.- umMmw U ,r M0W n v VOL. III. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MABCH 27, 1858. NO. 11. Wat SemtitieL falrpenJent on alt Subjects ; and devoted tjttbett Interests of Southern Oregon. Vtitilithcil Every Saturday, W. G. TTAULT, Edilor&Proprlclor. TKRJISi One Venr, $5 0? Six Month, 93 00: Three Montln, 6- U0. .VAYcrllseuicnls, thte S-iuare or twelve lines or Ici, first In ' rh in, 5300 J vueh subsequent iuscrtiou. I 1-113 Cmtn, eiich square. Tor one year, Su . ix month. Sis , tbrcc tnuntus, 510. A literal discount m ide to persjjnsjvisblngj, to adTertlse'tolhe'bztent of four squares. 1 'SIITIIIL" dOl) I 1111 tlUg" OinCC. THE Proprietor, having .ty of Jolt TYPE on r.ircd to do all kinds of PLAIN ASI a good varl-l hand, Is pre.- 0r.::A2JENTAL JOB PRINTING, Oa the SHORTEST NOTICE, anl on the rsot IlEASONAULE TKHM5 ; sutb as flcok. rampbU-tK, Circulars, Handbills. Showbills. Concert Hills, Programmes, l)ll Tickets, Hill Heads, Address Cards, Business Cards, A; $ $ Job work done In ibbideisb., ASD 1 !E3D, BILSIS IB BSLAIDSr iniv., to suit cuMomers Orders solicited Business QIar&sr. E DOEADO niLLlAUD AND DRINKING SALOON, coast; or cui.inn-iAHuoui.uoSTni; era, JACKSONVILLE, O. T. Hf Billiard Saloon, OppOlilB lgl0 Until, KLIUJYVILLE, 0. T. Jsnuriry 1, l&8 ltf DBS. BROOKS & THOMPSON, Physicians and SurRcons. OITICE "J.clunnvilU Drug Ht'oro" opjuxiio L'nlon lluu. ("A constant supply of Drugs and Pdieut Medicines alivay on hand. J a luuitov, Late of Sacramento. San Frauclsco. HARMON & L4B1TT. LAW OFFICE, C vner of Montgomery aud Commer cial Stretti, (Our Banks k Hull, Uaukcrs, Ku rrauclseo, Cut. II i Liiatt, Commissioner fur Louisiana not'.'snlGtf B. B. 8NELLIN6, A1TOUN E YS-AT-LA W, OSica on Fourth street, adjoining the J4ueet' unices, opposite rosi umce. irt- ka, v.ai. 0tf R. HAYDEN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, TV jon. 7 ILL ATTEND TO UUrllNESS In the Third Judicial Dittnet uf Ore OFFICE At Kerhy vil lo, Oregon. Jsnui ltf W. G T VAULT, Attorwyand Counsellor at Law. Hod Notary FilHoior Jackson Co., Will practice in Ilia Supreme and Du tiiet Courts ol the Tumtury, Ortieo adjoining ilia Printing Office, Jacksonville. O.T. ir D.I.-BBEN1N, A TTORNE Y-AT-LA W. 0 FPICK At his resilient, Jackson ville, O. T, 43 AND Are taken by PETEB BBITT, Ju tht the Hill, new the old Parson;, JACKSONVILLE, O. T, lltf II.". MATHEWS Written for the Skktincu) 'I he Future. How little do we know of the joys or woes Tbnt long hnvc been waiting for us In store; As little as know wp our number of davs, Or the grnins or sand upon the sea-shore In n very few years, how sad and how lonely Earth may appear, as still onward we go; Tor Ufa Is uncertain sliver thread ouly, Which bludcth body and spirit below. And snap ns tho crystal vase, airlessly handled VII slilv'rcd, with nono the power to restore J Foreman's Ingenuity iic-'er hru commanded The breath of nrotlier, amid his great store. Or glides, as the lurk, tbe "young Hindoo , girl launches 1 With " trenibliuc hand " uu tho face of ' Lcstlls lnmpT'dn'rnrd with flowersfrom the imnKs or the uanges Sink Wh tho wncs, and dispel her mil, 11 sliming still brightly, lis course it' pursues c Jia.rk,-riv,ir: ". .tlft: K Jf.V lUOHi .U.l) tut uwi , ..iv. v ia UUU.I. uu. gou news, And Into the future looks forth with delight. And, t-o are as Urks, ust tiu the broad icwn ; A hat en wc all expect wo shall find And Hope Is tho light that guides every motion. As n Journey on through this Tale of Time. And an nlbseelng eye. Is eter upon ui, Guarding us on. with the some Jalouoare. Lett the waves of adtcrslty, roughly break o'er us. And i e link lulow, In the gulf of Despair. tiUUU'lMU Ji'erliville, March IB, 1W8. Diicsh aud Grcuua. I liao lived long enough to be ranly mistaken, 1 Aud burns tuy full share of life's chauge- able tecnex, Hut my woes Iiavo been sulasd by gol 1 