MacM 20, l3$$ &, or AUorf I 'U.I leclinni from Chapter X, or .tho Ore gon Statutes of 1S55, of which tho above is amendatory, ne follows: Sic .r. No person shall bo incnpn cisteti or excused from testifying, touching any oflenco committed Uynn. other against ony of the provisions of this chapter, relating to camintr. b reason of his having bet or piny oil ntlj the prohibited gomes or gaming devi cef , uni mo testimony vmcii may be i niviin III Slicll riorum, ulinll in nn naaui! fc, , : : " "i l,. nsi'U asalnst such xuttipss. i-ti t- All fines nnd forfeitures men li.inetl in this chanter may be recovered 1 fore a justice of the jwnce, In the mine nnd fur tho ujo of the county here such ofTonce may hnvo boen eommiited. S. 7. It shnll be tho duty of thctj" i'i,! ict attorney, upon notico of tin- i r ainwiiccnieiit of a suit under nnvof-ifnnTiT nTTTTiTin mininn ,n rV.l.n. of this chapter, loWMHIl Mil ill TABLES in- liatvly prosccule tho same, iii the, ' nnd for the use of the countv Sum aiu ch the oovnee is committed. ' j' Talent COMBINATION CUSHIONS, fin onrns. Elgiitcen divorceR were ' AcUow IcdgeJ by the beat -mled at Ihe late session of tho Leg- , i.; i'u Assembly, 1 lie names of the i ,'iieso vorcwi woro llnrnetniiU Itob- I. Mia Chnsman; Frances I). nnd llenry C. Smith ; ltichard V, nnd Mar f in: Ellen 1'hilhnj. Fl-.H WasHIXOTON TllRRtTOSV. Tii I'.i-tland Tmr,t pl-ans the follow, i f Irom the Pioneer $' Democrat: L'jcIi.. tho Indian chief, nnd mur. i'i rer ot Col. Mains, was hnng, to the litenje g-iitiflcntimi of the spectators, or Friday, the iiOth ult. Leichi died i a:i" tho most approved style, without j iv.n a erimace, nnd made no confes I ii i nor revealed the tinme of n singles i ' t f his murderous oanfiderates. I, n the scnffuld he "prayed in jar-d f fi. fnffil'ltilf nfiifv nhai liti nni titwl' "5 "-""h " ' 'SSW " "-I , ..w.nB vengeance upon hi. devoted liead I C omiilernble stock n snow storm. had died during OCT Don't forget tho Hall at the Tort II i Hotel, on Thursday next, 2.V.h irstt. A pleasant time is antic!- f d II M ssssfT i f r-rmn ' 'R'gkHit' u be Mr. aad '. jLtsnl Coaoly sasayti . nemmtesamemessa m? imngmmsm. U.r- nifd Non M W d am dl hnilCSE TAmSTkD CUSHIONS toVrt-rgJ. When addrcsell bv "K .',rf , .U d.;.&.f .V." S he U,rdX l!3 MiU 85,"W""'' " ' 'a"' "'e "r'C" ' ""'"" li-ol.nG.rllck; C.A:.UscH ,',! HlAlTll. ,. i7.k. JS UtKvhD,P.rd.y1$I .MfALS.M eer.U. I.0II0IN08, . . v:tlinn. .....I r ! I r I . "F,B Tables of tlimlay. And a a proofof 'CUimi leoisjin win no cxbcito. vmce lm a Ilalli Uooni attached ensbfing bun -n . . ,-, J... rl.i I : , dlmm ,nnd Matilda Genthnrt ; ?,ir supermr m.r.tlt is onlj neces.ary, I'ours.from 10 oVlock a.m.. to 8 r In- l0 various madid ball?., S.J 'V: " le noom, furnl.hed eomi.lei- 73 cent Per an,esM.n,,dChr,,,.aCnrroll;L0,.;1!,ocalla',,elUn tothc S Or WcBfS ? ttTtmu-o UdSp inanJlredricklWj'lhomsonuiu,, MISERABLE IMITATIONS ,pmau nUure The , , ., ,. , , . V Marv Ann Unrd: Laurens F. un.l!'0ol ,,,,,, citr, ,,, frnm ,.ASTI.., Re. h,s been to Uke no W .m1e . cfrel. ' ' ormS onda X.r .ul no 1 , Tl.? .0...m.rd be.i.1,1., lll. pM.nt I rench ,p,lec,, and ,be N-.".i-1 J.,r,"; J"slnh MiMary Ann ,nOAKI).nd nld-IOKSE BLANKETS, ' fnecleJ. -No euro, no , my.