Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 30, 1858, Image 2

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1 aTSJSaja a,, I
rcgou ScvAmtl
tiiittirriuy, Jaimurj- 30, B808.
Hun I'ranolsco Aceiicr
Thomas Hovok. corner of Washlo;
nnd Montgomery streets, Is our authorised
Agent In Sn Francisco, to recelvo sub
scriptions and advertisements (or tho Bk.y
' Notice.
Wo would cnlt tlio attention of (ho former
patrons of tho ScXTiNKii to tho recent
i change of proprietors, nnd urgently re
quest that nil those who nro indebted fa us
beforo tho Uuih of May, 1M7, to make Im
mediate payment, nuQthosd hating accounts
nenlmt tho ollico prior to that data will
plciiso preseht them, a It becomes neccssa-.
ry that the books of the linn shall bosolllcd
up at as early a period as ponlbla.
Tho Dcmoerntlo citizens of JncVon coun
ty nro requested to meotnt the uual places
of holdlutr elections in tho notornl 1're
clnala on Saturday, tho 13th of t'ebruary,
at z o ciock r. a., lor mo purpose or elect'
Ing delegates to represent tho precincts In
mo uoun.y uouvcntion. to bo Held at Jack
sontlllo on Saturday. February 20th, 1MB,
to elect eigni uoiegntes to represent Jack'
son County In tho proposed Htnto CotiTcn
tion, to bo held at Balcm on the 10 th day of
.narei, ieuo; anu 10 transact sucn other
business a, may bo deemed ncccssarr.
Jacksonvlllo nnd Sterling I'reclncts are
entitled to four delegates each ', tbo other
I'rccincu inreo cacn.
thos. ryu:.
Democratic, Central Coumltttc
forJackton County,
Subject to the will of tho Democratic Con
vention. It will bo aeon by roforenco to no
tice ubovo, that tho Democratic Con
tral Commltteo for Jackson County
Imvo Appointed llio 20th day of Fubrii.
ary, for holding tho County Convon
tion to elect dolegatcs to a Slato Con
vontion, nnd tho Central Commltteo
recommend Saturday, tho l.'ltii day of
February, as a suitublo day for holding
meetings in the several preolncts, to
elect delegates to tho County Coiivcn
It is all important to tho welfaro of
tho Democracy of Jackson, that tho
Democracy turn out In mass to tlin
product meetings. Heretofore thoro has
Loon too much negluct nml IndllToronco,
nnd in many instance, hut fow por
tons attended tho precinct meetings to
appoint dolegatcs. How easy it is for
a Tow portons who do attend (ho pro
cinct meeting, and in till probability
transact tho business fairly, honestly
and to tho best of their ability, to bo
censured und charged with being bias
ed and noting indirectly to promote
tho cnuio of n cortain Individual, or as
it is ,gcnornlly termed, n clique. To
nvoid all (his, and particularly at the
present timo, tho Democracy should be
"wido awako" nnd lot evory one nlteiul
tho precinct meeting, and solect the
most firm and relliiblo Democrats as
delegates to the County Convention,
such us can be relied upon as having
tho principles of tho party nt heart in
profcreiico to tho promotion of men.
.Let this bo done, and our word for it,
there will bo no schism in the Demo
cracy of Jackson or any other county,
when they act upon tho same- prin
ciple. Tho Democracy all havo tho samo
object In .view, and tho only reason
why any dissatisfaction can ariso, ii
tho different process of arriving at tho
samo result. When (ho meetings nro
well attended, and t majority decid.es,
after a fair discussion Jithen all should
ibo satisfied,
iiThe Ss.mim.1. never has advocated
the organization of a pro-slavor-J)em-
ocratlc party in Oregon. Wp Vave
tltuo.and again declared that it did not
effect the Demooraoy of any Democrat
,to vote against slavery In Oregon,
unless ho was actuated by the Illack
'Republican doctrine, and urged that as
n tMinn whv alftverv should not eilst
,in Oregon. In tliat case, just so far asj!
be was governed anu urgeu it as a
treason why -there should not bo sla
very tin Oregon, any of tbe Black Re
publican doctrines, then w Batu onu
till ay, bo who done so indorsed Ju,t
"... ... T
i ......I. nf flm KlrAlr trannrillftJlfl UOO.
triae as be offered as a season why sla
very should not exist in Oregon. Tho
'question is now settled, and tho practl
eaiuM o'f slaves is prohibited. Then
'let all good Democrats be samueil in a
nations! point cf view with tho Consti
tution and the; decision in the Drcd
Sott ease. audU.5Q!itn.Uo have the
-Kansas and iNb,taka rfiMsuto goyero
intka fcrullnjf of naw Btnte .garern
1 J..'.
ApportloHmcHt el Delegate.
