Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 30, 1858, Image 4

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YnnkQ Story.
About half past elovon on Sunday
night, r human leg, onveloped in blue
broad-oloth, might hnvo been wen on
taring Deacon Cepaa Barbery' kitchen
window. Tlio leg was followed finuU
Jy by.lho ontlro porson of n livo Ynn
koo, nttlred In his Sutiday'Bo.to.meot
ln' clothes. It was, In abort, Joo May.
weed who thus burglariously won Ida
way Into tho Dcncon'a kitoben.
"Wonder how much tho old doaoon
niado by orderln' mo not to darkon Ida
door again I" sollloqulicd the young
gentleman. "Promised him I wouldn't,
but didn't say nothln' about winders.
Wlndora is as good ni doors, of tliero
aint no nails.to toar your trowsora onto.
Wonder of Sally'll come down. Tho
critter premised mo. I'm nfoerd to
move nbout hero, 'cnuso I might break
nothln' or iioluer ntui
mi' shins ovor aomo
wako tho old folks. Cold enough to
fropzn n Polish bear horo. 0, hero
Crimea Sallv."
Tho boauteous matd descended with
a pleasant smllo, n tallow candlo, and
n bos of luclfer matches. Altur re
colvlng a rapturous greeting she mndo
n rousing ilro In tho cooking.stovo.nnd
tho happy oouplo sat down to onjoy
(ho awcet Intorohango of vow and
hopes. Hut tho courso of truedovo ran
not n whit amoothor In old Uarborry'a
kitchou than it dous olsowhoro, .and
.Inn tiflin wai imt nialtlnt Un his nilllll
to. treat himself to n klM, wns startled
by tho volco of tho deacon, her father,
shouting from nla ciiamuor tioor:
"Sail I what nro you getting up In
tho mlddlooftlioniaht fort"
"Tell him it's most mornln'," whis
pered Joe.
! nnn't tell n (II)." said Sftllv.
"I'll mako it truth, tlion," sahl Joo;
and running to tho hugo old fashioned
clock that sot in tho corner, no sot ni
"Look at tho clock and tell mo what
tlmo It Is," cried tho old gentleman.
"It'i fivo by tho clock," said 8al
unci corroborating her words, tho cluck
etruck five.
Tho lovers sat down again and re
aumod their conversation. Suddoidy
tho stair caso began to oroak, "Goody
gracious! It'a fathor," exclaimed Sally.
"Tho deacon, by thunder I" cried
Joo. "Hido mo, Sally l"
"Whom can I bldo yout" cried tho
distracted girl.
"0, 1 know," said ho, "I'll squeozo
Into thu clock caso." And without an
other word, ho concoaled himself in
tho caso and closed tho door.
Tho deacon wr.a drossctl, and seat
ing himself down by tho cooking alovo,
pulled out his plpo, lighted It, and bo
gan deliberately to smoko.
"Fivo o'clock, oh I" said he. "Woll,
I shall havo tlmo to smoko threo or
four pipes, and then I'll go and foed
I'm critters."
"Hadn't you better feed tho critters
fust t" suggested tho tlutllul
"No , smokin' cienw
wtkes moup."renliedIl
seeni'd not n wlili
Ms enjoyment.
went tho clock.
"Tormented Hghtnl
old deacon, starting u
his plpo on tho stave;
.i .. tit
man t
"It'a only tho clook
replied Sally, treniulou
. Wliti-Uingi uiugi
old. clock furiously.
'jPower of creation I"
con. "tJtrikin'hvo; u
thnn ft hundred time air
"Deacon llarborryl
con'a better half, who ha
liernelf. and now came r
tho stair caso in tho wl
,iUmi. "what in tho ut
matter with tho block "
" "Goodness only knows,
nM man. it'a been n hum
tho family, and It never c
wi.ir! iliiKf! dlmi! wh
1m lnl mmln.
t-K'll burst Itselfl" cried1
dy, shedding anuuu u.(i-n
won't bo nothlnMeft of ill'
'flt'a bewitched l" said
who retained a leaven of go
England superstition In n
uAnti how." said ho. after i
vancing resolutely toward
"I'll aeo what's going on In
nti. don't." excloimetlh
.eliing ono of his coat tall
.r ntnnir to the other.