- is lis motto tVh ?Sn$,X,'Zto , ""lr m.l,e..eylr.n b-UdHifcAo. tt!e; 1. Llva Annnnd I'orry (.'res.', Letters atrf certificates Innumerable. rom r.,Cr saii.f.otion to all He EA lHS 1I1K1. ;, Jam.-, nnd Elizabeth ltoth;ll;. riIKI.AN'8 PATUNT. ! i&cfcuXeanh "7," "'""T""'" ' '" """ ', ! ,,,enVonsV..nTirTrgeffo,i7,f TfhV. g.e.te.lam.Unt f,m. I -Ida and Nnthan A Unwell; Eliz I Onenribe-e mt.erable scoundrel, hi. arc alw.iiieu to the lnpcctlonn.rt!ipub- vv;""""er"l luccess, a. n lie allesied feirlaiid riintnnietie at exlremely low pr.cea. tbr proprietor hopes In nieilt a eoiitlmT. , mt u. nna wrnn i-. Minns ! Jnai r.nn i ueen uAriiiir i. tiik Atrr. Hi. 1 1 nt i. . nnmi in.m -niui,n tr ..v ' -:v - --. -?. . -- - b""'- ann- i r . mereat nc tisirnnasa inn me xv.ini uneer noiue ai pre.rni enints. itK Mm 32H :Styt .. crtnn e m jncatsmr cnriw ibati ifaie trisraa.issitsi a -, . mishii L, wiiaaaas In lb Mscilra yf ejiiog ilrugs, i Mm mfiMm a . ill sd v.ciailr. hM SL -.. oivee lit- mutual Slant sail. AH SSBSSa. i 'if k liim twiWib settled br L Ganuns. who hi hereafter continue the business at liie c d s.aud en California s'reet 1. GAMNG J McCAl'DLISII. Js. Lonville, March Ibth, Ib33. 10 SOCIAL BALL. n. fciuiiAu uauu nm uc given iuc lX.T.T.ra nn v i7r rtTTSTPrein ' J D JS U UJ.fA U W UJ'iJ U la'il, "n the main roaa Irom Jacksonville to (l Ker'jj vllle nnd Cretcent City,) on Thursday i j heciog, March 23th, 1856. i VIK CRKK. I Juckbouville. cx.CAr.Tcn. Tiiovias Pnr.l a M. BAtiano6' VT ' W. J. MAinrws.ti Jonx Davcni-ort, . liKO E. LOGAN', . T S Hart, . . . S. WlUOK, Mm. lm-.taxp, . , . Cuss. LokP, . , Jajls UcSiikbry, Gasburg. . Sailor Dlgplngs. . Canyon Creek. . . Illinois Itiver . , . Altbouie. .. Gallic) Creek Eransvthe. .. -iaiaa- " I AWBJllsini . vr "Ti SvfTtT" achmeiit has been Issued a. ainst vuu and I vour ornrwrlv attacntd to salisly the (it mand 0 Knight 4b Whttmorc, ainouuliog lo sisiy.eight dollars N?w unless you' appear before John D Fo.t, a justice. ii die pence in anu " asm couiny, ai in. otTuo m Illinois) Vrlley, on the tfOlh day of Match, A. I. IHM.judgmeut will be rendered againat you and your properly lil to imv the debt. H lied Ibis.t'ilh day of IVhruary, 1853, lieu lo.a.llu mj - -'iuwuii.u. KjMGH'FiAn'niTMORE. 7,4 '--- rrair.sfirfc ry....wiiajM-ljyMfc. -tglyg'inijamn'g-jg J?wlMtJff.,,l::-,!asJg 'ia-irigMiiiiir ii -j r j- ' m 'wmjBC t "vtivm""""' ' ' '"-r d ' ' ! i a amjfcT 1 i " vwiiLtjrt w yvMEmmzze . v E XJaTU J.aTaTaTLakaaTaTlt0aTaTaTa aVCYi 4JHi''L Ha BV - lAakolflaSaUat? ' V SaTaTaTaToaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaaTaTaTalBaataTafcaaTaTaTaM . aTaTaTaTtaTaTaTaTaTaaSaTtaTaaaTaTaTaTuf A l.Al ki- nmKmmmamK. . WMwmmifmmi i mmur JBlllT 'JMKn UJi fc.v.fsa. Tmmt urtmmtri-rmMTnrM-mv