Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1858, Image 1

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vol. in.
11 N
NO. 6.
Jmlrpeiultnt on nil Subjects,- and ilitoted
10 fit beit Itttercitt of Southern Oregon,
Published Jiery Saturday,
17. Q, TTAULT, Kdtcor&rxoprlclon
TKKfflSl . .
Olio Vonr, 9f. Ot); Six .Monilm, 83 00:
Tliret- Moilllu, $ii OU.
Ono Squaro of twcltr lines or Iris, ilrnt la-
lartton, 8300; each iulucqiuntlimcrllon,
JlrmWt Ciniw. int ttixc', MWi'$ehi"
8.10 i ilx montlii, 81 A IliwemOnthi, fill
A llbaral ilUcount mt'lo to pornotu wlihlnn
to mlrcrtljo to the extent of f.nir njnarci.
Oilo Cor tlio Qaa uf robriiM-i.
nr oi.ivkh wkSdict.I ttoi'.vii). '
Wnliomo to lliu ilny returning,
Dourer Mill m t);csIlo,
Wlillo the torcli or filth Is burning,
Long its Freedom's nUnrn glow I
Sen tho hero Hint It pato ii i , a
Hluniterlim on n tnotlicr's Ijrcasl i
l'or the nrm lie Mrotchcrt to'Vilvt u,
lie lUmorii forevor lil;st I
Hcnr the Into of youthful aloiy,
While of Hrltnln'n tt.euwl'KMia ;
fricnu na roe rcjicnt the utory,
. AhnAtt I1I4 TiiS-nn A't.)kiJi rti.)t1
p'. ..... ......, wv. nvit'iiimiinMii km
Wherq tlio red cross, proudly strcnnilfe
1'laps nlovo the frijmtc'e deck,
11 iu'tv 1 iic K'nuqii nines Bicnnnng,
Stftr (lis WAtch tower of Quebec.
Job Printing Office.
rPHK l'rnnrlelor. hnrlntr n ornml vnr.
JL ety of Jo TVl'K on Imnil, Is lire
jmrcJ todonll kludsof 1
r i. 1
On tlio fi!IOUTi:ST NOTIOi:, anion tlio
most UlIASONAUI.i: TKK.MS ; such as
Concert Hills,
Hill Tickets,
Hill Ilrads,
Address Cards,
Ilutlness Cards,
Job nork doiio tit
to suit customers. Orders so!
Look I The h(vlov on Ilia dlnl
Marks Hie hour ofitcmlllcr strife :
Days of terror, yrnrs of trial
Scnurfcc n nation Into life
Lo, the youth become her lemlerl
All ner uiiiicO tyrants ylrhl;
dftflwrrfcdo ITochiirga by words jflionl
ifiorq cojtfrtu method orclmrgliR by lluiej
rtit of course. If snv eomtmiiv smldorl
j'fcnd Itself Inn coudlttoii to I run unci ono
'iiinlrcd (Imes Uib amount of busings In'thb
stno period aiTdmt llio knmo'tbstUli(vfj6!(
, prwul Jncurs, the gain, to thp public: VMrtjlrf
lniu Immcdlntp reduction to 'nearly pr?
Iinilrcilili of the rata now, clmrgcjl rjr tcy
'i)il'c nicj'nqoH. Kin (Ids urertt claugi
fctikli Mr. Hoggs' Invenlld'n iirApics lo cf-
fcl lo Wbrk Iho clcctHo Wlegrnpli by
jsMni, to geUrner. IhcRtciU obftnclriihloli
nwolfts (against Its mom geiujrnl Use 1
nincly, ItsslownjH.
I ltnmyscem paradoxtcnl tn fpcnfe of tlio
shwhens ofMio electric telctffnifi as lelhg
tie only Mr lo lis tnoro gnerai uuoptioii,
! bit. In truth Huch Is tlio II tend fict ; far tbo
llnooccuplnl, ami therefore oxponfo lrtonr
jircl In using tho telcgrriph wlra makes 'a
nruaga minor mo jesori 01 commercini or
Tliroufih Ids arm ll'io Lord halt freed Ici'illdimcitlo em-rRcncy thnn n thing of dally
witinu nun uu iiiu ivilicu linill
Vain Is Knmlro's mnil tinplnllon I
Not for him an curlhly croud I
Ho nhoic suord halh Irccil a mtloit,
Striken tlio offered sceptre down.