greeus and bucou, 1 And my Joys have been doubled by bacon 1 and grvcus. WLnt a thrill of remembrance e'en now they 1 ... -1,.... hi.ii.ui Of childhood's gay mornlog aud youth's merry scenes. When, one day, wc bad greens and a plate full of bucou. Aud the next we had bacon and n plate full of greens. Ah! well I remetulier, when sad and mis taken. IIart wrung by the scorn of a miss In her teem. How rushed from her sight to my loved greens and bacon. And forgot my despair over bacon and greeus. When tbe banks refused speclo and credit was rhxkrn, I shared in th wreck aud was ruintd in nitons, My friends all declared I had not ' saved mr bacon,'' Hut I lived for I itlllhsd my bacon and greeus. Ob i there Is charm In this dish rightly taken, That Irom custards and jellies on epicure weans; Stick your fork in tho fat wrapyour greens round the bacon, ' i And 7"''ll v 1 ..re i nothing likcbucan 1 end greens. 1 I 1 If some fairy a graut of tbrco wishtg would tuike one, So worthless as I and so laden with sins, I'd wish all the greens in the world then the bacon Ami then wi.u for a little more bacon aud green. rosTwcmiT. r .....-.. ... ..r. .1 . r.. .... I'mimIj.! t. .lll.ru 11. tviiicea iuui iui vmu . m.p- taken : As much as Ft a known of this world and iu scenes, There's one thing that's equal to both grevn And that is a dish of good bacon and G"; T.,.n.LTa.lrn- ami bacon, i ..at . .uu. u .. . cut Herald thus moralises on an Incident TiutV Ricirrl TheWinstead Connect! that urcurredlu that vicinity. k...l t-.i would occur if opportunity presented, and he will be able to judge of the depth and sincerity of all simllsr humanity! " A (lucer world is this. We recollect a young lady, a former resident of Winstead, beautiful and accomplished, and the daugh ter of a pious and venerable old methodist elder. We remember btr as a roost ardent advocate of tbe humanity side in politics, a rapturous reader of Uncle Tom's Cabin In the village club of young ladles, and auli slavery in all jdacea and cm all necessary occasions. Not long ago we recorded tb marriage of this young lady to an Alabama planter, who Is the owner of some f00 nigeert ' A queer world Is this.' J&r A writer iu the St. Lou! leader challenged Horace Qreely to a newspaper jdiscusslon on the latter's heresies. Horace I declines the controversy, because troubles and bereavements arc telling upon him, and bo wants to go to Europe for a year's quiet end rest. He says further, that If t were possible, he should like to sell out his pe cuniary interest in the'Tffiunr, and devote the residue of bii life to IU iUa.-, hi Mem!-, nod lilslitie onns. From tho Washington Globe. THo Island ef CMlm. The arguments lately made In various sec- 110ns 01 inc union in lavor 01 iuc acqum- ; !. mmF S 1mW. l.M 1.1:1.1.11 naABl.nB l.iclA and the denunciations, by Spanish journMsjirank( ,ho unbw mJ length of .Mr brought by the Inst steamer, of such up-h ,,.. ,. ,...,. , ,,..,,, posed American projects of forcible ancxn- tlon, have suggested to n thit some account of that Island may now prorc of general I Interest. I Cuba Is the largest and met Important 01' tho West India Islands, aud commands the nnlMtipii In tliit (luff tt UnTtf-n. tttinnrn It lt.1. I...... .-1I-.1 .1.. 1.. -f il tti l.li. (1 nil U.TU cnuru luw fcvj Ul iuc "W. iiiu.vn i' . ,, , . , . , .. .. ..... u '.. ....i i-1-...i.l'Tbt lief, a Cuban court caunot move a It Is nbont seven hundred miles In length and seventy In breadth, and contains, with its dependencies, U2,B0 square miles, being nearly equal In extent to Great Drilaln. The climate Is delightful and very htalthy, . fnr mMrli .Minn It (a n Tnvnrllf rpvnrl nf In f !T,jWl Eren on ,uc top of the Grande An . tllla, the chief range of mountains running mrouiili tue tsinnn irom cnu 10 enu, mere 1 lm Bf.nrri.lv itfir ln fro. unci tlimi onlr nil few ll. thick. The season, arc not dlstln.M gnUbtd .a summer and winter, but n be'l wet ad the dry, though the periods aUhich, mey uciiin aim cna are no Ttry uu. uemi ,d. The rainy season commonly U-glns In ',, . . .. 