-i ,uat both tho womon t
. . u .l...At Mia
"Let go my rmnwnu w -.Won?"!
aWfeerd of U.o powers of
... .t.- ...,nunllllln't let HO'. SO
.tho deacon slipped out of bUcoat,and
t.n. t. (.! .mlflM cessation of to-
"' " i u " rJr"l7-v on the floor,
. .. -i.t, Ti..i tin Uaman.nower
-m.ld onen 'it, for Joe warding tt
from the Inside with, death jjrjp
samo way In which ho had entered.
Tho next day all ApnlOton was alive
with tho story of how Deacon Darber
ry's clock had been bdwltohed, and al
though many bclioved his version, yet
somo, and especially Joo Mayweod,
affected to discredit tho whole afl'alr,
and hinted that tho deacon had been
tryleg tho oxporlmunt of tasting frozen
older, and that tho vagaries of tho
clock raso oxlsted only in a distem
pered Imagination.
Howover, the interdict being takon
o(T, Joo was allowed to resume his
courting, and won tho assent of tho
old people io' his union with Sally, by
repairing jjjio old clock till It wont as
well as ovor.
(CrWo'hnvo n word, to say to our
friends just at this tlmo, nnd that is, of
all tto devils avoid tho blues, reopio
should remombor that this is a comical
world, and that thoreforo If thoy would
wear doublo chins and tallow covered
kldnovs. thev must lioklo themselves
and cut melancholy. Nobody vonta
to listen to distress If ho can possibly
avoid It. Jn this world,-misery is a
"demnod boro." and will not bo tolor-
ated. A oomodlan con readily extrnot
his six hundred dollars a night from tho
community, whllo n betruar is doing a
good business If ho can rniio a lonfof
bread. It I nil very well lor cimaren
to complain, hut for a man to go about
like a dog with n scorbutic cranium, is
a waste of grunting that should bo ro.
served for cramp or blllious cholic,
Evon tho character of L'icorn is dp
based by tho complaints ho.sufTorod to
escape htm J and who can road tho sad
llitriL'a wrltton by tho brtnlshad Ovid,
without docpislng tho man whoso mis
fortunes delTaded whllo thoy should
hnvo oxalteu his mind. Wo say nualn
If vou havo trouble koon it to yourself.
A jolly fellow can rniso n half oaglo at
anv time. A dismal iudlvidval, on tho
contrary, could not nogotlato a loan of
ono-and.nino.penco u ins mo aopcmicu
on It. Do choerful. thoreforo, for your
own interost. ur, io conuonso too
whole subject Into ono line, "Laugh
and grow fat"
Poisowed Tiikh. A gontloman ro
centlv loft hie homo in Attnnuluus, Ga.,
placing a large sum of money in his
wifo'a charge Towards evening two
neuroos ontered tho house, nnd deman
ded of tho lady the money, or they
would tako bor ilo. Doinc: n woman
of groat coolness, sho saw at onco it
would bo usolots for hor to nttompt to
ovado tho demand, so sho produced tho
money and iravo it to them. Tho ne
groes then remarked that as supper was
noarly ready, they wouiu.stny aim eat
with her. tiho told .tliem to uo seaieu
until sho got It ready. The woman
had a vial of strvchnlna M her cup
board. Supper being ready, ,ahe, in
aweet.enlng thoir oofTeo, managed to put
a dose ot tho poison in1 eaen ui me nu.
Dr. Wislar's Balsam of Wild Chorry.
Par the Imitrit ItotloT and Rapid Cure
of Coughs, Colds, HosriensH, Croup,
tlroncliltli, Influonza, I'ain In the Dretit
or Side, eto.
A fair question. Answer It to suit your
selves. Would you prafitr to have health
restored and life prolonged by (wlint our
I phyilelans say ii) quackery, limn to die
sylohtificallf You all know or wonder
Oil cures elTeotsd by Dr. WUtsr's Ilaliam
of Wild Cherry, ar.d yet you entertain a
kind of prejudice, because you oliooto to
all It patent medicine. It ii only because
you do not know Dr. Wlitar. If yoUr (am
lly physician had made a great medical
diicoverr. could ho not seal his bottle and
euro a patient In Tlmlmcioo aa well m al
home i Thli U only tho fact wjth Wis
tar's Unlisni. It la important to ycU, In'
valid. Throw away your delualoha. Wis
tarYNalaam la performing wondorlui cufci,
It will euro you.
