vV ' J.MU.irPY IltKT.AND" NO LoNOKK. of tlio Dublin nnnors thus raises K . . I ! . tout of nrnteful exultation over lliu lent condition or Ireland! H enn hardly bo rrrntoful enough Sho high position our own Ireland s. Hero no banks liavj stopped nont nay, by wlsoly nsaljtlnn le, thoy nro paying titiiicnrd ol cliv iils. No niHiiufncturltic establish- Its luivo failed, throwing out of em linutit numerous liiinui. Ilia storm iheri ua nnd passed ovur, leaving us Bullied. Possibly, ns wo nro de cd of llio profits resullliift from ol tin factories, so nlso nro wo free ft) tlio lluctiinlions. Probably, tlio bio lesson which our country loarn It so Tearful n titlcu In former vlil tut wrought tlieir cITeat, nnil we wiser nnil batter nion. I hanki bo Bod, our harvests woro grunt. nt trnclo wo linve is steady; our blu iinvo nhunilmit work; tlio neo tries of life nro client). We nro lu lled that thousands of our peasant- Ivho left our famine stricken land So years ago nro tlirentenlng to ro- Let tlicui come, they will bo come. i o slinll llnd work Tor nil. II, onlv loo ulail shall wo bo If in (Western land they sought, nnd now from, they havu learned industry 1 prudence (otiTtNu ue L-onoiiuss. liy nu uiou nrrnngcniciit tlio forty.five isiiiid gas lights in llio now hall of House of Representatives nt Wash- on nro lighted nearly nil nt tlir time, and without the aid of elec fy. Tho great illnlculty of light n vast number of burners Is fully rcomo by means ot a continuous ei of jetsforty Ave thousand In liber forming, ns it woro, a corn- net worn externum; over tlio eur- of the inner skydluht. nnd coin. nieiilintr onu with another. The fell boinc applied nt nnv nolnt. the bIu series of jots becomes faulted lilu tlio sp.ico of twentv seconds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Till: NEW YORK ItVTf Ur W t -iT TsjTv-r t 'IJJJViU JAllmXlAM.ljlj AND M A C II I N I: CO M P ANY. CAPITAL 3250.000. iTIiii compiny lias bean organized with Faoove capital lor tlio purpose or sup lug llio demand fur tlio COMEINATION IRTAIILG STEAM SAW-MILL, ixu oTiiKii ntruovj;i) xaciii.nuuy. They luvo purchased ilia entire m finery tiutuitii hcrttofura rirrietl on liy SI Emerson & Co., also the Montgnme "uiki t iunKeri,on me iiuusun.ncar CIIV. (lid mil His finiimo miii f.. lilies combined in ill onanizalion m spared lo furnish machinery ofall kinds inure nu.rii relet, man Han been oiler I At any other eiuhlsshment. rniK COMUINATION DAW-MILL ts patented October. IMG. end la now Inerally acknowledged to he the cheap. , iiiuii practical, aim eiuciem lumber anufacluriiig machine in the world. A fare number of tliein are in lucceuful on. Li.A.. i.. .liir . --.i -.i wuwi, iii miivi.iit s.ciiuii. ui llio CQUIllry. iruds, Cuba, and Houtli America, and avrevcr uieir rnerili nave been tasted ey are being adopted by lumber inaiiu. stureis in preference to all other millt. mo luliowing letter expr.no the gen ii opinion of tlioio who are uiinr the ubiiiitlon Mill letsrs. Eiitnto it Co. -Gentlemen i liave tiled the aaw.mil tiurclmed of .. i in .i -. .. - .. j.yuu run say mat periormi we II. I more than nieeli mv einectnilnn. I l well pleiitd with ii. performance, i tit up on a small ilream that alfordrd lilanl water about as thick as my little fcr, which nu much mole than suflU it to lupply the holler We ire able tut 3,000 