Tho apportionment of delegates to
the Democratic. Convention, as made
by Itto DcmoorBtio Central CommltRio,
appears to bo a matter about which
thero s a difference of opinion. 'The
apportionment, based upon (ho Demo
cratic vo(o, is tho only fair basis, nnd
it is to us, rather astonishing (hat any
Democrat should object to tho appor
tionment. If seventy-fivo Demoorata
aro FUtltlctl to ono dolcgaio in the Con
vention from tho County of Jackson,
tho samo number nro entitled to H dol
cgaio from nny other part of tho Ter
ritory. Tho first thing to bo inquired into is,
who nro to bo rorirosonted in the Con
vention ! Certainly not tho Know
Nothings or Black Republicans. Tho
Convention is to bo a Demoarntlo Con
vention, composed of Domoornflo del
egatos cloctod by Democrats, nnd not
Illack Republicans who aro to ropro
sent tho Democratic voters of tho Tor
rltory to select persons for office, (o bo
supported by tho Dcmnorocy nndonact
such rules and regulations, nnd pro
mulgato such principles as shall govern
tbo Democracy. It certainly would
not bo fair if tbo apportionment was
based upon tho wholb number of votps
without regard to politics.
In tho socond plaoo, whoso duty was
it to make (his apportionment t for tho
apportionment of dolegatcs last yoar
was not on n fair basis of tho Demo
cratio votes. Wo think it was a part
nl tho duty of tho Democratic Con
(rot Committee. They havo shown a
disposition in that particular (o givo to
evory soventy.fivu Democrats, a voico
in the Convention.
A fair and equal apportionment had
to tako placo, and why not lot tho Com
mltteo rocommond tho numbor of dolo-
gates, as woll as to leavo tho matter
for the action of (ho Convention. Tho
apportionment based upon tho Rcpro-
sontaljyos to tho Legislative Assembly,
would havo been unfair, for that ail-
pnrtionmont is to bo mndo upon the
whole number of voters in tho county
or district, nnd would in cases whoro a
populous county, if it was nutl-Dcmo
cratic, givo It a groator representation
It) n Dcinn'll Cnnuanlln-. limit a
greater number of Democrats who
might bo so fortunato as to reside in n
county whoro thoro was a Democratic
What less could tho Central Com
mltteo do, tluurto recommend (ho num
bor ot delegates, auu in recommonuing
they could not havo adopted a tnoro
just apportionment, Wo do hopo that
the Democracy will not bo led into
any discontont by tho prating of tboso
who are nover sntlsfied but wliou dis
satisfaction reigns throughout tbo Dem
ocratic family, which can only bo caus
ed by some local and poisonous politi
cal strife, for poronol nggrniidizemont.
We havo heretofore urged tho Do
mocraoy to a completo nnd full organ
ization, to insure success. This notion
seems to havo been accomplished in
tlio Into action of the Democratic Con
tral Committee, in tho apportionment
of Dolegntea to n- Stato Convention.
Wo had fears that tho lato political ex
cltemeiit occasioned by (ho voto on
the Constitution and other matters,
might cause a split among national
Democrats, and that It would bo nec
essary to acconipiisu a innrougit or
ganizntion under tho now State gov
eminent, to commonco by calling mass
meetings, and ro-nrganlzo tho party,
as it was plain to all that tho Uat ap
portionment of dolegatcs to the Terri
torial Convention was not on a fair
basis. But wo aro glad to know that
tho action of (ho Cenlral Committee
has superceded (he necessity of calling
mass meetings, nnd do bollevo that the
Democratic organization is now firmly
and, fuirly made, with a better chance
of continued success than tlio most
sanguine could havo anticipated during
tho political excitement occasioned on
account of the slavery proviso in the
Constitution. Wo havo said and again
declare that Oregon is the first practi
cal example of tho Kansas Nebraska
measure Tho people have by a large
11 . ... 1---.1...1 V- .1....--.. -t..ll XA
majoniy . -ry .. ...