iwr- ... mmmm' t.'Bmnmnrmrmmmrw-wmmmm8mrbwr.., rMmmmi t ii.Ia " fssaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaB arSl MBL svaTaTaTaTaakHBSbafaaXaMa.aa ShVdaaaaWijr araaVafaTaaTaTavitoaTaaTaTaTaV jlraTaTAllBaTiXffaTaTaTSBuBVflBTaTaTaTaTaaSMSaaTaHaTaWBlBWB ' iMi atatatatatT,,'ntarw arsBBBatjaaw "WaaTaPMWaaPWaTaTaTaTaTswaTMWaFaa KaUMIImMMmLSJa!Uumi J '.'W''!''' Sf mtiOmXMKK, laaHafaLfaKaWr ItMMKKIBS'KmMHUUBHt' mKSBSBBrSIBSptJilBKKr 1 uH BTB"iTrim nv IUCU tlini B W 11111 OS.----' -vv,.. . --. ww. w.s , r'xaxaasaxfXfXfxa Dissolution Notice! frMIE Pnrlnriship heretofore existing he. X iweeu ilia undersigned under llie name and firm til Stafford Je Roller, in II lihnil Valley, i litis day dissolved by mu. lunl cnurnl. Tim limine nf the firm will b i,lcd lit N I) Stafford. N 1) STAFFORD, EDWARDS. BOLTER. February 14, Igte. Hi 4 NOTICE ! I ' AL SITTINGS will I., held in ll..,l I ti.w.i Jh.iikUI t.. ..:... r. .... .... r 'ii.ucs of fact at tho follow lt.i-ilm.-., In the Countv of DoucUs. on tho Third ' Mnnds) of March. ! j In ihe County oT Jotephlne,on tho So- .cond Monday or April. I 1 In Ihe County ot Jaekion. on the Third! , Mondaj ol April wu ai. v ih:.iy. Judra. ' PHELAN'S Profit siunal and Amateur Player! -ruacrnt 0nlr Correct Cmhloua Xow In Use 1 nnme, anu uie name oi me eciiiieman lie n . I ..tni.-.i ..!.. ..e .i . I fleeeod. ill be tho subject ofansther ton., niiiiUiLi. I Forties .indinr ibrir Old Hail, in ilia !' subieriber, uhn i. now making ihe.otl Ciiihlnn under rlialan's I'slent,)on he ii.ein vxii creu iiii seia ui inc ceiiuins nr ,, Holes, and leturntd in twenty four hours llaflcrwsrJ ' Juft received, some splendid MuJel Ta ble. Ook, Kn.iuuod and Mahngant, wild Slato and Marble lied. Al.o (l.lll.rd Trimraines of every de.oripliun. Addre., l: M. IWGUUS.ciole Agent. Sui3 IsO Jacksun street, San Franeiieo. Hill for Divorce. .Mary Collins, I'laintitT,) rt Bill for Dlroree. William Collins, Deft. ) ,,, - - . ' STpUiSl!? filS ,. ,, .,- ,, .f . lull anu pamion, pray ng a uivorce , frnni said defendant, hi the District Court i f..r Ihe 3d Judicial District of the Territo. I ry of Orejon And if ihe the said dnfend-, ant shall fail to plead to said bill on the , nrai uay ni me lerm o. s.m v..un, in ... held at Uoseburg, in said Dittnrt, on the TAWt tortaiMLW gibst I have fitted 'svl'leaiant Grove, aawnvllla, a suitable SaM and Iritaliiienl of ,( PSSflf furiu r 4- jj aifid and treated at, aaa sny rvaSstasa tw nttisvssanst ail baiMiavg Tit !' ssi f MraajM ajtiilst m I rMiswaawmsat LtaaaUiiaiii H rosrying Willi their Zitl hose who can 'VsaalHkssary will ba exam. SaWiisoediClnea anil d.. . ..i i sssruem a mou skjjtlniuisnd. hate itosed to health at gra nts fr the ad. kinds of Baths sold, A.c. re of the I'hy. n mo uiiilliis Jication. All vegetable, that . era reiectrd MtjUJasootUe. taiMPfsfsn-iiaihic irac HeVaVTWr the treatment ol di.aase with agauls that net in harmony with the recu perative powers of nature. N B No persun wiL ba received at the Infirmary who cinnotfurnisk good guar, anise of payment. BATHS ! I; Tho public geniratly will bs nceommo- .dated at ony tune Willi any of the above spec. lieu llallil. si.o i ng.rooii. nu II ViniT flriil eavIII ! tan-' -i. ii '.ii - tubs are lined wi ,i,By free from taui ,-r , -,. ... vW- A li EltnECK.M. D. Fleasant Grove, Sj t. 10, 1837. 