Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1858, Image 2

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    . . - - MMiiJBPiBBUMwlWWII
is..i -?ram i wwb
jjliMmiiMicjiwjjiryiMii' iniTilTi'ri",i1rM-rtW' ' '" tt
"(T pT
wwiiiw'iwiTOiwow'3BH, JL-gr- - vwm.'WHmemr.
; 7WP-
SitlHrday, Feibrttarj- 90, 180(1.
Bnn Francisco Arencr.
Tiiou.iii I1ock. corner of Washington
and .Montgomery utreoU, la our authorised
Agent In Sun Francisco, to receive sub-
criptlons and advertisements for tlio Bkn
tinki.. Notice.
Wo Votild call the nltcnllon of tlio former
rmtrous or tbo Skntinkl to tlio recent
change of proprietors, nnd urgently re
quest Hint nil those who aro Indebted to us
before the HUtti of Mny, 1HA7, to tunke Im
mediate payment, und thoso having accounts
nuim mo biuco prior 10 unit unto will
pieaee prcrent them) nl It becomes necosan
ry Hint the books of (he firm thall besottlcd
up nt its early a period aapoMlblo.
Subject to Iherwlll oflhe Democratic Con
" vention.
Jiilltor Vrn(rtr;-I'lcssoTannounce the
the name 6r
As n candidate for Governor, subject to the
decision of the Democratic Slato Conven
tion) and oblige
df Jackson County.
Aror.ooimc Tlio odltor started un
I., ocott 6i Uo.s ilcrniNTu OP
Blackuood'r Edinburgh Magazine mid
tlio British Quarterlies Imvo been wel
come visitors to our tnlilo during the
putt 'year. Thefio nro tlio standard
works bf English literature, nnd we
would commend thorn to tlio patronage
of our rondcrs. Tlio new volumes of
tlio North British Review, Fdinburgh
Review, London Quarterly, "Westminis
ter Jfeujew, nnd Blackwood commences
Jmiuhry, 1858, nnd consequently the
prcsont Is a fnvornblo time (o subsorlbc.
Tkrms Blaekwowl or nny ono of
the Reviews, 83 a year. Blackwood
and otiff7?ct'ieir or any two Reviews,
85. Tlio four Reviews, 88. Black'
wood and tlio four Reviem, 810.
In England, tlio subscription or tlio
nhovo works is 831 per nnuum. Ail
dress L. Scott & Co., Publishers, 54
Gold street, cornor of Fulton, N. York.
Proceedings of FreciHct Meet'
Manzinrta, Fob. 13, 1858.
Correspondence of tho Scntlnol.
Friend TVault: In this commu
nication I propoio to Inquire Into somo
of tho roasons why It Is tlint the Gen
eral Government, and Genornl Scott at
tho head of tho War Department, ro
Also to recomniond tho raising of Vol
unteors from Oregon and California,
Ilavo wc not hero as good men as any
on tho Atlantic ildot I think on this
point thoro can bo no doubt. Aro not
our miners ns ready to volunteer as
ounuay io lYoruyvwo on legal business, otlur n)ctl Most assuiedly they arc,
inienu.ng.jo return nornu by .eUnca-;'Aro not thoy ns brnvo and as much
day, at latest, but ho has, no doubt, 'UIU(lto damrAr -nil hnr.Uhim, n.n.,v
boon detained aby tho Impoatibilily ofjtl,er class of men! Of tho truth ofi
crossing tho swollen streams. His
compulsory nbsouuo will accuunt for
tho snlall amount of editorial matter In
to-day's paper.
Tho ninllYrom tho North which was
duo horo on Wednesday, has not yot
arrived, and will not until tho streams
recede. Tho inclement woathor has
nlso prevented tho cxnrcaa ninilniT
over from Yreka.; so wo havo received
no iioms from any quarter this week.
Jf tho storm continues during noxt
week, wo shall probably havo to draw
upon McCormick's Almauao for copy.