1 . 11 1 f 1 War, but soiustlmcs lu April, and occasion. .,,.,,,, .ally not till June The soil Is ery fertile, but, nslu many Is very fertile, but, ns lu many I .,!.. ...(. ..1 ...,a.tu. !.. .......I. .... .vr ..f,.,,,,,,,..,. siugglin to cultivate It to auygreuiexit.il. , Tho chief agricultural productions .re iu gar. ounce, tobacco, manioc, tud nmle. The work- on 19 plantations is none kimofies eluslvely by negroes, whoie erudition Is far worse than that of the slaves in the United, .. -uo '11TP ?... I use. as au insiancooriiiegrooiicrtiiuyinniI ... . ,, r , Bnl .,. , of the soil, arumlull sUtes that, in thcdli trial ofSagua la Oramle, a cabnlltria ot , land, which is nearly ual to thlrlythree .ere., uas oven known 10 prouuec iwu uuu drtd aud eighty thousand pounds of the fair-1 colored Muscovado sugar of that country, being tunrly tiual to four moderate sized hogsheads per ucrc. ! Ihc population is mode up of Creoles aud negroes, tbo latter forming about one-third. The Creoles, liko their Sjtnlsh aucr.lors, are luUlUgmt, but indolcutj thopegroos, are not allowed to be either. Tbero are In the Island several excellent copier, Iron, and coal minev, which would1 be very prtdlictive if Wtil Uurknl. fiinall nidtnlll!.. nf nntfl Ami .IKrr liftvf nl.i lir. found. Since the introdrctlon of bees, be Imh .Ulr nnil i.nlr rti hnng " -'rf --,- ..- rf - -t-i "mhv and wax have been Important articles of trade. JJanulacturcs have been much neg( lroted Of domestic nnlmals, the ox, tho horse, and the wg, Bre the most useful, and forma1 large part of tho wealth of It's county. The oxen are so numerous that many of them have run wild ; and thry are Luuted fur the sake of their hides and tallow, vhlcb arc sent to Spain. Of domestic fowls, chlckeus are the most numerous ; though the goose, turkey,' ova wck, and pigeon, nro well known. Tho English game-cock Is much prized for bis S!.".! UlenU. It will b remembered that .tanU Anna's chief amusement, when In Cuba, was cock-flghtiog. I Tbero are many (loo turtles ou the shores of the Isbud. from which the bst tortoise .tliells nro obtained. Fresh finb of various kinds aro found Snakes and other reptiles arc few, but noxious Insects of all kinds are found In large numbers. The Island is divided into several juris dictions, civil, judicial, cciesiastical, and military, Tbo civil jurisdiction consists of two provence, with two distinct Governors,! entirely indepeudent of each other; the su preme military chief of tho whole Island, iub ie tleof (,,,, Gencra, M 'I civil Governor of tho one provence only I, , ,ke otber, Santiago de Cuba, has a separate n,, ' . ,-..,......,.: ZCi:iZZ ' ' ' --y. .v .mv wuw- lain General. Ilrtides the island ts divided Into three military divisions, whose chiefs lake their orders from tbe Captain General. At Matamas, Trinidad de Cuba, Puerto I I'rinclpe, and CIcnfuegos. there are also offi cers with the title of Governor, named by the lUplaln Oeneral, wbose office is of a ju dicial nature, extending to di-puled points of every sort civil, criminal, and military. Subordinate to these are eight lieuteaanceif, The Captain General bsj appellate juris diction a military matters. Iq the cities and towns there aro nlso municipal bodies, calleda.vui(ami'ifoJi(rK;uoi,orperpetu al ualoes, and, iu tbe rural districts, jutctt (ndantot, or petty judges, who are named by tbe loeal Governors. These exercise both judicial and ralilslerlal functions. Tbe Captain General prssldes at tbe meet lugs ef the Havana C'ltlon, eoajletlng of twelve metabvrs. The chief tccular tribun al of Havana Is that a! the Captain Gener al, who has in military affairs au auditor of war, and In civil disputes a general assessor, who likewise xerele the duties of the civil magistracy Tho tribuual of the ordinary alcaldes haa aim copufeansc, In the Prat in-stsni-r. ef oIvll.and.rQililar; ,'lipuij. Ihr !' Union has also a ccrlatn judicial jnrlsdic- tlon. There ts, besides, a comtnerclnl trl ' bunal, whoso jurisdiction extends only to mercantile affairs. The "judges are all paid "by fees Instead of V I I " "" """"I .."