3Ctf i n in H..NIV iB . IB. II . JJ i U IB U -T-TTII 1. I.... ,,.,l .A ,,.A ,n ' '"7 ' ' ' " J, S !BHS,-HltILL . j Connected with his sav-niill, known as ! Ihe "Umh Saw.m.ll," siuatcd imar Kir. by ville I'eraons harint wheat will do, woll to get ii floured at ilia mill as it is situated at the best flour market in South. ' em Oregon 1 lid still continues to furnish tho best article of lumber at I 1-ebruaryC, 1 A 1 OKU Of XEX For SAEE I v 1MI lo tulona Yoke of fir.l mid 'II lo SI k Caule ii -a-- vt Vprily lo ,, ' :t V. li. T VAl P. NTEn hrEAVER.M(TOn8, for which fulrl I XJ prices wi bf paid, by I, Jf.- ROSENSI'sinir first .''ondjyjtiL,Jljy.jlSiS, a motiou will,) W fwM,ssir,a ,tsaflii accordonce with.' rT!SSSaWr c- TVAULT, ', V !?' SSliiaiitlir a Attorney. I PMKK, M. D. TMs JIHTHOD OF IN- JL i rcuruufT n iii.i.i .iir . -.. w w ... -- sss tw si L ..I. a . m - - i ' ' n.IW all Iiant lTSssrrTaTaTaarjsV1l .u ,,, ., V ' --w,., I i t J- V clrIJ" '"tV'U ftl'KIW. vuimt iMvs,ir!.n rra..s.jjit;j ifuf- LOTffiHAH, HaDaffllSSi JACKSON county" national! DEIUOKATIO CONVENTION, i The National Democrat of Jncknon eoun It are requested In rncel In Mrta Conven tion rit Jnrkrouvlllc, on Saturday, tlic ZOih of Murcb, at one o'clock, V. 31., Tor the pur pose of electing four delegates to attend Hie Territorial Convention, which meets at Eu... ''gencCity on the 6th of April next., amlH' ,im.f be.M'l,f,'led ?'' ''? J'"1 !,,e u . -. i.. M . . . 4i - ",u"? """"""" "" "nv"J""lSTAnLIXn 71 A V I Yl fiif.v! i National Democracy or Orecon at the June ilclMlloti for Slate offiecra ll.v the llcuest cf Ptd M ant National Deuochats. Western Star lodge UD. A.P.& A.M.) HcftiUr Meetings held at their Hall In ' Kerbyvllle, Saturday prcccedlng full moon. ,vil lllfuiuvia in jjnw atiaiiHiug uiv iUllini (11 aaal.ahai a l wmtti allhl, 1Ib h b. lft.tal to atliml. I M. M. WILLIAMS, W. M Ciias. K. Unt'N'N'cn, b'ec. Ksrhy vllle. Jau. Int. IMP. Ijul2 Co.xwt tatiov Grati. The etnlTe' praellee which Ir. J C. Young has acquired ' In California It to be attributed in a great measure nut only to hl skill nnd experience, ' but to bit liberality. Tenons afflicted with any dl;eao cnjmkant in his branch of pilar-'. ibilltv is nlilv nnd tliorouiuir ilemonsiruitsl m lit. numer ni Jl i.- -i -r i. -i. t. 'ous inedleal works, caries of -rh ch Can be! i..i .ri.i. nni. n..-in iu... .i..i . bnnorarr member of the ltcrnl Collece of Surgeons. Londop. tin highest ch'rurglcnl , body In cxlntenee. he feels confidert tlmtls't Kiiiwfc.uinni.iiiv ,-v .-' rn.i"i m n ; uiwerningeommunuy. t. on.uuaiion rooms cornerof Montgonierv nnd California alwts ortr 1'acinc Expresa to.'s odlee, San Fran clseo. 