Come at Last. Rain has been
V' falling almost constantly during the
weok. No minor can now complain of
tlio scarcity of wator. Thero is a
sluico-hoad in ovory little gulch; enouul;
to float a steamboat in every stream
that has respectable pretensions to tho
namo of crook ; and Roguo Ilivor and
Applegato are "chock fdll and running
ovor." Well, it Is n "God send" for
tho country. Tho minors' hopes had
boon deforrod until they had almost
despaired ; but tho rain has como at
lust, in ubundanco. Tho groat fall of
water may havo dono somo damage in
the way of carrying away bridgos, fon
ces, d:c, but wo may safely calculato
'that tho pcoplo of this county will mako
jrouud tSum from '.his woek's storm,
aftor paying alf damages and losses.
llio storm commenced by snowing all
day Sunday, and tho rain has como
down nlmost incessantly during the
week. '
.these assertions nono will attempt to
deny. Why then, I ask, Is It not prac
ticable to raiso u volunteer forco on
this cnost ? How then is it that volun
toers cannot bo sent from California
with as good a prospect of success ns
from tho Atlantlo States! Los Anuo-
les possesses advantages over tiny olhor
place, fur tho following reasons: First,
It is but littlo over four hundred miles
from ship navigation to tho Soulhorn
Mormon settlements. This routo is
passablo during tho ontlro yoar, Tho
obstructions to (Ids routo aro fur loss,
thero being no largo rivers to cross,
and no rugged mountain chains inter
vonlng, and no narrow ennyonr or do
flics to pats. Supplies aro na choap
as nl any Eastern point, and horses
and mules oan bo had for loss than
ouo-hnlf. 'Why, then, I ask, is it that
wo aro donicd tho opportunity of fur
nishing our sliaro of mon and aupplios
in subduing thls.Mormon rebellion!
Jlespootfully, yours, 11.
Head UnoKE.Two minors.in.tho
vicinity of Evansvillo, tiamed John
Snyder and Frank Buddo, had an al
tercation on Sunday last, in which
Buddo received a blow on the hoad
with n pick handle, inflicting a scvero
wound. A surgeon was called, and
pronounced tho wound not fatal-
Snyder was arrested, and examined on
Wednesday, beforo Justice Aruudall,
.who fined him fifty dollars and costs.
Cai'tuuud aoain. Wo learn fiom
Mr. Arlington, of Croscent City, who
arrived horo on Saturday lust, that Hill
.Judd, who cscapetl from tho jail at
Croscent City a fow weeks since, had
been captured on tlio Klamath Heior
vntioii and brought baok and lodged
in jail again, where it is hoped lie will
bo safely kept until ho is ordered to
1'olnt San Quentin.
Uau. us tub i!Su. Don't forget
tliotBall at Davis Evans' on Monday
veiling, tho S2d. it will' ho one of tho
'host ordered and most pleasant fetes
of the season.1 Tlio host nnd hostess
have made ample preparations to please
tho most fastidious, and will bo pleased
to greet their friends and guests. At
tend, and take your partners.
Phkcixot Mbetings. On Saturday
last tho Deinooratio voters of this coun
ty held their Precinct meetings, for the
purposo of dealing delegates to the
Democrutio County Convention, held
in this placo to-day. Wo publish elso-
whero tho proceedings of I'recluot
yr Our papr m been delayed several
boars to b' vro:;c41n3 of the Convention. "
tf" -Ashland, Fub. C, 1S58.
Cot. T'Vaui.t: I wish to know,
first, if thero is nny .difference botwecn
tho pro-slavery and tho freo-State
Democrats ; for if thero Is a difiorenoo,
I wish 'to belong to that class of Dom-
ocrntsithat is fabest from afllliatlng
with tho Abolitionists orI)nck Repub
I havo thought that the.Abolition
Black Republicans voted with tho froo
Stuto Dgmocrats on the staveryprovl-dlfn-jhe
Co'nstllutlorrand that they
agreed at loast upon that question.
I also wish to know, if th'i owner
ship and possession ol personal prop
erty is on Individual right secured by
(ho Constitution of the United States ;
and if so, why has jour neighbor a
right to say, by his vote, you shall or
shall not own!
Theso aro important questions to mo,
and 1 would be clad it somo porson
would glvo mo a satisfactory answer,
as thero are at tho present time politic
al organizations going on. Thero seems
to be a preference uiveu to the free-
State organs over these that advocated
In the event you can answer mo tho
abovo questions, pleuso addross mo a
private nolo ; if not, please publish the
foregoing, and oblige
An Omi Hickouv Democrat,
We glvo tho nbovo an Insertion for
tho purposo of nosing what tho answer
to tho inquiries will be. Should nny
person bo disposed to auswor, we will
publish the same if forwarded to us.