p Ur Cautioih' as there nre many
counterfeits. Look well at the signature
before pirohsalng take none uiileiM It has
tho iinino of Hanlbrd &. I'nrk onsraved on
Ihd oulalda wrapper, a all others are bask
PARK fc AVIIITnare' the only A-
Senta, to. whom all ordera aliould be ad
reaaed Alao, Impurtera, Wlioloialo nnd
lletall Agenta ofall valuable l'atont Med.
iclnea, warranted ganuine.
nroes cuns. iney
low momonta woro dead.
bors word
drank, and,
in a
San Franciaco,
Great vcAuctloti.ln iu'Vcch.
Pint Door tat of Me " Eldoratlo,"
CALironxiA Bthckt, JACRaoirviLLK, O, T.
JUL alantly nrriving, largo Hluek or all
klnda of Oooda auitable lor the Fall and
Wintor Trade, such aa
Stnplo nnd. Fnacy Dry Roods,
Hoots and ohoes of all kinds,
Hals, Cajts, Stationery, Cutlery i$-c.
A full aiiorlmont will be kontcouatanlly
on hand, which we ate able to tell cheat
tor oAan.
All Goode Warranted. Itf
Plows, Minors' Picks. Horso Shoeing.
All Kino, of
Coiner of Cillfornln and Fourth streota,
Ural floor cast or "Hentinel" nllice.
OnaKH and Alulra shod at nuick
tlmo, and not Inferior to any wsat'of
tut iioony oinumaina.
Priccof hora almelng, plain, $4 00
" " " " atenl laid, 5 00
Keeps on Hand alt ilzea eTSteel Plow
anJ Atlners' Picks.
ffavlng had Jongosii.rlenaa mill man.
..,..... .,r. II Uln.U of Farmlnx Toola.hn
flatora hlmaoll to be able to accommodate
ell who wlili to nayo ww
nmtneia and deapatch, at the lowest caah
t"i-.e.,;L.nnlll,.Au.B;1957. 301y
ii iiIiiis'm Wsiii'Mii mwmimm &mmi
BSLiXnflHHiatnn sHUsVsM-'iM 'IKpMNFlIlskw.lakJIr
SiBBHsiSMSlSK SMBMsWrlSJsOTBpraf SBavviBjr-1riHiI
SawiTlisMlNisssw.JSDejiiaw ass . jammm
ussssasrvwaaviL M , iaMaManrrrisrrsrissr
yTTsr- ilBBnaBaaAaBiaBasBasMsslHsslaSHBJlSKfBasaMMiaC
i isssbsssssslssHslsflsasHsBlaHiiKSnHi
Mil iii IiiTiiiiMnlTsMlrN I Ii IsHII niw
TIT T' ' !fjKHHBsssskfnKJHMasHallstJMsa
JTV.i ii"i & taiSHS)J9BSBSBSBMSHUWUiaiaSilSailS)JSB .tUMS)
A .V11T. '1 VL.nHVHBIII'H.aH'
awmM' NBWflsWsHHeaslBasBBsssslBssKMib( np
iMbaaito rAsaMlsBBsKsknHsssssBsBnlisltH' ka)itun
"HP" "'""IJHBaBTCaKHssssKisHsHi. 5B-
m mmmBMMnVBBaKzr2mk
V "fWBW$lnmWmMr'u
mmm WBItWMua!maUmaluKmPnn9itM"
liv " . wBEOnKLBKiBIBIiimmmBmMKmt
mmMmm w muuu,rr&iiBBmmmmmMwrr- -ml
PffissHsHsff'. , M
1 .aVsBREMffiBsHsHWBBBrttssMrJsW
sBES&TL Ii Msffwf it frTifsfLsi mm'immmMm-lBfMSKIIBM I
iSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSaillSS SlSlSlSiniSanS31llSHiS.kfFSVIVTTmaBS ' 1 I
fUr fornigs
JV. E. Corner California and Montgomery
ttreeti, SAN FRAN0IS00.
nro THE AFFLICTED Resdthefi
A. lowins IlKcoMMKNttA-ronv Lkttk
and then judgo betweon Dr. Young 'anl
Ihosn vampires that malign Ilia motive).
