Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1858, Image 4

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    LaMiHHWBlEW'HViiiMaMtaiV t JV" " Zk ! "
'sa " ''wmimim'iJK??' 1 1
t 4
if f
f '
Pp B(p,PBWi'
rrgou Bciiuicl.
IIIIl Hltlio AnUuc Ilcrll.
When wo wuro boys, Hill Sllko ntut
I, wero great cronies. With mo there
wns nobody like Hill, mul with Dill
thero wns nobodv like nip. Wo were
both what would bo cnllcil hard cui-es,,
in this any mul ago of llio world. II
nttyinlicliii'f wns dono in tlio npigh
liotliood, Hill nnd I wero suro lo conic
in for our share of the blame.
About Chrislmns limes wo nhvni
had a dciil or Tun, such ns building mil
pens, nnd pulling calves nnd pigs in the
upper slory, hanging ploughs, "b.g.kel
lies," or nny thing wo could Iny Tinnd,
on, high up in thu trees, to perplex the
owners, nnd nil such tricks ns that.
Now such nets would be looked upnn
ns mi utiwurrniltable outrage, nnd the
perpetrator wouM be (muled up nnd
lined; then they wero only laughed nt
us "Christmas tricks."
I recollect ono Chrislm.is Eve, Hill
ntidslisct out to have n rich lime nf it.
Hill wns to fix up nnd net ns dovll, nnd
Emerson's Magazine
00,000 copies the First Month . t
flfr. ioxng.
000 in Ms agency.- Mr 0v.I M.'lUJiliJl
nf llldgly, Mo . your General Agent for
Piatt Cauntv. li maklne 8 ner dry on
each Hub. Agent employed by dim, and
Messrs. Wcimer As Evans, ofOregon, Mo ,
your Agents (or Holt County, nre making
!-... ,..?.- nr. i. .i. I...l.t.
servant list mid., since the 7lli day ol la-t .V. E. Corner Calforma and Montgomery
January, nver $1,700, besides paying Tor,
;J00 acres or land out or the business worm
..iilat "" " wll'i'.anw" " . "'--mZLmifmvtamlir !'" '
r - -v . . . . ifij . ,i1B . a-mcft:,'r-'-''-' -'vrfavu.
nctsaitne oacK.niiu ...., , - ..SafittN?,! tAMnl'i&riL'
head, dlnine. of sight, loss rtf muscular OHHUM;
power, palpitation of the lifart.djrfpfpfh. SZoXjAn jt 2. S
.ervouYneii, Irritability, ueranrncnt 61 tfgf$Jm
the dlgestlvo funcliona, general dibiltty WK ?M 7
1 1 XT . KSBa. . van kUK a.
J I af 1 aflhMaakJT V ' Wl I )
UM- frH-Mf MBvr-YORK. Irt.
The Great Library Offer!!
The nnlnn'or E.MERRON'S MAGA
given lo III n coniohdaVd work a circula.
lion ntcond to but one limllnr publlcitllon
in the c.iuntry, end liai lecured Tor it n
combination or literary anil nrtiitio talont
frnbably unrivalled by any In the world,
luring the firat mouth, the tale In the
trnilr anil ilemanil rrftmiiibicriucMexreed
over 31,000. You are at liberty lo piiblitli
tliia ilntcmont, if you like, and to rrfer to
I any of the parllea namr.l.
Carrollon, Mn.
TO THE An'LICTED-n"i thelot.
lowing RlvCOMMtHlllTOhT I.VTTKn
nnd then judge between Dr. Young and
I. .. ..mni. iliiti mnllcl Ills motivra
i ..:.! .,.,1. ,ni.n inn would ti Pen-
Willi iUcli inducement at we nlTer, any. II tilenen. rnrTMKRit is neatnln their treat-
body cun obtain lubirrlbert. We lnilc ' fnntil. All sSicted with Dinaiei ora I ri
everv ecnlleman out nf einnlovmeiit. and t.i,, nr nnv other nature rdiould call
every Mdy who drtircs a plensaut moneu unun Dr. j. C. Young, an they would
if . .. i ' . i... -.. i .' . t.i i .... ii.A n....
making occupxtion In apply at once lor an
acencv. Atmlicania iiould lncloo '2b
reiilihira anecimen convofllie Maffnxllio.
which will always be forwarded Willi an
sner io appucouon ay return man.
We wcro to go inund nnd f.lgllten )!" 00.000 cople,, and the numbrri already I
voun...t..r. mil ,,f ll,,lr li.. b Arr.l. '.' 'ue' .r "'" ! Uiiieil work are iinl. ,
.c ...... -- iivortauy couceiiiiii io nave lurpaaieu, in mini nni w nm io ennnu in lira u- um, n i
ingly, we nrrni'gcd n grim looking retl the riclineta oT lliair llternry toiiionii.and tributimi. Thiioirvrli made only to iImho llgiw,
enp with hums mi It, nnd pluced it tip-,! the beauty ond prormion ol their pictorial 'who detiro to act as agents or to iirrn . , trouble.
on ins l.rnd.niHl llicn niiiile n nilscrHciM,,",,",,,,,,,,V0"y ","8B,"le r "u'
for hi.n out of red lllinnel,Iwrnppd him " f"m l,,e Al,Il,e1ric'n ?!'" r-ne,our '
t i I ,i i" aged bytlicieflVidoncesorrator, Ihey Imve
inn sheet, tititl then slnrted. I here .Icier.nlned to commence Ilia new volume
were severnl boys wllli u,iuid by them 1 1 in January with itilloddltion.il attraction!,
I wns selected (a g.) buluro nnd giveliO'id to olUrsuch inducemciiia tuaubicri!!
iyiniitoinsorconsumptina, Ac.