Tun NormiKUN Tklkokai'ii. The
Yreka Union learns from Mr, Hubbard
that tho early completion of tho tele
graph line to Yreka is no longer an open
question. "Tho work is completed be
tweon Hhatta nnd Red llluflV, and h
pronounced by competent judges to be
fully equal, If not superior, to any tele
graph ever constructed. Before Mr.
Hubbard loft Shasta tho posts were set
forty miles of tho distance between
Red Bluffs and Oroville, and all the
posts were on tho lino botwecn the top
of Trinity Mountain and Oroville ex
cept about l.x hundred and-fifty which
had been sawed in tho mouptaius, and
their deliver retarded b; tho snnw."
Pursuant to notice, tho Domoeratib
citizens of Manzinota Precinct mot nt
Plymald'a School. houso on Saturday,
tho 13th Inst., for tho purposo of elect
ing dclegntcs to attend tho County
Convention to be held nt Jacksonville,
on Saturday, tho 20th of Fob. 1858.
On motion, Thomas Hopwood was
called to tho Chair nnd James Kllgore
was chosen Secretary.
Whereupon tho Chairman explained
tho object of the meeting, In a nont nnd
nppropriata manner.
On motlbn, Jnmes Kilgorp, John S.
Miller, nnd Thos. Iloall, wero clocted
dclegntcs to tho County Convention to
be held nt Jacksonville.
On motion of Thos. Dealt to appoint
a cominltteo of three to prepare a pro
amblo and resolutions rxpresslvo of the
sontlmcuts of tho meeting, tho Chair
appointed Thos. Iloall, J. 3, Miller, and
Ilytnan Falrchllds, said committee.
During tho absence of the commit
tee, tho Chuir ngaln ontortalned the
mooting with some very appropriate
remarks un tlio subject of tho organ!
zation of tho Stato Government nnd n
thorough organization of the Democra
tic party,
Tho commlttco then reported tho fol
lowing proamblo nnd resolutions which
wero unanimously adopted :
Wiiimika. Tho citizens of On-con
aro about to undergo a pormauont
chniigo of government, It Is important
that tho Democracy should bostir thorn
sutvos to effect n sound and thorough
organization ot the Democratic party
on a liberal basis.
1. Resolved, That tho delegates
from this Precinct aro Instructed to
oxert their influence, in tho County
Convention to elect delegates to tho
Stato Convention to be hold nt Salem,
to exert tholr undivided Influonco for a
ro-organlzatlon of tlio Democratic party
on sound and liberal Democratic prin
2. Resolved, That wo nro politl
cally and morally opposed to proxy
voting in nil future County Convuu
lions, and in fnvor of a pormauont
Democratic County oruauizntlon.
3. Resolved, That wo endorso the
Oregon Sentinel as a Democratic pa
per, also tho Jacksonville Herald.
1. Resolved, That the delegates of
tins rrccmct be, nnu tney nru uv,vvj
Instructed to support tho following
namod gentlemen for delegates to the
Stato Convention: -Thomas Hcnll,
Thomas Wright, S. D. Van Dyke,
James Hamlin, Jonathan Sampson,
Col. T'Vault, Charles Williams, and
Capt. llarnes.
fj. Resolved, That tho proceedings
of this meeting bo signed by the Chair
man and Secretary, and be published
in tho Oregon Sentinel and Jackson
ville Herald.
On motion, tho meeting adjourned.
Jamcs Iulooiii:, Scc'y.
Jacksonville, Feb. 13, 1658.
Tho cltizons of Jacksonville Precinct
in acoordancn witli previous notice,
met at T Vault's Hall at 11 o'clock!
a.m., when Wm. Burke was appoint-'
ed Chairman, and Richard Williams,1
Secretary "
On motion, tho meeting adjuitrnod
till 3 o'clock r. m.
cgatcc to voto for no citizen of Jncti'"
county as a delegate to tho Stato -
i vention, who is not within tho Cof y
ai mo iniio oi uio meeting ni me Utj
ty Convention.
Resolved, That each of the Jacks
villa papers bo furnished with a
of the proceedings of this meeting.!
On motion, adjourned.
J as. T. Woob. Seo'y.