Avoid such men as you would a p
tilonce, IbrTiUKK is drath hi tneir treat
ment. All afflicted with Diieitaei of a Prt
vnin nr anv other nature should call
upon Dr. J. C. Young, and they wnuli
Lin aunlil Imnnallinn and axiUl ilia Dnrl
tor In hU herculean labor of atippreialng
quackery and ompyrlolam. Dr. Young's
cliargna are. moderate ana wiuun mereacn
ortlie moil iiumuie.
ngtl.?P..bIlotn.i-r- ;-
Vast of j".onvlll... aulfW-
.. J.a receniion arm imn
lieted with any. form of dUaiuo.
.111 h IioarUfU aiiu iinmn hi
,r.at nrleea varying with thoir
; and wants. Thoao who can
In the intirmsry win tie exam
ovidad with medicine and ill
au liar to this avitema mud
t by wnicli inouinu
nd and reitoreu to neaim "
. Altai VOMfJ.
nil arrangement for the ad
I of tho various klnda of Math
, vpor, warmi aoiu, o.
igulihing foature of the Phy
dice coniitts In thu admini
i Innocent medication. AH
liar mineral or vegetable, that
act aa pulton, ire rajacieu
ilea. Tha I'ovan.nathiu prao
tho traatmant of dueaao with
t In harmony with the recu
ri gi niiura.
eraun will be received at the
cannot furnlili good guar
(neralty will be accommo
me Willi any or Ilia auuva
i. Tha Uithing.room and
with sink, and will be on
e,Bapt.I0,I837. 3Gtf
fm'i"wMTi to retain anv of you
who wish to leave; therefore, If any of
you are dissatlslieu, ana wish o return,
home, lie may nBjf "-"." ", '" ,
t., .iv naees in front of the line.-
But." Added thu old war dog, "I'll
-- 1 Alll '
shoot tho ,llrii man wnuii""
ftV.nTtto Uwa irovern the worW,"
..i,i . .alalirated iurist. "the law of th
imu Bu. --, . , ,i
strongest nnd tho law ot te snravw
est " Thia reminds ss of the aphorlim;
ttrilmteil to Tallyrnd"aooieiy; u
.. i l- talorrillloll.l:..t.l.l ll t.un t:tnl01 tllO sIlURr
The old aeacon ueg.. - j- -v m ... --- -- , ,- ,
take tides with tho farmer gainsthe
latter." I
iVr"! think," said Uellaw, "I sl'o'd
make a good (Jongrettman !
-.-- t . :....
frkhtened. Ha g&ve one more lug.
when n unearthly yell, moi a wnu w
jt-tress. bart tromine insmu, iu
V .. tM liaadlonir on the iWor,
iUSi ' ."fw-fW!"'
completed and ready to
hi HWtinlll. known aa
mill," situated near Kir
byville. I'er'Pni having wheat will do
well to get It floured at litis mill, it is
situated at the best flour market in South
em Oregon.
lie atlll continue to furnlili tho best
article of lumber at low pricaa,
1'eriona owing for lumber will pleaie
(all and aetlle un, a cash I much needed,
Aug. 99, 33lf
Ml ! I ! Ill ! II
WANTED 8ea Otter, Land Otter,
Ileaver. Dear. Deer. Slink Covo.
Us'oxe, and all oil.ar kinds or FURS,
for rVhioh fair prir will b paid, by
Cnllfornla alreet. noar Front.
38m2 V Up stairs, San -Franciaco.
TM PORTA NT. Dr. J. C. Young wishes
X to call tne attention oi invoitoa io in
court a of practice. The Dr. has long alnce'
abandoned tho mercurial treatment, and
has atrictly followed the Vegetable Prac
tice Patients undor treatment with him
are not ronfinedjto the house, nor taken
from their business, mil can go aoout nmi
eat as usual. Tho Dr.' mode or treatment
or case or debility, both goneral nnd sex
ual, is not aurpaiaed by any phyaiclsn,and
always results in a peiTed jemoval oftlielr
troubles. Dr. Y. has discovered a new
mode or treating adectlons of the Liver,
which nftor a fair ttial has been submitted
to tho Professors of aevatal'or tha medical
Institutions of llie States, and pronounced
by thorn, as perfectly successful, and has
been adopted by them In their practice.