Mkhtallt, the tearful ciToels on the
mind nre more to be dreaded. Loss ol
,.,.... r..,fn.inn nl Idf . (HT'Cff ion ni
spirits, ovil forebodings onion In socl.
cty, soirdiatrinl.lova ofsolitudo, timidity,
Ace, nreaomeofthe evils iirodured.
All ...r.ntu wlm are am cieo niuinin
of tho above symptom should not fall o
cnll on Or Young, nnd be at once restored,
to perfect health. Let no fslse delicacy i
i,....ni nu. Iiui annlv immediately, ond
save yourself from tba dreadful nnd awful i
rnn.i.nnncri of this teriibW mnladr. I
wrAKRSisor tiik onoAiis
.... .. ..fftt.-X.4-....-.... kH4 n-ll. '
Ulllce corner ui hiimiikhihuij uhu ...
fornia streets, ovor Pccilic Lsprr, San
FratirWcn. where all letters must be ill-
rcrtcd to insure intention.
J. C. YOUNG, M 0. '
coniequotirc nl the wide spread ro.ll
..I..1I.. nl VIIIMi hiitniirnll. Ilnrkll.'
luurni UI ..I. AW l.l .......w.w ....-.'w-
tnrs have sprung into existence, pretending
to bo petftct msilers of the besting on,
and have succeeded in tmponirg upon a
few oftlie unuarv sullertrs. Persons wish
linn, rot as usual. The Dr. 'a mode oftreatiunnt ling to consult a phyaicain, should bo very
'fi of cares of debility, botli gcnrral and sei "careful bow tbey pu
lla. I... I I- . ... Lu.,...l...l.,.n mm.I II ....I.I:. I I -...I-.......I.
il..n tivni,l Imnotiiion and Milit the Doc
lor in his herculean labor of suppressing
nuit-kery nd cmpyrlcism. Dr. Young's
oharg are. moderate and within Ibe reach
of the mod humble.
' TM PORTA NT Dr. J. 0. Young wishes
L to call the attention of .invalids to His
As we deiirn to place In the hands nf,
every person who proposes to get up a cntrfn 0f praclico. The Dr. his lung since
club, and also of every aeenl, a copy uf ,iMbandoned the mercurial treatment, and
thcongrnvlngor 'THE LA3T8UPPi.lt,' ha. strictly followed the Vejotibln 1'rnc
as a specimen, each applicant rncloslng us'1 jCOi patients under traatmest with him
$3 will leceive the engraving, post-paid, J,,.,, m,t ronllned to the houst, nor taken
uj rniurn man, iu unecuiieoi ui puumru- I inm tllOlr business, mil can CO anoui anil
lions nuu ono or uie numnercu suuscinunn
receipts, ontltllns tlie holder lo Ilia fling
azine one yrar and to a'chance in tlio ills. u.. 1. ,I0 aurnassed by an v physician, and
. ... " .'".I...I.I
renins in a riencci removal oi uicir '
Dr. T. has discovered a newt
No 371 llrojdway, Now York.
hers as cannot fail to plsce it, in circula
nun, at I no lieau ol .American magazines.
With this view they now annnunco tho
fullowiug splendid progumino They
have purchased that superb und costly
stcel-plata engraving,
"mni v irm nnnnnn n
Dr. Wislar's Ualsamof Wild Cherry.
Par the Instant Relinf nnd Rapid Curo
of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup,
llrnuchitls, Influenza, Pain in ll.o Itrcsit
or Sido, flic.
A fuir question. Answer it to suit your-
I solves. Would you prafnr lo have health j
'restored and life prulnnged by (what our
i lihvriclnns say is) nuackcrv. than In die.
in r ,!.... ..,.... !
(uo.iorsnuscnuoriorinoyeur leuo. n was .ciontlllcally You all know of wonder.
engrnTiu ni n cun in oyer ?0,iJUU, njr Ilia i f , . ,r
the old lid Its n hint of w lint wns going
nn, so llmt we should not gut ourselves
into n scrnpe.
The lirsl house on ourrnutc was un
cle Juke lloiul's. I went In.niade soniuf
crrnnd, mid ns soon ns possible slipped j
tho iokn In tho nlil in.-in mul wmiiiin.l
It wns nil right with them, und so I mul will present a copy of It to nvnry three
went buck und reported to my com ji Jo"ar mbscriber fortho yeur 1MB. It was
pan oni. In n short time. Hill, nlias ?ngravsu at con ni over jjiviuu. i.y me fl .v .. ,, ,. ........ .. i
I) ...it ....i. ..i i.i. i i i it i i 'I'0 celenrsleil A. I. Kick, rrom I lie oris- - -...-.. -j .