Evaxsvillk, Feb. 13. 1851
At n meeting of tho Democrats' f
Evansvillo, held on the 13th dnytf
February, pursuant to a cnll of w
Democratic Ccntrnl Commlttco if
Jackson county, for tho purposo
elocting delegates to nttond tho Cou
Convention, to bo held in Jacksonviu
on the SOth inst., tho meeting was call
to order nnd procccdod to business
appointing D. F. Fisher, Chalrms!
nnd Bonj. Haymoud, Secretary.
mi. .t i . i .t ..
aiio mooting ciociou mo loilown
gentlemen ns delegates to nttend sa
Convention : Lafnyetto Gall, D. F
Fisher, and Marion Dildinc.
Tho following resolutions wore pro
sentcd, nnd unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That our dulecntc to tin
County Convention bo instiucted ti!
voto for nono othora for delegates tij
tho Stato Convention,, than such par
sons ns aro now In tho county, so that,
iney mny reccivo trio instructions of
tbo County Convention, and also bo
acqunlntod with tho wishes of their1
Resolved, That wo endorse the Ore
gon Sentinel as a good, rolittblo Dem
ocratic paper, and any effort to destroy
confideuco in that paper, while it advo
cates tho same Dnmocratlo principles,
wo look upon as tint! Democratic.
Resolved, Tlint tho proceedings of,
this mooting bo published in tho Orcgon
to tho Stato Convention, who is not
within tho County at tho timo tlie
County Convention Is held.
On motion, it wns JRofohrrf.fThnt
tho proceedings of this meeting be pub.
lished In tho Orecon Sentinel nnd Jdck-
sontiUe Herald.
On motion, tho meeting ndjourncu.
CAsrER Kimi, Secrctnry.
VENTION. Jacksonville, Feb. 20, 1858.
Tho Delegates from tho different
Precincts of Jnckson county, mot In
Comtntion to-dny, for the purposo of
electing Delegates to represent said
count)' in tho Democratic Statu Con-
ventiln, to bo held at Salem on the
10th day of March ensuing. On mo
tlon, (Jnmes Ivllgoro was appointed
Chairnnn, nnd Wm. Hoffman nnd W.
J. A ton were appointed Secretaries.
Orj motion of Capt Thomas Smith,
mo cfoueniiais oi ueirgaics wero pro
luntpj. Or, motion ol Capt. Thos. Smith, n
comriilteo of three was appointed to
oxanlnn credentials of Delegates.
! Cant T. Smith. Cant. John S. Miller,
I L. ... - 4
d Vm. Burke, wore appointed said
The Stcnm WstsreH.
An occasional correspondent nt Sac
ramento, who Is familiar with tho sub
ject, writes as follows to tho San Fran
cisco Bulletin : So ninny contradictory
statements have, during tho pnst nino
month?, appeared In tho papers in re
gard to tho Steam Wagon; and tho
public have been so often disappointed,
that It may not bo uninteresting to tho
readers of the IJttUciln to lenrn what is
tho condition of affairs pertaining to it,
and u hat the prospects of ultimate sue
cess. A few days ago I noticed a par
ngraph in n Sacramento paper, stating
that it would bo ready for trial on tho
race-course In a few days. I am sorry
to say that the author of that state
mont.'liko that of other newspaper
promises, ii mistaken. In order to ful
ly satisfy myself that tho Steam Wag
on was not n myth, but nn nctual tan
gible reality, I yesterday ct out to find
it. After various enquiries I succeeded,
nnd for tho benefit of thoso who may
bo In doubt ns In its existence, or o
may not havo an opportunity of seeing
it, I send you a brief description of tho
nppnralui. 1 may mention that it cnuhl
bo completed in a week or two, but nt
present the work is suspended for want
of funds. A heavy framo bed, sup.
ported by strong springs attached to a
neat but very strong wagon, supports
comolttoo, and reported the following two engines, of thrco-hors i power each.
Delerates, to wit : , h,c ,,oiIor' ,,ch ' n ""nl ''"I" "I
AsllnDd-Thes. Smith. Geo. Good. Wm. 'right one, It h a great deal nl heating
F. boager,
ndm Jas.T. Dunn. Jns. Hamlin, W. J.
Sterling B. Dorixrth. Ucnuls Crowlry,
I'errj llowcn, J. A. Van Nest.
JncKsonviuewm. iionmnn,iivnryjnp
pell, I. It. Alcorn, Wm. Ilurke.
unite ureck uguen uarrtu. ;
St Quid G. B. Davidson, C. l.luksul
ler, Wm. Catlerry. I
Apjlegato John O'Orlan, Capt. Jo. l'.