fet of beautiful lumber in IS tin, Willi something leu Hun one cord kwoou, it it llio very IIiIiik wo have so bch needed in our country for a lorn. With a little trouble and gimiui. i are able to move it from five in i ties per day, and set It up in tlm heart of e iiinuer, which nvei Ifie great burden hauline llie lor a Ions distance lo ili fin. lourt, respecllully. JESSE KEIM.JK, Louuville, Tenueisee. I'l he t ompsnr have purchased LUND'S KTEMT FKKI) AItltANf3HinNT rhich ia illuilraled and deicrlbed in ih cieiitilio American Tor October "i. MM, I. uua crrailv to I in el elenev rili mill i 1'i.T. -.:.i. i...,- ... .. .. " , ..u vuniuiiieiiiiii aim, Willi ail inn ro. cut improvement!, and iteam nower of lf e-i.ii, i raiiauiB lining Iroin a,U00 10 uuu lect in twelve noun, and is told for 9I,IMU. The New York Circular RawMill U nianuracturtd bv this Comnanv. It ! ti lupenor conttrucliun, and told fur 25 prr cent leia than other mills of no greater pjciijr. n mm wuii ui to Dl-lnclimw an ho sold fur 6130 lo S300. and with a M hnrie eniiue and boiler I mill fnr VifiOCi, tBTLAM ENOINC8 and H01LEHH-. (i'INEH of from one to 100 hone now. "CUMOTIVK, TUIIULAIt, TLUE CU.INDI.lt IIUILEKH (urnl.l..l .1 Illy reduced prices from former iUota. Irawiiig,, wii, pan, am ,pCCficaion Pbuildingi and micliinerv. tumiihed lis lo our cuitomen. pompeteui mechanice are lent out to put rand set in operation our maeliln.v en required. IW'e alio manufacture HHINni.H iia. IIINEB.PLANINO MACUNE8, Siinr i'i uuoiiiiery in gtntrai. 1111113 In !r, s a rate.it CUBICAL HURU.8TONE ILL, fur Hour, corn meal. i,, I Un i.t.i. .. .-. n" fl frcd, n liicli n pronounced by esperi inced millers, both in thii country and .u.upe, ilia nur war. rvzncosnTnucT 10. It will grind I more grain in the mine ime, and with half the rm..nr ...m ,,.1 . . r"-'," iit Mini il the tame pr.ee in the market. ; a ii so nun in oilier styles of Urial. Ilillr, when reauired. J W. WIER80N ,V Co., Age,,.,, iNo, 371 Ur0B.1l way, New York. uf Diciaijaiieniioiipaiaiugfltingup8haf. ngand Pulliei fr maiiuljctorits.and all mdi of Mill-Wright work. This Comusny are e 1 1 i n 7 in , num. NOTICE ! A.S.KH lu lo transact nu my business uurmg my ubsence unit until otherwise ordered JOHN It, HELMAN. FVh. I.I8.'.S. nctpii IVollcc! A. LL Persons uro licreby notified and x V. warned not lo purchase or trndo for certain promissory note tirnwn oy me in rn tor of Wllllnm T. Kelly, for the sum of ono hundred and soTenty dollars, dated Feb. I, 1S67, as I do not Intend to par the same tin less compelled by law, as I hold against raid Kelly setoflx to n grentor amount than the note. juoiiuv i. iujiriun. February 6, 1828. Ctf COIjE'S "N THE CALIFORNIA A OttEOON Itoad, Houtli sldo of Hiiklyou iMouii talis. FARE REDUCE!)!! Meals, fifl els. Liijuors Si Clgers, , I'JJ Lodging, nil Hones to Hay, per night fill ' 11 to hay and grain, per iilnglit, $1 00 Accommodations at llio ahovo home as good ai at any country homo in California or Oregon. It. & II COLE, Jan. ad, TB 4 Proprietors. Vmuim Acmtimy. THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE Hummer Hesslon of the Academic Vear will cnmnionee lis term on tlio ICth day of February init. For cnurie of iliuly, taws nnd regula tions, sen Catalogue, lioard good, and nt reasonable termi. A. R. FLINT. itf Princlnul. NOTICU 8 hereby slven tu all persons having elntnii einliiit thn cutate of Iiuac Dai- by, deceaied, lo exhibit them, with tho neceiiary vouchern, lo the underiigned or hit suecesinr ill oflicv, at his reiidence In Umpire City, and alt pnnnni Induhtod tu said nilnte nro requested lo maho immedi ate payment. Empire City, Dec. ID, IHS7. II fl. I.U8E, Public Admininlrator IU fur Cooie County, O. T. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I "VTOTICE ishorehy given to nil persons JLi interested in tho citato of Oikar Vim I Diotz, deceased, that letters of administra tion havn been granted lo 1110 by the hon orable Probalo Court for Jackiun County on said citato. All periona having claims against said estate are requeued to pretutit thorn lo me, Willi tho proper vouchor, at mj residence in Jacksonville, Jackson county, within one year Irom tbladate, or they inav bo barred the recovery of tho samo. February C, IBM. llENRV RLECIIER, JU Adniiniitralnr. NOTICE 1 ALL Persons indebted to tho firm of . Cohen it Crane are rflueitv lucoma forward and letlle thoir accuunlit and 10 are, especially, those who lefl, or rather to lay, ran nway form Allhousn and Suck er Cmtik without aeltling their accounts, to lend thn nionev hv ninrm nr nllmrk wise, or we will, (nrouruwn satisfaction,' punilsli tlieir names and wliero liny came irom in the leading newspapers of Ore gon, California and the Atlaullo Hlstes. On the first of January wo commenced cloiing our Honks, and nil our butinci muit be lelllfd by tho first of May next. COHEN &. CRANE. Althouie, Jin. SO, I&8. 3ml EAGLE MILLS. rpilE subscribers now havl-n srieir Mill X and Distillery in excellent repair, would respectfblly inform their patrons nnd the ntiLlie eenerally that they erenow prepared lo do nil klndi or Mercliatit Mill ' huiliiesi, and nro alv. fnriilsliing a cholco I lot of Llnuors. coniiitinit of (iin. Hran. liy, Wliiikey Lsscr Ileer. &o. THOMAtJ & JACOHS. K.fll. Mill., J.n Oi, IR'iH. 3lf. ANNIVERSARY BALL AT EVANSVtLLE, There will be n OR AND JLVLL at Davis Evans' spacious new Hotel, on the UUd day of February, 1R5B. HI A H AJ IB E S : Jackbouvlllc, S. Ettm.vuei:, J. U. SiiKiia. D. M. ivKN.NKV. Okoiioi: Anukiuox, D. Dowuan', Wm, J. Renos, A. Ulakbi.v. Sterllne. T. S. Harris, Thomas Wiuoiit. Gnsburg. U. II. Oata.v, John PAvicKronT. Korbrvllto. Wai. M. DALLAnp, David Kcsdall. Geo. ilKiinrrr, Cottonwood, Cal. V. Iiia MAVriitLP, Yreka, Cal. Chas. Lohd Oallcc Creek. U. Kensuiw, Sardlno Creek. 8. Frv Evans Creek. Floor Slnungfirs. Tiiouas Pvn;, UrsJ. IUtmond. M Th V. . BY J. IL SEELY AND RAND. Mtd ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given lo all person, inloreiled in the estate of A. P. Sleurns, den'd, that Letters of AdminslM lion on said estate have been granted lo Ilia undersigned by llio honorable Probate Court ol Jackson county. All persons in tareited in said eatate m creditors, uro re quested to present their claims, with prop er vouchers, to Samuel E. Stearns, at his risidvncu 111 Jackson county, about four miles from Jacksonville, near Dr. Over beck's, or to David E. Stearin, at his res idence about ten Utiles from Jacksonville, on Wagner s Creek, near me roau irom Jacksonville to Yruka. within ono year from this dale, or thoy may bo forever bar- b jj red the recovery of the same. This UOtlt j dav of January. 