In the treatmontor Incipient consumption,
and disease of the blood, the Dr. stands
pro-emlnont In his profession, and will
warrant a cure in all case. The following
testimonial speaks for Itsotl't
Da. J. C. Youao. Sin Your mode of
treating affections of the Liver and disea
ses of tho'Dlood, haa proved by repeated
triala, to lie the best yet ollarod to the lac.
ulty, and lias lieon adoplod by the bosrd.
Continue to study the human system asyoa
havo done, and you will yet stand at the
head of your nrofossion.
Prof, of Anatomy, Univeully, Ponn.
JJL will etisranteo a perfeot end norma
nent cure in the following cases, or oharge
nothing for hia services I Syphilis. (Jon,
orrhrea, Stricture or the Urethra, Affection
of the Ilostrate Gland Weakness or the
Genital Organs, Impotenoy, btarility, both
in malo and female, Hpermatara, or Sem
inal Weokne a,Nncturnal Emissionsjlheu.
matitm, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fever and
Aguo, Incipient Consumption, and all lr
reaularilioa in Female, tonethnr with all
diseases or Woman and Children J also
Nervousness, Palpitation ofllie Heart, Ac,
Person aflliotad with symptoms alter
being treated, should consult D. Young at
once, as no disease is cured unless the pa
tient loala perfectly well. If thor la a
partiale of disease left in tho system, it
will break out at some future time, wlien
leaat esnectod. or be handed to an innocent
. f. .S. -ill Trtot ll la m a..l-
believing liiai inoy uio ..., iu. ., ---entifio
fanl" that the mercury will
n.in.u ulih iha venereal, and form
diaease a great deal worso than the origin.
all All those who have reason to uiinK,
by bad fuelings, tliatuhey havo been treat.
d thus, should oon-ult Dr, Young.and he
should examine their cases and tell them
at once how inoy atanu.
V Atr. whom it'Wav coacana, Thlal
to certify that I, II. F. Lunlng, applied to
Dr. J. C Young, to be troatod lore goner
al debility, brought on by hard work at
mlnlnv Iii tha water, and a Dnaumalie af.
faction In my limbs, which almost deprived
me ofllielr use. that the above complaints
had troubled me for n long lime one or
them Tor several years, and the other about
eighteen months. Overcome by tho pln
and anxiety eeail- -lv tlnm. 1 had
vanimallhopeaof aver again njnTin
fflssili- ,n"'" eondition, I calle3
upon Dr. J. C.Young, and after tho lapse
of five months, I am perfectly woll and
feet nearly aa strong ar 1 ever did. I can
..minmaml nar una atfaotad to Ills care,
far ho cured me, nnd ha cured eeverel of
tnv friends that 1 reeommenaea to ma oare,
atliicled with dilTeronl diseases, some ot
them bad 6ses,,or a very bad and oangar
oua nature,
Given this my voluntary testimony In
favor or .Dr. J. (J. Young, in hopes that it
mar Induce all thoaa afflicted. to call on
him. and avoid the imnoslora who have
robbed line, not only of money, but to
certain extent of my heVdih. .
11. F. LUNING.
GnaEi Hon Gulch, Kern River, )
September !'. 185C
DEAR SIRt It i with pleasure that I
hasten to answer your lotter,enquiring
how I get along. I have entiroly recov
ered from tha compleints for which your
medieal skill WM.iMuircd. and I ura
IvCjLI i-'l Bia.viu iviuu lur ma iiomin 4
I hVW enjoy. Snatched aa I wa from tha
very jw ordsth.and saved from.an un
told amount or suffering, Were I in the
rlly where I could do it, this would have
the solemnity of an oath, but I ,am in a
mining camp, mare Is no Justice or the
Peace within several mllss of ma. and' ao
you must publish without it. I do not like
to name my uiiewa, nnd I suppose tt Is not
requisite, as you treat all kinds or disease.
net af the bock and limbs, pain in tha
head, dlmneas or sight, loss or muscular
power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia,
nervousness, irritability, derangement of
the digestlvo functions, goneral debility,
symptoms of consumption, Ao,
Mkstallv, tho fearful effects on the
mind are mors to be dreaded. Loss of
memory, confusion of Idess, depression oi
snirlta. evil forrbodlnae. aversion to soci
ety, solf dlstruel.loTe ofaolitude, timidity
occ, nre aome 01 the evils produced.