2 2m3 T)ll. GUYSOTrs" improved Lxiracioi lciiowuock-and . . ...... ... . i r i e rv km i i . tin n fcJ jALtiJAlr'Zri LtiJJLiiix A a TIIC OllllilAL AMU.nM'IXi: ir. PIT IP IN QUART IIOTTLES. W bteli ia Irileed In lin ihe l.eif made : and .. rerl.fied bv , wondtrfu cufc, ia, . . performed. Remember this is the only True and Orig- i, Article. Thil medicine when u,ed.aceorrJinS lo direction.. will cure wllliout full, Scrofula, or King's Eil, Cancer., Tumors, Eruptions of the akin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sorr V.jit, HingMorm or Teller, Keald Head, Ulieuiu atism,i'dins in the limits and Julnts,OId Sores, Ulcers, dwell ing of the GIJ. Syphilis, Dyspepsia, Salt R.uin, IH.eases of 1 1.. Kidneys, Lesssfap petite, Uisea.e ari.m; fruni Ihe use nf Mercury, Fain in ll.o Side ond Shoulders, Ceneral Debility, Jaundice and Co.tivencss. Best Female- Medicine Known. The Yvllnvv Dock and garsaparilla is peculiarly adapted fur frnules of delicate health, resulting from ihe irregularity of menstrual disb.Orget, and other diseases peculiar lo their sex. We ai.ure the af dieted that a Butile or two of Dr. Gtvs errs ENTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK AND SA USA FA It ILL A will at once reg ulate those dKBculties and renew ilia nm. ....... utal eucrgirs. ' tcs CAUTION Do not be imposed I upon by unprincipled druzjut.. Take none our ll.a or.Lllst,, winch is put ui in aUAUT BOTTLETe, end. old by rt I by rt I tjitctaUr drujr-i.u WI1ITK Ac PAItK. ole A-eni.. ino' Waal.inglon street, Sau Francut... Also, Importers and t.anerel Agents fur all the Uahuiue I A 1 LP. T JIUDlCINE.and soil lri0 , ,0 qumitllie. to suil. at induced .. . jbici nov7i3m:i rsT T7tC? 'i Villi be as well furnished ss sny la Oro I .1 1 I ,14: . m p ur-iiiemnik'" u .wpimi . x - mJMd SmT ( TilkCALUOHMA c OREGON , South side of Ci.kiyou iloun., v ..-., . m iinan nii.iiii aiiia ni nii,.u.,.. i tain. FAIIE REDUCED! Meals, r.O els Liquors A. Cigars, 12 Lodging, 5U " In Hay, per night, . f,u - to hay and grain, per ninght, f I 00 Accommodations at tho ahova house as good as at any countrr house In California or O.e-on It &. B COLE. UinyiHua Aeartemv. rVllF '" Ul'AKTLR OF THE bumuier cession of tlio Academic 1 ear will commence its term on tho 13th day of February nisi. For courae of aludy. laws and regula.. lions, sen Catalogue. Buard euod.andnt' masunauic isrius. v , "- - A.R llf FLINT, j'-lfotjlial. li'..,.. SiBXTHA BOSTON' HVRUF tale 'by Js'WV STUAH.VjJ. f "PllOSrECT RANCH' A ntitniBtM rnal- 1 T Apptcgnte Crcnk. O. T. - rJHE nmlerslgned wishps In infirm bi L friend nnd the public ihT, having improved the above Itnndi, (linlf- way ueiwecn nernrTiilekml Jacknnville, lorineriv Known as iiarkwell rancli.) "e it now prepared to accommodate all who tnnT patronise linn The TABLE will at i; ' u cuiiiuiiicu ivmi cntiu ' -- - ' ..., "?nd Vrful ''Oilier in attendance, lie honei to mciit a ahnrr of public liatronaee. ilL'UU HEAVd, 1'ropnelor, Jannary It, 1939. lyl NOTICE ! VL' thoNO Indebted to the lubvrlber arc reiiuested to make rtarment mi or Ih I fore the First day of February Urxi. as the ncconnts must and oh all boMttle.1. JACOB HOFWAX J. CO. January 1. 