINT, ilf Principal. TWO MULES FOR SALE. rrMIEiSubseriber ha two good Mulat lor JL. sale , Iuqiiirciat the Strrrimei. ofBCi.l () XV. U. 'i" VAULT. - of .MEDK1AI,. DR" I. GANUN'G, I'livsliilini, rltireoon nnd Aecouclior 7 Promptly all end any who may Vl requiro hli profesiional tervlce. r-Tliu largest and best selection of mug nu raieiu nieuicine consluuiiy on hand. OFFICII California Street, next lo the Tin Shop. OmC "Prospect Bancii," Appletrntn Crcnk, O. T. njHC nndcrstgned wishes to Inform lit JL friond and ilia Iravelinx public thai, basing Improved lbs above Hunch, (half, way between Kerbyvllleand Jacksonville, (ormorly known as tlsrkwell' ranch,) he is nuw prepared lo accommndiita ull who may patronize him The TAIIL1, will at nil time bo supplied with Ilia best thu markot aflbrds, and combined with good STARLING, HAY AND GRAIN, and n careful hostler in attendance, he hopes to merit n share nf public patronage HUGH II CAPS, Proprietor, Januaiy Nt, 1858. lyl 1.1. AuiUtor, ami Deputy foil JOSEPHINE COUNTV, O. T. Office In Kerbyvlllo. BONDS, DF.KD3, UTo It T O A F.S , Powers of Atlorno), Ao., drawn up on shortest notice, and for reasonablu fees. -tUlf j'Vlie Exnet Time ' way. JOHN NETTBER, Watclimakor nnd Jcwollcr Ha located in JACKSONVILLE O. T. SHOP On California Hired, in John Horrbold's lluildiug. J ATCHK8 and Jewelry ftenalrod on I short noliru. All kind ol Jnwelry Manufactured and Ilngraved lo order, in quick lime. Witches and n general assortment of Jewelry on ha nil aim Tor sale clump lor cash. Dec 12. Itftf JOHN U'l-AUOlIl.tN. iiKKitr Kr.tmn. M'UUGHLIN&KLIPPEL'S Iil5W 8'VA'VE" BILLUED MD IHI1IEIIII 8iaiLli!l8 Ilrlok Iliilldlnir, Cornor C'nllforula nnd Oregon Htreots, JACKHONVILI.i:, O. T. rpili: "NEW 8TATK" Is n cool and JL spacious Saloon, and I fitlid up in a stylo of elogancu. The Ililliard Tables nro new, ami from one of the best makers. And at the II ir there will alvvnyi bo found a good supply of raro old French llran die, prime Scutch nnd American Whit key, choice Wines, Alo, and Lognr llecr, and superior Havana cigars, Uly. NOTICE ! IS hereby given lo all persons having claim againit the estate of .Moses 11, Reed, deceased, late of Coose couniv. to exhibit them, wild tho necessary voucher, io mo unoersigneu at ins residence at l.m plro City, or lo his successor iu office, within ono year from this dale, or be for ever barred therefrom ; and all piirsons nioeuieii to mo aiu eaioio, aro requested to make immediate payment. II. II. LUSE, Publlo Administrator for Cooso Co., 0. T. Empire City, 1'thruary 13, 1858. Kill NOTICE! TRIAL SITTINGS will bo held In the Jl Third Judicial District for the trial of issue of net at the following limes I In the County ol Douglas, un tho Third Monday of March. In the County of Josephine, on the Se cond .Monday uf April. In the County ol Jackson, on the Third Monday ol April. Old M. P. DEADY.Judge. Notice ! ALL Persons aro hereby notified and warned not to nurchnto or trade for n certain promissory nolo drawn by mo In fa vor of William T. Kelly, for tho sum of one hundred and teventy dollars, dated Feb. 1, 1857, a I do not intend to pay tbo same un less compelled by law, a I hold against said Kelly letolla to a greater amount than the nolo. JOSHUA 11. COMPTON. Februarys, 1838. Stf 1. 