Sea the Ihronclcss conijueror ilrttbt,
Ittiler by people's choice:
Fei tho Patriot's task complcttd ;
Hear Ihc I'ather's dying rohol
"Hy Iho nimc yon Inherit,
Ily Iho mlTerlng you recull,
Clmrlili the fraternal spirit
I.ovo your country first of nil I
l.Uten ndt to Idle questions,
If Its bauds may ho untied ;
Doubt tho patriot whoie stifrgritlons
Wliliper that Its props nny slide I"
Father I wo, whose cars liars tingled
ii 1111 iiiu iiiBvuru iioirn ni misniv ,
1-iTn- i-r- 1
T till them ll lnsenrnbt! from'lntMltr..
In long ana? or course, tticrcrorot In ub
murine, wlres-nantlty Hi tU blthlo 6lir
roiit1lfotaCsiWkifg0rtH) bbeHoU, xtlwMri
sent, char!hcf1ia wlniVml ncncrallr cur
clslng that dr0deU.r$tetlfn Indticnco about
tho reiitcaus.for' widen fo many (llncrcnt
oplh'lan't dint?
'T"6 Wbrcywi'illitso rolledlrtciil', marfj
bfforU havi'bjsjM msHe te ipply rthtld tW
trWtf(to'M4e.tlit'tHl'iiow.lhoi: tempt has always ieon uimuccrsfnl., Mii
D?gS prqduccs ds power with ordinary
pinto luacbliicr, which ro turned of course
y the same machinery as thai which winds
iii 11 1 11 1 1
. ... . r
ImvIb ihe'sllglitcsi.tradc toxluctlatQ the
mystory of Unlr dlsnppcsrpnf c. , ,
This lntt clrcumstinco struck suektlw
Into tho-Wbflsts of Iho'rMt of tho' ecmifsi
.. . ' . If... w, . .... . -
ereatlngjanWuceli d6rrtt llMtn-e-pneIWftthat'ndVioeouM boniid 'wllllntf lo ro1
direction .jln UH.ln, nbloli, tho cig ilUntctrtTTtliko.tlHJiiil-irolltebwIfig that
H woi;ld'bc only liko ,lgnlug Uwli; own
Ucnlhwnrrant (i do tonnd Col.Jnnes, not
vrsbng to wiirully racrlQco the lives of bis
men by compelling tliem to go. cnnjolncn
tlonblo' csutlon to (bo reroslnder tf tbe'scn
tlncs,,iodJc(l thojfataljpojt tmoccupjed lor
n nigiu or twp,
tWtt'llSitf rVteriolli'rl
a .loni nsrroit.
Tim post cppstttcdoT
psrclundrd on esch sJtlo by rooky
skllng,l)ift(, wMJolUtxtremi) endwas'
kd by tldsrV and'Imp'cOetrabbj looking'
(brut. Tho Vnj $1 cVcn fcldc of Ihe, pat
was thickly cocreJhvHBruh sod lin.dr;i
wood, nud knwAig ifcinei Y)efb now csrbfully
concealed lilsn'jjsiclng cur (oUr rangy'
them so t)t weir pre would cross tscb
other, nd ls4ln-ihafB'.not lo fir until be.
had ghea tW UKVf and after thty)1xid
Orcd, upV lo. step, lo rOte iT", .but, clubblnp
thclrrllWs; to j&fcsjdon saflnUbftli
struMlojnltol'jWftftSfe. .: ,1 '.. .
Jmm . . t-lfidn t
siciPman look ui
i been 'dispatcher off round thtinfclEliborhood,'
In tlio nopo of liiidlng sorno cine lo the mys-i
tcryi or Of ubtaloliig some Intclllconco
. . sinii itupmn
niri.t. ..) nn..t.. ..... t....i. rri.v iiiccncinr, nui inrv cuciioi mom Tenirncun .v .
I" - 0"" i'v.. '""h" UHM1I3. jiiu j ' . vifitis 10 incirniiriww.c
mdtt simple nnd ordinary plan lirdvldM-ftrll?' ", M "'7, Uaa """"' V,u M rc,u,ru The little comedy b. l-eguno gro
" .L 1 .i- il. ...,.. .. . nfor I iclr trouLIo nam earv hnnpn. II . .t ' . .. . 1 A . .
. iuq paies 01 111c ninomno ueiuxai an iimesn ---- - . 7, , , 1
1 mtmmittu, tAt hi .1 kalaaSil T.F lla.t iduf i,t ' '
iv nun uit tuu tuiru (iiii t ui iuu tiivi kiun
one, Btlll
and olcmn oppcapi'rt'O'll bad worn r)r-
tbe post ntlgsfpsl,hlAftid 1 nnoi
' . incnt. lhspot1prlMf the ftmBJi
counui ortuuroiiNU ANonu
T a mfntsiiHi 1 saast
J.VUlVDWiN VlliLiUi, M,ym
Billiard SAkajjf,
Onposllo l'.oglo llulil,
January I, 1MB.