1WP. n-'UC VNDCRSKINEO UAVNG FIT 1 led np an eitubliihmeiit of the abotc Utjcnption in KEttBYVILLEjO.T., antccd, when required by the palirnt " ".-".'.'!? .m.t,"V.V"' ".a W .u 'imaitacu. M.C. IlAltKWELL.M. 1). I Jan 1st, IHiS. f.2if 1 1 HORFORD. .WulUor, :iiu liriiuty DQSITSiQS? (SiBBIK run JOSEPHINE COl'NTV, 0. T. Odice in Karbyt.lU. rftvnc Tirnu r it n n i- m. , JL5 iwor ah.,... dr 711. ! i on shortest noliiv, and for rtatenabU fees I 4'Jlf . C.Olils SlUlX; UANCll. " rrilC i uuicriucr nisiiea in irate me .1 ' Cold Spring I.snrh," logethnr with,! me i urniiure in me nou.e ; also me crop now- crowing. Cold Spring Ilanch is one nf the best island, on tho road between Jacksonville ijaud Canyontlllo, about one day's travel irom e.iuer place Any peron wishing I to keep a public homo cannot find a bet ter locution. AUEL GF.OKGE. Dec. 23, 1857. Mlf TlKj.V.Xsvct Time o' nay.l JOHN NETTBER, MEII111BB4IY. aniMMii a iiiin raniiisaii is is vs.. (uaaa.a ii Watchmaker and Jewell eri!A'"iini..iUnrGRoccuiE: I ' " """lias loealcd in .will .ell Cheap for Cash, at hit sto JACKSONVILLE, O T. ! California street. SIIOF-On California SlrVet, n. John Jckonvillr, Aug B, !Su7. 30 ' llerrbold'a Building. TATCIinS and Jewelry Itepaired on ' 1 short nonce. All kinds ol Jewelry 'Manufactured and Engraved to order, in nulok time. i ! Watches and a general oisorlmcnt of ' Jewelry on hand and fur sale clasp fur oa.h. Dec IS. 45lf ' JOiiiiifieoLo. SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL ;5jSBuh7,. .7 AS returned to Jackson-. vllle. and a III continue iractice of bis tirofrs.Ioz. All wore; warrantea. ! II flatters himtrlf thai, from his long experience and thorough practice it. Dm. tisiry, he will be able lo give satisfaction .., . ---- , iisirv, lie will lie able lo c to all w ho may favor him ill. .call. Office, On California street, on the corner, the -Union " .uii3 J. I. wins CHIEFTAIN" rMTTPTyn t tmii ltTlnfelii',; Saloon, Drlck Hulldlnu, Corner of California '. and Oregon Streets, J JACKSONVILLE, O. T. 1,'H'III. 'ItlW mill 13 l.tAUC P" accommodate lite most laslldiou. saaaii' laaa tv tfioa my& U supplied with ihe Finest M&TOBS &1T3 (D2C3A!BS. The room is large, and atTorda excel lent accommodations. December 12, 18S7. n46lf JOUX XI'UCCIILIN'. MHDGHLI iinur Kurrt-L, & KLffPIL'S ' ia a cool nil i$ Otted up in a I ll. nt. i nv.i,i ' svmiiisiiu tJuira t the bel maker i 11 . 1 A- .. a good supply of rare old French Bran. win un louna !, prime Pcntcu and American Whis key, cloice Wjnes, Ale, and Lager Beer, and sutf nor Havana Cigars. 32ly, votlec-.itic. A LL 'PERSONS itAVivn i:wrkt IX. tld Accounts with the Fbtcnix lore reqlestcd locall Iminediately and SET- tub i if. bam ti. as I am tlcircus to close U rr r 'all the rieient accouots, ' ; I TWO i.i.5 viiiL m- - " "' H" '". "VtUt, IfKp. J. ii Wo! 