All ti-rsons who are afflicted with any
of the above symptoms should not fail to
can on ur, xoung, and lie at once restored
to ported health. Let no false dolicscy
prevent you, but apply Immediately, and
save yoursolf from the dreadful and awful
consequences oi tins terrioie malady.
wcakhkss or trk onnAHs
immediately cured, ond full vigor restored,
utiico corner oi oinnigomery and uall.
fornla atreets, ovor Pcclfic Esprasa, San
Fronclico, where nil lettera must be di
rootod to insuro Intention.
consequence of tha wide spread ce
lebrity of Dr. YO UNO. numerous imnea
tor havo sprung Into eslstence,pretendlng
to be petltct masters oi ins nesting art,
and have succeeded In imposing upon a
few oftho unwary sufferers. Persons wish.
Ing to consult a physleatti, should be very
careiui now tuey put commence in me
nublishnd etatomont of such charlatans.
for they are a unscrupulous in such state
ments as in their practice 01 medicine, and
are very unsafe to trust. They will first
deceive you by raise enr'lheates. procured
from "drunken loafer." who perjure them.
aiilves to get monoy to satisfy the cravings
or a diseased appetite, vvnen auon queen
gains your confidence, he will then dose
ynu witn mercurv and oiner uruga, ana al
they havo robbed you of your money
Infured vour conalllutibn. they will
cart ynu off, with the oharg,thatyou htve
not fullowod their directions.
The only way to avoid audi Impostor,
,is to consult ur. J. Vt xoung, tnp iioiieor
Advertising Physician of California, At
hmdet he-of the Nedioal Faculty of this
1 n . . " al
Itsle, called to inveatigste the source ol
nalpractice that lias caused so mucn sui
ering in this country, 11 waa unanimounr
aeonunendod that all the afflicted ahould
lonault Dr. Younn.aa he was the only reg
ilarly educated Physician now adverisiug
ii California, all others in his linn being
siaokeand and Impostors, end are not to
b trusted. Tho umicted will please tako
Btice, that there was not a physician at
lie masting who nau ever seen or neoru
6 a slngla caso ofmalpractice Irnm L'r
Viung, wlili not one ol them but hid seen
anurauer oi cases irom me mraigu iiunu
vanntinely set forth their pre.
lrii-- In tfta nubile Drlnt4.
above facts should be home in mind
all anaktnir medical assistance.
TThank heaven, they aro getting rfior
otghly oipnsed, and it will not be lung
S10 so
ided vl
10 abo
ore thoy will have to fly tho country, to
.1.1 .1,. ii,., l,.!. n-itnn nf an outrsred
JIU .,. IMP. ......-....-.,--.-. Dt
poblle. Tlion will good people thank ur.
Viunv Tar hli eantlnued effurU to banish
niliilmrv Tram our midst.
,.w. ............. -- --
R. YOUNU can be consulted irom 0
to B r. m.. at hi office, corner Call.
foiila and Montgamory elreets, over the
Ilia tipross Ollico, Ban tranciaco,
sYuSflll meol'wiUi protflpritte-lfllon;
. mmiwii
J ii
wtchos. Jewolry. DIaEionds
Old Pens. Clocks, Wat.h Material,
1 Tools, Glasses, &c, Ao.,
Deiaen Montc'ni'rv & Kearnv.f ud alalre)
Has 1'raBolsco.
AVE just received direct from the
Inanufacturari a larira aassortment of
goca, 01 tna latest styles ana pattern, in
mutt una.
I have constantly on hand and am in
r receipt 01 lull and comnluto assort-
u.guuui aaapteu 10 tho Ualllornla
" and dealers in the in
I would aay.you. mJlAiiJl
romptand oaroful attention i please
, B. No buslnesa connaetad with
J.Btuephl. 33m3
TEA.VElV,CAa):i;ORS, for which
v price win ob pam, oy
65 California street, noar Front,
Yourrs. G. LANGDON
To D. J, C. Youao.
Mamkma. Sent. 27l Ii IflSfi.
DR. J. C. YOUNG-Siri In answer to
your request, u to how my case is
gelling aioog,! would ststo that I am per
fectly well, and hate been ao for about one
month. ,1 ahould (jhT- written before, bu,
' u "iiungiosee 11 11 would reiurn.