Physicians and Sun
(ll l'lCi: "Jsckionvlllo III
oppovitn Union Homo
QyA conitaut supply of Drugs and
I'jikiiI Medicines always on hand.
j 11. iuiimov,
Late of Sacramento.
Corner of Montgomery ami Cummer-
dnl Mi teti,
(Over Uauks &,Uull, liaukers.
Hun 1'rnuclsoo, C'al.
I.abatt, CiniimiMlonerfur I.ouUlnnn
noY'.'in IClf
Office 011 Fourth street, adjoining tho
Jmtlces' Offices, opposite Post OIUco. Yrc
U. Cul. 23tf
Attorney and Counsellor a( .njc,!
Iho Third Judicial Ditirirt of Orm
AtUiibyle, Ortgon,
January lt, lWd.
Attorney and .Counsellor at law.
And'Notnry I'ubllo for Jacksoil Cp.,
Will practice tu tho Supremo and Dis.
(riot Courts of iho Territory.
Ollico odjoiiiiiig tbo Viinting lOilice,
Jjcluunyillq, Q.T. Iff
his restdenri. Jai.hiou.
rnoi: At
vile, O T,
Th o Finest
Aro taken by
On tkc tho
Hill, near lh,c old I'arsotiW
Utf " '"'
if by bnud, is generally ns follows t
A scrici of giltta pcrchit binds, about six1
niches wide and a fpmrtcr of mi Inch thick,
iro colled on Wheels on drums nrranged for
the purnoiro. Thcso bands nro studded
down both shies with n tingle row cfhyles
itdiorl Intervals opart When n mwdge
'ii (0 be sent Iho clerks wind off these bond,
fnsqrllng in tho holes smnll brass pins, which,
according to their comblnalloiis In tworter
threes (with blank holes between), represent
certain words or letters lit Ibis manner
the messago Is, as It were, "sot up" in the
cat rnpldltyi and If tho mini-
niplnytil Is sufficiency large
rous ah lliq compositors cm-
rga prlnirug otTico messages
(Ii td flto or thi columns of
onld lid sdt up and rcadyifor
n tho CQiinsc.ofrvluglohour.
this opcralloii Injno r'ipcct,lu
the teleurnib wlro Itself.
es Irco fur 11 o until tho bauds
ro actually lelng dcspnlchcd.
mba Inn.li talian (nil J
liutritmciit room, n ino-it slm
prsventlug nny dcratigcmeut
of tho pins whllo being uiorcd
Instrument room tho bunds
with, ordinary steam inacbluo-
they nrb drawn In tegular or-
ulniost rapidity Mtnecn the
of on electrical machine In
r iini, uuring tue moment of
Ming. It forms elcctrlcul com-
twecu tlio liistrpment and tbo
a signal Is transmitted to the
ho wire, nheru- tjio spark per-
rnml records theneisagc
16 Iho rapidity of the opera
0 at which tho bauds 6111 bo
tho elcclrlC'il contact of cncli
the 200th part of n seeoud Is
cleclrlo tfllegroplisllinuhv. ,,uuro,,mu ""'ciont to trammlt ft word or
ted a hundred fold. In ordcrtlmtour read- ,lB (torn London and register It In Aincr-
trs may apprcchle tho value audnaliroof lcn Dfcouno, ns tho message I recorded,
poles of the nmolilno belur
I kept equally and properly ch.arged.Tiomnt-i
. tcr nt what speed the pin -tin mis .may bo
no, almost rivalling tho postal a means ofl' " ' " " ',, 'rC0 01 u,
dillj'.comi.itinlcatlon. Tho ImenUen. lieii,,r,,u""" u" "'5 "'" " i '
Thlcblstosupercedo-thcfo teMlIotasi proat lHIP ,itl "" tl10 "8,,M Hl l,iW"f
o. and work Iho teleeranli bv steam luitend It "l0 wIro no ololf m"im0 coil Is lleces-
" I
sit .Cj
Ol ( 1
HH tsesBLmmmussaoLimestisf wummum
iTUasBSllM 1 UsSfiSsEkiiHiHtitMiiiBawBHEK' rliiiiBBIkiV!