Ptlii In it.,. Ktntn ot Oreifon. The nro-
II - " ' "-- o
slavery men ns a general thing are sat
isfied, and willing that (ho majority
shall tule, and now it seems to bo tho
object Qf'W'Democrats to rally undsr
iho national banner and carry out tie
doctrine ns promulgated.in the Dcnw
oratio national platform of 1850.
,PKEAomjo. Key. J. 0. Raynsr
will jireauli at the M. L, Church, on
iSHiilHiiii.lst Uto clock.
tit Mt
Wo visited Gasburg the other day,
nnd waniuoh pleased to soo such rapid
progress In improvement. Tho loca
tion for a County town liaa atlvanta
gos over almost any other place, being
near thn centro of the farming settle
meiits on Dear, or Stewart creek,
having ono of tho finest Flouring mill
in tho Territory, also an excellent Saw
mill, n Tan yard, nnd extensive manu
facturing establishments. Doing loca
ted immediately on the road betwoen
Jacksonvlllo and Yroka, at a boautlful
slto for a country village, witli the Im
provements alroady In progress, it bids
fair to beoomo a rival to Jacksonville
In point of trade ; for most certainly
tbo location has superior manufactur
ing advantages, and is muoh nearer the
contro of tho groat farming community
on JJonr crook, and without doubt, If
thoro is not something done by the cltl-
zons towards supplying tho mines with
wator, thoro is no Inducement to (ho
farmers to givo Jacksonvlllo tno prefer
ence ovor a vlllago situate in tho cen
tro of thoir settlement, with tho ad
vantages of water power for manufac
turing purposes. It then soems to us
that from prcsout nppenrnnoes, Gas
burg ban decidedly ninny advantages,
nnd It nlso appears that considerable
entorpriso is manifested by tho citizens,
in building it up, Then let our Jack
sonville friends look lo their Interest,
and do something that will rotain tbo
trade and business of tlio County nt
this placo, for without sumo public en
terprise, zealously prosecuted at this
placo, tlio day is not far distant when
wo may bo uompolled to transact nil
our County business at another point.
This can bo romodied If tho pooplo
choose, and tho snonor (hoy cnmmcuco
tho better It will bo for our town.
Duitor,AK AititusTKi). Jenk Owens,
ono of the party who broko open and
robbed Mr. Walker's linuso nt tho up-
por part of tho Vnlloy, last Spring, nnd
who was shot in tho kueo whllo robbing
tho houso, by Wiilkor, and aftorwards
arrested and committed to jail, and
niado his escape, was larrcsted airain
a few days slnco on the Klamath and
brought ovor and lodged in jail to
. l.tM-.,...
OCT Wo placo tho namo of Hon. L.
F. G rover nt tho bond of our columns,
as a suilnblo Democrat to roprosont tho
Stato of Oregon in Congress. In doing
this, wo do not wish to prejudlco the
claims of any nthor Democrat, but ho
Is our first choice Yt, If the Demo
cratic Convention say that nnothor man
Is more suitable, wo will cheorfully sur-
render to tho will of a majority.
Hon. R. 1 Doisi:. -Wc learn by
tho last mail from Washington that tho
Hon. R. P. Boise of Polk county, has
been appointed by (lie President, Asso
ciate Justice of the Supremo Court of
tho Territory of Oregon, in (ho plnco
of Hon, C. Olnoy, roslgpod.
OCT Dear in mind (hut tho lUth day
of February, is tho day to attend Pre
cinct Meetings. Lot all tho Demo,
crats turn out and participate In tho
sending of Delegates to tho County
Oftj" Capt. Sam, Gordon has again
placed us undor obligations, by for
warding us lato Oregon pnpors in ad
vanco of tho mall, for which ho will
accopt our thanks.