Harms, I). Ncvrcomb.
Moizlncta James Kllgore, John S. Mil
ler, Uos. F.lleall.
Uarilaticllts U. F. richer. I.afurctte
i Gall, Morloc Dlldlne. . i
Un motion or W. J. Allen, the Conven
tion Droccedcd to elect Ucleentrs to the
StnteConvcstlon, prior to which tbo follow-
I ..-I.... .I....!. Th .1.. ......... ll (l.iM
RurintL-, ainuus in mu i.vinin "i una
framo or bed, with a cylinder on each
tide. The connecting rods nro attach
ed to the crnnks on the ends of a shaft,
on which is a coc-whecl that drives
U the crankb to which aro nttached tho
legs or levers for propelling the ma
chine forward over tho road. On tho
rear end there lsn tank somewhat sim
ilar to that connected with a loromo
live, for carrying water to supply tlio
boiler. The question Is often asked,
"Will tho steam wagon suooeed t"
Judging from my knowledge ol tho re
sults of similar experiment, and from
a close examination of this machine, (
In. ,.nin -.. ;a.,1 -TI,.t n IVI... ciuau (.-xaiiiiiinuuu ... .... ,....,.-, .
On motion, thu meeting ndjourncd.il gates be elided to the Stato Convention 'hnvo no hesitation In saying that It can
D. F. FISHER, Ch'n.
Henj. IlAYuoKii, Seo'y.
who Ii nlracnt from the County. Also mov
ed nni cnrrlid, That tbo election be by lml-
At 3 o'ejock v. m. tlio meeting was
called to order.
Mrf T'Vulttatod the object of the
mooting, nnd moved that Wm. Hoff
man Abo cleoted as a delegate to the
County Convention. Elected.
On motion, of Gen, Lamerick, Hen
ry Klippel was elected.
On motion of Mr. Green, G. R. Al
corn was elected.
On motion of Thos. I'ylo, William
Burke whs ducted.
Whereupon, W. G. TVault' and J.
K. Lamorlck made short speeches, ox
pressing tholr views on the rights and
dutios of Democrats, and the duties
devolving upon tho delegates to a Stato
On motion, the meeting adjourned
sine die.
WmBURKE, Ch'n.
II. Williams, Soo'y.
Sterling, Feb. 13, 1858.
At a meoling of tho Democrats of
Sterling Precinot, hold in Starling on
Saturday Feb. 13th, for tho purposo of
elocting delegates Io the County Con
vention, to bo held at Jacksonville on
tho liOlh inst, tho meoling was organ'
ized by calling R. Armstrong to the
Chair, and appointing James Wood,
On motion, Messrs. B. Bozarth, D.
Crowloy, P. Bowen, and Jas. A. Van
Nest, wero eleoted delegates to the
County .Convention.
The following resolutions were (lion
offered and adopted :
Resolved, 'llmt we instruct out del.
Ashland, Feb. 13.
Pursuant to notioe, tlio D
voters of Ashland Precinct n
purpose of appointing deJcg
Democratic County Convent
hold at Jacksonville on Satu
runry20th. Patrick Dunn
sen Chairman, and A. M. Sh
On motion. Thomas Sm
than Jampsou, atu George
olected delegate! to the C
On motion, tho delegates
structed to use their influeu
vention to have tlio delegiNsM
Jackson county to tho State'
tlon Instructed to vote for
as first choico for lUpros
CongresH, and for Hon. M
as second choice.
On motion, tho delegates'
tiier instructed to uso their,
to secure to Hon. Geo. L. t
nomination for Governor of Ism
of Oregon.
By unanimous vote, the delegatos
from this Prcc.nct wero instructed to
voto in County Convention for no por
son who Indorses the 5th and Oth Res
olutions of tho Snlem Platform, fur del
egate to tho Stnte Convention.
On motion, carried by voto, tho
meeting endorsed (ho Oiegon Sentinel
ns the truo exponent of Democracy In
On motion, ordered that the proceed
ings of tills meeting be published in tho
Oregon Sentinel,
On motion, the meeting adjournod.
i DUNN, Chairman.
A. M. Siionts, Secretary.
Ki)ji PjtEci.Nt-r. Wo havo not re
ceived the proceedings of this precinct;
but wo learn that Messrs. N. D. Smith,
J. P. Bums and Wm. J. Allen wero ap
pointed delegates to tho Convention.
Stak Gulch, Feb. 13, 1858.