OS? jJS.7 ,tfiHiiaBfisVBawsUKahJl0 mBmLUmt
r - r 1 ' jssisassas w ansawr tsasKr IsaWHmJKc
A 1LW& - liilllllllllllHillllllllllllliatiiHisllilBIIIHa' aMmssH
i ffWrWr sVtssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslHsssissssssssssssssssssssssssssslsssssssssssssssssssssssssasaisss rfkMyfjH
hFlUBl'V ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa '''MsbbbbbbbbbM
HsT '' BsiiiHlsiiiflaiHsiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiKRiSSlH!
riM tu ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssassasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiasssssssllsssssssssBlssssssassssssssssslI jTTi
a SIMM kaaaaaaaaaaaaaBikijaaaikijaaaaaaaaMiijaHrttJMfr
snry at the end of the circuit, ll Is need
less to point out the aihuntnges which this
plan poescsscs on the scoro of economical
produatlon of tho current, nr Its greater
cortalnty of passago ulongn wire when (es
pecially In Icng submarine crtMeM) It would
encounter many slight tlcficls and atleutia'
llr)ns nlmost fntil to thcpiogrCMt uf n mag'
iicltc or oltnlc current.
Tho Outpost,
(Knr Itfttafe isMJboMissnftaaT' a lkdsssialBtaal
tft? .. . - I . -"TTTT7TT..... r .'iTJlA'j"l"Hl.
Wi1 rw WmmxWfmW Br :tlWWaTBsaaar
fc nsasjusjBsajj'SSFnfjsjBjBjBisanBjsjsjpijmBsjaaa
lbeluiprov9mciit, il Is necessary t state tho
routine by which tclegruphlo m&snjsis sre
at present conveyed, and the llfllfiilllca.
which hourly occur In their trananlnlon
worked by voltaic or raagnetlo electricity,
,lm current of which nloug tho wire If niter
ipntely trnnimltttil ami broken urcodlng as
the circuit is compleUd or Inltrriuled y
wo will say In America, with tlio tame-nt
phllty as that in which It Is transmitted in
.London, a number of reading clerks, v be
,rtfjuIto Inonlerto translate Ui by dlvhj
Klectrfo telegraphs of all kinds arecllIiorjng It into small portions, with almost a
much facility as It has been sent,
Thoalueaud limiortanoe of lhlilncn
j tlou, not only to tho public, but Iqitslcgniph I
companies itiemscircs, must bq ovldeut to)
weans 9f a biuidle, which is trkl by u ,ibo lenat cspcrlenceil'lii such mutters; I11
cier. iuh ni-.vrmi.iruu.u.iUu... . .fact, wiuiout It, long submarine lines would
lcr.se of tho voltaic or magnellocuyentde. Ma but impraetlcnblo, from the slowness
fltx'tsthenccdloattheothoreueothowlrojionljb proces,( nnd conserpictftly frOir! thb
clllitr to tljo right pr left, or rvmlorji tbp cxp,ns niUndnnt upon trah.mlttlng 'the
mcsago by clcalro-rnagnetlwn, acirdlo? o ,)rIofeBt B,eogeV It Is mow Ulernbly well
the nnluro of the instrument mnpyid, As
a matter of courto, while a inenesleisbttng
thus slowly transmitted as It nen by bind,
tho wbolO'lcdgtli of the w'lroiieitlrcly oc
cupied, while, whatever Ibejuitrgency,
nothing can be done townrdioi'snlli1
the nu-MSircs which me to folio until the
niro is entirely unoccupied nttlrcperted
fref, ,,
Wlifro iftcdlf ,titrini)l8.ttnved "I'r''
ugecau bo Iranlttcd with oinparatlyo,
rapidity; but this wluuago t(ioro than
counterbalanced, by tbo danger ulnaccma
py,and.wh,lh can onjy lw guaM ogalwt
by a repejUlou.of oil lHlnQrtaull.'MK,
Such ft repeating process nnturly caiuxjan
certain low of time, though Wu wih thVf
drawback t If .iual Iri rapl&y to tlrnxo'
cording telvgroph, but neyetlo etln In
Its operation. Iitperionco pf h letters
enabUa the tckgrapli, .cotupu v td ascer.
tain to a single word Jho mu ter of wo
ges that can.bo trnosmltteU 1 Ily Uh the
ukoiuifuU oiwtIon; and.fblnhircreai
thereforo, arereguUteil,iCijacc8rdng to
the cost nt which each vmwk oaivbt scut,
but Acoordiog to a m1q trhw pot oily tc
pays tho or kin k cvpeuKs a cuebiibyi but
each day's interest on tho diole nnount of
capital embarked in'tlitfuiuirtakhg.