Uell,naki!il Ills singular looking bend nl of llaphnol M..rghen,afi..r LeonsrJo't'if Wild Cnerry, or.d )et Joil entertains
In nt the door, ntld, great aernmptloii V l)a Vine), and Is the largest steel-plate en. kind nf prejudice, hecausn you chooso to
"uuiihi vuitvillllj iie &UOH puice. JlllJ S.l.K'nving vvr uaocuieu III nils cuumry, lie
girls, cnts, and even thing el so exeunt "'"8 '"en limes the size of the ordinary
the oli! ones, tumbled tip sliilin liku nu i U"Xf"" f'W.Vl'P'' ,r ,. , . ,
.. ' . .1 . .1 Im lirst loiiireitiiiiis iir tlili rttirfiwln
are held at $10, and it was the intention
uf the artist that nana of the engravings
should ever bo cfl'ered fur a less sum than
ij.'i, being richly worth that amount Thus
every $3 subscriber will receive llm Maga
ziue lor unu year clieau nl s:i and llile
I splendid engraving, tidily worth $6; thus
gelling liir fc.i tlie value til Jj i
We shall commence slrlhinr olTllie en.
grovlngs immed'atly,yot it can hardly " before pLrchasing tuka none unless it has
mode of treating nlTerllons of tho Liver,
which niter n fair trial has bcn submitted
I to the Professors of scvoral of Ilia medical
. lnatlfiilliinrf nf llm Mlfllps. nml htooolllicrtl
by them, ns perfectly successful, nml has'
been adopted by them in their practice
earthquake In wo nil bustled, nnd
such a laugh its wo hnd ; nud how the
girls flapped us nn our Trices fur fright
ening them so badly. This was n glo
rioiis beginning, nnd so wo were almost
crazed to gel into tho next bouse.
Alter pnrtnklna of sumo dotiuhnuls.
nud older little enhos llmt hnd been cut'
nut wild n thimble, nml which llio gills
call it patent medicine. It is only hecaUsu'
you do not know Dr. Wlslnr. If your (am!
j lly physician had mmfo n great medical
discovery, could hn not seal his bottle nud
cure n patient in Timbuctoo ns well ns at
, home f This Is only the fart with Wis-
tar s llnlsam, It Is important to you, In
In the Iniatment of Incipient consumption,
I suit disease or the blond, the Dr. stands
I pre-eminent In his profession, nf.d will
1 wnrrsnt a euro in all cases. The following
I testimonial speaks for itself
I)n, J. C. l'ouno. Sir : Your tnnde of
I IrealiiiB affections oftlio Liver snd tlisoa
jscs ol tho lllood, has proved by repeated!
trials, lo lio the best yet olleroU to tlie lao
ulty, nnd lias been adopted by Ike board.
Continue to study llio human s)stmasyou
have dono, and you will yet stand at the
head ol your proOissiou,
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Pcnn.
will eusrsntee n nerfect and nrnna-
the vkkv iu:st ni:.Mt:i)V
Ami far l Cnri of
stiiisoin rtcinr
uvm (ourwi.Nr,
vi.itctr.mi. iiu,.
ntAKiovs tmrtuM,
oi..iuut ncuiLirr, A-
rzvxn ont,
SALT lllltCM,
num.', Bin.',
Uhmlnnj been s ttioit Important t1Hlrrtnma
U,e prscUce of medlelns, to ubtstn a reu,e,ly lmr
U tills, and scctmlinglj we Unit It rrscrlnl to sIimi
unlrrnudljr In cs o( 8toful, I.her 1)Imv,ii
lllwuin, Ornl I'roitrslltfh'bs Vital rr m
til tbo tonnsutlnr dlMiisi oftbs skin nu trt.-i.
tli ll(noasml lijiirluu" to the lios'lh. A1lhml
ve.Til of powerful besllng properties It li tMlrv
lisruilew, snj Kill not Injure lie turst
Wba la perfect Ix-sllli, n fffett Is pruJnrMt;h
UM.tcKn lnereteorspnetlie: lui viitm'iv.
, I h ststsd In the frame, and eAiT)lnf fait III iMn
'111 -. .... ...... ll- ..... 1.. .... .... I.M
' KlODs Ul ia vi UK-, .urn ! H7iti,iuni muvrmi
II Is felt ana seen; llenkinuies new w aniM(nr,M
unit cure in tho fullowiug cases, nr cltaigo
nothing (iir hit snrvirns i Syphilis, (ion,
nrrhoea, flrirliirei ofthe Urethra, Affection
nl llio Kostrate lilauil Weakness ol the
culled kiises, wu ilnrletl fur Alni. Al
Ion's. 1 went on ns usual nud knocked
nt the door.
"Como in," said n sweet voice. I
obeyed llio command, and found June,
tlio iilnjur t only iluughter, nil nlonn.
lie expected thai Impressions of su large n
plate can be taken as fait as lltoy will be
j called fur bv mbscrlbera. Wo shall, there,
lore, furnish Ilium in the order in which
subscriptions are rrcaived. Thoia who
desire to obtain their engravings early ,aud
from Ilia first impressions, should send in,
ineir subscriptions without uolay. Tho
valid Throw nwiiy your delusions Wls.d ttenilnl Organs, Imputenny, Sterility, both
1 . l """" " penuriinng wouuoriui cures. n mala nuU remalo, Wiicrinalarn, o Hem-
It tvlll rtlisx. fiiia . a tkf . a '
-'" .iiuui wooKncss.iinciurntu i.mlsslons,l(lieu.
ptr llr. CiUTlnt'i' as'tlicro are mnny'' mallsin. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fetor nnd
cniiiiliirfuila. Lnk well at the slcimlutu, Acne. Incliiient Cunsuinntlon. snd oil Ir
. . . " . . n -.-,... . . -. . . ..
regularities in I emalus, loptilmr with all,
" Here s llio old lolkk V asked I. I'ensinvinir ran be sent on rollers, bv mall.