I am now Mtltfie that I have seen the
lait ot J 1, My csh wa id,to be a very
bad one by ali.thephysicans that examin
ed tne. Thoy all called it a mercurial
disease, and uid there "wsanohelpforit."
You wiled It icroruloui,mixed wltnamer
ourial affection, and sld you .outd euro
me, and you h-ye done so I can only
hsnkycuforiinnd recommend all per
sona afflicted to gi you a fair trial
Youra till death, C. L. RAILS, Jr.
J Semiasl Wea.kn9w.Pr1 Young ad.
dreHea those having Injured themselves
uj jjiitiho ann improper indulgence, mine
fcsulHr Mall lAite
beg lesva to inform our friends,
olh in Oreaon Territory and CaK
iron that we conduol the Mall Line,
and prepared to accommodate pasaen
geiabd from Oregon City to Corvallis
upor i arrival of aytj U. 8. Mail, as
wel carrying those or the interior on
.I- Q lUHIBl
L 1 Oregon City on every Monday
and dnesday at 7, A. m Leava Salem
on . y Saturday and Tuesday. The
Coa will leave for Corvallis, with the
Mai in the arrival of the Coaches from
Ore, City.
N We keep a Livery upon the most
reaaa terms. Forage of all kinds
Mon down, and no grumbling, make
shor dit and friends lor life.
Oi a( tho Livery Stable.
0. r. r. t f ,aitw.
S 16. 1866. 4Gtf -
orlvinr siscsirri.ss,
60 T
r, Shirts, JJrapert
tHlsi, yieaeu, ihi
mm e
late arrival a of
and W"l",5,.l-.
.Han Fraaeiseo.
Prnrwrnd and aold by A.
Wholesalo Drugglate, 100 Y
or Willtam, Kow-xora.
For sale by Dtwirr, Ki
cUcat lltcc tt. CorrtK,
McDosald & Co., Baci
DrnggtsU generally. 1
Agenta for Js,ekonvi.U.
d o o ay
lr a coniDlete nnor
Misses' and children's. Gs
Yut.v uuuis, anoes and
with a view to servico.
ITyou want to econon
change cssh Tor a substah
article. Price are redu
Ladies, Gents and 3ui
when you are .shopping, 1
Uoot akd Shoc Srsj
Cor. Cal. and
(Opposite tho "Eldoradft.l
rhralclau undl
npiIE Subacrib-- r.''ftl
a . itir 10 ur.- in
Urewary, iformerlr the 1
oppoaite the "l Dorsdo
sueh a share of tiatronir
cuuiiuorea no mams.
Jacksonville July 9, IfiS
Table WocU
npiIE undersigned bssoj
j always ready to manul
all Ktnasoi
Con fee t.l odS
C a ii d i o
All kinds of Srruns. an
In his line of buainras, ua
the Cqufeetionarye In the i
,- .AffiE
For Weddlnc. Balls or
goodityl, nd at Iha ahori
Jacksonville, Dee, 1.
IftovLkUy Iii
rnilE uodemlgned will at
ju curing oi joouniy l.sli
AetorMarch 3d.lfcW.ron
been regularly mustered iij
statu service lor the tor
davi, or more. Pason w
ed fa either of the India
couutrv. and all WlcTowa
suili persons, .are entiled ,
lend, and by forwarding Ike
orweir service to toe undei
fjciAi form will be msdaaut
to in proper Dapsrtmoht i
which will ensuie Ihe'cturl
Forth epplleaM,
Having a compevanl as
ton, it enabl m touiin
. t Iih .... .osi.I
UUSIi "' b'r-. "
Char moderate.
.. m-m t
Addree w. u.'
' -r
IitlH Ai
.1.1. CKaiI uilll aiJh f
"' """- "" "rr'l
of October, jew. rr a
" - . j,. . .
of e:uayiwB i
lor lum
1 ..11 Ki fTflllln-Nl. ...... .. v. II
ii . - . t . ;.... . i-iii-ii v. wHi,,w,,,ia .,i.0i. iiuai c rum. 11
m,aii-iMutuaae. i iracvivut 'vwvjuuiauiiuiD u ...i.. d. t.:.i.i. iiuj F"ai no improper inauiinoe,inine r r . iid&c., see pimani