'Ihcvc' Kvcrslioily 1 I Da lmr With lt hilrAHit ta liniitk Do voir wish to patronise a houia I .mjou wain m stop at n nous, lavoral.ty known liipinqrtout Ualiriirnia,l)rrfnn,anri- : ' all niher places, for its moderate rhatces, good fsrri and but nf bed?, together with 'order comfort, convenience and nptrior necmnmodat'ona ' " I ITj-ou loire all thete, we advm Jim t go lo t-. T . . . . . i If Si H Iff tbgCRiAS wll " . M Mil 'SYi 67, 80 nnd 01 Lcldcsdotfl Street For ihe accommi.dalion ol miners ami 'two r-afes in the ofli-e. I aTaTaTaTaTSaaaSaTaaAWBril -. !' MaaBPilHHMMt saaaamR W H l ItaaaaaaaaaaVllHv Mm ' M r&ywiw&i& K:mSa)mKm - s. -w ,F..".aBm-'VjfafVllirVlki. .MVVV.Hi&.;N ii a 11 P Kyi t -jm 4MI t Tins etbllhment is centrally located In thn pilnelpal boioe pn of the r Hy, ! There is an atenive Library end Heading Uoom, welt supplied vuih papers pe l riodicaU, Ve. , IC-TI1E IIUfSE IS OPEN ALL NIIK.T. fiC Traolcrs m II please remember that thete aie no Runners connected with M I' The hat C'latr Ilnue is conducted on ilnclly temperance pririeiples. not 7 41 It. U. WOOUVVAHI), Froprietor. 'I II II IITIiriLITll IIISI. cnttrthr Plain. C!irn,rnf ljtnr anA , Fronting Ifie Plaza, Corntr cf Lane and anuria ocrrria, vntKA, cm., Kennedy Ar Kcnyoii, Froprittors ll 'III Froprietor. are nrepsred to ap- eomtnouaie I ravelrra wun th Fn Beds. J with Itnoms. with ctincln or Double Tim TABL'E vvl I be sunulird with the!.' n..r i The BAR is furnished with the Ileal'' , "wu uuj-j Wlias, Linens, Ac, Ac. 17tf I Vv .11 olwys be furniied with the best the 1 ! market alTurds. m 77 lArA1Vr il C. C FAIKFIKLD. i X JL4 . XV X ilN II Kerby ville, Jan. 1, 1637. fWlf OSi,Bpu' -"'SLATE CHEEK STAPLE & FANCY DRY-liOODS. hoots vv shoes, LLUilliiNtT, ?"' I""'V ich he tore 30tr HARDY ELLIFE HAS ERECTED A NEvV And Couvj modioLi tavern aland at the South End of the Canyon, Douglas Countv. 0. T.. I Where he I. prepared lo accommodate the in good style. Tho long re.idcnre , m ilin proprnprietur at tins point precludes , the iieces.H) ofssjing that l BUS ffASHflB Will be as ncll lurnished es the country kfr....!. i ,.,,,. ..r,. ..,, " orAUUX. . I supplied with Hay and Grain in abund. "r? Annuals particularly attended t. J Every alleiil.on paid to render those . who call comfortable and satisfied, ! Nov V7, Ib37 4G.f .. ! JESSE ROBERTS i'T.rAS elected NEW BUILDINGS and JL J. refilled the old tavern stand at i Ciinvonviiift. j NORTH END OF THE CANYON, Douclas Countv. O. T . " '"re he is prepared lo accommodate the Traveling I'ublic in good style. HH3 i!l!B!LIS goo. , Grain. Funicular attention paid to am. i .. . mala SR. Every attention paid to those who may Uvor linn wilh a tall. Oct B I. Id37. 44 If Jaclisonvlllc Wakcry, rt- T i?J!?EStlf,flj!!SS OUKG0X STUKET, MiXT TO 'KL U0UAD0,' I Jucksouville, O. T,, I MIKE HIENTC HAS Ol'ENED A SALOON for the transaction of the abore business.!! Hand wit) keep on hand and manufacture.' 10 order all kinds or Bread. Cukes, Crackers, Pies, Pastry, I For Weddings, lis lis or Parlies, furnished, at shortest notice and lowest prices. ! Will bo supplied with lbs bast LIQU0K8 AND CIGARS July 10. 