Pursuant to notice, tho Democratic!
voters of Star Gulch Precinct met for
tlio purpose of appointing delegates to
the Deinooratio County Convention,
when William Carberry was choson
Chairman, and U. S. Haydeu, Secre
tary. On motion, Messrs. Wm. Carberry,
T.,L. Linkswiler, and G. B. Davidson
wero elected delegates to the County
Convention. I
On motion, it was ordorod that tho!
proceedings of this meeting bo pub
lished in tho Oregon Sentinel,
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
U. S. Hayde.v, Soo'y. '
Applboate, February, 13, 1858. I
Pursuant to notioe, tho Democratic
voteis ot Applegato Precinot met for
the purposo of-apppolntng delegates to
tho Demooratio County Convention.
Daniel Newcomb was choson Chain
man, and Casper Kubll, Secretary.
un motion, Muurs. Dan Now-
comb, John O'Brlan and Jas. P. Barnes
were elected delegates to the Countv
On motion it was Utsolvedk'Vhat the
d Jecatta from this precinct h iuitruc.
ted to vuh fur no person as s delegate Company,"
gnnvitftr iM.t-Aur romnqjuini
IKaBiBlBBBBHttW aal -- 1 1 SM SST I S1 S SSSS1 I I ST
sBBBBaiBrivnnsTivM w mtwwmkimwwm wwiM1 lij
sT.m'I. iM ssiM " "- . ill sVsbbbbbbbbbbbbHsbbbAsMsbS sVn
aaaaaUaYKMJa1 saWsaWsBBBaU -t -.-. . ' ki." M ,asalWj'sWSSSTMI
rllGVsssfr Iati - issj JSII K DMMnii.
5jiJfiUu.Ui ftaMSaadhrUlIssM. ' -itMFn
rssjjH "Isot. i. i.l- u . ar i w sMBtaHSjaaBSMBK
nlafltkVtullU Wtm SbV. 11" flu U - - yr- SSWSBBBWSBBSSBSlSM
'HP M "" f. I' - - mwm. m f rm I - . F
EaBLJl wtayMsraar km mmu,ygjtmJMHt!1' I """'PlfJP'
WB-- 1nmmmim
Vm !sssssssassHslHnfflQlsfKrT.(
aHtha bsbbbsbbbbbbhssbbbbbbVsbbbwsbhsbbbbbbbbbsbbv Ha
mm 3anBEmMBmmfwm
BHP?L fl LsMSRwV''ssBBBBVtafMssm aSsaasssa M - stfBsssaS&
viv.1 ' J ?mmamui os fl mSe
WSSft w5smrif ' " i .iSJlBSsaif
mJ acaantri
r-IV. , i3-wS!SlSMS&..T..iU,
o. abs.ts.-'! rm'tiecis on rondei
by tho Supremo Court, says the San
Francisco Herald of tho -1th Inst., on
Mondsy, Inally disposes of thu assets
of Adorns ii Co. Tho receiver is di
rected to distribute thu funds in his
hands, an all further moneys that!
come lito his hands, first amoni? the '
Intorvciortiii the order of tho priority l establishment, amounts to 1,207, Tho
of their nspectivo attachments. As1
tho fund under tho control of tho Re
ceiver Is only 850.000.lt will scarcely
bo sulllcfctit to pay off the claims of
tho Interonors, and tho other creditors
are, thortfore, left without any portion
of the assti This cuds tho protracted
litigation loiccrning the afTuirs of Ad
ams & Cc.
bo inado to oporate, but that (ho tx-
peuso nttonding its construction nnd
mil ol lis general fin.
thcr words, "It won't
genulty, industry nnd
r thoso cngagculn tlio
tids steam wagon urn
ich more profitable nnd
than that which ovident-
and it is to be regret-
avu not employed their
nts In n more prartical
this utiliturian ogo it
u how much ingenuity
cd In thu construction
ift will not bo apprecU-
practical results can bo
ed In dcllars nnd cents.
ehnutcal dovices hich
og distinguishing features
e will at some future dav
sstitassMLf applied to a wagon fur
I , 1 do not pretend to
; Mft B eatinnt bo dono until af-
try of a motive power
leious man tho common
Sr.ru Pms.)v Tuo
gislatnro recently sent n
nino Into tho aflalrs
mil Wo make a few
extracts from thu report of the com.