-.-v sedentary In their habits. Judicial proceed , . 1 1 as on tho continent of Europe, nrc conducted wholly In writing, t-ira race pleading and trial ly jury being alllo un known. The lawyers arc paid according to the number of pages they write ! long picas step without paying a fee to a judge, law. yer, clerk, Jntorpreter, or crier. Some attention has been paid to education by the Goternment, but Try lltllo has bceu accomplished. In 1610, Iher were 99,690 . frco children la the liliu J, bclw ecn the ages or five aud ten, of whom only oncUstb were sent to school. ! There Is do such thing as liberty of the press la Cuba. Everything Is subjected to tiM ats!nfal rt nantaial. In 1 I.HT alflif werc published InCuba.orwh.ch' fMr mtnM DurDg the constitutional n ...... -. ,. ,. .m.. . 1 ' , , ' ... ' 'at me. suspended, a number of paper with , .. '. , ., ' ' ' , tho mot singular nsuts, nhleh wero some .. . ,.,.. .,,,, rio. , . ......' ,. -..n pie, were i.qr.cu u. niTuui buvii hji ...i: ' Constitutional Tailor, The Itoar. of an Af. r(Min L Uriut,.nt Strokes of Tyranny, The Mo,uHO Tll0 F,,. Tbo Wp, ic. I Alllhorlrt m ai to lbe ,WpUlatlon of C)lia oing t0 ,10 census of 1827, fl,cU waJ wo u-lievc. the last taken, the rolmtttonM730,:.(12 Of these, the whites nnmbeTedSU.UI; the free negroes 67.H: 'ii ' Of)0 Bumter of,hvef WBIlSbG,o i ' o( wbom 183.,0l, wcrc maleB. and 103.GS2 fcmillH g,lC0 1827 ,lC ,.oimaUoii has. of Qmnf j ncrfMcd, r.sisshovii by the .,.. .. ,. ,,. ..... anJ .,.. .-. stantly increasing production of the Island. It now amounts, probably, to 1 MI0.00O. Tho trade of Cuba is excelUnt. Its situ ation, the fertility ol its soli, and the short'! lliltulL not mora tlmlk tbtrlVllllle from iny lllt , ,lc interior o the c-shore. all lwl to give It great commcrelul prosper Iiyt suftl, if tho miny Injurious restraints now Jmposcd upon its trade were removed,' It would seuu become one or the richest spots, onenrth. .1 TliA t.lt.n.1 ta ri rr lirnttlr lavil l.v tltf , motber country. The greater portion of the, n..., I. .1..I.U r, il.,ll m, Innn.l. jie'" . wiiiv wm- ..M.i. w.. mj-v..- A great difference Is made bctw ecn good hated. Wo do not think the report worthy from Spain and those from other countries. of credit. The duty ou Hour, especially thut fromn Messn. Ackermann and Morsu received tho Dulled States. Is very heavy. If the following paiport from Drlgham Voupg, from Spain, und lu 5anUh vnsels, tbedutyiheu about to leave Salt Lake City. The Is two dollar per barrel, but If the same be In foreign rrtscts, the duty is six dollars per barrel. If the Oour be foreign, but un der tbe Spanish flag, the duty Is eight dol lar and u half per barrel ; but if it bo for elgu, and under a foreign lUg, the duty Is nine Cellars and a half per bunch The United Slates flour is, however, so for I superior to the Spanish, that, Independent i ly of the Oiffcrenco in price caused by the dlscrimlnateing duties laid, it always com maod. a much higher price, selling, vary of ten, for three dollars more per barrel. The only effect of this high tariff on American flour baa been to IncrtoM smugglings for It is mors used throughout th inland than il wo years ago, and yot leas passes through the custom-houses. The trade of the United States with Cuba has always been very lugs. The relative proportion of goods Imported rod exported under the flags of Spain, UagUud, and tbe United States, has been stated as follows : Spain forty-three and one-balf