1858. ! tho ' .... .7-. .. ni,,iu MAtlur,l.i tU. ps.uiviwio, DAVID E. SI EARN?, 3tl AdnilnlilrJtors, TWO MULES FOR SALE. 'plIE Subscriber has two good Mules lor .J S.1I0. luquire al the StwriNBt. tiflke, (:') ;:i) W. U. V VAULT. SJPBfflHAlL HdDTMKDBB. Regular Mcotlnp held nt their Unit In Kerhyvlllq, Pnturdsiy precccdlng full moon J Ail member In goJ standing nro Invited tu attend. M. M. WILLIAMS, M. Cms. E. RttUNNti) Hec. Kerby vllle, Jan. 1st, 185B. llju!2 CoMsi't.TATio.v OnATis. The extensive prnctlco which Dr, J.C.Young has ncqulred in California is to bo attributed In n areat Imcajuro not only to htssklll and experience, mu to ins liberality. 1'crsons nllllcteil with nnydlscnaocogultaut in Ids brancli of phar macy, may consult him, at bis office, any day,We of tharee, Wbcn addressed bv letter, where n written answer Is required, tho usual fee (810) will bo exacted. Oftlco hours, from 10 o'clock A. u to Hr.u In valids placing thcmsolves under the charge of Dr. Young can rely upon n speedy nnd pcrmnnctit cure. Tho Doctor's uniform prac tice has been to take no pay unless a euro Is effected. "No cure, no paj-," Is bis motto. ' LSI (era and certificates Innumerable, from those who have been cured ol long standing and chronic diseases under bis treatment,' nro always open to the Inspection of tho pub-1 Ho nt his rooms. His medical ability Is ably; and thoroughly demonstrated In his numer ous medical works, copies of which can be' had nt his office. Hnvlmr been voted an honorary mcintur of tho Royal Collego of nurgeons, l.onjon, mo mgiieit ciiirurgical body In existence, he fool. "confident that bis I rcrvicea cannot fall to bo appreciated lu n ,,.n.n.-i ...,! rnni..it.un. cornerofhMon.gomey;ndCallfor,,lasteet,: over l'acinc fcipress co.'s onice, ban t ran-, cIsco. Z L'm3 . DR. GUYSOTT'S Improved Extract of Yellow Docknnd Tin: flittniAi. .inii ur.NtiiNi: m I'trr ui IN QUART IIOTTLEH. Which Is acknowledged to be tho beat Hars.ipnrilln made J and is certified by llio wonderful cures it has performed. Remember this I. tho only True and Orlg- inal Article. This medicine whan uied according to directions, wlU cure without fall, Hcrofula, or King's EvICancersrumors, Eruptions of tho akin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, Itlngwuriii ur Teller, Hcald Head, Rheum- tum,l'.iini In the lluiirs nudJoliits,OlilHoros, Ulenrs, Hwnll- lug of tho Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepila, Hill Rheum, Dliesies uf tho Kidneys, Loss of np. petite, Dlnaio ariilng from theuieof Mercury, Pnin in the Side aid Hlioulden, Ceneral Debility, Jaundico and Cosllveness. Ucst Tcmalo Medicine Kilbwn. Tho Yellow Dock ami Harsapnrlllu Is peculiarly adapted fur females of delicate health, resulting from tho irregularity of monstrual diichlrgei, and other dlieuiea peculiar to their aex. Wo aisure the af dieted that a llottte or two of Dr, (Jim. ott's EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK AND 8ARHAPARILLA will at onca reg ulate thoso difllculliss and renew the nat ural energies. Va- CAUTION. Do not bo Imposed upon by unprincipled drugglita. Take !,0""1ll,iJ,1",B ..''iO.H'S'i'J ". i.'