MoitJtoN Nuw8.--Wo clip the fol
lowing from tho Portland Times of the
lOlh insU tltiU utjr,t .Mw..f,j.H.tliara
is great lear ttiftt it may prove true :
Tlio rumor has reached hero that
Col, Steptoo at Walla Walla has re
ceived news by an Indian Express dis
patch of Lawyer (an Indian chief) from
Utah to tho Import that Uol. Johnson
and tho Mormons had a battle that
the troops were at first repulsed but
rallied nnu llnaliy came ott vlotors
that the Mormons had offered tho Indi
ans arms and ammunitions to ongago
In the war, and that the Indians in tho
vicinity of Walla Walla had (notified
all the white settlers, J' rencu auu Am
erican, to leavo Iho country in five days,
and that soino qf tho settlers had in
coasoquence gono "into post" We
give the rumor for what it may be
worji, without, however, entertaining
muot, confluence in it ourseil."
Suhveys in OunaoN. -Tho Com
mission- of the General Land Ollico,
in bis reoprta says :
The progress of .the surveys of the
publlo landiiand donation claims have
boon to sueh an extent that U
1 is expected the iportioo of tho
Territory between the Cascade Moun
tains and the Pacific oeean wll
be completed by (ho oporatloesof nn
othor year. The extension .by law of
the surveying system east ol tlie Cos
cades ia recommended.
Legislative Proceeding.,
Saturday, Jan. 9. 1857.
In Council. -Mr. Berry prtseiWJ
uie peiiiien-oi immu. .nauigun iof
divorco- referred to Berry Cornoittf
and Drain, a Beloot cornmktoe,
Tho bill to. incorporate tho'Rogie
uivor unugu vo. pnsscu.
Howsk. Mr. Hpear . presented io
petition of E. R. Crano and otlifls,
praying for a charter for a rdjd
from Althouso to Illinois valley ;
reforrcd to Spear, Cole and, Mathewi,
select committee. I
Mr. Drown, of Jackson, from soloc"
committee,, mndti a humorous report
rocommondlng tho pastago ol a bfl
granting a divorco to Philestor I.oo arte
wife ; also to Lavinia Christiimn.
Mr. Alton introduced a bill for .lie
protection of slave pronortyin Oregon.
Mr, Rees introduced a bill to equal
ize advertising in comities.
nir. opoar introduced a mil to pro
hibit Chinamen from mining gold, unl
low paying a tax of U nor month. I
Tho resolution offered by Mr, Mack
rolntlvo to the distribution of public!
documents by tho Territorial Auditor,!
after discusiun, passed
Monday, Jan, 11, 1957.
Council. Mr. Walt, from Judlcla
ry committee, roported tho bill to pro
hibit and punish tho salo of iutoxicot
ing liquors to Indians, with amend
ments, which were adopted
Dills to incorporate Union Universi
ty Association, to prevent tho escape
of ponitontinry oovicts, to Incorporate
-.. . I a
Tualatin Temple of Honor, for relief
or James llondorshott, woro passed,
Houso joint resolution fur tho distribu
tion of documents, lost
House. Mr. Brown, of Jackson, in
troduced a bill to locato a road from
Tablo Rnck, In Jackson .Co., to Koso
burg, In Doughs Co.; also a joint res
olution memorializing Congress to pom
slon Mrs. Mary Ann Harris, who de
fended herself und daughter from the
Indians for twrnty.four hours -hor
husband being killed and her daughter
Mr. Gales gavo notico that ho would
introduce a bill increasing tlio com
pensation nf judges of election.
Tho bill to Incorporate tho Apple
gato Ditch nnd Mining Co. was read
a second timo. Mr. Hughes presonted
a remonstrance to tho same. Air.
Brown presented a petition in favor of
It ; toforrod to committee ot corpora
tions. Tho bill authorizing tho cilizonsof
portion of Douglas Co. to voto ut the
next Juno eloction as to whether thoy
deslro to bo uttachod to Umpqua Co.,
was read third timo. Iho question
MmU,wmr .Wta asm
Tuushav, Jan 12, 1 8b8.