1. fULIAMS "1 A 7" ILL bavu completed and ready to T I grind, A IBUSff-HUILIL, Connecled with his saw-rnlll, known as Ihe "Hush Sawmill," situated near Kir byvlllo. Parous having wheat will do well to ret ii floured at this mill, is it Is situated at the bejl flour market in South ern Orexon, He still continues o furnish Ibcbest article ol lumber at low prices, Persons owins for lumber will nlease eall and settle up, aa cash is much needed. Aug. 29, a3if- BOO TS, JUST RECEIVED and to ARRIVE, n complete assortment of ladies', Atisses' and children's, Gents', Hoys' and Youth's Uoots, Shoes and Gaiter, selected with a view to service. If you want lo economize, call and ex. change cash for a substantia! and superior article, Prlcea aro reduced to suit the limes. Lades, Gents and. Juveniles, drop in, when, you are chopping, and inspect, Uoot and SiioK Srorte, Cor. Cal, and Oregon !,, (Opposite the "Eldorado,) 31lf HAINES. A YOKE OF OXEN For SAEE. T WISH to sell one Yoke of first rate A Work Cattle, Apply lo 3 vVV; G. T1 VAULT. 1 Wot TTlicvc, Every l)oiy! Face thcMnslc aniVvc$ut " t s Do you wish to palronlzo a bnusn ennductod on strictly temperance principles.' Do you waul In slop nt a house favorably known throughout California, Oregon, and all nlher places, for it moderalo charges, good fara end host of beds, together with 'order, comfort, convenience, nnd superior accommodations.' If you desire all these, we advise you to go to I sisiBj'''iaBl ID Hial sail Ki iliisHP tVisVi1 H tKi H 0 I ' rSssal tssassllall IssaaaaBssI 1 TJssaT"lx! t "C asssaHl IssbbbbbbbH ssiBl iSjaassBBHrisssBBBBBBBBalif'' OH sflir 9 tJaisisiH'lCsi MlVsM aHsU i liJ 1' 3 IKkBO Hsn F 87, 80 nnd 01 Lcldcadoiff Strcot 110 nud 121 Sncrnuipntu lreot, i SAN I'KANCISCO. Till establishment I centrally InealeJ in tbo principal business part or the cily, and In llio immediate vicinity of Hie Steam.hij; Co 's ollleo, the Expicss Cii. s ofhus, and the United Slalrs llruucli Mint". ......,. n.vr.u IIOAIU), per week, tU. HOARD, per day, fit. MEALS.GOconj. IODGINGS, fiO to 75 conlt per night. totu Sinalo Room furnished complete, 75 cent per night. too- Room or Lodging can be had by the Night or Week, wltlior nltliOMl bourd, lo suit ilia convenience of nil. Tho Ileds am titled up In tbo very bet style, with patent I rench npring,and the best curled hair matrcses, clean bedding. A-o. BATHS FREE. D) iinremlllingnlteuiionind untiring offori lo furnish the greatet nmountf cow Airland convenience at extremely low price, the proprietor hope to merit a centime nnro of the increasing patronage that llio Whal Cheer House at prurnt enjo;. For the accommodation of miner and oilier liming money or valuable, tbero aro two safe in-tho pfiice. There is nn eatensive Library and Reading Room, well supplied with powers, pe riodical, A'c. rr THE HOUSE IS OPEN ALL NIIIGT. prr Traveler will please remember that there oie no ftunncr connected -IUi tins establishment. The What Cheer Houe is conducted on stiiclly temperanoe principles. nnv.7 A3 R. tt. WOODWARD, 1'ro.prlotor. iiTiiriiiTii liisiT h-ontine the Vlaxa, Corner of Lane ami fourth Streets, yki:ka, cni., Kunuody Ac IConyon, Proprietors 'piIE Proprietor are prepared to ao L commodate Traveler with Prlvnto Room, with Single or Double lied. Tho TAI1LE will be mpplied with the IlKST IK AUllKCT. Tho IIARia furnished with the Hast Wii:s, Liqi'in, Ac, .Vo. 17if I T. E. RYAN OFFERS FOR SALE n largo and well elected assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOOD , HOOTS r SHOES, IHLOT, CLOTHING, Mining Tool, And all kind of GROCERIES, which ho will sell Cheap for Cash, at bis lore on California street. Jacksonville, Aug. 8, 1857, 30lf HAEDY ELLIEE HAS ERECTED A NEvY And Com modioui tuveru atund at tho South End of the Canyon, Douglas County, 0. T Where he is prepared In accommodate tbo puhio in good elyln. Tho long residence of thu proproprielur at this point precludes the necessity of saying, that Will bo as well furnished as thu country ii fiords. THE STAPLE It supplied with Hay und Grain in abund ance Animal particularly attended to. Every attention paid lo render thoie who call couiforlulile and satisfied. Nov . 