I, i i' -, " .i... . --.-,
a, sue i
"Ciotio over to graudfalhcr'
trilleil, as sweet ns sugar.
"Very sorry," said J, "for I hud Im
portnut dullness with tho old mnn."
bho asturttl me Unit thev wmild be
or In any ulher
I shall direct.
manner, as subscribers
tho nsinn ol Hnillnrd .V Park enrrnvi.,1 1,11
Iheoulsidn wrsppor. an nil others are rask
coexTriirtiii. I1
I I). Yoing at
uresieil Also, Importers. U'holnaalo nnd "u"i ' peneciiy well, it liter is a
I Hetull Agonts of nil vnluablo Patent MeiL l'"'il0,B "' 1'o'o lfi In Iho sjium, it
i icines, warranted genuine 43inU .' J'" '"eah " ot some fulllrOtine.Wlien
diseasoa nr Women nni lbllilrntif nl.n
' rVi.rvnil.iin.a Pnlnllnllfi.. ..Til.. II... .V.
. ....II. ., H,I.,H.U,. .1. U iiuuii, llbU.
I'eriotii aflliclod with tnitifnmi nhnr
! i -.... . I . ( 1
1'AKK A. WHITi: are tho mil A. ,, uetng treoieu.aliouiu consult I), loing a
gents, to whom all orders should ho ad "co n,."u R""" ' uru unlsss tie ps
rut cniilidenco in the
...l.l:l I ..... i..... m ..r ..! hlia .!,..
fiuuilllllii, viaiuiliuinr ui ,yin vh.iimi.,,.,.
or they aro sa unscrupulous in such state'
monls as in llieir practice oi mooicine, ana
are very unsafo lo liuat. They will first
deceivoynu by false certificates, procured
from "drunken loafers," who porjure them
sttlcs to get money lo satisfy the cravings
of a diseasod npiiolite. When such quack
rains vour confidence hu will then dose
I y mi with morcurv and other drugs, and af
ter itiey tiavo robticu you ni jour monry
and injured your constitution, they will
cast you nfl", with the churge, th.it you hate
not followed their directions.
The only way lo avoid such Impostors.
is to consult Dr. J. C. Younc. the I'ioncer
Advertising Phjslcisn of California. At,
a tnrrllnr of llm Nrdical Faculty nf this
u. . n i . i V.i . .i i .. rl " lanascen; iienainutes new iu imni(f,w
State, ca led o Invr-stlgstc the sou c. of tr, nphfllUh ,',, tinll , ,n, lufT, nc ,n to
malpractice Ihst has caused so much suf. . Ilwj,
Im.1i, m In II. I m n.xtt, l.u I, .una it,,. ,tln.n.l tt
reeoinmetided that all the oflitcled should
consult Dr. Young, ni he was the only reg.
ularly educated Phtsicisti now odvcrlslng
in California, all others in his linn being
quicks and and Imnoilnrs. snd are not to Mn. K.xm: OcnUnm-n. Mr lluU rl.mls-
be Irusled. Tim iilllicliid will pleaxa lake i one er ol.l,wi alUckml wlUi a tnrfu-.
nfiiiTM llm il, .. .n, i. nl,. .!-l. ., ., i oomor on lier fsee, whlcoi Km after t xtenilnl l
notice, that Ihoro was not a physician n h ,..,,,., ,!, M,, biin.liirfs In w .
the mroting who had eter seen or heard . tliem, and dUrifuHnr hrr whole br. I ruiw
ol n single case ofmslnractlce frmn Dr , 0 ibystcUas m aiUml hrr.whu ckfisutel tw
v. .. i.n ..... i ., ,.... i. . i I nimo-t skill to ctre ber relleC bnt It att iroretu
. .,u,.y ,..,u u, ,.., ui ,,,, uu, .,eu iron . wMk and ,, ;, f ,,, nmMM ,0 ,nf ,v
Bliursberorcases from the foreign nuscks,' bid known of sows strlktns cim erferted by ft
who so vanntlligly set forth their ptc!' Bsrsspsrllls-anrt advlxnt ma to try It I nMsliit-d i
tended virtues in the public mints. j
Aim nuu.u lacia aiiiiuill ue iMiruo in niinu
Tbs following Importsat tetlinenr l from i
KlniritoB, 11. 1. In this rv the 8srspi!ls r
reeamiarndtd by the family I'bysleUri,
i bottle, wbkli sbo Omiuiencod tulr.& anil before It
back In n short time j nnd filling n plate ! e"'?"!;d . ' (
Hill, "hominy" front largo kettle., JSJJ; tfS
1 20,000 in woiiks or art. .
' In addition to llm superb engraving ol '
."THE LAST SUPPER." which will he I
tinea. dollar subscriber .
ishvrs have comnleled
where it was boiliiiR on the fire, she aik ,i,. nf ii,Mn,i,.. ihm r. ...i.. r TTAV JUST RECEIVED, and cm,.
w - ...".. .w.ww... ,..w, ...HVW..WSU. " . ----,-- ,.-
JL.JL sian
ica, mirrniiiru gniiuine -UlllJ , ' """ "ul niiuw.yiniin, wnen
Ha Wuahiiigtan atreol, Mnn Francisco ''""', eled, or bo handed to a, innocent
nITspring. Persona who have been trsaled
llh mercury should he vetv cautious In
lenl rctlUl'tlOll In ltrlfeK.!: bnlUvlnj thai they aro well, for it Is nsoi
l online rant that l,u merrury will
miiigla with tho vonhrcal. and form
1 disuaso a eiuat ileal wiimh iIimh tl, M..-iH.