.m" UP " Q.""1 HO l '.W, and sold by rt- nono bul the GENIJINE. wliicli is iV" !" ""'"" WHITi: 6c l'AUK, Sola Agenli, IH'j! Waihinslon street. San Franciico. Aim. importers nnu uaneroi Agent lur all llin Genuine PATENT MEOICINE.AUd .oil Ihe same in quantities to suit, at reduced rales. i,ov7 -lm'J w . . . . . .. ... . l KEItBYVILLB, O.T. Wr. Subscriber having LEASED the X above large and commodious Hotel in llio unuriii'ingtowii of herby villa, un (he rosd from Jacksonville to AIiIiouhh. Hall. or Diggings, and Crescent City, aolicils n sharo of Public Patronage. I Will alwaya be furniied with tho best tho market affords. I C CJ. FAIItFIELD, Kerby vllle, Jan. 1, 1H57. Mtf SLATE CREEK HOUSE. nv OVlvev J. Uvuus. ''plIIS wall known stand, sitiintu fifiean X miles from Kerby villa and thirty-four from Jacksonville, has been erectml ,ilm. jble to accommodate tho Traveling Public. 11 is always planting 10 ine nont and host. ess to mako their guests as comfortable ua po.jiblo. "iTiEiiu mm Furnished with all the country affords. Good Stables, well supplied with Hay and Grain. Hopes aro entertained that those who call onco will rido lata or stop early to partaka again of thn hospitality of the oe cupanu. A YOKE OF OXEN For SAEE. I WISH to sell one Yoke of first rate Work L'sUlc. Apply to 3 W. q, T'VAULT. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICL is hereby given to all persons interested in the estatu of Denma MrFeely, deceased, that the First Toe, day ill April, 16M, lus been set apart by ftiliaie vuurt tu jacMiun county lor a final lolllenienl with Michsel llanlay AUminisirater ot s.m estate. 1 nu jutn o i January, 105S. J L.J. C.DUNCAN, j 3(3 Probate Judgo. 1 Kt'" EXTRA IIOSTON 8YKUP 10 Forsaleihy J. W. STL'AIhSS. WM BOTE,9 "FitosrECT Ranch," Applogalte Crcnk, O. T. niHE nndersisned Wlhn In Infnrm liia I Mends and tho (rnte-flns: public that,, :o ..-.-v. inv nuuiu inin;ii, yiinii way between Kcrbvyllfnifnil JaiiUamieifln. ' formerly known ns UarfcwoH'a ranrli,) he, now prepnrou to accnmmodnto nil wlio may patronizo him The T ARLE will nt nil tiniea bo supplied with tlio best the market slTords, and combined with good STABLING, HAY AND GRAIN, and a careful hoitler In attendance, he hopes to merit n share of public pntronarti. IIUOIl HEAPS, Proprietor. Jannity lit, IST3. y NOTICE ! 4 LL tboso Indebted to tho subscriber are 1 X rcriucstctl to mako payment on or be fore the First day of February next, ns the accounts must nnd shall bo settled, JACOB HOFFMAN .t CO. January 1. 18.'i8. Mttl HEDICAIJ1IRHA1Y. THE UNDERSK5NED IIAVNO FIT ted np an establishment of tho above description In KERBYVILLEjO.T., Is proparad to rccelvn patients. They will . ,,7 nish.d -Vr ,Sm. ' .?' tlJiJI fi-tfa I S.i ?.V J iii8' i1.1" . "" " ""' Uoom nttacliud -enabling him IP??" m.r.rZ'J,..,."lto&- ; '',:; 1 j ...V ?: S" '.', V '" .' '". .-.-..-, .w, .. ...u i.unii. An experience or sixteen years in tho firactice of midictne, nnd a thurotigh know edgo of the human system, enables him lo render satiifaotion tu nil applicants. He treats Rhotimatiim In its vniious lngn with universal aucren, 11 x can bn nheitod by nisiiy nltzens of Oregon. Cures guar, anleed, when required by the putinnt N. IL Charges luoderaln, nnd pay do mandetl. M. C. IIAItlCWELL, M. I). Jan. 1st, tons. f.'iif I.I. AmUtor, anrt Dcitnty JOSEI'HINK COUN'I'V, 0. T. Onice in Kerbyvlllu. BONDS, DEEDS, M O It T G A G Eb , Powers of Attorney, Ate., drawn up un shortest notice, and fur rcumnttble fees. 4Ulf coisi svniNt; UAXtiii. rpIlE