Council. Mr. Scott Introduced I two
memorials, viz: n momorial to Con
gross to fortify tho mouth of tho Co
lumbia river reforrod tOiMcssrs. Scott,
Walt and Berry; also ono to build a
Custom-houso -referred to committee
on commerce.
Houbi:. Brown, of Jarkson, and
Gates woro appointed on tho joint com
mittee to memorialize Cougroasto pen
sion Mrs. Harris.
Bills to divorco Elva Ann Chrlstman
from her husband, authorizing Chns.
Putnam to locate n road down Klk
river, to incorporate the Grand Lodge
of Masons ot 0. T.. to lncorpora(o an
association for Improving tho breed of)
domestic animals, to incorporate lloguo
Uivur Ilridgo Co., to chaugo a portion
of Territorial road leading from Oro
gon City to Sporos', in Lane Co., lo
grant Kitturnh Toft a divorce, and
granting a divorco to Melinda Russell,
wero passed.
On Motion of Mr. King, the House
resolved Itsolf into committoo of tlio
whole, Mr. King in tho chair. On mo
tion of Mr. Brown, of Jackson, the bill
to divorco Elizabeth R. Iltncs was ta
ken up reported back tho bill, recom
mending Its passage The bill to
amond road low taken up, and report
ed back, recommending- Its reforonoo
to a select oommittoe. The bill relat
ing to estraya and property lost or un
claimed, Mr. Brown, ol Juokson, moved
to amend by striking out all after tho
enacting clause .
Mr- fiui,-" u.l. spoke from writ
ten notes for ono hour on his Cfoic,
calf and fllly-owtering bills." .He
thought his bill ought to bo consWered
in a serious manner ; said ho had ta
ken only ono of tho Oregon papers, and
that ono for a short time, spoke of
oounty prido. Ho took a drink ol wa
ter and commenced again spoko of
the In-juu war, and yelped at Mr. Daah
of tho uregon btatoeman.
Mr. Huglios said the war was end
ed, and the Indians aro on the reserve.
Mr. H, compared the old law and the
proposed law, expressing his prefer
ence for (bo old law. Committoo rose,
reported progress, and asked leave to
sit ogain. Adjourned.
Wednkspav, Jan. 13, 1858.
Council. Mr. Berry, from com
mittee on commerce, recommended the
passage of the memorial to Congress
for an appropriation to bulla a
custom-house. Said memorial was
recommitted to a special commit
too of (hreo, consisting of Messrs.
Wait, Sheil and Scott
Jlr, Berry was appointed on the joint
committee to memorialize Congress on
beholf of Mrs. Harris.
The memorial to Congress for the
fortification of (lis mouth of the Colum
bia river, was reported and recommit
ted to the eotnmittee on Counsil, mom-
Mai No. I.
from commltteo 'on waya and means.
reported tlio petition of AsalJr)liis-b
fw printing forfeonsMuliMnl0hvei!
tion, referring1 ft i th ceintideraUeti W
a.iuiure legislature, "
Tho bill to wftwld an MtrdatMstte
tnnfriafrn niit Jiiin.ii.'iiiHA i.Ii.n ...
Mr. Cranor. I donot nronose to
argue tho question, but I cannot sun-
port the bill. In Now York the same
law is In force as exists here, and there
it works well. The Isw as it now
stands, leaves it to the discretion of the
court, and thoro is llttla. doubt but (hat
the courts do justice. The h w ahoald
bo tried, and if it k found to vrork a
hardship upon any one, then It is time
to alter it, but I have beard of no com
Mr. Mack. Tho law at present only
provides for tho wife's dowor in two
instances, when for imprisonment, and
for adultory by the husband, and in no
other instances. I ho law is indeed
noccssary to protect the wife against
the wrongs or tho husband ; If tho wife
should nrocuro a divorce for any of the
ottwr onuses ot divorce than the two
monlioncd, she being Innocent and the
husband guilty, is it not ricbt that she
hould bo endowed of hirlnnds t He
Miould pay tho penalty ot his guilt, and
lot bo paid for treating bis wifo cruel
V, but if tbo wifo is cuilty, sho doos not
ibtain any benefit under tho law I have
ntroduced. it is confined to tho class
f cases that ariso from tho fault of the
lusband ; if she is tho guilty party, sho
icqulrc no rights.