mitteo :
The Prison rolls called for 515 con
vlcts under sentence, of which nunibor
the Committee found 500, leaving uino
absent. Thu wholu number of con
victs that have been received since iu
Death i' Oskau Ditz Vekdict
or the Coio)eii' Juitv. Two weeks
go we ga-o an account of tho acci
dental dean f Oskar Dilz. Coroner
Griffin hassince handed the following
to us for plication :
Territory rf Oregon, Count af Jack
son, ss: Ainquest held at the houso1
of Joshua Mtson, l the Territory
and county foresaid, on the 1st day of1
February', l,D. 1858, before me, Bur-1
re! B. Griflii, Coroner of said county, I
upon the boiy of Oikar Ditz, the jurors j
whose name are hereunto subscribed
being swornto inquire on behalf of the
United State when, how and by what
means the sad Ojkar Ditz mmn in l.t.
death, say tta;tho said Oskar Dll.on
the evening f January 31st, 1858,
Came to his dtith bv fnlllnrr into nil
or shaft and ariking his hoad against
Stones, causine'ennnuiulnii nf thn l.roti.
I-..II....' , . fl . ...,
tuuowsa Dy downing
number of convicts who huve ekcspcd
Biuco .ipni isi, loon, is UI. tho can.
dltion of tho prisoners is represented as
being extremely bad, being badly pro
vided fur in ovory respect, and subjec
ted to intolerable suffering. Tho Com
mittoo decluro the contract to be en
tirely void and of no effect, and that
the lessee has violated the contract.
Tlio Commlttco recommends thu ap.
poiiitinentofu Warden or Stnto Agent
to take charge of tho Prison and pris
oners immediately.
In ttetimonl whereof the said Coro-
ner ond jurorsfie-reunto set our hand.
B. U.GRIFFIN, Coroner.
G. Cuktis, iWoman ; H.K.Brown,
; D-ery H W. Day, J. B. Sifers,
Wm. Potnoll.
OCT 1 hi attejtiou of our readers is
directed id tho advertisement of Emn
rson'a Magizint, un fourth page. Ex-
trnordinary iiduiemouU nro offered.
-V -
CtrSee ndwutlseinent of the "Xew
York Steam v Mill and Miicl.ii.p
dtT" Tlio I.o Ainli. .V- nf ii...
M'inii. r. i. .7. i .
uvi.wauumj j.ijj; "a rumor nns been
current in town for somo time, to
which we did not at first glvo cre
deoce, that two young men, Thomas
and John Aiken, formerly of this heigh
borhood, and who had been confined
In Salt Lako City, wero murdorcd on
their way to California. A parly of
four started from tho City. They pro.
cured guides and interpreters, but
when about two days' journey west of
Ogdeq City they wero set upon by In
dian, and the whole four killed. 'ITio
interpreters were not molested. Wo
bono this may prove untrue. The
Aiken boys were well known in this
city, and xery much respected. Sinca
they left for Salt Lake, wo had previ
ously repeatedly heard of their deatli
This tlmo it pomes to us on the au
thority of a, man who had he Darrein o
from the Interpreters.'
Tub Syphon, A correspondent of
the San Francisco Herald says ;
"Within forty-eight hours, my asso
ciates and myself wjll bo ready to cross
to thu FarallauoB iu a vessel making
six feet of water ait hour, and to return
after a fow days to tho port of San
Francbsco, the yessel to bo kept; afloat
by means of the tiowjy "diicotersd 'r0
perties of tho bvr.hon. Wu hate tned
experiments enough t'u' eonrince u
its entire suvviss,
pririJ fl
front iImJ
ed at M-l
nro wkafl
people Jw
formed M
whe J
sUUstia vull
flvtftV j WPf
tHrn. JA
ily frey
tho H
Ington f j
same tin
-!-!... (1
ing a vn
plelc HN
face offl
torch IxAk)
whole V
plying I
chlntry I
J. M. n
rv Work
prepared i
at mora 14
cilat atiyl
1 lib
al, me
large bi
I bavi
and a
am wa
In tut 1
l weed.
mih na
wa era at
the Uiabei1
of tHMllilll
wMeb la
acta u,
Via, l
ctw Unyt
iiHfl, la
f maai
w avi
tier aant
Mills, i
-..? A
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111 , J 1
MtaMTyirs. J2 . A Hsssl tsaMiT ssslBMsssssssstasl ll II III II I i ,1
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