per cent i England, seven and onchalf per eut the UnlU States, twentyslx percent. the country has been much improved, and the means of communication increased by railroads, Ac The first railroad ever laid in the island, running from Havana to tbe most Important of the sugar districts, was convtracted by Alfred Cruger, of the Unit ed Stated. Suck, lu brier. Is Cuba. "What she shall be in future, we leave to be determined by the politicians. Sah Fruxcisco DticmiJisi). A corres pondent of the Sau Andreas Independent gives the following description of San Fran; elsco : We went up on the hill and took a look at the " whole " thing ; oh, Jerusa lm, what a city i Tbe houses were lying around Jooso in every direction here, a big one six stories high, In tbe midst of half a dozen half-story shanties ; there, seven or eight wrre "piled," one on tbe otber, all leaning on tbe sand hills like a drunken man to a lamp post. There were long flights of stairs to svsae of them ; and when we went up we were in the basement. Sowe were warped and cracked, ome were tottering ' over aad bad props under them j and It all J looked like there bad beep a big flood in the liBr&cf, ad 8otd off a lot of ltt!e mining I towns, house, Mreets, and all, and brought them suue, where tbey bad got all jmrjedto 'psjhtr loif a dsnd fddy; arid wbn ibj Ire tcr fell, they were left sprawling about In the sand hills and tulcs, liko cakes of Ice on a meadow at the breaking np of a hard win ter In sngar making time. Later rrom Salt Lake. The Los Angeles Star, of March Cth, pub lishes the following Intelligence from Salt Lake 1 Tho mall from Salt Lake City has not yet arrived here, although It was reported at San Bsrnardlno In the early part of the week We do not expect, however, to bear any thing from the army by the Lalt Lake paper. Dy the arrival in this city, on .Tuesday, of Messrs. Ackermann and Morgan, former ly teamsters In the employ of C A. l'crry A Co., sutlers for the 10th regiment, we J havt mcws from that city to the Ctti of Tib . These gentlemen arrived at the army head quarters, at Fort llridgcr, on the 19th No vcmbor, and leaving the train, they deter mined to come to Call fur nln ; but, finding that thry could not do so, direct, thry )er-1 severed in their determination, and en ' durrd great prliatlons uud hardships. On the 24th December, thry reached Great Salt Lake City, where thry remained to the 6th February , during whkh time they were, trratod lu a kind and buspltablo mauntr. I They had several interviews nllh Drlgham Youpg nf whom they speak very favorobly, They stnto that about the 10th January an ordir was isxuetl by tho church, that the iieoplo should have boxes made to contain , about ISO pound, to pack their grain in the in and bring them to the ciders, who would I take charge of theai and ' cochc , the mountains. them in Another order was Issued, that a company ' of 1000 men should hold themselves luresdi tion to go Into tho mountUns on the Ktb February, and cut off supplies coming to the army. In the meantime, ftrly wagons loaded with supplies had reachtd Col. Johnson's commana irom ton i.aramio iuo army was in good health, had plenty .f proWslonsJ aud good tents, and was engaged In rebuild-, ng Fort llridgcr. 4 ' TLo authorities of Salt Lake City are re-1 irnl.l n Iw.ltit- illll Inrllnisl for rur. Measures arc K'li.g concerted for defeating ' jt,Q v. S. trwps, or, all events, keeplugj iutnl outsldo tho city till the crops are 'gRUcrcd and secured, This can rosily be I done, nnle.sn force Is sent from this side. 1 T,no a rumor rutmn In lnn f i!. ' .K.. ... ... . . .1 .... I fiKbt had takeu ploce between the.Morroons I .l .i. . t l.l.i. .1 - l. .... j. h uu .u u r uu, i u n u it u .ub i b . i tT ncicuc- , Governor wrote bis name on a sheet of im. per, which was handed to a clerk, who wrote the fotm of passport over tbe signature