80, then, If any proe ib dwovcred by
whUkft jueiaga that, aw, lu.rttthour
In IU triuiMnJIon GAnjbi),,lu flvo plp-
Utes or lets, tbo sender wu gain im
ferenca. and only)pyrrll'eottP,le,,
tbq wire for one twenjlctbsy tMO "?! M
thtieforc one tntlflli of tlj
amount at
.known lbt, ball the nttcmpllasuluocrfae
tuo Atlantic cn!U9 wen ucceMful1last,uBiN
per, 0110 submarine wire would not nt the
most bve isuilced for, the 'transmission of
uioclkartaMuall number of messages per
diem eacli way, nd.tlint, In met, nJMhilt It
could hivo transmitted would, not bavo met
ono-twentfotb. of 'tlio demand frou) either
country. Bo cUarlywas'thls foresee. that
evembeforo ouo cable 'was'lald Hiwnscont
teinpUto to submergo a second, ca)lp, quo
for mestages to Digluud, and tho other far
messagea to AmerK'a.
fly IhOjriew pptoiit fo.r ulcmu tewnpli
log which wo hac mentloneil worked wMti'
au efficient staff, It would be perfectly easy
(or ono.wirp (o transact all the business ix-
twee-n tnglanil nnd America. WJth proper
arrangements on hpurwouldspiee fo tranT
mltilutelllgoncequnl n number of lYords
to the contents ,qf tivctvo c,olnmps of the
Times. It Is no expggeratlon therefore, to
say that the most Important nows in each
country, wJlh Jirico lUt cx,tenilvq euqUgh
to include jovtfy eta,pq of trade, uilaht be
cxbngU. In time fox thecomnicnccwcnt of
business In tfee capitals of ,lbo Old nud New
Another of the great advantages wblob
the Invention poweescs ls tho appllcatlou.of
static electricity to teicgrar ile'punioeeti
.To1 obtain inteuslty of tho eectdo fluid
...... ...'. iim- .1 ii.:'....!. .1.
wiuiouiiiuwiiiiji "" iwf wi rsgnrnen
amoDgelectiK'""8 m (he great deeldcrat'ijSi
for the telcafipb. In tills boTlh"talc and
AT.ll.K or IIO.Tlt.K UVK.
Towanls the Inttcr part of the year 1771,
the French aided 'by largo bodies uf Huron
Hand Irlquols Indians bad begun to make
Ihamselvcs very disagreeable neighbors to
the llrltlsh nnd American colonlststn north
ern Virginia, Ohio, and (hq northwest por
tions or New Vork Slole-tfio French by
their encroachments on the frontlcr,.nnd the
Indians by their numerous; forays and savs
ago barbarity to nil w'ho were iiuforlunalo
(enough to full Into tliclr Lauds'.
Tojiut.n jiton t(bo"'."I-'r'iU,
iiiitpi, miniumus i)oi cn mini in 1110 "rcgu
lars" mid the eoon1a militia wcra, dls
liaUhed to tlio aotcrnl points nnsnlled t nnd
among tho rest, ft. pel. Henry Inncs, with a j
company of thirty men, nmonc whom wero
a party of somo doxen Virginia Riflemen,
was ordered to occupy a small out poit, or
log fort, which nt this period, sjood within a
fuw miles of tho north fork of the Allegha
ny rver.
Having arrived safely at their quarters,
tho little company sot about righting up the
old post, lo mako It as comfortable ns cJr
cumstunccs would .ncrmlti and. this bolnir
.-. .., ..,,--. B
done, and ofder onco more reslomd,' sentries 1
weru placeil at all the advuiicu points of tho
j station, lyhlle thp strlolct ylgllanca rnsj
uoin joinea ana excreted )y day nnd by
Among tlio Virginia rjatmen who bad
voluntccrcd'I'ntb' the company, "was a tall,;
manly, flnolooklng 'fellow, wlie,irom bis
fatal and unerring aklU.at ntarksssBu. hadi
ii.i t. . .. 1
reccivi'u 1110 somawuai iHU-iiupiiruig rifM
lie jilume of Death Jlut vlUjriuteier
Juitlco this name hdbctn arJillwUto hliii
for skill, bis dliposltlon certainly enfltlcd
him to no such
On the contrary.
His rich fund of mother wl, large slctal
propensities nijd coitstlingooiiiairreVVen
dering him A'glemrTal raVorltvliltbjthe'oni
while tho navcr-MHng HtGflk-.iJVga'uw wWkh
bis skljt enabled lira to aqppyWie'tajbloqf
Iho omeers wllli, not -ony rcCcmwi.nUea
hlin, f,o Meir good graces; but 'causcft mnily
n lltllo ''sbort-comlti'g" of hlsUrhe winked
nt and passed over in silence; whlch.iotlur
' V ' - jj,c jmie company ban iiegunjito grow , "
7 , Mn 1 il! Impatient, and Desfb 'Nm'selif lo fear1. ,
lof thenocrllbn (M lhe nJlanfl iM.VHUcr ta( to inskrji,
' Vvnth B ! the ntlcmpt; or dee hd clanged their p'lan
pylng'olsltto. Lrnttack .when suddmly Ids qulckticde A
n was up but her j ,-r-, form 0ron7pTTiVcwTiTB3T ' -l?