Firtt Ihwr tatt of the " JilJorailo," I at. All tlic.nu who havo leason in i,ink.
, CALiroitNis ritiir.iT, Jackohvili.s, U. T
invited mo with ono of her prettiest splendid works ol art, consisting of uneii
hundred rich and rare Oil Paiminsi. val
ued at from 8100 lo $1,000 each. Also.
. ivift auiu inn. si4 iiiu (llll vu VI'UIU aui.'
would bo nothing to compnro with cnt i
inc "hominy" with Jane Allen, vet I '
". .." . . -r i
tlaretl not to act the traitor. So I pro
tended I had no timo to'spnrc, nnd bid.
smiles to sit down nml wait till it coul
eu, aim men eai aome win nor. I..,vrnn i J: , m 7 Z , '
l l, i, i , ,i . i i ., ll'.'.OOO mssn licsul SteeM' a e Eugrav lies,
I looked at thu big, .lump grains, nl HI.,,,,,), rflfln.$a tofiSe.ch.and l,0O0chofco
bursliiig open on thu plute, nud inhaled , Holiday Hooks, worth from fjltoduesch,
tho delicious odor that rosu from them, 'making, in all, over Threo Thousand Gifts,
then looked nt tho sweet face, nndsui. il worth TWENTP TOUSAND dollars
ny miles of my would-bo entort.ilner, j I,1,l,e,q"' J, "'Pll'slmrs and you
.....l .. ...M i ,. i it .i.i .ii I will commence rrcolvlng the .Magazine by
. i0A, . b"0r l" iaQ ,lml "M"1 "" mail. You will also ,( will.
Hill r.nil tho rest nf the boys in Guinea, it the first copy a numbered subscription re-1
I felt luro that n the fun wo could ioc jleeipt entitling you to the Engraving uf I
Till-: last si;iim: i
inc "hominy" with Jane Allen, vet I and a chsnee to draw one nr ii,
ding her good evening 1 hurried buck 'p 'iiV 2j! v'TtnTn
to my companions. iLJUJiJlaUn S JBAIiAZINl.
"liova." snttt I. Hjnnn la nil nlonn l,v e .. " 808.
. ..' .: v. . : --"" -'v
nerseii. it wouldn't uu right lo senro
Iter io Unu lots go on to JJrown s."
"No, by gum !" said Hill, "1 wouldn't
miss'that chunco forn hundred dollars;
she slighted mo tho oilier day nt sing.
iug school, nnd now I'll pay her back
for it."
I still remonstrated, but in vain, Dill
was resolute, nnd I hnd to givo in.
M wn nonred tha homo Hill said
"Now, boys, wlmtuveryoti do, don't
say n wortl, nor laugh, nor nothing,
mid nfler I have scored her wo will sly
oil', and she will nover know who or
what it was."
Wo till agreed, and after we had all
been stationed round tlio chimney to
bear her screum, Hill walked in.
"Uood evening, Mr. Devil," said tho
sweet voice- that n low minutes before
had bid mo to como in : "good evening;
I suppose that you nro used to warm
lluids;'-' and forthwith wo heard a
"splurge," as if a gourd hud found lis
way into a pot of boiling hominy, und ,
then emtio a splosh ano u crv. not such i
a ono as .we had expected to hear. biit!lr XwtniJ four subscribers, miliar at ono
one or Hill's real genuine snunlls on . i,i tPi" ou,cmiJ w" ". a
.1.-11 i .i i i ' . "iisplendid Library, cqnsialngo over Fortv
tho highest key. Wo all ran in, and Largo Hound Volu.r.e.,.,nbreIngih, ,ln0,t
saw tha hot water dripping down froin'l popular works in the market. Tha club
Hill's cranium, whllo lie was stampinc!!'""' Le "n'1 stlheclub price, 8'-' a year,
lit, I . . . . .! D uillmit. lit. .n.r.vln a. ., iL.r.,11 -- .'
ruuna iiko mnu, tearing lite notneil can ii r . T 6 V Z '"'""" v""
.....i r-i.. r ', i, . . . ' r S3, with the eneravineofihe I.aii H,,n '
lo each subscriber. List and description
ofthe Library, and specimen copy ofthe
Magazine, will be forwarded on receipt of
S3 cents. Over 3o0 Libraries, or 8,000
volumes, have already been distributed m
accordance with this oiler, and we should,
bo glad ol an opportunity lo furiiiih a Li'
brary to every clergyman, to evcrv si-hnnl
teacher, or t soma unu at every post or.
Ilcc in the country. '
illy iirrivlng, a largn Stork of nil'
kinds uf Goods auitable fur tho Fall and
Winter Trade, such as
Ktnplc nud I'nucy Dry Goods,
Hoots and Shoes of nil kiwh,
Hals, Caps, Stationery, Cutlery ty-e.
I A full assortment will bo kept constantly !
on hand, which we aie able lo tell tiiiar.
inn cash
yar All Goods AVsiraritod. Hf
by liad fnnlings, that they have beon Ileal.
u -uus, aiiouiu consult Dr. ounr.nnJ Im
by all seeking medical ussislnnce
Think heaven, they are gnttlng thur
iillshly eini'sril. nud it will nut lie Inn
before I hoy will have lo lly thu counliy, lo
avmo mo juai inuiguation ot an outrscru
public. Thun will good people thank Dr.