Thus the passports bear Drigbsm's tlgaa turc, although he does not sign them : 171 ii TUnnmur. To all lohem theie jireuntuhall come Vrtctingi Lodowlck M. Morgau and Samuel A. Ack ermann are hereby permitted to pas fteely and safely through the Territory, ou their way to California. Given under my hands, at Great Salt Lake City, U. T., tbe Stb day of February, ' 1658. DUIOHAM YOUNG Messrs. Ackermann and Morgan came with the mall rider from Salt Lake City, and encountered -no obstacles of any kind on tbe way. On passing Mountain Meadows, tbey saw tbe bones of the murdered emigrants wbltenlug on tbe plains. A few of the bodies bad been buried, but were torn up aaaln bv the wild beasts. Tbev met the ex- press party conveying Col. Kane toSa!t,inl,un' "m.ved wfof it Lake, but tbe Gentiles did uot know be was iu tbe wagon, as he was covered up in blank-1 ' SIS kill IHC yu inmv bvujc iuin unl. 1 Since the foregoing was written, Mr. Toft , has beougbt the mall from San Bernardino, anticipating tbe regular delivery at this poiut, some three or four days. We have nut received our file of the Deieret JWtrs, ' uor has a copy of it been received iu town. II... ..n .... lall.r. wA l-.vml .. l.w .I.a t mall. Gov, Wei.u.u Storms tub Stats: Piiisos. Gov. Welter came down from Sacramento on Sunday evening last, and at an early hour on Monday, proceeded to San Qutntlu. Arrived there, by virtue of bis office he de manded to bo placed in possession of the public property connected therewith, To this peremptory summons to surrender, tbe sub-Ussee, AlcCsuly, returned an emphatic refusal, at the same time closing tbe office Not to be lolled bis Excellency forced the doors of the office, nnd setting the keys took possession of the Prison by main force. In this coergetlo discbarge of duty, Gov Weller has exhibited a Jacksonlan firmness that cannot fail to command tbe respect of both friend or foe. A timid man would have faltered iu the face of rrittance,and allow ed the crafty Lessee to gain time, which cer tainly would hava been used Jobedelrl meat of the public InUrcst. Go?. Weller foreteejngtt'ais, and.pocsttd of pervtequs.1 tyJI"5 emsq;go5ieJmrca teiengBs. dlatc possession. In thus resolutely pursu ing the right, ho will be snstalncd by tho popular voice of the people throughout the Slate, and has established a character for firmness tbnt will be of immense advantsgc hereafter. Having entered uron possession jbe immediately, ruststed by a clerk, proceed ed to take an Inventory of the articles upon tho premises, and was thus engaged at tho time our Informant left the prison. In tho nuantlme tho different employees were told to consider themselves in the employ of the State, and contiuuo on until furthur orders. 1 At an early hour ycattrday, the Legislative committee proceed to the prison, and, wr I doubt not, will co-operate with the Govern 'or In such measures as tasy be. necessary to the ssfcty of tho convicts and the protection of the public Interest. .Voratng Call. Tliu Uurdiquuko In triples. A correspondent of the London Timtt, ' wrUlnB from KP,e under date ef Dec. 20th says 1 The details which contlcuc to arrivt from the provencrs of Dsslllcata and Prln clpato Citerloro nrc of the most distressing character, and are much more explicit. Full as they arc, bowever, they do not glvw w one-tenth part of the injuries that have been Inflicted, partly because the authorities will not mnke them known, and fartly because they are not yet informed of the greater portion of them. The official journal f Saturday night contains the names of forty -six .other towtrhlpt, hitherto unnsmed, which have suffered severely, andyriall are not mentioned. Of these, It is tald, somv are n msis of ruins; others leveled to tiro ground : others almost entirely destroyed churches, dwelling houses and all ; in some workmen are pulling down the houses, and