ed liv tlinilanic I . - ...... i.. .. ... -
of the post that Imr herd
turning to the furt, after
Btanhopo larm The mo-m was up but Ueri ,,-rr-, Kt form 0ronTrTiV cTalt?
light )ancrly u)l wlwired by """'"'"c;,,,, inrf-cronchlng pmltlon frvn T,e.uicj5
masses 01 oiouui hiiicii 111 every ie nun- .thBa0w which thorny trebs th,rcW;inuiv.
uics were uiitcu vy n ytuuy rim vreiv.a (h0 nuis. jEf
UTvr nur incu , irinig -iuc juiu'irrcn, nuir in
full leaf, creaked nnd grnancd, .and bcnll
their tall forms to and fro, ns the heavy,
gush pistiid whistling In among their bran-i
Our horo had odvnncnl'wlthln a liuudrcdi
ynrtlsof tlio termination or the forest that'
skirled the unall open space In Which tho'
fort stood, when suddenly ho pained, nnd'
Kuniirtlilnn .I...m rrt !! LhniI. nn.l l...an
iv.iwuiiih Mvfiiiiii fjiq iiuiiuo uii iivua,
Tbo foremost ot the band, wboM.coww
crept cautiously forward a few paces. Hav-
e pass. ? W.).!!
"Vlircc,- lv,-nlniv"twthc,-llilitrrn!, ,
couiiUd Death, ns one after another lhi
emerged from the wood, an4Uh qnreki'cai'
Hkeutcnlthlncrfof monVieiil'adMipcd up
thqjiass; their rifles In trail, and their fact?,
nnd bodies rendered still more.bldtous.aiil,
ferocious looking by the grotesque marl- .
Ings of their war-paint. 0 they cstnr,
swiftly but silently nni nllncntclo4s ol
the fate that was In more for them. - k
Ing renmtned In this piishlon a fuw irilnittce,
. niniulliifr Inlnrr. u rAf.lnelll collar, and escltf ..
be ngain stealthily rctrrnled Iri the inannerl,(irtittonec, ,,rocamidH.lm as chief," bad
hejind. advnnoedj nnd plunging Into tbOiivanced until ho wasittcllyflolte lliu
forest again, emerged at a point consIicra - , buh , ,,,,.,, D?,lu 'wnsild, w'hc'n'the laf-'
bly lower lhau
leave It before.
Where he had Intended to
tcr with startling .dlallnctnccssudQcnly.lml't
tated tiro cry of a ptght ojv), nod discharged 1
bis rifle. .....,' ."
LlglitoJjfe Indjsns,ivll by tho tollrjy
which th'o rcmiilnluHr riflemen now poured .
In upn'i.liemj.MU,'traV)g (9Sy,oucit
n ,11 , 11, ' ti 11 ,. 1.1 tbo Hvo Wbp difl not fell, was tlio chlnf
?!"?. i, . ! VhomDp.li: h olhied at. This un-;unr
'r.ut M owing-to lhefollowlng couse:-
Tbe branch ef the bush ou wblcb ho' had
Mtdadled his rm In firing, bail suddenly!
yludd at tbo moment bo discharged bis t '
f lecq, thus rendering harrolfjss his ptbcrwhu
unerring aim.
Uttering hn Ismecatlon at Jils Ill-luck',
Death rprsng' down, the bank with h rest'-"
of bit- eoMpariloBS, nnd with ono bound' 1
reached tha Vde-of tbo IrJiuols chief, Theyrj
t the rlflesfundcr my order to I "n";i' "' iut m uignuiw.t,
let nlooccnpHhoneertedrst "P-iii icartui. CBjorace. ana.aarting . . -
only tlcnr np the mstcry at the K""'0 m "" u,rca " racu u,ucr '""'
buttsaVal "onewiii nieir KDiiica nnu soownng orons. '
llipositlon certainly enfltlcd
In terrorf preudlugcpl JtoL
y, ho wis Ihp'yry tU"eWit
Col. Inncs sat reading; alone, lnhlsprl-i
nto nportment, when an orderly entered 1
nnd Informed him that ono of Iho men wUb-1
ed to speak to him.
tho next minute our friend, Death, lad en
ii j,ii4 M.itf mi mst bow to bis com
manding oflicer.