Subscriber wlilirs to lease the JL 'Cold Spring Itnnrh," togothor with tho Fiirnlturu in the House J also the crop now growing. Cold Spring Itnnch Is one of the beil stands un tho road between Jacksonville and Canyonvlllo, about onn day's (ravel from either place. Any permit wiihlug In kesp a pubtia houia cuiiuul find a but lor location, A II EL GEOItGE. Dec. 2G, IH57. CUtf Vhc Kxact Time Way. JOHN NEUBER, Watchmaker and Jeweller Has located in JACKSONVILLE. O.T. SHOP On California Street, in John Heubold's Iluildlng. WATCHES nnd Jewelry Repaired on short notice. All kinds ot Jnwelry Manufactured and Engraved to order, in quick lime. Watches and a general ursortmunt nf Jewelry on hand and for sale cheap for' cali. Dee. It!. -Jritf I SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL sffi3tirugraa '7 A8 returned to Jackson flfijHtbe vllle, and will continue practice cf bis profession. aii woric vrarranicu. He flatters himself that, from his long experience nnd thorough pracllco In Den tistry, ha will he able In give satiilsction to all who may fuvor him with a call, Olfice, On California street, on the corner, opposite the 'Union." Ifim'J J. I. litis' "CHIEFTAIN" DrliYlUng Suou, Ilrlck Uulldlng, Corner of California nnd Oregon Streets, JACKSONVILLE, O, T. rpilF. "CHIEFTAIN" 18 FITTED JL up in superior style. The Saluun is spacious, and care has been taken to pre pare to accommodate the most fastidious MB tMtE Is supplied with the Finest MfiWKDIBS AHHD (DUffiAElS. The room is largo, and affords cacet- lent accommodations. December IS, 167. n48tf john MVavaiiLiy. IIKNnr KI.lrTM. & KLIPPEL'S STATE" M'LADGHLJ billiaib m nmm S&iLOSDEls II rick Uutldiug. Corner California and Oregon Sireals, JACKSONVILLE, O. T, rpHE "NEW STATE" is a cool and JL spsuiotia Saloon, and is fitted up in s style or eloganue. Tho Ullliard Tables are new, and from one of the beat makers. And at the Dar there will alwaya be found a cood supply of rare old French llran- dies, ptimu Scotch and American Whis key, choice wines, Ale, aim Lager lleer, and superior Havana Cigars. 38ly. NoUccfctaUlot ALL PERSONS HA VINO UNSET tled Accounts with the Phccuix Mills are rei nested to call linnicdlatcly and SET TLE TUB SAME, aa I am desirous to close I all tbo present accounts. S. M. WAIT. I'Lvciilx Mills, Jan. '.'O 1868. : llo! There, EverylioAy Do you wish to patronizo a hotnn conducted on slffeils fmn.r.n. n.l..:t.. V fifl )ll W.ltt In.lnM-l. l,hl..Ar.,.k..LIH n -.. . '. . . . .. i 'aril i .i J "' """' 'opnl "" invnraDly Known tlirougliotit California, Oreion, and II ol Jif-r iilnrha. 1,1, !! mn,l..ia ..l...MAM ..l t.K -.j i . -f ' .r ' . . , , ' ' "" ""-" .ip.,ji.ra lain nnu ucildl U0O, llieetlier With nlfr, cnmlort couvrnincn and iiiiperloT aecftmmndni'ons? If you dosifo nil fhcio, w niTviiin yd jfflfliHnfMcr &-mBMm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarafeapSMSiE?"' ' u-.i is'WrV" - 'iaaLVaBaT Mal W IsaaW Ml til LBuilEug? r'SMtt.niV-ilWf raaa? Kafir W I ' fT'aln fB HI W w ' ii" J-SmVaalB"! HE WL H Wm I jaSJB9nOBSjHLB2fSlckajStfjySa DVJVJBrHBL jBJIKilaeaWKMLpMekjaTSBaaaU-t' IBBVJEraaBBvBBHraiBBT''VjvjH BR wmTTSKKE'TtVfSt i'i i in nf ITT "mi i ijffrTsaWBsaamaw 87, 80 nnd 01 I.cldcsdolff Street 110 nnd 131 Sncrnmcnto stroct, t SAN FKANCrfcCO. This establishment Is centrally located in thn principal hutincn