in ottars large Courts nrc rpcntd In the ground. Out of thesa fvrty-slx places, 20 are reported to have lost some portion of their population ; out of one, It Is raid, cm hundred corpses have been taken, out of unothir, ictcnty; and it Is expected that three huudred will be found; hut of tba ,i,nnn, r ,., .11.,.,,. . i,mtn in. I rftnce g proffMd by such terms as these ! ,..,., .,... --. nll nut,.,... ., v. uumbcrs perished, the number cot yet known." "Great, tut unknown, the vie t.ms." It is my opinion, therefore, thai what has bcu the exaggerations of the pub lic, much more nearly approximate the truth thvn tho scanty snd uncertain Information publirhrd In the odlclal journal. According to It 3015 bodies have already been dug out, a fearful number to think of to which, If :,., , 1, ,! L !..,.j ?. ,Tl I """" "vt " '"J "" HHH.J SI UlS BIP dium slatmi dlum statement given of about 13.XOoi U,l00 victims. Tbe first efforts made arc to erect temporary wooden buildings for tbe survivors. Men are employed too lo knocki Ing down the falling bourcs and In bury log the numerous dead. Care Is also being ta ken to disinfect those places where the dead lay In tba greatest ni rubers. But all the exertions that can be made will only tend te slightly alleviate the mlicry which has been occasioned by the fesrfnl blow which has fal len upon this unfortunate people. A gen eral collection is to bo opened fcr the relief of the sufferers, and another will be made by tbe Englhb themselves. The character of the two awful shocks which wrre the oc caelon of tbe dUastcr, is thus dlscrlbed from Polenta, tbe capital of IUsllIcata: Tbey were of equal duratlou, and the first was preceded and accompanied by fearful rub- ' terraneous thunder, tbe same we observed la Naples. The sky was serene and the air tranquil. The first was undulatory and " sulsultarlo." that which followed In about three minutes with yet more violent undu lauous anu - suissum," was tical and convulsive moveme were thrown cue ever the o were, wbirlcd round, wuiie and glass were thrown to Tbe effect of tbo second bouses may be Imsglned, f.llinir houses struck one Tbe victims in PVrteois, st am?ng the poorer classes, tired to rest, bad no time to tendent, Slgoor Rostlca, w shirt, seems to have been m$itf I ly active. Those who remained the underground thunders and tbo shocks, says the journal, considered themselves ra ther to bare been born again tbaa preserv ed. It would be tedious to give you the fresh details which have just been brought lu since the commencement of this letter. They are represented to be of ever-Increasing grsrity, and the names of msny otber places damaged are given. On tbe 25 tb the nomtni practiti bad beep sent to tbe site of destruction, and on the 28th three otber per rout, to difcioter and dlsiuftct. From Gaels had ben despatched two hundred soldiers bf the 71b of the line sad two hundred pio. nee re, but the trovement was late. Frojn the hospital 2,600 military tents have been despatched, and grt quantities cf mate rlsls fur buildlngastd cf food. Jt js ,g be hoped, therefore, ibst though more despatch might have besn used lo tbe frst tastaace, and more energy inspired by tbe presence of a member of the royal fts'.ly, the wssts of tbe rnrTtjerr.will h tire-peisrlly rs23?l 'r 0 I Is ii TaltTWll-aWsTaeas-ii 1 !laH - tLfkatw.-rUFaHMHB PssKSSaT '.. - HtifiBflssHf ..iSsabssssssssssbsbssssb. ABaBrfHPMaBsSaBSSBBSsssK JiBHHsssasiiassssssssssI 4 'aral9SBwSiBBBSBW uams ktnfmnmwvmm BBHHm, " XWHPK JB.HHH .iiaaaVk-Liw a vs&hdN'bbk USBBBBClsaSSk'JWBBlBBBfiBBBK BBSSBSaBBJSjBf vw3HEnBSJBJSSBJBSSSE&r SSsBBBSBSBBsfl1 J ?9VH -SBBBB?'dr ."a. -. jfett rtiifcasasasasar BHHHrV.UfflfflsKaHiBBK MMKsWrslsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK X '4aiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsVlBBBHBBHBBBBBBBBBSsK lire afur 'mmm jt m ".fcC- iiiorj