"Woll, what scrape haveyou been gottlng
Into now!" onld the colonel when be saw.
who Ida visitor was.
'ouq, colonel-," replied, Death J "but I
bavn como to aik, a favor."
'I-eljit bar,lt,' laid tfj cplOiicl,-"aBl
wo wilMheiraco whafwfrando'.'' "
Well, colonel) if bi-tl'inpiy thts-Mf you
will pu
night, and
I wlll'not
disappearance cf tho four sentrie
tho post .tflnabjo for, tj)0 futurpi" .
"lluthon-r; rJM tbp cplonel, Injulcnjo
"I guesi, colonel," ouswered Death, "you
had better let me. have tho men, ami order
us off, nnd I'll tell y'eitUW affair after. 1
promise you that not ope sbslf receive even
ft'scrojch, that Is if they wllMoilojv mjrvd-J
rcctlons Ivinjlcltly . .
"Vou aro I strange Vinn," safd-Yho colo
nel, but I thrifcj in let )ou Lave Vaur
own watWa tlnie.4Vfaen.ito youJaletul ie I
start?" V v!?v.r .M
"In about au hour's Imc," autwerod the
elated J)eathi
"Very wo, I will, clye the necessary or
ders', so that you an ,tart wheu you thl ilk
propel1, and what Is Inor'e, If you perform
nil that y6u have pronilsed, anddon't cause
mq toircpent having humored you, you shall
have poor Campbell 'a plaoe."
Hector Campbell was a bra,y but ,very
Headstrong ypungcqlcbraon, who occupied
toe pof t of iJctiteiiAni nt tbo lure Ju a sud
dca fcok.offdaring Jie.lnd volunteered tp
'ataqd neptry at the fatal spo$ frowwhlcb.
Ulw,plps, hej wight, npt lffV tfftt pvr Unwntnelii4 alrefldy so wystrouly
w v-.v. MUlSODIWfircKl.niHl lifi laid fur Ms rmlMirai
' .... ..V ' l- '" r11 --rr-T 1
The company lyvd not been stationed nt
the fort much more than ft week, ere Death,
in ond of hU cxedrelons for game, discovered
that at aawill frmhotwe, some three, wilts
distant 'from the ,fort thcrp UveJ a 9er(tan
iils Hester plapiiope, whoto equal lu beau
ty nnd amiable qualities 'lio'lmd never set 11
before. And to render hhnsclfinoro certain
of the fact, be called theOy following, un
der cove of tho prcteoae bf having left his
powder'-JBosk. , '(;' '
. Death was Invited toedmaag&in, byI'nr
mer Sf&ihope, who happened to be from tho
fame parish as the 'father of our hero ; and
wih his life.
"Now, my lads," said Death, ns In about
an faourAflsr bis pQnyrsatloq,wtb Colonel
flnocs, ,hotnpproaobed the deserted post, at
ine,ncofl1piJH)etjeottirieinej tna( litaweoi
temporarily placed under hU prdcrs, ! wl))i
tqll yqa what wejar.e: goJng 0 do. iTb long
and the ehortpf tio atlalr Is simply thU ;
It's a L'BDL' of them cussed, thlovlu Irlounls
that hhve circumvented and carried off four
men eneotlng them wiiu arrows anu wen
decnwplng vltb IKelr boillesv t
'Tp-plght, I was retqrnlug to the fort
1 suddenly thought 1 nearu tnesounu oisev
wo need scarcely wy.that.thelnvltnUoii was J erai voices, and creeping on my hands" anU
uowi eariy ami joy my occepicu Auu, n.,kn. .,. .,.. ,Mt. . nlh noui.h to'
nftcn tin ptri.itiiMlnn..a uniitd TiAMiilf rntn it '. . .... . w . 1 '
--- I 'i"ir f'ri
pelted with.
'ino second week after this occurrence
took place, was marked by two1 qveute,
wWclu tbougU'bqih Aireotlngttio,UttW corai
muHlty,af tho Jort wtroof widely different
degrees of imporanoo.