part nf the city, and in thn innnriliiito vicinity of the Steamship Co.'s ulllce, the Expu-.s Co.'soflict, itnd the Uliilud States llranch Mint. HOARD, per wook,$G. HOARD, per day, $t. MEALS, SO cents. LODGINGS, fiO to "fi cents nur night. H. Single Rnnma fitrnUlictl complete, 7.r tents prr night. iu Rtioms or Lodgings can he hud by the Night ur Week, with nr without board, to suit the convenience of nil, Tho lied, are fitted up ill the very best style, nlth patent French springe, and the best curled hair matrcssrs, clean bidding. Ac. BATHS FREE. , It) unremitting attention and untiring efiurla to ftirnish the greatest amnuiit of mm' fart and eonveuieiiue at cstrumoly low prires, tire proprietor linpes to merit a continu ance of the increasing natrnnsgo llml tho Whnl Cheer llonso at prraent rnjoyi. U' For the acanmiiiodatlonnf mlnrrsnnd others hating money or valnablus, thee sre two snfes In thu tillico. Tlioru is on extensive Library and Reading Room, well supplied with papers, pe riodicals, fen. pT-TlIE HOUSE IS OPEN ALL Mil (IT. ?.& Trnvclors will please remember that there are no Runners connected with tkl establishment. The hat Chter Hnuo is conducted on strictly temperance princlpfi-s. iiuv-7-n R. R. WOODWARD. Propriet.V Fronting tht I'lasa, Corntr of Ijxnt and fourth Utrtttt, yhi:ka, cm., Kcnnody i Koityon, Proprietors rplIE Proprietors nro prepared to JL commodate Travelers with Pnv nc ntn Knnma, with Singln or Double Deds. Tim TAIIUE will be supplied with the IlrsT ik Maiikkt. Tho RAItis fumi.liod with the Rest Wist:s, Liqcns, Ac, Ac. 17tf T, F.JRYAN OFFERS FOR SALE large and well selected assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DRl'-UOODS, ROOTS .t- SHOES, HAWS, wesm, Mining Tuuls, And nil kinds of GROCERIES, which ho will soil Cheap for Cash, nt bis store uu California alreut. Jacksonville, Aug, ti, 1857. 30tf HARDY ELLIFP T fAS ERECTED A NEtV And Com JLJL tnodlous lavorn stund at the 'I .Vo.,A P.,ul nrih ?,. Drn.nln. County, O. T ...?.' Where he Is pre oared to accommodate Ihe ' pubio in good style. The long residence j nflho proproprielnr at this point precludes me noeeisuy 01 saying, mat IEIIIS tfAffiOiIE Will ba as well furnished as the country aflurds. THE STABLE Is supplied with Hay and Grain In abttnd ancu. Animals particularly attended to. Every attention paid tu render thusu who call comfnrtablo and satisfied. Nov . 27, 1657. 4Gif TT7CJOT? T)T'K"Trnc sJJiDOJu XVJJjjLjjLtX?5 TTAS erected NEW UUILDINGS audi JUL renttsd the old tavern stand at Canyonvlllo, NORTH END OF THE CANYON, Dutiulss County, O. 'P.. Wliero he is prepared lo accommodate thai 1 raveling ruuiiu lit good style, IEflTS MBILIB . Will be ai well furnUhed iu an) in 0;c THU NTADLi: Is large, and well supplied with Hay and Grain, Particular attention paid to' ani mals. tv-a.Hvitrv AtlHntion nattt In tlman wink lay favor him Willi a vail, Uct. '.'I. IC37. Mtf Jacksonville UnUcvy, Ai iMPTrneiaisOTj OUKCO.V BTIIKBT, MI.XT TO 'UL UOKADUl Juckkuiiville, O, T., mikeTFentc ; HAS OPENED A SALOON for the transaction of the abuve business, 1 and will keep on hand and manufacture! lo order all kipd. or lire Ad,Ciikcs,Crickors,I,io3,rAf try, PO.V'JSQTIOYERY, de., (,c. 5ttiUU5S For Weddings, Halls or Parties, furnished at shortest nutice and lowest prices. Will be supplied with tho best LIQUORS AND CIGARS July 10, IH57. 