Air. YVoodsidcs. I am opposed to
ilterlng statutes without urgent rea
ions, becauso by tho incessant changes
hlch have taken placo, wo aro not
tortain what our rights aro undor the
kws. Let tho law as it oxlsts bo fully
t-etod boforo any alterations aro made,
J .!.- 11- ...... -f... . I.
Cm men ii wrong amen, curroci ,
it not until it is ascertained. It
unlit to bo loft to the discretion of
ilo court, whero it now is, in the other
cses. In tlio two instances whero tho
lav now elves property to the wife, it
is right, out in the other cases the
tmntlnc of divorces is left in the dls
cntionoftbo court, and so ought the
djitrlbutlon of the property, but in the
tvh instanocs whero tho wile Is en
dived, tho man has roudered himself
ai) outlaw, and dead to tho law. I
sltill voto against tho amendment
Mr, Hughes. I was ono of " 0"V
m too to whom this bill w rc-errcd.
I bollovod this amendmont au improve
nimt n,i it... .,1.1 lr.iv Mr. H. read tho
old law "and the one proposed, and
cunpnruu iiiu i.
Sir. Cranor. It has been said, the
wnt;d has been too much governed.
s -sSStiStMK dlih1
bniubored and accumulated pr
i0Uy mtky woman with
a man
io iiay marry a woman with whom
ho amid not live, and upon his leaving
horlin account of hor wortlilessness,
bovould becomq endowod with his
proprty. It holds out an inducement
for In evil woman to make a man's
hoini a hell, and causo a divorce, and
obtij his property. Tho court will bo
bott i acquainted with tho circumstan
ces leach case, and bonco the neces
sity f leaving it in tho discretion of
the turt Mr. C. read from Sec 8,
of t old law, "in granting u divorce,
tho i urt shall also mnko such dispo
aitio of the property of tho parties ns
shall ppear just and equitable." It
ct-rliily is right and equitable the
cour should govern and- dlrooi thio
matt which is already provided for
in tl existing law, and with these
rcma s, I shall cease my opposition
to th uill.
M i Brown, of Jackson. I am as
tonis fj at the gentleman sa) ing it was
In thliscrotion oltho court, whou tlio
statu Jt In See. JO, of tho same chap
tor, iadalo English, says, "she shall
not bentitlod to dowor in other oases
of diSco." It certainly means that
except) the two cases cited she shall
not. i
Mr. lollard read tho whole of Sec.
8, of old law, and said thn latter
part si igthencd him In (be belief that
tins ar ulmcut was not necessary.
Slnco first section of this bill bad
been -.ken out, which met with bis
an iron no sliouiu vote against the
Mr. ag, 'fills bill is nothing more
(ban a attention of the dower right to
the otl sUes of divorce, besides the
two ci referred to, when it" is grant
ed on ount of the guilt of the btu
band, 'he one remark of Mr. Brown,
of Jac on, baa satisfied mo on this
mntterl Wheu the divorce is granted
on aceant of the mUeonduet of the
busbal ho baa then forfeited bis right
to thefcperty, and the woman should
be enoired with hi lands.
Mr.iack, The argument of tke
gentlein from Li, presumed that
this nils to prouct mo wne uen '
is guilt which is not the case. It
only pildes protection when the hus
band irm tbo wrong, and the wife in
nocentlTke wife ia .entitled to equel
rights khjthe husband, and he (should
not be lid( to drive her rom him.
Thoro ifcVbo cases when the husband,
makos llefiome a hell. This bill.prq
tects.lhoman then. wr. ni. spoije
(urtber support of the bill, ,
'l ho m passed.
The Ulltn nmnnrf the law "(0 KgU-
lato proeidjogs in actions at law jo
thn auntJne and dtstrlot courts," was
tnkan uri TtiJ hi extenctB the time
of rademltiou to twehe TOOBtha to the
judgment debtoMf redeemed wftbin
tiieursisrx mwiuu, " vm --
entitled Ho 10 per cent, tH ta- pwr
House. Mr. Drown, of Jnd
Hum. JMIE.-1J
ipy J l-,dg lu
W1 yJ