.The first was, that Death bad anddenly
lost all his skill as a marksman, or, that the
game bad removed to a safer nsd wqro.dle
JAnt neighborhood, for jtha, oncers' larder
bat), been foiinu jfadjy wgnUng In tbcjtems
of woodcock, blackcocks plannfgau, Ac,
for the week past, and the second' aml.mdst
Important of tho-lno levents, w,'llia In
Regular euccecslon, foiirteutljiqlsaJ dls
"Kcrp'bfTI" eboutcd Deathmen Ita saw-ono
or I.W0 of bis coitfuuitons lu tho actorslpop
Ing donn tp astlitliliu, "keep off I and If bo
maUr ne, lit lifm gOt" -
Over and over they rolled. wrltbliHr and'-
straining, lwt ecctulngly nlthr Jbtalasil.
ailBntage over ih other, rMuiy Jhe haady"
ei ineriquajseiiuucpiycawcincouiacwtiMy.
tho point ofeT rock; thai protruded' from tha
.Uak-',sturQtng Wru vi that be reltwed bTJ
vreillko,grlp o f,' Death's, tnroat ; amd th"'
fa,ttor,.thili ftfaAseVI. springing, to Jila-Ziict, ,.
pIlil(Wreir f brloghig. the heavy .
eromlxTSils rlHe with sledge hammer loree
down upon lilt bead. .
The xwnalulngfour Indians bad been like
wise dispatched ; and tho victorious rlflc-a ,
men (uonc of whom bad received any woupd
worth mentioning,') now cent up such aa
rhout of triumph or victory, that tbo eehovs
ofilbeo)d uod rungnwUb It fr minutes
after. ,
As Col. Inncs had promised, Dcathjfan r '
promdlcd to the vacant pott of Ilcutenanl; '
An.l ..m... .Y.u. m .a .1.. H.A IM fn. l.ifnMn r.,. .
uu nun, ucwr rrauci, nw wvn iv iw.m wm
that our hero tuid site uncoiaproaslslBg rjU '
eran, General Morgan of Revolutionary no
toriety, were bne und the satse tndl vidua). ",
About , fortnight After IWtf, eventful''
nlglt, SUuUope Foan bawe. sbeacajneoltti
astuiuqbrah-tti.good eqtIog,jud daaWny, si
eoud In possibly fll;ip?cl pf 4urnj; Jb t
twenty-four hours : and tdougb no think it
will be'superfliious1 (d dPeo.we wIiradJ,fi
tbat'sbO'eanseof this "'iury-maklng,.,'Wa '
the raarrlog qt tho beauteous lfMwjr fiUn-i -
hope w.lth ,Lleu, Henry Jftirgen. , . ,f
lUxim-nimu or Deirv-DcItyt4wrU..'I ..
ten on tbo flowers that sweeten the Ir
I"' "i .;" i. . ' ' . -s-rirn-gmm ciivvivi., iviiinijtvi. ll- ;
Inngnclltf eueiitj, ftic an(h.g, UAuHtjniv,lliyf,01I1 jhcqMtcmeJefi line, without
we and hear that abut a dozen Jriqupls
were then arranging their plans to surprise
the fort to'nigbt, Intending to steal into it
by the point whcb ihoircuwed deviltry ,had
retHlercd u easy to access. J pijly stopped
to learn this, wheu A hurried eff to the
lcoonqi and l9ldhlw to plufje you at my
dlspowl, aitd Jisrq wo Are, I did, not y
trord.tq,biM o; what 1 bd Jearnt, belpc de-J
cms naa.ioat n irhwuiu ico rinos ' soouiu
!ltiao nil ho honor qf catcriqlaatfjig the
vAdfls. Vnanow atjtjonrpypuwii
ling m rcAfiy .(o fojloiy njy. qidcrs r;
livery ,(nau , cheerfully answered in lhe
flfTirnsAlUc j Ani.wl&ntcncd, ppjro, aifd'
sangulnejyi tbv, .M iFv" nJ"-5sUijsJ
upoiitbo breete that recks tbyflowsjiiaayoW
tber stem upon tho raki drop tht TmifP
tbesf rtgr mow that jlfts, H Wd InVe
ilestrt-r-upcJi ta.(tjj cbjjmfecre-tppoB e,f rjr" tf
penciled sheet tbat stsep ja tbo ullstit cav-
icrns of the deep no leas' than upon, thi
mighty sun that warms and cbeers fiirSewnc '
ofereutures Deity is wrlttea aeryAbcre. '
""I '" 'ff !l "' l"f I ""' .J
.-$. Good men mo human stes wher-
nioud fvrtaid.
eer they paM'by tbej brighten and warn!
Fool reckon jtbem mad (tbo Motevi expres
sion is "eccentric,") till death pHchcn
open their foQ-lUk us cs. Such laen Vfc not
oftoaeaogby potts when sbty1 die; but thot '
hearts (bey beid ,and thuk own arelbH-jn h .
rick rvw4 on.eartbi ao tWr, place vt Ugljlj ,
In bCAven. m si to .. . '
sslr-Tlio weodiojtn wh9;",tpul tUai'v
tree," hasrun thort of wooJ, and If.imtjr ''
spitting wlh vexBtiou to'tblnk how grotu ? ,
-v .sja.
. wtymuwmQBm