86m3 K. U. 1'ISKJB, M. W. Physician and surgeon. OFFICE At his Residence, in Win cheater, O. T ill if TWO HORSE WAGON for SALE ' Vi 1 ui ly 1110 uub!icri 3 W. G T'VAOLT. ??yy Face tUc MhsIc hhA rcRiy . . " -""Jii.iiltr ill t... .1 1 A .m . I .. I to go to NOTICE ! ! 1 PAY UP! AND SETTLE UP'f A NY PERSON HAVING CLAIMS V against inn, will please present thenr nnil nccive thuir pay. And those knowing theinselves indebt" led In ma previous to Hrst Dreamber,ISu7r will confer a favor by calling immediately and settling up by nolo nr uthiirwi.e, JOHN ANDEIISON. Uoc.2.-., ie.'7. GOif WDSLtLIBW SKBilEHBSi HOUSE, V N . C . U E A ,f ''nild v known itatid, sitoatod ftt tli- 1 rmiliis north of Jacksonville, on Orn 1111 Rood, line been refitted and' new build ings ertcied, and also good stable. The proprietor will accpinmodate thn Traveling Public, and hopoi by unremit ting attention lo their wauls lu obtain a liberal rhara uf patronage. Nov. 12, Ib57. -Wf HEWMAK nSliE CALIFORNIA STREET", ll'holcialc nnd Retail Dealer l!Q0Jiat0,Din I llooks, ttntloBerr, &c. LAllilU rUKCHAUEU THE IW- I 1 1 tllffbtC ofDatid Leviusar in theaburo uusitiess,is iiuw ourting at llie old stsnd a largo assurtment oftbe best brands of TOrAiaS AN IDSA Confectionery and Fruits, Scbool Ilooksr Stntloncry, itc.t Very Cheap for Cssb. ID Call, If you want a Good Cigar. Jacksonville, Nov. St. . 5tf , Dissolution Xotlce, rI"'IIE Partnership heretofore esliting' JL between the undersigned, Is this day dlssolrid by inulusl consent. Persons bavins claims against the firm, will ore'. 'sent the seme for settlement at ho "New i State llllliatd Saloon," to McLaughlin &: Hllppel, without delay, and Untie wiioars indebted to them, will come and psy.titeiS Indebtedness on or before the i!(,Hh day of this month, or their accounts will be placed in the bands of an officer for collection. john Mclaughlin, henry klippel. chas. williams'. Jacksonville. O.T., Die. 1st, 1657. I'artuurslilp Nutlcc- JoiiN Mclaughlin and henry KLIPPEL have this day formed a Parti nersblp In the transacting of business, under the namo of McLausbllu & KIIpmI, to take effect from and after the dissolution of tbo Partnership of Williams, McLiugblln A. Klippel. JOHN MuLAUGlillN, HENRY KLIPPEL. Jacksonville, O.T., December I, 1867. OH 1U.OX BilUHlVY Ai ItlCllAnD WlK.vnjtCU. itntUT UANUaltP. W111.6ACH. i. mum, (TruchoCt Old Stand,) HAVE on hand and are always ready to mauficture to order all kinds nf PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, CANDIES, V.tKES, PlBS,lt, MUSS For Weddings and Parties got up in good style and at ihe shortest notice, Jacksonville O- T. July IS. itfnili XTOTICE IS IIEUEBY GIVEN that JL Letters ofAdininistratiun have been granted to me 1111 the estute of Wood. on Tucker, doe'd, by tbo Probata Couit of Jackson County. AH I persons, therefore, interested as creditors' uf said estate aro required to present their accounts, with the proper vouchers, to me at my resi dence, tlitoe miles east thu Union Mills, on Bullo Creek, Jackson county, O. T., wilhiU one year from ibis date, or they will be barred the recovery t thn same.-,-This I'Jth day of December, 1657. JO?I.VH NOWLON, lOt-i Adutiniiirator. i! :4 4 -f- .b,--AS: SWlii5fefc . 1-. - ,-. '.- or ir . KW9 &' . A WaatsJirlSlSJ' -.'iKCy F&HJHWIni f 1. jfcj-.i- "fl6f'ij