1637. S6m3 Physician and surgeon. OFFICE-At his Residence," in Win. chesler, O. T oir.ll. HORSE WAGON for SALE for SALE L lJ&? MLf," A'"1 P me iui.sciosr.4. a. .1 tUc Music iuu vctul.U n..1i.i) 1m tS.lta l.M..k.H4A k?.Ul. iwlr conducted nn stricllv temnntanee ntineinl. h . . . 1 -I V. ,.---.-.,... 1 10 nnd 131 8netnment street. S-'AN FKA.NCISCO. oilier, having money or valuables, there arc ' "rr i'M1 I -J' iAJAJ fBiVn9!r? MftW,J9 5 3JU ii 02 KERBYA'ILLB, O.T. 'rpHE Subscriber liming LtlASLU) the above laiee and commodious Hotel in I the fliiuri.Iih.g town ol Kcthtvillc, on lha ate load from Jackionvllle to . or Iigsln, and Crescent ihell'l'srs f I'ublic I'atronsge. o aiiiii.u.c. can. lit Cily, solicits a TpfFirs: T?Ai!n.n?. HOUSE. Oliver JL limns. (''flUS well known stand, siluatn fifteen I X miles from Kerbv ville and thrlv.four rr(1. Jacksonville, has been erected sulla On.'l.t, !n irrnminml.l. ilia 'I'm, lin,. Piilillr- ll I. atava titaa.lft In llii lin.l Htirlilin.t. I'r.aliiniaLH tlirle runfi a. eonifurtaLle as pOfllbte. vPIHIS AiBaflB Furnished will, all the country affords. Good hlablea, wtll supplied with Hay and Gram. l Hopes are Hopes are entertained that those who 'call once will ride isto or slop early to l'"tko again of the hospllalily of the oc cul"""- 1" NOTICE ! ! .PAY UP! AND SETTLE UP U NV I'EUSON HAVING CLAIMS I xV against me, will plea.e prcienuhem I aud receive their pay. " And those knowing themselves indebt 1 ed to me previous to First December.1857, will confer a favor by calling immediately i, and stilling up by note or otherwise. U JOHN ANOEKSON. Dee S3, 1637 00if .Wna.!LW S3lfl!TJ est ii HOUSE, U V X u u a jr . rpilIS well known slsod, situated five J. giniles north of Jacksonville, on the ura on lloau, has been rentted and new buildings erected, and also good stables. The proprietor -a ill accommodste the Traveling i'ublic, and hopes by unremit ting attention to llinr wants lo obtain a liberal share of patronage. Nov. 12, Iti57. 41 If NEWMAH FISHEH, CALIFORNIA STREET, . M'hvlualt and Jitlail Htuttr in ,flA&,ii,M(B( I IJ00L1, Stntlouerr. Arc. HAVING FURCIIArSLD THE 1N lerest of David l.evinger in Ihe above business, is now otlering at Ihe old stand a large assortment of the be. I brands of (D3BA!BS ATO 1P0SA(D3J0, Confectionery and Fruits, School Hooka. Slutioncry. &c.i I Very Cheap fur Cash. I mCall, ir )nu want Jjvksouville, Nov. 21, Good Cigsr. 45lf ' A: hichacd wiexiiAru. albert bauap. WE1NBACH & BAHHAED, 'V,..-;,ni. riM .. ..J i , T-TAVE on hand and srealwavs roady XX lo maufacture to order all kinds t.f PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, CANDIES, C.ih'E8,JlE8,U. 3 Mrlffi &rw r3aavin m m V- IBlTiiigin Ci fijaT if t a m&F' fTITfi W' L'Trwi Jflt UK 4TTLJ B H I -9SSaKSwiSW55BSil Tor Vaidjnji(arTd IJaijies got up ia gojd !yle and'ai ilia ilirleil notice. ,! JsliTrnVllIe,03lVJul'IF. v. r3 . rm , ' Ml 1 sW "Wi ... (li-af.H a.i.wi. UHSSSMa.w' .-. K.