Young for his continued efforts to banish
qua ikery from our midst.
If H. YOUNG can be consulted from S
a. to 8 r. tt.t at his office, corner Call,
fornia nnd Mananinery straets, over the
Pacific Eiprcss Office, San Frarcisco.
All letters contain In the usual rn
of $10 will moot with prompt attontlon.
U CitiU '
si! nie.1 an It b.t tflVctM as entire cure. It Is on '
over four tears since she was cured, snd ther k
been no rrsn'ioarsiic of tbo itlsesM, ail ws nl
uUtfled tlistll Is s isrfrel corn. i
i.epocuuiiy jours,
Prepared nml sold by A. H. s II. HAMl,
Wholesale- Hrurgitu, liX) rullus-stroct, corwr
Wllllsui, Xtw York.
For sal by IIBWITT. KITTLn i Co, H. J01K
PON A Co . and KKDINOTO.V t Ca.Bo Krnd,
KtCi; A OOFl-'JN, MsrstUle: ICll.MaDO.NAU
& Oa, Bacnmsnlo; sntl by DruRtsU renertlly,
Agents for Jacksonville. 1:7
nia-isM iiBMY.
to certify that I, II. F. Lulling, npplled to
Dr. J. C. i onus, to be imnimi r... . .........
rial debility, brought on I.y hard work at
miniiis iu tlie water, nnd a diii..,iiU .r.
faction In my limbs, which almost deprived i
me of their use, that the above compluintaf
imu iniuoieu mo tor a long lime one oi
mem lor saverai years, nuu tlie other about
eighteen mouths. Ovprcnme I.y the pain
and anxiety occasioned hv them. I bad
given upalf hopes of ever ngain enjoying!
gooil health. In this condition, I called
A T) ntrTDnrrr r n I'."" "r. j.u. oung, anu alter the lapse'
a. u, usxuujbua, OL U, ..oi nvo montlis, I em perfectly well and
r take ruiTlwETiinn op . M?"1 "'' " ,lro,,K ! Lvt". - n
S " -""--. '"' n
.Vi"w.;u"d."M od ,bM lh'ral batches, Jewelry, Diamonds
am. who it wav conci.ni., This la
Gold Pens, Clocks, Walsh Materials,
Iletwean Aluntg'niVy A. Kearny ,(up stairs)
Sou Frnncisco.
I HAVE just i.taived direct from tho
manufarlurers n Ke oMsortnienlof
.... ...... 1V fSSIV
ICrl hsvo constantly on hand and am in
regular recoipt or full and eomi-l.-te naaorl
Inenls ofenods adamuil in ,l. i-".i:r... .:.
Undo. 1 u l,i trade and dslra In the in.
terlor, I would say, your orders will ro.
celve prompt and carolul attention pleato
give me a call.
tN. II. No business connected with
i ------- ...... ...H...w. . i. ibcu nmsna RVftrv ni hi Mfi,..iA'i,i.k..-
li.,,,... ll.- P.,1.1-.. il... t I r....i i. . . ' ". " " iu nn wiq. i ,
" H.-.M..II .!.,.... . ni I .... ....I,., ml, . inn mimi nr is cuitu ma. in, ,.. r,,., ........ -i ..-. j. o. joseiiin. :iw...r tta
during the year, embrace co,1l..bUli0.u.C",.n7":10.r.",1,r,a,,, ''.'"J?' "7 WfndslliM I 1-ielntiiiiond.diolilaiar.. rr-i - , V Heaver. Ilr.
o --.... "-"-ti inn innnB final ill lanuannunia sat aiitiiai.i in i . s t.a aa -r?i . - ss u r . --- 'I
iromom osr uuaoNKn wiit.rsand think ull, " r,lf ,,ie .Vc.nTlon a dUeaiZnTof''ri i" i "" ,u,"',"",l Ji.eascs, aorao of, MBUr.ll" IalSll IjillU . i . ud all i
, ers, numbering n-nong them the most dis. ., n o. ,Vi L I l!mP'S ?...'"?' :"' ".""" b.4.d CMC, of "! "longer ' I . . or . fur hich lair price.
urrgusiiea o American authors. ' .... len," J f V " i, , L,t ' '" ! " "'"" ? . ' .1 FOUR-HOUSE COAC1IKS M.