87, 1657. -Ib'if JESSE ROBERTS HAS erected NEW UUILDINGS end refitted the old tavern (land at i a n y o n 1 1 1 c , NORTH END OV THE CANYON,! Dmiiila County. O. T.. Where he is prepared lo aeciuninudalu the Traveling Public in good style. mm 'jtaibilis Will be as well furnished a any in Ore gon. THi: STAIILK I large, and well supplied with lluy and Grjin. Particular attention paid to an), mal. V.-iL.r.vury attention paid to those who, may lavor him with Huall. j Oct. SJJ. 1B57, -Mlf JacliBonylilc Baltcry, BaPESTOisiiaisaVe, OIIKOO.N RTnEKT.NKXT TO 'KLU0RAUO,' Jacksonville, O, 'P., MITP IITrvpn TAB EVENED SALOON for the'IKBAES MW ffOMIDID, TT A.A. transaction of the above business. and will heap on band and manufacture! lo order all hind or Urend, Cii I; in, Crocker, I'fes.VnUty, COA'PECT.IOA'ERY, 1,'e., tc. For Weddlns. Hall or Patties, furnished nt sborlesi 'notice and lowest price. IP IB IB J8AE Will be supplied with the best LIQUORS AND CIGARS July 10, 1857. 8b'ii3 Physician and surgeon, OFFICE At hi Residence, in Win. ohester, O. T nl tr. TAVO HORSE WAGONforSAZE APPLY to the subscriber. T' """ a XV. G T'V.AULT. n i mu KERBYVILLE, O.T. rpHE Subsorlber bnving LEASE!' h JL above large and commodious Ilnlol in the flourishing town of Kerbyvllle, onllie road friim .Jacksonville to Allhousr, Sail or Diggings, and Creteout'City, sollnlts a share uri'uiiiic ratrouagc. TOE $&&$& Will alwajs he furnlsed with fho'bostlho market afford. C. C. FAIRFIELD. 3 Kerbyvllle, Jan. 1, 1857. C2lf SLATE CREEK HOUSE. mr Ollvci J. livans. '"plUS well known Hand, illuato fifnea L miles from Kerbyvllleand thirty-four from Jacksonville, has been erected suits, hie to accommodate the Traveling Public. It I olwav iiluailne to the host and bust. ' cs lo make their guest as comfortable a possible. 'ME ITAIBIME Furnished with all the country affords. Good KtnlilCH, well supplied with Hay and Grain. " Hopes are entertained that 'ihirso who Hcall'iinco will ride 'lute or stop early to partaiie again 01 llio hospitality 01 in oc cupants. Ill notice!! PAY UP! AND SETTLE UP I! ANY PE1ISON HA-VINXJ CLAIMS against mo, will" pleo.e present them and receive their pay. And those knowing themselves Indebt ed to nfe prevluu to First December. 1857, win corner a lavor uy caning immediately and settling up bynoio'rtr (iuiarwl. I JOHN ANDERSON. I Ddc.2'5, 1537. 50lf OTMW SBBflEI(B HOUSE, BY N . V. V fc A N . THIS well known iland, siluited five milui north of Jacksonville, nn lh OrrKuu Road, 'ha been refilled and new I building' erected, and also good (tables. 1 he proprietor will accomnioilslo In Tmeling Public, and hopos by unremit ting atteuiion -to their wants to obtain a liberal share of patronage. Nov. 12, 1857. 44tr NEWMAN FISHER. CALIFORNIA STREET, i ivtuicsaie ana Jteiaii ueattr in itenA&,u,BM(B. M UooUs, Slntloucry, Ac. i'T.TAVING PURCHASED THE IN- i.XJL terestof David Luvinear in the above uuklncij- Iri nuiv ullitrnif nt (ha old aland ,n largo assortment of the best brands of uonjecttonery ana j' ruits, School Uoobs, Statlonory, dec, Very Cheap fur Cash. fJT CHi if you want a Good Cigar Jacksonville, Nov. SI. 45lf nicuirm wiKNDicn. AbeEDT niNDine, WEINBAGU & BASHARD, (Truehol'i Old Stand,) HAVE on hand and are always ready to maufaclure to order ull kind of PASTRY, CONJECTIONKRY, CANDIES, dh'ES, PIES, Jtc. For Wadding und P((ics gut up In good ilyle and at tee horteirj6iir.. ?' Jaikiontille, p. T.'July If. ?r3 I wmx rv4t !l-5.' LSKiWSs?"' PriaaaiJJjHl