aceona: iiecause Us ediloti.l depart. ,h, Infi.ma ry nt i.riceavaTv in. Twiil. .1. J, p .V ."J .Vlun,'ry ""nony in, ntfwueir 05 Cal fornu
nienis. uriiit RiM.iin tin,.. IU1..I.1... nl iiuimaryni prices varying with their., favor of Dr. J. f5 v.. ,,... I., i.. .i. ,.l .,n,... ......' . f.:1 ia.o
iBd sihr,. Mi Ti - -.I 'J" V""!, '.""'". "' WMU. Those who can. ''m.yiodoenr VuT'M," ' ' ". '" 'Jl w,,,iUUW lli A" COKVALLId """" MP
S?a'ai SHaSSlS si W Vararj oo
--........, H... w...vi ...M.A,IIV. (nr..-...l. I- Itl . . . M -...-..... ,... IIEU.III. rn . lltn, ...a K .... .1 I. .... r TTI I TTv rr - -A
Third- llecsuse It will mm. in ,i.i r """ "7 wnicu nousanus Have ll p . livivrs i njiue 114 a pi all Line, Sllrl C KC. A,V
,1.. ,I . .!?ij "!?. I.". .T. ? '", ,," lBen " " nd restored J heullh-al ! U' ' tUMAO. and are prepared to ncco.nmodale nassen. " W
"ioriallu mlTlK'l'0- . . C.nr .".. . S'",0.f" ?.?l.V'f0 City loCdn.llU JUST IICCB1VED
1 first American artists. . '""mpie arrangements fur the ,sd., c . V' .tr .VVer' J .v ""' ",' .' ev7 u ""H. Tf, csimpicle
fourth t Iiecause for the sum of fi3 on ' " T. ' , ' "" Wnds nr Il-lhs ' iCAIt Rill i.t t 1 "i ,flu0- . .1 ""' "S mose 01 the Interior on' " . "" children',
! will recelva ild. .nlen.li.l mnn.?i -medicated, vapor, warm, sold, Ac. I I )V . SIK : '' ' vvl1'' pleure that I ' "we route. v 1 Youth's Roots, Shoes
lh ,.J'?'ingu..hin,gre.lurenr,,l,8'Phyv,rVr: rJf""0"?'.)'1 -''enquiring Leave Oregon City pn every Monday .b lor to .enic,
.t.. .1.1 ''".." "-"-.'"":" '""f: lopathio l'rsclicii consists in iha n.tn.lnf.. " bi aiong. 1 nave enl rely meov. " Wednesday nt 7. a. si 1., , K,i.n', Ifou want t
a.i .v. nuu 11m .uiiero aneravtn. ui ti'i-ii k " ..i.... . , ' ' .. "-'vi, tii imm ,i.n ...i-i... . . . u . . ------ -,
Plows, Miners' Picks. Horse Shoeing.
All Jttn.unt
Corner of California and Fourth strrsti
first door east of "Sentinel" ollice,
TTOHSE3 and Mules shod at nuid
XX time, and not Inferior to any weste
iiiit iiuuK- tiii'uiiiaiiii. a
Price ofhorse shoeing, plain. $ j
" " " " steel laid, tw'
Keens on hand all sizes of Burnt Ploi.i ,
and .tllners' Picksi
Kepaintd on ilia ahorleii nntlr.
Having had long oxperieuca in tha una.
uficture of all kinds or Farming TooJs.ln
flalters hhnsull to be able to sccommndili
oll who wl-h in hsvo work donu uilk
ueaineis nuu Uispalch, at thu lowest essi
Jachaoiivllle, Aug. tf,Hi57. 301v
T'rtlHJ UI K'mn, .
- ...... nmi.,i 1 .1.
uners, ..llio uttcri, I
, liter. Minks Com-1
Jlher kindsiifFUR,
1 wlU ha USUI, by
1 strrci, near Frgat,
(uirs, san ,1 rnncisco.
perb encravincof
LAST SUI'PER,",worti S5.
ryjt.- iiecause you win very
nan une 01 ine tnruo iitousand
be distributed on Ilia 2ji day o
ber, 1858; perhana one that ia won
Notwithstanding thai these exlraordma
ry inducements can hardly fall to sccom.
pliih the objects ol the publishers without
further efforts, yel they have determined
to continue through the year
lo any penon who will ;et up a club
iraiiuii 01 an innocent medieailn.. All
agents, whether mineral or vegetable, that
1 amsiiun micis. oolsona. nr ,lo.i..l
nfiz.i in ,r.n... .. ...A .. . i..,.m
. , iiuiii ii.v nr.... '.n a.n a. .. ... i
r ecJm. 11 .: . :f,.n:: n.:v . ' ".u'.r",, p
ih -tl rnfl " o'"" iiiinii ui unease wild
i. uiai aci in narinoriv win. Ha ir.
rtn..ltw ..A...- --.-... -T
ir,,,,.v,un,,ui limine, ,1 1 , t-i-'w u 11, in wo
4. .- nu iiersnn w III be received al llm ". 1 "' " "aui. uui I am
w --.- - ..-.v .iiiiiw.T ,VftV.
eted rrum the coinplaluta Tor which your
lllf-illrjil uLIII ...- . 1 ...
.., ,. iniiuirca, nu(i assure
you I feel grsteful to you for Hie heali
now enjoy. Snatched ua I waa from the
.... ;.,.. ui oeam.anu saved froln nu 1111
In d amount of .i.irering Wero Tin tin
r ty where I cquld do It. this woujd havi
in a
inurruary who cannot furnish good guar, i 1. " - . p "''" no Justice of lit
antee or payment. 1 esCB within several miles of me. and s
Tl A rnTrn . i ' J ". v J" " w,""" it I do not like
BATHS ! 1 n" ,V7. Jrsa i rpp
nml Talio face from his boad. Jane,
the mischievous little elf, was standing
up by tho cupboard laughing as though
she would go into spasms. Fortunate
ly, Hill had received no lasting Injury,
but I nsiuro you llmt it put nn end to
our fun for that night. Tho joko bad
U-en turned upon us when wu least ex.
peeled It, and so wo went home, feeU
iug rnlher dono for, The story soon
got nut, nnd for it long time Hill went
by the i.amo of Air. Devil. Porter's
IP I lasaj m 1 1 I 1 -.,,
00- Of all .tho ills which Inve
biings, jealousy is tho one for which
woman bas.lhe'lenst sympalliy.
" 1 - -
03" Let reason go before enterprise.
'J ho success which our agents are meet
ing with is almost astonishing. Among
.... -. .unlive yi una iaci.,w nra
periniind lo publish the following 1
GkMTI.CII:JI Tho folluiv. n fanly In ...
llulion to whal your Agenta aro doing in
": "v- " " "s "' "" ,0 otnlentr.
pruinc young man jn wantor employment,
Tho Jtev..John E, Jardon, or this place.'
urn luncc, mice lust Ulirisliiias, over !,.
Tho liublie eenerallv uill b. ..
dated at any tmie with anyf the above
pecified Uaihs. The Ilathing.ioom and
tubs are lined with jnk, and will be on
tlrely free.frotn taint.
Pleasant Grove, Sept. IP, 1857. " IKJtV'
To Db. J. C.
ern Oregon,
a 1 ..
He aim continue, in r.,...i .1.
article ol lumber at low n.l...
Persons owing Ibr-lumber wilt p
"" a!" ' ""aw"'1' u ,"uo,, '
1 will pay the highest C..I, price. '
R- J C. YOUNG.8.rt Ini.n.werlo
your requeat.as to how my case is
?.."' "'.""6' l wo'd stale that I om ner-
lec.iy wen, and have been so for about one'
..1 i ""ra "ave wrlltan before, but
nave been waiiin. in. if ,. ..i.i ......
-ff . "Til II J r ..n . - ww "" . "HIU (.kUIII
Viy.uu nave eompieled and ready-to' ,.., '", "," w ""n,d ,,",, 1 l,,,V8 " "he
' 6,in,1i I. !? J C was said to be a vorv
ed Z Vi ""'l,y'"' l't exainin
.!!! .-?'''. a." ca,led ' mercurial
v" Z'u . r ,u ' ,M8 ''wasnohelpfor I."
lou called H inniiL.,. ...1...1 .. ..r . ' '
r.,,.1.1 -n .1 ---"" ""u nun a raer.
ue, and you havo done so 1 cn unv
""H son.nfflle,.H "?'' """""""J Pr
sons nllllctedtogWe you a fair trial. -
the bast ours lilt dsatb, 'C L. It AILS. Jr..
LL have completed and n
Connocled with his sawmill known
he MUu.1, Sawmill," .i.uM.d'iieTKir
byvillo. Persons ha.in. ..1.-.. ....,.'
well 10 get it flouted al fl,I, m V, i"
situated a, the bsii Bour market "outllJ
and to AlUUVi:,
easortmoni uf Ladies',
P, Ciouts', Hoy.' aud
and Csitcrs.soji.clcd
.iiniiinlv. ...11 a... I -.
ill ...i'H,IWI 111, pv DS
The liCliango esh for a suUtunlial and auuerior
Ith the lD."wn, Prices are reduced to .ufi ihs
on every Bsturday und Tuesday.
t,oachea will leatn fur rv....ti;. ..
Mail upon the arrival or the Coaches from tiluies.'
STbP t- ' Ludies, Gems aud Juv enlles, drop iu
N -U UukeeDBL rrvunAnil. .ll wIihi. vmi u ul. I-.. . ; ' '
f - '- uihiii isv mvm it ' " . hiv
reoorwDie Urmi. Fnraei. r n lis.j. '
Money down, and no grumbling, nukes
thorl credit and friends for life. I
Ollice at tho Livery Hublo
c r hav t - ........
Sepl 16,1850. 4Ctf "
you are shopping, end inspect.
y.w, mnv DIIU. OTIIHR, .
'' . Cor, Cat and Oregon its,,
k-rr11" nm i.iuorauo.)
dresse. those having T$S& fES. I
and mind, unfitting ihom for slthar busf
...ursociety, 'j-1,6 fnllpwingare aomq
n he nadaiiJ melancholy eflecta p.edue
J by early habit, of youth, -U . cU
iinsuo.v sTnriT.
uouHty li-.uns
HE undersigned will attend lo Iho pro
curlns uf llii.iniw r....t. 1 -'...
, Act or March 3d,l8.5,for persons who l.sve
been regularly mustered Into the Uiiiud
rpilB undersigned hs. on h.nd, and is l.d.,, wY. ParZ w'bowere eZT-
.,1,1. : iuowa una orpnaus ot
Pastry .
C rackers,
All kind, nf iliiiu,,. nn.l .......'l:'"'
in hu line of business, usually found iu
ue Lonfrclionarys ir. the cities.
For Weddings, Balls or Parties, got up (n
good stylo, and al the shortest noileo
J.i , ." .aE & CO.
OFFICE-Ajih. P0.1 Office, next door
los. Hyan,
JscksonviH O. T.
J-t; I or sale by i. W. $T.AI,'va. '
I. ..A ..! I '.. ."It.w V IWV BHIS Ol
l'r V,' . ".'."""""ing Urn ueessary proo
We , r """ l' e undt.il gued, the or
I ticisl forms will ha n,,i.,... .f.JV..'j r'l
wLioh Wr DePa',n,eD " WsPhingloii.
which will ensui the return of
For tho opplfcnpl,
a? ass: w w.wuAK
Addri?ssr-. v. G. T VAULT.
jArkaonville. O 'P.
price will bo paid, by
BrFAMTS?'; w-fc "ir
C5 naiif.i. ..TT ' y.yn-
nu - - ....01, pear rronrf
'" Up Mairs. 6an rranei.,.
?lot)ii,lig pfHTEindi?
or side 1,0 w, hyj. V. IjTEAIINK
IPs 1
rv. l